##VIDEO ID:RBv5soI76j8## All right, we're gonna start the, um, April the 20th, 2024 meeting. We'll have the, uh, pledge of allegiance by myself, invocation by ex Commissioner Hart. All Right, everybody stand please. Eternal expressions Father, we thank you for the opportunity you've given us to live in, this blessed peace of your creation that we call Ocoee. Lord, I praise you. Help us to come together in the spirit of unity, even though we may disagree on the how. Let's not dis be disagreeable or disengage from one another, but to continue to act as brothers and sisters. We thank you for the bravery and the, and the, the heroism shown by our first responders. Keep them safe and keep them covered under your blood. Remember all the citizens of Ocoee who are serving in the armed forces, at home or domestic, and we still care. Forgive you the praise, the honor, and the glory you do. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Pledge allegiance The flag of the United States of America. and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Commissioner Kennedy, Here? Commissioner Wilson? Here. Mayor Johnson. Here. Commissioner Firstner. Here. Commissioner Oliver. Here. I'm gonna go ahead and read the proclamation for Healthy West Orange. Whereas Healthy West Orange inspires healthy behaviors and provides resources to help residents make healthy, make better lifestyle choices. And whereas Healthy West Orange Champions healthy programs that deliver health and wellness activities, and whereas the City of Ocoee partnered with Healthy West Orange to build a healthy West Orange Wellness Park, which is a popular wellness destination for ocoee residents to walk, run, bike, and train. Whereas Healthy West Orange unites health minded organizations for whom a healthy community provides a meaningful benefits. And whereas Healthy West Orange Advocate advocates for healthy community decisions and encourages local leaders to keep their communities health and wellness a top priority. And whereas Healthy West Orange declares third Friday in September as the annual West Orange healthy Selfie day, whereas it is a great, it is my pleasure and privilege well, as well as the mayor of the city of Ocoee to declare Friday, September 20th as West Orange Healthy Selfie Day. And in celebration of the eighth anniversary of Healthy Selfie, I urge all citizens to join in supporting this initiative. It was witnessed by, in the hand of, and the seal of our mayor Rusty Johnson, on August 20th, 2024. Can you see anybody from Westy, uh, west Healthy West? He Warren? Yes. Anybody here? Right here? Come on up. You gonna go down? Take a picture. You gonna get a picture outta it? We gotta get Aie. There you go. Y'all done a lot of those. This we T-shirt. I'm good. How you good? We have, oh, we're gonna do a cell. Oh, I thought we're gonna get our picture. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. All right. Next we're going to have the, um, nine 11 Remembrance State Proclamation by Commissioner Firster. He'll read it. Okay. This, and we'll have the chief come up and receive it. Where's he here? Oh, okay. Alright. This is a proclamation for the remembrance of September 11th, 2001, whereas the Earth shook on September 11th, 2001 from an assault on the United States of America. And whereas the Democratic freedoms we all share were attacked by terrorists from afar. And whereas nearly 3000 perished in the attack with more than 400 of those being first responders who sacrificed their lives in an attempt to save others, all innocent victims of an evil beyond our comprehension. And whereas this loss of life and the savagery of the attack on icons of our freedoms have left few Americans untouched. And whereas we want to reach out to those families that have been sacrificed for meaningless representation, uh, representation of the radical political view. And whereas our standard has been one nation under God, and we should stand up for our right and freedom with God's guidance. And whereas these terrorists must be shown what freedom means to Americans, including all, including the rights to worship our God without fear of intimidation. And whereas in memories of those who lost, who we lost on this tragic day, we prayed to never see a day like this again. And know the American spirit can never be broken. And the unbreakable spirit lives on today. And the courage of those first responders who safeguard our city each day and the patriotism that lives on in the citizens of our great community. Now, therefore, the city of commission of the, the city commission of the city of Ocoee, Florida, proclaims that September 11th, 2024, be known as a day of prayer, remembrance and rededication to patriotism and love for our country that will be recognized forever in witness thereof. I have unto here, unto set my hand and cause the seal of the city of Ocoee to be affixed this 20th day of August, 2024. Rusty Johnson, mayor, You, you come up Chief, you go up and get a picture there. Rich Commissioner and I'm sorry, chief Father. Both chiefs. Both chiefs. There's Tim coming out now. You could do a healthy selfie. It won't be selfie. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Next will be, uh, we have recognition of TNXL Academy 2024 NA, a Premier Division Championship by coach Brian Martinez. You wanna come on up to the How is everybody? Hey. Uh, so, uh, we are, uh, wrapping up our fifth year this year in the city of Ocoee. Uh, we are a baseball academy that, uh, was established about 10 years ago. Uh, since we've been in the city of Ocoee for the last five years, uh, we have won three national championships, um, and, uh, had over 200 Division one college commits along with 23, uh, major League draft picks. Um, and, uh, our relationship with the city of Ocoee has been amazing to be able to, uh, use Bob Sorenson Park also, uh, establish our building there, but also be able to recognize young men, uh, their talents and to be able to move them on to the next level. Um, have a couple players here from our national championship team, um, from left to right. Danny Padilla, uh, is a 20 Stand up guys. Stand up fellas. Stand up. Yeah. Danny Padilla is actually born and raised in Ocoee. Uh, he lives behind Bob Sorenson Park. He's a 2027, uh, big time prospect. Derek Martinez, uh, is from Lake Mineola. Uh, he's a 2025, uh, outfit or catcher. Mackay Brewer's, actually from New Mexico. He's a USF Bull commit. Uh, Kenan Jebe is from Fort Pierce. Uh, he's a 2025 prospect as well. Spencer Evans is a 2026 left hand pitcher committed the University of Florida. And that's my father, Tony Martinez. He helps me out. He's an awesome individual. So Why don't you, uh, why don't you come up front and let's bring the guys young men up here and get a pitch with Absolutely the coaches First. Also too, guys, I'd just like to say thank you for, uh, all your recognition and thank you for, uh, allowing us to establish our business in oco. It's been a great, great experience for us. We Appreciate It. Thank you. Brian. Wanna just stand up here? Hold up Father dead. Stand up. Let's stand up. Guys. Behind. Back row was so good looking. I knew you don't say anything. We already set the pay scale. Alright. Stand, make sure. Congratulations. Thank you. Staff report. Um, thank you Mayor. I have, uh, three things to call your attention to. The first one is an emergency item that's been added to your packet on your iPads. And it is notification of emergency purchase of water meters, M xus, which are transponders and backflow prevention devices per, uh, chapter 21 of the code of ordinances. We basically have adequate budget to purchase these devices, um, and it's been, they've been outta stock for a while and we just were notified by our vendor that they're in stock for a short while only. Um, this is one of those, uh, types of equipment that everybody wants and nobody has enough of. So it exceeds my signatory authority. So I'm recommending that you approve this item to, um, purchase the m xus, the water meters and the Backflow Prevention devices, um, increasing the, uh, amount of the purchase order by $86,000. And adequate budget is already provided for in the existing approved budget. Alright, that it, That's you, you'll, I'll need you to vote on that. All right. And then I have a couple other things. Anybody That does got any comments? Huh? You need a motion? Yes, sir. I'll Make a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Kennedy. Do I hear second? I'll second that motion. Second by Commissioner Oliver, any more comments? No more comments. Let's vote. Motion carries you unanimously. Thank you. Um, the second thing I would call your attention to, um, if you recall from reviewing the agenda, item six A and B are dealing with hiring a graphic firm and a marketing consultant for the a hundred year celebration. Um, the marketing firm recommended beat creative, um, provided an original scope of work that, um, there had to have been some type of may, maybe a typo or something because it had, um, it was almost as if it was a winter garden scope of services. So they've corrected it. And the correct one is in your iPad for your review. I wanted to point your attention to that, the fact that it had been corrected appropriately. And, um, we are of course still recommending approval. It is on your consent agenda. Um, but I wanted to direct your attention to that. Um, and then the third item is, um, I wanted to, uh, turn