all right we're going to have the call to order from February the 20th we will have the invocation by commissioner Hart and the Pledge of Allegiance by our plan zon and chairman Brad L Heavenly Father we thank you through the abundant grace and mercy that you've shown towards us you allowed us to to live in this beautiful part of your creation that we call aoy Lord we pray you help us to come in with the spirit of unity even though we may disagree let us never disrespect each other but act as brothers and sisters under your guidance we thank you for the wonderful uh staff we have here in okore that so diligently takes care of our needs and remember our First Responders our police officers and our firemen keep them safe and keep them covered under your wings in Jesus name we pray amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all commissioner Hart I'm sorry commissioner Kennedy here commissioner Wilson here Mayor Johnson here commissioner fer here commissioner Hart here now I can drink my drink I'll [Laughter] get all right presentation proclamations we have in then staff reports thank you mayor I have just one issue this evening we have an emergency item um in front of you uh it's titled approval of First Amendment to the utility use agreement for the aoi Village Center and basically uh you can't really tell what it is by the title but we're doing this in order to get Lakewood Avenue open tomorrow so there a couple of little Hoops we had to jump through and there were a couple of uh little things that needed to be done that our agreements said had to be done first before we could close the project out but this is just going to let us go ahead and have the developer open the roadway and we'll worry about those little things in the next next uh 30 to 60 days all right so that's what that item is you got some comments on it or is that I I'm happy to elaborate at the request of the commission I'm just asking if if we don't we don't question you want to ask yeah I I know it's in your District but I just have one question go ahead um who's responsible for the road I mean I've read this but clarify who's responsible for the road in that we're not offering them the cert no there's no completion certificates being presented um could you maybe correct there's nothing about what's before you that's standard and that's why this is an emergency item because Lakewood Avenue is not open and it's been over two years okay so this is one of those rare opportunities that we see about every 15 20 years and what's before you and I did I was going to pipe in when Rob was done but let me just explain this was a master developer that came in under a master site permit that tied together the lift stations the reclaim lines the road all these improvements under one permit okay and he was selling to three different entities he failed they formed a Consortium now we have the road ready Public Works has signed off on it people are calling left and right wanting to know why isn't that road open I heard Public Works signed off on it well it just so happens that there's several important engineering documents that have yet to been to be uh delivered to the city and reviewed um there are several requirements under D that we have yet to be able to sign off on so then that puts us in a legal quandry so what you have before you is an amendment to the utility agreement that allows us to take over that road but we're going to our only trigger is to hold off on cosos except for the ch pootle restaurant shell building that's part of the Conover South Commercial everything else is on hold until those items are completed that's the only way this works now the add-on that I had and I was just thinking about it walking up here um in City attorney may need to uh clarify the motion but the motion we're asking for is for you to prepare this uh to approve this agreement called the First Amendment to the utility use agreement and authorize the city manager to sign off on the Chipotle interior alteration permit and then if necessary authorize the city manager and City attorney to take whatever measure necessary regarding the shes in the event that the Consortium does not sign this perfect and that's my recommendation I will be happy to make that motion I'll be happy to second I'll second it um give me down Mo motion made motion made by commissioner Kennedy seconded by commissioner Wilson any more discussion no more discussion let's vote thank you carries you n it's about that who's taking the we just had to get creative good all right that was all I had M all right thank you public comments I have two for public that's not on the agenda so Jim Moyer Dr Jim moer I live in ardan park and it's fitting that tonight we're talking about a k Village Center and uh Lakewood because and this is a repeat of something I've brought up before the signes for are soon to be new uh fellow citizens of aoi uh when aoi Village Center opens up and other new people along Clarcona COI Road the signning for 429 the main road as you go towards 429 you see 429 South Tampa 429 North apaka where's the mention of I4 where's the mention of the 408 I'm sure everyone has seen signs before that say 2 I4 or 2 408 or something like that and I understand it's not something the city has direct control over but I think it's a matter as we draw closer to new residents uh coming into K's Village Center that there's better signage for those folks coming on and off of the 429 in the north side of aoi thank you for your time and God bless you thank you Mr moer uh Rob come somebody just sent a note to the 429 people and just asked them about the signage I know it's not ours and well we can do a yeah typically they're not real receptive but we can try yeah all right all right thank you Mr moer uh dorine what is that you print doing words huh which one okay uh good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners everybody my name is noren dworin I'm the editor and chief of vox populi um as you know we are about uh 29 days out from our Municipal elections and I wanted everyone to know that our election guide is out as of today so I have Flyers with a QR code that you guys can scan and get to it we have candidate profiles and all the information that you will need to um uh change your signature to track your mailin ballot to to you know uh find out where to vote early um the last day to request a mail and ballot all the information is right there and um just wanted to let you know that our voting guide is out and available um I have flyers and our website is Wintergarden so is that yours or is that the County's I'm sorry that one you have there is that the that's for local so yes that's for ao's uh District for special election and we will have um uh soon an article uh detailing the um uh 13 Charter amendments as well so we will link that soon so this one is just for the um uh Municipal elections County will come later it's not time for county yet okay though all right thank you all right thank you thank you very much you oh oh all right no more public comments that's the three that I had I got another one but it's later on all right um consent agenda need a motion or Mr Mayor I'd like to pull item three item three barring that I would make a motion to pass items 1 2 4 and 5 okay we're going to pull item three to the discuss and then I I need a motion for item 1 2 four and five do I hear a motion no he did I'll second I'll second he made it I'll second it okay yes sir uh Scott made Kennedy made the motion Mr Harton made the second any more comments let's vote motion carries unanimously all right commissioner item three um at the last meeting when I I asked for this item um it was to have a presentation and discussion from City attorney Geller so I'd like him to present item for discussion sure of of all the uh municipalities our Law Firm represents this is the only one uh where the governing board uh does not have uh rules and procedures that uh have been adopted by a resolution and so I took the best of everything that we had from um other municipalities um that that we that we work with and put together uh the rules and procedures that you have before you for your consideration and as I suggested uh I guess it was the first meeting of the month was um you know please feel free to you know vet this carefully uh and um I'm happy to answer any questions as I go through this so there are basically seven parts to the proposed rules and procedures and I would just say at the outset that uh you are authorized to adopt these rules and procedures pursuant to section C13 of the charter which says the city commission shall determine its own rules um these are rules that you can um adopt as is you can make changes uh we can if if you if you want you can uh adopt it uh in whatever iteration you want tonight and then if if something doesn't appear to be working well you can change it um and uh it's you have a great uh deal of flexibility uh in doing so and so the seven areas or first we have some general principles we have um that's rule one rule two governs uh establishes the types of meetings rule three uh deals with the agenda rule four the conduct of meetings rule five the use of commission Chambers rule six pertains to travel it really is an incorporation of the uh travel um resolution that you all adopted um just a couple months ago if memory serves me right and then also some clarification about sub submitting unsolicited items to the city website so let me let me just kind of go through the some of the highlights um and so the the general principles first is the most recent addition of Robert's Rules of Order would be a general guideline uh it is not it's not that you are bound by Robert's rules in in a very strict sense um but it is it is a helpful um uh guideline for parliamentary procedure sometimes you you may run into something a bit unusual and and it's it's helpful to to have this to uh to to refer to