##VIDEO ID:PdfBxq_Sb3A## just want to remind everybody that all Township Council meetings will be audio and video tape they'll be shown on the township devotions Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon fos and channel 77 on cable vision roll call please mayor Nani here Deputy Mayor fer here council members of chair here kapan here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park president in the coaster Post in town hall file in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 let's start off with our engineer H go forward Greg okay uh go to Project the first one is the road program it's ongoing we've had there's about five roads that didn't we didn't reach because of the weather we're kind of cut shutting it down uh contractor wants to start a couple other roads I don't know your feelings on that we got a couple cue act he wanted to go and do the concrete work now and then he was patch the payment next to the curb and uh but the road would not get paid it looked very similar to Shadow lawn we went in all the concrete work was done the road wasn't paved I didn't particularly want him to carry more roads up it's not going to save us any time in the spring it's just going to give him something to do right so I kind of told him I didn't want him doing that but I think it's just fewer people will complain with the disturbances that we'll have over the winter okay they were Milling Siri lane today in Wayside Siri and Wayside yeah over by uh Blair Court I got I got stuck in it that might be the gas company the gas company ping two roads of to it was like a big machine taking it out yeah pay two on that to got it 24 Road program I was authorized to proceed um with that one also had a meeting with Ricky to talk to him about um see if we can get any additional funding for the road program a little bit to bump it up for so we can start catching up with some of these uh Ro need some additional money to get them done he said he would look at it like obviously you'll be going over the budget with him sometime later next year uh next one is kepwell Park um getting quotes for the demo of the house in the pool so getting uh Ricky's ready authorized me with the funding we have that in place to take the house down so I'm going to get quotes from uh contractors to take it down and also the aestus inspection so those will be for the next meeting we'll probably get that authorized got to ask where's that fun is that budget funding or is it open space funding open space okay that's what Ricky told me um next one is the sidewalk Crossing we're waiting for Ricky for the funding we have to get another permit the flood Hazard permit for that sidewalk Remember by a guard rail on whale Pond yes got that we got the permit they want me to get a flood Hazard area permit which is kind of a silly thing but we have to do that so there's additional fees I got to get that money authorized by Ricky before I go and spend it so that's that's well that will be done relatively quickly once we get the money authorized um next one is the fireman's Pond drudging there's no change in that we're still waiting for the DP permanent everything's been submitted uh the mayor and Dave are going to have a meeting next week with the county uh commissioner to see how what uh we can work out with them what they're going to do for us to help us out with uh the dredging the transportation of the for the the disposals and to follow up on that one I met with Don uh Don brockel and John Moore from Asbury Park in regard to the project that's supposed to take place up in uh cie Square which I believe they're still waiting on the D approvals and permits on that piece up there which is a big project um that will affect everything Downstream so it's obviously imperative that that gets done first before we start looking down I know we were looking at trying to do some fixing in Terrace Pond which is what Dave's working on and we're going to work with uh commissioner AR commissioner director rown and and us and trying to get something together so that we can uh do something to alleviate some of the stress out there but to do it properly we have to really wait until we get that I guess that Silk filtration system that's going to be put up there so it's important and one more thing that you pointed out when we met I believe it was last year there all the requirements before we even do the dredging now in these areas is we have to put in those what are those things called when you when you uh when the water comes in they're actually filtration areas that are where the water comes into that particular Pond like a Sim B yeah like sediment which I I think is a great idea that the requirement is there this way we can clean out the sediment Basin as opposed to having to do this over and over and over again it's it's a great idea and it'll help out the ls yeah I just say to stay vigilant on cleaning out the set B but it's a easier because you know they're there easily easier portion to access yeah um mayor just talked about Terra Pond Snell's Pond is the same we're waiting for um some four more residents to sign off on those applications uh Lolli poop Pond we're just waiting to uh for the funding for the bridge we're working that out that'll be part of your next year's budget the dragging I'm waiting for the state to get back to me whether we can spend any of that money on the uh testing of the soils which I'm hoping we can but the drudging portion of the the testing of the soils and getting the uh all the through the lab work is a rather big number for us to so we're trying to get that pay through through the grant that U the assembly woman got us okay uh 1515 loogan same we're just waiting for DP approval um bimbler we talked last week about can I how long has that been in probably 6 8 weeks 15 15 longer yeah we're going back and forth I think it's been about 4 to six six weeks since we submitted the last portion of information to them excuse me so we got feelers out I talked to the guy one of my guys and we got feelers into them trying to get the answer to see how much longer it's going to be we just called them today so hopefully we'll know couple days um bimble on the uh Colonial Terrace I don't know what the committee is called they have they they won a meeting with you and I'll I'm going to beet with them in January okay can you just tell them that cuz they keep reaching out and asking for a date for their meeting so they could tell their people that they have a meeting on the calendar yeah I didn't want to me because I don't know if anybody's going to go with me oh but I I will meet with him sometime in January I think it's just too crowded right there not to do it now rest so sometime early January okay I'll reach out to them probably tomorrow great I'll be in your office tomorrow so I'll reach on to than sometime in January I'll let everybody know they in case you want to F thanks uh the crosswalk at sunset in Maple that was where we're going to paint strip the crosswalks there that pain striping hasn't been done I kind of put the kabash on E right now it's too cold payment is too cold and I don't need that P peeling off if we get a warm stretch the striper is have been authorized to do it if it gets above 50 so if it gets we get a couple warm days that'll probably go in if not that'll be going in in the springtime uh the trail at roller road to Sunset is completed that we're going to be going back in filing for our reimbursement to the state for that so that paperwork's being done now why I'm sorry did I miss why why was the state paying for that that's good but yeah they we they were state funded oh yeah so we just got a nice yeah supplemental funding cool yeah that was a that was a quick hit for us that was nice nice cuz that was been on our books for several years and the opportunity came up and we got money from the senator cool so yeah uh DP W facility that's ongoing the wetlands and all that uh and additional testing is currently being done uh Kramer CT Bridge that's done the only thing I'm waiting on is I want to wait a little longer to see when the days are the longest which is like the next week because the solar lights that are on that bridge that were put in the little they put on little solar lights and I want to wait to see if that will last through the night with the solar charge that they get in a day because I'm concerned if it doesn't it's going to be dark so we're going to have to put the conventional light that we always plan on putting in but since they put it in we'll take a look at it I'm also waiting Green Acres seems to be okay with our trails and location across the blue Acres proper proper just waiting for blue acres to get back to us Green Acres is talking to them internally about it that should be coming up probably by next month the solar lights they never said what the charge would be the length no we didn't put them in the synag got of people put them in and I don't even know what kind but they put them where close which it lights set up pretty nice but I just want to make sure how long they last okay yeah cuz I do the last thing we need is that to be dark in the middle of the night and not going have a problem uh what do we get next here uh the stream cleaning in uh West Allenhurst I sent a letter to get U we talked we've had a couple internal meetings we have a project status meeting and we've talked about we've got to me some the dpw's got that piece of equipment and the dnag the Stream quar So the piece that we didn't know in between Washington and Holly Terrace I sent a letter a couple days ago to that property owner to get permission to go on their property to clean out that portion of the stream Corridor so we clean that out that'll get us from T Terrace to Washington which is where majority of the flooding is occurring in that area when the flow isn't going through the stream quar and then the next piece will be from Holly Terrace to the West that's a little more difficult because a lot more backyards a little more condensed area but we're trying to do everything we can to increase the flow capabilities over there just from natural you know blockages and stuff we can take out and we also are looking at putting in a um additional pipe over for overflow along runion from gol down to Washington so that'll probably be in next year's Road program that'll alleviate some of that water out there in that section it's going to reduce the flooding right because we have that that intersection it just ponds there's no way for it to get out of it they'll take all that water down to Washington and you know push it down so we can get it across the crossing under the transit authority and the way we left it I'm reaching out to Sam and and uh the manager over and deal about the about the pipe okay to increase the pipe size on new Transit yeah and the last thing I have is the um the next round of the stream cleaning of the pop Brook has been authorized Ricky gave me the authorization the other day we have the money we're going to be cleaning out from uh whale Pond West almost to the back of the Ocean Plaza that'll all be dagged in the next couple weeks so then that'll get us essentially from New Jersey Transit on the poer brook almost all the way up to the back side of that development and the development is the stream we know it's clean cuz they clean that out so we'll only have a short little piece so that'll be from 35 to the transit will have been cleaned out in less than a year nice so we're doing good that was going to take a lot longer right yeah I thought that was going to take us two years but uh we're moving through there pretty good what foot Bridge there from fer over that's what that's that's the Waterway you're talking about right that's what we're going to do we're going to start working on the fingers to that now cuz I'm ahead of schedule but I thought it was going to take 5 years to clean out the pop Brook and the whale Pond Brook mhm but took us a little less a little more than a year to clean out the popper so now I'm going to do some of the fingers because those are pretty bad okay and then we'll be working down in the Eastern end of it any with lollipop and Colonial Terror so all kind of dovetail in in the southern end of town that's all I had why you looking at me huh why you looking at me you just set the progression on the table we always start with you well we know you have the most questions I I do have actually no questions but well I guess it is question so Sheridan a from Rosel to Rion it plugs and we had a conversation about this way back in September of 23 nice lady that lives in the area was complaining that she was paying a lot of taxes and that floods a lot you did go out there you did something I hadn't heard from her until two weeks ago and she sent me pictures so probably yesterday when it rain no yeah the big rain last week this wasn't a big one to be C to be fair um but I'll send this to you but you did something back then but I can see that it's still Rob so I noticed the other day and I know what you're talking about cuz there's been several when it we were getting the heavy rains I would go out there and take a look I think the issue right now are the leaves and as these guys get caught upes yeah the leaves could be blocking yeah the leaves are blocking up a lot of these drains I'll look that I'll get Steve Higgins and B W so he I noticed I think I know exactly the area that you're talking about and I rode by there and it wasn't even raining that much like it was right before the heavy stuff came down this was just for the record and I'm not disagreeing with you November 21st yeah now I think it's the leaves because they were you know I talked to Steve yesterday