##VIDEO ID:lwFE-aZRNls## good evening everyone welcome to the October 1st Workshop meeting um I have no president report this even so we're gonna go over to our superintendent report thank you okay just a few announcements and reminders for everyone this week Thursday and Friday schools are closed next week when we return we'll be celebrating week of respect in all five schools um next week on the 8th October 8th at 7:30 p.m. we will be having an Internet safety and child exploitation parent information session that's being held at the township of ocean at Intermediate School cafeteria at 7:30 pm and we encourage all parents to come out for that uh very important topic um we also have our eighth grade open house at Ocean Township High School so where we invite our eighth graders to come see the high school learn about the different programs the eighth graders and their parents and that is October 7th so a lot coming up um in the next couple weeks just wanted to put all of that um on your on your radar on your calendar um but that's I'm going to keep my report short this evening because we also have I'd like to introduce Dr Morgan who's here this evening to present the uh fall 2024 assessment presentation from uh actually spring testing of the NJ SLA dlm and sat great and and for the board um if you could keep your questions till the end of the presentation that would be wonderful so thank you thank you superintendent wden good evening board members community members I here to present the assessment results from Spring 2024 for njsla um dlm and the sat next slide please next slide please so we'll start with the njsla for English Math and Science next slide please the every student succeeds app requires that all students participate in federally mandated State assessments at a rate of 95% here are our participation rates for English language arts as you can see we exceeded the 95% participation rate in all at all levels next slide please and here it is for math next slide please and here it is for science next slide please the levels of performance for njsla ELA and math ranged from level one did not meet expectations all the way through level five exceeded expectations next slide please and for science the level one is below proficiency through level four Advanced proficiency next slide please this slide Compares our scores from 20123 through 2024 across all levels so from level one through level five you will see how our students compare to each other from 2023 to 2024 each grade next slide please and this slide Compares our district averages to the state average next slide please this slide Compares grades three and four at each school to the district and the state next slide please and this slide Compares grades 5 through eight to the state averages in ela next slide please and this slide ex uh shows this the comparison between OTS and the state in grade nine Ela next slide please next slide please and these are our comparisons again we just did Ela so these are our comparisons for math from 2023 and 2024 across all levels grades three throughout I'm sorry through grade three through geometry in MA next slide please and this is our these are our 2024 averages compared to the state next slide please and here are our school averages compared to the district and the state next slide please at Tois grade 5 through eight math compared to the district and the state next slide please students who took the algebra 1 assessment Tois and and and OTS compared to the district and the state next slide please and here we are with geometry with to and OTS compared to the district and the [Music] state next slide please here are our science scores thank you level three and level four over two years I'm sorry level 1 through four over two years 2022 2023 and 2024 next slide please and comparing our science scores to the state next slide please now we will have our subgroup performance as you know the scores are returning and we have to discuss our subgroups so our subgroups consist of female male Hispanic Asian black white two or more racist economically disadvantaged students with disabilities and our multilingual Learners and the average is our total population so here it is for ELA across all grade levels in the district next slide please here are math results across all grade levels all subjects subgroups next slide please and for science next slide please and here our subgroups by greed so here's greed three for English language arts next slide please grade four English language arts next slide please grade five English language arts next slide please grade six English language arts next slide please grade seven next slide please grade8 next slide please and grade nine next slide please our subgroup performance for mathematics grade three total population at 57% next slide please raade four next slide please grade five next slide please grade six next slide please grade seven next slide please grade eight next slide please Algebra 1 next slide please and geometry next slide please sub grp performance for science for grade five 28% of our total population met or exceeded expectations next slide please grade8 next slide please and grade 11 next slide please so here are some things to celebrate um we are excited that our grades three four five six 7 and nine met or exceeded the state average in ela grade eight did not meet about 1 percentage point so we know that we will meet it next year grades three four five and E uh students enrolled in enrolled in Algebra 1 and geometry for math met or exceeded the state average grade six and seven again they were short by one point and two points to's performance on algebra one in Geometry is something to celebrate they were over 90% And grades 5 and 11 met the state average in science which was a increase from last year next slide please there are some things of course that we need to focus on um we we definitely need to focus on secondary math meaning grades 8 at Tois and grades nine at Tois I mean OTS I'm sorry and our overall subbot performance we still want to increase those numbers next slide please now I will discuss the dynamic learning Maps the dynamic learning maps are assessments for students with the most signif significant cognitive disabilities whom the General State assess assessments are not appropriate so the dlm assessments also help parents and Educators set High academic expectations for their students the results from the DM assessments are used to inform instruction and meet accountability requirements for reporting student achievement next slide please the categories for dlm starts from emerging all the way to advance next slide please for the 2024 testing period there were 28 students who participated in the dlm assessment including our 11 out of District students students from grades 3 through 8 and 11 participated and every student had less than 10 students every grade level had less than 10 students therefore we cannot report the scores by grade level and the graph below the next graph shows District wide performance next slide please so we have our emerging approaching at Target and advanced in ela Math and Science for students who took the dlm in 2024 next slide please the SAT cohort from the class of is the cohort is the class of 2024 the SAT is a standardized test used for college admissions it is produced by the college board and is intended to assess college readiness the evidence-based reading and writing and math scores from 200 to 800 for evidence based evidence-based reading and writing and for Math and for Math and the overall score can range between 400-600 next slide please the SAT assesses various uh features words and context command of evidence math that matters essay analyzing a score next size analyzing The Source I'm sorry so our class of 2024 students exceeded the total Group total group is all of the students who in the class of 2024 who took the SAT now and the state so OTS our average overall score was 1,76 for New Jersey it was 1050 and for the total group it was 1024 next slide please and here is our fiveyear comparison please so now that we have all of this data what are our next steps what are we going to do so we started this year working with the administrators on on how to use our data basically was using our data to tell a story so we want to use our data to analyze and make sure that we are teaching those standards that students are falling short on so administrative teams we have already reviewed the data um review the performance data we and we are also coaching teachers on how to use their data to drive instruction the data also helps us to determine what our professional development activities will be um our curriculum development and intervention services we are we We are continuing to hold data meetings as well as our inrs meeting and using our lesson plans that will help us to determine what our to help I'm sorry to help us to drive student performance and the performance data to address the individual needs and our academic goals of our students next slide please so the ELA next steps for K5 We are continuing our focus on writing writing instruction will include modeling guided practice and independent application and we are definitely going to focus on narrative writing because based on our njsla scores we know we need to work in that area we also have the grant that's in year four um the DCIM Grant continue implementation of datadriven instructional coaching model to improve teacher practices and outcomes for students we will continue to utilize linkit our data warehouse as well as the assessments used to drive instruction and we are training teachers in the S up model which is a research-based instructional model proven to be effective in addressing the academic needs of our multilingual Learners next slide please Ela next steps for 6 through 12 we are excited to have implemented a reading intervention curriculum read 180 in grades 6- 12 at our um tier three and our special education level special education students we also hired a multilingual instructional coach at the intermediate school and we are we know that this coach will help our teachers on how to support our multilingual Learners s up training again to support our MLS and Spartans leading the way after the school program at Tois next steps for K through five K through five supervisor will continue to work with teachers in using data to Target instruction integrate differentiated learning opportunities based on our form formative assessments and adhere to the 40 plus 40 learning period will half of the period allow students to work at their own pace and receive differentiated instruction and also we are integrating the integrate and extend the peer-to-peer collaboration so that students can discuss and increase student engagement in math math next steps for 6 to 12 We are continuing with the pushin model for math we are providing intensive professional development for our secondary math teachers those teachers will are our eth grade math teachers as well as the algebra one Math teachers at OTS We are continuing to use the data the