##VIDEO ID:DF2BVbzvm-Y## e e okay do we have sound yes we do e e e e e e e okay we have a showman in the house tonight okay love like start the meeting pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings as njsa 10 4-10 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertising such notice in the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press the board office the schools and on cable vision channel 118 in Verizon files 24 and by filing such notice with the Township Clerk this meeting was scheduled for Tuesday August 20th the board will take formal action on payment of bills and other agenda items thank you Mr wiell one second all right here we go the Oldbridge Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of the state establishes that members of the public including members of the board have the right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices provid that the act of recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting therefore the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered the private recording of the individual and in no manner represents the official record of this board the board there therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and completely disavows any future use thank you Mr W roll call please Dan tuno here Jano here ji here Francisco here lent present Marquetta maone here slay here solowski here we have a quum thank you would everybody please stand for the pledge thank you uh code of ethics can I get a volunteer to read this for next week if not I have to do it myself oh you'll do it okay thank you okay approval of minutes okay report a student he will be next week okay recognition have a stent I there's no student rep yet because school hasn't started there's no is it they I think they voted last Lama Tom L Mr Lama is the student R but he's just not here yet yes yes unless he's on summer vacation I apologize recognition I have several teachers that uh retire and we'll go over that next week superintendent's report do we have one for next week or do you have anything tonight we will have one for next week kind of a recap of the uh summer review that was provided to the board um some of our updates we've done over the summer some of the uh updates to buildings facilities uh some of our trainings and events that are going on but obviously everyone knows our our staff reports back on September 3rd and 4th for inservice and our stud students will be in uh our schools on the fifth and sixth for early dismissal days those first two days thank you Mr Seno progress toward goals correspondence special committee reports we have we do have one correspondence actually go ahead we received a letter in the mail um regarding Southwood Elementary to the Oldbridge Township Board of Education it's in regard to parking on Emerson Emerson Lane um the correspondence read as such to whom make concern as homeowners of Emerson Lane we are asking at the school and the Board of Education address this issue as you're aware Emerson Lane is across from Southwood Elementary School and is a cult saac last school year was the worst we have ever seen for staff of school parking on Emerson Lane due to the additional vehicles on the street as homeowners we are unable to park our vehicles in front of our homes the other PR is the garbage pickup again because of the additional Vehicles parked there the garbage does not always get picked up since we pay for garbage pickup in Oldbridge we are not getting the service that we are paying for we are kindly asking that you inform staff I.E lunch staff and other additional staff to please refan from parking on Emerson Lane we thank you for assistance regarding this matter this correspondence was just re received today um so we'll be talking um with staff there Administration and um as well as just our our district uh facilities department just to see make sure we can get everything whether we look at additional parking there and or just informing staff to please avoid the the area so we'll be looking into this at this time and we'll uh get this matter addressed and and update the board accordingly thank you Mr wedell hearing of residents on can I go back a second um go ahead on committee reports can I request that each of the Committees um try and have some dates for the public for next month next week so that we can uh give the public ample time to plan their calendars um and if possible you know as many as we can plan out going forward for the year thank you thank you I have a negotiations up okay so the negotiations team is continuing to meet with the Oba to negotiate a contract for a successor contract to the 1924 contract which expired on June 30th uh over the summer we did meet on June 27th August 12th and tonight and actually we're going back to meet with them again at the conclusion of this meeting tonight we are making major progress we believe we are close to having a deal and we will update the public and the rest of the board as as soon as possible on any good or other news that we have but we're hopeful to get something done quickly thank you hearing of residents agenda items only I see we have nobody okay policy we have nothing under policy curriculum professional development we have something on the agenda over here okay we have an action item number one Jano motion Trel second any discussion R call please maretta maone yes Slade yes danant tuno yes Gano yes J yes Francisco yes lent yes solowski yes resolution one for curriculum and professional development passes thank you finance we also have one through four I believe was there any other questions on the curriculum professional development uh just for a clarification when I was looking back um the adjustments and hours was really where it was um there might have been two curriculum writers and it switched to one and things like that there was no additional okay thank you correct any questions on the curriculum okay Finance one through four this is an action item can I get a motion to move hold on did we just go through