##VIDEO ID:pXbaGtQWoUE## [Music] possible within the confines of the property itself okay so do you think you could kind of first walk us through it then I'll we'll talk to some of the 100 for I'd like to First bring up David bash I'd like to introduce two more exhibits and just you know I have David bash here who you're familiar with is the vice president of um Nelson Engineering but he's also a certified Cape architect and I do have a professional planner here to also offer planning testimonies so Mark left off with A4 A5 and we have copies to hand out is just an aerial of the subject site A6 is a color rendered version of the so thank you I never get help thanks uh and while we're passing out uh if we could just have Dave sworn thank you you testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth on but the truth self God I do thank you thank you would just state your name for the record David bash Boe from Nelson Engineering Associates and what license do you hold at this time I a licensed landscape architect in good standing in the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey and state of Pennsylvania anything else right and you're also testifying as the project manager and vice president of engineering that's correct okay so Dave if you could just uh using the aial walk the board what's existing there today uh I think that the uh board chair did a good job reading in the summary of the resolution with regard to the parking deficiency that we have uh then versus now and then let's talk about what we're go what we're doing to afford and just to the extent that there's public here we did bring extra sets okay just to orient the board to the property location even though you probably don't need it the property is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Sunset Avenue in Logan Road it is a developed site it contains a uh two-story medical office building and the entire building is circumnavigated with its existing traffic circulation and parking uh parking spaces for that use as uh Jennifer mentioned there are only 65 parking SPAC spes on the property today and 114 spaces are required for the use under the current zoning standards there is only one access point to the property located at the northwest corner of the property coming taking access off of Sunset Avenue and that's just I'm sure the board members recognize it but immediately to our West is sunset Farm Market and immediately west of that is 711 then CVS then the highway correct okay um don't need this [Applause] anymore so the proposal is to expand the parking area on the east side of the property where there's only a single loaded traffic aisle on the east side that only take has parking adjacent to the building to widen the pavement slightly to that side to allow for a double stacked traffic aisle as a result we we're able to add 24 additional spaces bringing the site total up to 89 still not conforming to the 114 but far superior to the 65 parking spaces that are there and Dave I know that I said it in my opening but we're not proposing to make any changes to the building meaning we're not adding offices we're not adding doctors we're not changing the operation at all this is merely to accommodate the existing facility that's correct so we're not generating any new traffic and we're not generating any new parking concerns correct okay um and as it relates to the driveway uh I don't think you got to that one yet um let me just uh can me hold on for second so just so everybody knows we're going to listen to what what's uh going to be discussed here by the applicant we're going to talk to our professionals we're going to have board members ask questions and at some point people in the um that are here today can come up to the mic and and make comments from what they hear Okay so until then just hang on and listen to How it all goes okay thanks so in order to address the concerns regarding access a secondary access point is proposed adjacent to Logan Road but because this is a signalized intersection we're proposing that that access be as far as possible from the intersection itself so Dave if someone was leaving the site today the only way to Head West on Sunset would be to wait and try and find a gap to make a left turnout that's correct they would be Crossing two lanes of traffic because you do have the queue for the left turn from sunset onto Logan Road North and the double yellow line okay and so in this scenario we could make a left turnout onto Logan come to the signalized intersection and then make the left turn correct safely and then obviously this would be a bypass from anyone also wanting to go north on 35 they could make a right out go down to log go down Logan to the highway and then make the right there I have trouble following your directions oh she's she's right right out the driveway no no no if they want today if they wanted to go they they could make the right out hit the signal and go around or make the left to go right so this way it's just giving an alternative way to get there correct I apologize I didn't mean to be confusing to you I just right so um we're all going to have some questions about the exiting off to Logan Road cuz we we we kind of have some of the heebie jeebies about that for more less of a technical term so we're going to want to talk about that for a second so I just want to make sure that you kind of knew that talk about that and ask you some questions sure okay keep going um would you want us to take a break here and have you ask questions there well I think I think some of the discussions that um we probably want to have is what would what would be the um we're I guess a little concerned of people making left turns out of that added onto Logan Road that there's already for people who live in that um area they already have a problem kind of getting onto Logan Road and all that kind of stuff and so um we were one of the things we were kind of wondering is or thinking about was what's the downside of making that on right turn only going on to Logan Road coming out of that the areas of concern in Logan Road are you saying areas of concern south of the site or north of the yeah what are the concerns Mr Weinstein that that Logan's going to back up into Sunset cuz this intersection is very very heavily trafficked so is going to try to make the left turn and you're going to have the same issue you're getting right now that you're getting out of Sunset Avenue where you got all these people cutting over all this traffic trying to stop it and um I think there's a general consensus that if you if you do try to make that left that you're just going to Log Jam even more of what's going to happen so if we force people to go right they want to go back to 35 call it a big Urban Jug Handle as you will you go down Logan Road you come back around if you want to go the other way but I think trying to force to allow people to go what is that North on Logan would just be okay so and then my question is what about the people who want to leave and head West on Sunset how would they get to the same location they'd probably have to go around them have to go around twice or they'd have to they'd have to make the left out onto Sunset now which is which you know I'm not too happy about that either but they can make a right on Logan and then make it right on 35 go around sooko and come back up okay and this is all just to the bank I mean again and I understand the concerns and we obviously since we're not changing the use traffic we didn't anticipate it until there was some postings recently anticipate any concerns with regard to traffic uh we thought actually making no I I I I don't think we have a problem or at least I don't necessarily have a problem with the traffic internally it's more about once they access understood and and I what I'm trying to say is we didn't necessarily think there would be any concern with regard to putting traffic onto Logan Road because it would be improving sunset by alleviating that number one and number two the amount of traffic that comes and goes from this office where a traffic study done would demonstrate that there isn't enough that would create the Quee or the kind of backup that you're expressing concern about I'd like to listen to the rest of it and hear all the concerns and it may be that my client wants to return with a traffic engineer to address that or maybe happy to agree to the right turn out only MH we're not there yet so I'm not sure so I just want to I want to give you that heads up we weren't prepared for this concern because it didn't show up in any of the reports we and typically that is the heads up as to you know what the pinch Point don't tell it's also August 26 so traffic is you know we're waiting for everybody to leave on Monday so you know traffic's of mind around here so understood 100% And I don't know that the summer influx necessarily has any impact on what it always has an impact on everything around here that's why we all live here for our traffic wo okay so why don't you want to continue okay so we're in conjunction with the uh pavement widening for the parking spaces we are also proposing a storm water mitigation system basically large diameter pipes located under the new pavement area to handle and control the additional storm water that's generated by these proposed improvements again it's stored underneath the pavement in large diameter pipes and slowly discharged out to the existing storm drain system located in Sunset Avenue and there's no storm water management now that we're aware of correct that's correct so it will be an improve even though we're adding we're addressing ing everything that we're adding so if there's any concern and as it relates to the trees uh our plans had indicated a tree removal plan and there are it's a double and somewhat staggered triple row of these Pines along our Eastern property line we're really only taking we're leaving the outside row there correct M now in order to address uh some comments Mr Higgins made in his letter with regard to the calculation of the removal and any Associated costs what the uh tree removal plan did not show was the species of the trees they of the trees in that Eastern Area all but one are con cous trees there was one decidous tree at 24 in diameter locust tree that has a different value associated with it for replacement um by my calculation with that one deciduous tree 19 coniferous trees uh we would be required to replace 22 equivalent of 22 22 trees no you're taking 20 down you're required to replace 20 but doesn't it say conifers over 10 foot of no height no no okay regardless of what what the planner and the landscape architect believe we're going to comply regardless comp okay which means replacement trees have to be a minimum 4 in caliber they're own 3 in on the okay okay so that that's just a point I'm sure I have no problem no not at all we don't have a problem complying and one of the other things we're doing that we don't get credit for is because right now there's AB there's no buffer on the at the eye level and because we're introducing uh parking with uh along the east property line we're proposing a uh solid shrub that could grow up to 3 to 4 feet high correct correct it would be an evergreen shrub so that would be year round trining of any uh vehicles or headlights that would be present in those new parking spaces okay and those are the only changes to the site right correct and with regard to lighting from Mr Matt laak's letter we will revisit the lighting plan to bring it into compliance okay does anybody on the board have any questions for this before I ask Jim and U Bennett some of their comments no okay and just one more thing Mr wste to add I'm sorry to the extent that Jim has suggestions as to tree placement MH or additional trees along that Eastern PR we're we're always happy to work with them okay good did you have some things I have a question have you considered um one entrance being one entryway being entrance only and one exit only we had not looked at that alternative though okay it would be it would if we were to make it I currently no I'm one of those people going east on Sunset Avenue that will stop in front of this entryway and let alleviate it out I don't see us you're not changing I just don't see it's adding another Entry Way is going to you know change anything if we're not changing the volume of the building and who's entering and exing in it so just a comment so my doctor's office is in that building I'm been there a lot so I I for my it would help me I'm coming from the other direction so but not being selfish for the community I I don't think it's a bad idea to have to yeah cu at this point of the compass directions West North and East approaches all have to cross over Sunset Avenue to enter the site what I could say Mr Mones is that if we were if we were going to consider making Sunset and Inn only we certainly couldn't limit then left and rights on the way out I mean it would just be a much worse situ much less desirable situation one is a right only ones both ways well that's where we were well that's that's what was suggested Mr Duffy was that Logan Road be a write out only and again it doesn't necessarily address my client's concerns of uh for the clientele that are coming there but that's something we can talk about and and say obviously I have a chance to talk to about it yet okay we'll get we'll get we'll get back to that after we talk these guys okay y uh can you put the aerial back up for a second so in the lower I guess it would be the southwest corner of the site Southeast Corner sorry if you look right onto the street this this is my one concern so there's a car park there and we're talking about putting an egress from this site which would change some of the on street parking Dynamics there at not the traffic engineer but just going through there multiple times a day part parking closer to Sunset seems not the safest especially since cars back up so what would this do to the current on street parking situation if you added another exit there well clearly it would eliminate those spaces in the area of the access point and a reasonable number reasonable distance from that as a no parking Zone to maintain Clear Sight distances so yes it would reduce the on street parking I don't recall if that's already posted stopping or standing but again I I don't recall well Dave the the exit is it'll be 34t so that's the equivalent of a space and a half really correct under your ordinance so it would be the equivalent of about a space and a half and it wouldn't have any impact on parking on the east side of Logan Road correct correct yeah there's there's no required like Offset you don't have to have no parking within a certain number of feet of the driveway okay it's um you do have to have no parking within a certain uh distance from the intersection um but the the testimony is correct that it's it's just whatever space they're taking up for the driveway itself that would be the parking eliminated okay okay just just a question how did the site because I couldn't tell from the materials how did the site become out of compliance to begin with it was approved that way in 1997 okay it was a variance at that time mhm 1997 or 1979 79 maybe we have 78 78 78 79 and and interestingly enough the re and I don't know what the calculation was but it was more deficient then than it is today which to me is crazy but it was I don't know how they calculated it I was not the chairman at the time and I was uh not practicing law okay any other questions from us here before I ask so Bennett while while you were talking do you want to continue your sure any trepidations you [Applause] have um uh with regard to storm water management um obviously you have the the pipes that are uh going basically under the the new parking spaces uh can those be made into uh perforated pipes to allow some infiltration uh into the ground to uh basically hold