drive instruction again scop training is across all content areas and Spartans leading the way here are some parent resources for parents who want addition information and this presentation will be posted for those who want to dig a little deeper and ask questions next slide please I want to thank our supervisors for all of the wonderful work that they have been doing this year so far we had a wonderful uh administrative Retreat and when I've been meeting with them weekly and talking and just this week we've been having a lot of conversations about using data and standards and evidence statements and those are the type of things that we need to do in order to boost our student achievement I would also like to thank our wonderful teachers um you know they work hard and these results no matter how you look at them I know that our teachers gave our gave their best and I know that they will continue to do their best so thank you thank you um at this time does does the board have any questions Mr McCarthy Dr Morgan thank you for uh compiling all this it's uh pretty exhaustive and also I guess I'll apologize in advance seems like no matter when you're in a meeting whether it's at the board or in a business setting doesn't matter how you populate this stuff people always have an idea about how it could have been done differently or done better so I'm sure that will come up tonight and so but I can see what you did you did a great job I just have a couple uh Big Ticket questions couple couple big blue arrows um even though I I saw what you pointed out with eighth grade uh scores being Below in in certain areas but it does seem like when compared to the state that's the one area where we're not is that correct well no because most of our students which is a good thing about what's happening here at Ocean most of our students are advancing so those eighth grade numbers it's not the total population because most of our eighth graders are taking algebra one and some are even taking geometry so we want to be sure that we when we're discussing these numbers it's not the total eighth grade these are students who did not who are not advancing to to move to a higher level math in eighth grade okay and then uh the one other question I had Madam president was um do does this um do you see any residual effects you know through this assessment or any other assessments from uh loss of learning from the pandemic that that seems to still be showing in these assessments I know that's kind of a loaded question but well I can't say for sure but after speaking with other districts because I was concerned about third grade but third grade seems to be that way across the state as well I o spoken to um Gerard who manages our linkid account because I was a little concerned but we did meet the state average that tells me that it's across the board it's not just here in Ocean but I can't answer whether it's an effect of Co and anyone else Miss Gilman thank you Dr Morgan for that presentation and I'm especially pleased with the SAT scores the increase in SAT scores and your emphasis on writing uh the analyzing a source us founding documents all of that is new the SAT so I'm glad to see an emphasis on the writing and I'm glad to see our scores over the five-year period uh have done so well and uh yeah the other supplemental work that you're doing in the secondary math that can only be helpful as you said this is just kind of a microcosm it's not the whole picture of of our students so all in all I think there was much to celebrate congratulations m t thank you um I actually have a question about any of the grades but specifically grade three when you see that there's a point difference between the same grade amongst the three different schools what do we put in place do we do observations like I was looking at the one uh slide on slide 11 where ocean um Town Elementary School was 39 weides 43 but one Masa was 65 so if there's that much of a point difference how do we account for the if it's the same grade this one was for ELA well it all depends I mean again a loaded question we know that otes has have they have a number of multilingual Learners that come in so we don't know if that's it um we I can't I don't know without digging a little deeper and and comparing Kid to Kid you know we don't know if kids are just coming in taking that test or students who are in in our multilingual Learners as you can see our most our subgroups are not performing as well as the total group so we would have to just look at individ look at the evidence statements and see where one school may be performing in one standard better than the other it could be a student uh to student to student standards a number of things that can get that that can be why students did not perform well at one school versus another school okay um do we look at Trends and patterns from like the beginning of the year versus the end of the year with our link it data yes we do that that was my next question asley so what is it actually that we're Gathering From the linkit data well from our link it data we noticed that well one thing that we noticed that they are they are doing well on the standards but linkoln does not assess writing so that's why our Focus has been writing because even though they're doing well and Link at the multiple choice assessments when they get to the njsla and they're writing we're not sure if they are meeting the state standard with the writing so what we are discussing we have discussed and what we are implementing is pulling writing samples from from teachers so that we can be sure that we that we are inspecting what we expect right so we want them to write narratives and we are giving telling them to use the rubric and now they are have to bring those writing samples to these data meeting that we can discuss the writing okay I have one more question about that um I'm sorry I wrote so many different questions but how does AI kind of fall into the writing stuff I mean how do we know if it's an actual writing that a student created versus an a AI B well what we've been doing is educating students and teachers on how to effectively use AI um and you know with these trainings we hope that our students as well of our as well as our teachers will be able to pick out what's Ai and what's not um but again it's all about the training that we're providing and thank you for putting this all together I'm sorry I didn't see that in the beginning I was too my problem Mr Schneider yeah I was noticing that the differences between the schools and one M stood down so it was interesting to see if there's feedback as the when you go through the people Dives like how they kind of look demographically maybe that's impacting it right but I didn't know if we should if there's a way to consider uh benchmarking our school in terms of the schools that we want to be like demographic schools that are like us in in the district rather than paring generally against the district and or the state it looks like on the state averages like they're very very low percentages meet those levels that we want to be and we're measuring ourselves so I'm sorry can you speak up just a little bit measuring ourselves to a lower Benchmark versus necessarily trying to raise the bar to try to measure ourselves against schools that we either want to be like or consider like like our school demographic and size and your I'm sorry I didn't hear your question I want to see about benchmarking differently oh okay so if that's a possibility to compare our district with another District that's like us or a group of districts that are like us or a group of districts that are like us that are ceeding and much higher levels so we can keep an honest by the way that was my uh I was really thinking about that too like you know who do we want to be like and who are we like and and how are we performing to that level yeah I think that's a to me that would be much more pointed to know how well we're succeeding yeah yeah and then on the satore we are above the state and the total group but it seems like we've been declining over the the time Horizon that we had so it's not necessarily question for you but I didn't know if there's ability to address some of those uh deficiencies that we might well one thing that I've been reading a lot about are the number of students were actually taking the SAT at this point a lot of schools have gone test optional and some students are just not taking it and then this is the meas the average scores are the ones that are actually right wiin um yes so uh in addition to what Brian was bringing up about comparative to to uh schools might be similar to us um I just want to say I appreciated the uh the analysis in the next steps um that was helpful I always kind of sometimes I feel like we don't really know what the um uh what the what your what everybody's thinking happens next so I really appreciated that so thank you very much wel Mr Dalton more statements than questions I think but um you know in light of the differences at the elementary schools a question that comes to my mind is there's there a greater level of Mobility at some schools than compared to other schools right and we know that we may not have educated those children in their earlier years or they may be uh new entry to the country so some of those differences it might just be good to know that information to know if one school is seeing a greater level of Mobility because Mobility we know we have a kid that shows up last week and testing is next week and they're being tested but they weren't even educated in our system um I think a little bit differently than some of my board colleagues I think the work with linet I think the work with the supervisors and the teachers is all great work I think we need to be careful when we Benchmark to Aspire outside of us because then we may take the focus off of what we need to do and what we're already doing I think it's good to look at I think it's you have to be careful what you're benchmarking because as I just pointed out with demographics right with mobility and things like that there are factors that are different in each Community um and resources that are different in each community so I just I'm cautious about that because I'm I think we should be proud of the work that's happening and the continued Focus that needs to occur within those areas and you you spoke to that the professional development the analysis of data how we look at and then just because I've heard this outside of ocean just this idea that so much testing is going on now are our young friends taking it as seriously as they once did years ago because we are testing a lot way more and having been an educator I've seen Chromebooks close in five minutes and I've seen Chromebooks close in 50 minutes and that is a function that sometimes is beyond what happens in the school so um I just Nam that that there's factors there that um can't be answered you'd you'd be 200 pages and we'd be here till midnight still discussing but thank you for all of your work anyone else have any more questions I I apologize