##VIDEO ID:1DjdUJH23RQ## we're going to get this meeting underway I'm going to call this meeting in the township oftion environmental commission to order uh call member Colton here member godette here member janetti member Lutz M Brandon member m alternate tronti here alternate backing all right statement of compliance with the open public meeting law the notice requirement of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a cop of the annual notice was sent to the a Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the Township Clerk on June 28th 2024 um we do have some guests with us tonight and I'll let them introduce themselves when we get to our presentations portion but we have minutes for approval from our July 11th 20124 meeting has everyone had a chance to read them and if so you have a motion to accept was AB from April but July in July second July I don't know oh here we go it's on the front page yeah so did you make a motion to move in yes I did moved by Julian do I have a second I'll second seconded by Steve all in favor I I any opposed was that are you opposing I just said any extensions M Lutz is obain okay all right we have a couple presentations tonight um so I'm actually going to turn over to Ken to introduce our first guests okay um Atlantic Shores is the first company actually building a wind farm offshore if I said that right Peter that's correct and uh and so Peter Montalvo is a resident of Ocean Township and he would like to uh join us at the table okay are you able to link that in I am uh he's on there I'm in I don't have sharing capab do that for you and Peter would like to tell us about the project no we're we're on to EAS and let it be known that alternate baxi has arrived yeah absolutely we got a chair for you Angelie aair at the table oh thank you have to un yourself yeah will we get that Fe you're right behind it's right behind you so hey why don't we SL that thank you all right nice to meet everybody I'm Peter mavo as Ken said uh o Township resident um and I work forl officer wind uh you're sharing a little bit about what we do um how offshore wind works I know there's a lot of questions around it so hopefully after today it can be pretty refreshing um as to what we are doing what we have planned but a little bit about me from Cranford a little North Jersey seen Hall Prep and then went to Stevens for civil engineering so spent a lot of time actually in like not sh you should problem it says I'm sharing you your mouse is there it up you want to go slide mode thought it was M5 that better showing them on this okay maybe I'll just use this for now just it seems like it's pretty lagged yeah I think it's just a little lag behind um okay so a little bit about um Atlantic Shore so real quick um Atlantic Shore is made up of Ed and shell so what happens is you know shell is obviously very big Energy company out of the UK typical you know long history in oil and gas that has a lot of experience offshore with building offshore structures EDF is very focused in North America and the world on Renewables doing a lot of onshore solar battery and um and wind so we have a good combination for offshore wind understanding the technology plus how to build things offshore and we have over 200 uh people now all throughout uh the country but uh building a big presence in New Jersey more and more each um each day so um this is our lease area so um we have up to five gaws of of power to build um we have three lease areas this is about 8 to 10 miles off of LBI Atlantic City area and then this goes as far as about 35 miles east um and so the these areas are leased from the federal government right um you know three nautical miles offshore is is the federal federal boundary but um lots of Acres hundreds of thousands of acres to develop um that we have um we have a lot of Partnerships I know it's hard to see but this is a lot of colleges we're working with most institutions myam moer Stevens Rowen Stockton Ruckers Ocean Ocean County um Community College we're working with you know the Eda and a lot Partnerships with local townships and local entities um which is a big focus of ours so um the first you know major question you know that most people say is why why offshore wind why is it important so I'll say here is here's a map of of the US and the US this is a map that shows kind of the strength of the wind in meters per second um and the darker it is the more wind there is on average per meter squared and what you can start to see is that offshore there's actually a lot of wind that's very consistent compared to onshore obviously the Midwest has some but offshore there's a lot and we can have actually up to 56 GW of power which is very good especially on the coasts that have such high loads like New York City as an example we have a lot of load coming you know along the coast so so offshore wind helps uh kind of complete that and help provide energy this is a this is a map out of pjm so pjm manages this whole area area of utilities so our utility First Energy is managed by the board of utilities but also regionally it's man managed minute by minute second by second and what this slide shows you um this is negatives and there's like a 2,000 4,000 6,000 um megawatts and essentially the past year in New Jersey we have been importing um energy every single day so New Jersey is not exporting anything meaning our load is much more than what we actually make in New Jersey and so this will show you know negative 4,000 and that's kind of the picture of what New Jersey can be is New Jersey can be an energy provider and we can actually distribute energy regionally that's how much energy we'll be able to provide so it's you know that's the the actual pjm like the benefits of what it is um and this is just a day you know last week as I Was preparing for this slide is there are days of the year um that cost of energy actually is right now pretty high so this is 225 megawatt dollars a megawatt hour which is is very high and that's like the red down here in South Jersey um but there are days of the year that energy we are paying a high price for that because one we're not generating it um when when we need it when for the load um is this the first time you know a lot of people want to know well has this been done before well globally um it started a long time ago so so it started about 20 25 years ago uh in Europe so a lot of you know Denmark Germany Norway have been doing a lot but China and green here has picked it up the past let's say eight years in Asia significantly but Europe and the UK are big big players in the aler wind industry so globally there's there's goals to Glow you know grow all around in every continent every country is producing goals and goals so these are pretty incredible goals of 380 gws by two you know 2030 for the world and these are just Global countries committing to Offshore WIS in general so it's not the first time it's been it's been going on we get a lot of our expertise EDF our parent company comes from France where they've been doing this quite some time shell in the UK as well so um it is well it's the first time for the us and we're growing and we're learning um it is not for the industry and this is a map some people may