about that there was some areas that I noticed but I I didn't really really press it cuz I know they're getting around getting these leaves and they you know there's just just a lot there's a lot of lot of it like late falling yeah well we had that problem like it was very prominent on southern part of MTH Road here the leaves were blocking down here as you get little pths run some of the Cross uses on the west side of the road it would have flooded half of the road but I know for a fact that's a blocked Inlet that's a county Inlet but our guys will still go out when they get to it and clear that blockage but we It's just tough because everybody's putting their leaves out and you get these kind of rains and it instantly blocks the inet that's just this person covered them up because they didn't want them blowing anywhere and then the concern was that we put the bag the cover back on her lawn she thought we should have put it on her porch and fold it oh when they when they came to pick up the leaves okay probably should have been taken away thank you I'll send it to you no problem thanks that's it cool okay so just one question so when we talk about the road program how we didn't finish those five roads so now we'll just start again when they are able to when it gets warmer in the spring April April yeah and it's do does that then delay 24 delays 25 no they're totally independent okay yeah those are that's just going to be its own independent thing when it soon warms up they'll probably start the concrete work in March okay for all the roads that they didn't get done there's five of them M and then that but take about a month and then it'll Dive Right into Paving us okay dominoes yeah okay but we just got authorized to do the 25 program so or 24 program so that'll probably be out to bid late January early February which is still good timing for us so that'll hit the road run and in the springtime sounds like the delay is getting shorter and shorter no this one was a longer one we usually 24 yeah we usually start the program in like September and is that a funding issue uh it was a timing issue timing yeah so we're working on that okay good talking to the mayor Ricky about that and Dave weing on it's just it's just and it's really it was semantic so we think we can work it out we'll get authorized probably in June or July next year instead of September so then we can hit we can get probably the pro program done in that year okay so 25 should be done in 25 great then we won't be calling 2 gets confusing got a couple questions okay um any new information on the potential Crossing traffic light on cold Indian and uh deal Road no no update okay waiting on state is so I guess this is an interesting question is that obviously the the weather the climate has changed a little bit leaves are falling later in the year so how do we get ahead of this because all we need is one snow and then this whole thing is going to be a disaster with the leaves that you know have not really fallen off the trees I know in my neighborhood the leaves are not really down yet they're finally down it just but so you can see a trend you know by November you know used to wrap it all up now December is becoming more of the so people are complaining their leaves are not getting picked up the storms are clogged so I think we have to start thinking for 2025 maybe a different format maybe unfortunately we have to divert some resources to clean these things uh because I mean if the leaves are not falling till November December you know that changes the whole world so it's uh and a lot of things that we do maintenance wise we usually waited till December January to do it because the resources weren't available because those guys are collecting leaves but now we're going to have to rethink that a little bit I mean I know in the landscaping business no one no one worked in the month November it was done they were all on vacation now they're still out there blowing and so I think this is you know a byproduct of some climate problems maybe Higgins can come up with some he's he's pretty Innovative I mean see what kind of idea he might have I mean he's he he's really good so I da if we have a combo with him or or whatever throw it down I'm sure yeah I mean it's it just maybe uh a sign of the times you know and just planning different yeah because you know he allotted all his manpower to be collecting leaves in October and early November and it didn't happen so sure we can plan other things next year and we probably get the early Lea fall yeah and then of course then Everything Will Change we'll get a freeze and then snow in October that's all I got good uh Kelly um no nothing okay thank you Greg appreciate the update everybody have a nice Christmas I Merry Christmas nice holidays yes we'll see you next year all right um before I go to you Dave do you mind if I go to the shade tree absolutely please uh shade tree planning committee um is that who's who's on that that oh that's sor Julian Patty show let's go ladies if you want to be on TV go down there Thea sure I never realize that I was like maybe we won have time to speak no time for you Julia appreciate you we just want to give you an update on the subcommittee of the Shak commission which is the um sh planning committee so as you know this um committee we've been Gathering all um what Julie and I are on and Steve Higgins is on and we've got Angelie baxi on and Ken Lutz on and uh it's you know and Patrick from the school solivan from the schools so it's been um it's been really Weare been Gathering a lot of information realizing what we don't know what we do know and we realized that our role really after talking to D and going to tree canopy things and going to the league and learning more and more about it our job is really to inform gather the data and inform the next Community forestry management plan so one of the big uh pieces that the D requires is community engagement so as you know we've been working with the schools and to give you an update that's just been been going great uh J's been working doing the um working with one of the teachers one of the teachers specializes in mapping so we're looking into GIS mapping and seeing you know how far we can take it based on their subscriptions and the resources they have with the school so are they the ones using the drones I will send you my me second time I heard you but uh so that's going really well and that will be a preliminary tree canopy stud it won't be the final one but it'll be give us sort of a good uh sort of an idea of where we are we're also got the students in uh Megan edson's class doing PA working on a PA for the survey Community survey that we've created that will ask uh Community residents all over the township about whether uh they what what they H what kind of trees they have in their neighborhood what how many trees they have do they have flooding all those basic questions so that work with the schools are going great the teachers are fantastic uh it's just really thrilling what's a PA sorry Public Service announ I'm sorry PSA PSA okay or PA public announcement Public Announcement preference a physician's assistant sorry person they're doing they're doing a video they're going to do a video with kids in it we get they to sign the you know the release slips and they're going to do a video of like why trees are important and that's going to be the you know sort of uh beginning of the survey that gets sent out and we're going to be able to send it out not only on the email the backpack stuff but on the text alert system that the school us the remind app which just like real time hit your phone I guess I'm you know so out of it with schools these days yeah cuz we're trying to get a response we're just trying to get as much response from as many Community residents as we can and that will also the more residents that we get especially from our overburdened communities that will help get us grants because uh one thing and I'm going to turn that over to Julian um jul in a second but um the the DP uh really uh encourages that all Community forestry management plans from municipalities are written by certified arborists these folks know how to write them and they do a good job and that takes money um not a ton of money but I want you all to be aware of that that that's who should be writing these plans and that's the plan we need by the end of 2025 for the D and that's really would be a multi-year plan that will be the basis and the blueprint for what Ocean Township does so our job is as a committee is to get whoever writes this plan the arborist all the information they need the priorities that we see and recommendations that we see of the areas that perhaps need more and we really want to be able to work with you all on this as well when we're done and bring the recommendations to you and the shade tree Commission of course um their blessing for you to discuss when we get all more of this information so that's where we are with that I'm have question real quick what uh you have any estimate on the cost of that study for the uh well there's a grant yeah here go ahead Grant well there is a DP grants targeted at that but it would be 5050 some of them are 50/50 some of them 100% we're going to see the more Community engagement we get $5,000 $5,000 is one of the Grands for that and then they have other grants for the or the cost of the arborus isn't $5,000 it's more than that yeah I think it's the it's the cost of writing the grant that's actually the cost of just paying the person write the grant do do what do you estimate the cost of it like you any idea what it would cost to actually do this study not just not the grant of writing the grant but to do the to actually do the entire prepare a forry management plan um I don't know if anybody had given you an estimate or well we've got their different costs involved here see one of the costs and that we're trying to get a grand for and we're looking into is to get a professional you know tree canopy study we haven't had one since before Sandy so we need a new tree canopy study um the commercial grants for that are around $155,000 um so we're trying to figure out a way we're doing the preliminary one with the students that will help if we get if we show that they in overburden communities where we don't have a lot of trees and stuff that will everything we do with overburden communities um will help us get grants from the de it's kind of you have to really be inclusive in in your municipalities and show that you're you know and and focusing on and caring about those communities so we're trying to take this so that we cost the municipalities least amount of money but professionally it be a 15 grand for that the writing of the actual I we haven't gotten an estimate for the writing of it but the D is saying $5,000 for somebody to write it and that's why we're trying to get as much information as we can we're going to be meeting with Tim at the sewage Authority about where it floods we're going to be trying to figure out Bend diagrams of where in the municipality trees would be the most useful because the D encourages green infrastructure so we're trying to look at this holistically with you know as a municipality with all the Departments to try to get the information and then we'll get that to the arborist we'll bring it to you bring it to chry and we'll move forward Dave do we have any assistance with the Millennium for then yeah okay yeah we had a meeting yeah we talked about that yeah and with our so we're putting out um a townwide survey and with those results and with our mapping that we figure that out um with those results we'll be able to know what the target is for the grant writers to get us money and again you know overburden communities need the money so we're perfect candidate for them right yeah and Jesse helped us with show the different maps that have numbers so we looked at the garbage map wasn't wasn't wasn't specific enough we looked at the voter registration map which I think we're using yeah we just cleaned it up we like removed a lot of verbage on the outskirts and we divided it into five keys colorcoded so it's super easy and everything's bilingual you know multi- language so yeah we're going to be doing Creole uh Spanish English and it's there's an automatic isn't there an automatic language for the recipients I believe so and through the apps there are but anything we pump out look at these ladies goed Ed daughter Bella is one is one of our one of our participants we always know it's in the background she was totally independent no she was totally independent she's in Miss edson's class and when they're done the students want to come and and do a presentation and show you all what they've done and that would be really exciting for them because part of this is also uh involving getting students more involved in government so there's a a polic itics piece of this and governance good governance piece of this that the students get to participate in so it's a lot of work we've been like sort of we spread a very wide net we're kind of honing in now more on what we're doing more than just aspiration you know so we now we've got some yeah we you know we've been figuring it out and uh we're really happy the direction it's going but it's going to take we want to do it right it's going to take time but we're getting we're moving forward at a good Pace I have a question any questions yeah um you're talking about like the mapping and the study and it hadn't been done pre Sandy I thought I attended tree canopy has the tree canopy I thought there was a tree canopy study we we studied all the dead trees around town oh that's an inventory okay that's and we will be using