the entire curriculum section curriculum and professional development okay so hold on I just wanted to um a discussion can I go there okay I just wanted to clarify a few things so that um so that the public knows that you know what goes on behind the scenes so we get the agendas and um I'll speak just for me I know that I pick them apart I go through one item at a time and I know Administration can attest to the fact that there's some of us who will email and we ask a ton of questions so that when you hear us up here voting yes or no there's definitely a lot of discussion going on and questions being asked so that we know what we're voting on um I did ask some very specific questions um about some of these curriculum items um for example the ecbm I wanted to know a little bit more about um which teachers utilize this program obviously you see it's a great um cost and what the feedback was from the staff that use it and um I do have to say that if I don't know something and I ask I get immediate responses from Administration and Dr tuy Dr kandria they they got back to me and gave some more specific information and where we're moving forward with easycbm in the future um I also um asked a couple of questions about some of the professional development because if you look on the agenda it's and I've said this in the past it's a little vague so I got some breakdowns on what some of those particular um professional development days are covering and what topics they're covering and then most importantly um when we get the agendas we also get um some separate attachments and schedules of further information and when I didn't see the curriculum guides on there a lot of these curriculums you'll see were revised over the summer and we have to vote on them next week but they weren't included um so I know for me I don't want to vote blindly on something that I can't review so I asked Administration and by the end of the day I have I have access so that I can I can see so I don't know how it's been done in the past but I know that for me I can't vote on things that I don't know about or that I can't read through so I wanted everybody just to know that these questions are being asked and I intend on spending you know the next week going through some of it before we vote next week just want to make some clarifications on that thank you thank you okay moving on to finance uh one through four can I get a motion to move Finance one through four miss a motion can I get a second Francisco will second any discussion I have a question yes uh on number three move the board to acknowledge and approve a purchase uh purchase orders in the amounts exceeding the bid threshold of 44,000 um what exactly are we are the approved purchase orders that that exceeded that amount there should be a list in the attachments attachment B5 on the attachment got it thank you I also have a question um a number four it was about a shared services agreement with the township we had spoken last school year about having a shared service committee um and because some of the topics were were touched upon during some of the other committee meetings and we said no that it was going to be a shared service committee has that anything happened with that shared service committee forming questions talks anything I spoke to the president of the Town Council and uh we haven't gotten any anywhere with this one but I'm going to call her again for this year hopefully we can do something thank you roll call please blent yes maretta maone yes SL yes Duna yes gardano yes J yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through four for finance passes any questions on finance please uh yes uh numbers 15 and 16 I would just like uh more information on that similar to the uh custodial information from so 15 was essentially just directly from our 2425 budget these are just the resolutions to solidify basically put them in writing so the capital reserve were the amounts for those projects which were on the um the statement that we had to give back in April that was the retaining wall for the high school the upgrade of the elementary school plrs and the repaving in some areas um I do have I can get provide some backup information um but those two items 15 and 16 are just a repeat of what was actually adopted in our 2425 budget the maintenance reserve the 4 million was listed as Revenue in our 2425 budget to go back to our regular required maintenance in the um in the facilities line and that is how we do a lot of just our routine maintenance projects thank you did he answer both of your questions or just one no it was for both of them yep it's all good thank you thank you Athletics one any I need a motion to move Athletics no no action we any discussion GL you no noncertified personnel office we have one action item over here dantina will move can I get a second M will second any questions any discussion roll call please yes Francisco yes yes maretta yes Slade yes Dan tuno yes gordano yes solowski yes resolution one and noncertified Personnel off this Pa thank you non-certified Personnel operational excuse me just one it was written incorrectly on here just resolution one okay non-certified Personnel operational no action okay noncertified Personnel other we have one action item can I get somebody to move number one please Francisco will move second can I okay any discussion on this roll call please duno yes Gano yes yes Francisco yes L yes Mar yes Slade yes Sol yes resolution one for noner personel other passes any questions on the rest a bit okay thank you certified Personnel okay I'm going to ask Jen I want you to move or pick up certified Personnel one through are we're going to separate number three for discussion yes okay okay certified Personnel we do have to amend two dates on certified Personnel I'll defer to Dr hooker here on motion number two letter G the date should Now read 8:31 instead of 927 and then on motion number three letter D the date should read 92 28 instead of 925 thank you okay I need a motion to move one through five