##VIDEO ID:OVPduoA-B_A## So I'll go ahead and put the timer on for uh, one minute and then we'll, Let's See, 30 seconds. Okay. Once I get there. Oh, go ahead and turn on the recording and unmute the mics. We are live on all of our stuff here. They're not gonna move. Okay. Alright. You guys ready? Yes. Yes. Okay. Your pledge, your invocation. Alright, Call to order, uh, the September 24th, 2024 regular meeting of the O Co E Code Enforcement Board. Please stand for the invocation. Let's bow our heads for a moment of silence. And now we turn towards the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance, pledge of Ance To the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Be seated. All right, Mr. Ramirez, can we have roll call To verify board form please? Chair Vander. Present. Member Lewis. Present Member Mann. Currently absent, uh, member Schultz. Present Member Small Present Member Fernandez, absent quorum. Forez met. Thank you Mr. Ramirez. Uh, can we now have the swearing of the officers and any of those who plan on speaking this evening? If you turn in a paper, please stand and raise your right hand and raise your right hand please. Do you and each of you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to present shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I do. Yes. Thank you. You may be seated. Excellent. Alright, Mr. Gaines, do we have a consent agenda? Yes. Good evening, Mr. Chairman and board members. I'm Doug Gaines. Uh, support services. We have five cases for dismissal or in compliance. That's 2024 dash 0 2 0 8 8 20 24 dash 0 2 5 4 6 20 24 dash 0 2 6 4 8 20 24 dash 0 2 7 35, and 2024 dash 0 2 7 8 6. Okay, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. I move to accept the, uh, supplemental and consent, consent agendas as presented by the city. Excellent. I Second. Okay. We have a motion on the board, uh, presented by Member Lewis and seconded by Member Schultz that we accept the consent agenda as presented by the city. All those in favor, press? Yes. All those opposed press No. Alright. Motion passes. Uh, unanimously. Okay. Alright. Um, it's at this point in the meeting where we take a moment for citizen comments. Uh, we just leave a couple minutes for anybody, uh, in the community who wants to talk about non-board related issues. Uh, we we're opening that time up for anybody here. We'd like to bring up any, any, um, any comments that they have that are unrelated to this board meeting. Normally we give a couple minutes. It looks like we don't have anybody that wants to speak this evening on any of that. So we will close this section of our citizen comments. And this brings us to our first case of the evening. And this is case number zero two, I'm sorry, uh, 2 0 2 4 6 7 7. And it's Officer Toby. Good Evening. Good evening. Officer Toby case 0 2 2 4 dash 0 1 6 7 7. Address, 5 0 0 1 Water Court, Orlando, Florida 3 4 7 6 1. On five 20 I receive a well form complaint about above mentioned address on five 20. On five 20 I was granted access by a resident at the rear of the set property in order obtain photos, photos of code violations On eight 14, a notice of violation was sent by certified mail to 5 0 0 1 Waterville Court in Ocoee, Florida as identified in Orange County property appraiser for violation of ordinance chapter 51, section 51 dash 13 un permitted construction. They were given until 8 26 24 to obtain permit for construction. That was done, excuse me, on 9 12 24. Notice of hearing was a notice of hearing was certified, mailed and posted on the property. As of today, it is not in compliance. It is the city's recommendation of 15 days to come to compliance thereafter be assessed $25 per day, if not in compliance. Alright. Does anybody have any other questions of the officer? If not, I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis. Uh, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. I move it in case number 2 0 24 dash 0 1 6 77. The respondent be found in violation of code as cited as of August 23rd, 2024. And be given until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance will be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Second. Okay. We have a motion on the floor made by Member Lewis, seconded by Member Schultz in the case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 6 7 7. That the respondent be found in violation as cited and as of August 23rd, 2024. And be given until October 9th, 2024 to come in compliance or be fined $25 per day for the violation. As long as the violation remains any discussion, we'll take a vote. All those in favor, press yes. All those opposed press no. Motion passes unanimously. All our next case of the evening is case number 2 0 2 4 0 2 5 1 8. Officer Diaz. Okay, just Good evening. Good evening. Case number dash case number 2024 dash 0 2 5 1 8. Officer Diaz address is 3 0 7 Bay Street in Ocoee on