##VIDEO ID:V2ygZ1DL_Gk## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e as njsa 10 4-10 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertising such notice in the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press the board office the schools and on cable vision channel 118 and Verizon 5 24 and by filing such notice with the Township Clerk this meeting was scheduled for Tuesday November 19th the board will take formal action on payment of bills and other agenda items excuse me Mr w pursuant to the New Jersey oh no wrong one the Oldbridge Port Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of the state establishes that members of the public including members of the board have a right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices provided that the act of recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting therefore the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered the private recording of the individual and in no manner represents the official record of this board the board therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and compl disavows any futur thank you Mr W roll call please Dan tuno present Jano here Jo here Francisco here lent present Marquetta M here SL here solowski here we have a quum thank you would everybody please rise for the pledge IED Al to flag of the United States of America thank you okay code of ethics who's volunteered for this one March thank you okay the board member will uphold an enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures thank you uh can I get a motion to move the addendum M motion can I get a second please Francisco will second okay any discussion okay this is putting into curriculum I believe so the addendum will go to curriculum and professional development as item number five right roll call duno yes Jano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent mazone yes sled yes and solowski yes resolution to uh add the addendum to curriculum professional development passes thank you approval of minutes can I get a motion to move approval of minutes M motion can I get a second please second any discussion roll call please danant tuno yes jodano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta maone yes Slade yes solowski yes resolution one for approval of minutes passes okay student representative he's uh he he's sick so he will put the report on for next month yep okay I get yeah I got a note it says I'm sorry to inform you Joseph is sick and will not be able to attend tonight's meeting he is uh he will catch you up on all the exciting news from the high school at the December meeting thank you okay we have a lot of recognition here tonight can I get uh can I get you to volunteer sure move the board to recognize the following High School athletic teams for their accomplishments during the fall 2425 Sports season we now bring to the deis to recognize these teams along with board member Dean tuno is Dan Domino good evening I'd like to start out by congratulating all fall athletes and families on an incredible season being able to successfully balance Athletics and academics takes hard work organization and dedication all these attributes will assist our student athletes in their future endeavors and I'm incredibly proud to watch our athletes grow and develop while being part of our teams tonight we'd like to introduce and celebrate four athletic programs for winning their division conference Andor sectional Championship first up we have Carl Samberg Middle School boys cross country team here to accept the award is coach Donnelly and the CrossCountry team congratulations on winning the Middle School GMC Conference Championship w e next up we have our girls varsity soccer team here to accept the award is coach hopping and the varsity team congratulations on winning the Red Division Championship and congratulations to coach hopping on being named GMC coach of the year e next we have our girls varsity tennis team here to accept the award for is coach wig dorz and the varsity team congratulations on winning the white division first time in school history three e and last we have our girls varsity volleyball team here to accept award is coach hotman and the varsity volleyball team congratulations on winning the Red Division champ Championship Conference Championship and group four state sectional championship congratulations again to all the the award winners great job athletes if you feel like you are compelled to go home and finish your homework you can do that now we'll give like a a one minute recess for you guys to coach opman great job he has more Awards on in his room than uh Michael Phelps okay can I get a motion to Move recognitional Motion L second good any discussion just Mr President I would like to just thank um uh my my Administrative Assistant Miss nor she puts actually together the plaques so many plaques over the past few days she had to put together I thought we were putting an addition on Central administration because you have to actually Hammer the um the cover onto there so she did a great job thank you kids great job okay superintendent's report we have a super I'm sorry roll call SL yes duno yes Jano yes jod yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent maone yes and solowski yes resolution one for recognition passes thank you superintendent report do we have one this evening yes we do it's all yours thank you um I just want to bring to attention um for the public and I know there's not a lot of public here now but it's something that really caught fire a little bit on the social media and you know there's a lot out there but I just want to bring some clarity to have a statement uh for the public and obviously our board will speak about it tonight