the February 6 2024 Oldbridge Town council meeting please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance please remain standing for a moment of silence I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li and justice for all as customary in this chamber we stand for a moment of silence to remember those who are fighting for our freedoms both here and abroad for our First Responders for those who made the ultimate sacrifice and this evening mayor Walker would like to also have a moment of silence yes I would like a moment of silence for Dennis M Dennis passed away this weekend he was a former councilman serving 12 years and one term as council president he also was a member of the friendly sons of shalele a member of the Knights of Columbus and also he was a trustee at Most Holy Redeemer Church please keep Dennis and his wife Cindy and the family in their prayers moment of silence our prayer Mr pescetti oh Lord bless thy servants in the ministry of public affairs who serve in this chamber give us quiet minds and hearts that we may hear your voice help us to know when to speak when to be silent give us strength to oppose the wrong and uphold the right grant that we have a good conscience at Soul at peace with thee and with one another amen amen please be seated roll call please uh roll call council person auli president council person dearo here council person dama here council person Desai here council person Garcia yeah let the record reflect that council person Murphy is absent yes he he did call me this afternoon that he would not be attending this evening council person Pas gidy pres Council vice president Dr Anita Greenberg belly present and council president soar present good evening everyone this meeting's being held in conformance with the open public meetings act notice has been given to the official newspapers of the township on January 6 2024 and has been posted in public places next open public meeting of the township Council will be held on Tuesday February 27th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. uh take not I'm sorry go right ahead you good yep I'm good all right thank you very much okay first order of business we do proclamations presentations presentation of check donation from ShopRite and a certificate of appreciation good evening mayor and good evening Anna wow nice good evening tonight we have a certificate of appreciation to uh the new shop right at Oldbridge uh shop rate is very generous with many monetary uh donations with uh Anna was the head of our food bank so she's going to elaborate on the many things they've done for our food bank thank you the shoppr in or has always been a very big supporter of the food bank whether it's assisting us with getting bulk items at a discounted price or donating uh food to the food bank during covid they were instrumental in keeping our shelves stocked so we're very fortunate to continue this partnership with shop right and the new shoppr coming around the corner later this spring um and they have generously made a $44,000 donation to the food bank that will go quite a long way for us this is a certificate of appreciation to the shop rate of Oldbridge for their generous monetary donations to the Oldbridge food bank and I just want to say uh it's coming along very nicely they're hoping to open in March and it's going to be very very large I think you need a week's vacation to be able to see the whole store and right now they're currently hiring um I believe you told me there were like 300 jobs so they actually have a they have a trailer out there currently hiring so if you know anyone that needs a job please stop by thank you very much that's just wonderful um I'm sorry really quickly I just want to say thank you so much we're we're really looking to reinvigorate and and keep our community presence um I'm here actually with Jack Batista he's going to be our new store manager um at the Oldbridge store so if you're going to be shopping there you'll see him there um I also wanted to invite everybody if you are a Facebook person you can actually go on the shoppr of Oldbridge Facebook page and under our about section there's like a link um you can become an Oldbridge Insider and basically you'll know things before the public knows them um and you can also share feedback with us like um mayor you you shared about the benches and we're putting benches in so um if there's something that you would like to tell the store tell Jack tell the team um please share it with us and we we do actually take everything into consideration so so thank you so much hope to see you in uh the spring thank you thank you yes they were so nice we asked them if they could put benches out front for the seniors while they're waiting for the uh buses and within a week they agreed they're putting benches there thank you thank you very much welcome Jack we look forward to seeing you and thank you again for your your donation next will be um appointments resolution of the township of Oldbridge appointing members to the Oldbridge Recreation committee so we just need um some nominations I nominate Jen bonsky for for wreck I nominate Kate lonza Fama and these are two the two year terms right for for members yep okay all right so the CH bonsky yes and um lonza lonza f okay not on list uh these are both for two-year terms so I'll go down and everybody can uh let me know who they V who they wish to vote for council person auli bonsky council person dearo KAIT Lon Zama okay council person dama Mrs Ponsky council person Desai counc council person Garcia uh Jennifer bonsky council person pasidi Jennifer Ponsky Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Jennifer Ponsky and council president soar Jennifer Ponsky okay it's Jennifer Ponsky for the two-year seat for one of the two-year seats um do we have other nominations for the other seats can nominate um Robert perano and I'd like to nominate Kate Lon ofama again for the other seat this is also a two-year seat all of them are two-year there's like they're all two okay so council person auli perama council person dearo kit Lon council person deal Mr perano council person Desai council person Garcia Rob perano council person pasidi Rob perano Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Rob perano and council president soar Mr perano it's Mr prano please nomination for another for the next two-year seat I'd like to nominate Brian Burns Brian Burns and we're going to go again with kit Lon ofama okay council person auli Burns council person dearo Kate lonza council person dama Burns council person Desai council person Garcia V bones council person Pas gidy Brian Burns Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Brian Burns and council president soart Brian Burns Brian Burns next to your seat nominations please kit Lon Brian Howley Brian Howley Howley again council person Uli Brian hoing council person dearo kit Lon defama council person dama Brian Howley council person Desai council person Garcia ran Howley council person PES giddy Ryan Howley Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Ryan Howley and council president soar Brian Howley okay we have another um open seat any other nominations like to nominate Lan Rayman okay and I'd like to nominate kit Lon V again council person auli L Lan council person dearo Kate Lama council person dama Mrs Raymond council person Desai council person Garcia Len Rayman council person uh pesky Luanne Raymond Council vice president Dr Greenberg belly Luan Raymond and council president soar Luan Raymond Miss Luan Raymond it is we have another open seat to your seat also nominations Nanette gallager Kate and Kate lonz ofama and Kate lonza okay council person auli nette council person dearo let me think Kama council person dama this is gallager council person Desai council person Garcia nette gallaga council person pasti Net G G council person Dr Greenberg belly Nanette Gallagher and council president soar nette Gallagher okay one seat left can I have nominations I'm GNA nominate cait Lon zarma surprise anybody else I'll nominate Kevin Garcia that's for the council is inic appointments to the recreation committe we have how many seats seats this is one year is the Council seat twoe seats those are Council seats she's got make no this this is Le he's still on he still on the board his term doesn't end 2024 so these are the current members on the board so just before and we took one two three four okay yep we're good I'm sorry there is there is no other appointments for the um Recreation Commission council member appointments nominations Kevin Garcia okay council person auli Kevin Garcia council person dearo Jill dearo council person dama councilman Garcia council person Desai J D council person Garcia Kevin Garcia council person Pas skidy Kevin Garcia Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli Kevin Garcia and council president soar councilman Garcia it's councilman Garcia second Council nomination Eric dama anybody else J de Caro I nominate myself okay roll call council person auli Eric dma council person dearo Jill dearo council person dama um myself please council person Desai deado council person Garcia Eric depa council person pasky Eric dama council person Dr Greenberg belli Eric depa and council president soar yeah councilman dep okay one last seat for the recreation committee uh council person Darren ASI Darren auli anyone else J okay roll call council person auli Darren auli council person dearo Jill dearo council person dama councilman ASI council person Desai council person Garcia duli council person pasky Darren aoui Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Darren assetou council president soar Darren acet it's council person auli we have stabilization yeah next is the red board right yes okay we have nominations uh taking nominations for the rent stabilization board for a three-year term we need a tenant member nominated Elizabeth sap anyone else okay do we it's only one person council person auli Elizabeth sap council person dearo abstain council person dama miss that council person Desai council person Garcia Elizabeth Sapp council person pasky Elizabeth Sapp Council vice president president Dr