all right just want to remind everybody that all meetings will be audio and video taped they'll be shown in the Township otions community cable channel channel 22 uh Verizon F and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor npan here Deputy Mayor fiser here council members Zer here Kaplan here Terry here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and copy the notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 uh items for discussion we're going to start with Greg okay good even everybody okay uh first item the 22 Road program that's the Roosevelt Turner Walnut that's going to start next Monday they're going to be back in town they're going to start on Roosevelt and they're going to go to Walnut and they're going to pave the other roads they didn't get the round of Paving which is like the section of deal Road right here yeah good thank you yep and then uh we're also going to well the other section we're get in the fall program the I'm sorry other section of did I say that deal Road between uh 35 Logan the the the south side cuz we took that out before because of the shopping center that's going to be in the fall program along with the brook side and all those uh next one is the building at 1,1 wipco we're moving along pretty good we've finalized most of the Interior finishes the roof went in the painting's done the counters are in we just got to get counter tops uh the bathrooms are floors the walls are in the petitions are going to go in next week the uh the fixtures are in they just have to put the vanity in because they're going to get a countertop um everything's moving all pretty good they would just drop ceilings in hbac unit show up on Tuesday those are in just got to pipe them connect them up so in pretty good shape I took a walk in there today with Mike the only question is that back section where that where they chopped up the cement what what's going on there yeah what happened was when they put the door in that back door to go out to the back um a bunch of the there was a mortar skin mortar putting on there and all popped up okay so they went around and tap was that like a skin coat that they put on there but they didn't seal it to the other floor really so it was I mean if you tapped it it was Hollow so that's what we did we tapped all the around in that whole area wherever it was they picked that up so now they're going to put a grout coat in there and you're going to put a what put a layer of grout in there not grout right and then what they're going to skim it again or just lay the floor on yeah they just do that then they put felt fabric down and put the floor down okay what's the time frame on uh is there anything that has to be looked at before you skip cuz I saw it all chopped up it looked like we had some work to do there no they're they're pretty much going to just Square it up tomorrow and they'll probably do it on Monday and it'll be done by Tuesday yeah so all the equipment in there and the one uh golf simulator section so yeah moving along yeah the golf simulator guys starting on Monday said it'll be three days so the four the three caves in the back and the one private room up in the front those will be totally done so the only thing we'll have to do is put the floor in the hallways right and connect all these they have to just put the connection to the electrical outlets put all little plugs in so not a whole lot of work left did we get our uh did we get the cut card uh squared away yet no the cut card is going to be on Monday Monday okay he did he was going to do the work today rained all day so he's going to do that tomorrow yeah I figured they getting anything done outside you can't get that inspected tomorrow because or closed y so get that inspected first thing Monday get the cutting card and and then they'll get their electric get their electric on yeah I think that was the uh you know that was the one thing the one issue in there and then there was the plumbing issue was pretty interesting the one that I heard about that looking for the the well no the problem was there was a valve broken in the basement right and the plumber said somebody it wasn't in his contract to fix it so when they went to look for the shut off they didn't really look for it yeah amazingly New Jersey American Water didn't say they found it out there but it was right there on the curve yeah I mean common sense I would go to the end of the property and towards the street yeah it's usually the plus when was painted on the street that it was right there it was pretty easy to find yeah Greg do we have an anticipated date of this opening well at least the ballpark it's we probably 99% of the work will probably be done in 2 weeks there'll be a couple finishes like we might have to like we're holding off putting the front door in because what's going to happen we just authorized the concrete the outside concrete sidewalks and the lighting those will both be done the week of the 8th so two weeks from Tomorrow those those outside things will be done I'm working on a Paving so generally by the third week of April we should be pretty much done with everything barring any problems okay so it's we're going to probably be right there at the end of April we said we would be and then we got the only other caveat is the roof which is on the agenda tonight um last time I was here we talked about the roof the metal roof and I was trying to work it out with the budget everything was looking great but I can't squeak it in because of this floor problem now I wasn't going to have enough money and I can't go over to 20% so I have to bid that so tonight on the agenda is an author authorization to bid for the metal roof we have it in the budget I just don't have I don't have more than 20% I don't have cap left in the 20% for the existing contract that I have so we'll move to a separate contract so we goth racing the bid I'm going to bid that next Wednesday we're going to receive bids the 18th and I have to ask three of you to have a special council meeting on the 19 so I can get that awarded so we can have that done by the end of April because that will take two weeks to get in so that'll that's probably going to be the first week of May will'll be finished with that this the the reason for the roof was the reason you brought up at the last meeting with the beams or something that was now this is the outside mansard roof it's the sh the cedar shakes out there it's in really really poor shape and instead of putting well you can't really put a shingle roof on it because it's too heavy in my opinion so we would have to put a new Cedar Shake roof on which is extremely expensive and this guy offered to give us the metal roof at a very reduced rate so that's why we we're going to put a metal roof on the mansar sty roof since we had availability in the budget and and I got to ask why wasn't that originally designed uh cuz I wasn't sure it was going to fit in the budget cuz when I got all the budget together I was worried about all the inside problem because we had so much money that I was available to me 1.5 and I wasn't sure we were going to make it and we're I'm going to commit at about 1 Point uh four almost 1.5 when I do the roof that's the last thing I'm doing because now I know my budget because I got the outside things on I got the sidewalk the lights all are going to be connected I got prices quotes in for that we've already authorized Paving I've got quotes in for that so I know what that's going to cost me and I know I have like 70,000 left in the roof of 2 so that's how close it was that's why I you know we're worried about getting the inside of the building done and I didn't want to take the chance of being over the budget and have to go back a whole another round okay thanks and really truly also the mansar roof doesn't have anything it doesn't leak if it leaks it's outside the walls of the building so even though I don't think it leaks but even if it did it would drift down to the overhang and into the grass it doesn't leak inside the building we did the flat roof on the top over as part of the contract for the building okay thanks yep okay so that skipped through all those the next thing was um last time we talked about the a while back we did some security walls for the building for this building Human Services and um the library not the library I forget the other building but the cost was pretty bad so we kind of shelled it for a while but there's now uh Senator Booker's uh office is putting out a grant and under part of one of those grants is Homeland Security which this would go the security of a municipal of Municipal building so we're going to apply for that Grant under that funding and if we get it through the walls if we don't then we'll discuss how we're going to do that in the future especially with the future prospects and knowing what we're going to do probably not something we want to entertain and then the last thing on my list was the Kramer Court Bridge um we took the we took down the trees on Monday the SS work was supposed to happen today but it rained all day it's going to happen tomorrow I believe I got to double check that and might hope it's not too wet for them to get in there and then when that gets done that that information will be sent to the structural guy and he'll be done in a couple weeks and we'll have that out the bid as soon as we can but probably sometime by the end of April and did we determine whether or not the work can be done between now and yeah the only thing that couldn't be done after ail 1 was the trees so those came down on Monday the Public Works took them down for me and we did shift just so you know part of the requirements of the of the permit that we got required us to avoid Tak any large trees down so when we get out there and we Tred to put this route through the trees on the easement that we had we would have to take down probably four very large trees like 30 in are up so we moved it over put it on our empty our open space lot we'll put the trail there and the bridge will go back to where it was before in the permit and it went through