all right we're going to open the meeting uh March the 5th meeting we'll have invocation by commissioner Hart and the Pledge of Allegiance by myself Mr stand please most Heavenly gracious father we thank you for the abundant grace and mercy you've shown towards us to allow us to come together to conduct the city's business and father we pray that you will help us to come together on the spirit of unity even though we may disagree help us not to be disagreeable we say a special prayer over our Public Work workers who are so diligent going about their their jobs taking care of this city remember our First Responders and our members in in the armed forces keep them safe and keep them covered under your wings in Jesus name we pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all commissioner Kennedy here commissioner Wilson here Mayor Johnson here commissioner fer here commissioner Hart here okay 2024 National Ms S this week March the 10th through the 16th somebody here for that said is there anyone here for that all right I'm go ahead and read it off okay Proclamation whereas in 2024 March 10th through the 16th is Ms awareness week and a time to drive awareness of multiple sosis to achieve our vision of a world free of Ms and whereas in 2019 the national MS Society released the findings of her prevalence study that found that nearly 1 million people in the US live with Ms that's twice as many as we originally thought and it means you likely very likely know someone living with the disease or someone who is caring for someone living with MS and whereas people with Ms can better manage their disease when they have the support and understanding of the people around them when their support networks from doctors to employers to family members have a better idea of what people with Ms experience every day and whereas a national MS Society is a movement by and for all people affected by multiple curosis we Embrace and are committed to bringing our entire Ms Community together representatives of all the various dimensions of Unity so that everyone feels at home and supported by their National MS Society and whereas the society paved the way for every effective MS treatment available today including the first therapist for primary Progressive and pediatric Ms and we achieved more advaned in Ms than have been achieved for any other neurological condition we continue to lead the way for discoveries and neurological diseases and whereas our progress is accelerated ating we've made more progress in The Last 5 Years than the 70 that presed it changing all aspects of life for people affected by Ms and where Ms is a complex disease that requires many solutions the national MS Society helps people piece it all together so they can live their best lives and whereas to reach a world free of Ms it would take all of us our time our energy our resources together is the only way forward now therefore it resolved the city Commission of the city Bill Cy does hereby decare a week of March the 10th through the 16th 2009 2024 as a national Ms awareness week and you're right I have friends close friends from my daughter who's got Ms and it's it's amazing to see different changes and things so that's true you want to come up and take a I'll give you this and you get a picture we'll have all the commission stand up in the back don't try to sit down Sit wait Tim is coming down you wait for the second picture all right black history month ESS contest winners community relations manager Wright Joy [Applause] Wright good evening everyone Joy Wright community relations manager city of aoi we're excited to be here tonight to introduce the winners of our annual Black History Month essay contest we have our winners and families and teachers and principles are here tonight so we'd like to congratulate you and thank you for coming and let's give everyone a round of applause before we get started this year the essay theme was living the dream we had eight schools participate with 169 essays so we have our first place winners here tonight and our overall winner who's going to come up and read her essay so our winners they get some really great prizes we have for our first place winners you get a $100 gift card from Best Buy and the overall winner gets a $200 gift card from Best Buy and then our second and third place winners will receive $50 gift cards and those gift cards were actually donated by one of our former volunteer board members Dr sandria Foster we like to thank her for that and then best of all all of the winners will receive meal coupons from Chick-fil-A and so our overall winner actually gets and we love Chick-fil-A and we want to give a big shout out to Chick-fil-A and our overall winner will receive a dinner for four for to Chick-fil-A so uh we got some great prizes uh the students worked really hard on the essays and again we're excited to introduce them so we're going to start off with introducing our first place winners and they'll come up and receive their certificate and we'll start with Queen Stan Tikka with Citrus Elementary School I'm not sure she's here okay we'll go on to Ariana Richards with hope charter school is she here all [Applause] right we're just we're going to do picture our next first place winner is Candice Williams with Innovation [Applause] monory our next first place winner is Rachel Patricia or with late Whitney Elementary School our next winner is Prince Jackson with aoi Elementary [Applause] School let's give our first round winner first place winner another round of applause and now the moment everyone has been waiting for I'd like to introduce our overall winner which is Molly Campbell Shields with thornbrook [Applause] Elementary stand right um hello um my name is Molly Campbell Shields and um I'll be reading my essay now um so how can I live the dream everyone has dreams some are bad and some are good but only some of those dreams actually come true but these things don't just happen overnight Martin Luther King had a huge dream and he worked tirelessly to make it come true that dream was to ensure that his children didn't have to live a life of being judged and here I am living out that dream even though we might all we all might not be the same because of his speech we see the world with rose-colored glasses and no matter what you or I look like we can still live freely without having to worry about our skin color now as an 11-year-old girl I might not know every itty bitty detail about the life Martin was living but I do understand that it is very crtical critical to not only look at the outside of of a person but also at what's on the inside because what is the point of judging someone off of their appearance when we were all made to get along and become allies if someone can't walk through the halls of my school without getting pointed at or laughed at then no one should be able to and thanks to Martin Luther King Jr for guaranteeing that none of that should be happening because now I get to live his dream I do not only live his dream by not getting judged off of my skin color but I am also living his dream by becoming a version of himself and ensuring that nobody should be getting treated differently I'll be the first to admit that even though I might may not have experienced discrimination I still know that it is far away from what Martin Luther King Jr had wanted for our world so it's my job to make sure that it does not occur to me or the people I love and cherish I can also live out his dream by spreading ailan around my school and maybe even if I wanted to go the extra mile around the world you don't have to be involved in discrimination to prevent it I can dissuade discrimination by including everyone I living the dream by being able to go to the school that I want to go to playing with who I want to play with and socializing with who I want to be around not just the people who look like me for this reason I'm free not just free to have the same rights as everyone else but also free to express myself for who I really am I'm not just a girl I am a sister a daughter A student a friend and so on so I have concluded that I am living Mar Martin Luther King Jr's Dream by being able to paint a picture of who I am with every extraordinary and unique color that truly represents me for me his dream was for everyone to join hands and forget about all of our flaws and differences what's better than a dream that inspires other dreams and soon enough has the whole world saying the same words I am [Applause] free thank you Molly that was wonderful let's give her another round of [Applause] applause now we're going to have all of our first place winners if you could step forward and we'll take a picture with our mayor and Commissioners stand up move them over to the center why don't you come out over Y come over to the center congratulations you did great don't forget oh yeah get your play get you earned that you earn that prize and you can tell the parents look at the smiles take a step to come on on there we go any more pictures got it right congratulations great job parents great job great job great job parents uh all right staff reports I have nothing to report mayor all right I'm G take a minute at the you can do it Mr Hart yes sir I just want to take a few minutes a little from the dce and bring down Mr Hart Mr Hart ages Hart is a gentleman that picked up and we put him in last year to fill the slot for a year under the under commission and u i I thought it would be a propo to say a few things about him and I got to deal that's all good I got to deal with his wife a lot when I was on the diversity board and really never got to meet you too much until after we got right I seen his wife driving around the golf course a couple times so I got to talk to him so but anybody can get his wife to go drive for him if the drive course it's good to know you but I I just want to tell you that in in the alignment that I I have had in the last year been around Mr Hart has been a benefit to me and I imagine it has to these gentlemen and ladies up here it is one fine man that has taken his time to come up here and do his duty for the city of oo for the citizens and he is a very active very active man and I don't know who we're going to get to pray we going to have to find a new person to pray I'll still be oh you okay so one of the better prayers I've been around but just and I know the Commissioners might want to say a couple words but I just wanted to say I I truly truly appreciate you and your family he has three wonderful daughters in college Y and he has to keep working right now so someday he'll be back oh yeah so we want to let you know that I as the mayor appreciate you very much and want you to know that anytime you want to be around come see us come up here all right we'll find a place for to sit anybody else have any comments you want to make any comments lay it on all right well um I was going to say this during the um com the uh commissioner's comments but one thing you one thing you always think you have a lot of Until you realize you don't have much of it it's time I always use the analogy I'm going to get another bowl of cereal I know we got some milk in there you pour your cereal in there you watch your Super Friends you get ready to do it and the milk is gone you're out of time and since I've turned 50 a few years ago my wife says never say how old you are they'll know how old I am I said it's Google they can tell anything these days everybody knows everything but after I turned 50 I realized I have more time behind me than I do in front of me so the time I have is precious more precious than ever before and the time I spent over the last 11 months sitting at this board was good time it was time well spent I met some wonderful people I have a greater appreciation for city government I have a greater appreciation for our democracy and I have a greater appreciation for you there were certain things that were happening on the commission that I didn't like one thing I will not do I will not sit up in public and criticize anybody I don't do that I don't argue with people I let people speak their mind I speak my mind but I'm at peace with everyone I don't hate anybody I love everyone and I refuse to get into public arguments I think it de it demoralizes it devalues our democracy that's just my opinion but I saw some things I didn't like and I wanted to try to make things better I came to serve I didn't use my time here to promote myself or to advance myself to try to make a name for myself when I got in the office and I saw that beautiful view looking out the window I reminded myself the interim commissioner until the next one is elected I wanted to put up a picture of lift every voice and sing and my my my inspiration my picture of my wife and my kids you could tell us a old picture CU my hairline is still there my daughter said Daddy you got a receding hairline I said no it's a full retreat but um but that's okay but I didn't do that because I'm inum and the seat belongs to the people so I left the office the same way I found it until the next person is appointed but these people deserve your respect it is not easy job to sit up there and make decisions that affects people's lives it's not an easy job to be criticized and ridiculed um I'm going to say one thing about the mayor I'm gonna the best way I can describe it anybody here got daughters any guys got daughters my daughter's called Mayor Johnson uncle Rusty that says all you need to know the man has been kind to me and my wife his wife has been kind to me and my wife since I met him I hear a lot of negative things about him about people who don't even know him and that's not fair but you know what when you serve the public they'll say hosanna on Sunday crucifying on Friday now Jesus made it to F Saturday Friday we'll be lucky to make it to Monday morning but that's the life of a public servant but I before what I want to say is give somebody a chance before you go by what somebody else told you about him he's a good man and I don't know anybody that's working harder to see the city of okoy succeed than him so give him his credit I hope one day we can sit back and look at how the city's changed in the last 37 years since he's been involved and as I close people say what's your greatest accomplishment I don't have a greatest accomplishment because this is a team amen no one individual could do only thing you could do by yourself in the city commission is make a mess you can make a mess by yourself but to get anything done you have to work together you have to you can't even bring emotion up by yourself you have to work together I'm