if need be um there are a number of uh protections uh that you um that you would have in what I'm proposing here uh for example the failure by the city commission to strictly observe any of these rules shall not affect the jurisdiction of the city commission or invalidate or otherwise affect the legality of any action taken by the city commission that idea is not not to create some gotcha moment here we we we just don't want that that would not be appropriate i' hear that and then the the uh and then we also make clear that these rules are really to help you all facilitate your meetings they are not intended to create rights in in in third parties all right so rule two uh describes the different types of meetings that you all have a regular meeting such as uh this evening's meeting uh you can have a special meeting an emergency meeting uh and also public workshops and we have some different rules that pertain to notice public notice and also um access the public must have access to our meetings here uh rule three governs the a the agenda and um it um uh first off uh it it uh uh uh details how you would ask the city manager to put something on the agenda that's uh deadlines for for doing so that that um are intended to be uh reasonable um and then provides for the posting and distribution of the agenda I mean a lot of this is just stating current practices it's it's not intended to just you know reinvent the wheel but but um not to change what what you already are doing uh there are some um uh issues that uh were brought to my attention uh that um some things that perhaps you all want would want to avoid in the future um um business sales presentations um is is something that um just came out of the blue uh it's perfectly appropriate for you all to interview um someone who uh is responding to a solicitation by the city an invitation to bid a request for proposal and the like um but perhaps not so um appropriate for someone to just come in and and and just give you an unsolicited business sales presentation there there there are better ways to uh to do that the um there there is an expectation that that you'll um that you'll review the agenda beforehand um and this and this commission does uh you all really do and so um please do not feel that as directed to anyone here whatsoever uh but but the intention is that these rules would hopefully be around for for a long time um uh rule four governs the the conduct of meetings and it has some basic parliamentary procedure in there uh for example uh you know to to uh perhaps remind you all that you could you could say point of order if something does not appear to be in order uh you can you can call the question if debate is just going on for forever and ever and so you you all can uh can uh do that you can you can limit debate sorry say please yes you can say please sure uh and then and then the um you the presiding officer uh gets to run things if and and this would be a a very um uh rare instance that that if everyone disagrees with the presiding officer you could be you could be outvoted but but that's just something that that that just comes from from Robert's Rules uh and then um let's see here there's a rule 4.4 governing decorum and we have a uh we have the the rules of decorum that are posted outside of commission Chambers and everything that that are in and and what I'm proposing here is consistent with what we already have uh there are rules here uh for um removing an item from the consent agenda um uh one change here would be uh to um require a a a motion and a second to remove something um from the consent agenda from the consent agenda and and and the the idea do that now yeah the idea again is to encourage people to to Really to really look at things beforehand uh ask your questions beforehand right um and and help uh things move along as efficiently as we as we possibly can um there are procedures uh for uh legislative hearings as well as quasi judicial um uh hearings including uh you know no notice given to affected parties that sort of thing uh there are uh there's a rule here uh regarding the use of video conferencing and the idea the sense that I got was uh that uh the city would would like to limit the use of video conferencing for these Commission meetings there may be some some extreme circumstances where someone has been hospitalized where someone is there's a military deployment or or something of of that nature uh where the rules would authorize uh the use of a video perance twice in a calendar year again for exceptional circumstances is is the uh terminology that I used here and it recognizes the state law that uh a quum must be established by physical presence it cannot be established by someone appearing on video the um rule five uh States uh that uh any candidate or political campaign should not be using these Chambers the idea is to um to protect the city's neutrality with respect to political campaigns we want to avoid any false or misleading impression that the the city is Endor ing or or somehow behind any any particular candidate so the commission Chambers should be off limits uh for campaigns I mentioned the the travel policy which would be incorporated into rule six um rule s just recognizes that the city manager uh controls the the website and that um if a a if you want to submit something unsolicited to the website uh it would be a really good idea to to to get get the commissions Buy in on that before you do so and that's what that's what uh rule 7 would do and so um with that I'm I'm happy to answer any questions or you all can I got I got to comment on the one with the one about using the uh facilities here like Thursday night I have a homeowners thing here for for one of the districts U Prairie Lake in this Chambers that's not anything to do with campaigning mayor I think it actually there's exceptions called out there for Town Hall meetings um individual district meetings and Bonafide City purposes is absolutely I just want to make sure we yeah I think I got the idea I read this it was very fascinating took me three nights but um it was I got the interpretation that we can't use it for our personal use and if we're going to use it we have to clear it with I mean not for our personal use but if we're going to clear it we clear it with either the city manager or or the city clerk but we get this is not a personal place that we can conduct personal business it is for like you said homeowners associations or we have meetings it's for the people's business yeah yeah I I read it and I I like it one of the reasons why I'm sitting in a seat because somebody used these seats for um in personal gains and I didn't like it so if you don't like it change it so that's why I'm here right now but um I think it's a good idea these rules are not personal these Rober rules are order we use them are not Church all the time we conduct business it's just a way to conduct business it's nothing personal it's like a seat belt I put it on every day I don't plan to get in a wreck but it's there and that's all this is is to help us conduct the people's business these seats these Chambers belong to the people it should only be used for the best interest of the citizens of aoy in their stor I think it's a great idea we have a a nice mix right here but I've been in some meetings where not just here in life that you have and not so pleasant mix and these rules are made to make sure in that not so pleasant mix that you have order and all things get get understanding I like it I'm ready to say yes is that all over that's all I have anybody else have any comments on it anybody I think it was great I think it's things that need to be changed so we need to make a motion I need a motion I'll make that motion that we accept the changes that stated by the City attorney and thank him for his excellent services so it would be it would be approving the resolution approving resolution that approves the rules and procedures the rules and approve the resolution approve the rules and procedures thank you sir motion made by commissioner Hart seconded by uh commissioner Kennedy any other comments no more comments let's vote motion carries unanimously so now in the future we have to make a motion to pull a item from the consent and get a second second yeah M yeah remember that I'll remember that just remember that we got a and you have and Rusty you can control us Robert's Rules of Order right there yes ma'am sometimes they don't seem to go by those either all right so we did we did vote on that now do we have to we got to vote we did all right now we're down to uh first reading of ordinances um item number six first reading of ORD ordinance on City commission initiated Charter amendments to section C9 C10 and c17 City attorney G well I will um I'll go ahead and and read the title here but I I will say that uh there are two options that you have here and uh these are three proposals to put on the ballot for the aoi charter for for for amendments the uh the first option is you can uh decide to reconvene the charter review commission um all those people I would assume are are are still available and you can send this to them and ask them to vet uh what is proposed here uh on the other hand uh the uh the three items here pertain to the authority of this commission and so you you may feel that that um that is not necessary to reconvene the charter review Commission in which case this would be a first reading and then um and then we can go ahead and and do a uh a second reading y second reading is two weeks that's right that's correct so so I'll go ahead and and and read this in and then we you you all can Veer away from that if if you decide that's a that that is uh what you deem to be uh appropriate so this is an an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida proposing amendments to the city of ao's Charter pertaining to 1 C9 to confirm or establish that the city commission has