All right. We're going to call the meeting order on July the 16th. We'll have the invocation by Brad Lamek, the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Furner. Then we'll have roll call everybody. Please stand Here. Lordly. Father, thank you for the stay, Lord of God, please help our commission do the good work of the city. Lord, please bless our first responders and our citizens. Lord, thank you for everything you do for us in Jesus, and we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, nation under God and divisible with liberty and justice for all. Commissioner Kennedy Here. Commissioner Wilson. Here. Mayor Johnson. Here. Commissioner Furner. Here. Commissioner Oliver here. Okay. We have no presentations or proclamations. Uh, staff reports. Thank you, mayor. Um, I wanted to ask the city attorney to give you an update on a meeting that was held with city managers and, and mayors, um, from Orange County about the Orange County proposed rural boundary amendments and annexation amendments. And, um, Mr. Artman, along with a representative from the city of Orlando, were both tabbed to work together, um, in, you know, collecting the, the opinions from the group. And I'm gonna let Kirk kind of give you an update on how that went. Uh, glad to Mayor. Commissioners, um, seven, uh, cities were represented in a meeting last week, including, including the City of Ochoa, of course. And, um, the question really was whether the cities should, uh, make a more formal engagement attempt with Orange County, with respect to two proposed Orange County charter amendments. One is the rural boundary issue, which we've talked about before, which is set for a public hearing on July 30th of this month, which would establish under, if it was to be submitted by the County Commission to the voters, which would establish a rural area in Orange, in Orange County. Um, that was number one. The second issue is which sits, which is now set for a, an August 13th public hearing is a, a county proposed amendment, which would restrict all city's ability to annex property in, uh, the voluntary annexation rights. We, as cities enjoy, uh, under the Florida, uh, statutory mechanism and, uh, under the Florida Constitution. Um, all of the seed there expressed some, uh, significant concern with respect to this. Uh, we, uh, collectively agreed to craft a, a letter to, uh, mayor Demings and the County Commission to, to, uh, request that they engage with the cities of the county to talk about how, uh, individual rights and home rule powers of our cities and our annexation and comprehensive planning and planning efforts ought to be, uh, uh, at least coordinated with the, with the cities and not preempted by the county, but allow our existing rights as cities and under the Constitution and the statutory mechanisms to remain in place. Uh, Kyle Shepherd, who is a prior attorney for the City of Orlando, and I were tasked with crafting that letter. We've got a draft, uh, letter that we expect to send, uh, to the county here in the next day or so. Uh, and that's the update, uh, you know, uh, Craig and the mayor, if y'all want to, uh, fill in anything that I may have missed, let me know. I'm happy to stand standby. Yeah. Good for me. What about you? Uh, I, I think we're good. Okay. Thank you. All right. Staff reports nothing further at this time. All right. Public comments. All right. Uh, Ms. Warman? Yes. Come on up. Glad to have you here. Thank you. Thank you. You coming to tell us everybody's getting free taxes? Not this year. Yes, ma'am. And thank you, um, mayor Johnson and the commission. It's great to see everyone. It's been a while since I've been over here. I have curly hair and see you all straighten my hair since I've, uh, been here. You all have been doing so much over here. Just wanted to make an announcement in regards to the Orange County Tax Collector, Scott Randolph. We actually reopened our downtown office on Jackson Street, and we have now moved on May 10th. That is when that occurred. And we've actually opened up more, um, windows down there so that we can offer even more, uh, services to our clients in the downtown area, or for anyone who would be doing business downtown. And also our business tax receipt office used to be on Orange Avenue in our main building. And we've moved every, shifted everything down to Jacksonville. And it's actually Rosalyn, it's Rosalyn and Jackson right across the street from the Orange County Administration building for you all who are familiar with downtown. I just wanted to let you all know that that is open. And, uh, OCO is doing extremely well, um, like they always have been. It is the largest DMV in the state of Florida, and we're just really proud to be in the city of oco and just want to bring greetings on behalf of the Orange County's tax collectors, Scott Randolph. We appreciate that very much, and we really do. Okay. Anybody else have any comments they want to talk to? Thank you all. Thank you, ma'am, for coming out. Appreciate it. You're welcome. Look what it did to my hair. That looks good, mayor. Yeah. I don't think I wanna fall asleep. All right. We got, um, Veronica, Sharon. Hi, Mr. Rusty, mayor. Rusty doing, it's nice to see you. Is that one on, is the light green there on the microphone? Yes, it's on. Okay. All, you can't hear me. Okay. Um, so I'm Oh, that one. Sorry. Uh, I'm actually here today, uh, to talk about Parks and Rec, uh, regarding Tiger Minor. I know the meeting was yesterday. I just wasn't aware. Uh, so I've come today to talk about some concerns of mine. Um, I saw that you guys are breaking ground on building six new pickleball courts. And at the moment we have one single use pickleball court, and we have two dual tennis courts and pickleball courts. Right now, at the moment, there is a large community of tennis players that go to the courts, and it's difficult for us to get a spot, um, just because sometimes pickleball players will, uh, choose the dual courts rather than the single and tennis players can't play on the single court for, uh, pickle ballers. So I was in communication with, uh, Dawn today, and I expressed my concerns, uh, and I was hoping that we could maybe get at least one single use tennis court. So it's not that much of an argument. I know there have been hiccups there. Um, but that is all I did come to express today. Okay. Hold on just a second. Anybody have any comments on that? I know there's been some issues. Hi, I'm Rosemary. That's my district. Hi, rose. Oh, hi Rosemary. Hi. I've heard of you. Hopefully good things. Good things. Okay, good. Um, I like good things. Um, we, we are breaking ground on additional pickleball courts. Okay. I know that I've talked to our director of Parks, Mark Johnson, and, um, we're looking at how we can arrange, 'cause we had some issue with pickleball folks not being, I guess, as flexible as they, there's so many that wanna play. Mm-Hmm. So we're again, trying to work out something. I will, we will talk to Mark about that. I don't know if Craig, if any what's to say, but I think it's something we can talk to Mark and see how we can resolve some of these issues. Yes, I was, I was gonna suggest That you, um, we, we will reach out via a representative from Parks and Rec so that we can try to work towards a better policy. We know, and that's a growing pain with the Pickleball community. And yes, I know we, we have a thriving tennis community, but we will, we will work on, on, on a policy that that's more representative of the full spectrum of users, and you'll be contacted by someone. And if, did you allude, did you include your email address on the paper? 'cause I'll take that and I'll contact you. I did. Okay. Yeah, I'll follow up with you. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate It. Thank you, Veronica. Thank you. And good seeing you. All right, Jim Moyer. Good evening. My name is Dr. Jim Moyer. I live in Den Park, and I have the honor of being the current chair of the Co Human Relations Diversity Board. I noticed here that, um, the hundredth anniversary of a co e is on the agenda, which happens to be something I wouldn't have mentioned. I'm sure we'll learn more about the hundredth anniversary, uh, in item number 12, I believe it is, but I also, I wouldn't make everybody aware, if you're not, June, the next year is the 250th anniversary of the United States Army. N next October is the 250th anniversary of the United States Navy. And November is the 250th anniversary of the United States Marine Corps. So I'm hoping we in some way can incorporate that into the celebration for the CO's hundredth year anniversary. I also want to wish everyone a belated Happy Independence Day, July 4th, and mention that July 2nd, in case you weren't aware, was the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. Also speaking about this, our country here, uh, about 220 years ago or so, when we were a young country, uh, less than 30 years old, uh, then President Jefferson negotiated an arrangement with the French, Napoleon, Napoleon to purchase what we call the Louisiana Purchase. Many of the people that were living there at the time were of French descent. And July is French American Heritage Month. So I just wanted to make everyone aware, there's approximately 13 million people of French descent in the United States, and about 1.77% of Florida are, are of French descent. Um, in addition, about a month ago, I mentioned that July is also, um, disability Pride month and August coming up is the National Traffic Safety Awareness Awareness Month. And with everyone being out of school, I think that's very important, um, to be aware of. Thank you for your time, and God bless you all. Thank you, Dr. Moore. Appreciate it. Okay. Christina Spillane, I'm not gonna look at the clock 'cause that's really nerve wracking. Okay. Hello, commissioners and other elected officials of the City of Ocoee. My name is Christina Spillane and I'm a resident of Winter Garden. I am asking that the City of Ocoee create a budget item to assist Ocoee homeowners and businesses in the reduction of the overpopulation of the COI Community Cats. I am a volunteer TNVR that stands for Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return in the Cities of Winter Garden and Koi. I am part of the amazing team of trappers that participate in the agreement between the City of Winter Garden and Pet Alliance. That program started in June of 2023, and we have TNV Yard over 400 Winter Garden Cats. The homeowners and businesses of Winter Garden have seen a remarkable difference as there is a significant reduction in nuisance cats, cat fights, cat noise, injured cats run over cats and unwanted kittens being born and dying, A painful death outdoors. This program has been embraced by the Winter Garden City Commissioners and all the residents of the City of Winter Garden homeowners or businesses call volunteer trappers get out there within two weeks because appointments are available. Why? Because the city of RNA Garden is paying for the TNVR appointments, unlike a coe. Unfortunately, when a a COE home or business has outdoor cats, they either have to figure it out themselves or find a volunteer trapper. So if they do reach out, it is a struggle for volunteer trappers to find appointments, not even taking into account the cost of the appointment, that they're just not available. So the weight is anywhere from four to 12 weeks. Imagine how many kittens get born in that time period. Currently, orange County Animal Services has suspended their t and r services, so that's not available to homeowners. I am not here representing Pet Alliance. I am describing one example of a solution to an overpopulation of cats in a coe. Another idea might be to reimburse Trappers homeowners when they get a Coe Cat TNV yard at Homeowner and business. A COE addresses a third idea would be to set up a direct billing with the TNR clinic. A city paying for TNR is not uncommon. DeBerry Winter Garden, Deltona Orange, they all pay for their TNVR appointments despite having county resources. I drive around COE a lot and I see a lot of cats wandering around. I see lots of cats ran over. People have told me they don't wanna move to OCO E because there are too many cats. I would think this affects home sales. I propose the city of OCO E help the OCO e constituents by supporting TNVR, thus helping homeowners neighbors. Please create a budget line item for outdoor animals with a primary focus on feral animals. Thank you, Ma'am. When you get, when you get through, we'll, uh, talk about it. Um, I have another one here. Same, same comments. Is it, same comments. Uh, Elizabeth Fricker, same thing. Hello. This is my first time in a town hall meeting, so I just wanna thank everybody, everybody who's here. The commissioners, the mayor. I am here for a very similar reason as Christine in support of A TNR or TNRV program. Excuse. Um, um, yes, you Live in Oki. I do live in O coi. Actually, I have been a resident of a coe. I actually live in District four under Commissioner Oliver by Lake Ohio. So I actually do live in a COE and have done very similar things as Christine and many of the other people that are here. Um, we all communicate and work together, and I anecdotally want to share that I have helped in the past year over seven people and 30 different cats in the scenarios that Christine was describing. Um, one of the things that I really appreciate about what these other towns are doing in Central Florida, not just Winter Garden, but also down in Volusia County, is that people do wanna help the community cats and the animals that are around them, they simply do, just do not have the resources. Sometimes that is the financial resources or the lack of knowledge in getting support from the city really helps with that. You may think, what does it mean to just have a bunch of cats living outside? But these are nuisance cats sometimes to people. They are community cats that people wanna take care of, and they are domesticated animals. So unfortunately, they do need our help. And one of the best ways to do that is to get support from the city. Even small, small financial help just towards the actual TNR itself can actually help people in the community who wanna care for these domesticated community cats that are outside, but simply do not have the resources to. So I support Christine and a bunch of other people that are here. I would love to see my own town participate in something like this so that we can continue to help not just the community cats, but the neighborhoods that live here who want to solve a problem, which is a problem that is all over Orange County, that there is over 90,000 homeless cats in Orange County, including in a COI that desperately need our help. And I think a COI can be part of the solution. Thank you. Thank you. All right. We got, um, Kara, uh, how do you, what's your last name? Via Monte. Via Monte. Thank you. Couldn't read you. Hello. My name's Kara Diante. I am an OCO resident. I'm in Commissioner Oliver's district. Um, I am a proud resident of O coi. Um, and when I first moved here, I noticed something that I have not seen since I've lived in Florida, uh, which has been all of my wonderful 34 years. And that is cats everywhere, um, in our yards, in our businesses, in our parking lots. And unfortunately is also on the side of the road. Um, I'm sure you've noticed them as well. They're rampant in a COE Hills. Uh, they're well cared for in our very own downtown area. Right over here, you can go to Toll Road, go get a beer, which I'm gonna do after this and pet a cat. And then you can go to DG Donuts and eat a delicious donut and pet another cat. And these business owners are taking care of these cats on their own dime because they're existing in this space and they don't want their customers seeing injured sick animals running around, just like homeowners don't wanna see them in their own yards. Uh, being an animal lover, I reached out to Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando for resources. When I noticed this problem and I found out about the TNVR program, uh, we, as you're already aware, so I won't go into the details of what TNVR is, uh, it, it has helped tremendously in my community. Uh, the University of Florida has found a 66% reduction in feral cat populations with no new kittens born. After four years of this program, many businesses in the central Florida area employ A-T-N-V-R approach, including Disney World. Uh, this has been proven to reduce CAT populations, it saves taxpayer money and it addresses neighborhood concerns as previously mentioned by other speakers here. Our neighbors in Winter Garden have already seen the benefits of this program. Uh, they've partnered with PET Alliance to bring their CAT population problem under control with a $50,000 grant. Uh, and Orange County is offering was previously offering all Orange County residents to TNR Cats per year. Unfortunately, they've recently discontinued that program due to a lack of vets. Uh, so what I'm asking for today is that a budget line item be added similar to that of Winter Garden that would allow the city of Ocoee to reimburse its trappers or local businesses for the care and TNVR treatment of these community cats. Thank you. Thank you. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm, um, before I let city managers say something, I'm going to open it up to the commissioners, let 'em discuss this real quick. I have a comment. Okay. Um, I have here on my cell phone a picture of a trap that was in put in my neighborhood that has an entire family of dead raccoons in it. Um, I think it's great that people are sympathetic and empathetic to animals. Um, but I would have issues with, uh, putting a line item in the budget unless there was, uh, restrictions on illegal trapping. Um, this was found to be someone in a related organization. I don't know if it's the same organization in Western Bay, and they put traps out and they don't monitor 'em, and they trap other animals, which can't live in the heat like a cat can. And, um, so I think there's always two sides. There's an unintended consequence. And, um, so that's just my comment. Alright. Anybody else? I do have a comment. Um, I think, uh, we, we talked about this about a year or so ago. We, uh, we were, uh, the the first speaker. The first speaker, okay. Yes. Yeah. We're standing on the corner talking, having this conversation about this particular program. And I believe that, um, uh, my comment was to bring before the commission. So I'm glad you brought this before the City Commission. And you did identify that Winter Garden was already doing this program. Um, uh, just looking at this type of program, it does a, it is, it is a internationally accepted program. Uh, and it's the most humane way of actually neutering, uh, felines or cats. And, uh, and it does help with the, the population of them. So, um, just from the conversation you and I had, I had, I did a little investigation in it, uh, and I thought that it was a great program. I just didn't know how we would actually do it here in Accord. Cause we spoke about having a facility. So you have to have a facility in the city to actually be able to, uh, for the best, for lack of a better, better term, wrangle cats in or bring the cats in to be, uh, to neutered. So I think that would be one of the, um, the, um, challenges we will have is actually finding a location to, to do that. That's something that we would have to discuss as a commission. Uh, but again, I support the program. Uh, I think it's a great program and I, I believe that, uh, if we put our heads together, we can come up with something that would, uh, be, uh, uh, amicable to the citizens of, of oco, uh, and also the, to reduce the, the cap population as we move forward. Yeah. You Have to go too. No, you, you access up here. I'm sorry that she's already at it, Mr. Per, it's a motion. No, no comment. Alright. Alright. I'll make, I'll make a couple comments. First of all, I had a cat for 20 years. I love the cat, but I took care of the cat. I didn't ask somebody else to take care of it. I took care of the cat 20 years. Um, I I, I've been around a lot of places. I was in Apopka for a few years as a mailman, ma'am. I've seen more cats over there than you've ever seen. So it's not just, don't play koy in a thing saying we're the cat capital of the world because we're not. I also will tell you that the citizens of this town pay taxes to Orange County government for animal control. We tried years ago to do animal control with the city, bought a truck, hired a person, didn't work. So Orange County, have you asked them for money for this? Truthfully? Have you asked them for money? Orange? I, I, come, come back. You can come up now. I just need you to answer that. I have not asked Orange County for money for this because as you mentioned, orange County does have Orange County Animal Services. I know they have discontinued their TNR program at this time. Okay. Alright. Thank you. I'm just wanting you to know that that is where the money goes from our tax dollars to the an to the animal control or Orange County. It's not under ours. So that's, that's the purpose. I asked you that. The other, um, the other thing is, what does Winter Mark Garden pay? Did you, excuse me. How much does Winter Garden pay? $60 a cat. Okay. I'm gonna call the mayor and see if that, I'd like to see that ordinance or however they put that in there. I'd like to see it. I'm all for making sure we don't, I got a neighbor, there's two across the street from me. He has two that stay out in my yard too, and I love them. And they're great cats. They roll over and I get to pet 'em. I don't have to take care of 'em, but I get to pet 'em. Thank you. So I'm just telling you, there is, there is a way you can start putting all kind of, and he, he might like that. I like taking care of them, but it's easy to say that when you're trying to get a little, you know, but I'm telling you that the taxpayers are the ones have to forefront this because we pay taxes for that. So somebody's gotta get on them to make them do it. I mean, and I don't know how you go people's yards and do that. And I guess every one of 'em gotta be able to sign a form saying you can come on the yard. So that, that's, that's another problem. But like I said, I was gonna let the city manager let you know about the county thing. But I've dealt with this a long time ago about, about the animal control. And that's one of the things that they're, you call them and ask them, how are we gonna solve that problem? With that, thank you. Um, just piggybacking on what was said, the commission might wish to direct us to send a letter to Mayor Demings asking that they reinstate the t and r program at Orange County. Yeah. Um, given they've shown, you know, great, um, interest in, in dogs, cats, and rabbits in the past. Yeah. Previous ordinances. That would be well within your purview to send them a letter asking they reinstate funding for that program. And you can always Take, yeah, I think that's a great idea. We'll go ahead and make up a letter. We'll, I'll sign it. We'll send it to, all right. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right. Any more public comments? I have no more forms filled out for public comments. All right. We're gonna move to the, uh, consent agenda. I make a motion to approve. I'll second make that motion. Sorry. Motion made by Commissioner Wilson to, uh, consent. Agenda approval. Hear second. I second. Seconded by Commissioner Kennedy. Any more comments? Let's vote. All right. Motion carries Unanim. So I got a item that needs to come up before we get started. We don't have that big Well, yeah, of course. Um, Mr. Getty, do you wanna come up and to the podium? You wanna talk? Uh, or you want me to? I, I'll go ahead and explain it. I got a call our, our times' run out for Gettin's, uh, productions over at the lake on the building over there that we saw walked from y'all, I don't know, five years. Been five years. So they've been have, they've rented it for five years. Uh, we're fixing to get ready to put it into the program about tearing it down and everything else. But they've asked if they can use it till December to finish up and clear out and get all their stuff out if we could let 'em say to December. So I wanted to, if you wanna make any comments, you can. If not, you don't have to. So I just wanted to bring it up and tonight and, and see. Alright. You got three minutes at the back. Yeah. Proceed. I just wanted to come to the city and just say that. Uh, it's been an honor being part of oco. I I grew up over at the trailer park and, uh, you know, the, the studio's been part of oco and there's been a lot of stars there that people don't really know about. It's, it's, it's been, it's been just interesting. It's been a pleasure and it's bittersweet, but I just really appreciate the city and everything they've