a pastor you know by most of you know me and there's a chapter in the book of Isaiah where Satan says I five times I watch people to say I a lot because I takes away from team and team kills the dream beautiful beautiful speech beautiful beautiful so proud I got three dos every time I see young people doing so well and Prince way the hold it down back there bro I like that way to represent and parents you should be so proud of what's going on here in aoy I'm proud to serve this time and I can tell people I'm my name is Bishop bubblegum I tend to stick around and I plan to run in 2025 if God gives me strength and I can get enough people to vote for me but in the meantime if you need me call me I'll be around I'll probably be on at Forest Lake on the seeven on the fourth hole right bes inside the sand trap getting ready for my second shot the only problem is I'm playing hole number three and I've sliced it over to the wrong Fairway thank you very much I I know at the end of the meeting tonight he want to talk again what a great great person that is that's been sitting up here and helping the city the city of citizens is the main thing it's all what it's all about all right um I'm lost here nope all right public comments come on down Mr Moyer you number one on the list thank you sir I got a few here for public comments my name is Dr Jim Moyer I live in Arden Park first of all congratulations to all the black history ASA winners you all did a fantastic job secondly congratulations to the city opening up North Lake View Avenue thank God that's that should be in your prayer and uh mayor in a sense you stole my thunder because part of my speech was to thank my district commissioner commissioner ages Hart thank you so much for your service over the last year thank you thank you be for being my commissioner thank you for uh pointing me to the hrdb and for being the L on to the hrtp and Mr Mayor thank you for last meeting bringing up about the website yes that's something for a long time it just slipped my old mind but the website really does need looking at yes sir um and city clerk civit thank you because Alonzo one of your youth council members the American Legion Post 109 is sending to Tallahassee and I got to spend time with him and I'm sure you've helped to mold him into the excellent young man he is and he'll be speaking to the commission this summer to tell about his experience at BO State um also this is women's history month and on Friday it's International women's day international well women's History Month actually stems from International women's day which is about 125 years old originally but women's history month uh began uh in officially in 1987 but International women's day which is this Friday and um the theme this year if I can remember it properly is invest in women uh accelerate progress so I think that's a great theme so please join join me in celebrating women's history month and also this is Irish heritage month please also about 1.8 million people in Florida are of our Irish descent so please also celebrate that this month thank you for your time and God bless you all thank you Mr moer Norine dorin good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners Mr Frank Melanie lovely to see you all um I am Norine dwen I'm the editor of vox populi I wanted to bring everyone's attention I mentioned it the last time we were here our election guide is out voting is underway for the March 19th election our election guide has all the information that you will need to vote in this election we have information about the 13 Charter amendments that are for everybody in the city to vote on we um announced our endorsements for the special election for District 4 yesterday so everybody can come and take a look it's at Wintergarden I also just wanted to mention very quickly that uh tomorrow evening from 5:00 to 9:00 there will be an aoi Market at the Lakeshore Center I will be there if you want to come and ask me any kind of questions THS or you know just talk about local news I am there I am available it's Thursday now sorry I forgot what day it is sorry yes you are right tomorrow night I lose track of time thank you for correcting me yes it is Thursday 5 to9 I will be there I run your local news site so I am here to answer questions to take ideas I am available so you can find me at Wintergarden thank you very much thank you congratulations everybody Brad lomet Brad lomn Veronica Place uh good evening Mar Commissioners uh unfortunately I come bearing sad news uh with the passing of uh fellow Coan and District 2 Resident Tom Lowry Tom was a great friend uh as many of you know Tom and his wife uh would come to the commission meetings very frequently uh just want to give you some some facts about Tom um Tom spent uh 55 plus years with the American Legion as a sergeant in the Army serving from 1964 to 1971 he has volunteered uh many times in the city of okoy whether if it's been for our uh canvasing boards uh the district realignment board and the most important the charter review board through his time uh at the legion he's helped with programs in West Orange and uh a CO like uh challenge 22 he's been up here many many times talking about uh veteran Suicide Prevention so uh in my mind he's a uh a hero so I I come before you for an Ask uh I I would ask that you consider placing a name plate for uh Tom at the uh on one of the benches in front of the withers Maguire house where the uh the Armed Forces memorials are now it would be great if we could make that uh that area the Tom Lowry Armed Forces Memorial Garden doesn't cost us a lot to do it and I think it's uh it's great to give back to the the citizens that that have you know made this this city is what it is and he's not originally from here but he's called it his home for many many many years his wife is uh a member of our Women's Club and uh she'll be helping tomorrow night matter of fact with the debate so um you know I would ask that uh you consider that thank you anybody want to make any comments think staff may need to look at what's available out there because I don't know what what's available we'll have the staff look yeah there's two benches out there now I I was thinking that instead of naming a whole park or whatever you know to get a little name plate just to put on one of the benches right there there's two of them that are directly in front of both of the the Armed Forces memorials that are right out there in front so okay I think that's a good thought all right we'll work get it worked out thanks Brett uh zaneta arthro zaneta hello hi um my name is anetta arthuro I'm currently a student at aoi High School in the 11th grade um I a part of part of a program at my school called Ace the Ace Program is an international program through the University of Cambridge for high school students in Florida an ace diploma allows them to receive the bright future scholarship if they pass exams if this is achieved students will be awarded full tuition to any public for you University in the State of Florida included in the Ace Program is a class called a global perspectives in research it is a skill-based course that prepares students for our rapidly changing world through the seven lenses of politics economics culture science environment technology and ethics this class is important to Ace as a student cannot achieve their diploma without passing this class to supplement this class we are planning the first Ace Global field trip to SeaWorld on April 4th we are requesting three charter buses to be sponsored by the city of aoi we plan to try and make this field trip as affordable as possible so all students enrolled in the course may join us on this experience the price would originally be $100 per student but with the help of the city we will be able to decrease the cost to about $70 per student um we are asking for a donation of$ 2,400 most at most um the reason why we are asking for this amount is because we are planning to order three charter buses um as of now we have 40 spots confirmed of students that want to go on the field trip um and many students are still turning in their field trips as well their field trip forms uh the best quote for three buses with tax is about $2,100 however we are also buying meal plans for students and chaperon with just the cost of um chaperon it's around $574 so together with the buzz quo and the sherone meals it's going to be $2,674 or sorry $2,674 um the donation of 2,400 would help us reduce the amount needed to pay that for that from $2,674 to $274 that's it that's it yes all right anybody got any comments oh I normally do I'm normally the one that speaks regarding this I know that we've been giving a um discretionary fund and I think that's something each individual commissioner would have to make those decisions with you um I think that we as a city we've done this once and that was regarding advocacy days in the city uh going to Tallahassee which met our um advocacy op we we all work for advocacy here when it comes to legislature um I think that's something you might want to approach each individual commissioner about because I know we took away um the fund to Merit board that we had that were these folks would go through before so now it's something I think you just need to approach every commissioner individually to see if they would want to apply their discretionary funds or have the funds to assist you okay that's my opinion anybody else yeah yeah we need to do it that way but I'll I'll contact you for myself so any of the other Commissioners they can call uh you need to she the city clerk will have your huh you got an email I think yeah we got an email too so all right so we'll see who can yeah help out with this all right yeah thank you so much send me an email huh send me an email yes send an email yeah all right number let's see consent agenda I'll make the motion to approve second motion made by commissioner Wilson to approve the consent agenda second you're not saying nothing seconded by seconded by commissioner Hart I would like to pull item two for individual consideration of and discussion of the appointments of members there's three members I'd like to discuss them into DET okay you want to pull two yes sir just just to um remind everyone that we need a motion in a second to remove items from the consent agenda so can I we'll call that a motion not not you said two didn't you item two yes so can I amend my motion to say we um approve the items 1 through S with the exception of two well we need the second hits first though oh we do need a second so I I'll second his U removal okay yeah okay can I get this on the board behind me so I can WR down what we're doing okay all right motion motion was made first and second then we going we got a before we vote on that we got another motion uh to pull two and we'll we'll go ahead and vote on item one 1 through 7 less two all right yes sir that works all right let's vote I jump too fast that that carries un nously all right now item two commissioner Kennedy yes sir um as you know I'm the liaison to this board and um one of the reasons this item is here is because I requested something be done to solve the inability to get Quorum and to have meetings um one of the members has been uh vacated for lack of attendance some of the members um have not attended the citizens Public Safety Academy uh some members have a waiver because they're prior sworn officers which is an accepted waiver um so my opinion my motion is to reappoint member Gregory Meeks and to appoint Brad lomnick to replace Corey garon but I would like to leave uh Patrick Holt seats open and find another member possibly if be nice have a member from member from District three is there is no one from District 3 on there I don't know the districts who was on but you I know that uh I know that there are two members from my district the chair Mr Lewis and Gregory are both in my district and I would with Brad I would have two from District Two where's the other one at uh I'm trying to find I should put Corey garon was vacated or deemed to have resigned and then Greg Meeks and Patrick Hol are up for uh term expiration renewal so you making a motion to appoint those two to to reappoint Gregory Meeks and to appoint Brad lomnick to replace Cory garon and not to appoint re uh reappoint Patrick Hol and to have uh the commission recommend another member go ah here second I'll I'll second that second comments that's what I was saying that I think District three is the only one on if I looked at correctly that three did not have anyone and hope um you know I always love to see a variation from our different U on the board districts if you go to the board list how how do you do this so if you go to the board list that's in the packet I mean I can read them off we have sure member Lewis is from district one member Brun scale is from District 4 member Annette Brown is from District Two Meeks is one halt was district one Moyer's District Four melon is District Four and gray District 4 yes so so we were already lopsided a little bit Four's got three people four four and I had three I'm trying to go down to two yeah okay so that would leave one opening correct Y correct yes so all right we we have a motion on the floor so you need it reread or do you all know what it was everybody okay with that to vote all right let's vote motion carries unanimously so we'll need another name for uh we're probably from District three yeah from the commissioner if you can find somebody there I'll ask around I'll try okay thank you all right what's up number eight first reading of bances this will be the first reading of ordinances tonight it'll come back in two weeks or no it'll be four weeks it'll be four weeks so you want to read the are we yes sir an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida amending the city of aoi comprehensive plan as adopted in 1991 as amended amending the future land use map of the EO comprehensive plan to change the future land use map designation from low density residential to medium density residential for certain real property containing approximately 0.94 Acres located at 474 South blueford Avenue on the east side of South blueford Avenue beginning approximately 235 fet North of East Orlando Avenue providing for an authorizing the revision of the official City future land use map repealing conflicting ordin um we want to not have repealing conflicting ordinances if we could um make it say um uh superseding uh any conflicting ordinances uh providing for separability and providing for an effective date okay this this will come back before us on April the 2nd we're not having it on the 19th because the election I didn't take it off my calendar okay and that was that was uh that for the comprehensive plan the next is for the uh rezoning an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida changing the zoning classification from r1aa single family dwelling District to PUD plan unit development District on certain real properties containing approximately .94 Acres located 474 South blueford Avenue on the east side of South blueford Avenue beginning approximately 235 ft north of East Orlando Avenue finding such zoning to be consistent with the aoi comprehensive plan providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map um superseding any inconsistent ordinances providing for severability and providing for an effective date all right same thing be back August I mean April the 2nd all right I item number nine first reading of ordinance for gardinia point resoning from unclassified district and r1a single family dwelling to PUD plan unit development District an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida changing the zoning classification from unclassified an r1a single family dwelling District to PUD plan unit development District on certain real property containing approximately 37. 