##VIDEO ID:4cXW8fFW5Rg## member Gordon here member gordet not at the moment member Curr yeah member khean here alternate Lutz is out and remember Armstrong alternate Armstrong is here so at the moment if we're voting I can vote the notice requirements to the open public meeting for this meeting have been satisfied copy of the annual notice was sent to the a press and the coast are posted in town homeall fing office at Township on June 28th 2024 this meeting will be recorded and available on o YouTube channel great so we have some minutes do we not have any they anyone else need a copy of the minutes of the agenda well you know that's a good that's an interesting question and I'm I have to be honest I have not had the time to do any hunting on that however Jen we'll get to that during the meeting let let's just start with have people had a chance to read the minutes of the July 11th no no com no yes that I was yes okay I have so uh all right so um billbe you can take a look at where the the tree stuff and see if had a chance to look at and see if that represents what you said everything second P yes that is accurate okay all right so anyone who was there want to say anything about the uh I have nothing to say h I have nothing to say okay anyone care s approve these minutes I'll move Jack moving to approve the minutes as written any second oh seconded Mr Armstrong seconding all in favor say I raise your hand I okay minutes are approved noain I can okay so since this is the shade tree commission we'll start as PR agenda talking about trees so turn this over to Mr Brooks who is probably going to say more than a few words but it's okay a few words all right we Parker Avenue um you've heard me say many times about how many lurking monster trees we have in town yeah this particular one I had been on Parker Avenue to look at a tree removal permit on another property at the end of the property took care of that was on my way out and I always drive around looking up and I saw the hole in the tree where there was a branch a sucker at some point so this hole had been there a long time wasn't very big had over that was probably 11:00 in the morning and I stopped went knocked on the door no answer no cars okay I'll have to go back get these people let them know that they have a problem here approximately 2:30 in the afternoon that tree failed it broke approximately 18 ft above grade the entire head of the tree landed in the road this was the classic case of where a lurking monster goes there was no wind it was absolutely still air it broke and Jean can attest to the size of this thing because fortunately his guys came over help Public Works and got it cut up my guess would be somewhere around 6 or 8,000 PBS total it fell on that lady Tesla she was she was crying you know bad bad enough she was lucky she wasn't in well but that's a classic example of of the tree that fails with no warning and kills the guy on the bicycle who the kids walk now unfortunately we have a bunch of them around here what question sir was that a tree that had been surveyed when we did the town survey they didn't survey private property this was a private tree the best of my knowledge was not it wasn't within 10 no it was it's outside so I didn't see it I don't know I haven't seen that particular property but what i' like to ask the chairman if it's all right is when the members are driving around if they if you see one you think that doesn't look right let Norm know he'll let me know and then I've got a paper trail to go look I'm trying to do as much of it as I can in my normal driving around to look at permits um but that one things like that scare the hell out of me I know they're there it was a Black Oak um I sent you the photos of that did you think did I think I sh didn't did everybody see him didn't you get him okay this wasn't a tree that was surveyed by the it was a private property tree priv but when I was driving back up the road I noticed the lean on the tree and the entire head had grown in the sunlight which it should and it was out over the road and then when I saw the hole in it I'm like uhoh they need to be made aware of this and find out how bad the hole is can it be pruned lightened up and kept or does this thing have to come out well the tree answered the question of course I spoke to Mr Higgins who is the director of Public Works and we are working on a prioritizing plan to get a lot of these bad rightaway trees out because I think we're flipping the quarter with the chances to get a hurricane this year and I don't want them all over the place so um that kind of leads into the third thing which is we have an ongoing program where we're trying to identify it's taking time um I spoke to Mr Brown about another issue told him about Mr higginson I thought he's all in favor of it so I'm going to be able to do some of it in the next two weeks and get that out there and the other thing that's on that agenda item is that we got to have some kind of a procedure developed as to how we notify someone who is on private property that they have a hazardous tree that is a threat to the right away only I'm going to say the people that live in that house would probably if you told them they probably would not do anything I know Interlake and has in their ordinance where there's a hazardous tree like that they will be told they have to take it's in the interl ordinance correct I will look that up yeah check that out I will look that up and I will find out I'll copy it and I'll bring the appropriate section to Mr Brown and we'll find out I think a house like the one where that is I think I know where you are you know what I'm saying I think um also when we get to the community program I address how do we make this two communication how do we make it put something the website or something or educate people about the dangers maybe show a picture you know this can happen that is something do it education out that way and then have a place where people can call in if they need help maybe you can come out and say hey could you come and see or somebody come and see or who what do we do this is problem there plenty of three people in town okay who they should be calling and this this know whether or not we should have a list of U LIC Tree Experts in the area if that's necessary I'm not sure but we can certainly tell