storm water uh on site instead of discharging it into the the storm server we can but we also we had done uh soil testing out there and what we found in the soil profile was 6 in of top soil 4 and 1/2 ft of clay and iron plating that we could not get through with a hand auger that's why we went with the solid pipe rather than the perforated pipe so it we we can put a perforated pipe in a stone field but that water would probably just sit there not percolate down into the ground understood so for purposes should this get approved Ben and I know Nicole will call me and Nicole will call you as to Ben's letter said this what was decided at the hearing what's the preference of the board engineer in that with that regard in that situation I would then say that if if it's not feasible to uh get infiltration then I i' be okay with the the plan as proposed okay great and we can address the rest of the comments yes we can okay do you have other do you have other things Bennett that you wanted to kind of bring up uh they they already talked about the lighting um and I think that's pretty much it um the with regards to the the right turn out uh Right Turn Only onto Logan Road uh it's it's not a bad idea um I I think it's feasible I think probably we would need some traffic testimony um to see whether or not that is the best option um right now we just don't know uh but I think we may get that depending on if wants to bring traffic no so again the proposal now is to have a a two-way driveway I would need to confirm with my client if she'd be agreeable to a condition that it's right turn only tonight and then if she's not then would bring the Traffic Engineers so again it would be following the suggestion of the board yeah let me ask you a question so then when you said it it's not a bad idea does that mean it's could be a good idea yeah well it's it it by limiting the traffic there you're sending everybody South on Logan Road now where they go from there who knows they could turn on to applebe and and go that way to get to to Sunset or they could go all the way way back to 35 um or and if if somebody wants to get onto Sunset you know there is the entrance on the sunset although that is where there's kind of some some conflict now because you're Crossing two lanes uh if you want to turn left on the sunset but that hasn't changed that's how it is today right that's how it is today right um so let me ask you another question so is there did you have another idea of mind I mean no those those are the options and I just have a question for Ben Ben based on the it and the types of traffic that an office would generate in peak hours as an I know you're not a traff you don't testify as a traffic engineer but as a licensed engineer do you have concerns that by allowing the left turn onto Logan it would create a backup at that light at Sunset the I think what um Mr duy said is something that that could happen if somebody's trying to make a left turn and stops in the middle middle of the road traffic could back up on towards the the traffic light uh but there you know without seeing counts or anything uh it it seems like that you can make that left turn uh Logan Road is is a not like a a primary Road it doesn't have as much traffic as Sun that Avenue uh so it's it's it's viable to to have a left turn there but uh you know for the board's request all right good okay and just one follow question understanding that there are members of the public who live on Logan Road and don't want the entrance there putting recognizing that and I'm not diminishing their concern but from a practical planning perspective Township wide doesn't the from an engineering perspective isn't it better to look at the overall scheme and wouldn't it be better to put the traffic on the Lesser Road the the the road that's less busy with less conflict than keeping it on a road that we know there's conflict Ben if you need to see traffic counts which is what you said earlier you don't question yeah I don't know the the answer to that exactly yeah okay wasn't a trick question no I know but I don't want to put yeah I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to box him in either course you want to be boxed in you want to uh Jim do you have do you have anything that you want to add I think really you're going to have a planner testify to the variances so we can wait for that but I just one other comment on the right hand turn left hand turn on to Logan quite frankly knowing how people are and if you just put signage there saying no left turn people are going to make a left turn and so the the driveway would have to be redesigned of a right turn in and a right turnout and discourage the left yes right y so so chair Mr chairman it I think the applicant needs to know how the board's leaning here before you go and put on a planner who's going to testify to an application that may completely change from what's being proposed here tonight I need I think it would be and and it would be good for the applicant to know which way the board's leading on this because if they need to redesign this plan we don't really need to hear the planner tonight MH well I have a sense where the board's headed on this one too what I what I would ask I think I I think I would like to hear from the community a little bit first going to be my suggestion if that's okay with you Mark I would thank you and I would ask Mr Mr chair that perhaps if there's a chance that we're going to carry this that the board would entertain allowing them to make comments and not just questions so we could get as much feed as toally I'm totally with you making any revision yep thank you so anybody have any more questions for Jim or Bennett no okay so now we're going to open up this and you don't have any anybody else right M kco so now we're going to open this open this to the public When anybody from the uh public like to make a comment uh why don't you come up or ask a question or ask a question yeah one at a time bring the whole family here BR up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to swear you in and you only can talk one at a time though for the record okay she usually does all the talk so ma'am I'm going to swear you in do you swear any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the true Sal you got yes and just state your name for the record it's Nancy weary w e a r why and what's your address Miss we 1318 Logan Road thank you and and sir you might as well just give us your name I'm Gary R wh y same address I'm the husband yes and I live 1318 Road all right thank you go ahead Mrs bir okay my first thing when I saw these plans and you mentioned it um the attorney that why now would with nobody ever parks there on that side of the building so now why will send do are we like adding the parking spaces wouldn't nobody was parking there anyway am I correct for the people that were R that's correct you never see anybody parked on that side so you can yeah so again to answer your question why now because my client owns the building now right and it's a new owner well again she came to me indicating that there isn't that maybe under the current tency there is enough parking but when we looked at what the ordinance requires here I don't know that you necessarily need a reason to to bring a property into greater Conformity so again office space is vacant everywhere we're trying to make this location as attractive as possible to tenants so it stays full and continues to be a contributing member of the Ocean Township business community so we're just trying to make it more conforming to parking to meet the needs of the tenants yeah I probably probably the wide question I mean I think they just they have the right to do it and they're conforming to it it's just it yeah I think I think I think we8 I think we should probably stick with the questions that relate to okay well and the other thing again there's always traffic on Logan Road but another thought is the the existing traffic uh light that's there so when you come out um and you want to you want to make a left maybe to go back up that way maybe make an arrow on that traffic light and that alleviate some of the congestion can you point to what you're talking about Mrs we cuz I don't understand there's a traffic light right at oh I know it no you could bring it with you I think she means a left a left turn arrow only a left turn arrow when you can't when you come out see we I'm also again these driveways are going to be pretty much in front of our properties we cannot get out of our driveway now with traffic coming either way and they also at the other end of Logan there's that new funeral home that has again exit down Logan Road I mean I just feel like we're becoming the New Deal Road West Park Avenue that Sunset is going to take you forever and Logan to get down so anyway the traffic light wh which house are you Mrs weary I'm 138 no no if you could just point on there oh second one in third one in fourth one in from Sunset I'm the there's a corner house where the first house the first so you're the brown roof right there the brown roof yes that's us that's us okay okay right here okay sunet Avenue there's a light yep if you come out here you can make the you can get in the left laying but there's no Arrow so nobody's waiting I see there's not an arrow there's an arrow right there on the street no she means she means she means she means on the light left Oh you mean a yellow and there was an arrow so that the other people would have to wait we don't I I wish that I had control over that that's not something I can do anything about that's not another way to go and again I don't I just I don't understand you know why I mean I understand what you're saying but our main concern is what about the residents there is a lot of traffic on Logan Road the fact that it's not as busy as Sunset has anybody ever been down there at 5:00 people come off 35 it's pretty heavy we we have a hard time getting out of the house now uh I don't understand why they need to justify all these extra seats doesn't seem like anybody uses the building and who are these people that are being inconvenienced by not going into this uh thing if they can't come down 35 it's not just busy over there that today well we look at it all the time there's not that much traffic now if there so so I'm just Mr Mrs W I'm just going to tell you um the board really doesn't have control over them adding more spaces right because the ordinance it's not that it's it's the fact that the ordinance requires more spaces than they have and if they can get them on the lot they're entitled to it the real the real question is whether the board's going to allow them to exit onto Logan road which they don't necessarily have to do based upon site plan principles I mean that street is very narrow Logan Road I mean people park on the street they're Now parking on they're parking on the street and to tell you the truth my car was brought was out there one night and my car got hit by a UPS driver Amazon Amazon driver just parking on the side of that road it's a very narrow road it doesn't take much parking there further down and again I understand it's the summer so like I said when an event in asur park ends and they go up Sunset that's congested right there and then you have people coming down Logan and until you put that light up there I don't know if they have any countless accidents we saw there's still light till you before that light was even there there's a lot of traffic there we just don't see the point it's a bad corner and again we live on Logan Road so yeah we do have a personal interest but we're not the only ones we have a whole thing we're not just doing it for us the community it's getting too crowded down here and I don't think we need to okay I think I think we got your I think we got your your comments on this why are they parking on Logan Road well well that I think that renting those homes many they homes out I mean nobody's looking at so can have one one of you talk at a time and be in the really more specifically are they parking on Logan Road to use this facility they're parking no no they're just parking on Logan Road to use to get into their houses because people who live on there yeah there's only you know if they have a driveway there's only too many you know there's only one or two cars that can fit in the driveway and I think the and some of these houses I know that there's more than they're way past way past the occupancy level I mean but that that's not my concern that's not my business but there are the people on that people are now parking on the street I mean it's a mess okay thank thanks for your comments on that much appreciated so chairman before you call the next person um just to get the traffic uh excuse me the parking number straight because I know there was some statements made earlier according to the 1978 resolution they came in and proposed 64 parking spaces where 77 was required if this resolution's accurate by and then they came back in 1992 and at that point they apparently had 65 they were opposing 65 parking spaces and suddenly the parking count had uh bumped up to 15 park that's because initially it was General office and then 92 they were requesting medical office okay so that changed the account that Chang the account all right so so so that's just now medical and general is the same C no it's still different okay and so today all apparently that's required is 115 and they have 89 spaces I don't know how they got to 89 spaces from the 65 spaces in 1992 no no no we have 65 we're proposing 89 I'm sorry you have 65 now okay I Mis wrote okay so they have 65 now so so that just gives you the the proper history yes so then I stand correct mrus it was the second time around that we that they came in that the variance was granted correct so to stay with the theme of uh public comment does anybody else have a comment they'd like to to make come on up Sir you can just uh state your name for us name is Victor cell and Sir let me just swear let me swear you in do you swear any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth something but the truth for the helpy God I do and just state your name again for the record a Victor calvo C vo okay and your address 1317 Turner Avenue Turner Avenue okay go ahead okay um wanasa was one of the first communities in Ocean Township and at the time W mastera was approved you had Apple which was the main Corridor for that particular subdivision and you had the cross streets which we're all aware of unfortunately at the time families did not have two and three cars they had one vehicle if they were lucky on my street alone if you drive by which is Turner Avenue one block east of Logan if you drive down Turner at 11:00 in the morning there's no cars on the road if you come back on any of the cross streets between Sunset and Applebee anytime after 5:00 both sides of the streets on every one of the streets are bumper of bumper cars because families now have two vehicles minimum Logan frankly is a hell of a place to try to drive down at night 5:00 or in the evening because the people that are living on Logan only have a short driveway that's the way the houses were built right you have to park on the street now I understand the I understand that the logic of the owner of the property uh I've been on both sides of these particular hearings in the past and I don't feel that any owner should be deprived of the rights that they have based on existing loan uh zoning and I I think that there needs to be a a common ground without having to spend a fortune again with traffic studies or with anything else because I think logically a traffic study is going to show you don't want to make a leftand turn coming out of Logan and I think a traffic study is going to show know that there's a heck of a lot more traffic on Logan than you anticipate all right I am one of the many people that head north on Route 35 and pull off on