##VIDEO ID:oEk-7FXLChs## We're gonna call the order for our, uh, mayor the meeting tonight with the public hearing for the, uh, final adoption of our final millage rate. We'll open it up with the invocation and the Pledge of Alle Pledge. Pledge of Allegiance. We'll, um, Scott, will you lead us in that? And I, we need a invocation i's, see, I'll do it. Heavenly Father, we glad to see everybody here tonight and be here and work on our budget for the year, for the city of oco, for the citizens of this town. We, we try to do what's right and we're working towards that, and we ask for your guidance as we go through this and your guidance looking after our first responders that they, as they do in their job and our employees, we appreciate it very much and thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. I pledge all allegiance to the flag flag of the United States of America, Republic Nation under God in individual Liberty Law. Commissioner Kennedy? Here. Commissioner Wilson? Here. Mayor Johnson. Here. Commissioner Furner. Here. Commissioner Oliver Here. Okay. Uh, this is an advertised public hearing to adopt a final millage rate and finalize the budget for the City of OCO for the fiscal year 24 25 commence on October the first 2024 and end in September the 30th, 2025. The City Commission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 4.950 mills, which represents a 4.36% increase in millage over the rollback rate of 4.743 mills. The advertised tentative millage rate of 4.950 mills is the maximum millage rate, which may be adopted by the City Commission at this final budget. Public hearing tonight, I now ask the director of finance to make a brief, brief presentation. Good Evening. There have been no changes to the budget since our first budget hearing held last week. The ba, the budget is balanced at 4.95 mils as mentioned. That's a 4.36% increase from the rollback rate of four 4.743 mills. The additional revenue generated will be used to fund the operational and capital needs of the city to balance the budget. Okay. I will now open the public hearing for any members of the general public to speak. Okay. Uh, now close the public care and call upon the city commission for any comments, questions, or amendments. Anybody? I I just have one question that I, I looked at something and, and I didn't get a chance to ask this question. Uh, earlier on the police impact fees, I noticed we adopted, uh, in 2024. We adopted at, uh, at four 90, at 400, 490000.2 50. And then the budget for 2025 was a little bit lower on the impact fees for the police department. I just, I just had a, just a quick question about that. Okay. Let Me, it actually, if you go to page 14 on the summary, it's, it's under, under revenues. Okay. And the question Yeah. The question is, there was, there was a, there was a decrease in revenues. What was that? Based on The, the impact fees are based upon the develop, the development and each, um, development is charged a certain impact fee. If we're having less development, we're gonna garner fewer impact fees. Okay. So it's based on development, which would have anything to do with a moratorium or anything like that? It was actually, it was actually you're saying this is over the year? Over the years. It's over the course of the year. Over the course of the year. Over the course of the year. This is a projection. A projection. It's a project. Okay. That's all I need to know. Okay. Yes. And Commissioner, I take in account, uh, the single family home developments. We average how many permits we're getting a month. We can, we, 'cause they're gonna build out over a couple years and we take all the stuff that we have in the pipeline, try to guesstimate when they will actually submit a building permit. And that's what, that is a projection. Okay. That's all I need to know. Thank you. Anybody else? Any more comments? Commissioners? Yes, sir. All right. At this time we will consider and vote on any amendments to the adopted tentative budget. Amendments may be presented separately or grouped together. Do any commissioners have any motions they would like to present with respect to amendments to the tentative budget? Okay. If there are no amendments, we will proceed with adoption of the millage rate. Go to the next page. Where, turn, turn the Page. I am. You mean we gonna skip the rest of that? Yeah, There go to section. All right. We will now consider adoption of the final millage rate by ordinance. Prior to voting on the final millage rate, I will have the city attorney summarize and read the title of the final millage rate ordinance. The name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee. The rollback millage rate is 4.743 mills. The percentage by which the proposed milit rate exceeds the rollback rate is 4.36%. This, the millage rate proposed by ordinance is 4.950 mills, an ordinance of the city of Ocoee, Florida, establishing a final millage rate of 4.9500 mills for Avalara taxes for the city of Ocoee for the fiscal year, beginning October 1st, 2024, and ending September 30th, 2025. Providing for millage adjustment, providing for collection of taxes, providing for 4.36% increase in millage rate over the rollback rate, providing for severability, providing for providing an effective date. Okay. I will now open the public hearing for the public to speak with respect to the proposed final millage rate. Oh, we don't, no. Nobody in the public. All right. Now close the public hearing and call upon the city commission for any further comments or questions with respect to the proposed final millage rate Commissioners. Mm-Hmm. Okie do at this time, I will accept a motion on the final millage rate. I'll make that motion. Can You accept the final millage rate? Alright, this, the motion is move to adopt ordinance number 2 0 2 4 dash 27, setting a final millage rate of 4.950 mills for the fiscal year, beginning October the first 2024, and ended in September the 30th, 2025. Do I hear Second? I'll second. Second by Commissioner Wilson. Motion made by Commissioner ler. Alright. A motion has been made and seconded on the adoption of ordinance number 2 0 2 4 dash 27. Let's vote. Motion carries unanimously. We will now consider adoption of the final budget by ordinance. Prior to voting on the final budget, I will have the city attorney read the title of the ordinance In ordinance of the city of oco, orange County, Florida, adopting a final budget for the fiscal year, beginning October 1st, 2024, and ending September 30th, 2025. Providing for several ability, providing for an providing an effective date. I will now open the public hearing for the public to speak with respect to the final budget. All right. I'll now close the public hearing, then call upon the city commission for any further comments or questions. With respect to the final budget, no comments from the commissioners. I'll make a quick comment. I think this is the first time in 37 years of budgeting I've been here. I've never had a city citizen, not an employee, city citizen, not be here. Truthfully, I don't think I've ever not seen a city. That's good. At least we think it is. All right. At this time, I will accept the motion on the final budget. I'll make a motion to move to adopt. Okay. Move to adopt. Ordinance number 20 24 28 dash 28, approving a final budget for the fiscal year, beginning October 1 24 and ending September 30th, 22 5. Motion made by Commissioner Wilson. Do I hear a second? I'll second. Seconded by Commissioner Scott Kennedy. Any more comments? Okay. A motion has been made and seconded on adoption of ordinance number 2024 dash 28 less vote. Motion carries unanimously. Before I do the adjournment, does anybody have any comments they wanna make? I wanna thank the city staff and our, all of our city staff for great. Again, it's a compliment to them that no one came to. They must trust whatever we're doing. So thank you very much for all that you've done and for both here. Here. Yep. Everyone. Definitely. Yes, definitely. Thank you. We Have a fantastic staff and they deserve all the credit. Anybody Else? It's been a very, very seamless process. Uh, you guys have made this very easy for us, and thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this budget. Um, I know I usually have a lot of questions, but this time around it was just so smooth and seamless. Uh, you did, you did a wonderful job. So thank you so much for the hard work that you guys, every, all the directors of everything you put into this budget. Thank you. You're Welcome. I feel the same way. I won't repeat all that, but we have the best city staff, city, uh, department directors, and especially the finance department. They do a magnificent job, especially this time of the year. Thank you very much. The, um, the staff has always has shown us that they do the great work with the city of oco with our employees. We appreciate very much that what they do every day and what they do all year long, we didn't have that. We wouldn't be able to give a 6% cost of living. So that's a great thing, I think, and I think that that shows what has been done here in the last year in, uh, Craig City Manager. Now I think you've done a super job, staff finance, and all the staff, all the directors and all the employees. We appreciate it very much. This is a great place and a great city with great employees. Thank you. That's it ladies and gentlemen.