people where they where they can go to there's a list expert put that what I'm saying we can put that website put that yeah put that absolutely I should be two way where we help educate people about the dangers of this and pay attention to your property with the increased rainfall with hurricane season coming this is important and then also the other way that you mentioned is to be able to perhaps have that you have to remove this tree you see it well we want to be careful about that that's something for the attorneys I'm not going to yeah but I mean that's I think Mak notes on one thing that we should do I I saw one of the things I saw for cus last year I guess it was was and it was the third in of the ones that they've had and I can't remember which organization is but it's basically Street trees and the law is basically what it is okay and this particular one that I saw talked about three different examples where trees failed people died and as it turned out the trees one of them was a homeowner who actually had a regular program by his property you know that and being whatever and still had one of those catastropic failures another one was a town that also was maintaining their trees okay which of course we're not you know and had a catastrophic failure and then we went the court they were they weren't found liable because they were doing anything that you could do within a reasonable you know expectation but I think that the um I think we should try and get the council people to look at that I think everyone on the Shater commission maybe even the environmental commission you should see those videos at least one of them I'll try and get the uh figure out which one it was uh course I remember because I somehow I was able to determine based on either something the guy said you know there there were three videos I'm sure they were so much similar but the point is that this can happen Okay and when we when I sent out the thing I'll try and put you know we'll send some of Bill's pictures this did happen on a tree that bill even noticed didn't look right and within less than four hours after he saw just sort of noticed casually that things was in the street and you can take a picture of it didn't there was no a lot of photographs I'm talking permission and home permission what you use and what you can't so if it falls I would take a picture of it on the street that's what I did yeah I wouldn't take a picture of her car or her house unless you actually if I'm standing in the public right away I photograph the tree I do know that can you post it um as long as you're not on their property it is readily available you could look at the tree from Google Earth okay and the courts I believe but I will check to know you're right because everybody wants to any but I believe if you're you're photographing from if I'm photographing from the municipal right away and documenting a threat to that right away that if if they have a bad tree and it's going to fall on our house I can tell them hey you want to get somebody in here look at this you have a problem here but we as the town don't have any leverage to require them to address that it's only if it is going to affect Municipal property right away so forth right and I think given as said Arcane season coming and lines going down and all those kinds of things that impact everyone in the community it would be great to be able to force have some kind of me how many hurricanes we had on December 1st I'll be 100% accurate it's the end of the season shifting um when you when you write you think you were working on education does anybody have any questions about what I just I just have a suggestion that when you talk to inter you find out from what they had to do to get that put into the oran I once I read it and highlight it I go to Mr Brown ask permission to reach out for them to them I know he's going to say yes but that's the way the chain Works what do they have do they have I do not know yes I do I but I haven't read it I'm not going to guess let me read it no what I'm saying is when you when you find out what you find out let me know if you can reach out to town as a town for maybe I'll talk to the sh Tre commission yeah then I want to just make sure that everybody always apples and apples I have one other suggest when you're writing the educational piece about dangerous trees and so for please always just put the bo a little boiler plate trees are so important protecting our healthy trees you know planting trees just put the little we don't want to make trees just Enemy Number One but just put a little you know but people need to be aware of how much weight is up there yes but you know what I'm saying we don't want people to think oh we should be cutting down our no absolutely not what we want to do is show them the red flags for a hazard tree absolutely that's what I want to do with the you know in the in the spectrum of involved in now seven fatal tree incident accident investigations and I don't want to be involved anymore no I understand completely it's not just houses that get broken down oh it is not so if people are in danger that supersedes how about if the postman happens to be looking up to put mail in the mailbox isn't that a public isue I think if he's on private property he don't really have any control over I'm not 100% sure I know who to ask how would well it be the same thing if if Act of God yeah well that one that one would be an act of God right because only a guy like you or me would see that what was a water sucker where that ranch was and your eye would be drawn to it and I saw the hole I saw the C formation I saw the opening okay that's been open to weather for a long time here's things you can't that's correct there things you can't a lot of black Oaks what tons whatever whatever you put on the web you should also encourage people if they notice anything wrong call to reach out to the town for help for whatever at least have someone come and say okay yes it is a problem however it is on your property here's the RightWay here's the road width here's the distance back from the curb that's where your property starts we can do that easily what I'm saying is encourage them when they have these things that they see to let you know at least I point them in the right direction well go look look yourself well I will