where we only had to take down six relatively small trees compared to the rest of them I think they're like 6 to 8 Ines in diameter so we took those six down and the other side was clear so just down there in we kind of found a pretty nice opening yeah who's meing and I to speak ask question um we want to finish his report and then we'll do the questions I was done that was my last okay I saved that one for last go ahead I stand up yeah sure just State your and the address for the Brook Drive thank you um speaking about the trees I don't believe I watched the meeting from the 14th I don't recall it being approved and you're taking down trees for a project that hasn't been approved yet so I'm not really sure how that works if this were to not be approved you down trees for a project that is going nowhere I'm not sure if the Sha Tre commission has anything to do with that if the environmental commission has anything to do with that but the D I don't recall and correct me if I'm wrong I don't believe there was a vote at that meeting I watched the video there was a discussion about whether the treats could be taken down in time but there was not an approval that I I didn't see any votes and I watched the meeting twice so so my question is is this another one of the situations that happens with I'll just say it Raymond sacka who we know is behind this project that things are done or forced forced on the on the town to be done and then forgiveness is asked after the fact we know we know was done in March so we avoid the April deadline for taking them down and which would push the project back till September but who's calling the shots here my question to so in this particular case with the trees we did have a verbal discussion at this table at the last meeting which none of the council members objected to nobody have to be was singly approved by the manager myself because it's under the threshold and we use Public Works to do it we didn't do a contractor where by then we might have needed the council's approval so you could just clear the whole and it was uh we we took out the six trees that were necessary for the project we expect to have um funding from the house of worship coming to the township to take care of this project and with the town will accept it as a grant so that's where we're at right now and those funds are due to come in by the next meeting it'll be before this body on was it April 11th sounds April 11th we will have uh a resolution on that this body can approve to accept those funds okay so then if it was discussed at the last meeting about whether you can take down the trees or not why was it didn't even a discussion if you could do it was more of an advisory to the to the body because one we need to let them know what's going on and if I did get a few Nays in there then I probably wouldn't have given the authority to take the trees down because then we would have run into some problems later on yes with all due respect it did not seem like it was put out for a do you are you not a formal vote but a do you do you approve or disapprove of this that's not necessary okay well with and again with all due respect it seems that the facts on the ground of who knows what about where the money's coming from when it's happening who's doing what changes from meeting to meeting well I as a citizen as a resident watching doesn't it doesn't bring me the most confidence about how things are done so as a last meeting that you watch totally agreed two days after that meeting I put a whole entire meeting together with the engineer with the with the representatives from the house of worship and I put a memo together out to the council with a timeline of how everything's going to flow and I also met with the CFO to figure out how we receive receive those funds so that that's been resolved at this point okay so it's resolved after the meeting and would come correct at this meeting y okay that we can see yeah I can share M with you okay just make just leave your emails get information or actually I should follow the right process I'm I'm kind but if I start doing that you have to fill out an open request because it isn't right so it's operable document and the clerk can share it with you well it gives you the timeline yeah but the engineer's cost estimate for the record was 500,000 so so that's what we're looking at so Mr sack has got a big check to to the tool after the to gets Grant um seems like we're just facilitating abuse of a nonprofit if we want to look into it um I'll just be blunt at this point um because it seems like like things are just being pushed because somebody somebody wants it done and you know again we've we've had our neighbors meet with some of the council to express their objection and is there any is there any thought of asking people on the other side how many people actually need this bridge to warrant this Grant and doing all this work and taking on the liability and dealing with the maintenance agreement I'm just I'm just asking questions yeah I mean again you the the meetings were open you I there was a petition that went around I think they had about maybe eight or 10 residents on it they petitioned the the D for the permits right and if the community wants to send in some sort of letter with a name On It ultimately the the council members have to accept the grant or not if they don't accept the grant the Project's not moving forward when you said little hard petition with the permit you talking about the objection letter yeah yeah I'm saying if you had a whole community of folks that wanted to come out and and petition myself as the manager or the counsil and say we've got 100 people against this project do we know how many people are for the project other than uh I'm being told as being represented that the the uh the synagogue is is paying for this is coming from there that this point about the residents it's going to serve and how many people it's going to serve because that's really at the heart of this issue because otherwise then the synagogue could just write a check for a million dollars and say I want to do X Y and Z and it seems like the problem with that is you can't count heads on something on everything you know there's going to be project there's going to be projects around town that are not going to that are only going to you know be supporting a handful of people if you have a on a small Street Paving it do you think that just because there's only a handful of does that negatively impact anybody to I don't know a street Sometimes some people don't want to give me an example of how anybody would care about giving about Paving and improving a street some people some people would some people don't like sidewalks they like slate sidewalks they want board concrete sidewalks they don't like concrete curves we've had plenty of questions but that's a matter of specific of specific for some for for that will only benefit a handful of people but a sidewalk is a sidewalk a curb is a curb what is made out of bridge is a bridge a bridge is a bridge and then not a bridge is not a bridge with all due respect okay stream is a stream I'm sorry stream is a stream I mean okay let's where we're going we're going with it is that I don't think anybody knows what's going on here frankly every meeting is something different that's what it is and things are being done without it's it's greatly benefiting the community apparently is what everyone's been told but the only person that's pushing this is one person and so I would like to see the people on the opposite side of us what the manager just said was if there's a petition that gets passed around and you present it to the manager it'll be under consideration at that point but there's been you know there's been no push back other than you know I haven't I wasn't called to this meeting I don't know which council members went but um bottom line is the manager just told you that the purpose of him advising us about the trees was to keep us informed because he runs the town that's fine the to say that nobody knows what's going on in town is a little insulting I'm just going to tell you that we know what's going on we've been advised by the manager he keeps us all informed as to what's going on and he explained what his situation was as to why he approved that and that is fine I based on the last meeting and what happened 3 days ago when he was woken up by trees being cut down again if I didn't come to the meeting and ask the question right I'm not going to know to make an Oprah request for a memo that I didn't know existed so I'm not saying nobody knows what's going on but the story seems you state that okay you could understand my frustration I get it this is going on the better part 10 years and they couldn't find an alternative location so of course Rond exra 300,000 to buy a house you can't sell enough synagogue memberships to Warrant this cost so I'm just trying to honestly that's that has nothing nothing to do I'm tell we're telling you I I get what you're saying again there have been he's been on the side of being able to push this project through and we're on the you know our backs against the wall with limited are let me ask you this are there as many residents that are as passionately against this as you are I mean I yeah they all are all our presid so try to get them together but we haven't seen anybody I mean other I mean there I don't know if anybody else at table you're bringing people to this as anybody I don't know how to I don't want to bombard a meeting like this I don't know if we're allowed just bring people up no it's a public meeting anybody can go up here but down no no even up here and down there absolutely they're these are public expecting somebody to come in in about 10 minutes he's a running l a doctor Mo but I guess my point is I mean when he comes in we can you know we want to move the agenda I mean when when he comes in and he has something to say We'll absolutely let him speak if he's here before we go into close session and and what what I was saying is not on the flip side is have you gotten people on the other