##VIDEO ID:gmqVjbKMQSU## welcome everyone to the September 24th Workshop meeting um I do not have a president's report except I want to thank the board for wearing your school colors and support of the students and staff I think we're off to a great start thank you so much for doing that and with that I'm going to move on to the superintendent's report I will save my report for the regular meeting okay thank you Miss Welden School business administrators report Mr Hastings thank you madam president um just like to update the board that um we've been working with the architect on the completion of specifications for the replacement of two boilers at the Intermediate School um last year you may recall we replaced three boilers in one boiler remover at the school we have two other boilers that are aging and uh we're part of our capital projects list that was approved in the budget for this year so we're moving forward with that we'll have that underway soon um as was mentioned earlier the stadium lighting project is complete so I would encourage everyone to go out and support our teams and and uh taking the lights and coordination with uh with our scoring and with the uh band and the dance teams um and uh just as a further update we're awaiting a start date uh we still plan to move forward with the prek playground at the wanasa school uh that is scheduled to start in the next couple days but again based on weather we're just trying to nail down the contractor make sure they get in before the weather changes starts to get cold that's all I have thank you thank you oops all right with that we will move on to our action items since Mr McCarthy is in here Mr Weinstein sure so for uh presentation minutes uh you know we're not going to approve those now we we'll have room for vote session do anybody have anything they want to talk about any errors or admissions that you thought might have been there all right back to you thank you Personnel M mgn move those downstairs thank you um we will move on to financial management and Resource Services Mr wiste yep um thank you m president there's six items up for discussion um Jeff is there anything you like to point out before we open it up no I would well yes thank you sure I would uh like to again thank those groups that have made donations to the district we appreciate their support of our students and our staff and are appreciative of the various donations that are being made and accepted tonight's Mee Miss Gilman I have a question on 8.5 the corrective action for the food plan it said something about replacing we replaced equipment in the high school cafeteria what did we have to replace uh so we will be replacing equipment so every year the uh district has an audit done by the district a that's called our U annual financial report um that report generates 10 generate findings the board uh will approve the audit and accept any corrective action plan based on what the auditor finds that audit also goes out to the uh State Department of nutrition I'm sorry Department of Agriculture division of food nutrition and they also do their own review based on the cafeteria uh when they looked at it they noted that we had a bit of excess cash in our accounts uh and they've asked us just to put together a plan to spend that cash so the plan uh talks about places of equipment uh I know talking to sexo and to the new lead at our high school that they'd like to open up that line and offer some different services to the students to make it a little bit more exciting so that'll buail with this plan to spend some funds on on improving the experience for students and good thank you Mr Weinstein on 8.6 um how long is that grant for portion of those grants so those are annual grants these are the old nclb funds U so those are granted annually to us titles one two three and four uh the amounts may vary slightly from year to year based on demographic information but those are annual and we required since we are using those funds to fund salaries to to pass a resolution acknowledging that Mr Schneider on E3 I was curious uh yeah out a district fund for there's a there's a fee for tuition and then there's like these anary fees for counseling and social schills I I know what those extra fees um so typically when we send students out of District uh one charge will be basically tuition so just a base tuition charge and if our students require additional Services whether it be those sorts of counseling charges or an aid or or some other type of additional service those are broken out not part of the tuition thank you anyone else have any more questions all right let's move on to instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman yes Madam President we have four items for discussion a revised work calendar trips PD and our delayed opening schedule for PSATs or and other and other state assessments just the first one but yes other states um 9.1 is here because part of the newly approved contract with the TOA uh fors our custodial and maintenance department one additional day off so you'll see October 4th noted as a day off for our custodial and maintenance department so that's why this is on here again um just for that one change there uh we have uh the rest the field trips the professional development and annually the high school does ask the board to facilitate the late opening schedule so that they can better uh create a more environment conducive to testing anyone else have any questions under instruction no okay we'll move on to policy Gilman Madam Pres we have our second reading of the revised new or abolished policies in 10.1 anyone have any questions about the policies this is all carried over from yes second second meeting tonight on the 2422 related Comprehensive Health and seems like there's a lot of stuff that's not necessarily related health and if if a kid it out approval what that could do depends on the grade well they would not miss a whole semester they would miss the lesson that day's lesson that relates to that topic so parents don't opt you out of the whole course but we send home a