##VIDEO ID:Wzo3-RHZiPE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e pursuing to the New Jersey O Okay pursuing to the New Jersey open up meeting Act 10 4-10 adequate notice of this meeting has been fided by advertising such notice in the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press the board office schools and on cable vision channel 118 and Verizon f24 and by filing such notice with the Township Clerk this meeting was scheduled for Tuesday October 15 2024 the board will take formal action on payment of bills and other agenda items Mr wiell the Oldbridge Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of the state established is the members of the public including members of the board have the right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices provide that the actor recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting therefore the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered the private recording of the individual and in no manner represents the official record of this board the board therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and completely disavows in any future use thank you Mr White R call Dan tuno present Jano here JRE pres Francisco lent pres Marquetta here maone here Slade here and solowski here we have a quorum thank you would everybody please rise for the pledge thank you okay next week we'll have a moment of silence code of ethics would anybody volunteer to read that for next week I can do it thank you approval of minutes report of student representative he'll be there next week recognition we don't have any oh we do have one next week superintendent's report are we going to have one okay would you like to say anything tonight or no at this point I'm leading it to I'm leaving it to your leadership okay progress toward goals any correspondence yes one correspondence go ahead this was actually missed during last month's meeting so I did talk to the individual and she accepted my apology um this is from Miss Kimberly mascarello subject is keep Mr Cino dear members of the board of education for those of you that don't know me I am Kimberly moscarella a 22-year-old or excuse me a 22-year employee of Oldbridge and parent of two children at Oldbridge high school I have worked with Mr cadino for many years and he has been the best superintendent I have worked for he is always very present in the building to visit his employees as well as students when I invite him to events he has always shown up for them and as a busy person that actually says a lot and is very noticed and appreciated by myself and the students to come and see the long and hard work that we have put into our performances he has always been very comfortable to go to when I whenever excuse me he has always been very comfortable to go to when I have ever had questions or concerns whether it has been an employee or parent I believe it would be a great disservice to this District to let Mr City to go and even have someone else be considered for the position the amount of hard work and effort he puts into these schools in this town is incredible and Sh should not go unnoticed what he has done for our district over his course of employment as principal and superintendent has been amazing and he should be allowed to continue doing the work that he has started please keep Mr citadino where he belongs in his one love one Oldbridge sincerely Kimberly mosella that concludes correspondence thank you Mr w any uh special committee reports I don't know well I figured they would be uh next meeting but we have the Food Service meeting on Thursday at 7 and the care and Dei meeting on the 30th at 6:30 we'll have curriculum too unless you want me to do it now great and you'll have special services okay heing of residents on any agenda items only on agenda items see no hands we have nothing under policy curriculum professional development we have one action item J make the motion lent will second okay any discussion Rock call please Marquetta yes maone yes Slade yes duno yes yes gardano yes jri yes Francisco lent yes solowski yes resolution one for curriculum and professional development passes any questions on two three and four no okay Finance we have one action item and 2 through 11 Jano make the motion for one lent will second any discussion okay we're voting on number one okay lent yes maretta yes Mone yes sled yes duno yes Gano yes jri yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolution one for finance passes any discussion on 2 through 11 Athletics any discussion okay non-certified Personnel we have one action item can I get somebody to move it m move it second okay any discussion roll call please ji yes Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes mazone yes SL yes danant tuno yes jir Dano yes solowski resolution one for non-certificated personnel office passes any discussion on number two there's nothing there so a non-certified Personnel operational we have three action items move it can I get a second Francisco will second okay any discussion Ro Gano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes mazone yes Slade yes Dan tuno yes solowski resolution one through three for non certificate personal operational passes non-certified Personnel other we have six action items can I get will move can I get a second M second any discussion roll call please Dan tuno yes Gano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes mazone yes Slade yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through six for non-certificated personnel other passes okay any discussion on numers seven and eight and nine none okay certified Personnel we have action items one through four can I get a motion can I get a second Joe second we we are going to administratively remove number four so it's going to be one through three one through three okay so maone was the motion and second was Jo so any discussion roll call please sled yes duno yes Jano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes Marquetta yes mazone yes solowski yes resolutions 1 through three for certificated Personnel passes okay any discussion on 5 through 16 okay non-certified Personnel transportation we have two action items one and two can I get a motion to move one and two lent will move it any second Miss second good any discussion Roco please mazone yes SL yes duno yes Jano yes jod yes Francisco yes Lent yes Mark K yes solowski yes resolution one and two for non- certific personnel Transportation passes thank you Mr wo transport yeah I know okay transportation we have two action items I'm sorry one can I get a motion to move it lent will move it can I get a second Francisco will second any discussion on this roll call please Mara yes M yes Slade yes danant tuno yes Jano yes jod yes Francisco yes lent yes solowski resolution one for transportation passes any discussion on two no supplies equipment and services we have two action items one and two can I get a motion to