look I know what the situation was yeah yeah but well you are you post to number to thing call this number or is it make it easy for people to respond that's the big the biggest problem people have it's like I don't have call you're going to get me another 15 hours a week I don't want to be full no even if it's just called you know it's someone at the if it's the clerk of whoever it is they need to know who to talk to because you know they won't know who to who to connect with sure get back on time it's a Poss I know it is I know exactly what he's going to do he's going to go like this looking at me but you're right we have a problem let's find the solution how about that even if you just said call Town Hall Public Works whatever well let's we we need to have a process that but this is just bringing it up work process okay now there's one other tree that I didn't get a chance to look at myself what was that one on wh that was the one I wanted people to look at over on whale Pond Road it's a large black oak we spoke about it briefly um and 96 or something yeah um it's 92 I believe 96 96 sorry um lady's firmly convinced the trees could fall across your house I don't think so I mean the terminal growth is good I don't see any of the warning signs on the main stem of the trunk there's no fungal Fring bodies indicated the cic root system um this is tree oh yeah it's our tree without a doubt um it it's it's just a big big old black o was it was it surveyed it's an elderly lady she's concerned about was it surveyed when they did the survey I don't know if that one made the list have youever did you get an invite to to do tree keeper I don't think no I don't think I because he wouldn't have been on once that was completed so you should no but I I might have oh I I'd have to see if I had it but Patty I know did okay want to make a note for that I'll check and see what 96 well upon west side of the road and you won't have any problem finding it I mean it is on the edge of the RO and the health trade can say as well it's a it's a large black oak that has never been pruned not lying cleared but pruned and it it exhibits the kind of Deadwood you would expect to see in a large Oak of that size and the Deadwood is internal I mean not on the periphery so that tells you the root system is working because you you don't have terminal dieback but I think the ladies just scared tree which is okay I understand it's a big son of a gun who would trim it her or well if it depends on what you all decide it's a municipal Tree on Municipal property my gut feeling is that it it's decided we've got to prune it it has to go out for bid and be pruned by contract well the town's truck will not reach this well first of all right now our ordinance which I keep talking to Dave about I'm talk to him again if he either he wants to follow the ordinance or he doesn't want to follow the ordinance okay the ordinance would be that we would tell the homeowner he's got and he pays for it okay no I take it back well what the ordinance actually says is that we would get a contractor to prune it right and then we would give a bill to the homeown that's what the ordinance actually says and if the tree has to be removed if the Tre has remov says that we will remove it and build the owner or put a lean on their property people love that pay okay that's what the ordinance actually says now this goes back more than a year paddie rewrote the ordinance very well you know taking all that stuff out of it saying it's Town's responsibility to maintain the trees that are on our property all right every okay and and that the it's the same thing as why didn't they change the cost for trees for businesses that are removing trees to 750 just like the homeowners wiing it's still $350 so every hundred trees that don't come down costs us the town's TR ref fund $40,000 okay it's just shipet that's $400 we're not getting for every treat that they pay I just saw some plans they're going to pay about $25,000 $35,000 they should have been paying $75,000 but are we just looking to generate money no we we're looking for we're looking if if they have to pay more maybe they'll plant more trees too that's the idea I wanted to make the the even more because you can't get someone to put in a recent decent Siz tree for $750 it just seems to me you just you end up just trying to generate money that doesn't get used for anything no that money if you started doing no if first of all first of all we just spent we just spent say $40,000 give or take to survey a bunch of trees and we didn't even get we didn't get all the trees okay right so you had a grant for that though right we got a grant but the fact is that if we had that money coming in we could afford to have it done that that 100 trees I'm talking about was the same am got you're trying to make it higher get and and this becomes self-sufficient when all these trees we we're going to prune that are all our trees right which are going to not be cheap right the money's got to come out of somewhere the original sh Tre fund had something like $600,000 whatever it had in it okay and it's and we haven't planted a lot of trees so it's mostly been spent taking down trees on our property and so on and so forth so it's Pro the pr hav much the program could be self-sufficient we could even afford if we had a big enough program that we had and had enough money in it okay we could have someone who is a full-time employee who worries about trees instead of Bill and Steve Higgins trying to figure out how we're possibly going to get any of this done and he's got no time to spend right you know okay because he's unlimited he's getting enough permits he can't even get you know L luckily he goes off the clock to go to the bathroom he comes back on pches back not quite that b but he can't take lunch he can if he's I eat my lunch at the desk or in the car exactly can I ask a question why does a business pay half of what the residents pay said 750 for win what it's because they wanted when I first brought it up it was like we don't want to mess with that now because we're trying to get this ordinance passed that was the I met with the council one day one time me I says why why don't we why don't we make them pay the same amount and all they have to was change who was our mayor at the time Chris probably but but