e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay what can I get everybody's attention please I'd like to start the meeting the overd Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of this state uh state establishes that the members of the oh that's the other one I'm sorry pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting s njsa 104-1 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertising such notice in the the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press the board office the schools and on cable vision channel 118 and Verizon files 24 and by filing such notice with the Township Clerk this meeting was scheduled for Tuesday April 25th 2024 the board will take formal action on payment of bills and agenda items thank you R call please I'm sorry continue with the statement y the Oldbridge Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of this state establishes that members of the public including members of the board have the right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices provide that the act of recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting therefore the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered the private recording of the individual and in no manner represents the official record of this board the board therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and completely disavows any future use thank you Mr wendo raw call please danant tuno present jirano here jod pres Francisco here lent here maretta mazone here Slade solowski here we have a quorum thank you would everybody please stand for the pledge move the Board of Education acknowledge the death of Laya Simon Washington for former orridge student with deepest sympathy to her family and friends thank you thank you code of ethics code of ethics corner highlight of the month the board member will refus to surrender his or her independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends thank you approval of minutes Dan will move second Francisco will send second roll call please Dan tuno yes jirano yes JRE yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta maone yes s he's absent and solowski yes resolution one for approval of minutes passes thank you uh student representative she's here tonight it's all yours hello right my name is Nessie for those who don't know um so old bridge has been traveling the world first off the Chinese class had a blast at China for two weeks some students from the Chinese program travel to China had a lot of fun trying new things such as climbing the Great Wall China and exploring the country German classes also went to Germany for two weeks a German class participated in exchange program learned about the culture and met many new people indoor percussion recently came back from Ohio participating in WGI Nationals they placed eighth overall in their class and had a great time performing and doing what they love the Red Cross Club held their animal blood drive last Friday they're able tole collect 66 pints of blood thank you to everyone who gave today was bring your child workday we had about 150 little kns running around the building we were all very excited to show them our high school and we were able to mix learning and lots of fun um spring Sports we have a lot of wins um I don't have a lot of information on that because I was not sent it but it's going great um looking ahead school year is raply coming to end it's almost May um battad class signups are finally available the event will take place during school many kids are signing up to either participate or like in their class teams or just spectate it's going to be a lot of fun and also prom tickets are still being sold but only a few are available upper classman and underclassman are going to have so much fun dancing with their friends and wearing fancy clothing um while it's also time for all this fun stuff it's also a exam season so unfortunately I will have to leave to go study for my stats exam but have a great night everyone thank you very much very luck on your exam thank you good luck tomorrow thank you okay we have uh some recognition over here uh fl's yours we have quite a few retired re all right we want to say thank you and a sorrowful goodbye to Lisa farone Karen Diamond Judith Beni Estelle chovsky Nancy Orin Donna Mullen and Patricia volvette so total together is 196 years till Oldbridge so thank you very much for your time and dedication to alridge students and staff thank you very well done thank you okay Mr sadino is at the podium uh can I get uh Christina and and uh Ela also this is for uh the recognition number two thank you Mr President recognition number two is move the board to recognize of Alise de Cruz she's a sixth grade student at Carl Samberg Middle School I Alise wanted you your mom come up at this [Applause] time you can stand right here okay am I pronouncing it correct evalise okay um Eva is being recognized tonight because she came in first in the state in the entire state in her division for the Elks americanism essay entry on what the Bill of Rights means to me evalise will be recognized at their meeting with the Elks in May and will be judged on the national level that's quite [Applause] exciting uh EV gonna do a little interview you ready come on over closer so what inspired you to enter this contest it's just that wait the Bill of Rights they protect what like what made you want to enter a lot of students you know they they want to do games they want to go outside and play what made you want to put pens and paper and enter a contest you don't have to answer that right away you can think about it get back to me is there any teachers that that really inspired you any teachers inspired you about writing or social studies uh my current um English teacher who's that um Mrs Ryan all right Mrs Ryan so little hands for M Ryan being so e do you want to read your I happen to print it out for you okay okay there you go the bill is the Bill of Rights is aort is important because it guarantees people's rights and allows them to feel protected while living in the United States we possess these rights that are not present in other countries some