##VIDEO ID:IA-L79sX5rE## all right before we get started I want to just remind everybody that all of our meetings will be audio and video taped and they'll be shown on the townships ocean Community channel channel 22 on Verizon bios and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor Ney here Deputy Mayor fiser here council members the Cher here kapan here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for the this meeting have been satisfied and the copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municiple clerk on December 14 2023 I'm going to switch around a little bit I'm going to start off with suit who is going to go over his Eagle Scout project and give us an update um and for those of you that are that don't know s Sev came in here and presented us with what he was going to do for his Eagle Scout project and he asked to come back and give an update so s looking forward to and you're on camera so smile so everybody can see out there in TV Land uh hello everyone um I'm St I'm back to um give you an update so on September 14th I had my e-w recycling drive and um I recently just got my results back and we collected over 8,200 lb of electronic waste so I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for all the support the town gave me and just wanted to say thank you so much for everything wow what did now where did you bring all that all the uh electronics so everything um the actual Drive was hold held at the Ocean Township pool the parking lot okay and um momth County wire uh momth computer and wire recycling okay they um they provided the transportation for the like giant crate they brought and then they brought it to the pool and back to their facility to recycle everything so you did all that coordination with them and got it together yeah okay so are there next steps that you have to do um just promoting I'm assuming promoting that you want people to continue this yeah um I was going to create like a thank you flyer and just give more information about how you can further recycle e-w um and then finish up my requirements for my act the actual project but okay so what's what's that going to consist of um that's going to consist of finishing up the workbook and getting that signed off by my troop yep and then after I finished my ego Scout requirments which I'm really really close to right I can um go into my elego Scout border review and get the rank of eag scout oh good how long you think that'll take uh hopefully in the next two months okay good and then we'll bring it back yeah then totally bring you back for that right yeah good uh let's go around the table rob you got anything want to ask on no I was there I thought it was a great job U they the the kids were F the kids excuse me the scouts were fantastic young men ton young men the parents were there supporting them so uh and the line had a line there so I can see why it was I would have never guessed 8,000 but that's F the the thing was full right yeah the trail yeah fantastic job thank you we appreciate anybody else want to ask anything else to me okay good good job man great thank you for coming in and giving us an update we appreciate it thank you so much all right thank you have a great night thank you next up we have Tim Shay our executive director of have oftion Sewer Authority come on up and thanks for coming inwhere they don't have that in TOA doow I got the hot seat so I don't know I to May won't so thanks for inviting me here this is my first U meeting with the council s this is great I started at tosa as executive director of November 2022 so it's been just about two years wow yep um so I'm really glad to that we took this opportunity and hopefully we can do this more frequently Tim where were you before you went over you oh boy uh couple different spots yeah so before I came here I worked for a uh a contract operating company theia okay uh global company based in France but um I ran their Mid-Atlantic operations so I basically go over saw um all of our contract operations from Buffalo to Pittsburgh to Baltimore right then everything to the east of that um there for about a little over seven years good deal yeah um this opportunity came up um I was their engineer I used to run the Water waste water group at tnm associates oh yeah okay okay so I was their engineer for several years back in 13415 yeah um so I knew the operation I knew people here um and when they were looking for a director the the other director was anxious to retire he was having trouble to finding a replacement so I thought it' be a great fit um so I came in and uh made some some good management changes there um so we're really uh we're kind of getting on a very nice even kill right now yep um we starting to spend Capital which hadn't been going on for a while um last year we probably spent say about2 million between collection and plant um but there were plans that had been in in the works for a while so you know I don't know that um how they were prioritized so I brought a firm in last year and didn't an evaluation of our treatment plan and we did put a 5-year plan together with priorities uh next year as you're all well aware um we're going to be um receiving a 2 uh five million um Bond through the Mars County Improvement Authority that's going to do about $2 million worth of work in the plant and then another half million dollar in the collection system uh so we're looking at what we doing in in the plant you're updating uh uh we have um so our grit system at the head of the plant um is very deteriorated we're constantly um replacing large mechanical pieces as opposed to upgrading the unit as a whole yeah um so it's more like reactive y um hasn't been touched in over 20 years y so we're going to be doing that there uh we have a a large engineered building that had no hbac control in it y um so obviously the gas is rooted out all the structure inside of there uh we're going to be rehabing that facility um and then also we have a a large chamber in the middle of the plant that distributes flows to the tanks um which is failing um and that's that's a critical very critical piece of the operation uh so we're going to be rehabing that uh piece of equipment as well so those are the three main projects in the plant as well as some security upgrades throughout the plant and then in the collection system we're going to be addressing uh sewer laterals we working with your engineer on your Paving project when you we get the streets that you're going to pay we go out we TV the the sewer Mains and if we find where we have issues we go ahead and address those prior to you going in and Paving those roads and then in addition we have um one last Pump Station that we're going to be upgrading um out of our 12 and this will be the last last one it's been they've all been upgraded now in the last 10 years then we turn around and start over but but that's way I mean what you do this upgrade this 2 and a half million uh you think we're in pretty good shape there's more to do in plant these were the top priority number one priority uh projects yeah yeah so we uh we identified total um a little over $9 million in the plant yep over the next five years okay so we're spacing that out and we're all right we're coordinating the right way I think Greg and I have spoken about the road program and the sewers were were we're working y we're working close with Greg on those things yeah I don't we don't want to go in after we don't need to go in there after we pave a road and then have to go dig it up the we know how great that is to the residence yeah so I mean yeah as long as we're we're staying up on that um have we uh camera system our our systems yes we have yeah we're out um almost every day I'd say at least four days a week okay we're out with with the camera um you know it's it's delicate equipment so fails and once it fails it's usually couple weeks right for repair but uh but we're out there um just about every day doing TV work um and just recently um through our shared service agreement uh we worked with the gis and um so the engineers that with uh the gis system have uh provided uh some software upgrades where when we now do TV it immediately goes into the gis so we can go in the gis and say where are the sub Mains that we TV in the last 30 days in the last 60 days the last year and they'll all highlight right on the GI man so that was that was a real nice upgrade we just finished that um Mid Midsummer okay so that one great um I understand that you all visited the plant had a tour several years back um more than welcome to reschedule go next and so you know and Terry right Jesse has my contact information if we want to put that together we can do that anytime day evenings it really doesn't matter we can always have someone there thank you I got a quick question for you so uh as far as capacity goes you feel like the plan is in the right spot I mean I know we've got a few developments going on Hotel coming online place you want to put it Dave what's that I'm just asking no no actually it's a very good question because years ago you know they were looking at maybe bringing Asbury in goodness right thank goodness that they go because there's not capacity to do something like that but um it's a 7 and a half million gallon B planet we average about five um when we get rain couple times the summer we're at 25 wow 25 million a day yeah that's that's and that's all you know inflow infiltration uh we're working with you right now they're being very receptive very helpful they go from 750,000 gallons a day we get a rainstorm instantly it'll go to over 2 million Gall a day 2 million 2 million yes wow wow and then just as fast drop Dr back down right but but that's how open the air system is right to rain we decent storm y so can I follow up on his question so glad we didn't do it with Asbury if we had done it when it was being proposed which was probably when we were visiting so let's go you've been on how long 5 years four years ago four years so at that time was there capacity then and just the growth of the town over the last four years has made no I I because I I looked at a study that was done and I understood that um hydraulically the plant could do it um but um process-wise there were some limitations that we were going to be pushing we were going to have to do some considerable improvements in the plan not that you couldn't do it right but there would have been some some large capital the de Road um development it's great for income it's it's great for the town um that would have probably been questionable have we done something like that if we did Asbury and then added that got it like said okay thank you thanks okay uh the only other thing I had I think that's it Tim I do want to say um we are going to hold rates again next year no rate increase nice we've got a 5year finance plan going through it with the board now um I don't know that we'll be able to hold that for five years but so even with the bond that you're issuing that was Bond y the bond is not going to require us to uh raise rates is that because you're coming off Bond are you no it's because uh we made some process changes this year at that significantly reduced some of the costs oh well okay so may I ask one question M what what right now I mean you've been there two years you've got a bond ordinance you got the goals for the next 5 years you got 2 and a half million coming you got the three main points that you brought up what is your biggest challenge right now biggest challenge right now is I'm going to say two things getting deal okay to fulfill their commitment um for reducing their flows because it really upsets our process how do we do that how do we do that well we're meeting regularly monthly with the uh acting administrator over now they're already started taking action on on two steps they actually hired um our engineer to look at some improvements that are plant they have some issues with bags that are very problematic for us so they have their engine or our engineer looking at how that can be resolved okay but they're Contracting it so they they're they're making some commitments so I feel good about it good I know it's it's what's their target you said 750 was what they were doing they'd go up to 2 million what is their target 750 is their contract and then they pay a penalty for any any gallonage per day over that okay um but that penalty so 2 million is good for us J Jing J it I got it it joke Sor we have a very long contract with them the penalty really isn't substantial it's not substantial enough to doesn't cover that over what we're going to make we're going to keep 750 it's not they don't feel that pain enough okay so so back to the question sorry so 750 is the target where are they hovering around that we need to get them back to 750 oh they're they're they're at 750 until they get rain issues so the