Route 35 and take Logan to get to applebe and to get to my street all right there's a lot more traffic it's not a main artery like 35 but once again coming in off of Route 35 on to Logan head northbound you have traffic there all right um I'm just trying to give that part that insight to the people do you want to can you um is there a question or a comment that you want to make everything I've been giving is a comment to try to help clarify the situation because everyone has been concentrating on Logan Logan Logan the problem is not only Logan the problem is also the cross streets all right you need the parking spaces on Logan I do not live on Logan all right but the people on Logan need the parking spaces that are there that's that's my comment okay great thank you anybody else have any um comments from the public hi hi do you swear a testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth help you got yes and just state your name for the record Nissa zon z a u n e r e I live on Apple be Drive what was your first name ni I SSA and I'm sorry your address again 2605 Applebee 2605 Applebee thank you yes so I just maybe a comment or two is um definitely on Logan Road it's a very narrow street especially when people have their garbage cans out you have to be courteous and actually allow cars to kind of you can't share the road so people are Crossing into the middle of the road to get down uh Logan Road at any given point in time um the second thing is is on applebe that is also a cross street High rates of speed through our town we already know that we've already complained about speed throughout the town but specifically people coming off of 35 onto Logan are often speeding and then because it is a narrow road they're taking up the middle of the actual road so any additional traffic going that way you have to be courteous and allow people to continue I guess the other question is if you're going to just propose a right turn only what's the difference of having a right turn from the First Street onto Sunset and then making the right versus a second entrance with a right turn only there's really no value added um and if you like look at Aspen Dental or something like that as an example it's a right turn only and it says don't block the intersection so that people have the courtesy of getting out so I don't see the benefit of adding a second driveway that's a right turn only if they can already exit from the parking lot onto Sunset to make the right and and go it's really just a courtesy if they're trying to make that left turn but if you're going to try to force people to have to go up to the highway way and make the you the loop around then what's the benefit of adding a second driveway for that I I can address sure good so if you make the right turnout on Sunset first of all you're going into traffic and potentially the queue that's already backing up to head eastbound on Sunset so you have to wait for a gap and then when you get into there then you're behind the light so in order to keep the free flow of traffic and not create more of a backup on Sunset by making the right to not Logan it allows it to just Loop right out without creating any traffic impact to Logan Road or adding to what's on Sunset so it's actually alleviating Sunset and keeping a nice free flow out on Logan and it doesn't sound like the right turnout will have any real impact on any of the traffic concerns that have been expressed from the public so far I I guess but you know again I know it's the building owner's right to have the right complying parking spaces but it's not like there's hundreds of cars leaving that parking lot at any given time we're talking one or two at most it's not a very frequently you know it's so understand if we you know again like with the Aspen Dental there's a sign that says don't block this so that allows one or two cars to exit the parking lot um rather than having a second right and I think that that was our point about us wanting to bring a Traffic Engineers to demonstrate that we wouldn't be creating any real issue but again we agree with you that there won't be a lot of traffic coming out of our site yeah yeah I guess I just don't understand the benefit because it is very challenging like I said you have to share that road that entire time you're going up Logan as people are coming Logan to Sunset off the highway High rates of speed and it's so narrow that they're coming down the middle of that road so anytime there's garbage cans out or a car parked on the opposite side you have to sort of you know jockey through traffic to allow cars to come through and so it just seems to spill more car traffic out onto that side of the road Without Really added value is just adding more danger to the area but very backed up always on Logan trying to make a left trying to get out of any of those driveways I mean frankly that's my cousin so I visit her frequently and I can never get out of her driveway to back out onto that road because cars are constantly stopped there so it just doesn't seem like value added to add another entrance and spill more traffic out onto there with without addressing the core issue which is the narrowness of that street to begin with and how much traffic is already being forced onto that off the 35 okay thank you thank you can I just ask a is it who is it Logan a city road County Road Town Town Road okay and it's a collector in the master plan as opposed to a major bur arterial and if we were I mean and again just to address and I apologize if I mispronounce it Miss narice I say that right yes Nissa Zone air I missed the Zone air so just to address what she had indicated the same traffic will be on Logan whether we put the right out or not meaning if they go out on suns make the right then they're going to make the right on to Logan so it's not we're not adding more traffic onto Logan it's just a matter of relieving some of it on Sunset those same cars are going that are going in that direction are going to go in that direction understood yep hi swe you in do you swear a testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth on the but the truth you God I do my name is Robin Lewis I live at 2206 sunon Avenue okay Robin spelled how r o b i n l e w i s thank you and your address 2206 Sunset Avenue 220 six Sunset 660 2206 Sunset oh 2206 sunet app go ahead IOP I propose a sensor on the exit out of 3200 Sunset so that when a car has its weight on it it turns Sunset eastbound green for 3 to four minutes so there the traffic will be headed that way and won't go want to we don't have control over that do idea able it's a great idea love to be able to do that I can't I mean that's not really a highrisk intersection our highrisk intersections in my opinion as a local EMT are Sunset 35 deal Road 35 but if we could open it up so the lights change I that would I don't have the ability to do that planning like it's not our Authority it's not our Authority at all we have no authority over that I guess it would be the count it would be no it's not a County Road Sunset Avenue and loga Road are both Township roads so it would change to the traffic signal would be uh something done by the township so that would be something that would have to be um you know initiated by either the the township Council or the township engineer well the T Police Department yeah if I stop on corley's and mouth Road on my way to Allenhurst train station at 5:00 a.m. which I have it changes it so that I can go through the train so it knows if you're there and it could direct traffic down sunset in the US direction if you had an inbound headed from south to North on Logan Direction and an outbound on north to south to North on to Sunset with a green light that would direct traffic okay thank you but um as far as risk for that intersection Bender Benders maybe I wouldn't say it's a really high risk intersection for uh traffic and uh incidents would do no nobody's offered that testimony I would say you you could look up the uh police records for traffic incidents there's really not a lot at this time at intersection thank you okay thank you anybody else have a comment or question theyd like to ask okay so I'm going to close the uh public comment section for now have two minutes Mr chair yeah sure my client yep told you well first we can't discuss right now here I'll I'll tell you what happens when we come back it's more of a nerd question no questions are D question we could call or we're still on the just very quickly I look at the master plan let's let's all just take a TV timeout okay TV time out come back right yeah so they're both I can't believe Dave's now no longer low low person on the totem pole over there uhhuh tell congratulations next time you see him yeah I think he misses you guys no he doesn't you're my what fourth or fifth council member that's been on board yet because low man always gets this one I don't like soil the letter to New York City on Friday I've been tracking it it went from here to Asbury to Trenton to New York City and then it went to Lehigh Valley and then it went to Philadelphia and it is currently in ding fa Pennsylvan more minute I'm going to be that's going to be the but to stare at it with two color tone my OCD like like you can't handle it but I don't know they oh the Third used to wow running last it switch last meaning before this one when did it change last meeting last meeting oh okay so I wasn't like crazy today being like half you were crazy yes and I wasn't here last week okay thanks for coming backit go back on the rec were you were you afraid we were going to run out who knew who knew I was just I was just about to stand up and get you no I appreciate it um it was a lot one second are we back on the record back we'll just notice for the record that everybody was here prior to us going off are still here okay so couple things uh first it was a lot to digest and not having had the chance to speak to my client I had to go over everything so I apologize for the delay we would seek an adjournment we're going to consult with a traffic engineer um and find out from a traffic engineer who is going to be an expert on this as to what the best alternative is for this site um based on the fact that we know that there's a problem on Sunset and we're hearing anecdotally that there may be a problem on Logan we'd like to have a traffic engineer go out there and actually do the counts and make some recommendations because as Ben said it's not a bad idea but we don't know if it's really a good idea from an expert traffic perspective so uh again we'd ask for an adjournment to uh allow the ability to have a traffic expert look at this present a report to you and offer some test great I appreciate you guys talking about and taking a time out is everybody in the um group cool with this yeah I just have a comment so I this is my neighborhood so I'm on farom Sunset Logan 35 withco every day a couple times a day and I see what everybody's talking about so when you do that with the traffic engineer I'm very curious if the right turn only makes a difference or if left right doesn't make a difference kind of what you just said that's kind of what I'm and again so and having spoken to my client the real issue here for this site is people once they're on the site they can't get out if they want to make a left turn and there's been running over things on site to get around and to do so we're looking to make the site function safely which is what is the job of the planning board as well as the surrounding neighborhood so we're going to look at all of that Mr Beal great totally appreciate it so I think what we can do is just have us carry this we need a date what's next available date and practically speaking we might not be able to make it if we need to get a traffic expert oh October what I'm sorry approve so September is not possible no but October is good that would give us the time to do that oh wait I was like good I'm available they want to do that 23rd is fine for me wait October 23rd is a Wednesday September 23 September 23r yeah I I honestly I think we might have a problem getting all of that together by September 23rd let me just take a quick look at my availability and everybody [Applause] else's the okay October 28th okay okay October 28th we would request without the need for further notice great granted thank you so much so everyone here in the audience if you want to be heard of this application you need to be back on October 28th at 700 p.m. you're not going to receive any further notice so you just need to know to be here October 28th in this room you will not receive any further notice okay thank you m kco well I'll be back okay thanks it's not a threat okay we have uh our next case everybody kind of clears out here why they change it the time lot more fun people maybe go home okays okay so we have our next case is um BC Briel LLC Briel Avenue Ocean 07712 Block 183 lot 7 Zone 1-1 um the applicant proposes to construct at 32 ,400 ft building to operate as a luxury asset self storage facility the site previously was approved for a 15,37 squ square foot building with 11,37 squ ft² of warehouse space Luda you want to just step outside 2,000 ft of retail space and 2,000 ft of offer space in a mezzanine uh the proposed use of the self self the proposed use self storage is permitted use in the zone the existing site meets all the bulk requirements specific to the um one one zone a number of bulk variances are necessary okay all right and I will Mark the following exhibits in evidence Mark just give me one second to fli the page to catch up so faster faster I'm trying I'm dancing all right I'm ready exhibit A1 will be the application exhibit A2 will be the boundary and topographic survey exhibit 83 will be the preliminary and final major site plan exhibit exit a four will be the architectural plans exhibit A5 will be the storm water management report exhibit A6 will be the operation and maintenance manual storm Water Management Facility those are all the exhibits I have from the applicant I then have the following exhibits from the board exhibit B1 will be the board planner report exhibit B2 will be the board engineer report exhibit B3 will be the crime prevention report exhibit B4 will be the traffic safety Bureau report exhibit B5 will be the code enforcement report exhibit B6 will be the environmental commission report and exhibit B7 will be the fire Marsh report and exhibit B8 will be the Department of Public Works report okay you want to give us a little overview on what's going on here thank you Mr weiny members of the board Jennifer Crim on behalf of this applicant as the board may remember and as was said at the beginning this was originally approved for an industrial Warehouse use on the site which involved as you know a lot of heavy trucks and and everything else this is a somewhat unique use as you hear it uh and it's Unique and that it is self storage which is permitted but unlike Self Storage that you're typically aware of it's not a lot of tiny units with a 100 or 200 people that would come there we're proposing 16 luxury self- storage units and what that means is is there's many people who might have art collections or wine collections or have classic cars and they might not have the room at their home to store it or to view it so this is their ability to have a very secure very private place in order to address that unlike uh a typical Self Storage that you're going to see through the architecturals this building is actually beautiful quite a bit of uh care was gone into the uh architecture to it to make it welcoming and to make it rise to the level of the clientele that we hope to attract here uh there are some variances as it relates to wall Heights uh and we have an exhibit that I think uh outlines it pretty clearly for you uh I can tell you that it's very similar to the relief that was granted under the previous application because this is a uh property with severe