##VIDEO ID:KsL-QU0vbbE## e e e e e e e e e e okay I'd like to thank everyone for coming pursuing to the New Jersey open public meetings at njsa 10 4- adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertising such notice in the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press the board office the schools and on cable vision channel 118 and Verizon files 24 and by filing such notice with the township cler this meeting was scheduled for Tuesday December 10th 2024 the board will take formal action of payment of bills and other agenda items Mr wiell the overridge Township Board of educ ation acknowledges that the law of the state establishes that members of the public including members of the board have the right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices provide that the actor recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting therefore the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered the private recording of the individual and in no manner represents the official record of this board the board therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and completely disavows any future use thank you Mr W roll call thank anuno here gardano here J here Francisco here lent pres Marquetta [Music] hello Mone yes marett is here all right very good ma here Slade yes yeah yes solowski here would everybody please rise first pledge code of ethics can I get a volunteer to read this next week I will approval of minutes nothing here report of student representative I guess she'll be there next week recognition we have so far four recognitions we're going to add one more to that which is the departing board members and uh hopefully we can do something nice for that uh superintendent report do we have one for next week we have one for this week sir good well you know it's always twice a year while you have to do the HIV and violence and report which is in your package and who wants to do that really at the holiday event where everybody just got finished singing holiday carols and then we're going to talk about violence vandalism and hivs so I figured I'll do it tonight because I just have to report it publicly doesn't say which night I have to report it publicly uh so if we look at a report we will see that every year the superintendant are required to report to the Board of Education incidences of violence and vandalism which have occurred in the district during the previous school year here with the passage of public law 21022 the anti-bullying Bill of Rights incidents of HIV as well as violence and vandalism must be reported publicly twice a year period one consists of the data from September 1st through December 31st which you received last June and period two consists of the data from just January 1st through June 30th from that same year which you reive tonight both reports are required for monthly collection input into the dat uh the state's Reporting System we are required to report both the alleged and confirmed HIV cases um in in the incident report we're also required to report any incident in worth for both special education and general education students that result in disciplinary removal for at least one half day disciplinary removals are re defined as any instance in which a child is removed from his or her educational placement for distri AR purposes including in school suspension out of school suspension expulsion removal for or any other educational setting we we report on the counts of incidents inquiring van Violence vandalism weapons and substance abuse results of vandalism that are police notified police notified with a complaint filed in school suspension out of school suspension expulsions unilateral removals removal by administrative law judge we report on the offenders the victims and the school Personnel victims student victims of violent crime offenses the program uh programs that are provided for disciplin Action such as assignments instruction uh and support services in District programming home assignment home instruction or out of District programming placements as of that reporting period period two which was January 1st through uh January June 30th of 2024 we had 52 incidents of VI violence four five incidents of vandalism four weapons offenses and 21 substance abuse offenses the number of HIV reported incidences were 7071 all 71 were completed within the 10-day requirement and reported to the Board of Education the number of alleged allegations were 99 there were of those 99 all 99 were reported and investigated within the 10-day requirement and reported to the Board of Education what I see with that number the difference between 9971 if you're looking at it when the law first came out there's a a higher ratio of numbers of reported to unfounded I think as parents have become more educated and even our own uh Educators and administrators in school become more aware of the differences between the law and what the law requires and people's um what they thought was bullying as people can more educated we're seeing a closer correlation between what's reported and what really is bullying um when you're looking back in the data from uh years ago you would have 70 cases reported only 21 being um actually cases of HIV so you see that there's a closer correlation now uh so the data numbers are there for you to re to review uh for the entire year we had 52 VI violence reports five vandalism four weapons 21 uh substance abuse for a total of 82 for that school year as far as Hib for that year there's 71 confirmed and 99 alleged as I had indicated that completes the report we will get another one in June any questions from our Board of Education thank you progress toward goals any correspondence any special have any no correspondence report thank you uh special committee reports I guess we'll give them next week right yes hearing of residents on any agenda items nothing on policy curriculum professional development we have nothing there on finance we have one action item can I get a motion to move number one L will move it Miss second thank you any discussion roll call please lent yes Marquetta yes Mone yes Slade yes danuna yes Gano yes J yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolution one for finance passes any discussion on two through 12 see no hands not certified personel office non certified Personnel operational non-certified Personnel other one through 10 sorry okay one through 10 any discussion nothing okay question on go ahead for um is the yes highlight just because it was a change from what was sent to us right anyone else okay Personnel other and we have action items one through four on this right J Dan I make the motion lent second any discussion roll call please Slade yes Dan tuno yes Jano yes J yes Francisco yes L yes maretta yes M yes solowski yes resolution 1 through four for certificate Personnel process thank you Dr hoker are we inviting these people that were hiring or did that fall apart no these people were actually already approved on prior agendas and these are amendments to their employment thank you thank any discussion on I believe 5 through 16 non-certified Personnel transportation we have one item transportation we have nothing so far supplies equipment and services we have one action item danuna will move can I get a second geel second any discussion Roo please lent yes Marquetta yes Mone yes Slade yes duno yes Gano yes jri yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolution one for supplies equipment and services passes thank you Mr W miscellaneous one through five any discussion okay board secretary and board business hearing of residents on any school district items okay any old business I have two items for old business okay uh the first one is regarding I know we you guys aren't going to talk about till after the new year and when the new board takes place um I did reach out to the New Jersey school boards and I spoke to um Miss marann Friedman regarding the contract of Mr citadino um there are a lot of things that uh you guys probably should be made aware of if you haven't done so already uh where to start so if you're going to conduct your own search uh the process is going to potentially take between six and 9 months um if you it's very timec consuming