Greenberg belly Elizabeth sap council president soar Elizabeth sap Miss Elizabeth sap not on um rent first okay okay yeah that's um and then we also have another seat for rent stabilization board three-year term for a homeowner seat Vincent rer anyone else council person um auli Vincent Mara council person dearo abstain council person D Mr Rainer council person Desai no council person Garcia Vincent Rea council person Pas giddy Vincent rer Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Vincent rer council president soar Mr rer Mr Rainer it is we don't have we don't have for alternate nobody put in for nobody put in for it okay moving along to the you want to go back to the ethical standards board nominate Anthony Wilkinson when does the charm expire I'm sorry did we have nominations I nominated Anthony Wilkinson Anthony Wilkinson anyone else roll call council person auli Anthony Wilkinson Council person dearo abstain council person dama Mr Wilkinson council person Desai council person Garcia Anthony Wilkinson council person pasky Anthony Wilkinson Council vice president Dr Greenberg belly Anthony Wilkinson and council president soar okay it's Mr Wilkinson then we have the appointments for the Oldbridge Municipal Utilities Authority har Simone that's a for a um unexpired term for term ending 131 2025 that's that's the um alternate alternate two position okay Perry Simone anyone else Kevin I'm sorry Kevin Kevin Ahern okay roll call council person auli Perry Simone council person dearo Kevin Ahern council person dama Mr Simone council person Desai council person Garcia he Simone council person Pas gidy Harry Simone Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Harry Simone and council president soar okay it's Mr Simone then we had uh appointments to the open space committee uh for Council Representatives Mary sorn anyone else okay Jill dearo Jill dearo roll call council person auli Mary SOA council person dearo Jill de Caro council person dep Mrs soor council person Desai council president gar or council person Garcia Mary so council president council person pascy see all confused graduated Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Mary soar and council president soar Mary Mary soor it is okay we have another spot on the open space commission for a council person with a one-year term Drita Greenberg okay anyone else jilda Caro okay council person auli Anita Greenberg council person dearo I'm sorry um jel dearo council person dama councilwoman um Greenberg council person Desai council person Garcia Anita Greenberg Bell council person pasky Dr Anita Greenberg Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell Anita Greenberg Bell president soar councilwoman Bella it is okay the nominations so yes Bill list is next yep next will be the bill list Mr Garcia yes okay sorry uh Bill list as of February 6 2024 accounts payable February 6 2024 26 million $3,999 n payroll January 19 2024 1, 326,000 $3 4 payroll overtime January 19 2024 $1,655 34 payroll February 2nd 2024 1,225 55.91 payroll overtime February 2nd 2024 $ 38,1 18682 as completes my report thank you okay thank you very much when we have a break breakdown of the overtime please sure council president as council person Garcia mentioned um we had um overtime in January 19th payroll there were no uh major Optics in uh uptakes in most of our departments our police overtime was $669 66 the duck grants $386 56 deduct etto $2,124 for a total of $421 62 as far as our um February 2nd payable um there was definitely a bit of an uptick uh we experienced our first two snowstorms I think in a couple of years um so we had overtime on January 16th and 19th for those two snowstorms from our Public Works and parks department uh police overtime for the February 2nd pay period was $6,014 69 the deduct grants $573 46 deduct etto $495 59 for a total of $ 4,945 64 uh I failed to mention for the January 19th pay payroll that was 4 49.5 hours of men and women power um Power and 61 hours for the February 2nd uh payroll they was no um officers injured on duty or on light duty during this time thank you okay move it I'll take a motion you moved it second second second okay roll call council person auli yes council person dearo yes council person dama yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes motion carries okay thank you Anna uh next will be liquor licenses resolution approving the person-to-person liquor license transfer for a plenary retail consumption license number 1209 d33 d025 Mescal New Jersey LLC former Oldbridge entertainment can I have a motion please Tove second second okay who made a motion who made the motion okay and second by right okay very good council person auli yes council person dearo yes council person dama yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes motion carries there are no ordinances for first reading we'll move on to discussion ordinances uh ordinance of the township of Oldbridge amending chapter 250 of the code of the township of Oldbridge entitled Oldbridge Township Land Development ordinance by amending [Music] to chapter 250-3324 comply with those 52 items so there was a waiver process added wherein the applicant could request waiver for certain items me as the administrative officer would review those waivers I write a recommendation letter to the planning board or the zoning board but uh the board has the authority to take a vot and conduct a hearing on it and then wave those items I do want to eliminate that process because it is uh a procedural requirement it's vaver of just the checklist items and um in reviewing majority of the towns around nobody really conducts a vavor hearing it only delays the development application process by two months because now I get an application I get the VOR request I write a memo it's scheduled for a public hearing which is the next so they have to wait for a month after a month when the planning board of the zone board grants those favors then I schedule them for a public hearing we have lost time and on the other hand if I'm the applicant it saves them a lot of money and time both because uh when it's a public hearing the attorney has to attend uh I charge my time against the escrow the board attorney charges their time it will save them a lot of money and time so uh I recommend that we make this change so that me as the administrative officer could Grant those wavers directly and granting of the wavers from the checklist item does not mean that they get a free pass during the actual public hearing review process or the technical review process the professional or the board members can actually ask for those items so that's that's a recommendation and I think it will immensely help uh in the last two years on an average the planning department has been reviewing almost 120 development applications as of now now we are booked into junee so uh this will only speed up and we'll be able to conduct it faster the weit time reduces I'll take any questions thank you yeah questions on my left anyone have a question just to confirm um this is basically you're still they're still um responsible for all the things on the checklist they are they are but for for example one of the checklist items is environmental Eis statement environmental impact statement if the property does not have any environmental constraints then we typically wave the environmental impact statement so um they have to submit a writer why they're asking for uh vavor so that it's part of the record and then I sign it off as the administrative officer but like even actually The Next Step would be to clean up the checklist there is no reason why we should have 52 items on the checklist and it is hyp specific like even something as simple as a key map it is specific that it has to be at a scale of 1 in to 800 ft so if somebody submits a Kei map at a different scale they still have to ask for a waiver so that will be the next step cleaning up the checklist and making it easier now that makes complete sense thank you I you yeah I can attest sitting on the planning board how many waivers that we look at that don't make any sense that it's kind of preliminary that we just come in Vina gives us the the memo beforehand we review it and I don't I don't think anyone has ever disagreed with her with her recommendation so I think this one will save not only the businesses coming in town looking to do stuff but also homeowners that have to come in front of planning they don't have to spend all that money on an attorney and the time and Vina can can spearhead that and help and help move things along so thank you I agree with it thank you for your opinion anyone on the right Mr yes hi thank you for trying to streamline the process that's great um and to save money for everybody um my question is um let's say for instance you think that um a traffic study is not warranted for the piece of property so you you wave it then it comes before the zoning and the zoning says we should really have a traffic study now the zoning board would have to vote on that is that correct no I don't believe so as part of their review they could ask for additional information so they don't have to vote for just asking the traffic impact study even me as the reviewer when I review the application because when I wave these I do a pre preliminary analysis of what's going on with the property right but when I start doing the technical review for planning or when Nicole does uh her engineering review there is a possibility that we think we require a certain item and at that point even we as the professionals could ask the applicant to provide it and they would have to provide so if you look at the amendment there's language in there that allows board members as well as professionals to ask for uh any additional items during the review process okay great and that 52 um items when are you planning to review that I have a laundry list of uh things this was the first section in the procedural uh uh section of the Land Development ordinance the next will be uh preapplication meetings because that has been a mess too uh and then the checklist but yes in fact we started working on the checklist already but because we swamped with