topography the good news on this application over the old application is we're removing less trees than we were and we're adding more meaning the deficit for which we're making payment into the tree fund has been reduced so we are improving that um tonight I have with me the engineer I have the architect and I have the client who can answer any operational questions uh and then also I have a professional planner to wrap all of that up are you abandoning the old approval in the event this application is approved then yes okay then yes well let me rephrase it in the event this application is constructed then yes I mean obviously once this is perfected the other one goes out the door but it's my understanding you can have two until one is taken action that's why I asked the question no I appreciate that so A few more exhibits and the planner will have some additional ones I'm just going to lab I'm just going to mark them quickly and then I'll hand the packets out three four five six A7 is an aerial of the site don't want time A8 is a color rendered site plan and then A9 is an exhibit that was prepared in response to Jim's letter just to help the board understand where these walls are and whether or not the impact is going to be from inside the site of out as you're going to see some of the variances we need are as if we were standing at the bottom of our Basin looking out what would you call A9 A9 is the color rendered site plan and it's marked wall fence height exhibit A8 was also the color R correct but this one is an annotated version of the annotated version Fancy word thanks Claire because I'm of an age where all of a sudden I'm getting warm don't not yet um yeah you know what let me just because it is such a pretty picture the architect makes a good uh suggestion I would like to just out so A10 is a color rendered elevation of the uh front elevation and the architect was kind enough to include copies of his plan and review those so with that as the opening i' call Eric blue I know his Partners have testified here many times I don't know how recently he has so we'll take a moment have him sworn and put his lure on the record sir do you swear he pass you're about to give the truth the whole do something about the truth the you got I did just state your name for the record uh Eric that your last name uh b a l l o and is Eric E r i r i thank you and you're a licensed engineer I am in good standard thank you very much it's all we need okay all right great so Eric uh I'm going to turn it over to you and the exhibits that we moved in and you can walk the board through what's existing there what we're proposing what relief we need uh as well as you know the Highlight some of the comparisons particularly where we're doing better over what was previously granted sounds great so I'm going to start out with the exhibit A7 and you just need to speak into the microphone I'll get you before they do uh so we're going to start out with exhibit A7 which is the existing conditions with a July 2024 aerial image uh so we have the site that's outlined in yellow and as you can see it's really one of the last Lots it is the last lot on this block to actually be developed uh the project does have Frontage on Bell Avenue and then surrounded with other industrial commercial properties on the remaining sides uh it's approximately about 1.38 Acres uh as you can see right now it's currently vacant it is in the i1 industrial Zone as you heard before this was subject to a previous approval uh for the property uh one of the uniqueness of this property it's the elevational change and that's going to come up a lot through the testimony because really guided a lot of the needed engineering design to make this operational and effective facility along Briel Avenue from the south to the north you have an elevation change that goes from 121.301 Ft of drop along real Avenue then you go to the rear property line and along from south to North in that area you do drop from about 11.1 to 93.3 so about 17 ft of change when you look at the composite like the overall grade change this site actually has approximately 28 feet of grade change which is substantial and very unique for this property so I want to give you a basis of that from the existing conditions and then the proposed conditions will show how we address such a grade change and this is A8 yes correct so A8 consists of that same July 2024 area that you see with the CED site plan superimposed so you can see the surrounding area as well as what we're proposing for the development uh what we're seeking for is pimary final major site plan to construct 32,400 square feet of floor gross floor area uh to operate as a luxury asset Self Storage facility with parking and Associated site improvements uh how we started out is we actually located the building along the southern lot line Southern setback as well as the front setback and then we have the parking towards the north of that as well for the facility which we get into more detail along the southern Edge we are going for a setback relief for the rear setback 60 feet is require quired where we're proposing 45 fee one of the great benefits we have with this design it's actually allowing us preserve about a 30 foot existing tree buffer between us and the Disturbed area probably prior to our building so we're going to keep that existing trees to buffer the project and when you speak about buffer there is no buffer requirement because it's industrial against industrial and and behind us is really just the sides of those buildings which is either just parking or accessways around those buildings and those are also in the i1 zone correct uh correct these are existing industrial buildings and you can see there's parking right along the rear common property line that we have and then what we're proposing is is for Access we're proposing a 24t drive P that'll lead you to a 19 space parking lot with 8A spaces as well as an EV space uh that's going to allow you to have access to the doors both pedestrian and vehicle to have access into the building uh your zoning requirements require one parking space for every 50 storage units here we have 16 storage units so are required one space so we're exceeding that by providing 19 spaces which is greater than one per unit that we have with the parking spaces that we're proposing we are proposing to utilize 9 by8 stalls versus is 10 by8 which is required by your ordinance so we are requesting a variance to allow a smaller stall by 1 foot and that's really to B HED upon the low turnover of this kind of use and by decreasing that stall space it does allow us to decrease the impervious coverage for the site as well I'm sorry that's a requirement for a luxury asset or for no no no for for the the parking requirement for self storage is one space per 50 units your parking stall width generally across the board in the township is 10t wide this as this board knows typically a variance would be granted as long as it's not a shopping center with shopping carts and a high turnover location you know based upon this type of use in regards to loading uh typically would just be with be done with Vans or potentially a box truck so we haven't designated a separate independent loading area for this facility based upon the number of units of only being 16 so we are requesting a varant not to have a designated loading area um well Eric one one thing and and again just if the board could just consider this and I know I'm sure you've looked at the architectural plans when the architect testifies he'll explain to you that these units are accessed interiorly through overhead doors but you can actually pull your cars into it and pull into the unit itself so again that it's hard to explain that to you without the architect testifying but we're expecting that loading will be in these smaller Vehicles so it can actually pull in the aisle pull into the unit and unload these types of things or if a car is being stored here it would just be driven right in pulled in C just go back for one second 18 parking spaces are required uh one parking space is required we're providing 19 you only need one parking space for the entire site okay it's storage okay uh one aspect that we did add that's actually not on the site plant that you presently have is that we added a 10x10 uh masonary six foot high enclosure for solid waste and recycling storage it was a comment that was brought up within the engineering review letter the location for solid waste recycling storage so we're adding an area at the back of the parking lot to accommodate our solid waste and recycling needs and that would be a private homeall ER correct this would all be done by private hauler correct along the frontage we are proposing a 4ot sidewalk a public sidewalk within the public right away Along our Frontage to meet the ordinance requirements uh in regards to fencing and signage uh along our parking lot area we actually have screen walls on both sides of the parking as well as a sliding gate that goes across the opening and then there's a a card access that allows that gate to be opened so that'll screen the parking lot area from Briel Avenue which is a nice feature and Eric that would be accessible for emergency services so we would be in touch with the fire police and the EMTs and put some sort of access uh in that for them as well correct of course okay uh the fire signage really the only signage we actually have as that we're providing an a four-digit address number on that screen wall so the number the will be approximately the the numbers will be approximately 18 in in height 6 foot of length and it'll be mounted on that 6 foot high screen wall so works as a screen wall as well as placement for the address there's no other naming being proposed just to identify the street address number for clarity uh and that is actually conforming with the ordinance so there's no relief being requested for signage uh lighting uh so we do have the the parking lot area as well we have some areas associated with the use of the facility uh so we are using downward-facing LED lights the Slender ones on the pole mounted uh color 4,000 uh they're mounted either at 15 to 23 which is well below the 28 ft that's allowed for this area uh we did comply with nine out of the 10 lighting requirements but we are requesting a a variance for a slight uh deviation with the maximum Main maintained average foot candles 3.5 is what's permitted we're over slightly at 3.7 and again the way we've designed it we've designed the site so it's appropriately lit and there's no offsite spillage or things of that nature so it's just a little bit of a change to the average the men ratio that we're requesting some relief on besides that we're fully compliant with your lighting requirements uh Landscaping uh you know first first thing is preserving trees that's the best part about best to do about landscape is preserve the tree so we've done that and then you can see along Bal Avenue we've really done a heavy planting a buffer plantings with deciduous trees evergreen trees shrubs to really try to buffer the facility create sort of a private feel to the facility as well as buffer the appearance from the outside even the bio retention Basin that's also has plants in it as well in accordance with the DP guidelines tree remove so what the tree replacement plant that we provided shows that we're removing approximately 133 trees which is equivalent proposing equivalent planting of 65 which leaves a deficit of 68 trees that would be addressed with the shade tree contribution um comparing it to the previous one we're actually doing a lot better the previous one required a removal of 165 trees so we were able to save 32 trees through this redesign whereas the tree fund we had to deficit 123 trees so again we reduced that by 58 with our new design so this is definitely much better from a tree removal and replacement standpoint we've definitely made great strides on on enhancing that U with that said though identified in the planish letter there is still some relief that was similar to what we did last time a minimum landscaped area along property lines the ordinance requires a minimum of 10 foot deep Landscaping along the side and rear property lines uh we far exceed it along the rear we know greater like 30 foot is 10 on the Northern side we're at 7 feet where 10 foot is required for the ordinates uh the 7ot distance is the same distance that was previously approved uh when you look is sort of the average of it would average greater than 10 ft for the side in the rear and then on the opposite side on the southern side rear area we greatly exceed the 10 foot of plantings in that area so it's in this one area line the north that were 3 feet below the requirement uh Landscaping along public streets so we we did this plan we really tried to add a lot of landscape plantings right along the frontage and try to enhance that as much as possible your ordinance envisions 10t of sod or grass between the property line before any planting and shrubs that occur so here we're less than 10 feet we have mostly plantings and things of that nature uh what we propose there we would look at possibly pulling back some of the shrubs it's the idea is through the plan's letter is to provide more area for snow storage so that's why they want to have a buffer a little bit beyond the sidewalks so I do believe we could pull back some of the shrubs still maintain that dense plantings and still provide a little bit more room for snow storage in the future as well as if there was damage to the shrubs and things of that nature the the owner would take care of the shrubs and replace and take care of them as needed and Eric just sign to S so we're still asking for the variant but we're willing to work with Jim to manipulate that in order to create sufficient snow storage to meet the intent of the ordinance okay yeah my intention um one of the other items listed was a landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect this was provided prepared by a professional engineer uh as noted in the planner's letter we would work with your planner to make sure all the species um are acceptable as well as address the comments within the environmental commission's review letter they had species and spacing comments so we would like to work those out through with your planner as well to address their comments um things that were listed as relief uh that we going to agree to to not have to request one of the requests was uh waivers was listed in the letter was sod it says lawn areas shall have sod we are going to agree to do sod which would eliminate the relief in that letter the other one is regards to the branching of trees uh right now I think we show it branched at 7 feet but the township requirement is a minimum of 8 feet to a maximum of 12 Fe so there's different tree branching requirements obviously we will comply with the Township's requirements so we're going to eliminate that relief that's being requested in that review letter Best For Last proposed grading so again earlier we talked about the 28 foot of grade change and then when you look at these types of buildings they commercial industrial things of that non-residential buildings they really always have a flat floor plan so you have to have that at one elevation whereas we have a site that has 28 ft of gray change so so what we did to accommodate that is we set the building so the southern side is actually acting as a retaining wall and then on the Northern side providing appropriate slopes to have access to the driveway so we sort of in a sense tried to fit the building into the the hill to try to take up some of the grade chains that occurred and what this resulted in is that we have maximum cuts of 11 feet maximum fills of 12 feet so we tried to balance that with that said as you clearly know with your ordinates you're actually only able to do a maximum of two foot of grade change and for a site