communication each year it really comes from Dr Morgan's office where you can select the topics that you don't want your child to be part of um and there's a set group of topics that you can opt out of so that's what's you know given to the parents and then depending on the age or the level or the number of days of the lesson we have alternate plans oh okay at the school level yeah I was just curious where they where they go yeah they might go if it's if it's half of sometimes it's honestly half of this period and they may go to the library for half of perod they may go to sit in another classroom and read a book or do some other work depends on the class I guess yes it depends but these are all part of the group that this board had not or this exact Bo but over time we had it it seems like we had let some policies lapse and the board uh the policy committee a few years back created a plan for us to get up to date with all of our policies so these are not a new alert this is a group that we had never approved previously so we're we're systematically going through that list and that's what you have in front of me thank you anyone else have any more questions policy no okay public relations um yes I'm add to it sure um public Rel so off for discussion our um our proposed board goals so I think with these the goals that um that are so these these board goals are based off of the Strategic plan so I kind of wanted to bring them up this evening because that's kind of The Next Step in our goals process should you put these in place uh yes along as proposed as proposed for discuss right and you know originally I had wanted you to take them home think about them for a week but we do have a little bit of time today so maybe we could have a little discussion and um you know and see how you all feel about these proposed goals and if we want to change any add to them can you remind the goals last current goals they they were I I have the goals align with the Strategic plan as well for example shared services that was one of them what to do with 163 that was one of them and I and I'm glad to see that's on here again because that's going to be an ongoing thing especially since we had asked you know for U you know players for 163 so that was a line yeah instead of doing this off memory just look at what they were to see how relevant those were right I used to bring at our regular meetings is there probably is um I think last year if I may um it was not originally done by a review of the Strategic plan I think when there was some debate over the submitted goals we then you then went and reviewed it as compared to the Strategic plan but I think we talked about the best approach would be to start with the Strategic plan and to start with the goals that the community felt were most important and go from there um EXC they're on the webite I could read them out if anyone want they're on the website is that okay sure number one was to uh continue to work closely with our municipality to expand shareff Services number two maintain our role as a policymaking board of body and strive to work in a cohesive manner to support initiatives that in the best interest of District students and staff number three strive to formulate budgets that promote program growth while falling within the state mandated tax levy cap number four continue to work with the administration on enhancing building uh school security um continue and number five continue to support policies that allow the district to actively recruit qualified diverse candidates in all areas of district employment and number six support the administration and staff fiscally as they maintain standards based on instruction for our students thank you okay how we do How We Do against what did you ask we didy doing against those I think we did pretty well um and Kelly I'm sure you can add to I know that that we discussed um taking some of these off because it is just something that we are in we're constantly doing security constantly um trying to keep up with our security and do what's best for the district and to put it as a board goal I think didn't make sense for us to keep it on there same with um diverse candidates we we have you know decided that something we want to do every time we look for keeps rolling up my notice that um we're going to be looking for diverse candidates every time we you know we put out for a job um so we just felt that these were the most the most the clearest board goals that we could have that were aligned to the Strategic plan that the board you know it made sense for them to I think the right we're all we're definitely here for discussion I think we even said that we may want to set on three goals or yeah I think six two was a lot this was not six is this is not final by any the reasonable guidance is is I guess it's board goals that the board can't control so when we there was one year I think when I was at the president it was like everything was about support them support this support that and it largely got out of hand because as a group we weren't really very cohesive how we were thinking about it right so um and then also the the other guidance was that the uh that the board goals um should be uh macro enough so it didn't have the it didn't have the impression that it was about operationalizing anything it was about policy I think all these boards pretty much focus in on the board you know things that we do so um we also had discussion one point about the fact that we would um go from also trying to have our goals be more in line with you know superint like our version of what the superintendent goals are right like if if the transportation is one of the goals by the Admin team that are you know what our goal is towards transportation and stuff and so I think a lot of these came out of between the Strategic plan and and you know some suggestions too just of what what are some of the things that we're focusing on for the next school year right so we know that as Miss Gilman said many people said you know with with 163 m road like you know we actually have sort of a plan like