e e e e e e look I'd like to call the meeting to order everybody please rise plge allegiance to the flag United States ofes to the rep Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all please be seated good evening everyone welcome to the uh Township of Oldbridge Zoning Board of adjustment meeting May 16th 24 adequate notice of this meeting of the orridge township zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting by primarily posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date the location and the agenda of this meeting by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk and also posting the agenda on the municipal website Mr pelli could we have a roll call please sure miss Andrews pres Miss Chevalier here Mr ISO here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here miss testy here chairman Sullivan here just as a matter of uh a couple housekeeping items uh we're being televised on catv 15 here in the township uh simultaneously this is broadcast on YouTube live if you ever want to refer back to the meeting you can go on YouTube and find the meeting uh I don't anticipate we'll go overtime tonight uh normally we stop at 10 for open public uh comments but I don't think that that will be happening this evening uh if you are speaking tonight when you come forward please there's two microphones on the table for the witnesses to speak there's a button on the you'll see on them and it's got to be green otherwise we're not going to hear you so just check that they're directional microphones as you can see I'm speaking right into it that's the way the TV will pick it up and that's the way it gets broadcast so I thank you for uh listening to me and we look forward to the applications first of all we have a little business under item three and its minutes and we have three of them board members so we'll take them in order minutes of April 8th 2024 I hope everyone has had a chance to review them absent any commentary I would ask someone to move them for adoption sh move it is there a second Andrew second miss Andrew second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr stoner yes Miss tver yes chairman Sullivan yes uh board members of the same as the minutes of April 18 2024 someone move that for adoption please Andrews move it is there a second second scog thank you roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes uh the final one would be minutes of May 2nd 2024 someone move that please Chevalier I'll move it second scog note moved in second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes that brings us to our applications for the evening uh I'll make note that the first one on the agenda is not going to be heard this uh this evening I'll call it into the record however it's 79- 2023 Z that's Barbara Robinson Ramirez that's a block 122 3 lot 85 uh physical locations 85 Bennett Road that's for a deck uh that is um outside the sidey property line uh that matter will not be heard this evening if you're here on that matter uh it's going to be posted on the agenda for August 15 so that matter will not be heard this evening there'll be no further notice on that you can always check on our website uh for the upcoming agenda on any of the meetings moves us to our next next one it's uh O2 dish 2024 Z it's Robert W wetus I hope I said that right it's in the uh R six Zone block 15569 lot 105 the physical location one ardan Court uh requiring a c variant 4 uh seeks to legitimize a previously installed 21x 24 fabric canopy structure has been installed 6 foot from the property line where 10 minimum is required the structure was also Al installed a Zer foot from the dwelling where 3 foot minimum is required uh Mr or Mr W please come up Sir um you can be seated so you can you'll go on the record is that green all right would you state your name and then the board attorney is going to swear you in sure uh Robert wus okay can you just raise your right hand please yes do you solemnly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth yes thank you you can put your hand down thank you sir uh thank you for coming before the board uh I know you have an application and because uh we've been notified of a I guess a uh deficiency in the setbacks on your property for this what I'm going to ask you to do quite simply you're not a represented by anyone right and you you don't have any other Witnesses other than yourself no okay and do you have any physical uh pictures or anything you're going to show us uh you didn't bring anything in with you no okay uh what I'm going to ask you to do is who what wise and why and wherefore so if you can explain to the board uh what's going on in your property what did you do uh how did you do it why did you do it Etc we may have some questions for you sure we're going to go to the board to the township professional the zoning officer he's going to explain to us why you require a variance for what you did uh there may be some back and forth uh at that point I'm going to have to go to a public portion to see if there's anyone in the public that has any comments at which point when I conclude that I'm going to ask you if you want the board to take a vote so it's pretty simple procedure and anyone else in the audience tonight any of your other uh the Royal homeowner issues it's basically going to be the same for everybody so I'll repeat it later but it's the who what wise so when you make the presentation so at your own pace sir why don't you tell us what's going on in your pro um I I installed a pool in my backyard uh I wanted to have some coverage of the Sun so uh I did in I did install the canopy the company I went to uh I explained to them situation and basically they told me it was designed uh to the building code um at that point I guess there wasn't a permit I think this was during covid uh I guess there was a confusion I guess on the permit being applied for and uh I had multiple I wasn't trying to hi I had that if you look at my uh my address I had my