uh development applications I haven't had the chance to finalize it but it's in the pipeline we have a list great thank you so much appreciate it thank you yeah I I would just like to say thank you I um for recognizing this problem that sometimes you know everything on that checklist doesn't apply so in order for an applicant to go through the 52 items doesn't really make sense so you're streamlining and specific for each case it's not that anything's going to be eliminated if anything's serious you're actually focusing on that more and I appreciate it thank you I you too I think any board member can come and ask the questions like Eric and he has a you know a difference of opinion let's say he can put that out there and he can be heard on that and so could all the other members so that's important I think trying to streamline is good but we also have to make sure that we have all you know everybody has input at at some point in time when they're looking at the application to me that's really important you know so that I appreciate I think that's a it's a good thought we need to keep us in the loop you know the board members in the loop but you make the initial analysis which I think is good we done that with different things in the clerk's office too certain applications she streamline them down make them more user friendly and make it move along you know but at any point if we have a question then the board members could ask so I think that's important I really do yes Anna I want to Echo everything that the um Council has mentioned uh Vina has been working really hard on streamlining the process making more more efficient not only for her staff but for the individuals applying um whether it's a business or a private resident you know things like that so you know Administration commands Vina for taking the initiative to to kind of make things a little bit more efficient um and to better handle all these applications that are coming in thank you very much um at this point I ask would would anyone want to make a motion to move it to First reading M Dr Greenberg second okay roll call for ordinance to introduction y yes council person dearo yes council person dep yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes council president soar yes thank you very much it was very informative thank you next is ordinance amending the code of the township of Oldbridge specifically art article 8 Day Care Program section 16-31 fees for full day summer camp good evening Matt how are you good evening everybody thank you for having me um just like venz if you guys um would after I am done if if I answer all your questions correctly if we can move it up to First reading that would be great uh basically we're looking to propose to raise the rate for our full day summer camp for this upcoming summer um our current rates are either $1,850 or $195 50 respectively um for the full day camp uh this is for our full day camp only our full day camp our full day camp is an extension of our before Care on after care and our daycare um and for those who who might not understand um it is it does not hit the township budget at all it is a self-sustaining program [Music] um we are looking to see an increase for many many different reasons some of the ones that I will highlight is our minimum wage requirement keeps going up um our trip pricing is going up our busing is going up um basically every single part of our operation is going up um even with this increase um if it is approved you're still looking at $ 51 to $54 per day for your child for child care uh please remember that the length of this Camp is 730 : a.m to 6:00 p.m. it is an 8 we camp and with that fee it is all in um you get your trips you get your busing you get your security um you get dedicated highly qualified staff um who who've been involved in our program and a lot of them come from our before care and after CARE program so they already know a lot of our children um I did a quick analysis there's not many Township that run full day camps the options that we do um some of the closest one I found was um East Brunswick Township Camp um they're in between 2300 $2500 but keep in mind that's only a six- week program and that's only 9:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. if you look at the Oldbridge YMCA if you're a member it's about $28 $2,900 if you're a non-member it's 3,000 uh middle sex County JCC is at 2600 um and then if you go to some of the private ones like Eagles Landing is is about 7,000 Rolling Hills is almost about 8,000 for that same time um some of the trip locations that we went last year and some of the ones that we're looking at this year include but are not limited to turtleback zoo Funplex Liberty Science Center Big Kahuna water park clim zone diggerland Dorney Park I play America Top Golf Tomahawk Lake Somerset Patriots and tree Scapes take my sound like and this is this is this is for children um who are um entering first grade through entering eth grade so we do offer a middle school program as well any questions on my left one at a time boys anybody on my left have a question or a comment from that no okay yeah um what were the hours you said again 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. okay that's great to 6: p.m. and um does this Camp include um uh accommodations for special needs children or this one does not specifically we do have our camp Robin program but but if you know if parents come to us and if we can fill that need with Staffing um but we do have our camp Robin Camp uh we we have had children um with some special needs in um our full day camp in the past even like um I'm thinking like medical needs even you know like if they're going on a trip are we able to provide cuz I know that came up I think last year we we were able to hire nurses for our half day um program last year um if if needs arise we do hire them for full full day camp because we do have those nurses that work for us in before care and after care as well and we obviously get a nurse for Camp Robin as well okay yeah CU I I just remember that being a thing last year we were able to raise our rate to entice employees excellent okay thank you anybody else thanks for doing that it's really cool um what's the average quantity of students that you have like last year do you so I want to say we had 365 total in this half day camp um the biggest one was our great white sharks um they were probably at about 185 um our smallest group was our tiny turtles which are our young young kids for some people that's a long a very long day um and then we also have our Middle School camp but it was 365 children across the board wow that's for full day camp only what uh what percentage of capacity is that could you would have handled more or it it all depends on what our employee pool is obviously we need to stay in a ratio when it comes to um so this Camp is licensed by the state just like our before care and Aftercare program so we need to make sure that we have enough employees per children okay good but we like to do this registration early enough we like to do it at the end of March or middle towards the end of March um because if people can't get into our program it gives them an opportunity to go and find a different provider because we know that the full day is a lot more of a need than let's say the half day camp that we offer as well is there lunch included in that uh they can either bring their lunch or if we go on trips lunch is sometimes provided we must provide with that uh a juice and a snack that's part of our license even for after care we must provide a juice and a snack and obviously those costs have risen as well great thanks so much appreciate it yeah I would like to say it is a great program I know many kids that have gone through it I know many kids have worked there and it's um an overwhelming task to provide this and when we do compare to other towns I know how frustrating is when the cost goes up you always feel bad bad but it's a it's the era that we're living in everything has gone up not just as you um illustrate wages gas you know employment every Everything food and um I think for what you provide it's very well worth it and I want to thank you and your staff thank you yep I do too I think it's a phenomenal program and I think we're very lucky to provide and try to keep it cost you know effective and I think you are trying the best you can some things are out your control and you you try to work with it and make sure that you keep a good you know a good Pace on it that you don't over over charge but you still have to have to meet the needs of the the employees so really thank you very much for taking all the time it's a lot of work to try to figure this all out and keep it cost effective you know but but you do a very good job thank you so much do I have a a motion to uh move this up for first reading second okay move by Dr Greenberg second by councilman pasky roll call to move uh the ordinance for first reading and have a public hearing on February 27th 2024 council person ass auli yes council person dearo yes council person dama yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes motion second reading February 27 2024 ordinance uh amending the code of the township of Oldbridge specifically article one Recreation fees section 16-2 Hockey League instruction you're up again I'm up again uh this time I am as crazy as it sounds I am proposing a decrease to the registration fee that we charge to our goalies for our hockey program our current ordinance has a discount in there of $500 discount for goalies um on the level on the squirt level up through the level uh we are proposing this to try to entice new goalies and keep existing goalies with our club throughout all levels um goalie equipment itself which is purchased by the player or the player's family is more expensive than that equipment um for a regular on ice hockey player um we're recommending all goalies player registration fee of $950 we've seen a trend around our rink and other ranks that there's a goalie shortage um and for anybody who doesn't know hockey if you don't have a goalie you don't have a team um so imagine we had 16 to 18 boys and