##VIDEO ID:gq5e6lzI3jQ## e e e e e e e e e okay good evening everyone I'd like to welcome you to the October 8th 2024 Oldbridge Township meeting and I'd like to start with a pledge of allegiance a moment of silence and a prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all as customary we stand in this chamber for a moment of silence to remember those who are protecting our freedoms both here and abroad for our first responders for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and this evening for all those who have lost their lives and are suffering from the Hurricanes hopefully everything will be all right for them as well so a moment of silence please our prayer Mr pasky dear Lord bless thy servants in the ministry of public affairs who serve thee in this chamber give us quiet minds and hearts that we may hear your voice help us to know when to speak when to be silent give have strength to oppose oppose the wrong and uphold the right and Grant that we have a good conscience and a soul of peace with thee and with one another amen amen thank you everyone please be seated roll call councilman auli present let the record reflect that councilwoman dearo is absent councilman dama here councilman Desai here councilman Garcia here councilman Murphy here councilman Pas giddy here Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell here and council president soar this meeting is being held in conformance with the open public meetings act notice has been given to the official newspapers of the township on January 6 2024 and has been posted in public places next open public meeting of the township Council will be held on Tuesday October 22nd 2024 at 7:30 PM okay thank you very much first we'll begin with proclamations presentations certificate of recognition for safe exchange Zone project good evening mayor good evening tonight I'm proud to present satara Patel she's a member of uh Girl Scout Troop 82114 she came came up with an amazing idea to have a safe exchange Zone where you can do online transaction safely so we've dedicated two spaces in our parking lot and Municipal complex by the library over here where people can safely complete internet transactions it's monitored 24 hours a day by the police and it's a safe exchange zone so I think it was a wonderful idea Satur please come forward I'd like to read the certificate for you this certificate is to commend satara Patel of Oldbridge Girl Scout Troop 82114 who proposed the safe exchange zone for her silver award project a monitored location where residents can meet up safely for internet transactions and online training this certificate is PR presented to you on behalf of the mayor and business administrator of orridge Township congratulations you want to take a picture [Applause] want just take picture [Applause] if you have an opportunity to come by the municipal complex you could see the spots over here I think it's a fantastic idea because I have sold things on Facebook and it could be a little nervous meeting up okay next we have um recognize October as breast cancer awareness month I have a proclamation I'd like to read I know that most of us know someone that has been affected by breast cancer I know my grandmother passed away from breast cancer so also the municipal complex will be lit up pink for the whole month of October the lights I don't know if you saw on the way in pink thank you whereas October 2024 is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month an annual monthlong campaign aimed at educating people and fighting this life-threatening disease which affects one in eight women in the United States every year and 2.3 million women worldwide and whereas during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month we recognize all those who know the anguish of breast cancer and we redouble our efforts to improve care and bring attention to the disease the hetic and the pain of this disease will touch too many of our mothers fathers daughters and sisters and too many families will bear these burdens and whereas when breast cancer is caught early treatments work best and survival rates increase that is why all whole women and men should be familiar with the risk factors and symptoms of this disease we encourage everyone to speak with their health care provider about the risk of breast cancer and the importance of screenings that play an essential role in early detection today more Americans are surviving breast cancer than ever before but there is still more work to do and whereas thanks to the increase in knowledge in the biological and medical Sciences there's an Ever growing awareness of this deadly disease and that learning about it early detection and teaching early detection to those we love is one of the best forms of protection and whereas this month as we honor those who lost who those lost to breast cancer let us join with the loved ones who celebrate their memory and the patients who battle this disease every day as well as our nation's Advocates medical researchers and healthc care providers and now therefore I Debbie Walker mayor of Township wridge the township Council County of middlex state of New Jersey do hereby Proclaim October 2024 to be National Breast Care awareness month and urge all residents to renew their commitment to fighting this disease raising awareness and supporting those affected by breast cancer I just want to mention this is not limited just to women I have a family member that's a male that's also affected by this so also men have to be aware of that as well thank you thank you very much mayor that's very important for the public to be aware and that the township is and supported so please anyone who needs to be screened please do so it's very important thank you so much and as far as for the the Girl Scouts that's wonderful what a great project we were so proud to have you here yeah it it really really is and I could see by the amount of badges on that vest that this is one one busy lady very much so you are a very busy girl thank you so much for coming and thank you for sharing with the township that's what makes Oldbridge so special is someone like you who makes such a big difference in this community thank you so so much we really appreciate and you have a great evening thank you so much next is approval of minutes resolution approving regular