##VIDEO ID:nB9MpP3unrw## uh I would like to call this meeting in order and welcome everybody to the work meeting for October 15th thank you all for joining us uh we have already called the roll an executive session so we will move on to the reports I will save my report for the regular meeting uh Mrs M okay thank you good evening everyone this evening we're going to start I'd like to start my report by introducing Mrs Don kazuba who's here tonight with her team to present to you uh a presentation about the Ocean Township High School OTS a community of excellence and growth so Mrs kazuba come on up and thank you Mrs Conway for displaying the presentation so first thank you for entertaining me this morning this evening get it right for uh yes for that thank you for having me this evening I am very excited to present you and I'm going to present and really taking a look mostly at academics but wanted to share some other items with you as well miss Conway can you advance the screen please I did on there we go so in this I have just a mad of things that are not necessarily academic some of them are but really to talk about places that we were last year some new things that we're doing this year and how it's really impacting the overall climate so you'll see um in the bot bottom left it's our spring musical in the center on the bottom is our CA by literacy our senior who in Seal by literacy and then at the top kind of in the middle is our first Esports winning team State first year they won the states so amazing for them but also I have included the senior Sunrise which took place just a couple of days ago or last week it was beautiful um that's a great shot but we had over aund and something students there who participated first time I've seen a 100 seniors over 100 seniors up at 6:00 a.m. field so that was pretty good and you can see our brand new Spartans in the bottom right that's from our freshman um thank you so much that's from our freshman orientation and again we had a high number ever since we started busing students to the orientation we have much better participation from all groups so it's really nice to see when they're there and then two new things that we started this year in the center kind of in the center top next to OTS Spartans that's our new staff of newsletter it's a Weekly Newsletter we solicit information from staff every week and then um put it together in this newsletter it's usually about two pages lets them know the great things they added but also some important tips that we have for them probably about one each week but I think really important to keep the ongoing Trend that we've had so far this year with some of the the disciplinary changes that we've made and then over here on the right brand new this year Spartans of the month again that's solicited from all staff um we get them through praise referrals which has been an ongoing program the last several years but also additionally through a form that our staff can fill out to nominate students and as you can see well you can see the whole thing but um if you look at the right side it's one student from each grade that we recognize so that was our very first group of Spartans of the month and I think they um felt really good about being recognized in such a way I read to them what comments were made about them and um a lot of times they're surprised but little things really do make a difference and and so that's been great um Maran if you could Advance a slide please so as I said I really wanted to focus on academics I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this slide but wanted to introduce you we're going to look at AP enrollment career Readiness and dual credit and dual enrollment Maran if you could Advance the slide so we're going to start with ap enrollment uh if you could go back one please it was tricky I know so a we're going to start with ap enrollment so I wanted you see that in the core this is from 2223 through this year Okay so we've seen those percentages of increases in all of the core areas so despite the fact that some of our population is going down we have more students participating than ever in AP which um you know if youve seen me in the past I feel is extremely important to future success but it's not just what I feel it's what the data shows for students Maran if you could Advance the slide so how do we know where all of that increase is happening if you take a look at the left what it is it's broken out by all of our um key demographics and you can see an increase in every area more increase in some areas than others I want to say our um Asian increas is about 70 I think it was about 70% our white increase was about 70% and our Hispanic was about 50% and then our black student and multi-racial students a little bit less than that but still all of them increasing um through the years now a lot of people worry that when you increase access when you increase the number of students who aren't typically earmarked for AP that their scores will go down that's really what the second chart is about so you can see that over the years although we had an outlier with the 72 that was the co year the 48 also an outlier on the low end that was the year after Co So Co year everyone's taking them at home things are kind of Loosey Goosey the year after really a tightening of the Reign but if you look across that last number is 60% and that's what last year's group one of the larger groups um that was their score 60 60% of them earned a three or higher how many more exams do that to for from 2223 to this year 215 more exams despite having fewer students um which I think is huge part of that was the introduction of a new course we had um last year for the first year AP preal one of the interesting statistics about AP preal although it was the first year the two teachers who were teaching it first time they had obviously taught a our students outperformed the state and National level in a pre AP preal it's actually much harder to say than you think it is um they performed much better than the state and National statistic which is unus usual only because we we have every student test and I will say this across the board when you have every student test you're including your students who may be stronger test takers not as great test takers many school districts only have their top students take the the assessment so their numbers are artificially higher for that reason so I'm very proud that we're able to achieve this despite the fact that we have every student who takes the class test and there is a benefit to that so even though they may not get a three or higher just being in the class you got to think about it this is a class where they're spending an entire year 82 minutes every other day the benefit doesn't come from the three-hour test that they take the first two weeks of May the benefit comes from the conversation the discussions and the work that they're doing on a daily basis in those classes um Maran if you could please forward the screen so I talked to you a little bit about apana rooll that I don't know if you've heard this already but I'm very proud to announce that we achieved AP honor rooll for the second year in a row um what is AP honor roll I'll talk about that in just a second but I do want to say that you can see it you can't see it it's on this side the Conway can you minimize the gallery the zoom gallery so the one on the right the blue framed one is a special um consider it like um a special badge that you earn so in addition to meeting these criteria to earn the silver award we're also being recognized for Access and opportunity um and that comes from those statistics that I showed you on the page prior so I know I said to you last year we're going for the gold I still intend to go for the gold you can see in the first two areas we went from 56 to 57% the gold goal is 65 so we're making improvements there the second is 31 to 34% the gold goal is a 35% I want to focus on those two I want to focus on those two for a second yeah we are almost there the first one is about how what percentage of your senior class has taken at least one AP course right so what's your percentage we're at 57% this year huge number of our seniors exposed at one time or another to a p the second one is um how many of those seniors what percentage of those seniors have earned at least one three or more if you earn a three with