done for us and just being part of the city of oco. And, um, you know, if it does go up, if anybody wants to record an album, mayor, you can still, you know, record your album if you want. I won't be doing no singing. But anyway, just wanna say it's been honor to be part of oco. Um, ING's family's been here for a long time. Like I said, I've, I've grown up here. Awesome. Say, it's been amazing to see it grow and everything. So just wanna leave that with you. So, appreciate y'all. Thank you. I will say I will reason I know you since you're little. I, your grandmother used to live across the street from me. One, the, one of the sweetest ladies that you'd ever wanna meet. She was a great lady. And your mother and father. I've known him a long time, but I just, we've had no trouble with that in the last five years with you've been over there. Oh, yeah. So I wanted to ask the commissioners we're not doing anything. And when's, we don't have a date yet. Um, mayor, um, we have this on as item 13. Um, yeah, I didn't see it. I let, I'm sorry. So, um, I was, I wanted to bring it up 'cause I knew he was here. I wanted to go ahead. Yes. No, I, I understand. I just was wanting to make sure for formality's sake that Yeah, But we, we can vote. Get to it and vote there. I just wanted to bring it up and let Mr. Den speak. Okay. Okay. Before you sit here all night with us, how much fun that is. All right. We're down to, uh, we'll get, we'll get to that discussion at the end. Second read of Avoidances public Hearing. Second read of ordinance for Fountains West PUD, second substantial amendment into lot eight of Fountains West PUD Plan, unit Development. Mayor, We still have the, um, first reading of ordinance item number 10, Where, oh, I, you know, I thought that was on the backside of that other, but it wasn't. I'm sorry. Okay. All right. The amendment to the first reading of ordinance implementing the live local act is that, Go and read it, mayor. Yeah. Ordinance number 24 dash plan in ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, amending section five dash 15 of the Ocoee Land Development Code, specific use slash development standards to implement the provisions of the live local Act. Section 1 66 0.04151 at SEC Florida statutes, including defining terms, establishing maximum permitted density, floor area ratio and height, establishing a process for administrative approval, providing for deed restriction to and annual certification, providing for a reduction in parking requirements requiring equal treatment of affordable housing and market rate units providing for enforcement, providing for conflicts, codification, severability, and an effective date. We don't who put that in the public hearing, do we? Not the public hearing. Um, First it's first reading. First reading. All right. Mike, did you wanna talk? No, it comes back two weeks. What's our next meeting? Um, August 6th. August the fifth. Sixth. Sixth. It'll be back August the sixth. Anybody wants to vote on or, or talk on it? Alright, now we're gonna get after to number 11. Gonna come on up. You doing it? It's, it's no Mayor. That item was withdrawn. Item 11. Yes. Yes. Okay. That happened today. Yes, sir. Okay. That's far we received. We received official notification earlier today. Did you notify them of 150 people that sent me letters? We did our best. We have, I don't believe anybody here is for that item unless they slip past me. And I'm, I was a good offensive lineman in my time, so I will tell you that, I will tell you that issue got more, more publication to me than I've had in 39 years of this most I've ever seen. So they were, they were Johnny on the spot. All right, let's go down to number 12. Regular agenda, city of Oak course. 100 year anniversary Celebration, act, support, service Director, Gaines. Good evening, mayor and commissioners. Uh, again, Doug Gaines, acting Support Services director. I'm here to talk about the city of Eco's 100 year anniversary celebration. Back in 1925, we had less than a thousand residents. Currently, we have nearly 50,000 residents then and now. Centennial Celebration is a rare opportunity to reflect on the city's past, celebrate our present, and prepare for an exciting and successful future. In October, 2023, the city marked the town of ACO East, the town of oco East 100 year anniversary. During the grand opening event for Unity Park. Shortly after the city commission directed staff to begin planning the city's centennial celebration, you asked us to make the celebratory events a huge, big deal. Huge. All right, so based on that, your call to action, a dedicated planning committee has been brainstorming ways to make our centennial celebrations, something we can all be proud of. The, uh, committee involved, the, the mayor, the city manager's office, and almost every single department. So to do this, we're here tonight to ask for two things. We wanna share our centennial plans and get direction from the commission. We also want to ask you for direction with moving forward with hiring a marketing and graphic design company. Regardless of how big our celebration is, we'll need to work with an outside marketing and graphics team to make this landmark once in a lifetime event, a big success for our residents and community. So we've come up with a long list of opportunities to showcase and celebrate The city's 100th birthday, May 13th, 2025 will be the actual date of the city's incorporation. First, let's start with the new proposed events. Our plan is to kick off the centennial celebration in January with the social media campaign to get everyone excited and generate media coverage and publicity. So January 2nd, we'll have the centennial kickoff. Another new event will be the Valentine's Day Block Party event. We're planning on hosting a golf tournament February, 2020 first. Uh, the big community celebration will be Friday, May 9th, here at Bill Breeze Park. And the facility is here in Bill Breeze. The actual happy birthday event and time capsule ceremony will be May 13th. And we're also planning on having a movie night and block party November 14th. Uh, it's important to note before we schedule the dates you see here, we reached out to our community partners to make sure our dates did not conflict with the events they have scheduled for 2025. We don't wanna anyone to be double booked and miss out on all the fun we have planned here in coi. As I mentioned, we have a long list of opportunities to celebrate our centennial. Our plan is to incorporate the 100 year anniversary theme into all of the city's existing events. You see here, we have more than 20 city events throughout the year, and this gives us multiple opportunities to incorporate the centennial theme. That's half of them. Here's the other half. Our new monthly community market can be a great marketing tool for the centennial. Our ideas include having a 100 year anniversary tent set up at the markets with giveaways and activities, marketing and promotions to ensure a memorable and impactful celebration. Staff recommends contracting with marketing and graphic design firms to create a 100 year anniversary logo, artwork for merchandising and commemorative items, graphics for the poll, banners and collectible posters, a strategic marketing and social media campaign, and historical displays and exhibits. And we're gonna try to plaster this logo over everything. We can see printed materials, poll banners, t-shirts, promotional items, letterhead, Branding. These are some of the key elements we need to create our centennial branding internally and externally. Our goal is to generate enthusiasm and excitement throughout the, throughout the community. We especially wanna partner with our local businesses to invite them to be part of the centennial. They could offer special centennial food and drinks like passion, flour, tea, and the purple beer you see here in the picture. Um, that could be part of the centennial planning. And yes, there really is a purple beer. We'll be working to get sponsors for the vehicle wraps and other items on the list. For Centennial ambassadors that I have listed here, their job would be to promote the centennial on their social media platforms and serve as cheerleaders for the city. That could be internal and external. Folks. You can see some of