in executive session um there was a Carl samg Middle School teacher assignment uh that was posted on social media and it was posted it was immediately brought to the attention to myself and the administration by several of our board members who uh I guess viiew those social media sites and they advise the administration of the concern uh the district did not recognize the assignment as approved curriculum nor did it support any of its verbiage the matter was handled immediately administratively and the assignment was permanently removed and the staff member did Issue an apology to all impacted families um so I know when when families have these concerns we have posted on our our district website the um chain of command just to bring it to our attention you know allow us to address it first uh addressing matters and if we don't address it you know maybe then is the time to go to social media um let us try you know to to see what we can do um not everybody's perfect sometimes people make mistakes and I feel as though when we unpack that today later on in exetic session you will see that as well um on some positive news out of Carl sanberg Middle School English Language Arts Teacher Michelle dony noticed a student this past um past few days uh choking the student had um accidentally uh lodged a bottle cap in his throat and the teacher quickly used the heck maneuver to save the child and um remove the bottle cap the child did go to the emergency emergency room and the parents are very um pleased with the way it was handled by Miss Donnelly and I'm sure we will have her at a future meeting to address her heroics additionally and this one's really heartwarming there is an a kindergarten student at one of our elementary schools and I'm being very vague and not even given the person's name um because I want to protect the privacy of the student but uh Elementary uh student kindergarten student at one of our schools um is a in a foster care program abruptly that foster care was removed from the child uh for whatever reason um the child was not able to go back to that foster care in that house that was allowing him to attend that school the elementary secretary said no he has to stay here um he needs the continuity and volunteered herself to act as a foster care uh for that child [Applause] the that staff member then had to have the scrutiny within hours of having DC PNP go to our house make sure that the beds are in the right place the house is safe um had a have a car seat um to transport the child and within hours of that the child was now living in her home um some quotes from the child was this the best bed I've ever had he had F Manan his first night and her own that that staff member's own grown adult children uh came over with food and uh toys and and everything else uh for the child and then you know I I called over today so you need anything you know having five kids five boys got some stuff and she said no I can't fit any more stuff in my house everybody's been very very supportive um so another great story um by our staff and they do such positive work that's the kind of stuff I want to see on social medas get as much legs as some of the negative stuff that would be terrific um now under project towards goals um I want to bring to the board's attention and that you know school safety is obviously one of the greatest and most important responsibilities that we have in today's climate and one of the requirements of school safy is to have a reunification plan reunification is any anytime you need to re bring parents and children back together after an event it doesn't have to be a tragic event like a evaldi type event could be everything from uh a gas leak in a school it could be a major storm that shuts down at school and you have to go somewhere else any place that you're reunifying parents with children in a manner that which is not the normal manner um I've been working with OEM and outside agencies to assist in this um becoming like the point person uh in planning to benefit two parochial schools and a Christian School within our own Community we've had meetings on September 30th November 4th and December 17th um a lot of that again this reunification process is is newer to these schools so um we are using the benefit of our experience my experience my training to do that we are using our buses to transport their students in case there's reunification uh I've agreed to do that and I want to make sure the board is aware of that if if something we already transport their students to and from school but in the matter of a a reunification where there say the children have to be brought somewhere we potentially don't tell the public where the reunification site is um yet and you know if we have to bring them there they don't have the exposure to the transportation system that we have so we have agreed to provide that for all three schools um I also want to provide an update on the uh project UniFi um you'll see it tonight on the agenda the Special Olympics UniFi Champions Grant Grant of $117,000 was accepted on the agenda when the board approves that um since the last meeting my administrative team and members of the board's negotiation committee met via zoom on November 15th uh we plan to meet with the Oba because it is a negotiations item that was brought up during negotiations and sept up because obviously they have a a very vested interest in this after uh my December 4th meeting with SEPTA um so early in December we're going to have meeting uh because the intent of this Administration and the board Representatives that I've spoken to as part of that committee is that we have every intention to financially support the UniFi program uh working with all parties necessary to do that so I