##VIDEO ID:oTb0avlQTl4## okay good evening everyone I'll call this uh September 19th Township devotion Board of adjustment meeting to order um can we have a roll call please here here here here here here rise for the salute to the flag please States stand Nation God indivisible and justice for all the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the notice have been sent been sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster and filed in the with the office of the Township Clerk there are emergency exits through the courtroom doors in the back at two exits to the rear of the room there's no smoking allowed during this meeting or in this building no new cases will begin this evening after 900 p.m. and no new testimony taken after 9:30 in addition the applicant will be limited to 45 minutes of testimony all meetings will be video and audio taped and shown on the township of oceans Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision please turn off your cell phones if you need to make a phone call please step outside of the meeting room we have minutes for adoption September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 you gon have to make them separate so I was going just I was going to do voice what got time September 23rd somebody could make a motion to approve that they were here would somebody like to make a motion if they were here in September 2023 I'll make a motion if I was here in September 2023 well Claire just double check the minutes there we okay Claire's just going to call those who are eligible to vote Yes yes yes yes yes somebody make a motion October October meeting October 20123 can I have a motion I'll second yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you can I have a motion for November 2023 motion3 I will second yes yes yes yes yes and you can have a motion for December 2023 I'll motion I'll second yes yes yes yes thank you very much now we have amended resolutions for discussion I'll explain them real we have Peter Lauria 20 barbar lane Ocean Township block 2601 lot 7 basically that was the one that he was putting a shed um and and Jim suggested that it' be 30 feet back on the side um and five feet from the rear and I thought it was supposed to be behind his fence but that's the way I wrote The Resolution but it has to be congruent basically yeah with his fence or or further back so um he did I it's not going to be behind the fence it's going to be within the 30 behind the 30% set back whatever that is so I had I just amended that resolution to correct my mistake okay so that's a slight change of what we saw but it's it's an accurate reflection of what we approved in the original resolution was oh those these resolutions were done already Yes okay I got second so the record will be for him that he's got the right variance understood can I have a motion for approval I'll make a motion for approval I'll second I guess would be only the people that voted on the original resolution everything yes yes yes yes thank you and we have Solomon and Sarah chahar 221 Elmwood Road Block 2531 lot 11 again this is an amended resolution because I fail to include in my resol solution um and it was noticed for and it was discussed um once you approved the garage being a kitchen it now became not a garage but an accessory building and because it it's an accessory building within such a distance from the house it doesn't meet the accessory building setbacks so miss crimpco who properly noticed for that sort to pick that up in the resolution and we it just amended to include the Varian is for the setbacks of the garage which is now an accessory building so that have to this you know future there's a change or something rather it'll come up correctly so again this is just um an addition to the previous resolution to correct my mistake of missing that one variance which was approved and noticed okay can I have a motion to approve motion second yes yes yes yes yes thank you um then we have the extension of the minor subdivision deal Road paper place and Route 18 that's you voted that's a resolution that that's they couldn't do the minor subdivision within the time permitted by law um because they can't get the fire commissioner approval to sell one building and move it over in the lot lines um so that we gave an extension have a motion motion second that's whoever voted on that was last meeting wasn't it yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes and we have resolutions for remoralization can we do all these at once yes okay they're last me we have Matthew bilau 122 Logan Road Michael John hanock 13312 Franklin Parkway jyn maloff 406 West Park Avenue Samantha Martinez 500 bound Road Costco gas station 2361 New Jersey State Highway 66 this is you all in favor no we say I I any [Laughter] opposed um okay cases carried to October 9th 2024 without needing further noticed uh IAA T Services LLC 1418 Highway 35 it's block 182 lot 7 I IIA Services LLC 922 Highway 35 block 141 Lot 12 cases carried to October 9th 2024 which need further not or need to be Ren noticed include Michelle lonza 600 bound Road Ocean Block 3901 lot one Emerald Jade LLC 515 Myrtle Avenue West Allenhurst block 62 Lot 4 and then also Abraham and Margaret moseri 41 no excuse me 491 South edmir Drive is that in West Allenhurst now this is the second time it was