um if we can stand for the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press in the coaster and filed in the office of the Township Clerk on July 21st 2023 there is an emergency exit through the courtroom doors and two exits at the rear of the room there will be no smoking no new cases will be started after 10:00 p.m. and no new testimony taken after 10:30 p.m. in addition the applicant will be limited to 45 minutes of testimony all meetings will be video and audio taped and shown on the township of ocean Community C channel channel 22 on Verizon files and channel 77 on cable vision all cell phones must be turned off or if you need to make a call please make your call outside of the room the following cases are carried to May 16th is that the correct date May 6 yeah we changed June not May right it it just says 2023 so I just want to make sure it's May 16th 2024 it is it is is okay so it's May the following cases will be carried to May 16th 2024 needing to Ren notice 1700 Highway 35 Southbound Southbound block 34 Lot 12 applicant I aat Services LLC 1418 Highway 35 southbound block 182 lot 87 applicant i a a t Services LLC away 2795 2797 Asbury Avenue block 38 Lots 71 and 72 first French speaking Baptist Church Jack and Sylvie Ashkenazi 1036 Norwood Avenue block 11.01 lot three Solomon and Sarah chahar 221 Elmwood Elmwood Road Block 2531 lot 11 Lewis and Jacquelin Massy 500 runion AV block 40 lot 16 Reen notice for two effective addresses only the following cases are carried to May 16th 2024 requiring no further notice marjerie Hui 232 over Brook Avenue block 22 lot 3 Solomon and they're listed up top two or is that different um Solomon and S need re notice no okay okay so Solomon and Sarah chahar 221 Elmwood Road Block 2531 lot 11 Samuel habber 507 Stafa street block 67 Lot 8 Zone R5 we have the following resolution for memorialization Kenneth to 7 Oakwood Avenue block 12.07 lot 5 and I will offer a positive resolution is there a second second and we'll do attendance first and then sorry Litman herei Shamora hereo here lki herei here deal here okay now if we can have a roll call for the resolution memorialization yes yeso I wasn't here for that meeting this was the last I don't think I was here either I wasn't I wasn't here this was I wasn't two votes is fine as little as one can memorialize oh yeah don't need a quum on resolution you don't need a quum on resolution only because the legislature created that so in the event like this happens you don't have to worry about getting more people so we have Quorum tonight but not enough to vote on this so they change the law so that it memorialization as little as one one person okay our first case Deborah harmy 64 Park Boulevard block 97 Lot 1 Zone r 5 applicant proposes to construct a sun room Edition over the existing deck within the front yard setback on Maple Avenue minimum front yard setback 30 ft required 25.5 ft exists Maple Avenue 16.5 ft to sunro Maple Avenue proposed Miss harmy if you can come up please and you can have a seat in front of the [Applause] microphone and if you can raise your right hand and back do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I affirm to tell the truth and the whole truth okay so first we will hear from our experts then we'll give you an opportunity to explain your request and address any questions from our experts thank you yeah I'll summarize my report basically this is a corner lot on Park Avenue and or it was a Park Park Boulevard and Maple Avenue Maple Avenue at this point is a dead end Street Street there's only six houses on it they have a deck that extends out into the front yard on Maple Avenue it's 9.41 feet from the right from the property line it's a little bit longer than that to the pavement but you measure to the property line as the board knows and what they're doing is proposing to put a sunro room on it um I think it's going to be a significant Improvement to the site as I understand it and I think M harmy would clarify there's a a deck is actually screened from the road by what appears to be a 5T High Stockade style fence that's actually nailed attached to the deck and it's my understanding that's going to be removed and it's going to be a nicer looking Deck with a nice railing there that fence was there when I first moved in what that fence was there when I first moved in so it needs to yeah so I think it's a substantial Improvement and they're not even Mo they're not moving any farther into the front yard they're just getting a vertical extension where there is no vertical extension right now okay Mr matl I don't have any engineering concerns okay um Miss harmy just for the record can you just tell us about your request and why you want it um I'm an avid Gardener and um after Co I just need to have my Outdoors indoors more um you know so I just yeah I want to be able to put all my plants there and have a a sa okay so that's that's the main reason honestly okay so you you want to use it all year around basically yeah okay exactly right now I have a giant fig tree so okay any question yeah and my dog would love it too okay any questions from board members I'm just curious in reading the plan so the front of your house fronts Park Boulevard yes so Maple Avenue is the side of your house yeah got okay for me thank you any other questions is no what