rain's 2 million okay so it's storm water making these improvements but it sounds like they have infiltration issues very very much that's the problem okay they have over there they have their roof leaders from their homes tied to the sewer system so when it rains com out the roof and go right in whatever's on the roof and that that was to relieve flooding mhm so there's a whole you know we're going to be talking about we have a uh Tim we're we're going to be meeting with the deal administrator as well as our engineer and their engineer about flooding uh mitigation and looking for some federal grants we've already talked to Greg about looking for some way that we can get the water out you know get it out of the town get it out of their town and so it's a it's a problem all over I mean but you know yeah you know there there is um storm waterer utilities are something that can do these days right yeah and it's certainly a good way to um fund and I didn't even tell him to say this just say my prior my prior Dave eyeballs a lot of time in Pennsylvania there's a lot of utilities from Utilities in it brings in money right steady money brings in money well it it brings in money that they're already paying you know so it's just it diverts but that's but it gets it gets focused on the problem right that's that's the difference what was the I'm sorry mayor what was the second tax deal was one was two oh yeah okay second one is um I think we're we're pretty good but Staffing is always very challenging part it's only going to get worse oh I know yeah but we were able to bring in some uh some good management since I got there I I will say you have a and not because we put them on but there you have a Great Commission board too oh absolutely I me I think you have probably one of the best uh group of people over there you're absolutely right that are that are doing I mean you know they really are they do a great job Dennis is in contact with me and you know we get updated we're supposed to meet more often but um things seem to be running pretty well so yeah so that's good you don't hear from us going no news good Tim thank you for coming we appreciate it okay man have a good night thank you very much yes sir uh for [Music] let's you'll have to give me tips go in the summer you're up on Deck okay uh 2022 Road program we've got the assessment schedule for next Tuesday just I with the residents to go over final assessments for that program 23 programs ongoing we just paved Faith hady Overhill and Belle the last three days um they've got the last week they paid deal Road between Logan and 35 and they paved the 30 the bound road and deal intersection now those are painted yesterday so those are in good shape uh he's got Lambert Johnson to do on that side then he'll be coming to this side do Shadow lawn and Princeton Court and Ross court so he's moving along pretty good 24 program and waiting for authorization to start that program um kept well the bathrooms we went for the cdbg grant we were not successful I think we came in like 10th out of and they funded the first seven projects so we're we didn't not we were not successful in that um fireman's Pond we're just uh I met with Dave we talk some information we have to set up a meeting between yourself and and Tom or know to talk about what what services they're going to provide to us what Dave when do you want to do that you want to do it in between now and the league or you want to okay all right on yeah let's get it on there so we can uh we just sharpening our pencils a little bit on a couple things before we actually meeting just let me know everything lined up yeah we're going to meet here or we going to meet out in free hole I want to meet with you before you yeah yeah yeah we totally do that yeah just to kind of give you the numbers and what what everything is worth okay so we know which yes so you know what you're getting and what you're not getting right yeah um now they they'll uh pretty sure he'll you know work well with Tom so we get it time yeah and they like I say they're working with us they gave us the letter last month that's all been submitted to the D approval you think from firemen's we don't have to worry about the spoils out of there because they're going to go take care of the perm that we were talking about over in uh yep okay so then our issue is the next one when we go over to lollipop we're going to have to figure out the spoils there that's going to be the only issue okay I mean the Partnerships are there the money's there uh it's just a matter of the spoils so hopefully we'll be able to come up with something I don't know if Tommy has anything or you know maybe we brainstorm a little bit here you know well there are two facets of getting rid of it to material at the L one is if it passes their criteria which I'm sure this material will we can use it for day cover which is a lot less expensive as for to get rid of it because they actually have to pay for day cover material okay versus if it's contaminated past their day cover limits then we have to dispose of it at disposal rate for contaminated fill so we test it to find out if it if it meets their criteria for the film okay so then we did the testing already for fireman and it would have passed that criteria and lollipop is next on the agenda once we get all the funding in place right a lollipop should be the same then potentially right you would think but you never know because it comes off Asbury Avenue different areas you old lap old laping industries that used to run down through there as well yeah lot more industrial areas where firan is all residential yep you're right so but once we get the funding in place for that which we're working on that that'll get started with the testing and the designs um the other two were just on hold until those who uh 1515 Logan we had the meeting last Thursday with the DP they kind of agreed with with us we do not need to do another flood Hazard area study so we just have to button up some paperwork with them get them some information back and kind of massage what we do have already and we should be good to go there so I'll take another couple weeks hopefully we'll be done good um next one I think we're going to I don't know want to handle but we we probably have to discuss what we're going to do with bimbler in that area with the traffic and then we kind of threw it out there that the counties not doing their improvements as the Avenue so we have to kind of probably yeah figure out what we want to do is a just make it one way and no left turn or whatever I think well if we make it one way out then you can't turn in just say do not enter that would probably be it would certainly stop the traffic flow coming in so it's probably the best thing do you have to get to the police department to I was about to say I think do traffic stud traffic and to the council let's float it Sunday at the picnic that's possibility I don't know if they want to talk about that then but but we we should also kind of let them know what we're doing because I know they were opposed to us doing that because it's going to leave all the traffic on their road but it's it's just their traffic so why should we have a problem with that I'm sorry who's on on asbury's road yeah yeah well the county was upset with me when I first told him that because they the asur Avenue can't handle that flow either right but that shouldn't be our problem you know to keep it off of a local Road it should stay on the County highway so that's why we're going to back to them wen't they supposed to get some Grant to do a whole can they didn't get it that's what we're waiting for we were waiting because that was going to do an improvement down the whole that road has to get fixed yeah they were denied Greg wasn't necessarily denied they just like us we weren't denied we just didn't make the funding limit the other projects were funded in front of them okay that's a good uh project for our state senator assembly well that was Federal money have yeah um okay uh trailer roll the road was paved today oh nice so that's done um met with the fire chief Fire Chief and it's funny because they have a problem with the existing apron not the Rope being paved oh and they were looking at the curb and said they didn't know if they're going to fit between the curbs they said we're Paving this pavement to the top of the curb so they're okay with the the roadway but they do have a problem there's one B Inlet that sticks up it would probably give them flat tires on the right turning because it's a kind of an awkward turn coming in off a Rolling Road the South side of that is fine it's a straight in so I told them we would work and try to get a different BC casting in there and change the apron a little bit make it better for them also met with Steve Higgins uh yesterday because I think they also have a problem with trees there because the trees are hanging over the road so Steve's going to trim the trees back so the engine can get and maneuver a little further to the opposite curve to make that corner but they've been turning in there for years they know that they're just they thought we just redid that so they were saying they can't get in there but we did not change that that's yeah you know I'd rather you get figured out before it you know gets completed and they were a little concerned I didn't know yeah we didn't change the entrance apron so we're going to have to go back and fix that but because we were we start from the back of the sidewalk in okay and they thought we were doing the whole thing they thought we did the whole thing all right I get it Cramer cord Bridge we're 90% complete we're just waiting here we get the jcpnl service and lights on the bridge other than he just has a couple punch list items to do some cross bracing and stuff to put put in the only other thing they have to do there I'm going to put the uh concrete approaches in but I'm going to wait till our contractor comes over cuz he's going to be working on Bim Brookside so when he's on Brookside we'll have him pour those slabs in there that's from the bridge to the streets Bridge To The Streets yeah on both sides yeah would you think I didn't know what to expect I didn't look at plans or anything I thought it turned out fantastic yeah it's very nice right that's the way I thought it was going to turn out but what that's the way I thought it was going to turn out but since we drew it but yeah no good job no I knew it was going to be nice and AC to be honest with you the best thing that happened to us there is we had to move the bridge over about 10 ft right to the West because the DP directed was not to take down any trees so we moved it to avoid large trees we'd had to take down probably Seven Trees along the property line off of Brookside so by moving that it gave us a little jog in the bridge so you can't see from one end to the other it's not like an open travelway right with that jog so that makes it very nice yeah that was a little added benefit for the the shift but I think it came out very nice it's gonna be a nice Russ okay um we we got I got the um numbers in for the second round of dredging for whale Pond into J Joe Park up to the backside of 35 I sent those in no the numbers are coming in at uh tomorrow we'll get that in and run it by Ricky get our funding so I can get that done probably once we get the numbers and we'll probably start that in a couple weeks so that cleaning will be the next phase we going to do and I'm sorry you did the phase from whale Pond to Mammoth no no no this is the yeah machine to come in right and you were waiting for people to approve it the houses what we're going to do we're going to do this in Phase we're going to do down by Washington Avenue there's one piece of property that's not an in easement we're going to get his permission and we're going to use our machine to go through there as a test case to make sure that we can use our equipment our people to clean this out and then we're going to go do whale pond toam with our machine okay because if we once we can we're convinced we can go in there and do this with our Manpower it'll make it a little easier than trying to cuz that's going to be pretty tough between whale whale Pond and MTH cuz it's really tight in there and it would cost us a lot more money I don't want to do that in like six or seven phases so if we use our own people through there it'll make it a lot easier okay uh the only other thing I have to uh talk to you about it kind of came up this is a planning board I think it's actually a zoning board issue z z board yeah it's a property located at 1219 AAR Avenue uh what happens is this went to the zoning board and the zoning board um approved it conditionally because it needs mayor council approval what happen is the gentleman's going to put an addition on the house and re uh put a new open