just wanted to make sure the public was aware of that and that concludes my superintendent's report and progress towards goals thank you Mr Cino any correspondence uh yes two pieces okay uh first corespond is an email from Melissa Foley Dear Mr widell my name is Melissa Foley and I have been a resident of Oldbridge for 13 years I deeply appreciate the strong sense of community we have here and the way we support one another I recently watched the Board of Education meeting on October 29th 2024 and I was truly moved by Mr goran's presentation about the pink out day at the school where he teaches it was inspiring to see the students so engaged and excited to participate in such a meaningful event the impact of raising awareness is IM measurable and the fact that two schools raised over $1,000 for the cause is incredible given the number of people in our town who have been directly affected by breast cancer I can't help but wonder why isn't this a districtwide event it seems like a wonderful opportunity to bring our entire Community together in support of such an important cause thank you for considering this and I hope it's something we can explore for the future sincerely Melissa Foley thank you any more I would just like to respond to the correspondence if if I may so just our feeling we talked about this having um part knowledge to the to the reading of this and you know when these things happen organically that's the way you want it to happen within a school where children staff members get behind a program because maybe like in this situation with Mr um Gregorian gregorin sorry Mr gregorin um that it impacted his personal family and when he talked to his students about it the motivation became intrinsic I want to do something I want to help when you do something and say hey we're all going to do this next year it loses that but there's other things that every school does every elementary school every Middle School they have their pet groups the projects that they work with um that benefit many times like even Relay for Life relay Relay for Life is within all of the schools some schools do a bigger activities some schools smaller activities I'm sure the pink out movement will grow but the high school pink out is a tremendous movement so that is my you know and I respect Miss fy's thoughts on that but I want you to think it from that point of view that if you look at all the schools they're all and we see this so much in our character education um our character application that our schools of character that there's so much being done in that area and it's best when it's organic it's best when it's intrinsic from the hearts of our students and our staff and better not to say hey you're mandated to support this because then you you you miss the mark so that's just my two cents thank you any special committee report there is a second correspondence actually yep just no just got um this is actually from uh Julia Street Bush who is our um Food Service site director for Aramark um she was not able to attend the meeting tonight but she did want to share some positive news um and ask can please read to correspondents during the section of the meeting to give recognition to a few of her employees in the Food Services Department correspondence goes as follows good evening board members Administration and community members I am the Food Services director for Oldbridge Public School District with aramar and I would like to give recognition to a few of our employees who recently reached a milestone in their careers this past October working in school food service is often times a very difficult job feeding hundreds of students in a 25-minute window while balancing dietary restrictions allergies and food preference of children is a special type of skill that these employees have not only mastered but excelled at these employees show up each school year ready to embrace new menus USDA regulations and new cooking methods without missing a beat they know every student's name their favorite snack and which Lunch Period and Home Room they actually belong in with that being said I would like to recognize the following employees on their dedication to Earth students Jerry Jorgenson has received the 5year service award from Gram Elementary School Amna Shazad has received a 5-year service award at a Memorial Elementary School Loren Barry has received a 10-year service award at sanberg middle school and Teresa Gino sorry for the pronunciation if it's that correct has received a 20year service award at oldridge High School main campus thank you so much to these four uh we so appreciate the hard work and dedication you show to our district and to our students thank you for helping us feed the future sincere sincerely Julia Street Bush thank thank you uh any special committee reports yes I have one um so on Monday the 18th the technology committee met we met with Mr Jan Zuli um the a the agenda included Network upgrades technology device and Hardware updates State Testing and the war system as well as website upgrades he presented um a really nice presentation on CPA compliance and he highlighted ongoing efforts to protect students through various appliances and programs it was really that was a really a really good presentation and it really helped us understand how we have like multi levels that um that protect our students um looking ahead to the 2526 school year and Beyond the committee discussed potential device refresh plans for students and staff including the types of devices that could be introduced and a timeline for implementation for further Network upgrades were considered to enhance connectivity and support the increasing number of devices our committee also discussed the idea of a student technology