July nine. On July 19th, 2024. I received a complaint about the above-mentioned property. I inspected the property and I observed multiple junk inoperable vehicles in the back of the property without front fenders and bumpers parked and stored on an undersurface yard using the residence to run an auto repair shop without a local business tax certificate. And also installed an illegal driveway on the side of the property. So these are the, the pictures of, um, July 19th when I inspected the property. I guess that's a filler for the driveway. That is the shed. That is the posting. Um, the back of the property was just stored with vehicles, inoperable vehicles. On July 23rd, a notice a code violation was mailed to Les BB Ojeda 3 0 7 Bay Street in Ocoee, Florida 3 4 7 6 1 as identified by Orange County Property Appraisal for violation of ordinance number 51 dash 13 a permit required chapter 1 68 vehicles in traffic. 1 68 dash six parking on private and public property, 1 1 9 dash 28, a home occupational license and 1 65 vehicles in abandoned in junk vehicles. 1 65 dash four they were given until August 9th, 2024 on August 12th, 2024. I reinspected the property finding it not in compliance with the city. On August 13th, the property and city hall was posted with a notice of hearing to this board meeting. And as of today, the property is not in compliance with the city. City is recommending 15 days to come into compliance or $50 a day per violation. This is what the property looks like today. These are all the vehicles in the back of the property. Still. Property is very overgrown. They also received a notice violation for the grass overgrown vehicles without a tag. So that is the condition of the property. I don't know where the Other pictures Are at. Okay. Does any of the board members have any questions for the officer? Quick question. You said that there's one for the, um, grass, the, um, overgrown. I don't see it here. No, that's a separate case. 'cause the grass at the time of inspection on the 19th was not, the grass was not overgrown. So when I went back to reinspect I did another notice of violation for the grass. So that's a separate case. That's a separate Okay, thank You. It's a separate case but that's how it looks like today and still the vehicles are on the property. Okay. Understood. So its these four then these four that are charged, the four that are charged, The four violations that are listed is what we're That is correct. Okay. Okay. Excellent. Alright. Um, Have you had, had had any contact with the, with the residents? Um, the property owners are here today. We received contact today apparently. Um, they're here to speak on their own behalf. Um, and they can, but I have had no communication whatsoever. Okay. Here on Behalf. Alright, well nobody has any more questions for the officer at this point. Um, let's have the, uh, re residence. Go ahead. And whoever's here to speak tonight, come on up to the podium. State your names. Um, nice, loud and clear for the record. Clifford Hicks Speaking to the microphone. Clifford Hicks. Mr. Hicks. Bibb Hicks. Alright, so let's hear your story. Yes. Um, on um, on the cars and stuff like that that we have back there, we just bought that property a couple months ago. So I had those cars somewhere else and I lose my parking so I had to move them there 'cause the yard was there when I mo we didn't move into the property as yet, so that's why I put the cars in there. And we tried to get the line cut, but we had so much rain the past couple of months. Like last month it was wet. The guys tried to cut it, they couldn't cut it 'cause it's all muddy in the back, so we couldn't get a cut on time. The, um, the overgrown uh, grass is not one of the issues that we're dealing with in this particular, so if you could, um Okay. Address the other, the four issues. Oh, the cars, we, we would appreciate that. Yeah, the cars. Okay. The cars, yes. I'll, I'll come in compliance with that. I'll have the cars moved and the driveway, it's not a driveway. We bought the house like that. It had gravel on it already. We just had a little bit more because it was all soggy. It had holes in it, so we just had a little bit more on top of it. Okay. And among the door that's there, that's to put a a, a P for walkway in front of the house. So because that's all mud there too, there's no proper walkway to get to the front door so that among the door there is to put a walkway there. Understood. Okay. Um, officer Diaz, do you know if there's been any permit issued by the previous residence, um, to uh, have that drive, have that rock put down for an additional driveway? We have no permits. No permits on file? No. Alright. That's, well you may have, you may have just assumed that liability when you purchase that property. Oh. So you'll have to, uh, apply for a permit and, and have that taken care