hi everyone apologies for being late um but we'll get moving right away U so I will call this meeting to order I get earphones would be right meeting has been advertised in accordance open public meetings act and it is publicly accessible in accordance with law roll call please yes Kevin here Rocco here superintendent cadino that's it Dr George here Maria no be able to go give it to me Rosemary I am here zad she's not there Maddie here um mayor Walker absent Frank Frank I'm here okay yes all right so um do we want to do we want to um introduce oh pledge allegiance sorry I pledge alance to the flag of the United States States of America to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy har are you staying for the full meeting or you yeah okay okay so then um so then I think we should go into executive session and then what we'll do is at the end of executive session uh we can do an introduction of the friends and we can do uh the company for the doors as well so uh we're going to go into a brief executive session um so anyone from the public that's on we just going to put you back in the waiting room for just a few moments all right I'm sorry I can't see so I've got to go over to the computer okay all right in the meantime uh I need a motion to go into executive session for matters of personnel I will make that motion I'll second thank you I'm so sorry I'm not seeing where do I do that again put them in the waiting room um just click on them you should be able to right click them no oh you know what the you're missing the end of the screen that all right can you drag that to the left a little bit no unfortunately and when I clicked on that it only gives me the option have you've done this before thank you all right so all in favor of going to Executive session no thank okay then everyone is back very good okay um so let's go through let's go through the action items quickly um so the minutes approval of the regular meeting minutes and the executive session meeting minutes make it thank you second second thanks any discussion roll call please oh I gave you back your book oh sorry sorry um go into here just I could just say the name sorry okay Kevin yes uh Roco yes uh Dr George yes Sarah yes uh Rosemary's yes uh Maddie yes Frank abstain okay thank you uh moving on to Personnel uh item a accept resignation of library assistant do I have a motion I'll make motion thank you second second thank you roll call oh any discussion sorry roll call please sure Kevin yes Roco yes Dr George yes Sarah yes I yes um Maddie yes Frank yes thank you all right we will take items B and C together since they seem to be uh the same person so uh I will ask for thank you second I'll second thank you any discussion no roll call please sure uh Rocco yes Dr George abstain Sarah yes I'm a yes Maddie yes Frank what are the two items I don't have the agenda in front of me oh uh it's accept the resignation of Library uh teen librarian Laura parnagian and then the next item is appoint Branch services manager Lauren parnagian um I'm staying is that everyone yes okay all right oh no you oh yes I missed you sorry I forgot I was alternating I got back into the swing of things now that's everyone approve the job description for coordinator of strategy and communication uh motion thank you second second thank you any discussion okay roll call Dr George no oh she did she say no no okay Sarah yes I am a yes uh Maddie yes Frank abstain Kevin yes Roo yes thank you okay we were G to add one additional item item e Chris will you please give us the yes under Personnel item e acknowledge and approve reprimand and three-day suspension of employee number 1450 March 26 through 28 2024 do I have a motion second okay all right um I'll ask discussion although we've discussed so I don't think that okay uh roll call please Sarah yeah I am a yes Maddie yes uh Frank yes Kevin yes Rocco yes Dr George yes thank you okay thank you moving on to finance action on the April 10th Bill listing in the amount of 245 96195 we don't have Maria here um I didn't get in touch with her today but I did uh look it over I didn't see anything um did she ask any questions she did and and all questions were answered yes there was a there was a concern that I hadn't um gotten board approval when we originally approved the $10,000 for the tower upgrade that came in two separate invoices one was u under 8,000 and the other was around 2,000 which came out the whole project came to 10,200 but that um Maria had questioned the additional invoice but it was just broken out in two different pay periods or yeah periods with that billing periods yeah yes sorry all right uh motion I'll make the motion thank you uh any discussion yeah is the bill list are we voting on the uh Bank information that I asked about I don't know if that's confidential or no it's it's not confidential but this is the bill list thing that information you were asking for uh is that g to be part of director's report or update um the you mean the percentage rates on the accounts where where we have money and well in the amount that we received I believe that this is just the bill listing on what we're paying but we will be discussing that later yeah right okay okay any other discussion r call please I am a yes Maddie yes Frank yes Kevin yes Rocco yes Dr George abstain Sarah yes thank you thank you okay question yes item e was under another rised agenda no no that was just an additional item that we discussed in in executive session yeah yeah yeah okay um so we will move on to Old business and I'm going to jump to Item B because we we have a member of the friends of the library um I'm sorry Gary your last name Johnson Gary Johnson Mr Gary Johnson is here would you like to introduce yourself Gary uh sure uh hi PA my name is Gary Johnson uh the now current president of the friends of the library um looking forward to figuring out a how we can get ourselves started a little bit quicker um but also how we can help the library and whatever way that will be and look forward to partnering with you guys I don't know if there's any questions about me personally but there so um I I know you guys have had some time that you've been spending on organization organizing yourselves and obviously you're now President is on um so have you guys gotten to the uh the place where you're starting to organize maybe like fundraisers and things that we we can work with you to help support uh I think we're close I think we're still trying to uh understand what the top priorities are in terms of helping the library whether that's fundraising uh book sale is a very big question donations is another really big question um and then just also uh I guess outside of it but equal to that point what else we can do other than um I guess the book SES done the big thing for money what else we could do we've had some pretty good ideas so far um to again just raise funds and then getting that list of just you know of and um are you guys planning on being present at some of the uh the events that occur so do we're gonna have a big summer I understand a big summer reading kickoff type of thing and so on would it make sense obviously to have the friends so that can kind of introduce themselves as well to the community yeah I think so yeah the plan is for us to um you know at any events that are coming up at like a table or something um we're still trying to work on you know how to advertise you know QR codes and title forms and all that so we can get people you know great if you can get yourself set up in the next two weeks we're running the mayor's 5K here at the comp and we have a really nice turnout and we set it up so I'll give you my contact information sure and I'll save you table if they would like to and there is no mandate that they have to run during the event you're running what Frable I'm know that I'm gonna admit that which is perfect timing because he's up next okay uh so anyone else have anything for the friends of the library good luck thank you thank you for your efforts on our behalf we appreciate it great thank thank you Gary appreciate thank you look forward to working with you yeah we do okay uh so next we have just on time uh PMC the keyless entry contractor and I'd like to introduce uh Brett am I saying it correctly berder bertiger bertiger uh Brett bertiger from PMC and he uh came and did the walk through of our building and created the proposal for the keyless entry that we discussed last month and I know that some of the board members had questions that I feel that Brett would be much better able to answer well uh yeah I I certainly have a couple of questions um how many draws are going to be involved all all 11 or whatever we have so no not all 11 doors were walked or I'm sorry quoted I should say um there were eight doors that were included um I can do I have the ability to share my screen I don't think so uh don do you have the uh they all saw the quote or got a reference of the quote or no yes yes okay I going to be able to see if I could share my screen but I don't think I can um so no there were uh eight doors that were uh included on the walk um there was you had one two three four you had four exterior doors and then there were four interior doors that were uh where are they the only doors that I'm aware of are the back door and the front door yeah go ahead sorry where are the other doors whoes them yep so you have your main door which is your front right then there's entrance employees use and delivery sorry the back door is the one the employees use and to my knowledge it's the ones