side to say I'm for this I want this because I think that should equally be that's the project came to the town you know I yeah and the the the checks are coming from the house of worship right so the you know we don't have any intricate dealings with the house of worship that's not that's not for us to but obvious the assumption is going to be if they're coming from the house of worship then I would assume that the congregants would would would be a little aggravated if they weren't agreement with because we're we're we're congregants you're congregants too but what I'm saying is has there been push back within the congregation that's where I think push I think a lot of them know where the money is coming from but wouldn't that be where the push back is on the inside saying we're not we don't want to spend this money on this bridge it was B to everybody's attention they probably would be pushed back but if it's been going on 10 years my assumption would be that that people know that clearly the this has been a changing moving Target over the last 10 years yeah I because I think even I only go back seven I didn't know it went back before I was even I didn't realize it went back that far yeah I've been dealing with it quite a while I'm just again I just want there to put it out there if there are people that are for it then let them come forward to prove the that this project is warranted aside from the grant because I guess let's say if the grant wasn't being given and this was the town paying for it I gather it would be looked at differently and I think the money Source should be put aside when you're considering the merits of the project right is it is it how many people is it serving when it should be open or closed all those things I think are a factor that's regardless of how it's being funded it was explained last time that there's different projects that go on in in Ocean Township be it a park or a you know playground or or whatever it is it doesn't mean that every resident you know is for it or against it I mean we're doing a golf simulator cave right now over in in uh W Mass over at our golf course and you know uh you know we're doing this for the betterment of the Town of Ocean to give another service that we have um you know not every project is used by every single resident here I mean I you know there's things that I might not necessarily agree with that I think are you know money money expenditures and I'm not totally for but I know it's for the betterment of the the township of ocean that's that you know how I look at things um this might have been looked at differently if the township was going to write a check for half a million dollars for a bridge that might be used by you know I don't know how many people dozens of people but um me personally when I looked at the route and I looked at the safety of of the drive and you know where your congregants have to go around to me it was a safety issue that's why you know I felt that you know the manager was making a recommendation and I went out and looked at it and I felt that yeah you know what there's some validity to the safety issue I mean I had to look at the safety issue as well that's where I totally came from it wasn't that it was brought by Mr Saka or or the church the uh the uh Temple I mean I'm just telling you that I did my due diligence by going out there and taking the drive I I totally empathize with the fact that the B the bridge being built but I mean it's I mean you're talking a you know Friday night into Saturday thing I mean I I don't know how many people would use this bridge after a Friday night or after a holiday taking a chance are we huh taking a chance of interfering with a quiet neighborhood if it was just Friday it's fine Friday Saturday but I don't know what's you know over there to draw people into the neighborhood from the other side other than the synagogue plenty short you can it just makes going from there all the way through well I can assure you there's no reason for me to use the bridge but again if we we're saying we're making the argument of how many people is this actually going to serve then you're kind of making our argument of is this really that necessary that warranted then that would be a discussion that I believe the congregation should have with Mr Saka as it relates to the expenditures uh Mr Brown is uh very involved in his church and I'm pretty sure that you know expenditures of that nature you know they get looked at heavily from the congregation you WR $500 checks all 500,000 not 500 Grand 00,000 but um you know I I want to move the meeting along you know we if if this other gentleman the doctor comes in we'll absolutely let her speak as well thank you thank uh Dave we have oh can we is he done not Clos question there we go you don't know the drill come on I figure your private meeting with every day answer I mean every Wednesday Greg doesn't answer his question I got to ask him here just kidding um so oh the geese is that just Tracy or you working the geese on Brookside as well I don't no he has nothing to do with that got it Enclave um bonds how we look at uh we still have not met yet with them about their Landscaping That was supposed to happen today but it rained so we're going to happen and then with all the holidays and schedules now it's a schedule for the 15th of April okay and is it just Landscaping I mean I know you and I talked about we got curbing problems too but we're trying to get past the land this meeting we're having is just for landscaping right now we've already met with them and they're mulling over the curb improvements that they have to do so that's not on the agenda for our meeting but the next thing with the Landscaping so we can get because Jim Higgins is involved in that and he's that's not been broached yet so that we're trying to get that one at least on the docket to bring it to the surface and you and I had the conversation I'm sorry I forgot what the answer was the the filtration or the other term that's used the ponds are good yes the basins are basins they're now detention basins no longer so but they're good y okay yes so a lot of people we we alerted the developer that now that the basins are good they can apply for their cosos and they have been applying their cosos for the individual homes got it okay I believe that actually is it okay I must be answering those question I got one question for you uh a resident approached me about the corner of cold Indian bound we're talking about putting sidewalks in and making that a uh a full T yeah we're get well essentially we're getting we're getting away with the the wide sweep going yeah Northbound onto eastbound deal Road that's going to come to a T intersection and it'll still have a you know a accommodatable right turn but it's not going to be any 40 mph right turn sure but yeah when we do that intersection Improvement it's part of the road program going to be bid in April the intersection sidewalks will go along with that okay and then we have the dot grant that goes from bound down to carbury so that sidewalk will all be part of that so that whole area will be connected by Sidewalk when we're done that's great yeah and we got actually it's one of the things that the Girl Scouts actually brought that as a request so we're going to have to go back to them once we get that out to bid and kind of see if they want any kudos for that or want to be a part of anything sure yeah they probably all graduated but not that was a couple years ago they I think they're in eighth grade probably in college yeah there was one more I'm sorry 1515 permits D we're just waiting on the checks just went in we got the check uh last end of last week they just went into the do or to the D and they aren't going to review anything further until they got the checks so they they did get those we think we sent those on Wednesday so they probably got them today or we'll get them Monday okay thank you yep Greg before you go uh just you know I want to let them let the council know that you and I met about deal Road um in regard to doing that permit up the street to try to uh get the uh westbound uh Lane to go uh two across Highway 35 um that is still on the hopper so we can work on straightening that out up there I believe you're waiting for um uh Zakaria who purchased the property across the street to submit his permits and then we're looking at trying to straighten that road out so that we can get the two lanes across well he we're going to we're waiting for him to finish his plans ah discussion with his engineer yesterday kind of telling where we're coming from yep so he's going to give me a copy of the survey and the general layout and we'll go over that and Y make sure that's something exactly what we're looking for and then we'll proceed with the Dot from there any questions on that I don't know what he's putting on the site but is that Center is that center row now going to be allowed to go straight so right now the center row does go straight the problem and I look and I'm sitting there and I'm going out of my mind cuz I watch it and I get in the lane where I'm supposed to be and I'm watching people shoot up the idea is to get two lanes to go across you have the left you got to go straight but you need both to go straight because what's happening is there's no cars in the right lane you got everybody backed up in the center lane nobody can even like I needed to make a left the other day I couldn't get past the lineup until some of these cars got across and you're when you're backing up you get past that hump you can't slide over so Greg and I I Bal a lot of this stuff and it's until the summer yeah no it's exact I mean it is moving when it moves it moves good it's definitely improved but if we can make this tweak it'll it'll definitely be a great so is that the bank property that you're going to cro side well it's not and what Greg looked at um it's not as not as serious as we think Greg seems to think that two two or three utility poles can be moved that can be there it's pretty wide I didn't realize it until Greg told me that and I went