of. If not that vi this violation, we'll stay. Okay. Okay. Um, alright. And, um, let's see, what else? Um, Driveway of the business and you said sidewalks, you The sidewalk would be the same thing that would also have to be permitted And apply? Yeah. Okay. Or permit prior to doing any construction. Okay. No problem. Prior, like you can't, don't do anything anymore. Okay. Okay. And you say you're gonna be moving the vehicles? Yes. When do you think, when do you estimate? Um, they are going to be, I would like to have 30 days to remove them if that's possible. And about running a out body shop there, are you gonna Be running? No, there's no out body shop there. I work at a out body shop. I work six days a week. I don't have time. I just moved them there because I had them parked somewhere else and I lost the parking. So the guy say he, he is renting the whole place out, so he is not doing separate parkings no more. So I had to move them. So you anticipate 30 days to get everything straightened out that Yes sir. Issue here? Yes. All right. Do any of the other members have any other questions for, um, the family here? Alright. It's okay. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 2 5 8. I moved that in that case. Um, Sorry That the respondent be found in violation of the code as cited as of August 9th, 2024 and be given 30 days until October 24th, 2024 to come into compliance or, or be fined $50 per day per violation until it comes into compliance. Okay. Thank you. I'll second that. Okay. We have a motion on the floor made by Member Lewis, seconded by member small that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 5 1 8, that the respondent be found in violation as of August 9th, 2024 and given 30 days, which is October 24th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $50 per day per violation until you come into compliance. Any discussion? No. Alright, we'll take a vote. All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press no, that passes unanimously. So sir, you have 30 days to get, get this taken care of. And don't forget about the permits. No, I'll, okay. Alright. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Alright, our next case of the evening is case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 5 6 1. Officer Toby, Officer Toby, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 6 5 1 2 2 6 5 Twisted Pine Ocoee, Florida 3 4 7 6 1. On seven twenty four we received a phone call from complainant about the above mentioned property on 7 24 24 I I arrived at above mentioned property and observed dead tree in rear of property on 7 20 24 24. Notice of code violation was sent by a certified male to 2 2 6 5 twisted pine in a quarry Florida as identified by Orange County property appraiser for violation of court ordinance Chapter 15, section 15 dash three that were given into 8 14 24 to remove dead tree from property on 9 12 24. Notice of hearing was certified mail and, and property posted. As of today, property's still not in compliance is the city's recommendation of $15. I mean, I'm sorry, 15 days to come into compliance. Thereafter they assessed $25 per day, if not in compliance And no contact with the homeowner. Say It again? No contact with the homeowner. No ma'am. I haven't heard anything from you. And That's actually leaning over into the neighbor's Yard. Yeah, it's the one right here that's coming. Yes. The uh, yeah. There by the fence and it's that. Alright Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member s Soltz, I move that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 5 6 1. The respondent be found in violation of the code of citing as of August 14th, 2024 and be given until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Second. Okay, we have a motion on the floor made by Member Schultz, seconded by member Lewis. That in case number 2 0 24 2 5 6 1, that the respondent be found in, in, uh, violation as of August 14th, 2024. And given in 15 days until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 a day for the violation for as long as it remains, uh, in violation. Uh, all, any discussion, all those in, let's take a vote. All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press no. Motion carries unanimously. Alright, our next case of the evening is case number 2 0 2 4 0 2 7 9. Officer Loeffler. Good evening. Case number 0 2 7 9 0 is 1500 Maureen Boulevard Avenue. Avenue On August 6th, 2024. In response to an elected official's, uh, complaint, this officer did observe four violations at the property. This involved, uh, untagged vehicles, vehicles parked upon grass surfaces, prohibited trailer location, parking and scrap metal parts and debris, debris leadering the property. And I have exhibits A, B, and C and D. We can see a truck right here with a scrap metal in the back, a trailer on the left. There's a scrap