countries do not allow you to practice a particular religion and some do not allow you to speak your mind publicly many people from other countries move here to the United States because they view it as an ideal place to live to me the Bill of Rights means the freedom to be myself to have my own opinions to share my thoughts with others and the freedom to make mistakes as a citizen I I benefit from this because it gives me the right to practice being Catholic where I can attend church and obtain a religious education freely the Bill of Rights also grants me the freedom of speech which Al Al allows me to have my own voice and speak my mind I can share My Views and op opinions publicly hold protest or write about new controversies and topics without being punished for it I feel protected by the Bill of Rights and it allows me to feel safe and Powerful as IND individual living in the United States great job great job fantastic can we get a picture with the mom right right on the stage right over here all of come on and Mom David you too Mr sadino great job love it go [Applause] ahead thank you thank you thank you yes okay for the third recognition I need to have Sano on this one how' you know I I just need to know because this this is right in his wheelhouse also Marge yes okay okay where's Miss fio can I have Miss fio join me where is she there she is she's probably hiding Miss fio oh there she is so move the board to acknowledge and thank miss Sally fio for her outstanding effort efforts to improve the district's dual enrollment program over the past few years under Miss fazzio's Guidance the Oldbridge high school has achieved amazing growth in the area of dual enrollment courses and the Inception of the Oldbridge high school early college program so what this means to our our folks in the audience um to our board members is that we have currently have students enrolled in alridge high school and upon graduation when they receive the high school diploma they'll also receive an associates degree from college and and it'll be from middle sex County College and that means two years of their High their college tuition is already paid for by the time they leave High School think of what a great relief it is to those parents uh who are taxpayers and were able to get um their college degrees paid for uh while their students were in high school so since 2018 orridge high school has seen a 2,00% increase in the student participation in dual enrollment courses additionally Al high school student stud have increased their dual enrollment credit hours by 2,00% currently 12 Oldbridge 2026 high school students uh hor sophomores and 19 students from the class of 2027 freshman are on track to graduate with both their high school diploma and their associates degree from middle County College in the early college program also coordinated and planned by miss Sally fio our vice principal of the high school so I know this is something that Mr Jano of speaks to our students about ways to save money in college and as you say get out as quick as you can with a degree so we wanted to congratulate you so please join us at the center for a nice picture for moment yes thank you Mr cadino there you go thank you very good thanks Mar thanks Al okay are we open for discussion yeah okay so um on discussion part um I have had personal interactions with Donna Mullan she's been um awesome and helping uh the PTA with building um building booking and rentals so definitely we'll be sad to see her go and Miss Diamond has been a wonderful part of Memorial's family so we thank her for that um as far as Miss Fazio my daughter uh is in the dual enrollment program and she has helped us with those definitely has that Hands-On one-on-one touch so thank you very much for that and then I also want to add to recognition that the njpta is uh recognizing Mr cadino for being an outstanding super intendent so thank you for your dedication todge as well thank you very much thank you I would also like to add to that um Jen you beat me to it um Donna Mullen has been an absolute um leader and Lifesaver with the PTA over at sharai I've worked with her for several years now and she is awesome and I have no idea what we're going to do without her every time we need to do something in inside the district so I want to wish her the best of luck on her retirement um and I don't know everybody personally here but I just want to wish them all the best of luck on their retirement um including Mrs bons who I know from being at over at Shara um amazing teacher and also leaving us um so just good luck to all of you on your retirement thank you for serving oldridge for all these years thank you for your kind words anyone else yes yes yes go ahead yes um when I first came on the board I showed Dr Tui and uh Mr sedino what called a guide sheet so basically has all the courses you need for degree and I said we have to incorporate this in the high schools and this dual enrollment program is doing much more than that it sets up a good structure which I I basically had to do it myself I did my own research which I'm very proud of that but I'm also glad that a majority of students could have this program set for them it takes you know some that thing off their mind of them having to do it and they have this great structure so congratulations thank you very much thank you fio anyone else I would like to wish all the retirees a great life ahead of even okay remember one door closes and the other one opens okay superintendent's report we need a motion on that roll call please M motion yes Francisco will second roll call please Slade Dan tuno yes gordano yes JRE yes Francisco yes lent yes Mar yes Mone yes solowski yes resolutions one through three for recognition passes thank you very much do we have a superintendent report yes we do Mr President um I just want to remind everyone that we are still in a budget process we still in a a very critical situation with our our school budget um you know it's gotten to be so desperate in being an S2 District that it it's frightening with the data that we are looking at currently and I think Trenton sees this too and I and I have to believe that sensible