that the one that deliveries are accepted at where where are the other doors is the back door are you referring to the side of the building yes or the okay yes yes so that door then there's a second door there and then you had uh don't correct me if I'm wrong but there's three office doors where are they are I'm I'm trying to remember those are the ones that are they the ones that went into Administration yeah that's what I think they are correct yeah B Administration officers so those are those doors go both ways right like push or pull right you push out either way you're going that's the one by circulation by circulation is the one that flips back and forth like that and that one isn't one of the ones so two of the doors that he's talking about are the very exterior door which we currently leave open during the day for people to get to the employee entrance so that's two doors there that would get done trying to see if I could share my screen that way people could see there yeah let's see if we can make it possible for to do [Music] that see you guys you guys should see my screen now correct see it okay so let me see if I can sorry I'm kind of operating on my phone here so bear with me that should look better for you guys he's doing a good job so those are the eight doors um so you have the two where you're what we're calling the delivery entrance um you have six and seven are in your main entrance eight was a side door uh on the opposite side of one and two and then three four and five are going to be your administrative doors self I don't think I understand the 3 four five doors it's those doors one of the issues that we have is is that Linda is constantly having to go out and make sure that they're locked because staff are in and out and they're they're not being locked and this would ensure that there's never a time when they're unlocked by anyone other than staff so Joan I think the confusion is right three four and five are not exterior doors they're interior so those are the doorways that would lead from the main part of the library to the administrative area where Dawn and Linda's offices are yeah protection for the public in essence sense sense it's a little clearer so we so but what are we doing to them where we what's the keyless thing what I understand the two main you know the the I just don't understand why these stores are included so I can I'm to interject and maybe was like talk about something that might make sense so those are um so we were looking so generally you install keyless entry right for a convenience factor you don't have you know everyone doesn't have seven different keys keys don't get lost keys don't get stolen right there's a convenience factor as well but if you take it a step further in today's weird world we live in some of a security and safety risk so with doors potentially being left unlocked that proposes a security threat now say there's an emergency situation and doors are locked police officers or EMS responds or fire responds whatever uh whoever gets issued a access card right because um I'm sure you're aware around the municipal Plaza that the police have their own access cards they'll be able to enter those doors quickly and fast without having to you know fumble through keys or try to get a staff member to get back there if those doors are in fact locked so from a security risk and a safety risk or sorry security and safety situations keyless entry will not prevent Public Safety from being able to enter uh ke essentially will pretty much help them get in a lot faster and either neutralize a threat or help someone in need and just one more question how many doors are not being handled how many doors do we have total if I believe correctly there were uh I want to say well on an exterior side or an internal side or both both so obviously bathrooms were not included um and any like public entrance like conference rooms were not included and I think there were uh three exterior doors on the back side of the building be where all the grass is those were not included we looked at it from uh from where the police department stands and sits from a safety and from their response where they would respond into the building and that's where door eight kind of came about because that's more of a direct route for them to get into the building if there was a threat okay so number five right explain that door to me is that a door that goes that is the one you're thinking of so the desk where I would check out the books the very first door is that door five yes or that goes back and forth it does key on both sides so you do have the ability to because are you are you referring to that door is unlocked during Library hours yes okay and that's fine so you do have the ability to schedule that door to be unlocked during Library hours right or you do have the ability to you know schedule it from a like a busy period right to be unlocked and then locked during a non- busy period you have flexibility to do that door um you know it's one of those things where it's locked at night though and it you know kind of help but that that doesn't make sense to me I I I thought the the idea of three four and five was that if there was a threat in the library staff could get into that area to protect themselves without the threat coming into there so you would locked throughout the throughout the entire day yeah then that's fine if if you guys are if we want to look at that door as a safety you know as like a a shelter in place you don't have to leave it unlocked I was just to your point of saying you know we use that door a lot I was saying you have the ability to unlock the door and leave it unlocked if a case for a certain period of time we can also take a step further we could put a panic button in there so if there is a a threat and uh the door is in fact unlocked you can hit that button the door will lock up oh that's great you have options to have it lock that door with a panic button that's that's pretty exceptional yeah you have the ability like say hey there's a threat we leave this door unlocked like for instance these are like schools use these right so schools do active shooter drills all the time they do you know weird people walk in their building sometimes we have a school district uh probably not that far from you in Edison that we do this for or we yeah we do this for and basically they have a button in their main office if there is a threat they hit the button it locks all the doors and prevents the doors to be able to use by key swipe so say God forbid this ever happens but say somebody gets in gets a staff member's card right you will have the ability then to push the button and deactivate the cards so that Potential Threat can't get in or you just lock the door in total um so you have you know you have options we could do things for you I just I wanted to present to you every different option so you could see the benefits to keyless entry do you have to uh take everything all at once for example could you just do six and seven and one and I'm sorry I think you say that again I'm sorry you cut off could you do six and seven and one and two and in a later date add 345 or the installation has to be done all at once no this is this is an expandable system okay so we would we would up front give you enough uh ability to expand the system right we just would remove some of the labor or some of the the uh equipment required to build out doors three four or five as well yeah we do the uh we do this on the so for the town as well right so on the DPW side we work closely with Casey uh and we you know when we quote when we quoted what he was doing around town we put in for expansion purposes because once you once you start C the centry you're not going to say okay hey it's here and then we're done we're not you generally you expand on it because you start to see the the uh the pros to it the access for these doors that's provided on a card right it's not it's not the person's identification card is it it could be well well we wouldn't want it to certainly say Oldbridge library on it though right because then that person loses it in the parking lot and somebody would have access to the building um who manages the access on those cards as well so Don uh you may want to be able to speak on that yeah so we're working with um Stan with uh the head of technology for the town because we are also putting um our management of it would be on their servers so that we don't have to they would host it on their servers so that we don't have to expand our servers and have more space on there with that um because of the way that the data lines run from building to building I would go ahead sorry sorry so they're hosting it but I would like us to administrate it yes but we would administrate it yes that's the question yeah so so you guys would have the flexibility to use their server which is great because you wouldn't have to then talk to the police get all their cards imported in the system you guys would be on their server but they would not see your stuff and you would not see their stuff but it would be hosted on their server which saved you roughly $10,000 in a server Cost Plus any other uh additional Network switches needed or anything like that no I I just wanted to know who is administering it because if for some you had to shut off somebody's card immediately you had an issue with an employee and you took their card away and you wanted to shut it down you know and it's 8 o'clock at night or something um I don't want to wait if it was let's say the