we have not sort of we have a plan of we have a step let's say that we have a step towards a plan of figuring this out um but it's something that's very important right now and also it's going to end up being a time you know where decisions have to be made um so there's so that's where they came from I mean I I like them they I I think that they do what you're saying of not micromanaging anything or or having them be you know yeah point point number two seems a little two yeah yeah number two seems a little that's the one I would to operational yeah the part where the board would have impact there is if we were to have conversations around the the amount of courtesy busing that we provide and or if we were going to um and again I'm not suggesting that we do this but conversations about uh reducing runs and that type of large level OP you know system change that would impact the larger Community but certainly doesn't have to be a goal at all explaining where the board would have input into a goal like that just just off the top of my head when I'm reading this I'm thinking about what the macro concepts are here I would actually I mean but I would actually think something that might be something that we would be um more about being a um being a group that uh promotes uh cultural inclusion cultural sensitivity you know something that is culturally about the school district that we're kind of um being a good Steward about which which might you know Encompass a lot of things but um especially in today's age where you know the whole idea of people being impatient with each other you know trying to get people to accept each other's differences and those kind of things maybe to me that would be a macro level thing but I'm not by the way I'm just fing it out there I'm not I am not by it because it seems like we have something about a good infrastructure thing something about the budget something about communicating with the with the community and so I was thinking maybe there's something more culturally that something that the board can control though that's I would say we looking at like what we're doing Mr listening I I appreciate your your point um but from a no it's not a but from a policy perspective I you could I mean as we look at policy quite honestly we could look at how every policy could have inclusive language tolerance tolerance well we can get into discussion of Tolerance acceptance right um and and are we are we communicating so if I go down to the fourth one is everything that we're doing communicating using inclusive language and are we as a board considering that when we develop policy and as we're supporting the administration in their work um with instructional programs and all of that I'm just you know to honor what you're saying I hear what you're saying and some districts have gone to looking at how they word policies now to make sure that the language is inclusive and sensitive to a wide variety of a population and it's simple language changes it's not changing content of policy it's changing simple verbiage um so I just put that out there you have an example thatth I would say have to pull that up um but um the only other thing I would say is um compared to the old ones we combine we kind of combined three and six on the old ones were both fiscal and related to the budget so I think that's fine to condense that um and I'll just do my own commercial because I Myer nerding out on what's happening at a workshop in Atlantic City there are some sessions on where are districts going to be down the road with the fiscal situation in our state so I know I sign I put them on my calendar to look at so I I think that that's a good number three is a really great one to have on there I'm sorry I was just gonna say to to your point Gerard well I appreciate that like changing you know policy you know language or and all that to become more inclusive I think we have to get through the policies that we're still trying to get through to get them current before we can even tackle because that's going to Whole be a whole new set I probably was I was I wasn't really focusing on policy as and woring policy I was more you know just kind of having us be somebody that kind of promotes that behavior and wants to support that but I think the best way we can promote that is through our policies that's basically our policymaking body and I don't think we have to go through all of our policies to do that so I appreciate what you were saying Jord and that's kind of why I wanted to include that last year as one of the goals because just as written we can just change a few words and those words as Strauss esma has been doing in updating their policies can Encompass more inclusivity and and acceptance I think the only way as a board we're able to do that I mean it's ni to make signs and posters and hang them up but we are here to make policy and if our policies are geared toward inclusion of everyone it should be our goal just as an example from this year I think the wonderful presentation we had on our elll program right that to your point Mr Weinstein is is an example of us learning our learning and how we can support the work of the district right with um changing needs in our district right so our awareness and what we're going to support in the last goal of budget really does matter when you're talking about um our community if I may I you know one thing I was going to mention was I think SE from rewriting policy with inclusive language which I think is not not not something we should do but I think we should be careful about what they recommends we've talked a lot at this table about who writes policy but certainly the board could support the administration's initiatives like no place for hate ADL facilitator the different the multilingual parent Outreach coordinator those are the administration's attempts to create more inclusive environments and the board can support that by supporting the Personnel recommendations or any other instructional recommendation about that I mean if you wanted to revise the third item to include something