checklist and badge system to streamline technology use and ensure students are equipped with the necessary skills and tools um our next meeting is going to be in January and I really encourage everybody to because we discussed some um really important technology um issues that if you really aren't at the meeting you really don't understand how it how it how it protects our students how it protects our staff and um and how important it is so we're gonna we'll let you know the N the the date of the uh January meeting but I really encourage everybody to attend thank you Mr yre any anyone else yes we um we had a strategic planning uh committee meeting last week a long overdue um Dr Tui gave a great presentation on keeping us up to date on the goals that we had set forth back in 2022 three yes our fiveyear plan um but one of the big takeaways that I think is going to be pretty exciting for mostly everybody is uh the discussion of um School consolidation and new buildings um as we all know the biggest complaint is that our schools are outdated um there's been big talks for a lot of years and uh probably one of the biggest takeaways from that meeting is we're going to look to move forward uh to come up with a game plan um it's a long process we talked about I think 20208 29 is when we might see some endgame results of breaking ground um but it was a nice positive thing that we're starting that conversation something that's been long overdue something that we've been talking about um but we left that meeting with a slight game plan um Dr Tui you want to to fill in anything that we nope that was great good very good thank you it was a great meeting thanks thank you Mrs slay on October 30th we had our care in Dei committee meeting um we went over the surveys that were given to staff um families and if the families chose to share with their students uh the climate culture survey um and looked over some of the results and you know plans that we could get more feedback from families and staff in the future and we also discussed some ongoing issues um with use of R racial words and things like that in our schools so we're going to continue that conversation in January and we invite the community to come to try and uh brainstorm how we as a community can try and Tackle this issue because it has been an ongoing issue and was a concern from uh some of the attendees that we would like to address thank you Mr duno anyone else just uh I just want to add one more thing too that um I I was having today to be over at the high school and um our character ambassadors were there meeting with the peer students and this is part of the Strategic plan that we've talked about we're bringing groups of students for elementary schools uh to get feedback on uh their their experience in the schools and we'll have some future dates coming up where we imp intend to invite the board members um SE obviously separately because you can't have all of you come at the same time but we'll put some dates out there we had to adjust some of the dates um because the the senior peers were there as well and um we we recognized that one of the dates we had planned was during their Disney trip and uh so it was nice to talk to those kids today about their first some of them going to Disney for the first time I asked them what they're excited about going you know some of the kids are still saying Dumbo they just want to go get on that ride so amazing that uh I was old as they get that's may maybe you know you never know um so we're going to obviously scheduled around that trip so the kids uh those seniors don't have you know they're not going to miss the Disney trip anyway so um but we're going to posst the dates out to you so you get some of that experience um meeting with our students I think we should take it to the policy committee that a board member gets to go on each trip well we could just have that meeting in Disney if you guys want to front the cost thank you a hearing of residents on any agenda item any agenda item thank you good evening everyone this is Kiran venkatesan Oldbridge uh got a couple questions the finance section item number six it says that we are going to give a contract for tution agreement with Middletown board of education for three students looks like for River Plaza Elementary and two for Thompson Middle School um can I understand the background around it that's question number one yeah and I see the financial reports for for September to be approved today I'm not sure if we are going to talk anything about it I don't see the attachments in this or online as well maybe I'm missing it somewhere buried inside so if we can share some financial report information for September and then we have a in item 20 non-certified personal op operational I see we are planning to approve the Reemployment of some staff like to understand the background around it seems to be retroactively from July so if you can help me understand thank you anyone else okay we're going to close the section for uh comments Mr sedino who wants to answer them I have um for number six in finance the the three students um it's a sensitive toic but those are mckin vento students they're actually homeless students that um live here in the district now or reside in the district now we have to bust them they can continue their education in um Middletown so that is those are mckin vento they're they're regarded as homeless students so we have to continue to pay those financial obligations in regards to the financial reports the financial reports are always um posted on both online and they're in the back of schedules and attachments in um and I know as the uh board member elect that's something we'll discuss in my office we can go through and review some of those