37 Acres located on the north side of the fcen railroad tracks at the Terminus of the unimproved aoi Vista Parkway right of way and assign partial identification numbers 10-22 D28 d z0000 00-00 -003 uh as well as 10-22 D28 000000 00-- 011 as well as 10-22 D28 d 000000 d -128 and 3-22 D28 D28 34-01 d201 finding such zoning to be consistent with the co comprehensive plan providing for an authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for severability and providing for an effective date all right the same thing it'll be back a April the 2D for the second reading all right item number 10 first reading first reading of ordinance implementing live local act all right an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida amending section 5-15 of the aoi Land Development code uh specific use development standards to implement the provisions of the Liv local act section 166.010 density and height establishing a process for administrative approval providing for deed restrictions and annual certification requiring equal treatment of affordable housing and market rate units providing for en enforcement providing for conflicts codification severability and an effective date same thing April second can I ask is Andrea Jones here yeah where where no this is theight April April 2 okay April second I'm sorry I missed thing second reading April the 2D okay all right all right we're going to move to the second readings of ordinance this going to take a little while here we're going to start with item number 11 second read of ordinance on City commission initiated Charter amendments through Section C9 C10 and c17 City attorney together an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida proposing amendments to the city of ao's Charter pertain aining to one section C9 to confirm or establish that the city commission has authority to interpret and enforce the provisions of the charter and providing for judicial review and two section C10 to confirm or establish that the city commission has authority to interpret and adjudge the qualifications and eligibility of candidates for the commission establish procedural rules to provide notice and due process to any affected parties and provide for judicial review and three section c17 to confirm that a commission member who resigns from their office cannot thereafter seek election to any part of the same term of office from which the member resigned and providing a form of ballot for the proposed amendments at the next general city election after the effective date of the of this ordinance on November 5th 2024 or is otherwise set by the city commission directing the city clerk to file the revised Charter as approved by the voters with the Florida Department of State and providing for conflicts separability and an effective dat okay Commissioners I'm going to open this uh I'm going open the public hear and anybody in the public have any comments on item number 11 on the charter amendments nobody all right close it come back up to dce anybody up here have any comments on items 11 with the C9 C10 and c17 I'll say something I believe that we at last meeting made the decision that um we would open this up to the public for this night and if there were no concerns then we could go ahead and not bring back the charter Review Committee so um I'm in I'm in favor of this but it's just I think that we made that decision not that really decision but we talked about it uh that's why I open it to put nobody yeah doesn't say that if I think we we discussed it so if someone want had a concern regarding these items for them to come forward tonight I would also hope that we could put it on the TV Rob on our City TV and people if anybody wants it they can pull it up off the TV okay the channel loc on our in our computer so on the website but this will be voted on at the November election correct it would go on November 5th November November election yeah anybody else up here have any comments on that all right I need a motion I'll make a motion to proceed with placing the charter amendments on the ballot all right C9 C10 c17 here a second I'll second second by commissioner Hart any more comments no more comments let's vote motion carries unanimously all right if if anybody you know anybody and anybody has question questions please call the city and ask about it or or go on our our live Channel and see if you can find it and if not call one of us and we can help you get to it item number 12 second reading of ordinance for fisical year 2024 budget amendment Finance director Roberts come on down you like me to read it first just let her say first and you can re go ahead you got that just got one you got two just one on this one I think turned up yeah there we go okay good evening Rebecca Roberts Director of Finance um the finance department as we do every year at about this time went through an analysis of our financials and um our budget to ensure that we have adequate budget and not too much budget which never happens to complete our obligations for the rest of the year one of the items items that came to our attention is our health insurance fund um as the commission knows the city of aoi is self-insured meaning that we pay our own claims um that we don't have an insurance company that pays the claims for us at the end of every calendar year we are required to file a report with the state's insurance department that when we did that report this year we noticed that claims have escalated quite a bit over for the last couple of years and our analysis showed that if claims continue at this pace that we would not have sufficient budget in the fy2 24 budget to cover the claims anticipated for the rest of the year so we are coming to commission to ask to increase the um Health Insurance Fund by $1.67 million um 1.4 of that from the general fund 197 from water Wastewater third 35,500 from our storm water 5,000 from solid waste and 7,900 from the CRA this is their proportionate share based on the number of employees in those funds that are enrolled in the health insurance fund um in addition later this evening this we will be bringing to you um the approval for yes sir I'm GNA move it up next after you get through okay great so next um we we are bringing to you um asking for approval of a $10 million note that will help to fund the Regional training facility that has been brought to the commission and approved by the commission um when we analyze the best way to finance that um facility and we looked at all of our options we determined that the best thing for the city to do was to um take out the note uh which we are paying approximately 4 Point forgive me I can't remember 4.4% um on the Note interest on the note we are currently earning on our investments 5.67% so anybody that has a savings account knows it's probably better to borrow the money at a lesser rate than you're earning um so we're asking for permission to do that by doing so there are some adjustments that we'll make um we and we're asking for permission to move some money back out of our Capital fund put this money into our capital fund it's just a bunch of accounting stuff that the commission has to approve so that's what we're bringing to you tonight for consideration all right if I could jump in here it seems to me that we ought to app if this commissioner wants to approve of the note they ought to do that first before um we approve of the budget change would you concur with that I would concur okay so we should then goad hold on 12 and move to 19 19 and then we come back to that vote exactly all right okay all right uh you're still up there then we're going to do an item 19 all right um so as previously discussed the city commission approved the construction of a regional police training facility which will have several um shooting R uh shooting Lanes it will have some training rooms um Etc it's a training facility we anticipate it will be used not only by the city of AO but by other law enforce ment agencies um nearby the facility um we anticipate is going to cost $12.8 million the city's received $2 million in grant funding from the state to contribute toward that um we are asking that you approve this 10 million note which will give us um nearly 10 million there's some costs associated with that and the rest will come from our reserves and from that interest we talked about we're going to earn on um on the note so we are asking uh uh for the commission to approve the $10 million note this evening and if there are any questions we do have our bond Council here to answer any questions all right I'm before I open the public here I'm going to let him read the uh all right let's start with uh item 19 so a resolution of the city Commission of the city of aoi Florida authorizing the issuance of capital Improvement Revenue note series 2024 um defined as the series 2024 note in the principal amount not to exceed $10 million to finance the cost cost of the construction and equipping of a new Regional Police /pu safety training facility as further described herein and to pay the cost of issuing the series 2024 note providing that the series 2024 note shall be a limited obligation of the city payable from non adval revenues budgeted appropriated and deposited as provided herein providing further rights Securities and remedies for the owner of the series 2024 note and for the negotiated sale of such series 2024 note with regions Capital Advantage Inc making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith and providing for an effective date all right I'm open the public hearing anybody in the public hearing comments I just want to make sure I understood sorry I didn't file for for this one to speak one I it's to build another safety complex aren't there already three shooting ranges within like 12 minutes can you give your name could you put your name for the sorry Kelly back we have a we do have a old place that's been developed around it with town homes and condos and houses and it's in a dirt bank which is States kind of putting on yeah okay that's I I we also got we also got a $2 million loan out of the state not a loan but a $2 million grant that goes towards that okay so it's what 20% of the cost I mean it's just a lot of money for what seems like a very limited impact well well it's not going to have a limited impact because it could be it can be used by other law enforcement municipalities we get we got certain number of cities that are going be there paying God it help mitigate that cost long term okay that's what I didn't understand thank you so much I appreciate thank you all right no more no more comments in the public all right close it come back up here all right I'll make a motion to approve motion made by commissioner Wilson to approve number 19 U do I hear a second second seconded by commissioner Fon no more comments let's vote motion carries unan that's it thank now we'll go back to 12 back to 12 Now read we're going to read these then I'll open the public hearing for that all right item number 12 an ordinance of the city of AO Orange County Florida relating to the city budget amending the city budget adopted by ordinance 20237 for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 by providing for an increase of Appropriations providing for separability providing an effective date all right now we're going to open the public he anybody have any comments on item 12 ordinance second budget amendment no comments I'll close the public here and bring it back up I need a motion I'll make a motion to approve the uh 2024 budget amendment motion made by commissioner first and here second I'll second executive and commissioner Hart no more comments let's vote motion carries unanimously thank you very much all right uh let's get down to number 13 public hearing second reading of ordinance update in the city's code of ordinances chapter 45 Arbor code an ordinance of the city of AO amending section 45-4 of Article 1 Section 45-13 of Article 2 of chapter 45 the city of AO code of ordinances to clarify the definition of a protected tree to require just cause for removal of the protected tree and to provide for a standard of review risk assessment criteria and additional considerations for issuance of a tree removal permit establishing standards for documentation when protected trees are removed without a permit and providing for conflict separability and an effective date all right I'm going open the public hearing I have two people signed up Mr Vinnie sing that means you're singing tonight sure okay good evening everyone evening City commissioners Mayor Johnson my name is Vinnie Singh um and I will not be speaking for five minutes wow okay maybe I should sing um this picture here you see beautiful Skies mutilated mutilated trees yes mutilated trees doesn't look good as a growing City I've been a resident of aoi for 15 years now and I've gone to Wi a garden WI a park other cities that are beautiful aesthetically and just nice in appearance aoi is new to many things it's growing we're working together or we should be working together for things like this I'm the president of my HOA and I know if the residents and homeowners in my neighborhood cut their trees like that there will be issued violations whoever did this didn't take pride in their job I work in a corporation I can't go to work in t-shirt shorts and flipflops that's that type of look we must come together and try to work