township that was going to do it they're not in the office until 8 o'clock in the morning right so and we can also do fobs it doesn't have to be carbs yes and then right right right yeah they're like little keychain fobs now how many how many of these uh are all the employees going to have the ability to get in in the morning individually as opposed to now the process isn't correct me anywhere along the way right now um are people report at what time nine some of us come in at 9 but the majority come in at either 9:30 or 10 all right so um the building is open at 10: so anybody after 10: is not going to be a problem that they they can get in that way you don't need somebody to go to the door in other words how many how many of these passes are going to be given out in total they would go to Every employee and every employee can be scheduled differently so it's not like somebody could come here at 3:00 in the morning and get in the building you set the permissions for the individual employees what it would also stop that's currently happening is that right now in the morning Linda needs to get up and go over and press the buzzer for anybody when when they're coming in on a day when she's not here I can do it for Irene in her office it's very difficult with the technology Tower in there and her distance for her to be able to get to the buzzer once circulation comes in you now have the people at the furthest distance from that door having to go over and Visually check to see who's there and Buzz them in so what wouldn't that uh be workable with just having a camera on the door on the outside and one inside in the hole a camera would also help but that system is regularly it's failing it's an older system it's been repaired multiple times um and electricians coming in um so that's one issue and then the other is that what this would effectively do is the only time we would hear that buzzer is when it's a non-employee trying to get into the building well unless you w you are that that way that you see an employee through a new camera and new likes as opposed to having all these extra employees having passes to the door door they now can't all use them so I didn't know that the I mean I've been on the board over 20 years and I don't ever remember if we've had any break-in issue at all um we've had people who have gone a little cucker while they're here and the police have dealt with that immediately and the few times that's happened so my question is uh what is the quote the dollar value for the quote for this project R I'm sorry it my my connection's bad what was the question what's the quote Yeah 74 I think I think I could pull that up so this is your cost for parts right you could see that correct yes okay that's the cost for parts and then this is the labor this is all state contract pricing what is what's the bottom number how much 45,000 45,000 66700 so and this is for how many 52,000 yeah but how many cards is this for when you say cards do you mean doors or people that are getting cards people are getting cards and that's that's that's up to you guys but question I'm saying I want to know how many people are going to have the cards because I think based on what our history's been and based on and I'm talking about security inance or anything of that type I think uh you know if you spend $10,000 giving a couple of good cameras on that door that the buzzer needs to go to and then whether you have a wireless hookup from that so um Linda doesn't have to get up she can look through the the camera that's in her office and in possibly your office uh doing and uh basically you know that's that's why based on what we've been told uh I I wouldn't support it because I don't think it's needed in to to be as potentially causing you know a greater expense and it's you know it's so it's all about risk risk profile and I don't think we've had a risk profile over the years that we may be exposing ourselves to more of a risk than we have now I think it's very minimum does that price include um the Panic buttons no what' he say yes right yes all inclusive and that price of 45,000 there is for the eight doors correct um yeah so that's that's including like conduit um the cable required the actual uh installation of the locks on the doors the card readers what's called a request to exit motion sensor which would I'm going to say it's G it's going to Chuck an alarm and what I mean by that is it doesn't show the system as a force door when you're leaving so you don't see the door being forced open because you're leaving uh and it also includes the door contact instulation which lets you know if the doors open or closed Don uh what people have to get into the administr I mean there's administrators who aren't in their office whatever the reason the door is locked somebody else has to go in so that person's going to have to get somebody to open the door and now I understand that but at the same time um have we had any problem other than getting the door open don't what if all the supervisors on the floor had a key for the office and they could just take care of it rather than have Linda do it all the time and um I'm I'm not sure how the supervisor if there saying VI Services would hear the buzzer on the other side of the building so we give him a give him a Vaper well my my question my question is is the number of doors I I don't I'm I'm a little stuck on the eight doors because the two front doors for instance I'm not sure what the need is for those two I think it was numbers six and seven on that chart that he had um you know so I I I'd like to see you know the need for all of those doors and if we don't feel that there's a need for all of them what would be the price difference if we you know had a different number of doors I agree seven that's the front doors they just during regular working hour they opening anyway who's who's walking in with a key card at door number seven the staff is going through door number one it's not for staff that's for emergency services yeah for emergency services you mean for six and seven for six and seven so six is why would Emergency Services be going in when there's no staff there or when the library is not open then in a lockdown situation or something and I'm only going by I'm not advocating I'm saying what the police officers have said to us this is the safety issues and I believe six has to do with circulation because there's that side door going yes I believe when we had the uh last meeting uh you stated when you asked the police department you said it would be a good idea now I would not expect them to say anything but that um they don't know necessarily understand the whole program and what the cost of it is and all those other things what I'm suggesting is based on our historical record and I certainly would want to confirm that what I believe it is is to uh talk to the mayor and have the police department um give us a record of any issue of there having ever been a break in that building was opened in 1991 and uh it's you know it's 33 years and to my knowledge there never been a Breakin so uh it's resar if you're in a real tough neighborhood uh and some of the places that I that I ran in Newark um you know we had a leave with employees at night because they would get uh they'd all get robbed that's that's a big difference security as a as a member of as a member of Albridge Township Public Schools uh one of the things that we learn in all of our trainings with the police department and at the county level as well as local level is that anytime anywhere something could happen and that the places where things like yaldi um and so on they didn't think it was going to happen there and they were not prepared well I feel I feel that as a public building listen I you're probably right Frank probably and you know God forbid something did not you know did happen but I would rather be I would rather air on the side of so I'm still and not sorry and and I agree with you there Rocco but I'm still stuck on six and seven and the reason I'm saying that is I understand that if in the middle of the day there was a lockdown situation who's locking those big sliding doors that automatically open when you walk in front of them because in order for the police to have to go with a key card through seven and then through six they would only be doing that if the glass doors weren't sliding open and I can't imagine in in in the middle of a a situation that anybody's running and locking those glass doors um they probably in that area where you know two through five is you know secured right so I I don't I'm I'm just wondering if all of the doors I get number eight I get number one absolutely especially for the staff coming in and out and I get for the two three four and five to lock down in area of the library for staff safety but I I don't know if I understand six and seven we Sorry goad seven so obviously I think six and seven to your point yes you make a great point right no one's locking the sliding glass door during hours I think six and seven were more of an after hour uh idea right so burglar alarm goes off I don't know if you have a burglar alarm but whatever there's a Breakin uh or you know you guys are I don't know if I don't I personally I don't know what you guys do in your in the public library after hours I don't know if you guys have conferences you have meetings in there but there is after hours you have the ability to access without having to Fumble on keys I don't I don't know how much you how familiar you guys are with the Oldbridge Municipal