um so they actually offer uh packages 17 7,000 I think 14 and I think um upwards of 15,000 um and all those packages come with uh people that you know may miss fredman would come and they would have um an a town hall regarding if you the candidacy of superintendents that you chose to hire um on the more important term term regarding the contract you cannot have more than one superintendent here at a time so if you do not renew Mr citadino the new superintendent will have to take effect when Mr citadino does leave which would be in July now the new superintendent is not guarante depending on the contract that the board works out with the superintendent he doesn't have to be in the district all 5 days or seven days a week he could be here for one day depending on how much you want to pay him or her um I don't think that's the best thing to do considering where the district is at the moment and bringing in a superintendent even if it's a principal even if we did an in town search of principles that we like or that you guys like at that time those principles are still going to need to be trained on a district the size also according to miss fredman because the district is so big it's you can't just take a principle that's governing a school of 158 students or 300 students it's going to take time to train them I think that the board and the new board should really look into um at least extending Mr cadino for the two years that way you can give yourself time since nothing was done you can't just throw a superintendent in here and expect the same results especially considering that he doesn't have he or she does not have to be in District for the uh term of five weeks right five days a week um so like I think that the new board should probably do their homework regarding that uh I don't think it's acceptable as a parent of three students who uh my son is flourishing in the high school um and there's a lot of opportunity to be had here uh over the the last couple of weeks there was a report that came out regarding um the Newark superintendent right where she spent a lot of money on private parties and that was in the news and then also in the news if you did your research was the literacy rating of nework students right so Newark has a gigantic budget right and their literacy rate is terrible some of these kids that are going to these schools cannot read or write okay and they're they the point I'm trying to make is regarding how much money we have versus how much money they have it's not about how much money you actually have it's about what you're doing with your money so if you're students are graduating here working for NASA making movies and you know graduating with an opportunity that nework isn't and considering the budget where they are I think that Mr cadino Kathy and Dr Tui Dr Dr hoker and Dr Tu have done a pretty good job um I'm not just saying that because of uh personal situations I'm saying that because uh last July I was well two jues ago now I was on the phone with Jay and me and Jay had just started talking again at that point and that was something that I had said to Jay was that I you know I be I took off whatever anger I had towards the administration finally after two and a half years and I saw things for what they actually were and you go to the graduations and you see the kids graduating and you know the National Honor Society there's a lot of stuff happening here that if if you remove Mr citadino so abruptly the district's going to flounder and uh it's unacceptable to me and I think it should be unacceptable to many other parents in this town especially with younger kids within the district secondly I prepared a a seven-page letter here regarding my time on the board um I'm not going to read it because it's it's I I thought it was important for me to get up here and talk about everything thing that I had accomplished right like I had accomplished um uniting parents within the town I had accomplished um bringing the sexed curriculum for third graders to light because the committee chair at that point did not know anything about the curriculum right I had spoken out against pronouns I was one of the first people taking the seat to speak out against the cafeteria food and it was met with a scoff between some board members some people in the uh the administration didn't like it um I spoke out against uh the the the convention where Dr Regina batina love I think her name is where she was so I was goingon to come up here and I was really I was like it's so important for people to know that I was responsible for a lot of this stuff right like I was responsible for you know getting in touch with Middletown's Board of Education I was responsible for creating a coalition of boards across the state of New Jersey to try to fight the state what you saw happen with Middletown Hanover and man alapin was actually supposed to be man alapin Middletown and Oldbridge however I'm happy that that didn't happen because they got sued and we didn't we did our own thing so I thought it was important for that to happen but then when I started really thinking about it and I gave it some real thought and I said you know what that's it's not important for me to take credit for that because it wasn't me I didn't do that it wasn't it wasn't me acting it was given to me by the grace of God that he gave me the courage to stand up in front of everybody as Cal comfortable as I was my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave me the courage to stand up to the B to the stuff that was happening to the children to the stuff that was happening to the country right because I saw freedoms being taken away I saw certain things that I I didn't like personally now could I have handled things a little differently yeah possibly right I could have but the Courage the strength was given to me through God so all glory has to go to him for me to be up here and other parents that were inspired through me are up here because of him I hate to interrupt but no sir I am talking no no no sir I am talking thank you I'm sir I am talking I am talking okay just wrap it up sir I am talking this is not this is not your board of education I'm a board member I've been a board member and I've done more than both of you combined so I will speak sure and there's another one that she left but yet she was she was only put up by policians she didn't do anything she did nothing to win a seat on the board of education nobody knows who you are lady nobody even knows who you are that's not why I did it no that's not why you did it that's why that's why you don't make speeches right that's why you make speeches however anyway let me keep my coms yeah I think you should you'll embarrass me right now good for you go back to Sten Island all right so anyway so I just wanted to say that AB absolute honor to be on this stage with my constituents and people that elected me thank you not bring religion in this okay thank anyone else old business new business any business okay we're going to be going into executive close session I appreciate everyone coming out this evening on this miserable night but it's going to be better next week because the temperatures are going to be a little colder and it's going to be bright sunny just to remind everyone if you want to partake in the ugly Christmas sweater uh $10 and then we'll have a vote next meeting and um the winner of the ugly's Christmas sweater gets the money to donate to a charity of their choice another reminder uh next week is uh the board meeting is at the in the auditorium in the high school um typically that was an earlier start because of the concert the meeting will still start at 7 o'clock we're going to start it with the concert uh we'll start the board meeting but it will still be 7 o'clock that'll be the time the concert and the board meeting starts and then we'll move on it'll will not be earlier uh start but it will be in the auditorium thank you Mr W and again thank you for coming this evening um m m kler can I see you before you go Motion to go into executive session yes motion to go into executive session J down make the motion can I get a second please good who was the second I I was a second I had you had a can I see you before you leave thank you