the ideas we have here. The pole banners I mentioned vehicle wraps, downtown mural. Um, we could hire an artist, uh, down here on McKee Street at the end, there's a two story building by the parking lot, uh, historical community calendar, which would be present and past pictures, 100 year anniversary decals and patches. Um, there's also, if anybody's seen it, there's an aco. Opoly is a Monopoly game that, uh, Walgreens and Walmart used to sell. Mm-Hmm. Uh, Joy's got a copy of it here now, but we could also do a 100 year edition. And we actually reached out to them and they would be willing to do it for a price finance. There's a couple revenue sources, uh, budgeted funds, and we discussed sponsorships in our committee too. Commission request. We're asking for approval to waive their procurement policy, to hire the marketing graphic design firms. The budget for these would not exceed $60,000. We already have a a marketing scope for them, and we got prices from them. We're also requesting feedback and approval to move forward with our new events and ideas. And we'll be coming back to give you periodic updates on the centennial with more detailed information. That it? That's it. Greg, you have anything to say on that? Um, just very briefly, this is something that we want feedback from the commission on. Obviously we're deep into budget preparation right now. And, uh, the message we heard was we wanna make it a very big deal when it came up at the a hundred year, um, anniversary of our township. And so we've, we've kind of gone A to Z here. And, um, we, we need to kind of know is this too much or too little or where are we, um, as we're heading into the budget, is this kind of what you're envisioning? It's some new, um, and really playing it into the existing events we have. Um, most of you are well aware, um, in your capacity that the success of this is going to rely on how good a job we do marketing, branding, and with social media and, and getting the word out. Making this a truly a, a community celebration. So we want to get started right away on that. Um, January's not far away in, in the world of trying to get, um, a program developed. And so that's the most urgent item. Um, we can discuss it a little further during the budget workshops, but we wanted some idea on what your reaction is to, you know, do we need to dial it back or do we need to add more, or there things that you want to see. So we are asking you to either by consensus or vote to, um, approve waiver of the purchasing code so that we can secure a marketing branding firm. Um, but separate from that, we would like some feedback on kind of what you're thinking. And this is kind of what we were thinking, um, that we came up with. Alright. Alright. Commissioners comments. Uh, Yes. So don't all talk at once. Um, I'm fine with the, um, waiving the procurement policy for the first 60,000 to enable the graphics design to get underway. Um, I'd like to see more detail, frankly. Uh, I guess is this coming up through budget workshops or is it being done separately? How is that handled? Um, that procurement will be done separately. Um, because we would want to go ahead and do that right away. Um, do you have a copy of the scope that you and, um, prepared? I gave it to you. Share to give to you. You can send 'em to Yeah, we can. Uh, It's not, um, what we will do then is we can send you out the scope, um, for that and, um, if you feel the need. No, that's not it. Okay. So if, if we need to postpone, um, a vote until the next meeting, that's fine. Um, so that you have opportunity to look at the scope on that. Lemme See if Joy has a copy. Well, I think, I think we're past that. Um, She's right there. So what we can do is, is bring that back to the next meeting. Um, But we're going be discuss, we're gonna have to discuss it during the budget anyway, so I Mean Yeah, we are. But, but I, I will, that's next week too. It, We will put an item on the next commission meeting agenda. Yeah. Um, for approval of, of, of a firm with a scope of services and um, or request for waiver procurement. Yeah. For your consideration. Alright. Um, okay. Alright. I'm excited for a hundred years. I mean, we need to Celebrate. Anybody else comments? No, that sounds good to me. Alright. That sounds, that sounds really good. Uh, just bring it back. Just, I would like to see the whole scope. Uh, I agree with, uh, with commissioner, uh, Kennedy. I would like to see the whole scope and, and what it's going to, um, entail. We may not even budget enough. We might need more. You never know. Might need less, but I would like to see the whole scope. Well, it's, it's a mile marker for our co e in a hundred years. Yeah. So I, I mean, it's not gonna come to us free, so we know that. So we do need to hire a firm and I think it's an exciting adventure for us at this point. A hundred years. So Do you have any feedback, uh, for us as far as the general proposed program? Fireworks? Lots of fireworks Events and things. Fireworks. Fireworks. Lots of fireworks. Yeah. Much. They're Fireworks. We do during the music. Yeah, I was gonna say that's, this sounds like it's a, it's a stretched out over the year. Yeah. Yes. So it's something that's gonna cost us and a lot of the things you're doing at the community market. So again, that's not a cost to us, but again, it's the planning of it that needs is the fair amount of the cost that we need to approve at that point. Right. How, okay, if we want it to be this year coming outta this, do we have contingency this year that we could use it? Not really. That's gonna make a, make a dent in things. Um, we have money built into the proposed budget that I'll be submitting to you for consideration during the workshops to cover the program that we have outlined tonight. Um, and, um, I'll be prepared to further discuss with you during the workshops about forecast of things and then making sure that we get feedback on any wishlist items that you have and kind of giving you a brief overview of where we are and where we're headed. You're gonna be faced with some decisions, not this year, but next year, um, that are gonna have some ramifications. But we'll get into all of that at the workshops. Uh, while we in the discussion. I will say that to the citizens that doesn't know or don't know, uh, Craig Chadwicks, our new city manager, city manager for the city of oco. So I know some people have probably read it or seen it, but he is the new city manager for our city. Congratulations, Craig. How long you been here now? I'm in my 17th year. There You go. All right. Congratulations. Thank you. All right. Now Mr. Gez, we'll see if we can get, I Have one other Question. Okay. Um, are y'all doing any sort of your, uh, Facebook, social media? Are you doing any sort of surveys of the community to get their feedback or suggestions? We have not so far, but that's something we can do. That was brought up at the meeting, Doug Mm-Hmm. Back two or three meetings ago about putting it out where we can have suggestions from. We have several digital tools that we can use to get feedback and we also, um, can have some cards in the lobby and other locations. Okay. See what we get. Yeah. Thank You. All right. That's Feedback. Let's move on. Let's, alright. Discussion about the, uh, get ins recording studio. So they're asked to use it through December. I know the city's, um, um, so I, I just brought it up. I wanna see commissioners. They've been there for five years. They sold it to us back when we asked about buying it. So finally we did buy it. So I know Mr. Gedins, his family's been around here a long time in the city. Matter of fact, I know some of you might not know, but some of you do. They wrote the city, they wrote a song about, what's it called there, city o So that, that was a long time ago. But yeah, so I don't have a problem with it. We'll see what, how many commissioners, anybody have a problem with it? A problem with the It until December? But I think the contract says that there is. Um, I have no problem as long as um, we abide by the contract, which is $10,000 a month. That's 15. Well, there's two different figures there that I'm reading. Ain't Nobody pass that to do that for that. So that's why we're asking this. That's why I wanted to bring it here tonight. So You're asking what, I'm sorry. May