a i for the pool I had the permit for my I had everything there I wasn't trying to do anything and I was under the impression that it was built to coat uh I guess the building coat I don't know about that's that's what I was told um and then after that I just wanted to try to do the best thing I could to make it you know if there was because I did make an adjustment afterwards after it was built uh they told me if I attached it to you I guess attached it to something on my house that would solve one of the problems but I guess it didn't solve the problem to the fence line so uh you know wasn't all it is is coverage in my backyard from the Sun all right um let me go to Mr hollan and we'll we'll hear what he has to say uh thank you chairman yeah so he's requesting um two variances one for the um the rear yard property line where he's proposing 6 feet where 10t minimum is required um and then 0 feet from the principal dwelling where 3 feet is required um in the r six Zone due to the size anything over 200 square ft that setback is increased from 3T um to 10t minimum um so kind of a situation where if if the structure was reduced in size he may be able to fit it accordingly within within the requirements um but due to the size yes he is deficient on that rear yard setback um and then also needs one for the zero yard for sorry zero feet from the principal dwelling that's all chair okay this is a done on pipe uh I would assume or again how is it constructed it's kind of like your typical Like Home Depot 10x10 fabric canopies kind of similar to that um just a little more intuitive when it comes to construction and and how it's secured to the the deck and the house but it's permanent right essentially yes yep all right U I'm going to go to the board U to see if they have any questions I'll start on my left Mr Rizo you started this project when um I believe it was 20 speak I'm sorry I believe it was 20 20 and it's covered in a pool no no it's I have a pool um which is to the right and this is uh probably 35 ft the pool is on this side and then the canopy is outside by sliding door if you look on that red highlighted area that's that's the canopy um think the it's basically I have a conc I have a concrete slab there and that's covering the the slab so it's enjoyment to get out of the sun yes for somebody who really doesn't like the sun the pools you know after when Co happened um everybody went Stir Crazy in my family because we didn't do anything not a sun person family is and it was kind of more for me to maybe watch TV and watch my 12 your daughter uh and her friends in the pool understood Mr Stoner no I don't have Mr scagno Vice chairman nope M andrees this fabric canae yes metal already built um the the frame is is made of aluminum I believe do you take this down at all in the winter just the fabric I mean the fabric you take down in the winter okay so it's not permanent no it's not it's not well it's the structure is I understand yes the the the and that's the way it was explained to me that it was it was a temporary but then I guess after we didn't pass the first time around I think they tried to enforce it so it was permanent and it it it solved the problem is this built so you couldn't move it uh it doesn't collapse on its own right correct it can't be so so it couldn't be brought in three three foot it couldn't be okay uh Miss test did you have anything no counselor um how was it attached to the ground is it like uh is there is it there's there's footings and it and it's bolted so in the corners there's footings they were dug three foot deep and then in between there's trusses too and uh the two in in the front are have footings with concrete and then everything uh everything down is bolted into the concrete all right so it's fair to say that uh if you were to make this smaller to maybe try to um because if it was smaller in size you'd actually meet the rear setback which would eliminate a variance was it fair to say that if you were to do that you'd have to purchase a new structure remove a footing and put some new footings in in order to accomplish that right I would have to I would have to and this is welded um it's I would have to reduce the whole structure and remove the footings and and set the footings back okay so basically it would constitute a hardship in your opinion yes see one yep new canopy anything else you want to tell us at this go ahead your new canopy too it would it would be a very expensive mistake say least okay uh anybody else on the board before I go to the public all right I'm going to go to the public on this matter this is number 02-2020 Z physical location one Ardon Court does anyone here in the room wish to be heard on this matter please raise your hand or stand all right no one has I'll close the public portion I would assume you would like me to take a vote please sir okay uh in essence this is a one it's two variances right it's the uh rear yard and the proximity to the house right exactly zero to the house and and um six from the rear property line where 10 is required would there be two different different ones Mr uh Clancy it's they're both bulk so we can do it as one one vote okay so this is u under C1 hardship uh this would be I guess rather costly for you to make this uh repair and I we haven't heard any complaint from any of the neighbors so I assum how high is it in the air by the way how high is it in the air yeah um I can stand over it so I'm assuming it's maybe about 8 feet okay all right would someone be interested in moving this for the uh bulks the the C1 is Mr Rizo go ahead and Miss Chevalier is a second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes it's always good to check with the with the township before you do projects and that way it alleviates any problems later on I'm yeah I'm it's okay no need to apologize I'm just giving verbal advice to everyone so thank you for coming in and best best luck obviously get good usage out of it right came in handy during 