lawmakers are going to recognize that this funding formula is broken and the funding formula doesn't work and that's why we've placed such great effort in having a template letter that's on our district website I know the ptas have put it out I'm encouraging all members of our community that cares about our schools to take that letter and send it to our lawmakers send it to the governor's office because what they're doing to District is not is not working um they're holding penalizing school districts for for materials that are out of their hand in fact one of our our staff members alen Connor was on ask the governor today on news Channel 12 and the question was are they going to bring funding to school districts and he noted that she was from Oldbridge in the statement and he correctly stated there's three things that really drive the funding formula as but you can't see the funding formula it we can only hear what drives it but Trenton won't let you see it but the three things they say that drive it are money following the students so where the students go that's where the money goes um the residents of Oldbridge their income and the residents of Oldbridge and their property values so in explaining that today the governor said um so those are three of the major things so addressing one of them um our our our enrollment and there's lots of people who have you know looked at their enrollment and said must be because missing thousands of thousands of kids I'm going back into looking at it right in front of me the data right in front of me and every wants to see it after the meeting they come over and say hello um in 1991 as far back as the data that I I have we had 8,191 students and we receiving full state aid today we have just under um 8 8,60 students so we're talking about a difference between 40 students between 1991 and today when we were fully funded now we're not being fully funded there were times when we went up to 9,000 and change there's times we went to 7,000 and change but we've always been in that in that range we've gone up and we've gone down you know it enrollment is cyclical as you have seniors who hold on to their houses longer no longer having children those those seniors move to Florida they sell their homes they go to wherever they're going and younger families move in in and have children in those homes but it's cyclical takes place over time now we're seeing a lot of development go on in the township a lot of building we've had a demographers report done and pointing that the enrollment is going to continue to go up now as we're seeing it go up starting in elementary schools as younger families are moving into these newer developments and can carry on to the into the high school so that's not the problem so if the problem is that you know and everybody's making so much more money you can say you are or you aren't the school district doesn't have control of that the school district can only go up 2% so if they're saying there's a 10% increase in everyone's um value their what's in their pocket over the past 20 years that's not the school district can't do anything we can't go well you're making more money so we can tax you more the school district can only go up 2% if they're saying that the and everybody can look at this and you know you can look on online and see this the home values are gone yes home values go up I say the what the greatest factor in home values going up is the value of the school district no no one moves into a town because they have a great shopping center people move into towns because they have good schools that's what the home value goes up so when those things happen even if home values go up the school district can only go 2% so if home values go up 10% we can only go up 2% but they're punishing the district at a great rer than 2% so when I became superintendent we were getting let's see didn't realize the superintended that long um over $46 million in state aid now we're slated to receive $24 million in state aid they've almost cut us in half but the number of students stayed the same so almost nearly a 50% reduction but we can only go up 2% they've made a formula so bad that we can't make up for what they they want us to to do um in fact the last time we received funding this low it was back in 19 mid1 1990s so I've been working with the ptas next Tuesday is going to be 90s day here in Oldbridge we're encouraging all our student staff to dress like it's the 1990s because that's how we're being funded like it's the 1990s um 1990s gas was A1 five a gallon now we're running school buses much greater than I think regular gasoline right now is 3 375 395 um gallon of gallon of milk was A110 gallon of milk now you just get the store the store brand forget you get the organic um you're looking at 495 so these things have all gone up and we have to take them to effect when we feed our children in the schools when we run the buses when we do healthare because Healthcare has gone through the roof and no one wants to address health none of the politicians because they're getting subsidized by healthcare companies never want to go say well this is the limit on how much you can increase healthare because that's gone through the roof too and we have hardworking employees who deserve premium Healthcare but um so that's another another Factor so inless and on both sides of the aisle they're trying to put some initiatives together um to address this but it's not going to happen till May 9th we have to put a budget together by May 7th um so we have to put a budget together it's not going to be a pretty budget with the budget they're given to us and hopefully that May 9th they pass some legislation that'll one extend the time periods in which we have to submit a final budget and that we also um can go above the 2% and that's going to put a really tough spot on our our board members because it's going to be a tough year to be a board member because they're basically saying we're going to give you this one shot to fix what hasn't been addressed um but it's going to be it's going to be a tough thing it's going to be making that Sophie's Choice do you want to stand for you know that we