##VIDEO ID:-fU7UXVL-e0## e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone welcome to Zoning Board of adjustment meeting December 19th 2024 adequate notice of this Oldbridge meeting of the Oldbridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting by prominently posting in the municipal complex an announcement giv the time the date the location the agenda this be also by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk and posting the agenda on the municipal website Mr Holan could we have a roll call please yes Miss Andrews here miss chavalier here Mr ISO is absent Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here Mr s present Mr Victoria's absent Mr Singh here and chairman Sullivan here this meeting is being televised uh on catv channel 15 as we speak it's also live streamed on YouTube and you could always find the meeting if you want it to reflect back on it on YouTube this is the last meeting of 2024 for the zoning board um I want to take a just a quick moment to give some thanks to some people who throughout the year certainly all the board members for your diligence uh and your perseverance in volunteerism uh it's a lost art and what we all do we do for our community uh as prescribed by the municipal land use law so my thanks to everyone uh the township professionals while they're not here I think we should recognize them Venus Swant Nicole Shapiro Dan hollahan and certainly Moran portelli for uh putting all this uh documentation together for us thank you all for your hard work during the year also the uh our Consulting uh professionals uh the uh environmental resolutions Rees uh Dary uh Bernie t uh tetran tetrol excuse me and of course not uh last but not least uh is our council tonight Jeffrey Cheney of the firm at Dyan Associates Chris Dy and Brian Clancy for their work throughout the years and certainly to all of you people that come before the board to bring you bring your application here uh to make the community better and make your own homes better whether it be the local homeowners applications or the ones we'll listen to commercially which improves our our community providing services to all our residents so thank everybody in advance and I in advance I wish you all a healthy happy holidays and certainly a healthy and happy New Year having said that board members uh item number three is a discussion item it's the 2025 zoning board schedule for vote uh I haven't seen everybody got a copy I know I haven't seen any conflicts uh does anybody see any conflicts you want to bring to the attention before we take a vote on this for the year none okay everybody reviewed it all right if you just note the only time there's an irregularity there is in October and in October it's the 16th and the 30th it's not the first and the third uh third thur and the reason that is is because the uh holiday the Jewish holidays at the beginning of the month so it's moved down to the third and I believe the last uh all the other ones are are the same first and third uh again in th uh June there would only be one meeting uh July uh two and August two right any questions comments someone want to move it uh for approval move is there a second and second thank you this is for 2025 meeting schedule as as uh drafted roll call please Dan Miss Andrews yes M chalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes m s yes Mr Singh yes and chairman Sullivan yes thank you uh we'll go go through the minutes real quick board uh minutes of October 17th 2024 hopefully everyone has had a chance to review them uh absent any commentary I'd ask someone move that date for adoption those minutes Cher will move it is there a second roll quote please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scogna yes Mr Stoner yes Miss s yes Mr Singh yes and chairman suvin yes all right uh minutes of October 21 24 uh 2024 that was the special meeting night someone move that for adoption please testver is there a second chalier roll callot please miss Andrew Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss yes Mr Singh yes and chairman suvan yes and finally the minutes of November 7th 2024 someone want to move that chero move it is there a second second scog roll please miss Andrew Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes m s yes Mr Singh yes and chairman Sullivan yes uh we have one resolution board members it's 45-22 4z fad Kamal was a c variance Mr Cheney this is uh resolution 45224 Z to Kamal fad and Abid Rita for one Cobblestone Court Oldbridge otherwise known as block 13332 law 27 sub subject to public hearing November 7th 2024 applicants sought to legitimize a previously constructed deck uh and need following variance relief uh side yard setback at 10.8 ft where 17 fet uh is required and rear yard set setback of 13.1 feet where 17 ft is requ was required uh no public comment was off was uh offered and resolution was granted thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr chaining uh board members someone move that for please Cher will move it is there a second I'll second roll call Mr stoner I'm Sorry Miss Andrews yes Miss chevier yes Mr scog yes Mr Stoner yes Mr T yes Mr Singh yes and chairman Sullivan yes uh brings a Store applications for the evening uh first one is 50- 2021 Z with reference this matter I'm going to read it in but it has been adjourned I'll read it to the record 50221 Z it's obnj LLC that's at block 1069 lot one physical location 69 Highway 35 for an apartment Edition it's applicant proposes an addition to the first floor of an existing two-story building and an addition to the second floor for additional units public hearing for this application has been adjourned with further notice the date is