Margie was here at the Margie was at the meeting I'm not sure the reason short course is that development like that anything that has to have a zoning board uh board adjustment meeting and review and resolution or planning board meeting review resolution for the development those are covered under the land use act now the question is why is it only 350 because that's what it is in the land use act residential development well that's not the question question is why is that's what I have to work with sir I know no but I'm saying is why isn't it changed I try to get it changed all I had to do was change one number in the right you got to have a public meeting and all that stuff just say we're this is it change the seven to a three to a seven you got it okay I'm guessing it we've lost a million dollars since I mentioned it like it has to be mentioned again listen Maybe maybe in a council meeting a joke it's very annoying to me and when you can the amount of time I pissed away on for you know this grant business I was on the phone for an hour and 45 minutes today with the woman at DP working some crap to to the Grant in with the what they want to do and all this kind stuff it's unbelievable my next being Mr Brown I'll bring it up again I'm going to bring it up it's like ridiculous it's like who they who are they afraid of well let's solve our stuff get okay let's let's move on okay so stewardship Grant we'll talk about gr next so is there anything that you needed like a vote from us or anything on this black oak trees anything no I don't I don't bring anything up like that all I do is deliver information for you and ask you to review and then once it's reviewed right that's that's way your process is I understand so how we reviewing this has this somebody got to people need to we need to go look at the Tre has not 96 willon it's not it was not surve okay all around it was not there it's like a lot of stuff they did a lot of PK right around this we okay 96 take a look all right so okay so so anyway so the the status on the grant okay so we had a grant and we got a you know they did the survey the trees we got a report okay um how many people have actually read the report in its entirety yeah I have not okay now some of just to see what's in it because they've got a whole thing about what like Gan I you know it had a list of uh expected costs if we were going to take down trees that they had they had actually by the year how much work we should be be doing so much so i' like certainly your opinion on that and uh and now it turns out talking with talking with Pat chapella today one of things came up they called it the they called it actually the community Forest management plan but I had to change it to forestry but then she point out that technically what they gave us is not really everything that's going to be in a community forest and management plan although they're changing the rules now anyway so we don't have anything that is either okay but it's got a lot more stuff that's expected to be in the plan nowadays than we ever had you know so at some point being familiar with that is good and um maybe I'll try and get you our last I think I sent it out also our last actual Community forestry management plan that we got approved by the state was so long ago because we were due to do a new one but then they suddenly decided they're going to change everything and then Co hit so they sort of gave everyone extensions the plant good for another three years kind of a thing you know and uh but the actual next one we have to submit is going to be a plan for 2025 and even though it's for 2025 would be nice if we actually put something together somewhere early in that we could actually maybe have a plan that we try to implement like what do we want to plant and all that sort of stuff in 2025 of course as far as the state's concerned we don't have to really submit our 2025 plan until the end of 20225 which is kind of weird oh they I'll take it you know but uh but anyway so that's so I would say that's one of the things we want to get into is so that we're ready for that and the sooner we get our act together the sooner we can come up with what we're going to plant and and so on and obviously they only can go up the areas that they actually surveyed and they didn't survey the entire Township no no no that doesn't matter the only reason that the only thing that Ma would have mattered let's say we had done this fast enough that we could have applied for a planting Grant planting Grant would have to be properties that were surveyed okay but anything we want to do with our own funding and so on and so forth and get our act together you know no I understand which is what we want to do we want to we want to also find out if there any more sleeping uh duties will gr out there you know that we we should rightfully be afraid you know okay so so so that's so that's sort of where we stand now right now we're working to give give them back uh the grant could have went up to 50,000 they would have given us but they gave us about 44,000 something because the way we want to wind up working we did is a a um Services type of a contract rather than just a regular B bid we only got two bids in you know and that's what we award based on that basis which the limit you can do that on is 44,00 and then change so that's what we actually did so that being said um we're supposed to so let's say it's 44,000 we're supposed to come up with about $111,000 in in kind hours okay in-kind hours is any volunteer hours that were expended are at at a rate that there's something called independent sector that comes up the Nationwide by state for each year what a volunteer hour is valued at Okay so up for those and the other thing is the town's people it's based on salary you know someone like Donna had certain amount hours that you know was part of the little thing and Bill and Ricky G I mean whoever you know those hours will get added in okay and we come up so there's not a question of being there but it turns out that the order the government the state Auditors have come after them in a way so that they wrestling for for something that's too complicated going to cost everyone so who knows how much money so we're trying to get it minimized as best we can they want to see payroll records for like almost every hour someone since