not be as familiar with all of the subc cables that are in the water today so these are actually the active ones and there probably double the amount that are inactive and pieces that are inactive but this is just you know the east coast of the US this is the Atlantic and these are all live subc cables that are installed so the idea of and this is a little picture of New Jersey manisan actually has quite a few um that are active um in the seagar area as well but there's active ones and now this is kind of a cable a uh installation vessel so the equipment to install cables offshore is not new globally um we have we have experts here in in New Jersey work with me that have been doing this all throughout the world for for quite some time so you know this from this perspective it's a mature cable market and we've had cable manufacturers actually come to the US and commit to build manufacturing facilities to help spur this industry which is great producing a lot of jobs and this is a little picture of just right now the picture you know oil and gas where do we get some of this experiment from but what is actually happening right now this is a picture of the oil and gas pipelines today in the US heavy in Texas heavy you know Ohio Western Pennsylvania right they produce a lot in general from here and go northeast with a lot of load in the Northeast but what you'll see here is actually this is actually in the Gulf so there are over 1800 oil rigs in the ocean in the Gulf today so they are continually as you know we use more Mo um oil and gas this all these dots are oil rigs all these yellow dots are actually oil rigs in the Gulf today so it's there's more here than anywhere else in the world actually combined um and there's pipelines if I if I showed you you can see all the pipelines uh about 45,000 pipelines in the ocean actively today there's been more over double that some have been decommissioned and removed um so just getting you a picture of you know what's actually happening today will will continue to increase as we you know if you know if we continue going you know using oil and gas which is a part of the overall plan but it's just good for everyone to understand these aren't the only things you know going in the ocean um a quick summary on our first project so Atlantic City is our first project and that is just this bottom half of this right here and it produces 1.5 gaw we just call it right now we're calling it project one um the water depth here and you'll see we'll talk about the outer continental shelf and a lot of the um it allows fixed bottom foundations so it's the cheapest of all solutions uh today and what we have won is we've won an o with New Jersey for project one with the Board of Public Utilities and we're actually in the middle of a V with the public utilities right now actively they'll be awarding a next set of projects at the end of the year in the O is essentially a 20-year agreement to buy Power from New Jersey and sell power from New Jersey so that is um uh yeah an exciting time at the end of the year but our one project is enough for 7 700 homes of electricity so you can imagine we can build another project project two project three four maybe five 700,000 700,000 that's correct yeah you missed a few zeros sorry sorry sorry um 700,000 yeah so in short it's millions and we can in just our projects alone not including the others we could easily power essentially all of New Jersey and start from getting into the region which is what is exciting about this um just to kind of give you a picture of our commitments and where things happen so a lot of the along the Delaware River um is where we're building the manufacturing facilities so you may hear about the New Jersey windport um and that is happening uh and then you can hear also the ew monopile facility so there's two big manufacturing facilities that are being built here and the reason why they need to built theirs because they need hundreds of Acres of property industrial use on the waterfront with deep drafts for vessels to take this equipment load it on a vessel and be able to ship it out to the Atlant so that is really the game plan for New Jersey and it could be a leader for even the offshore wind farms that go further south um and even further north so we are committed to building our monopiles there and there's some renderings what it will look like we purchased property over here our onm facility so once it's in service we will be going out of Atlantic City and this is what the rendering of what that could look like going to and from the uh the wind fart so those are those are actively things terms of economic benefits um you know we've committed and and this does get audited in our vid so this is part of the or with New Jersey is you know $848 million direct to New Jersey so we actually get audited on that number we commit to it over the lifetime of the project um so it's a very real number um but that is all local jobs we have many many local entities even in Mammoth County Consultants contractors supporting us uh today and all union labor so very good for the economy um so what are the pieces of an offshore wind farm so we focus here what do we do first the first thing we do is we plan onshore we work with communities work with uh you know government Affairs we do engineering and then we also do survey out in the ocean so we survey we get you know pictures of what's in the ground right what does the seabed look like what areas to avoid a lot of you know unexploded ordinances out there um a lot of wrecks right there's there's entities to work with for survey Department of Defense and we'll get into some of that coordination but the geophysical and the geotechnical and what it does it gives you a bath inet Tre so right of the whole of the whole like how deep you know this area is and this is our lease area uh all the way up to where our cables will be this is actually in seagert um up here and then this is in Atlantic City and so we work with local surveying firms many of them out of the kind of Cherry Hill off you know area but some here in Mammoth County as well for testing taking samples of the soil and um yeah it's a that's like kind of the first thing we do the next is we when we get into like manufacturing construction we're building when it's on Shore we're bringing a cable to connect the wind farm right so it's typical utility construction the background PG is just kind of normal utility construction you have trenches in the ground manels in the ground and you're going down the roads to connect from one station offshore to another um and then there's offshore installations and then we are manufacturing different pieces offshore so some interesting facts about wind turbines so we have made public our selection on who we will select for the first project um and it is a significant amount of size so there is um um you know just some some pictures of how it works you know some people ask well how high off there it's a minimum of 23 meters from the water to the bottom of the blade which is an Army core standard um in total it could be up to a th000 feet high so very high um and uh yeah they can produce you know one wind turbine has can produce 80 gwatt hours a year compared