want to protect our taxpayers or do you want to eliminate programs within our schools and it's going to be it's going to become that but it's through no fault of any of the board members here any Administration here we are held by the you know and Trenton they decide the funding formula and they decide uh what we're going to do with it we have all we can do is welcome every child that moves into town and I'm telling you right now we have the same amount of kids we had in 1991 but they're cutting our our our state state aid tremendously this is supposed to be the last year of our S2 Cuts I don't know what that'll mean for us um but I'm not enjoying last year of that that's for sure so Tuesday 90s day we'll make sure we get some more flyers out I think PTA are putting out there I thank uh Stacy pittz who sits on as the president of the pta's president's Council for her hard work on that as well um our progress towards goals you heard great things from our student representative today about um amazing inviting atmosphere our schools provide for the children to come for the bring your child to workday you know I've SE a lot of places do where you know it's very very just generic to bring each child work day I think the district here and the student uh the staff really goes out of their way to um make this those children feel welcome I saw so many great things today walking around the uh schools with Daisy um so it was very very welcoming and I'm going to invite right now uh Dr Sasso from the high SCH School talk to us a little bit about what happened at the high school today and then talk to us about our middle States process and what that means and educate our public and our board about um the middle States process thank you Mr Seno it's all yours uh good evening and thank you Mr citadino Board of Education it was a great day today and before I get into middle States I I would like to take an opportunity just brag a little bit about uh you know nesy spoke briefly about today but uh just an amaz day uh two amazing staff members Miss Jen mccan A Student Assistance counselor down at the grade n Center and Nicole mandano an English teacher at the main building put together a phenomenal program uh for not just our visitors and our 150 Little Knights who came today but also our own students you know and and for us we get to see the whole thing unravel before our eyes we preach family at the high school and we do in the district and and it it came together today better than any other day of the year to see our high school students interact with our visitors who came in today is it was just Priceless and in spite of all that Mr citadino just said you know I'd like to thank the board because today you know when you walk around and see our 150 children enjoying the high school it's about programs and initiatives that you support in spite of all these budget uh issues our cosmetology room was packed today with kids getting their hair done nails done you walk into the wood shop and you see Mr borello you know it's like the North Pole in there just making um all these crafts and taking the crafts over to our art classroom to paint with our students our students get hungry they just head up to the second floor our Mandarin Chinese room making um you know dumplings with our students I mean it was it was really just awesome to see all of the programs and initiatives you know I I feel like our district uh more than any what separates there's really two things it's number one it's the programs and initiatives that we have here that you support um The Vocational why we are truly Comprehensive High School uh is is just I think separates us and then it's our staff uh I can't say enough uh just in particular about the high school staff today um you know just amazing to see it all come together they're good at what they do but more importantly um they care about kids and and you see that today and you see our families come together our personal families and uh it was truly a wonderful day so thank you um as far as middle States it's funny because it's the same it's the when I when you look at the final report from our middle States accreditation and it's two years in into making um it was reflected in what we were able to see today um and not only did we receive full accreditation um which is amazing but I'd like to read some comments starting with the team chair so the middle State's team consists of a team chair and three three additional um Educators they come from all over the country and listen it's it's kind of like when the in-laws come over for a weekend by Sunday night it's like all right it's time to go home I mean they're in everything I mean they're they're everywhere talking to students they have small group rooms they're talking to teachers and they're everywhere um and this is what our team chair Mr Sam bidelman he's been in education for over 40 years I'll read his words my reflection of your school may very well have been the best example of Education in my over 30 years of middle States experience kudos to you thank you again for a memorable experience I have tried to explain to my education bloggers what an amazing unified program you have everything at Oldbridge just works although you have several challenges facing you in the next decade I have no doubt that you will be ready when each tries to take you down another team member Oldbridge high school has a culture climate inclusivity and growth where students feel loved valued and celebrated just a couple more thank you so much for your warm welcome during my time at Oldbridge as I walk through your meticulously decorated hallways and visited student centered classrooms your school motto Rings true people are doing the right thing the conversations have been open honest and thought-provoking as a fellow educator I want to thank the entire Oldbridge Community from the bottom of my heart and lastly so my time has come to an end and I have so many to thank to quickly summarize this has truly been a a labor of love I enjoyed this unique and genuine experience I'm simply going to do the right thing by being transparent and honest with what I have captured in four days at