saying that show the guy was working that week and how his rate was and it's it's really you know so I was talking to her about Ricky can come up with something that if we can get a sample of one for a person you know show that that might I'm hoping to find that good enough so I don't know but that was part of why I was on the phone for you know an hour and a half so on and so forth so we actually got another an extension but not an extension of the work period because the work period ended on July 5th we got extension on following the the fin report kind of a thing which I have to get the mayor's got to go on and approve something so I put the mayor onto the website because the last mayor on there was Chris Sano you know so i' got to give him a password and so get him put him give me a break know but anyway that's what we SP with that now treee Keeper Of course um um any the you we want to we're looking at the stuff that's in treekeeper so that the and Bill's doing this the trees that are dangerous and and and have re you know reasons to believe are hazardous and those are ones we're going to work on first obviously and so on and so forth and keep moving and any trees that we plant on our property somewhere we should enter into treee keeper okay so the treee keeper uh I wouldn't say you should do it all at one moment but there's a video treekeeper video I think you got you well I'll get you in there I made a note you put you on we confirm that what's in there so um because and and actually and once we now that we've got it actually it there's a public the public will probably put on our website too people can go into treekeeper and just look at the map of trees and maybe determine what the tree is if they're not loging into the main system they can't look at any of the characteristics of the tree and you know safe and so on and so forth and all that s okay but they can see trees that they put in there okay and we definitely want to you know we didn't do we didn't do any trees except things on public property west of 35 and with with the account we we went around and made a count we came up with 3,000 trees and plus it turns out we missed out on a few trees because they were also doing an i really pick up on this they called it vacant sites but them a vacant site was a place on a property that tree could possibly be planted safely in the right of way you know then they just identify that site and so on and so forth but I would have rather but I told rather just survey trees on so so that's uh but so we're closing out the grant itself once we close out the grant then we look into the other grants and other organizations other than D that prior we have grants that might be R Us keep your eyes open have grants sustainable Jersey has had grants for various things and course I see a lot of DVP grants going to towns I think got in the tree ordinance they have they have nothing right anything garyo he said three towns have adopted State all the other Town well I think that's incorrect because I know four towns right up top there you go Mr I saw last week at the yeah well anyway now it turns out though we won't say we haven't done anything because Jean's been in touch with our local responsible person for the state who someone in free I think right is that where she is oh said Jane bill bill bill did I say Jean yeah I guess I was looking at him apparently my eyes when are you going to give me a report Bill no I spoke to our case manager very early on before this thing was do and Senor copies of the land use and the residential one for her review she had two questions I had the answer and said you guys are compliant you don't have to worry about anything I did mention what Norm mentioned earlier about kicking a rate up in the land use she said that's fine there's no problem if we do decide that as far as the state is concerned you decide that so yeah we've been ahead of the game for that and she's very easy to deal with and she's also my case manager in Red Bank so we have a little line of communication there so okay so um so what okay so now we got the trees for Colonial terrorist is next on the agenda Billy's guilty of not having gotten that to the uh president of the HOA so Billy will come in tomorrow and see if he can't get that done and I did add um your concerns uh Jack about explaining why those trees in better detail why we didn't want the Doug Furs and the norways because of all their the problems that they're seeing with them I wrote a paragraph about that rather than that just little blurp so hopefully that'll suffice and once they get it and have a a chance to review it I will work with them on see what they want to do I think C terrorists are working a a grant for that Park was they the girls the girls are working on something over there well if that's the case I don't know about that but I put the list together for them we discussed it briefly at the last meeting right and I just have been too busy to get it to them quite honestly I did reach out it's kind of weird I me think they're because the property I don't I if they try it's nice and everything it's going to be for that Park but the Park's Town property it is is the whole park but they're dealing with you know yes it is the public work yeah well that may be a little crossover from myself and Steve because I've been talking to him and the key was get getting the watering truck which we have right and that may be where the confusion especially this there's no moisture to get down 30 in below 30 30 in down there's moisture in the soil below that is bone dry yeah not surprised okay so so trying to keep moving on that because I I I suspect our plan is to try and make L for bids and at some point and get that stuff in be nice we're running out of time it's okay shry commission planning committee okay that be me so we met um and and we got Julia a bunch of good folks from public works and Patrick Sullivan from the schools and and LU and myself and basically what we we were talking about how do we make plans for you know where we want new trees to go and what do we want you know how are we doing with the township with the trees and what do we envision the future to be like and how do we achieve those goals so um there we realized pretty quickly what we don't know things we don't know that we want to know and that