the tree inventory which is the davies's resource that's a database right that's a database of the trees but that was not inclusive it did not do the entire town we would like to find a remember to do the entire town we did the parks we did the areas that were Municipal land because we felt they needed to be done but we really need want to do the entire town because showing where there orange trees as well is valuable too so we we would we're going to be looking talking to the D about trying to find grants for that or we're going to need to use money Tre you know perhaps sh tree money to to do more of that we'll say yeah arborist we don't have an arborist we do not have a certified Arborist on staff I when you say C like because we do have an arborist but not with the proper we don't have a certified Arborist who's our tree guy AR he's not an arborist okay need a guy like Zig Panic he's a certified Arborist isn't he sort of kind of he is yeah yeah I mean I think that's that's what now do you have others in mind that you would potentially use I mean there must be a other arborus I'm I don't know any arborist personally but I will be talking to DP there's an association we can reach out to as well I share with interesting mayor what we'd have to do from a procurement standpoint to go out for an RFP or a bid or something along those lines yep so if we need to do there I've done this in other towns okay yeah so that's something that you would want to consider in your budget process cuz I don't think that's a shade tree fund thing you asked for a line item didn't you on the budget I don't recall that I'm not uh somebody did I thought I sure I definitely want some line items on the budget yes we want is that a is is that a requirement of the shade Tre commission to have a certified tree oror the shade tree commission doesn't have staff like that that we are simply you know we're volunteers adiss we're advisory so uh and the subcommittee that we're on pretty much has almost no Authority at all except that we're doing a lot of work uh and we'll be getting approval of all the work we do final approval through the shry and then presenting it to you all so um yeah that's how it's kind of set up so you mentioned that we had a u end of 25 dead D deadline yeah and and that's for what the community um forestry management Community forestry man community manry community forestry management plan I was okay and we and pardon my ignorance we need to do that why it's uh we is a requirement yeah ad will answer that question it actually has to do with insurance having a community forestry management plan keeps the town protected should a tree owned by the town fall and cause damage if you don't have a community management plan you can get sued you do have one you have Em by whoever the party is the community for management plan provides Indemnity it I mean obviously if you're reckless and you let a a tree that you know is a hazard continue to exist all bets are off but otherwise it provides General Indemnity for falling trees and the lake it also elevates your standing with the D and your ability to get grants and do other things like that I mean will that help us get our D permits faster I wouldn't hold my breath on that and it would you're the that all right so we'll we'll just keep you updated we'll keep you updated as we go and I think the next thing to look forward to here will be seeing the students right like that great question in terms of the community engagement and the survey how are you guys sending that out the survey so the survey is going to go out through backpack and through the school systems and and then we also um we'll put the P we can put the P um PSA on the shade Tre Mission page is there going to be a way for people to do it electronically I feel like it's all electronic oh great it's all you can do it on your phone and we like to have help putting it um and doing it putting on the newsletter the town newsletter we'll have like aod ready to go and what's the vetting process like how do you validate the claims or the counting or the type from a citizen uh like because if you're gonna send me something I'm an idiot I would I would know our main concern is if you look out the window the 330 300 Ru 33 like you look at your window do you see any trees do you see three trees do you have flood so you don't go as far as what type or anything like that really it doesn't matter it's really okay you know if there's a few that get fudg or whatever we just want to make sure we have adequate engagement we want make sure we have enough from all the communities that Outreach some people don't know um you know what to do if your Road's flooded and you can't leave your community they who do you call so it's kind of it's informative and it's getting information to kind of pinpoint these areas that are most effective what's the time frame on the survey uh working with the teachers but we're hoping to have it out by the new uh the end of the new year or we're going to probably have so we're meeting with we have a meeting on the 19th which is next Thursday a week from now I would say once we have the survey ready to go it would be February all right because we have the next newsletter is the spring summer newsletter so we would want that information to get over to uh Tracy in advance you let us know your printing deadline yeah yeah uh I I don't I don't know what the deadline is it's probably around that time I would think it's around February I usually get asked okay we'll make sure Tracy has a heads up and that this is coming this way we give you a section the survey once the PSA is done when it that's when it will go out with the with with the school resources but we'll probably have it a little sooner we'll have it completed by the students in the actual survey completed a little sooner you may want to reach out to Recreation and see if they can use Community pass datase there as well yeah cuz that's an automatic email right if you're signed up yeah so all those you know pipelines yeah we'll we'll you know once this is done in the can then we can really get it out and then everybody will share it out as well and we'll get and what i' really like to do is when the students come in to do this I don't know if you ever have press at these meetings but I think it'd be really nice to have coaster or some of the press the as Park Press show what Ocean Township is doing how well Ocean Township is coordinating with their schools how much Ocean Township cares about green communities and we'll you know and overburden communities and we'll get some press uh here as well as your good work that you're all doing so and uh and then um the other nice per ofus is that this impacts and will help get more points for the Green Team I've Been Told by the green team that the student involvement uh will actually help Elevate ocean townships standing with Sustainable New Jersey yeah I didn't even think of when we started we get 10 points for that that's a jack M question Jack's the one who told me Jack we were at the league at the LCD party he said we're going to get to be silver if you keep doing this okay we'll see yeah we were bronze right what were we bronze bronze bronze me all the time I did pick that jum your hoops and all we do is just give them a little metal great but it is great it shows that we're doing stuff so this is doing stuff well done thank you very lines in the back yeah I remember somebody asking for a line budget line yeah uh you're up there Dave all right mayor council I have two quick items um I have tonight is study update so we have the group 35 commercial Corridor study as you all know uh topology is collecting information uh from our Community Development Department our Ocean Township Police Department uh Emergency Services the collecting from building code and the tax collector but they're at a point where and I want to let everybody know because you might get calls on this one and I'm not going to steal your your thunder mirare but they are preparing to set up a drone so bad timing everybody to know bad timing if you see a drone on 35 it has to be a clear warm day uh and if you see a Dr there they are going to notify my office when they come good and we will put the notification out there on the website all that good stuff let everybody know send an email to police department and the sheriff will be contact during the day right d it will be during the day yeah yeah cuz and they'll be looking for like uh vacancies and such along the Route 35 Corridor now my other update Marty drum roll please not that good the municipal Hall site feasibility study we have an update on that we will be requesting Remington and Vernick to remove the metal on Deal Road Block 33 lock 1601 it will be no longer under consideration what property I'm sorry the meadow on Deal Road and that's Block 33 lot 1601 and we'll be asking them to consider two new properties that came up actually just yesterday in our administrative meeting and one of the properties is private we have to acquire it so I'm not going to speak any further on that property or give you any details on the property and the second one is a Township owned property and I need to do a break even analysis to make sure that we can move forward on that property so I'm not going to reveal that either but what I will say in transparency that hopefully within a week before the town hall meeting that's being planned in January by the council that the other sites which is the existing Municipal complex the school board property the Northbound Route 35 property the Asbury Avenue property these two additional properties we will have six properties that we'll be reviewing for the uh new Municipal town so that is my two study updates thank you Dave appreciate that that's all you got that's it any questions for Dave rob you got anything on those or other questions uh anything really for Dave I mean uh can I ask you a agenda question since I think so uh resolution nine Appraisal Services Sofer real services are we using them now or they new yes thank you y thank you Jess you're welcome oh sorry anything no please please no I know that one I know that one nope I'm good for that thank you hi uh I'm good thank you I'm good thank you Kelly I think I'm GNA Trump you on this one go ahead you go through your emails did you read them finally yeah understand you got to put up like no I have a problem man or something it's it's the Army in me I speak an acronym uh resolution nine oh yeah those were good questions a was that competed no no no we all going back to uh it was we do it every 3 years and that was last year that we went out and or earlier this year that we did that so now all of these are the um process of the um just or renewals just renewals some some maybe options some renewal Jesse I'm specifically asking about sbca oh yeah yeah no that's a it's I don't think it's option I think that's just a renewal renew okay and D um Financial advisory consultant is this a new ask or is this no no no you must not on my email today oh no I've been at work no this is fine okay so so no NW has been with us for stock room at williamsona they've been with us all three years I've been here um and and I don't know prior to that I have no idea but okay so this is a renewal of an existing thing that we have okay and then they work on financial analysis which is different than what the CFO does they look at the uh bond market and rates and they so it's a supplement to our CFO y cuz I remember that from your question all right um okay so that's that sorry the grants research did we ever do a cost benefit analysis on what we pay annually versus how many grants they've helped us secure they they secure almost $100,000 or more depending just just the one Grant they get every year for recreation is like 70,000 okay awesome yeah and could we add the tree thing on to that without because of the umbrella they just got us a um community energy Grant too that we're working on right now my office all right so that's a yes just now go go so cuz I asked the same question oh okay and the NW one too or the NW Financial as well yeah we're thinking alike so just to be clear when you say that that it's paid for itself again Dave and I had this conversation half jokingly that we could probably Google hear me out a lot of what those grants are because they're in the public domain okay so where they do add value I'll admit and you can debate it is after they're found the value that they add in writing the grant itself and helping us get it we're paying 600 a month 650 7,800 a year 7800 year for them to find the grants oh they're not writing the grant hold on then we pay them to write it on top of that okay so just to be clear that I'll oh I forget what the hourly rate is but it's still based on what they're getting and if you want a full analysis I finance as long as somebody has done it and oh yeah yeah I'm telling you just on the one grant that they give for recreation alone with Mike patrio that brings back enough and then to have them there because we don't really have anybody on staff that's does that I know it's it's a very hard field I'll tell you from experience uh working in a school system that used to have a actual grant writer in the system since they've gotten rid of the grant writer due to budgetary Cuts they haven't received what they're supposed to received and that goes for it it is and uh you know there it really is a talent I don't know who in I don't know who in the department heads has the amount of time to go out and search for these grants when we do run a really nice tight budget and we run a you know tight even with the the Manpower that we have here and the you know I I I I don't know I think