authority to interpret and enforce the provisions of the charter and providing for judicial review and and two section C10 forgive me C10 to confirm or establish that the city commission has authority to interpret and adjudge the qualifications and eligibility of candidates for the commission establish procedural rules to provide notice and due process to any affected parties and provide for judicial review and then three c17 to confirm that a commission member who resigns from their office cannot thereafter seek election to any part of the same term of office from which the member resigned and providing a form of ballot for the proposed amendments at the next general city election after the effective date of this ordinance uh on November 5th 2024 or is otherwise set by the city commission directing that the city clerk file the revised Charter as approved by the voters with the Florida Department of State and providing for conflicts severability and an effective date so um uh Mr Mayor with you with with um your permission let me kind of go through the history of how this all came about to be a a a proposal do I need to start clock I'll go I'll go as uh as quickly as you as as You' like okay I'll go as quickly as you'd like so this goes back to November 7th 2023 when this Commission uh interpreted uh made an interpretation of section C10 of the city Charter and the question was whether a former member of the commission could um Run for the final year of the term from which he resigned from and so section C10 not to belabor the entire argument but uh section C10 uh if I can uh find it here um forgive me here we go uh the successor uh Shall Serve for the unexpired term of the member who created the vacancy and so we went through a a um an analysis of of what a successor is and the successor is one who comes after who follows and so on that basis the commission um interpreted section C10 to mean that well th that must refer to two different people uh the member who resigns and then the successor to the member who resigns and so uh it deter ation was made that the the former commissioner uh could not run for the final year of the term from which he resigned but could run the year after that and so the the former commissioner then brought a lawsuit uh in the Circuit Court uh uh he did not Sue the city he did not Sue the the commission um but he did Sue the city clerk of of of all people and uh the um uh the Circuit Judge um issued a ruling on December 7 2023 uh that never criticized or took issue with your interpretation of C10 uh in fact the Circuit Judge never never even got to that question instead uh the Circuit Judge held that this commission did not have authority did not have the authorization to um adjudge the candidacy of of the um of the former commissioner and so and I I I'll tell you exactly what what he wrote here says the city Charter does not give the city the right to judge the qualifications of candidates instead section C10 of the city Charter States the city commission shall be the judge of the election and qualifications of its members which he bolded and of the grounds for forfeiture of their office it is clear that plaintiff is not a member of the city commission and therefore the city commission is not the judge of his qualifications as a candidate so in other words s uh where section C10 says that you all are the judge of Elections uh this Circuit Judge took a very narrow reading of that and said that being the judge of Elections does not include being the judge of candidates in those in that election an extremely narrow uh reading of that uh a very narrow reading that I I never heard expressed by anyone on this commission I never heard that uh interpretation expressed by anyone on the charter review Commission which uh looked at the at the entire Charter uh under a magnifying glass um but be that as it may uh that is that is what a a duly elected Circuit Judge uh held and uh the uh City decided to respect the decision of the judge uh no appeal was taken uh there was consideration of the expense um and uh there was also consideration uh of the potential for the uh the voters of the city of aoi to in effect overrule the judge's decision here and so that's that's where this uh these proposed Charter amendments are coming from so uh section C9 um I am proposing uh that you all would put on the ballot uh the following language the city commission has the authority to interpret and enforce the provisions of this Charter which shall be binding unless such interpretation and enforcement is held by Court of competent jurisdiction including after any appeals to be clearly erroneous arbitrary capricious or otherwise unconstitutional um it one of the arguments that I made was that uh you all have an inherent authority to interpret and enforce your own Charter uh and yet uh the order issued by the court has placed that in doubt and so this language would make very clear that you in fact have that Authority I believe it is implied by the city's home rule Authority under both the Florida Statutes and the Florida Constitution uh but this would uh embody that uh in the charter very clearly that that you certainly would have that Authority uh I would propose uh a an amendment to section C10 that would address the narrow reading by the Circuit Judge and so amended C10 would say the city commission shall be the judge of the qualifications and eligibility of candidates for the city commission I mean really spelling it out the election and qualifications of its members and the grounds for forfeiture of their office under this Charter and then uh the amendment would also state that the uh commission has power to establish procedural rules for implementing the section uh and ensuring due process including reasonable notice to all effective parties and that decisions uh would be subject to review by a by a court of competent Juris dition on a on a rid of sersari and a rid of curari just so you know is the proper way for reviewing your quasi judicial decisions that's how it should be uh uh accomplished at the appell level and this uh enshrines what is uh the clear common law to to review those decisions and then finally uh the proposal for C7 uh is to make explicit what you all how you all interpreted uh C10 um so it's it would say here um this goes to uh uh I'm sorry c17 c17 which deals with um irrevocable resignations so the pardon me again so the existing language says that a successor Shall Serve for the unexpired term of the member who created the vacancy and then it would then say a member who resigns from their office cannot thereafter seek election to any part of the same term of office from which the member resigned so making it crystal clear that um that is what um how how you all would um uh view the charter at least the the public would view how the public would view the charter if they were to approve of that uh now I mentioned that there are two options uh section c59 of the charter uh gives you the authority to appoint a charter review commission at such times as deemed necessary uh you are certainly within your right to reconvene the charter review commission and have them look at these proposals and they can come back to you with a a report uh or if you if you deem that not necessary you can go ahead and and take this as a first reading and then have a second reading then it would go directly on the ballot and there is Authority under the Florida Statutes um uh 166.010 which says that the governing body of the municipality May by ordinance submit to the electors of s municipality a proposed amendment to its Charter and that is um without any respect to anything that may be in the charter that you have that Authority statutorily I'm happy to answer any questions about any of these anybody uh just to clear uh if we did the second reading that would be a public hearing yes and citizens or members of the charter review board anybody that had a comment could make public comment at that yes yes anybody else when um when would it show up on the ballot if we did do that November 5th so it has to be at the next general city election obviously there would not be time to put it on the March uh general city election ballot because the ballots have already been printed right and so the uh ordinance would be effective the day after the election on March the 20th 2024 since we got that time I would say we just do it the same we did last time you know let let the um Charter Review Committee look at it that way we can't we'll do the same process we did before we still have time and um that way no one can accuse the uh Commission of doing anything trying to change the process that we have in place so that's just my take on it um I think I'm supposed to ask you now if I can talk you go are I'm trying to follow the rules I kind of look at it differently I mean it's for a decision to make I kind of look at that if we have a public hearing folks can come speak their mind and then um make changes and then put it on the November 5th I say the November yeah November 5th um because I I know we need to clean up some of these things these have been issues that we've all been dealing with I think that's what kind of started the charter review mhm and as time has elaps we've seen some other things that have to be taken care of so I kind of look at it a little differently that I feel as though the public hearing because if we go to the public hearing and there's still questions at that point can we continue it to the next meeting to yes I mean what's what's the rules on that well then you would have a third reading if if you're making substantive changes uh the you know the the second it would not it could not change substantively that it would be misleading to say these are depending on the kinds of changes that would be made so you could conceitedly have a third reading we I guess which would then be the second reading we've never had change third