2020 I'm sure so so far so far so good all right sir thank you very much I learned a lot about thank you very much for your time byebye good evening okay next m is 07224 z John deor this is uh R5 this is Block 19 lot 474 474 Brookside Avenue Lawrence Harbor this for driveway and pavers uh the applicant seeks to legitimize a driveway resurface resurfacing and expansion as well as a concrete and paper walkway driveway was installed 3 foot from the side property line where five foot minimum is required as well as Zero from the rear yard property line where 5 foot is required concrete walkway was installed Zero from the side property line where three minim 3 foot minimum is also required total improvements bring to minimum landscape area rati itio to 3.79% where 45% is required Mr dor come on up Sir is the lady with you going to testify as well um she's more than welcome too if she wants it's okay okay uh same thing applies to just take a seat state your name board attorney else where you in John push the button there you and leave it leave now just leave it be it'll stay no push the button and Let It Go there you oh there you go that's it John Deco thank you you can you raise your right hand sir yes you solemnly swear any testimony provided before the board will be the truth and the whole truth yes okay you can put your hand down thank you uh Mr dor you heard me explain to the gentleman ahead of you we just like you to tell us the facts of what's going what happened yeah uh and we'll go to the township officer to find out why you're in violation yeah what happened was where my property situated my neighbor if you're looking at my house the neighbor to the right their property is higher than mine so like when it rains and stuff eventually it accumulates on one side of the house so I have a shed in the backyard and every once in a while I have to go out and remove the dirt from the side of the shed so I figured if I did the the driveway all the way to the end of the property I could take the shed and move it out of the mud and put it on the pavers this way you know I wouldn't have to worry about it rotting and in front of the shed I wanted to put just one of those tents that you get from shelter logic to cover my car to protect it because about I I don't know exactly when about four or five years ago I just came down here to see about having a garage built at a cement block and it was almost when I talked to the gentleman it was in the other building it was really he said it probably be impossible to do because I'd have to get variances and make sure you know I'm not in anybody else's you know zoning site or whatever so it's the best thing I could do to protect my car and to get the shed out to be honest you I'm getting older it's getting harder to do things so I just wanted to make sure everything was done you know I don't have to worry about it and that's why I I went as far back as I did and I didn't know you needed a permit to redo the driveway you know so okay you have any photos you want to show us yeah I see you have a packet there so yeah I figured it would help sure you want to see these first yeah attorney's going to take a look at those before the board sees them okay yeah you can come up so right over yep before hold on let him review them and he'll he'll ask questions if if he has any um do you want to introduce all of these sir well I just wanted to explain why I did in this way have a better view of why I did it as you can see where the concrete is hold on I don't think you're being picked up because you're not in front of a microphone where I put the concrete along along the fence there it was to make sure that the pavers stayed locked in where they wouldn't you know create another tripping haard just reviewing them for evidentiary value before he before the board can examine them so just wait one second okay if you want to put them all in we can we can put them all in if you'd like um we got to mark them are they just more of the same I mean I think it I think it's probably helpful for the board if they want us scan through them only because he took the time to include some reference points in there which may be helpful I have 21 does that sound right sound it looks like 21 yeah approximately I really count 21 will'll make them okay I just wanted to show you that in order if I were to just not to the grass pot I had three people almost get hurt my girlfriend slipped one time and almost hurt her ankle there was trees along the side of the property and The Roots it was on my neighbor's side the trees and the root root actually ripped up the driveway so I had to have all the roots removed to takeen out because I didn't have want to make a tripping Hazard no more and I wanted to make sure that the concrete would hold the the pavers in place anytime you went to back in in order to pull into the driveway if you wanted to open a door you had to put the passenger side Wheels on the grass in order to open the door so you didn't hit the house you know so that's why I had to do it that way what's what's that I wanted to just show that was about a month and a half after I that was on the other side of the house what happed side right yeah what happened was I'll have to explain it to you uh when I went to buy the pavers I there was a place on hearon road I bought them from but I didn't know that if you use any of the P off the pallet if you didn't use the whole pallet you can't take they don't take it back you'd have to buy like four pallets and then if you needed like four and a half you'd have to buy half a pallet if you used any of the the the pavers off of that pallet they don't take it back so I'm like well what do I do with all these you know I didn't know what to do so the the gentleman that was actually doing the job he goes well why don't you get another set of pavers and we could just do a little walkway along the side now what's that uh that's the um that's the side of the house if I looked at your house