slowly and looked at it and there is definitely a wide section there as you get across it just it has to be straight now and the merge will happen What in front of that the merge will happen kind of over on the other side he wants to have a it it definitely it's and you're right the summertime is going to be worse I've reached out to their engineer because we talked about changing the signs and I didn't want to change the signs until they got their final inspection from the do I haven't heard back from them yet because they to their traffic engineer yeah even the signage I mean until we get it squared away would help out too I'm getting to the point where when summer gets there we may change change before the summer I if they have to wait th their inspection till after summer they can change well let's give it uh let's give it through uh like April and then let's see if we have to make a call the other thing that Greg and I met about um thanks for coming out Saturday Greg I appreciate it we went over to deal Park um it's that's a big area flooding concern um and what I noticed when I went over there and that's why I called Greg was the manhole was coming up and um I guess Steve Steve Higgins went out with the crew and they jet jetted out uh some of the lines out there in deal deal Park runan Parker Goff and uh one of the other side ones we saw that the water was flowing out it was getting out of ocean it was just backed up on that section which me meant that there was a clog so hopefully the jetting out helped uh you know I'm hoping they they jetted the lines they did not find a blockage but what's happened is at the end of the headwall where it all discharge was blocked okay so we're that that will probably be the next section of my stream cleaning okay so we're going to go there from about where the go where golf is down to Washington that section now that is all on private property right so I'm it's going to take a little longer for me to get in there because I got to talk to these residents about us going in there and Des snagging that right but that you could see there's a bunch of just debris in there from all sorts of sports equipment and just general garbage so if we're going to do something like that uh you know a lot of Summer residents over there are we going to try to do this before they come back back are we going to try to push this to the fall it's you know probably going to try to get their permission through the summer while they're here because a lot of times when they're up in New York where you know they it's just impossible communication cuz it's by mail so when they're down here we can actually I can meet with them go to the knock on the door we'll get the permission and we'll probably do it in we're we're definitely not going to get it cleared out by the spring rains anyway so I mean as long as we have this in the hopper so that we can because that's that amount of flooding over there is really Troublesome it's there's a lot of water in gets deep fish but oh yeah the stream was open it wouldn't have flooded at all oh I mean Greg it gets like I'm I'm in a truck and I'm like d and I'm like it goes It goes down too it's it's a you know so I mean it's uh definitely working on it so we can get uh you know things like that fixed the other areas I looked at you know they seem to be okay since the stream clean so we didn't get Hammer is bad popper was in good shape yeah that's the East part of it I I'm not going to move into the Park area the thing I would ask is if you know of any other areas that might look like I noticed um and I shot text messages over to Steve that there were areas even on Deal road that you could tell the storm dreams were completely cloged so I I think as you know as Council and even as residents for the work session if you hear me if you know of any areas it look like there's severe flooding just shoot us a message or even go on our report on our website and report it so that it can you know get cleared out cuz the only way we're going to know is if you're actually out in the rain that's the only way you're going to know that stuff's clogged up I was just going to compliment so I pick on you a lot so let me compliment you and I should have done where the mayor just said what he said but I got a call from a resident on Lancaster and she sent the video yeah it just Sandy it was going through the the it was coming out everywhere I mean the water was up halfway through the uh mail and he went out last week cleaned it up we think it's fine now but I do works fine yeah yeah that's all really we need to be vigilant as you know elected officials but also neighbors I mean just spread the word that we obviously can't be in every quadrant of the town so you know you have to let us know when you see a flood I mean that's drains and you know they get clocked there's a lot we noticed a ton of debris down on Washington Street that had been piled up um you know some of the spring cleaning that's coming out they're clearing the logs out the sticks the tree you know the weeds the leftover leaves from the fall so there's a lot of that stuff that's piling up that Greg used his foot to kick it away just to move the water quicker and yeah it's amazing what just a little pile does did you say Joe P was you said Park did you mean Joe P was the next well there's a section I'm actually as Tom rud to he's got the the um drone the Drone he actually going to video video between uh Mammoth and whale Pond for me which is all private that's cuz we stopped at whale Pond going westbound so while I'm waiting for that I I can use open space money to go into Joe play park and I know there's some areas of flooding in there I want to get to so I'm going to get that going and then we'll come back when I get that video from Tom and we'll work on that but I think this precedent will take the flooding over on golf in Washington we'll probably hit that first in the next section the next wave of funding the section on Donna Lisa Drive looks so much better I mean it's wide and clear and that was coming up that was wild it's working yeah it's amazing section by section that's it just takes time so I'm sorry last thing is that now on Higgin Steve's dpws routine on a annual by anual how do we prevent it from h i mean we did it we fixed it great thank you how do we prevent it from right yeah one of the things and not that I want to bash P guys but um we own we bought that jet truck in combination 50/50 with the sewage author and we have never been able to use it in the past and I've asked several times and I mean I the two past two directors wouldn't ask them to use it or when they did they didn't get kind of were rebuffed and they never went back again I told Steve that's half our truck within a couple days he got the truck out to Lancaster so Steve Steve Higgin so he i' I've already have it on the schedule with him what we're going to start doing as part of the road program before we pave the roads the heavier traveled roads we're going to video them or jet them and video them just to make sure they're clear so we don't have a sinkhole problem or you know a blowout that blows out a piece of the road we just pay I mean Steve Steve went out Monday and did deal Park I mean he whacked all them out so that that's something we've been trying to do for the last 10 years because and we've been lucky where we haven't had a problem but in Lancaster was one where you know that was recently paid luckily we caught that before it did anything to the road but now that's what we're going to start doing on the main corridors and we'll also do the stream cleaning so that I think the side streets are going to flood we'll get to them eventually but if we get the main corridors cleaned out we're going to be in pretty good shape good thank you yeah great thanks Greg anything else for Greg before he goes okie dokie uh Dave you started you have anything else for us in open or oh yeah I got okay oh yeah no see you later um so bicycle safety uh and particularly not bikes but ebikes the electronic bikes um Deputy Mayor and I have been talking we talked with Senator goal trying to get some State legislation and then lo and behold the uh GIF came along to join Insurance fund and put out a a newsletter telling us that you know we could do some things here locally so what we're looking to do is put on a local piece of legislation or ordinance uh to introduce that at the next meeting I just moments ago talk to the Chief and what we're looking at is what um Jesse has given me here but what I would suggest I'm just going to return that back to Jesse is that the chief said that the traffic Sergeant has uh some more to add to what our Township attorney has put together there so once we able to merge that uh maybe next week we can email out a a copy to this body so you can review it and then we can try to get it introduced at the next meeting but the bottom line is under title 39 um lowspeed electric bicycles we're able to to do this ordinance and one of the things that the locality can do is um class one and two ebikes May ride on bicycle path except that a local government entity uh May prohibit the operation of class one to so the thinking and the theory is right now is that uh prohibited from jpp but the chief wanted to know if the council wanted to expand that to all Township Properties or just keep it at jpp so that's something to think about I think I would recommend all Township properties so what would be the implication of that on on a regular Street if they're not allowed to ride in the bike lanes are they supposed to be this is mostly um on paths oh paths so just be like they couldn't just be riding through here on ebike speeding through or on the sidewalks around here you know basically a safety issue but they could ride in the bike lanes that are on the oh I believe so I don't think you can prib with them that's what I was I misinterpreted at least we can't maybe the state can but we we only have um it says may ride on bicycle paths uh and then on this page here it states that uh a local government can restrict where class one and two