##VIDEO ID:tsIr67CgI0A## We'll go ahead and call to call to order the, uh, COA Planning and Zoning Commission, uh, for the November 12th meeting. It's a regular planning and zoning commission meeting. Uh, we'll stand for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Dear Lord, heavenly Father, thank you for the stay, Lord of God. Thank you for everything you do for us. Lord, please, uh, watch us. We do the work for the city. Lord, please, uh, bless our residents. Bless our first responders, and bless our city staff. Lord Jesus, name we pray. Amen. Amen. Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice. Har roll call Chair Eck Here. Vice Chair Forges. Here. Member Keller. Here. Member Shekel. Here. Member Galvin. Here. Member Butler. Here. You have a quorum. Thank you very much. Can I get a, uh, somebody gimme a motion for the, uh, minutes of the planning zoning meeting on October 8th, 2024. So moved. Can I get a second? I'll second that. I have a motion to approve by Member Keller second by Vice Chair forges. Let's vote right Button this week. That's good. We have no old business, new business. This is gonna be MDTL Enterprises, LLC Property Conservation Tract annexation, project number AX 10 24 0 1. Before we get going with, uh, manager Whitfield, I believe, uh, vice Chair Forges has an announcement, correct? I'll be absenting from voting on this matter. Alright, great. Please turn in the form if you would when you get a chance. Sony Manager Whitfield. Thank you Mr. Chairman. Good evening everyone. Good evening. Good evening. So this is the, hopefully we'll make this quick. This is the MDTL enterprise LLC annexation. It is a conservation, uh, area track to annex exit from the county into the city. Um, it's on the east side of Apopka Road, 2300 feet North 500 or so feet east, um, of the intersection of Palm and, um, Apopka Road just under 10 acres. It's currently conservation, um, designation on the JPA a's future land use map and it's county A one. There's no development proposed and it's eligible for annexation because of its proximity to the city's jurisdictional limits. So you can see in the aerial there's a, basically a wooded lot, um, surrounding future land use and surrounding zoning, again adjacent to the city on the north and south and east. This is a survey of the property and, um, it went to DRC on October 29th with a recommendation of approval. Um, staff is also making a recommendation of approval and again, there's no development. This is so that we can get once the, this is part of the sports complexes mitigation, so it's owned by the sports complex developer. Now they are planning on dedicating it to the city for, um, mitigation, but because it's not in our limits, we can't claim the property as part of our floodplains to get better ratings with, um, the Office of Floodplain Management. So that's the purpose of this annexation and the applicant is here also if you have any questions. Great, thank you. Any, uh, questions for staff? Um, I did have one. So are there any, uh, financial implications for the city of Ocoee? No. Okay. What, uh, what part, when do they have to give it, when do they have to transfer ownership? At what point is it stating that they have to give it to us? Um, it'll probably be during between, usually we write these things into the conditions of the rezoning PUD land use plan when it comes in the dedications, everything that would be, um, early on, sometimes it's written to where we would get that before the first CO was issued. So it really depends on how things all worked out. But we would get it before, um, you know, before they finished the project. Okay. Any other questions for staff? I'm gonna open up to the public, close it back, bring it back up to the diocese. I'll take a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make a motion that, uh, for approval of the proposed ordinance for annexation of the MD TL enterprise LLC property assigned parcel ID number zero seven dash 22 dash 28 0 0 0 0 dash 0 8 7 for the purpose of protection and preservation of conservation wetlands. Alright, Joel, my only thing is I would ask, we put a caveat on it to give a, uh, timeframe of when they have to give it and I would like that a kickoff of project if that can be done. Okay. You okay with that? I have no problem with that. Alright, Do I have a second? Second. Alright, so we have a, uh, a motion to recommend, uh, recommend approval with the special exception, uh, with a, is that the correct word? Special condition with a special condition, uh, by member Keller. And a second by by member Chacon. There's no other questions. Let's go ahead and vote. Who missed it? I don't know. We should have 80% we said it. Yep. Alright, go ahead. One