taking the AP you're more likely to do better and last in college with taking an assessment you are more likely to do better um and remain in college by scoring a three or higher that number gets even higher so all three of those factors are strong factors for success in college but that one 34% have earned of the senior class it's it's limited to the senior class has earned at least one three or higher now I wanted to spend a very small amount of time on this last one because I'm going to tell you if we miss the gold by that last one I'm okay with that and I want to explain to you why when we uh encourage students to take AP we don't say take five APS we don't say load up on every AP you can what we say is take AP in the areas you love we have so many different areas of AP that students can find their Niche whether it's music art math languages um Ela all of the Sciences all of them have opportunities for AP and it's rare to find a student who doesn't love anything you really if you work with them you can so if we don't get to 10% of our students taking five I'm okay with that because imagine sitting in an AP class just to take five or six and it's not something you know if you didn't love writing and you took AP Lang that would be one heck of a miserable year if you hate reading AP Lit is not your cup of tea so take it in what you love so so that one yet would be great to get it I'd love to be golden but um not in this case that's not necessarily the push okay uh if you could forward that thank you so much so we're not perfect I'll say that more than one time tonight but we are um we do have a vision for how we move even further how do we get further than than we are right now this year we've implemented preap courses for all students in Algebra 1 and English one we're only about a month five weeks in um I think there are some Growing Pains but already we're seeing changes in the classroom that make a difference and it's access for all this is not an honors level class these are not honors level classes these are classes preparing with them with the skills and the mindset set so that when it comes time to make a determination do we want to um follow a college prep route do we want to follow an AP route they've had that experience and they have some knowledge about and I'm hoping they have some confidence about whether or not they're able to do that depending on how that goes we'd like to expand preap perhaps next year 25 26 perhaps it will take more time than that to really assess how it's going but where we would go next is geometry social studies and the sciences and then finally um expansion of intervention services in math and Ela so right now we have a math pushing in Algebra 1 several sections of Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 and we have um push in we have pull out for ELA only in ninth grade and it's about that's probably about 25 students we'd really love to be able to expand the push and model in both of those areas so move Ela to push in and increase the number of students we're servicing similar to what we've been able to do with math a little bit this year by expanding into Algebra 2 Miss Conway if you can forward the slide okay career Readiness so I'll talk a little bit more about this but we have seen an increase in enrollment in Spartan schools from 2023 to 23 to this year 5% increase it not sound like a a ton but we already had a large number in there 32% of all of our high school students are a part of one of the Spartan schools that's visual Performing Arts technology business and finance um if you could forward the slide please I like clicking myself it's a little awkward for me so I apologize all right so I'm focusing on CTE I think it's important to focus there because with being a part of the CTE and I'll explain what that is in a second you have additional benefits so just being a part of the Spartan schools that 60 that 32% of the population I was talking about that is about having a cohort that is about a career pathway so growing up through um through that specific area whether it's through Ceramics from one to AP whatever whatever area that is that's what being a part of the the Spartan schools is but the additional piece of being a career teched program of study which in which we have three programs right now um comes with it College dual enrollment comes with it uh certification potential certification also a very strong cohort and the summerbridge program so a lot of extra benefits for being one of those CTE programs of study of all of our students in the Spartan schools that 32% % 2third of them practically two-thirds of them are in a program of study of all of those students 21.8 I'm sorry 21.8% of all Spartans are concentrators which means they're taking two or they have taken two or more courses in this corre Career Tech uh program of study the state average and I want you to keep in mind that the state average includes vocational schools the state average for students is 10.5% so double the number of students a little more than double and the last one is about possible certification so right now we offer QuickBooks for our business students we offer um oh um auto desk for our CAD students and we have um oh gosh I'm trying to Adobe Adobe Photoshop for our um Visual and Performing Arts in the com in the computer art program 5.4% of all of our students earn those certifications the state average again which includes Vocational School certifications is 1.8% so knocking it out of the park in those areas again why does that matter we'll talk a little bit more about it later all right if you could forward this slide please where do we want to go with this program with these programs we'd like to develop an additional program of study it would be housed under our technology our School of Technology that's in cyber security we already have secured preliminary approval for the grant that you guys approved us on submitting we we still have to make some tweaks to it for the cyber security course and program we'd like to expand it after this year into a program of study we'd also like to look for op opportunities with our current programs how do we beat them up and make them even stronger than are while we're looking at additional programs um I do like to take one at a time because to to the developing of one at a time because to do it well to have a clear course of study that you're going to follow you really want to put all of your energy into that while maintaining the others so that you don't lose ground and then finally the last one is Community Partnerships we've been working with the rotary um Gina today had a meeting with the mayor's office really trying to seek additional internship opportunities I forgot to mention with that second one one of the things that we do and it's a requirement if you have a program of study is to have an advisory uh have advisory committee meetings twice a year so we do do that usually it's October November or March April when we have them and in those meetings we have uh people from MTH County unor work for labor and Workforce Development we have people from colleges come we have parents who are invested in the programs and this year even reaching out into the further Community try to get more people to be a part of it it's not a huge commitment but the Insight that the Community Partners uh share with us is is extremely impactful in terms of the programs and that's also a part of the last one so sorry I jumped ahead and backwards a little bit but that's where we are okay if you could forward the slide so the last on Dual credit enrollment and my little bullet point is since 2022 we nearly doubled the number of opportunities from 14 to 27 and that was largely through one additional um partnership with fdu so if you can forward to the next screen these are all of the partners that we currently have um when we get to the other slide I'll talk about some others we'd like to investigate further if you could forward it Miss Conway so this is just and you saw a similar screen last year but of course we added four new courses this year some of them in the world languages just as our APS are diverse across the Spectrum we'd like to do that with our dual enrollment courses as well why is it important 34% of all Spartans have accessed dual enrollment the state report an average of 24 all of these contribute to college success in one way or