##VIDEO ID:x3Y2fjWVsSY## okay we'll call to order the shry commission of the T devotion meeting for September the 5th 2024 we'll start with a roll call chairman Colton is here Gordon here here Cur here rheim here alternate Lutz here and Alternate here this must be a record yeah must be September building's probably going to implode any moment notice requirements of the open public meeting La for this meeting have been satisfied copy of the annual notice was sent to as par press and the coasted posted in town hall and filed in the office of the Township Clerk on June 28th 2024 this meeting will recorded and ailable on Ocean T's YouTube channel um okay so we have as a first of business the minutes of the meeting of August 1st 2024 have people had a chance to review minutes yes okay are there any coms on the minutes okay want to approve or disapprove these minutes um I'll make motion to approve okay motion to approve any second I will second this is motion okay motion Gordon second all in favor say I raise a hand make some other noise I Jack C says I I wasn't here so Steve you can are you to okay so you he abstained but we want to call on an not we have enough to pass the minute anyway there four members so the minutes are passed okay so I was hoping that um Bill Brooks would be here tonight and he's he's involved with some kind of thing he's on vacation he's on vacation this week I talk okay wa a minute he thought he actually be here the other day but he didn't make okay so we'll talk about what some of these things are the um barberan uh trees there are three uh trees on GAR think you said there that are in the right of way but I would looked at them they all had some kind of things wrong with them and so and so forth but that doesn't mean they necessarily come down right away we not okay Bill mentioned and I was hoping he would go into that further that there is the biggest and largest of them big the largest Rundy there but may but anyway that particular tree is supposedly in the way of some kind of necessary sewer work okay and did anyone get a chance to go and look at them at all yeah okay so U so I'm not sure what the timetable I sent them a message back when he told me he wasn't going to be making it um as to what the Tim table timeline is for this other guy but I don't know what it is so for now I think we I don't think we uh I'm what Bill's recommendation is totally for these trees and I'm not sure what the application required requested they request only one tree be removed they request all three I just knew if they they were there I took pictures so we can check them out this until next month so I think we'll table it now if something's urgent we may have to do something special but I for now I would say yeah I can't we don't have enough information to decide but we were even improve might be improving and this wasn't an area that was survey I didn't check cross check this wasn't an area I didn't get a chance to do that okay I mean I would just say if there's anything that's imminently imminently dangerous and hazardous and you know I don't think it's that but all of them have open rules yeah I saw that it's some are State you could I have no way of noise just looking at them I mean I'm you know what what's uh to drive by but I can see they've got some holes and things but I don't know that if they're stable or if they're IM imminent you know danger I meant true myself they didn't look like they were part of the major thing because a lot of them were some of them even on a small thing been cut off and I was doing that but what what's like inside the tree so my point being which I didn't Express clearly is that if when Bill gets back vacation which is before our next meeting that one of them is in imminent danger of falling and severely hazardous that should take it should be taken down he saw them he saw them and I don't think that's the case or else he wouldn't be talking about the application and with you know home Poss be taking them down which is what rules sort of are now even though it says we're supposed to take them down you know as we all know the ordinance which I every time I mentioned B he says they're theoretically working on but I'm try better than uh you know better information than that so we have the procedure to address private property trees threatening the public right did I did I leave that oh so the second item procedure to address private property tree threatening public right of way was this something someone else put in no you did I'm not sure what it I'm not sure what that even means because uh private property tree threatening the public right of way I guess that was just for Bill to talk about yes but he's not here but we do know that there was prob there's a tree right around the corner practic you know that he saw looked pretty bad no one was home blah blah blah it was going to get to the homeowner when he could and the the mighty wind blew and thing came down in the middle of the street right landed on a car luckily no people were involved so I'm not sure that that that's not shade tree commission thing but it's worth having a discussion on that because they're not our trees but something um in our tree ordinance you know we have all kind of things about people want to take down trees but we don't have think about telling people they must do something with the Ser things are Hazard but this is taken care of in the ordinance because it talks about emergency procedures no this is this is preemptive right well this is but this isn't necessarily we don't know what the situation is okay and it doesn't say and it talks about emergency trees but it doesn't say that the township shall tell the person to take it down and they have so much time to take it down we don't have an actual procedure that I of telling someone you've got to take that tree down I I accepted that inter Len does have something in their ordinance right you got a