more time. There we go. There you go. Alright, that, uh, passes, uh, four zero with, uh, vice chair Forgers. Abstaining. Thank you very much. Alright, next, uh, next step. We have our annual comprehensive plan text amendment to adopt five years Point of order. If I, if I may, yeah. Wouldn't the um, assistant member be able to vote for that since the member? He could've, yes, But we good? Yeah, we're Good. Okay. I just wanted to make sure we didn't, we didn't Do so he could have Okay. All right. Cool. Listen On. Well, I, I guess what he was saying since he abstained our alternative members, should he have voted? Yeah. Yeah. Because in theory, in theory, if you're here're not allowed to not vote. So I just wanted to make sure that by only having an 80% vote when there could have been a hundred percent vote that we weren't gonna have. Well, I'll tell you what, let's make it, do you wanna just Yeah, we'll just redo it. So, uh, let's just redo it. Gimme a moment So I can Yeah, good call. Yep. So, uh, member Butler, you're gonna vote this time. Perfect. Okay. Alright. So we are, uh, going back to, uh, the MDTL enterprises LLC property Project AX 10 24 0 1, we had a motion to, uh, um, for um, approval recommendation of approval by member Keller with special condition and a second by member chacon. Again, uh, vice chair forges of abstaining member Butler is going to vote. So let's go ahead and vote And make sure. There you go. Five to five to zero with, uh, chairman, uh, vice chairman forges of abstaining. Good, Thank you. Alright. Glad I can make you happy. It's all matters. All right. Number two, annual comprehensive plan. Text amendment to adopt five year schedule of capital improvements and update the capital improvement element CIE project number CPA 2 0 2 4 0 0 7. Zoning manager, Whitfield. Okay, thank you. Um, this is an annual update to our capital improvements element. Just as a little bit of background from some of our new members, the state requires that we adopt a five year capital improvement schedule annually. It's not, um, given any oversight or comments or objections by the state. It's just a requirement that we do the annual update and then we transmit it to them as a courtesy. Um, the five year schedule has to cover, of course, five years. Um, it's not considered an amendment to the comp plan. The language is old. It used to be limited to two plan amendments per year. This doesn't count against the two. Um, and all the projects that are in this ordinance are directly taken from the adopted, um, city budget, which has the one year plan, the five year plan and everything else. This is just extracting those capacity related projects, not operational projects into the CIE. And the purpose of that is to make sure that we're demonstrating to the state that we are adopting improvements that will help us to maintain our adopted levels of service for our various utilities. So this is, um, an extraction of the capital, um, capacity projects from our budget, uh, includes transportation improvements, utility improvements, storm water improvements, and parks and recreation improvements. Um, and because it's SCIE, it doesn't go to DRC, it comes straight to the planning zoning commission and then to city commission and staff is making a recommendation of approval. That's It. Alright, thank you very much. Any questions for staff? All right. We will, uh, open it up to the public, close the public, bring it up back up to the diocese. I'll take a motion. Um, Mr. Chair, I guess I'll, I'll make a motion, uh, that we, um, approve the amendments to the capital improvements elements and update the five year schedule for capital improvements within the comprehensive plan in accordance with section 1 6 3 0.3177 subsection three of the Florida statutes and policy 1.5 of the capital improvement element. Thank you very much. I have a second. I second it. Thank you. We have a, a motion to recommend approval by Member Keller and a second by member Galvin. Uh, any other questions? Let's go ahead and vote. That passes five zero miscellaneous project status report. Good evening Ginger Corless, acting development service director slash CRA administrator. And anything else I'm asked to do In your package, you're, you know, like you always get a development kind of a status report. So I'm here to ask if there's any questions and I may have to snatch a notch back up here on a question if you do have them that I can't answer. But before we do, um, I do wanna mention something as we go about our daily business and, you know, and planning and zoning and building, uh, and, and really making sure that the projects out there are, are being built is the way they should, but also in a manner that supports our community