debris, refrigerators, uh, some scrap in the carport there and a truck with no tag and some scrap in the back of it and surrounding it on the same date, a violation notice was issued and hand delivered to the property owner on site and sent certified service by the board clerk for the four violations it provided until August 18th, 2024 to correct the violations. Several visits to the location resulted in me observing steady compliance. The property owner was working very hard on it. He had a lot to do and I was giving him ample time to correct it. And even additional time On September 9th resulting from a further inquiry from an elected official. This officer reinspected the location and found partial compliance, grass parking and miscellaneous scrap and debris remained. And these ordinance violations are B are 1 0 8 24 D and 1 68 6 B one. The other issues had all been taken care of, so we're only dealing with 1 0 8 24 D and 1 68 dash six B one. On September 10th, a notice of hearing was sent out certified service by the clerk and posted in city hall lobby. As of this date, the two violations, 1 0 8 24 D and 1 68 6 B one still remain. The city's recommending a compliance timeframe of 15 days and a fine amount of $25 per day per violation for any day. Not in compliance with any issued orders. And I've had a great deal of contact with the property owner historically and recently and he's here to speak. I'd also like to show another exhibit. It's kind of small but it's kind of a before and after thing and you can see that the truck with the scrap and debris is, has been removed underneath there and the trailers are all gone. So it's looking a a lot better just as those two remaining issues. Alright, Does anybody have any other questions for the board, for the um, officer? I'd like to hear that. Yeah. Alright. And we understand we have someone here to speak this evening. Could you please come up to the podium, speak your name clearly into the microphone for us please. My name's Ricky Adera. I'm the property owner. Okay. Uh, I'm not going to deny I've had a bunch of violations. My issue is when he comes around the corner, there's three houses right in the road that have same amount of violations. One being my direct next door neighbor on this side of the property. When you're looking at the house, he's had a driveway there for close to 20 years, no permit whatsoever. I helped him put it down so I'm just as guilty as he is. Part of that was three feet on my property for many years. Complained about that. No issues with that. I will clean up my property. This is all fair. When you come around the corner and you see his camper's still there, mine's been in storage for months. He told me I could bring it there to load it up when I'm going camping and as soon as I do, I get a violation. Am I allowed to bring it there to load it up to go camping or no? Yes. And every time I bring it there to load it up, I get a notice. Um, just trying to figure out what's right and what's wrong here. I mean, give this guy a notice for his driveway. Look it up. Never a permit. 9 0 1 right next door. Never a permit for the extension on the driveway. Right. So I mean, give him a notice on that. Make him dig his driveway up. I gotta clean my yard up, which it needs it anyway. I'm not disputing that and I'll take care of it. But can we be fair about this? Yep. And I'm, I'm sure that that one will come up at some point in time too. Um, usually it's generated, a complaint is generated usually is how this happened. I now, I'm calling you personally in the morning. You heard my complaint. Alright, well I can tell from the pictures it looks like you've done a, a fantastic job in cleaning up. Yeah, Well, I mean, And we appreciate that. You know, it looks like you, I'm gonna stay on it. I mean, You're, you're down just down to two from four so you know. Yeah. Um, But, but you need, I'm gonna take care of that within 15 days. Uh, that'll be legal parking if I put mulch down again. Yes. I'll take care of it. Alright, well we appreciate you. That's my official complaint. 9 0 1 has camper still there in violation just like mine and no permit on the driveway. Okay. And if you look that up, I'll leave everybody on and I'll do my best to keep it clean. We appreciate you coming here this evening. Alright, not a problem. Thank you. Alright. It was the, um, the vehicles part. Oh, well he's going. Okay. There were, there were two remaining violations, right? It was the old appliances and scrap and the unpaid surface. So you're gonna take your, the Appliances and scrap are gone for the most part and it's, they're gone. Okay. Tagged the truck that didn't have a tag on. It's been registered for three weeks now. Okay. IJI couldn't do it without the paperwork. That's why it was sitting there. Right. Just wanted So we are clear on what we were expecting from you. Yes, I will. The