move one or two please dant will move can I okay any discussion yes um so before the meeting I asked Mr wiel to get me a copy of the proposal for resolution one uh they were the same people that proposed D ardi change so I'd like to take a deeper look at it because I don't really trust their process and for number two I looked up Allied Universal and the services they provide and it's not necessary for an event such as a football game especially when we just approved to pay our other security guards 26 7 an hour so thank you that'ss it uh I yeah I I disagree I think that that is um quite important considering what's been going on at the football games so I think that it's needed I think that it's something that should be um approved and uh that's it thank you um I also have to agree with Lenny on this one I do think that it's um important um for the children to be safe it's unfortunate that we have to take these measures but I mean we can't control the actions of you know kids coming there and I'm not saying from our district there's from outside District you know starting fights or with whatever um so yeah I have to agree with Lenny on this one I do I agree with having to do this anyone else I had a question is that in addition to the hard police officers okay yeah so in this matter we we met with the uh the police chief and um the lead SRO um for these for these events it's BEC becoming challenging one to you know have the have the event and what I'm getting from the police department too it's even more challenging what happens outside after the event for the police department they become taxed by our our students are people who are coming to the event and then they go out to other local businesses and and cause distractions there and disruptions there in their parking lots in their places of business and um so we are increasing our police staff at their requests because they want to make sure that they have enough people to respond in case of emergency um our own you know staff that does site security whether that be that could be classroom teachers and power professionals um many of them are withdrawing their desire to do the function because it has become you know more headache than value for them so this is an addition to our policing staff and in some place in some areas where we can't get our own personal staff to do it um this this will supplement this this as well now keep in mind this is the pink out which is our largest event and we we get a a large crowd for this even though we are cutting off the the crowd limit in cooperation uh with the recommendation recommendations of the Fire Marshall um so those are some of the things we've had to do and looking looking at this and you know if parents are listening and students listen just you know we are walking a very fine line to having to make very serious changes to what you've come to expect at football games and it's not just the district having to follow this it's the so law enforcement everyone looking at making serious changes and I'm not saying it's just here in Oldbridge it's I talk to superintendant Across the county across the state it's the same thing the Friday night mall has been replaced by the Friday night football game parents are not dropping their student kids off of the mall anymore where they were causing disruption there they're dropping them off here and whatever we put in place whether you have to come with an adult um it it's just not all working and then you get social media problems where you know some Tick Tock Cowboy says you come into an event and asks everyone to come there and then you're trying to use local resources to keep everyone safe and it's it's it's very unfortunate um because it's not what our football games are supposed to be it's supposed to be a community based event where everybody can come out and root for our our student athletes and have a good time um but apparently it's gotten away from that uh so we have to do our best to keep this environment safe and keep it cordial to everyone who comes there so everyone can feel safe bringing their children there young children seniors grandparents come there to watch their uh grandchildren play and everyone should feel welcome that it's they're going to be safe and if we can't maintain that um from everyone from the township and and the local law enforcement and myself agree then there's going to have to be changes so whether that's going to fall on the students the parents everyone to get together to make sure that we're all on the same page come come Friday night um because it may not be Friday nights anymore thank you uh one more thing I'm sorry can you uh just explain the structural pairs that are being done to the bridge sure so this was in regards to um in cleaning the bridge we noticed that there was some uh electrical conduit or conduit underneath the bridge that essentially runs piping and wiring from main campus to um GNC so that had fallen and we were looking for a quote to adhere that back to underneath the bridge but in doing so um there was just some deterioration where steel looked like it was cracked or there was some holes in in steel in some spots so um we could not successfully or or securely fasten the conduit back up to the bridge so at that point it was recommend recommended and we brought our architect in um along with a structural engineer to look at the damage that's been done um based on their initial just vision of it they advised us to close the bridge as it has been closed um and now we have a proposal from them to go through the bottom steel and and try to secure it make some repairs so everything from the top up from or I guess the Midway the walking path above is is secure and sound um obviously just the the underneath which is you know what secures the bridge unfortunately um that we're going to make some repairs to so we're not looking at a full replacement we're just looking to strengthen the steel underneath thank you anyone else yes back to resolution two Alli Universal is a private company and it's six people for $65 an hour so we should be hiring our own people our own police officers because that's where our taxes are going so there's no reason why you should be paying a private company which is focused on profit rather than Township or other towns policeman that are paid for by taxes and serve in the interest of the public so don't don't don't let don't let people think that this is that I'm against safety I'm against giving money to a private corporation instead of of police officers that we already pay for um the the only issue with that is we actually set down Elena and matte at personnel and we spoke to actually Dr Hulker Mr widell and Mr cadino and um the problem is is that a lot of our own police officers I don't want to say don't want to do it but they don't want to do it and not because of pay not because of um any other reason but if we take all of our Patrol and put it on a football game