adjourned yeah so I don't know what the board pleasure is about Reen noticing the notice was that's I just listed that in the group that needs to be Reen noticed for October 9th me they need to be re they need to be Ren noticed y you tomorrow people which one just make sure that they understand yeah which case are you here for 1002 Bloomfield Avenue and I think my architect Mr asking people you guys here for which okay wait wait wait wait wait that's one being re noticed that was only for the newspaper not for the people you better go catch them just explain them yeah Jen she'll tell Jen she wants I'll tell so to be clear when someone needs to read notice it's just for the newspaper or it depends it depends on what the faulty get it in within the 10 days but Noti the residents okay so the residents came and now they should know that it's carried to the N Y without they're already doing work Mr SN here okay continued case Joseph SN 355 Lake Avenue oakst block five lot 32 good evening sir uh did you send them in already or are these different than what you sent in okay if you show them to CLA CLA yeah they have to be marked in round they were sent today yeah why don't you show give them to Claire and if they're different from what Claire gave us then we can we'll deal with it if not she'll just let us know that we have them I just marked them by this one need a one photo we should take out that wasn't Supply was this main house back view nobody has that come on can I have a copy I'm G give you a copy the whole set you have a set to Mark you want to mark one of these you have an extra take this one and Mark okay okay okay okay thank you okay could you uh please uh tell us both your names and the most where you Inn Joseph SN Stella SN okay good evening you'll both be testifying yes yes okay please raise your right hand do you swear the testimony uh you're about to give uh is the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay thank you very much um so where did we leave off or did we start from the beginning might be best to kind of start and give us an overview Mr SN of would you yeah I could give you like a whole summary go ahead please there's a couple folks here so you want me to so I'm basically going to read you something that I wrote okay thank you very much for having us today and giving us the opportunity to be here um I hope we give you a clear understanding of what we're um what our request is going to be for our home at 3:55 Lake Avenue so our family have been blessed to have moved from Brooklyn to here to this Township and we really love it here it's great um we moved back in uh uh 21 and unfortunately the size of the house was really really small we struggled as a family of seven to live in a, 1400 ft home it was really a challenge to have all my kids in the same like space especially I have bigger ones um so we really needed um just a little space to have people like my kids running around or even just to play so we converted the garage into um a play area more like a pool house or like a extra space for the kids um I understand we did that and I regret it I regret that we did it without I mean going back to the township and doing what we needed to do um but it was really really hard and difficult to have the kids just confined into one space um so this decision although made by with the best intentions we were driven by pressing needs for an additional space for the kids to play and run around we are deeply sorry about doing this conversion without the required zoning approval needless to say that we we incured a great deal of fines a stop work order and ability to use the space for almost two years more than two years even at this point how however we we really really kindly ask you for forgiveness and consideration since our decision was not driven by like not something that we were just doing in spite but we were just we didn't know the laws we we were pressed on the space and we already there was an existing garage there that was already con conf configured with a full bathroom and a storage room and water and gas in connection so we just thought to just make the place a little nicer for the kids to sit there so as we stand here today we are Hopey hopefully asking for your kind approval to expand the second floor attic for our main house since thank God we have a daughter that will be getting married hopefully next year and we will also be asking you to convert the garage Workshop into a pool house as shown in the pictures we want to clarify that we had initially submitted our application for for a guest house this was due to an error by the architect we submitted an updated plan showing it's a pool house as the space does not have any bedrooms or sleeping areas and will exclusively be used for um just as a play area for the kids as we put in the photos where you can all check we hum humbly ask you for your support to resolve this matter and allow to create a more comfortable living environment for our for our family within this Township we really love it here and we hope that you give us the the space thank you very much do we want to hear from our attorney officer yes yes we do why just SAR Kate in okay ra your hand please as to why she feels there's a zoning violation here do you swear or affirm the Tes by you testimony you're about to give is the truth