and I did want to thank that part but then yet you had mentioned that we had more work to do on the subgroups I didn't know if you had anything specific but we're looking to accomplish there well definitely we want to start working with our multilingual Learners which will impact all of our subgroups you know scop is not just for it's it was written for multilingual Learners however scop will help all of our students to master the English language so it's not just a multilingual learner thing I'm very excited about the PD that we've put in for that because we have all all grade levels and all content areas participating in this course which will make them certified to be in s so that's wonderful that we're putting that we're putting that in place also with read 180 our um special education students will be getting this this reading Intervention Program that is research based um you know I I love re 1880 I use in a forance school district and my score shot up because I really focused on our special education students and our students that were not reading so that can enccompass all of our subgroups so those are the two top things that we're doing and and then bringing in a math professional developer to work with our um students who are taking eth grade math in Algebra 1 because we know that those students are not moving they're not um advancing quick um sry not advancing but they are advancing they're not accelerated so they're not taking the accelerated math class so they're in eighth grade math but we still want them to be able to you know do math and and take these assessments so we don't want them to we don't want our eth students who are taking this e8th grade math to be left behind because it's a small number of students and because it is a small number of students I think that we can actually move them great anyone else thank you m Morgan for coming in appreciate it thanks very clear and concise presentation so thank you so much okay with that we will move on to the school of business administrator report Mr Hastings thank you madam president um just wanted to note we had rain over the weekend in the first few days of this week and it was a blessing and a curse for us uh the curse was that it delayed the start of the uh groundbreaking for the installation of the preschool playground at wanasa we're currently working with the uh contractor to get a new date toh get that started and that'll little bit of a race against the weather uh and temperature to get that going but uh our buildings and ground supervisor is working hard to uh get that scheduled and on the books with the contractor uh the blessing part is that we completed two new roofing systems at Wayside and um Dow uh Wayside plast with flying colors we had no leaks at all for the new roofing system at Wayside and um the uh roof F da had two or three very minor leaks the contractor was contacted and immediately came out and addressed those so we have two great brand new roofing systems that are um secure at both those schools so that was great news for us um the other issue I wanted to touch on was the RFQ RFP uh for the 163 Mammoth Road property uh the ad uh for the RFQ uh will be in the Asbury Park Press tomorrow uh we have scheduled uh walkthroughs or inspections if you will for the 11th and the 18th uh of this month for anyone who wants to come and and do walkthroughs and get eyes on the property um the opening of the uh rfqs or rfps or deadline to turn them in is December 3rd which is a Tuesday um that'll be about 60 days that'll be out to the public uh to uh uh look and inspect the property and put together proposals uh we have a board meeting on the 10th of that month I believe that's our only board me meeting in December uh so I Look to uh the board Madame president vice president uh to give us some guidance on how you'd like to proceed after that uh I think typically I would put together with the business office and the superintendent a summary of the proposals contractors the uh proposed uses perhaps and leasing fees uh for the board to uh review and then uh move on from there okay uh and I would note that the RFP RFQ will be online available online uh as well as contacting our office for a copy right thank you Miss Gilman any place else beside the pressing online uh no those are our two locations thank you anyone else and we have just anecdotally we've had a couple calls for information on that uh as well so people seem to be aware good thank you that concludes your reportings okay I want to apologize to the public because I did not give them the opportunity to ask uh Miss Morgan any questions on the assessment presentation so miss Conway I do want to go back to you and ask if there's anyone in the queue that has any questions in regards to the assessment that was presented no Madam president there are no questioners right great thank you and with that we will move on to public com oh there is I did not see you back there Miss Hayes come on up I apologize you're hiding in the back um Alex Hayes Oak curst um I do have a couple other things that aren't related to Dr Morgan so I'll just ask Dr Morgan stuff right now um I don't know if you all noticed the geometry slide was the only slide that had um zero students meeting expectations meeting or exceeding expectations out of any of the slides for um black students Hispanic students poor students multilingual and disabled there were a couple slides that maybe had one or the other like you know maybe multilingual didn't even show up um but the geometry was the only one that had all of those subgroups not even having like 1% who met or exceeded the expectation so I'm just wondering if we're looking at that or what that means yeah she can answer it for you it's not that they didn't need it they were not enrolled in the because if they didn't need it it would be a zero so that means we didn't have any in those sub not so sure I'm I'm not so sure which is worse well you have to understand that most of the students who um have to take the njs LA taking an out one so these geometry students are possibly nth will take Miss Morgan Dr Morgan I'm sorry perhaps you need to be near a microphone so that other people can yeah that would be great don't need to put you on the spot no not not at all um yes so the for the geometry slide I think we had a total of 34 students um and these are mainly the students who are in in that accelerated math so we did not have any of the subgroups represented because if we did they would be it was it would show zero um instead of just not fa meaning that there could be students in subgroups in the course but there are not more than 10 where we would where we would report these were more than 10 okay yeah these it was a total of 34 students total who took geometry who well not not take not took geometry but but had to sit for the test because you only have to sit for the test in ninth grade you don't have to sit for it in 10th but there is no under 10 in this because then it would be a zero right yeah there was no under 10 because I did have to check that there was no under 10 in this so for Tois I believe it was 90 I'm sorry so for geomet 90% of Tois students um met or exceeded in 46% of o gs question sure [Music] um sorry it does seem that over the years that um our Hispanic student subgroups has been improving which um does seem to be a positive um and I don't know if you're crunching any data to see if that is a response to our push for elll and multilingual language Learners or culturally responsive teaching or um like if we're doing any sort of deeper dive into that subgroup going up a little bit but then conversely the African-American uh subgroups seem to % lower than the Hispanic and it used to be a little bit more like of a parody you know so it almost seemed like the Hispanic sub group is improving better but the African-American subg group is not so I'm wondering if there's any well yes there are thoughts on that we have been working with all of our sub groups um but again as Mr Dalton has pointed out you know kids and go we we we we really have to understand that this is One Moment In Time testing but that doesn't indicate how students are doing overall right and I'm sorry my last question is I last this before another meetings um like in the ninth grade ELA I just threw that out there because I it up on to P up on my phone uh when there was the number that for black students it said 53% ninth like is it for the subgroups is it for the percentage of those students like 53% of all students or 53% of all the black students 53% of the black students of the sub yes okay all right thank you for all great thank you so much okay the following are a series of motions to be read by the committee chairpersons or motion itions have been discussed at a recent public work session some motions have been approved at a public work session and the minutes for the approved items are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public comment is not a question and answer session specific questions can be directed to the administration the superintendent's contact information is on the podium and we encourage you to contact her with any questions public participation shall be governed by the following rules each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five minutes duration no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard and the presiding officer May request any person to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable dequorum would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time should sit closer Alex from Alex Hayes from Oakhurst as well two quick questions will the um testing presentation be made online um and since the bilingual parent advisory committee is being voted on tonight I was wondering um when the next um what the dates are for the remaining uh meetings of that throughout the year thank you thanks thank you very much Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue with any public comment at this time no Madam president there are no commenters okay thank you we will now move on to action items Mr McCarthy move to approve items 7.1 and 7.2 second item 71 and 72 Mr doton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Tarico St thank you Mr Weinstein yes Mr P yes motion carries thank you personnel I move to approve items 8.1 through 8.11 second items 8.1 through 811 Mr gton yes Mrs Dan yes Mrs Gilman yes to all recuse from 8.5 thank you Mr McCarthy yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr T Rico yes Mr Weinstein um yes to all except accuse myself from 8.5 thank you Mr bar yes motion's Carri thank you Mr McGovern financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you Madame President um move to approve um 9.1 second thank you m McGovern for item 8.1 is there any discussion on 8.1 9 9 sorry uh Mr D yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr T Rico yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr Paramus yes and then for 9.2 to 9.4 um before we bring it up for discussion is there anything You' like to point out Mr Hastings um I would point out 9.4 is