girls looking to play they couldn't we couldn't host a team at a certain age group that team doesn't go and the way that hockey is those boys and girls are going to a different l a different Club a different rink linking up with a new team and once you lose a team on a certain age level it's very very difficult to get that back and to entice them um so basically um each team Revenue that we bring in is from about 29,000 to about $46,000 um so if we lower our goalie rate to 950 we have a better chance of a keeping that but then optimistically we could eventually gain more teams on certain levels so basically what I'm saying is if we cut the rate a little bit on the goalies that's a better of us having a team than going the opposite way and losing somewhere between 29 and $45,000 per team well thank you very and the other thing I wanted to add um you know we have been generating um extra revenue streams with the Rangers um through their learn to play and their rookie league um and that generates us about um $20,000 per session um and we're also seeing a decrease this year in our payments to our coaches so I think this is a good idea I think it's sustainable and I think it's also um keeping our budget in mind as well okay anyone on the left Mr dama as a former youth hockey player I could attest that no one wants to play goalie and the that you you have it's always the coach son you're right Sergeant doctors oh yes coaches sons are always the goalie and I would also say as well goalie equipment now is astronomical I know a hockey a regular hockey stick is about $400 or $500 of lucky I can imagine what the goalie equipment is so anything that keeps these kids on our ice I think is um is worthwhile at least trying yes right so I agree good job that thank you sir good anyone else on my left M Carol I'm always for you know the reducing of the fees is is great I mean 950 is still insane hockey is such an expensive sport um yeah so yeah I'm I'm I'm happy but I'm I'm just curious what what are the fees for the other players so that can range um some of our some of our ranges go up to about $2,000 a kid up to 2500 a kid um it's it's a very expensive sport not just for them um it's ice time it's ref fees um and to be honest with you our prices that we charge are a lot lot less and I and I was speaking with the coaches and you know we we we're kind of we I want to say every four or five years we look to raise our rates we're not there yet to raise rates on everybody um we know that East Bruns is coming down the pipe with probably to ranks sometime soon um so we want to compete but we want to keep our rank sustainable and people coming to our program um but just like when it comes to our daycare program and before care and after care um we are probably the cheapest option within a 20 to 30 mile radius okay so you're so you're reducing the the goalie um fees um as compared to what the other uh players play for the incentiv Y and there was always a little built in incentive it was always a discount anyway this is to further that toce the goalies okay no I think it's yeah no I think it's and when you lose a goalie you lose a team yeah absolutely okay thank you anyone else on Mr Fetti thank you awesome I'm glad you're looking at that you know and I was involved in Pop Warner for many many many years and it's true if you lose players to another team like in Oldbridge at the time we had three football uh leagues and if you lose players to another League you never get them back you know so I'm really glad you're looking at it wasn't just me it was my department and it was brought to us by coaches who go around to other ranks and saw this trend and didn't want that to happen to us that's great thank you very much I would just like say that um I'm well aware how expensive the hockey equipment is for goalie had had a nephew played went all over the country but they're growing too and so when they grow out of one set of uniform imagine how expensive it is for a pair of sneakers and now think about that it's expensive and as you said with the maintenance of the ice ring the ice the equipment that we need to maintain ice it's to me it's well worth it involved it keep your kids busy thank you thank you I think you're absolutely right um I also want to thank you for looking out in the future the big picture so to speak because that takes a lot of time to sit there and you know go through everything and decide what what's feasible what's not and to take in mind the children and the parents because this is a very expensive uh sport so I really do you're always you know on the move and you're always thinking what's good for the town so I really appreciate it is there any anyone who wants to make a motion I move it okay moved by Dr Greenberg belli second by Mr pascetti to move it to the first Reading Please roll call council person auli yes council person dearo yes council person dama yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes public hearing Set for February 27 2024 yes council president can I just add something I just also wanted to uh command Matt and his team for like you mentioned thinking ahead you know you're thinking okay we're reducing by $500 we're losing that $500 but you could potentially lose an entire team so the the the thought of thinking ahead and looking ahead is ideal and as far as the the the full day camp um obviously it's never fun to increase a fee but for what they get the amount of time a 7 :30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. is is hard I mean other towns are offering 9: to 4 that's great but having that 7:30 a.m. drop off time is is fantastic and as Matt mentioned being all everything is included in that price you're not paying anything extra out of pocket for a trip the kids are included in everything um I think that that Matt again and his team um are doing a great job at staying ahead and and providing the best services that we can absolutely yep I have a child a grandson in daycare and my goodness is it expensive thank you guys very much thank you very much next will be the consent agenda I'd like to get a motion and a second and then we'll we'll go to separations okay you moved it who seconded it Mr pescetti okay council person auli any items for separation nope council person dearo uh C7 C7 council person dep no thank you council person Desai no council person Garcia none thank you council person Pas gidy no separations thank you Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli no thank you and council president soar no thank you okay so we'll do C7 Mrs diaro yes thank you I know this is a resolution amending a resolution but um I would just like for the Public's sake if we can talk about you know where this actually is I know you're adding a block to so if you can just give us a little rundown of what this actually is for the sake of the public thank you good evening good evening so um this is one parcel that was left out from the segme Redevelopment area it's along Route 9 which is the chees Quake Farmers Market property so when we did the initial area investigation the the property was being used as a farmers's market um it was not available for sale last year the property was bought over by segme and um all the three sides of the property are surrounded or above the Redevelopment area on the other side of the highway we have Regency Center so to leave out that one parcel from development would not be sound planning so um this is a resolution just authorizing the planning board to evaluate this one parcel and see if it meets the Redevelopment criteria and if it does then to amend the Redevelopment plan so this is just a resolution um authorizing the planning board to authorize me to undertake a study to include that one parcel so this will be part of the segme Redevelopment study area and plan if it qualifies uh with the Redevelopment criterias okay and this is on this is on the uh nine Northbound uh form correct so that is between Jake Brown Road and shoe Meister okay very good okay that was I just wanted to because there's a lot you know sometimes if people are reading the you know the agenda they can't really make sense of that so thank you that's all you made a motion to to accept it or yes the motion yes in a second council person Sky now second it roll call council person auli on item number C7 yes council person dearo yes council person dep yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes council president soar yes eight yeses okay next is reported Sor oh right I'm sorry the balance we forgot we said separated okay Jo I do the a a motion uh no we did a motion in a second ready yeah that's all done now we we voted vote okay roll call for item numbers one through six council person auli yes council person dearo yes council person dama yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person pasky yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soart yes eight yeses report of the Township Clerk I have no report report of the township attorney nothing new to report Madam president administrative report Anna thank you before I begin my report I was just informed of the passing of retired lieutenant Joseph cavasin I apologize if I said that incorrectly badge number 26 who sadly passed away yesterday he served in our Police Department for over 25 years so I asked that that you please keep his family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers this evening number one first quarter tax payments the township division of tax collection will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the first quarter tax collection period the tax office will also be open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 13 2024 please note that the Township offices will be closed on Mon Monday February 12 2024 in observance of Lincoln's birthday payments can be made in person at the tax office at the Dropbox located near the front doors of the Thomas J English administration building by mail online through our website and by signing up for automatic withdrawal for homeowners enrolled in our automatic withdrawal program your taxes would be withdrawn on or about February 6 2024 for additional information please contact the