reading okay that's just do we have uh the time what would the timeline look like to convene a charter review commission to address these three questions we have plenty of time for that I I believe you you you do um uh I I I've not um I I don't even know that the the new supervisor of elections has even established deadlines for for getting haven't got one yet yeah well yeah we're kind of in in this limbo here with ill cows having having resigned um and so um I I think there's a very good chance you would have time is there Melanie you know the time do you have any comments on that rich no I'm I'm all right with it either way really I I I I I really I like when we had the charter group doing this but this one is more the charter of what we've been dealing with up here I'm kind of like commissioner Wilson I'd like to go ahead and bring it to the public let the public asked us the questions on it that we need that they want to do it they he and and do it that way nothing against the others cuz they did a great job and if you got your thing in the mail already it shows all the work they did so this this is one I think I'd like to see us bring it back to do the second reading and then open it to the public and if the public has any comments on it that's where I'd like to see see it done because they might be and if there is I'd rather them come up public and say it so can we go to a charter Review Committee if after the second reading that we decide that we think you still have time you still yes yes you you could do that so any if no more comments what I need is a uh um we we just let it go like it is and come back to Second next two weeks what is the next meeting U March 5th sixth of March March what is it March March 5th March the 5th and and we are running an advertisement for the second reading okay that's already been sent out so do you want to vote on that to see if we want to do it that way or do you want to vote on it way Mr har said I mean probably the cleaner way would would be to make a motion to uh to proceed with a second reading all right that's what you want to do I'll make that motion to go to the second reading is anybody else going to Second it I'll second that all right Rich commissioner commissioner firster seconds I'm sorry Rich I've been knowing you too long commissioner first or made this second any more comments on it let's vote all right carries uh four to one commissioner Hart no and four yeses all right that's good it's good way all right now uh we're going to move down to number seven the first reading of ordance update the city's code of ordinances chapter 45 Arbor code develop service director rumor so this is the first reading so it'll be back in two weeks do you need the title you can just read the title yes an ordinance of the city of aoi amending section 45-4 of Article 1 and section 45-13 of Article 2 of chapter 45 of the city of AO code of ordinances to clarify the definition of a protected tree to require just cause for the removal of a protected tree and to provide for a standard of review risk assessment criteria and additional considerations for issuance of a tree removal permit establishing standards for documentation when protected trees are removed without a permit and providing for conflict severability and an effective date all right the comment I'd make we probably need to send a copy of that to all the homeown associations that's a good idea huh that's good absolutely you know I think we should send certifi Rob certified we need to send that especially on the Southside out yeah I'll volunteer to hand carry m all right so this will be brought back on uh March the 5th all right all right now we go into number eight first read of ordinance for fiscal year 2024 budget amendment you want comments from the finance up to you I guess um this is an ordinance yeah let me that's what I was looking for uh so an ordinance of the city of aoi Orange County Florida relating to the city budget amending the city budget adopted by ordinance 2023-the beginning October 1st 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 by providing for increase of Appropriations providing for separability providing an effective date all right this will be back again on March the 5th and you get the talk all right all right let's go to item number nine first reading of ordinance amend of the city of Oka police officers and firefighters reti retirement trust fund section 27 deferred retirement option plan all right this is an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida relating to the city of aoi Municipal police officers and firefighters retirement trust fund amending ordinance number 2010-19 as subsequently amended amending section 27 deferred retirement option plan providing for severability of Provisions repealing all ordinances and conflict here withth and providing an effective date all right same thing it'll be back on March the 5th for the uh second reading and public comments right all right we got number 10 first reading of ordinances for 440 okoya poka Road perello property annexation and resoning from County A2 Farmland rural District to City C3 General commercial District right an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida annexing into the corporate limits of the city of aoi Florida certain real property containing approximately uh. 51 Acres located at 440 AO apka road on the east side of AO aapka Road beginning approximately 1,800 ft north of the Palm Drive at AO PKA Road intersection and assigned parcel ID number 18- 22-28 d00 0000-00-00 002 pursuant to the application submitted by the property owner finding said annexation to be consistent with the aoi comprehensive plan the aoi city code and the planning area agreement providing for and authorizing an update of the official city maps providing direction to the city clerk providing for severability prevailing in the event of any inconsistency and providing for an effective date it uh there's one more and that is so that was the annexation and the next is the zoning let me read that one as well an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida changing the zoning classification from Orange County A2 Farmland rural District to City of aoi C3 General commercial District on certain real property containing approximately approximately 0.51 Acres located at 440 AO PKA Road beginning 1,800 ft north of the Palm Drive at AO poka Road intersection finding such zoning to be consistent with the yoi comprehensive plan providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for separability and providing for an effective date all right once again that'll be back on March the 5th and the public will have a chance there at the public hearing if they have anything to make comments item number 11 first reading of ordinance for manzur property resoning from R1 single family dwelling District to C2 Community commercial district and ordinance of the city of aoi Florida changing the zoning classification from R1 single family District to C2 Community commercial District uncertain real property containing approximately 28 Acres located at the south side of West Silver Star Road beginning approximately 181 ft east of the ioi poka Road at West SilverStar Road intersection and assign partial ID identification number 18-22 28- 3166-2 d140 finding such zoning to be consistent with the aoi comprehensive plan providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for severability and providing for an effective date any more there is one more number 12 all right no I mean all right no we still got a one after that too first reading that this one will be for Missour will be back on March the 5th also with the public hearing under the second reading number 12 first reading of ordinance for West Delaware Street West Property small scale comprehensive plan Amendment from public facilities institutional to low density residential an ordinance of the city of AO Florida amending the city of aoi comprehensive plan as adopted in 1991 as amended amending the future land use map of the aoi comprehensive plan to change the future land use map designation from public facilities SL institutional to low density residential for certain real property containing approximately 1 acre located on the north side of West Delaware Street beginning approximately 360 ft west of the West Delaware Street in South blueford Avenue intersection providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City future land use map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for severability and providing for an effective date all right that'll be back on March the 5th for the public hearing second reading all right number 13 first reading of ordinance for annual comprehensive plan tax amendment to adopt five-year schedule of Capital Improvements and update the capital Improvement element an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida amending the EO comprehensive plan is adopted in 1991 as amended in order to comply with Section 163 3177 sub paragraph 3 for statutes amending the Capital Improvements element of the comprehensive plan providing for severability providing an effective date all right that'll be back on March the 5th at the public hearing second reading all right second reading of ordinance we have none public hearing we have none we going regular agenda number 14 discussion and direction for installation of school zone speed enforcement cameras is it is the chief here is he supposed to talk on that he was here all right anybody got any questions on that here he comes Noe there he is good afternoon mayor commissioner he um this uh item is a discussion and to find out which direction the council would like to go as far as it concerned the installation of speed zone enforcement cameras within our school zones within the city of aor uh preferably one on Clark Road um anybody have any explanations of it anything I have some questions yeah to okay