complex but they have a lot of keys that the officers have to carry we specifically deal with the police department on the radio communications and the door swipes for them as well so they have went ahead and you know he swiped everything um there is a lot of the the ability to show up to an emergency or to show up somewhere and just okay I just got to hit my wallet because they usually keep it in their wallet they just have to hit their wallet to the door and it opens instead of having to Fumble keys in their pockets or go back to their car because they forgot the key because the door's locked it's a it's extreme flexibility for them and that's probably why it's hard I would say it's hard but it's probably why you guys don't see it as an advantage to you guys it's more of an advantage really to the police department from an emergency standpoint I think there are two uses one is to get in and out of the building like that the the other one is for security um that somehow you have to separate them I think if you start small and you pick the doors the most important to you expand it later when you find out that works well uh and that's I mean that's what I would opt for myself if there are open doors what happens to the others they are okay they locked all the time or I don't even know where they are but we have more than eight doors right correct right so this do yeah this was quoted so the initial quote was a first round right to your point of an expansion right you guys are more than welcome obviously to you know Talk Amongst yourselves and what you guys feel is important and what not we can also you know alter the to you know at this time we don't see these doors import that's fine then we can you know you use a system and then you're like okay great we want to add these doors now or don't we want to add something different it's a totally expandable system you're not locked in we we we install it and you're like and we're like okay see you later you know you can't grow this and then in five years or two years you're like ah we got to replace the system because it's expandable you have a complete expansion ability with this system well if you start it you're not Jerry rigging uh buzzers and cameras or whatever you're starting with the basic idea uh but at a minimal cost at that time and then you can expand it that's how I say it if the need arises I I don't and when you talk about having to get in after hours I in all honesty I don't know what you're talking about an employee is are going to come back with their little key and open the library to get their wallet they left behind I that would be a problem I think we've never had a problem with it not being covered when we needed it um whatever Frank told you about never having break-ins and things like that that's absolutely true but life is changing I understand that so I think you have to decide what you need it for and start at minimum and expand it when you decide there's a need for it my opinion one of the things that has always kind of uh didn't make a whole sense it may it makes sense but at the same time we have uh we have what Rocco two foot numbers on all the doors in a high school on the outside yes there's numbers outside every door in um that leads to the outside in every building in every school okay that's a fire that's a fire code thing no and well it's also it's also if uh something goes if if two crazy kids want to come in and shoot up to school God forbid it happens but if they do uh so somebody 10 minutes were supposed to empty the school building out at 5 2:00 5 after2 what you got to do is walk to one of the doors and open it it's a it's a fire door is it not Rocco um I believe so I mean I'm no expert on and if there's three or four three or four Shooters out there they they can just easily come in because I know they're going in the right door well okay so I have a question no I'm just you know do are we going to be voting on this tonight do we want well that that was G to be my question what is the what's the consensus of the board to do tonight with this I have a question about the front door though okay so it's a it's a slide it's the sliding door no no it's the doors to the side the doors on okay that so you know like at the end of the meeting if we're here and library is closed we go out those little doors that's what that is but I'm just you know my my bigger question would be if we going to spend that kind of money then why not utilize two doors towards the back of the library where Emergency Services might come in I I just again I I I don't see the need typically for a a situation in the middle of the night when there's no staff or or community in here um and they could certainly go through door8 or door one at emergency Services if they needed if it was a situation in the middle of the day again I don't see anybody running to to lock those sliding doors I think that right I think it was more that the police could come in door eight without being seen well that so door8 I completely get door eight door one and like I said the whole uh two through five it's six and seven where I feel like the library is wide open to begin with I I just can we make a motion to approve everything but door six seven is that allowed we could we could do whatever we you could do do whatever you want it and however I I would I would also I would also like to ask like what would the cost be yeah six doors as opposed to eight like if is it $2,000 difference and we say it's not really worth it or is it $20,000 and we go wow you know what that really doesn't make sense for $20,000 right yeah I would I would like to resend you a quote if that's the case right I don't want you to I don't want to just throw a number at you or you guys to vote on something want to give you a number first and then go from there you know so if that's the case I have no problem resending you a new quote yeah and I uh I would like to make a motion to uh table it till next meeting when you come back well we don't we don't currently have it we don't have it on the agenda for tonight Frank so we don't need to table it all right fine I actually to your point is correct so if we're talking about a safety situation the front door is open and easy accessible we're not closing it however if there is some kind of horrible situation off a bid um having the doors instead of in the be open in the front in the back at least access one because not knowing what the situation is this is a very large building I would prefer to see those two doors be actually on access for the police easier access in the back of the building also so in the perimeter of the whole building they would have easier access in security way and that's what I was thinking too if I'm a bad guy I'm expecting you to come through the front door and I would think the police would actually want to go through the back but you know the problem with the back here is that we're all glass yeah yeah so the and sorry that's the only point for them to get in without being seen is eight basically yeah or one but then they're going in that secure area where all the one and actually the the seven the six and seven they can also come from that side but I mean we're looking at all of these scenarios and all I've done thus far is listen to those who are actually Professionals in this industry that those are the people I defer to because I've not had the training of a police officer and I've not had the training of a security specialist can we so if we get another estimate would that be based on the number of doors that are being affected like if we said tell us what four doors you know taking care of four doors doors would cost and you pick out what doors you think are important so so I I think right now we're looking at six doors if we got rid of six and seven but I guess I would raise the question to everybody does anybody have any other questions to any of the other doors if we're going to get another quote we might as well like look at everything now so well one of one of the things I would think that we also need to talk about to somebody on the outside uh is what kind of I'm not talking about crazy people that's a separate entire issue whether you get some crazy guy comes in to hurt somebody to do whatever bad guys do it's not it's they're not coming in there for the money I mean it's not like you know to school for that what's that this is true and so there's not a lot of incentive you know unless they come we had the two Colombian guys who got a arrest with our our police dog because somebody had a camera system at home they called it in and they caught them uh but they went into a part of town where they thought they were going to get some value out of it apparently other than other than we don't have any original books from anybody from, 1500 that are worth a lot of money at the auction do we no we do not but we also have the example of what happened at the grocery store with the shooting here in Oldbridge they do have money and was not the mo so we do have an example in town yeah and I don't think we can we can't tell what somebody's decision is if somebody comes in and acts crazy that's completely we can sit here all day and make up scenarios that may or may not happen it's the same if all of our children have to go through shooter trainings at schools and a place where other children come in Old Bridge it's should follow the same suit right I mean this is still a Township and a municipal building and there's tons here but there's so but we also have to look at it slightly differently than