we can maybe overlay this information to help inform decision making going forward and in the future at in item so for instance maps of storm water in the worst areas of flooding the trees would benefit be a benefit there um areas in overburden community areas as planed by the G that are lacking trees that's a good be a priority of places that need more trees uh places um we wanted to know what the the percent what the percentage of the canopy is right now I as we said in the last in the last forestry plan you there was a goal set but we don't know where we are we don't have the data so uh Julia and people been talking trying to talk to the county trying to find out how do we get good GIS data is there a way to get it free we know we can pay for it to get it um but we're trying to find out if there's any way with County or state whatever to get you know that data of the canopy so we can put that in a new forestry plan this is where we were this is where we are now overall canopy is kind of important uh for that canopy study that we had that said that we sucked yeah that was was before sanding yes so we're so overdue so it's not now we go so far beyond suck yeah yeah so that's like a priority so that's one of the things we're trying to do is just so we can't we can't do anything till we have more information so what we're doing now is just trying to get all the information we need and gather that one of the other things we need to know is what's in this the uh sha tree fund I need I talked to you about that what's in the fund and what would our annual budget be what do we want our annual budget projected to be and how do we decide how much of that is maintenance how much of that is removal how much those are the kind of things that should be in the community forestry management yes for example each year the annual report that I do has a account for what your budget was for doing things which I always leave blank can you send me oh you always leave it blank you leave it blank I leave what's our budget blank because we don't have a budget then I fill in how much the town I get from Public Works how much they spent on various things or from from us so we want so it's not like we have a budget for planting trees right right so that columns almost blank you know and then the next column is what we actually planted I get that from people planted plant some trees some something like on the golf course and so on and so forth but as you know we're supposed to submit to the council to the town by November or whatever what the budget is going to be and we're supposed to be proactive in determining what we're going to be spending and what we're going to be spending at all on so I mean that's part of this process sort of figure out how to you know get see over the years it became a question of who's doing it Bill's a a part-time guy who can barely keep up with he can't keep up with the work that he gets in fresh work he gets PA right okay Public Works doesn't have anybody that knows anything about dreams right so this is hot this is we're talking big altitude here we're not talking about this tree this tree here here here and this is why Public Works is in the room when we're doing this overall what is our yearly budget going to be and then what percentages for instance do we want to have that be we project that being made budget related to trees is zero in my op right but that's not what the shade tree now we start though that this community should look at the that plan that by the way technically according to the DP what they they put out is not really a commun car imagine call it like that but they do have more stuff in there that's like what we're going to have was they do have estimates in there P right they had in there they had list of how much they expected would be spent that's why G like read I've read the guidelines you you've seen you've got the report right that's what we're working on trying to get all the information we need so that we can make these kinds of decision one of things I like what how much is in the fund and what happen we spent over the years and just have that Bas of information and then what we project answer those question you have a copy of that that report from them right the the report from D Resource Group they they're plan I think you did get that something sent so would would Dave have that who knows like what we spent last year actually changed actually I've changed Donna did we send everyone the last that last plan that we put together and we got back from them what year what what plan that thing from Davey the one that you worked on changing some of the text on it soone and so forth how long ago it was month ago that's that thing that was in it was that thing that was in U you know PDF type of form and you had to get in there with that you came and we went over it and we changed the certain words in there that report now she changed the page on it okay I I'll see if if I didn't I'll send it right away to you we'll send it there yeah I don't know if I have that saved to my computer and that has all that has projected costs for what they think cost but I didn't recall it having any financials on what's in our fund what we spent over the years no no no no they don't have any of that just just clarifying just making sure okay what I'm saying is they that's that's what you're talking about what is our budget what going to what budget should we have right that's information they're identifying things that they think should be the budget how much they don't have tree planting as part of that as I call it's just maintenance no that was one of the things I I cut there was something that would theoretically give us a sort of a planting plan but that was mostly going to be related to these blank sites that I told to stop getting yeah so that and uh and and spend the money on surveying trees I mean so one of the way things the ultimate when we determine where I mean if we had unlimited funds we plant whatever we want but um what we have to decide we want to Overlay a bunch of these Maps like it's like a V diagram where's the best place to put a tree where's FL the most where would trees perhaps help where would they be a problem where would they help uh prevent flooding where there are areas where the tree canopy is is very low and people need more shade