you want to go first sure I have um is this uh is is this all school zones is this a pilot program how would we well we would uh start at on Clark Road cuz that's our most egregiously travel one with with vehicle traffic the one on blueford it is not the we have cars but we don't have speed involved when we have a lot of kids mcoy high school is the same way but Clark Road seems to be our most uh highly High Velocity roadway that we could get them installed on and then if this is the same vendor that already does the red light cameras correct yes sir so if we uh liked it wanted to expand it we can do that we could add that into the ordinance yes sir question I'm just going to make a comment I guess I think that the public needs to know this was instituted by legislature last term correct yes and it is the enforcement of with cameras in your school zones and what are the can I ask what the fines are just I mean I just like tell people um I see the problem on Clark Road immensely because as I travel I'm going 20 and they're passing me the fines I do not know um I can find it out and bring it this was just a discussion if we wanted to move forward with it are they the same fines that are um that for you would get if you had a ticket I I don't want to answer that commission I don't know it's I think it says $6 it's in there okay I guess I missed it I know that this came to Council in November but I think uh it was it wasn't really looked at as as far as we part of the reason that we brought this forward um back in November uh we renewed the contract for red light cameras and it also had this option on there and there's been some some scattered discussion about whether when this became law this is something the city would want to do so we do have the option right now um I believe we'd have to bring this back as an ordinance to change our ordinance to allow us to do this before we went in that direction we wanted to see if there's a general agreement with the commission that perhaps this is something we want to get into we don't want to get into maybe do one as a pilot program and see how that goes with the state we just weren't sure what the commission wanted at this point just because we can do it we want to see if this is something you do want us to do and move forward with as our goal with cameras it's not to me I know we get people saying We want to make money from them the object to me is the enforcement that go 20 miles an hour in the school zone we want to stress that um agree 100% the difference between this and the red light camera though which we're trying to keep in mind is these can only operate for a short period of time each day and the cost of the camera the state takes a big chunk we have to run the program we have to do all the billing and everything so if we were going to start with something we'd definitely recommend one just to see you know if it's actually paying for itself it may it may not um but you know a pilot program of one where we we go ahead and do the 30 days notice and and then we start issuing the tickets uh it give us a better understanding and perhaps we can come back six months later and report back as to how the program is doing I didn't mean to put you on the spot I just want to know I guess I want to know if um there's a difference in fines regarding the camera versus someone you know officers and and that's that's perfectly legit question commissioner and uh like I said I don't know the f lines off the top of my head but I know that uh as um assistant the city manager said this is a pilot program and they would run 30 minutes prior to school zones through the entire school zone and 30 minutes after the school zones so we got a 30 minute window before and after and during that time and it's a 10 mile variance before you get a a citation speed limits 20 it doesn't site people until 30 miles per hour don't tell them that please it's it's in this it's in this in the L I understand but just 10 miles hour 10 miles an hour that's it's pretty fast can that be modified is that part of the statute I think that's part of the statute right yeah statuto site them till it's 30 till they're going 30 yeah my questions would be number one how effective and number two how efficient uh that's the thing I mean before and after before the cameras were there we saw 5% 10% 15% decrease in um speeding fatalities things like that um back when I get a new medication the first thing I read is the side effects I don't read what it does for I read the side effects so I want to see before we go down that road will it be worth it down the road cuz I'm all about saving lives I remember the tragedies I live Liv near Clark Road I remember the tragedies when we had some young people at that school get killed and it broke my heart could have been my daughter could have been anybody's daughter so yeah anything we can do but I want to make sure we're doing it in the right way that's my only concern I agree um we don't know the rates of what it is so I mean I can find it out and bring it to the next uh or have it at the next Commission meeting is that gentleman with the vendor he is this is uh Mr PL you have that information yes sir yes sir permission um Can can I uh try to provide that information uh that was asked about the fines uh in the statute here it says um person cited for violation gives all the uh statutory citations here for exceeding the speed limit enforce the time the violation on a road way maintained as a school zone when enforced by a traffic infraction enforcement officer must pay a f of $100 and then there's a whole formula for how the how the uh fines are distributed between the Department of Revenue and uh and the county and the school board and and then and then the city okay yeah to to his point it's all statutory driven pretty much guidelines are set by the state and by the statute itself Post Distribution of the funds and how they're allocated uh to $100 original penalty the first $40 the state keeps and distributed accordingly according to the statute and the balance comes to the uh to The Entity or the agency or the city whomever that may be yeah that's where the $60 you need to give us your name oh I apologize my name is palz I'm with ver Mobility I apologize for that I should have known um uh and again again Blas with ver Mobility um we're based out of Mesa Arizona fans um can I ask you a question Chief do you did you bring any kind of record of what the tickets are for speeding through the school zone up there now great I don't have the breakdown with me mayor but it it's based off of the the speed you're going the the normal statute um again I can bring that next um but I know it's more than $100 but what I'm saying is is I I go through there quite a bit and but how many people are writing tickets how many tickets are getting written you know in that in that zone you know I I get calls about the other ones I can guarantee you you know but how many I have got none for that so is anybody getting a ticket for that or is it I mean I know it's a I know it's a lot of traffic on that highway and it's busy in the a in the afternoon because that but um we it' be good to see how many tickets have been yeah mayor I can offer this um there's no rush to do this um if this is something you'd like more clarification or you'd like some more data um tell us exactly what you'd like we can bring that back we can we can implement this part of our program at any time I'd like to get the data on how how many tickets we're or if we've written any tickets in the last few say go back you can even go back five years I guess see what the records are and see how many tickets we've written for that so okay anybody else yeah my main thing would be the efficiency of the system before and after yeah um the error rate to make sure the right person is getting the right ticket things like that just to make sure and like I said once again if it's going to save some kids lives man whatever we got to do I don't have a problem with it but I just want to make sure we do it the right way but I I know that we had one death on Clark Road but it was up above it wasn't mean at the school zone it was up it was up near the intersection so but still we don't want one to happen right but I'd still like to see what what we're doing about that if we've got Speeders we're writing them up or you know doing anything with speeding tickets I'll get that info for you could we could we move one of the um speed signs I know that I have a few in my district because I purchased a few um out of my discretionary fund but we have those signs that you got to get them out of the garage though you're so kind um I think I think I I think I think my discretionary fund over the years bought about four of them um appreciate that um a little humor in that gotta have a little humor right I know we do could we put a few of those could we put them on one on each side I mean can we move them I know I have one I really don't want the one in Orlando AV Avenue moved you mean the message boards the no it's the um speed rad flash that tell you what speed you're going okay and I have one on Orlando Avenue but I believe there's a few more within the city if we could move maybe some of them I've always felt they should be moved around anyways to alert folks if they're speeding but um it's important I thought maybe putting them out temporarily to see okay what what statistics you might be getting from that and I know Vera they will do traffic studies for her as well we'll do just so I can uh help the chief and just get you to understand the program we do an intend solution so before we put any equipment out or do anything we include as part of the intend solution a complete speech study on the intersections of concern or the schools of concern you will have real data that's been done on based on real time uh so how many violators have gone through there how much traffic you have