another so really great comparisons to the state about things that matter that are meaningful as students move on to their future okay if you could forward the screen so what would we looks like we're so great we've doubled right the size of our dual enrollment what else could we possibly want we love additional post-secondary Partnerships I started to talk about that I've seen a program for Rucker for their writing program we've looked at or I've looked at Syracuse University which offers a Supa program there's a lot that is entailed in that um but there are additional Partnerships that we'd like to explore investigate study abroad programs and support student access so I last year piloted a very small um program it was just going to be whoever was interested in our information session we had four students who attended through cie last year one went to Spain one went to Italy um and two went to Japan last year SE they earned those four students earned $117,000 worth of scholarships not from us from the CI program um we hope to expand that further I was happily surprised that four families took advantage last year we did wind up getting some community support for um two of our students um the the one thing their scholarship does not cover is transportation they had a little bit of difficulty with that and through a Community Partnership we were able to um help ensure that they were able to go and the kids have nothing but great things to do they all four of those were I believe all four I know for sure two of them were language and Merion programs and one of the cool things there are so many cool things they live with they live with a family they go to school then their activities are all of it is about the language at the end of the program they can test there for the Seal of biliteracy and they also can earn credit can't remember if it's toine or um vanderbild I think it's two Lan they can earn three credits for their language for the four-week immersion program from from julan so pretty amazing opportunity for that one and then finally the last one again working with our own staff and counseling department and universities to get increased offerings in things for things in which our students are interested again trying to expand our access across the board okay if we could forward the screen so you may ask why are you focusing on these things well obviously because they're good but also because they speak to college success how do I know that because this has been our Focus for some time and as Maryann moves it to the next screen I want you to see what I mean by lasting impact so on the left you'll see uh not all of the colleges to which our students were accepted but several of the top colleges to which our students were accepted and if you look at the ones with the Stars those cour those uh colleges are identified as the most competitive colleges by US News and World Report so do our students get into great colleges absolutely and the top right bubble um every year the state does a number for US looking at College enrollment so how many you know you have a percentage of students who say they're going to college what percentage actually enroll in college in September there's what's called Summer melt you know how many of those students do you lose 88% of our students went who who uh graduated from school in June of last year enrolled in college by September of 2023 the state average is 72% the next bubble is about longevity so students who remain in school at the 16mon count are more likely to complete school it's it's a strong number for completion of college our class of 2022 we have to go back a year to get the 16 months 84% enrollment at the 16-month Mark the state average is 77 so does our focus on these programs I can't say it's just that it's the hard work of our staff every single day it's the work of our counselors every single day and it's the work of our students every single day that contribute to this kind of success Maran could you Mo forward it please as I said before we're not perfect but we have some cool new things going on which we think will make some um very positive change the first is smarter self you heard a little bit about it this year uh we're pushing for even higher enrollment it started off a little slow I have another meeting with them on Friday morning to talk about more ways to get it out there one of the uh We've laid we've run it there we have rolled it out at open house we rolled it out at our class meetings um we're going to be rolling it out in the lunchroom to try to get students to enroll I sent it out through remind to parents and then it back school night reinforced the sending out of it I really think um if you could see some of the messages that they get I've signed up for it you should all sign up for it it's for the whole dist it's well I shouldn't say it's for the whole District it's for the high school um but all of our staff is able to uh sign up all of our students are able to sign up and you get about three messages a week I check they won't send them before four o'clock um they send about three messages a week sometimes it's about time management sometimes it's about bullying sometimes it's about appropriate use of social media but all of the time it's valuable some of the longer ones I have to say I wonder if our kids will read that much in a in a you know click on a link and a text message um but many of them are not that many of them are short video clip a short information sheet that students can really read and access to and we don't see as a replacement for counseling because we're always going to need that more intense help but more as a proactive measure to help build student resilience to help build student capacity in terms of mental health we have a couple of other um Mental Health things going on the spart Wellness initiative and Fitness training or Swift team you guys approved eight teachers for me thank you so much for that they're about to roll it out on the 28th to our students that includes they've been working on all of the planning since you approved it and they're going to roll it out um we have arts and crafts we have yoga we have meditation we have wait room we have hoops in the morning we have walks during lunch so there's a lot and then we have a couple of programs going on after school as well so a lot we want to make kidss want to be there early stay late am I going too long a little bit but it's all good stuff keep going all right so anyway you heard about that mental health and Sport um peer support training so the kids are coming up with a name for that you've heard about this it's uh we went to a program yes we've called it the Hope Squad that's not actually the name they've been working on a name right now it's standing with right now it's Spartans offering support um they saw it as the SOS team so they're working on that and mattering team still going on both for staff and for students I'm going to talk more later not tonight about schedule redesign but that's something we've been working on for about a year and a half ADL training implementation in full swing this year we were already designated no place for hate now it's about bolstering that even further and really looking at our code of conduct and doing some work there as you already know we've done it with cell phones we've done it with hall passes we've done it with dress code and looking at what else we can do to improve that and I didn't want to leave out the school leader award for Team B because that is a program that is also expanding this year many of you heard about it last year senior Varsity Club Junior and senior Varsity Club girls going into Wana Massa they hope to expand this year into Wayside and D okay I think there's one more thank you so much I really appreciate your time I'm sorry I went long that was great do we have uh any questions from the board questions or comments M principal Don just just incredible really just so happy to see these things happening uh two areas uh I'd like to focus on it a later date and that is the preap classes that sounds very interesting getting the students in grade when they really aren't clear which direction or path they should take so looking forward to that and the study abroad oh yes Mr McCarthy came with me on one of those trips abroad and we had to do it outside of the school right whereas other districts were having their