dead bill sent Bill gave us the did everyone get a copy of the can some make an ordinance okay I've got one here I haven't had a chance to fully read it myself to be honest with you even though he gave it to me a week or so ago okay but the he said there a lot of good things there are a lot of good things in the inter ordin so here's what I'm going to do but you found out you found that part no I didn't get a chance Ian I and I want to look at I want us also to expand to expand looking at aspes with ASP is doing in aspy ordinances because Inter is so tiny and it's like it's kind of like comparing I think a much more similar town is asy Park but they're a lot more involved it's more a question it's a more question of the things that they've time it's more the kind of things that they've taken into consideration I'm not saying not to look at yeah look typical fashion I think I gra having looked at many many ordinances it doesn't matter about the size of the town do here we do I don't have it with me but I have a copy of the internets okay and and my computer my main computer sort of dro that and I just got a new one so Tred to PR you Donna if I bring it in tomorrow we can run it through the machine and you know scan it in yeah right and you know we'll send it out to everybody to take a look at and as you as you come up with some thoughts share them with everyone you know so that we don't have to wait we won't wait Mon and so on and so forth but you mentioned similar you know that you've seen and I know Bill said there was some things worth thinking about then we have the ongoing Hazard tree program I think it's mentioning that they have been doing work based on a combination of things that were noted in the tree survey and other things that have been detected uh and the town is apparently doing some work take removing some of these trees that are in no right of way I don't think anything has happened I know I know we talk about it every month but I can't say but they haven't hav't done yet okay but I know there were several trees of that nature that are worthy of coming down before there's a problem okay so Lo Logan by the school there they ought to get that big dead Oak down before somebody gets killed CU that tree is really bad I've mentioned that one before the bill just south of the uh school that the town bought very large Oak and I've seen it after stor Big H of wood side on the side of the road that same that's the West Side same yeah uh yes correct could you explain to me my process if there's a tree it's been shown to be a hazardous tree in the survey we know it's a hazardous tree like this one you've mentioned it Bill knows it's a hazard what is the process that for the public works go do it just still have to okay and then the Public Works do it what's the actual I mean it seems normally if somebody calls Steve the head of the road department he he tends to set stuff up but other than that I don't think anything I'm not sure what the you got to remember that even though there are trees legally that that there someone else's responsibility okay and it's an emergency I'm not sure whether we was first of all it already says in the ordiance that we supposed to take things down and charge the person today no I understand I'm just wonder what the process but I don't see that anything has been done with that list where we anybody has come around and said oh you know this one really needs to go nothing's been done as far as that yeah I mean there are trees that are on public that are on that are on our land I'm just wondering what's the process let's assume the trees on our land what's the process for this for you know from saying they should come down I from Talking bill I thought they were doing some stuff but I don't you say they haven't then I don't know the answer I mean most of the ones did somebody calls yeah somebody's called it in someone has to be in charge to pull the trigger and say go over there and cut that tree down is that Steve or is it Bill tell Steve we know right I just want to know so I'm G say Steve doesn't have the list and he's not going around looking but if somebody sounds like there's nobody going around correct so somebody if you were say oh hey this tree here really got to go you he would address it he would address Township have the means to take these trees down or does the township just f it out to tree surfac farm out the bigger on we do now have a bucket truck that's not a giant no they can do smaller ones but they can still do some amount of work okay now where it help what type of training people have or whether they that's another that nature we don't want to have we don't certainly want to have an accident same training as somebody certified that's so we don't we're not process right most of most of it is but the other question is who pays for it where where does the money come from is out of the township funds or is it out of the tree budget for the last few years now over the last few years it's always it's all been the sh Tre fund so is fund supposedly PL trees is being used to take trees down in well there right there's two aspects right one is maintenance of trees without even taking them down right those all those trees that we put in on reading pan and some of the surrounding streets over there not read say that because I go to p and well those gando trees were down and we went around and we wound up doing a planting of Legacy sugar Maples on those two streets and a few of the side streets back in there in that section I counted it one time before we started I think there were about 111 trees that were part of that planting that and those trees over the years since they've been there course there was no maintenance done on them they what is affectionately referred to as a road hazard okay they hit the the school bus bump into them trucks bump into them it's we did we did a very good job of planting trees that we didn't