through there and what the potential is for somebody to get hurt uh statistically you'll find that you know you think of me being from law enforcement law enforcement background myself I can tell you that when I deployed my Motors to certain areas and I found that they were giving 20 30 violations well statistically I found that I was running so low wasn't even comparable so you're looking at probably four or five times the amount of speeders that go through through the school speed zones and you're not talking 10 miles you're talking 20 30 40 miles over the rate um and that's been that's been seen nationally uh we we have a footprint in the entire United States and I can tell you that you'll see the numbers you will have a bell bell curve and then it'll Plateau out but you're going to have the majority of validators going forward being communs believe it or not so we'll provide all the studies for you all right can we can we put that off till the next yeah next meeting we could bring when we get that information we could bring it back to you may for that yeah put I say put it on the next huh can I ask another question go ahead I I'm not sure we'll have all the information that you need by the next meeting though that's the only thing because it only gives us like five days all right uh well when you we we can if it makes it to the week after two weeks after we can long as we get it straight which way we're going to do it so okay all right yes I think we get all the information and stuff we want the safety all right Scott go ahead and ask you uh Chief uh what's the speed limit in a school zone 20 20 mes an hour if you were enforcing if there was an officer there enforcing would they wait for someone to do 10 miles an hour over that to them you you can stop them at 22 25 yeah I mean I go through a school zone I'm terrified to do one mile an hour over yeah speed limit what is uh the your opinion of a 10 waiting to 10 miles an hour to that's what the statute says commissioner yeah um is that going to have a cost benefit for us 10 miles over I mean if we're only waiting till 10: are we going to pay for this system uh that's up to the commissioner commission okay that's what I want to know thank you there there's no there's there's cost neutrality in the in the in the equation so the the way this works if there isn't a certain amount of violations then you have no liability whatsoever um so it's it's pretty much no exposure no capex for you for you all at all there's no Capital expenditures on either one of the programs that we we offer you the both the red light camera and the uh school speed so nothing comes out of pocket at any time from the uh the city okay okay thank you all right so we'll it'll be it uh a month from now as soon as we can get it on the next one as soon as we can get the study okay all right thank you all right thank you appreciate it thank you thank you Chief uh where did we get through here number 15 discussion and direction for sleepy Harbor golf cart Community designation request again uh this was as a result of uh a request of commissioner Wilson back in January to look at sleepy Harbor to see if it could become a golf cart Community um we've the agency has gone out there and looked and we have no issues with it uh but I think the concern was is was this one resident's request or is it the whole hoa's request before we go and erect signs and making a golf cart Community yeah try jumping on what the chief said um um typically we do this if uh you know we're putting sidewalks in the area or parking signs I know we've had parking sign requests from most of you all and especially if it's in a subdivision um we always think the logical thing to do is tell the HOA yes this is possible um put it on your next agenda have your people vote on it send the minutes to us and then we'll have the commission bless it and we can go forth and and designate you as a golf cart Community right now we really don't know if it was just one person who was asking for this or if it's the whole Community it was it okay it was one person um and I have no problem going back to the HOA and asking them if that's something that they want to present and do we can if it's okay with the commission go back because normally what we ask is for them to put it in their minutes yeah and then we present the minutes back to do it um they found it was it wasn't a safety issue to have golf carts within the Sleepy Harbor subdivision subdivision but we would rather get the blessing from the um HOA so if it's okay with the commission I'll go back to the HOA and ask them if that's something they want it was it it it was one resident but again sometimes one resident can be many more who want them but that asked so we can go ahead and present that I'll ask them all right well any anybody else up here having sounds good I I um not knowing much about this um and educating myself on this I'd actually like to see um similar to what we did with the tree ordinance which I think worked well I'd like to see a review of the golf cart ordinance um I understand the state law changed and one of the things that I noticed was even if you make is it sleepy Harbor a golf cart Community um that's not contiguous with any other NE Z we did it once before or at least sorry in my district we did this with um Admiral point and that is just it's a a loone you know there's but they can't get downtown no they can't because Orlando Avenue is over so I'd like to look at the whole concept of golf carts in the city and um maybe so that the whole city can be more golf cart friendly I'd like to look at the whole ordinance I would too but I I I want if bringing up the speed limit that's another thing I think even on orando Avenue if you bring it quiet Road orando Avenue if you bring it around where to come up to Hammocks you start it there at 20 M an hour I would say do 20 M an hour and that and all every one of those subdivisions which every witer Garden's done the same thing they put them all over you and sorry they're going to speed on that on Orlando AV you anyway fellas ladies I mean that's that's uh natural but I think we put the 20 mph speed limit there we could all of them will be able to join in the be to we still got to go back and look at the new state regulations cuz like my grandkids thought they could still drive my golf cart I said no you're 13 years old you can't so are you talking about making Orlando Avenue 20 miles an hour 20 miles hour I was going to say 25 25 no but it's still I'm I meant 25 I may choke over that no 25 because that will be it's hard enough keeping them at 30 well that's what I'm saying it don't matter 5 m hour is not going to matter to the way they drive just got to ride tickets just don't know if it's a safe it's a safe road for that well I would be con there's no way they there's no reason for them to have most of them want golf carts come downtown yeah they want golf we we want them to do that yeah but I think I I think personally I would vote to do the 25 mph because I don't the speed speed's going to be the same I'd love to bring speed down 25 on that road but um but it's still going to be people speeding and that's why that gentleman there them can take care of that you know well you want what we have to do is look at is Orlando Avenue a safe road to be on golf carts I mean these are but right now we can work on the neighborhoods and then work well listen we can ride that's what I want to we can ride blue listen we can do blueford which is a main Highway you can do blueford at 25 milph and people coming down that road are doing the same thing I know they are so yeah I I don't I want to look at the at the ordinance and I don't like the uh method of the ordinance with the commission designating neighborhoods neighborhood by I think we should have a policy for the city yeah if the if the golf carts are legal on the streets they should be allowed and if they home neighborhood by neighbor by neighborhood yeah it's up to the H so do you want are we at this point where we'll review the ordinance but in the meantime I'd like to go ahead and go back to Sleepy Harbor go get them a letter from them and do that is that contrary to what you want Scott I I think um that would be irr I think the decision of an HOA should be irrelevant to the commission commission should have a policy for the city that is consistent that says if HOAs want to have golf carts they can as long as they're legal and we should stay out of designating certain neighbor all let me ask you this question if it's in a private neighborhood it's a different situation and if it's an open open neighborhood it should be up to the neighborhood that's what I'm saying but if it's an open neighborhood it's city streets yes and so if they're legal the commission shouldn't be segregating I mean it's like Harbor is not a closed in gated community so I mean we just need to set it where they the speed limit where they can get on the road instead of driving without being on the road I I I that's the spirit of the new state wall is to be more ating to golf cart so I think we should get a recommendation for modifying the ordinance and discuss it I think we need let's go over that see yeah well I I mean I'm getting I don't think you need the I don't think we need to be involved in the hoa's business well we do ask the HOA because we ask the HOA because they have do have um um rules and regulations that their that their residents follow regarding property and that's their business it's not I I think the city ordinance that we're operating under commissioner um there's the city ordinance authorized golf carts lower speed less safety requirements versus the state required to operate on a highway so Chief I don't know perhaps maybe you know if I'm correct or not but I I think it requires some type of City authorization to drive under the city ordinance on certain city roads so I don't know that we could give that