together to make our city beautiful whoever did this has little pieces and limbs dangling I mean it may be said okay the crew came by and we're underst staffed and we just Tred to get things done quickly so it doesn't touch the electrical lines however this was done with no Pride at the end of the day we want to grow together and look beautiful that's all I have to say hang on a minute Vin sure what I want to tell you is that we have no control over over that we have control over where those trees go to start with when they build that place but that is the power company that does that excuse me man' yeah actually Mr Mayor um Vinnie requested that these trees be trimmed because they were blocking the sidewalk Mr s uh Public Works our Public Works did that why would yes sir they're not supposed to be doing that the power compan is one usually does that not this time so so this is relevant sorry about that but nobody said that this is relevant to the arbor ordinance overall of yeah as you said the city mandated those trees there there's no room and then the city is trimming them it would almost be better if they didn't touch them I think at this point so uh we want to talk about that why would why would our guys trim those trees up on the power things when they're not supposed to touch them it's the the power company supposed to do that but that's they don't want you get near those power lines also blocking the sidewalk people they could trim it off the sidewalk well that's what they were problem is that's not just a sidewalk are we sure Public Works I sounds like that's something that should be handled internally then huh it sounds like something that should be handled internally I'm pretty sure that going to be handled internally I'm pretty sure that uh Public Works did trim them to make sure the branches were off the sidewalk but you know looking up 30 ft Wards the power lines we don't we don't do that so from what I'm seeing here I would I would make the guess that city did some and you know what you're seeing there at 30 to 35 ft is something that we don't do at all would be the what we need to do is find out Rob see because that needs not to be done again but I'm telling you I've never seen our staff do yeah we're not qualified our they tell you do not trim near power lines and I don't see our guys doing that cuz we don't don't have that kind of equipment now if we did that we'll we'll address it through the city management I'd say everything up to maybe 10 to 15 ft tops would be the city anything after that would brch off is not that and it's typical like we get complaints like every two years when they come through the city and they go through and they they cut big V notches out of everything and uh I'm just here representing I know the neighborhood the area and I'm I'm a concerned resident so I know that's all well next pardon me if I'm a little too harsh but you know no you're not harsh you want I've heard harsh before you're you're kind I mean that tree doesn't I had dinner before I got here so you thank all right we'll they'll get an answer and get it back to you who why that was and what that don't need to happen anymore though Rob all right anybody else want to comments thank you all right appreciate it thank you thank you anybody else comments on that item 13 back yeah come on up Kim I got let's see Kelly Beck yes sir so Kelly Beck I'm president greens at Forest Lake Homeowners Association so it was raised to me in regards to the arbor code changes that this was being done to resolve some issues with mass removal of trees and so the proposal that was brought before the board was to update the ordinance to require a city commission vote in order to have a single tree removed from a property personally speaking as an HOA with I can't even imagine we have to have two or 300 trees on our property especially on the side that traces the 429 when it comes to hurricane damage when it comes to mitigating the impact of the trees on fences sidewalks roads even though our our roads and sidewalk are City managed the ability to manage those trees in a way that is sustainable and scalable within the city ordinance is absolutely critical having a permitting process that goes through Public Works is reviewed and make sure that it is done in a reasonable and safe way I absolutely agree with but going to the extent of a city commission vote so that I can remove a tree from our community property after a hurricane that's been damaged seems really excessive in a process the city of okoi does not have the bandwidth to sustain longterm so I would urge the commission to to send this back to the table and come up with a process that is going to benefit the and make best use of our resources I I didn't see that we would be the final decision I know that provide a process for commission to review to commissioner on page nine of the proposed ordinance at the top um it says commission review at a publicly noticed hearing the city commission shall consider for approval any application for tree removal or replacement of more than one tree within a private road R of way more than one tree yeah landscape buffer hurricanes do we get that I mean we probably replaced five or six but everything runs under a different deal anyway with hurricanes right but I mean these things happen and to have to do a city commission process every time when we have hundreds of trees and young trees that a regular storm has knocked over some of them is definitely it's it creates issues in the process it issues with the timeline and is I would argue an unre or an unreasonable use Sub City resources when we have so many other things to worry about well Mike are we going to pull this and redo it rechange that around I always thought in the tree deal I know I've had to do it and I had to go through the permit department to get a tree permit not through the commission but through the permit through the absolutely in favor of yeah make sure people are doing it right but yes mayor coupled with the public comments you've received today part of those is a desire of one of the City commissioners under pruning uh I did not go the direction I didn't know understand the direction they were looking at we didn't even provide any input in in that direction for public pruning so with that in the public comment you've had I recommend we've opened it but we continue it to a you to a date certain but we need some time because there's I can tell you you've already got a new scenario in front of me from another subdivision where they planted all the trees on a property line and whose permit is it there's just so many scenarios to go through so yeah all right I'll make a motion to table this item um I want to make sure as part of that that the moratorium on blanket tree removal remains in place until such time that we have a reasonable ordinance all right yeah I'll second that I'd rather get it right than get it fast motion made by commissioner Kennedy seconded by commissioner Hart to table this till it's further redone and rechecked all right let's vote motion carries un answer we'll get an answer on the event about that okay thank you all right uh number 14 second reading of ordinance amending in the city of ooy police officers and firefighters retirement trust fund section 27 defer the retirement option plan an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida relating to to the city of aoi Municipal police officers and firefighters retirement trust fund amending ordinance number 2010-19 as subsequently amended amending section 27 deferred retirement option plan providing for separability of Provisions repealing all ordinances and no no superseding all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date all right open the public hearing anybody in the public have any comments on item 14 all right we close the public here and bring it up to the D anybody got a motion or anybody got comments I make a motion to approve motion made by commissioner firster item 14 I hear second I'll second and does that include the superseding instead of the repealing language yes thank you and seconded by commissioner Hart any more comments not let's vote motion carries unanimously item 15 second reading of ordinances for 440 okoya poka Road panello property annexation and resoning from County A2 Farmland rural District to City 3 C3 General commercial District all right the the first is the annexation ordinance an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida annexing into the corporate limits of the city of aoi Florida certain real property containing approximately 0.51 Acres located at 440 AO apka road on the east side of AO apka Road beginning approximately 1,800 ft north of the Palm Drive at aoi Apopka Road intersection and assigned parcel ID number 18-22 D 28-- 00- 00002 pursuant to the application submitted by the property owner finding said annexation to be consistent with the aoi comprehensive plan the aoi city code and the joint planning area agreement providing for and authorizing the update of the official city maps providing direction to the city clerk providing for severability prevailing in the event of any inconsistency and providing for an effective date should I go ahead and read the resoning now an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida changing the zoning classification from Orange County A2 Farmland rural District to City of aoi C3 General commercial District on certain real property containing approximately 0.51 Acres located at 440 AO aapka Road beginning 1800 ft north of the Palm Drive at AO aapka Road intersection finding such zoning to be consistent with the aoi comprehensive plan providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for severability and providing for an effective date all right zon and manager with good evening Mr Mayor thank you Commissioners so this is the annexation uh and resoning for the property at 440 ooya papka Road um annexing from the county to the city and changing the designation from A2 rural Farmland District to C3 General commercial District the property is located on the uh west side of AOA Papa Road it's about 1,800 ft north of the Palm Drive intersection it's about a half acre in size the future lineu designation is currently commercial um it is in the wava steady area but there are no protective features um it's currently occupied by a house um the property owner has no proposed plans and the site is eligible for annexation by being eligible for services um and adjacency and contiguous to the city limits this is an areial of the property um the surrounding future L designations and the surrounding zoning districts uh the DRC met on this item on January 2nd and PCC heard this item at its February 13th public hearing both the DRC and PCC found no issues and made a recommendation of approval um staff is also recommending approval of the proposed annexation resulting from A2 to C3 for the property located for 40 AO poker Road and I don't see the applicant here um but I know at the last hearing they had uh a schedule conflict all right I'm going open the public he and anybody in the public have any comments is that person here no sir okay anybody have any comments item 15 if not I'll close the public hearing bring it to the dce need motion or comments I make a motion to approve the annexation motion made I'll second commissioner first or second by commissioner Kennedy any more comments if not let's vote motion carries unanimously item 16 second that we need need the resoning now I thought you oh but but that was a motion to approve separate V we got do resoning thank one more I'll make a motion to approve the resoning do I hear a second yes seconded by motion made by commissioner first or seconded by commissioner Kennedy no more comments let's vote motion carries r n z all right item 16 right second reading of ordinance for manzor property of resoning from R1 single family District District to C2 Community project but that's where I got confused let her talk first then I'll have you read sure okay thank you Mr Mayor um the mansur property resoning um from R1 single family District to C2 Community commercial District um the property is located on the south side of SilverStar Road about 180 ft east of aoya popcor Road intersection um 28 acres in size the future Line's designation is commercial um the property is currently vacant and the the owner has no proposed plans this is an area of the property is generally surrounded by commercial in the north south and west um surrounding future land use all commercial and it's U surrounding zoning so it's uh a residential zoning um DRC met on this item on January 2nd U PCC heard it on the 13th they both found um no issues and made a recommendation of approval the reason for the request is that when there is an in an internal inconsistency between the future Lage map and the zoning map the property is essentially um uh St stalled in terms of its development potential because they can't build residential because of commercial landu designation and they can't build commercial because of the residential zoning District um at tonight staff is also recommending approval of the proposed rezoning from R1 to C2 for the manor property in order to bring the zoning into consistency with the comp plan all right now all right in ordinance of the city of aoi Florida changing the zoning classification from R1 single family District to C2 Community commercial District on certain real property containing approximately 28 Acres located at excuse me at on the south side of West Silver Star Road beginning approximately 181 FTS east of the Apopka OKO Apopka Road at West SilverStar Road intersection and assigned partial identification number 18-22 D28 D 3166 D- 02-14 finding such zoning to be consistent with the co comprehensive plan providing for authorizing the revision of the official City zoning map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for separability and providing for an effective date all right we open the public hearing on item 16 anybody in or have any com comments no comments we'll close the public hearing and uh bring it up for you got any more to read that's it right that's it on we need a motion make a motion to approve the resoning second motion made to for the resoning by commissioner first or second by commissioner Hart any more comments no more comments let's vote motion carries unanimously item 17 second read of ordinance for West Delaware Street West Property smallscale comprehensive plann Amendment from public facilities institutional to low density residential St West deliver Street West Property small scale CPA um changing