combined council meeting minutes of September 10th 2024 do I have a motion okay moved by Dr Greenberg belly second by Mr auli call councilman auli yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy obain councilman pasidi yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg B yes council president soar yes seven yeses one exstension bill list Mr Garcia hi yes thank you uh Bill list as of October 8 2020 24 accounts payable October 8 2024 23,5 40,7 1871 Cent payroll September 13 2024 1, 96,6 2016.2 payroll overtime September 13 2024 46831 180 payroll September 27 2020 4 1,269 12636 pay all overtime September 27 2024 $4 4,441 47 and that completes my report thank you okay thank you Mr Garcia our acting VA Mr lenning can we have a breakdown of the overtime please yes so for the September 13th payroll there was a slight uptick in the recreation department and that was was due to the beach bash uh the recreation department did a great job setting up and cleaning up afterwards moving to the sworn officer overtime for September 13th sworen officer overtime was $31,250 32 deduct grants totaling $683 53 deducting etto of $ 6,971 47 totaling $ 17,46 $ 5.32 this represents 310 sworn officer hours moving to the September 27th payroll again there was a slight uptick within Recreation um this was due to all the setup for the 911 memorial uh that was a beautiful ceremony that night I want to thank Recreation for that and also alridge day preparation moving to the sworn officer overtime for the 27th it totals $4,99 382 the deduct grants of $749 61 deduct etto of $ 4,728 192 it brings us to $1,799 49 this represents $276 sworn officer hours that completes my report okay thank you do I have a motion to approve the bill list move it second okay moved by Dr Greenberg belli second by Mr auli roll call councilman auli yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pascy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes eight yeses liquor licenses resolution approving the personto person liquor license transfer for plenary retail consumption license number 29- 33-35 d8 from from Route 35 Associates LLC to Red's tavern Corporation can I please have the anybody from the public on this matter to come up to the and is there anyone here representing forward please thank you good evening yeah you can come forward please thank you very much okay hi how are you good evening and we just wanted to make sure we have everything in order and if there's any uh questions for the attorney is there any for you no okay I checked everything in advance of meeting okay and we just wanted to make sure Council anyone on my right for a question anyone on my left for a question no John you're good everybody's good okay all right then we'll do a roll call roll call councilman auli yes councilman dep yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belly yes council president soar yes eight yeses motion carries all right very good take care have a good evening and thank you very much okay resolution of the township of Oldbridge County of middlex state of New Jersey authorizing the acceptance of a bid for a new plenary retail consumption hotel motel exception liquor license pursuant to njsa 33 colon 1-12 d uh colon 20 Madam president if I could um this if you recall this is a new liquor license uh for the motel hotel exception yes um we went through you guys we Council had previously approved uh the issuance uh for a public bid um uh we receive one bid um and then what this does is awarding the new liquor license uh for um what is it hook Mountain Associates limited liability company so this would this is the first one yeah Township uh so you know breaking new ground in this regard as well yes yes it's very it's good to see I think that's very good for the businesses here in Oldbridge something new and hopefully this is the beginning of you know more of the same thing so can I take a motion to approve it move it second all right so we have a motion and we have a second roll call councilman as satuli yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pasky yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes eight yeses okay very good uh public hearing adoption ordinances for second reading H1 ordinance amending chapter 169 entitled festivals Mass Gathering do I have a motion move it a second move by Mr pascetti second by Dr Greenberg Bell is there anyone in the audience who wishes to come up and speak on this particular ordinance seeing no hands I'll close public and I'll go to roll call please councilman auli yes councilman dep yes councilman Desai councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes and council president soar yes eight yeses I'd like to move move things a little bit around I'm going to go to the consent agenda first and then go to discussion ordinances so this is for the consent agenda I would like a motion in a second and then I'll ask for separation please move it okay move by Dr Greenberg belly second by Mr auli and can we please go to separations councilman assetou any items for separation no thank you councilman dama no thank you councilman Desai no thanks councilman Garcia none thank you councilman Murphy no thank you councilman pasky C3 please C3 three Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell no thank you and council president soar no none thank you so we will move on the consent agenda with the exception of C3 roll call councilman auli yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes eight yeses will bc3 councilman biscetti yes I separated this so I can um abstain from it okay very good so we have a motion move it mov by Dr Greenberg belli second by Mr auli and roll call please councilman auli yes Council councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes yes councilman pasc is abstaining Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes s yeses one exstension okay discussion ordinance ordinance of the township of Oldbridge to reone certain properties from og1 God bless you General plan office zoning District to edo1 Economic Development opportunity zoning district and to amend 250- 35 entitled zoning map accordingly so yep I'm looking at right at you uh so um this is if you if you recall um the ordinance reference fact few years back um the township planner Venus one had undertaken a master plan re exam and uh one of the