maintain there's a lot of areas like that process there's a lot of are I'm saying but I'm saying correct but we need to have a process and I've mentioned many times and I guess haven't been uh gone around enough times I mentioned it today and a few other people but it matter that we need to have a forest 3 line in the budget for DPW and not the shade tree fund there should be something for example right now if say let's assume we charge someone it's your tree he happens to be unlucky enough to have a giant tree in front of his house right and it's going to cost let pick a big number two $33,000 two $3,000 to take it down that's a big burden on him okay whereas if there was a sh if the F that was going to worry about these things it's go to town everybody in town would pay for it so there's two if there was if there were only 2,000 homes in town which there's more than that if there only 2,000 homes in town it would cost every home a dollar to get that tree out off the street be you know make everyone safe okay so that's what we should be doing in my and I think I'm just going to have to you know I I say when I get my act together but I can't wait that long you know to get out there we have to you know get people in the council and everything else and we have to make an appointment or something and when we get to the sh the shet tree planning committee I want to talk about this more because that's something that's really clear to me that what's what we need to help put in place so that we have a clear functioning smoothly functioning process you're talk about that one development though that's an area where the town could do that themselves with their smaller truck and there's a lot of areas like that that need just trimming yeah I mean I can't drive my truck around yeah right yeah one of the things I saw during one's continuing education unit things that I watched you so don't they showed a tree looked like a pretty reasonable tree you know maybe it was 16 feet tall you know 18 ft you know branches on it no been planted was a 3 in tree now or 4 in whatever it was and the guy's comment was that what when the trees mature as it was trees mature none of the S not a single Branch I I'm looking at on that tree today will be on the tree that whole thing will grown and have been limed up above its entire height now okay and that's sort of what's happened now we planted those things but we didn't we never them up I mean Hank was able to Lim up most of those trees in the business area Luco and limed them up and then they do very well I hate to say all the sidewalks push they spent a lot of money we have a town that's Bas somebody didn't do their inspections we have a town the way it's set up with the sidewalks and everything else it's basically not amenable to the street trees not very you know there's one place on the West Side deal Road West of bound Road you go in because I was there with I think it was must have been Hank one time but there's whoever built these few houses three or four houses there the sidewalk is like SE six to 8 feet from the curb just for about three houses perfect for Street treeses you know in that's kind of a situation but that's but but you got to have it that like that and and that and that obviously the sidewalk is is not even in the sounds right away sure but that's the problem that's the problem okay personally I think if you had the sidewalks right up to next to the curb forget the forget the space you gain that space on the inside and you can plant stuff you know and maybe yeah okay so um so we need we need to figure those kind of things out okay now second one that left on here was trees for Colonial Terrors I mean where are we with that I'm not I have I haven't been involved with it I thought bill was not sure who was involved stud list and I thought he had a list with those people so we need to talk to two mil I thought he was gonna he put together list he was to deliver yeah so we can't we have to table this or reach out I mean it seems running out of time and this is all next month we want to get in the ground right who want well yeah who wants to volunteer to communicate with the colonial terrorist people put the bill and the colonial terrorist people and see what we can do but there's still time to plant this SE this full season yeah fact it's a little early right now if you want to be especially considering it's not going to rain again till 2828 or something like that supposed to rain again Sly yeah sure yeah we're supposed to rain this last weekend too Frid I looked at the thing oh we're going to have rain it did somebody step up doing a bunch ad meit I was walking and I felt a few spritzes I said oh maybe it's actually going to rain but no can anybody volunteer I didn't hear anybody it's just a phone call Laura a phone call call the [Music] bill all right you need you need some names and numbers yes I will do you have that do you need Dave Brown in on this conversation I think he's got to be on a few of conversations not necessarily this particular one I am taking notes Kelly Terry's here oh hi Kelly Kelly I mean we we approved it Dave knows about it he wanted to know the details Bill's got to get the details today eventually when the check get you know cut metaphorically or physically uh Dave approves it with I guess Richard guards Finance whoever the finance manager is they approve it and then it comes out of the sh Tre I'm not sure I mean they've been using the Sha Tre fund I'm not sure what the actual process they that's supposedly Dave I've SP Dave when you read it explained it to me they approve it final approval and it happen I think was was left so who's the they that gives the fun Richard and okay I believe it's Richard all right that's good oh so so since we're talking about this Kelly yes one of the things that that I don't that I think is a shortfall and maybe I'm going to try and get to the council meeting one of