the schools and the reason I say that is currently now our schools are completely locked down throughout the entire day right for sure where is here the public walks in all day long so there's always that possibility that they could come in unnoticed and then have an issue and then how do we lock down a secure area yeah which is why those for sure but that's why I do think that this is still a very important discussion we make a decision based on it never happening before every town in America has probably said that so we're looking for another quote excluding six and seven Dr George brought up a a a question regarding what if we just did you know one or two doors just to see how it all works and so on is there a desire to look at you know a price of just doors one and eight or uh do we feel that we we need two through five as well I I think that we should do the interior for the employees so I'll tell you so I work here at the municipal complex and public can come in but administrative doors are all locked people can't just have access and I will tell you my door is not locked and I had a resident that got very upset and became irate and it just so happened by luck the police officer happened to just call me that does lead and I was able to say to him I think somebody needs to come to my office now so and I'm accessible I'm easily accessible so I personally starting to see the necessity of having to be not that you hope that anything's going to happen but in the event that something happens you need to safeguard the employees we live in a very crazy world right now so having that those doors in the interior locked where employees can get to a safe haven even patrons they can get them in there lock them down you don't know everything happens and it happens too quick well so that's where I I question right is so we you have two through five and you have a lockdown section there but what about you guys were just mentioning the children children section is all the way over there the complete opposite of the building where's though door eight is there but that would take them outside I guess you want to be outside and if that's where the cops are coming in that's the safest place then if I'm understanding we're g to ask Brett for three different scenarios one is the one Dr George that you suggested of doors one two and eight then we're going I don't even know where eight is um as far as I know okay the one in the back you would if you can't see it you ought to take care of it but the only two doors that I know are used a lot are the two front ones and the side one in the back the other doors those are the outside doors the ones in the offices to there you know you're talking about two different things one is convenience one is upgrade you know think it's modernizing it not buzzing and all this and the other one is safety those are two different issues I would pay a lot less for convenience than I would for safety but you know I don't have a clear picture is also productivity Linda how much time do you take away from looking from what you're working on to go in that's not worth $58,000 the other the rest where so you were just saying one two and eight let's go back onto track there so what what two be so one is the door to the outside two is the next one what is that between so we have the actual exterior door and then there's like a it's a tiny little foyer okay um and then we have where the incom is and where people come in so currently right now if you're the first person coming in you lock unlock the exterior door the alarm is triggered you turn off the alarm and then you have to go into the second second door that outside door remains unlocked during the rest of the day and only the interior door stays locked in an emergency all right correct so what you're saying is it doesn't really make sense to do one without doing one in correct okay so one two and eight yeah and then one through five and eight right right exactly just get a price from Brett for these three scenarios yeah and then I can also if it's helpful ask if there's an officer from the police department who would be able to answer questions for the board would that be helpful well I think it'd be helpful to talk to someone like Maria who was the one that was the go-to person if you needed it open at night what they feel is important I don't think we all right it would just be the estimate I have one more question for the sorry hold hold on one second we have someone in the waiting room oh sorry all right uh I can ask my question yeah yeah goad there was someone in the waiting room we all right um weather nice to meet guys nice to meet you as well I'm gonna mute you there we go okay is that a member of the public yes yes in the middle of our meeting and I'll be done in 30 seconds go ahead Frank go ahead all right uh there's two things you're buying here you're buying an installation which obviously is going to be predicated each door might have a slightly different price but if what was it $1600 $6,000 for the installation so I no it was 6700 for parts parts okay and the installation is included in a $42,000 plus whatever that number was 45 right so uh just give us what it is every time we add a new door and then you just got to figure out the uh installation and you can you don't have to go back to the thing again the equipment's all the same at each store is it not well the equipment at each door is the same yes your installation varies per door due to the structure of the building is not conducive and almost say not conducive is not uh okay so you give us give us the installation for each door and uh that should make your your decision easier for whatever are you ask for eight individual estimates or no she that says one door is this two door is that and right right so so a quote for doors one two and eight and then one through five and eight removing six and seven correct yes right okay yeah yeah okay all right then we don't have to go back to you and you don't have to come in again yeah no problem okay and then can we vote on it next meeting we would hope that you would have discussion and vote the same night motion yes and by the way we were one of the safest towns in the state of New Jersey or the country 10 eight or 10 years ago so and we have a very low crime rate that doesn't take care wor about it yeah thank you very much Brett thank you for attending yeah no problem than you so much Brett we'll be in touch I will I'll send you those quotes once I get them ready and then I appreciate you guys thank you care all right any other old business so we'll move on any new business let's go right to director's report were there any questions about the director's report yeah why why have uh why do we not give of us I haven't seen the uh the things that we traditionally got uh as part of the director's report which was what our circulation was in a given month and so on and so forth I thought that we'd agreed to do the statistical reports on a quarterly basis uh was there a motion for that and when did it happen it wasn't a vote it was a discussion well that's you're making a policy then which should be something at the board makes I asked a question and I was given an affirmative answer that was what I was moving forward with all right then I would suggest you make it into a motion so it goes in a record so we all understand it well Frank if we're just talking about the procedures and timing of director's reports that wouldn't necessarily be a motion that would be something that would just be discussion at a board meeting well if that's already been discussed then if you want to discuss it again now we can what board meeting did we discuss it at because they were all online and we can look it up if we've forgotten because I don't remember that discussion either yeah you know I had some new business that I wanted to like we kind of jump past it uh Kevin I you were I thought that a very good job was given in providing the bank accounts and providing the interest paid on our various accounts um think who's in charge of keeping an eye on that it's not the finance committee that would be Irene would it not I mean go ahead I Irene uh reports the numbers I don't think I I mean in charge okay uh we have um bank accounts that are paying 05 0.005 anyway ridiculous all right who looks at these accounts and says you know this one needs a little more interest I don't know about you guys but right now I've taken money out of one account and put it in another because the difference was 2% or 5.5% and that's real money we are talking about $4 million um who changes it and I've been Treasurer I've been chairman of the finance committee I never knew anything about it I thought it was magic but I'm curious now and in all honesty I have been asked that from somebody outside people outside who watches over that it can't be a committee we don't work for the library so it's either I assume it's the director and then whoever is designated like Irene or whoever is that true or where do we look at this we're talking almost five million milon all valid it's all a valid point George and um I mean so Irene has certain responsibilities I think the finance committee should be giving directives on any Financial uh needs of the of the library um and so certainly that's something that I think could be brought up by the finance committee um and if they so wished can give a directive um to the director to search out better interest rates where we uh were probable well someday somebody's going to explain to me and I'm sorry I'm old and