miss a motion can I get a second Dan second okay did we we did we separate three is that what we did for discussion yes okay okay uh discussion yeah so um item three is our new hire so if you're here we ask you to stand and we will take the obligatory picture for social media so we would like to welcome and I apologize in advance if I put your names uh Miss Carone miss chowari miss chotty miss cor coreno I'm sorry Mr hatch Mr Lane Miss Mari Ali Miss pomy Miss vigilante Miss aamino Miss trada Miss Henderson Miss hung Miss green Bal Miss grower Miss Panero and Miss Kutcher welcome to Oldbridge um and if we could have you guys conratulations would all of you please come up here stand on the stage please we need a picture getting real close it yeah [Applause] congratulations I wish you a great year and a very productive year for the all you and the students okay okayy I need a roll call please no I didn't we only separated and voted on it good yes all right Slade yes Dan tuno yes gordano yes jod yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent maone yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through five for certifi personnel passes thank you okay do I have any questions on six through 42 any questions yes I do yes yes um 25 it says their stien is $64 per hour for those positions that's a the typo right number 25 25 or 24 oh you know what 25 25 okay 25 is a negotiated hourly rate that the board of education is negotiated with the administrator Association that just seems like a large number for some it's us that okay you know their salary and pro prated to a certain amount that's why it's it's larger than the OVA hourly rate um which is $49 an hour all right and I believe the total numbers that were accounted for last year was 15 over the course of the entire year thank you anyone else non-certified Personnel Transportation can I get Mr Mr G I just want to make clear so so so you're clear I because I wasn't sure you're clear on that so we don't determine that rate you as a board determine that rate in negotiations with the principal association yes thank you uncertified Personnel Transportation there's no motion on this Transportation one through five any discussion no supplies equipment and services we have I believe one action item Jano motion can I get a second please M second any discussion R call please blent yes maretta M yes Slade yes duno yes Gano yes J yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolution one for supplies equipment and services passes thank you miscellaneous we have one through seven any discussion there there still are some items on supplies Services if they want questions any discussion on 2 through S on supplies equipment and services no okay miscellaneous one through seven any discussion no hearing of residents on any school district issue anything to do with the school district and if you would like to get up anybody you go to okay no go to them to the podium there the button press the button my name is AR Ernest and I'm here as a parents for the new students going to the middle school and he's exciting to join all the sports and clubs and whatever after school School help but we figure that's we can't do that because all the member of the house is working in the same time when we supposed to pick them and I have been in Old Bridge for 14 years a big old bridge for the you know uh my two kids graduated in a in in a college and they use all the service in Oldbridge and he's exciting because he used to play sports in elementary but now he can't after I apply he can be so at least we need Transportation after the school for the middle schools if any way we can deal with that and we saw some District they add like a little charge for monthly payment for the people who do sports but we can't lose that service we live in Oldbridge to use all the service and the reputation for the sport in Oldbridge for the scholarship for every everyone it's really hard for us to lose that service the high schoolers they can get Uber they can wait on the school in a little but Middle School at least Middle School both sock and Samberg they will lose all the sports and if they didn't start like a middle school they never be in high school so I'm I'm as a parent you know begging you guys we need to keep those kids busy long to stay home it's not good for them but more to do activity and sports it's better for them thank you thank you anyone else hi everyone this is Kiran wesan uh have been following the bridge to 2028 uh vision of the initiative at some point I would like to hear what we have done in the last couple of years 23 and 24 uh with the Strategic Vision to be 2028 for the Strategic plan U maybe if not in this session maybe you know in the following decision I would like to hear about just for the public what have we progressed in the last couple of years towards that strategic plan yeah thank you sure anyone else any old business yeah any old business um did you close public portion I did but if want wants to talk no I just usually answer the questions after it's closed okay or or address them as best I can yours um as far as the after school transportation I know the the administration the board has faced some hard difficult decisions uh when we're looking at the state aid that was lost and even in directing 9.9% raise in the local tax levy we were still uh under the adequacy level to really Pro provide all of the services that we've provided in the past and I know that as a parent who lives in another Community we're very fortunate in Oldbridge that we've had this level of transportation for our students for after school programming uh I know in my community where they actually do play a a fee for athletics and they playay a fee for clubs and to participate there's still no um transportation for after school activities or events um so that that's was a very difficult decision that this board had faced we provided him with the information on you know what the savings are and every dollar that this board member the board members work towards