what kind of siding are you using same as the house yeah so it's all it's all white siding and the roof we going to match yeah existing house yeah everything's going to be white the fence is going to be white everything will be white it's got yeah the highest part of the sun room is only going to be 11 feet high and it tapers down to 10t so yeah same color try to match the material the same color roof yeah okay okay any other questions from board members questions or comments from the public okay I'm sorry oh okay um crowd tonight motion to close the public hearing a motion second all in favor I any opposed okay someone offer I'll offer for positive resolution is there second second lman Yesa yes yes yes yes yes okay you are approved thank you thank you can I go home I'm sorry can I go home yes toay for next okay next case Marcy Sultan 17 Shadow Lawn Drive block 25 L 43 Zone R2 applicant seeks approval to construct a roof over the rear deck minimum rear yard set back 40 ft required 20.75 ft proposed the attorney is David ess's esses close enough David Asis David Asis on behalf of the applicant okay Mr and um the homeowner Marcy Sulton um Miss Sulton will you raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth yes I do okay and I will have our experts just give us an I'll give you a quick summary again basically this is a lot that backs up to open space that's over 100 ft wide where this proposed deck is the deck itself conforms but because they're putting the covering over it it requires a setback variance so I don't have a problem with it it's again there's no no negative impact it'll allow them to use the deck more and have have much more better use of the rear yard so again it's it's over 100 feet between this property and the adjacent property which I believe is a synagogue if I'm correct so actually public park public park okay okay Mr matlas uh I had a few minor notes on my report um most of them can are just uh notes that need need to be corrected and things like that uh I I will correct one of my my notes it says uh in item number one the applicant is proposing a 27 a. half% grade from the corner of the home to the inground swimming pool same should be modified to achieve a maximum 3 to1 slope it should be a 2% slope uh and if we can just get some clarification on that uh if I can I feel like that's probably not necessarily the way it's intended so we could probably just get 's actually been removed from the plan okay so I think that solves that problem well then there you go we don't need okay Mr essis you want the other excuse me do you want the other two through two through five as yeah okay yes I think so okay okay uh 17 shadon it's a well-maintained two-story contemporary uh home uh it's 5 bedrooms it's approximately 3,300 square ft the lot's in it's in a regular shaped lot it's almost a piie shaped lot uh which is 130 ft deep uh the house fits perfectly within the neighborhood um it does back up to an open space it's a it's a park no yeah just just to get the record straight what I was saying the open space which is a public land and then on the other side of the open space is a synagogue right right that's right so there there's really no negative impact Whats that's right there's there's a there's actually a a am easement with this um with this Creek yeah with tree with trees I don't know how deep that is it's probably about 100t and then it's followed by then it's followed by the public park and then you've got the synagogue behind it which is set all the way back because there's another there a parking lot that's it's everything's very far away um you practically not see the back of this house except maybe in the winter when there's uh when the trees are when the trees are be otherwise you can't see the back of this house from almost anywhere um um uh the applicant's proposing to build a a no it's build building a deck that's 20 ft by 34 ft it's 20 ft Deep by 34 ft wide um the deck doesn't require variant but the applicant wishes to put um a covering over the deck a roof over the deck uh to protect the from Sun um uh they can't shorten the deck because it's already the deck is only 20 feet we're seeking a 20 foot uh 20 foot e uh variance a variance on 20t so they they they can't shorten it at all because then they'd have zero deck um um uh I like to call Tom Lavin our expert okay if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do and I believe you've testified before this board yes I have have your credentials changed Noe okay it's on on okay Tom Tom why don't you tell us about the project I I was actually approached by my clients uh we did the house next door 15 Shadow one about 2 years ago same situation uh back back of the house the decks are Southwest facing so they get a lot of sun gets pretty warm in the in the summer we did that like I said we did it for the neighbor two years ago um that was a zoom meeting and it got approved and my clients have enjoyed the neighbors so they want to do the same thing for themselves so basically uh we built the conforming deck and we're proposing to cover about two thirds of it so that they have an area that can be shaded and then still have the area that's out in the center materials will be the same as as the house uh for the roofing and for the siding on on the sides of the roof simple just