suggestions in that R exam had to do with the town has had for many many years um Zone a zoning classification called OG and over the years it've been broken up into various sub zones basically it's an office General Zone and what um when when Vina had undertaken the master plan rsam um it was and I don't think it's any secret that the demand for office space has waned over the years um obviously it was heightened over covid uh but there simply is no demand and one of the recommendations that came out of out of that re-exam was to um look to change the classification of OG zones um to allow for more commercial uses um and this particular area that um that's part of this ordinance is along Route 516 and um one of the things that uh sort of was a a precipice um for this particular area and recognizing again it was part of the master plan re-exam um one of the U property owners there had a situation where they had to get use variants because it was an OG Zone and then um depending on the tenants it would require them to have to come back again to the zoning board multiple and multiple times uh so um Vina had felt that in light of the fact that the master plan re-exam had suggested the township look at OG's zones and change the classification to edo1 which has multiple commercial uses as well um and this would be an opportune time to take advantage of that review and to she identified the list of properties that are in that area which this ordinance would then change the zoning classification from og1 to ed1 and again it's something that's consistent with the re exam uh makes sense especially in that particular area of 516 it's not even suited really for office use you know because it's everybody knows with 56 like even I do because I traveled all the time uh so this would be more compatible and then at the the end of the day would assist those property owners in this area and allow them the flexibility to have multiple users without the necessity having going back and forth to the zoning board every time there's a change of a tenant so uh the suggestion is to um move this in the for first reading uh be referred to the planning board and then for adoption after planning Board review for consistency okay thank you very much is there any council person on my left that has a question about this anyone no okay anyone on my right have a question Mr Pas giddy yeah um how did you come up with this list of properties V identified it okay so she's not here to she's not all okay she's not here but this is the one of the yeah well Nicole here she can help address it but again it's uh there's various pockets of this zoning with throughout the township so I said that the well and again it was identified in the in the re exam report and this this particular this particular area uh of um lots that are long 516 um as I said the precipice was or the thing that got it started was that one of the property owners there uh had a situation where they would have multiple tenants and every time they changed the tenant they had getting use VAR yeah so so it actually saves the money in correct right y it's beneficial to theart now are these all all um OG those they're they're all located in the og1 zone okay are there any other OG zones yes and I think so as as because obviously you start looking at a holistic approach again the idea is to over time either change them to uh the uh edo1 zone or in in and have conversations with v as well she say some would qualify more for the CC zone so depending on where they're located yeah okay well thank you I appreciate you're looking at it thank you now that's it thank you it consense is here to move it to First reading move it second makes sense okay so we have Dr Greenberg and Mr auli roll call councilman assetou yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai abstain abstained councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes council president soar so seven yeses one exstension public hearing set for November 18th 2024 1118 okay thank you report of the Township Clerk I have no report report of the township attorney the only thing I would note is that um the state is supposed to come out this month October um by October 20th with their new affordable housing number um so we'll wait to see what that what that is um and then uh once that that occurs certain steps of town will have to take and ultimately at the end of the day by January 31st um the town either has to accept that number adopt the resolution uh providing the what they believe their H their affordable housing number would be and then we have to implement the plan have a housing plan in place by um later in the late spring I believe of 2025 all right well we'll be waiting to see what happens with that one well can I ask a question oh my goodness okay thank you have we met Our obligation up to this point yes we if you remember we s in settlement and and I one thing I would say is though you know along the way um as other approvals have come on board that we're not part of our third round approval uh developers have been required to provide affordable housing so we've been building an inventory anticipating this as part of the approval uh we have certain other areas that we've identified uh that we're talking to some of the property owners uh about uh including affordable housing there and I know uh we also have the um Transit Village uh which we had identified previously where uh V would look to have because it would be higher density there to put additional affordable housing there so I think well there's some step to take uh I think we should be no you never know where they come out with these numbers because again it's a formula that's uh people have questioned for years but um I think to the extent that we H the town has to be in a position to address it I think we're we're well suited to do that I think we're doing our best to try to keep with you know with this I mean you can't keep your head in the sand and I think the mayor is doing a good job trying to keep ahead of it and you know and you mark as well make sure that Vina and Nicole make sure we're ready because this is a very serious matter and it's something that we have to take you know good consideration as to what we're doing with this is very very important thank you public comment on any subject matter administrative