about inclusive schools program growth and you know if you wanted to put a few things that because that's really where it comes down to I mean I think we may have recommended five multilingual learner teachers last year and we're put in one and and that was only after the second opportunity to expand our budget so although we had that presentation and we see the need of it we do struggle to support it financially um that's just one example so I think maybe through budget approval and Personnel approvals and instructional program recommend the recommendations that we make that's how I think the board could very strongly support our work um I think I'd have to see more about the policy recommendation to see how that translates into real into feeling that in the schools sometimes policy lives here and programming you feel on a day-to-day basis that it changed changes lives for the better and the program Miss Wen not to put you on the spot but like you just raveled off a few things and probably a few at time correct you would have a list like this where you would say I've asked you for support on this I've asked you for support on that we've had a discussion on this we presentation on that right and you've supported and you and I say and you have supported right exactly so maybe uh changing the wording of number three to promote programs which support the administration and fall within our state mandated budget so how do how does everyone feel about that what um uh when did you when do we supposed to have it's not like we need have a specific date that they have to be done by but around this time they should be done and voted on so would you like us to submit some possibilities to you and then we if you if you feel that you have other things that you want to add I mean it's stuff that if you have stuff that you want to talk about right now bring it up right now at the meeting or if you feel that you need another meeting to think about it that's fine too we could talk about it at the next meeting which I believe is next week October 1 and we could you know if the board was comes to consensus we could look to approve on the 15th which was the regular meeting of October so we give you two more workshops after this one for discussion and a vote the same night my only counter to that would be that we we we're going to take one of the goals of uh providing secure security around the schools in district right so you're saying that's part for every day fabric I would say I would say it is right I mean we did have it absolutely is but board goals are the boards and I would argue that if that's our our process framework then that this this discussion same okay yeah a little bit of like okay we go there add some why don't we do this why don't we take this home and think about it and then come back next week with um some suggestions or changes and we'll we'll go down this list and we'll talk about each item and decide if we want to keep it get rid of it change it and then of course add to this list one more question is this proposed board goals for 2025 as it states it would beend or is it a strategic it would be board goals for the next upcoming year right correct anyone else is that is that okay with that but I'm sorry didn't we I'm sorry it's okay we were when we talked about this a couple months ago what we had said if I'm remembering correctly and I have a crazy brain right now that we wanted these goals to be approved like it would be great to be approved by October 15 because we want them to go concurrent with the school year and concurrent with the superintendent goals for the year and concurrent with the you know the district goals for the year so not doing it in January it would be done now so that they're going in for this school year that's we did move so this so we would like them I would say done by and I would say that I keeping to get them done a little bit earlier sometimes they weren't done November DEC moving back just a is oob so October one or oober oober so the latest is October 15 October 15 the right we vote on the 15th I think it's definitely doable unless unless October one we all feel like we're in agreement then we could do one right and I do I just want to say like to Brian's point and I think if I'm I'm just clarifying what I think you were trying to say which was the way that it reads that promote program growth encompasses all programs so that encompasses Security Programs it encompasses mental health programs and encompasses climate and culture programs elll program which is the way it's stated so you're saying that if we're going to if we're going to add commas and start adding in this field in this field in this field in this field in this field field I think it takes away from the goal personally I think that we want to say that we Pro we're promoting things and I think my personal thing and I I believe that Miss Walden has gotten to this and I've appreciated like you said the elll presentation and things like that if we can see more of the programs that we're promoting and we're you know approving the money for and things that we might lose lose money on throughout the year then it's going to show to us and to the public the things that that we are you know doing here so that's like I kind of I I appreciate it being just a small sentence that encompasses all um personally I think the more macro you can get on the category and the simp be and I agree and I certainly don't want commas and then a list but I think it needs another word I think it needs an adjective for program hand up a nice adjective yeah I'll think about Sam can you hear us yes hi everyone Hi I can also you know I'll email everyone just a suggestion but also I just would like to keep in the Forefront of our minds of maybe including something about you know just the health of the school community that being mental health physical health emotional health and making that you know also something that we're in support of and and what the initiative that our school are doing which is what we were talking about as well just keeping all that at the