and the whole truth yes thank you very much so what the applicant has stated is correct they um they did convert the existing garage Workshop into a separate living space I'll call it um unfortunately it was done without permits it was discovered when the pool was being constructed um which did have the proper approvals um the layout that I'm looking at right now it's still has the same roof line as the previous garage um so they didn't change it change the height or anything looks like they did get rid of the garage doors obviously for the the regular Swinging Doors um looks like they may have put the doors in the back as well I'm not sure if the garage had rear doors I do see um possibly an air conditioning system does that have a condenser outside yeah this was there when the air conditioner was there okay gas line okay um the only reason why I bring that up is I didn't see the condenser on the survey um and since the garage is pre-existing non-conforming it's within the side and rear yard setbacks I'm just uh wanting to know where exactly that condenser is placed my guess is probably either side or rear okay um so that would require variances as well um but like I did say their explanation was correct they did the work before um any approvals were granted by the township unfortunately approvals could not be granted by myself the zoning official as um the separate living space is not a permitted use in a residential Zone um and again the detach garage was pre-existing non-conforming it was within the setbacks any structural change would require variances as well can you say that last part again any structural change would require variances as well yes any structural change to a non-conforming accessory building or even accessory structure would require variances in this case it would be for both side yard setbacks and rear yard setbacks are the things the app can do modifications that can be made that would make this space no longer a separate living space so I do have questions I do see that it's labeled a kitchenette is there any cooking appliances in there like a stove oven microwave nothing like that okay um it does have a full bath correct so shower um laboratory there before everything was there before everything was there before okay do you have any pictures of of the before it was really bad condition very bad condition they haven't accessed it for a long time and they had like animals in there really terrible condition yeah um the property is still available on Google to see the before pictures so it was definitely dilapidated I will give you that and it looks very nice um but again unfortunately approvals would have been needed for something like this yeah I think the probably the Crux of the application most important part of the application is whether this accessory building could ever be converted to a small dwelling which could be very easily be done when you look at the floor plan where you have the children's playroom somebody in the future if you were to sell the property and I'm not questioning what your your intentions are but what would happen in we always have to look what could happen in the future and somebody could come in very easily put a door there and make that a bedroom and make that a second residence on the lot make it like an accessory apartment on the lot and what I suggested in my report is to if the board is inclined to approve the application to make a de restriction that would prevent that from happening that would state that that rear building could never become a accessory apartment or or a separate dwelling that can only be used as a playhouse a pool house associated with the primary building and that doesn't mean that somebody couldn't come in the future and uh change it anyway without getting any approvals and nobody would know but at least there would be some form of protection there and basically what when I when I look at applications like this you have something before you you have the testimony before you and my thinking is if it were to be denied and go to court Mark if you can the Judge isn't going to turn around and say well I think the afans were lying no no but but it has happened where yeah thei is affirmed and they buildings have to come down yeah it's it's rare but it does it it's happened I think mer Lane remember that judge yeah did did it one time in Ocean Township but in this case the structure was there in this case the structure was there and the footprint hasn't changed par me the footprint I don't know hasn't restriction at least allow some form of protection and again it's not the ultimate form of protection sure because if someone goes to sell a house if that space is empty someone walking in will think will not think playroom they'll think bedroom but if there's just a deed restri restriction that says it can't be used for a residence then at least they would have knowledge of that when they're buying the place well if it helps we're not looking to sell it anytime soon cuz we really love this we really love this place understand but things happen too I I I understand you want to put in something and I'm not we don't mind the Restriction it's totally don't mind we don't mind you mentioned there was a gas line though what did you guys do with the gas line we cut it the bull company cut it we applied for a