porch and refurbish some things on on the house and uh came up through discussion at the board that he's actually using the Mammoth Road Mammoth Avenue RightWay as part of his property he's got the driveway and one of his patios out into the road right away and what he the owner has asked is to solve the problem he's asking the mayor and counsel to vacate the road which would Tech technically would solve half of his problem because by vacating the road it would then put if assuming the guy on the other side took his half he would then put all of his improvements on his own property but the problem would be without the road there he's his driveway uses the paved portion of the road which is the half he wouldn't get so the problem we would have if we gave the other half to The Far Side he would have no access to his driveway without building a new driveway is it actually paved yeah Monroe is what's the address little skinny portion is 12 he's got to sorry yeah if you can see this where the lines are you see that this this portion is paved where the two lines are on Monro Avenue I just very rare that you vac vac Road and I think the problem we would also have is on the other side that gentleman uses this pave portion for his driveway so he would then have to also build a a driveway way down to a Avenue so I don't you know that's this is kind of a tough one cuz like Matt says we've always only they vacated something that was vacant right and not used or you know for whatever reason but this was actually paid not that I want to have more roads in paved we have because we have to fix them and repave them but this is kind of a dicey situation because I don't know it's going to be real easy for these guys they're going to have to pay to put in a you know about a 80 foot driveway for both of them if we vacate this so this is a dead end Road anyway right this is dead end yeah mhm so really it's really like a glorified driveway in the first place we're talking Monroe Monroe right okay yeah so I mean the ideal thing would be is if we vacated it and the guy to I'll call it the West doesn't wanted the property the guy at 1219 would then get all of it and we'd only have to give the guy to the the west of this an easement to go down that existing driveway which then become private but that's pretty dicey too because then that guy wouldn't have any legal access to his property via driveway other than through somebody else's property so it's it's more of a met problem you I again I with just first impression it's being used I mean that it's not exactly like this is a paper Street or something I mean this and I'm looking at a Google image yeah yeah yes this was a paper Street when I grew up yeah it's pave now yeah so what um without looking at the application I mean what else did they have to were there variances involved in this yes well the problem is yeah everything he has well that he was doing by putting a second story addition on he has an existing setback to Monroe Avenue Frontage right and that would be Amplified because he's putting a second story addition on wasn't getting any closer but he's magnifying it by putting a second story 12 ft away from the property line so he needed a variance for that he was building a porch in the front yard setback to a lair and then he was building steps which I think were by ordinance exempt from the setback so he had those two variances and then the planner for the board Jim Higgin said that you know you still need mayor counsel approv because you got all these other improvements that aren't on your property which was this driveway and his patio so the patio you could probably give up but the driveway is tough well the driveway you probably could too he can move the driveway back onto his own property over there and come in and come out to that access but my my from my point of view I would not have a problem if you left it the same and just told him to take the patio out of I RightWay because the driveway there he's going to have to connect up to the pave portion anyway yeah so if you left the as well driveway there that would be fine but take the patio off of our property and I think it's I wouldn't have a problem with that so that's all he has to do instead of vacating that road but he would need mayor council prove to leave his yeah his driveway technically on the property but if you think about it if if any place we have a road and we have a 10-ft distance between the curb and a property line they have to put a driveway across the RightWay that's all this would be it's just that the road's a little further away than 10 ft so that the driveway would be something naturally occurring anyway keep in mind no one uses this street this is a street to Nowhere dead end end it's an absolute dead end yeah there's only guy who uses the guy on the other side yeah yeah this is like a dirt road when I grew up here but if we vacate then that means each side gets half and I would believe that the the owner on this the west side of this would have to take half because he would have no access for the driver if he did it so then by taking that half then then this the guy on the east side at 1219 would have a problem because he would have no driveway access because he's actually using the part of the RightWay to that he wouldn't get and just for the record when we say take and I get it paper but it's paved take it like we're giving it to them or take it we're going to give them a price for it no so we have to give it to them for free well but the problem is what technically they own it yeah technically back to them we give it back to them for free but the the thing is I mean the problem is I have is also that Pavement in there it's a little wider than normal driveway it's going to now be a combined driveway it I don't know how that will work it if both sides would have a driveway right next to each other so we'd end up probably with more pavement and a little bit of a conf confusing situation because by taking out the paved surface and putting two driveways there each on their own respective half of that RightWay would still make this guy lose his patio and move his driveway back he's already doing construction now you know yeah I'm going for the path of lease of resistance why is he doing construction already he's doing a big addition on that house that's why this came up that's why it came up he's it's tripling the size of the house he's making a much bigger addition but he got approval for that already technically yes how well the board gave approval and they they the condition was is that it wasn't a condition of approval it was just a condition that you know that he should come to the May Council and talk to about these improvements either being taken off the RightWay or vacating the road so if we say no in theory he's got to go back and resubmit plans to get it approved uh no because really if he says no he'd be reducing what he's doing he'd have to take the patio out of the RightWay so he'd be reducing his coverage and reducing the Improvement so that would be fine and the driveway would be the same thing he would just have to you know move the driveway fully onto his property and then connect to that same existing Road it's now so it's very little difference point of clarification I don't think this what to the board yet in his letter he says I need to know the answer from the council as soon as possible because I can't get a Maring State set without an approval that makes me feel a little better yeah cuz you had me thinking too cuz no he definitely didn't go in front of the board and this popped up because the own officer Jerry G the zoning officer picked up on the I know Greg was con Pao a clue I text I just assumed it went because there two review letters from the board engineer that's going but he can't they won't let him on because of this problem the zoning officer that's the one I sent you the message about it's weird it's the same day it came up yep so but I mean from my point of view my recommendation I would probably agree with Dave is the least PS resistance if you left it the way it is and you tell him to make to take the patio out of the RightWay his driveway considered cuz he needs the connection to the road anyway right cuz it's the where the pav surface is but just take the patio off and it would be a lesser Improvement in the right away and everything else would be fine and then he will he'll still get his variances for the setbacks because he's just going up it shouldn't really be a problem to give him a variance for going vertically up and when you say patio I just want to clarify the slate patio yes the SL piece that's coming over yeah he comes in off of a lir into the property no he comes up on Monroe Avenue turns right into Monroe and then Monroe is paved up to his assol driveway on the right hand side M it's like the driveway's behind the house take off the POR that's into the RightWay correct just that little piece about half of it and if he does that what what you're saying how does that affect the guy on the west not at all there'd be no impact and that's really what I'm looking at as the guy to the West because if we go and we vacate it they both kind of have a problem if we don't vacate it the guy in the west stays the same the guy in the East stays the same he just has to take the patio out of the town right away which I think is the easiest thing it shouldn't really matter to him he's got plenty of room to he's got a concrete patio and a slate patio he's got plenty of patio room there so I would think even if he readjusts what he has and by him keeping an ashow drive here in the RightWay what's the legal leads on that and maybe that's more of a question for you mat that would just be a driveway connection to the roadway right I mean he needs that but there something the township has to do e or and we let everybody come through the RightWay to connect to the road with their driveway that's that's what we get into when we do redo the aprons and stuff so he's not doing anything here it's just going it's already there right he's he's doing this piece right and if we vacated that then You' have to take this and put this back on his property and bring a driveway down there you know out to there so we just had a lot of confusion and a lot more coverage so this driveway is technically part of the roof that portion of it yes it's under it's no different than a guy everybody else's apron their concrete apron in sidewalk area everybody has 10 foot of their driveway in town right away which is where we get into the fun with the assessments I'm I'm I wasn't good with it if it had already been approved and he was coming now he was doing it I'm I'm good and just to make him remove the slate patio and then the rest of it's fine yeah I think that solves the problem h he will get his approval at the board with that okay sounds good to me so we're not vacating it right away we're not going to vacate it you'll do the memor to back to okay no problem that's all I had thank you Greg I have one question before you I saw that they marked out popler was that uh by the fire is that just for Firehouse stuff look like they went down the street pretty far um so some fluorescent markings on the road that's just a surveying for the the road program coming up okay so that's for the 20254 are they going to PVE that section from the south end half of it up to going north so there because I noticed the lines didn't go the markings didn't go all the way down so how far down are you going about halfway halfway yeah halfway to West Park okay yeah that's not going to be by the construction going on there no we we'll be done we're going to that'll be paid last for the program okay all right cuz they're actually they they're pouring their slab now in front of them yeah they're moving quick now and when they get into that all their other stuff will be internal yeah to the roads you know they really won't be a pacting impacting pop when they through the School portion okay good correct they got to take the vents down on this too yeah yeah they got to take all the improvements other than drive out of the right way did a very thorough job the computer where's your computer right there just me okay thank you g any questions for uh no I'm good thank you Dave anything else good NADA all good you ready yeah I got two quick items okay um thank to follow up and reiteration I think GRE kind of talked about it with the kep park the bathrooms we went for the cdbg funds we ranked number uh number nine out of 17 which wasn't too bad but the fact is only the first seven six the first six only made uh allocations and Appropriations uh after that the the funding is 900,000 dried up supposedly um the M County cdbg program is doing very well with HUD and HUD hopefully will be sending further funds and then they'll begin to go back to 78 and then if they