these days but the problem is that we don't really have a process for doing tree work that's budgeted in in the town Public Works has a budget but they don't necessarily have a line for tree work um they got a truck now they could go prune some small trees but if they're if we're really going to do that with Public Works people there's got to have to do some training you know so that they don't harm themselves or anybody else and stuff like that so I think it should be something and I'm not sure how big it should be but some form of Forestry budget now the community forestry management plan we that came as a product uh it's more of a I found that it's really not exactly a full community forestry management plan per se but it's a plan that included some estimates for tree work based on what they've observed so far with our somewhat incomplete tree survey that we had done since we only had so much funding to use um that stuff did identify expected costs for pruning and removal of trees on an annual basis and someone so forth and those are the kind of figures that rather than be planning on taking it out of the shade tree fund should be some part and parcel of the uh you know the Public Works budget so I me I mean I'll get off that soap box but but at least you're here to hear it and you know we need we do need to get together and sit down and talk about what kind of things might possibly Happ okay so if I understand you're looking for a procedural document on engaging DPW for tree removal whether it's public or private and you're looking for a budgetary document to outline anticipated costs for those types of removals and then to put that as a line item into the Township's budget as opposed to the shade tree commission budget correct the reason the public or private part is something we have to uh work out the one the part that was priv Private type stuff that we were concerned about was if there are hazardous trees that are found to be on private property what's a what what is their actual procedure to see that those get taken care of the uh the the tree survey that we had that was identifying for all the trees that were surveyed and any additional trees that we want to get to were all on public land okay so we don't so when we look at were hazardous or not hazardous what kind of shape they're in as we survey them we still in basically only surveying public uh property okay I have one follow on question to that can I get a copy of the results of that survey for the trees that are on public and as far as those that are on private we need an ordinance to address how that's going to be handled and who assumes that cost even though it's a public Hazard and it's on private property well well then that's just something that we need to address independently of all the other I think you said they had to do an ordinance right you have to do an ordinance to have something I'm sure we're going to have to push something out to the public and ratify it and I would imagine an ordinance would do that but I think we need to understand all the ramifications because I anticipate push back if it's a public safety hazard they're probably gonna want us to pay for it yeah there're also there was one of the things I saw and I think there's a series of three of them that are probably kind of redundant a bit there were these for continuing education units there was some stuff about some the it's kind of like Street trees in the law kind of a thing and it deals with the they talked about had some cases that they did where some people someone in the street was killed by a tree that fell okay and then it becomes people Sue and it becomes a case of whether or not it was something that you couldn't have known that tree was going to fall because you we're regularly pruning trees and stuff but sometimes they still ride out from the inside there's no way to detect that you know until some something happens to the tree and so on and so forth but those are the kind of things that we want to have we should have a program to do the best we can to prevent an episode where something like that can happen and then there's private property issues too for homeowners it's be the same kind of a situation one of the examples they had was a homeowner who actually was pruning his tree like crazy and still happen so on and so forth right now it's not a common thing in the township sure okay I'm tracking thank you would it be worthwhile to sit down with Steve pins and try to figure out he thinks he would spend on some tree maintenance yeah I think I think I want to distribute the report that had a thing and that we can sit down and go over that so so you know Bill seen reported but yeah he would need to understand scope and without that list he can't develop scope for public or private just myself I'll say again I think Dave Brown needs to be part of this conversation and maybe our legal people as well yeah I'm going to start by Distributing the report you know that we have to the council and to Jim Hagen is I mean Steve Higgins and the council and Dave Brown and and uh you know Bill Brooks has seen it and and know the this second anyone can suggest I'll R distribute it um an assessment of the of the public how could we incorporate that requirement I'm sorry Kelly could you repeat yourself um I understand like the report is uh the trees in the public how can we do an assessment like to determine the magnitude of trees that are on private property that we will need to address somehow either through ordinance or what have you how can we do that yeah that's right we're going to have to sit down and round table and think about that how would we do that because I mean we have we have the ordinance on private property trees you know that can is been the prime draft draft out and so on and so forth but it mostly goes into the rules and regulations for people who are trying to take down trees whether they're healthy or