the ways definitely justify the means on on the whole grant writing piece what I told Dave was correct on the grant writing piece yeah again but even the searching have they found any new ones in the past few years they find a lot that we either just decide not to go after for whatever reason to due to the department head or um a lot of stuff come a lot of fire stuff comes in but that's really not our value passed that along to the two fire districts and I would presume they go after those RS but there are stuff out there and then I guess you know more in the in the Arts and Cultural and just speaking uh we're going to start looking for shade Tre stuff now and we just we just dove into the community energy stuff okay good and Dave even offered over to the DA commission to see if they needed any assistance that open that door too they lean on us for insurance they lean on us for a few other things so yeah and they do it for other towns also so oh yeah they would know if there's something two or three Grant Management firms out there cover the whole state gotcha Okay resolution 10 um we're exercising our last option year so I'm assuming that has to be something in 2025 will have to be Revisited on that correct if if it's going to be continued or not okay um and sh sh to Mary Beth and Colleen especially for talking me through the affordable housing and those that fee schedule because I was not happy that was very thorough so those were good questions by the way and the explanation was helpful also oh yeah yeah I mean I was like whoa but that's what I said when I saw your email oh yeah sorry I get on a rant you know in the middle of the night now no it was no Kelly it was it was really good all right that's all I had believe it or not yeah thank you awesome we'll be quick round robin uh Rob anything didn't we just do that right did we no I had questions for Dave I didn't know if you had any yeah we we did that Kelly was okay cool good deal I have now I have one no I'm kid I have nothing we have about uh 14 minutes before we go into close session let me start off with Ed over here cuz I know he's been about nothing for plan no I got I got nothing to listen all right buddy let's go uh let's start down that end oh anything state your name okay uh Chris I the5 joa I teach in the es Park School District as a sub I'm a retired teacher teaching permanent sub now um I love POA Park I mainly here for a library Park and play Park which I am there all the time whenever I can be and I don't like the idea of the municipal building not being renovated the way I understand it but being moved possibly to the meadow and in that area um I didn't like the 32 acre that whole monstrosity I call it um 35 the manager just pulled that off the list I think she walked in yeah but I'm just this is why this is very important to me um I'm not as aware of the problems in the municipal building how bad it is that it needs to be moved it can't be renovated but just my thing is just living in Ocean toship I love living here I don't want to have to move because I don't have the peaceful Park to go to anymore that's just one thing that I love about Ocean Township and that's why I'm here I just think it's an important issue Abol thank you over here all if we're going in order I'll go Alex Hayes from Oakhurst um I'll start personally um on Dow Avenue yesterday the uh water main break was literally right in front of my house I drove through it too yep yeah I'm surprised I had water the whole time so and the crew was great and they were probably there over 12 hours or something however the road is horrible it's like somebody's going to drop an axle or something um I'm assuming American water is not in the road paving business so they actually are they might well then they they're going to subcontract they need I implore you or the engineer to go drive over Fanwood and DOW because it's horrible um I didn't quite know what you were talking about with the kwell pool Building open space funding I'm sorry not you I'm pointing the engineer that said it said something about they're so on his list they're going out to bid to get the house and oh yeah the the current house that's on kepwell is going to be removed demolished and and we're paying for that through yeah I think we got a through open space funding that we have yes that's say yes yes okay okay um and some of these questions I might repeat at the 7:00 p.m. because not really everybody's online at 5:00 p.m. um um this was one of my questions to U manager Brown last week um regarding the Facebook pages run or page run by the town MH who is who's like in charge of who posts and then does that person also have training on you know recordkeeping and what they're supposed to you know not delete okay to delete okay to hide not okay to hide um cuz I I do have a problem with that post being deleted as I know I articulated to you and um I think if anyone were to do an open records request or other things that there you guys would come back and say nope I don't know which Facebook page that is or Facebook post you're talking about so I'm just wondering who's the authority on so the the posting comes out of my office is run by Tracy okay in my office um but we run everything up the ladder and not this Township attorney sitting here but our other Township attorney who's not here tonight Matt good had um as far as taking it down I know I'm still looking into that so if it's if it's incorrect it'll be put back up but what was put up was totally incorrect so that so that shouldn't even can't well I don't know I don't want to catch Marty off car here with this one cuz yeah I mean it's my understanding on it so in terms of what was taken down um I think did you have put that back up or no we did not yet but obviously if you and Matt say we got to put it back up we'll put it back up but it was incorrect what was up I know that yeah so it's been over a week and nobody has any def definitive decisions on it no cuz then you're into another complicated area because we went down to the league and the league tells us that we can turn comments off he told all the municipalities that yeah you can turn comments off or you can accept comments you can't do is choose which comments you accept so you can turn off and have no comments or you can have comments but turn them off in the beginning you can't turn them off an hour and a half later later I think arguably you're I think arguably you turn it off at the beginning uh but once comments are in you they can't choose which comments you so yeah so I think what they were trying to do is turn the comments off at a certain period but I just think the timing was just horrible because of the the post that was going up so we we'll revisit right now the comments are on so we'll revisit that at at another other time for the As far as the township yes so what was taken down is back up now no no no no no no no that's still debatable I'm waiting to get a final answer on if we what was taken down cuz I didn't even see it the incorrect post was taken down was incorrect I about there not being a discussion tonight about the town hall there will be no discussion about town hall yeah and you can't put no discussion because it's a public media anybody can discuss that doesn't mean that you may not get your answer and and me taking the brunt of it I I didn't get a chance to review that post before it was posted so that you know buck stops with me stuff happens so maybe if there's a you know a delineated procedure that everyone who has the ability to post knows what can and cannot be done cuz if somebody says um from running many um corporate sites if somebody says the blue the sky is purple today and that's absolutely not true you have a right to hide that like if it's something ridiculous like that even a municipality can hide but not take down I guess okay so and then I guess my other question is if the um meeting on the 12th today about the tax assessment was rescheduled for next week and you know quickly another two weeks from now there's another date on the 23rd I think it is it's it's a Monday why is it taking so long for us to pick a date for the town hall uh public comment meeting I mean is it hard to open up a calendar and say this date we can town hall for what Topic in that one post that said we are not going to be talking about the town hall rebuilding or whatever that has been it will be in the next quarter January 26th 23rd is a Thursday right yeah January January 23rd is when and then that's when and my intention is to have the study back post it so people can read it at least a week ahead of time cuz I don't and whatever they get it out we'll get it up there decision will be made on January 2 y but to your point though decision but all the discuss discussion with the public the council Administration but to your point though to your question the meadow is is off the table so that's not even going to be considered any further at this point okay thank God right so can you socialize the 26th meetings or 23rd meeting yeah that's going to be one of the next postings that we do um on on there that'll probably won't be tomorrow but probably next week probably like Monday or not like January 16th or anything like that no no no okay on the 2 January 24th will post us surprise me thank you we have a whole game plan I'm trying to push out but I don't want to get it too crowded where you miss something thank you I appreciate it okay uh next okay um I'm here about internet access um I live on BR court side oh I'm sorry Amanda Persia um there's four houses on Brian court and we are the only Street in Ocean Township that does not have access to Verizon fos we only have Optimum don't know if any of you my street does not either I don't think I have I don't have Verizon fos either I'm on F we were told that we were the only ones so yeah you're behind me which is strange cuz we have it and you don't everybody else on Wayside has it yeah so we da do you have the contact for Verizon yeah we have a government relations personel reach out so they da will reach out we've spoken to several people at fos because optim my husband and I both work from home and the the Rel liability is not great so F said oh sure sure sure we'll look at that we'll look at that and then we finally got someone to give us an answer and they said we have no plans to expand coverage cour they said the only way they might change their mind is if government reached out and encouraged them to do so so that's why I'm here to ask you all to help me get better coverage consider surprised they didn't get you CU they were doing the fiber optics through the neighborhood oh the street over from me has it but not my street we're a small Street us at yeah I know where you're and we have the transistor for the parkway on our street so apparently there's a lot of different wires over there interesting they gave us a ton of reasons I don't know what's accurate or not but okay I would love to have fire they reach out to the rep for you and you and I believe you have my number here's your number John thank you uh just out of curiosity since that's sort of what I do during the day um unlike Optimum well let me do it a different way so yeah like cable vision we're contracted with cable vision or Optimum op for whatever it is 10e period whatever the length is that's not like Verizon right Verizon's an alternative that's not necessarily a contract that we have with Verizon like in the case of optimum they would have to provide service everywhere oh for the town yes but Verizon's not like Optimal in that case they can pick and choose yeah and they're they're not everywhere in the market either like with they're correct cabling and such so that's the issue right same thing happened in La Branch like you could get it on one side of the street and it wasn't on the other side well that's why a couple years ago he was going to run his own cable do but just to be clear so if Verizon says they won't I'm trying to be respectful I agree you should try to get it but if they say no there's no muscle from us correct we can't compel them there's a bunch of areas I think in town going tost you twist an arm but you can't force a strategy okay A little I just want to we got us and we got we got some legislator people that want polls we got some people we'll see what we can do yeah that would be great it's not a not not a dead issue I Dave you might as well throw Robie drag on the list then now we're talking I mean asking is and they I don't think it's bizarre like you said so weird they did come through a couple years ago and did all the streets okay we have like uh two minutes Jackie you got anything no I was here really for the text conversation so okay question main all right good so then uh that's it uh motion to go on close session so moved second second all in favor I I any opposed I Sil I have files available I still have good evening everyone I just want to remind everybody that all of our tup Council meetings will be audio and vide taped they'll be shown on the town of oceans cable Community Channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor naani here Deputy Mayor fiser here council members Zera here Kaplan here Terry here uh can we all stand for a pledge of allegiance and remain standing as we say silent CL I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all this moment of silence is in membrance of uh two of our longtime members of the community Lois Barrett and Barbara Hudson whose husband was a uh Township manager here many years ago you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press sent to the coaster and posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 2023 there are two emergency exits on the wall