report oh admin oh I'm your Administration report how could you want this meeting smooth you know yep thank you how could I forget you go right haircut looks too good case I couldn't thank you appreciate that uh item number one alridge Township tree planting program we are pleased to announce an exciting opportunity to enhance the beauty and environmental health of our community the township of Oldbridge is offering residents a chance to have trees plantet within the right of way adjacent to their property this initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to improve the quality of life in our Township by increasing green spaces and contributing to a healthier environment the township will cover the cost of trees and planting the selection of the tree species is based on suitability for the planting location availability of tree species and overall benefit to the community requests will be processed on a first come first serve basis and availability may be limited the deadline to apply is January 1st 2025 for more information and to download an app application please visit Oldbridge dcom tree planting program 2024 item number two Oldbridge Township paper shred event there will be an a Township paper shred event on Friday October 11th 2024 the truck will be in Cheesequake Village from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. then at the municipal complex from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. or until the truck is full please check oldridge decom recycling for more details item number three voter registration 2024 the last day to register to vote for the 2024 general election is Tuesday October 15th forms can be obtained in the municipal clerk's office for more information please call 732 721-5600 extension 2200 or visit Oldbridge decom clerk early voting early voting will take place at Oldbridge Public Library from Saturday October 26th through Sunday November 3rd polls will be open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. absentee and mailin ballots can be placed in the Dropbox located in the municipal complex we encou encourage all our residents to vote item number five reusable bag bin reusable bags can now be recycled at the Oldbridge recycling center Public Works has partnered with goat tote to recycle reusable cloth bags goat tote will wash and donate donate the gently used bags to local food banks this bin is for cloth bags only no plastic bags will be accepted for more details visit Oldbridge decom recycling item number six property tax reimbursement also known as the senior freeze the deadline to file the 2023 PTR form with the state of New Jersey is October 31st 2024 applicants must applications must be postmarked by October 31st 2024 for additional information residents should contact the State of New Jersey Division of Taxation at 1 1800 88265 97 or the division of tax collection at extension 2999 item number seven 2023 tax sale the municipal tax sale was held on September 25th 2024 with the following results 333 thirdparty leans were sold 330 leans were sold sold with a premium three leans were sold at an interest percentage and one lean had no bidders and became a municipal lean a total of $848,000 was collected for premium $2,631 186 was collected for taxes interest and penalties and 1,139 4061 was collected for the obmua water and sewer item number eight Red Ribbon Week October 23rd through the 31st October 23rd to the 31st is Red Ribbon Week it is the na nation's oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program in which everyone wears red ribbons it highlights the importance of living a drug-free life ald Township municipal Alliance for the prevention of substance abuse has been partnering yearly with hackin sack Meridian health and Albridge Township school districts grades 6 through 12 to ask students to sign a pledge to be drug-free for their commitment students are given a red Twizzler as their ribbon Twizzlers are generously donated by hackin sack briian Health if you or someone you know is in a crisis and needs assistance please call 988 item number nine Township Halloween Spooktacular event please join us on Saturday October 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. for our Halloween Spooktacular event this year it will be held at Katrell Farm Park and feature a pkin carving contest and a scarecrow contest for rules additional details and for sign up information please visit our website at ww. Oldbridge decom Recreation or call the office at 732 721 5600 extension 440 sign up is only required if you plan to participate in the pumpkin or scarecrow contest the final item Lawrence Harbor Fire Department turns 100 years old congratul ations to Lawrence Harbor Fire Department who will celebrate their 100th anniversary this month the township thanks all current and former volunteers for their devotion and acknowledges their 100-year dedication to the residents of Oldbridge that completes my report okay thank you so much Casey I really appreciate it I do does anyone have a a comment or a question for Casey about his report good okay so I'll take a motion to accept second okay moved by Dr Greenberg Bell second by Mr roll call councilman auli yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes yeses okay now public comment on any subject matter the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns are comments this section is open for any topic or items on the consent agenda in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-2a and the old bridge rules of councel the council asks the public to limit their comments to three minutes or less only one member of the public shall approach to speak to council at a time the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker has finished with their allotted time it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer period if a member of the public has questions they see seek answers to an appointment can be made with the corresponding Department's office during regular business hours Township Clerk will regulate the time during the comment portion of our meeting as you approach the microphone please State whether a resident of Oldbridge do not give your name or your address okay is there anyone out in the public Mr please come forward good evening good evening I am a resident of Oldbridge Oldbridge nonprofits