over to the city attorney who would like to speak with you about some, something relating to, um, back and forth that, that he's been having with the, um, forest Lake Golf, uh, folks. So I'll turn it over to Rick Mayor and Commissioners. Uh, you'll recall at the last meeting on August 6th, Robert Otey, the, um, city's consultant appeared before you and, uh, he was, uh, hired by the city in order to evaluate the operations of the, uh, forest Lake golf course. And, uh, he advised the commission that, uh, despite requests for financial and other information, the information was not forthcoming. And two motions were approved by this commission. They're set forth in, in the minutes from August 6th, that, that, um, uh, would be approved, uh, later today. Uh, one was to move to authorize the city manager, city attorney and consultants to complete all actions necessary for the evaluation of the lease permit and all other analysis and correspondence for the Forest Lake golf course property. And the other was to authorize the city manager, uh, my law firm, Fishback Dominic and the city's consultants to evaluate and respond to the cover letter from Logan Sal, dated June 26th, 2024, and the purchase and sale agreement regarding the lease of the city owned real property located well, which is the, the golf course. And it's referring to, uh, a letter that we received on June 26th, which, uh, invoked Section 6.1 of the ground lease, uh, which gives the city, uh, the right to, uh, uh, give consent to any assignment of the golf course. Um, and to, uh, and it stated here, forest Lake respectfully requests the city provide in writing to Forest Lake its decision to exercise its right of first refusal within 60 days of receipt of this letter. So the city has a right of first refusal to take the, um, take the agreement, um, instead of the, um, uh, proposed assignee, which is called Ja, um, hospitality. Um, in trying to work this out since the 6th of August, uh, we drafted and proposed a seventh Amendment to the lease agreement. All this would've done well, act well, there are a few things would've done. First, it would've extended the city's due diligence period to October 17th, 2024. Right? That would've given some additional time to Force Lake to provide the financial another information that we'd been seeking in order to evaluate whether to exercise the right of first refusal and or also to evaluate whether to, um, consent to the assignment to Ja Hospitality. Uh, it committed this Seventh Amendment committed city staff and lawyers and all, for all the parties to meet within 10 days. And, uh, would've had no impact on the, um, proposed assignment. Um, the, uh, the, the lessor Forest Lake LLP refused to sign the Seventh Amendment. Uh, nor have we received any of the requested financial or other information necessary, uh, for a, um, determination whether to exercise the right of first refusal or to, um, agree to the assignment. And so, absent the disclosure of that information, we cannot recommend that you all consent to the assignment or exercise the right of first refusal. So, um, I, I would, um, propose, uh, a, uh, a, that the city deny, uh, the request to assign the ground lease agreement from Forest Lake to Jay Hospitality, uh, without prejudice to give them an opportunity to come back with, with the information we've been asking for. Um, I have some, um, some proposed, uh, language here, but, uh, I also know that the, uh, attorney, uh, for, uh, forest Lake is here. And, um, I, I think because this is, this would be a proposition that he ought to have an opportunity to respond to me and, uh, to give his, uh, his perspective on this. You ready for that? Yes, sir. Let's see. That didn't hear, wasn't it the first? All right. Logan Sal. All right. I'm gonna give you 10 minutes. It's supposed to be three, but I'm gonna give you 10. That'll Be plenty. Mr. Mayor. Uh, good evening, uh, Mr. Mayor and commission for the record, Logan Sal, 2 1 5 North Ola Drive. Um, you will recall last, last meeting, uh, Kurt made a recommendation to you, um, and the commission approved, uh, that recommendation to approach us. And, and Mr. Mayor, you and I had some back and forth on it, about a 60 day extension to the right of first refusal under the ground lease. Um, we have represented to your city attorney and, and continue to represent to you that we are in agreement with that 60 day extension. Um, the only condition in there is that we do have a meeting to discuss, um, as Attorney Geller points out, um, we have continually asked for these dates to sit down. We have not received any to date. Now. We were proposed a a, an amendment to the ground lease. And I, what I had told Kurt and, and Rick, is that my email correspondence was a functionally a letter agreement to extend the right of first refusal. That's the review period. Um, we didn't agree with the seventh Amendment the least. Now, we may think there might need to be one, but that's part of the reason why we need to sit down and, and meet with staff. And so, I'm here today, uh, presenting to the commission that we are fully in support of providing you the 60 day extension to your right of first refusal period, provided that we meet with staff as requested prior to the existing deadline of the right of first refusal, which is August 26th. Now, again, we haven't received dates from your city attorney or your staff on that front, and it's seems like something we all wanna do. And, you know, I don't wanna give the semantics of attorneys back and forth. We had some, some, I think, productive back and forth today, which I'm happy to provide. I, I'd suggest you, you request that you get that communication to review it. Um, but, but not withstanding, I want to talk about this very basic threshold issue, because there's been, to be a di seems to be a disconnect. This ground lease that we've been operating under successfully for 33 years provides a a 60 day period for a right of first refusal under the same terms and provisions of the agreement being proposed to Ja Hospitality, the proposed asee. That's what the lease says. It's very clear. So we're not asking that you provide an approval of the assignment to Ja Hospitality. That's not what's being asked for come Monday, or even being asked for after the 60 day extension, which I'm hopeful we can all get since we're in agreement on it. Um, that comes later. And so there's a couple dates. I just have a, it's just a punch list of dates that I'll show you so you have a quick reference sheet. But when I, when I proposed this offer to, to Kurt on Thursday of last week, I said, Kurt, here's 60 days, provided we meet within 10, which matches within the existing deadline. It's not an approval of the assignment. It's a 60 day right of first refusal period, which the city has the authority to do. Now, separate from that, if the city decides to waive, whether at the 60th day or afterwards, it's a right of first refusal. There's a 90 day period in which you can, in which you can have all the information related to Jay Hospitality to decide whether per the terms of the lease they have, the financial health, and the background of financial golf, they do on both fronts to take over, uh, as the proposed asee, the 60 days. And this is, this is, it's really important. This is presented accurately to you 'cause I haven't heard that done. So, so far, the 60 days is your right of first refusal. What that does is it, it, it, it changes the parties from j Hospitality to the City of Ocoee. So in terms of things to consider, it's the purchase and sale agreement, which has been, has been in the possession of the city for over seven weeks. That's how right of first refusal works. Now, when, and if we avail ourselves to that, uh, you're entitled to all sorts of due diligence under the, under the purchase and sale agreement. And, and beyond that, Mr. Mayor Commissioners, we wanna provide you that information. And as I pointed last time, you know, this, this purchase and sale agreement's, it's, it's published online. The, the requests, and you'll see within the staff report from, from last week and maybe again this week, the requests are for things like employment agreements, salaries, banking information. Now, I've expressed concerns to Kurt that these are subject to, to Sunshine Law. So certainly it's not appropriate to just send over a Dropbox link with all that information. I didn't, we didn't provide a flat out refusal, just the opposite from the very beginning. Since last public meeting, we want to sit down and discuss this information, much of which we wanna agree in good faith to provide that information so that the city can properly consider not just the right of first refusal. And again, the only basis in which we can, we can review that right of first refusal is the contract that's in your possession, but to also provide that other information. 