Forefront of our community and what we're doing so but I'll email everyone too like you suggested this palamas thank you very much I appreciate that when when do you want the comments spot um to next meeting which is Tuesday okay so prior to the next meeting yeah okay that would be great we'll discuss it we'll go through this list We'll add we'll take away change and should we email that to everyone or just you why do you just Emil them to me and Miss Wen yeah that would be okay perfect thank you thank you if I could just help everyone frame this work I believe and obviously this absolutely your prerogative but I believe annual goal setting should should remember that this is not all we work on we work on a mountain of other things but when we set a a short number of goals we prioritize the items that we want to give the highest attention in this school year so it does not mean that other things are not happening and are not happening robustly in those other areas but what are the areas you feel this Board needs to prioritize this year because they are critical this year well said okay everyone good yep all right um all right with that we will move on to Old business is there old business from the board no okay is there any new business mg um I just wanted to mention to the whole board Brian brought it up a little bit earlier and I did speak to miss wden about it um as a parent and as a board member sitting in classrooms at the high school during um back to school night um I went to eight different classrooms and every every single teacher of those eight mentioned how the climate and cult culture has been a very big shift due to the cell phone policy and how kids are more engaged and kids are more um I've heard that kids aren't in the Halls as much because you know you don't bring them to the bathroom so like they're they're going to the bathroom and they're coming back and they're getting back in their seat and they're they're really um talking so I know Miss well didn't spoke about it but I just felt that even my husband when we got in the car on the way home said to me wow that cell phone policy really seems to be something great you know where I think when he first heard about it he was like what you know so I think that it just it felt really really good as a parent but also even better as a board member to hear the this seismic I feel like changes that are happening over there so I just wanted to mention that and then the second thing I want to mention um if I may and I know we're not really supposed to call out staff members but I just have to say one thing that um I just I've been at a lot a lot a lot of athletic events over this um fall and I've seen um coach these coach zberman athletic trainer do amazing things over many years but this year there's been a lot of um seismic I'll use it again injuries and I just wanted to call her out because I think not even just our kids um other teams the way she works a game is very impressive to watch and I just think that she needs to be called out for how great personally I think and I know we have staff members doing amazing things so please don't take this that way it's just something that I have personally watched and I'm very impressed by thank you for bring that up thank you very much hold on one second Mr just I know spoke to little bit about this um attending the back school nights has been lovely and buildings are shining so kudos to our staff who prepared those buildings um you just you you saw it you felt it when you walked in and I mean you look down a hallway it was gleaning and it was so ready um so all of that summer work and the Mad Dash the day it all pays off I know it's stressful but it it's valuable thank you Mr do Mr I want say one thing about the cell phone report so I recently um saw stat that I think only 8% of the districts in the United States actually have any kind of limitation on that and but one of the things that's happening it's actually now being a real thing where it's now going into legislation and states are trying to look at it so the more success we can have and more going to tell that that actually kind of creates a nice effect for other districts as well so I think being on the cut on the Leading Edge of this has been very helpful it's going be very helpful for the wonderful Gilman and I'd like to follow up with h with Mr Dalton and just compliment um every back to school night and I've been to all of them so far and I know tomorrow Tois and uh then again on Thursday what a welcoming atmosphere each of the administrators staff ptas have made for our students and our parents it really was so enjoyable and welcoming and nurturing and I know how hard they work and I just want to compliment the administrators the staff and everybody for making the back to school nights so outstanding wonderful anyone else Mr Schneider just about the cell phones because it was interesed um from a teacher perspective I was a little like interested to see how they would they perceive it because it's a little bit of potential policing but they were overwhelming in support of it my own son when he first heard that they were taking away to like thanks Dad way to support the process and he goes uh now he's actually interested in like communicating like they're actually talk like there it's just a I'm thankful that it's a senior year that reac that's awesome that wasn't my idea well I guess the bottom line here for new business was you know kudos to the staff and administration uh in all the schools you are appreciated you've done an amazing job and we thank you for all your hard work over the summer and through the month of September so remember this in March exactly all right with that um we're GNA go into public comment at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be actually the second part um the second session will be at the end of the meeting which is now I apologize Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public comment is not a question and answer session school specific questions can be directed to the administration the superintendent's