to your you know your average home per year so um very long and that's why offshore is works because on Shore if you try building something this big you couldn't even get it down the roads or under the bridges you couldn't even transport a blade that's this big you know it's 150 115 meters long each one of these blades so that is why you can capture so much more offshore that's already blowing that's three times as strong by just getting a bigger vessel and then shipping that vessel off to shore um and there is cut in and cutout speeds and so um what we'll focus on today is the monopiles that's why this starts here but there are various types of um foundations that are installed some with like tension wires um and they call kind of floating but what we mostly do in the outer cond of shelf because it's pretty shallow is we do a monopile installation um and or a lat and a lattice structure those are the two main um main most mature Solutions but if you're in California which like California and Oregon are considering and they have like 900 meters of depth a thousand meters of depth they have to they get into the floating floating world but we are not uh there yet all the win turbines are connected in series like by cables you know you know two three four five six to a substation so a substation you may see some around here this is a much bigger substation but similar equipment breakers like we have in our house Transformers um that collect all of it and then they will export that cable to the shore um and then cables you know mentioned earlier these Technologies are very common but there's there's uh various different ways to install it but a typical the most typical is to install it while you bury it with different types of jet stretchers that pressurize water um they use remote operated vessels that'll kind of tag tag behind a vessel you know that'll come along and they'll just be jettying in the ground um and that is how the cables are installed and then there's operation and maintenance so we have a facility we are building and we've gotten our permits for and we're working on with Atlantic City on how to operate and maintain a life of 30 years and what vessels to use and you know we were just talking about um you know some of the technology that's being Advanced a lot of these ships are being created for the first time now in the us but we are looking at advancing the types of fuel we use for operations and maintenance and um you know things like ammonia things like hydrogen uh to continue to research and develop the best use for the lifetime of the project um what these are are actually using from a fuel perspective so you may ask well how does this process even start starts with the federal government they identify areas um they auction a they have an auction for this lease area they'll first say hey we're looking at these areas call a call area out in the ocean do you have any comments do you have any comments Army Corps Department of Defense developers please give us your feedback fishery give us your feedback on these areas do you like this area if do not like this area and then they come to an agreement after two years and say okay this is the area we're going to select we're going to auction this and it's a pretty intense day where everyone is refreshing because every half hour every hour there's another bid just like a nor you know nor normal auction till someone bids someone else out and so there was a recent one done which I I'll touch on but you essentially have a long Federal permitting process uh that goes over all the survey and how you're going to do the construction of of the um like this is the window of of construction right here right it's not that much but a lot to do beforehand permitting and working with all the agencies offshore and this is an example of just two weeks ago so um August 14 there was an option and this is Delaware and Maryland where the the government said hey these areas we're looking at public what do you think of these areas one of the developers this wasn't us said we like these areas in green and you should auction these areas in green um they did more consultation and they chose these areas to auction the auction went um and there was an award on August 15th one was 78 Milli $78 million and I think the other one was $20 million so a real life just two weeks ago and there's more scheduled for this year more scheduled for next year or G the gulf uh and moror is being looked at so from an environmental perspective we can talk some of this so um monopiles what do they do when they're out in the ocean and we do have a handful of wind turbines that were installed a few years ago off of Rhode Island called Block Island and this is an example of what you know we have the P you know we have the picture globally but this is what happens when there's a structure offshore So within weeks of Block Island there was already muscles uh and different paa glowing you know growing along the monopile structure and we can create and help create around the base a more you know a more eco-friendly type of um solution because there's some scouring that we need to protect and make sure there's no scouring that happens so this is actually very common so in that area in the Gulf where there's 1,800 rigs right many of the fishermen actually like it because they are able to fish so well off of the rig and what they've actually is created a program called rigs The Reef where they instead of decommissioning it maybe they cut it lay it on the side and create some kind of reef um out in the Gulf um so yeah it's a it's a good thing um and good for the fishing industry um so bubble curtains right so we do hammer these into the ground right so that is loud um one mitigation and we look at different mitigations the first one is can we have can we vibrate it one of our I would say competitors oread just released maybe a month ago a you know a technology that they feel can be vibrated um for all of their projects but obviously it's confidential to them but we're working with depends on the soil can you just vibrate it with less soil all right the next step is and this is a picture from actually Vineyard wind so Virginia is actually doing this actively um is you can kind of see these rings around these structures and that's what this is showing and they're essentially what you do is you put a hose on the ground two circles around the foundation you create pressure and you create a wall of Bubbles and then you can begin your piling so it creates a sound barrier for anything nearby um and obviously what we also do is we have protected spe uh uh psos which I'll I'll touch on in a second a protected species observers on our on our vessels um I mentioned some of this so there are other cables in the ground so we do have to go over other cables but things you can do there's a company called e econcrete that helps create concrete mattresses that are more eco-friendly and create more of a a biofriendly Crossing so if you have to go over gas line or go over water line you put this Matrix to protect it but you can see that it helps you know it can be made out of certain um certain material that just helps with um the ATM the the natural habitat and on the