mulch 15 days. I'm good with it. I'll, I'll make it happen. It'll get done. You appreciate That. And so Officer Loeffler, the two that we're dealing is 1 0 8 dash 24 D and 1 68 0.6 B one. That's correct. Those are the two that we're, we're dealing with now? That's correct. Okay. Alright. Do any of the other board members have any other questions of either? No. Alright. I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair. I'd like to make a motion. Alright. Member Lewis, I move that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 7 9 0 that the respondent be found in violation of code as cited as of August 18th, 2024 and be given until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Second. Alright, we have a motion on the floor made by Member Lewis, seconded by member Schultz that in case number 2 0 2 4 2 7 90, that the respondent be found in violation for codes 1 0 8 24 D and 1 68 dash six B one as of August 18th, 2024 and given until October 9th, 2024 to, to come into compliance or be fined $25 a day per violation per day until he comes into compliance. Any questions? Let's vote. All those in favor, press yes. All those opposed press no and the vote is unanimous. Thank you sir. All Take care of. Thank you. Thank You. Alright, our next case of the evening is 2 0 2 4 dash three zero. Officer Loeffler, Good evening. Zero. Uh, case number 0 3 0 0 0 is 1213 Adeela Court on August 20th, 2024. This officer did observe trailers parked and stored in prohibited locations. Non-operational and no license tag, et cetera. Vehicles parked on the property and upon the front yard, grass waste cans stored in prohibited location during non collection timeframes, miscellaneous parts, tools, equipment and junk littering the property. And let me bring up this case here and show you the exhibits. There's no mouse. Okay. This view is obviously standing in the middle of the court and you can see trailers on the grass, vehicles on the grass, a vehicle with no tag in the driveway. Lots of parts and tools littering the property and the side yard, which is not in the photographs On the same date. A violation notice was posted at the location and sent out certified service for violation of ordinances. 1 43 dash 27 A And that's regarding the waste cans being stored in the prohibited location, which are here in the pictures during non collection times 1 65 dash three A regarding the junk and untagged vehicles six dash four H six B regarding the scrap parts or, uh, regarding the prohibited trailer parking. And that was six dash four H six B and that's the trailers and 1 0 8 24 D Regarding the scrap parts, tools, debris, that's littering the property. The notice provided until September 5th, 2024 to correct the violations on September 9th. Re-inspection revealed non-compliance on September 10th. A hearing notice to this meeting was posted at the location in city hall and sent out certified service by the clerk. As of this day, the property remains non-compliant. The city's recommending a 15 day compliance timeframe and $25 per day for every day. Not in violation with any issued orders. I've had absolutely no contact with the property owner or the occupant Officer LOLer. Yeah. Was that $25 per violation per day? Correct. Per violation Per day. Alright. Does any of the board members have any questions for Officer Loeffler? No. Alright. I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Chair. I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Schultz, I move that in case 2 0 2 4 dash 3 0 0 0 The respondent be found in violation of the codes as cited as of September 5th, 2024. And be given until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Second, We have a motion on the floor made by Member Soltz, seconded by member small that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash three zero, that the respondent be found in violation of the codes as cited as of September 5th, 2024. And be given until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation for as long as the violation exists. Any discussion? All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press no. Motion carries unanimously. Thank you. Alright, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 3 0 2 5. Officer Loeffler, Officer Loeffler, case number 0 3 0 2 5 City of ACOA Code Enforcement on August 23 in response to a citizen complaint regarding a retention wall between the, the complainant's property and 29 19 Kardash, this officer did observe the activity as described. A check with the building department revealed no retaining wall permit had been issued or even applied for on the same date. A violation notice was posted at the location and sent out certified service by the clerk to the property owner as identified by county records for violation of Ordinance 51 dash 13 regarding construction work without a permit. The notice provided