that would be on that's the I'm sorry that's the back of the house that was the back of the house now what would happen is the the foundation was so low too there's some pictures there that if you look at them you to try to get the lawn mower or weed whacker up to the clo you know close to the house it would just it actually ripped up by accident part of sighting yeah I just wanted to show how far away from the the foundation it was it was like four feet that's you know that's the that's showing what that's four foot from where uh the the the house itself over on the neighbor's side without the driveway yeah that's just laying on top of the sand we just laid them down so I didn't have to worry about you know cutting a grass that close to the house okay so I'm just going to let the board take a quick look I got to bring him down this side as well and uh then we may have some questions in the meantime I'm going to ask Mr hollahan um what the variances are okay yeah Mr hollan thank you chairman um yes so the app is requesting um one variance for the driveway setback um at 3 feet where 5 ft is required um from the sidey property line as long as another one for the driveway for a zero foot setback from the rear yard property line where 5 ft is also required um additional variant for the concrete walkway that was in installed 0t from the sidey guard property line uh where 3 ft is required um and then the last variance is one for the um deficiency and minimum landscape area ratio uh which is at 30.7 n% where 45% is required uh that's a total of four correct uh yes my only question chairman was the um the the setbacks on the on the driveway and on the walkway I think when we've previously done these they've done them as that portion of it at least as design waivers yes y so I I think we would do it would the application more clearly would be like one for the landscape area ratio and the remaining would just be design waivers if the board were to act favorably does that sound right correct yes because the board started doing that after I had wrote this yeah yeah the L is is is a variance and the others are designed correct yep a variance for the L um variance for the side yard setback for the uh walkway and then essentially one or two design two design to the driveway okay we're on the same page thank you yep um Mr H when you were there let me ask the applicant it's not fair to ask you where does the water flow to when the when it rains yeah what happens to the water water just goes right in the yard whose yard mine yeah I don't have any uh any problem with drainage or anything well you're on the you're on the lot line I believe right uh with the concete yeah to your neighbor oh yeah no I took well I came down m i saw Mr howan one time with my neighbor who was directly across right next door I never do anything without referring it to you know my neighbor okay so the and the water does not flow on his property not maybe a little bit it actually might have does his property it might have flowed more at one time at one time it actually did flow more because it had came down the street into our the driveway and and his property whereas now the water just goes straight down the street that that rolls down the street and coming out towards the yeah coming it's like a hill okay Side Avenue Dan could you make a a guesstimate was I have not personally been at this site so I wouldn't want to speak on kind of if he's at a higher elevation than his neighbor or vice versa you're saying you're saying that it would run away towards the front of your home yeah right now my my Pro the the driveway my driveway is not pitched going towards his house at all okay it's actually going front and B it's coming it's hard to explain it's not pitched his way it's either level or use that envelope as your your lot if this is my driveway just leave it instead of being pitched like this it would be pitched a little bit front of the house and that goes to the front of the house yeah okay well some to the front and some to the back okay you know he we even did it with a level I shot he's a very good you know we became good friends okay you know I didn't want him to think I was encroaching on his property or anything understood uh I think every everybody have a chance to look at the photos okay you said your neighbor's um property's higher than yours no mine one it comes that as you're coming down the street the neighbor to ride of me higher than mine so when it rains there's no retaining oil there all the that you sort of pay that was after a month after a year it goes all the way up to the house okay I have to go out there with a shovel and try to shovel it away and then you have to cut the grass and weed whack it so with the extra pavers we just laid them down so to stop no Waters discharging towards your neighbor no okay no very good I wish I could have brought them me that's okay I'm going to go questions on my left I'll start with Mr Rizo satisfied Mr Stoner Mr scogna the PVC pipe fence is that yours no microphone no the fence that no the fence was he installed it your neighbor two not the neighbor now the neighbor before I believe the one who got the permit to cut the tree down he bought the house the woman who was there passed away he bought the house he owned the fence company from what I believe this is what he thought I always saw his truck there he told me he was cutting down trees because the trees disease and they were causing a lot of you know they were causing a lot of problems so with that etion he goes do you mind if I put a fence up I said by all means go right ahead you know so he wanted to let me know as as you could see in the prior photo when the trees were on a property I had to take the fence down my girlfriend got poison ivy because I couldn't hop over the fence to do it so the the weeds and trees were destroyed the fence so I said well I'm taking them taking a fence down that part this way at least I could maintain that property