beaches so this is always something I think uh that's important we we go underneath the beaches so we do not trench right through any beaches usually they're very protective usually open space um but what we do is we HDD under the beach when we're installing the cable um so we are 80 90 100 feet below the beach um um bringing our cables on Shore so it's just one way to remove the any impact to any sensitive areas we have booies out in the ocean and one thing we've decided to do is make all this information public and so we have about three to five buoys at a time out there collecting data and I think that's one of the more incredible things about offshore wind is having all of this monitoring out in the ocean for the first time we're learning some of the first things about how the wind really is for such a long time so we've actually been you know for five years four and a half years we've had buoys out there and that's data we've actually never had before um so it's pretty incredible like what we can actually provide um and you know to to to the knowledge so usually whales uh is is a is a topic I know it's I know it's small but um what you can see here uh all of these little dots are vessels on one day last year when I took a screen or I think it was today earlier today when I took a screenshot so you can see from Florida to Maine there's thousands of vessels in the ocean today um that is one of the biggest problems and you can kind of see the markings of red and yellow and this is a public website you can go on Marine traff you know just look marine Vessel traffic and this goes up in dark red to hundreds of thousands and millions of trips every single year and where do we live in the busiest area of all of North America Elizabeth the Port Port you know New York Port Authority is the busiest port in North America so at we have a lot of vessels out there and the only ones that actually are required to have a looker that's looking out for and dangered species are ones that are doing geotechnical and geophysical exploration so if it's a cargo ship if it's a fishing ship most of these vessels do not have someone looking out as a for protected species but in offshore wind we we do at night we we have actually 247 people watching who are actually third party through the through the federal government watching out for any endagered species the moment they see them the job is stopped until they are confident enough that they don't see them any longer so that is something and they have independent reports that you know want to make sure it's addressed um um because probably there's 10 of these maybe for offshore W maybe 10 so not a lot and then this is just a little you can look up The Marine Mammal stranding uh and see kind of the record of whales that have washed up and specifically this is New Jersey this is directly from their website from 2002 uh to to uh you know 2024 actively and you can kind of see there's a history of different species having different deaths so we do are you know we do actively care about whales and we do actively um you know want to find a solution to help help them but obviously being having such an active uh Harbor having such an active area is very hard to do um as they are getting they are getting closer and closer to the short um a little bit on EMF uh what we just show here is just the common um common things in our household I think we all are aware of EMF and you know the TV the I the iPad uh the microwave um You Name It We do have EMF everywhere you know the utility company any poll that's hbac you know has EMF coming off of it anytime there is electricity going through a wire so EMF is all around us um every utility for every project we always have an environmental statement and we always have researched EMF and you know what the the World Health Organization the W show uh what we've said nationally for the the National Institute of environmental health is that EMF does not cause leukemia uh which has been something that you know certain groups have have said so we want to make sure that we Al also we bury all our cables so onshore and offshore all the cables are always buried and that does help with EMF in terms of ucing um how far the EMF goes so do want to just address some of that and uh say thank you that is um all I had not sure how much time there is for any questions I'm I'm sure folks have questions so great have at it yes um how do you project for rising sea level and also storms like what what do you do to protect against damage and then also so on Storms so the winter mines do have a cut off speed um so they have a cut in so it has to be this model about three meters per squared for it to even start spinning and then at 31 MERS a second um it'll stop working and we can always adjust the pitch of the blades and the Y of the braid and we could face it certain directions depending on the Storm but at a certain amount we do not want just like you don't want every single car to be able to go 200 miles an hour it'll you just you just shut it off and say it's better for wait till the storm is over for them to go so it'll be locked in position during a storm and they will not try to spin and keep up with you know an insane amount of of WD um in terms of the sea level uh we do incorporate that into uh how high we we go because we are going off of different the different sea levels um and that part of our 30-year model so we will make it to for that to be included onshore equipment as well to be and then also offshore we're making sure it is high enough to accommodate sea level rise so we are well aware of the of the sea level rising and and that's part of How High what one reason why you know we have at least it's around 90 to 100 ft um to the bottom of the Blake to the cing level she has a question Mary thank you yes um my daughter worked at a a wind farm in California her job was to sit and watch the sky and turn everything down if a bird came near the the the turn the Turning spokes of the Wind Farm uh is there any I I heard that you're taking care of the whales is there any provision to take care of any birds that could get caught in the in the rotating fans yep yes so in terms of bird so that is something that we are working actively with the federal government on our on our permits on how to accommodate for that so we are actively like research and development is a big part of offshore wind because it's happening for the first time so we are looking at ways to Monitor and see ahead a migration of birds coming and potentially be able to shut down or shut down certain turbines that may be affected the good thing about um offer wind is these don't go all up in one day they go up you know piece by piece over time and there are what we've studied and what we studied in Europe especially is that um most species Tak an avoidance pattern so they see something and then avoid it they're about um a half to one mile apart from each other so there is what we feel adequate space for marine and a you know and birds to be able to fly through they're not abing right up next to each other and there's other vessel reasons for that too um but we are looking at you'll see on the back of every wind turbine a monitor a monitoring station so