until September 1st, 2024 to obtain a permit or remove the un permitted construction on September 9th. Re-inspection revealed non-compliance. September 10th a hearing notice to this meeting was posted at the location and in city hall and sent out certified service by the clerk. As of this date, the property remains non-compliant. Actually, the retaining wall that was in this exhibit, you can see the big pile of blocks there. It's pretty much completed at this point. There's also an active swimming pool permit at this location that's been ongoing for two or three years as incomplete. So the complainant next door has had a lot, has had turned in a lot of complaints about the incomplete swim pool over the years and he'll hire a contractor and get an inspection done and rejuvenate the permit for another six months. So the swim pool permit is still good, but the building department double checked even with the swim pool permit. And no one knows why he's putting in the retaining wall, but it's not part of the swimming pool and there's no permit for it. So the city's recommending a $25, uh, per day fine for any day not in compliance with orders the board might issue and a 15 day compliance timeframe. Just one question. Mm-Hmm. So after the violation was issued, they continued and complete the construction. I'm sorry, I can't, I, After the violation was issued, they completed the construction. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they even removed the posting right off the bricks. So. All right. Does anybody else have on the board have any other questions for Officer Loeffler? No. Okay. I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Schultz, I move that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 3 0 2 5. The respondent be found in violation of code as cited as of September 1st, 2024. And be given until, was it 15 days right? October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Second, We have a motion on the floor made by Member Schultz, seconded by member small that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 3 0 25 5, that the respondent be found in violation of code 51 dash uh, one three as of September 1st, 2024. And be given until October 9th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day for the violation for as long as it exists. Any questions? Any discussion? Let's take a vote. All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press no. Motion passes unanimously. Thank You. Thank you. Alright, on to case resolutions. Our first case resolution for the evening, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4. Uh, that's three 30 Little Spring Hill Drive. If you remember the shed that, uh, she came in before this board and was gonna move it. It's not moved. It's still there. City's requesting, uh, non-compliance order. Imposing fine and lien And nothing. Okay. Nothing from the Homeowner, nothing. She did try to apply for a building permit. It was rejected for being as close to the house as it is. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4, the board imposes a fine as previously set by the board, um, as of September 24th, 2024. All right. Anybody? Second? Second. Okay. We have a motion on the board being by Member Lewis. Seconded by member Schultz, that ENC case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4. That fines be imposed as of September 24th, 2024 as previously set by this board. All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press no motion. Motion passes unanimously. Thank you. Alright, our next case in case resolutions 2 0 2 4 dash 2 95. Officer Loeffler, This is, uh, 1246 Russell Drive and unfortunately it's non-Compliance City's requesting order imposing fine and lien. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Mayor Lewis. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 1 9 5 the board imposed a fine previously set by the board as of September 12th, 2024. Second. Okay, we have a motion on the floor made by Member Lewis, seconded by member Small, uh, that in, uh, that fines being, uh, um, as far as case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 1 9 5, that fines being PO as of September 12th, 2024 as previously set by this board. All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press no. Motion carries unanimously. Thank you. Okay, our last on case resolutions. This evening is 2 0 2 4 dash 2 4 4 3. Officer Loeffler, again, This is the, uh, the accessory building at 1617. Do sand. Um, unfortunately this is non-compliance. It's still dilapidated, still covered in vines and grass and the door's still open facing the people on the neighboring Street City's requesting order, imposing fine and lien. Uh, you said fine and lean. Mm-Hmm. Was there another violation with this property? Uh, I don't think so. Oh yes, there was tall weeds and grass. Oh, so it's the same thing Again, I