to be determined once the 202 meeting schedule has been confirmed which we just did so we'll assign a date to that that will uh be forthcoming in the new year that matter will not be heard if you're hear on that tonight not here not tonight the mo moves us to three homeowners uh applications we're going to take them in order Excuse me while I clear my throat um the advice I'm going to the information I'm going to start with before you even come up any one you it applies to each and every one of you when you are appearing for whatever your reason is variance um the board just wants to know what you're doing how how how are you going to do this why are you doing this why are you here tonight you may have some exhibits pictures if you want to show the board we'll take them uh under advisement uh you may have some questions of the board we may have some questions of you we talk to the township professional Mr hollahan he tells why you're here for a variance then the board has to open a public portion to see if anybody would be in favor or opposed quite often there's none sometimes there is but it would equally apply to all you that's the procedure then what H what'll happen is if you we we'll come to a point where we've closed the public portion I'm going to ask the applicant would you like the board to take a vote on your matter for some reason you may want to continue your matter because maybe you think you didn't uh provide all the testimony that you needed so that would be up to but you'll have that uh you'll have that option at the end all right so we're all homeowners here we just happen to be sitting here in the board to to to approve these and we're we're cognizant of what you want to do with your homes but you just have to put proofs on the record that's why we have an attorney sitting next to us to keep us out of court so uh having said that I'm going to call the first one in in and it's a 76- 2023 Z it's Sarah Douglas it's 15517 lot 509 the physical location 59 Alpha Avenue in Oldbridge this requiring a c variance for a deck applicant proposes an 8 by 12 uh 8T X 12T by 3T uh 1 and2 inch deck one uh 1.5 ft I would assume uh the deck is proposed 9.5 from the sidey yard property line we 11 minimum is required do we have Sarah Douglas here anyone from 59 Alpha no we only have three and I see extra people okay uh I'll I'll hold this one off uh right now unless perhaps the applicant will be coming in I'll call the next one it's 48- 2024 Z it's anim anime vacaro this is uh R5 low uh high density residential it's block 31 lot 943 physical locations 943 Grove Avenue and Keyport driveway patio and deck requiring SE variance applicant proposed legitimize a driveway rear yard paver patio and a deck is M come on up okay why don't you come up and set at the table and I'm going to have to ask the attorney uh we'll need her to allow the consent to this right yeah ma'am and just uh can one of you yeah can one of you please just uh bring the mic to her if you don't mind just push it so it's green push it so it's green yeah there you I think oh okay that's better I always forget you've got that okay don't sing us a song thank you all right ma'am can uh are you okay to raise your right hand do you tell me swear as the truth the testimony for which you're about to provide yes and can you state your name for the record please anim the Caro and you're the owner of the of this property yes I am okay thank you and uh do you you're going to allow these gentlemen to testify on to on your behalf yes I do okay thank you ma'am all right you can hand that back okay and we could just leave it on the table sir that'll be fine you're both contractors of some sort yes okay uh both gonna speak why don't we both why don't we swear both of you in first okay you can have a seat make those green please want me swear Danny inck oh yeah we didn't do uh yeah before we take any testimony Dan we'll swear you in as well tell me swear is the truth that testimony for what you're about to provide I do thank you sir all right uh just jump in in the red sweatshirt I'll start with you can you H say your name please for the record Daniel sabba Daniel sabba okay and uh your contractor your sabath Landscaping is that I'm seeing here yeah okay and uh can can you give me an address please for my office your office address is fine 175 ramtown Greenville Road it's in Howell 07731 is this Sabia or sabba it's sabba sabba aops all right Mr sabba you heard uh what what I had announced to all the residents here this evening I don't know if you've ever testified before board before uh no I have not okay we just want to know the facts of what's going on there and uh why of course we're going to find out why you need a variance for what's going on it appears that she wants to legitimize a driveway right a rear yard p and a deck from my understanding what's going on is here she's over on her perious law coverage and there's drainage issues not drainage issues but there's factoring rule in place with the town so no one has a drainage problem uh what we're here to do is see we can come to an agreement to reserve her backyard CU she was misinformed about uh the laws and the rules of the town so I'm here to help out and come to an agreement with you guys if possible to try to preserve this backyard we're willing to take away some impervious lock coverage if needed obviously and uh any drainage Solutions if we need to do a recharge or we need to do some type of system to ensure that you guys are happy with that uh she did put a lot of money into her backyard backyard looks beautiful but we understand there is rules and I want to work with you guys okay well I don't think you could be any more honest than