we're looking at even things like lights and how you know there's aircraft lights that sometimes they may want as well about they can be off but then when they detect an airflight then they'll turn on and so we're looking at ways to in the research and development to do that and include that in our projects and to be clear on the timing as well just to set expectations nothing's been installed in New Jersey we have not installed any turbines uh the first project really was last year off Long Island there's active construction in Virginia Active installation off of the New England area but nothing right now no mes did was there like a disaster off n Tucket there's like malfunction they were yes so one of the wind turbine blades in N uh during commissioning uh broke yeah um and they couldn't use the ocean all summer right because it was dangerous yes yeah I mean I think it was about I think they're about six to eight miles off of the beach um yeah so that'll be different than New Jersey because you won't be that close we're going to be we'll be further I mean accidents I can't say accidents will never happen uh I would say similar we do have records of how long a win turbine could fail there there are such thing as failures on the project um but they're obv would say very calculated like when we have a guarantee of like oh we guarantee this will be available for a certain amount of hours every year there's preventative man like you know a car but then there's also what happens when something goes wrong so that was an accident wasn't good I think we we all acknowledged that um yeah I would say you know part of the response to is obviously with the amount of vessels out in the ocean there's obviously a lot of vessel ACC as well in the ocean too that we're not you know yes so you're getting your blades from a different company than the one correct our first project is not that company I can't say that um yes other questions Ken um two questions the the um cable that goes under the beach is that DC or AC so going forward any project after project our first project our first project is hbac but going forward all Projects New Jersey New York are required to be at hbdc and so you're not familiar most of what we use is alternating current so has three phases usually there's three cores to a cable um hbdc um actually has just two cables it's much smaller um no EMF no no frequency associated with it so it is much safer hbdc it's much less of an impact because there's two two two copper you know two two cables instead of three um and is's much better technology overall okay the other is what's the capacity Factor yeah uh well I can I can say uh I can't give you the exact onesim but uh yeah I mean for yeah for offshore we're you could use probably 40% so when you give a an estimate of let's say a gwatt of power yeah it really produces 40% of that on average yeah because you have to translate to energy which is you know gwatt hours right so um we're just talking capacity what it's capable of producing but we have let's say tetraat hours per year we're in Tetra hour per year what our farm anybody else have a question I just have one I think you addressed a lot of the concerns that we've all read in the newspaper in the media and that we've heard the only one I didn't see on there is what are they going to look like from on stand in Atlantic City what am I going to see yeah so in attic City yeah and one thing you can do a lot of these pictures are from our cop South cop South is that Long Bar of federal permitting it is one of the pieces the construction operations plan that goes public um and the one thing I will say is when you have to start a permitting process so far ahead of the the technology before you're even doing the construction I think you know you always permit the biggest you always per permit the the the the most amount of turbines um that is something I think just commonly you always have the most amount of impact so that along the project you decrease you know what you're actually building um because there's you can't you can't come back down the road and say we're going to build more turbines you know you can only build less so that is a little caveat that I want you know you will be able to see public information but doesn't mean that because we hit 1,000 ft in our permit that we started six years ago that we are building them to 1,000 ft but the images and everything you'll see are what have to be in that Federal permit um so you from so to answer the question specifically from Atlantic City there are days throughout the year that you will be able to visually see them uh they will have to be very clear days um and I think as I you know for me for just me personally as I picture it and um that's Atlantic city that is also LBI and are along LBI obviously we're talking about Mammoth County here bringing cables up here so we're well far and no line of sight um but there are days of the year that Atlantic City and OB and uh I mean you learn a lot is obviously the curvature of the year you learn a lot about it so you won't be able to see the full turine but um yeah they're they're tall enough enough for de all right anything else questions all right listen be thank you so much for coming in and sharing um is it possible for you to make this presentation available for us to Sun around yeah yeah I'll uh I'll just double check qaqc and would love to share around and happy to meet with anyone here in Ocean so happy to address any questions comments we're pretty active in Mammoth County and doing a lot of work in MTH County so aw well thank you so much problem all right so we have a a treat tonight we have two presentations so uh turn over to Nancy next I didn't realize I you're right on the agenda number two so I would like to encourage the local restaurants to do what they call skip this St and uh this is a newer program that a lot of um organizations are working on asking restaurants to not automatically put all the plastic utensils in your takeout bed so you order some food on the phone or online you go to pick it up and it's loaded with plastic utensils napkin straws condiments sugar salts all this stuff what do you do you bring it home you get your real silverware out and you throw the plastic in a draw and you never use it so there's a couple of towns locally that have signed ordinances already for this and uh including Oceanport Red Bank Atlantic Highlands Monmouth Beach so um I read edwn also has one they do oh okay you know it's not on the list that this organization sent me but they might be yeah so there's a group called Beyond Plastics and they're really working hard on this they want to make it a Statewide ordinance but in the meantime they want to try to get local towns to just get their local ordinance passed so what I'd like to do is start going literally restaurant to restaurant bring literature from this organization and um try to get them to sign on to agree to do this it's GNA save money and um in the long run we can hopefully reduce a allot the waste so that's something I wanted to work on and Ed had mentioned we can group this with some other things you wanted to ask restaurants about in the town so when Nancy and I spoke about this as part