or more ways to moderate heat just all different kinds of things so you could sort of overlay all this information and say yeah this is an area that's really really need trees it's it's you know this is an area that you know it's got a lot already and we're not so desperate to put it there so it's just and then of course there's so that's just like the basic information and then we H to engage more of the public we hope to find someone from um you know the uh one of the D designated over bur Community areas to actually be on the committee so we're not speaking for people can weigh in on their own communities so we we're we're trying to find someone is there a list of items that we take in this budget like some of the things you just don't we don't I don't have a budget you don't have anything like a can you create a budget line but you know everything that this committee will create will come here for approval and not this the shade tree is over this committee so what we're just doing now is just gathering information and then we'll come here with recommendations and discuss it it'll be so much for tree planning so much for this so much for that no the budget piece that's a that I mean the percentage we can we can um suggest percentages uh but uh the actual cost for doing those things that'll be public work works and other people take that this is just going to be like we have X amount of dollars Dave's report says it costs this much to do this we use that as sort of information for maintenance removal and then do we have anything left to plant and just trying to come up with what we think would be a good balance of planting new trees removing old trees let me just try to create aess I've got my own Theory okay okay I think the tracery fund which is being collected to plant trees should be able we use to plant trees and I think the town should have a separate budget for maintenance of trees under Public Works which is not related to the shade tree but is that how it works now that's that's not how it works because nobody gives a rent yes put that in why not use the sh fund for maintenance I mean there's a whole lot of money in there is there that's what I would there is a lot of money but that's what it's that's all has been used for you know but it's never used if you wanted to plant if you wanted to plant 500 trees okay 500 trees okay and you're going to have a little guarantee on each tree that would cost $500,000,000 okay that's you're probably not GNA do that's more than that's no but that's 500 trees okay that's not like we're talking about a million trees right 500 trees that's more than we have in the shade Tre font and meanwhile we probably we may have 500 trees we've got more than 500 trees that we need to prune right that's more than a shade tree F absolutely you know over the roads I don't know who's responsible for over the roads but no that's my point drive so we need to have we need to have some separate kind of budget to do maintenance in my opion yes course then otherwise because you can't do the maintenance with the whole shade tree fund and then we don't plant any trees do these budget lines get submitted to the township to be added to their budget each year they would if you establish no what we need is we need to have some discussions about it but to me a lot of money with so I think this is highlighting an issue that's the problem is part of the solution so I mean if this committee say it's like look we've got this amount of money this is only enough to do this and this this is a problem then that's something that can be addressed that you find out how much you really need how much you're able to do right and the difference is or the combination of those two things or whatever becomes the budget that's the plan yeah but but I said the committee is can only make recommendations to this body and this body can only make recommendations to the town what do you think can I ask you a question what do you think a reasonable tree budget for maintenance for this Township would be I have noide idea I I don't know could hundreds if you really but you need to go long term you can't go there you this is what's the first thing you addressed well I there you go that's what we're trying to do yeah no absolutely my guess is in here Regional but the reasonable operating budget for your shade tree right line item is probably going to end up being in a neighborhood of $50,000 a year probably and you send that out for for the most haard Tre no you can operate with 50 once we get these hazardous trees under control now that seems really low to me no this is a trimming budget you can trim a lot of tre you because you don't right now it goes out peace meal okay got six trees it goes out for bid jeans one of the I think it's more more it could be 100 Grand when something happens or somebody calls yes that that is true but right that's why we're doing this Hazard thing and we're going to prioritize them let me let me let me add this okay let's assume it was 100,000 okay so that would be $4 ahead for the population of ocean well you're going to try and use some of the the money that we take in right no but other stuff no the money that we take in yeah could be used but I'm just pointing out if we had it if we called it $100,000 the town's got about 25,000 people that I'm way short okay just saying but that would be that would be $100,000 would be basically $4 ahead so what's the best way to find out wonder how many home how many homes are there in town because that's that's exactly might be10 it might raise everyone's taxes $10 we're going to have to ask people who know we don't know those numbers I mean Steve Higgins is on there that's something I can well you can find out the number of properties that's I'm just saying I'm just I'm just saying but I suspect it could be a new order $100,000 could be the order of uh you know I don't know I don't know how many homes there are I'm guessing it's since there 5,000 homes right $100,000 would be $20 a house a year and I think if the people of the Town became aware of that and even it became a what do you call it a referendum type thing I think we P wouldn't get the job done thank you it be a start though, now we're not doing anything and that's my point that's my question what should that list of things that we want to do be