receive $500 for participating in the Oldbridge clean communities program the Oldbridge Historical Society Thomas Warden Museum of which I am a member participated in the program our group was assigned to pick up litter on Old Amboy Road on Saturday morning October 5th helping in the cleanup with were council person Kevin Garcia Council vice president Drita Greenberg belli council president Mary soor mayor Debbie w and state senator Owen Henry I want to thank them for helping to make Oldbridge a cleaner nicer looking place in which to live thank you thank you yeah that was really good evening also a resident of old Oldbridge a residents I'm God my my brain is going tonight it's been a long day already thank you Council for allowing me the opportunity to speak Kate I'm sure they've already told you how much they appreciate you being back in service by the way it's widely acknowledged that dishonesty is unacceptable especially in the government recently I was surprised to see a text from an appointed councilman running for Council Office for the first time in this text you claimed that you were elected and seeking reelection it is a lie councilman of a 2 you were appointed by the Republican council members Not Elected of course this situation is reminiscent of another false accusation made in council chambers towards me this makes me question your trustworthy and integrity frankly I don't think I would entrust you with the care of a cricket additionally an atlarge council member was witnessed screaming at the board of ed candidate on Albridge day over an unfounded personal rumor disturbingly this Behavior occurred in the presence of children the actions of this individual are deplorable some council members may appear to be struggling with maintaining this honesty transparency and civil discourse I again re request that you do that there were also unusually so three board ofed candidates positioned next to the Republican Senate tent and the Republican committee on Albridge day whereas three other candidates who are sub the and by the way this is supposed to be nonpartisan other three other candidates for the Board of Ed were placed all the way at the exit at the board of ed event I was wondering who was responsible for the placement of table location on over which day finally I'm very concerned about the repeated cancellations of the ethics board meeting by the township is there some reason on the council is there someone on the council or is there someone in the administration worri that citizens May file complaints against individ uals on the day for elsewhere what's going on and by finally really well may some of you may not like that residents are given the three minutes to discuss any subject the response by some of you on the day as to attack us will not deter us using your elected position to publicly attack us might be an Ethics violation I'm not a lawyer you can ask him that said the council has allowed public statements by by several Community people against individuals on this Council here right today and also people previously on the council they were not even allowed to disagree or respond to these these these attacks on them thank you and remember it is illegal for Council persons and members to use this platform on the de to promote their personal campaigns and that of any other candidates doing so again I think Mr roselli can say minute that's your time it would constitute an Ethics violation thank you okay thank you anyone else wish to speak this evening from the public seeing no hands I will close the public portion and go to council comments Council thank you first I want to send my prayers out to the people in Florida helain caused a lot of damage and it looks like this may cause catastrophic damage so please um have the Floridians and people in Florida in your prayers over the next couple of days you know we we when we were younger always said never talk about politics and religion I think that was a big mistake I think it's really important to speak about it speak about it with your friends your colleagues your family your children because we got to be Seekers of Truth and it is so important in today's society with a lot of things on the news that's not real AI will tell you things that is not the truth you may believe it and a lot of times that's why social media is called the media in 2024 I believe without question this election is the most important election of our lifetime it is so important especially on a huge level because what's really important is you have to get out and vote it doesn't matter that's the only thing that we have in our power for We the People is voting so please make sure that we do thank you councilman dep thank you just wanted to thank Chief Montag as well as uh detective daao uh for spearheading the senior Police Academy so myself and a couple Council folks were able to attend the graduation I think it's a a great event I know he's looking forward to doing new things and more things like this for the community I just wanted to make sure that we recogn he's not here today we have um one of our lieutenants here but I just wanted to make sure that we did recognize um the work that they are doing not only on the streets but also uh for the community um also thank you to all the township employees for your hard work on Alber day uh it was a lot nicer than last year so Owen's last one was a little bit of a a downer because of the rain but Debbie's first one was probably one of the nicest ones I've attended in a long time so um but thank you all to all the employees I know it's a lot of hard work to put that together just uh want to make sure that we recognize you all um just a reminder uh next Friday the 18th is the pink out at alberd high school football so I think believe the game is starting at 6 o'cl so if you all come down to the game wear pink uh there are for those who haven't been to a game this year there have been new traffic patterns let's just say within the football game that it needs to be abided by just because of some of the issues that have happened not only in our town but also in other towns with some of these games so just please make sure that you're there and um be respectful to everybody that's around you um then one final thing you know just as the weather's changing you know councilman ASI talked about