division of tax collection at 732 721-5600 extension 2999 number two community development block grant program fiscal year 2024 the township of Albridge will hold a public hearing to discuss and consider the Township's community community development block grant fiscal year 2024 annual action plan the Community Development block grant allocation for fiscal year 2024 is estimated to be similar to 2023 is allocation which was $338,500 a public hearing will be head on held on February 15 2024 at 3:00 p.m. at the orbridge township Administration Building located at one orbridge Plaza orbridge New Jersey 08857 on the second floor in the conference room 27 number three housing rehabil rehabilitation program o Township Township's consultant Community grants planning and housing serves as the Township's administrative agent for our home improvement program cgpn markets the program handles homeowner application intake and the case management from verification of income eligibility through construction completion for information about the overd Home Improvement program and to see if you qualify for up to $20,000 in home repairs with funs funds provided as as a no interest deferred loan please V visit orb Community Development number four Christmas tree recycling our townwide collection of Christmas trees has concluded residents that still have a Christmas tree to dispose of should email recycling at o number five paint and bulb day the next paint and Flo FL florescent bu day is Saturday February 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Meo six County residents are welcome to bring all paint types to the recycling center including latex oil stains and varnishes for more information visit or recycling number six Parks and Recreation spring 2024 brochure and registration the spring 2024 program brochure is now available online registration for residents will begin on February 13 at 6 p.m. please have your Rec desk account set up prior to registering we have programs for the entire Community such as a Mother's Day brunch father's father daughter dance pickleball lessons Robotics and coding classes art and Ceramics fashion illustration and design and cropping classes for children teens and adults for more information please visit our website at Oldbridge /re creation or call The Parks and Recreation Department at 732 721-5600 extension 4999 New Jersey Transit Route 9 survey New Jersey Transit wants to hear about your bus experience on Route 9 on the route 9 Corridor share your ideas by participating in a survey focused on Transit accessibility and Route 9 bus services for more information and to take this survey please visit Route 9 to o d number eight the Housing Authority is now accepting application for Section 8 the Housing Authority is accepting applications for the housing Choice Voucher Program also known as Section 8 applicants must fall under one of the following categories lwi income elderly persons with disabilities disabled veterans and home Andor homeless apply online from March 18 2024 at 7:00 a.m. through March 20th 24 at 11:59 p.m. or until 125 applications have been received for more information and to apply please visit visit orbridge openings please note that there are no paper applications available number nine orridge Town Township recognizes Black History Month Black History Month observed annually in February celebrates the achievements contributions and rich rich history of African-Americans it serves as a reminder to honor the struggles and triumphs of of individuals who have played pivotal roles in shaping culture politics Science and Arts this month encourages reflection education and a collective commitment to fostering equality and understanding number 10 February is recreational therapy month in honor of recreational therapy month which is observed every February orber Township wants to raise awareness of the positive impact recreational programs and services can have for individ uals living with physical emotional behavioral and cognitive differences therapeutic recreation is the use of leisure activities to promote the health emotional well-being skills and abilities of people with illnesses or disabilities therapeutic recreation includes drama Music Arts and Crafts Sports dance and movement as well as games to learn more about our therapeutic recreation programs visit campen thank you and this concludes my report thank you that was quite a report thank you very much does anyone have any questions before we move on comments Mr petti could you repeat the officer's name that passed sure uh retired lieutenant Joseph cavison c a v s i n there a council Joe cabon you remember Joe yeah Kieran remembers Joe I'm sure we'll make sure to pass along the arrangements as mentioned unfortunately he passed away um yesterday and we just received word so thank you Anna no problem okay anyone else thank you anyone else have a comment or question about this no okay I just want to reiterate please look at the this one it says about the affordable housing and about the um the Housing Authority the Section 8 they'll be accepting applications and I know there's a list and I know there's a lot of people that would be interested in applying so if you know some someone that's looking for some help please pass the word on and the other thing is for the Home Improvement where you can get you know a loan or interest free things and you can also it's up to $220,000 so please anyone that has you know needs needs like this please pursue it we put it on all all on you know on our um cable and everything so take advantage these are really good programs and there's a lot of people out there that need programs like this okay I'll take a motion to accept it by Dr Greenberg Bell second by Mr py roll call council person auli yes council person dearo yes council person dama yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person basti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belly yes and council president soar yes thank you Anna will be public comment public comment on any subject matter for a maximum period of three minutes the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments this section is open for any topic or items in the consent agenda in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-2a and the Oldbridge rules of council and the council ask that the public to limit their comments to three minutes or less only one member of the public shall approach to speak to council at a time the council respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker has finished with their allotted time it should be further noted that the public com portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session a member of the public has questions they seek answers to an appointment can be made with the corresponding Department's office during regular business hours the Township Clerk will regulate the time during the comment portion of our meeting we do ask when you come up to the microphone just uh to state whether you're a resident or non-resident and please do not give a name or an address hi I've been a resident for 36 years in orridge um I've lived here a long time I've seen a lot of change um I've seen a community where people all helped each other and got to get got along well and um in these last few years I've seen that the Republicans have basically run the town which you've won the election so that's fair and but you won the election the very last election with 55% of the vote 45% of the vote voted for your opponents so that's almost half of the residents and now what I'm seeing is that basically those half are having no representation because every time Jill recommends somebody you guys find somebody else to to knock that person out I don't know if you have appointed anyone that is not on your side so to speak and I this is like I think a new thing from what I've seen I knew people I'm I'm friends with Barbara Cannon I always had all different types of friends of nationalities religion political affiliations but now I feel like there's a there's some kind of a power grab going on and I feel that I'm not being represented I I feel like I live in a town now where there's a group of people running the town and they don't care what I think they don't care what anybody that has opinions like I think and I'm I'm just watching it and it's breaking my heart because I've always thought Oldbridge was a really wonderful place to live and I'm starting to really have my doubts with the way you guys are running things and and I would hope that you would just think how you know it's good that you won congratulations but think about the fact that almost half of the residents voted for somebody else and they deserve representation when you become a council person you're no longer just this Republican candidate you are now a person who is supposed to take care of your town you're supposed to take off that Republican hat and put on a public servant hat and I am not seeing that happening and I'm hoping that you guys will look into yourselves and come up with a better way to do things thank you thank you very much is there anyone else in the public who wishes to be heard this evening hi good evening good evening I am a resident of orridge I am here because I received a notice from sarraille about a mosque being built on 26 erston Road um I understand it's mostly a seral issue however I appeared here about two years ago and spoke to most of you I think it's most of you and um I received a lot of support from you guys um they um submitted everything on their website their prelims the architectural plans major site plans and some of the stuff just isn't driving you should check it out um it like their traffic stuff study the noise study I mean it they did it on a Federal holiday there was no school session um they're really pushing hard um I'm pretty much wrote the mayor and he told me he can't even meet with me because it's still under litigation because the town had sued anyway um on the site plans they are going to widen ernston Road apparently the county probably already approved this so on the Oldbridge side is where they're going to have to gain the property they're going to