believe. Mr. Chair, standby motion? Yes. Member Lewis Is there to, yeah, that's what it's, I'd like to make a motion that in case number 2024 dash 0 2 4 4 3 the board imposes the fine as previously said by the board as of September 12th, 2024. Second. Okay. Okay, we have a motion, um, in, uh, motion made by Member Lewis, seconded by, uh, member Smalling in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 4 4 3. The fines be imposed as of September 12th, 2024, um, as previously set by this board. All those in favor press Yes. All those opposed press no. Motion carries unanimously. Thank you. Alright. Good job everybody. Alright. Comments section counselor. I tonight, Sir. Okay. All right. To be here. Glad you're here. Counselor. Member Schultz, uh, Thank you KO for starting the, uh, sandbag pick. Yes, certainly. And, and tomorrow they're extending it until 7:00 PM so thank you for That's correct. Yep. At home we put out those announcements this afternoon And bags 10 correct And bags Right. But you gotta fill 'em yourself With, with a no assistance if needed. Oh. Assistance if needed. Nice. I, I didn't see that on my memo. We sent out a, we sent out, um, an extended press release that said, uh, it's extended till 7:00 PM and we'll give you assistance if you need it. Excellent. Excellent. I didn't see that one. Alright. Uh, member Lewis. Uh, nothing, nothing this evening. Member Smalling, welcome. Thank you. It's good to see you. Thank you. Any comments this evening? No Comments At all? No. Mr. Meez, A couple comments. Um, our next meeting would be October. Uh, historically we need to decide by October if we're going to have the November meeting or not. The November meeting is potentially on November 26th. Uh, that'd be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. So I would ask, um, the board to please look at their calendars. Uh, I'm going to put on the agenda for next month to discuss the, uh, November meeting where we would formally either by consensus, uh, have the meeting or by vote cancel the meeting. Um, I'm welcome to comments if anyone knew plans are immediately, um, that they wish to discuss. I cannot do the November 26th date. Okay. Okay. I'll be here sir. Yes, I'll be here. Alright. Tentatively I'll be here too. So, So we'll definitely need to, uh, discuss it again at the next meeting, sir, the other board member. 'cause we need need four and that's only three. That's right. Um, additionally we do have some of the police members, uh, if you recall from last meeting, the police will be taking over for code enforcement or code enforcement will be absorbed into the police department. Um, we have Officer Beck in the back. Uh, he'll be kind of filling more of Doug's role. Um, there's actually gonna, two of them, it's Officer Beck and Officer Olson who will be above him. And then there's also, uh, Michelle Schram here as well. Uh, she will be the backup for whoever they will hire from my position. Uh, so there's still waiting on that part. And I will still be with you until we hire someone, um, for the clerk clerk specifically. But we do have some of the names and some of the faces for y'all to meet, uh, tonight for the new, um, moving forward. Okay. So that's Officer Beck. Sergeant. So Sergeant. Sergeant Beck. Gotcha. Sorry about that. I was just gonna ask as, as part of this, do we get ridealongs with you? Yeah. Front seat though, right? Not back. Okay. Just asking. Um, No, that's where Can you come to board meetings or this is it for you? Uh, I'll probably be here one more meeting just to make sure everything transitions. Okay. But, um, second to last meeting maybe. So you're saying I have to join the Parks and Red board? You can, yes. I'll take that as a compliment. Okay. Uh, Mr. Meez, anything else at this point? That was it for me. Okay. Thank you Mr. Gaines. I have no further comments. Okay. Smooth meeting. Keep keeping It, keeping it short, huh? Yep. Thanks to all smooth meeting. All right. Officer Loeffler m then Officer Toby's gone. He bailed on us, huh? Alright. And the young lady behind you, Ms. Schram? Ms. Schram. Oh, she will Be, uh, your backup up? Yes. Okay. I'll be the acting backup to any code board recording. Clerk Recording. Okay. Are you civilian or law enforcement? I'm civilian. Okay. Just checking The admins. Yeah, The admin side. There's only 22 of us. Uh, I call 'em 'em, so, so we have 22 sole civilian and that includes, well we're gonna be adding four because the code officers, um, come October 1st. So we'll be 26 civilians and then we will have, uh, the, the differences of like 96 plus officers including all command staff. Okay. Big step. Alright. Thank you Justin. I, I don't have any other comments for this evening other than we're in for an interesting ride on the code enforcement board with the changes. So we look forward, we're here to help you. Okay. Meeting at.