that yeah uh I appreciate your comments you have anything to add right now sir before I go to the professional I'm going to find out what why I know I'm just a general contractor I'm John tuffi with Triple H Contracting I do the same yeah let's uh yeah let me uh do s me just making sure that's yeah do s me swears the truth the testimony for what you're about to provide yes I do and then you said John John tufarelli can you spell your last name for me please UF a r l l i okay and uh company or anything yeah Triple A's Contracting and I'm here as well to uh basically basically explained how she was misled on her permits and everything and we're just trying to make everything where's your location your business location it's a 100 mwan Road in mwan attorney just needs to make the notes absolutely sorry I can only write so fast no I get I know how it is when you on the phone all right thank you gentlemen we'll have uh Mr hollan and then we'll ask you guys where we need to fill in the gaps okay hollan thank you chairman um yes so the applicant is here tonight speaking um a couple C variances one for being or one design waiver uh for the driveway setback which is existing at 0er feet where 5T is required um there's also a deficiency in the rear yard P patio um that is zert from the property line where 3T is required um and then also another C variant for the wood deck um that one exists at 7 ft from the sidey yard property line where 9 ft is required and then the last variance relief they are requesting is for the minimum landscape area ratio which exists at 19.78% um or 989 Square fet where a minimum of 55% or 2250 Square ft is required um so just to recap a design waiver for the driveway um a variant for the minimum landscape area ratio a c variance for the rear yard paper patio side yard setback and then a c variance for the sidey yard setback for the wood deck okay uh the area ratio was 19 it's uh 19.78% is required he says for the patio you said Zer where three is correct yes do you know if I see water is mentioned or or you're talking about keeping water off the property is that so what I mentioned before was uh with the impervious ground coverage laws I understand why they're set in place because of water um we do have actually some signatures from people in town in the neighborhood saying that no one has water issues uh so I I said something wrong what I was trying to say is I understand the laws um again uh I understand we're over on the loot coverage no one has water issues but I'm looking to try to preserve as much as I can with the backyard to be in and try to get to an agreement even even if I have to remove some of the front yard if possible I think I talked to somebody I think last the beginning of the year about possibly removing some of the uh impervious ground coverage in the front of yard so like the ashal driveway maybe removing uh this so it comes in coordinat with the setback rules and then possibly removing some of the uh pavers ashalt that's in front of the house well the driveway isn't the the driveway width isn't really that's a design waiver and it's not a variance gotcha so it's at zero if I don't hear any complaints from some neighbors here this evening and they Pro they all have been notifi I'm certain um it's probably not going to be an issue okay uh normally it is 5 foot but a lot of people have been no knock on contractors but a lot of people have Mis been misinformed and somebody will come and say hey I can pave your driveway apron here for you they put it lot lot line you know uh instead of off the lot line so uh people do get misinformed on that gotcha we're aware of that it's happened in frequently in in the town but again without complaint it's not a problem unless the water is Flowing onto the neighboring properties corre you know as a contractor you have to maintain all the water on your own correct not on somebody else's so if I don't hear anything on that I'm I'm pretty certain the board would be in favor would allow a design waiver now as far as the other issues the backyard um this comes the zero zero lot line also for the pavers they go right up to adjacent lot um in one of my drawings here in my survey it's showing uh that it's one foot setback off the property line okay uh in the other one it's showing up to it one's made by Butler and the other one's made by somebody else this one I think is the most recent one it's a one foot setback you're saying it's at one one one foot the survey that I have is the one from but which shows it up to the property line correct um so I think that's also what the board has I don't think we were privy to the survey that shows the one foot setback but okay it's the Minimus okay yeah so it's like it's one where three is required right you have zero you go zero the the survey that I have is zero I think I'd be more comfortable with zero rather than one okay um I mean there's there's always discrepancies there could potentially be discrepancies in in surveys um but I maybe leave that up to the board and see which survey they they have I don't believe they've seen that survey the new one that was done believe I mean I'm looking at them both now this is an older one I'm sorry this is the newer one the newer one is the butler one okay okay yeah so I would leave it as a zero foot variance request yeah yeah and the deck so as far as the deck goes uh what was the the uh 9 foot 9 foot and 9ot setback and over here we have what we have seven seven seven seven foot okay um a twoot difference it's a twoof foot difference yeah so let's I think let's kind of start on one side just in terms of steering this is there anything uh unique about the property in terms of the layout of the