right on right on the property line that fence the fence was yeah actually uh the woman who owned the house she told me that the fence I owned the foot past that fence there you go so you know when I when I first bought the house it was a little over 20 years ago so you know I said okay I took the fence down because it was actually destroyed anyway with the trees roots and everything else okay so when he came and he said that um you know he had to cut the trees down and he was selling the property why mind putting the fence up I said go right ahead it was nicely done though whole driveway no thank you yeah I just didn't know create such a problem I wish I would have came down for that I I really didn't know you needed for a driveway that's okay you know you're here now it's fine yeah I know but I never let me see if any of other board members have any questions Miss Andrews Miss T counselor um in order to make this compliant with the um the setbacks um on the sidewalk and on the driveway and uh for the minimum landscape area ratio you would actually need to pull up all that nice brick work that you you did there right in order to if if if you had to try to to make it fit with what the township required oh yeah yeah I like I like I was saying I you know I didn't think it' create a problem and on the driveway side you honestly have to park on part of that concrete if I would to look it was turning into mud it was just the tire tracks were creating grooves and it was actually a hazard I mean her her mother and my friend's wife they basically slipped and they they all hurt their ankles so you would agree that to if you if you for for whatever reason if you had to try to if you didn't have a variance you would in order to make this fit now that you kind of know what the setbacks are it would create a hardship for you to meet that requirement yes yes yes okay anything else you want to tell us no I have to go to a public portion okay like I did before matter 7- 2024 Z location is 474 Brookside Avenue legitimize a driveway and pavers is anyone here in the uh courtroom to be heard on this matter please raise your hand or stand no one has I'll close the public portion you have any final comments sir I think you're going to be in trouble foring bringing her in and not allowing her to come up to the front but you'll have to deal with that on your own I know any uh final comments sir no no sir okay uh it's pretty clear to the board uh we've seen these matters before you did do a nice job I must say thank you and I'm glad that the water is not going on anybody else's property own problem let's see what the board says uh we'll see if they act favorably on your vote okay someone this is going to be two design wavers we'll do the actually we'll do the C1 first and then we'll follow up the two design design waivers the C1 is for the landscape area ratio correct correct all right anybody in favor C1 moov scog scagno test second test of 30 seconds roll call please as the C1 Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr stoner yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes and now we have uh actually it's three design waivers I I believe yeah both sides and uh the back someone want to move the design waivers for the uh I'll move it chier and second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you very much for appearing uh you did you did a nice job and it's you improved your own property and you probably yeah I tried to you make the neighborhood better as well so all right thank you very much thanks for appearing make sure you get any permits that you need I need my do you still need the photos or we have his pictures they become evidence okay all right thank you all right sir good luck you're welcome I told you all right next matter on the agenda this evening is 6-22 4 z uh it's Timothy her herut tanan come on up sir I I'm sure I got that wrong but um you can correct it when you this is R7 Zone block 18086 slot 14271 apple b Avenue in Oldbridge uh home rehab and addition see variant applicant proposes a rehabilitation in addition to an existing on story single family dwelling the proposed side yard setback is three where 10 minimum required the proposed front yard setback is 13 along applebe Avenue and 235 along uh Ernest Road where 25 minimum respectively is required the proposed addition is 2.5 foot from the existing frame garage where three minimum is required sir would you state your name and the board attorney else where you in yeah it's Timothy haronian I'm sorry I apologize it's been butchered my whole life it doesn't face me should raise your right hand for me S you s s any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth I do okay put your hand down thank you well you should be experienced now you saw two before you so it's the same same rules apply we're just going to ask you to tell us uh police officer as well so I'm used to these if you have any if you have any uh pieces of evidence or anything you'd like to show the board obviously it has to go to the board attorney first and he'll let the board view it if if it's eviden if it has evidential revalue tell us where you're at sir okay uh yes so 71 albe Avenue it's um it's my childhood at home uh few years back before she lost my father unexpectedly and uh I was able to obtain the house um growing up in house it's a very small house it's very old house built in 1932 uh there was five of us in that house and how we did it I'm not quite sure but we did um I moved away for a short while moved up to North Jersey up the phsb BG area and uh couldn't wait to come back I had a son came back he turned five and I knew where I was where he was going to school said he's coming back down to coming back down to oldridge she's going to Southwood School where I went and everything it's um always been a dream of mine to rehab my childhood home I said years uh 12 13 years old I said this house is never going to leave my possession you know it's never going to