the property from F uh public facilities institutional to load Andy residential is on the north side of Delaware Street about 360 ft west of South blueford it's about an acre in size and the that the zoning is currently R1 able a um this is an areial of the property and the surrounding future line use and the surrounding zoning um like the other one DRC met on this item on the six PCC met on it on the 13th they both found no issues and made a recommendation of approval in order to bring kind of the reverse to bring the zoning consistent with uh I'm sorry to bring the future line use consistent with the zoning which normally doesn't happen in that direction but in this context it makes the most sense um and with that um and the applicant wants to develop single family homes which they can't do on a public facilities institutional future lineu designation um and staff is also recommending approval of the small scale compliment amendment to go from public facilities institutional to ldr you agree yes sir an amendment of the city of aoi Florida amending the city of aoi comprehensive plan as adopted in 1991 as amended amending the future lanus map of the yo comprehensive plan to change the future land use map designation from public facilities SL institutional to lowdensity residential for certain real property containing approximately 1 acre located on the north side of West Delaware Street beginning approximately 360 ft west of the West Delaware Street and South blueford Avenue intersection providing for and authorizing the revision of the official City feature land use map prevailing in the event of any inconsistency providing for severability and providing for an effective date all right open the public hearing anybody in the public have any comments on item 17 for West Delaware Street no comments I'll bring it back up to the dice I need a comments or a motion we have to make the motion motion made by commissioner uh Wilson okays I'll second it second it by commissioner Hart any more comments if not let's vote motion carries unanimously all right we're down to item 18 second read of or annual comprehensive plan txt amendment to adopt fiveyear schedule of Capital Improvements and update the capital Improvement element cie project onlyon manager thank you this is the annual cie update of the comp plan um so background for the the commission and and audience um each local government according to the Florida statute is required to to adopt um a comprehensive plan um and within that comprehensive plan there is an element called the Caper improvements element um each Caper improvements element or cie has to contain a schedule of Capital Improvements covering at least a 5-year planning period and that includes both publicly and privately funded projects um that are necessary specifically to improve and um maintain the adopted levels of service for those facilities that are um required by the state to have a level service standard um by Statute this is not considered an amendment to the comp plan it's something that we can adopt by ordinance um and we send it to the state as a courtesy to the state but they do not have the purview of providing any objections the proposed five-year schedule reflects capital projects only uh I'm sorry capacity capital projects only taken directly from the fiscal year 23 24 budget that was approved by the city commission following two public hearings and then ultimately adopted on September 20th of 2023 um and then updating table six um in policy 1.6 of the C improvements element which is where the capital Improvement schedule lives in the comp plan all right an amendment I'm sorry an ordinance of the city of aoi Florida amending theoi comprehensive plan as adopted in 1991 as a in order to comply with Section 163 3177 sub paragraph 3 for the statutes amending the Capital Improvements element of the comprehensive plan providing for separability providing an effective date all right we're going to open the public hearing on item 18 annual comprehensive plan anybody nobody to speak we'll close the public he and bring it up to the dies anybody want to comment or make a motion I'll make a motion to approve the uh comprehensive Amendment plements uh amendments motion made by commissioner Hart for number 18 do I hear a second I'll second second by commissioner Wilson all right no more comments let's vote I missed we can say Wilson can all right motion carries un nany all right we've done 19 we're going to skip down to the public hearings item number 20 approval of 125 South Lake Shore Drive barenburg property variance request Z manager with thank you 125 South Lake Ro Drive venberg property variance um the variance request is to section 5- 6B subsection one in the L vment code relative to the um the placement of accessory structures specifically in this case a pool and deck area to be located in one of the property's three required front yards um specifically the southeast front yard um the property is on the west side of Lake Shore Drive it's about a third acre in size the home was built in 1958 and their current owners bought it in 19 I'm sorry in 2021 it has an R1 um double AAA zoning classification and it's also a corner lot this is an aerial of the property um and the surrounding zoning districts so the property had a um variance approval before this Commission in 20122 at that time they had asked for um a setback variance um if get to my mouse so the property has three sides that are considered fronts the Northeast side on Lakeshore Drive the southeast side on Lafayette and also the South Side on also on Lafayette um the R1 AAA is the most um restrictive zoning District in the city where the front yards are required a setback of 30 fet side yard is 7 and a half like all the other residential districts and the rear yard is actually 35 ft so from an orientation perspective in terms of the use of the property the front is that side facing Lake Shore and the rear of the house for all um for use purposes is the southwest side facing uh Lafayette so that side if it were a rear would be a 35t setback and at that time in 2022 the commission um approved the setback variants in order for the homeowners to build a detached garage here in this area since that time the the structure has been constructed um they are in now this year for a variance to place a pool right here um in the southeast side of the property the code reference 5-6 says that on a double Frontage or um a through lot meaning a lot has a road on one side and then on the complete opposite side um or other corner Lots accessory uses and structure shall not be located in either of the require uh of the required front yards but may be located in the one but not both side yards so the code assumes that the property has a regular front and a regular rear and and two sides those streets are front rear and two sides um so then the property owner could place an expressor use on one of the sides in this instance however the property has three fronts no rear and as side so the variance regulations are in section 4-9 and um they are it lists out four criteria the first criteria is that there are special conditions or circumstances that exist that are peculiar to the property that applying the code literally would um essentially deprive the applicant of Rights commonly enjoyed by others with similar conditions um that the special conditions are not the result of the applicant's actions and that granting the variance does not confer any special privileges to this applicant that has essentially been denied other applicants with similar situations um so the this slide shows some of the constraints or essentially all of the constraints of this property this blue circle area is where their drain field is um this Garage in 2022 was approved to be placed here because they were utilizing a driveway cut that was already existing on Lafayette they separated the garage as far as they could um from the house the minimum is 5T and they do meet that this rectangle Orange area here is their um septic system and they didn't Place anything here the pool here because they are still hopeful that these purple arrows are showing where they could potentially connect to city sewer if city sewer were to become available along lafaette so they didn't want to install um a major investment like a pool in an area where they would lose their opportunity to connect to to sewer in the future so um it essentially leaves this location on the side of the house which is still considered by the city standards a front yard setback area and um of course they did not want to place the pool in their front yard um directly in front of the house as of the construction of the garage in 22 um the lot is still at 30% impervious so they essentially meet all the other code requirements um in terms of Development and Construction activity on the residential lot so the applicant um in their submitt provided some um cat renderings of how the pool would look um and the fence the fence is shown in their application because they are sharing their master plan um this variance does not include the fence um so this is some renderings that they have provided to show what they are wanting it to look like um this is also so this placement is also fallowing um some back and forth between the applicant and staff they originally wanted the pool closer to this fence line here but we had discussed them moving the the pool as close as the building code would allow um in terms of a pool next to a structure um the minimum is 10 is 5 ft so they moved the pool closer towards the house and then leaving this open sitting this uh open area here in the sidey yard where they can plant some additional um trees and whatnot to soften the line of the fence so some additional renderings um one of the concerns that I was um talking to them about which is no longer a concern is the visual um impacts of the fence and so they have provided some some renderings here that will show the line of sight or show that the line of sight can still be maintained with the fence in this Slide the the yellow line represents the property line property line so the RightWay line is here the red line is where um they would put the fence and that would meet code as far as the placement of the fence this is just another angle um also another angle turning right from uh L Shore so with the constraints of the site um and looking at all the possible locations of the pool we feel that the um that there are special circumstances with this property in that there are three front yards and I apologize there's a typle here that should say one side yard and no rear yard so the sidey yard that they have is too narrow it's less than 10 ft um with the 5ft separation for a pool and the house they essentially have no room for even a lap pool um other side constraints is that there their rear yard is occupied by drainfield and the space in the center again is left for is used for Bice septic um applying the literal the code literally would basically not allow them to do much else in their front yard which essentially they use as their sidey yard um these circumstances are not the result of the applicant these were existing conditions when the house was built um and we feel that granting the variance would not confer any special privileges to this applicant the PCC heard this item on the 13th um there was some discussion on um I don't recall exactly what the discussion for honestly but it was um trying to remember oh the septic system um there were renderings that I included here that wasn't in their packet so um I expanded on the some of the slides in terms of the site constraints so with that staff is recommending approval of the variants um to section 5-6 B1 to allow the property owner to place their accessory structure on one of the three required front yards um for the property located at 125 South Lake Shore and also um following the PCC hearing we received one letter of support um leading up to to today I think earlier today we received a total of three additional letters of support and one letter of of opposition and the applicant is here if you have any questions of that as well you don't have read right all right I'm open the public here if you want to speak now it's the time if not okay nobody I will say I will say there is three letters for four and one one descent so yes okay you didn't fill out you got a form okay good evening um C kitchen I live on sorry Catherine kitchens I live on 135 Lafayette Street um one of my neighbors that live right beside me she's on vacation and um she did have a concern as well and I I do too um what was your I'm sorry what was your address 135 lafette street okay um the neighbors that are in the that's wanting to do the the pool extension they've done a wonderful job on the property it is quite beautiful they've made a lot of improvements one of the concerns that my neighbor sorry she's on vacation otherwise she would be here she a few years ago she put in brand new windows and she did single pane windows for her kitchen um so they could enjoy the view of the lake and the concern is on that side view where she's at and it's B in Pat for where I'm at as well it cuts right across the view and with the additional parts of the with the added on trees at a later time we're just concerned there's going to be even more con um obstruction of the view of the lake and I know they don't obviously want to put the pool in their front yard I wouldn't either um Can it would another reason to take away their view of the lake and it's just just bringing it to our attention the neighbor I'm not sure who turned in um an opposition of it I'm not sure which which other neighbor I know the neighbor across the street as well had a concern um but I just came here for my next door neighbor and as well for me just for our concern of the view which side of the street do you live on you live on the where I live I'm like caddy cornered to where they're at and when you and my main wind window there's a fence up there now do you live in brown there no there's no fence I don't have a fence no where do you live on which side you live behind them or on the other side of the road the they're in the corner Lin oh yes I know where they're at but I'm saying where do you live at I live U let's see there's right like right the there's the house on the corner this one there's one on the corner and then there's one up on the third house up from the corner South well there's no way do you live on the North side or South side of the street that's what I asked yeah the South Side would be on I'm on the I'm on the right side their house is on the