not you know so the the question is how do we address and bring make raise Public's attention and Consciousness to the fact that the trees they can have on their property that are like time bombs looking waiting for a place to to go off yeah know that and as we part what they do is they basically did do some educational work and get let people know trees are hazardous if you feel you have a hazard Tree on your property contact the township and they will send um at the city and they'll send somebody out to look at the tree and so if they do that as a service if you call they will come out and look at your tree and that's I was talking to the shade commission Asbury and that's what they do now who pays for the removal of the tree is a different issue and we've talked about if it's on private if it's on you know public RightWay but it's on your land ordinance now says you got to pay for it we wa a second well right now technically the ordinance says if it's in front it's on our property it's in front of your house you pay for it the thing we think should be changed but uh but definitely if it's on someone's own property it's obviously their tree but the fact that we should possibly in order to keep this public safe have a process where we can give people assistance in evaluating the health of their trees I think that is worthy of doing I think in order to really to move this forward the first thing we need to do is establish a procedure or setup to do the inspections we've got trees out there that we know have been certified that need attention but we've got no there's no process within the committee or within the township to go out and look at that evaluate it and create a list in order to move forward because because if you got a list to move forward on you qual you quantify it you can measure it and start moving forward you've open up a can of worms but doing that in the first place because now if something does happen they can come back and say well well we already have that we already have that in the survey that shows all the Hazardous trees yes but if something happens and you haven't acted on this well exactly that's why that's why you need a process to show that you're actually being reacting to this and doing something about being proactive we haven't done that okay all right radway beach has a a certified tree expert that they'll send out to your house and evaluate your tree and he writes up a a beautiful report for it and everything and and I guess the town pays for it you see this is when people make the request yeah you you know you have a trade wor beach beach employee no I don't know who he's a certified and he'll come out be about and he writes a whole report it was quite involved I was impressed yeah I mean we need the educational component and we need Personnel yeah well that'll be a great Benchmark considering Mr Brown came from Bradley Beach so hopefully he has there you go you go and by the way he probably remembers how he did it and he could bring it over with him I don't know if it was after him okay so uh so as far as the agenda is concerned okay what's the actual item you know go to the next well no but this is good this is actually very good I had a review with theity I know many people and the commission itself have even gone through the report turns out I they call the Community Management Forest plan thought with and I said no it's farry I said let's change the far then people at D said well it's really not a farry plan it's when they called it a forest plant it probably was a little more appropriate for their thing although some a lot of the stuff they have in there is something that we've never which had included budgetary stuff for the future there nothing we ever had in any of our forestry management plans in any depth you know and it's something we're going to have to do of the next Community forestry management plan at for the official designation is going to be for 2025 and it's not really due they give you 2025 to write the 2025 plan but I'm hoping that we can get our act a little together better based on what they've given us and what our other plans were to at least get moving have the real project uh so in 2025 um we actually have a budget to do things and and move on as we're talking about today you know the r that would be that would be a goal to if we get comers that that would be pretty good you know at some point in 202 okay so the U stewardship Grant just to bring everyone a little up to dat on the stewardship Grant right we've got we got you know the survey and so on and so forth and um we we're coming up we have more than enough in kind contribution okay I'm working with Ricky Garts I'm putting some of the paperwork together what we did didn't do because included our meetings that we had and all that kind of included and covering that sort of stuff the thing that's SL going to slow down the final acceptance of all of this is they paperwork that the Auditors from the state apparently want that shows you can't just show the person they have to show some kind of what kind of payroll records but if but if Ricky comes up with payroll records they've got to be redacted if who knows how much information and so on and so right so trying to I was talking to him just yesterday he's going to be in and out for the next but get something from next week to show them and say look is this going to be adequate for us to send in something like this trying to get something like that out and see where we you know where we go with that but when that's done and we finally get the uh they say yes youve given us all the good work then we'll get the money that we paid to D Resource Group to do the survey and once it's also closed out then as far as D is concerned we could apply for additional grants if there should be something that they have that we apply but there's still other places that we apply for uh for stuff you know and we should and