of going out to the restaurants to talk to them it would be doing a survey and asking them what do you think about this what would work how many things do you normally and I kind of get some metrics about it right instead of just going out the restaurant and saying we're going to do this thing and it not being practical for the realities in Ocean every town is different um so there are other questions out there that we would love to ask businesses um not a giant survey because businesses are busy they have things to do but tack on a couple other questions about environmental issues in town and what businesses are thinking and how we can work with them and one of them Andre I brought up was the food waste that you're very interested in about how can we incorporate some of that into this project because they go hand in hand ones at the front end ones at the back end but we're talking the same how do we save these restaurants money how do we save waste in town so um so that's that's something I'd be interested into doing um and coming up with those questions and nany you said you already had it was what five questions by they have a survey from this organization so all we have to do is change the title on the top Township instead of whatever other town uh there was a girl in Westfield who designed a lot of it so a lot of it says Westfield but um yeah we just changed the uh the headings on there and basically can use the same information we don't have to recreate anything and then we could add on whatever you'd like or reduce you know reduce their questions or yeah I'm all about keeping it shorter and simpler so um yeah so what would be the next step how do we get to so it I so there's a couple things the my first is you we've run into this in the past when we talk about doing surveys you were talking about going out to the restaurants individually and giving them the survey we're not asking the town to send it out right so that makes life so much easier um so in that way I mean I think that we can just add on questions and you can go and ask for volunteers if anyone wants to to volunteer to go out and I know that you're working the green team as well that's that's it you can send us the questions and we can look at them and we can send some questions back to you um and you can you can take those suggestions or not or you can ask we can come back and have this discussion again at our October meeting and and finalize it depends on how formal you want it to be but okay now did you say you had to put something in front of the Town Council first not for this to pass the ordinance to pass the ordinance yeah yeah but not to go out and ask the restaurants what they want to do I mean and that'll inform what you eventually ask the council to do and that and then you can bring the data that you have and say this is what the restaurant said this is what they're interested in this is what we want to do here's how it all lines up and then you can have that discussion with the council and and cure and you know unfortunately I saw the Kelly had a drop but you know our Council aison can can help facilitate that conversation as well but I for the survey to do that that ground Tru thing as it were list of no but that's a good question yeah I was just thinking I would drive down 35 hey Donna who who knowes the restaurant permitting in town anyone has do you see that person here yeah so you go talk to Donna Donna will request one of my many hats that I yeah yeah for sure yeah I think you will be shocked at the number of restaurants we have in town yeah honestly um you know it's a a very very long time ago one of my first jobs out of college I was uh going door to door I tried door to-door salesman for five business days and never went back but I learned very rapidly how many different businesses there are that you drive by that don't even register so I think you will be absolutely shocked at the vol of restaurants we have in town yes um so yeah I thought if I even just go to Five a week and you know just get to a c you know a bunch of them within a couple of weeks so um and start to get a feel but I'll uh I'll start changing that uh that um survey and put our information on it I'll send it to you and then yeah actually send it to Donna and Donna can send it out to the EC sorry Donna um my job and then we can and we can add in in questions again really think that the the food waste and we talked about it last the three of us chatted you know I think that's a a really critical piece because um they're a major driver of our food waste in town as well so if we can figure out a way to to uh there I always forget what the replacement for the idiomatic expression I want to use it has to do with uh orthological creatures but if we can do two things at once let's do it yes we don't want we don't want to do anything like that um so yeah so I think if you can send it to Donna and Donna sends it around and and I will leave it to you if you want to get any questions we have and incorporate them or if you want to come back and have another conversation that's up to you but I think that um I think this is a great idea I think this is a good opportunity for the town to be proactive on this yeah yeah absolutely I have one other small thing should I wait till the end to talk about it's uh helps they're a clothing donation organization yes good time so at the greenfest we had them drop off in so people could donate clothing and I spoke to Angelie about we could do a tour they kept offering to do a tour so we have a date set September 17th we're still working out the time I don't know if you saw that um but if anyone's interested it's right on Industrial Way in edown and we can go and tour the facility it's supposed to be really cool what day of the week is that the morning uh well we were hoping to do afternoon because I don't I work but they said the sords leave by 2 o' right so they were hoping to get the morning okay keep us posted last an email we'll talk about send it to Donna what do they exactly do with the so I think they do a combination of things right Angelie they do I think some recycling into just um useful stuffing or something and then I think they'll donate anything maybe that's usable to organ organizations that they can actually give to people to wear um I think they have a they sell too on their website if you if you go like they actually have a website where they they make a profit off like nice nicer things than yeah nor they can help you update your wardrobe okay thank you thank you and just for Donna can you introduce yourself for the my name Isani actually my son is the one who's going to do the presentation he had Emil you as well maybe went to a junk last week um he was supposed to be on the agenda today as well so um thank you for letting me present and also just thank you to Mr BR um this is my project coach so U my name is Su asani and um I'm a junior at Hightech um and um I'm a life Scout at troop 70 so I'm working on my eag Scout project which is going to be an ew recycle drive so um some of you might have seen it um around town like on the big posters or um Human Services who sent out an email about it but um I just wanted to um come here today and just present it