contact information is on the podium downstairs and we encourage you to contact her with any questions public participation shall be governed by the following rules each statement made by a participant should be limited to five minutes duration and no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time anyone in the room no okay Mrs con Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue yes uh good evening Madame President um our comment are in the queue is uh Alex Hayes okay please go ahead hi Alex Hayes from Oaker um thank you for finally reading the uh rules about the public comment so um that's awesome um hope to hear that for every public comment going forward and um glad you committed to doing that Madam president um just a few quick comments here because um I didn't have as much time to go over the agenda as normal but it didn't seem like there was anything um that outrageous or different or new but I just find it so rich that this board is talking about promoting tolerance and adding tolerance language to the policies you know when this is the school board that repeatedly refused to issue resolutions condemning racism and enforcing an anti-racism policy like after George Floyd or or any kind of resolution standing behind the lgbtq students and staff during pride month you know and when one School Board member said she wanted board members to be all dressed in in dresses at meetings so it's it's Rich to hear you all talking about tolerance this evening um I do wish that your soft language about examining the future of 163 Monmouth would stop being blanded for once John I see you laughing but you can you guys can go back and look at the tape um I wish you'd actually be more bold and definitive you've been saying let's do something maybe about the future of 163 Monmouth Road maybe you can actually do something about 163 mommoth Road and stop saying G golly willikers maybe we should do something about this building that's about all I have right now but I will say the back to school night at the high school was also Exceptional from this parents point of view thank you thank you Miss haes Miss Conway is there anyone else in the queue no Madame President there are no further comment all right thank you so much okay may I please have a motion to adjourn second --------- ##VIDEO ID:9Q68xXrhrx0## welcome to the September 24th regular meeting if you're zooming in from home thank you for joining us this evening at this time please rise for the flag flit States of America the for it stands one nation indivisible and justice for all okay I do not have a board president's report this evening so we're going to go to our new student Representatives uh Molly and Grace we welcome you and can't hear to can't wait to hear what you have to so okay so tonight we're gonna be starting with the activities at OTS first so deca's first meeting was yesterday and 56 members attended and their first major event is going to be decaen uh key club's first general meeting was last week on the 18th and their first major event was the beach cleanup at belmare and their most upcoming event is the can food drive which is going to be sponsored all throughout October no place for hate which was um an initiative last year and it was implemented as a club this year's first meeting was September 16th and there's a lot of people at that meeting the Italian club's first meeting was today and there was a bunch of freshmen there which was a good surprise the Hispanic culture Club will be meeting tomorrow so Wednesday the 25th soon Council has been going very well this far or so far this um week we have this um back to school night we helped out with and freshman orientation and next week we're meeting with Miss kazuba to address these scheduling changes maybe for next year um class officers The Freshman Class need more people sophomore class there's nothing really to report the junior class our first fundraising event is being worked on and it's most likely going to be a fundraiser at Chipotle or another restaurant and the senior class is hosting their first senior sunrise on Friday okay now in sports um starting with boy soccer the boy soccer team is doing super well so far they're six and one and they're ranked number one in B North Division they had a really good game last night um in Long Branch um they won three to2 like the last minute it was great next in girl soccer we're having a tough season so far um but we just haded an double overtime game with sjv few hours ago um but our record does definitely not um reflect our team skill we're doing better we're we're coming up next in field hockey um they're having a great season as well pretty tough um but they have a brand new coach and some young girls some young captains they're doing very well um in football we're one and three right now our last game was Friday at Middletown north um but we have a buy this week hopefully GNA come out strong next week girls tennis is also having a tough season but captains Julia fantino and Maya brnak have had several close bches and the team has welcomed a bunch of new freshman players and they're um having two teams this year JV team a full JB team which is the first in a while the girls and boys cross country are doing really well they just play spth in divisionals and Lea starky a freshman won first in the freshman class for their Battle of the classes she had a great time and she's going to set a lot of records for our school and lastly in Esports the Esports team won their first game in Super Smash Bros against Somerville two to one thank you girls great job sounds like there's a lot going on over there thank you all right with that we will move on to the superintendent's report Miss Welden yes thank you good evening everyone I do want to just um recognize all the administrators in the back of the room for putting on fantastic back to school nights at all of their schools Mr Amato and the township devotion Intermediate School is up next we have our fifth and sixth grade back to school night tomorrow night and seventh and eighth grade Thursday night so uh that'll