property how the in terms of lot shape or anything like that or how the space is allocated between the front and the rear yards so unique of it is there's a swamp behind them so that's where everything is properly does it taper does it grade in a certain way everything's pitched to like if you look at the property grade this is not a topograph here but if you look at the property grade it does pitch if you see it in person towards the back which is a swamp land it's no it's not buildable land it's a a swamp area so the rear the rear bordering property is swap is is okay non-buildable yeah and that we've had no complaints from left or right yes homeowners and more than left and right too as well I mean they got a list here of people who signed off that they are okay with it and they have no complaints on their property I mean that was all if there was 50 neighbors every 50 signed off there was no issue could you hand that microphone back to miss via yes I want to ask her a couple things to who behind you yeah Mr how long have you lived in that residence wait a minut I think about well give or take a year or two I mean was it 10 years is it 20 years is it 40 years no maybe 13 okay so you you you've lived there for quite some time right yes were any of those items there when you bought that property or did you replace yes the we had a patio at the back right we had a pool okay we had two patios when you say we when you got there I mean me you put in when when I bought the house from the lady she had a pool and then a patio and then another patio to come in and slid IND doors in the back so that was already there yeah did you add to the patio no we just put new patio down over the other one took that one away remov that one and put a new one down M so it extended out a little bit further than I would assume than the original one no I don't think so identical yes okay what about the deck did the house come with the deck when you bought it yeah it was already there yes okay you haven't made any alterations to the deck no do we have any records back on this I I do want to add one thing before we move on there is an additional variance that has to be requested for driveway width when I first reviewed this in June and July of 2023 I wasn't privy to the survey that was dated August of 2023 that shows the driveway on it um where the driveway width is 50 ft where the maximum permitted is 30 ft so that would be an additional design waiver requests um but I can bring up some images for they did you have a contractor come and pave that apron I'm assuming or the whole driveway yes okay oh here we go yeah so this is an image on the leftand side dated April 12th 2015 the driveway line is about here there's an existing pool here an existing deck here an existing shed here yes and the shed was there when I bought the house and then if we fast forward to October of 2024 the driveway line was here and then they had resurfaced this grass area that was here into asphalt um and then the PA patio was added um the pull Remains the deck although a similar shape shape um was added and then it looks like maybe the shed was changed but um no the shed wasn't changed was the roofing on it changed maybe yeah it might have had new yeah I think it did okay but the shed was all there when I when I bought the house but as far as the existing sidey yard deficiency for the driveway it always existed at zero feet there's always been kind of a shared driveway between um miss ficaro here I'm sorry yeah Miss ficaro here at 943 and the neighbor adjacent to her right yes um they they've there's never really been a division in the driveway so um what they did was they just expanded across the whole front yard partway so there's no grass in the front is just all asphalt there's a walkway area here um but then there was obviously the additional improvements added in in the rear so that's where some of the misconception of the over withth is because we're sharing with the neighbor so it's really not really uh an exact measurement we'd still have to Grant a waiver though I know I understand that's why we're here today to make this right uh Mr Saba um you talked about some sort of a drainage remediation or yeah so I said uh if allowed and if needed we would have no problem uh putting in additional drainage either recharge systems or whatever you guys want just to preserve the backyard uh like I said she spent a lot of money the backyard looks gorgeous I'm just trying to come to an agreement with you guys I have some ideas I'm willing to do whatever you guys need to do to preserve it well you know in order in order to kind of back this out uh we're either going to have to Grant a variance or not because you're not going to change the uh the lot coverage I mean you're not going to take up the pay I'm more worried and more concerned about where water might go and I'd probably be more interested in hearing something that we you could put some kind of a recharge or something along the sides I I'm not quite sure not having seen this property Dan did you actually see this I've never been out to this property no um that's really my concern would be the neighbors so I'm assuming she bought with from her testimony and I I I don't see why would have any reason to lie uh the she's already stated the facts and you can see uh pretty much in between the two and you said one was from when Den the one on the left was from April of 2015 and then the image on the right is from October 2024 okay so you know we're we're talking like 10 years here so uh apparently they've lived in harmony I guess because I don't I guess no one came and complained about it yeah but I would like to see uh something and I'm sure the