so for my ego project I'm uh organizing an e- recycling Drive e-w recycling drive on September 14th from 10: to 2 so um I started playing this over a year ago uh as a freshman at Hightech and um in school I learned about all the dangers of e-w and um but also like how beneficial can be to recycle it so um so um and I know that my Mo my mom and some other people here are actually part of the green team so I've been volunteering at these um at these like recycling events and like these um green events um say and I believe that like this is a great way to make the township Greener and um like recycle eways so um I presented this to the township o and I've gotten permission to do this project um which is September 14th so um it's been approved by by Scout Troop the Scout uh Council uh the township and um I'm currently working on Advertising the drive so through social media uh videos posters um on intersections yard signs uh Flyers at restaurants and um the electronic science of the town and um so all these it all these advertisement methods are to increase awareness of what the drive and um I came here today to ask advice from you guys um and ask a few things so any advice on just making a drive more successful and just pushing out the message more and um also um I know some of you guys are well like passionate about um volunteering and about the environment and I was wondering if any adults would be willing to volunteer to help with some of the more dangerous tasks I guess because all my are going to be scouts or um high school kids and like I trust them but I don't know if like managing traffic like just in case like I don't want something to like go wrong so um I just came here to ask for advice and ask for if anyone would be fre the volunteer I guess so I only have one question I mean I I'm sure others do too but one of the things that I think people hesitate about when it comes to recycling E-Waste in particular is it if they're they're recycling a phone or an old computer how do you protect the data that's on so all the um recycling is being done through M wiing computer recycling which is like a local business um down sh Road um so in terms of data from computers like hard drives they physically shred them so all that data is and then they also wipe data so like off phones or um any other like storage I um so they and they do all the recycling through industry well um all the recycling is like industry standard so um nothing sent to landfills um any any data is wiped and as I said physically shredded um so they like secure like safe data removal or Ure safe REM did you get to see it or into something I've been um I've been to their facility multiple times um I haven't seen it like I haven't actually like seen it destroyed destroyed but like um there's like they have a website they show videos and their entire process of it in their facility anyone else have questions on on this where is it uh so this is happening um at Ocean town that Ocean Township pool parking lot um September 14th 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. the pool is close for for advice definitely getting out the who what where when why and sorry yeah so I've been sending out a poster with all the inform you have um like a digital flyer that could be spread on social media and I've gotten this like three times I didn't get your email that you're going to be here I am so sorry but I've gotten your fers send me the and yeah I'm sure someone could put it on Ocean cares I don't know maybe someone has a large social media following on there put it yeah and I've been putting on the Green Team and if you do have a video if you can have that sent over to me too and then I think that would be really good you about it or it's actually just like a YouTube with video with like background music perfect and showing what to bring right anything a phone to a digital camera it's it can be like they basically they basically accept any electron like their general rule is just anything with a plug is accepted but like laptops phones TVs anything with a plug all the things that they won't take off your curb because it has a plug they will take that com to know about this oh yeah he'll get the word out too yeah so that's what we will do we will M yeah but I would also recommend because because there's a video um I would talk I don't even know who would approve it because I don't know if Tom could approve it but get it on our Our Town Youtube channel or on our town cable channel I mean because this will be on our YouTube channel in a couple days so so one you'll get some I don't know how many people actually watch this on YouTube I don't think I want to know yeah that whole zero um so I don't know that that would help you for us particularly but having a separate video on there I know people do go look for the more interesting meetings so is this Tom unknown no that's our County Commissioner yeah no this is um Tom rud yes Tom R oh I know Tom yeah yeah yeah um super I think he's a Emergency Management guy yeah yep he does a whole lot for the town but including in all of our things on our YouTube channel so um so yeah so he'd be a great guy to reach out to to see if he can get it up there for you um I'm trying to think if you have not already talked on the website the township um the yeah they have a they have it scheduled on the website and then they've also been posting it on um like their Facebook page um oh right yeah and I know there's a few Civic clubs in town that you could reach out to as well like the Italian American Association which I can reach out to happily for you um but also the Chamber of Commerce and some of those other um rotary do we have any rotary members on EC I'm hearing none so no but rotary club would be another good one we're like generalized though right like it's a Long Branch Asbury or is sure yeah I mean you don't have to be they're not going to like check our IDs at the door right anybody exactly so yeah yeah that'd be fine and more the we listen we want to get rid of ewaste that's that's properly properly get rid of e yes um yeah okay so Norm two one so I heard if you have a hard dve yeah is that true or not true um they I don't think it's a whole I think they just like I think they just put it through like a shredder like like a like like a paper shredder kind of for part drives yeah Norm it's not a v they're not saking it the heart these things are metal they it's a metal Shredder number two one of the things that I still got in my garage somewhere on my old smoke detector know they radioactivity material in the smoke detector and the companies that make them will take it back if you mail if you're will to spend the postage on it but all of those things really shouldn't most people I'm sure just throw them into the waste basket and it's actually radioactive yeah not the newer ones I mean those are really old we don't judge Norm um although that is a good question if they they take those um like I as I said before they do like send zero pounds to the Leno like anything that's hazardous that they can't recycle I know they dispose of it properly I don't know radioactive um yeah got another one do we have any other non-nuclear related questions two explosives yes