an annual approval uh for the district uh it's a report that um looks at our maintenance budget it bases uh maintenance costs and U repair costs on square footage so basically the document calculates based on the school square footage uh I believe $140 per square foot what the minimum spend should be in our maintenance budget and our maintenance budgets are consistently above that spend level thank you are there any other questions Mr Schneider on 92 is is that intended to be exclusionary or seems like it's written to be to not include the full student body the grant proposal or the program itself from Mammoth University just a grant proposal so Mammoth university has done this now for a couple years we've had a few different teachers come forward with proposals from ranging from all different projects the the teacher proposing the project sort of sets the scope of what they believe they can do with the $1,200 small amount of but it's not it's not open for all female students that is the scope of the project that this staff member wants to do with the $1,200 that she could possibly uh you know or that she is you know being recognized Fork anyone else okay thank you Mr Weinstein instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman yes madame president move to approve 10.1 through 10.4 second a second any discussion and any of those items um Mr Weinstein I did want to say that the uh uh the cyber security looked like a nice um from I read in the curriculum it looked like a nice entry level on introduction nice scope of uh of work here thank you this is the one that we receive the grant for into the year you know planning it look like a good digestible thing great and people could walk away with yep all right agreed Mr Hastings this is for 10.1 to 10.4 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes mcarthy yes Mr mcover yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr parl yes motions carried okay thank you Miss Gilman negotiations was done in executive session so we will move on to policy Miss Gilman yes for 12.1 resolved that the board discussed the first reading of revised Andor abolished policies as followed this is our first reading anyone have any questions Mr Schneider just a clarification on discipline Revis where it says dismissal is that uh expulsion no discipline or dismissal I'm sorry dis these are teacher staff these are related to staff just a staff yes thank you yep okay this is part of that review that the board has asked us to do of policies that you know they're so they're not new from St SM or there's not a new alert about them but uh this as I've said before the policy committee from a few years ago developed a list of policies to be updated and as we can we're continuing to go through them and present them at the request of the board then I would say it was well written because then there was Miss policy so when it when it touches on that we have a policy for that so thank you for clarifying okay um public relations Mr Weinstein um sure how about we discuss uh proposed board goals all right all right so I'm sure the board those of you who were here last last week uh we brought up the proposed goals the goals that are um on your computer screen are um proposed board goals that are based off the Strategic plan just um reminding everyone um I did receive four of them one was an adjective that was added to one of the goals so I didn't think it was that important to send that out to you but we're going to talk about that um one of the goals um was from Miss Dam and and after speaking to her um we decided was not really a board goal but I would like for her to explain um a little bit about that so go right ahead thank you madam president I'm not as good as off cup speaking as some of us are here so I wrote something I promise it's quick but just bear with me um I initially recommended focusing on improving the food selection for the 25 school year however after speaking with Mrs Paramus I believe this issue should become a long-term District initiative this is not just a matter of preference it's about health and learning many parents including myself and teachers and faculty are deeply concerned about the food being offered to our students items such as Froot Loops Lucky Charms Pop-Tarts to name and few contain harmful dyes like red 40 and yellow 5 these dyes are now known to be linked to behavioral issues in children including hyperactivity attention deficit and learning difficulties all of which hinder their abilities to succeed in the classroom this week California passed a bill that banned six harmful dies in public schools under the school food safety act just last week Senator Ron Johnson l a round table discussion highlighting the harmful effects of overly processed foods and dies on our nation's Health the momentum is growing and it's time for us to act as a district we have a responsibility to prioritize the health and well-being of our students and I'm asking in fusure meetings if we can make what I hope to be an initiative of reality and begin discussions on how we can make this sh we can begin our sorry begin our discussions of how we can re-evaluate and remove these overly processed food with these dyes out of our kids availability to them and we can lead by example and ensure our students have the healthiest environment possible to support their success okay thank you m Stam thank you um so that is why it was removed so if the board would like in a future meet meeting we could bring it up again and have a discussion about it is that something that the board would like to bring up in a future meeting yes okay all right so that's what we will do so with that being said so that leaves us with two more goowls and I do apologize they did come in a little bit late so I sent them to you kind of last minute so I'm not sure if everyone had the opportunity to really read through I know Mr schneiders was like needed a few minutes there so maybe we could um just briefly discuss um what you're proposing on this without having to really sit here and read it um would you mind doing that no I mean uh for the bigger piece of that is trying to provide um measurements to the to the goals so I I use the goals that we've addressed uh earlier for the work that was done previously and tried to push them into these what I'm what what I was taking to attempt to make as goal one two and three I wanted to put a little bit more focus on our strategic planning over over the next couple uh couple years in terms of all the you know the the changing demographics that we're continuing to face um school funding um and looking at the you know the school building as well that we talked about so it's more about structure and creating opportunities that we could actually have assessments and measurements against so we talk about the goals we could look back and actually have uh something to actually talk about in terms of either successes or or or or things that we fell short on and then the other piece is that I wanted to add I guess to the to the discussion is around our our academic excellence and trying to improve math scores for all grades I don't have all the the the the Dynamics of all the goals ironed out but generally something that that could talk to some of the improvements I would like to see um that Dr Morgan mentioned as well okay all right thank you Mr Schneider um Mr Weinstein yours is pretty um pretty much like the uh proposed board goals except you did add a few I had one goal and um modified one goal exactly so if you just wanna sure um the one um the one item I added was support programs and efforts that continue to strengthen an inclusive District culture so um that was kind of important to me okay to do um and the other was I thought that the um the thing about effective communication was uh too much tied to the individual who was running the program so I kind I uh changed that to increase effective communication with the school Community by enhancing online communication and promoting more effective school in-person events that was my okay two um things I didn't have as many adjectives as Irene wanted me to have so um about that what we should do is go back to the proposed goals and see if we can maybe tweak them because a lot of what's here is on the propos are the proposed goals and maybe if we want to add more we we can um so maybe we should go with the first one support the implementation of District strategic plan particularly the following expanding the shared services with municipality examining the future use of 163 Mammoth Road is there is there anyone that would like to see more added to that that kind of encompasses uh Mr Schneider's uh what you had so I think that one is is pretty are we okay with that for goal what's the goal Mr Schneider well yeah I mean I didn't know if you guys thought I mean we I don't want to get too far in a weeds but it almost looks like the Improvement of safety and possible cost savings should be part of that strategic planning like so if we were condensing that that would be three I'm sorry improval of the second the second bullet okay which is evaluate operations and transportation yeah in order to improve terms ofus of strategic plan um so you feel that they should be combined yes as a sub bullet under there umon I mean my only question would be is it is it too much to combine it into one or is it better to keep it separate I'm going to look at you and ask what your opinion would be on that is it better to keep them separate if it is something the uh Transportation efficiency and the um expanding shared services and the future use of 163 the second one I think they were intended to be different but I if I may Under the Umbrella of a strategic plan that's that's where that would in my mind it would I'm not gonna I'm not GNA argue about it so yeah it might be better separate only because the um the operations and transportation one seems to be there seems to be a lot to that um so if we're interested in still keeping that one maybe we should just keep it separate and I think that would really be the question is are you interested in still keeping it because if we're adding some of these other goals I think we're getting to that would difficult for the board to accomplish in the time agree period Mr Weinstein I I just don't see how the point number two the operations in transportation is a board goal I mean we're supporting if we're supporting the budget and we're supporting the initiative around I think the example that I gave last week was that we do a lot of courtesy busing in this district and um we bus as much as possible to convenient locations for families we pulled back a little bit on that this year and PC some some push back from parents on that um so it would really be I think some part of board discussion if we were to do more of that if we were going to try and look for cost savings how much is in that how much is that in our discretion to to make that decision imagine budget it's budget time again say I have no problem with you removing that but that was through the you know review of the Strategic