get to us nine we'll get possibly some funding we're only looking for 167,000 so I think that's good chance if HUD comes back with further funding we we should get funded so the good news is you don't have to reapply no get fun at least for now this year I this you know this is an annual event the other thing is um Greg also talked about Cindy Lane um was on the phone with arh today talked to the CFO uh we've got the certified fund so on your next meeting in November you'll see a uh resolution for 120,000 which will help AR to uh finish up the the d uh proposal and just by the look of Rob's face I'll send the proposal around so that everybody can see the different phases and all the stuff that has to be done up there um it's very technical for work it's the lsrp environmental all that good stuff has to be done so it could be either deemed uh help me out land te I try try to find so so that's that's where we're at there's actually a distinction between a landfill and a dump the rules the rules are different the rules are totally and that's all we need them to get us to so we know how to manage the situation so we can then look further for the DPW facility on that site the third item I have is for close session it's uh the affordable housing project Around the Horn uh Rob I'm good mayor wow what you smiling notice the date the date was the P flying out there I'm good Dave Dave well in the spirit of Rob I have nothing record well I'm going to join the three of you oh boy no it's no I got nothing it's all good I'll go around the table real quick and then we're going to go in close session so let's start illness in the family so I appreciate it it seems like you're working hard on a lot of things um one thing that that has kind 315 Park West Park the recreation building the elevator in there has not been working for months at that Dave months 3:15 West Park 6 they're waiting for a park they're W they're waiting for our par I'm sorry the the thought I had was maybe that should be replaced since that building is going to remain as part of the public building so why just put a part it why not replace the whole down elevator I don't know maybe it's s uh no if they're waiting for the par we're waiting for the park is that the senior center or it's been months senior senior C okay that's off the mic okay check it out worst place for the elev ladies it's Julia hi Julia hi Julia Pat's going to take it from here okay let's go P that's it that was great Julia work Julia so I'm Patty cronheim uh for those of you who don't know me it's great to see the council and see Mayor John uh I I just in the spirit of communication I want to let you know what we're doing so there is a new subcommittee that's been meeting all summer of the shade tree commission as the uh shade tree planning committee and the purpose of this was to have uh support the shade tree commission but also to have a better uh improve and streamline and create a good strong plan process so we can better serve all the residents of the township uh especially one of the goals is to try to engage and um serve residents in overburdened communities in Ocean Township and make sure that they're represented as well in planning that goes on in town um so who we are in the committee we want and this is Dave's guidance so thank you Dave uh we have people from planning we uh we have Julia from planning we have Angelie from the environmental commission Julia did uh we have Steve Higgins from Public Works we have Patrick Sullivan from school he's in charge of all the science programs at the school and so we also talk with superintendent Kelly a lot so she's engaged so and kenl from Shay Tre and myself so our goal is really um to just as I said have a better um process and better Outreach and better communication in in the town so we're looking at budgets we're looking at money we're going to be looking at all the things that we don't know and gathering information we've been doing that we're looking at Grant possibilities to do things uh to get more information for instance a tree canopy study for the town which hasn't been done since before Sandy uh so we figured that was important uh how can we do planning if we don't have that big picture uh in that Bird's ey view uh we are uh coordinating with the schools in an exciting way in that we're going to be uh trying to integrate what we do and treat and flooding and so forth in those kinds of issues with the school curriculum so that we can engage students in a in real in real Ocean Township issues in their studies as well as some of the students perhaps participating on the committee so learning a little bit about government as well and and you know that process so that's kind of exciting that's a fun fun piece but um one of the things that we're going to do that uh we're really excited about is that we've developed a survey and we're going to be using the school's backpack software and sending it out and we can put it on the shade tree uh uh page and so forth and the survey is going to be going out to all Ocean Township residents and it will be asking them questions about trees in their communities do they have trees how many trees do they see you know do they have access to shade does their neighborhood flood do the school buses get stuck you know and do they want to be more engaged do they want to find out more and we're hoping and we're also having um we're using the election maps and the zoning maps and we're creating a map just with numbers color coded so they can just pinpoint where they live by number so we don't have to have any specific information from them but we'll know who's responding and from where and that's going to be information I think that'll be really useful for a lot of different purposes in the town so that's what we're doing uh and we just want to let you guys know and let you know that we're here and if anything we're doing can help and inform what you're doing that would be great and also Julie and I we're interested really interested in your um conversations with the do and Route 35 okay that we'd love to know more about and and my question also is is any of this process have you done yet any kind of Outreach in the communities around 35 or gotten any kind of feedback from folks who live there as well no but it's that's coming I don't know if we'll get into the residencies but it'll definitely be the commercial core okay cuz I've definitely I mean that's my professional background is I've done advocacy for League of conservation voters rethink energy New Jersey you know that's been what my experience has been as an advocate so I would love to be involved and engag or help you any way you can when you're it's time to do that Patty I mean a really good report I appreciate you uh coming in and you know updating us my suggestion is let us know in advance so that we can put you on the agenda and this way we know I mean other if because we had run out of time I would have had I wouldn't have heard but I'm glad no I'm glad that you you gave what you gave because it was very informative um I know that we've um been trying to have uh better communication with the shade tree commission and um some things that are going on there and app you know appreciate your advocacy I appreciate getting uh Dr donin's tree finally planted that we uh took us a long we're working on stream L process and Crea a process and talking to them about how you know and this committee basically is going to have suggestions we'll bring everything it's under the office of shade tree we bring everything we do to shade tree shade tree will review it and then we we'll be able to make those recommendations well we appreciate that thank you can I ask a quick yeah five question two or three five so what's what's it I'm joking what's an overburdened okay so this I am so glad you asked wait what did you ask an overburden you handed it to me on didn't you give me that question on the way in he answer the right question she's missing yes over D two years ago um did a complete survey of all towns in the state of New Jersey in part of their environmental justice work and they determined which areas in every town are overburdened communities an overburdened Community is a community that identifies the 40 or 50% don't quote me on this on either being identifying as nonwhite English is a second language or low income Ocean Township has three such areas they are as you can just look at the pink on the zoning maps and you'll know where they are uh they're around 35 I believe they're census tracks and it's based on it's based on the last census tracks and the D has wonderful website information on this you can look it up on the G website state New Jersey website and the G and everything they do prioritizes and ask towns to prioritize their overburden communities in all of their decision making and that that they've made Environmental Justice the state has made environmental justice a high priority and you know I've done a lot of work with environmental justice over the years in my career so for me to be able to integrate that in my town with the work we're doing is very and it also helps us now navigate for Grants too because if we target those areas we're more likely to get a grant to support uh the efforts that go to the overberg commun absolutely may I ask a question in relation to the grant so um I had taken on the task of you know Finding grants so we could apply for and I had um learned that I don't know if specifically the police um department and that Administration but we have Grant Raiders on retainer would it only be through them or is it also through town hall call me okay so I'm going to connect with you next week on who I need get myself or Tracy I think Mike patrio because of recreation and then Greg is the engineer I think we're the only four that can activate the grant Riders so okay so call my office because if Julia can find the grant or locate a grant to the canop we'd rather not spend sh Tre funds to do this grants are always better uh but if we can show that we need more trees and overburden communities it'll be a lot easier to get a grant we have that data to show we can get a grant J's Tree Service was only able to do the the grant money was only able to cover certain parts of the town there are huge swots of the town that haven't been surveyed yet had a tree survey yet and those areas include the overburden communities so a tree canopy could be a nice way to get that information quickly and inexpensively to be able toh support grants to do work in that area so so you mentioned the the last tree canopy was before Sandy 2010 what was the one didn't we just do one two years ago it's actually on our website that was a that was DAV that was an inventory not the canopy to see what's dead that was an inventory that show show do that this one's to study the the canopy the canopy is the coverage yeah way different actually looking at the trees itself so they're looking at see one are the individual trees and the CL the amount I got a degree in this no I did I took the I took the tree class U I'm sorry I got one more so speaking of trees um respectfully we've been waiting 10 years for a plan to put new trees in well I've been on the shade tree committee now for a year and a half we're working on it and and we have a new committee starting to help create a new process to streamline and create a plan uh so they have the tree planning subcommittee so a great answer so you know we are as I said Gathering the information we need including budgetary information so that we can make make this plan we have to come up for it was 2025 the Sha Tre commission has to come up with the forestry management plan for the D so we need the information we need to be able to inform that but I think I was I've been talking to folks in different shape trees in different towns and towns that are large and similar like asbery what they do is they come up with a budget it's like we're going to spend this is our amount we can spend x amount on maintenance x amount on removable percentage and X percentage on planning but they don't come up with what we're going to plan where at the beginning of the year gives them some flexibility as the year goes on they go oh that's a good idea and be more flexible but they know how much they want to spend we're thinking that might be the way to go but um you're just going to have to be a little patient because we're work I know that we're working on cool so when do you target it being done with the shave tree subcommittee well when when will we have a plan for it is first we need finances which we're working on obtaining why we don't have them need no we need the numbers we need they want to know what their is we have a shade tree fund that whenever you take down a tree you have to obviously pay into this fund we need to see these numbers and so we'll give them to you