no explosives that I think that goes without saying but project yeah that is a Fant yeah all rightly got some time push them harder on the volunteers yeah when you said traffic you mean like to direct traffic yeah so you know we do have Ault qu me and my wife are going to be there where exactly uh the Ocean Township pool parking lot like next to the tennis court um so like the goal is like um have everyone enter uh from the well entrance and then um like have cones in like your signs as like a one way so it's basically not going to be like just a drive-thru like you just unlock your car the scouts will get everything out and then you can just drive off through the oneway um out uh West you told the police actually I just thought of it that we're going to tell Tom R to be on top of it as well just the township is because what happened papering how many hours be uh four hours 10 a.m. to police going to be there in case there's back just ask you know what probably should and maybe talk to mik is the one who's actually because I feel like he can put up T like I feel make it look more like a you know yeah I've been um he actually signed off on my project um so like he and he and um Human Services are helping me with okay that's materials and when you talk to Tom make sure that Tom knows that Norm has nuclear materials in his house should be aware of um all right is actually 40 years old all right um all right it is our our hour is up um so I think we're gonna postpone most of our things until next month but there are a couple quick highlights that I want to make sure we touch thank you everyone who are sued for this meeting to Donna I appreciate appreciate it we need to make sure that we we know we have forum for these meetings um I'm sure you all noticed the airators that have been stalled in Deal Lake um there have been a there's a couple that are fountains that are lit up there's a couple other ones that have gone in so those are authorized so you have seen them in Allenhurst yeah yeah oh they got I would love one um next to next Pizza yes I would love that but they're dredging the lake they're lollipop pond last I heard lollipop Pond is on the drudging list but it is not it has not been funded for the drudging yet they're still working out the details fireman's Pond is definitely getting drugs okay because I was reading the grant we just got so that's excluded lollipop Pond H last I heard they don't know where to to put the stuff but it is on the list like it's high on the list but I think you're still working at the detail I think in fireman's Pond too a fountain there as well see where cuz you could tell when you go over the Allenhurst bridge that it's clearly like the the municipal line like these fountains are in Allenhurst you know they're not our fountains yes so but have you seen the ones next to Dake Barco no yes in that little Lagoon there's a whole bunch of them in there no way yeah but they're not the fountains and they're not lit up and they're not pretty but they're there they're just kind of bubbling away okay I didn't know about those yeah are they to put like oygen yeah um but speaking of Lollipop Pond one of the other things I'm sure you all saw that thanks to our formal council liaison and now assembly woman we now have funding to redo the bridge the beer whatever you want to call it um over lollipop P so that'll be done um and there was drudging funding included in that as well um planning board approved a crazy new idea um luxury Self Storage um one of the warehouses that had been previously approved up on top of the hill right next to the water tower in town um had been they came back to change it from a general warehouse to luxury Self Storage that we approved at our last one luxury luxury Self Storage is a Brand New Concept I was unfamiliar with it but apparently you can drive into your storage unit and it's it is about the size of my house and I'm not exaggerating um but they but it's um they're going to put a and you review that plan Norm with the vegetation and we made a couple tweaks to um they had fenced off areas that they were going to sod so didn't didn't have a way to mow them so they're going to make some changes it might come back to you for a sign off but um yeah um and only another question do freezing your body you probably could actually one of the things what was mindboggling to me was every single unit and there were what 18 un I 16 units 16 units 16 units every unit individual unit will have an emergency backup gas power generator per unit not for the building for each unit actually they have backups it'll be cheaper than my so anyways uh I did make a record recommendation to the council that they need to review our ordinances and maybe contemplate more of these in the future since they seem to be a upand cominging trend um but I have not been to any of the zoning board meetings does anyone know what's going on with our Billboards in less than 60 seconds because we can talk about this next week next week right you went the last me did you go to the last one no the last one was postponed I went to the first one the one they could so they next week they're having and they've got a third one that they're putting in the list did you did you send the count the the did you get the copy yes they sent it you sent it to me at 9:26 this morning and I sent it out right away wait the one on the Billboards oh that was yesterday yeah I did yeah I know I saw it I just I didn't know where it was in the process I'm saying yeah I did I did three things that basically said that I was talking with um Jim Higgins and uh there's this whole thing about what's is and isn't you know and so on and so forth so I just strictly stuck to the Aesthetics these things these fields are gigantic they're gigantic you going you know where that's not we know we know we've heard where are we in the process we have a meeting next week There's a meeting with the some kind next week so that's where we are there's a meeting next week so we'll find out what happens um all right any other urgent business that can't wait till October angel I just wanted to update you guys at I think next week the 17 Falls is gonna have another meeting where Tom is gonna come and give an update so I'm just going to go there unofficially I guess unofficial um you are officially you are officially appointed as our liaz okay so I'm just gonna go there um and just take notes like I did last time and give you guys a report on you know what's actually happening in their progress in in because the rain is coming so like you know winter is coming rain is coming did they post did they publish minutes or things for these meetings that you can go um I have to look I I I have to look exactly if they have publishment I know that sometimes um the county commissioner does post summaries of what's happened which is matches pretty much with what you know I've done it might save you sure yeah sure sure I just don't know what the turnaround time is but I'll certainly try coordinate that sure all right I know that there's other things on our agenda but in the interest of time and since we covered so much ground tonight who mooved by Norm second by Julia all in favor I thank you everyone thank you