the hurricane coming in as the weather changes we get storms coming through if we do have a storm we're having a lot of rain just make sure you check your gutters there's only so much that Casey and and his crews could do going around to all the storm drains just make sure you clear those out I know in front of my house if those aren't cleared out with the the amount of trees that are around the water will touch each curve and it'll be a lake in front of it so if you do see those just please just sweep them up onto the grass and then dispose of them properly just to make sure that should folks have to drive if we need emergency vehicles to get through for any reason um that those are clear other than that um that's all I have thank you councilman Desai yeah we all should keep in our prayers those people in hamway in Florida and I hope this particular storm will not affect the people the same way the last one so I request all of them and I personally pray for something come out good of this and there will be no death or property destruction it's a large storm the way you look at it all Central Florida Tempa orando all area are populated area so I request all of our Council people as well as people at home please keep those people who are in hm's way in your prayer thank you councilman Garcia hi yes good evening and I agree we should keep that people Flor in our prayers you know big storm's coming it's it's a huge storm so let's all keep them in our prayers also I want to congratulate the Lawrence Harbor Fire Department 100 years old that's a that's old I mean that's lot that's a lot of DED a a lot of dedication a lot of dedication that's that's that's amazing to me all the volunteers and everything that's just totally amazing to me so congratulations to them and uh today's my son's 40th birthday party birthday birthday I should say and I want to congratulate him on turning 40 so congratulations happy birthday Kevin thank you I love you bye that's all thank you councilman Murphy yes I also want to pray for all the people in um in the Tamp area I had a friend of mine call me up today and tell me that we're just starting to get the winds but she's not as she said her house in Tamp is kind of on the Uplands but she also has a another house on Santa Marie Island which is probably going to hit get hit hard and I want to pray for all them and also for the people for pink day I am going to go to that football game and wear pink thank you councilman Pas gidy I also want to extend my prayers especially the ones uh North Carolina and the other states there that were affected Georgia it's terrible thank you Council vice president Dr Greenberg B yes um with fall starting there's a lot of things going on and orbridge really steps up to the plate but it's there's something for everyone so this pass between its last council meeting and now it's been very active and it's very exciting to see the Rebels for their opening day also to go to Club Serenity um they're so supportive um and they provide so much help and it's their 10th year anniversary and it's not they only not only serve our community but our community and Beyond and then um the Elks they always step up and they always do um so much to support the most needed individuals and they had an event called autism rocks and they raise money there's a lot of sponsors there there's a lot of individuals that work very hard to put that program together to raise um money for um those with autism but when I was there I was thinking it's actually a tragedy that you know they are in so much need um with different programs you know really for a lifetime and when you think of all the money that the government spends on non-americans it's mindboggling it's when we have so many problems here when you sit at home and you watch commercials for Shriners for Easter Seals for um St Jude you you just pause and say if all those billions of dollars were put into this maybe there would be a difference maybe they find a reason why we have so much autism now and maybe it would provide all the programs to really insist them assist them throughout their life but I do want to commend all the people that do step up for it we are in a very difficult time with our own American citizens whether it's Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Florida and it's very scary to know that you could lose your home instantaneously there and not have resources available to you and just even fresh water so we will keep them in our prayers and a year has gone by since the brutal Savage attack on Israel and to think that we still they still have hostages there Americans a year later and people are even you know you just don't negotiate with terrorists with Hamas and Hezbollah and everything that's going on in the region so besides the Americans we need to pray for World Peace thank you council president soar yes thank you I do want to Echo everyone's sentiments about what's going on in Florida what went on Georgia North Carolina South Carolina that the country is definitely suffering and we really do hope that things will be better for them we do pray for every one of them to be safe and I think here in Oldbridge um we really do have a good sense of what we want to see for every one and that's and that's peace as Dr Greenberg said too as well across the world and also safety for everyone here in the United States um here in Oldbridge again busy week weeks since we've been here and it really they do step up whether it's the Elks or you know here in Oldbridge our own our own people who did all the things for the Oldbridge day it was great I think you're professional and I think you do everything with a good heart and with good intent I don't think anyone here would question I know I don't question your intent at all so thank you all for being there for us all the other events that were there were wonderful to attend I was also at the autism rocks all the different things Club Serenity we really do provide a lot here in Oldbridge for people in need so I'm just grateful that we do have all these resources for our our people here in Oldbridge thank you very much can we have a motion to adjourn move it roll call councilman auli yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas giddy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes meeting adjourns at 8:19 p.m. e e