permit to put it back but we realized there is no use for it so we cancel the permit we applied for for there's no gas line there now there's no more gas line there's no need for ium that's you approve it gas we could also yeah we could also make that article yeah that's fine too and no stove there's no stove I don't need that currently there's no stone I'm okay with one stone I mean they can put a microwave in we're not talking about that just for got to make popcorn for the pool we do microwave I don't use microwaves in the house it's not healthy at all but I mean if if you are going to approve certain conditions I think there will be no gas line to the unit and and no stove installed so aside from the setback issues as it is now could it be a use as a pool housee I if it met all the other what is the pool house well I don't I remember something before where it had um couple of them had to have walls open and but it can be enclosed like that and so when it comes to pool houses um in order to keep them from becoming separate dwellings um we usually have sort of a a tossup you can either have a full bath so the Laboratory sink and shower cuz a lot of people don't like to walk through the house to take showers after they hop out of the pool um and you couldn't have a full kitchen um so what you've seen recently is a lot of uh pool houses will have the either garage doors or sort of pull back door so that way it's more of an open patio concept so that way obviously no one's going to be sleeping in something like that um but in this case like they had uh testified to there's no cooking appliances so the kitchen net is just basically for storage of I'm assuming exactly snacks and toys and toys exactly um so the full bath in this portion would be permitted again the only concern that I have is where that condenser is for the AC unit it's in the back I it's 10 years old you could see is it a Minit you know that is it's a mini split it's a mini thin one yeah mini split hanging uh the unit itself when we got it we didn't know if it's going to work we were surprised that it's working it's very old unit okay um I would recommend if it's an old unit um you might want to put it on the plan just so that way when you have to go to replace it I don't deny it it need a variance yes it would need a variance my guess is side end reard setbacks an accessory structure like an AC unit needs 10t on the side and 10t on the rear so so it's where is it located of the pool house it's right behind where the unit is in the picture the along the rear property L right oh okay comes through the wall there and you can see it on the other side it looks like it would be the sidey yard makes see lot 33 it's actually connected from like right next this window is facing the river the backyard Lake the lake oh I see okay so it would be right next to that black light next to the door next to the windowes notice have the is it on the ground outside or is it it's uh it's um it's mounted on the wall mounted on the wall so there is no structure on the ground okay no no on the ground well the the what you just pointed to is the wall in the children's playroom correct yeah so the other side of that wall is sh behind the uh this it's in the sidey yard next to 31 right right what I'm saying is the the condenser that we're talking about the condenser is in the back outside this way on the the rear wall on the rear the rear would it be on the side yard next to 31 uh no it would be which side is that it there there but the condenser is not on the ground right El still needs a condenser besides the the wall mounted there is a condenser there is a condenser but it's not on the floor it's not on it's not on the ground it's mounted on the brick wall of this of this because the unit goes through the wall and the condenser up off the ground down on the ground the ground exactly cuz the ground is is on a very heavy slope it's like an air conditioner sticking out of your window is that that's a mini split they're real small I understand that asking though right so it would still require um the side and rear yard setback right would we be able to ask for variance now yeah about how big is it how far does it extend off the back of the house it's about the thickness of it is about 10 in and it sticks from the from the wall 4 in I'm wondering Kate if it doesn't extend out 2 ft is it exempt from the setback requirement the ordinance right now so that's typically for overhangs okay and chimneys okay it's only overhangs in chimneys okay um cornes and EES I think the the ordance states um but what I could recommend if I may um because you're I believe almost finished up with the pool you would need a final as belt survey for the pool so I would recommend getting that final as belt but also having them address where that condenser is just so that way we know where exactly it is additional barers yes so if if it extends off about 10 inches from the the back we could say 12 in to be safe and and it's seven the G is s ft from the rear property line so you could say a 6ot um VAR for 6 feet does that make sense on that's the side though right no it's back re re yard we read the I was going to say do we have the catch all phrases in the notice you should if they used our for you got it it's catch so they do not have to Ren notice because they've now