plan these were the ones where I felt like the board could have some influence okay so I have no problem if you choose to remove it it's fine just these these were the ones that were left sort of so why don't we just kind of put a little Mark near that that one and get through these and see if there's any that were you know sent out that we want to replace or add is that okay with you sure miss Gilman I think it's important to keep that one I think that looking forward in a budgetary matter we do have to take a close look at okay courtesy blessing okay all right so then the third one is to strive to formulate budgets to promote program growth while falling within the state mandated tax levy cap um is that the one that you you wanted to to add go ahead that's where I was going to insert the all important adjective of uh promote Innovative program growth while falling within the state mandated tax ly cap I think that's fair can't really argue with that to non-innovative to nothing could be things like the cyber security uh program that's we've just Incorporated so inative is kind of an umbrella we could include many of our programs going forward whether it's Esports cyber security okay is that is that a board goal that we would like to hang on to how does the board feel Mr M have a question um so to put this in like a concrete example just so I understand so if we were to go back to this year would would the secondary approval that we did for the budget of what was it 4.5% would that be considered within the tax levy cap based on this language here I'm gonna ask probably yes it would it would right right okay just want to make sure that we're not restricting ourselves although I did not agree with that vote you know but that's a good point I just want to make sure the board doesn't handicap themselves with the goal okay cool understood all right thank you so um but bullet point number three is that something that we would like to leave in or take out as a board feel yeah leave in yeah leave in leave in leave in everyone okay with that Mr mcarthy all right um and then the last one is increase effective communication with school Community by expanding the role of the Community Information officer and I believe Mr Weinstein added added um he wants he feels it's too much on the um on the officer and and mentioned increase effect communication with the school Community by enhancing online communication and promoting more effectively school inperson events correct yeah online and right yeah well because the um the Community Information offer is really somebody reports to you right doesn't really expanding the role would be board vote you know would be a decision changing job description or time yeah and that was that was taken word for word from the Strategic plan so that's why it's there I have no problem with the edit it okay respectfully but that's where that's where it's coming none of these there was no intention here except a review of the Strategic plan and something that could be tied to the board nothing taken so we could we could add um Community by enhancing online communication promoting more effectively school inperson events into that yeah um so we could do both if that is what the board would like to do Miss Stam well I was going to say and we can use the example of um the meeting with the parents on the 7th is if we had some type of social media person that could make like a I don't know if there's one yet and it was a question that I had that there's a flyer that can be put in you know like the wanasa parents the Wayside parents like someone's in control of that so it's easier and digestable for parents to know quicker of what's going on so I think that kind of touches on what Jeff is saying about having the effective communication and if you know and this could I don't know be an internship with a student who wants to be in social media that can work in creating those quick banners that we can see you know what I mean because I think that would be really easy for parents who were on the go quick quick quick just see it oh there's that meeting on the seven thanks for the reminder you know moving forward with that okay so the F went out are you just to clarify you mean an additional reminder to yeah like yes like closer to the I'm just using that as an example not saying that didn't happen just okay as an example and I would also just question the piece about more in-person events because we parents often comment that it's difficult to come to in-person events so we have tried to meet parents where they are with more options on events and a lot of those are not in school and we still do many in school events not you know you look at our calendar you'll see tons of events but I know I'm not sure the the impetus behind the more in school events wait one second Mr D only because Mr I called them Mr Schneider and and now we're talking about I do have a it seems that we're it seems OD to me now that we're we're focusing on one one particular role in in the district so if our function as a board is to budget and the right policy and to hire our find superintendent then wouldn't wouldn't we want to have a more broader Comm uh goal around communication and effective communication around the community within the district and and our constituents just to just because I it was my okay I I wanted to I wanted it to not be necessarily I wanted it to be something that was a districtwide thinking process it could be something that the um Community Information office help Le the charge it was more that was everybody kind of become sensitive to it okay okay sorry about yeah because I started going down all right so what's this got this person's 30 60 90 180 they plan and they have to report back to the board and I'm starting to feel awkward about okay Mr Dalton I think taking off of Mr Weinstein and Mr schneiders and I agree with what our superintendent said parents with child care and everything getting out but could it be to increase engagement or to enhance engagement or you know through whatever venues there are you know so the more information that gets out there the hope would be that the more engaged families can become right so add the word engagement somewhere somewhere I mean enhance engagement increase effective communication with school Community by expanding the role of the Community Information officer I mean or if you want to take that out and they say expand the various methods in which we communicate to increase family engagement if we don't want it to be hooked to the one person but um do we want to remove the Community Information officer from from the goal or leave it in you could say increase effective communication and engagement with this with the school Community period yeah and then now we're doing that's imply that it it involves it involves our superintendent it involves it involves all the principles it involves okay you know all right I like that too all right sounds good all right and then we have increase effective Comm uh I did that one okay so we're going to go back to the top uh actually we're not we're going to go and look at um support programs and efforts to continue to strengthen an inclusive District culture is that something that the board is interested in adding anyone have any comments Mr McCarthy did you have your hand up can I get some specific examples of how we achieve that so I know what I'm supporting here um I think we're sounds great I think we're I mean the like is that is that includ like inclusive culture is like a a defined thing which is um basically accepting other people for other walks of life uh right and I think we're the reason I wrote strengthen is because we're already doing that at some level yeah um and I just I guess I want us to just feel like it's important to us you know right now you you have a a war going on in the Middle East and who knows what kind of actions come out from that we have an election coming up which people are going to have differ opinions you know you have civil unrest which who knows how it how it all goes and I I guess as a district we we do take the the time to do that but I want to make sure that it's an important thing that gets done that was my thinking yep I I would just say to add to what Mr Weinstein was saying when we started to talk about this last time a lot of that also we were talking about where it l laid into budget because because this year we had to make some decisions with budget and when we look at Dr Morgan's presentation from this evening there's work that the district is doing to our multilingual multil language uh Learners and things like that so making sure that we are informing those decisions within our budget as well is an important part of that okay I mean just to Kelly I mean Miss wman um when I say strengthen that's probably the right term right because we're already kind of trying to do those kind of things is that sure I think so I mean and I think would we'd have to figure out where the board has the influence with on that which would be through budget right that's why we support programs and initiatives that Innovative programs okay is anyone have anything to say can you read it again how it says sure yeah well I have support programs and efforts to continue to streng un inclusive District culture that's what Mr Weinstein that's what Mr Weinstein correct Engrade me later I just I thought you I thought you had edited it that's no I think I haven't had the opportunity I don't know if you rewrote it in a different way okay so um but we would have to probably plump that up a little bit before we if it's something that the board is the board interested in pursuing this goal and reworking it for and reworking it yeah just adding a few words to it yes I would anyone have any suggestion any more suggestions to um wordwise how they would like it to read or they're happy with the way that it reads I know that it's like basically the same word but the inclusive and inclusion like I feel like saying saying inclusion in the goal yeah incl inclusion shouldn't mean exclusion either though what inclusion should I think it's written impeccably well I like it the way it is okay I'm sorry that way then what Brian what did you say about inclusion well I shouldn't be an exclusion too like we like in some in some cases so we you have I I worry about that and I don't I don't I think that if we're looking at we shouldn't blanketly say we're going to support everything for Budget if it falls under that category we should look at everything individually and see if fits our our needs you do okay okay the only other one is the one um on the one that Brian mentioned um about the math scores for all grades and I'm not exactly sure if that falls under something that the board would look at unless it turns into some form of an ini that that was a measurement it was a measurement the goal was actually a little broader okay so that's not actually one of your goals I'm trying to read goal two above it C it says goal two sorry demanding an aligned range of learning opportunities for all students pre through high