ebikes are allowed to ride local governments may consider factors such as crowded locations vacation destinations boardwalks prominade sporting facilities parks and playgrounds which is us uh and then we can designate hours of operation speed restrictions and injury prevention so basically the chief has the parks and grounds highlighted so that was the main thing he was looking at was the parks and grounds and then he wanted to know if you wanted to expand it to other Township property what about just general safety precautions in our and just in Township streets it's so dangerous you see people riding without hel we can't regulate that cuz now the other page here says we can we can uh operation on sidewalks and trails is up to local municipalities okay so we can also ban them from riding on sidewalks as well and theil push them into the streets but we can't regulate the street though right um and then Officer says seek advice to the agency's attorney when considering developing ordinances that may restrict the use of these vehicles on sidewalks bike trails Etc so we'll get that out to you um once we the chief and I and Jesse get together on Monday and Matt and try to push that out can I just expand on that a second absolutely so one of the things that's really complicated it doesn't affect us so much is that there's a lot of Commerce that goes on with these there's a lot of delivery guys not so much here in Ocean Township but in you know urban areas they're delivering your door Dash you're delivering all the stuff so it all of a sudden this whole thing seems like a simple solution like like you know when you had a moped you should have been wearing a helmet you're not supposed to be riding in the park not supposed suddenly it became a whole other problem and that's why that legislation failed or at least is stalled right now at the state level but I think that we go with more of a safety angle here it makes a lot more sense yeah you know they nobody should be ripping through poo park at 30 m an hour on an ebike you know and the problem is and I've said it before they are so dangerous because they're coming up behind you you pass a biker you know you passed a bike somebody you're making a right-hand turn you're not looking at someone's two and three for mission statement two options for a vision statement and then there was some conversations that were had and then you you have um this to look at which is basically the layout and then um I had a timeline but I think I left it in The copier so I will get that in a second after I speak and uh make sure that um everybody gets a copy of the timeline because there's uh several further steps that we want to do and I think the completion was like June 30th so we want to be done uh uh before we get to uh July 1 I believe it is but I'll hand that out uh Community Development update the state is keeping us busy we have a couple of things going on uh affordable housing the state has passed uh legislation A4 s50 I was talking to Deputy Mayor again we having some good conversations this week um he thought it would be a good idea and I concur that we bring in Mary Beth um lonigan our um affordable housing planner consultant and she couldn't come in for this meeting or April she can't come till May so I went on League of municipalities and printed this out for your reading pleasure it's about 10 pages long and it explains all the ins and outs uh from the Le of Miss PGE perspective which is obviously um benefiting and favors our view of it as a town so when you get a chance just read this um and then in the May meeting Mary Beth will be able to come in in the May meeting and we'll do close session because we have the um the litigation going on with fair share housing so she can explain where we're at with that how this affects that and what type of uh the the growth cuz we're going to have more obligation come this next round in 20125 I believe it is it is July 1st July 1st 2025 we're comp 24 almost J almost so we can talk about that too in May okay so we're getting there we got some projects coming online that we can talk about and that would have to be done in close session to we're in negotiations I tried to read through this it's actually rather confusing it it seems like it could benefit the township and there's things in here that make a lot of sense but it's definitely you need somebody who can really explain this to you because there's multiple components in here that are now like you need a PhD to figure this out that's why they have lawyers on staff I thought that uh I was going to just defer this to Matt but then I've been told uh we have to hand this over to uh he's pretty good at this stuff too but but Mary Beth definitely is the expert yeah um but it could change the component of how we're doing business and that's that's a benefit hopefully it's a benefit to not just our town but all of the towns so there's potential here there was a some somewhat some of this was in the email that you sent us from yes yes right yes and but they were coming from more of a negative standpoint correct from that from that perspective um the next thing is the state has decided to do this new state development and Redevelopment plan under What's called the state planning act and under that I sent this uh around via um email earlier this week there's something called the cross acceptance process which will begin the same day that the preliminary plan is published on about April 8th so our attorney uh had denoted that we should immediately stay on top of this so I emailed the County planning director today uh to see what what in hopes of what they're trying to do what ascertain their process for this for us and make sure that myself or Colleen or somebody from the Department is attending those meetings or or at least if they're not virtual to make sure that we're there the other thing that came out of this uh too was that said make sure that your master plan is sent over and I guess in the transition with with Ron leaving the draft was sent over but now the final copy as of today or Monday Colleen will send the final copy over which also led me to make sure that did everyone he get a final copy if it's like that yes okay I didn't go you got on so we got Jesse we got to get um new counsel person thank you okay Matt wants one too so I don't know how many we had cuz um I know downstairs only had a couple couple so I didn't even have one do we have it do we have it electronically oh we you know what she does have an electronically that's how we're transmitting to the county plan so I could take an email one if that's easier okay yeah just ask Colleen J she can get that out it's on the town website right yeah it's on okay that's good too y so in light of the master plan now leading into that as your community development director I'm now going to be looking at this and trying to pull some of the low hanging fruit out of here so we can start focusing on and actually begin to talk about implementing some of the stuff that's in the plan so something different implementation what a concept right right is there anything in there about rezoning are we switching up it could rezoning some some areas y That's a whole another conversation well that's eventually we're going to have to pass what ordinances either switching zoning on a couple things but after the master plan go through all of our Land Development ordinances had a nice conversation with mayor palone about what they've done in law Branch to and you're probably about changing a lot of the zoning to benefit the town love to hear it yeah he him and Mario had so that concludes my report for this evening thank you Dave any questions for Dave I just have okay we had a request this afternoon for for a flag raising the India flag for Indian independence Day celebration Gathering and flag hoisting on August 17th from 9:30 to noon out here is everyone we did that last year right last yes everyone good y yeah okay August 17th is a Saturday is that correct put August 17th I'll check it out I got to get the council person probably motion to approve that what flag motion to approve the flag you want to do it around here motion to approve flag raising second all in favor I oppos okay all right anything else Jess that's it for me okay Rob do Park what happened I don't know if I should asked Greg I I didn't think of it later no I think it's more on this table here I know the mayor's been looking around yeah you name's Dead Set against it so um I looked up at one a massive fireman's field there's no space up there um there was one other option which is over by human services but we have to talk to gr yeah that open area right by Human Services across from the open field um that that's a big enough space uh but just not sure if you know if we wind up making a move up there we need that property for parking so um Greg has to take a look at that but it's actually not a bad spot cuz it's back it's by the library it's over there there's parking so lot of traffic no traffic no traffic in and out right right so it's a that's a potential option is anybody looked around anywhere else so you know when you're pulling in the play Park the was a part of the old deal test site not the main entrance the next entrance down there's that white building that I think has a is that being used by the township anymore or is that building almost like on a condemned type of it's condemned the white building I think it's condemed I think your problem back there is there's a lot of that's one that floods yeah yeah I just thought it would be put it in the middle of the park and use that as a parking lot and I don't know if you almost west of the soccer field right you're right right in the middle yeah cuz nobody wants this in their backyard obviously it has to be in the middle so I'm thinking let's just stick it but I just don't know what if it's wet back there I think you know there's reads I don't know if there's anywhere to uh is the township knocking that building down or is it just staying no plans knock no plans to just just kind of an army Relic yeah that's it I don't have