'cause we'd love to get started on, on your analysis of the proposed ASEE as well. And so I just think it's really important that you view these points as separate. We're not asking for approval of the assignment. It's an extension of 60 days to examine the purchase and sale agreement. And we're happy to provide some other stuff within reason and in good faith at our meeting. So, so two separate things. Write a first refusal 60 days, 90 day review period to approve of the proposed asee. And we wanna work with you. It's been 33 years of a very successful partnership. We wanna continue to hand that off in a healthy and productive manner. And, and, and again, the request from this body was an additional 60 days and an opportunity to meet that is exactly what's being agreed upon. But we have not been provided any dates to meet and discuss this. And we'd like to respectfully get them tonight so that we can go ahead and definitively extend this right at first refusal. I'll close with this. It may be that the lease needs to be amended at some point, but we can discuss that in the meeting. We, we were provided this amendment to the lease not on August 6th, on Friday afternoon. We are not gonna shoehorn our ground lease in our relationship with the city because there's been no action or no request for a meeting within seven weeks. And so with that, I, I encourage you to provide the ability to, to your city manager to, to schedule this meeting and extend to you this 60 day extension, which we're happy to do as at your direction. Mr. Mayor, thank you for your time. Thank you. Got comments to make? Yeah, but I don't know if any of you want to chime in first. I, I, I'd like a specific clear answer. What, what's wrong with having a meeting? There's nothing wrong with having a meeting. In fact, our seventh Amendment requires a meeting within 10 days. But they, they, they're, today, I'm hearing this, I want a specific date. Kurt Artman was on a mountain in California. He's traveling back today on, on an airplane. I've been able to contact him intermittently. And, um, it's a matter of coordinating with him, coordinating with our consultant. Um, it's, it's a matter of getting all this together. And, um, I was unable to commit to a particular date today, but, uh, the intention of the city manager and, and, and my office is to have a meeting in 10 days. We just can't today come up with that date. Is that, is that you can meet prior to the, the signing of the this amendment or No? We, you, you forgive me. Mm-Hmm. I think what I heard you say is you want a meeting before the signing of the Seventh Amendment and that That's correct. They want you to sign the Seventh Amendment before you meet. Is that what you said? That's correct. And before the existing August 26th. So if we get meet, we're gonna have several meetings, we're gonna have several discussions. We just want to begin this process. And so we don't need an amendment to agree to meet. We've, we've been meeting successfully over the course of decades. We want to provide that, but we're not comfortable with the amendment. And quite frankly, there's things in there that we'd like to provide as well. And we think that both parties can get a successful result of the amendment. We can execute Well. Well, I don't know what's, what they're uncomfortable with in this seventh Amendment, which is really quite simple. We, we committed the meeting within 10 days. Um, we extended the, the amendment would extend the right of first refusal to October 17th, 2024. It's a couple days after the, uh, commission meets in October on the 15th, uh, and says that the Seventh Amendment in no way constitutes lessor's approval. That's our approved the city's approval of any assignment of the, of the lessee's interest in the lease Nor lesser's Right. To review and approve of any assignment of lessee's interest in lease is not restricted in any way by the Seventh Amendment. And, um, I don't know where the discomfort is. We're just, we're, we're, we're, we're, we're, we're, we're arguing procedure. Okay. And, and the fact of the matter is we don't have the financial other information we need to make this, um, Rick, this is the third time I'm gonna point out our issues with the amendment. Okay? Oh, it's beyond the 10 day meeting period. We wanted, it's beyond the right of first refusal period. We agreed to extend to, and it expands the scope of the seed to agree to the proposal. Now that's the third time it's been outlined. But I don't want to get an adversarial position because we're in it, we're saying the same thing. We're gonna, we wanna meet before the expiration of the right of first refusal period. And we wanna extend to you the extension that you requested. So it, it, it seems odd that after seven weeks of having the ability to communicate those things, it takes Friday when someone's on a mountain to try to get us to sign something in an active contract. We have to work with other parties and yes, we have to work with the city, but, you know, I have a hard time believing we couldn't take care of this in seven weeks. Right? You're, you're, you're demanding an exact date on today when my partner is traveling in the air and could not be reached and was without wifi. Alright? So I couldn't accommodate your, your request today. So, you know, your, your client won't agree to this very simple seventh Amendment to give the city additional 60 days. And so my recommendation is to deny either the assignment that's, I don't, I'm without any other options Right now. That's false. We are agreeing to the 60 days. We are agreeing to it. What Then sign the agreement on behalf of your client. We disagree with it. What is that? All right, this is Mayor, may I proceed? Um, we have no issue having a meeting. Okay. And I don't want there to be any more. Um, it's inappropriate to be making arguments back and forth of this nature. Um, agreed. We have issue because of the packet of information that was provided, um, missed, was missing a lot of information with which we could professionally recommend one way or another as to whether we could make a decision on the right of first refusal. I agree with Mr. Sal. Uh, there are separate issues. Uh, they are, um, intertwined only in the sense of there being a linear, uh, process in the, the ground lease. Um, but we do maintain that we, from the, from the get go, did not have all the information that we felt was necessary to properly make a professional recommendation to the city, um, commission about this. So that's still hanging out there, despite the fact that we've waited this long to do anything about it. Um, you know, it is what it is. I have no problem having a meeting. I did have a problem, and I will own that being held to a date specific, um, to agree to something because we have multiple people that we want to have in the meeting and we've gotta coordinate all those schedules. So I think that's reasonable. I have no problem getting a team together to have a meeting Tuesday. Um, unfortunately, Monday is when the agreement expires. I cannot participate in that. Um, but you do agree to us, but I don't think there is anything productive that can be gained from having attorneys, um, make arguments back and forth at the meeting. Uh, Mr. Gayler made the recommendation based on the information or lack thereof that we have today. Um, and in, in conjunction with work with Mr. Artman, we have no problem having a meeting. But again, I want the commission to know so there's no, no ifs, ands and buts about it. And I, I do understand Mr. Mr. Opal's claims about the, uh, sanctity of some of that information. However, we still, you know, in order to evaluate a right of first refusal under the terms that they were provided by the proposed assignee, there's information that we're gonna want to see to be able to, to make a recommendation to you. And so, um, I wanted you to have that information before you acting further. And I don't think any further argumentation back and forth is gonna be productive. Um, and that's all I have to say. I'll just note I agree with Craig. Uh, everything you just said is great. Um, there was no date certain that we were trying to hold you to. In fact, I didn't have one in mind. We weren't provided one. It was just a range of dates so that we could try to make this meeting happen. Now, if, if, if we want to propose one, I can, I can work that out so we can get the extension needed. And Rick, I'm happy to work with you and Kurt on an amendment that we can agree to following that meeting. Well, this commission would have to agree to an amendment tonight. This is the last time they meet before the deadline on the 26th. That's what we were Trying to say. Stop. I think you can direct your city manager to sign on the commission's behalf. No, We wouldn't agree with that. The other question I wanted to ask, you keep saying that about the financials that it says it in the contra of the lease. Why don't you turn it in? And the main ones I got a problem with is seeing what J and e or j and DI want to see their finances. They're the ones I don't really care that that is in, don't bother me at all. I want see theirs. I I agree, Mr. Mayor. And where are they at? And you should, that's a request you can make of them. And it hasn't been made of Jay Hospitality until This morning. Why would you not turn that in? We don't, we don't have those Mr. Mayor. Well, we don't have Jay Hospitality Financials. You got contract from them. How do you know they got the money? Yeah, As as the purchaser. I mean, I'm not, they have, they have made conditions and representations in the contract, which is there for you to review. And, and, and if the, the ask is made of Jay Hospitality to provide that, we certainly wanna help facilitate that. We've, It says in the lease that The purchasing sale agreement, And far as I'm concerned, if we don't get the financ and we ain't doing so, somebody's gonna have to come up with 'em. So, so I know I can, I can communicate to you that Ja Hospitality would, would like to provide those to you. They want to have a meeting with you, which is what's been proposed. Who? Ja Hospitality. Yes. I, that's our proposed SNE. They wanna provide that information, Mr. Mayor, we haven't been given an opportunity or a date in which we can meet to provide that. And, and another thing, and just to throw in a little, uh, humor in the paper that come out today or yesterday. Today, I didn't know we'd sold it to these people. Yeah. It's not sold. Only ship had been transferred over. It's in the paper that we transferred owner. I want all the citizens of this town to understand we're not selling that property. It's not sold and it won't be sold just the Lease. Well, that's what it says in the paper. Now, who quoted him to, I'm not a journalist. I don't know, but it will not, we will not sell that Property. I think that's important to clarify. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. So I just said, you know, turn the financials in, like I said from them, we need to see them. They're the ones trying to come take the lease. Yep. And I don't represent Jay Hospitality. I've just been trying to facilitate this You do with her lawyer on behalf of Ken. Yes, yes I do. Yep. And I'm happy to facilitate that. But, you know, I'd like to have a discussion with all parties involved in the city involved as well. You know, I I, it's kind of like when you asked us to give you something you don't want, give it to us. We, we talked about that last time you were here and you said something about their salaries. I don't wanna see their salaries. Well, that's on the, that's on the list. I don't Wanna see the back end. Those guys, they've got Understood. I think we, I think that makes the point, Mr. Mayor. We need to look at that list and really realize what's appropriate. 'cause I agree salaries aren't, so there's some things that we have issues with, which is why we just didn't wanna sign an amendment and, and agree to hand over a bunch of due diligence. We want to be specific about what we give and work with you on what you need to see. They had a Right, I'm sorry. They had an obligation to give us financial information and other information under the implied duty of good faith and fair dealing in that lease agreement. And we've gotten deadly squat. And that's where we are right now. We don't have the information we need. You know, the, the, uh, the lease agreement gives all sorts of financial information to Jay Hospitality, Which Turn over to us the lease agreement. Are you talking about the purchase and sale agreement? You Know, that's, that's right. So there's no mechanism in the lease agreement for that. But wait a minute. I, Mr. I didn't like some things I saw in that initial agreement that I read at the last meeting, Mayor, let the record reflect. They're, they're discussing the purchase and sale agreement Isn't Proposed. Right. I just, it's being confused with the lease agreement. Right? It's the purchase and sale agreement that the proposed assignee has entered into with Forest Lake LLP. But is that what we read last at the last meeting? Exact Yes, that's correct. I, there was things on there that I did not like. Well, and I, and I, Kurt mentioned those things also that were things that when I read it, I didn't appreciate some the things. Well, that's, that were in that Greg, That can't be done to We agree to it. I'm in agreement. Subject to our consent, to your consent is the commissioners. Uh, I, I disagree with something which is you're arguing the right of first refusal in the 60 day window to exercise that. And you can't tell me that anybody buys any private entity LLC without reviewing salaries and schedules of owners draws and et cetera. Now, you raised a point, which is how do we protect privacy with the sunshine law? I respect that. But you, you stated that you wanted to deal with the right of the first right of refusal first. The lease requires that the Lease requires it. So you're standing in the way of that because you have to provide us with the due diligence to evaluate that Right. Of first refusal. And, and the argument comes back with, well, no, we're not asking you to approve the assignment of the lease. And you also stated, and I don't know if you meant to, maybe you'd like to retract your statement, but you stated pretty in a pretty declaratory way that you knew that JAA hospitality had the financial and the golf course management backing required. But then when you were questioned on it, you said you don't have, you haven't looked at their financials. So how can you say that? So, and I, I, that's what I don't like, is you're, you're playing it back against itself. And I think the city attorney has, has a point about good faith. So if you want us to deal with the right of first refusal, give us what we need to evaluate it. So this is the distinction that needs to be made. The right of first refusal right under the lease does not avail. It's, does not avail the city to due diligence materials paid by a proposed ASEE and other due diligence Items. I'm asking, I'm not asking you for that. I'm asking you for standard financials And, and those financials, Which we received, pardon me for interrupting. Sure. We received prior, four or five years ago when there were workshops about the city purchasing the operation for $3 million. And we went through a whole due diligence, a partial due diligence, and the city paid for and hired a evaluation analyst to evaluate that information. I know you know that. I'm glad you brought that up. This. So why can't we see that current updated information as of 12 31 20 23? And, and, and what I mentioned again, last meeting, those types of informations, which doesn't show a bank statement like what's being requested. It's like net operating income, net operating expenses. Those materials that provided in the past, we've continued to represent. We'd be happy to give those. Now that's between generality and The city. I don't understand who's holding you up, But again, we haven't had, we haven't had any correspondence with the city other than for a request for a meeting other than, and this is the first time we heard about it, last hearing for request for all these financials. And so all we wanted to do was simplify what's being requested. I'm sorry, hasn't the consultant of the city, wasn't he here last meeting? He and he represented that he's been requesting that Information. Zero. I had zero correspondence with that gentleman. Well, He may not have had it with you. I believe he's had it with your clients. But again, those, those, that information was just requested information that we were complying with as part of an LOI and in a transactional setting with the city without that, not only do we have things that are discoverable, but it's without outside the scope of the current transaction. It's not outside the scope of your current lease and the city's effort to evaluate the groundwater permit, et cetera, in compliance with the lease, which is what we've been trying to do for over a year. Yes. And again, we wanna supplement that information. I think Commissioner Oliver pointed out last week, I'm, uh, I'm confused how salaries have anything to do with wastewater. And he's right. You brought it up. There's certain things that aren't applicable, but we want to comply. I think we're, we're, we're Joe down some rabbit holes here, but the, at the end of the day, we have a lot of alignment. We want 60 extra days and you, and you want additional information. We agree. We, and we're happy to do that. Okay. Well, I I was just told it was asked back in December for the financial Yeah. Back in December By the wastewater gentleman. By mr. Yeah. The answer to that is it wasn't within a transaction. So we didn't wanna provide financials because they're discoverable. You're subject to a lease. It's Within that, there's no mechanism in the lease that requires we give financials consultant. Correct. Yeah. That fellow last time was a consultant, was not a wastewater consultant. Correct? Correct. He was a Yes. He's a business consultant. He was a Consultant We had hired To Evaluate compliance to Evaluate with the lease And wastewater Permit was un correct. I I don't wanna vote on anything until we see that, that JD or J or whoever they are. I don't JJ Hospitality. I won't Huh. Ja Hospitality. Yeah. Ja, well, I'll get that contact information with you, everyone, the city to work out with them. And I propose a meeting, Propose something. Go. I, I'd like to hear the city attorney's proposal of a relu a way forward. Sure. Well, the way forward, I think is to deny the, the, uh, requested assignment, the proposed assignment, uh, without prejudice. Um, and um, here, here, here's what I wrote. The city hereby denies the request to assign the ground lease agreement from Forest Lake, LLP to J Hospitality dated June 26th, 2024, without prejudice, due to multiple reasons, including but not limited to Force Lake LPs failure to provide complete financial and other information requested on multiple occasions by the city in order to make a determination whether one to approve or deny the proposed assignment and or two to exercise the city's right of first refusal pursuant to said lease agreement. Forgive me for a follow up. Is it your legal advice or part of this that denying voting to deny the assignment ends the evaluation of the right of first refusal and resets that process for them to come back. And that's the solution to your time, to his time constraint. It ends this 60 day period that's ticking, it's going to expire on Monday. I'll Make that motion, which would waive the city's right of first refusal. No, No motion. It ends it for this turnaround, which resets the clock, which lets you all start Over. I disagree with that analysis, but we can work that out later. You, you made a motion, right? Yes. Can You, If the city attorney can provide on the record its basis for the denial. I do have gotta read It. A couple comments. He wants me to read it. I do have a couple comments. Wait a minute. We we're finishing up down here right now. Okay. Gimme a minute. I'll make the motion and then we'll second and have discussion. You can Make a comment. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's what I was saying. Uh, I'm gonna make a motion to deny the request to assign the ground lease amendment from Forest Lake, LLP to JA hospitality dated June 26th, 2024, without prejudice, due to multiple reasons, including but not limited to Forest Lake's failure to provide complete financial and other information requested on multiple occasions by the city in order to make a determination. Second. Alright, You'll hear second. I'll second that second it by commissioner first all motion made. And second, do you want do the comments now or want vote first? He Can. I'll go sit down. Mayor. Just a couple comments, But we're not doing the extension. We're not, we haven't voted yet. Oh, I'm Sorry. So, just, just a couple comments. Um, well, one, one question I do have is how much longer do we have on the lease? On the lease? It's about 40 current 45 years. We won't be alive. I won't, I don't think I will either. Four. Commissioner 40, 43 years. 43 years. Mm-Hmm. Okay. Alright. Plus It seems to be, um, to me it sounds like the truck stuck under a bridge scenario. Real simple. Um, we, we requested information because we, we have to protect the entrance of the city. We're talking about 300 acres of land that will be used, continue to be used for as our golf course. And now we have an assignment agreement, uh, from the party that is, uh, currently managing, uh, the golf course. And it seems to me that we're requesting, uh, financial data in order for us to do a proper evaluation to protect the interest of the city. Now, how do we protect the interest of the city? Because if, if we were to just say, yeah, let's just sign off on this agreement. Let's let you, you can take it over, you can start running the golf course because you're gonna still use it for the same purpose and intentions that it was meant to be useful in the first place. And that's fine. We, we understand that. But here's the thing. Uh, you're gonna come with an evaluation and, and we, if we have no part of that evaluation, have any idea what the, the, the value of that golf, golf course truly is, then we're doing a disservice to the citizens of OCO because come 45 years from now, or or five years from now, or 10 years from now, when they want to reassign it again. And now the only thing we have to go on is an evaluation that we had no, uh, input in. Now we, we found ourselves in a slippery slope because it's very important that we get that information. So we, we, we need to do an evaluation. And, and I, I think all financials, because again, when you do evaluations, they say, if I was involved in an evaluation with Sprint and, um, and T-Mobile, and, uh, we had some issues with, uh, evaluations and financial informations and that financial information that we needed also, um, contained salaries, it actually did. Uh, so going through a court procedure, trying to figure that out. But nonetheless, we have to protect the interest. And it seems like we, we have, we came with 10 days. I keep hearing over 10 days, but I could not find the, I couldn't find any precedence in the lease agreement. I couldn't find a precedence in the, uh, assignment agreement that stated 10 days. I don't know it, it seemed to be arbitrary. Someone just threw out 10 days. But, uh, uh, it seemed to me it could have been 45 days. It could have been 60 days, it could have been 90 days. Uh, because there was no precedents precedents here set in any of the, uh, the documents I've read. It just, it was just 10 days. It, and now we we're, we're, we're haggling over a 10 day meeting when we could've easily set this out for 30 days or 45 days. But bottom line is we need that information. We really need all the financial information in order to protect the interests of the city Commissioner. That's the meeting we'd like to provide, that the 10 days was thrown out by me because it perfectly matched the already ticking and almost expired right of first refusal. Um, to the extent we can work out a day to meet and provide that information, we're happy to provide the 60 day extension. That's been our position. It, it sounds to me that if we, if we were to disapprove this, this, uh, uh, request or, and in this case the way it was read, we would have to approve, uh, the, uh, denial. Uh, then it gives you, and, and, and we didn't put a timeframe on it. We didn't tell you gotta come back in six months or three months. Uh, it seems to me that you should be able to determine how long it's gonna take you to provide us with the information that we need. Come back to us with more information, allow the city, uh, staff, allow our consultants to, to do a proper valuation of, uh, the, the, the golf course of the, the, the land, the, the, the movement of the water. Everything that needs to be evaluated there to come up with a proper valuation. And then I think we should be able to bring information back to the commission to make a, a good decision that is going to represent, uh, our citizens. Oh, I appreciate your thoughts and we look forward to hearing on a meeting date so we can do that. So by approving this, that Mr. Kennedy made, it's without prejudice so we can bring it back. Well, that, that's great. I, I love to clarify that with, with Kurt, maybe because I know he's been closer to this, but Rick, I'm happy to talk to you as well. Um, my, my assessment of this is that the right of first refusal is still out there. We haven't made a formal request for an approval of the assignment yet. And so we still have that date out there and I wanna work with you on extending that so we can provide those, that information. Um, but, but I'm not the city attorney, so I want them to give their advice on that. Um, and, and again, I if, if this is something you'd like to table and or authorize to, to move forward with, but, but a denial of an, of an as of a, a approval of an assignment is not going to affect your right of first refusal. And I think it's gonna frustrate the issue when we should be working on a meeting. Who's It gonna frustrate The timeframe, sir? Alright, we gotta vote. You Told me October 17th, October 15th was the date to the extension provided we schedule a meeting. So if we can schedule a meeting tonight, we can vote on the, we can vote on the, I think you already Heard that. Um, Kirk is not available to set an appointments at this point. You're not, I mean, sorry. You're not available to set the appointments tonight. Alright. Court, come on. Right. Mr. Armond's not available to make, We won't have to vote. Could not coordinate with him, with our consultant, with everyone today. All let's, let's vote on the motion. Anybody need to re-up or what it is? Nope. Do we need any clarification? Let huh Do we need Any clarification on how we're voting based on the way the motion was Made? That's what I Yeah, I I'm okay with. We're good. Everybody Okay? We're good. Alright. Alright. He said let's book motion carries unanimously. All right. Huh? All right. Let's see. We're down to, uh, oh. I got some more public comments. Mr. Hart. No, I did. Oh, is that it? Yes. Okay. Oh, sharp. All right. Jim Boyer. Um, lemme see. Thank you. Mm-Hmm. Good evening. My name's Dr. Jim Moyer. I live in Den Park. First I wanted to congratulate Dr. Lori Hart and also soon to be Dr. Uh, van Camp of the fire Department. Um, I also, um, as the current chair of the HRDB meeting, I'd like to mention that August the month this month is back to school month. It's also National Traffic Safety Awareness, awareness Month, and also National Aware, uh, national Wellness Month. Now next month, September is disaster preparation month, and it's the first half of Hispanic Heritage Month. And as previously mentioned, oh, I know it's nine 11 Patriots Day. Um, I have the honor of serving on the Citizen Advisory Council of the Police Department, and I'd like to share with the mayor and Commissioner some of the ways in which we've spent our money. This fiscal year we bought a badge for Cane, the new, uh, police department canine. Um, we are sending a surviving child to cops, which stands for concerns of police survivor survivors, and the child will go to a summer camp next year in Missouri. Um, we also, uh, have paid for gift cards for the officer and civilian of each quarter, and also the officer and civilian of the entire year. And we gave our remaining balance of this fiscal year to the Police Explorers Program. Uh, I also have the honor of being part of the A Co e, American Legion Post 1 0 9, and I just wanna reemphasize, similar to what was mentioned, freedom is not free. Americans have given their lives for our freedom. Many who do leave the