school plus to achieve College and Career Readiness upon completion of their educational program is that the one that probably is not something on that that could strive towards academic Excellence for all students H that one seems like a really broad it is and difficult goal for a board to achieve um in a year I mean that's just my two cents I don't know um how everyone else feels about that I think it's I think it's great um but I think that we have to maybe look at our Administration when looking at something like that to see how can something like that be accomplished in a year in a year well then if we narrowly focus it and focus it on something that we want to all improve on which is math as an example is that something that would fit like we're we're missing academic excellence in the goals okay I'm going to turn to miss Welden and ask her what her opinion is on something like that as a board goal and like Mr Weinstein mentioned perhaps narrowing it down to just math did you say that I think if you do that I think if you I'm sorry Mr Schneider sorry not Mr Weinstein Mr Weinstein on the I said an Innovative program yeah maybe it can be connected to that one though because it's it's okay the board can't develop right no engaging demanding aligned range of learning opportunities for students board cannot do that um that is happening here by the way we are developing and encouraging engaging demanding in the line range of learning opportunities for all students prek through high school plus to achieve College and Career Readiness I mean it is the work that we do on a daily basis so if you want to say through policy or through budget and like supporting the administration in there through budget but again I mean we're tying a lot of things to budget here it's making me nervous right right um but that's how that's how the board would support that's what the board could do right do you have am I am I on the right path there like that the board can't develop learning no yes you're on the right pth well since we're talking about my uh objective here is there is there opportunity to vote to see if there's a a desire to have academic goal and it doesn't have to be what I'm suggesting we find the right look last year's I think there was a we took it from the Strategic plan and there was one that was uh that had to do believe there was one um up now yeah okay shared services policymaking formulate budgets continue to work with the administration on enhancing school security support policies to actively recruit diverse candidates and support the administration um and staff fiscally as they maintain standards uh based instruction for our students that was the only instructional thing I just want to be careful that we are not overstepping our role as the board right as polic how far we go in telling the administration what the focus needs to be well in the budget that promotes program growth is our programs are academic so it is an academic goal when you're promoting program growth what you're talking you know it is an academic I mean it's not saying let's all get 1,600 on the SATs but you also have to be realistic in in academic goals that you set but um I would say that's where your academic goal lies so maybe changing the name you know like if you want to get a little bit adding something else in there well what is it it's Innovative programs right it's actually Innovative programs I mean Innovative educational programs that demonstrate grow do that Innovative educational program programs measure that focused on growth I like I like grow you measure it you measure it based on what programs we bring and what programs we rewrite and what programs we you know how it gets how they get imp you were like in stuff like that it's but it's not I understand what you're like some of but also some of those math goals like your what you think your our math goal should be is probably a math goal of our math department because you have your board goals then you have your superintendent goals then you have your supervisor goals then you have your department goals so it's not the goal that's going to be here because we're not going to go tutor kids you know students for their math but maybe our supervisors are implementing a tutoring program so they'll sit down with Miss Welden and set those goals so more specific on getting benchmarks up and stuff like that fall more am I wrong in this fall more into the supervisor goal or into the superintendent goals or the department head goals so that's where it gets always gets tricky writing these because we all would love to say let's get this much more on X Y or Z but there's no way for us to do that besides to strive to formulate budgets that promote the growth of those programs that make sense it makes absolute sense but I didn't know again like from a macro level where we're kind of setting the goals for the district that the superintendent sets her goals off of that we we should have some academic component to it I don't have the words for it but right Mr Doon and I'm just remembering I am we did approve like some new math program this year at one point right I mean we have that would be where the board supports it it's like or and you're speaking about about math right now but last week we approved the Swift program which was Nutrition Fitness mindfulness for the high school that was a new program we approve new vpac Outreach uh Family Outreach coordinators so you're talking about more engagement of families that was a program that we presented to the board last week and you support it um tonight I think we had um read or Dr Morgan talked about read 180 a reading program that we put in place at a secondary level to to make a difference in what we are seeing when we dive into our data analyze it and look at goals we we have for ourselves as a district but that's the work of the Educators every day these are really more goals for the board themselves to implement and support this from now from the time we Implement them to the end of this school year m t Rico I just have one question based on what you know you had written and stuff because I do agree about the Excellence in our academics um and I do agree that it should be somewhere on there about measurable is there a way that we can get maybe quarterly um board updates about mathematics scores or what is being put into um the observations or the new programing or you know just so that we're more aware of what is happening behind the scenes maybe it doesn't have to be in the board goals but something to that effect I think I would I mean I think we can discuss it I think I would need to know more of what we just the assessments the state assessments are once a year and every time we have them we present them to the board in a in a full presentation um I guess my point is that I've sat here for five years and the assessment scores in M are low you know and each year we kind of talk about the same broad you know Vision I guess and to your point could we do something more measurable more specific or detailed just to give not just us as a board but appearance and you know just an idea of what's happening till next year we're not sitting in the same spot with you know the scores being not met or only 30% met or exceeding would it would would it have to be like that program that you mentioned that Dr Morgan uh spoke about that read 180 could could we like maybe focus in on that program and see how that is helping our students is way to measure that to see bring it back to the board um I don't know do you think that's possible I can I can certainly discuss it and investigate what type of data we would have available to us to look at we're just starting so we would not necessarily have comparative data but we could we could definitely take a look at it I mean that may be a start it's not for all students it's for small sub set of students but Mr Weinstein I I just don't know how that's a I guess I don't know that's a board goal that's a superintendent uh goal I don't know if it's a board goal I mean just I mean we asked um Dr stankowitz on a quarterly basis to give us an update on his uh some of his superintendent goals and we prob I think we did it like two quarters or something like that and he gave us a little synopsis of what it was which was which was okay which is um which one one of our board goals was to have quarterly updates by the superintendent that was one of our board goals I didn't uh we had a big discussion at that time whether that should have been a board goal not not a board goal right which and then when you checked it with the um uh who's the who's the group we work with the um New Jersey school boards new school boards yeah they weren't really that in favor of that one they didn't think it was really a Bo go so so the next year we didn't next year when Irene was there we didn't really have it so I think it's so Broad and so focused on the administration I think that's really falls under the administration that it's a difficult thing for the board to kind of support unless we are supporting initiatives uh Mr Dalton all right um I'm hearing a few things um and I think that there's two points to this that I'll say and I'm not saying we do them I'm just thinking out loud okay um one is is that we are looking at agendas and we are approving things that are related to exactly what we're discussing now right we we approved enVision Math this year we just talked about read 180 that's on us to make sure that if we're not sure we ask some questions I think from the administration's side and ask something to the effect of what are the Innovative programs that we are approving this year or that are in progress this year can we get some small updates on those digestible updates on those so that we're educated on that because I'm hearing a bit of a disconnect on maybe understanding that we have approved some great things and we are doing some and maybe we're you know overwhelmed by the amount of things right but like what are the ones that Miss welon says I want to make sure you know this you know and shares that with us it doesn't have to I am not saying a big full report but we approved enVision Math the teachers have been trained this is one of our things in math where we're we're our goal is to blank because we're approving it and sometimes like tonight I think it was great some good questions came up for Dr Morgan um but that was a lot of data coming at us um re 1880 is a very popular program in education and it's good that we all understand that that's happening right so I think it's on us to make sure we're asking questions and maybe we could develop a system with our superintendent where it's not reporting everything but some highlights that she feels we need to really know and understand that will inform our decisions and if I may along those lines and you know we had the summer months in there so there was less of this but but that was the whole purpose of the board presentation that we had last year that we hadn't had in a long time to Showcase how budgetary things that we've approved or things that we