stupid the role of committees because I don't understand it now it's changed drastically I don't know how a person like I was becomes a chairman of the finance committee and all of a sudden I know about banking are you kidding I think that that it has to be somebody who's employed getting a salary who either knows how to handle it or can hire a consultant or somebody else but somebody wouldn't be looking at this because if you're to accepting 25% 1% in this day and age something's wrong something I think it can be negotiated Kevin you work for a bank I don't work for a bank well you know listen I I it's a valid point um but you know again I think some decisions have to be made right so some of our bank for instance is done with Amboy Bank right and and and I I know that their rates are a bit low um certainly if it's a large sum of money I'd say we probably should look for better alternatives on interest but if it's on checking and savings type of uh funds you know Amboy Bank does provide us a facility in Lawrence Harbor and do things for the bank and they provide it to us so I think that it it it's beneficial to have that good relationship with them as well well I don't want to talk about an individual bank I mean that that's not my but I think you have a lot of banks inridge and uh look I think you negotiate these kind of things you may have a CD that's paying 2% and you say you know I'm going to take it out of if you can't do better when I said that the bank told me okay you get four and a half I just think somebody ought to be looking at it because we're talking about $4 million I'm not going to talk about the sounds like want to hire like an independent person I'm sorry I can't hear you that it sounds like you would want to hire an independent financial advisor or somebody to that effect to look at all the finances maybe once or twice a year quarterly and follow up to to see what's going on and if you know things are accurate I think that's a good point I mean I don't do law by myself I have Chris so if if something was going on with this we get somebody from outside I just think that it can't be a secret I'm not sure sure why One bank has well they have I know seven or eight accounts um it may be fine I mean I've work grown up with M boy Madison the president's kids went to Memorial when I was uh principal there so and that's fine they're good friends but it may be that we just have to have some transparency I was amazed to find out how much money we have that um 250,000 that we have an escrow from selling the little Gray Building I mean that's just sitting there it's getting two 2.5% and it was only 187,000 originally think about if it was getting 5% but any at any rate I just want it I would want it looked at Chris I didn't know if the information that was sent to me is confidential uh I don't know how I would not understand how so it's taxpayers money how the public wasn't couldn't look at it but I no the the the rates that you are paying to banks are not confidential all right so that what would be if we had contracts with the banks those could be confidential in part but mostly not the conversation yeah yeah okay okay so this discussion to make a change could be an executive session discussion but okay the documents themselves are all public okay thank publicly accessible thank you okay okay thanks Kevin that's all I thank you back to director's report okay were there any other questions on what was included in the director's report um just a few hang one minute I have it here I could see we be were right I just didn't understand what your sentence where it said all of our current Personnel issues will be updated by the Personnel committee I think this goes to your point of what is the role of the Committees at our at previous meetings you had said that so what I've been trying to do is filter things more to the Committees because that's what's been done here and I didn't see a point in going through all of the things that we've been doing that we're actually with the Personnel committee meaning the consideration for positions um all those kinds of things that that all of those updates would be made with the Personnel committee and not in the director's report does that clear clear it up no I I think we have different views of what committees are because last year this job description that was approved tonight you sent to me I believe in June with a name of who you thought would do the job well but and we and we were the Personnel committee then felt that we already had had a job like that approved the month before and we were not going to sit and go over that and so that was that it got brought up again some other time I think a committee exists with a board so you give them an i you give a thought of what you want the committee looks at it amongst themselves and then decides to recommend or not recommend to the whole board not to the whole group I think that's my vision of it I as a committee chair I don't work for the library I don't get paid a salary I don't keep files anyway so I may be totally wrong I don't know but that's my vision of it if Chris wants to tell me I'm wrong I'll listen to him but that's the only one your your committee process every committee does operate independently and then bring recommendations to the board but every committee also has an administrative liaison uh normally the administrative liaison in this library is always the same person because you have a limited number of Administrators but uh like you were using as the example the job description was brought to the Personnel committee they approved it it got onto an agenda board voted on it tonight so that is your committee process it's well that's simplified Chris that came by yeah there there was the nine months of messing around with it before that happened but um you know the person committee said that wasn't our job they they had a different one that had been approved talk about that I think the job that was approved tonight we haven't finished with we have to look at it I want your opinion on some things that affect unions whether they know about has it has been approved at this point yeah okay all all of your job descriptions are live documents so we can we can always revise those sure but right now you've got one in effect for that position but anyway at any rate as long as we know what's expected that's okay uh that's the end of my discussion I don't know how to get into all of supps jobs easier right this the we come together we've agreed that we're part of this committee we make decisions we bring it back to the board it's I don't think that then we have to have the entire board no enter into a discussion then what is the purpose of the committee that's correct supposed to divide up the work and then bring it all on bring you we vote on it but like to me if the committee is making a recommendation I would assume that most of the board then would be okay with it right like we we spend and we going and I think part of the confusion is um something that Chris alluded to is the Le liaison uh for that committee uh for administration and as he mentioned it it being in the smaller organization such as the library it's typically the the director um you know that's the point the director will if if she has something that she would like to move forward with she will bring it to the board but instead of bringing it to the entire board she brings it to committee those committee members will discuss it at Joan you said amongst themselves yes uh essentially amongst themselves but I think many times it's difficult to just discuss it amongst themselves without Administration being there to be able to answer the questions and give specifics as far as what the desire is or the need is for that item whether it be a position or or so on or technology need or whatever um and then the the committee can assess it they may assess it with the administrator in the room they may assess it with the administrator out of the room and bring that person back in but eventually then they come to a decision do we want to move forward with this make a recommendation to the board and the basis of what you're moving to do is your recommendation to the whole group you don't have any you can't pass it I mean you no we we can't pass it that's correct and Kevin every committee has the president on it EXO so yes you know it's not they were not operating as a group by themselves and as president um you know how I felt last year that I was not going to take Direction on when I was going to meet from anybody but you but if you said you're chairman of that committee I want you to have a meeting if I could have gotten the people together we would have had the meeting yep I agree okay but we don't run the library no we definitely do not run the library no I have no desire no way to start okay so um if there are no further questions about the report I just have a couple of updates um you all may have heard about the eclipse I don't ever want to hear that word again um in on the day of the eclipse we had over 500 phone calls to circulation alone 150 calls to Linda um and what was great is that it showed the importance of the communication role because I needed to create language so that we don't have every employee responding to those questions on their own there needs to be one uniform answer so we we we did that but it was nice that it Illustrated that um we had news Channel 12 telling people that we were giving glasses away which was incorrect we were only doing it at our event someone went rogue on Facebook