financial reports and what they look like and how they're issued and approved every month and I didn't get the the number for the uh the non-personnel so those are um five non-bargaining unit employees um which are not covered by any contract they have their own separate individual contract um at the time of renewal back uh in the the last part of the year um everything was frozen at that point because we are still in negotiations um at this juncture now having settled everyone um these five employees are the only employees that haven't received any type of increase um so this is something that we put in as a uh an item to be approved and if the board does approve it they will get a 1% increase um for this school year thank you answered your question good okay curriculum professional development can I get a motion to move curriculum professional development one through one through five the antenna will move including the antenna right Francisco will second any discussion roll call please my pens all just broke good thank you all right so we had a motion by Dan tuno correct y second name was Francisco sorry about that all Marquetta is absent Mone yes Slade yes Dan tuno yes Gano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes and solowski yes resolutions one through five for curriculum and professional development passes thank you finance one through 11 can I get a motion to move Finance 1 through 11 you down to make the motion lent will second any discussion R please lent yes maretta is absent Mone yes Slade yes duno yes gardano yes jri yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through 11 for finance passes thank you okay Athletics one and two can I can I get a motion to move Athletics motion second any discussion R cour police Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent maone yes sled yes danant tuno yes Gano yes jri yes solowski yes resolutions one and two for athletics passes okay noncertified personnel office nothing non-certified Personnel operational one and two can I get a motion can I get a second D second any discussion roll call please gardano yes J yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent maone yes Slade yes danant tuno yes solowski yes thank you n certified Personnel other 1 through S can I get a motion to move non-certified Personnel other Francisco will move second any discussion R please danant tuno yes Jano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent Mone yes Slade yes solowski yes yes resolution 1-7 for non ctivity Personnel other passes thank you certified Personnel one through 10 can I get a motion to move certified Personnel can I get a second M second any discussion yes I'll be reading off the list of the new hires we have Michelle Schwarz nurse at the elementary level sasy dros nurse at the elementary level and Jillian High School family and consumer science thank you for applying and thank you for teaching this year and good luck in your careers thank you thank you Mr J no no they didn't show up no thank you and um I just wanted more information on nine and 10 the title 3 immigrant program Ju Just more like like what it's about and just some more details sorry I question sorry um resolutions nine and 10 The Immigrant after school program could you like just more details about it just describe these are support programs that are offered to particular students based on um the title three funded Grant more details of um they provided supplemental supports that are based on their current progress in school so similar ilar to our other title grants but these are for a specific population of students would it be fair to say that these are mostly English language Learners and like you would have uh different um supports in place um for students who have learning disabilities students of Title One students who are impoverished uh students uh these students have or English language Learners so they are entitled to these supports through the these federal funds thank you I have a question so it's Federal funding not a grant I wasn't sure if you said Grant or I just imagine Fally funded grants how long has this been around forever right like long I was looking it up okay thank you anyone else okay non-certified a r roll call please SL yes duno yes gordano yes J yes Francisco yes yes Mar is absent Mone yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through 10 for certificate Personnel passes thank you noncertified Personnel transportation number one can I get a motion to move non-certified Personnel Transportation down to make a motion M second any discussion R call Polie maone yes SL yes Dan tuno yes jordano yes J yes Francis Isco yes lent yes Marquett is absent zakowski yes resolution one for non-certificated personnel Transportation passes thank you uh Transportation one can I get a motion to move Transportation M motion second any discussion R call please Marquetta is absent Mone yes Slade yes danant tuno yes Jano yes J yes Francisco yes lent yes solowski yes resolution one for transportation passes thank you supplies equipment and services one two and three can I get a motion to move supplies equipment and services a motion lent will second any discussion roll call please lent yes maretta is absent Mone yes Slade yes Jen uh duno yes gordano yes jri yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolutions one through three for supplies equipment and services passes thank you misscellaneous one through five can I get a motion to move miscellaneous M motion can I get a second Jud you second any discussion roll call police Francisco lent yes Marquetta is absent Mone yes Slade yes danant tuno yes gardano yes jri yes solowski yes resolutions one through five for miscellaneous passes thank you just make sure