Oldbridge High School Love Fest I guess I'll take it I don't know that was good that was from one of the team members and although we rolled out the red carpet you you just can't fake what we have here and I think it's not just at the high school it exudes from all the schools in our district um we're not perfect and we'll certainly use their recommendations and suggestions to get better but I'm so proud of who we are and so proud to report that orridge High School received full accreditation from middle States so thank you thank you Dr Sasso thank you go night [Applause] Sir uh Mr soli just a few more under superintendent reports a few final thoughts um I do want to comment to Dr sass he doesn't know this but um this week we also celebrated our uh administrator professionals U for all the work that they do in our schools so I want to thank them because they're the the backbone of our schools to help us operate that's not the Schools transportation maintenance everything so uh thank you to all of them however give a round of applause to them I'm sure I think it's worth [Applause] it however while picking up a gift for my administrative professional team um I ran into a staff member from the high school who just felt compelled to come over to me and tell me that while she suffered the loss of a spouse this year um it was the leadership of Mr Dr Sasso who helped her through it and encouraged her um and gave her the strength to come to work every day and it's the environment that he's created there so uh I wanted to publicly let him know that and uh let him know that you know staff thinks very highly of you thank you for the kind words as far as um my recognition as the outstanding superintendent I just want to thank the S PTA for nominating me um I just you know it means much more to me than anything else that it came from uh parents within the community um and you know not other superintendents that means more of me than anything so uh thank you I'm truly honored and humbled by that uh nomination and and uh selection and you know it wouldn't be possible with my Albridge family here the staff that we all work with you know I'm just the person and they do all the work and you know you know make me look good so thank you to everyone uh including this board thank you again the last thing I just want to say is one thing about uh under recognition um a lot of great people being recognized tonight under recognition for uh retiring but I do want to thank Donna Mullen she was the first person I met when I my first day as a vice principal in the district I walked in bright and early to get my day started and uh she welcomed me in her own little Donna way and if you know Donna she is a bucket of sunshine she brings gifts to you if you say to her Don I really like that vase you will have that vase tomorrow if anything she's we wanted to do some things at the administration building to uh bring an air of positivity and something that she certainly does has done and we will certainly uh be missing her thank you very much thank you again are you finished Mr sadino yes okay yes I am okay special committee reports do we have any committee reports I have a correspondence oh you do okay uh just just one um again you may some of you may receed an email um our 2024 personal relative Financial disclosure statements are due um just to really recap the school ethics act njsa 18a colon 12-25 and 26 requires all school officials to file personal relative and financial disclosure statements annually newly elected or appointed officials must complete their disclosure statements within 30 days of assuming office or position and any returning school officials must complete their disclosure statements by April 30th so some of you may have received an email from me just as a reminder or notifying um that it was submitted and approved so just check a look out at your emails um that goes for like you said board members and uh administrators as well at the school level so thank you thank you Mr w now we're on to okay now on to special committee reports so um the care committee uh this project that we've been working on um came right out of the strategic planning meetings that we had set up um kudos to Dr hoker and her team because uh we did go through multiple companies for our website we decided to stay with who we are but if you look at our website for the school calendar that will get a whole new uh upgrade over the summer and if you're a parent or a family that have kids in multiple schools you'll be able to look at One calendar with everything on it from those schools and you'll be able to subscribe to it and it'll go right onto your calendar and change as the school updates it so it'll be a lot easier so thank you Dr hooker and your team for making that happen because as a parent it's definitely needed so thank you very much thank you anyone else committee reports I see no hands okay actually I'll add we had a food service meeting last night um you want to cover that now our next meeting well it's committee report okay so we okay so um we've been work the committee has been working with arar over some concerns that family members have had arar has been addressing those and continues to um make adjustments as the kitchen staff and the community has um requested so that's came out of that report last night thank you any other committee reports no okay hearing of residents on agenda items only agenda items only okay Andrew Lewis Oba uh question on the agenda under miscellaneous number 13 uh it's page 33 motion to adopt the njsba code of ethics for the 2425 school year I was wondering if you could just briefly um give a summary of that I know that you know the full code of ethics is available but you can give a summary of that and what happens if someone violates that code of ethics what the procedure is thank you thank you anyone else okay uh curriculum professional development can I get somebody to move that place Dan move can I get a second you Dan second any discussion I would like to separate five for discussion okay okay so we're voting on one through uh eight separating five not for voting discuss for discussion right okay um number five