and posted go to the library at any time and get free glasses so there was a lot to see there with communication one of the other benefits to that is I discovered that we have two Facebook pages one official and one not official so um I'm I'm we're getting all of that sorted out and with this role that was approved tonight that will be um getting done well I think something that has to be defined is that there should be one spokesman for the library right now anybody in the grandmother can put something on and uh it's just I know having been on the board of education for a long time we had one spokesman you everybody who wanted to didn't put it on the the only one that never puts anything on there is the director I never see your name on it but if Pam is a spokesman that's fine she puts it on but now you have other people who don't work for the library that are putting their opinions on and in different places you know how many Resident pages are groups and that's why you got in that big but but we can do a much better job at taking control of our narrative and with the with the the motion that we've gone through this evening I anticipate that happening very quickly and you'll all get reports about that every Library get glasses to give out I heard that the library I'm sorry Joan what was that every Li Library get glasses to give out not not everyone and that's an important point so there's a group that's called the starnet library Network and what they do is it's a grant so we don't buy those glasses we get those glasses from starnet but we have to fulfill some requirements we can't just give out glasses we have to have educational programming so staff here live streamed um from NASA the eclipse we had a really heartwarming viewing party out front where although everyone was outside with their glasses probably I would say about 80 people um and then we also had crafts for the kids um to come in and do some Eclipse activities um Pam did a great thing where originally she took a certain number of the glasses I think maybe a hundred of them and she raffled them off on Facebook to bring some attention to social media and then the remaining glasses that we had we gave away 300 pairs of glasses in less than five minutes people were lined up they lined up and you started at 2:00 giving the glasses out so it wasn't all day yeah but you know I I don't think that it was specific problem to Oldbridge Public Library I think it was every Library the media itself you 12 but I had seen it on several media accounts and social media saying get yourself solely eclipse glasses you can get them at your local library like just a general like every library is going to have an unlimited amount of them just go get them yeah so and Joan to so to finish the answer to your question that group if the library doesn't apply with them and meet the requirements of the grant then they don't get glasses do they do other things beside eclipse glasses because it's a limited field H it's it's it's encouraging uh libraries to educate about aomy I see well I I think the library got good press on that they were all on television everybody was you know the time was unfortunate because kids were in school so I know I don't know how they got there but at any rate and that now we can get ready for the sakata when we get the two million sakata descending on us we can have another lesson or whatever interesting times and what's what's really nice is that reporter just reached out to us out of the blue Linda fielded the call and sent it on to me there was no warning in advance she literally was going to be there in two hours but she was extremely um helpful and uh she made sure that we have her cell phone number so that we can contact her for other things like the summer reading program so that that worked out really well awesome um middle sex County Commission I got eclipse glasses at home I got them you did but we'll have comment later yeah we we'll get to you I'm sorry um so um the middle sex County Commissioners uh approved a proclamation in support of libraries for National Library week I'm not sure if the board's interested in seeing those things just knowing that there's a proclamation I feel like was enough um and the rest is for committees okay does anybody have any questions or anything else they'd like to discuss director's report okay so buildings and grounds Rocco NOP we're okay just on the doors so so Finance there was a few takeaways for finance I think and I'll speak to Maria about that and uh you know particularly with the the bank accounts and so on and uh and the budget and the budget yeah uh outre you marketing Frank anything currently well um we all that extra money that we have now assigned to specific areas but the cumulative of close to 4 million of which about 400,000 of it is restricted and is used strictly for South uh you know down down by Malo Road uh there there some uh expression been one of the councilmen is grew up in Ward five and uh he's a little apprehensive about uh using that building only because one of the things that I'm a little apprehensive about we just we donated a million and a half dollars to the Lawrence hary thing and uh against the township $6 million it's going back it's going back for the use uh down in Lawrence Harbor and that's great because if we have the Sur that's where it should go Library will be closing in 30 minutes I'm not done yet close thank you have a good night and uh we might want to reconsider and approach the town and either work out something where either they take that building now I know several several of the board members were there when we made the trip down property's big enough it's located in a good spot and uh one of the things that I think we need to do also is we're on uh don correct me if I'm wrong we only use five number zip codes correct we only use five number zip codes yes we don't for our records of uh where people live in town I believe so yeah uh it would probably be worth it to get get the current list converted to a nine nine digigit zip code as a separate file so then you have the ability in any given time to fairly easily determine where what your actual counts is and where where they're going so that if you uh at this point most of the new development still is mostly in Ward five and six uh but it's going to get more densely crowded but my point is if you get that and you just maintain it it's not going to be a big expense then when you want to analyze where you put the things down and the size that it should be uh in five and six you have a lot more intelligent information to work for with it's not it's not rocket scientist because I can do it I know it's not rocket scientist um so there's companies out there that put that list and if you get it when it comes time to decide what kind of capacity you need to have uh for that and then maybe we uh try and do something collaterally with the town they own the property no charge to us and we we uh build our own building similar size to what's down in lawence Harbor now as as a freestanding new building and you could put even put a little playground in there although that's not a good spot because based on there's no sidewalks on M roads so I don't know but there are kids who are driving bikes around there but um I think that's something that we should at least find out how many people out there actually using uh that are actually from where they're from and we can get a whole lot better idea on if we need any additional expansion but you got $400,000 to start now and uh you might be able to put a million a building up for a million and a half2 million dollars 8 10 did we decide if we wanted another building because I must have missed that building missed that meeting when did we do a survey to find out what people want there well the it's predicated it's predicated on the F the fact that the when the uh old library that was there which was closed I think in 80s in the 80s sometime uh they donated the money from that sale to the Town Council who quickly turned it over to the library legally and that's it been in in the library's financial position should have since then and it's grown to somewhere between 3 350 and 400,000 so unless you can change that law no I think that the grant was made to improve Library services to South Albridge you don't have to put build a building for that we just we need to find out what people want instead of telling them that's right that's right and and and we're we're working on that with the new hires and the the positions that were uh approved tonight right um in my discussions with the director she has a directive to start to reach out to the community more find out what the needs and the desires are um in the meantime I think it it behooves us to start to look at what our um possibilities are in South Oldbridge and what that might cost and what other opportunities are there and I think part of this comes from uh part of it is also having discuss around van service and what could be done with van service and different things and you know will that will that suit the needs I don't know but uh I think there's a lot that we still have to learn about what the the community wants over there and then we'll we'll we'll get to that next spot but but the mayor has reached out to me um that that that facility is available for the library if we'd like to use it so I think that however you know and Frank was there with me a few us went there you know it is a difficult facility to use for a library because of the stairs it's a very old building