tomorrow hold on we'll give them to you tomorrow it's all under control and then based on those numbers we're going to be able to make a plan a better plan so when will we see it look Dave's on Dave Dave's on this he's he's been working on it he's he's trying when will we see it say I say like come janary 25 I said give them at least six months three to six give some time to do it right yeah okay thank you there's a process it's got to go through there and it's got to go up to the shade tree and both the shade tree and I want to commend this team here for for all that they're doing and getting things in in order and commend the shade tree cuz Norm's got a lot on his plate as he's working on the grant to inventory trees and such and we're trying to keep up with all that stuff so the two are working together and you will have your report within three to six months is Bill and may I ask I don't know is Bill involved bill is involved as well okay on multiple levels okay cuz uh and we got D dpw's more involved as well Steve's a direct contact to the committee Steve Higgins so yep so anything he's getting us the number all right we got to we got to hit Clos thank you thank you guys thank you for the update thank you yeah abely Patty if you want to do this every couple of months or so say every meeting no I thought you were teasing her hi guys I want Pat to give classes thank youpop have a good day bye guys this is much better like this because this is way more detailed thank take care bye byebye Jack good seeing you twice in one day actually walked in this morning too I know I saw you motion to go and close session wait first motion you he allowed to make a motion I make a motion motion to go and close he just made the is he allow to as name yes no he okay I make them oh all right what second all in favor I oppos okay good evening everybody I want to just remind everybody that all Township Council meetings will be audio and videotaped they'll be shown on the Tantra of otions community channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor Nani here Deputy Mayor fiser here council member toera here kapan here can everyone please stand as we do a pledge allegiance and remain standing as we do do a silent prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I'd like to just honor three people that passed away in the township of ocean that were uh pretty involved we had Les frin whose wife uh worked in uh the police station he was also a local Builder we had mar maren ER who was a local resident who came to just about every council meeting while he was healthy uh represented Cedar Village and of course noran brnak who was a longtime educator lifeguard and just very involved so these are three very uh you know important people in the community and we uh want to do a silent prayer for them you may give you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting had been satisfied and a notice of the annual of the annual meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office to the municipal clerk there are two emergency exits to the wall on the wall to my right that'll take you to the front of the door and one to my left that'll take you to the rear please make sure that all cell phones are turned off and if you need to make a call kindly step outside before we get into our ceremony I'd like to just go down the table for our Council comments I'm going to start off with Deputy Mayor Dave fiser thank you mayor uh a couple things here I I got a Pander to the crowd so congratulations Lieutenant Mark Delton on your uh getting through the FBI Academy that's been a tremendous accomplishment and I I congratulate you for that uh Second of all I do want to remind everybody Election Day is coming up so if you have your intentions of voting now is the time to get your vot by mails in get yourself registered but don't forget to vote I do want to say a little something about norc he was an all around good guy I think thank you yes sir councilwoman G Kaplan I don't want to take away from the ceremony but I just want to congratulate all of our officers tonight and thank their families as I know um that having a police officer in your family it takes the work of the entire family so thank you all Elman Robert chera make mine quick too want to congratulate Alexander Pino for getting his Eagle Scout award he lives in Ocean Township but he's part of troop 67 in Red Bank um he's The Birdhouse guy if you noticed all the bird houses in chopa park he's the guy so we'll get him here and do a proclamation for him here so uh congratulations to him congratulations to the officers and Lieutenant thank you rob uh Dave yeah man I just want to Echo everybody else said and congratulate all our incoming police officers want also thank the chief and all of the brass and Leadership for what they've been doing and getting these offices to this point and congratulate the lieutenant as well on his achievement with the FBI great job everybody thank you Matt oh nothing toight Mr Mayor thank you sir uh just to Echo the sentiments I see uh you know all of our police out here and um like I've said we have one of the finest police departments in the state of New Jersey I don't want to upset you Mr Del I know you're in the back there and you are part of Asbury Park Police Department his family also goes back with mine but uh the delos were very involved but you know sorry Bill you know I'm here man I'm not over there today uh but we do have uh Chris coyman we have sha Edson Aaron pingor tonight Dominic Finelli Robert Barta and Hoover Kano they're coming on our Force to join one of the best and I congratulate you so let's get up here let's swear you guys in [Applause] officially we're going to do two at a time Mr Mayor yes sir to thank you the council and the manager for the opportunity uh to fill the ranks over the last 18 to 24 months uh I'd like to thank you the manager and the council um for again hiring and filling the ranks over the last 18 to 24 months uh I'd like to welcome the friends and family uh of all these new officers I'd like to take a moment thoughts and prayers for all the First Responders their families and everyone in the Southeast affected by these hurricanes um we have the best police department no offense to the other officers in the room uh or who senior uh we do have the best police department in the area um I would like to acknowledge two recent retirees Michael D Simone and Casey larrison Mike couldn't be with us Casey is back here please stand for a round of applause [Applause] we we thank you for 25 years of dedicated service to the department and the residents of the township we have uh six new officers uh we'll swear in Two by Two by seniority um we have Chris coyman uh he's a graduate of Stockton and Sean Edson is a graduate of Mammoth they both work in Allenhurst prior to coming over to Ocean Aaron pingor is a John J University graduate working at Asbury Dominic Finelli and Robert Barta are Brookdale graduates Dominic worked in Redbank Robert worked in Atlantic Islands and we have Hoover CanĂ³ also Stockton and and Avon transfer so as you can see they're all from this area uh they chose the best police department to come to so we welcome them uh on a healthy safe and successful career Jean you okay with that yes absolutely let's go up gentlemen you ready yes sir got you eat your Bible yeah do you want somebody to come up and hold the Bible sure come on momat all right you're going to ra you're going to put your left hand on the Bible going to raise your right hand you don't want okay that's fine it was a cheat sheet no no no you don't you don't have to hold it raise your right hand I please state your name Christopher do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States support theti of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of newy that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further Solly swear furtherly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties per all the duties of the p position of patrolman of the position of patrolman for the township of ocean Police Department for the town of police department according to the best of my ability of my abil so help me God congratulations [Applause] you want to get pictures with family okay at the end Chief who are the next two in senority and Finelli dad you [Laughter] again left hand on the Bible raise your right hand I state your name I do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constition of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same faith and to the and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments establish in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear do further solemly swear that I will Faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the pos position of patrolman of the position of patrolman for the township of ocean Police Department police department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me go congratulations [Applause] conc thank you all right Robert and Hoover let's get this Bible all right again left hand on the Bible right hand up repeat after me I state your name do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States unit States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constition of the state of New Y that I will bear truth faith and allegiance to the same I will bear truth faith and alance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I I do further solemnly swear further swear that I will Faithfully will faithfully impartially impartially and and justly perform all all the duties of the position of patrolman perform all the duties of position for the township of ocean Police Department police department according to the best of my ability best my ability so help me God congratulations [Applause] gentlemen we want want to come up with the family members and take a picture let's get all the new police officers up here together get a group shot and then the family shots and then uh we're good Council will get with you and all that other fun stuff [Music] we're going to open up public comment for questions on vouch on resolutions and vouchers all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is is desired on any item that item will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear here on the agenda is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an item on the agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting if there are any questions on the consent agenda please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record would have been so nice if all those people stayed here Alex Hayes in Oakhurst um I have a question about um resolution 9 uh 24885 B the Kramer Court pedestrian bridge so it sounds like whatever was the winning bid is now being upped $20,000 so um the mayor in previous I don't know if it was a post or what or a meeting mentioned that we received a check so the town wasn't going to pay for that um so a my question is was that check um deposited but also so so who's paying for this $199,000 again were the same people that were or whoever paid for that pedestrian bridge I think it was like $400,000 are they now paying the extra 20,000 okay next question um and then the uh is this the street on Lincoln or is that not the consent the um stop lights at Lincoln yeah that's is that not consent is that after consent 24188 12 12 okay um what's the timeline on that so um a couple meetings ago when it was discussed like uh what was it bound or no it was um deal Road and whatever um and we were saying we hope that we will get one at South Lincoln at some point too so um when is that going to be and I have more questions later thanks okay uh Dave D I know we got the first check for the pedestrian bridge the second the 195 have we received that payment yet cuz I know they're paying for that um increase in the work order I'm not sure if we received the payment yet but yes it is going to be paid for by the uh group that paid the original yep and the timeline on uh resolution uh 24-18 can't technically answer that because it's a state department uh Transportation process but my guess uh would probably be in the next 3 to 6 months they'll probably start and hopefully around this time next year maybe completion yep okay I would hope I mean I I I would really like to see it in before next summer but I don't think that's going to happen with you on that thank you sorry I sorry I had more resolution 8 uh 24184 authorization of the assessment for curbs sidewalks driveway um aprons can someone please describe the whole sidewalk and curb cut um process there are people that got a special assessment a couple years ago and they are paying thousands of dollars and they had no choice but to be assessed and now they have to pay for sidewalks and I think I said this at the last meeting from Miami Florida you never paid for your own sidewalks