and takes um, things into concern, uh, concerns real to people. And I just wanna let you know that occasionally, you know, we do have early morning and late night concrete pours. Occasionally we start getting some complaints if instance, they're a little bit too loud or messy or whatever. And we do take that to heart. And I do wanna let you know that we've actually denied from Sfor for, uh, the 4 29 Business center. Uh, we've had an enormous amount of complaints from that. So they will no longer and that is basically 1290 coin Pap, but they will no longer be able to do the early and late night pours. So I think that's something that, to show that we really are being responsive to our concerns of our citizens. So with that, any questions I could possibly answer for you? If not, I'll get you the answer. Yeah, I think there's been a couple questions, uh, folks have been asking the seven 11 if they're having any the over off of, uh, Lakewood, if there's any permitting issues with them that's keeping them from opening or is that uh, Well actually there was in fact a notch make come, come back up there. Um, they were as of yesterday given a temporary, um, TCO certificate of, so they're able to go ahead and do putting up stocking and do their training component with that. They need to, and I don't know if they've completed yet the landscape irrigation plan and provided that to us because we have to make sure that our site plans are done and are part of the process and not just our building. So Yes, so the irrigation, um, and some of the landscaping was installed. It wasn't, um, exactly to the landscape or irrigation plan. So they had to take a step back and prepare some plans that actually matched what was already on the ground. Um, so we dealt with that. That was approved yesterday and they were issued a permit. Um, and they were issued a TCL for stocking. Um, they do have to do some other administrative things and pay the outstanding fees before the building official will will release them to actually have a TCL for actual training. So they are, they are moving forward. Great. And then, um, why have you some, some other questions about, uh, the Backyard project. So people were asking if that, the way that's set up, is that gonna be, 'cause the way they, they, they put a post on Facebook and it made it seem like, uh, they're gonna have vendors that go in and out of there. Is it gonna be a food truck type experience or it's, is it a food hall? It's like, it's like a food hall but with um, I believe it's five, five or six, um, specific parking stalls for specific trucks and those trucks, as I understand it, I'm talking to Joshua, the developer, they will be on leases that will be extended leases. Okay. So they will, there will not be food trucks just around randomly going in and out. Right. Okay. Anybody else have any questions? Yeah, The, sorry. Yep. The goodwill at Fountain West. Is that, is that coming the goodwill? We haven't heard anything back from Goodwill. Okay. That's all. Um, I do have another question. I do have another question on the topic about the late night and early pours. It would be a big, it would be a big, um, issue whenever they start building the sports complex, is that gonna carry throughout a certain amount of period of time or is it just for 4 29? Oh, no. Okay. What it is that if you're gonna have a early morning or you're requesting an early morning pour or late night, you actually have to request that. Okay. So as each project comes in and may want be able to alter their times and when they're actually doing the construction work. So any time that that would, somebody would want that they have to ask for it and go through and it comes to the building official. Okay. Alright. Well, anything else? I want to say Ginger, your team did an amazing job and if everybody doesn't know the uh, unity Park, they opened up the, uh, the new memorial, uh, last weekend for the, uh, co members and it's, uh, it's amazing. Ginger, you need to pat yourself on the back with your team. It's uh, it's gorgeous. Super, super gorgeous. Thank you. It's, um, haven't been around for 40 years doing what I do. There are these projects that you take really close to your heart and this is, you know, since I was also a resident for over 25 years and raised my boys here, um, this project really touched my heart because I understand what, where we're at and I think that's the history of it and how much we've overcome, how much we still have to go. Mm-Hmm. But it really was a passion of love for me. Well you did great. Thank you. Love that. And on that note, thank you everybody, have a great evening. Thank you. Thank You. Alright. All right. Short and sweet baby. Yep. It's how I like to do it.