any other great suggestions on the dog park sorry Jim to your point Mr Mayor Jim Bay caught me somewhere and did you and I have the conversation you talked about it y I think I talked to the mayor about it too the pop right no no yeah thoughts Ian I don't know I don't know if he's right I don't know what I mean I don't have a problem with that but it's way out not even around the town I mean that's Way East if we're talking popper oh popular Village and I don't know how wet it is over there again I haven't been out there it's what it's blue acre so I I would assume that very W when when the it rains or get a hard rain it probably yeah but it could be somewhere we at least do temporarily until we can land a home for I I don't I haven't been out there I keep telling them I'm going to go so the question would be where would they Park how would they go into they have to go they would have to go through the existing popular Village and park back there somewhere I believe so I think when I walk that scam with a stone Ro I don't know where I don't know either he says it again I'm not doubting anything he's saying just haven't been out there he says that road is fine and there's parking I don't know I don't either it's it when we drove out there it's pretty it's old it's been I would just say take a look at it yeah take a ride back take a look that's an option maybe it's time to Annex that Island that's out in the middle of the there do that too anything else Rob that would be uh right uh can I uh pass for a second sorry yeah uh G oh pass I'm good okay Dave uh yes um the obviously the voting districts have changed in Ocean Township there been a little bit of confusion about that can we put something on the website maybe explaining why it happened and then I don't know why just just that came from the consensus uh the sensus consensus census yeah so I think there's just a little confusion as to why am I where am I voting um you know I think it' be a nice idea because I think I've gotten more than a few questions about it we put up the locations all the new voting locations maybe the why I think was got a few people um and it's great if it's a census thing and they just Consolidated districts that's fine it's just I think you know people get a little concerned as elections are starting to show up and they're like oh my God I can't vote uh the second thing I got which was really interesting remember we were talking about grant writing last time yes so one of our residents uh um sent me a grant that he had filled out with uh Ai and it's crazy oh yeah that this person filled out this fairly complicated Grant with the free AI app yeah and it was actually rather comprehensive so I know we've been going back and forth with these grant writers and all this stuff but this may be a weird future here with these grants I don't know I don't know anything about this all I know is this this person sent me this crazy application to figure out and it was and and I'm starting to use AI a lot now to help me with uh memos and letters and and such yeah but you have to sit there right now cuz it's not there's still the hiccups in there yeah so somebody has to make sure that it's there's no plagiarism going on and you also have to make sure that there's um the information is correct yeah cuz it's pulling from all sources out there and the internet and everything so so I we're even thinking about it from a procurement perspective we have a we have a conference at the end of April and we have the AI on there because we'll be able to do bids wrank bids scopes of of work and all that stuff through AI That's crazy we wouldn't have to do it ourselves anymore so it's getting there and I think we still got to get the Cobbs out per se so I just want to throw that out there cuz if you saw this thing you'd say this looked like somebody put a lot of effort into this so uh that's all I've got mayor all right Kelly nothing thank you um I have one thing I want to go over and closed as it relates to um uh the fire company I have I found my other one mayor okay um naming committee so we met last week and surprise surprise the oak Cur meeting room was named in 1970 W and and it's called I'm stalling cuz I can't find it uh the oakers fireman's Memorial Recreation Center I believe I'm correct with that there's actually a plaque that was located a very nice one large one and it did have the gentleman's name Mr baramu who was we were looking possibly to name the facility after he was on the committee to name it to to build it to name it um so I shared that with his grandson I talked to the committee and they're fine with it I'm looking for support from the council uh manager's fine with it to do a re because the plaque's been sitting around somewhere for a long time it hasn't been up just need to shine it up shine it up and do a rededication make sense okay well have the plaque on there right so okay I will work with whomever to make that happen yeah I think Mike patri will probably best for that one yes I think he he found he rents that one uh Recreation does rent it yes yeah so I will go with him yeah okay great thank you all uh let me go to Doc over here we were waiting for you yeah yeah so can you just stand up state your name and address for the record two crer court neighbors so um I mean this whole idea about having a bridge was really going on for a while and it's really not not really in our best interest you know in in the neighborhood but now I mean after all this we're realizing things are being done already and so we we trying to make a compromise I mean this is a big compromise for us is that is to to close it off all the time except on holidays and and Saturdays for 24 hours 26 hours whatever it is and to leave it closed there is really no reason to to have access like this you know this day and age we really you know you got to be sort of more careful about who's roing in the streets that that will be a legal issue I'm going to lob it over to uh Matt our attorney there you can put I guess reasonable time but uh just opening it up for um like one night a week it's a it's a technically going to be a public uh Bridge so the public not just the the congregants uh use it the public will be able to use it if they need to so it it's a you know it's a public project that the public can use um but but I understand that the synagogue is P for this spending the money so it's really not a public thing it it it is a public because it's on public property and the money even though it's coming from private hands it's coming to the public to spend what about the fact that suppos to only be used from D to dusk that's also a legal matter you know you know it's used you know it's being used Beyond dusk right and you know it's being used for bicycles which at the last meeting was discussed the bridge is not wide enough in designed for bicycles yeah no seems like all those issues and all the arguments we make just get pushed aside pushed aside no the arguments that we make on the other side when there are reasonable alternatives to maybe inset a sidewalk along the whole curve of Mammoth Road where people have to walk as you go from Brookside to where Temple bethl is I assume that's the safety issue is walking along that sidewalk along on the yeah I think the safety issue was walking through this facility around but again the meeting we attended last no I agree with you just let you don't get to this point from there they already take the temple v l parking lot and cut through there and as they have been for longer than the bridge has been being talked about so the safety issue that again I I appreciate safety being considered but it should be considered on both sides and be considered with the facts on the ground people are not walking through here from the areas that the bridge is going to be served host another shortcut through his backyard so again we're just asking the points that we're making which are fact based in many respects to be considered because the arguments we're hearing on the pro side we have answers for and it seems that they just go nowhere um Matt is there we talked about there any way around that with having it shut I mean shut when I mean that that's it's it's going to be a sense of degree um having it closed like a park that kind of thing From Dusk Till Dawn is you know that it's a reasonable limitation on it um are the are the are the tennis courts at fireman's field do those get locked at the end of the night or are they supposed to be locked when no when when Matt says when Matt says Dust to Dawn he means out out side of the Friday and the holidays I mean obviously it couldn't be closed Dust to Dawn when there's a Friday right um I mean that was I'm sorry a general a general I'm sorry I you're right that was a that was a bad example I meant in terms of okay lock it at a certain amount of night till morning um but you know to say it's only open on Friday nights nobody's going to use it other than know that that's the that's the thing you're saying that I you could be 100% right but as you sit here today you can't tell me that in the future there's not going to be one person that's going to use that bridge that is not going to directly to the town so why don't we wait for somebody to complain about it like it keep it sa because we we I can't I can't I can't anticipate something somebody complaining about something and and then going on the complete opposite end in terms of a a a reasonable limitation on the use yes the council is going to set certain rules no bikes it's not going to be designed for bikes to be taken over now does that mean that people aren't going to take a bike when nobody's looking I don't know but that's not you know some some things are outside of power if you're driving on the road in speeding no you're not supposed to be speeding that you know that's the kind of thing you're not supposed to be taking the bike on the bridge but people are going to do the other thing is not going to be Poli it's going to yeah it is it's going to be against uh it's going to be against T of code and who's enforcing that and who's policing