that's mainenance trimming whatever these things are I'm not I can go back and look at my reference for the 20 years I did it for Rumson and I can kind of give you an idea a list of 10 15 whatever it is items what we broke out and I'll take a I know about how much we did yearly and put a percentage on okay removals was this much pork burning was this much and then you name the things that we need to anything anything you can send me like really of things that you got to cover to you work that out okay you send me the information so we just got a couple more things we have five minutes before Ed you know starts to go here okay all right so okay now cus we should have it covered I have to get to Diane surmont and get her data to get it in so we're good on that but that doesn't mean that I'll try and keep I get these things in some of these places but these things not not for cus only they good for CE some of these things but they're actually just good education you know you know some especially backyard forestry and all those things they've got some interesting stuff try to around L on that the sh Federation conference at which they're going to have po training theoretically although I haven't seen say that again your wishes my command sir there you go okay wow ex uhhuh you set me up on that okay yes I did I had put it this way Bill anything that makes you look good I'm all for no that's not possible this is this is for you to mess with that is the total package for the entire thing this is the core training okay that's all core training okay so the core training would be if you do the court training it's a day it's a whole day it will pass these out yeah a whole day October 17th okay so if you can make it and you want to do it you know we've got time it's October so we but don't don't forget about it we you know we've got a budget we you know we'll fund it I'm sure you know and I am ask Mr Brown I am going to ask Mr Brown okay sounds good you you must have had for training you just go to the things yeah no I'm because I want to go make speak with some of the people that will help P because they'll be there yeah no it sounds good anyone else who thinks they may want to go it's two different days in uh ltic city right yes Harris Harris okay so and I don't have I don't have the figures the figures here what it is that's the one that we give members the most information and bang for their would you like copy that as well what's the Fe what's the yeah that's good one of these I didn't know what you want to do Ed and can talk to people 1 the core training is on the 17 conference is a two-day train they probably announced they probably announced what the costs are for everything but I don't know what it is I don't care and some people drive down there they they had a whole thing about if you wanted to stay in the hotel no I want to drive and I want to drive out back my own yeah I think that's a good choice okay and okay so community outreach I'm not sure what we're doing however now that we've had a discussions I think we need to tell the community various things about what we trying to do and so on and so forth so one one anything you think we want to tell them maybe put on the website you know for example the this the access to treekeeper and uh and someone you know the little bit they least see what the survey look like basically in line with that I spoke to Tracy about some of this um she said if we put something together they' get it out in the fall newsletter that'd be great course so we we don't have a hell of a lot of time but we do have some some time right so I'll scribble some thoughts up and get them to you and you throw them send them to you know well I'm going to get him the norm and he'll get them to you and I think I want to send out two things I want to send out I want to send out thanks to everybody I've got to send out I want to send out the the plan that we got you know make sure we got three people access um the tree ordinance there were tree ordinance you know state tree ordinance uh webinars there were La that that people could grow we and U and even I'm going to do the law all right anyone else have anything um I think you should consider the coaster as a as an audience as a helper to get Communications out they have a lot of stuff on Ocean Township that's a really good idea people read it it's actually for a little tiny rag it's pretty good yeah it always surprises me I have to guess what you and and can you just see see everybody bill when you when you send I will send it to you I'll send it I'll send it to Norm because I gotta I gotta do what I've been told so I'll send it to nor the stuff that pertains to your committee directly I'll make sure I can do do that otherwise it'll go Norm to you but normal a normal send it sounds good it the coaster is distributed all the township some places it's free like restaurants do that be nice one more thing NJ you CF sent out an email today that indicated the T-Mobile will be is giving grants for towns that have 50,000 a population of 50,000 or less so if we qualify it's something to look into these are T-Mobile Hometown grants and therefore public space improvements for Trails also for technology improvements in library Aries so I think it might be interesting to look into uh but initially we have to I don't know what our population is but if it's less than 50,000 to qualify thank you so so where did you see where did you see this uh there was an email sent today um after 12:00 between 12 and 1 you mean an inail sent to you yeah because uh I took the uh training the NJ UCF training some on their mailing list okay maybe I got one too but maybe would you send that to Patty uh to I mean to uh Donna to to share with uh the Shay tree and environmental commissions and maybe even the May mayor and Council and the township manager and whatever yes I mean there there are a lot of requirements but the first one is is our town smaller than 50,000 yeah that's definitely us okay so we've gone past Ed hasn't started screaming yet that means he probably was asleep so he's awake now I can see so anyone want to end this meeting I I I move to a Jour move to a Jour I second J second did a t takeing tonight all in favor say I hi I and bye take care motion thanks some tomorrow we get a chance take yep good night good night well like