um has to do with an elementary field field trip to bombers Beyond Cafe and if you haven't been to bombers Beyond Cafe I would highly recommend it it's in sville it's um a special education transition program for students that are aging out um the program is for 18 to 21 year olds and it provides work experience for students um and it's it's just such a lovely place I went there with Diane Michael and um you know you can get coffee and tea and you can get all kinds of things to eat and it's just a really really lovely atmosphere and the food is delicious and I highly recommend that if you're in or around sville you stop by and visit thank you Miss JRE anyone else I have a question about the same number five um so I see that it's the the elementary field trip destinations and I understand that the fifth grade goes on field trips is there any uh talks about the other grades also going on field trips anytime soon we try to encourage the other grades to stay local so they might go to the library or they might go to the the schoolhouse um but we do not typically have all of the other grades go out out of the district partially because of Staffing and nursing having to be provided for out of out of District events anyone else and just for the record there is a administrative correction on this item uh number five the attachment has been added uh in your packet I believe it was missed so that is the administrative correction for there thank you okay roll call please maretta yes mazone yes Slade duno yes yes Gano yes ji yes Francisco yes lent yes and solowski yes curriculum and professional development resolutions 1 through eight passes Finance 1 through 11 can I get a motion to move Finance 1 through 11 we move it can I get a second please thank you any discussion roll call please lent yes Mara yes Mone yes Slade duno yes gardano yes JRE yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through 10 for finance passes thank you thank you s white Bell Athletics one and two can I get a motion to move Athletics 1 and two D will move Francisco will second any discussion yes good uh considering do have the budget cuts and um this is for the 2024 2025 school year I'm I'm not ready to vote on these yet until we know how much money we have my second thought okay anyone else yes quick question so just looking through the names and exactly what they coach I see that there it looks like there's a dup duplicate but is are there two different seasons of field hockey from M Mr Roberts what letter is it y yeah towards the end I asked my daughter and she wasn't sure wait do they play fi field hockey twice I didn't know if it was just a they only played one yeah I think it's a duplicate okay anyone else uh Ro call please Francisco uh yes lent yes Marquetta yes mazone no SL duno yes Jano no jri yes solowski abstain resolutions one and two for athletics passes Mr I wanted to change myp OB stain not to no we will we will note that maone is changing to an abstain the resolution still P one and two still passes noncertified personnel office can I get a motion to move non-certified personnel office please lent will move it misson will second can I get a sec second we have okay roll call please any discussion roll call jry yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta yes mazone yes sled absent duno yes Jano yes and solowski yes resolution one for non-certificated personnel office passes thank you non-certified Personnel operational one through four can I separate number four yes who's that missone number four okay for discussion or voting a discussion okay okay can I get a motion please to move it Gano motion can I get a second Francisco will second thank you roll call please any I'm sorry yeah I just have a question before I vote on it I just want to know uh we're approving for the period of May 6 through August 30th can you just explain what they're going to be doing over the summer with the te with technology I'm think trying to think of all of the things that they're going to be doing and and I don't want to miss anything um I believe that they we collect the high school senior devices they are all refurbished we are collecting grade two and I actually think this summer we are collecting grades one k through two refurbishing them so so that they can be ready for the beginning of the school year and that's among other things that they're doing that other housekeeping items that they have to do got it thank you Dr hooker anyone else a roll call please girano yes jod yes Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes maone yes Slade duno yes and solowski yes resolutions 1 through four for non- certific personnel operational passes thank you non-certified Personnel other one through six can I get a motion to move non-certified Personnel other Miss Owen will motion can I get a second J second any discussion Ro call please Dan tuno yes G orano yes ji yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta yes maone yes Slade and Sakowski yes resolutions 1 through six for non- ctivity personnel other passes thank you okay can I get a motion to move certified Personnel 1 through 29 M own motion can I get a second please FR a second any discussion I do have one administrative change here on item number 16 uh Yona DS it was listed as her position was a speech language specialist she's actually a substitute nurse full-time substitute nurse thank you uh I believe we have some new hes that we're going to discuss over here uh can the new hes please stand up [Applause] please oh there they are no no come come a little closer Come a Little Closer very good thank you can you can you tell us what you're teaching and at what building we'll start off with you young man Matt what school okay young lady okay all right for those that are home so we have math at either middle school or high school speech pathologist for the District middle and elementary element an elementary teacher math oh you don't okay okay welcome to the district yes yes welcome to all of you warm welcome we're excited to have you join our team thank you congratulations and good luck okay I just have one more question for them by by the way by the way you were already