found another variant that they need um so I'm okay with however you want to handle your okay question is the place heated as well no Jim do you have any other questions or comments it's not usable in the winter we don't we don't haven't tried haven't tried how how do you winterize it like do you out Lines no no we put a space heater like electric space so it doesn't frze the pipes don't we that be another condition yeah be a condition plug that's a plug in here it's like again it's about being in livable space we can't control can we do that we say no heat know no heat or any source of heat is that possible those um units can come also heat and AC like units so we can definitely oh you don't want the want you want every way to show that it can't be in apartment I thought you wanted the he someone can't sleep there in the maybe we could we don't have eat so it's a very big space to make it heated cuz it's it's it's a high ceiling yeah there's no it's empty space so it gets very cold we just don't want the pipes to freeze that's why we put that heater but we don't use it if you wish to put in any condition we don't have a problem also fine do you have any questions coms um I I will say one uh comment uh was brought up in Jim's letter that the impervious coverage was was difficult to calculate and and it wasn't clearly shown the applicant did provide uh an outline um which calculated the impervious coverage I reviewed it I agree with it they don't need a variance for imp coverage but the the um building coverage which Jim did note rep there is a variance required required for that even though was preexist no it's not pre-existent they're expanding it slightly they're coming out with the second floor expanding the footprint of the building on the second floor so so it's expanded slightly on the main building yeah of the the principal house the main building doesn't need any Varan yeah does I think the Second Story need right they did this building is on the same fo no it's it's which building the pool house is on the same footprint got it I think we did okay so we'll be considering two or is it all it's all one well yeah asking variances for their expansion of the second floor of the main house an approval of the pool house with variances for side and rear um including set back s fet it needs more but um we're going to go six feet and you'll be willing to put restrictions on the de restriction no gas no gas no heat no heat um what was the other thing no cooking no living oh yeah yeah no living but no full kitchen oh no well no stove stove they have refrigerator in a sink left a dishwasher in there no I don't know dishwasher okay uh does anybody from the public have any questions does anyone from the public have any comments have a motion to close a public hearing clear R yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I survey subject to an as for everything I would just recommend that they get an asilt survey showing the property as a whole they need one for the pool anyway so just to clear up the condenser location I think it would be wise okay they should hold off they should just do one right right so when you go for the asilt for the pool I would assume would be soon have them do the entire property with the pool house sh the condenser as well okay so are we adding a variance and then potentially for the condenser tonight that's what I as the recomendation of engineer that the rear yard setback be granted at 6 feet six feet it's existing at seven it gives them the foot for the condenser yeah would anyone like to make a motion for a positive resolution motion for a positive resolution I'll second yes no yes yes yes it's 43 no I didn't go 5 to two I wasn't here so oh you DQ yeah so it's it's it's 42 42 that carries you only need a majority in this type of application so yeah it's passed okay it's approved thank you very much talk to clear this week for any followups needed okay thank you very much thank you we appreciate it thank you everyone thank you so much okay thank you g yes thank you very much okay our next case and final case 10002 Bloomfield Avenue LLC block 4.12 Lot 8 attorney for the applicant Robert Farber good evening chairman for the record it's after 7:30 some people were worried that we would uh be too fast this somebody even made us read out every single resolution and vote [Laughter] individually well this is 1002 Bloomfield Avenue block 40.2 Lot 8 I suppose Mr matl and Mr Higgins will have some comments but very very briefly both variances are sought on a pre-existing home with front and side yard re saw set back issues the front yard is pre-existing but since we're building upward and adding a front porch area there's an enhancement of the preexisting nonconformity it is an undersized nonconforming lot and the rear decking is proposed which encroaches 1.7 ft within the 10 foot setback that's required for accessory structures which the the port are be deemed to be I have to Tom lemon to to testify the licensed architect for you um numerous times and leave the flo Mr Higgins well if you want me to go over my report if you want to put have your architect explain the application I don't have any major concerns with the application just for the just for the record there's a gentleman here Mr zema who's a neighbor I think I'm not sure he has objections but