left I'm on the right that's the side okay but I was looking at the picture and if you look at the picture it's still going to be the lake I looked at picture but I'm just saying from where our view is like if you and you're wel comfor te if you're standing inside inside my living room and if you look out and I'm just a concern if are you this one we're not critical we're just trying to figure out please absolutely are you this one that the mouse is on I'm sorry I can't even even even back when they had the trees there the trees are gone it's got a better view that now even with those trees you couldn't see it back if you look look at this this is from no it's this is from 131 Lafayette so you can see L when you look out the when you look out Tre you goes right across it goes right across the property Mr Mayor she's saying that her resence is how how tall is the fence how tall is the fence six foot is as tall as it can be and how tall are they planning on doing it are they going to do it four feet so this variance isn't for the fence it's just for the pool they have not applied for a fence Oh I thought on the zone commission I thought they were going to put a fence in their rendering shows it but the variance hearing is just for the pool placement but later there will be there'll be and then they they're capped at 6 feet I like I'm I'm completely fine for the for the pool my concern is just when the fence get puts up how tall the fence is going to be and then the trees that are going to be added cuz literally from my view in the living room you look straight out because there's only one view out and it goes right across right across the yard where the where the pool's going to be fence height is capped at the in the city at 6 ft at six okay all right you got you still got a little time oh no I'm just I told my neighbor I would come and voice her concerned about her Windows she did she just did okay all right y yes sir thank you so much thank you thank you all right anybody else anybody else got comments all right close the public here and bring it back up to the dot all right question all right Comm Mr keny um does the fence require a variant no sir thank you um and is there a limit um I know for example where I live we have different set of rules um we have a limit on the height of the Hedge yeah we have a limit on the height of the hedge or the trees that extend above the fence is there a limit on that not by the city's code no it only had there's only a limit in terms of the line of sight the 25 foot distance triangle okay thank you welcome any any more any more SC no sir I'm going to say something is um I've read the pros and cons or should we say the letters of interest and letters who are not interested and you know what it comes down basically boils down to me is that we um we're offering this resident no special privileges that something that's not offered to the rest of us I mean I have a pool and many folks in a CO have a pool and I think this lot is an unusual lot we won't disagree with that um they've done a beautiful job on the house and everything around I mean it's beautiful um but again we're not offering them any special privileges so I'm not I do not oppose this variance I do understand the resident's concerns about their view but I also look at this resident also is given a privilege that the rest of us have yeah yeah my my first house was on the corner and when you do put a pool on the corner and I only had two corners but they have three corners so they're really limiting the last thing you want to do is have your P your pool exposed to everyone while you're out in the pool so they just um bought a beautiful lot with a situation that requires an adjustment so I really don't I can understand that we definitely want them to enjoy the properly I got understand too the view of the lake that's very important too but um I think like I said we're not doing any special favors so just trying to get the value out of the properties looks looks really good too all right anybody else no more comments all right I need a motion I'll make the to approve the variance motion made but and and and will you add to that um a motion to approve the variance and a fining of consistency with Section 49 of the city code so so thank you so much hear who's second I'll second what he said thank you he seconded what you said all right motion made in seconded any more comments let's vote motion carries unanimously good job all right I just want to say the house is it's built in the 50s it's lovely yep and they've done a great job and um I'm sure some of the neighbors are very proud of but they've done please me if theyve done house yep that's it congratulations all right number 21 approval of ooy Oaks joint venture large scale preliminary subdivision plan Z in manager withfield thank you a CO Oaks joint venture preliminary large scale subdivision plan so the property is in the northeast corner of Clark and white um it's essentially the South the southern 5.71 acre portion of the church property it received a resoning um in um October 2023 from A1 to r1a and at that time in 23 they had always proposed an 18 lot subdivision this is an AA of the property it's it's wooded um in the majority of it there are some areas that are not wooded um this is the surrounding future land use and the surrounding zoning this is a um a site plan from their subdivision plan and as it's shown here there is a right in right out access limited access onto White Road uh I'm sorry for orientation purposes North is to the right side of the slide um and then on the west side of the property connecting onto Clark is also a secondary right in right out access via a private 30-ft driveway they are still sticking with the 18t Lots the Lots do comply with the R1 um a zoning District City Water and Sewer capacities are available they are working diligently with the utilities department to hammer out the engineering of the subdivision um the storm water is not going to be built on the property it is being shared with the church property um via an easement that's going to run essentially here this driveway access from Clark will also serve this site here which is the bell tower that the commission approved a couple years ago um and there is a lift station here so this subdivision includes a proposal for a 50ft subdivision I'm sorry a 50ft rideway which extends from the uh White roadside all the way to where this yellow line is and that is where the 50-ft rideway ends and then it continues on as a 30 foot RightWay I'm sorry 30ft driveway the reason for that is that there are Church um activities that the church still wants to maintain in this area so there's just uhoh there is simply not enough room to get a 50ft rideway all the way to Clark on that side um Landscaping will be installed per the arbor code um and again the layout complies with the concept that was presented to the city Comm commission during the rezoning so the item went to the DRC on January 2nd um DRC made no findings of concern the PCC heard it on February 13th also with no findings of concern um there the PCC ultimately made a recommendation of approval of the subdivision plan there was some conversation regarding access and circulation but they um the applicant team was able to answer their questions at that meeting and staff is also recommending approval of the preliminary subdivision plan for the 18 lot subdivision and the applicant team is here in the back okay all right I'm we open the public hearing anybody want to speak from item number 21 ooy Oaks joint venture large Li here I have a Doug good evening Mr Mayor good evening commissions of the great city of aoi um I'm not going to take a lot of time here but all I want to do is let you guys know that this was a good example of success of people working together very much the way commissioner Hart was talking about you know what his time here when I first found out about this I was going 0 to 60 uh trying to make sure that this was never going to happen and we had conversations that I said this is never going to happen the way it is now but I will tell you that the cooperation that we've gotten from the developers from the church from staff and for commissioner WS son this thing is now a good thing for our neighborhood it didn't start that way and I can tell you that most of the people in my subdivision I'm the HOA president for white Hill which abuts directly to the east of where this was going to be built we were not happy about this one way or another because of the traffic that it was going to bring to White Road but the way that this all came together and it came when with the the thing that push us over the edge was when the church allowed them to buy the driveway and make the main entrance out the Clark Road that's where they're going going to put their front sign and everything else and you guys don't hear this good enough often enough probably but this is the success of people working with the city and the developers to make a good project better this was going to be a good use of property that probably had no other use until these guys came along and decided to do this and I appreciate this for what they're going to do to my property value and I also appreciate the fact that they're putting up their own money for the private driveway to make this work otherwise this we'd still be up here you know fighting back and forth but I just wanted you to know that this is a good example of what happens when everybody works together will you give us your name and address please I've already filled for I need you to say it in the mic they need it for the public oh Doug gomber 405 Misty Meadow white Hill Sub thank you appreciate it thank you thank you very much appreciate it very much anybody else in the public all right I'll close the public here and bring it to the dce any more comments or do I need a motion I'm just going to make a mo a comment right now I'll make the motion after but I do appreciate they worked very hard together um many phone calls with Doug and I and again I was pleased that how you worked well together to bring this to this point so I'm pleased and I'll make the motion to approve unless someone else has comments I'm sorry huh unless someone else has a comment that's all right motion made I I'll make a comment in a second all right motion made by commissioner Wilson on this item 21 hear second by commissioner Kennedy yes sir and I remember remember exactly what you're speaking about I was on the pnz when you in your neighborhood came and uh I'm very happy for you congrat all right and I'll even be happier when that cell tower goes in absolutely and the developer any job thank you for working yeah thank you very much it's good to hear that about developers working with our citizens uh any more comments if not I'll have a uh let's vote about to go over Mo motion carried we're doing good all right thank you thank you sir I know we're doing real good all right we're down to 22 approval of cambur suits at okoi Large Scale preliminary site plan you're up again there yes sir and bring us home um so this is a large scale preliminary site plan for the Cambria Suites at aoi hotel development with a 1500t restaurant on the sixth floor that it do you want me to wait a couple seconds just a minute give just a minute um so the property is located on the south side of Main Street um just east of the Maguire uh I'm sorry the main and blueford intersection it's 2.6 acres in size the zoning is C2 there are no environmental features that are unique and it is within the cr's target area 2 Sub Area 1 uh this is the areial the surroundings uh future line use surrounding zoning um again CRA Target area 2 um is everything that's in color here um this is sub area 2 this is sub Area 1 and this is the site plan so as you can see the site itself has a a pretty odd kind of quirky um shape the hotel footprint is here I I apologize that there are so many lines but the hotel footprint is here it's got sidewalks white walks U along the perimeter of the building um Main Street is up on the North uh blueford is here and Maguire is on the left side of the screen um at the Main Street side they are proposing a right and right out because there is a raised curb there a raised median and then on on the Maguire side is a full access driveway to um essentially align with the driveway on the opposite side of Maguire at the request of Staff we they are providing a vehicle interconnection should an opportunity arise for a connection to the hotel on the South Side so that people don't have to actually go on to Maguire to go from one place to another um the stone water Pond is on the South Side um with this project they are in their sub mittle asking for um um so I put in this slide two squares um these are their waivers that they're asking for from the LDC um and I wanted to share with with you also the standards that are in this the CRA Target area 2 plan so the building setback is 25 ft by the code but in the CRA plan the minimum is zero um the parking it's you know they're asking for an 18.8% reduction but the code gives flexibility in the design of the site to consider the context of the area with respect to the city's Target area and their Max height in the CRA the max height in the zoning code is 45 ft which is not practical for a hotel the max height for the CR sub Area 1 Target area 2 is 5 ft however in the other sub area it's 8 ft so um the the the six that they're proposing is sort of in the middle because it's essentially near the edge of the two sub areas so these are some renderings showing the max height again the restaurant is um on the sixth floor it will not have an a specific end user they the hotel will operate the restaurant itself um and so uh the next couple of slides will be renderings from the different elevations um this one is facing the future roundabout at Maine and blueford and Maine is right here this is the north side so looking at it from Main Street um South the northwest side looking at it from as you're traveling south um I'm sorry North on Maguire Southwest side traveling south on Maguire um and then the southeast side so they this is where the the operations of the site will be uh and their pool is on the first floor um so I also want to point out that that this site plan was after numerous conversations and meetings with technical staff as far as some some slight upgrades they accommodated a loading zone here um the original couples subid didn't include that they also agreed to make the walkways the sidewalks connecting from the city sidewalk to the hotel wider than the typical 6 feet so those will