be that'll conclude our back to school night tour but we've heard nothing but great response from our parents and our community and excellent job to all of you also we've getting great feedback from both staff and students on our new cell phone procedure so congratulations to the team of Administrators and the Committees that put that together as well that seems to be working very well and it's bringing back an engagement in the classroom that is so necessary and also a uh humano human interaction that we certainly know enhances all of us staff students and the entire spool environment um the energy and the spirit is noticeable and I know that that did not just happen and that is a a great deal to do with the work that you all did over the summer to to bring this opening to be one of the best we've had in a very long time so thank you so much for that and I did just want to bring parents attention we have uh changed the date of an important event that we certainly hope you can come out to uh on October 8th we will be hosting a parent information session on Internet safety and child exploitation it was originally scheduled for a different night but it is now being held on October 8th at the township of ocean Intermediate School cafeteria but it is open to parents throughout the District of all grade levels and we encourage parents to join us that evening what time 7:30 pm is the event the intermediate school will be having its PTA meeting prior at 7 p.m but the event which you can just come for the event begins at 7:30 great okay and that concludes my report thank you very much okay with that we'll go on to the school business administrators report Mr Hastings thank you madam president I have nothing to add to what we discussed upstairs thank you so much all right at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only excuse me and the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public comment is not a question and answer session school specific questions can be directed to the administration the superintendent's contact information is on the podium and we encourage you to contact her with any questions public participation shall be governed by the following rules each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five minutes duration no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time is there anyone in the room Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue no Madam president there is nobody in the queue okay thank you so much with that we will move on to our action items Mr McCarthy move to approve my item 5.1 you have a second second item 5.1 Mr doton yes Mrs danam yes M Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes yes Mr Schneider I recuse myself Mr T Rico Mr WI Ste yes M pus yes items carry thank you Mr McCarthy Personnel Miss McGovern I'd like to approve item 6. move to approve items 6.1 through 6.18 May I please have a second second all items 6.1 to 618 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Gilman yes to all recuse from head wrestling coach thank you Mr McCarthy yes M mcgoverin yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes M pamus yes items carry thank you Mr McGovern financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein uh thank you madam president I'd like to move for approval of 7.1 7.16 I get a second second all items 71 through 716 Mr doton yes Mrs Dan yes Gilman yes all recu from 7.4 uh youth wrestling thank you Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes M Paramus yes items carry thank you Mr Weinstein instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman than Madam president move to approve items 8.1 through 8.4 second second 8.1 through 8.4 Mr doton yes Mrs Dan yes M skilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr P yes it carry thank you Miss Gilman gonna hand you policy so if you wouldn't mind doing that as well I'll continue that as well move to approve item 9.1 this is the second reading of our excuse me the third reading and final revision to the following policy second this is item 9.1 Mr Dolton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr pamas yes item carry thank you once again miss skilman public relations Mr Weinstein um yes I like to move for approval 10.1 second item 10.1 Mr doton yes Mr stand yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Snider yes Mr Weinstein yes and I'd like to thank all the sponsors M caras yes Adam carries thank you Mr Weinstein this time I'd like to ask the board if there's any old business no is there any new business from the board Mr McCarthy yeah I would like to uh just post the board I don't want to ask for this without the board approving it but I would just like to see a report of attendance of board members for the past year to date by member if possible is that something that uh full board would like to see anyone I'm okay with s it doesn't seem like that would take a lot to do I don't even needed presenter a meeting just emailed out is that something that the board would like to do or there's no no problem with that I mean people who executive session also go to regular session is that kind of is that the breakdown i' like that yeah that be okay Mr Hastings yes for what time period year to date year to date you're interested in MA Okay calendar year to date calendar dat all right is there any other new business in the board all right once again um we're going to open up public comment on any item and a reminder once again public comment is not a question and answer session school specific questions can be directed to the administration superintendent contact information is on the podium and we encourage you to contact her with any questions public participation shall be governed by the following rules each statement made by participant shall be limited to five minutes and no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time um miss miss conways or anyone in the queue no Madame President there are no commenters okay may I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting second okay meeting is adjourned thank you all so much