have to take my lawn Dr loers the dentist and a few more houses further down because the houses on sville side are already up against the sidewalk they can't make they have to make a de acceleration Lane for 200 feet I live directly across the street from the mosque their driveway is adjacent to my driveway I when they operated for a year it was terrible for me I couldn't get in and out of my house it was it was awful but there's a a lot of other issues if you look this building is giant 44,000 Square ft there's there's banquet halls of 360 people occupancy in each Hall it it's crazy it's all on there you have to take a look for me I don't know if there's anything you guys can do for me it doesn't seem like sville really has our back we are about 300 residents strong in the area between Madison Park and the other side of sarraille um we have been talking and seeing what we can do to address this issue un fortunately we don't gain a lot of traction I want to be clear it's a location issue that is our main issue it's in people's backyards they're combining four Lots they bypassed zoning it's going right to the planning board February 21st I got an official notice along with uh all the residents within 200 feet I just received it last week and um I spoke to you guys and they told me to come back when I got the notice well I got it and I'm hoping there's something something you guys can do maybe some other studies something thank you okay thank you we did receive the email from you Taylor I did as well thank you and you know we have to watch and and listen to what has to be yeah yeah so okay okay we're good okay all right thank you very much and you said February 21st correct yeah that's what I thought it was in the email thank you all right is there anyone else in the public would like to be heard a little shorter actually I've been a resident here for 24 years I figured might as well tell us by the way mayor Walker thank you for for honoring uh Dennis mayor and his and and putting his family in his in our thoughts and prayers he's a he was a good friend of mine and very important um and thank you again um but last week or two well whatever the last meeting I started to think about what the engineer had been saying and discussed about the turf grass and I hate to go through it again but I started to look at it again and I wanted to bring it up because I know council president likes to know these things artificial turf is made with toxic pfas compound some of the types are made out of recycled tires contain heavy metals which are known to cause bone cancer brain cancer and nerve injury Benzene is in it as well and it causes blood cancers volle organic compounds which cause COPD pulmonary hypertension and respiratory diseases along with other car carcinogens I won't go through the whole list as well as a number of municipalities have been proposing to or Banning these turf grass fields the toxins are in your system for life you cannot detoxify by showering it off sorry the discuss they discussed last time I also discussed last time the number of injuries are increased on these Turf grasses and it and I wanted to point out again about the the team in Philadelphia where there were six members who died of Leo blastoma and their families are still suing the stadium owners and the property managers because they played on those fields for 20 to 30 years a lot of these players and they were Turf grasses one of the first teams that started the whole turf grass thing gleo blastoma is terminal um I I have to tell you a member of our town died last year January 12th from it it's not pretty in addition while some things were not disclosed in the last meeting by Mike uh Mike sorry and I don't know names of and and the engineer every eight years the turf grass fields have to be replaced right it has to be replaced that cost this field is a $2 million cost it is the replacement is TOS the old grass Turf not grass is tossed in a landfill because it can't be recycled and the new Turf is put on the field also toxic it's costing us money I'd like to know where that money is going to come from because Green Acres is not going to keep funding it if we get a grant unlike for the the forever chemicals like I said these fields definitely don't last forever I'm just wondering where you're going to come up with the money to pay for this and once again you just have to take what is it sorry that was another thing I hate to bring it up since we only are one meeting a month we should be six minutes not three thank you okay thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to be heard this evening good evening good evening I wasn't going to speak but I feel bad for the resident who thinks that o is kind of coming down a little bit from when she first moved here I've been a resident for about 18 years and I feel that they're doing every year a better job each year no matter if it's Republicans Democrats whomever this is the democratic system throughout the whole United States you vote you come out and vote for you whatever you're Republican you're Democrat you're independent that's the people who win and I like to think that this board considers every resident in oage whether black white Indian whatever they don't look at their Races they don't look at their color they don't look at their religions they don't look at their Republican or Democrat I think that the board every everyone on this board always considers all the residents thank you okay anyone else wish to be heard this evening good evening hi um I married into Oldbridge in the late 18 or 1980s um my husband's family was here when it was Madison Township before it was even Oldbridge um I like Oldbridge I like Oldbridge um my kids went to the wck department loved it highly recommend it no matter how much you raise it it's it's definitely worth it um I have very good memories in Oldbridge I was very involved anybody that knows me and knows my voice knows I was very involved with the G Girl Scouts um I want Oldbridge to stay successful my concern is the massive buildings I want to say I'm not anti-b building we have to build we have to progress forward but I think we need to do it in a responsible manner that fits the current conditions Town Center design 30 plus years ago I was here with Jonathan halam I was here when it was going through the changes what we have now is not what was intended um I respectfully think that it needs to be Revisited and it needs to match the needs of 2024 shops in the you know 1990s may have seemed like it's the downtown Red Bank hope you know New Hope those towns existed and were successful because they were Towns at the time it wasn't dropped in the middle of oldrid so I just think we need to bring it into 2024 because again who knew back then that it was going to be the internet and it was going to be Amazon 2day Prime so I think we just need to make it relevant and it needs to fit the current conditions at the current site um my concern is these massive thre story plus apartments because when you go to three then you go to four then you go to five so if we wanted to be a mass a community of massive apartments with a few houses scrambled in we'd all be living in norc nothing against norc I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and go to work there every day but that's what our Oldbridge is going to become um it's a good town it really is a good town it has a lot of services for a lot of different residents um my mom's finally got her into Silver Linings and she's liking it so it's it's a good town and I want to I want to stay here I want my grandkids to be here um and the way going now with these massive things I don't know if that's going to happen but I want it to happen and I'm hopeful that I guess it starts here first and then filters down to the other boards I know it's not just you it's planning it's zoning um but we all have to be on the same page and I think you are it's just we need tweaking with certain aspects and even though I'm not an expert on on everything there's certain things I am an expert on and that corner of catrell Road and Higgins Road I am an expert so that's it thank you thank you very is there anyone else who would like to be heard this evening seeing No Hands then I will close the public portion and we'll go to council comments council person Uli good council person dearo yes thank you um first I'd like to um reiterate and express my condolences for for on the passing of former councilman Dennis mayor he um you know it was uh too young to go and uh you know his presence will be missed in this town and also um Joseph cabison I didn't know who he was but I my condolences to his family um I'd also like to thank all the speakers that that got up to speak tonight um you know your your words I mean that's what this is all about here hearing the residents I mean it's very important that we hear all of your your thoughts and um and your concerns so I appreciate I appreciate you guys coming out tonight um I know um we got your email and um you know it's uh these things are a concern to our residents so um definitely something we're going to keep an eye on um I'm going to keep an eye on I can't speak for anyone else um but anyway um that being said uh I just have a question for I'm not sure who someone to my right um if there are openings on the boards or committees where do these get advertised where and when do they get advertised how does the public how has the public made aware that there is openings on these specific committees yeah I can answer that it answer for you at the beginning of the uh year or actually towards the end of uh in December um we take in any we call them citizen leadership applications so anybody who's interested on serving on any boards we do not publicly um advertise for boards unless we're in severe need for a specific board it's not like I post a list okay these are all the boards um because some of them are mayoral appointments so um the board doesn't really get say Council doesn't get say on mayoral appointments unless it's mayor with Council consent so we just advertise that citizen leadership applications that will be accepted for any board or committee that