that has such great Topography of 28 ft there's there's virtually no design that could comply with only a twoot grade change but we do feel by putting this building built into sort into the embankment of the hill and then having that we were able to sort of balance the cut Bill requirements now Eric as it relates to that addition to the ordinance I've heard Jim say many times over the years that that was really put in um to one help regulate single family homeowners so they weren't raising and building their homes on Hills and to make sure that when the grade change does occur it's not really against changes of grade it's against a change of grade that's going to have a negative impact on any of the surrounding neighbors so from an engineering perspective and the way this was designed while we need the variance because in order to properly develop this property we have to change the grade are we addressing any of the uh potential drainage issues that would typically be associated with a change of grade like this meaning are we creating any issue or we addressing it all we're addressing all store mod requirements there there are comments within the engineering review letter but overall we'll address those comments so we'll have a fully functioning system but in your opinion as from an engineering perspective there's no negative impact to the surrounding neighbors relative to storm water through this change of grade oh correct correct and this will be fully stabilized once it's constructed what is the change of grade so the change of grade is so there's a maximum of 11 foot of cut meaning just you're taking it down 11 feet in some areas correct which would be on the southern side and then on the Northern side there's a maximum of 12 feet of fill so we're essentially balancing the site talking about a 23 foot difference yeah yeah we are yeah with that 28 number that's that's where we're at so now the next thing I need to go into is into the fence Wall height requirements so I think we handed out exhibit A9 yeah and again I'm just going to walk you through this a little bit with the board because as a lay person I had you prepare this in a way that I understood it so hopefully the board will so as the board knows often when you have such varying grade changes you have walls and sometimes the the massing of the wall is seen from outside of the property and sometime the massing of the wall is seen from inside the property so we attempted to do here with the arrows is to show where you're going to be viewing the height from in the first instance and then also to break out and distinguish between you have a requirement that if a fence is within 10 ft of a wall you have to apply the combined height for it as you're going to see in at least one and I'd ask you to look at wall number two in the front we actually have a 6ot fence and then a couple feet behind it at the same grade as a 1 and 1/2t wall so the impact is only a 6ft fence from the street however based on how your Ordinance Works it would be 7 and 1/2 ft even though it's not a wall and fence combination so it's that kind of nuance I think we should go through them one by one yep and yes we will what we're showing you on A9 is the worst case scenario from each yard meaning that's the the worst variance we're asking for okay so we're going to start out with we're start with the walls in the front yard so we're going to start out with retaining wall one so that is a real Frontage along the southern portion so it's really you can see these three different squares of the lawn area is that's will have access from the mezan needes that you'll hear from the architect so wall number one ranges in height with a combined of that six foot fence and wall going give you the combined Heights because you're or orance is written the combined height for front yard is four foots allowed side and rear is 8T so I'm going to talk in regards to the combined numbers that it starts out it ranges from 7 fet on the southern side which is the high side to the worst case scenario which you'll see an arrow sort of in this area right here that's where it goes to 11 ft so in a sense you would see at the worst case scenario you would see a 5ft retaining wall with a six foot fence above it now get total now the six foot fence that we're proposing though it's not a solid fence it's a decorative aluminum jarth fence that's open correct and that's one of the great better upgrades as well for this plant the previous plant was approved with chainlink fence now we're using decorative aluminum j frence for the recommendations of your professions and again the wall in this fence based on the dense plantings and as you can see in the rendering really won't be visible from the street but technically it's a variance but as it relates to visible impact it's not a solid wall and a solid fence it's just a wall with a decorative fence on top correct so we have 20 foot for wall one we have 20 footer setback in plantings what to buffer that how high is the Landscaping in in front of that so I guess it's going to be 3 and2 inch trees that will be branched up to the appropriate Heights and then we have the shrubs shrubs yeah I'm I'm I'm thinking of the shrubs because the trees aren't going to screen it but the shrubs will and I'm trying to I'm trying to recall what types what the Vari look at what iens but I usually expens between 24 to 36 in for height but that's that's planting height I'm thinking about mature height mature height you're right they could get up to four foot highs on well do you want to take a quick look at your plan to see what you specified yeah we'll go through but they will definitely grow in it's scen all right so that's retaining wall one there's four total walls so then retaining wall two that is an L-shaped fence a L-shaped wall that actually is around the bio retention Basin is actually recessed so the bottom of the retention Basin is actually below real Avenue so the grades inside this area the Basin are lower than real so there's from the exterior of what you would see from B Avenue looking in then you would actually see an exterior it would range from 6 feet which is fence height to 7 and A2 ft so there's not much retaining Vol only a maximum of a foot and a half that you would actually would see a BAL Avenue so again I want to just clarify we're not proposing the fence on top of the wall correct we're proposing it in front of the wall correct and and the max height of the solid wall is a foot and A2 correct okay so we're talking about a foot and a half wall behind a decorative fence correct so when you're saying 7 and 1/2 ft I I went to so much trouble to explain the location of because it's not 7 ft it's just a technical way that this ordinance is interpreted well actually if that's the case but I don't think a variance is necessary there because the the highest vertical element is going to be the fence at 6t and if the wall is behind it it is and starts at the same elevation basically as the fence so the combined height is still six feet okay fine so I just want be consider but it's oh it's still VAR it's in front yard so VAR correct so we still need the variance for the six foot decorative fence but again we always for notice purposes always do it in the most conservative way possible and air on the side of safety so again so the Wall height 2 it's 23 ft but that's standing at the bottom of the Basin yeah so so that was the what's call the portion of that wall parallel to real Avenue but there's also a perpendicular turn so there's this wall that goes from the real Avenue real Avenue wall goes towards the building so that's where since we've recessed the bio retention Basin substantially where you have a 17t high wall and a 6 foot fence for a total of 23 ft so so again that's just this perpendicular section that's buffered not only from the plantings on Bell Avenue that's on the other side of the fence it's also buffered by the plantings within the Basin so that's retaining wall number two but so again the 23 ft is measured from the bottom of the Basin you you're saying recess but it's basically dug out from behind it at a much lower grade so from the street nobody's seeing a 23t wall correct especially with that much vegetation right so now I'll speak to the walls that we have on the side and the rear aspects of the project so wall number three is along the northern property line and the Western so the northern side would be a side and then the Western one that is considered the rear portion of the rear wall so on the Northern side it really ranges from 6 to 182 ft where here in the wor space there you'll see an arrow here where we have a 12 1/2t wall with a 6ot fence in this corner for a total of 18 and a half within the side yard the northern side yard the rear of the property very close to that you'll see another arrow very Clos to where you see this's radius and there's another arrow here in the rear area the worst case condition is 11.6 ft wall the 6 foot fat for 17 .6 total and again along the the rear we have that very large existing trees buffers in that area as well as rep proposing trees in the front of that wall lond the north to sort of mitigate the the Aesthetics of that as well and and this wall is again up along the back of an access drive and the rear access of a another industrial building correct and judging by the picture it looks like almost their pavement is very close close to their side our common side Lot line retaining wall four is the last one so retaining wall four is related to remember we talked about that we took and recessed the building sort of into the hill to sort of lower it so one of the aspects when you do that is that you do need to have the architect who speak to this you need to have multiple access points out of a building per code so this one has an egress door that's at a much lower elevation and then stairs that bring you up to the grade so from the interior so you're standing at the bottom of that the the area there when you walk out the door and looking up that's where you actually have an 11 and 1/2t wall at the worst case then it gets less as you go up the stairs and then you also at that point have a six foot fence so that gets you to a total of 17 and A2 but this is also only being seen from the interior you're standing on looking from the southern property line all you're really going to see there basically is a 6 foot fence so it's basically from inside the stairwell at the bottom is where you'll see the wall that's correct okay and I just want to put on the record just so the board uh is aware under the prior approval the fence Wall height in a front yard approved was 13 ft so we're actually improving that and the fence Wall height in the side and rear yards was previously proved at 20 ft so we're actually improving that as well so I just want to note that for the record so we we are trying to make it better through this redesign it it's just we have the hardship of a topographically challenging site so so that's how we accommodated the building so the different elevations of the building the different retaining walls and the buffering that's how we address the gray changes uh storm water management so we do need to to address water quality runoff reductions ground want to recharge so we're addressing that with a bio retention Basin um this is similar technology that was proposed previously it meets the latest njd green infrastructure requirements um there are comments within the engineering review letter but I know that we can address all of those uh for water we are proposing a water service off to the existing main within Bri La uh this is New Jersey American Water Company territory so we have the meter pit which is flush to grade but then we have the above grade back back flow preventer that we have set back about 24 ft uh the backflow preventers have to be above grade so that's what we have that set back as much as we could there and I I know that I've run into this in other municipalities I'm not sure here to the extent that we need variance relief for having accessory structures in a front yard such as the the hot box I I I would just ask for it now we don't have a choice about where we're placing these utility structures these are being driven by the utility companies and they require them to be in this location so just for purposes and I don't know whether this board considers that a variance but I just wanted to put it on the record and point it out these are utility structures required by the utility company and they have to be in the front yard but they are behind Landscaping yeah I I don't remember whether we've required variances for them or not we have I know you and I have had some experiences in other towns where it became an issue so I just want to point it out to the board so the extent of Varian is required we'd seek it and staying on that same theme we also have because of the location requir we also have a Transformer adjacent to real Avenue as well for the the electric company to have access so we also have that in the front based upon their requirements and then we have sanitary sewer connecting to blab you know Self Storage really doesn't generate a lot of sanitary sewer but we we have that abilities before before I open up the questions here I just want to ask you guys because there's a lot to digest here how you feeling about the structure here is there things that you having questions about things you're not comfortable with things we want to talk about like what I think they've answered most of my concerns I think it's a much better application than what's that's approved okay well when you say most are there other concerns that you have that haven't been answered I I don't think anything I questions I had haven't been answered I think they all been answered and Mr chair just so you know we did meet excuse me I'm sorry in con cep with Ben and Jim before we filed the application to make sure that we were going in the right direction and addressing their concerns before coming in recognizing how difficult this site was so I don't know if you guys knew that I just want to know that we did Avail ourselves of that ahead time so Ben do you have yeah I have a couple of things um one is first one is is pretty minor uh one my one of my comments in the lighting SE section was uh about a a light along that uh Southern entrance by the stairwell I don't think there was one on the plan is that can we can that there be like a building mounted sance or something we definitely have emergency light there defin okay uh and then the other the main thing is is regarding storm War management um the regulations that were uh passed in 2023 require uh planning for uh future rainfall events to the 2050 and 2100 um and and it requires a a you know basically a factor of safety with with regard to the rainfall intensity um and by by implementing that that may result in modifications to the the storm water management system uh is that going to require like a enlarging the Basin or anything like that I think you know we we had some buffer in the design so I don't anticipate anything substantial to address the storm on our comments okay it I I guess I can't can't tell you whether or not that you know the site is going to change if uh whether that anything would change if if the Basin is enlarged or or anything else but um you know I I don't doubt that that it can the site can accommodate um that that comment um I I just don't have it on the plan I I will say this uh if we do need to elongate the Basin and things of that nature we would not exceed any of the retaining wall Heights and all those things that we just expressed we wouldn't ever increase those if we did have to modify things we' maintain any relief that would hopefully be granted by the board right but Ben are you asking for it to be addressed now um I I guess the that that's my one concern is that the changing or uh accounting for additional storm water