students keep a journal and they were receiving credit for it when they returned uh and the journals you know could be in the form of a diary they could have been artistic there were many opportunities so I'm very glad to see us broadening our Horizons and um sending students abroad to learn more about the world thank you it's EXC it's exciting thank you thank you m g I wanted to say thank you because I went through all the slides but your presentation brought it all to life so I really appreciate that you and your team so thank you so much amazing yes um you know and I just themes that came through this whole idea of this balanced approach of Excellence but also increasing participation and access and and I think you should all be proud of that work um because as you ended you're still striving that vision and uh it's a lot of work and I respect that so I respect all the work that you're doing so thank you so much thank you thank you any other comments or questions I just wanted to say that you know it was awesome but um let's to the access point of it you know sometimes I'm sure that you hear whether it's during the meeting or after the meeting when we get test scores and we you know have a meeting of sometimes things don't look so great that the access piece has been a goal and it's great that we're doing it and and I just I I personally focus more on the access than I do on the on the scores and I just wanted to say awesome job with that and then my last comment will be that I've heard I had told you I think or you heard in the meeting that I spoke about the cell phone policy at the high school and since then I've also heard great things about color coding bathroom policy so I just wanted to let you know that the things that that the things that have been um you know little little Rumblings around um in years past are really it's nice to hear that some of the things that maybe we're getting to the board level of a point of of concern um have definitely been addressed um I think you all heard it Miss Wen heard it everybody heard um some of Art and I think that your implementation of things your whole team has been great this year um I know we're only in October but I'm excited about the year and I just wanted to give you kots for that thank any other comments or questions great team have a great team so M Kaz I do want to keep you up here we would like to open up the opportunity for the public to ask any questions specifically about this presentation okay questions only is what we're going to open this up to the public for we do ask that the public restricts these questions just to this presentation Miss kazuba if there's any question that you're asked where you're stumped it's okay for you to respond and say that you'll get back to them and we will get back to them in a timely manner okay um so with that if there's anyone down in the auditorium who would like to come and ask a question we'd like to pause for a moment and open it up for that we don't have any commenters okay thank you and then uh Mrs Conway would you please uh let us know if there are any participants on Zoom who would like to ask a question regarding this presentation uh no vice president McCarthy at this point there are no commenters thank you Mrs Conway that move on Mr Hastings did you have anything thank you m so much great job fantastic I close out my report no problem okay Mrs kazuba and your team thank you so much that was a lot of hard work went into that and and a lot of hard work goes into to implementing all of those things every day um I've already shared with the team how impressed I am with the notable changes that they have made and implemented uh to recognize and praise achievements and greatness and and build morale and positivity in their school and also highlight all of the great work that we do and all of the achievements of our students and I thought it was important for the board to see that as well um and it's just a great job great great job and I know it'll be a good year at oths this was a series that we did start last year what makes our schools great we started with Mrs Paya at Wayside School and I'm I'm happy to have the high school followed up and and we'll have some other presentations in the future along these lines so great job to all of you um I will not read these but there are a lot of very exciting events coming up in our schools in October so please uh check that calendar it's in the board docs for the board but it's also just on our district website see the calendar there are many different exciting events happening in the next few weeks at all of our schools I encourage you the board and the public to come out support our students support our staff in these different events board members I'd also this is around the time of the year where I open it up if there are board members who would like to come into events at the school or would like a tour of a school or a facility that maybe you're not familiar with or you'd like to take a closer look at I offer that up to you all you have to do is reach out to me and we can arrange for that okay but I want if there are things activities going on on the calendar where you would like to see a little bit more about our schools please let me know and I'll be happy to arrange that with you okay and that includes my report thank you Mr I'm please miss f is there anything specifically you'd like us to attend nothing specific but there are a lot of great things coming up we have the eighth grade uh freshman kickoff at the high school we have Homecoming this Friday um there are Halloween events things like that um spart Scholars I hope everyone Mr M is going to address that downstairs but Spartan Scholars is coming up so no there's nothing specific but just a lot of great activities going on okay Mr thank you Mr Vice President um we're making significant progress on the installation of the new preschool playground at w mastera if you've been by there recently you'll notice that all the equipment has been installed uh today they delivered the rubberized material will be poured uh as a base for those uh for that playground and fencing will be installed but this week once the uh weather starts to get a little warmer towards the end of the week they'll pour the rubber eyes surface and hopefully by the end of this weekend that'll be uh in place and playground will be ready for use um also tomorrow the uh County doe will be out to inspect three of our schools uh this is part of the qack process and it's also tied to our agenda item on the uh health and safety checklists under the finance section uh the county business administrator will accompany principal the director of uh grounds myself um and our newly appointed director of grounds walkthroughs the buildings they'll be inspecting for all kinds of things certificates inspection Sears from the fire department Health inspections looking classrooms bathrooms uh sort of top the bottom uh and it is part of the qack process uh so um we look forward to that look forward to any feedback they may have for us uh but uh doing a partial walkthrough today it looks like the district's in good shape and uh we don't expect any surprises thanks thank you any comments or questions wonderful Mr Dolan pleas presentation of minutes from the October 1 Executive session we will be voting on these downstairs later anyone have any comments questions all right thank you Mr Doan moving on Personnel discussed in executive session moving on from that financial management go to Mr wiste thank you thank you John Mr Vice pres only tonight don't worry it's cool it's great um up for discussion is 8.1 to 8.3 um maybe um Jeff you want to talk about any of these or uh well you hit both and I want to touch on 8.3 donation to The Girls field hockey team from shrewbury Volkswagen appreciative of that and um as I've just mentioned 8.1 is the statement of assurance and submission to the county of our health and safety checklist uh which is about 60 items on the checklist that we go through and and uh Supply to them cool any comments or questions on 8.1 to 8.3 okay moving on to instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman yes vice president McCarthy we have three items for discussion 9.1 are out of school 92 our school trips and 93 PD for our staff we'll be voting on those downstairs there any questions or comments done all right negotiations was discussed