permission to an HOA I think you're all still going to have to do that um to authorize that drive there I I'm if there're City roads because there City roads and it's operating under a city ordinance where the speed is appropriate I think you're authorizing the roads not necessarily the homeowners association need to get into the HOAs correct but that's not the way it's written right now yeah so it's going to take some time to to look at that on I was going to have the same question commissioner Wilson is asking it's kind of like two different issues and which ones do you want us to deal with at what time well the other one's going changing the ordinance is going to take time because you're going to have some readings in the meantime I could go to the HOA and ask them if they want to go ahead and make their neighborhood a golf cart community and then in the meantime we have months to go ahead and work on a it's going to take time well I know if if in my neighborhood I don't want to have a golf cart if I can't go out and go downtown the pro why would I have the golf cart just to ride up and down my street look at each other but that they ain't we well I ain't doing it that way in the meantime they may want to just ride you know want to ride yeah I'm say the main purposes is people are trying to go just like and I don't want everybody to get upset winter Garten don't mention that they drive downtown I mean that's a golf cart Community it's a downtown everybody goes downtown on the golf carts and they come from all around the town and they have parking spaces for the golf cart so let's get ordance go over to ordance and see what we have to change and then we'll come back give everybody a copy and let's go on there and make the comments okay absolutely that's fine I'll hold off then with that thank you all right thank thank you Chief all right comments from Commissioners commissioner Kennedy uh I have no comments okay I know but we didn't you still want to huh yes you all right come on up up here I thought you got your answer no well close huh close you just want camera time boy get on up there Get on Up you just want camera time wanted my camera time no listen uh I I Brad lomnick Veronica place I appreciate the commission uh you know taking my thunder away but that that's exactly what I was going to come up here to do is say uh we need to look at the entire ordinance you know there are State statutes that have changed uh our our ordinance doesn't meet those State statutes plus the way we have our North and South map they are not contagious so we have people now that come up from the uh the north side of town over off the hill they come all the way into downtown right now you can't ride a golf cart down ruis it's a 25 mph Road it's not in the map that should be part of the the map once they do that they can go right down uh Lakewood and come across Silver Star because part of the state statute is as long it's a four-way stop you can go through 35 mph road so that's why the entire ordinance needs to be uh looked at and on a personal level you know Admiral point is a golf cart Community right you make sleepy Harbor golf cart Community my little Nook right in the middle we don't get to and we have five people in our neighborhood that have golf carts that would like to do it as well I've talked to every neighborhood on on Orlando Avenue and they all have said the same thing they want to be able to take their golf carts downtown it's important so thanks that's it thank you sir I'll stick with my first answer no comment no comment okay uh I'm going to read one thing before before the the uh I'm going to read I'm going to read this announcement before they get started because most times they say the announcement I'm going to say anyway so the iloy general election is coming up on Tuesday March the 19th for the purpose of voting on 13 referendum ballot questions regarding changes to the city Charter and elected and a resident of District 4 to serve as District 4 commissioner for the remainder of the term which was vacated information on the charter Amendment ballot questions can be found on the city's website or you may contact the office of the city clerk should you have questions as this general election has been held with the presidential primary preference primary election to find your Poland location please visit the supervisor of elections website to find your poll in location residents will ALS o be able to vote early from March the 4th through March the 17th during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. early voting sites can be found on the city's website under the election tab the Women's Club of okoi will host their candidate political Forum on Wednesday March the 6 at 700 p.m. here in the ooy City Hall Commission Chambers District Four residents are encouraged to attend and bring questions for their candidates this event will be live streamed and televised live on okoy TV Spectrum Channel 493 go ahead were you afraid I was going to say I knew you did yeah I crossed off the one okay okay okay um I'm just going to make two announcements and then ask the attorney if he'll just answer a question for us please um March the 9th spring into conservation at Unity Park 9 to 1:00 uh you have to call in advance for rain barrels if you want one there's going to be an opportunity if you're you must be a city resident and they're going to do plant distribution that same day but you again you must be a city resident God bless you for that um for plants but otherwise we'd like you to come and learn um about conservation so that's one event we're having it's being sponsored by the utility department and by the public works it's kind of a Reinventing of the Spring Fling so just a little change April 6th is the shred to protect event which will be held at the aoi police department please gather all your documents that you want to have shredded and that will happen from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning I've been receiving some calls and some comments regarding the new B the ballot that went out and with all the Amendments and the mayor already announced about what's on the website going to it there's a little tab is about a dime siiz tab that says elections and you can click that and it'll take you to the next page and you can find the charter and the strikeouts that are on the ballot so um but I'm asking there's one question that I think some people are having a little heartburn over and that's the number one so I wondered if you could go ahead and just kind of go over that for us at this point sure I don't have the ballot in front of me um if you want to I have it provide it to me that's one on liberal construction and let me um say that the outset that liberal sure thank you so much let me I like that back I have to mail it in of course all right so so question one amendment of C8 city of aoi Charter to liberally construe the city's Powers section C8 of the city of ao's Charter shall be amended to provide that the city of aoi's powers be liberally construed in favor of the city to effect their intended purposes shall the above described Amendment be adopted and so liberal construction is a legal term of art it is not it is not mean liberal and in in some ideological term liberal versus conservativism that sort of thing uh all it means is that that a that the charter should be construed so as to affect the intended purposes that's what the case law says liberal construction is is intended so so for I'll give you a real world example so and and I discussed this earlier about how the uh the circuit court judge uh very narrowly interpreted your Authority um and held that your authority to be the judge of Elections does not include candidates of those elections and um one argument that I wish I could have made that I could not make to the judge would have been your honor uh you are required under the charter to liberally construe the terms of the charter uh that would have given me um a um I think a very compelling argu where we might not have gotten uh such a narrow reading of um of your Authority that that's just that that's just one real world example there there could be any number of instances where um where it would be beneficial uh to to the city to be able to affect the intended purposes these are for you to vote Yes or No whichever you think is the best decision to make on these but again um you can go to the website and look at the information that we have that's been posted I have that's it May thank you thank you all right commissioner fer just one comment tonight uh the neighborhood matching grant program is now open uh there'll be $28,000 available in this grant with a maximum of $2,000 per Community online applications can be uh obtained at at or you could stop by city hall and pick up an application at the reception desk the deadline for submitt is March 15 I urge everybody to take advantage of this it's free money to the community and they can make some improvements that maybe they couldn't afford otherwise that's all commissioner Hart all thank you mayor um this week this year during the um Mar Luther King Parade I had a great time with my daughters Britney my middle daughters here were T night and we were throwing candy and having a great time and I looked over to the side where I normally see my good friend Clifford Bernard Hill we always came out to the parade and sat and talked and laughed and joked around uh during the parade but I didn't see him that time and I had a little sadness in my heart because I figured I wouldn't see him again well I lost my good buddy this week we worked together for Walgreens for 25 years he was a great guy he was a pharmacist he worked at Health Central um over over in aoy for numerous years in the IV room and he was just a good guy I remember back in the early '90s when I first bought my home in a Cory he bought a home over in um in a lake Olympia on the