was to first to have the programs in the classrooms that support the academic growth of our students um and by code that type of Transportation would still fall into courtesy busing which is something that a district can provide but doesn't have to provide and I know there something I'm sure we'll continue to look at but right now as we looked at the the trans the the budget and the hard things that we had to um eliminate from the budget just to get where we're at because of the state taking away conditional state aid under under S2 District the after school transportation was was part of that I know it's something that we'll continue to look at and evaluate as we go forward um and if more information comes out we will reach out to our our stakeholders our parents and let them know of any changes but as of right now it does not fit our picture for the 202 2425 school year um as far as the Strategic plan uh I know that Mr Slade is looking to have a strategic planning session so we can update where we are at with the Strategic plan what events have taken place what um growth we've had we have made towards that and what contined growth we do want to have um looking at some of those initiatives as we look at the 28 school year um but some some of those um topics such as the the climate and culture some of the other uh surveys and even like we used to have a parent University um and now we have our family Knights those uh were all part of that strategic plan because we recognize that a better educated uh stakeholder and family group um better serves the needs of our students and our staff as well so uh we're going to have that meeting soon I know we talked about it earlier today about putting the a date on this schedule so we can have a strategic planning session so thank you thank you any old business yes I have a a few things um since strategic plan was um just brought up I'll I'll use that one first um that was kind of my question I kept asking Mr Weber when he was on the board um I've asked a couple times in the spring so glad to hear our dates coming because I brought as I throw my pen my copy of the Strategic plan um because because I as a member that sits on the Committees I'd like to know like what our committees are doing this year and what our focus is this year working you know as a whole um because I looked at the attendance um we had 54 the first session 38 the second session and 44 the third session so we have residents and stakeholders from staff and things like that so um excited to hear that date um or date to come as far as to my fellow board members a reminder of our evaluations that are due um most of us with the exception of three have done the um CSA evaluation and um less than most of us have done the board self- evaluation so please log into your um your portal and fill out those evaluations because those are part of our QX stores and part of our responsibility as board members thank you I I I do have an updated copy of it if you want to see it oh okay not everybody's I I understand that I will just a response to uh the expain I know that Mr slay did try to request meeting get get it around May um if you remember in may we were in the thick of the the budget extension so um at that time we had just pushed it forth the budget was the priority you think we're a little busy in M we a tad bit um June came we we had canceled all the committee meetings at that point and we broke for a summer so we are looking to get something relatively quick you know whether it's September October and we I have some stuff planned and getting some of the principles and and different areas involved to hear their thoughts as well so thank you any new business I have something I just wanted to say congratulations again to all the new staff and also I know it's a couple weeks away already I'm not trying to rush it but welcome back to all the returning students and staff an Administration thank you I have new business yes so speaking of the students a great way to start the school year on August 29th the Oldbridge football team is gonna have its first home game at Lombardy field at 7M it is senior night and it's uh purple out so wear purple show your support there is no classes no homework so there's no excuse to go out and enjoy yourself watch the game you get some food at the concession stand and uh show your school spirit That's Thursday night isn't it next THS next Thursday okay the yeah 29th at 7 p.m. yep okay we're purple yes we're purple thank thank you anyone else with new business yes if no one else all right so in preparation for today's meeting I was catching up on the Town Council meetings because there seems to be a lot of back and forth um I'd love to do it face to face or via email but I feel like those aren't going anywhere um so at the June Town council meeting um the president had said that you as she reached out to you mat as president about setting up a joint meeting because we were told the ba had to invite the ba so our ba talked to their ba and when it went to the president she reached out to you did you know anything and your answer via her was no you did not um I'm kind of surprised at that because we've been talking about this since March um and the back and forth you know each meeting to hear the Town Council bash the The Bard of Ed it just gets old we're the two governing bodies of this town we're supposed to work together Bard ofed hat off as a resident um it's just disheartening to see our town so split you know so I believe that invitation to come together to a table to just talk is still open um and the agenda is just Oldbridge how can we work together to make Oldbridge together to better and it's not necessarily just shared services just showing a united front so you know whether it's you know the board board of ed having representation at like town events so that we're there like you know like Oldbridge day or night out or what or just something like I feel like we should be working together and multiple members of this board has talked about it um and