I think we should complete the tree survey one way or another with whatever funding we get even if it's ours but if we can get a grant that would I okay then see if the continuity forestry management plan I'll be sending that out right now I made a note to send it to through Steve Higgins and the council and Dave Brown and B Brooks the the two commissions I'll send to the sh train environmental commission members and anyone else thinks should see it I'll just let me know we'll do that okay then we have tree keeper okay now I haven't gone out of my way that Faro yet to give a great you know put it treekeeper has three levels of doing things we had a survey the lowest level which I think we should put on our website okay will allow people to go to that site there's no login required or anything like that and you'll be able to look at the the trees that were surveyed what type they are few things like that okay the next level that I've given already to the shry commission members I'd have to look and see who else but I should give it to the council members and Steve Higgins and so on and so forth is to be able to actually look at any given tree and see what the report said about its condition and so on and so forth and uh stuff of that nature and um I'm not sure if there's a third I me that may be the level at which you can also remove a tree from the survey if it's removed or if we plant trees add them into the survey okay I don't think because the last level which might maybe it's an intermediate one that's mature but the last level is where I I can tell the system to send people you know get on to the systems right so when you get on I give you somehow I don't even know what to use the temporary press is I just give the person an email address for who it is their name whatever it is and the system automatically sends an invitation for them to log on and change their password and then have you know have access at least the second level you know the level where they can look at more data and so on did they tag the trees they looked at no they did not they will have they will have you know GPS data associated with them so they're marked that way so yeah yeah they had a computer with did there had little tag I don't believe we did that but you got the G right but you can you should be able to determine which tree is which I'll tell you I went looking I was over by the library one day and I saw some trees and I said oh let's find this side the thing because I know they did the what the areas they definitely did with all the parks all the schools right Library Town Hall you know all those kind of things and in the street trees you know what we what we got to we got to you know so um so I was trying to find it you know and I still wasn't too sure that I found the tree that I thought was right where it was you know what I'm saying it didn't seem like it was that kind of I don't I don't know what happened so the tree keeper um also will get everyone uh everyone as everyone just from Curiosity I'll let you just raise your hand so that you no one will know who the guilty parties are but has everyone been actually on treekeeper to change their pass to create a password at least does any everyone remember getting an email that said they could do this okay well all those naughty boys and girls as were just to use terminology let's at least create a password so at least you can get on there if ever for some strange reason you woke up in the middle of the night say oh I really want to know something about okay all right okay Shane commission committee hi so for those of you just to remember the place sh Tre planning committee uh is made up of myself and Ken and it's got uh folks from the environmental commission and the planning planning board and uh school system the head of the science advisor science advisor for the school system as well as uh Steve Higgins um Stephen Higgins and the idea is to try to create a process for just how we make decisions on tree planning and Management in the township so that will help inform the new community forestry management plan so trying to information one of the ways they're looking at it is like a a vend diet one of the first things we did sort of look at what are the questions we need answered and what are the important components of making these decisions so we try to create like a Bend diagram of where is there the most flooding where are overburden communities that don't you know that need more trees uh where is where is there less canopy and where's there been more canopy you lost and what we realized was there is some information we do not have that we need we need a canopy assessment there hasn't been one done since before the last uh forestry management plan and I think looking at but pre- Sandy so we really need a canopy assessment we looked at um see if the county can help we haven't had any success really with that um and we know how much de would charge it's around 10 grand I'm going to call another person I know who does another group that does um canopy assessment I'll get another number try to get another price from them but we need to have that information uh so that's some of the work going on some the other work going on is Outreach to try to see if we can get some engagement or some people interested in helping work with us from the overburden communities uh and when I say overburden communities I mean d designated overburden communities in the township uh and uh see if we can get some engagement from one or two people there so that this is more inclusive process that we're doing and the other thing that I really want to look at we talked about budgets was we need to have a clue about budgets historically how much has been spent you know I wanted to reach out I'm been trying to reach out to Steve and he's been busy because he's on vacation he's back uh and talking maybe to Richard GS also historically how much have we