that was the municipality so this Bonkers to me um so here some people are getting assessed but then you can also at another meeting somebody said you could say no if you want so how does one get to say no how come some people get assessed and if you were assessed a couple of years ago can those people say no thanks I'd never want it in the first place but you guys assess me and now other people are getting the choice so I guess that long-winded question but hopefully you can explain it because it's very tricky to the average resident or homeowner anything else oh okay uh Matt can you just explain uh bit of the assessment process that you know of Legally so that um it's spelled out correctly off the off the cuff it's you know your responsibility the homeowner's responsibility lawyer Stone I know Tom's going to say something uh the home owner respons responsible for the sidewalk and and uh and the curbing um so that some towns decide they want to go out and pay some towns don't Ocean Township is uh essentially saying we're going to fix it and the town and the residents are going to pay for it it's statutorily allowed uh that's the way the town has chosen to do it um in terms of turning it down uh not really not my understanding uh is what councelor let um Municipal Court jump in here please when there's going to be an assessment the township engineer and myself send out letters to the homeowners and at that time they can opt out if they don't want it I mean correct me if I'm wrong I'm just I think we're talking about two different things one is when there's problems with the sidewalk that need to be fixed because it's a hazard and one is there's a street Paving and that's when you can opt out now this this is part of the road program and right R goes through they have the list and they they have a meeting our engineer has a grading process for the roads he goes through the road paving projects that he wants to do as as per the grading system when he does the grading system he works his way through to get into each quadrant of town uh we do all four quadrants each year for the record we've we've had roughly the same amount budgeted for the roads for many years costs have gone up so we've gotten less done with the amount of money that we have in the pot like to increase that amount so that we get more done but for the most part residents are assessed for the curbs and the sidewalks this is how it's been done for many many years and this is the way it will continue for a while okay any other questions as it relates to anybody else I should say Mr may I just want to clarify you can opt out of the sidewalk that's that's where the opt out portion is you don't have to do the sidewalk the curb you have to do the curb as part of the road program and the apron because that's connected to the curb and we pay for the apron yeah I just want to come in on the sidewalks as well because it seems like um I think part of your campaign is to put more sidewalks in is that correct uh I'm advocating we're not going to get into campaign that's not that's not appropriate Jackie I'm not talking about a campaign I'm talking about sidewalks and I had read that you were talking about more sidewalks my question again we've got again it's on the agenda okay it's on the agenda and the questions were answered we're not going to it's not a campaign issue right now here campaigning I'm asking a question come on if the sidewalks go in are we then responsible to pay for them is it an addition to our if you opt in to get your sidewalks done yes the curbs you don't have a choice so un deal so if I opt out of it but it's the sidewalk piece if I opt out for the sidewalk piece because right now my property goes just right out to the curb I don't need one they don't it doesn't have to go like right up deal Road on my side and then I'm going to be responsible for paying for it I'm not following you we just said the C she doesn't have a sidewalk today today if oh if they add a sidewalk to that side you don't get I'm not going to I'd have to find that has to be found out from the engineer if they decide to add a sidewalk to your side yeah to that side of deal I would go over that with the engineer okay okay we wouldn't I mean we don't really need to StarTalk there because people can walk on the Jo par side okay so thank you are we going into public comment now or you still doing it's we do the same uh way that we do it all the time we're still going over resolutions right now okay seeing no other comments so I have a motion to uh close public comment on resolutions I'll make a motion and second second roll call theera yes Fisher yes C yes naan yes motion to approve the consent agenda we didn't we closed public comment on the consent agenda all uh motion to approve the consent agenda I did it a little backwards there I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda second second roll call aera yes yes Kap yes County yes uh vouchers in the amount of 9,638 6337 can I have someone to offer I'll offer second second roll call chera yes Fisher yes Kaplan nean yes uh ordinance is up for adoption ordinance 2479 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 12 of the revised General ordinances of the Town chip of ocean 1965 entitled traffic section 12-7a electric bicycles and scooters can I have someone open public comment on ordinance 2479 I would like to make a motion to open public comment on ordinance number 2479 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nepan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2479 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record um hi Alex Hayes in Oakhurst um very happy you're doing this um there's no public here you're the public come on I mean there's four of us that's that is that's 300% of an increase compared to the last one or something so yay to you all um so my question is you approve the minutes from September 12th this is I'm just going back to what I have reiterated the last few meetings you all talked about things in the August and September um workshop and public meetings about EB B and E vehicles but nobody would know what you said unless they watched the 6 hours or whatever it is online because you only put the minutes through tonight and they're not online yet so in the interest of transparency thank you for getting these minutes done quicker than they've ever been done but the public still doesn't know what you guys are talking about tonight thanks anyone else wish need to be heard on ordinance 24 79 step up to the microphone state your name and address Dennis howed hook Street uh in Oakhurst uh yes I I I have some questions about the ebik coordinates and I did send a an email to Dr and Jesse I don't know what I know they received it I don't know what the response was for my comments but one of the problems I have is it's really difficult to book up and read 116 page uh agenda and try and figure out what's really going on if you're just an average dentist okay I I find it very difficult and I talked to people who said well the ebike thing is completely passed it's completely done it's already been voted on and I got confused I thought I read it wrong so I went back and I read the the agenda that came up on Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tuesday and kind wasn't real sure so I sent a an email to uh to Jesse M Joseph Jessie you and she answered me quickly and I understood that it really hasn't been passed yet that was just the let me see if I can get this straight now that was the consideration that the ordinance is a proper thing to put together as an ordinance and then you will vote on it later it was introduced introduced okay and actually even that was hard to find because the agendas are not even in order online they're a little bit out of order and I skipped it the first time I said how did it get how did it get after January I don't understand that okay so that was hard and I did go ahead and read 116 pages of this stuff trying to figure out what what was open for public discussion and what isn't open for public discussion I think I understand that now but I'm typically War I looked at some of the other agendas uh I look at the agenda for the tree commission and the tree commission has this thing items for discussion free removal Trea for Colonial terrorist five or six lines that's about it and you can find that and figure out what they're going to talk about tonight it's really hard to find out what what's open for public discussion reading the agendas for the Town Council I don't know if there's some way to put something in front of the overall agenda saying these are topics that might be interest of interest to the public because I'm really surprised there's only four of us here tonight because I think this is a really important topic uh take a swing at this one take a swing everything is open for public comment honestly anything on the agenda Dennis and I know your point but I'm going to make a Counterpoint that anything on this agenda and then some is open for public comment okay that's not the way it sounds when when when the mayor reads the thing about what's open for a comment what not open different section so right now you right now you're allowed to comment on so we have comment on ordinances individually we have comment on consent agenda we have comment on when we do individual resolutions and of course vouchers those are individual then at the end we open it up for anything you want to thought about uhhuh I understand that sort of now but this is in 116 pages of stuff that I find very difficult to read and I've done a lot of technical reading before so I just think the public is inhibited from attending and talking about things that they're interested in because they can't find it well let me if I may also try so the agenda itself how many this one is s seven pages so I get what you're saying the whole agenda is whatever you said 100 and some odd pages but the gist of the agenda and I'm not even going to count page one two three you're right so the the resolutions are 16 resolutions the vouchers and then two ordinances that are being voted on and four that are being introduced so you're basically talking 23 items uhuh granted the text of all each of those adds up to 10 and some odd pages I get that I would say somebody that's a technical reader may be interested in 116 pages but frankly you able to look at and say okay we're authorizing a release of Maintenance guarantees for two blocks if you don't care about who that block is and why we're releasing a maintenance bond for deal Development Corporation don't read it I not arguing with you about it okay you've done this for years all of you read these things all the time and you you understand what's going on okay and this is a a compliment you understand what's going on that was a compliment okay but the average person if they happen to go on the website it's difficult to find the agendas if you think you're looking for an agenda and you don't realize that it's not going to come up until two days before the meeting and you don't have another day to look at it you can't find this stuff it's it's very difficult Rob I would love to have a conversation with you and figure out how seriously how we could do it because I I mean I try to get it I personally try to get it out there we all are open to answering questions of people um Jesse Jesse posts it on the website I will agree this this week it was out of order it went January October I don't know the website does that yeah yeah always not always but this time it it does do it often but not always um so I don't know that we can possibly change the format of the agenda but happy to have a conversation with you okay maybe there could be some sort of basic preamble to to explain what's what's in the following agenda and what might be of interest tit okay if there was one page of that there's probably a law against it the police are gone so we can talk about any no we can re recording this now my my question right now to begin uh I I sent in some changes or things that I thought were unclear in this ordinance were they considered or do I bring them up now you can bring them up now I should bring it up now okay now I have to fumble and these are very very minor things this is not bir shaking stuff maybe one or two of on the the first line of page 79 it it's on the second page of the ordinance it's four pages long okay which reads every person riding an electric bike or electric scooter within the township of Ocean Park shall be granted that kind of chops It Off Ocean Park Ocean Park shall be granted what is Ocean Park the township of ocean Parks it's probably Parks should be Parks later later on you talk about s it Township parks and playgrounds that's in uh page 81 just above 12 127 8.4 that seems to be a better way to describe what you're looking at Ocean Township parks