voted you're hired okay we voted yes okay just one more question sorry we're gonna Mr sual do you like this who out of the four of you is a Oldbridge high school graduate two out of four that's great very nice we love it we love to get you people back okay good luck to all of you thank you for coming okay now we have to vote on it they're sitting on the edge of their seat I know okay roll call please sled duno yes gordano yes Jodi absolutely Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta yes maone yes and solowski yes good luck resolutions 1 through 29 passes for certificated Personnel congratulations I'm sure all of you do were non-certified Personnel Transportation one through three can I get a motion to move it move can I get a second Joel Second any discussion please I'm going to go with maone and jry on that good roll call please mazone yes Slade duno yes gardano yes JRE yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta yes solowski yes resolutions 1 two and three for non- ctivity personnel Transportation passes thank you okay one through five can I get somebody to move one through five please move can I get a second Francisco all second any discussion on this Transportation any no discussion roll call please Marquetta yes mazone yes SL duno yes Jano yes Jodi Francisco yes lent yes solowski yes resolutions one through five for transportation passes thank you supplies equipment and services one [Music] through 1 through 24 can I get a motion to move 1 through 24 please Dan will move can I get a second any discussion please no discussion roll call please lent yes Marquetta yes maone yes Slade danant tuno yes gordano yes jri yes Francisco yes and solowski yes resolution 1 through 24 for supplies equipment and services passes thank you miscellaneous one through 1 through 16 can I get a motion to move missell 1 through6 please J move Miss will second thank you any discussion yes question go ahead uh number seven what is the treasurer of school monies and is this something that we've always had the yes the treasur of school monies is a a person that's separate from the Board of Education um in this case it's someone from the township they essentially check our cash flow each month um they reconcile our financials with the our assistance as well well so it just a checks and balance is kind of uh position okay got it thank you anyone else I just want to give credit to all the Committees um and thank the public for coming out I think the committee meetings have been very productive and there's been great conversation so thank you to all and uh you ladies are really bringing in the crowd I don't know how you're doing it but years ago we only had five or six people coming to a meeting now we have 30 and 40 standing room only hot topics okay board uh secretary and uh I'm I'm sorry roll call please Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes mazone yes Slade duno yes Jano no for 13 yes for the rest jri yes solowski yes resolutions 1- 16 passes for miscellaneous thank you Mr W uh board secretary and board business one two and three can I get a motion to move one two and three Miss will um move it m can can I get a second please second can I make a recommendation yeah I would recommend that you have a discussion first before you move them and then we administratively remove the two that you do not want to vote on yeah it's really a motion for one two or three yeah have a have you can have a discussion see which the will of the board which one you want to move forward um I believe the data has been shared with you uh from the public and from the um parents and Guardians so uh and staff members so have at it Mr President yes okay so we're going to vote on option one option one yes I'm motioning for option one yes okay than you anyone else please uh Option One calendar a um that was the one that was voted the most by right anyone on any other discussion okay so let's vote on option a option A I guess so Mr J you moved option A yes okay can I get a second can I get a second please miss Will second so that's resolution one is going to be Jano second by maone yep right okay roll call please this is on option A jod yes Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes maone yes sled duno yes gardano yes solowski yes resolution number one for board secretary and board business passes the two and three are administratively removed thank you hearing of residents on any school district issues anything to do with our school Andrew Lewis Oba I return and I have two copies of my remarks tonight put that one away good evening Andrew Lewis president of the Oldbridge Education Association I stand here today to address a matter of grave concern a board of education member Mr Marquetta said on August 31st 2022 quote these Boards of Education belong solely to the people the taxpayers the people they are the people's boards end quote when the community elects fellow community members to a board of education we expect them to act in good faith make decisions that shape the future of our children our Educators our community and to be present voices advocating for the needs of students in Oldbridge we believe that each vote that was cast in favor of an individual in an election is a decision made on trust a trust that impacts our community overall as an association we cannot help but notice Mr marchetta's alleged actions and the impact that these actions have had on our schools our community and the board as members of the Board of Education it is your duty to be fully engaged board members who contribute to decisions that a great educa that have a great educational impact on our students yet Mr Marquetta alleged actions have yet another reminder that his commitment is not to the students at Oldbridge Public Schools we hope that now is the time that members of the Oldbridge Board of Education will act in the best interest of Oldbridge students and the community at large and join us in calling for the immediate resignation of Mr Marquetta Mr Marquetta undermines the collective efforts of the board members of the community and our association and most importantly the trust placed on members of the Board of Education