runoff may result in a a change to the Basin or the I don't know the parking lot or something like that um but if if it if it doesn't then that's fine if it does then it may I don't know if it would result in any additional variances or any uh changes but you know I I would agree that the it can be changed without changing the wall Heights I don't think that there would be any other variances um off the top of my head I can address that mrin so as is typically the case when the board would Grant an approval subject to the review and approval of of Jim and Ben if there's any material change to either the site plan the layout or creation of new variances they would automatically send us back to the board to amend the approval I mean it's really that simple so if we can accommodate his comments and not make any material changes that affect the layout or create any new variances then this will be the same as every application that you would approve conditioned upon their review and certainly we agree that any material change that changes the layout significantly or creates any new variances we'd have to come back for an amended approval but it sounds like it sounds like you're not that it sounds like you want it to be addressed up front I I was putting it out there as as something that I I think is going to change I don't know that it would change the the um you know site layout or anything like that um so I think i' would be okay with with you know what uh Miss grimco offered uh and if if I see that it it does materially change the plan then I would agree that it they would have to come back to the board so just so I'm I'm clear so the applicant is agreeing to move forward understanding that they might need to come back 100% for the storm water and that's listen anytime we agree to address a storm waterer comment there's always that risk because you don't know until you get out and do the engineering and design it if there's a change and you know over the years there's been lots of times where we did that and we ended up coming back either to this board or the zoning board to say we tried to do it it didn't work most of the time it doesn't which is you know why we're able to work it out with them administratively sure okay I'm okay with that okay all right um I'm sorry I just we were just compounding on a lot of stuff is there more things that you wanted to kind of address that was it that was the end of my oh um okay um does anybody hear of anything that they did you want to talk anything about what's going on inside or that's yeah that's a different witness okay great okay um before this person leaves was there anybody here like to ask any questions to this individual my question's inside a question yeah um you're taking down a significant amount of trees um you're not a landscape architect that is I'm not a land mark you took the liberty of making a landscape plan did you review the environmental Commission letter on July 29th we did you did yeah uh we spoke to that that we would work out the Landscaping your planet so when was this plan created that you're showing us uh this is the same plan that was originally sent to the environmental commission is there plantings and other things that you plan to change on yes so what what was offered at the beginning is is that we will work with Jim to address all those comments to his satisfaction as we always do thank you there was nothing in the Environmental commission's letter that was Troublesome it was really about landscape architect submitting a plan right which he isn't right that's that's one of the variances they're requesting okay and and it is it is typical for this board again if if you want a landscape architect to also review it and sign it I don't think that's necessarily a big problem but typically the board has always deferred to JY as to that but again thank you okay we didn't see anything problematic it really was with regard to species types and spacing on planting which we don't disagree with okay I had a few questions y so the the first one is you you made a comment that the site will be stabilized when it's finished what are you going to do during construction to stabilize the soil and the runoff cuz we've had problems with other development on that section of town definitely so we're going to go for if we were to receive approval we would go for soil erosion certification we've already submitted to them they've had a couple comments we'll address all of their comments address all the soil erosion design and then during construction we notify them so they'll be out for inspections as free so we'll be following the Freehold soil conservations requirements for all stabilization as well as any other Township requirements obviously also okay um can you just point out on there that all the areas that will be covered in sod anything that's basically green except uh portions of the bior retention Basin that would be a wet seed mix but all the green areas you see that would be typically lawn that would be sof so so here's my question so those you were showing the walls and the elevations and and I'm I tried really hard to follow and I'm not sure I did but you have those three pads rectangles squares what whatever they are are right there yep those are all different elevations and they're all going to be slded those are all the same elevation I think so right here so you talking about these three right here those would be SED those would be lawn areas but how are they separated oh there's actually a dividing fence I think between them as well so how are they going to get mowed or are they not going to get mowed and that's fine no no they're going to have to be Gates they're going to have to be Gates I agree they're going to have to be Gates that would allow access from one point to another I agree to have access to do that okay and so there is no we'll say this on this edge here there is no retaining wall there from this Edge it's at grade but will we have to add gates in between these to properly maintain them correct and we are I didn't say but we did agree on the plans we're also providing irrigation as well for the project as required um but that's going to help with the so grow and such okay I guess and Jim I'm going to defer to you here so having driven out there and looked at that site and looked at the other tree areas that is it's sandy soil with scrub brush right there's there's not a lot of naturally occurring grass out there and I'm wondering if it is not more if it doesn't make more sense for some of those especially those Parcels in there to be naturalized CU they're going to be behind that screen already I think that's a good idea yeah can we can we make that change and have those areas out there they will be accessible from the unit I don't know that people will be sitting from out there but it's part of the view out of the window I'd like to let the architect speak to that design because he created them then I will pin that comment we can I thought they were just SED for the sake of soting if no they're actually going to be they're part of the view that you'd have from inside the those units so maybe that they could be landscaped from the inside and be more correct it could be right it probably won't be visible from the outside it won't be visible from the outside and it may yeah so if I could just defer that to the architect sure and then I know that you mentioned the EV charging Bennett had a comment in his about the roof runoff are you doing a green roof or any solar or any other fun things with the roof I'm I'm going to leave that for the architect okay I know we're not doing a green roof I can step away to that but as far as the rest of the roof I'm going to leave that to the architect okay all right hey um I'm coming this might not this might not be question for you or it might not be a relevant question I'm just kind of curious because of the valuables that are going to be in there is the only security the um gated access or is there somebody is there a security guard there or like what's the or is that not the owner will testify but there'll be cameras it'll be Central monitoring it'll all be there'll be a building manager there'll be all of those things okay so somebody will talk to us about that yeah there'll be inside cameras outside cameras there's going to be cameras everywhere it's all going to be connected to Central monitor okay okay so we we'll get to that when it's time to get to it okay cool I'll I'll be here something comes anybody else no okay thank you thank you members of the public Mr chairman oh yeah um I'm sorry anybody anybody here is part of the applicant team well let me just say it anybody from the public like to make a comment okay let's go to the next next person thanks thanks thank you so I'd like to introduce Dave Collins who I know the board's familiar with let's have him sworn Mr Collins do you s any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth something but the truth yourself you got I do I just say your name for the record David Collins and you are a licensed architect stve Jersey I am thank you very much go ahead okay Dave why don't you let me [Applause] just the architectur plans are A4 into evidence so why don't you just walk the board on your schematic uh what we're proposing by way of the building we'll talk about the interior and then we'll talk about the outside and those outside areas sure so uh I just wanted to spend a minute talking about the grade again I know it's a little bit confusing um if you imagine a walk out basement that people have in their house maybe this a ranch house where there's one story in the front and the yard slopes down and it's two stories in the back that's essentially what we have but instead of facing the back we're facing the side with that walk out basement so when you look at the southern elevation it's a one-story building and and when you look at the North elevation it's a two-story building because of that change in grade as Briel Avenue goes down the hill and what's you know what's been done is the front of that is carved out for the Basin so the Basin is down in a hole as is the building and the building retains everything uh you know holds the hill back and allows it to have a two-story building that functions on the site so I just wanted to quickly just show that before we went to the inside of the building okay thanks so again staying on A4 these are the floor plans uh that were part of your package a201 uh starting at the bottom left uh drawing number three is the ground floor level so when we say ground floor that's cut into you make a consider the basement really it's it's cut into the hill so on the right side of this plan you'll see an overhead door entrance and and a couple of exit doors and down through the center of the building there's a drive AIS so this allows cars to drive into the building and drive into any of those units whether it's for loading or whether it's for storing so from the parking lot which is in this area you drive down you can go into your unit and then obviously you can back out and exit this this drive aisle designed just like a parking lot Drive aisle is 24 ft wide it's the same width for for two-way traffic and there're only 16 units here so this is not going to be heavily trafficked but it is wide enough to be able to negotiate uh cars in and out uh through this Main isleway and on the lower level there are again 168 units SP towards Bri breel Avenue eight units face towards the back of the site again all of this there's no windows in this area because we're kind of underground this whole area and that is the reason that we needed this exterior stairwell that's down in the ground so that there's ever an emergency anyone in this level can exit out through uh the north side of the site to the parking lot or to the south side of the site up the stairs to grade and then exit safely to the street so this was one of the wall conditions but the reality is that's just a hole in the ground with a set of stairs that go down to that basement kind of level the level above that which we call the mezzanine level is again divided eight units towards breel Avenue 8 units towards uh the the back of the site so you can see that each unit is two stor is whether you're in the back units or whether you're in the front units once you get inside your unit you have a staircase to get you up to this kind of mezzanine Loft area and in all of these areas in all of these units there is a double height space so it's not two full floor plates it's a floor plate full floor plate on the ground floor and a partial floor plate on the Upper Floor and you can look down in your unit to the lower level so if we just take a random unit you come you can come in the exit door the the the man door you can go up the stairs there's a bathroom uh on the lower level you can go up the stairs when you come up the stairs you have the private viewing area here and you have a porch in the front and the same thing in the back units you can come up the stairs in these ones we actually put the floor plate over the drive aisle so the opening is more towards the exterior but we also have a walkway to a porch on the back side the the last drawing is drawing number two it is the roof plan so we are going to be solar ready so we're going to design the building so that solar panels it it can take the additional weight of the solar panels so those can be installed at any time and what we did is we Consolidated in the center of the building a farm for all of the mechanical equipment so each of these units is going to have a condensing unit and each of these units is going to have a generator so that each one of these units can can function independ dep L from the others uh can be climate control to whatever the the person wants to separate from everybody else um and we have that screen with a rooftop screen that goes around the entire uh the entire farm and there's a couple entrances for servicing that face towards the back reason we facing towards the back is because of the extreme topography dropping off in the back there is no possible way you could you could see up over the profile of the roof uh to see onto this roof in fact even from the highest part of bre Avenue you you probably won't even see the equipment screen just because of the way the roof plane projects forward it's going to kind of block your L sight this is a render view which is it n 10 A10 so this is uh exhibit A10 so this is a rendered view obviously if you're standing in breel Avenue uh on the northern part of the site where the entrance is to the parking area this is where this view is taken from and so we we're trying to show here uh is the actual view of what you'll see uh from the street and if we were to have taken this you know further up the hill it would be even more buffered we took it from kind of the most open piece of the site so so up here you're not really going to see much you're going to see a lot of landscaping um but as an example you can see a little peak of light color here behind this fence and that's actually the bottom part of the retaining wall that is behind that fence so you do get a little peek-a-boo here but this fence wraps around to the front this area is the Basin that drops down into a hole so way back in there is that tall wall we're talking about um that that's kind of holding back the Earth so we can store the storm water on the side s and and because that's vegetated even on the inside of that wall it's going to be nearly impossible to ever see that wall even if you were down a little further to the to the north it'd be very very difficult to to see into that area so for the architecture you know we wanted a really kind of crisp modern building um we we we don't we don't have a lot of we don't have any signage except for you know the emergency numbers this is really kind of just a low-key place for people to go and uh you know store their their