welcome everyone to our work workshop meeting the Ocean Township Board of Education Mr Hastings would you call to order please will here Miss Hayes here M McCarthy here Mrs McGovern here maramis here FICO here toell Mr Weinstein here Mrs Gilman here thank you very much I'll move to the president's report I just have a few brief remarks about uh activities leading up to our winter break there's still so many things going on in all of our schools that I hope our families can participate in uh tomorrow night at the high school of the Winter concert will begin at 700 PM our Spartan Partners in learning on the the 18th both at 12:00 and 7 p.m. on the 18th also intermediate school has the fifth grade chorus concert on the 20th high school has the winter Coral concert the 21st everybody's favorite So You Think You Can Dance and also the Intermediate School band and choir concert so if you are not in the holiday spirit yet maybe going to one of these activities will uh get you in that holiday spirit so a few more weeks before our winter break and everything is moving along very nicely in all of our schools and that's all I have to report Miss weld superintendent report thank you I did have many of those same things so just another push to to say come on out and see the work of our students uh there are a number of wonderful events over the next couple weeks and uh we'd love to see you in the audience also uh board members just a reminder that you are invited to the PO out loud uh competition on December 19th and just to let me know if you'll if you'll be attending and I also just want to say thank you to our students and staff at all of the schools who have run toy drives adoptive families denim days and many other supportive activities to support the members of our community both on their own and in partnership with our uh Township Department of uh Human Services I think it's a a wonderful lesson in giving back for our students and I am so thankful to the staff that helped coordinate that and make that happen and um as I stated in my newsletter that went out to All Families if you know of a family in need or someone who um could use some assistance that you should always reach out to the guidance counselors and they can um make sure that we are uh channeling any resources that we have in the right direction so please let us know um but I am very proud of what we have accomplished as a district this holiday season um for for families in our community that is that that's wonderful oh and one other thing just a reminder to all parents that Friday December 22nd is an early dismissal day keep that on your radar that's a you know it's been that way for the last few years but it's a fairly new thing in our district so just as a reminder our students will be coming home early dismissal Friday December 22nd thank you thank you Mr do you have anything to report for us did you see Natalie Sor I'm sorry did you see Natalie's on I'm just letting yes she is sorry thank you sorry I just looked at her face right I see her hi Matt thank you madam president um just a few quick things uh the boiler replacement project at the intermediate school has been completed uh they finalized the hookup to our building management systems in the past week uh so we have three new high efficiency boilers uh in place and working at the most opportune time of the year so we're very happy that that timing worked out for using yes yes um we had a walk through with the representative New Jersey schools Insurance Group last week uh they were reviewing all our facilities so the buildings and ground supervisor myself uh walked through with them each building uh they were reviewing our statement of values so they were doing sort of a appraisal of the buildings just to make sure that things are in good shape and they were impressed and we're very happy to see the status of our buildings in terms of repairs and maintenance upkeep uh and then the final issue that I'll mention is uh last week and this week as late as this morning we've been meeting with uh supervisors to discuss uh their current 24 budgets where they are what they've spent funds on how they see the rest of the year playing out with those funds and then plans for next year for actually 20 25 if you believe it for that budget uh and and what the expectations are uh so uh we've met with the superintendent and her team with the supervisors to review those requests and and make uh judgments on what we want to do going forward can't believe it's already budgeting yes budgeting time yes I feel like we just completed that one thank you very much Mr Hastings and thanks for the great work on the boilers to get them up and running right in time for the cold weather at this time we'll move to the public comment portion of our meeting would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue who would like to comment good evening Madame President there are no commenters thank you very much all right to our action items then the approval of minutes Mr mord move to approve items 7.1 7.2 second item 7172 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy Iain thank you uh Mrs mcel yes Mrs Paramus yes Mrs Tarico Mrs torella yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Gilman yes motions carry very much Personnel SPL yes thank you I'd like to make a motion to move items 8.1 through 8.9 do I have a second second Mr hings so all items 8.1 to 8.9 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mrs paramas yes Mr Tarico yes Mrs Torell yes Mr Weinstein yes M Gilman yes and I'd