they want and then if we have openings on that boarding committee I will then circulate the uh leadership applications to council for their review to see who they wish to appoint to those boards WS okay thank you it's just it's just you know funny I I just found it um interesting or or coincidental that the day the agenda came out it also came out with a bunch of Citizen leadership forms to fill the positions that were being posted so I just you know was curious how you know that worked because you know I I think if we maybe let people know know a little bit more if we widen the Horizon a little bit and let people know you know what exactly is going on what's out there I think we might get some more um you know some some different volunteers I guess would be the word um but anyway that's just a suggestion um I also have a question uh now I'm going to move on I also have a question for Mr relli our attorney uh about Council comment procedure um so and and I apologize in advance for going down this road um but I was not allowed to respond to comments last meeting so you're going to get the response now while I have my opportunity um so the question to my attor to the attorney is Council common procedure is that a a specific rule that um if your name is called out that you cannot respond so the whole idea of council common is there's no legal requirement for it uh and typically what happens is is that since you have a board uh the discretion to recognize members and And discussing Council comment sits with the chair and that instance it's the council president there's nothing in our ordinance regarding it but uh but when you conduct public meetings uh and then under uh Robert's Rules the chair is the one who recognizes uh people who want to speak um and there's nothing um again there's no legal requirement to even have Council comments I don't give my opinion about that but uh but I think that again there's no written rule uh but other than the way uh meetings are conducted and that discretion lies with the council president okay thank you so I am going to unfortunately use my time to say some things that I really apologize in advance because I never want to waste this council's time but here I go because I was accused or was my name was mentioned at last meeting so I need to address some things that were said by councilwoman Anita Greenberg belly last meeting um I believe that Council meetings should not be about personal issues between members and um councilwoman Greenberg Bell I took a comment that I made on a friend's personal page and that was screenshot and shared that should not have come to councel that should not have come to council if councilwoman had a problem with what I said the adult thing to do would have been to speak to me personally like an adult you know two adults speaking to each other but that didn't happen um what I will say about my comment that that she was upset about was this I shared a personal opinion on someone's personal page you know did I did I forget my council person Persona there for a minute yes I'm human I did should I have probably not said what I said I would not have said it on a per on a public page that is what I will say I gave my opinion it wasn't a big deal I didn't think it was a big deal um I gave my opinion and um if anybody all I have to say is I have reasons for what I said and all you have to do is watch the Board of Education reorg meeting and you'll understand why I said what I said um but whatever be that as it may again there was a personal a personal slate that should have been solved outside of council comments because this is not the place that we share our grievances with the public um yes I am doing it now because I have to share my opinion um anyway so what what she did is she shared she used her platform P to portray herself as a victim when she is by far a victim um again I apologize for my lapse of judgment and um but it was not on a public page it was on a personal page but uh defin definitely would not I did not anticipate someone screenshotting what I said and sharing it to public pages that wasn't the intention um and you know I I even apologized to some council members after the meeting and uh you know had some some decent conversations and I appreciated Council president's response um you know we agreed we just need to be nicer to each other but my but when I apologized to Dr Greenberg b i I did not get any eye contact and I got a basically a grunt so there's no there was never ever ever any thought of unification so the grand standing about how I don't want to unify absolutely I will drop it I will drop it right now if you want to do you want to unify but that's not what you want to do you never did so um anyway uh about meeting attendance at Board of Ed I am I am I have been a PTA member I have been uh PTA president of three different ptas coordinator of President Council yes I'm going to go to Every Board of Education meeting I was a board of education member for 4 years years so yes I'm going to the Board of Education meetings what I don't think is appropriate for you know when when I see somebody only showing up for a meeting once a year at a reor meeting to support the candidates that they endorsed and you know okay you were there to congratulate somebody that's been there but I just find that a little irregular I advocate for council members to go to board meetings I Advocate it go there ask questions especially at Finance meetings budget meetings go absolutely this was different she conveniently does not do Facebook it always has something to say about it um but the things that we don't one of the things is uh about six months ago Oldbridge New Jersey residents she called that a democratic pool that's not nice do you think I don't think so because one person had an idea that she didn't like so she brought that to council she brought that to council um the posts that we don't talk about are posts from things on that that her colleagues share like in November 2022 a post from Tony petti and I quote Democrats are anti-christian and anyone who would put their name in that column is a racist and a bigot and a murderer that somehow did not get called out even after I sent an email requesting that that councilman doesn't say the prayer anymore this is a man that says the prayer every meeting please all I asked all I asked is for that person that said those those horrific words do not say the prayer anymore I was not going to call him out this is a year later year and a half later so no rep no repercussions I did receive an apology I'm sorry about a month ago not all Democrats are like that only some that was the apology um but anyway I do still want want Unity I absolutely do but I'm not going to sit here and listen to misinformation being spewed to to ridiculous Petty nonsense I'm not going to sit here and I will continue I will not respond to anything anybody says because that's the rule after this but I will respond later so if we want to keep perpetuating this nonsense I can do that we can just keep taking it meeting after meeting after meeting but I will not no longer sit quietly here and not say anything because I have too much respect for myself to allow someone to malign me and my name and not respond again if there was a slight I apologize I apologize absolutely will never happen again but let's please please stop bringing personal issues to this de that is all I will say I wish everyone a good night and again I apologize for taking up your time council person dama thank you um I didn't know councilman mayor or um I guess he's councilman right cison a councilman as well um I didn't know them but I would like to just send my condolences to their families and loved ones um I understand it's very hard when you lose somebody um and to the police department for losing one of your own as well you know my condolences um thank you to the resident that came out today regardless of what that that issue is um that you came up obviously a lot of different um issues were brought up know that we do hear you right some council person people have reached out will be reaching out to to folks about certain issues and stuff like that just know that we are hearing you and where we can help we will help right obviously we may be hamstrung in certain aspects of it whether it's our town or not um but just know that we are here to help and we will um and finally the only the last thing I have is just a reminder to everybody our fire elections are on tap the 17th which is next Saturday I guess next Saturday so fire Commissioners fire budget so on and so forth is next Saturday so another election day this one in February just reminded a folks it's the least um it's the one election that I they we don't get a lot of folks but we want to make sure that folks do come out and they have the understanding that there is an election coming up besides that that's all I have thank you council person Desai I think this particular Republican lead Administration has misus representated the facts and also some of the township professional does not even talk to us and I will explain why in December in a executive session I'm not going to say much about that meeting one or two Council people mentioned that about the Frank palon Congressman palon name that he's not helping but this is the same Council wants to talk about one issue but the another issue which with the help with the help of congressman Frank palone our town get the federal money 5 plus million for Lawrence Harbor Recreation they don't want to recognize that and then when I ask Council people and even outgoing mayor and professional attorney that give me detail what is the issue and what you need help from Congressman so I can convey the message and I can ARR the meeting I'm still waiting from that mid December meeting today is a mid February almost 2 month I'm waiting for our attorney to call I reminded him in a January reorganization meeting also please call but no this majority just want to do what they want to do and I have no problem but let me remind this same majority and Dr Greenberg she was always there when Democrat was in majority and also mayorship also was Democrat if I