in executive session policy we going to Mr want no Mrs Gil Mrs Gilman keep that's fine so 11.1 we have uh second readings of our revised and abolished policies we discuss them at our last meeting so this will be our second reading of the policies and regulation and we'll be voting on them yes okay any comments or questions on any of the policies that have been presented for the second reading right hearing none we'll move on to public relations which is Mr wiste y so for discussion is um 12.1 12.2 on um board goals I guess this is a third round I can uh provide some clarity there I took the feedback and the edits from the board last meeting edited the documents um and that's what you see before you is hopefully I captured well what you wanted the changes you wanted in the goals two seconds please let's see should we pull that up okay perfect all right so it's up on the screen do we have any comments or questions about what is up on the screen Miss Gilman not sure about the clarity of this sentence strive to formulate budgets that promote Innovative educational programs growth educational programs there should be a comma maybe or it was originally PR prow okay so you're gonna take off of pro okay educational program growth while falling within the state mandate okay this was this I believe the board's yes we'll fix that on my apologies I wanted the word Innovative and educational added to that and I so we'll strike the S and make that a proper sense that's right that's correct educational program growth that's better thank you you did well in your high school English class I figure they're gonna figure it out any any other comments from anybody on any of the board goals that are on the screen so so the the board is okay with what is on the screen now uh to be voted on pending the Striking of that s so will be voting today tonight tonight in in regular session on the regular okay adjectives and all and that was our goal right yes go for the goal this New Jersey quality single accountability continuing District performance review is there anything you want to discuss around it's a lot of yeah so as Mr hting said a little bit earlier about our uh facilities walkthrough schedu for tomorrow at a few of our schools there will be an assessment later in the year in February uh where they will review all of our procedures in five areas as you see here instruction and program fiscal management operations governance and personnel and so it start it begins with a uh a district review so we review all of the indicators that will be required to demonstrate that we comply with um and we have to send that in first and then they come back later in the year and they evaluate so this is the first step of sub we need a board resolution that that you have that we have completed our review and we will be submitting it to the doe so thank you um this is the review or this is just a summary of what you will be reviewing it is so it is our review of ourselves which is that we do almost everything on there I think there was one item in school there's one item in fiscal which is um unauthorized orders are commonly called confirming orders um that's where someone may order items before purchase order is actually approved and the county has directed at one of my County meetings all the Bas not to give themselves points for that because if they can find one don't get those points and unfortunately this is an All or Nothing uh pass fail in terms of getting those points so that means if in the 11th hour if a staff member purchases something without the approvals because they believe they need it for a program that's a that's not following the purchasing procedures okay I do have one more question because on the top it is 22 23 and then the school year 24 25 which year is this from this year it's the stakes document so we did not alter it okay no I'm not I'm just wondering what they usually evaluate you on the previous year but so that would have been last school year right but if some things happen this September this October this November they may look at this year as well when they come we prepare both we prepare to show them whichever one they ask for when they're here I do know last year we didn't do an evaluation for the superintendent so which one would that go on we did last year well last school year well did evaluate the one 20203 I guess 2023 2024 so that is not reflective on here though because last school year 2324 the superintendent was evaluated that's it's last year or this year you were you were but I'm talking about before you right so that doesn't fall under the guys of this particular report because they look at the previous year or the previous annual requirements that's being addressed so under governance it wouldn't be on this one it would be on last year we did but Q is every three years they do a third of the state every year they move it through so we're up for review right this school year and they will look back as far as one school year so 23 24 school year so they're not looking back on the two years ago good thank youo any other questions as the Govern I just wanted to make a comment that I know that qac is a lot of work um for a lot of people um and I just wanted to commend our district everybody who has to touch this document because it's nearly everybody in admin and and you know trickling down and it's like I said a lot of work and I think that they should be commended just for the amount of work just in putting the document together without even having the stress of having the state here tomorrow or to State coming throughout the year just even preparing the information is a lot of work thank you any other comments or questions okay moving on to Old business is anybody from the board have any old business they would like to bring up um I just want to touch based on what I talked about last meeting about maybe the food initiative that we can take on what we're offering our students um I did talk to Miss wden about it um and Miss W didn't tell me if I'm misspeaking now but either we want to talk about how we want to get the ball rolling on this or is it the first step that we take is by asking sedexo giving us a list of what all the offerings are and then we can look at the ingredients or hit specific things that we're looking for that maybe we don't want to provide our children anymore so kind of up to discussion on how maybe we want to start this initiative if we're interested in starting this initiative at all so I'm not sure where so to clarify now we have a question to the to the board you know how do we want to proceed with evaluating our food uh offering that we're we're giving in the district so I'd like to ask that anyone in the board propose ideas so the evaluation you want to do is to evaluate the quality of what we're kids are eating is that basically yeah okay I think a good place to start is as you mentioned let's get a list of what we do serve now because I'm unsure of what we're offering for breakfast or or for lunch uh I know that a Deo was tried to be Innovative and offer more salads or whatever but let's see what we have that could be a starting point yeah and I think one of the issues is more of like the snacks is really what we for me would be something that we' want to focus on those are the easier things to see what the ingredients are if there's any of those specific D that are really a main issue um you know we can talk about that in further length if you you know you want to but oh I'm just raise my hand so I know I'm in the que yeah I think that's a good starting point but I think maybe Miss Walden correct me if wrong if we want to take a vote if we're interested in having this initiative I don't which way we want to go about doing that before we do this Mr what did you want to ask oh did you have first go ahead oh um so um I guess I I I am I am interested in it I I guess I don't want to be gated in our Thinking by what is being served I'm not sure how we actually evaluate it I don't know how we evaluate it like what's the evaluation criteria we're trying to use so I'm not sure if we really if we need a nutritionist or somebody to kind of help us evaluate this but I would also like to know what the options are to make it more healthy that falls within whatever kind of agreement we have with them so so that's probably my thing is to is to understand what is being served how do we evaluate