everybody has it in their dance card that the next meeting regular meeting on the 17th is in the auditorium not in this room it's in the auditorium because we are treated to a special musical holiday um and that's our ugly Christmas sweater H I was going to ask about that they actually asked me to sing in it but so my throat might hurt it's an ugly Christmas sweater not ugly singing yeah you opened yourself board secretary and board business number one can I get a motion to move board secretary and board business his own motion can I get a second second any discussion like we did last week just want to congratulate the three winners and uh welcome to the board or back to the board or staying on the board good luck we going that congratulations yes roll call please J yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta is absent Mone yes Slade yes Dan tuno yes chano yes solowski yes resolution one for board secretary and board business passes thank you hearing of residents on any school district issues anything to do with the school yeah just sign your name and state the book Thank you and state your name if Debbie younger the director of Transportation my assistant Mary okay I'm not a public speaker so I don't like to speak but there's just something that I need to uh put out there um so for everybody that knows I mean I've been here a very long time almost 35 years so I've been here through multiple superintendents multiple directors multiple Boards of EDS a very long time I've learned a lot through this District through this town been here all my life okay um last spring is anybody that doesn't know what had happened on Greystone Road we had an explosion it affected salt infected Vorhees I just want to say all the years of being in transportation I know a lot of you need to interview Mr sadino or talk to him or get to know him or whatever I just need to tell you all that on that day that that happened that was a crisis that it infected all the families people in a panic what was going on with their children all over everywhere in a matter of minutes Mr sadino made the call of what was going to take place and transfer everyone got Mr reses he got his staff everybody they walked from s to Vorhees in a timely manner we were called we were there to assist with Transportation when we got there Mr sadino Dr hooker everybody was there they had everything all organized like you couldn't even imagine bill resz has had his staff all lined up in order what they had to do they had their laptops they had to do attendance there were M dozens and dozens of people parents lining up to come get their children okay they saw that there was no chaos it was not crazy everybody was organized the police were there we had to get all the Vorhees buses over at padelli to keep them out of the way because we had to have the Sal buses keep lining up around warhe to get those kids all out first so you had multiple principles working together the administrative staff was there you you can't tell you how many people that were there that said wow we thought this was going to be crazy over here this is very well organized we're going to just go home and let our kids go home on the bus the safest way everything's all organized so I just need to let you all know that that's the kind of person that you need to do this job that has your children's back and everything that he had everything covered from from everything we we it was with a matter of minutes it was all taken in place what could have happened and I've been here with different other crisis situations but that one that that was a no-brainer so if any of you don't didn't see that you have to give David sadino and Kathy hooker I mean they did a a miraculous job so I just needed to say that that's it thank you ditto thank you no seriously Ser I just want to say one thing sometimes everybody knows how Big O bridge is getting and how we are expanding and to bring in somebody who doesn't understand what's going on on as the circle on Texas Road these two David and Kathy have been on it I just want to commend you because you can't bring in an an outsider that they know Oldbridge and sometimes you just have to keep it until like you said you may break ground and do a new school but as of right now I would recommend you need Dave to be here and Kathy nothing that you're going thank you anyone else on hearing of residents on any school district item no any old business any new business I have no business I just wanted to remind everybody that on Thursday the 21st SEPTA special education PTA is having their thankful meeting it's going to be at 6:30 in the GNC learning lab and one of the reason it's going to be there is because Miss Kristen Whitney that's the teacher in the new life skills classroom she's going to give a presentation and a tour um of the new GNC life schools classroom and it was funded by so many people in this community so um I really really think that it's an amazing classroom like you're not going to believe it until you go in there it just it's so it's so great for our kids um and all sepa members will be entered to win some amazing gift certificates and classroom uh lists and things like that will be provided by SEPTA so I really really encourage everybody to come out on the 21st of November to the GNC learning lab thank you anyone else yes um I have two things one uh we were alerted by the administration team that the transportation department did fantastic on their uh surprise spot check by TSA and I don't know where we the only or one a few that passed 100% so only one the only one I think that needs congratulations um because along with the administration our transportation team keeps our kids safe so thank you very much ladies and your team for all