he wants to understand what's going on are you here okay I don't know your name but okay but regardless the floor will be opened up to you and everything will be explained but why don't you go first because I find that sometimes move things along okay um basically what they're trying to do is expand the house they're going in the front of the house they need a front yard setback variance your requires 30 ft the existing residence is set back 22.2 ft and they're basically going up with the Second Story at the same setback so it's not really changing the front setback at all it's just simply raising the height of the building so there's a technical variance necessary and then the proposed covered front porch is set back 28 ft so it's actually set back farther than the residence but again it's required just be set back 30 ft so there's a twoot deviation there and what I note in my report is that the master plan actually recommends relaxing the setback requirements for covered front porches to try and make neighborhoods more attractive and more more socially attractive so I don't have a big problem with those variances uh there's a minor variance necessary for the patio very small corner of the patio extends 8.3 feet into the S into the sidey yard it's has a setback of 8.3 feet the ordinance requires 10 ft and it's just a small corner of that uh patio and it's a result of the fact that the lot is irregular in shape it's wide at the front and then it Narrows as it goes back quite significantly so I again I think there's a hardship there in terms of the shape of the lot and I don't have a substantial concern any a negative impact of such a small deviation uh I had uh issued an initial report back in June uh it had some concerns uh because there was a a grading plan was not submitted and uh the addition of impervious surface required storm water mitigation uh revised plan was submitted in July and addressed all of my comments so I don't have any other concerns for the well thank you gentlemen and if I just may suggest one don't you guys sit up here because when the architect is presenting um okay um I would like to call Tom Leman as uh our expert on architecture and uh could you be swor in please raise your right hand please do you swear the testimon about to give is the truth and the whole truth I do thank you can you just remind us there a little bit of your credentials I remember you so we don't have to go too deep Thomas lav architect uh 3430 Sunset Avenue sweet 1 ocean I've been a resident of ocean for 30 years I've been an architect practicing for about the same amount of time youed before this credential yes y okay thank you very much yep thank you okay just to [Applause] describe okay I have our drawing P1 which is showing the floor plans number one is the existing plan it's a one-story Cottage Jesus had two bedrooms kitchen living room bathroom and then addition out the side original addition of a family room out the side so we're proposing to to reconfigure the first floor into living room dining room kitchen and a bathroom and then add an addition on the back of the house that's completely within the setback so there's no issue for that um the site plan which I don't have on me literally this corn corner of the house is in the front yard setback so by adding the second floor we need the variance just to add over that um we're proposing to put a covered porch on and come out about two feet at this on this side because of the way right because of the way the property is angled and the house is angled on the property this this corner of the new porch is 28 ft from the property line whereas this corner of the house is 22 ft from the property line so there we're not increasing or making the the setback any worse um then we're proposing a whole new second floor which will have the bedrooms and bathrooms on that level so I'm drawing p2.0 is our elevations this is the existing house it's a one-story stuck out house with the with the addition on the side original Edition on the side so we're going to take the roof off raise it up this is the new porch entrance in that setback area and uh this is the rear the rear addition which again doesn't need any variances it's all within the setbacks and we're meeting all the coverage uh we're within building cover coverage and imperious coverage and these are the side elevations again the original one story so we're taking the roof off coming up with the second story now in the the backyard which I guess is this a porch area is proposed right off where sliding right it's going to be in the back corner we're just squaring off the two family room and living room squaring that off it's a PA it's not right it's down at at Great okay and it's the corner over here ESS that we have right same issue the property line comes at an angle so it hits that one cor back corner since the picture is worth a thousand words um the survey kind of explains the way a lot it's not quite PE Supply shap but it clearly uh it clearly deviates back the backyard area is much shorter much less coverage so it angles out correct yeah the rear lot line is less than half the length of the front L line see this I think we might have that thank you um so essentially you're updating and modernizing the house correct yes and the house right now is in somewhat deplorable condition