whether that happened police are going to be coming around a circle well I mean theoretically the answer theoretically again I'm waiting for something to be a concrete legitimate response there's the bridge isn't there so how you're you're giving us hypotheticals and again at the same time the bridge is going to be put in based on anticipa use okay right so if if nobody comes through it on a Monday through Friday afternoon are you for a 6 months straight and I have a camera there that shows it you going to lock it why nobody's using it okay but it's the same same idea it's a potentially a problem every everything's potentially problem run through the another neighborhood within 30 seconds again I'm not trying to overl this although I am also a lawyer um well then you want that congratulations I mean thank you I'm sorry but I just I'm I'm trying to show that I'm making reasonable arguments and I haven't gotten reasonable answers in many you're not accepting the reasonable answers you're anticipating again nothing's happening to to Mr Fisher's point from the last meeting we did discuss the gate and you pretended that you didn't ever hear of that at the last meeting I no that's not true you're putting words on my m I'm willing to listen to any options here I'm not opposed to anything you're the residents who live there if you have constructive ideas then bring them to us bring them to Dave Brown Mr in favor of it and if he's giving the grant why can't we consider something that both sides are in favor of this is at the end of the day this is being approved because it's good for the community here so and it's being I don't want to get too deep into this but as I explained to you adium that this was something that we did inherit by the way and we the the concept is we're trying to do the betterment for the township we are trying to the community the community but not just the community the township if I'm a kid and I'm a caddy over at Hollywood golf course and I don't want to cut all the way around and I can you know grab my lunch and I can walk across that bridge and it'll save me five minutes that's the betterment of the community it's just it can go on and on and on yes but nobody else nobody else thought about this except the synagogue nobody else came up with it appears to be a betterment for that Community your community and and that's what it was sold to us that's the reason we're having this conversation we don't need it except for that time that's somebody must need it because obviously they got the show before nobody needs you live in this community you know when it's used when it would be used and at the same time the arguments being made to us is how many people are going to use it what's the big deal but then it's also saying the caddy should be able to go through it and this one should be a so contradic and May and maybe so I mean you know if I'm a you know why shouldn't I be able to I don't personally have a use for it but maybe maybe I do want to walk across that bridge then maybe the township should pay half a million dollars so let's you know what I'm saying look we're we're we're going in a rabbit hole right now with this discussion and I think that you know we understand the frustration on your side but there is this is not the first time that the municipality has taken a grant opportunity from a private Foundation or a you know Foundation itself this this has happened before we did it most recently in September and it was for the betterment of the community and you know people choose to use that you know that facility that's up to the community members but for us to continue to belabor this issue right now we have other business that we have to we've we've heard it loud and clear um again I would suggest that what our manager stated was if there are like this many people upset about it if there are hundreds we haven't seen them we haven't seen a petition we haven't seen I my phone would ring off the hook if if there were that many aggravated people at it but but I haven't gotten I'm being dead honest with you I hav not received the flood of calls that are claimed at this meeting right now and I don't know what the other council members heard or heard from or who they heard from but I'm telling you me personally I would be the first person that gets the majority of the complaints I haven't gotten any I really haven't you're the first three that have come to a Mee there's a reason why I'm not putting it out there because it's going to bring up like bring up anti-semitic we care more about our community but but they can't possibly be anti-semitic because it's all the same Community do you think if I posted this on a ocean Facebook page don't think that's where it would go I think it stays right Community if I brought you a 100 people that are taxpaying residents regardless of whether this is a grant or not they can oppose it they canose it I don't you know there's a line that I'm going to draw we in the tough space right and what I was saying is are there that many people banging on your door saying we we needed this bridge 5 years ago can we get it moving already other than than one than one so to answer your question mayor so I won't speak for the other Council people but yes I met with at least this three of these gentlemen and five others six others whatever the number that was there people that are correct but that being said they've shared their concerns theyve I shared them at the last meeting um whether it be the gate the hours the lighting trees easements whatever came up came out of the meeting with them and I think we got a lot of the questions answered and certainly you continue to have the right to express your concerns um we will we won't be voting today but as the manager shared and I may have shared that we will have the opportunity to vote on the donation so that's the first up down vote for lack of a better example on what we can will or won't do um that said you know I I I'm not a fan of petitions that's just me I'm speaking on my for my own self but to the mayor's Point there's three of you now I granted it's happening before the summer there may be more people for the summer but I think you know if if there are other people that were there at the meeting with us and they want to come in great if there's more than that great to the mayor's point I I mean you know there's volume of people help with with differing views and but your point is also well taken on the other I'm sorry let me real quick your point is well taken where are the all the people that are proposing it no positive you're against it I get it where are all the other people you're right I I mean I'll leave it at your right and again I would just ask that it be considered regardless of where the funding is coming from the merits of the bridge itself and what it's serving isn't necessary the detriment to the neighborhood again like you said there are public projects that not everybody benefits from but it doesn't always adversely impact other people your your example of the shade at the one of the fields we had a very similar situation in Wayside where three families were not happy with a park going up there and there were private donations for the park and it didn't sit well with several people around that Park that you know we owned but we felt that the benefits outweighed anything that was negative with it it was just a positive for the community even though there were three and it was three that were not happy with it at all but it's a beautiful addition to the town and I can't say enough for it I mean it we got pushed back but it was by far a great move for the town I that's all how I'm going to leave it and I think we're going to move on with the rest of our business and your concerns are duly noted thank you thank you thanks um Jack anything before we go into close no it's been a long meeting but the only question that came up City and not just as one thing but do we have enough publication making it know to the town what these things that we have to consider are they all on the website every agenda gets posted I mean everybody knows they they look at the agendas that's where they get the information Rob posts up about the meetings uh we post up things that are going on I mean social media is Big we have newsletters that go out I mean there's plenty of Publications that go out there's information thank you doc thank you uh anything else Jack no I think that you guys are working hard to try to get the to some of the details that you do have to consider some of the things that we talking about earlier with Greg and so and you know it's nuts and both sometimes but you got to get into y not just some policy or whatever but what does what's the impact of that I think you try to deal with that that's good thanks Jack please be careful going down the stairs careful will take him down on his back well maybe not on his back I know no no out of out how long was she to go in s all in favor thank [Music] you just want to remind everybody that all regular meetings will be audio and video tape and will be shown on the township of otions community cable channel channel 22 and Verizon bios on channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor napatan here Deputy Mayor fiser here council members a chera here Kaplan here Terry here can we stand for a pledge of allegiance and please remain stand as we say a silent prayer and I'd like to dedicate this prayer for one of our uh for residents Mike chy uh he was an FDNY uh firefighter he just recently passed of 911 um illness and uh you know our thoughts and prayers are out to Sylvia Sylvia chaffy and uh Mike's whole family so pledge allegiance FL to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall on file in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 there are two emergency exits on the wall to my right that'll take you to the front of the building and another one to my left that'll take you to the rear all cell phones must be turned off if you need to make a call kindly step outside all matters listed under actually we're going to do Council comments