board would as well just to make sure we prevent anything from going onto anybody else's property we could uh propose a trench strain around the perimeter of the backyard uh even the front yard if needed but main concern what we're talking about is the back right now perimeter of the backyard creat some type of trend strain that leads to some type of recharge system uh that would swallow in the water keep all the water onto the property versus sharing with neighbors or anywhere else well I don't want to make her house rich and and poor in the poor in the bank so uh is this a big big uh cost trench train we use for corrugated perr pipe wrap it around some 3/4 inch blue stone uh around the perimeter of the property into maybe 200 200 gallons of recharge with some Stone and fabric wrapped around it I don't think so I think I'll be able to uh I think she'll be happy with that Mr holler being that I'm not a civil engineer I don't feel oblig I I don't feel comfortable commenting maybe I know we've had similar situations with driveway up to the property lines where we've deferred to the the township engineer and maybe gotten a memo from them that it wouldn't affect any drainage to neighboring properties maybe something along those lines we could maybe if we were to use it either way um we could condition this certainly yeah upon uh review by the township engineer we've done that prior that's what I'm saying yeah yeah potentially the applicant may be submitting some sort of detailed drawings to the engineering department have them review it um the the trench as proposed um something along those those lines uh m m f would that be satisfactory to you if the board were to act in favor and Grant you these uh variants this evening conditioned on the fact that Mr SA or somebody's going to have to present some sort of a plan to the township engineer in office none of us sitting up here are engineers and we need an engineer to really Define this and say yes that's good or no it's not necessary he may have said it's not necessary but we're not qualified to answer that question we are qualified to give you conditional uh approval pending that approval by the township engineer thank if the board votes that way okay each person gets one vote so it's it's a plurality of the vote so if I think that would be nice would you agree to that ma'am if that yes I would okay so it would be submitting drainage plan and then erecting any you know any improvements yes right they could go either way they might not want might not need the whole property that's fine that's okay y let's work on that all right so the the design waiver is be we're gonna have to Grant a design waiver for the width of the driveway uh because it's at 50 even though it's shared somebody's going to have to get that so we're going to have to say that it's Earth and okay grant that if the board acts favorably the landscape area ratio obviously isn't going to change but we're going to try to ensure that water stays there okay uh the wooden deck you bought the house like that yes I did uh it's a two foot uh it's two foot right over it's a twoot deficiency yes uh we'll see how the board uh normally we've we've been cognizant that when people buy into something they don't really know uh if it was of our own valtion you know we might ask it to be changed but uh we'll see how the board goes on that okay uh and what did I miss p no we talked about that l the other where it was pre-existent and driveway what's that sir the pool which was pre-existent as well yeah the pool's not a problem okay it's just four right five that's two designs and and I we were four and then you had the additional that popped up yeah I mean while they are here there is that shed in the back left that's for was that shed there ma' when you bought the house yes it was so we we we can leave that there there was that concrete walkway added on the left side of the property um if you guys look at the survey um I'll pull it up well you're doing that board members on my left if anybody has any questions of these gentleman here or the applicant herself no not me no no no ladies on this side any questions of the applicant or the gentleman here it's basically okay driveway being sh by two separate things does that I'm sorry uh the driveway is being uh shared by two separate homes uh coming to resale how is that affected who who who is responsible because it's it's shared that's why it's going to be allowed but if you're allowing it just for her she's he's she's way over well how does that get resolved can't really speak as to you know the ultimate resale value and how it might impact certainly that's you know that's why the boards always kind of weighed these and as we started to see these applications more and more uh this is not a unique application certainly as the driveway we've had these plenty and you know that's why we usually try to at least set aside a certain you know an inch or so to or you know 6 in or something to make sure there's a delineated uh you know when for example a neighbor goes to sale and then there's surveys and then you know the last thing you want is a boundary dispute and you know end up ending up in court or something or stuff deals getting held up over six inches of of asphalt uh so that's but in this situation this is a they are both utilizing the driveway and it's just by way of example if I'm just this is the driveway and they're just all sharing it and it's I mean obviously they're parking everyone's got their same phases but it's just one continuous run of T of asphalt and it's just you know two cars two cars or one car one car correct okay the lot Line's still the lot line right when it comes right down to