military service, uh, volunteer, and they continue to serve in many ways. First responders like Chief Ogburn, uh, elected officials like Mayor Johnston, and Commissioner Firster and Commissioner Oliver in just a moment. Uh, the co e uh, uh, Legion Post 1 0 9, the first vice commander, Dave Sergeant, will be talking about the project we'd like you to consider. Thank you so much, and God bless you all. Thank You Doctor Mo. Thank you. Mr. Dave. Sergeant. Good evening. I'm Dave Sergeant First, Uh, vice for American Legion. Post 1 0 9, we have a proposal to expand the veteran's recognition in the city of oco. One of the objects that we would like to do is at the, uh, Isen Center. We'd like to, in the existing Flag Plaza at a Granite Memorial bench with the inscription to Thomas Richard Isen. Uh, we're kind of open to suggestions as to what could be added to that, or if we would add as USMC or what those kind of things are. But at the Isen Center, we'd also add, like, to add a brick pedestal to display lasting reminders of the members who have served as commanders and officers of the American Legion Post 1 0 9, as well as any member who would like to have their brick at this location as opposed to the proposed Unity location, which I'll get to at the current time. Uh, it's faster than I'm tonight at the Unity Park. Uh, we wanna put in a opportunity, we considering Unity Park as a place where we can put in some pedestals where we can sell bricks to as a fundraiser type of thing, so that we can pay for these other ideas that we're thinking of. Uh, that we were suggesting this location, because, uh, it's a, maybe the center of the roundabout in, in there would be a place where we could put these bricks, uh, or perhaps along the railroad tracks, uh, on the far side north side of the or west side of the, of the Unity Park. Uh, this is of some pictures of the area. This is also the type of, um, brick, uh, fixture we'd like to put into place, uh, generally in discu. And what we'd like to do is be able to make this so that people could purchase remembrances of their, um, families and other loved ones. Also, at the Memorial Garden, at the Withers McGuire House, we would like to primarily recognize, um, people who were killed in action after Korean War. Uh, we also, um, like to go ahead and add Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan functions. Uh, the Grand Monument, uh, alright, the Granite Monument. Um, I'm a terrible public speaker. We, we, we've even, uh, at the Off At the Withers Memorial Park, we also, for the Vietnam, we have the Dominic and Garo and Gerald Johnson in, uh, researching. We have a, another member, uh, Charles Love, who I show is a 1966 graduate of, that's not true, huh? No, it's not the same person. He's My best friend's cousin. He, he lived in Warn Garden. Okay. All right. He's a good man though. He went back on the second tour and got killed. Right? He got killed on the second tour, and the official record lists him as, uh, living in, uh, orange County. And that Winter Garden was the closest city of record. So we wanted to check on that. We also don't have any idea about anybody who's Yes, sir. I, I hate to interrupt you, but you, the, the one you left off was Charles Johnson. That's one. And I hate to take the time, that was the one that was forgot. I went up to, to get Ms. Ungaro a copy of the print of the, of the name. And I've looked at the, Charles wasn't on there. Charles lived out here on the mailing address. Oak Boy went to Oak Boy High School and they supposed to changed it around 'cause Okay. I have he Smokey, I have him listed as Gerald Johnson. That's him. Yeah. I, that's the second name. Yeah. He's, They had him listed in Winter Garden. They had him just dismiss, right? Yeah. Uh, I had him. And then when I was researching that to, to make sure I could get it straightened out, I found this Charles Love as a graduate of 1966 at Oak Hoy High School. And I didn't know if I could tie the two people together or not. No. Uh, I also haven't found in the official records anyone from OCO in the Lebanon, Iraq or Afghanistan. Uh, I am gonna have to do more research on that to see if we can find somebody who's involved in that. Uh, but we'd like to make the Granite Monument being similar to the one that is currently on the left side that recognizes all veterans to put on the right side of the current monument, uh, the same format. And just make this list. So we were bring up the date from the Korean War to this point. Uh, our veterans make a, She wants to make a comment. Hang on. She wants Miss, miss, commissioner Wilson wants to make a comment. Go Ahead Mr. Sar. Um, we had already talked about, I don't know if you were aware that a few months ago we talked about bricks at the, um, veterans area. And I've talked to Mr. Johnson from Parks and Recreation, so I wondered if we could all get together and talk about it. 'cause you've got a lot going on here in a lot of different places. From Unity Park to the Isen Center to the, and and please, I understand it, but we were, I'm hoping that we could sit down. 'cause I know, um, Mark Johnson and I have talked about it and the commission approved us doing bricks. Okay. So if we could just sit down and talk so we can iron it out and figure out best locations, because you've got three different Places. That's what we're trying, that's what we're trying to do, is here, here's the big scope. We know nothing about building a park. Y'all have all the expertise here. Well, we've got Expertise. So we could sit down and, uh, if it's okay, trying to form a good program, but we just wanted to make sure that we could, uh, get permission before we started going out and pounding the streets and doing what we can. Maybe what we do, if you don't mind, I'll, I'll reach out, get your information and I'll, we'll get Mark and myself to reach out and talk to you so we could bring it back to the commission kind of as a package, As as a real thing. Yeah. That's It. And so, because yeah, we're pretty much all over the board here, which I understand you, you're going to different locations. Right. But if we could just focus and bring it back to the commission in a Alright. One Manner. That'd be Great. If I can reach out to you this probably next week, that would be great. Perfect. I'll get your information. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Did you? Yeah, please go. Where we at here? Alright, we're down to the, uh, you get some more? I, I started to take that. I'm sorry. Brad Loick. Ooh, you cut your hair off. I didn't see it. I went a little short. I I couldn't afford hair dye, so I just cut it all off. Brad Loick Veronica place. Uh, first off, I wanna start with apologizing to commissioner, uh, Wilson for my outburst last, my outburst, my little outburst last week. I wasn't aware that she had talked to an HOA president earlier that day, so I apologize. Uh, secondly, looking at the consent agenda on, uh, number four for the approval of the Allway stop control, uh, warrants and conclusions report. I want to thank, uh, the mayor and Commissioner Kennedy for making the motion for staff to look at that. I think the warrants and the conclusion reports that you see here definitely show that there's an issue at both the Montgomery and Orlando Avenue intersection and Worse Road. Um, one of the things I think some of the residents and myself were even thinking about was, uh, having a four-way stop there is gonna be great. And I think that's what we need. That's the first step. But there are turn lanes in the middle there and I think that would, uh, maybe cause a little issue. So I wanted to just ask if staff could talk through that a little bit. I know it's nowhere near, uh, developed yet, but looking at what the warrants look like already and just talk about what that intersection would be with a four-way stop with a turn lane right in the middle. Um, I don't believe Mr. Krug's here, we have talked about the condition with regard to the turn lanes and how that would have to be addressed. I don't know exactly what the details are. Mr. Oh, Steve's here. Okay. Come on out. Steve. Steve Krug, Everyone. Oh, works director. Um, yeah, I was listening in the back. The, um, one of the recommendations we did talk, it's not in the staff report. In talking with the design engineers, our concern are the left turn lanes on White Road. Our intention is not just to gore mount and put a raise traffic separator. So there's a visual block because having, um, keeping the lanes with just four, not having confusion of left turns, um, right next to someone going straight will help improve the Yeah. The safety of It. And I know the warrant may or may not have called for it signalization, but is there a way to look at maybe instead of doing a full masked arm, some sort of, uh, pedestal lights instead of a, a full masked arm traffic light? Um, I don't know. I mean, the cost is question is about the same. Um, a lot of the issue there is, is right of way is gonna be tight. Gonna you put in, um, a concrete ma arm with the pedestals. You still have all the underground infrastructure that has to go in then to ever upgrade that to a, um, mast arm. Right. All that has to come out. So what you don't see is all the about 18 feet by four five feet underground. That's Gotcha. Holding up each one of those. Alright, that's a good first step. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. With no more papers, let's go to the, uh, consent agenda. I'll make the motion to approve the consent agenda. I just do want ask, say one thing on one of the items. I can say after the You wanna vote on it first? Well, I just, We have to vote to go. Yeah, I can discussion. I can just say something, huh? Second, when you get to discussion, I can say something. You make A motion. I made the motion. Yes. You second it, Scott. Okay. Alright. Since, is everybody okay with that? Mm-Hmm. All. I just wanna ask our staff to please make sure as we go into this four-way, stop. The item number four is when we go into this four-way, stop that we, um, ask staff for the, to facilitate a safe, um, transfer to this because this is gonna be quite an issue coming down Orlando Avenue. Well, so again, a safe transition and I hope they're out. We, uh, police are out there when we start. Um, can you say something, Steve? 'cause I, someone I would hope we're gonna do, I mean, I don't know what the plan is and so we've kind of good if we go over it. So we have a safe transition on this commissioner here and We have signs in stock right now to put up the closure or the always stop at Adair. And worse, we have to order some more signage that we can put up and then, um, coordinate the contract, the concrete work. But it'll be, we'd put up, uh, advanced warning signs and the week before we actually put them up, we will have variable message boards out there announcing, um, that there will be an always stop coming up. And then once we install it, it'll say always new traffic condition ahead type of thing to let people know On both streets. Both, yes. Intersections of Deer and Orlando. Yes. It'll take a, uh, we're working on schedule. Um, we figured this would pass. Um, we're working on the schedule for the, um, white Road and Montgomery. That that one's just got a little bit more dynamic going on that we gotta take care of, but we're pretty much ready to go within a month, have it in place on a Darren worst, But we'll give the police, uh, one that does all the writing on it that tells people what's going on. That's what we plan on doing. Yeah. Whether it's the police departments or ours that, that Yeah. You know, north and south, the traffic study did not show a high speed because of course they come to a stop. But our Orlando Avenue and I'm sure same thing on worse Road Oh yeah. Is that you have the transition to the difficult will be to get those who are going 80 miles an hour down, especially Orlando Avenue, um, to stop. Surprisingly, the speed was not as big an issue. And generally stop conditions aren't a way to address the speed. It, they looked at it more from a pedestrian safety. Mm-Hmm. And site distance, uh, dare was more, um, a history of crashes and the volume on White Road is what determined it between the two side streets, Montgomery and White, the volume of traffic justified. It. There's many factors. Each one of us, each street, each neighborhood has a different issue with that. So Speeding wasn't as bad as we thought. So, um, well, I Didn't, like when I saw someone going, I mean, when you see one of the, the highest speed it is concerning. Especially, Well, they do speeding there. I don't know where you when you've been there, Steve, but I go there every day just about they were Speeding. I'm not saying they don't I telling, telling you they do. It didn't show up as the predominant reason for it. They, They're, yeah, But I, I mean, I appreciate it and I again, I just, I wanna save transition. Yeah, We will. Thank You. All right. I make a Yeah. Yeah. This will save time later. Um, I just wanna, I, I wanna reiterate the comments on item four, Adair worst road, that intersection. It's, uh, it's been a long time coming and it's here, but I just want to thank Craig and his staff and Steve and the police department and everybody on on the staff who worked on this. And I also wanna bring your attention to item 15, which we're gonna vote on, on the consent agenda. The vision zero. This is, we've had a couple, uh, presentations if you want to look, if you missed it. Are you going to talk on, discuss that one 15? Yes, sir. I have a Motion. It's part of the consent agenda. I know it is in the consent agenda. You have to make a motion. Get a second to talk about it. But we're just, well, she didn't I? Yes. No, we, I thought you said you proved I made a motion. He seconded. So we're Discuss discussion and we're discussing the motion and I'm making a comment. Um, it is tied, it is tied to pedestrian safety. Well, we went off the rail. I know. Um, it's now or later. Um, it's very important. It's tied to public safety, pedestrian safety, safety on our streets, all of the senseless deaths that we've had. We just had two recently. And I also want to thank staff especially, uh, ginger and Steve and Mike and Craig and all of their people for working on that as well. Uh, they've really worked well and pre it. And I just wanna say thank you before we vote on it. I'm done. Alright. Um, let's vote everybody remember, motion carries you Unanim. I, they, they going to get to come up. I want, I want, I apologize for not letting you go before that, but I wouldn't get that. I know you get educated sitting here and listening to some of this stuff. Some of it you better not pay attention to. So you wanna come up, make some comments. Who's, who's in charge? All of you can come up there. No, thank you. Yes, honor. Thank you. Thank you very much. Okay. Hi. Good evening. Um, I'm Sonta from Koya High School. Hi, I am Amaya from KOA High School. So we have our homecoming parade that we do every year. We have it on September 25th this year. Um, we are doing the same route that we do every year, except that Oakland is actually closed off. So we're going to go down all the way to Magnolia and come back up to Blueford. And I have a copy of the route if you guys need it. That's it. Well, you need our permission. Everybody consent? Everybody's consent. Okay. Yeah. I, I will say that that was great last year. You gonna get better every year you Just voted to approve the, uh, special event permit. It's nice to make you leave, stay when you leave and you know, you accomplished. Yeah. Thank you. We're looking forward to it for being here. Thank you. Yes, ma'am. Enjoy. All right. All right. Let's have we passed the consent agenda. Let's go over to first reading of ordinance number 16. First reading of ordinances for a temporary six month moratorium on the process and in consideration of development approval. Acton city Manager, er, no presentation. Mike Ruber. Mayor, this is just the first reading. First reading. I was just, yeah. Coming up in case there's any questions. But, uh, attorney Geller will read, You'll read it. I'll read It In Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, implementing a moratorium prohibiting the processing and consideration of certain comprehensive plan, text and map amendments, rezoning, special exceptions and site plan and subdivision plan reviews and approvals to allow the planning and zoning division. Time to thoroughly review, study, and prepare amendments to the city of Ocoee comprehensive plan and the City of Land development code, providing for severability and providing an effective date. Alright, first read the board. We'll have this back. What is the next meeting? September 17th. September 17th. 17th of September. All right. It'll come back. Make, you can make public comments then. All right. Second reading of ordinance None. Public hearing approval of a resolution to opt out of the live local act. Property tax exemption, concurrency and commitment coordinator Mc Farley. Yeah, I'd like to thank Brett for working with, uh, Rick Keller and his staff on this live local opt out. It's a lot of information. You have to read a berg study. Brett devoured it. Understood it. But I'm gonna take the, the verbal glory away from him. And just wrap this up real quick. Mayor, as part of the live local act that was adopted, it provides, uh, for affordable housing developments, if less than a hundred percent of the units are affordable housing, which by the law has to be a minimum of 40, they can receive a 75% a valorem tax exemption. And if they have a hundred percent of the units, uh, are affordable housing, they get a hundred percent ad valorem tax exemption. Uh, we know that the, uh, cost of city services, there is a cost to provide city services. Those costs are escalating. Um, we've seen some of that in the budget workshop. You're seeing it in the news. And so this is just a policy decision. Do we want to grant projects under the live local, the automatic right to, uh, have a steep decrease in their ad valorem property taxes? Uh, with all with the services that we will need to provide, uh, the glitch bill to the live local act provided an opt-out if the available affordable housing in a, in an area in a, um, in a, uh, a MI would be, you have more affordable housing available than you need in, in the SHIMBERG study, which is utilized throughout the state. Uh, city of Winter Park just utilized. It states that we have, uh, we have not, we have met that threshold and we are able to opt out. And so with that entertained, we recommend approval, sir. Alright. You got something to do? Uh, yes. Um, a resolution of the city of Ocoee Florida electing to not exempt certain property under section 1 96 0.1978 subparagraph three subparagraph o as enacted by chapter 2024 dash 1 58 Laws of Florida and providing for severability and effective date, The public hearing, basically. Well, um, It is a proposition. I would probably all, I'll do it. We're gonna open the public hearing. Anybody in the public have any comments? Huh? Alright. Do you fill out a form? I do. Do you owe me out? One more? You leave. Okay. Alright. You don't need It, but I'll just, I'm Doug Gober. Uh, welcome Commissioners Fellow citizens. I have one question on this, Mike. Is there a definite time period for the, the tax free? Is it on infinitum or is it one year? What is the It's, it's, it's, it is for a set period, they have to commit under new development for live local, they have to commit those by deed to be, uh, Rick, is it 30 years or 40? 