might need in the budget how they are playing out in the school day what are the Innovative programs that we are developing how are we doing that what is the connection to the classroom what is the connection to home um you know and and we're starting to schedule them already for this year so so they're coming so maybe that is also adding to some of this but I'm happy to and I said this last year I'll say it again if there are suggestions for things specifically that the board would like to see here and and see a mini presentation or a spotlight or a full-blown presentation as some of them have been I'm happy to try to coordinate that in a timely fashion so perhaps we won't make it a goal but just look forward to these presentations and hope that you know some of the questions that you all have in regards to um math and so on will be answered in some of these presentations are we okay with that is that okay with you Mr Schneider I mean yeah if we're going to leave it off and you're kind of opening up to requests and I would like to see what we're doing in the district every single quarter with with our math programs throughout throughout the district because I I am concerned about that okay M McGovern I was just going to say when we've said we want things quarterly in the institutional knowledge P that I have when we've said we've needed things quarterly it hasn't produced a presentation that was worth anything it's been a waste of time for a lot of people even sitting here at times um one thing that I will say that like I remember presentation wise to miss weldon's point of bringing people in like when we went to the Wilson Reading Program or not Wilson what was the reading program before that when we went to a new reading program I can't wonders thank you wond wonders we had a full presentation about wonders what wonders was going to do what wonders did then we got updates you know about wonders so Envision you know when when we talked about Envision last week Miss Walden we were we were expanding en Vision within our school which is what Miss Walden you know reported out um and to Gerard's point if you don't know what enVision Math is and you have more questions like I think that I I think that in years past there's been if I had more questions I would call the superintendent and say I have questions about this I don't understand it you know what is this about math what is this about this when we've had we get bits and pieces of the of the information I think that you might be looking for throughout every week right like if we've if we're putting in a new if we have a Personnel person right and and it's a personnel and it's a um job coach I'm just throwing you know whatever if it's a job coach or something we are told we are putting in this job coach person at Dow Avenue school because we saw that it worked really well at Wayside School and this is going to be great for you know math and so that is that is an update on what we're doing for math you know and so it's it's to me in real time is more effective of what we're doing okay we're doing this right now because we we found a need we did it or during budget we have a whole conversation of the people that we're going to have to add and why we're adding them and we sit here and we discuss whether we should or should not add them and then we say well we can't afford to add this so we cut it and then we question what we're doing in math or what we're doing in ela or what we're doing here because we haven't added the position that we actually wanted that but was a three because we knew we couldn't afford it so I think personally I think real time updates or I think a present a small presentation about maybe to the board because there not everybody's been here since Envision came or since wonders came you know a 15 minute whatever maybe something like that but I don't the if I don't need our our staff to go looking for data that doesn't in some ways make sense like just to even just to make a presentation quarterly to the board so that's my feeling on it I think that we we listen to things that happen maybe we get an update of programs throughout this year maybe that if that's what we want to focus on programs that we've implemented in the last five years that have been for different things and what we've added to them if that's like a focus of what we want to know towards striving to you know striving to formulate and understand our budget you know the programs that we're promoting then I think that's more valuable than finding out the test or that in third grade in miss you know Mr Hastings class all of the kids have A's doesn't mean anything because all of those kids could have A's and then they could all bomb the in up bomb isn't the right word but you know they could all not not test well or we certainly couldn't present that information that granular nope right Mr mccy yeah I would just like to recommend that that um I mean based on what I'm seeing it seems as though the the board has sort of concluded that we're not going to add this to our goals but that that you know we make clear that at any time any member of the board is allowed to request anything uh to be presented that's you know in accordance with with our dictates uh you just will need a majority of the board to support that um so if there's an initiative that you'd like us to start to track and in the past I think we've been successful in achieving that in terms of discipline uh some would disagree with that but I I think that we have received presentations on that when the board is requested so um I would recommend that that maybe we we we either decide yes or no would we like to include something like this in our goals um and otherwise at any point any member of the board can request this and as long as the majority of the board is in concurrence we will see that information okay question Mr T Rico I'd like to know exactly what information has to have the majority of the board is that a vote for whatever is or can individual board members ask questions because that seems to be a very muddy area on this board what I'm remembering is back I don't know if it was one year ago or two years ago I can't be exact on that two years I guess when you were president the board had decided to do you know that a board me member can't raise her hand and say I want you know uh all this information on special education when just that one per specific board member wants that information it should be the majority of the board that wants that information so that we could spend some time on that I think that was the purpose of it it was actually more it was actually there's a point of order only board members are supposed to be speaking at this time so I would just ask for proper decorum from the audience please so Mr reinstein yeah so the um the way we got to that was that um no one board member can be directing the superintendent to do work right it had to be the that's that's be the um the majority board that was directing the board brending a superintendent to do work so that's how we kind of got to that um and then also I think it was also the amount of things that were being asked it was kind of that's how that's why I got got to that spot thank you for that clarification Mr dton just want to be clear that M Welden has always returned my calls or been willing to take a call for any information that I've had questions on but I appreciate what Mr is saying the running of the district on a daily basis we have to be very careful that we're not taking the focus off of that or smaller bits of information important bits but what what's the Focus right now what's the focus on the Strategic goals like let's not divert that attention from where it needs to be let's be very careful about that okay so with that I want to go back to the proposed goals and I want to ask the board you know with number one point number one we happy with the way that it reads is there anything else that should be added or taken away we good with that I just need a shake of the okay number two bullet point number two anything we want to add change we want to get rid of it I seem to remember hearing that people wanted to keep it I'm gonna what if you guys want to keep it great I didn't think you needed to but I'm does the board want to keep it in I think it's going to end up being a budgetary conversation I don't necessarily need it to be a goal okay so let me just uh how many people feel that it should be a goal can you say yes or just raise your hand yeah one two three four five let's go and so I guess it's gonna it's gonna remain I prob we being a go so it's going to remain okay but bull Point number three um everyone we're keeping it as it is changing the wording I thought we changed that one is going to be what did we say to that one sayot Innovative programs Innovative education is that the one you add migg promote Innovative educational programs that focus on growth while falling within State mandated tax levy cap good said okay all right and then bullet point number four are we keeping it or are we adding Innovative increase effective communication and engagement with school Community right uh where's that Innova oh Innovative was the last one okay I'm getting all confused so yeah so keep it as it is correct just read you have communication and engagement with school Community okay get punched so we're not adding any more to that no sorry deadline no okay um and [Music] um then there was Mr Weinstein support programs and efforts that continue strengthen inclusive District culture keep it as is add it okay with adding it so we will have five board goals yes five okay all right so next next week um these will be or two weeks these will be um sent to you and it it is a regular meeting and we will get to discuss them one more time to make sure they are correct in workshop and then we will vote on them in the regular meeting okay good wonderful anything else on board goals okay with that we will go to Old business is there any old business from the board is there any new bus oh I'm sorry um Mr jard I attended uh Tois back to school night after our last meeting and I just wanted to commend uh the principal Amato and Mr O'Neal for their presentation and it was very well attended and it was very enjoyable great Mr dton I will Echo that and since it was my first time there Mr armato encouraged me to go in to see the students as they presented for clubs and I will just say that was a highlight for me oh that's great awesome thank you for your comments um any new business from the board okay right we are now ready for public comment once again Board of Education recognizes value of public comment on educational issues and importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public comment is not a question and answer session specific questions can be directed to the administration superintendent contact information is on the podium we encourage you to contact her with any questions public participation shall be governed by the following rules each statement made by a participant shall be limited shall be limited to