all be 8 ft to match the sidewalk that'll be widened per the blue blueford Street skate project so DRC met on this item on the six and PCC um heard it on the 13th some conditions of approval that I've just been carrying forward um is as this project goes forward to engineering and design and permitting we just want to keep it on everybody's radar to make sure that the alignment of the driveway on Main Street does not conflict with the roundabout as those two projects move forward together and um if it's needed a development agreement could be entered into for the improvements at the roundabout um there's in the site plan you'll notice that they are also proposing a rain Garden should the roundabout happen um there's an opportunity to negotiate widening this rain Garden to improve that intersection or that quadrant of the roundabout um we are also keeping in everyone's radar the parking um the parking is 117 spaces it's it contemplates a 75% vacancy rate um for the hotel rooms eight spaces for the restaurant use and then eight spaces for their employees based on their hours of of shift changes um they since the time that this application came in the property owner has acquired the property to the north side of Main Street so if as the operation of the hotel proceeds in the future and there is a need for parking then they could consider parking on the property to the north um the parking calculation that we looked at also does not include the spaces that are available to the public and also this user um that's on the um north side of Maine that is opposite the the um Oasis so on the south side of that all those on street parking spaces are dedicated to the apartment but on the North side is it's up for grabs for anyone who's able to use it and then um ideally once the blueford Street skate project is completed the roundabouts there The Pedestrian walk paths are there um those parking spaces will be better integrated into The Pedestrian circulation in this intersection so um again carrying those those conditions forward um staff is still recommending approval of the Cambria Suites at aoi hotel um large scale preliminary site plan and the this they they're right here the design team is behind the other applicants are here all right all right you through yes sir all right open it public hearing nobody in my comments I'll close the public here and bring it back you have anything to nothing you have anything to read nothing to read Ju Just if um if if there's a motion to approve um I assume staff would want it subject to to their recommended conditions all right you heard that do I hear a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve a large scale preliminary Rec site plan with the waivers requested and on the condition of uh approval from the uh staff recommendations all right commissioner fer made the motion do I hear second I'll second that seconded by commissioner Hart anybody else got comments not let's vote Parkin gave me a little harburn if they've acquired the property across and as we widen the sidewalks hopefully we'll see more walking we'll see more folks walking from the apartments to the restaurant so all right thank you thank you very much looking forward to that M yeah all right motion carried all right regular agenda that's it folks we're down to uh U Down to the comment time I'm going uh limit to 5 minutes all right commission Hart we'll let you start first tonight right um it's it's good it's good the way it's ended um I'm very happy to see um homeowners Builders and City staff working together I know there's a couple of issues in District 4 one is highly contested went on for quite a w at the last um Planning and Zoning commission and um I didn't speak about it because it's still going through the process I don't want to get ahead of the process but I encourage homeowners to work with the city work with the de developer and let's try to come to a conclusion that benefits everyone we can get a lot done more we can get more done having a conversation than we can having an argument so I hope we can come together and work on that in the spirit of unity we do have a couple of one of the few Lots that's left in qu Bill a couple of them are in District 4 so I encourage you to work together with the city and if you plan on doing something at your home please check with the city before you start the last thing I want you to do is to do something and it's you needed a permit and you didn't get the permit and you got to go through that process the city staff is here and they're willing to work with you so please just check with the when and doubt check it out um I'm so proud of the hrdb board uh getting the diversity movement started on the website still a work in progress we're going to get there but we've made that first step they always say the hardest way to lose is the first five pounds and we've jumped past that and we're now we're in the process of doing that so I I'm grateful for that and for women's month I have four the most precious things in my house my wife and my three daughters and my daughters are all going into fields that are male dominated and I tell them one's going to computer science one's going to Cardiology and one's going into animation and I always tell them when you go into a field when you leave make sure they know who you are we got to empower our young women to reach for the stars there's still in the majority but they're still the most oppressed group of all groups still underpaid still undervalued still not represented correctly in upper management in all of America and in politics so let's make sure we power empower our women and appreciate our women I tell you I really appreciate the four I have at home my wife went out of town one day and left me home with the girls and oh boy I tell you we were so glad when she got home but thank God for you ladies we salute you and all your endeavors and um to a special lady who works here at the city Sherry thank you for putting up with me keeping me in line uh making sure I'm at the right place at the right time doing the things that I need to do it was a learning process I always say it was like Gilligans supposed to be a three-hour trip 11 months later we're still here but um I I thank you for your professionalism your kindness um one of my pastors always said people don't need to be don't have to be kind to you but she was and she would above and beyond uh taking care of me and my wife and to the um my fellow Commissioners and the mayor I know you will throughout the course of your career you will you have a Litany of decisions you make and I know in leadership you always look back on the decisions you made and you ask yourself that I make the right decision I hope giving me this time in office is something you never regret I hope I've conducted myself in a professional manner and that's worthy of the seat and to the two gentlemen who seek this seat I will be praying for you your success it's a city success I pray that God will use you to serve the people of the city of aoy and I'll be helping any way I can because we have to work together um we always talk about uh this and that this that group and I think sometimes we get our nouns and our adjectives mixed up we're worried about our race we're worried about our gender we're all part of the same group it's called the human race and whether you're American Asian Filipino met you're all part of the human race and if you live in aoy I want you to see koi as your home um finally every time I do anything in pastorial ship or anything I always want to make sure I leave all hearts and minds are clear sometimes when you're in leadership and you say things that might have offended someone you might have done it unintentionally but someone might have been offended so if I have said anything that offended anybody in any way I want you to know I have I am sorry I would never intentionally try to hurt anyone I don't do that but sometimes you say things that come across and rub people the wrong way so please accept my sincere apology I don't say things I don't mean but I don't want to hurt anybody in any kind of way thank you for allowing me to serve God bless you and have a great night take care thank you commissioner commissioner first just a couple dates to remember the neighborhood matching Grant is still open the deadline is March 15th you can get your applications online at um candidates forum is March 6 uh it's from 7il 8 right here in the chambers and don't forget to uh go out for the election on March 19th and Best Fest is coming up March 28th out here in uh Bill Breeze Park 5:30 to 8:30 come on out it's a wonderful event and regarding commissioner Hart you're a true gentleman and you're a role model that we should all follow I am truly going to miss you your ta uh time here was served well and we hope to see you back again I'm going to do my best I'm going to miss you okay commissioner Wilson thank you Mr Hart you've been a joy to work with you really having you've created a very cohesive environment for us here so I thank you for that so and we look forward to seeing you back and being in our audience for a little while oh yeah come on back yeah it's always fun um I just have a couple comments to make that going from the last meeting and one of them is I thought about this as I've been driving through school zones and you know we had someone make a presentation regarding um photo enforcement and what really bothered me as I thought about it later was that the state allows someone through digital through the uh photo enforcement to go 30 m an hour in a school zone I think our children deserve more than that our children deserve 20 miles an hour and I hope that when that comes back to us that we remember that 30 miles an hour in a school zone is 10 miles over what we post and when you allow someone and they know they can do that they're going to do it and I I just have a real problem with that I've thought about that and it bothers me because I'm going 20 through a school zone people are passing me mhm and I would love to see police officers there to catch them because we don't need that for our children that issue the other issue I had and I know that we spoke about this last meeting and commissioner Kennedy um this is something that you brought we we discussed it and it was more what you had said um the concern was to make Orlando Avenue not to allow neighborhoods to have golf carts but for us to work hard on getting Orlando Avenue to a 25 mph Zone sure I'd love 25 miles hour on Orlando Avenue but I don't see that at this point and putting a golf cart on Orlando Avenue is very unsafe I would like us to pursue a l I would like to go in to talk to some of my HOAs one that wanted a resident in there wanted a golf cart why aren't we allowing the residents in that area to have a golf cart if they're as long as they're not going out in unrestricted in restricted areas um our dated communities they can have golf carts can't they we went Admiral's Point went a golf cart why aren't other communities being able to be given the same privilege that Admiral Point has or our gated communities as long as they understand there's an end you can where they start and where they end they can't take them on Orlando Avenue we could deal with Orlando Avenue at a later time but I think we should allow our residents if they live in a gated if they live in a neighborhood that they they have the right to use a golf cart maybe you want to go to your friend's house down the street and you take the golf cart if it's within the speed limit and it's within a safe environment that the police department states that it they can why can't we go to an HOA and say are you interested I don't want to wait for Orlando Avenue to become a golf cart street because I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon so this is what I'm asking the commission that I would like to take what we talked about last meeting and go forward and ask the HOA at sleepy Harbor do they will they agree to a being a golf cart Community within their interior streets and that I think should go for other neighborhoods also who have the ability I don't think we ever asked Admiral's point back in that day if they if the HOA wanted that it was because residents asked for it so we went ahead and made it and they could only stay within that selected area so why aren't we allowing the other neighborhoods to do the same I think it's unfair we granted a pool tonight because of the privilege they weren't given extra privileges it's something that homeowners want well a homeowner wants to be able to drive around sleepy Harbor why aren't we allowing that and we'll ask the HOA but why aren't we allowing that I just don't I don't understand that mayor I don't either but I I'm grieving making that Road 25 miles an hour oh I would love to see it but as I'm going 30 and I have a train of 10 cars behind me no that's that's unfortun you're very lucky cuz most of them I see on that road do way more than 30 well they're not behind me if they're behind me they're going 30 okay maybe 32 33 I'll get it when I talk but yeah but do you understand what I'm saying they should be given the same what we allow ad we just have to go through the ordinance and make it where it pertains to all of them I don't know Rob the ordinance is flawed and doesn't comply with the state yeah I know we got to change it I know well then we need to go ahead and ask City staff to go ahead and change what I asked for I don't think we asked for that quoting what I said I understand that there was let's hold off till we can make Orlando Avenue 25 miles hour no I said that that's wrong I said that okay well then what I said clearly was I'll stand corrected in apolog there's a difference between a gated community and what is being called an HOA an HOA that is not gated has public streets and my argument is the inverse of yours which is I don't believe the city has any right to tell an HOA that has public streets they can't operate golf carts which is what the current ordinance says they have to be approved that entire process is irrelevant they're public streets if the golf carts are allowed on public streets the golf carts are allowed the whole construct of the golf cart ordinance is now made irrelevant by the Florida statute that was passed that's my position we can put it on the agenda and discuss it if I think we I would I would request it goes on the agenda okay well you you your talking you done yeah okay you didn't say the marketplace I'm going I haven't finished yet do I have any time left well you are I'm going to let you have a minute well I'll let you have the