we say they're empty? Well, but the thing is that I, I believe that we personally, if I get down to that item here, let get down here, um, that we made an agreement with the lease and the lease. The lease says, I thought there was two different numbers there. There was that lease over 15,000 over. Right. But it said if it extended, that lease is over. So I have, I I think it should, we should abide by the lease and we have to charge by the month. That's Fine. That's why I'm asking you. That's why I brought it up. I didn't wanna be on, on my back. Anybody else. I mean it, I wouldn't pay 10,000 to be in that building, I tell you. Or 15,000. So The question, we have it on the agenda, is there, I just have a question. Um, so is it 10,000 a month or is it 15 a month? The way I'm seeing Two figure, the way the lease that expired in June said, uh, during the lease we could work on an extension of a lease at, at which it would be $10,000 a month under that lease to extend it. Okay. It then there's another provision that says if the lease ends and they just continue to occupy it month to month to month, then it would be $15,000 a month. I assume maybe what they meant was it, does it read that way? I, I assume is the first lease was for the five years was just the taxes. You could extend the lease the lease for 10,000 and then after that extension, anything beyond that would've been 15. 'cause you would've been years down the road. Okay. So that's how I interpret it. Alright. Anybody Else? And this, this, it goes until December, January. So with extension the Building. Yes. The building has, uh, been identified and agreed that we would, uh, demolish it presently last week, uh, we did a, uh, hazardous material survey of the building. During the budget process, we will finalize any funding needed for the demolition of the building. Then we will seek scope, uh, I mean, uh, cost from the demolition companies that we use. And then pick that contract and then kick 'em off from between October and December. Not, it's not gonna happen that quickly. So we do have some time to get the funding, get the contract, get 'em geared up, mobilized to get that building demolished. It Will be be demolished. So they were like occupied until, until we actually, uh, get our, our ducks in a row as far as, um, funding and, and uh, preparing to, uh, to, to to demolish the building. Yes. That's what they're asking. Yes. And we need, we need time to get them out, get whatever provisions they want out. 'cause we're gonna set a hard date to demolish it as soon as we can after the, the new year. And thank you. What is the requirement on fixing the roof for a hundred thousand dollars? Do we have to do that? Uh, no. Under the lease that expired, we were responsible for keeping it watertight. We did purchase, we did reroof it several years ago. It has since then sprung a leak. So since we are out of a lease, we are not responsible to keep it moisture tight so there's no responsibility. Okay. I, in order to replace the roof, we have bids of a hundred thousand dollars. So They know That we do not intend to replace the roof under the staff's provision. We intend to tear the building down unless so directed. Right. I would say month to month that 15,000 would be reasonable if that's what the, the lease calls for or the contract. We paid 2.5 million for that building over the period of five years. Just for disclosure here that we paid 1 million was paid. No, what do you think? 1.5 at the closing and the balance of 101 million was paid 20 quarterly payments with an additional $3,000 in interest paid at each payment. Total interest was $60,000. What do you think he paid for it? Now I have, I'm I'm not discussing that. I'm just discussing it. I am, well I don't it if we don't let's vote. If we wanna vote, we don't do it by consent. We can vote. Oh, like I said, I had to bring it here because they asked. Mm-Hmm. So I told Craig we'll bring it up here. Didn't want to do it. You don't do it. I come up with a podium, it won. It won't be long. I totally understand. I'm just looking for six months to get, employ my guys and get the equipment out. 'cause it's not like when you're moving a studio, you have to get, we have two situations we're looking at. I just need more time to move the gear. You have to decommission the board, you gotta move the PA panels, you gotta move all sorts of stuff. That's all I'm asking. I could take care of the property and the taxes for, for six months and I I'll be out of there and I'll be good. We'll be good tenants over there until the property's demolished. That's all I'm asking. Alright. There's a lot of costs associated with moving Yeah. A studio like that. Yeah. I ask him a question. Yeah. Uh, you had a five year rent free lease. Why didn't you start this process six months ago? We had some, uh, trouble with, uh, we're having some setbacks right now, but I'm, I'm pretty confident we, we will be able to be out there in six months. Okay. That's my que thank you for Antoinette. I I I have a question. I don't know if it's for the attorney or for Mike. So Mike, if we extend the lease or we give an extension of the lease, then Mike, you said, well, we wouldn't be liable because we wouldn't be under a lease. My experience is that wouldn't be accurate if we extend, I mean, I, this isn't letting someone stay in the spare room. So I'd like to see a con a new contract or something. A letter of understanding and I think then we'd be liable. Can you We'll accept the roof. That's it. I want it in, I want a contract. Oh, Absolutely. Yeah. No, I, I think, I think you're right. But I think the proposal, if I'm not mistaken, Mike, is that the, the tenant, uh, would, would actually accept the property as is indemnifying and holding the city harmless with respect to anything at all that, uh, was wrong with the building. Including, especially we, We received the response to a letter stating that the lease has ended such that they would be responsible for keeping the, the, the building water tight if to, to meet their needs. So, yes. Yeah. So, so effectively every simple lease, and assuming it depends on what the commission decides. The commission says you want rent, what that rent would be, uh, month to month end or for fixed sum. I mean, you can do whatever you want at this point. Um, but the, but the, you know, if you say no, we don't want to do that, then of course the tenant has to vacate the premises immediately. I, I would say that the insurance, as long as the insurance covered, I know they paid the taxes. They paid the taxes on the place. We had them do that. Now, that comes up again after, you know, this end of the year. But if we add 'em, sign the thing with that, also they pay the, the cost of the insurance from this, from that time to that time for the building. Um, mayor Should be homeless living. If I, if I could, I would also add on this just references their, their responsibilities for the roof if you choose to let them remain at cost. Yeah. I would redirect that to any and all maintenance, Right? Yeah. Right Of the of the property. Yeah. Mowing and all that. Okay. Right. Spell it out. I just think it's ridiculous. We're not going to get $15,000. I'm, that was just a, I wish. Uh, so what's been presented to us in the packet is that we have three options. Mm-Hmm. Uh, let you stay rent free, extend the lease for 10,000 a month or require you to vacate. That's what was briefed to us. Yeah. So I would prefer, obviously perfectly, I would've preferred this to be worked out as a proposal ahead of the meeting so we could look at it. I'm willing to, I'm personally willing to meet you halfway. Um, I wouldn't be willing to let you stay rent free. Oh, I, but I'm, I'm willing to, if, if the staff and him could work out a proposal and the liability was covered, I'm willing to look at it. Sure. That's my po that's just my position. And I'm also, I think I thinking a little more in that direction. I'm not looking to go with a zero, um, because we have that sets of precedence for anything in the future. And that's a concern to me. But, um, I understand that. I don't know if $10,000 is kind of high for that building. I wish you had vacate. I wish. In a perfect world I wish we weren't in this situation. Absolutely. And um, I think that, I don't know if $5,000 a month, would that be something that anyone would think of as a figure that, um, again, I'm not looking at set of precedent, so I'm looking at I think a dollar figure. I'd like to see a dollar figure with this. Um, I realize the condition Right. Of the building and Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I I, I understand that and I know we're gonna tear it down. Can Y'all put Something, you know, that's, and we'd love to see you move your, I mean we're sorry you're leaving, but we're, um, I just, that's a concern I have. So I'll leave it to, I don't people speak about it or I, I would say 1500. I don't 5,000 still. That's, that's a, that's a whack for nothing in the building's, in not in good shape for that. He's just gonna be cleaning it out and getting out and cross services. I know they should have done that. Yeah, I know. Perfectly square feet. Is it many? I I just say $1,500. $1,500. We're not gonna get anywhere else. Plus we all know what's going to happen to the building between now and when we get rid of it, which it probably won't be January the way it goes with us. No. Yeah. I can't believe you say that. Well, well you actually could do an increased rental, so, so that, uh, start small and then it goes up. So there's an in financial incentive. I like that idea. Oh, Senator. Yeah. Alright. Do we want to do it? Somebody needs to make a motion and I, I don't, like I said, I'm, well, I don't know if they, well, I, I do have a comment. Um, I I I have a question. How much do you charge per hour to record in your studio? Is is there, is there hourly charge or there's a flat fee or how'd that that work? A was like five an hour, but it comes with an engineering assistant and an upstairs. Okay. We know what the insurance Is. How long have you been there? Uh, I was probably policy For, so I was there some kind of profit in, in this business if you've been there that long. But, um, The property taxes are 1350 a month. Wow. So I will make a 35 quick comment about Scott Greg. Fine. Everybody, I don't know if any of you anybody in here know, but I know this was our property years ago. Somebody up here years ago had to get a good job of selling it. They sold this property, which we had to end up buying it back, but that was a long time ago. I would've never sold a piece of property that late that we had. Mm-Hmm. But that's what happened long time ago. It was sold, we owned it, but then we turned around, it started at five or 6,000. I think we ended up at 2,500 or 22 and a half million or something like that. But so let's vote. I mean, we can't take all that. Figure this Out. Well, can we go $1,500 if you're not out by, we don't have much January 1st. I mean, just a thought, just throwing this around here. They're not off by January 1st. It reverts to the $15,000 a month. Yes, yes. Then I mean that's, I, I don't know how anyone feels about that, but if that's, um, yeah, because if you're not out by January, if they're not out by January 1st, then it reverts to the 15,000. And so the incentive is to get them out before we, um, wanna knock it down. Yep. My major concern is just the, the liabilities. Yeah. The city's liability. That's my major concern. Yeah. We going to have them cover that. The liabilities here, here, here. Here's the function. It is not gonna be used for anything else. We're not gonna put anything else in there. We're not gonna put anybody else in there. People, it's just the, if, if, if we, we do other people on different buildings and stuff. So the lady that I don't, I'm not gonna get that one though. I, I'll take a stab at a motion, But I'll, let's just, I'll make a motion. Okay. I'll try it here. Um, we'll direct staff to negotiate an extension of the lease for $1,500 a month through December 31st with a price escalator going reverting to 15,000 on January one. And in the meantime, uh, you will continue to pay the property taxes and the insurance and there will be an indemnity of the city and the lease. That's my motion Is that I can't say somebody Said No, I know I'll be, I'll be happy to second it. What is that? Well, he'll tell us after you say It. Okay. I'll second it and then I'm gonna ask the attorney. Does that cover everything that we, you think that needs to be mentioned or? Well, I, well I think there's be some terms where it's absolutely clear that the property is in a, um, it viol is a violation of codes and it's accepted in full and complete, um, acceptance of that and indemnification hold harms for the insurers. I think that would be fine. So I wouldn't limit it to just those items, but, uh, other language protecting the, and Any other protections that Yeah. And all additional maintenance. And additional maintenance. Okay. Alright. And I'll second Okay. Just bring your ring, but don't forget your umbrellas when you get in. You know, you're don't need Them. You need to say that. Yeah, we got it. We got process. All right. All right. I appreciate that. I, I, like I said, I know they've been, I don't know how many years they've been there, been there a long time. 83, man. 83. That's 41 years. Okay. All right. Do you, can you get with um, uh, Craig, does he need to get with G or Sherry or you or who are you going write that up? It's up. Glad to I, I'll get with a stab at It, the attorney's office and we'll, we'll take care of that sub subject to The call and I'll tell you when. Approved motion all. Yeah. The only question is whether it comes back to the commission or do you want to authorize staff to do that? Correct. Uh, I was an authorizing staff. Staff, city manager. Thank you. And city attorney for All. Appreciate it. Alright. Alright. Thank you sir. All mayor. You Well, we made a motion. We need to vote. We made a motion on it. Any more comments? I'm sorry. More comments? No. Yes, if I didn't, you didn't ask. Do you want more? No, I'm good. I didn't know if anybody else, but I'm ready. I didn't know everybody talked about Let's vote on it. You did second it didn't you? Yeah, I did. Second it. Motion carries you nicely. Oh, we, let's see, now we get down to commissioners. Commissioner Kennedy. No more comments. Woo. Commissioner Wilson. Okay, I'll make this fast. Um, as we voted tonight, August 8th and August 28th are the workshop dates for the budget. And then September 11th and September 18th will be The additional budget. What do we call it? Um, we have the budget workshop and then we have the hearings. So again, if you have concerns, issues, the budget will be, we'd love you to come to that meeting, those meetings. Um, and we'll go from there. They're always fun, but that's where you find out where your money goes and how, and your comments are important to us. Um, there's one more thing just for the commission. Um, Ms. Applegate is here tonight, but we had talked about, um, you know, Gordon had been 34 years as a volunteer and we talked about doing the driveway over here and with his name. But the more you thought about it, it might be a problem because, um, the address of the building there is Lake is, um, Bluford, I'm sorry, or Lakeshore. So in order to eliminate any conflict or if that driveway ever goes away, we're thinking of other options that might be available to us to um, honor his 34 years. And I know we had experience with the ball field and also with the skate park. So I thought if the commission's okay that we'll go ahead and talk to Mark Johnson about how we can, what we can do to honor him in those, maybe in those locations. Um, he was interested in the skate park and I know that from the skate park years and years ago we talked about it when I was on the recreation board and um, the interest he had there and I know his interest also was the ball field. So I mean, it's coming up with a, working with Miss Applegate 'cause it'll be a surprise for Gordon. But He ain't gonna watch this on TV tonight. No, she's not. She's gonna not allow him to. Right. What, You're not gonna allow Gordon to watch any of this tonight? No, he does not know anything is going on that way. Okay. So I'm hoping come back in the next, I'm hoping next month to two months, um, so that we can start working on that and move that along. Maybe before Thanksgiving and Honor Gordon. 