five minutes duration no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard and lastly the presiding officer May request any person to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum so I'd like to ask is there anyone in the room that would like to make comment on any item at this time come on up just state your name please just got super nervous don't be nervous I'm Bethany dankar I'm a math teacher at the high school that's why I'm nervous because you guys talked a lot about math um but I am also the proposer of the grant that was talked about in section 9.2 and I was listening at home so I drove over here real quick um there was a a comment about it possibly being exclusionary and I just wanted to put on the record that what was not put in what was presented to you was a line that said that all students and all faculty could come to any of the discussion meetings that we would have at the round table whereas the the guest speaker Focus would be um females of color within the community and professional roles so that would be the focus of the guest speakers but in terms of of those of people who would be invited to the discussion table it would be open to the entire student body and the entire faculty thank you MK for your com okay is there anyone else in the room Miss Hayes that was so nice of um a teacher to come in and clarify because it would have been nice if somebody else could have clarified but you guys can't ever speak on on questions that people have it's kind of frustrating feel bad that she had to drive all the way down here anyway um according to New Jersey school boards Association any school board member can ask the superintendent for any information that he or she wants as long as it's what the average public person could get so John if you wanted certain information and you wanted to ask Kelly um as we all know you do not need a majority to vote as long as it's not confidential information it's absurd that you have um you're trying to stifle people getting information and um John you're quick to shout at me about lack of decorum by interrupting the the president because I I said a comment back there I don't know if you remember a few years ago we used to sit in um Workshop sessions and they actually used to talk to the public and it wasn't so you know you guys are on the de and like you could shout you could raise up your hand you could say oh wait wait what did he say wait what was that and they could talk but um you know interrupt your president whenever you want to interrupt others that's that's fine um the legality of students creating work for the school though I think I U and I know Miss Dan mentioned this because I had brought that up several times over the years unfortunately I believe there are labor restrictions with asking students to do stuff it would be so awesome because they're like they could probably do Graphics quicker than any of our folks could I don't know um but we used to be told that students cannot do that stuff um so I would caution you all about doing that um there are also um New Jersey Department of Education accountability regulations um about specifically Communications um staff members uh communication staff can be full-time but you just have to be very clear about their public relations work can only be 50% of their job so that's why you see many districts who have a registar PR person or register Communications person I mean hate to have the district run a foul of doe regulations um also um out of District busing that you all uh you're discussing but approving next time I know you can't do much about it but perhaps you can work with the esteemed legislators and others you are going to be paying paying a million dollars to bust 608 students to private schools a million dollar and that's only um 20 I'm sorry that's 500,000 for private schools 500,000 for private special ed schools but um amongst the private schools the non-s specialed it's 608 students and only 22 of those are nonsecular so they're all some sort of faith-based um school so it's just a shame that New Jersey has to pay for um busing religious schools growing up in Florida we never had that um and I guess finally two more things um i' would be awesome if uh Miss Welden could get back to me on if they found out about if we could do Wi-Fi in this building or even during back to school nights I don't know if you know Miss Gilman or Mr Dalton tried to use their cell phones when they were at the school um parent night but you really can't use any cell phones when you're there so it's really hard to look down at your phone at what your kids schedule is I couldn't even look up anything tonight and then finally you know maybe fifth or sixth years a charm with giving up this building or doing something with this building Mr Hastings might be familiar with Asbury Parks um getting rid of their Schoolboard building they are no longer at the administration building they ditched that and within a matter of weeks moved into what is it the element elementary school or the Middle School third floor we were given a presentation a couple years ago that it's going to take a million dollars and lots of rehabbing to get folks from this building to the middle school but if Asbury Park can do it in a matter of weeks to save them hundreds of thousands of dollars I think ocean can too thanks thank you Mrs Hayes Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue yes there is there's one commenter Jonathan Jonathan shutman please go right ahead thank you Mr shutman yeah yeah I had I saw I had to unmute so you can hear me okay yes we can thanks thanks for this opportunity Miss Wen and board um I came in on the discussion that had to do with strategic plans and uh two things occurred to me I think all the board members know that I've recently sent them some d data and in the past I've sent some data it's public data it's nothing I made up it's available to everybody to see and look at and it has to do with a variety of websites that report on how the schools are doing and the data that I sent is I believe and should be for you of great concern um there's a negative slope first of all that things go pretty well in the elementary school and I have ideas why that happens as a former Elementary School principal and then they seem to plummet as you go into uh middle school and in particularly high school and uh I've made some suggestions to you folks you can do with them what you want but I think the district should really be concerned about this gradual decline in District ratings and what might you really do about it and how would a strategic plan address it and a strategic plan really requires I think at this point in time for this board of education and administration a rather deep deep dig a really deep dig what you need to do is first of all you need to research why other schools with similar demographics are doing better there are at least four school districts and high schools that I know of that have exactly almost the same demographics don't tell me about people who live in apartments I've had a comment like that before they have similar demographics or almost the same and are doing commensurately much better and so first of all I think you need to research what is going on in successful school systems and schools in Mammoth County then I think you got to get out into the field and the way you can do that is with surveys you can do it with focus groups you can do it with um even interviews of all the people involved in the school system system with the students with the teachers with the administration and with the parents because there is some reason why this school system with similar demographics is not doing well you can argue with me all you want the data is what it is and it's public and people can read it as a matter of fact go to any house that is in on sale right now in Ocean Township and at the bottom of that house listing will be the school system and to me that would be a great concern of Greater concern is frankly what's going on with the kids okay so I'm looking at some notes I wrote mostly what I to um I think there was a lot of jargon in your discussion about strategic plans using words like Innovative I have no idea what Innovative means one thing I would say is that any educational program is only as successful as it is implemented and so it can be the greatest program in the world and if it isn't implemented in a way that it should be or can be then it's really wasted the other thing is and I believe this is probably so is that there is a need to start to integrate learning in the school system in terms of connections kids will learn math if they see its relevance kids will learn math if they start to talk to people like people who are in the field and community volunteers who tell them why math matters to them and they'll also learn math when it grabs them as something that's truly interesting but they'll also learn math when they see how it's applied in science and how it might be applied in social studies so that when your kids are taking tests the tests are not exclusive to the subject matter but the test and what they learn has relevance in a total way in a holistic way so those are some comments I have for you as a school system I have no interest in running for Board of Education so don't worry about that um but I do have an interest at this point in time in my life in really what's going on and so that is why I'm here tonight um I think you people should do a deep dig and start to find out what's really going on where teachers will not have repris and administrators will not have reprisals but find out what's really going on do some focus groups get some outside people to do it for you and get some real data on what's going on in the system and then maybe these strategic plans will make sense that's enough from me thank you thank you Mr shutman for your comments Miss Conway is there anyone else in the queue yes madame president Lori Todd thank you please go a please go ahead hi good evening everyone I have two things um one I'm not sure which field trip uh was on the agenda tonight but if it's the field trip to come to Red Bank Regional for the new student athlete mental health um initiative we are very excited the gamechanging Bucks are very excited to host our new um Ocean Township High School Spartan student athletes at our training so thank you for approving that field trip we're we're happy to have that collaboration with your school district second thing um as a parent I attended the Ocean Township High School back to school night and what I found to be very helpful instead of being on my cell phone against the cell phone policy is the print out that Mrs kazuba sent as an attachment to her back to school night letter I actually had my daughter fill out what her schedule was and I found that very helpful that evening so thank you for that thank you for your comments anyone else Miss Conway no Madame President there are no further commenters okay thank you so much may I please have a motion to adjourn motion Gman MRC have a great night everyone thank you