it the lot line is the lot line if if if on a sale someone's forced to take out pavement well right if we got to cut 12 inches out to separate it and put grass that's fine yeah that's not the that's the least of my concerns and we willing to do that if needed as time you seem to be living in harmony there now I don't know it's an issue becomes an issue with a new owner then we'll take care of it that's problematic yeah absolutely maybe you can put masonry down in the middle to have some type of divider over that you if we have to we'll cut it out and we'll put grass to separate it I think grass would be the best because it's permeable water can drain through certainly would help the L you know anything if need it we we we more than happy to do it absolutely yeah I it's a good idea I think we should do that okay okay y long as it's going to be done and it doesn't need to be uh a big strip we'll keep it at maybe 12 Ines for now until the time comes yep okay let me see if there's anybody in the public wants to be heard on this okay okay this is matter uh 48- 2024 Z the physical location is 943 Grove Avenue Keyport anyone want to be heard in this matter raise your hand or stand seeing n I'll close the uh public portion of this matter um any final comments you have sir no I appreciate you guys you guys are good morning gentlemen and ladies here and uh I'm willing to work with you guys great and maam Mr Carol you understand everything that's transpired here yes I do you are in agreement to to if we were Grant a waiver that would be conditioned on on the engineering department looking at uh the water system okay that's okay with you yes I agree yeah the condition obviously would be only if necessary if they look at it and say correct thank you I appreciate that that's up to the engineering again we don't have any jurisdiction Juris the right to approve or not approve on based on so we could do the the the C's right together for minimum area minimum lot area ratio y that was it's at n it's at 19.78% design waiver so the 3 C's someone interested in moving them Stoner is there a second testver roll on the season Andrews yes on the conditional labers Miss Chevalier yes with the conditions Mr ISO or I'm sorry Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr T yes Mr Singh yes and chairman suvan yes now as the the design wiar is for we're going to separate it by a foot right yeah so it's still div a design we for the width because it still be over right correct yeah 30 30 foot is the maximum permitted so if they were to remove it by a foot it would be 49t okay you need it at 50 or currently 50 it would that one foot strip so we'll give you 40 you were backing off that one foot you'd be come down to 49 12 inash from separating me to the neighbor right correct okay good absolutely someone want to move that CH I'll move it is there a second test R please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss EST yes Mr Singh yes chairman suvan yes uh there won't be a resolution until the next meeting which falls in the new year so that'll be the middle of the month I don't have the date it's already posted I think it's the second Thursday yeah it'll be the the 16th when that wa when the resolution would be you guys don't take off you can still you can well the the township Council has to meet first before we can meet again okay and they meet in the first week normally we would uh you can probably be contact with them in the meantime uh as to uh your plan and then they could kind of get that working but it'll be conditional on that and and of course the uh strip going down the driveway all right so just so I understand so the strips definitely guarantee got to be cut 12 Ines with grass backyard is contingent contingent on the engineering department and what about the front setback where we agree with that to where we're leaving that correct right so the only thing is the 12in grass and possibility maybe the drain yeah if need ran by the engineer we only have two we're waiting on right okay thank you would would you guys like me to uh print out or mock up some type of uh you know resolution for the backyard trench drain for the engineer to look at or would that help yeah that's to many part is the resolutions that you're going that not to us but to the T to the township engine you reach out to their office and submit whatever what you know whatever your your plan is for that and she'll let you know if based on what's going to be needed okay okay we submit that too it's the engineering engineering department yeah okay yeah if necessary okay the strip is going to be necessary necessary so zoning is a strip engineering is a different department well no it's all under zoning but the the the the uh matter is going to be handled by engineering as to whether you're really going to need that if you don't need it you don't need it none of us are qualified in terms of storm water drainage and yeah that's right but the one foot strip you're going to do now right so if that gets waved it's guaranteed we fell was the one foot strip so you take off the one foot from the 50 make it 49 we're good that way he's going to draw up his design for engineering they're going to review it say it's needed or not hopefully not right and it's done that'd be great I appreciate that thank you thank you guys thank you you for your presentation thank you very much you're welcome okay you just leave that on the table down yeah please thank you very much enjoy your holidays thank you thank you same you happy New Year Merry Christmas guys okay uh 51-20 24z slow is it you sir could you pronounce your name for me I don't want to you said it a lot better what he said come on up Sir uh are