also like to congratulate Miss Hannah on the approval of that grant for her storytellers light the way project uh that's going to be a wonderful uh learning opportunity for all of our students so congratulations on that Grant and yes instruction education and Student Activities Dr B wait we're on finance wait you I'm sorry you skipped Financial yeah you ski I skipped Financial look you were talking about right over that no other questions on person no financial management yes move to approve 9.1 to 9.3 and then discussion on 9.3 or four to nine second this is a to vote on 91 through 93 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes M mcgoverin yes Mr Paramus yes yes m t Rico yes M torella yes Mr Weinstein yep M Gilman yes items carry thank you questions discussion items yes uh 9.5 Mr Hastings could you just in layman's terms uh go over that please sure so our employees have the opportunity to invest in annuities uh on the corporate side s of 401K concept uh public sector offers 403b uh these are uh approved uh vendors contractors Financial uh groups uh that are allowed to come into the district and meet with our staff and discuss with them um opportunities to set aside the direct deposit withdrawals from their paychecks so that they can plan for the future this is done annually just to approve these to approve these companies compies correct oh okay any other questions for discussion Financial item tuition contracts I'm sorry yes uh 9.8 um since they're I didn't see a previous year difference um are we going up are we going down in the tuition contracts is there like a standard percentage increase as the whole world is increasing or just homeless we don't control this money I'm sorry don't we not control the homeless money right it comes from the district that's sending so these are contracts for homeless students uh as you can see the sending D District denotes the last uh address of permanent residents yep uh we have uh two high schoolers and an intermediate and an elementary and those districts are charged our tuition rate for those particular grade levels on the co cost per student that we do not the cost per student they do correct okay because we're providing the service okay thank you we move to instruction education and Student Activities c r move to approve 10.1 through 10.4 second items 101 to 104 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs mcover yes Mrs Paramus yes Mr Tarico yes yes Mr Weinstein um yes to except 10.1 I'll recuse my affiliation with Mammoth University thank you Mrs Gilman uh yes to all but the recuse myself from the shore conference wrestling captains breakfast thank you all items carry we move to PR U Miss toell are you able to read that yep uh move to approve item 11.1 oh no sorry it's a discussion um discussion on the report of the annual school election any questions or comments and this has been certified correct correct these are the official results correct questions comments okay we move to Old business then yes uh me okay um I thought it was last um meeting but it could have been the one before we approved a settlement agreement and I'm just wondering if that has been uh finalized yes I received notification today from the attorney that the friendly hearing out in Freehold uh occurred um believe it was yesterday uh if not maybe end of last week but anyway the email indicated that it was approved by the judge and uh it's being closed out thank you and my second question was um a couple of meetings ago I also asked if we could have uh an update on any um special ed and regular gen Ed um legal lawsuits or any kind of updates from the attorneys if we have any is that possible to get for the next Schoolboard meeting executive session if we do have any like an up a case status update or something if we have uh any lawsuits pending we used to get it quarterly is I think it has fluctuated um but I certainly can try and set it up if I can see if they're available the attorneys if the board so wishes we at times didn't have it but yes we didn't always have I think we used to have the attorney always come and then I think we would just sometimes we would get status updates even just not with the attorney just to say right just to say like we have five pending special education lawsuits we have whatever we have is that perhaps just a number what that suffice that's that's just our staff personally I don't need a I don't need yeah I don't need it either so we let's let's take a consensus how many of you need an update from our special headed uh attorneys on any cases that are pending yes from the attorneys or from just to know how many are outstanding well we would have to get that from our atts um no special people would know right for our staff for our staff staff I just need a number yeah a number would be good just the number from the staff then not the attorney that's just my yeah my I don't need I don't know if that was Natalie I'm fine with the number two especially since 30% of this board isn't going to be here after next week there's no reason for us to have that information thanks Mr okay perhaps the number of cases yes not without our attorney for our executive session for our executive session that be great thank you you're welcome uh new buit move to the public comment portion anyone from the public like to comment on any item at this time Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue with a question no Madam president there are no commenters well thank you Miss Conway then if there are no further items for discuss second very me