lake and I said who could imagine our dad saw us now living in aoy you you living on the lake living the best life and that leads me into what I'm going to say about black history I said I would say it early I was so proud of our chief who came to our hrdb meeting this week and this month and talked about what black history means to him and I want to say what it means to me to my young brother and sisters out there growing up when I was your age I was the same way my life was consumed with grandm Master Flash It's Like a Jungle Sometimes that makes me wonder how I keep from going under the message a song that was written in 1980s talking about the struggles of young black youth and I was full of anger believe it or not how can you be so peaceful now well Jesus made a difference in my life but I was full of anger then I went to FAMU I barely got into school because I was goofing off in high school too much but the one time in my life that my name came in handy everybody think my name is Agnes because ages isn't a name but when I went to college they put me in the girls dorm so I was 17 years old living with all the Freshman girls my eyes had seen the glory of the coming of the Lord but I was thrown out because I found out I was a guy and they threw me out but when I was there I heard a song that changed my life it was a negro National Anthem with every voice and sing and I was always taught that his story was just his story you know black folks didn't do anything in America we were just cheap labor we were abused we were oppressed but then I started to learn that his story wasn't history I had a story too and I started to learn my history and I learned how we participated and how we LED how we died how we bleed bled for this country and I think about all these things and over the years I've developed a piece that passive all understanding and I learned that he has a story I have a story but together it's our story it's an American story so African-American history is not about black people it's about the American struggle it's the America how we work together how we laugh together how we cried together how we fought together to make this country a better place and I go up to St Lake I'm still trying to catch that 10 lb bass up there I'm stuck at 8 lb and 13 O it was a big one I was proud of that and I think about that night that night over a hundred years ago and I thought about the the horror and the tragedy those people went through and I think about where I am today I think about my buddy Clifford who's gone on but how we've overcome all those things and how we now live in this more perfect union and America is not perfect we're getting better the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement and we're all in that room but we're in that room together and we're working working together we're living together we're laughing together we're loving together and what I love about my daughter Britney's generation is they don't see race they see each other and I I love that about them and I hope we can learn from them but I'm proud to be who I am I'm proud to be where I am and I'm proud of this city this Center of good living and if we keep working together we keep tolerating each other we keep learning from each other we keep having MRA that was a great time getting fish and grits over that that was a great time s sh Shri I'm thinking about so my wife like shrimping grapes together just don't telling what we can do the scripture says eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor nor has it entered in the hearts of men the things God has prepared for those who love him and I believe acco is going to be a great place and I believe we're going to do it together so that's my take on black history it's an American story and we should never change the story sometimes it's uncomfortable sometimes is horrifying but oppression should make you uncomfortable um people being taken advantage of people being murdered families being separated it should make you uncomfortable it should make you so uncomfortable that you'll never do it again so tell the story The Good the Bad and the Ugly I tell my daughters every mistake I ever made in hopes that they will never make the same mistake I don't just tell them the good but I tell them the bad too and America's story should be told and it should be told by the people who lived it thank you for enduring me and Cliff rest in peace buddy thank you Mr Hart commissioner Hart commissioner Hart sorry about that we couldn't have pick a better person to be sitting in that seat when this fill in time I'll Tell You Folks and uh wanted to find his families you'll run across those his wife and his children his young daughters they're all special so we we appreciate them being around um web page Rob can we do a thing where we re get somebody revamp our web page I have calls coming they have a hard time getting through the web page to find the things that uh yeah it's probably time to to tackle that again it's been done a couple times over the last few years and uh you it's never gotten to a point where I thought okay this is it we've we've finally done it um we changed platforms a couple of times it comes I I think this one came with our e Civic platform that we use for everything else and uh trying to keep costs down I I think a lot of times you get what you pay for so um I'll have St look at that hire somebody to do that can we get a professional web page yeah let me let me look at the cost for something like that mayor if something we have to budget for next year um I agree it's it's acceptable but I I'd like more than acceptable people citizens have a hard time yeah I time find it's improved oh it's improved but it's still not there and I'd rather let us decide go out and hire a firm to come in and make it where it ought to be all right that work on that and I'm going to say say some things here tonight I'm I don't there's no announcements I want to make a couple comments about election time the election time I read I read things that come out and I said this at a function I don't I don't know if it was here one night I brought it up or said it listen I've done a lot of Elections and in 37 years I've been involved in a lot of elections in this town but I'll tell you that I asked citizens they say go out and vote well even if you're 5% or 10% just vote but know who you're voting for know what you're voting for read it learn it and know what it is just don't vote because somebody says this cuz folks people say things that is not true and I'm it's the worst in the world that I ever see I read I read these things where they put it out it it they could God Almighty I don't think could have done all the things they say they do but I believe that faith is to me is where people we have to believe in people that will tell the truth but that is not the truth folks it don't happen look up who you're voting for read about them and understand what they're they're they're doing and what they're saying not what they tell you that they're going to do or what they're saying and what really irks me is to watch politicians that have been in office running again will say what all they've done when we all sit up here we do it together it takes it takes at least three votes to get things done it ain't one person that does it and first thing you read well I did this I started that no everybody up here started it so and I I I I I feel like that they can say what they want to say I I think you need to read about who you're going to vote for you know and know who you're going to vote for cuz they're going to be looking after you as a citizen in this town cuz that's that's what you got to have you got to have some kind of way to look and see who's going to be doing your duty for you up here cuz folks you can get terrible if you don't and that's why some of these things have to be changed around um I I am I heard about the deal about the one like the home owner things to me everybody has a fair shake it should be a fair shake it should be you can't let one person say you know this stuff and then you don't let the other guy say it especially if you live there and the other guy don't you know I I think that I'd have to have I'd have to send an email or a Facebook page to every one of them people in that Homer Association say Hey listen I live here and I couldn't say what I wanted to say so it it to me that's what tells you what's going on with that person that's running and I don't care like I said and back to the chapters we we kind of got people made comments about what went on with that deal about that election well people did get to vote they said people didn't get to vote for their person yeah they did if you want to vote for a person you could vote for that person but the charter is made for us to go by to do just like the Constitutions made by the United States but we didn't get to do it so we've got to straighten it out where somebody can read it the right way I guess is you know but it's same thing as everything else a judge can make a decision to change your life or change that person's life I mean a judge can out of the blue if you don't believe it read the paper he can tell you tomorrow Mr Mor you going to pay out five $5 million us you know just making cash don't worry about the church but I I believe I believe in people being able to vote I believe in people being able to do what they want to do and have the freedom to do it but please research who you're going to have and who you're going to be backing once again I want to thank everybody we have to stay for another meeting in the back so what a special special session so we want to thank everybody for coming out appreciate it we'll be back here on March the 5th and uh election is March 19th remember read everything you get and check it out to make sure it's the truth all right good evening all right now now we have to reconvene as a special session here