and playgrounds yeah they just left they left that off okay scrip parks and playground should also be up there oh parks and playgrounds it just says Park is not really but it doesn't the point is I guess the sentence doesn't it's not complete that's we can add that that's not that's not a material change script is there under definitions you have owner you have owner and you describe means any company blah blah blah of electric bicycle or electric scooter user means any person who operating an electric scooter what happened to bike wait where's he he's under definition oh he went we can add or bicycle or electric bicycle we just if we just match the botom where it says a person operating electric scoter should say or bicycle orc Chang good catch okay on in 127 a.3 there is a first one says helmet requirements okay it says operators doesn't say anything about pass passengers do passengers need to ride there's no passengers allowed on these bicycles at all okay nobody should be riding on the back of any of them okay that's good is that in here it should be in there if it's not it's a law I'm sorry if it's not it's a it's a law remember the New Jersey motor okay yeah the New Jersey laws supersede anything that we put in here but no there are no passengers okay there shouldn't be passengers yes no okay I'm saying there shouldn't be passengers how people get hurt frequently y okay just as a as an anecdote today before as I was walking in the player Park as I do very often I'm walking in the on the dirt path going back to off getting out of the park it's extremely quiet I think I hear a little rustle I turn around and there's a young man and he was a man maybe 10 feet behind me on a adult bike going probably only 15 miles an hour at this time because he slowed down because of me holding his helmet out this way and whizzed by me as I electric or pedal electric well he was using the electric t for sure he wasn't pedaling we haven't enacted our ordinance yet yeah I know but it's coming I'm just saying this is one of the reasons why this is very important to me it's important to me and the other day was I was walking in the park and this is I don't know if you how familiar are with the park but where the softball fields are there's a a restroom right there as I'm walking towards there young man goes by me he's probably 10 or 12 and he was moving pretty good had a helmet on a nice looking bike and it was all electric at the time flies by me and starts doing wheelies from the soccer into the softball field comes back makes a nice figure and this guy was pretty good too I got to tell you there was some skill involved here goes behind the the restrooms and does the two hills gets a little bit of air comes around and goes the other way I don't know if you've noticed that path has been completely worn into the ground now there's two sections right behind there which is a perfect place for them to jump jump like well that's why we did all this we we're believe you I'm 100% for this we're acutely aware of these problems I talked to the chief today he concurred with everything that was in the ordinance we've got to start somewhere but um we've had two fatalities in Ocean Township this year alone and there was fatalities up in North Jersey recently these bikes are a problem and uh we know it and we just got to do the best we can but and you are but the second part of this I want to that I did talk to the chief about we're going to be doing a public relations campaign coming from the police department there's going to be signage we're going to have to let the public know because it's not going to change overnight as much as we'd like it to uh so there will be uh a lot of information that's going to go out there and they're going to use various channels to get it out there so that's good so that's coming so hold on for that particularly with the signage and the sign signage it's going to be difficult to actually word the signs but I think you can do it well we'll have to figure out the the verbiage and the second thing is going to have to you know there's going to be some enforcement here so it's it's you know we got to deal with it refer him to the agenda online sorry just I'm not that bad at him thank you Dennis so that's that's all important to me and I also want to emphasize that as much as I am against any motorized vehicle by the way the skateboards were never never addressed and skateboards do come with electric stuff too I think that that was part of the I'll have to take the look at the verbiage but it's it should be anything that's whether it's skateboard unicycle any of these things yeah that's good I mean might be it's in the definition it's in the definition skate I'm pretty sure I saw it electric scooter means scooter with a floorboard so that's the skateboard that could be stood upon that didn't include like old Segways I don't think anybody ever uses them anymore but that's no no Segways so that's all all there okay yeah and I'm not against having somebody who handicapped or has a special need of course not whatever they need no we understand that part absolutely not denying anybody who needs the disability issues okay great yis motion to close public portion uh public comment on ordinance 2479 I would like to move to close the public portion on ordinance number 2479 second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nean yes action on ordinance 2479 I would like to move to adopt ordinance number 2479 and published according to law second second roll call aera yes yes Kap yes Ney yes ordinance 2479 passes ordinance 2480 a bond ordinance providing for various roadway drainage improvements two electric vehicle parking spaces and roadway striping appropriating 3,500,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 3,242 1854 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof can someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2 480 I move to open public discussion on ordinance 2480 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes K yes neany yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2480 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record Alex say oir I promise I'm not coming up for each one um but these two were in order um I have 2480 in front of me and unless I'm missing it I could not find find where the two electric vehicle parking spaces are going to be and will they be coming with charging stations um I was very excited to plug in my new electric vehicle tonight but somebody was uh already had their car in it so if the town could have more than one there's two we have two one on either side so both were taking we have to do a little walking so um where where is that the two new parking spaces going and will there be um charging uh Dave where are those being placed may I don't know I'm looking at it says said improvements to popular Road yep but it doesn't say what exact location okay we can find that out is it going to be on popler if you uh send me an email I can forward it on to the township engineer and get you a proper answer no idea okay okay great thank you anyone else wishing to be heard seeing here none do I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2480 I move to close public comment on ordinance 2480 second second roll call aera yes fer yes chapl yes NE yes action on ordinance 2480 I move to adopt ordinance number 2480 and publish according to law second second aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nean yes ordinance 2480 passes introductions to ordinances starting with 2481 which is an ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the revised General ordinances of the township of oan 1965 entitled General police regulation section 3-2 loitering can someone please introduce ordinance 2481 I move to open the public hearing on ordinance no no no introduce it introduce it I move to introduce ordinance number 2481 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nean yes ordinance 2482 which that will have its public hearing on the 11th of uh I mean the 14th of November ordinance 2482 which is an ordinance amending ordinance number 2338 entitled an ordinance fixing salaries and compensation of certain offices positions and employees in the town of of oan can someone introduce ordinance 2482 I move to introduce ordinance number 2482 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes yes na 10 yes and that too will have its public hearing on uh November 14th ordinance 2483 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance 2343 which is entitled an ordinance amending the revised General ordinances of the Town troan 196 65 relating to Personnel policies practices and procedures can someone please introduce ordinance 2483 I move to introduce ordinance number 2483 second second roll call aera Y fer yes chap yes Nani yes that too will have its public hearing on November 14th ordinance 2484 which is a bond ordinance providing for various improvements appropriating $550,000 therefore author izing the issuance of $523,500 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof and directing the special assessment of the cost thereof can someone please introduce ordinance 2484 I move to introduce ordinance number 2484 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nepan yes that too will have its public hearing on November 14th public comment anyone wishing to be heard on public comment again there is a time limit of 5 minutes you can step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record and you can State anything that's gerain the can of motion no I guess could would you talk about this that you were just through this money that's coming what's that the sum of 550,000 where is that money coming from which 5 we talk for improvements but the bond that the ordinance we'll have it public hearing next month so we can't discuss yeah that's next month okay okay okay so um I talk about the Campa Trail we acquire different information and I wanted to run something by you um some time ago when we were all fighting for the um preservation of the corner that's now developed the 32 Acres um there was a um there was an opportunity that was put on that we could vote for an open space tax and everybody anonymously because we were also really concerned about the loss of mature tree Canan Ocean Township we all voted yes to have a certain amount of tax increased in more tax that we'd be paying to cover that would be create a fund it's technically called The Open Space land purchase tax trust fund and it's come to my attention very recently while I've been on the trail knocking on doors that um monies are being taken out of that fund right now being used not for not for preservation we're not buying land but it's being used for many different expenses here in town uh which doesn't seem to be correct so I'd like you to I have um the lights that were lit which look beautiful by the library this Christmas has a cost of $ 54,4 70 which came out of our open space fund that money was supposed to buy land we never said we would be taxed for Holiday Lights um the flags look look beautiful good the flags that really did look very nice on Deal Road um they have a cost of 8,714 which also came out of our land fund um there's a 40,000 00 pickup truck that also came out of that fund um 5862384286 in our fund here for all of these expenses um and that was a lot for the flags that unfortunately didn't stay up those flags look nice um maybe you could also after this explain why they had to come down since we made such an investment then it also 400,000 came out for a going towards the football stadium I don't know if it was used because I was sitting in that 400,000 down payment on a $2 million youth football stadium this is a fake number it's not being used not being used oh it's not being used now that's been okay so um these are these were planned or they were used I mean the Christmas lights were certainly used the field was not used okay okay and um but that was I I thought that that they were hung by volunteers it was $54,000 just for the light bulbs any other questions and I'll go the electric I I suppose um well I can go on and on there are a number of things here that are were listed that came out of that fund I guess just in general why are we using that fund for Township expenses okay I'm I'm going to go go through all your questions this way we can because you have time limit so no I these are this is my main concern that's the only question yeah okay uh the CFO determines where the money comes from out of the budget it's called an open space trust fund they can utilize that open space trust fund money for areas that are within the open space that we have I don't deem the rules I don't actually make them up that came from the state of New Jersey which they checked into to see if it was okay to use that money and the CFO decided that but we didn't tell