recall correctly mayor and Council Democrat Council has always appointed Republican registered Republican in various committee here we are asking for a small Recreation committee and they don't want to do it because they don't want any thing to do with Democrat so they represent only Republican out of the total 50,000 plus population I'm not sure what is exact population but this town is kind of a mosaic as you just said there's a Hindus Christian Jewish Muslim and every white black yellow all are here so and look at the C Township Administration how many minority are there maybe one and that also they took out one and keep hire the new one so I think I request my fellow Council people please consider that after the election as I always say election time we fight but once the election over our job is to serve the public people who elected us democrat or republican we should if some Republican come to me tomorrow with a question it is my duty that I should try to help to my best of knowledge so I'm very much not happy with what's going on sometime you see I don't speak even too much because I know the ultimate whatever they have decided before meeting that's what going to happen our argument or our suggestion is not going to be ever adopt or even give a thought of it so I request to people outside who is listening and watching at home please if you are a Republican or Democrat please call this current Council and let them know that they should consider all people of the Oldbridge the same thank you and spring is just around the corner I hope everybody enjoy the spring and looks like we are not going to see the snow so Township will have some Surplus because there will be less cost for the removal of the snow thank you good night council person Garcia yes thank you let's hope we don't have any snow I don't want snow um I want to offer my condolences to Lieutenant Joe cison and the councilman mayor and their families I I didn't know them as well but you know they were in the town so they should be honored as well so my condolences to the family uh as far as this Republican Democrat stuff goes I'm a I'm a republican I'm a I'm a register Republican just like most of the council here I agree with you we don't I know person I don't care what we represent the town I don't look at I don't look at anybody Republican I I don't I just I just don't and I I take offense to that stuff I think it's the silliest thing the people spoke we got elected and I think we're doing a great job I'm here two years now I think the guys that were here before me did a great job from what I understand that's why we keep getting elected people speak Let It Go I mean we're here to help the whole community and I can vouch for this everybody up on this day is is here for the whole Community you know I know personally I am here for so this politics stuff I just can't stand this politics stuff you know we're here this is this is one orridge why can't we just treat us one orridge you know I know people get upset politics comes into play which I don't you know it shouldn't but no matter who's in charge they hire their people it's just the way it's always been it's the way it's always going to be that's du in the state that's the country that's just the way it is it's a fact do I agree it no but that's just the way it is so as far as Republican Democrat we're here to do the best job we can for over and I honestly believe that uh so with that I think we should calm it down a little bit up on a Das here this is all of us we need to calm down you know let's addir this stuff someplace else not here we're on TV we on YouTube wherever we are we shouldn't be doing this stuff you know let's just get along while we're here that's just what I believe uh on a good note next Wednesday is St Valentine's Day so make sure you take care of your significant another and that's all I have and thank you have a good night council person pasky uh yeah first I want to um extend my condolences to um officer Cav's family and friends I didn't really know him but uh um I've been Fielding um Call's rumors about um um that the zoning office or the um our Construction office has are using drones to go out and find violations to tax code or Township Code and it's totally wrong I mean we don't own a drone we you know it's it's just silliness um another another rumor someone uh stopped me in shoppr and said that uh he heard that people were driving around looking for violations another falsity I mean I don't know why people are saying this stuff um you know I don't know where they're getting it from but if you have any questions please just call the town talk to the business administrator or uh the mayor and they'll give you the straight scoop um the the other thing was uh councilman said um about appointments to boards now I I've been living in Oldbridge 58 years and uh I've been coming to Council meetings for about 30 years approximately and boy I remember when um it wasn't a majority of Republican an on the council and no Republicans got appointed to boards and there was a frustration of course you know but sort of the spoil Goes To the victor when the Democrats won they appointed all Democrats to the boards and that's just the way it is and like councilman Garcia said I you know I don't Tech I don't maybe I don't agree with it but that's just the way it is and um you know as a result you know the the growth of the town has a lot to do with the boards now we we as Republicans have appointed to the boards the planning and zoning and I believe watching the zoning and the planning board meetings that they're doing a really really good job I I was on the planning board uh for a year or two and you know you had to go to school and they teach you that um you know the default is no it's the default is no they the applicant has to prove um why he can get a variance and um and it wasn't that way many years ago it is now if you watch the zoning board just you can go on YouTube and you can watch the zoning board meetings the planning board meetings for councilman theom can attest they're doing an excellent job in my opinion so uh the town is being run well I mean it's not perfect there's there's some issues that need to be addressed but um you know nothing's perfect but we're going to we're going to try to get to Perfection that's all I have thank you Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes this is a very sad time with the passing of uh Dennis M the untimely passing of Dennis more it's been a rough rough year for his family um and Dennis was a friend and a neighbor and I wish and hope that everyone would keep him and his family in your prayers at this difficult time also with Joe cavison um and while we're thinking of that we can think of the three um soldiers that were killed in Jordan Sergeant William Rivers specialist bana Moffett and specialist Kennedy Sanders um by the Drone attack by Iran and keep their families in your prayers also and um I I don't even want to talk about this because really with these passings but I do have to say to be the to be say there's an adult in the room the adult thing would have been to come and ask me a question once you're a council person you put something on Facebook I don't care what your prv page I don't Facebook it came to me and just asked me why I went to the count for the Board of Ed and I would told you the reason why I went there you're just assuming why you went there you never asked me so let's just let it drop and move on from there that's the smart adult thing to do but with that I want to wish everyone warm wishes for a Happy Valentine's Day I hope you're celebrating by doing all the things that you love I hope the days fill with family and friends and happy moments that make great memories and I wish you everything that you do at that time that you realize it's so important to spread the love thank you council president soar uh yes this has been quite an evening of comments so I really will keep them very brief and honestly I try to keep it balanced it doesn't always work I know that but I do try because if one answers somebody and then somebody answers somebody else and everyone is upset and angry it's going to just go on and on and on so sometimes it has to be that way and I really don't you know I don't want to do it often but we're not going to have fighting back and forth and back and forth that's not what the public came here for we all get angry yes sometimes it happens but it has there has to be a cap on it somewhere maybe they feel I'm unfair well I will take note of that and I will think about it but I have to somehow sometimes it's just got to stop I mean other than that I'll have to get a timeout share one or the other because it's gotten really contentious up here and a lot of the comments start to get deeper and deeper but anyway with that that's all you know take advantage fleece of programs that were put out for you here if anyone you know anyone please do that's what this is supposed to be about helping the residents finding programs for them irregardless of what their affiliation is I've been here 14 years and I have never ever someone calls me I never ask them what their affiliation is it doesn't matter to me and that you can ask you can ask anybody that's ever called me personally and asked me a problem what they were having so I'm sorry that's not acceptable to ask but anyway at the end of the day I think we all we all are here for the right reasons every single one of us so everybody have a great holiday very excited I have a brand new granddaughter and I am very very happy to say she's doing well my little four pound girl so anyway that's you know and hopefully we will be able to all work together okay good may I have a umie have any you have any comments or anything okay can I have a motion to adjourn regular meeting and enter executive session for attorney client privilege second roll call council person auli yes council person dearo yes council person dep yes council person Desai yes council person Garcia yes council person Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli Council Council vice president yes and council president y eight yeses meeting adjourned at 924