things it's not intended to be overly flashy it's why we use darker colors on it but we did kind of create a rhythm across the front um and we created these porches so that we had a little bit of depth in the facade it wasn't just a big kind of Warehouse box we want to have some visual interest along the front and also gave a nice place for people if they're viewing their their assets inside they can step outside and and kind of get some fresh air and enjoy that so we have a wood effect on these columns to separate these uh glass storefront that wraps across the front and wraps around the corner the roof plane you know slopes up and candle levers out uh to really kind of Express that horizontal and then inside this you know wall and gate is the entrance to the garage door and we kind of Express that as a as a drop- down area we brought these two pieces up and and drop this down and then now we're to the back units which are pretty much the same as the front units you have some of the wood effect and the glass and the PCH is um you know to try to create some relief along that facade and as it relates to those uh three lawn areas what was the idea behind that [Applause] okay you just ask what exhibit it is A8 A8 okay um I'm just referring back to A8 you okay okay so the the idea of these three areas they could become Gardens so these we're trying to create some uh variation in the unit so you know there are some units that are Corner units that are more attractive than an interior unit and so we had the opportunity since the the grade was high here to to retain this a little bit and create an area where you can spill out from your patio onto or porch onto this Garden area whether it's grass or planted out um it could be kind of a private area that's not seen from the street that these three units on this uh Southeast corner of the building could have private access to and so it would be maintained from either inside the building or uh access from the north side right I I agree a series of gates are required and and you can uh access that at breed from this area straight into each of those for any kind of Maintenance you have to pull something out or mow or whatever you could get through that way and again this is really just a set an Ambiance because of this luxury level asset so when people walk in it gives them this feeling that they're in someplace other than an industrial storage unit exactly y okay so I I have a question are are those bathrooms inside the units yes each unit has a bathroom this is a hell of a club I don't know where you guys get asset Self Storage from porches Gardens it's like who who's going to monitor the fact that this doesn't turn into a club yeah but that was going to be my next question off of that just from a legal perspective are we having events in I I have my art I have my art collection I want to show it off to my friends do I have them all over and have our derves and I have my bathroom there well the guy next to you's got all the wine apparently you know like I'm just trying to see what this is becoming because I've never heard of a self storage place with a bathroom per unit I understand it's luxury but this like and Gardens so if if I may Mark it's it's kind of a new thing they have this thing garage condos where they sell them each and each one has a bathroom maybe a bar maybe a pool table these are all going to be PR so is exactly like I thought so it's a new thing it's been out a couple years you can go on YouTube and see them they're beautiful the owner if I get again the owner is here the honor the the principal in the applicant entity is here to talk about the concept it just would have been impossible to discuss the concept without you understanding the site and the building first okay good well let's have them talk about the question okay there is no community room it's it's not like the car club that's z um let's put that let's put that aside because we'll have somebody else talk to that let's stick to his testimony and let's ask questions related to that so Ed do you want to ask a question so just just on these generators are these emergency generators each backup gas powered emergency generators for each unit separate okay and is there any I'm trying to think of my spacing here to the nearest residential letum the power goes out and every one of those generators is running what kind of deciel creation they're going to be able to hear it I I I can't answer that question I'm not an acoustic engineer I can say to you they're essentially residential units so those same units that would be on a residence that's what we'd have here and we are far away from a residence we're all surrounded by industrial here sure except you're at the crest of the hill in the nearest residential is call it a block and a half way to the north so I mean sound would travel because there's no trees to block it yeah but we do have an equipment screen around it too okay D I guess that would Ben do you have any concerns about that one I I was going to ask the same qu question and I was going to ask is the the metal equipment screen does that have any type of like sound attenuation sound dampening um we we certainly could integrate some yes okay yeah I I think that would be S attenuation around the generators yeah only because they're again if there's another Sandy and all those generators are going well listen you're going to store expensive items in there I I think it makes sense to have generators to to maintain it but they're going to be elevated that's one of the highest points in the town and they're going to all be going at once so yeah um Jim or Bennett do you have things did you want to ask this individual again I I don't see where they haven't answered everything I asked the one comment with the generators is to understand that if you have 19 generators the sound isn't 19 time times louder the the attenuate the the sound increases very little bit as you add each generator so so it might be the sound of what you would think is two generators if you have like 19 going I don't think we saw or heard testimony about the size of the generator or the volume it's producing so that's true absolutely no it was a fair point they're residential generators and we'll put a sound attenuation around them and I think that addresses my concern okay okay I agree with that too do you have any other things that to ask him uh I don't think so I think they they covered everything okay what about um anybody from here anything that they want to ask no okay I think we can move on could we take a three minute Health Break um okay we don't sure sure we take sure we take y we'll take we'll take we'll take we'll take uh three minutes all right all right okay let's uh let's get back to the uh to the task at hand hold on hold on hold on that's a whole thing okay everybody settled down ready to go for the record everyone who was on the board prior to the break is has return to the day thank you all right my my could be Final witness depending on if you decide you need planning testimony or not uh this is not the planner this is uh Sam Sunny carry uh if I have him sworn he'll tell you who he is and what his relationship is to the application you affirm any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes and just state your name for the record Sunny Cary s o n n y c a y r e okay and uh your relationship to the applicant uh we are the contract uh purchaser you're a principal in the entity purchaser correct principal in the entity all right thank you all right so Sunny obviously this was your vision and it sounds like Mr Beal is aware of this Vision yeah um and it sounds like he might be happy that it's coming to uh it's coming to Ocean Township so why don't you give the board some background as to what the vision is for this location recognizing that there is a car club with with a social element across the street that isn't what this is we do so I prepared something to read to the board um and then after that we could address any questions um good evening my name is sunny KY and I'm a principal of BC Briel LLC which is the contract purchaser of the subject property we hope to develop Corsa a private high-end self- storage complex that will comprise of 16 four sale private storage units so unlike larger Self Storage fac facilities you might be familiar with offering small units to a large number of people for monthly rental we are proposing larger units for sale to a small number of users who are high net worth individuals who have Collectibles that they prefer to keep in a highly secure area outside of their homes we hope to deliver simple yet aesthetically beautiful units which will feature roughly 1,000 square ft of ground level storage space primarily intended for cars and or motorcycles and a mezanine space geared towards the storage of art wine and other Collectibles the units will be accessed via a two-way interior Central Drive aisle that runs parallel to breal Avenue down the spine of the structure eliminating the need for individual exterior facing doors for each unit and substantially reducing the activity visible from the street deliveries to the building for art wine antiques or similar Collectibles will be made using box trucks or smaller vehicles that will park in a parking spot in our proposed lot cars or motorcycles stored onsite site will be driven directly into the units we anticipate owners visiting the facility at a maximum once a week and foresee minimal trash generation as a result Security will be a top priority the units will be accessible to their respective owners 24 hours a day 7 days a week owners will need to provide credentials to enter the street facing gated entrance into the parking lot and will then proceed to enter into the building either through the vehicle door or the M door once inside each of the units will be access via key card held only by the owner individual units will have will have their own security systems and cameras as desired by the owners Additionally the complex itself will be well equipped with cameras and 247 monitoring by live agents from a remote facility all of our units will be individually climate controlled and Fe feature proper exhaust ventilation once the units are sold the facility will be operated and maintained by an association board formed by the owners that will be responsible for maintaining the common are as of the building and its surrounding grounds we are aware of a car club being built just across the street from our facility and are excited about the potential ways the two projects can complement one another the two projects uses though some somewhat related are drastically different while the aforementioned car club seeks to serve as a Social Hub for like-minded car enthusiasts our facility intends to be much more private in nature Corsa is designed for individuals who want to keep their high-end collectibles not just limited to cars to themselves in a secure environment ready to greet them whenever they choose to access it that's all I have prepared um I could take questions or I could speak to some of the questions that were raised why don't you speak to some of the questions that were raised first with regard to um the fact that you have these visual amenities like a porch or a yard area how that's not turning into a social area but is really just an amenity for the person visiting their Collectibles sure so we spent a lot of time planning this and we went back and forth as to what we should include in these units and the overall Vision that guided all of our design Direction in all this was we need to make this a luxury place that will justify a high sales price to whoever we're looking to sell it to that will be you know uh a complimentary environment to what they have stored inside of there so the assets that we that we think are going to be stored inside here are very high in value we wanted to make sure that the people that are buying these things you know they probably have beautiful homes within 20 minutes of this place with a garage that they could fit them in we wanted to create a really unique space that feels light that feels Airy that's super luxurious that they'd be able to store them into and so hence the creation of the porches that we have coming out in the sides of the units we felt like that added a lot to the airiness of the space and the perception of the unit being you know within a luxury facility instead of just being uh a typical industrial building where you walk into a unit and you have four white walls and they say Hey you could put your stuff here we wanted it to be a little bit more luxurious and more of an experience for each owner and then also as it relates to a bathroom in each unit if you're spending the money to purchase this unit and store your Collectibles you don't want to have to go out go downstairs and around to a common bathroom you wanted to give each unit owner the luxury of having their own private bathroom facility correct the the type of client tell that we expect to have in this facility uh would in our eyes expect to have their own private bathroom when they're visiting their asset okay so let me let me ask you let me ask a couple of things for the team here okay so give me the so they visit once a week what's the Give me the give me what you envision this scenario is and let me kind of lead you on to this is it I'm bringing five of my buddies with me and uh we're going to go look at my stuff and sit on the porch and start drinking wine and having some fun and doing that stuff like what are we like what are we doing are we check are we checking on this stuff or are we having a a good old time looking at this stuff like what are we doing it's an it's an excellent question um and one that we thought about prior to entering into contract to purchase this property we were already familiar with the car club being developed across the street um we're actually good friends with the man who's developing uh that property and what we ultimately thought was anybody who's and not judging anybody but anyone who's the type of person where you know they're looking to enter into that whole show off my assets scene and talk about exactly what I have and what I bought um and have people looking at what I have would more likely be a candidate for the building across the street park your cars there have it all be visible to the public get together with friendss there have a drink we don't anticipate to be anticipate this project to serve that use at all we really mean for this to just be a unit for a high net worth individual who's private about his stuff who has a bunch of super luxurious assets to keep them outside of his home and so if he wants on a Sunday morning to go and swap out one car for another he'll visit the facility take the car out swap it with the other and take that one for the next few days until the next day time you know that he wants to come and and change it within the unit we don't see this as a get together place where people are going to be you know especially with the things that they're that they're housing there that we don't think they're going to want people to be walking all around there and and using their private space and additionally I'm why why um why the 19 spots the 19 spots in the exterior parking lot yeah uh we figured one per unit because if you have uh these these units with without stackers let me let me just let me just let me just do a little math for you okay so you said so what you envision is somebody comes in takes the car swaps it for another car and then leaves right yeah okay that doesn't seem like it's a long process right not at all so so I guess what I'm wondering is once a week people are coming in coming out why the 19 the 19 spots I think starts making us believe that there is going to be Party Time USA right now by the way I'm not even sure if that's no that so the the In fairness and sunny I don't remember if you were in the