gol of it something happens down at the Wendy's down at the Burger King there's no one else there's no manpower to to you know subsid you know subsidize out in the district um so this was really kind of the only other answer this is not coming out of any budget this is actually they're being paid from the ticket sales so it's not hitting our budget or costing the district anything anyone else so what we're doing is we're separating one and two for voting purposes so we're going to vote on number one no they're both together put them together both together yep okay okay Mr wiell motion by duno second with by J uh lent yes Marquetta yes maone yes sled yes danant tuno yes gordano no jod yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolution one and two for supplies equipment and service passes any discussion on number three I see the hands miscellaneous one through eight one through eight can I get a motion to move one through eight okay discussion I see no hands board secretary and board business no business report okay hearing of residents on any school district issues I see no hands any old business go ahead please just sign in in the binder when you get a chance thank you hello everyone this is Kiran wesan I just want to acknowledge the fact that last week we had the transportation committee meeting and uh thanks uh to the board and the school administration to bring a lot of insight uh Maj was telling me I could be one of the the drivers I know that's for a joke but uh with all seriousness right uh I think people don't get this kind of a visibility um I don't remember the director of Transportation I don't remember her name but I really thank her for giving us all the information and this was the uh one of the highest uh years where there was no issues in a school opening right so these are all good information uh and I would like us to see how we can disseminate this more into the parents and the students you know so they really understand you know the value that you know some of them you know in the back you know really working very hard and looking forward for the food committee meeting this Thursday where we really want to you know look at uh how we can introduce some vegetarian options and others which uh you know B you mentioned about just want to mention about these two things thank you thank you anyone else any new business Mr Sakowski I'll just respond to the comments that were made um he was speaking in reference to Mrs uner Debbie anger she's the new director she's been um January for a full year for her and just her and her leadership with the team the transportation team as everyone could could tell that uh it's been a very smooth opening a lot of the uh issues that we had last year were we had even special meetings were late buses and shortages of drivers has really been addressed and rectified and it's not without any to do with the hard work of uh that staff uh her and Mary our leadership team there um as well as running the transportation department they're often taking phone calls but sometimes they have to go drive the buses themselves because there's just um you know lack of of drivers from contracted services that might not be able to cover a run and they have to cover the Run themselves so they've been doing a tremendous job and thank you for identifying um that meeting and how much good information came out because a lot of people just think that we can just take anyone make them a bus driver and um as you found out that night it's not that easy it's actually quite difficult to become a school bus driver I'm not sure why um most people would want to even do that job because it is a very tough job um you know if you drive a minivan with four kids in it imagine driving a school bus with 55 kids in it and how difficult that can be and uh our drivers drivers today school bus drivers today not only have to know how to drive the bus but they have to know components of the engine as part of their test so I've been driving my vehicles most of my life and I've never had anyone ask me well you know what the brake pump does and where it is and point to it and how it stops the car and you know how that anything else any other components are on the um inside of the engine but that's what a school bus driver has to do to to pass the test and it's become increasingly difficult to get drivers for that purpose thank you thank you anyone else from the public from the board from the administration go ahead okay uh two things one um a comment was made at at a meeting that we're privy to special information about uh Mr sadino and judging for his renewal uh you guys know as pretty much as much as we do you know there's no secret file box of of documents about Mr sadino and his administration and how he works so I just wanted to correct that um I am going to get on a little bit of a soap box so I apologize in advance um there's been social media posts going you know its election season um and I hate the word sides because we're the school board but it it's on both sides um and they're character assassinations that could threaten some of the candidates professional lives or their family lives and many of these candidates have children like as Oldbridge we could do better like you know there's no paycheck in the shop the nine of us are up here to work together not for you know to become the next Governor we're here to protect the children of the of the district you know our kids aren't getting any extra credit on tests like there's nothing in this for us other than the pride of protecting the children in this district and making sure they have the best education so I'm just asking Oldbridge to do better election day is like 20 days 21 days away you know go on on the points and the values lay off the character assassinations let's not threaten someone's family or or someone's professional life with some of these accusations that are false so that's my soap box thank you thank you very well put anyone else yes go ahead there is something the public doesn't know and I'm not going to mention it but I'll mention it if we have executive session tonight but there are some things that I'm concerned about that the public does not know and I'm going to make sure for the interest of Township safety I'll be emailing the township Council to see if we could do anything about increasing the number of police officers in the district because we don't have enough to service the town so I'll be sending out email and I'll update you at the next meeting in two weeks thank you Mr Jan anyone else okay we're going to be going into closed executive session and I thank everyone for coming in tonight and we'll see you uh in two weeks there's no meeting next week There's no meeting next week the we're going to be in Atlantic City right convention again thank you for coming motion motion to go into executive close session all in favor I I all right all right executive session this was one of the quickest