'cause this is the year 30. He, he re just for when Gordon Applegate was our longest volunteer. He was 34 years with the park and recreation advisory board. And he, the same day that he came on the board, he actually resigned from the board. So it was 34 years and it's the longest we've had any volunteer in our city. So we'd like to honor him and it was just coming up with the right, should I say, the right facility within the parks. So if that's okay with the commission, we'd like to pursue that and, um, change the venue of where we originally planned. Send everybody. Oh yeah. Thank you. I will say, I think if you go back and look at the records, I pointed four years according to that recreation board back 34 years ago. Well, Mr. Breed was the, uh, Uh, who? Mr. Breed? Yeah. Peach. Peach Rec. Yeah. He was the recreation director and he's the one that also caught Gordon. No, he, he told me that's what we needed to do. Mr. Beach was real good about that. Yeah. And Gordon did a great job. He was always there, always at the meetings and Yep. And showed up and that was great. Alright. 20 years ago I served with him. The only thing I'm gonna ask one thing of, um, Craig, is I'm just asking are we still, we are pursuing or working with the FFA on that issue? I'm just like a yes or no, but you are working on it. We are Working very well with all parties. Thank you. I'm good, thank you. Okay. Uh, commissioner Ner, The Parks and Recreation Department is going to be hosting a before and after school program. Uh, I know this is important to a lot of parents that work and they need their children attended to before and after school for more information. Contact parks and recreation department at 4 0 7 9 0 5 3 1 8 0. Also, uh, family Recreation Day is coming up this Saturday, June 20th. It'll be at Jim Beach Recreation Center. There's gonna be free admission to the pool, free food free school supplies, and a host of other things. So it's a good opportunity to take your whole family there and enjoy the day at the beach, uh, center. That's all. Commissioner Oliver? Commissioner first you just throw all my, all my thunder. You just took it all. But I I do have just a couple things. Um, it's hot. It's really, really hot outside this country has been experiencing a heat wave like no other. So I, my my message is to mind, uh, the heat, understand the weather, what you're going out to watch, how you dress, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Please hydrate. And, uh, just try to stay in in a cool space as much as you possibly can. Uh, I'm gonna do this a little backwards tonight. I'm gonna give you a quote So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it for him, it is a sin that comes from James chapter four, verse 17. Then I also go, go to say, whenever you know what is right, you must always know the courage it demands. And I said that quote for a reason because the past few days I have been very disturbed. I've been disturbed about what happened on, um, July 13th with the assassination attempt. So we have rights, you have the right of assembly, you have the right to voice your opinions. You have the First Amendment rights. So if you don't like a person or a group of people for whatever they believe or whatever their political ideologies are, you have the rights of assembly, you have a right to vote, you have those rights. You do not have the right to, to be, to become violent, to take violence in your hand, your own hands to uh, try to attempt to hurt someone or kill someone. So my heart goes out to those that were injured, those that, that, that suffer death in their families. Um, so again, uh, I'm very disturbed by that. And, and it is, it is not on attack on a a person. It's not attack on a group of people. It's an attack on our very democracy. When a person takes, uh, uh, takes the law into their own hands and they try to commit violence against another or a group of people, uh, we just cannot live that way. And my message is very simple. Use your First Amendment rights. Do not resort to violence to express yourself. Thank you. That's all I got. Thank you sir. Amen. All right. I had a, um, couple citizens call me this week about Clark Road not getting finished, not done. I called Public Works facility, double check it, and I thought I knew what the problem was. They're changing some of the design, so they gotta go back, redesign, read, change before they can change the process. I talked, uh, grad, it's a grading, it's a grading issue. And they're having to redo, I know, portion of the plan entrance way into that couple places. So that's one of the things that stopped. The other thing, it is, it's gonna cost us more money. That's another problem. So it's not a problem. We just have to, you know, citizens want know. So I want 'em, if you neighbors or anybody you want to tell, tell 'em that's what it is. As soon as they get the plans drawn up through the approvals, then we'll start back. Uh, the other thing, Craig, this is a little stuff, but I, I brought it up before and I, I think I take Doug, the cheerleader, cheerleader place down here on Blueford Avenue. That's a busy road, and they park out on the right of way, which, and the cars are out into the street. And then they also leave their garbage there when they get through. I I imagine the kids come out and they get tired, they throw the cups down or whatever, but they're, they're putting their garbage out on the right of way. And I know we had to tell 'em they're supposed to mow it too. So Mayor, we reached out to them last week about all those issues and informed them that they will be subject to the code enforcement process. They process, process Last night. Okay, well we have a process that, that they will be, um, subjected to. Do we have signs? Hmm. I I I agree with you a hundred percent. I'm sorry to interrupt your time, but should there be no parking signs out there? I mean, there Well just makes, I hate to see us put those 10 parking signs down through there. But I mean, we need to somehow or another let 'em know that it's gonna get fined. If they don't, you can't see. Yeah. Yeah. And they do it on the other side of the road too, where the fire trucks come out. So that could be a problem. Um, the, uh, I was gonna red light cameras. I I, i, I don't like red light cameras about the right side. I never have. But I will tell you, I sat out the other day, I wanted to check. I sat the other day at, at McGuire Road and watched people that are coming, that was coming from Winter Garden, going to Windermere out of 15 cars. I sat there and watched 14 of 'em running the light 14. They wondered what, I got a red light ticket when next month, where they going to get it? They're gonna wanna know why they got it. So, but most, most of 'em, they've called me and, and people have called me and said, the red light ticket, they don't like it. I don't like it either. I, I had to pay one one time. But they, conscious, conscious. And my wife told me the other day, I said something about it. She said, first of all, you're supposed to stop at a red light camera. I said, okay. So that's the problem. Nobody stops. I just wanted everybody to know I I did that. I sit there for a while to watch 'em and they don't stop, you know, and uh, and so it's like, and I've seen one of the city vehicles go through it. So, and I know they've told not to do it, but we need to, we need to address that to everybody. Let 'em understand that and the other. But I will say that. And the other thing is the, um, the, um, skate place is getting, it's been extended too. So that is really a sharp place down there and a really a lot of, and I know Gordon and y'all were pushing for that a long time ago. It took a long time to get it. But we appreciate it. It's really nice and it's good for people. And pickleball one 'em was turned down on the courts, up on the south side. I think they're coming back, I hope the pickleball courts, but we're adding, was it eight? It could have a total of six at Tiger Miner. I believe it's gonna be a total of six pickleball Courts and two up at, at, um, And there's two at, um, Vitti maybe. Where's don't we have 'em over at, um, park? Is it Park? What's behind? I I thought we was gonna have 'em at Vinet. I don't know. I'm gonna find out. But that'll be eight more pickleball courts. So that'll be done. All right. Thank everybody for coming tonight. Appreciate it, man.