market place okay the marketplace is Thursday starts at 5:00 here at Lake Shore our beautiful Lake Shore Park come on down enjoy the marketplace and I had great I wasn't able to go to the last one but I heard wonderful things about it they were thrilled so again come on down the you know we have wonderful events that we have in the city to enjoy and this is one of them do that one too and yes I will the other one is springing to conservation it will be this Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 here at Unity Park which is right across from our old city hall and again it's kind of a revamping of our uh Spring Fling that I have to thank the folks who worked with me on the Spring Fling for all those years it was before I was ever commissioner and when I became a commissioner we had the Spring Fling which is a great event we probably had 7 800 people who came down to enjoy it it was a free event and this is a free event there's going to be R so again I can't say enough about the springling and all the wonderful folks that worked on that we worked really hard it was a group of citizens and um it's now become a city project but it's called spring into conservation 9 to1 there's going to be one interesting exhibitor of the Florida Skunk rescue will be there uh marine turtle research group the library fishing game Florida Master Gardener if you want a rain barrel you need to sign up beforehand um calling 407 95 3159 please arrange that because it's not something that is they bring them they bring enough for those who have requested there's also a plant giveaway two plants or one tree per aoi household with a valid ID we have five ZIP codes in a a koi so just because your license or your ID does not say a koi does not mean that you are not a resident of a COI we do have five ZIP codes in this community and there's going to be face painting raffle prizes sidewalk art storytelling so it's going to be a fun morning so come on down thank you okay commissioner Kennedy wow um the tree the arbor ordinance I want to thank uh HOA representatives from district one that came and spoke tonight I think things like the trees the situation we have with different administrations at different times having different sets of rules for different communities is a is a good example of exactly what's wrong with the golf cart ordinance when you do things peace meal and you say well this this one can and this one can't and whatever that over time and uh as this city has grown so much that evolves into a peac meal approach to governance um just as I asked for the arbor I asked last meeting for a comprehensive view of the golf cart policy to comply with the state statute that was passed um I don't have enough time there isn't enough time um but I just want to speak when I um started participating in city meetings and coming to city meetings the low's uh sat right in front of me at every meeting and um it was great to become friends with Tom and Sue and um and every time I would get up and speak they would have a word of encouragement and sometimes correction for me um and um this city has just suffered the loss of a great man and a great leader I couldn't even begin I don't even know the boards and the positions and the volunteer efforts that they both have provided to the city and our hearts are broken uh for Su um the same it's it's funny I remember when I went to my first hrdb meeting and I went there frankly knowing that there were some contentious issues and some separate camps um that's why I went frankly and um the first meeting AIS heart came down and sat right next to me and we started talking and the most amazing thing to me was at the second meeting he came and sat down right next to me and AIS and Lori have just given so much as well and um I was fortunate because when the opportunity to name him interim commissioner came up I already knew what kind of man he was I'd already seen his example and Lor's example of leadership and um and their girls a b and c done that's it I I have never met children that were so mind that we're so genuinely happy and um and a joy to be around and that is a testament to you sir and to Lori um what a wonderful family we are going to miss you and we do hope it's shortlived um that said I'm low on time but I have a couple important issues to discuss uh maybe we can Park Lakewood but I would like to get an update maybe at the next Commission meeting on next steps regarding traffic and enforcement in district one now that lakwood is open I know that we were waiting waiting waiting for Lakewood to get open and for the temporary disturbance to to go away there so if I could just ask staff to be prepared at the next meeting to to to go over the plan but I would like to ask tonight for an update if it's possible on the utility permit for Forest Lake golf course if that's possible that's that last of my comments after that thank you mayor Commissioners Craig Shadrick um the I spoke with the consultant today as a matter of fact and just as a recap the commission authorized Zha to conduct a study of the lease of Forest Lake in addition to looking at the Wastewater permit and they are ready to make their final report with the exception of information that they've requested from the operator um which is financial nature nature they've requested for three years of financials and accompanying statements and um there has been a little bit of push back from that so that's where we are um I did meet with them they expressed to me that they would be happy to give those um financials up if we gave them a non-binding Loi thank you what did your advice on that what's your thought process on that or Rob too well I I'll I'll tell you what my thought process is um I think we should give them a non-binding ele I at a at a um number that is in line with um what the the course lease would be worth um and you know I would be willing to throw something in with regard to a percentage um for some time certain but it's non-binding so we we know the number that they're at and part of this analysis was to come up with a new number and it's important if we if we look to have someone come in and and take over the lease they need to know what kind of expenses they're looking at coming into it and that that's the importance of looking at all those aspects of the current operation current state of infrastructure um current state of Maintenance um any configuration issues um any um issues in the lease that you know are required both both environmental U with with the agencies etc etc and then we wanted um an opinion on the permit and you know its modifiability with regard to the frontage along uh the the um CLA Kono Koy road so I believe this is all leading to a convers ation and uh that's that's the update you know the Consultants um feels like he built a nice rapport with him but he's a little frustrated because he's ready to make a final report okay all right thank you um I would I would feel really foolish um making even a nonbinding offer and an Loi without having read the interim report so I would suggest that we get the report of evaluation of the compliance with the permit and the maintenance Etc and the modifiability and uh consider that okay and then if we want we can make a non-binding Loi and get the financial information as well uh but I'm not prepared to do that as I said here you want to do a consensus of that or do we need to vote on that um probably a consensus to put on the agenda to have the engineer present an inter report age with that yeah we can actually have him come and make a presentation yeah yeah very good enough thank you y thank you very much okay thank you mayor my time talking about that 25 mph you know what that will do that will make all them Speeders slow down behind that golf cart down Road 25 M hour really for a golf cart cuz 30 m i got thinking about that that road the other day I do it I I go down it a lot too but 30 mph and 25 mph is not I going to bother people to speed you know what I'm saying it's not in 25 mphs there's not a lot of difference when you doing it and if we got golf carts can come from that neighborhoods all those neighborhoods will be able to come downtown on their golf carts and stuff I'm just saying we'll talk about that later well we're going to need stop sign well we can do stop sign a lot of them no well they streets come in you don't have stop signs you just have a thing that shows an intersection but that we'll we'll discuss all that the other is um um oops I I want to um the contract everybody knows we what we did tonight we did the contract for uh Craig shed under the thing right y so now what's the next procedure that's it right yeah that's it I think the way that uh we got the uh efforts of the uh City attorney to word it yeah would be as soon as HR tells the city commission the position is vacant I.E I've told them so long and it would kick in immediately at that point there's there's no other votes or actions it is yeah so there's no other actions that need to be taken at this time everybody read the contract right oh yeah everybody's yeah good all right all right so I'm going to talk about Mr Hart again I and I don't want anybody to get upset about this or say something because I'm going say religion but I think we we got Mr heart from a person that we all I I respect God and I think we got I think we got a little uh hand handing over to us from him being appointed not saying that you got one of the disciples or anything but I'm telling you it come a time when we needed somebody of Mr Hart's persuasion abilities and and thought processes I mean I've sit up here for a lot of years and some of the things you've said has made me go back and look and try to hold hold that not say the things I want to say sometimes but i' I've tried to watch and listen to you and you're a person that P puts that Persona out there and I don't know I'm not the best speaker in the world but I just tell you you're a person that puts that Persona out there you were sent to us you know for a reason and you're right about his his his wife I really I enjoyed being on the board with her she was one of the nicest ladies you'll ever want to meet most humble people you ever want to meet and those daughters or I have never met them that they wasn't as jumpy and friendly and personal as they could be you have raised them the right way they're all getting educations they're all one of them graduated from uh yeah well one graduated from UCF she's a UF now and another one USF and she's trying to get med school and yeah so I'll tell you what you can be a proud man oh yeah yeah I I think that uh we owe him we owe him a good Round of Applause for uh his service we're looking forward to seeing you again so don't get lost there's other things I'll be with a sign real soon yeah also I have a um I let Rob Rob make some adjustments I have a charter Amendment explained mhm so I'm going to do the changes some of the changes and I'm going to leave it and see if we could have it done by tomorrow night if we can get yeah I think we can and um what the mayor was referring to was to explain the charter amendments that the board did I just I went over it because I just wanted to make sure you we're not supposed to spend any City money promoting it saying you should vote this way so I just made sure it was very neutral and it explained them just a few words there been people calling different people asking about it so what I'm going to do is I think we make these tomorrow night and set them on the on the table let citizens pick them up we'll put them out here on the in the lobby they can pick them up if they call you want to want the explanation it's written out in verbiage that you can understand so all you can get one tomorrow too it's um one of the guys on the U uh Charter commission worked on it so uh and I I really appreciate he took a lot of time and I give Rob to let Rob go through and make the changes and he did and all of you see it tomorrow if you see anything else bring it up but we we need to let our citizens know right what we're doing with the charter right cuz we don't want it to come up here and then all of a sudden they start hitting we want them to understand and read it I know most of us all been in those those booths when you see all these Charter amendments and all this stuff everybody's just going on by them we need them to look at this read this and understand what we're doing right it's it's a straight way to help the city of ooy and that's what it's for so let's hope everybody will take and Lead it and I'm going to see if it's okay with the Women's Club to put put it on the desk out there when they come come in they picking up political material we're not telling anybody which way to do it we just going to give them the material to read M all right are we allow can I ask I'm sorry to interrupt your time mayor stop clock that's right I don't care are we are we allowed to come to the form tomorrow night by way of because it says one or more condition one or more Commissioners will I've got I've got a banquet to go to tomorrow night okay I'm just asking are we is that something that has to be noticed well well you all can attend but if there's more than one commissioner speaking need to be I would be very cautious of that I I [Music] would just saying that the attendance I just want to know was it was it to be is it to be noticed I've asked that the left well it would only have to be noticed if more than one of you is speaking and so uh if none of you will be speaking there's no problem with you attending okay but just sitting in the audience you're absolutely allow to sit in the audience you want to make sure yeah more I'm sorry I thought she was going to ask about the amendments that was get to go ahead yeah I also uh norine's wintergarten Vox has an excellent breakdown of the charter amendments I think that's a great idea to put that out I support that and I'm also sending people there I think there's several options for people to get informed and make up their mind I told you I guess thing cuz I went to it the next day after we left here it still had last year's so y'all Chang it I know thank you but which yeah I just want people to understand what this is and what we're doing it's for the citizens too things like you can't move here today and tomorrow you run in the morning you go sign up to run things like that is what's in this so we just want you to understand you got to live in a city you know things like that so that's what it's for so I hope everybody I appreciate everybody hanging in Rob I hope you feel better and uh Craig congratulations let's go yeah all right