and then understand what our options are based on what is inside our agreement M the only thing I would add is that I know that we have I'm all for this I'm all for you know less CP even though if you open my child's lunch box you'll probably see some of it there but I would say that the one thing we need to remember is that there's there's parents that are going to definitely care about this there's a population that's going to definitely not care about this right and I'm not saying that we're the ones that it should be our be all end all but I think that before we make any drastic decisions of taking certain foods out or certain dies outl or anything I think that you probably need to have a broader conversation with more people than just nine people sitting here but the other thing I would say is but while we're collecting the data because I think you have to start somewhere so I think that that is a great place to start of what we serve or what the options are of what we serve but also maybe and I'm sure they can do this since the kids swipe and and we know what happens if they have an idea and I'm sure they look at it themselves for ordering of what the hot ticket items are right so if if Doritos are the number one seller in the district you're gonna have a might have a hard time getting rid of Doritos even though they're not great for you you know so I just think that we probably need to know and maybe that's not step one but maybe we need to know what the hot hottest snacks hottest drinks hottest whatever of this stuff that we want to tackle first I think you're right that starting with snacks is probably the easiest way and then kind of go from because I think you're not going to be able to drastically change for cost wise and for you know I think buyin wise to an incredibly you know healthy organic system overnight so I think you have to start somewhere and maybe start small and and um do that but so I would say if you if we could and um Jack you would probably know better than anybody if that document type of document even exists of what maybe the what maybe gets used a lot and is and is it used a lot because we know that's what people always by so that's what we're constantly ordering pretzels are the number one and that's great because there's no Dy in pretzels right so maybe there's maybe that is or you know um so I don't know if that's the type of thing but that would be where I would say is finding out like you said snacks and drinks and and maybe saying what is what our options are what we use and what we use the most of and if they're substitutes right right any other opinion on the information that we would like to consider probing as a board I was just wondering doesn't doesn't sedexo kind of I would assume that we're not the only ones to ask for this kind of evaluation do they do we know if they actually facilitate that you know the answer to that question I mean we can't be the only ones trying to figure out how to get on a heart healthy Health mind healthy kick here right right so the state food nutrition folks talk about childhood obesity and food service programs and schools as akin to the anti-smoking campaigns back in the 70s maybe it was if I'm dating myself um so they look at this as a process over time to correct eating habits and to encourage healthy foods soxo as you said National company probably International and food service for schools is big part of their business so they do keep up on the um Trends and the changes in law in terms of what's allowed to be served to kids and and how to make those adjustments we mentioned Doritos we we serve reduced fat Doritos they serve baked chips instead of regular chips so they look at these incremental changes in the diet to start reducing some of these things um we keep production we cexo keeps production sheets on what's made during the day and how much of it is sold uh we encourage them to provide a variety of options for the students and then we use sort of the garbage can test terms of seeing what's successful so at the end of the lunch period we go around look at the garbage cans and see how much of it did the kids eat and how much did they actually just throw out so sedexo is working with us we' reached out to them to get more information they provided some documentation just this morning uh for us about um their efforts to provide healthy nutritious meals to students uh not just here but across the state uh they sent me a link this morning to a new program they're launching called neutr slice which uh allows us again allow EXO to input the menus that you would see online under the lunch Service uh and you go into the neutr slice system and you can click on um today was tacos and beans and it'll tell you what the nutritional makeup of that meal is so I had some questions that before we roll it out but that should be rolled out probably in the next week or so so they are aware of of the concerns that we all have about that and um are working within the financial parameters of our contract and what we can provide to uh to keep moving down that path so so just to to focus this a little bit so I I I I don't want to speak for you but I'm under the impression that there are certain ingredients that you want to probe for yes and and but but is this also a desire from the board to see a nutritional overview of what is being presented to our students on a daily basis a monthly basis I think we need to just sort of Define the aperture so we can tell the administration in Exel what we're asking for so the menu that are put up have been monthly menu so go look at the October menu and you can see across the you know school week what's being offered as the main course and that's the hot food like the lunch part of it correct but you would like to see I would like to see the snacks and the drinks is so on the nutrice system I mentioned I looked at this morning it had the tacos and organic beans but then also down The Daily it had a bunch of other things that are options for kids and all the nutritional facts are provided with the yeah so it's basically the label you'll see in the back of a jar of applesauce or so can has that been accessed to that been presented to the board or do you have to have a student in the district to be able to see that what you're referring to the neutri slice system no we're going to post it to the website and it will just be a link you'll post a link and so we'll send that out to the board and the board can review that prior to the next meeting sure we'll be working for the next meeting yes do you think so like fours I was looking at it today so before we do that I just want to take a straw PLL is the whole Bo is please anyone in favor that raise your hand of reviewing that just from the board so we can okay so all in favor all right so we'll review that for the next meeting and use that to guide uh further discussion and maybe additional questions that we have regarding please I just want ask was that was that in response to um Caitlyn's request or did did they offer this link to you I'm just trying to understand who's pulling and pushing who here well so uh that's this particular product called neutr slice is new prior to this product soxo had a different they were rolling it out it's not new because we asked for it okay they they were rolling they were rolling they were telling us about this anyway so we have students with various health issues and a nutritional U book map of what's being offered is important to those parents who need to know what their students are having based on their health it's not a result of my meeting with Miss yeah I didn't know I just want to know if we were pushing them to do something where they already had something or this is what they're already okay we just we just got some more information it was brought up at the last board meeting we we got a little bit more information about some of the things as you said they're a national company dealing with hearing the news that we're all hearing what are they doing what are they proactively doing for their customers all right thank you I think we have next steps and that meets our request for that so with that uh any other old business for the board any new business from the board okay public comment um so the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public comment is not a question and answer session specific questions can be directed to