to my right that'll take you to the front of the building and another one to my left that'll take you to the rear all cell phones must be turned off and if you have to make a call kindly step outside call out there uh before we come down for our ceremony I'm going to go down the end and we're going to start off with Council comments we'll start off with Deputy Mayor Dave fiser thank you mayor I just wanted to congratulate Mike burio and Jed Nordstrom on a wonderful uh Christmas lighting uh it grows and grows every year they uh do an outstanding job and they bring a lot of uh Pride to our Township want to remind the residence sit on 12:26 Thursday right after uh first day of of Christmas we're having the manora lighting here here at Town Hall I believe that's at 5:00 p.m. and I guess this is our last meeting of the Year could I just want to wish everybody a happy and healthy holiday and uh we'll see you next year thank you Deputy Mayor councilwoman Terry um I just wanted to honor Joe mamora who we also lost I know he was a friend to many in this community so I wanted to pass that along and also the happy holiday sentiments from myself out to everyone thank you councilwoman councilwoman Kaplan so Deputy Mayor fiser stole my thunder so I'll just Echo what he said and happy holidays to everybody and happy birthday to councilman Rob CH yes Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Rob well happy birthday you don't have to want to sing anybody want to song think let me do my report so I Echo all of theirs as well and wishing everybody a happy holiday no no other report thank you thank you uh our uh esteemed Township attorney this evening Marty Arvis it's nice to be back and uh we're gonna get you last happy holidays to everybody and happy Birthday Rob thank you and our Township manager Dave Brown thank you mayor I just want to reiterate the uh announcement that that I made upstairs at the workshop meeting at 5:00 um we are making a revision to the municipal Hall site feasibility study uh we're going to be requesting uh Remington Vernick our engineering firm that is uh doing the study we're going to ask them to revise the study to remove the metal on Deal Road Block 33 lot 1601 and we'll be adding two properties uh one which will be a private property and there's another Township owned property that we're going to add to that as well and because of the acquisition and negotiations um not releasing the information but I hoped that in a week in advance of the town hall meeting which will be Thursday January 23rd we'll be having town hall on the town hall and hopefully a week ahead of that we'll be able to post the six sites that does not include the meadow on Deal Road U the new the the four remaining sites and the two new sites and we want to have that ready to uh publish uh to the public prior to the January uh 23rd meeting so this way everyone will have at least a week to read the study and and there will be a one-page summary in the study to help you just uh get your cliff notes in if you want to if you don't want to read the whole thing but that's all I have M I also want to wish everybody uh in the township here a happy holidays a happy and safe holiday also want to wish my my friend here to my right Mr Rober Cher happy birthday enjoy the rest of the night thank you um and thank you everybody Take Care thank you Dave um I attended a uh drone meeting this morning with Sheriff golden from Mammoth County Sheriff's Department under Sheriff Breen Ridge and uh our prosecutor Ray Santiago here's a quick update on the meeting that I had and I also posted something on my uh page some information that you if you do see some uh first of all they're of military grade they have about a four to five hour uh lifespan in Flight the lights go on they go off uh the FAA made it legal in 2020 3 to fly drones at night you are not allowed to shoot them down um they made that very clear there are only a few agencies that have that ability such as the dod and DHS um they're very quick the state police have already tried to track them and unfortunately they move very quickly when you get near them multiple sightings over Island Beach State Park um multiple drone reports uh coming in constantly County does have their own drone unit uh located in the highlands in Mount Mitchell uh they're not going to chase them Ocean County tried to chase them but uh impossible to catch them if you do have a sighting of a drone do not call 911 please call your local police department Ocean Township Police Department um right now that's really the only information that we have um unfortunately uh that that's that's as good as it gets at this point point I will continue to keep you updated if we get any additional information of course you can check our website our individual pages that we have with all the information so um you know again I I have very little information other than what was given to me by the sheriff and the prosecutor this St um so in regard to just to Echo what the manager said uh in regard to the meadow I want to just state that you know we understand that there will always be concerns when it comes to development no matter how badly it's needed as development affects people places and even intangible things uh while I would have liked to have had January special meeting on the township Redevelopment study cover every expert recommendation in its entirety I do respect the concerns of our residents our Senator and our assemblying women over the designated open space the will of the residents and the governing body is what ultimately rules the day so again I Echo those Sentiments of our manager thank you Dave for presenting that this evening uh for the residents and also I want to wish everybody a very happy holiday season uh please stay safe enjoy time with your families and you know that includes having a lot of fun and just you know be safe thank you so what we're going to do now is we're going to come off the Das and we're going to come down and honor some very lovely young ladies this evening which is long overdue okay got batteries this batteries hopefully hopefully yeah it's blanking [Music] I so we have some young ladies this evening who are have received their silver award which I think is uh pretty astounding here um we have I believe five ladies five young ladies so I'm going to call you up individually and we're going to present your proclamations and then you know we'll I want to hear a little bit about your Awards and stuff okay so we're going to start off with Maya Williams come on up Maya oh no no Maya okay okay no problem so we'll hold this up there for you sure Danielle okay aaou come on up Ava all [Applause] right here you go all right come on stay up here okay so Ava tell me a little bit about your award and what you did to get this accomplishment so I worked with Maya on Williams on this and we created this project it's called math and action and it's basically like a website we went to the fifth grade um Spartans leading the way program to help kids like who maybe have like other I don't know how to word it but like they can't stay after school like that's like the website part but the website was like our sustainable piece because it has lots of resources like videos like iel like links a lot of ways like kids in fifth grade can um like resources to help kids in fifth grade who may be like struggling with math and then and we stayed after school a lot for a homework club and there we really like helped like each like kid individually and like make them like more successful hopefully I wish I had you when I taught fifth grade 20 years ago wish I had when so did this help the students in fifth grade yes in what way like how does it help it helps them read better well they can like walk away with now like we sent um a lot of like the fifth grade teachers like our website that we created so now like when they like oh I don't know how to do this certain topic like I need help they can just go there like we took um all the stuff from like the envision math book that was used and they could just go to the website like we have resources we made videos we found videos obviously we watched them through before putting them on and yeah see they never heard of an encyclopedia congratulations thank you stay up here we got to take some pictures we're going to get you all up here Elena imro all right so we have an Elena hi Elena Deputy Mayor David fiser has an Elena at home actually weigh in college who's coming back right so Elena tell me what you did so to together me Danielle and ilila who will come up and talk more about it as well you want to should I get her up here too so you guys can talk together come on up Lea [Applause] is it light green it's working here you go all right so I'm going to let the ladies go and tell me a little bit about what you did for your silver award so together us three we are project was called the Wayside mindfulness garden and we renovated the little teacher Courtyard in the Wayside Elementary School so that the teachers can have like a spot to like hang out grade papers eat like um lunch and that kind of thing just a nice safe space for the teachers to enjoy their job a little bit more and um can you like tell wow I want to go teach there I didn't have that ability um we first had to remove all the bricks from the courtyard cuz they were like a hazard cuz they were all like lopsided so we redid the bricks we removed a lot of the leaves that were there from the fall like last few years did you girls show the boys how to do this right I guess we had brother you made the boys work a little bit yeah good uh we then uh went and had a fundraiser to raise money to use to to in the garden so we bought some stuff using the money from the fundraiser to um get little decorations and stuff so the teachers must really be excited about what you did for them right yeah we had a little um Grand Opening party for the teachers and brought some snacks and showed them the courtyard around and um the the uh fundraiser that we did was with some younger girl scouts and kind of showed them how we made some of the decorations in the garden like um Stepping Stones like cement stepping stones and um flower pots and was Mrs P there you know her father used to sit right here yeah yep that's right awesome girls I'll tell you there's nothing like a council meeting when you get to honor the kids because this is really what it's all about they're the future here you have these young ladies that took the time out of their busy schedules to not only do they they study they work hard in school but they're doing the extracurricular activities such as the Girl Scouts it really you know builds up a lot of character for them and I I can't say enough and it's it's really for me it's personal because I taught fifth grade for many years in Asbury Park School District and you know we obviously didn't have the resources that they have here especially when I went to school and the rest of us up here maybe not GA but you know we didn't really even have the internet you know so you guys have so many more resources today that it's absolutely fantastic at your fingertips what you're able to do today is just absolutely amazing and and to be able to throw more things out there to help students improve themselves and what you guys did to help teachers lives in you know when they need some space to get away in grade papers we truly thank you so let's give these girls a round of applause all right moms do we want to take some pictures of the girls we'll all get around them you want to get dokie I really thought you were I really [Music] did okay we're going to do the uh ladies give a chance to step out I guess if they want you're more than welcome to stay hey Dave I was going to go s yeah you would have lost well if you went over yeah I felt it was over I couldn't hear you I'm sorry Senator yeah oh okay sure when he comes when when he comes in we're going to do our consent agenda and then when he comes in for public comments so we have the uh our consent agenda all matters listed under the consent agender are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion on these items if a discussion is desired on any item the item may be considered separately the purpose of this public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an an item on the agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting there will be a 3-minute limit and you may be able to speak one time so if you have any questions in regard to the consent agenda please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record oh it's Margie Alex say is in oakers can you just give more back background on resolution 19 24-23 3 the five marijuana cannabis business licenses can you just give some background on why we're giving them a Time extension where we stand what does the extension mean uh Dave I can either answer you can answer whatever you want me to go so uh the clerk received a request from the people that have been issued the approvals for the licenses in town um they are within construction so they're giving reports updated to the clerk on a on a regular basis to let them know what their progress is the reason why they're being extended the reason why we limited it this time is because when we originally approved two licenses several years ago they dragged their feet and didn't get anywhere with it so we needed some sort of stop Gap here so that if they didn't have any progress we would have been able to pull the plug on that and then potentially go out again okay any other questions on the consent agenda seeing here none do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion to approve consent agenda second second roll call aera