your hard work um I just want to add to that because when I speak to other superintendant they don't even know what I'm talking about with having a TSA checks in their you know they want they're trying to help school districts and a lot of districts are just push back on that but like I've said to many of you that my my one of my greatest concerns are are school buses and their vulnerabilities so having an agency like TSA training our staff and doing this these exercises with our staff is only makes us better and only protects our students that much more so when I say that like in Middle County we're the only one doing this and to have out of the entire state which the TSA does is that we're the only ones that are 100% Effectiveness on this spot check exercise I I you know they're they're the best we're very lucky to have this department anyone else the other thing sorry I'm G take a few more minutes um I was invited um to go down to for the Labor Management collaboration uh Workshop in AC with the um the teachers union and um administrative staff and between that and the Schoolboard convention a lot of the things that they whoever the speakers were at the moment were suggesting to districts to do to make their District better we do already so um again that you know that speaks to you guys as an administrative team I think that's something to be proud of for Oldbridge that you know they're trying to tell people like what they can do um you know things they can collaborate on and our staff and our Administration do collaborate on more like some of the other District was like wow really you guys talk about whether curriculum and things like that like they were impressed um but also I think it was amazing to learn the amount of returning students that come into be teachers and staff um but also the Legacy staff where is um I learned Miss George's mother was my third grade teacher and I learned Dr hoker was your father the gym teacher at Wares like he was my gym teacher I had no clue so Miss W saying her like the fact that our teachers children are also coming back to Oldbridge just shows the Legacy that this district has built year and year and year again and I think that's amazing so thank you to all of you guys that make Oldbridge great and I'm happy that you choose to stay in Old Bridge so thank you thank you any any uh um I have one thing new business I have I have one thing um and only I think many of our most of our administrators and our supervisors do an amazing job but only because I see her here uh Miss uner I have to say I have spoke to many staff members from different schools and every single staff member that I have spoken to has they brag about you to no end they have I have never heard people um recognize the work that you do for our transportation department across the entire District so I wanted to say thank you for because I'm sure that's not an easy job to do so I wanted to say thank you for that um they say how organized you are how on top of things you are and they literally just brag about you so I just wanted to to thank you for your work and what you do for our district so thank you that's why you were in charge thank you okay uh new business I have something I want to talk about I believe about a year ago year and a half ago the art Department produced a sign for the Historic Society and the sign is somewhere in the building uh what I would like to do is to get this sign mounted they have the big board right facing my house over there and it's empty uh possibly maybe we can get the wood shop k this I don't know I was going to try to do maintenance department but what happens is we have to pay these people overtime and uh we'll take a different route and also I like these kids that produce the sign to come in for recognition if they're available I believe one of the people that did paint the sign they graduated already am I right can you get them in I don't know we will do our best to get them in Mr salazi thank you for bringing it up and uh I will work to make sure that um we work with our our our woodworking Department to kind of make it like a class trip and community service event that's the way it should be done thank you thank you anyone else just one last thing uh only because it takes me a very long time to look ugly what uh what's the ugly sweater days are we having that yes I I want to I got to be prepared so when we it's traditionally the second meeting so not the agenda meeting the meeting that we're in the auditorium for yeah it's the second meeting the second meeting is ugly everyone's in agreement what we've done in the past is $10 buying um for anyone that participates S no way don't don't we collect money don't we collect Mone that's what that's what I was saying so if everyone's in agreement what has been done in the past is it's a $10 Buy in and whoever the audience votes is has the I'm going to say best sweater so whether it's the ugliest sweater the most creative whatever whatever the audience picks as a winner that person gets the money to go towards a charity of their choice very good that happened last year I remember that and I believe Marge won didn't you Marge and didn't Mara win two years in a row prior to that competition and we actually donated the money to St Peters boy orphanage for their Christmas Drive last year thank you anyone else okay uh he do this but we have to go into executive close session and I'm gonna ask everybody to leave thank you for coming uh we will see you uh in December have a great than Thanksgiving okay enjoy the holidays and you all don't know we go executive session we have drink some food I have a lent and Francisco to go into ex Mone lent and maone all in all in favor to go to close session very good thank you