do we have that okay it's already in the packet which we're going to Mark and the previous one okay miss that oops okay any questions from board members I I have a quick question is there a reason why you're only covering 2third of the deck and not the whole deck well do you want me to answer well okay so we have the sliding glass doors and then we have barbecue okay okay I just some people may like yeah yeah okay I just I was afraid that maybe you were doing it because you didn't want appear to be greedy and cover the whole deck and it wouldn't have been a problem I feel like some people will like to sit in the not me but some of our kids and grand kids okay any other questions okay questions or com oh I'm sorry did you have other uh Marcy M Mrs Sultan uh tell me how long have you lived in the in the house uh about 29 or 30 years something like that and tell us why why do you need to have the uh the coverage oh well I never was I had a little scare this year I had a cancerous growth on my arm that came out of nowhere and I had to have a procedure and I'm not sitting in the sun any longer I have a letter from Dr gillson my dermatologist and she helped me through that and I'm very I'm not sitting in the sun and that's also has a lot to do with what we're doing you know so you know it'll be I I want to be able to sit out so and also I I I can't lie and to Tom my my my next door neighbor is our friends and um last summer we had dinner on the deck and it's really nice you could all come over I'm right over here you know but it's it but mainly I will not sit in the Sun so luckily I'm fine do we have to do they need new plants without the pool yes we'll need to uh have a new grading plan submitted that reflects the removal of the pool oh I know the pool ever really I believe that we we I I don't seeing a so may they didn't get the up toate plans it was in the talk never we never really decided might as well have a p at all I believe we submitted it but we could uh resubmit if if it's been submitted then I'll I'll look at the submitted copy and if if it's acceptable then then there should be no issues they don't comply with 2 through five unless they have already what's the date on the drawings you have okay that's we move forward with the uh November 10th 2023 yeah there's we have a later set that's stated January of 24th yeah ours don't don't have the pool originally we submitted it with a with a pool and uh they changed the plan and okay it's been removed so just just a de my apologies the plans are dated when 111 112 24 112 grading plan has a revision dated April 4th 2024 noted remove fullo yeah April or 10 April 442 the other you wait 4424 that's the pl we approving okay okay my report is dated April 2nd sobody ask why chronology check you can see it to the Future these details you mean you didn't check your email in California I mean come on okay any other um testimony actually I'd like to ask to do the other uh requirements apply just show them a p copy of that before other report she has it you want just look at it real fast make sure that we don't have to file the plant save a step since we have a little time yeah no pressure give a minute so there's no uh no fence anymore either that's right correct okay that takes GE number five is he a 1 to 20 in 1 in to 20 scale now that is yes yes it is so we complies with that looks like everything is covered uh so I don't think a new plan is necessary no conditions okay any other testimony we have nothing further unless there questions of B any questions questions or comments from the public David David we only have five people here tonight for vote it's rolling the dice I mean I'm kidding I'm kidding okay motion to close the public hearing motion [Applause] second yes oh I'm sorry all in favor all in favor sorry yes okay yes motion for a positive resolution I'll offer I'll second yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you best of luck thank you thanks so much and a motion to adjourn motion second oh we have a special meeting you know earlier in May oh it's right May 7th is it the 7th yes it's May 7th May 7th okay Tuesday May 7th yeah and then the one in the 16th May 7th is a 700 p.m. start time correct okay okay that's a different one the 16 is a regular meeting though right the 16 regular that's one we haven't seen yet corre where's it located B one b and do we have enough members for that one where's bow okay where's bow sou Lincoln the corner of Lincoln and is there one there now isn't there one oh okay we it used to be a Schoolhouse yes it used to be a nursery school and they came in and made it a small synagogue yes and now they want to knock it down and make a bigger synagogue yes okay May 7th 6:45 caucus 7:00 meeting okay when you go down Lincoln sou is there's the camp you know and there's some little streets and a curves this way and it used to be like a little red schoolhouse or something like that and then they bought it and they made it into a synagogue very quiet neighborhood it's like almost deal right you're like almost a deal not really no it's not that close to the town bu the town no but it it it goes in it's it's to Norwood you know goes through to Norway Lincoln but it's closer to it's like in the middle it's closer to um Larchwood of course oh yeah okay okay all righty we're adjourned