first let me start down there with Deputy Mayor fiser thank you mayor um I just want to let the uh public know that the mayor and Council attended a uh presentation put on by the the Ocean Township Police Department the other night on car theft and I think there were some excellent points that were brought up and I do want everybody to kind of think these through but you know one of the great comments the detective made this is your neighborhood and you live there and if you see something that's out of place it probably is out of place because you see these PE you you go around you walk your dog and um they said no call is uh is a frivolous call so if you see something that's out of place you make the phone call um lock your inside doors that was a big one I think sometimes people get a you know get complacent um we don't live in Maybury anymore this is not just an Ocean Township problem this is a Statewide problem and uh I think we've all got to become part of the solution to this all right that's all I've got mayor thank you sir councilwoman Terry I have nothing this evening thank you councilwoman Kaplan nothing this evening thank you councilman aera I have one interesting one um a friend of ours uh who you all know shared a post with me on Facebook letting us know that there are two Ocean Township residents that are up for the New Jersey Hall of Fame I was surprised too uh but once I tell you the names you're probably going to know them uh Michael yand who created Batman who spoke at the graduation I don't know 8 10 years ago at Ocean Township High School is a candidate in the Arts category and uh Phil Patell who you may or may not know I didn't remember the name but uh he makes guitars and has made guitars for the like Springsteen and Jim cochi yeah so uh if you go to the New Jersey Hall of Fame website which is uh Google New Jersey Hall of Fame and you can vote for I I don't have the website uh you can vote for them so um support your Ocean Township president that's all I have residents that's all I have man that's exciting news especially I went to school with Phil Jr so it's congratulations to your dad on his accomplishments uh Dave Brown no report mayor all righty Matt nothing Mr Mayor uh just want to say thank you to Susan Healey from the tax department she sold out a crowd of our senior citizens and explained uh how your taxes work uh I want to thank Jen and Mike again for throwing a phenomenal St Patrick's Day celebration over at English manor uh highly recommend English manner they did a great job the other night uh appetizers were you know absolutely phenomenal thank you the Easter egg hunt was a total Smash Hit very well attended again another Jen and Mike uh promot ceremony there uh I want to thank Chief Santino and of course detective leg and Detective Ryan for their presentation the other night uh Deputy Mayor Fischer spelled it out beautifully it is on YouTube uh we should have it posted up on our Facebook pages I know I do um so I strongly urge anybody that has any questions as it relates to the most recent car thefts car robberies uh any other type of crime this presentation really spells it out I got several calls from people who said they watched it they could not believe how point you know spoton the police officers were and us as a Township Council they were very impressed with the fact that we're an extremely Safe Community I'll leave it at that watch the video um I also want to uh congratulate our newly sworn in Commissioners and monam massive fire company Mike Evans uh and Allan ding uh for their service to wanasa I want to thank Peter Ryan uh from the seventh grade in Ocean Township Intermediate School for inviting me in the other day it was nice to see your students and fill them in on what we do here as a council um thank you for the invite and uh one last thing I'd like to give a shout out to another uh longtime member from The Italian Club who passed away this year he was quite a he was quite an icon uh if you from the Asbury Park area Ramos strata who was one of my dad's uh oldest and closest friends it's sad to see a lot of these guys gone uh that my father grew up with and and a guy like that was a total icon so uh we're going to miss you Ramo so uh all matters listed under the cons consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted in one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired on on any item that item will be considered separately the purpose of this public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an item on this agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting are there any questions as it relates to the agenda items for the consent agenda seeing here n do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes napan yes individual action vouchers in the amount of 3,784 8669 someone please offer I'll offer second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naani yes motion passes ordinance is up for adoption ordinance 2457 which is an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance of the Tamp of devotion entitled flags and penants can I have someone open the public comment on ordinance 2457 I'll make a mo motion to open public comment on ordinance 2457 second call second roll call aera yes fiser yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2457 please step up to the microphone stat your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close the public comment on ordinance 2457 I'll make a motion to close the public comment on ordinance 2457 do I have a second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nani yes action on ordinance 2457 I'd like to make a motion to approve ordinance 2457 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan Terry Nani yes ordinance passes anyone from the public wishing to be uh wishing to say any comments about Ocean Township anything gerain to our town questions comments concerns please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record this is the public portion you may come on up I know have a yeah that's my fault my name is Sheldon pasner I live in Oak Hurst I have a complaint regarding West Lincoln Road West Lincoln Avenue between uh Mammoth and whale par it should be there should be no parking there on either side it's very difficult for me and my wife especially driving at night when a car is parked over here and a car is over here and we have to go down the middle it's a very dangerous situation you have no parking at any time signs on whale Pond itself but not on West Lincoln West Lincoln as you probably know is a through Road there are not many East West roads going that way so that is the main thing uh Dave can we have the Chief look into this potentially uh yes may we'll do a traffic study on absolutely next thing my wife do you want to I thought you said one complaint that's you're only allowed one complaint oh wait each get one can I yeah between MTH and wh Pon can I comment on that mayor given that I live right on Robbie and I travel that oh you live on Robbie easy easy don't say where um so we have tried to put no parking on the biggest issue is right on the corner of whale Pond correct when you make the turn either way because there are several rent rentals on each side not wh my husband made a mistake there are your husband's right Miss I'm some fun come on go ahead I'm talking about I'm talking about no no we really record it excuse me um I'm talking about or rather referring to the it doesn't work um the uh rented houses have on a weekend yes oh you know must I know exactly so you've done about it listen I'm going to tell you what we tried to do apparently hasn't done much easy so actually I lodged a couple of complaints so the first house on the corner if you notice that there's five cars parking in the driveway the illegal driveway and the two vans in the backyard and at n they have visitors corre par all all the way up the street counted eight cars now having said that the house next to them I believe were college students so in deference to them you have the whole side of the street the issue is on the other side of the street as well so what what the police have done is told because they were parking illegally on the south side the house on the South Side they were parking between the driveway and the corner so if they don't park between the driveway and the corner it is a lot better because now you can make the turn but I agree with you I don't know that we're going to get both sides but we'll probably get one side it's both sides I know Le a little passageway corre very dangerous when you're making a quick turn corre visitor okay that was one secondly um no complaint request uh I called about um you know having a garage sale I may I came here in January well you and you said you take it under consideration I believe uh the mayor addressed it are we having one or not a spring and a fall it doesn't cost anything for anyone so yeah good I uh so we yes we we had one and we will have my understanding is one each each I was going to say semester right sorry I used to be in college a lot not each season but spring and uh spring and fall right but I I think the the difference I believe is that we're not going to do as much advertising of where everything is because it's a lot of work for us to post that but yes there's no fees you can have a garage when we do it there's no fees for the garage permit at that point so when we do a community one that's the benefit of doing it you don't have to pay the permit if you want to have your own garage sale you can still do that no I'd rather right but I think the limit the amount of work that it takes for the township to publish all of that to put all the locations on we may still do it but I I don't know that that's going to be the case sound right that was from Tracy yes Tracy am I right okay okay thank you you're welcome I appr thank you anyone else wish be heard see here none do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second I'll second all in favor I any opposed that motion passes the meeting is adjourned thank you for attending if you celebrate Easter Happy Easter