the administration the superintendent contact information is on the podium we encourage you to contact her with any questions public particip shall be governed by the following rules number one each statement shall be made by pardon me each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five minutes in duration no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard the presiding officer May request any person to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum I would like to ask now if anyone from the public down in the auditorium would like to comment on any item at this time we have no publish thank you and Mrs Conway do we have anyone in the queue on Zoom no vice president McCarthy there are no commenters thank you m com can I have a motion --------- ##VIDEO ID:RNIB9f8Pp7Q## Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands God indivisible Justice thank you sir Hastings would you please call the role Mr do present Mrs Dam present Mr Gilman here Mr McCarthy here Mr McGovern here Mr Schneider Mr T Rico Mr Weinstein here Paras wonderful thank you all right uh president's report so just two brief announcements um the Spartan Scholars Program is going to be on October 28th I distributed the invitation to that to everyone at the work meeting you should have also received it digitally via email please ensure that you respond uh if you plan to attend it'll be at 7 pm in the High School auditorium uh and next week we have New Jersey school boards down in Atlantic City so the board will be attending that there are workshops for that where they can learn about governance and other issues that are affecting our schools uh they're they're able to attend that in Atlantic City the board will be in attendance for that um so I look forward to that and we'll report back on that after it's complete that's all I have we're going to move on to Mrs Welden we'll go on to our students please Molly and Grace thank you okay so in the high school Sports um the boys soccer team is currently tied first place in the B North Division and yesterday they played Newark east side which is a top 20 um team in the state the girls soccer team had a very exciting Shore Conference win over Tom's over East today they scored with 15 seconds left and that was scored by Mia fantino and that was the first time they've won a Shore Conference tournament game since 2011 um our field hockey team senior night is tomorrow vers freeold burrow very important game um this football we play short Regional on Friday and it's our homecoming game um for girls cross country Leah starky who is a freshman just sent or just set the school record um for running a 5k in 18 minutes and 10 seconds and in gymnastics they just competed against Trinity Hall toay and won their 10th meet in general activities uh we have our first pepper Al of the Year this week on Friday this week is also Spirit Week for homecoming today was twin day on Thursday is 8th grade open house and we have Club photos coming up on October 21st in Deca their first major event Deca is coming up and offic officers and a few select members are going to cane on Thursday for a leadership conference the Hispanic culture club last week had their um spirit week it was very successful and today the Club hosted a Hispanic hered Bunch schoolwide assembly the student council um has recently had a meeting with Mrs kazuba to have an open discussion regarding the reception of new policies in the school as well of some future happenings and then class officers the senior Sunrise was held last Wednesday and it was super successful thank you ladies homecoming next week a great opportunity to experience the light show I have not yet seen it I hear that it is a fantastic thing for us to see Friday this Friday sorry this Friday yes Friday this Friday God misspoke against sh Regional a team that we should definitely beat hopefully yes individual who's coaching that team who needs to feel the pain all right thank you um moving on to our our superintendence report appreciate that thank you very much good evening everyone it's wonderful to see everyone I'll just repeat what I said upstairs in our work meeting uh there are many many exciting events happening in our schools in the next few weeks student centered events events with students and staff homecoming being one of them uh an opportunity at the high school for our eighth graders to come over and see what it's all about to be a Spartan at OTs uh to paint a pumpkin at our elementary schools a number of things are coming up uh this month and I encourage everybody to take a look at our school calendar and come out to the events support our students and support the staff who work so hard to make these events um a reality and a fun experience for our students so uh tonight I am going to recognize a few of our staff members this is something new but we are looking to recognize more and more achievements of staff and students so when I think of different ways or I come across uh ways that we can do that I'll be bringing it here forward to a board meeting so this evening for the first time we are going to honor te Stu uh staff members who have earned their tenure this year okay so I would ask the principls to come on up these uh staff members are not in any particular order but as your name is called um please come forward I'm also going to ask the TOA president miss Connelly if she'd like to come forward as well to congratulate our staff um just for the audience's sake tenure takes you you work for four years before you earn tenure and on the on your fifth year on the first day is when you are recognized for earning tenure and it's a a great milestone in an Educator's career and an important one for us to to recognize okay so I'd like to first introduce Miss Haley Arnold come on up Miss Lori Gable I do not think is here this evening and Miss Maggie mcgory also I don't think could be here but I'd like to just recognize them Miss Miss Natalie miles come on Miss tylet Miller Miss Monique Su Miss Virginia woolly Mr Carl Lawson and we have online Mr Greg Cologne who also earned his tenure so congratulations to Mr colog congratulations to the STA if you would step in front of the uh backdrop here we'll take a quick photo of all of you conrat congratulations if you're here in support you're welcome to come forward and take a photo feel free okay thank you very much congratulations again okay we have one more recognition this evening they actually don't know they're being recognized for this but I'd like to ask Dr Morgan to join me up front and help me with this recognition Okay October is National principales month our principles are sitting here in the back of the room they come every month to these meetings and they participate and they connect with our public as well as what they do every single day on a daily basis to make our schools the wonderful places that they are for our students and I would it would be remiss to let October pass Us by without recognizing the hard work of these five individuals so I would like to introduce and ask you to come on up to receive your certificate our principles Mrs Don kazuba ocean town of high school Intermediate School Mrs Melissa H Ocean Township Elementary School Mr John Bosman onea Elementary School and Miss Denise last but certainly the leader of the pack yes please go right in front of the the backdrop get your photo taken congratulations congratulations much thanks and appreciation for all you do great job congratulations thank you so much principles you have to stay but if anyone else to go to do it thank you so much for being here and congratulations again than sgot thank Mr McCarney that concludes my report thank you Mrs Walden give everybody a moment to exit the auditorium thank you we'll go ahead and move on to Mr Hastings for the school business administrator's report Mr Hastings I have nothing additional Mr Vice President thank you very much and we'll move on to public comment regarding agenda items the following are a series of motions to be read by the committee chairpersons all motions have been discussed at a recent public work session some motions have been approved at a public work session and the minutes for the approved items are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be open for the public comments on agenda items only the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest public comment is