by students parents and educators as a result we call on members of the Board of Education to consider the gravity of this situation and the impact it has on your ability to govern effectively the Oldbridge Community deserves a board of education that is fully present where each member consistently contributes to the collective goals and responsibilities that you were elected to do thank you hi I'm km pag Lucy um on behalf of the children I ask Mr Marquetta to have the decency to resign from your position to make way for an individual with an Integrity to be appointed for the rest of your term to better serve families within Oldbridge please reside [Applause] just uh for procedural purposes please address your remarks to the board president uh you are certainly you have the ability to make the remarks that you were seeing a developing trend on but the comments go to Mr solowski thank you hi I'm Sean Bensley I live in Hillsboro I worked for Oldbridge for 20 years as a school counselor um I'm here tonight for a couple reasons um one I want to draw everyone's attention to um speaking to you Mr silkowski want to draw your attention to the fact that tonight Mr G odano again voted not to adopt the njsba school board code of ethics this is the second year in a row at least that I know that Mr uh Giordano voted against it and I think that is a grave concern uh for the students and residents of Oldbridge as well as the staff that a school board member is openly saying that he does not agree with the the school board code of ethics um speaking of the school board of code of ethics I to call on Mr Marquetta to resign um having worked for Grom school one of the schools that is allegedly um involved in in whatever may have happen um I think you owe it to the students the parents and the staff of not only gisma school but Oldbridge to resign um and Mr silakowski I would be interested to hear your um thoughts about this situation I can't I can't uh tell anybody how to vote they vote the wrong way and I can't tell anybody to resign okay there's we have to follow procedure thank you anyone else any school district issue I see no hands thank you okay all and old business yes um the reason for my vote and the reason I didn't bring to discussion I didn't want to put any other board members on the spot so um yeah I do disagree with the code of ethics and the way is handled through complaints and the school ethics commission procedure and the office of administrative law so that's the reason for my no vote again and um it is used for personal vendettas as we've seen obviously so that was my reason for my no vote thank you thank you anyone else in although I value your option to have your your vote and your opinion as public as officers of the public um and the Schoolboard I think if we don't have a code of ethics to abide by um then it's a free will game and you can disagree with the procedure of appeals and accusations but we didn't vote on the procedure we voted on the actual code of ethics that we agree to and we want to agree to abide by so my opinion of your vote is that you voted that you don't agree with having a code of ethics and you're entitled to your opinion and your vote I'm not denying that but I find it of a grave concern last year and again this year that you don't think we should be upheld to a code of ethics as a public [Applause] servant anyone else please hold on hold on hold on yes the board does need a code of ethics they approved it once again that's why I didn't discuss it to gather votes on my side that's why I did it separately quietly so yeah so I did remember everybody votes their own conscience okay that's the way it works thank you okay anyone else I do have old business from uh Mr Slade um he won't he wasn't here tonight but he did share a message wanted me to just present uh the Oldbridge Education Foundation casino night on April 11th was another success and we thank all those who attended as well as supported again the money's raise will be used to uh pay out grant money to our Educators currently the Grant application has been sent out to be completed with an April 30th deadline the obf board and trustees will then meet to vote and decide on the grant recipients I will keep you posted with the results and Grant presentation date again that's from uh sincerely JD Slade Oldbridge Board of educ thank you Mr wiell anyone else on any school district nothing okay hopefully everybody in their packet got the organization management chart I'd like to go over that from the beginning to the end okay uh I'd like to start at the bottom Operational Support staff and what is the Operational Support staff who are they and what do they do I'm just confirming the public does not have this it was not part of their agenda I asked them to be uh recorded the agenda tonight on business you don't have a copy of this okay what I'm going to do is I'll hold this off till the next meeting okay and this way everybody will be attached to the uh package itself staple to the back additionally if anybody wants to look in the meantime it's available on our district website yeah but I would still like to go over it for the next meeting thank you okay I guess that's it for this evening what we still have new business I have I have some new business okay new business go ahead um once again students study for your AP exams make sure you get at least to three threes are good for cane fours are good for Ruckers Etc uh take CLP exams over the summer if you want to know what they are and how to study for them you know get in contact with me um there's no reason with the great opportunities we have at the high school and me that students should be graduating in more than three years it should be a three-year maximum in my opinion thank you thank you oh do we have any executive session tonight no we don't we don't oh wow we can go home early okay that's it for this evening folks I want to thank everybody for coming we're going to and yes I need a motion to motion second and again I would like to congratulate for no higher reason they came in okay we're we're glad that you're going to be working for us okay thank you good luck with your job