for some reason we're getting Kickback from the Town Council so so I don't know why and again I don't I I was surprised and Matt if you could answer why you said you didn't know about the meeting when we've discussed it either in Open session or executive session since March because David wouldn't have issued the invitation without board approval well what happened over there is when I called them up and asked them well let's have a meeting she said what's the meeting about I said I really don't know okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to direct this to the members of the Shar service committee and we're going to pursue this okay we'll try to get a v together but is it a but shared services is is one topic like we had talked about having the whole town Council and the whole Board of Ed obviously that would have to be advertised correctly um but just to talk about what our views of Oldbridge and what our goals for oldridge are so I I know we we like committees this year at the Board of Ed but I'd really like it to be the whole thing and not because shared services has a topic it they have a goal but the other one was just coming to the table outside of shared services okay so here's what I'm going to do since the uh the Committees have been established I'm going to re reset this committee up and I'm going to have you cheer it sure and and you will communicate with them directly so you're going to you're going to share you're going to cheer it okay and Elena and Christina will be the members well I'd like to work as as the three the three of us can work together but however you decide but I'd like to it's another roll ball I'd like to start getting rolling okay so Mr wiell the sh service committee we're going to restructure that thank you we'll move forward with this thank you anyone else uh yes so I just want to expand a little bit on what I was saying before um about curriculum because I would like to mention something that I proposed today to Dr Chey so I I haven't been you know up here long or doing this long um and maybe things have you know kind of fallen into that category of oh this is how we've done it this is how we we've always done it and that always kind of makes me a little nuts because you know things change people change Dynamic changes and the board changes so when I saw the agenda and I didn't see the curriculum attached I think that in the past and I mean you can all correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like approving curriculum has just been a formality and it's just kind of been stamped its way through yes yes yes yes and I mean maybe it's the teacher in me that wants to actually see the curriculum but I'm I mean I'm up here for a reason and I want to do my job and I want to do it well so I know that it's tough with curriculum writing because teachers are doing it over the summer which I used to do it so I know it's no easy task and I know that it makes the timeline really difficult because okay so if you're writing curriculum in let's say July and it's coming to us for a approval in August and I've got like a week to kind of sift through like a whole lot of it I don't know if there's a solution there but what I do think is that the curriculum should come through the curriculum committee where we have a curriculum committee and I feel like it should come directly to the committee it's open to the public where we can sit down and we can go through the curriculum because for me to to sit up here and say yeah sure um I don't feel like I'm doing my job so I'm not okay with it again I'm speaking for myself so moving forward hopefully in discussions with the board and with Administration we can make sure that the rewriting of curriculum and the writing of new curriculum comes directly through the curriculum committee just my proposal and suggestion you're a member of the committee yes I was just gonna say um I had work today so I was going to reach out like you did um about the curriculum but my question is is it to for you guys for administration is it's rewriting of the curriculum but it's not necessarily new curricul because those when we adopt a new curriculum that goes through the committee for approval and stuff first so it's not like we're taking brand new material it's just new offerings and advancement within that curriculum is what the curriculum wrers are addressing so this year the state of New Jersey issued new math and Ela standards okay that had to be integrated into our curriculum so we took our resources that were utilized over the past couple years if they fit into the new standard so the approved curriculum that we had had the the curriculum that we had the comp like Journeys is coming to mind but like or wonders or whatever but like so the new standards within the approved curriculum that the board had approved right like so it's that that's what those curriculum writers are taking are taking those two to marry them so they're taking the resources that we utilize in this case your example is wonders K through five actually k through eight with study sync uh they're using that as the base of the resources that we use and then the new standards provided by the state have to be integrated with our resources to Ure that the teachers are receiving a guideline or a unit plan for what they should be teaching over the course of the Year okay anyone else okay thank you I would like to uh thank the public for their comments and their concerns uh we will we will think about this and we work something out hopefully with the administration and congratulation again to all the new higher I wish you a great year you students okay hey how many of you are this is your first job oh boy okay and good luck to all the fall athletes that are in the process of tryouts yeah and we do have an executive session and we will close up this meeting for from the public thank you very much thank you for coming do we have a motion to go into the exec yes franccesco motion m one second yes all in favor thank you I'm also the PTA she'll come