you going to be the only one to testify have all three of you come on up yes put her in the middle she might have something to say we apologize but you don't need to apologize if you would sir put a microphone slide it over to your wife and then one for you all right all right this is uh R six high density medium high density residential block 15556 lot 385 physical locations 139 Cindy uh for shed requiring SE variance applicant proposes a 15 by 20 shed the proposed shed is 5 foot from the side yard property line or 10 minimum required and six foot of the rear property line where 10 is required you heard my uh comments you can tell us what you're doing why you want to do it how you're going to accomplish this Mr hollan will tell us why you need a variance okay all right basically I had the I mean have you uh so you swear we're gon to swear both you and you can raise your hand you s me swear as the truth the testimony for what you are about to provide swear yes thank you and uh slir slav yeah and then uh SL a w o m i r uh prula okay p r z y b y l l thank you and ma'am your name Sabina Sabina S A or s e b i n s a b i n a okay thank you you want to begin sir go ahead I have a shed it's it's it's in the same basically spot um we bought the house with it and and I would like to basically build the other shed in the same exact location just extended towards my property uh towards the center of my proper as we look at the picture up here on the bottom right hand side so that's my existing shed in the the the um the the fat line and I just add on the side of it where I'm going to is conrete pad there correct what is it there's a concrete pad there it it is not not right now no ground I would I would do a concrete pad okay so um yeah I I I just need a little bit more storage and I don't want to waste the side onal property like 10 feet and 10 ft sh and dab in the center of my property so if it's possible to keep it in the same spot and just extend it towards you know if you guys could grant me that that would be awesome just need more storage you said and obviously you got a kind of a uniquely shaped lot here a lot more so a lot more you have just one or you have multiple yeah a lot more you guys use your back you guys use your back backyard for your family and just my husband at this moment takes even bikes that we use during the summer he takes them to his work so a lot understood is there a reason you can't put it 10 and 10 well basically it's just um I would have on the 10 ft and 10 ft it be like a waste of property I don't know I don't know to describe it though she already sitting in a spot and uh right there and the neighbor doesn't doesn't mind I bought her like that so I would like to keep in the same spot but when I asked the township Township said that in order for me to have it there I need the variance that's why I'm here today understood and we have an awesome neighbor sir so you have what an awesome neighbor that's good she doesn't mind she doesn't mind Dan thank you um yes this one's a little bit of a unique one because there's there's an existing shed that's actually compliant where it's about 140 square ft um our ordinance says once you go 150 ft or over the setbacks change from a 3ft minimum to a 10ft minimum so being that they're adding about you know another 140 160 ft onto the shed that now jumps the setback requirement from 3T to 10 ft um so the the variance request is for both the side yard um and the rear yard um the rear yard being um the the ask is 6t where 10 ft is required and then I believe 5T um from the sidey yard property where 10t is required and would you say again sorry what it would be uh for the under 150 so anything up to 150 square F feet the setback is 3 feet thank you anything over 150 square fet the setback is 10 ft thank you board members questions have I left any electrical going in I I don't need it no electrical I don't need it okay I'm just questioning thank you you're doubling the size of the shed you have now now technically well actually even more than doubling she's I'm only adding five feet to what's already exist in the she's about 10 feet wide and then I'm just adding another five feet to so by when you multiply it from a square footage square square footage you're doubling square foot and you're using it for your family purposes not for business purposes yes and we can fill up very quickly um as a stipulation you wouldn't run any business out of the shed no sir would there be any Plumbing put into the shed no sir and you're not going to put any electric into the shed no I don't need it okay no commercial uh no nothing in commercial not a workshop no no no Storage storage home home storage electric no electric all right what would it take to get electric now my wife's asking you put an ID oh well I'm sorry I said that she said now uh would I need also your your approval if I want to do electric of course yes yes Township approv not chair not necessarily they don't need a variance necessarily for electric they do need a construction permit there's nothing under the zoning ordinance that strictly prohibits anyone from putting Electric in a shed is obviously that question of now what is the use of the shed um which when I see sheds with electric I always condition them on that the shed has to remain as a shed and not anything commercially related but as far as if they were to put Electric in there in the future they wouldn't need necessarily anything from the board unless they change the use of the shed to something non-residential okay so can I convince my husband to put in electric well you mean for a light yes you could put a solar light in there that not a business we don't have time for business