spent on tree maintenance how much have we spent on tree removal how much have we spent on tree planning let's see historically what we're doing and get a sense of just even the proportions you know I've got I've got a little bit of some of that type of information because the the um New Jersey urban community forestry annual report requires certain information which I got from Mar saus and I got some from Steve all right so please includ included even though for some reason they they include leaf pickup and all that sort of stuff in there Som like I figured out one time we're not a tree City you know but I haven't had the time but Tree City I looked at their stuff you know you could be a tree City with no trees that you're putting in as long as you're picking up enough leaves that you're ping up more than 25 cents a person in town or 20 a dollar a person or something like that you know it's like Tree City tree shmitty you know I mean so I want to keep saying far to the trees here so let's that but in that report for example this brush pickup right that wasn't one of the things they counted right for some reason which is more like a tree type thing anyway but anyway but I can give you I can sh some of those figures from the Lis and as you know we're supposed to in by November we're supposed to you know tell the township what we think we're going to be spending on tree planting and and it included what we spent on trees also so we need information that was meaningful from the so I'm trying to gather numbers I'm trying to gather numbers and one of the numbers also so it's it's what have we spent what um can we spend how much do we spend out of sha Tre how much did this came out of Public Works and just to to be able to create budgets that have some consistency and then we can plan the next 5 10 years what we plan to be spending on tree so that that's the that's my goal to try to get some someone done okay so um right anyone else any comments on anything that PTY mentioned Okay so um then we have the shry Federation annual conference you go to that G I have been it's a little too dry for me you thinking going yeah it is AC I when is it October I just was stuff that Bill had some stuff that had a think for it I'll I'll figure how to get that too yeah get it to us yeah I am interested all right so we'll share all that information course if you want to go you know we we've got something resembling a budget send you down there you I think it's I don't know I think it might be a Thursday and Friday I'm not sure yeah Thursday yeah Saturday and uh and it's possible even that U you know the core training which is which is you you learned a lot about the state's forestry programs when you take the core training you know and uh one of the requirements to be eligible you know for stuff but there only really one Town's person you know employee of a town and one person who's in town is all they really need so we've got that covered pretty good right now was Steve Higgins the core training and Dave Brown Tak and I can remember his name any so uh but even ke for what it's worth I'll send the stuff over to the I don't know if anyone's got time but the you know it's to get into the forestry business so to speak can't hurt to know you know what the community forestry program is like the license plate the tree license plate came out of the community forry and help fund matter of fact yeah I was going to say and the money spent on those tree plates go into helping D get funding for okay um anything else um py the community outreach and stuff didn't you sent out that rain Gard Workshop no no um Faith sent that around fa she's on she's on the forgot face she's on the plan yes printed it out for everybody right next to you oh here it is okay you want another all right so apparently on Wednesday September 18th at the long bran Senior Center there's going to be a presentation of by someone from what Chris abup oh Chris abup okay this was was good copy of whatever they scanned in uh we'll be giving a uh talk on all about rain Gardens and uh at the very least maybe I think Vanna yeah let's um maybe we'll try to get this up to uh Tracy maybe she can put this do some do some publicity about this thing for anyone who's interested they can go over there and you know learn about it learn about ringor and one of the reason I think that it works cross cross Township faith I'm talking about you know to start thinking about ourselves even though we can in terms of process and budgets but we can we think about ourselves as a watershed and we are part of whale Pon water you know W shed part of you know deal Lake but whale P we are in waters we share watered with Lum Branch so you know it it's with sometimes coordinating together is very it's very important I think even will pun broke C four or five times water does not recognize our Municipal boundaries no there the deer don't okay so do anyone have anything else or the talking me I see we've got some people here who I don't know who they are this Mary an can you will you you're here at our meeting can you tell us who you are and what you were interested in uh hi just uh dropping into the meeting tonight just a citizen of wanasa okay welcome thank you okay and there's another caller who's not identified no no that's not someone else who's on the on this call you want to identify yourself you're certainly welcome to that might be me Carol Doyle I'm also a resident of wanasa can you say that again please Carol Doyle Carol doy and I'm the resident of lamasa also just joining to learn what the committee does well welcome we have a couple minutes if you all have any questions at all as much as we may or be able to answer them we'd be happy to hear them yeah if you have any you're listening in if you have any comments or thoughts you want to share with us this is a good opportunity we concerns uh no but we'll be sure to drop in again thanks thanks for having us