not a question and answer session specific questions can be directed to the administration the super attendant contact information is on the podium and we encourage you to contact her with any questions that you may have have public participation shall be governed by the following rules one each statement made by a participant shall be limited to 5 minutes in duration two no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard three the presiding officer May request any person to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time good evening Alex Hayes um oakst great presentation by the high school principal this evening and congrats to those staff making tenure and all the principles um Miss Welden sorry I wasn't able to call you back this week but thank you for calling me back after last week's meeting um I did not see an agenda in the back for the work session I only saw for the regular meeting so perhaps for the public we can have both agenda agendas printed up um just curious what the health and safety checklist actually looks like I know the document that's signed is in the public session but not what the actual checklist is I'd never heard of that unless i' missed it over the years um also curious on the qack there were on the final page I think it was maybe it was under Personnel when there was a score of 82 it was all yeses but it was an 82 score so all the other pages that had all yeses had 100 score so I was just curious what what the math was like on that um on the bills Mr Hastings uh saas we pay $60,000 I was curious if that's per month for the Savas learning program or if that's like intermittent and then uh lastly um when you asked if there was anyone in the public that wanted to ask any questions about the presentation um nobody knows that you can ask questions about presentations so it was never made public so I don't know if anybody even might have been here had they known that so maybe when there is a presentation and you guys are actually allowing questions on those rare occasions when you post on these Facebook page that there's an upcoming Schoolboard meeting maybe you could actually say we will entertain questions tonight because there's actually a presentation that's it thanks thank you M Hayes is there any other public comment from anyone in the room all right thank you uh Mrs Conway do we have anyone in the queue on Zoom no vice president McCarthy we have no commenters in the queue thank you with that I'd like to move on to the approval of minutes Mr Doan uh approval of minutes from the October 1st executive session Mr McCarthy move to approve 5 move to approve 5.1 thank you sir do have a second second for item 5.1 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mrs T Rico yes Mr Weinstein yes motion carries thank you moving on to Personnel all these items are discussed in ex exective session M mcover yes um I'd like to move to approve items 6.1 through 6.10 May I have a second second all items 6.1 through 610 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr mcgoverin yes Mr talo yes Mr Weinstein yes motions carry wonderful moving on to financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein thank you Mr McCarthy um can I um I like to move for approval 7.1 through 7.11 a second second second you are Mr so all items 71 through 711 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dan yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes M mcgoverin yes Mr T Rico yes m Weinstein um yes to all except I'll accuse myself from 7.6 thank you motions carry thank you moving on to instruction education and Student Activities Mrs gilm yes Mr McCarthy move to approve items 8.1 through 8.4 our suspension school trips PD and Hib reports second Mr hings all items 81 through 84 Mr won yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes Mrs mcgoverin yes Mrs Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes all items carry thank you negotiations discussed an executive session moving on to policy again Mrs Gilman yes this is the second reading of and final revisions to the policies and regulations listed so if there are no further questions move to approve our third reading and final revision second down this is item 10.1 Mr doton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes Mr mcgoverin yes Mr Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes motion carries all right moving on to public relations Mr onstein thank you Mr McCarthy I'd like to move for approval 11.1 and 11.2 and we're going to move 11.1 with the uh revision change programs to programs all right does anyone understand that wonderful second thank you just Clarity Clarity in sentences that's all Point order this is item 111 and 112 Mr doton yes Mrs Dan yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr helico yes Mr Weinstein yes motions carry thank you do you have any old business from any members of the board old business all right hearing nothing do I have any new business for members of the board no new business all right thank you public comment Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest this is not a question and answer session specific question can be directed to the administration the superintendent's contact information is on the podium and we encourage you to contact her with any questions the same rules mentioned previously still do apply regarding public participation that each statement made shall be limited to 5 minutes in duration no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard the presiding officer May request that any person leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum would anyone from the public who is present here like to comment on any item at this time this Alex is O cursed again um sorry let me find my train of thought here um on the bills this month um I think every month you guys uh I'm sorry Mr Hastings there is college achieve Public Charter School and hope Charter School um as many on the board are probably aware like in Asbury Park for example they are demanding that those charart schools provide proof that the students that they're billing us for or they're billing Asbury for actually live in the town um so I'm just curious if we're doing that as well um before Dr stankowitz left he said he was going to implement um almost like a checks and balances for um students who go to who live in Ocean but who go to other schools to verify um the addresses um because I know two years ago it was proven that we were paying uh for several students who lived outside of ocean but we paid for them to go to you know the County magnet schools um and that's what precipitated there being some sort of checks and balances so I bring that up because in tonight's um meeting agenda you were talking about out of school public school tuition out of District public tuition um to the tune of $650,000 and that's 74 kids that are going to the County's amazing incredible ummies um so I'm just wondering if we've checked the addresses for everybody because that was supposed to be a new policy for that but also for the charter schools um and then I think I might have a smidge more time um I'm just and Miss kazuba is here was just wondering when the next um committee meeting is for parents and school administrators for the high school um class time you know going from 82 minutes to possibly something else wondering when that next one is I meant to email Miss kazuba but since she's here I'll just ask and then I guess my last one is um on this the um Town Council um candidate Forum uh one of the candidates mentioned that she has talked to many Schoolboard members about shared services about property on Cindy Lane um and she said quote she's talked to many Schoolboard members so um I'm just wondering when that was what's being discussed what are you guys doing um what's the deal with Cindy Lane because it's been brought up now in several Town Council meetings that there's talks with Council and Board of Ed and I haven't heard anything on the record so I'm just wondering what that is about thanks just gonna sign my name here thank you Mrs haes do we have any other members of the public who wish to make comment on any item at this time all right Mrs Comm do we have anyone in the queue who would like to make a comment uh online on any item at this time no Mr Vice President there are no commenters thank you very much may I have a motion to adjourn motion second