is that correct correct all right um if the board has any questions for I have one question if you could turn to the side view if I understand what you said correctly going up to second floor in the backyard you would not need a variance for right correct you need it on the front side right so at some point it goes from needing a variance to not needing a variance so in other words technically you could build part of a second floor and just if you if we said you can't build the second floor on the front side you still wanted to go to the second floor how much would you scale it back well find your outside 22.2 and has to be 30 so if I do my math right at 7.8 FT I could do the math but I can't see on the picture where that would be that's why I asked them to turn to that pach I think it's better to visualize what you're asking based on the plan okay I think the family room which becomes the second bedroom is totally but I think you face a rather strange situation where it would kind of cut across at a weird angle am I correct yes this corner this corner is at 22 whatever it is 22.8 Ft 30 ft would be somewhere around here and it goes at an angle so literally this we would lose this whole area in order to you know look kind of funny to so look it would look strange yeah the other thing is wouldn't be useful I mean it would really affect the utility of the home right and obviously from as the sport knows people tend out families they stay in the house long time essentially ruin a bedroom corre yes yeah because you're not you're not going to remove just that piece you you know you'd end up removing B that side of yeah and the other possibility would be just to take the entire second floor and shift it back 8T right so that the the house would step back and it look like you had a second floor and for some reason it got slid back 8 yeah yeah and those to me are not options that are uh visually appealing for your neighborhood that would great increase building structural structural issues what's the condition of the foundation the foundation foundation's in good shape the house on the floor up is scary there's no Bas no basement it's a crawl space yeah there's a um there's a Bilco door on the back to get into the crawl space we're going to remove that and have an access through under the new staircase inside the house for the access to the CL hold on one second we you'll ask questions just does anybody else have any questions you're redoing the entire facade of The Bu building yes everything all new windows all new all new exterior finish s back to other homes in the area yes no F questions I believe Mr chairman gentl from let me just interrupt let me make in your package you did not get the disclosure of ownership um so for your information Mark Haber who was sitting here owns 50% and then Allan brilliant owns the other 50% in case anybody has any conflicts or anything with those people okay I didn't think so but yeah no you just you have to ask yeah you would not want to get approval and find out after right right that's somebody didn't realize that they would have had a conflict any other questions from the board Mr chairman I believe this gentleman's name is Michael Zemo Mr Zemo and you can ask whatever questions you'd like of anybody Mr Farber I'll ask him thank you very much yeah if you want to sit here and I can go there because I'm not getting paid to be here but I get I get to ask the questions so sir uh you just have to have your name and your address and then you can ask questions live at 1101 Avenue okay Mr Zemo and my side street is blomfield okay um I only had a question about are you going to leave it as a slab it's not be a Celler built into this no it's c space c space and U just the other question is the owner going to live there permanently or is he going to rent say in a summer that's not they don't even have to answer that that's not a consideration for this board yeah oh we just deal with zoning um per se as an existing building and we really can't get into that oh right I I don't have anything else to say any other questions from the public no okay Mr farward do you have another witness that you want to bring or are you ready um I don't think it's unless the board has any questions um obviously it's going to be developed per the plans laid out and testified to but uh I just had my client here in the event there were any issues or problems basically impr in the neighborhood clearly if if anyone on the board is driven by that house this is going to be a vast can I have a motion that we close the public hearing second oh yeah yeah so does anybody from the public have any public or comments they'd like to make as opposed to questions okay now we can close public I'll second yes yes yes yes yes yes would anyone like to make a motion for a positive resolution I will move for positive resolution I don't think there's any conditions correct there's no conditions right that's there's no conditions so you know he justifi there going to have new exterior new Roofing new everything so condition it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you all very much you have a great night Sor for that little like to move to motion to from now on'll take not of your change since July 7 o' motion J second second all in favor have a good night everyone see you people next