okay GL you're here so anyone else have anything know what to do if we if we not go running into his time period I mean my meeting might actually start on time for the first time ever actually I I I think we should get a credit absolutely well I that sounds good that sounds good so I make a motion that we convene let's let's talk a little bit about that let's flesh out maybe a little bit the kind of things that we we need we need to do okay um since we're here right so I wrote down some notes right um like for example what's the order of business for this hazardous tree removal program I would like to say that I appreciate Kelly Terry being here on behalf of the council team tonight yes yes thank you thank you thank you I've been out of commission due to a medical emergency and I'm just getting back to myself so thanks for having me glad you're feeling better and glad you here I I think there needs to be a better way to identify them in a little more timely fashion than what it is right so just talking without saying this is how it's going to be okay what should what should that order be let's say what's the next step I mean what like someone's got to this somewhere there's got to be a tree okay I mean one somebody has to call it in or somebody in the shade tree or or the town when they're driving around you see something know there a tree see part of the problem is Bill Brooks is invol Right Bill Brooks is a certain amount of time yeah he only got 25 hours not give him any he's running around he's pretty much flat out so I'd rather him just do permits instead of running around for you guys so so I think we've identified this as an issue is that we need we need a tree a tree guy in a Township with more time available we need to have either he the fulltime or we need someone who can do this work you know I I curious to know for example Bradley Beach's guy right yeah they must I mean they got a guy that paying he's not you know he's not on their staff he's a private maybe see part I think one of the I gotta find out who it is I think the reason I think it all boils down to money like everything else does and that's right so why is Bill limited to 25 hour the fact that bill himself maybe Glade is limited to 25 hours think spend may spend over time I can't say but so the question is and part of that is because I guess Kelly maybe you can tell but after a certain am of time right now the person's an employee they've got all these benefits that add up to more than a person's salary sometime right so that being the case okay maybe we need if we're really going to make this work this is a set seate aside we're going to need two more one or two more bill brookses of some kind you know either that or a licensed tree expert on call right right well we don't have one that's what I'm saying right those people but they they would have to be respon like we need someone responsible to setting up a program especially for public works and whatever and what's the budget and what are we going to do and how do they do it and then those people Bill's not going to be training all these people you know but someone else could train the people for example with what they're doing and have to do you know I mean there was someone that someone mentioned it might have been bill or someone but there was there was a crane accident out by the ocean someone was a l licens whatever and someone died on a crane accident in the last few years in L there was one there was one yeah I'm saying okay because the people these are people who were on license they come into town we right right you've got this thing about the people being licensed in town they come in and they get they license you know and they they even have a license from the state but some pre pre remove some operators are going to be better operators than other people like anything else baseball you see it's l they than know this those homeowners got like a $5 million wall not having a license operator yeah well not they well one process we have put in place is we have you to be registered the town now to do tree work in town so we have gotten that yes set so that's like not that there aren't people that AR know people who are abusing it who don't do it but at least there's a there's a process in place if you're not you get right the process is in place and one of the things the town has never been really good about is enforcement or inspection we can go around town a lot of different areas is that nobody's bothered to look at and they overgrown they've got I can walk around one them master and I can show you a house houses that were rebuilt with the Bridge pole too high they're too close to the street 5 foot 5 foot fences in the front yard um they exist yeah yeah that's a tough piece that's a really hard piece from the tree workor in the town I mean I don't think Steve's looking to use his budget bar and that he doesn't have that much money to spend as it is to do start doing more work that's always been the thing that's that's why this budget needs to be increased Yeah by ability to do this work and then once this budget gets increased to do this work part of that budget has to be a person well to do some of that work re he's already got all these people working if you got separate money see his problem is you know Public Works is cut to the bone as it is so he really doesn't have a lot a lot of manpower to put anywhere right part of the budget has to be whatever but if we really we have a lot of trees in this town and we want to have more trees in this town we want to have safe trees in this town okay so and I think personally from everything I see the public will support that you know it has to be presented in such a way that you know we can get what we need and you know go forward okay I'll get okay that Soap Box soap box is getting wobbly so uh it's almost that time anybody think we've had they've had enough yes thanks for joining us I