yes on everything except resolution 924 223f and resolution 1924 233 all of them roll call oh yes I I have a um I'm fine with the consent to agenda well except for resolution 9 24223 par a I vote against that otherwise I'm fine with the consent agenda on resolutions okay roll call aera except for the ones that you have just that was the vote okay and fiser yes on everything Kaplan yes Terry all except resolution one that you have yes and na count yes on everything vouchers in the amount of 9,457 2760 someone please offer I second second roll call aera yep fer yes K yes Terry yes yes ordinances up for adoption ordinance 2485 which is an ordinance amending chapter 5 the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled licenses Section 5 d six cannabis business licenses subsection 5-1 16.5 a transfer of local cannabis license and subsection 5-1 16.8 local cannabis licenses as revocable privilege I move to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2485 second a second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2485 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record Senor none do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2485 I move to close public discussion on ordinance number 2485 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes action on ordinance 2485 I move to adopt ordinance number 2485 and publish reporting to law second second aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes ordinance 2485 passes ordinance 2486 which is an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance of the town of otion section 21-39 A CBO cannabis business overlay Zone I move to open the public hearing on ordinance 2486 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan Terry yes nean yes um anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2486 please step up the microphone state your name and address for the record Senor n do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2486 I move to close the public hearing on ordinance number 2486 second second roll call aera yes bisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2486 passes ordinance 2487 which is an ordinance amending ordinance number 2 338 entitled an ordinance fixing salaries and compensation of certain offices positions and employees in the T of of ocean I move to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2487 second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2487 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record EXP could you just explain it a little more detail I'm G to send that one over to Dave thank you Jessie oh Jesse go ahead Jesse I'm 24877 it was housekeeping it was a housekeeping yeah go added a position I think that was the one where they added there you go they added a public works supervisor to they just add I thought it was fixing positions certain offices positions and employees they're adding the position of Public Works supervisor so we're just adding one new position yes and and what is their salary do is that public between 51,000 and 130,000 I have no idea what it is okay thank you anyone else wishing to be heard Senor n do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2487 I move to close public discussion on ordinance 2487 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes yes action on ordinance 2487 I move to adopt ordinance number 2487 and public recording to law second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2487 passes ordinance 2488 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance number 2343 entitled an ordinance amending the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 relating to Personnel policies practices and procedures I move to open the public hearing on ordinance number 2488 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes n yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2488 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record good evening uh David Wier 1216 Walnut Avenue on this ordinance uh first of all are the does these or uh changes and policies and procedures have to be negotiated with the unions what uh Dave does the negotiation so no this is not Union this is the Personnel policy procedure manual for the township doesn't doesn't include the union employees they have separate uh cbas Collective bargain agreement I know what is respectfully I'm a CB C president for 44 years um so have they been made aware you're saying it doesn't affect the unionized employees I don't see how a policy respectfully how a policies and procedures manual for employees cannot include the unionized employees because these are these are not affecting the union employees for these tell us what the changes are then it was a miscalculation it was a miscalculation in the somebody David it looks like it's only supervisory employees yeah on the there was a miscalculation in the hours and the days it was so it was it was a correction it was yeah it was instead of just changing it we resented the other one withdrew the other one and just made the correction and one semi-related question the time period to speak it's three minutes on resolutions and what about on non- resolutions five minutes okay so ordinances are five yeah okay thank you very much anyone else wish need to be heard senior none do I have motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2488 I move to close public discussion on ordinance 2488 second second roll call aera yes bisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes action on ordinance 2488 I move to adopt ordinance 2488 and published according to law second second aera yes fer Catherine Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2488 passes introductions to ordinance number 2489 which is an ordinance amending chapter 12 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the tach of of ocean 1965 establishing a speed limit on a portion of Roosevelt Avenue someone please open actually someone please introduce ordinance 2489 I move to introduce ordinance number 2489 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes yes that ordinance will have its public hearing on January 9th 2025 ordinance 2490 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter uh 16 of the revised General ordinances of the township votion 1965 entitled parks and playgrounds section 16- 5.2 program fees someone introduce ordinance 2490 I move to introduce ordinance number 2490 second second roll call aera yes fiser yes capin yes Terry yes Nan yes that too will have its public hearing on January 9th ordinance 2491 which is an ordinance amending chapter 14 of the revised General ordinances of the Town trip of oan 1965 entitled swimming pools section 14 d10.3 membership so I'm going to introduce ordinance 24 and 91 I move to introduce ordinance number 2491 second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes that to will have its hearing on the 9th of January 2025 and ordinance 492 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 21 the comprehensive Land Development ordinance section 21- 9A affordable housing development fees someone please introduce ordinance 2492 I move to introduce ordinance number 2492 second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes that too will have its hearing on the 9th of January before we go to public comment um we have two special guests in the audience three special guest three do oh I didn't see the third one back there we have saying she short now I saw I saw assembly woman Peter Paul and I saw assembly woman in former deputy mayor I know that's why I said it donlin but I see Senator goal in the back and I believe that they're here to honor the ladies so ladies if you don't mind I need you to come back up with the senator and the Assembly women so that you can get honored by them she that was we got from something else sure absolutely I'm sorry how you doing good good to see you too [Music] it's okay conr congratulations are good evening everyone this is very special um to honor troop I got to get this right 666 61 correct um and congrat you have demonstrated the true Spirit of leadership and Service uh we have the pleasure of honoring first Maya Williams are not here okay Ava okay so Ava tuy for your incredible project math in action and this is really incredible very special um recognizing the challenges that students face with math performance and the lack of access to in-person tutoring you and your partner created a digital platform filled with videos review games and practice modules to help fifth graders succeed for this project Maya and Ava earned the Girl Scout silver award the highest honor a Cadet Girl Scout can achieve congratulations on that [Applause] she's not here okay great so next we're recognizing Elena imro okay and Leila lipset very good um for forther and Danielle DWI she's not here okay um they did this amazing way side mindful gu mindfulness Garden which they designed a peaceful space for teachers to relax recharge and find a moment of calm that is quite amazing um because sometimes they really need it so their project speaks volumes about the importance of mental well-being and like Maya and Ava they have earned the Girl Scout silver award for their dedication and hard work and we have proclamations for you oh knows about these incredible young women and the projects that really made their Community better so congratulations on behalf of all of us a photo bom a photo bom he did look behind [Laughter] you and the senator and Assembly women are going to stay up here as we honor Paige comr as well Paige are you out here yes the assembly woman uh some donlin was like I got a lot tonight but this woman page is absolutely incredible yeah Comerford com for PA you Paige you would think you you would think I would know that I'm sorry Paige she came all the way from Clemson now it's on okay great Paige Kord thank yes long time long it's been a very long time yeah congratulations on this is a very very special honor page um and we're going to allow the Assembly women actually assemblywoman donlin do this honor because I've known Paige for quite some time she was friendly with my son years and years ago growing up together and I remember him shooting over to your house in Wayside a long time ago so it's great to see you again thanks for coming out here and thank you Senator and Assembly women for honoring Paige tonight absolutely so first of all it's great to be back thank you mayor and Council I miss you guys you're always welcome back um it it's just it's Ocean Township there's there's nothing like it and it's really great to be here tonight to honor so many amazing um individuals um both on in the Girl Scouts but also um Paige who grew up here she's an Ocean Township native um and um she's just done amazing things in her Young Life um and I'm so excited to see where you're going to go so I was I was really excited to be here tonight um her story reminds us of the the power of resilience and creativity in the face of challenges Paige Comerford an Ocean Township native and a recent graduate of Clemson University has accomplished so much inspired by her childhood friend myin Terry's courageous battle with cancer Paige chose a career path that is dedicated to making a difference she honored her friend by incorporating Maya's Spirit into her new business designing a logo that features a butterfly a beautiful nod to the wings that Maya gained after her after her death after facing her own challenges paig launched Pilates social Clemson bringing reformer pilates a loow impact high-intensity workout to her College Community what started as a personal Jour journey of healing became a platform to help others She was recently recognized with the Rising Star Award by the New Jersey bus business and industry Association tonight we are proud to recognize Paige and her achievement of the Rising Star Award celebrating her achievements as a leader innovator and a role model paig your story exemplifies strength vision and compassion and we can't wait to see what you do next and I have an inkling of where she's going to go she's applied to medical school she's waiting to hear back and I have no doubt she's going to do phenomenal things in her career as a physician helping others so congratulations tonight page we're going to come down for this p thank you guys for allowing congratulations than you she's gorgeous oh boy that was like papzi [Applause] don't disappoint then have rough we take care that was really sweet AE y okay we're all set like a left about 7:30 yeah yeah yers [Music] okay uh it's going to be public portion comment time uh for the public if you would like to be heard you may step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record please not that there is a 5 minute limit you may speak once and make sure you state your name and address clearly for the record so if there's any public comments dur remain to the township of Dev ocean you may step up to the mic now the red green red lights on oh there you go it's green you go thank you David Wier 1216 Walnut Avenue uh regarding the replacement or plan to talk about replacing this structure what if any professional entity has made that determination that the building is either unsafe or untenable to repair any other questions David yeah well I'm on that um how does the that concept and then replacing building a new on an open space those open space I think you said it was eight or nine eight or nine what open space plots in the town in in Li of the David there six six six I know the numbers didn't remember I'm old um so how does that comport with one the open space trust fund of the township and and the expenditure of those funds and Green Acres and any responsibilities the township has to Green Acres for those