there's no elevated going up it wouldn't be ADA Compliant um so there's a lot of concerns there is too that have to be looked at all right thanks Frank so uh Personnel uh just want to give a quick update yeah so I I mean you guys see right that we approved this job of the coordinator of strategy and communication so we had worked kind of through that and got some clarity and then I think everybody got a copy of the evaluation y so we had worked um through that as well Kevin and I met with Don earlier tonight she is just uh digesting it because we sent it her today obviously so giving her some time um think that's it good okay policy okay and then technology so uh don I know you had sent uh some information to technology committee yeah so I'm I'm hoping that we'll have the technology committee meeting in the next month and I say hoping um because I did send some matters that need uh to be considered the website proposal um I sent it to the committee um and the server replacement which um has been recommended as an urgent matter um and then um Frank did you see the email that I sent yesterday about the which one the computers yeah uh again which what are they gave me list a list of all the ones that uh we have you know I saw the years on it and a lot of them was old as 14 15 years old now I believed I guess falsely that we were replacing our computers allegedly at uh with staying within the five years and uh we're well beyond that so uh are the these are mostly staff computers and not things that are on the floor um it's it's all of them the only thing that has been updated is what we did recently at Lawrence Harbor and circulation those were approved D at a prior meeting and all basically all the rest of the computers are in needed of update both public and staff so uh on the public ones what what is this the specific need is it is a is it additional uh storage capacity what what's the need on it I mean given the kind of work that we do on the computers for the most part um what shape are the older ones in of the 19 computers that we have one is from 2014 five are from 2016 eight of them are from 2017 and 2018 um there are two sorry and then in addition to that there are three Chromebooks which are all 2014 so essentially it's everything um memory speed all of those things the most recent computer available to the public right now was manufactured in 2018 so that's also with all of the staff computers the majority of them are prior to that and can some can some of those uh older ones be morphed over to the uh ones of public uses I I wouldn't put a 2014 or 2016 computer out for the public is there going to be any Salvage money from them so if if I can get um to the email I think it will explain that because I was waiting so the reason why this came up is that lmxac has done a group purchasing um and we would get um we would save $157 per computer for and they're the exact same computers that we're purchasing we've been purchasing so $157 per computer um the total that we need Al together is $ 39 and that's $34,000 and that's over bid threshold and this order has to be placed by April 24th or we won't have an opportunity until next year so my suggestion is that we purchase 15 computers now and we'll either put them in starting the public area or going through to do the oldest ones and then then next year we can do another set like another 15 and then we can finish up the following year and that way what we're doing is staggering the age of the computers so that they're not all coming available in the same year because that's a a larger purchase yeah so are these computers gonna even last much longer 2014 I know I know do you even want to wait three years for another no I I just asked a question because I want to know if they can be used elsewhere uh whether they're they're sold to the public if they have a choice at it we run whatever the case may be what is the total price of each computer with the reduction if we did um 15 computers I put that in the total for the email and no nothing would be salvageable and the laws governing the um removal of public merchandise prohibit us from selling them yeah unless you go to to uh the Government auction and they you know they might go they may not go uh because there's all kinds of auctions all over the place on trucks cars everything you name it public auctions it's owned by a government entity so um so 15 computers would cost 13,27 and we would save 2,300 155 um we can also approve going up to 175 and adding a few more computers on there because that way we avoid having to go out to bid well I I guess you really if you're buying it from a governance are they buying it from approved Source already so that 175 is academic I don't think I don't think she's saying it's a state contract Frank I think she's saying it's just a a bulk rate that LMX lxc so lmxac said that these prices are lower than the state contract uh since you have the decision has to be made before the next meeting correct yes all right I I would suggest that uh the quote that lmxac sent you that you send to all of the uh board members trustees and uh if we can do it with a zoom vote you know if everybody agrees I just get that to in everybody's hands as soon as possible and what are we paying if we go to the Dell right what's today today is the 10th and you need this by the 14th 24th rather so that's two weeks away yeah and and we want to hold a special meeting just for that one vote no I'm not saying that I'm saying if everybody gets to sing they can all read it and then we can call it have a a meeting do it on Zoom or you know and that's a special meeting yeah all right but it could be all done by Zoom could it not why why can't you make a motion tonight yeah you can what is you waiting for to find out I'd like to see you know I don't get quotes on anything and and there is a quote I I don't I don't have it from limix I think you know you can't keep setting up meetings because people have lives to live fine vote on it vote on it now and I'll vote no because I don't have enough information I'll I'll make a motion I'll second it well hold on motion purchases of using 175 is close chis right rules as close as possible possible to 175 okay got it but I would still uh like you to send me the quote from LX you do I'll I'll forward it again I did send it to you yesterday yeah I I I I'll just ask don't that you send it to the entire trustees I don't know if you sent it to everyone I know I got it but yeah I was waiting for okay so just send it to everyone so they have it and if they have any questions they can come to you directly perfect okay motion sorry get the motion just made yes it was and it was seconded did you repeat it I'm sorry yeah it was do was to authorize purchase of the computers up to 175 okay fine f the discussion then okay roll call please Maddie yes Kevin yes Rocco yes Dr George yes Sarah yes I am a yes Matt oh oh Frank oh I'm sorry Frank I missed you I'll just said when I'm done I abstain okay thank you thank you okay we saved on the doors that covers it for committees let's go to public comments anyone from the public like to speak I I would like to speak Hi man name and address hi nice to meet you guys nice to meet you what brings you to the library meeting tonight I like learning new skills new um me faces um getting to learn about the the the nice meetings oh great I hope I hope we were able to uh you were able to learn something from us tonight I hope okay thank you thank you great thanks thanks for joining it's always nice to have members of public come thank you thank you anyone else from the public okay um just kind of addressing much opinion matters here um but there was something that was said about the I guess key it's very hard to hear you sorry there was something that was said earlier about the keyless entry system that you guys were doing um I prob obviously say earlier um my specialty is cyber security which well mean the technology side does also do with physical security um there was an interesting comment about you didn't want to do something I think you made the comment Dr Jordan just for convenience typically speaking kind of one of the first things you see is that the lack of convenience is what leads to most security issues um mentioned something about leaving doors open which is probably a bad idea um I was a resident in Oldbridge my well most of my entire life I grew up here um can speak the number of times I've been able to pull doors open in the old old bridge High School West Campus um well we've seen anything whether it's I'm sure you've seen this in schools um universities as well um I went to Kane University um again it's a publicly accessible place but obviously at a certain time things are locked um they didn't eventually have a lot of electronically uh locked buildings now they all are um so the idea that here there's kind of a debate about it doesn't seem like much of a debate to me it's probably something you guys should be doing um another thing in general physical locks can always be picked can be pulled um it's just the way things are going um so again not sure how much that means to you guys um but just kind of giving my two cents as my expertise great thank you thank you the library thank you and have a good night you gonna say something it is no okay okay all right uh so then I'll will ask for a motion to adjourn I'll make the motion thank second I'll second thank you all in favor I any POS no thank you all right everyone have a good night and speak to you next month thank you everybody thank you everyone