30. 30 years. 30 years. Commitment. And then, and then the, uh, the resolution, if it is approved, would expire on January 1st, 2027. We have to come back. But what we're saying here is by opting out, we don't have to, we're not tied then to, not to giving these people a, a, a tax break. We can do individuals as we've always done, if we want to do a certain project. Right? Yeah. We have properties that we may work with, uh, in a brownfield overlay and such. We, that may be an option. That's, That's what I wanted to know. Thank you, sir. All right. We're down to, uh, comments from commissioners. Vote, put their vote on the, uh, I thought we did. I'm sorry. Vote. Good. Vote too much. Who's made the vote? I'll make a motion that we, uh, um, approve the, uh, the resolution to opt out of the, uh, live local act, um, property tax exemption. Thank you. Commissioner Oliver. Who second? I'll second. Commissioner Wilson. Let's vote. Motion carries you, Nancy. Thank you. All the, um, comments from commissioners, commissioner, uh, Oliver. Okay. I'll be brief. This, this evening. Um, I was gonna Smile, smiling your face. I didn't say Well, um, as promised by our, our city manager, um, the Clockwork Project, um, commenced, uh, yesterday I saw the bulldozers and I saw the construction equipment, uh, started lining up, uh, Sunday afternoon. They were back working on the project, uh, widen Clock Road as of yesterday. So hopefully, uh, within the coming weeks, uh, we will be, um, uh, opening up, uh, clock Road, uh, widening project. And, um, it gets much awaited by, uh, all the residents that Travel Clock Road on a daily basis. So, um, thank you so much for the update and, um, uh, we're just excited to see that project to continue on and, um, hopefully we'll be able to utilize that road, uh, on the other side really, really soon. Um, the City Commission traveled, uh, this past week to the Florida League of Cities. Um, it is a great experience to be able to, um, to meet with other elected officials to, uh, to look at ideals as to how we we move our city forward. How other cities are ch are dealing with their challenges and issues and, and bring solutions, uh, to the table. The wonderful thing about it is, is the fact that, um, we're all there under home rule because we, we, we believe in home rule. We believe in, uh, being able to, uh, govern ourselves accordingly. That is going to, uh, protect the interests of our citizens as well as provide them with a, uh, a, a, a greater quality of life. And, um, and we all had an opportunity to go to different workshops to see different, uh, new ideas. There was a big, there was a, there was a good one on ai, uh, that talk about how the use, how we use ai, how cities start to use ai, but, uh, there's a plethora of, uh, workshops and programs that we were all able to take advantage of and hopefully bring some ideas back to the city, uh, that's going to help us to enhance the quality of life for all of us. Um, you've already heard back to school, uh, traffic. Uh, so we're, uh, kids are back in school and, um, they are on the streets. Uh, they're, they're driving the road. So be mindful. Uh, my parents would always tell me to drive for others. And again, I didn't really know what that meant until someone hit me from the back. So now I know what it means. Drive for others, be cautious. Um, be aware that we do have, uh, some new, uh, drivers on the road and, um, just look out for our kids and make sure that they, they get to where they're trying to go to, uh, safely. Um, and finally, I will leave you with this. If you want to be strong, be patient, thoughtful and understanding. Anyone can be rude, but it takes real strength to be kind and polite. Thank you. Alright, commissioner first. Okay, I only have one comment in respect to disaster Prepared Preparedness Month. And, uh, that is the Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday. It runs between August 24th and September 6th. And to get a complete list of what's on there as qualified, uh, equipment and supplies and materials, go to Florida revenue.com/disaster prep. It's a good time to, uh, stock up on your necessary, uh, supplies at home. We're not finished with the hurricane season as of yet. We still have a couple months left to go. And, uh, historically, these last couple of months in, uh, the year are usually the worst. So it's a good time to, uh, check out your homes and your supplies and go out there and save some money in the process. Thank you. Commissioner Wilson? Yes, thank you. Uh, there'll be a shred event September 14th at the police department. It is hosted from nine to 1130 in the morning, and it's an opportunity for you to shred your documents. Uh, the first box is complimentary. The second box on they're at, we, the, the clubs that are handling this besides the police department is the Co Lines Club and the Koi Women's Club. And these are events that they are able to raise funds. So if you would, again, the first box is complimentary. After that, they would do ask for a $5 donation and you can watch your items be shredded on site. And it's a great opportunity just to purge your, all those wonderful papers that you've been saving over the years. Um, also this week I've received, I know I got an email, which I'm sure others have. Also, regarding the school traffic. We know that during this first week, second week, third week, parents don't always act appropriately, um, when they are driving their children to school. I think we've all witnessed it because we, I witnessed a few that I was rather surprised at, but, um, we ask you to please remember that the neighborhood, first of all, after you drop your children off, you're driving through neighborhoods. This is not an opportunity for you to start speeding. It's like we got our children to school safely, so now we can just run stop signs. No, you don't do that. There's children, there's pedestrians out there, there's children walking to school. There's other folks who are on their way to work. So please remember these trees, especially around the, I get the comments regarding around the middle school and around the elementary school. These are all neighborhoods you're driving through. Just as we talked earlier about the stop sign, there are speed limits. And if you don't, if you go over the speed limit in the school zone, it is a hefty fine. So again, please watch for children. Watch your speed, be con conscientious of the folks who live in this neighborhoods. So number, that is one item. Um, let's see. And I know that our next meeting is canceled, correct? Mayor Septe, the first meeting? Yes, ma'am. September. Due to Labor Day Labor. Yes ma'am. And I think that's all I have to say. Thank you. Alright, commissioner Kennedy, No additional comments. Alright, I have just one. I I wanted to talk Craig, I know, um, Steve Krebs there. I, I know we discussed this, um, um, comments about speed bumps and stuff in neighborhoods. Well, I was over in the, and we said we can't afford to put 'em in. When I was over in the neighborhood, I got in there by accident, truthfully, and I was going through it and I didn't think I I was ever gonna get through it, going over to speed. But ever street, I mean, ever street has got more than one through that whole Village Green. It's the only one. You go past Rose Hill and go into that project, which goes all the way over to Pop Island. It is ever street. Not, not little ones. I mean, they got nice ones. Do I like to see us? There are some of the places we need to put 'em at to stop some of the speed. So I just wanted to bring that up. I just happen to go through there and I'm thinking, well, how in the world do they afford that? You know, because we always, you can't do this. It's $5,000, but they spend a lot of money in that place. So I'm not, see, We should be able to reasonably accommodate within the proposed budget, um, warranted traffic calming such as speed bumps and other ordinances. Yeah. The other, the other thing is, is, uh, I'm getting calls from people. I got a call from a lady yesterday about we're getting sued over this road over here in Oakland and said they closed down the road, they've moved all the equipment out, and they're suing, somebody's suing us. Do you know anything about that? That's the first I'm hearing of it. I, well, I told 'em, I hadn't heard anything about it and I didn't think it was true. But I don't believe the city attorney's been apprised of that either. I've not. So as far as we're concerned this evening, if somebody does not exist, Yeah, somebody check on it. All right, all everybody, thank you. We'll see. Have a great Labor day. We'll see you back September. What it 17th? Yeah. All thank you. Thank you. Don't worry.