properties if any have we accepted money for those properties from Green ACR okay any any other questions that's it on that okay so we're going to have a specific town hall meeting on the town hall at the end of January on the 23rd of January that's when we will have all the data together we haven't even seen the report yet we haven't seen the report that RT and Vernick prepared for the township but that was my question who prepared the report Remington verick engineering firm that was put out by RFP or bid uh we went out to RFP for engineering firms okay and what what about the concept of the the land you want to discuss that in January as well yeah January as well okay thank you very much thank you David oh how am I my name is Alice shama I live at 111 Sheridan Avenue 117 Sheridan Avenue in the township and um I have an issue with my neighbor at 401 his uh property is flooding into my yard and going into my garage I've been living there 38 years this never happened before until he put the pool I had the engineer come over and he said that he knew about the flooding that he was having from his house that he should have fixed that before he put the pool but I don't know how they allowed him to open up and get a permit to build a pool if he should to fix that flooding purse and the engineer tells me that he spoke to him my neighbor and he didn't do anything and that I have to either take them to court or I have to build a trench for $6,000 and I'm really upset about that any other questions Michelle and the other thing I have to say is my I'm living in in my house for 38 years my spre never got paved I'm paying a lot of money I go to like areas in Wayside where they're paying a third of what I'm paying taxes and they have beautiful paved streets and lighting I'm paying $35,000 and I get nothing my kids are not in school I mean what am I paying for I got a neighbor who all of a sudden decided to put a pool and his water is coming into my property and flooding my property but I don't know how he got passed hey that that one I'm going to lob over to uh our manager as he oversees that department this may be a matter he has to discuss with the engineer I'm going to give you my card so you can talk to me um tomorrow because I'll need to pull in some people to uh speak with you this is our manager okay and as for the paving we are are increasing the road program in the 20 in 2025 as we move into budget season because we are a little behind in that but we want to get caught up so if you contact if when when when you contact Mr Brown tomorrow he'll be able to speak to the engineer to see where you are in the in the hopper there said I'm no you wouldn't be 100 if the road is that bad neighbor man our manager will check that out with okay well he'll he'll check with the engineer and we'll find out where you are on the program thank you m Dennis howood 1638 H Brook Street and uh I'm glad that my I'm glad about the announ I can't tell you how happy I am that the meadow has been removed from the list of potential sites for the uh New Town Hall that is the main reason I came here to find out if there's any information tonight on that and that's really good to hear I have three other things that are wildly unrelated one of which is uh in past years when I was here uh I happen to hear some uh talk about dredging snow Pond and I'm interested in the status of that because that's a beautiful area over there particularly uh for potential there's I believe there were seven lots that were taken and they're well maintained they're mowed and everything and I just I wonder number one why they need to be mowed if they're going to be left natural and what is the status of snow Pond is it going to be DED uh the second thing I have is is there a restriction on balloon releases in Ocean Township the ones that just fly away and wind up and play a park in the trees that's the second thing and the third thing is uh last time I was here I noticed I mentioned that I noticed there's a cat license in this town which is was a real surprise to me is there U an ordinance about cats that run loose and are not licensed well was there something that could be done about those cats uh I know I don't want to take on the cat Army I don't have that kind of Courage but uh cats that are running loose without uh licenses are a danger to to my bird friends and to themselves that's it thank you Dennis uh snells pal we are having a meeting on believe Tuesday the 17th with our Mammoth County Commissioner director to work on several areas that we're working on to potentially dredge that is private property over there we're working on something with our um uh DPW to see if we can use our new piece of equipment out there once we get approval from all the property owners over there right now we've had a little bit of difficulty getting in touch with each and every person there because they don't live there all year round but we're working on that and uh I believe Eric agar who lives over there has been really contacting us about it so we are working feverishly to get those signatures over there as for balloon releases uh you're not really supposed to release balloons uh people do it anyway we know the danger that it causes to the whales and any other such you know animals and stuff so we don't have an ordinance for that but we would to probably catch somebody doing it but we don't have anything that really prohibits it unless I don't know of a law Marty potentially um and as forare as for the cats uh we had an agenda item tonight where we uh reup the mammoth County SPCA um they are the ones that are in charge of capturing the cats that not necessarily tagged uh I know for fact cuz I did not have my collar on my cat several years ago and he got caught and when they brought him over to the SPCA happened to be tagged inside so they got him and they called me up and I was able to grab my cat back so but he had his license here and they knew where he was so but he didn't have his collar on so I I made another aside comment about uh are there uh plans for the vacant Lots on Brookside Avenue are they just going to be mowed and stay as no they're blue Acres we can't do anything with them uh blue funding they were purchased similar I'm not do they even need to be mowed are they mowed by the town I do does DPW take yeah DPW takes care of it wouldn't be just easier to leave them as you know that that's that's up to DBW they what what's your point yeah he wants to know why we why we mow the lawn on on the blue Acres land that we have why don't we just let the grass grow we have an ordinance in town and we're not supposed to have grass over a certain height so we follow the ordinance oh as as we're homeowner did have yeah same is okay okay great thank you Dennis thank you yep anyone else wishing to be heard so what happened to the podium I have asked for um and maybe for the next meeting and going forward if we could have more of a Podium we used to have one here in this this room for meetings so when people have papers or things they want to reference it's easier we're always fumbling here and you're all sitting so nicely at your desks but the public that make an effort to come here are not really given a comfortable way to get up here and speak anyway I was told that we would have one tonight that's the reason I'm bringing it up and I so when I I was surprised to come in and i' see it anyway we're here tonight um many came you know at least the emails sometimes we've been talking about how to get more people here versus what's in the paper and it's online but I think uh we had a lot of interaction with people even though they all didn't show up tonight we have more than I usually see here in the room and so I think maybe we could email people about the meeting agendas the night before just to remind them uh building new versus renovating the interior of your current location will be the greater cost to taxpayers with this decision I was very happy to hear that the meadow is off the table but the fact that we still have some open space that is being considered as one of the locations is quite surprising to me and many that have been paying into an open space tax the intention of the open space tax was to preserve any land that's non-developed that has trees that has Wildlife that has all of the good things that trees do for our planet uh I was told at the November 14th meeting that we no longer have open space to purchase so I asked how are you spending our money now but to know know that you may be considering what own the very little bit of open space that the town owns to develop is surprising to me can you explain why is that on this list of five locations any other questions uh I have a couple do you want me to just go down them and you'll be writing them down so in terms of do we even need to build a new building has there been an assessment that this building is not safe that we cannot renovate this building because I've been involved in many retail Renovations where we would block off a section at a time and everyone could work everybody carried on and we just worked within the space that was you know available and renovated section at a time and in my opinion it would be must much more costeffective to the tax to all of our taxes to do that versus building a new building that will have to have Plumbing installed piping Electric water I mean all of this is going to be a tremendous cost in comparison to renovating this established building which was built in 1955 the exterior of the building has a very mid-century modern look I think that the interior of this building really could be gutted out section at a time and have a much more modern appearance I mean I go into a lot of new offices in New York right now and uh because everyone's working on computers not everybody needs a separate office and what they're doing moving forward in a lot of the new new buildings is just having separate conference rooms that everyone can use and as needed but they're not needing as much office space in that regard so I mean there are things for you to consider because it's really affecting all of us uh we have to pay for it you know these are decisions we rely on you to make for us but it comes out of our pocket and many of us right now especially people that are in the senior years have been working on a fixed income and it's very hard to just you know willy-nilly raise taxes and go oh yeah we're going to open a new store we're going to open a new building uh so anyway I'd like you to really consider that in more um in more detail um another question came up about the building next door um that used to be the boy scout I know someone else owns it but is there a possibility of buying that land and possibly moving the police station across the street from the municipal building which would give you more room here to expand um so that's another question um um let's see anyway everyone's here in the room tonight because we care about the community I realize you're not going to have your meeting this evening about the about the new building but I'd like you to answer some of my questions regardless because you know they came it made a special effort to be here for that and uh in closing I would like to give my own shout out to Barbara Hudson who kept many of us informed over the years I will miss her friendship dearly in fact it was Barbara who first spotted mayor she was the first one that spotted your note in the coaster that alerted all of us about the meadow and she encouraged me to run I am happy to read that um Mr gopal donalan and Peter Paul are in line with the preservation of what limited Open Spaces left in town and that you are approving um their requests to move away from the meadow so I'm sorry they couldn't be here for that little thank you they were busy okay thank you um right now we do again we don't have any decisions made um very difficult for anybody up on the day to even discuss it when we don't have the report in front of us which none of us have right now so again that will be discussed in January uh the reasons why a new building would be needed as opposed to renovating and things of that nature it's not that anybody's trying to duck anything at this point but what people are trying to do is have uh enough education on the matter so that we can speak you know formally front of the public that's why we're going to wait I just I would much rather have everyone up here prepared thank you anyone else wishing to be heard my name is Thomas Bush I live at 1756 Raleigh Court East um there's a property that's for sale on Poplar it's 1160 to I believe 1340 um wait what was that number again 1160 to 1430 it's an open land it's between cotwell Circle and I believe Molly court on the on the eastbound side okay all right um it's currently it used to be a farmhouse um I was wondering if it would be in possibility to acquire that land and make it a walking trail for the communities that surround it we'd have to Dave we'd have to look into that so Dave our manager will take a look that okay I appreciate that thank you little take hi sorry I'm a little bit under the weather so hopefully you guys can bear with me um that's why I'm wearing a mask um I have several questions like so as I do just for the record could you state your name oh sorry I thought I did that see not even thinking Alex Hayes in Oakhurst um a couple of things before I get to the town hall um so today you discussed uh raising I think it was of the pool fees and also doubling the two we um summer wreck program from $150 to $300 and you'll be discussing that at the next meeting um I think there are some things in this town that you do not need to make money on and I know that the town pool has been losing