it would have to be approved under a construction permit not necessar the zoning board okay yep okay so I I would say if there may be an intention to put electric at a later date maybe refrain from maybe adding that condition into the resolution because then that would strictly prohibit them then have to then they'd have to come back to the board to remove that condition yeah we can just leave it uh leave that off what what did you say I said that's okay we don't need electric all right I'm going to go to the public and see if anybody has anything to say okay okay all right this is uh 51-2 24z the location is 139 Cindy Street this is for a proposed shed does anybody here in the courtroom wish to be heard in this matter raise your hand or please stand she standing is she wants she wants to say something no she can all right no one uh has come forward I'll close the public portion final comments no sir all right uh This Is Not Unusual uh you are doubling the size however but I can understand with a family you probably need that room uh I guess you're good friends with your neighbors as your wife has said right yes sir so you keep you keep that in mind I guess when you're going to get get sir done course and as we said you can't do any business in there you understand that no business sir okay let's see if the board works in favor you want me to take a vote Yes sir all right uh this would be for the rear yard and side yard uh setbacks this is a where 10 minimum is required six on one side five on the other it's 10 on each side someone want to move this C2 y test the verie is there a second second googam roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss chavalier yes Mr scogna yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Esty yes Mr Singh yes and chairman suvin yes thank you make sure you keep all all all of her little dolls and doll houses out of the rain thank you honey you get a resolution as I as I said before to the previous applicant next month okay uh you can contact uh does he have contact construction I guess he going to put a pad yes because now the shed's going to be over 200 square F feet my understanding is you would need a construction permit so once you get a copy of the resolution make sure to get a construction permit application too you can start filling that out in the meantime and then once you get the resolution you can submit the application okay okay all right thank you thank you for appearing happy holidays Merry Christmas thank you mer Christmas say bye bye all right would you folks be Douglas's no are you here for an application you just came to watch we're being entertained oh okay I'm here because that's not now I know what you're going to say because I'm aware the that application will be be forthcoming in the new year and there'll be notice because it wasn't it it actually was justed tonight yes it was the previous meeting not tonight's meeting well there was a previous meeting dat de 12th that thank you no there wouldn't wasn't a maybe for the planning board this is zoning board our meeting our last meeting was canceled when that was on the schedule so that that was going to be in the new year all right so there is no matter to be heard this evening on that they haven't even made an opening presentation but that will be on the schedule you will receive if you're in the 200 foot area you will receive notice yes and I'm sure that if you're not the neighbors around you probably will tell you okay okay you will you will receive notice absolutely there has to be there has to be a re notice on that okay but thank you for coming down thank you I guess we'll see you in January I'll see you in January all right thank I don't know that it's on in January we'll have to see uh again if you look on the township of Al and look at Zoning Board of adjustment is that where you saw okay you can look at that about a week out before each meeting meeting we we were the first Thursday and the third Thursday first and third right of the month except in January because the council hasn't met yet we will have no first meeting we're only going to have a second meeting the third so I don't know I'm not privy to the schedule uh the agenda I should say so I don't know whether that will be on or not but if you look within several days out like a week out you can look on the township of uh alge zoning Board of adjustment go down to where you saw the agenda if it's listed on there it's going to be on our our okay perfect okay thank you very much thank you for coming Merry Christmas Merry Christmas all right uh with the I will say for the record that 76- 2023 while on the schedule no one has appeared it is a25 we have no further business to conduct so I would be uh writing saying we can this will be carried or I no idea what's uh whether they're moving forward on it I don't think Dan you haven't received no and I've never dealt with this situation so I don't know whether it has to be carried or I'm not sure I don't either but that'll be a legal matter to uh to determine I don't think we have to determine it right now but just for those at at home that matter has been called at the beginning and I just called it again and there's no one here so I'm going to have to at least hold that in a bance and find out legally what uh what stand all right having said that there's no one else in the public por no here in the audience for public comments board members any final comments for the end of the year none Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to everybody uh Monica happy Quanza happy New Year all happies we'll see everybody in 2025 someone want to call for an adjournment birie all in favor stand ajour for 2024 e e e