meeting or not the number of spots was based on what we expected the concern to the board to be if we showed up and gave you one spot and said we comply with the ordinance so we maxed out the parking based on our meetings with Ben and Jim to say here's what fits here we can reduce the parking we don't need those 19 spots okay I think the other thing is I mean there's a vision they have for this building but how is that going to be enforced is there are there going to be documents condominium documents that say they cannot have parties in the units they can't have more than three people visiting a unit at a time something like that it's great to have the vision but just because you have the vision doesn't mean that's what's going to happen it's an excellent there have to be controls and you're not going to be there because you're selling all these units you're not going to be on the board and it's going to be off correct so there is so the intention is to have guidelines um versus for what one unit owner can do within the facility because obviously everyone would be impacted by for example loud noise coming from one unit constantly right or anything like that and so the condo board uh would be in charge of managing that and enforcing those so what what we're asking for that at least I think what's being asked for is some sort of restriction within the documents that you can't have Gatherings yeah because because you're using the car examp can't lease the place you can't you know like turn it social Gathering I mean but you move the cars out and you got beautiful porches and all sorts of stuff were're focusing upon cars but there's also what about the art so I set up my I have my art collection in there and then I want to show people my art collection and they so I'm going to have people come over and we're going to look at the art collection so how do we regulate that yeah and I think probably the board has to put conditions in any approval and in order to get those conditions they have to have something from you saying here's what we're going going to do so that they can say okay here's what the applicant testified to and so therefore this is a condition of the application for sure very reasonable and we we'd be happy to do that yeah yeah but I think that's something that needs to be done much more much more specific okay if if I may I'm thank you I'm for whatever reason I'm very familiar with this this concept I've sent the board a couple of YouTube videos about pretty much this exact same thing in other places with they're building the people buy bu this they're not party they're they're very they they may have private jets things like they're not those people and if they have a couple people come over to look at it it'll be Wine Not tossing back shots you know these aren't trust me they just look at the stuff I sent you I don't think that's the I don't think I don't I don't let me finish additionally I think the they won't be able to control that it'll be a condo association with 16 how many how many units 16 16 votes and they'll be able to develop their rules and procedures and policies that'll be uh commensurate with what's going in the community I I in my opinion again it's not built it's not approved but I don't I think this will be one of the few places in a town we have to worry about let me let me let me just say something let me just say something about this so first of all it's being it's in a it's in an area that's being deemed as a storage facility it's not being it's not being set up youd have to look at the video it does it the video the video is not relevant to this because it's being zoned as zoned and being committed to as a storage facility right it wasn't set up as luxury at Condominium Association right it was set up as a sto a self storage facility so if it's going to behave as a self storage facility it should behave as a self storage facility that's what I said and we're and again no but I'm just I'm just telling my fellow board member that I think he's off track on this your story I don't think is off track and I'll tell you why their best wines their best cars and their best AR is in their home right it's a multi- multi-million dollar home they're putting their extra stuff in that unit and they're not going to go have partisan with the extra stuff there that's what I too damn p and what I said we we can agree she's not they're not disagreeing I don't know why not disagree we can agree now again I don't know how many PE I know Sunny comes from a family of three boys if his father had stuff there they might have to all go help him move or take or do we can agree that you know we'll limit it to you know five people in a unit at any given time there are not going to be parties here if the board wants to impose that condition we're okay with that Mark do we even have the power to do that absolutely I think a is would be our limit no no no it's a so Mr be so again and I I usually don't Advocate the position of the board however if this were to be a social Gathering Place it would no longer be a storage unit I didn't hear that okay but what I'm saying is so it would be a different use and we would need a use variance the same way that we needed a use variance for the car club so the car club didn't come to this board and it was because of the Lounge within the car club that made it from a storage unit to a club so recognizing that we're in front of the planning board and the planning board can't give us approval for a use that isn't permitted we recognize in the event this condo board ever wants ever wants to change that they will have to go to the zoning board and get a use Vari correct so we're okay so to answer so to answer mr's question yes you have that exact power and what the condition would be is that they said five people I'm fine with that so there will have to be a clause within the bylaws just we could just deed restrict it by it'll be a condition of the approval it would be it would be a deed restriction within the bylaws of the association that they cannot have any more than five people in a unit at any one time and if they want to change that they've got to come back here and ask for that relief because that keeps it in the spirit of what's being proposed here even if you're right Mr B and that they that no one would ever do what other board members are thinking could potentially happen it safeguards everything and it keeps the use what is being proposed and not transfering seven passenger SUV parked here I can't bring my family of seven to get in that doesn't make sense G Gathering we're not talking about the cars everyone's focusing upon the cars I think the bigger concern hanging out we're talking about hanging out upstairs I agree with you guys what I'm saying is just by coincidence I Happ to be fair familiar I I I don't see any of these issues but go ahead okay but Mark can I just ask you a question as for alleviating any deed restriction I'd ask that it be able to be done by either the planning board or the zoning board because if we're going for a use variant I don't want to have to come here first that's obvious well it's not obvious it may be obvious to US 20 years from now might not be obvious so I'm just asking if it goes there to just make that clear I also want to bring up that if you have art storage some sometimes that's for selling art you store the art there so you could show it to buyers if you restrict it to Five People You you're leaving out hard advisors and other parties that might want to be involved in the sale the you're comfortable with five how many I don't think I don't think I I think I think we're getting I think please everybody stop for a second because we're really getting off track the application was for a self- storage environment right we're getting way off track we're not creating an environment that's beyond the rights of a self storage environment that's what we're not going to do because that's what it was asked for that was the application for a self- storage environment it's not our job to figure out how to create some kind of quazar so that people could do whatever they want inside of this so we're approving or not approving a self storage environment which will have some restrictions on what it is because they're presenting things that seem to be a little bit atypical Self Storage environment we can all stop with what our personal preferences are what might be what could have been we're doing a self storage environment and I can just say that having gotten a self- storage facility approved here in town and getting the car club approved here in down the self storage facility that we got approved were cubicles with no windows so it they could have imposed that to ensure it was a self stored juice but it wasn't something that the board thought of because there weren't those amenities so we understand let me just say one thing to also um if he wanted to have this be where people can have art showings and art galleries he can have an application for an art gallery if he wants to have parties he wants to do something with that other than that Self Storage he can do that as well chairman excuse me I don't know where the party thing came from I've been on the board three years I rarely speak so when I do speak I don't want be censored we it is a self storage unit if you look at what I sent you it's all storage it's the same thing it's just a concept I just want to make you sure that you understand what I'm saying I agree it's storage not a party place or any of this other stuff that I don't know where that came from and I don't know why we would limit them them five people to gather at once it makes no sense to me because you don't gather I mean legal perspective perspective you don't Gather in a self storage facility I I I disagree I'm involved I'm involved in an art consulting firm where there are always people showing artwork that's going to be sold and they go to an independent storage facility they don't want to go to someone's house they'll put it in the storage facility and they'll show it to the people who need to see it it happens all the time that's we appreciate that we don't need more than five people to look at that I don't we have I don't agree here I think you need more then we're then we will come back for an amendment to the approval if that should occur right now we're looking to get it built within the confines of your law we knew that this issue was going to come up it came up during our tech review and it you know when we looked at what we're building it doesn't look like 1800 Highway 35 which is you know Self Storage but we understand it's a New Concept we'd like to get the building built get it evolved and should the association want to expand it in some way they can either come back to this board to expand ban that or they can go to the zoning board for a use variance but we appreciate the comments and we don't disagree with you but we also recognize what the law says and I know Mark a long time and I know where this would go and if we try to Verge that way we would be right in front of the zoning board so we get it God help you with the zoning board I I have a question so say um I wanted to come to my unit and pick up my my car that's in storage would I pull into the parking lot and leave my car there and take my my other car out potentially and then is like is there anything to prevent like the parking lot from filling up and then there being nobody there and and then there's nowhere nowhere to park if somebody comes in again recognizing the types of vehicles that would be stored here and exchanged we don't anticipate people leaving their cars in the parking lot and what would prevent it would be this is going to be owner run if someone is is leaving their car there for it they're going to be told by the Association that you can't do that I don't think that that's the kind of thing that would need to be hyper regulated by the board because I think the other owners are going to be there and it's all going to be regulated by them actually and can we can we go back to this parking this idea that you don't need 19 spots can we swap out some spots for trees is that an option on the table I'm all about dropping parking minimums if you if the applicant saying that they don't need them to to our professionals do we need them well it's it's the applicants application they're they're proposing this number of parking spots um I would say that you it makes sense to have one per unit because of that exact scenario I just described if you only had one parking spot then I mean theoretically only one person could take their drop their car off and take their car at at a time I I think also Mr dilate one thing to look at is the future we hope this works out and this is the best thing ever but we're building a building and if it ever needs to be adaptively adaptively reused in the future and come back for another we just just want to make sure that we're not building a building that's going to become obsolete either fair enough so I I think this is a nice balance it's a tremendous improval improvement over the prior approval as it relates to trees I think that for a it's going to be the best lscape property and all of this industrial Zone hands down so I I understand your concern but I think you you need to look at the future I've done enough applications 30 years after a building is built saying hey we thought this you know and but this is what so I think you just want to balance that and not create a a building that will have no use in the future all right okay um I'm not really sure where we are right now um does anybody have any questions for this individual I do do you have a price projection we're looking at about $600 a foot do you have another question well there's going to be association fees but he can't he can't know what that is right now no they would have to do the proor I'm all over so anybody else anybody else Ben Jim anything you guys have Mark anything um now Mr chair I do have a planner here but recognizing that almost all of the variances we need are driven by the engineering of the site meaning I'll leave it to the board and to Jim as to whether or not planning testimony is needed or whether or not the pro Pro given by the architect and the engineer were sufficient to satisfy the variances as outlined and I'll tell you I don't need to hear from a planner to satisfy as long as the board is is comfortable I don't I don't really like to pull the rug out from under another planner he gets paid he gets paid anyway I I enjoy those evenings when I sit there and keep my mouth shut all no issues with right or left turns that on the Brio just check it anybody here want to hear from the planner no you should speak up more Mr I'm nobody nobody from the public has any comments for this individual correct a motion to close the hearing well I'll make a motion to close the hearing for the public comment and I'll make a motion to so SEC we have to make a motion be a second all favor okay I'll second closing the public hearing okay so um I guess we should now get to the point where somebody wants to make a motion here I make a motion to approve and I'll second with the with the conditions correct with the conditions right yeah and can I make a comment on this yeah that I I think that this is as far as our current ordinances are concerned I think this is self storage I think though that we should make a recommendation to our Council that they revisit our ordinances to account for similar facilities in the future okay okay good um somebody seconded so I guess we can do a roll second it Mr yes yes [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you very much you're welcome congratulations thank you okay thanks everybody have a nice night thanks for the good discussion on the board everybody send motion to adjourn oh motion to adjourn this is amazing second all in favor I clst I could just picture Kim Kardashian