money lately because they spend a lot of money upgrading it but to raise it to like $400 or more for families and then to double the two we Town wreck um program is going to be a hardship for a lot of parents and I saw nothing in the language that discussed um possible um uh what's the word um allowances for those on free and reduced lunch um it's it's a lot of money to ask parents to go to $300 from 150 when they've been used to that for a couple years um that's more of a statement sorry my question about drones is how many drones have been reported to the um ocean police um I'm still not convinced that a town Hall is even needed I know this has been brought up I'm a little confused why mayor you say you're not ready to talk I get it that this was not going to be the official meeting um but mayor you spoke to the coaster a few months ago and said that the town was ready to start building a new building at the meadow so I believe everybody has their own opinions you all can think for yourselves you can um comment what some folks here are saying um I I think it's a little bit um rude on the taxpayers time to not comment a little bit on what they're saying um I was wondering if you will seek a survey from residents um or will you announce that how will you do community engagement about a proposed new town hall I don't think we need a new one for example I think we should just rehab this one um and any new town hall is going to cost tens of millions of dollars tens I would venture to say 50 million and nobody's discussing how much that a new building would cost so I hope that on the 203rd or whenever it is in January there will be some true discussions about costs um and mayor twice you mentioned um you know you can look on people's Facebook posts or social media twice in this meeting and you actually blocked me from from your mayoral um account so and put you back on no no you didn't yes I did so I'm wondering with Mr arbis here are are council members allowed to block um residents from their official accounts well I mean it's he just directed me to go to it so yeah I I believe there they are allowed to block residents they you can't block um from the town page but from the individual Council person's page yes those can be they can block a a resident it's subject to the Supreme Court case of link you be freed and that was United States Supreme Court case a few years ago actually just uh not even a few years ago about 8 months ago so I'll send you some other case laot and perhaps you can tell me your opinions on it sure um I think that's it and I believe people can come up twice I thought that the rules are you can speak for your five minutes and then if all of the topics have been discussed and you want to talk about something else you can come up a second time I believe that's the rules of um meetings thank you uh wreck program fees would be um under the rec department so I don't have uh any of the information on that as to how much the fees are going to be um the building again we will discuss that in January when we have more information again I haven't read the report haven't seen the report if I could interject yes renovation is one of the things on the table so like a cost benefit an is will be done by this Independent party and they will come back to us and say hey we're rank ordering the six and we think because of unable to do that or can't get this um this is how we're ranking and they're going to justify to us what they're recommending and then that's what's supposed to be sent in advance so that everybody can digest it and then come with any further questions or comments before any type of decision but a renovation of this building is under consideration and of course if we were to go out to build a new town hall everybody would have the opportunity to vote on it because it would go out for a referendum there's no way we can spend that amount of money unless it goes out for a referendum that's how it works and on the rec thing um there's a tax freeze so for the senior citizens you had brought up you were concerned about certain things we have a tax free I don't know what the age is I don't why not yeah I brought it up I am freeze it's based on income you can freeze it whenever you want if you have the if you're below the income threshold that works through the state if you are below the income threshold if you meet if you meet the requirements then that's when you can freeze it freeze number we're going to have a separate discussion on that next week I believe the 23rd Monday Monday the 23rd we're going to have a whole and tax assess will be there tax assess will be there he'll be able to answer those questions yeah yeah so he's going to we're going to have a separate meeting for that 23rd thank you anyone else wishing to be heard yes as a 74 year old senior um just for the record identify yourself again David I will David Wier 126 David can we uh see if anybody else wants to speak first I didn't mean I didn't see anybody I don't I don't know I haven't there is a gentleman back there I'd be happy to defer M MH hello my name is Michael zimo I live at 1101 Rosel Avenue this yes hello um I just want to create a uh on the uh talk about the uh municipal building I we're in a world now where recycling is a very important thing and I think this building is strong enough to be recycled into modernized office buildings and the police have many areas where they could take their forced to uh you have buildings all the way down on uh the North End of a Ocean Township there used to be car lots down there uh you have the boy scout camp over there you also have the school on Logan Road it's plenty of space there parking and they could just take the top off that building and build their nice new police force there so I just want to say those are good ideas and recycling is something that should be done in this town not just tear down some you know trees and and dig up some perfect land that it's a flood plane over there that soaks in a lot of rain water when we have heavy rain keeps popular Brook from overflowing going down into Dow Avenue and flooding people down there also I would like to speak about Rosel Avenue I live there and and uh it's like a Speedway every day there now I've asked about this before I know that you took the speed bumps off hello TV yeah oh it's got going okay and uh I've been there now for um over 12 years I've lived in Ocean Township for over 30 years and uh we get the notices all the time about getting Insurance on our sewers pipes and everything but this past summer the truck traffic on Rosel Avenue was ridiculous and I don't think a policeman in this town has stopped any trucks that are a dump truck with a trailer and an escavator on it is over 4 tons and they were going up and down that road and then we get a notice about our pipes and we're how we're you know in charge of that if it something happens I'd like to see the police do a little more aggressive precaution on taking these trucks and and checking them out and and I don't think they've checked a truck out on any streets in this town maybe not since 1965 and it's it's a joke now they can do that and I I don't see why they can't I mean it's a sign is up there 4 tons and I know these trucks that were going by would shake my house as they went by so I'd like to see a little more aggressiveness on the police department and precaution so we don't have to pay high prices to have our pipes fixed now those roads have been there for over a hundred years I've lived in this area for 74 years I grew up in deal and I've seen the changes and everything and traffic and the the the tonnage of trucks that were going up up and down Rosel Avenue this summer was ridiculous and uh I would like to see more aggressiveness on the police force pulling people over and checking their credentials and making sure that the trucks are legal weight and everything because I don't want to pay for my pipes to be fixed because they are you know the trucks are going over the damn things they're they're over a hundred years old in the road so I would like to see some action on that thank you thank you sir we will get that message to the chief anyone else wishing to be heard my name is Jean T West alers uh just one question is if the town the name again pardon me what's the last name again T if the town hall is to be relocated what would become of this property what use would be it used for and is has an appraisal been made on the value of the property again no decisions have been made we don't have the report we will have all the information in January there's no discussion about what the value of the property is we haven't even gotten that far we haven't decided anything there's no decisions made how can you even propose how much is going cost we don't know the value we haven't even talked about cost we haven't talked about size we're in the PO Min AR stage of the discussion right now okay very very infancy stage to answer an earlier question uh Jackie I think you asked about next door privately owned doesn't want to S I don't know doesn't want to sell it yeah ask doesn't want to sell it it's his property what are they do it's his property you can look up the tax records Danny betes owns it betes it's his his property he can do whatever he wants with it yeah well can't do anything he wants but it it but it is his office it's an office in there anyone else wishing to be heard please step up to the microphone state your name and address M shama we already had you m shama I have she coming no no one time again one time yes she's coming out oh no problem Melissa Striker 2301 applebe Drive in one aasa I have several issues that relate to the same problems people have been discussing here applebe drive is supposed to be 25 mil an hour most of the time in the summer there I would say 2third of the cars on that road are going 40 we have the same thing with truck traffic all the time we should have I have requested a few years ago to have one of those uh four ton limit signs put there because people are uh they're cutting off of 35 onto Logan and then cutting through Applebee taking that down to wikip peka and then going into Asbury Park that way or the other ways it avoids three traffic lights and all of these businesses have caught on to that and they are using Applebee drive as a cut through and again over those pipes under the ground there are over 100 years old my house is nearly 100 years old and the extra weight of all these heavy trucks coming down there to go every place else just avoid traffic lights they avoid the one at Logan they avoid the one at Sunset and WIA and they're they're cutting through that way so that's a problem all right so I would like I brought this up several times and not at a meeting here but online and nobody's done anything about it the other thing that I was like to talk about is you're putting the cart before the horse about this whole town hall thing because I have not seen one you say you're thinking of talking about it well paying businesses to evaluate properties when you have not even Justified that this building is not viable to be renovated and fixed makes no sense to me that's you're spent you've just spent like $28,000 of the taxpayers money and I'm also inquiring about the last notice that was in the coaster about blueprints uh every public notice is a mystery and unless you want to come down here in during working hours and ask for what is this all about you can't tell by reading the Public Notices what's what they're all in language that you people use understand talk about but not that the common resident in this town understands so why what are the blueprints for uh you're requesting blueprints for a property somewhere but the town people don't know about it and it was a $10,000 no bid contract given to someone and I don't like the lack of transparency where we have to be a detective to find out what's going on here so thank you for your time um I'm not sure what blueprints we're talking about not sure the blueprints yes okay well I have no idea if you could uh before the end of the night before when we get ready to go if you could bring it to the manager he'll take a look at it anyone else that hasn't been heard senior none do I have a motion to adjourn point of is there or is there not ability to speak one time one time resolution yes which is the one that wasn't answered considering we tax Mone into open tax would with our open the only open we can contr as a possible location for development why would you do because by law you can go to Green Acres and do a three a it's already been purchased with Green Acres it's already it's in it's in the Green Acres space which means that in order for you to utilize that property you would have to trade three other acres for one talking about across the street the undeveloped land that does have trees that you explain to me at the last meeting the township owns we do it's a recommendation of the engineers to have the spaces evaluated but that is and everything's being evaluated and we obviously took the meadow off the the uh the list and the manager also mentioned that he has two additional spaces that he will go over with us at some point after we review the study just it's again no decision's been made on it I don't think anybody up here said we were going to build on that space yet you supposed to P 23,000 to a nonbi to come but you gave them if they walked in this door right now that I wouldn't know who they are you said unbiased they're as unbiased as you get I didn't pick them the manager picks Himes okay motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn second second all favor opposed going be that's why we'll have the professionals there doing it