the we didn't tell the residents that I mean the residents well he's he's the CFO he doesn't go and tell everybody where money comes out of which budgets I mean I I'm not the CFO but it was it was a legal it was on our voter it was on our legal ballot that where we voted and I think if you were going to change that and start to use money we didn't change it sorry I got to stop may I we didn't change anything the mayor is correct the money that was taken out of that was legally able to be taken out of it you may disagree it's not for land it it's not for land but that's when we voted yes no careful careful how you say say things cuz the vote clearly defined what you were voting for so open space not it doesn't specifically say and only say for the purchase of land says open space land purchase it that's pretty specific it it's the name of the it was it was what the was on the agenda at the time I'm sorry the agenda on the ballot it was what any question B land purchase tax trust fund I wasn't here at the time but you you must be talking about the referendum cuz it would have to be a referendum it was a referendum it was on our ballot TR F and then usually there's a description of what that means in the referendum back then it was to purchase land it was if it became aable I'm just saying that's where we need to be looking but it's it's but generally speaking it's the purchase of land for open space as well as the upkeep and Recreation and Parks and beautification of the open space so it's not the open space trust fund that is part of the taxes is not limited to purchasing land it is at the time I no you might be maybe fuzzing the rules a little bit at the time it was a tax that it was going to be a fund so we could put we'd all agreed to put tax money into that so we could buy a portion of it because when that land was available on the corner we wanted to preserve part of it if not all of it at least the part that would be on Deal Road connecting in where the park is and blanketing us from what's going on there and it was always meant we didn't have the money to buy it was what we were told and everybody agreed to take a certain percentage of our our income towards our taxes to to buy land when it would become available it never spoke about other expenses in town these are other Town expenses that I mean certainly we should have you know for Holiday Lights there should be another type of fund for that I mean I can tell you that the open space trust fund which was the referendum establishing it the town it it had to establish it that's where the tax open land purchase for open space trust I I understand what you're reading I'm telling you that J the referendum was to allow for the town to pay into an open space trust fund the trust fund was to use be used by the town for open space which includes recreation parks playgrounds upkeep beautification for the open space portions it is not limited to just the purchase of land I I don't know what you're referencing in terms of there was never any because it wouldn't be under that definition simply to purchase land well I really wish I took a photograph of that ballot that day because I don't have it in front of me and maybe somebody did and I will look into that and and by the way we did purchase the kepwell property with the open space trust fund you do know that right we bought a house no no we bought a beautiful house that's there it's part of the property but you realize we preserv hold on I'm speaking Seven Acres were preserved that could have been clearcut and Condominiums put on there anything could have been put on there so we did use the money for the right reasons you don't live on that side of the town I'm not arguing that is but was a very good move on our behalf yeah I mean I kind of thought we probably paid more for it because we bought a house uh it wasn't exactly open space as we were imag that's your opinion no I understand that and we have to look at it from a benefit of what's going to benefit the township what is benefiting our residents and frankly we don't have a lot of parks on the Wayside side part of town it was actually a good move it's lovely and it's a memorial to to the child so but it is but that's what the money was used for and I think we use it appropriately I I'm not I didn't mention that tonight but I know what you're saying but the rules what I'm talking about is Jackie you're not going to listen to It's it's obvious what do you mean not going to listen you're we're telling you what the story is but you're you're still going on and on what do what do you want well I am entitled to my public comment yes oh my god oh please you have to you have to cooler somebody else step up to the microphone Jackie time's up it's been minutes we have a I would I guess I'd like to close by saying I would appreciate it if you stopped dipping into our land trust for other expenses um because we would like to have something left in there for um for a possible purchase of open space to keep our Township as green and environmentally in check with climate change and everything else okay thank you thank you Alex Hayes Oakhurst um I'm just going to go down my list of questions so I'm going to be kind of fast because I don't want to be interrupted or my time to be out rather um the ebike action awesome glad you passed that so does that mean it goes into effect tonight no no okay oh okay you can answer me now but actually don't answer me now because then you're taking up my time um here is a comment uh Spanish um Haitian Portuguese transcriptions of documents I know you can go on to the town website and click a button and that translate things but it certainly doesn't translate we have 30% of our residents in this town are um non-english-speaking uh Hispanic Spanish speaking so we need to do better about only having everything that we do in English um earlier when Jackie when she first started um she was talking about ordinance 2484 and it's quite rude for this Council to say we can't discuss that um cuz she said well she literally said wait we can't talk about this and and the response was no it's going to be discussed next month that is so incredibly dismissive to a resident and the raising of the voices tonight and that's rude uncalled for and Unbecoming of public officials I cannot believe you guys are raising your voices at people it's mindblowing I'll continue the tax sale today um 140 or so um uh what are they called um tax um properties 140 properties um you know somewh a bunch of like 300 $600 there were ones as high as 21,000 30,000 these are people who have not paid their taxes their property taxes why is it taking this much for you guys to get paid one of them seven Princeton Court owes $21,000 there was a $30,000 one I'd like it if somebody could maybe take a look at some of the $600 ones and the 300 because they're almost all sewer related and I did speak with somebody in the wanasa section of town and they're like we've been trying to pay for weeks but the site will not let us go on and pay so probably a third if not more were $600 and they were all sewer related so that strikes me as maybe there's something wrong with the payment system because there're people that totally want to pay but physically couldn't um second another question um is Marty Arbus um the Council of record or is it you okay so when I I don't mean to say you like I'm pointing to you Mr good um it's it is you then correct yes okay so when I uh when I sent um a a legal question to you does Mr Arbus have any um um interaction with how you respond like he's not a council of record on your firm is he like does he weigh in on if I send you something does he weigh in we're gonna I don't want to don't take okay so that's a question um and then I think this is my last one hopefully I'm within the town or the five minute limit here um Cindy Lane uh shared services awesome that you are looking into shared services with other municipalities and the Board of Ed I think doing like custodial work Board of Ed custodians come here cleaning great idea and glad that was I think already approved um but two members of this Council have mentioned a a joint agreement on Cindy Lane between DPW and the Board of Ed um to which I opra um any discussion about Cindy Lane and DPW uh to this town and Council and also the school board um and I got in my Oprah response zero emails about anything related to Cindy Lane so I'm just wondering if this is a done deal if Cindy Lane is going to be some property on Cindy Lane that somebody's going to buy meaning the town or the Board of Ed and you guys are going to have a joint agreement um where are we getting any money to pay for something like that and where do we stand on a Cindy Lane joint deal with the Board of Ed I think that's it okay thanks okay uh let me start off e I believe 20 days after correct voting uh as for translation of documents we can look into that as well uh the introduction with no public comment uh we do the public comment the night of the ordinance hearing that's when the public comment happens um we can look into the payment system I spoke to I believe probably the same resident in one of M that had an issue with her tax bill having a hard time trying to pay the sewer bill after the tax bill so we'll look into the payment system uh Marty arbis is a partner of Matt Goods uh therefore their firm is the um attorney of record right now uh Matt being our lead attorney right now and as for Cindy Lane you won't see anything in writing or any agreement because there is no agreement with the Board of Ed these are discussions but there's an uh the prop property has some environmental issues because it's been um you know deemed potentially a uh dump at some point so we're trying to find out through our environmental Specialists if it's land that can be utilized how much of it can be utilized and what it can be utilized for once we find out how much of the land can be utilized then we can have those discussions potentially with the Board of Education they've indicated that there could potentially be some interest with us but there's nothing set in stone and there's no formal discussions yet thank you Dennis you got something yes first thing is just a comment uh I I didn't know much about the use of the open space fund for anything but open space and I applaud the open space fund being used to buy kwell Springs that's a great addition to the town I'm a little surprised I'm very surprised that it would be used for anything else and it sounds to me just in my opinion that you're splitting hairs and you might be technically correct but in my opinion that goes against what the spirit of the the the ordinance was it just that's my comment I don't I don't I'm not going any further with that uh I I am involved a little bit with things in town and I have trouble getting in touch with the council it is difficult to get in touch with you all uh if you go on the website as an uninitiated user if you look for the the council members you get a nice bio and you get some information about them but where you find that you don't find a contact information you have to go back and start looking for individuals to find the contact information for whatever their phone number is or an email it it would be much easier for people to find things if that was if it was easier to get in context for the way people would actually search like I search for robit chera and I don't get the phone number or the the text the uh email email there I got to go sneak up on it from some other place now when I get the phone number and I give Mr a chair a call I'm just using you as an example Rob my phone stays silent for a long time and I'm honored by a call from the mayor saying I got this message your message came through to my phone yeah yeah yeah well and that's even more amazing that you're answered me so danis I think we're going to look into that you hear yeah he forwarded I saw you coming yes I don't know if there somebody is there somebody who's in complete charge of the website because the website is way more better than it used to be there's no question about that there's a lot more information there but if an uninitiated user tries to use it I think you should have some uh I can't think of the proper term for it user experience when somebody's trying to look for things that they can actually find them and i' I'd be willing to put my 10 cents in inflation so you are 100% right on the access and I think that's an easy fix Tracy can Trac could probably just put our phone numbers emails under our that's easy and Tracy has done an awesome job Y is that somebody I could talk to is it yeah you can call Tracy straight away yeah call her right now she's in [Laughter] the so she's probably okay thank you very thanks Dennis motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor I any opposed need ajour right it's basically