leave the family name and uh now I have an opportunity to to rehab it and uh you know add on a little bit you know and uh it's exciting you know to be able to do that for my child at home I love the neighborhood I love the town I'm a volunteer first aor I'm a life member with Oldbridge red and white um my son plays Sports in town here and it's it's it's been wild to see him ride his bike where I used to ride my bike crash his bike where I used to crash my bike so um like father like son absolutely absolutely um the Dead End Street uh we we were lucky enough to live on the corner of the Dead End Street so it's uh a lot of the neighbors are still there from when I grew up so now they're seeing my son run up and down the street and they love it they come out just to watch him ride his bike up and down the street it's it's actually it's been it's been really cool it's been really neat to see it all so um unfortunately the house uh this was built back in the 30s it's um maybe uh offsets and some other stuff didn't really apply back then and the house was kind of built on a propery crooked so instead of being symmetrical when we tried when we designed it the first time uh my architect for whatever reason I don't know why um he used my family's um survey that they got back in 1980 when they moved in well that's you 198 that's way outdated the way things are now and uh that's you know this one is way more way more advanced than the one that we have from 1980 um the problem is is because of the sideways trying to get what we wanted to do to fit uh we we tried reconfiguring as much as we can but no matter which way we turned the house no matter which way we somehow we were off uh might have been a couple inches over here might have been a few feet over here we just couldn't get it to fit in on the lot and uh so I have to going back and forth changing some stuff this is this is where we're at uh coming for for the variances applying for the variances because I I don't know what else we could do to get it to fit without without tearing it down and I was strictly against tearing that down because the house it's more than just house to me that's my that's you know my childhood home it's understood um let's see what Mr hollahan has to say okay uh before that I just have one question for the applicant um the plans that we see War can you go to the one with the proposed on it m my question when you first submitted the um these plans to the building department back in 2023 have they changed since then um got to see which ones you have up there hold on Danny it was the plot plan Morin oh it was the plot y the only reason I asked because the numbers that I have on my denial differ a little bit from what this PLP line shows so I'm the I believe if it should be the up-to-date version if not it the only thing that was adjusted was the uh garage we made the garage shorter to try to get it to fit okay so we shrunk it a little bit to try to get it off the property line okay um but I think we're I think we're still a couple inches shy gotcha yep okay um so yeah I'm sorry the plans plans were submitted also I uh so I don't know if you guys have them on this file or not okay so they're there too got the the most current ones okay uh so yeah chairman based off the plans that are presented in front of the board it differs a little bit from my denial as far as the numbers they they still require the same variances so I'll go through what he requires um for the sidey yard he's proposing 7.4 feet where 10 ft minimum is required uh for the front yard front yard um along applebe he's proposing 12 feet where 25 ft is required for the front yard along Earnest he's proposing 21.3 feet where 25 ft is required um and then the last variance Remains the Same where it's 2 and 1/2 ft from the existing garage uh where 3 ft is required just to touch on the garage the garage the existing garage of that's going to be torn down that's that's uh as soon as we have the opportunity that's not going to be there it's going to be torn down yeah that should be that should be updated also you should have that as well too that that's that's going to be torn down the old garage okay yeah it doesn't reflect that on the plan but if that's the case and and you want to put that on the record uh chairman yeah um that would alleviate him from that less variance it is yeah that garage is going to be torn down yeah okay anything else d uh no that's it chairman so Clarity he won't need the two and a half foot garage correct yes if that garage is removed yes yep thank you what's next to you uh you're on the corner lot so what's next to you on applebe uh it's it's a one residence and there's a residence behind me and those are the only and what's in between you uh driveway driveway uh both driveways actually for both properties so both both driveways are between there's no fence there is a fence there is a fence um it's the property owner next to me is fence run the length of the drive yes I'll go to my left M to start with Mr ISO if you have anything no Mr Stoner no Mr scagno Vice chairman uh counselor uh you kind of went through this on your own but the obviously youve it sounds like you've tried several different configurations to modify and add on to what's already there kind of preserving the bones of the house as it as it were um and every configuration that you've looked at you haven't been able to come up with one that'll work correct so in order to comply with the um with the with the zoning ordinances here it would be a hardship You' basically have to tear the house down to try to correct uh to to put what kind of what you're looking to do within the the meets and bounds that are required by the township correct correct okay did some of these were some of these uh irregularities there before he even went to do this um as far as what uh the setback yeah so the front yard actually exists at um I think 12.8 ft right um so if he were to continue and and leave it kind of at that 12 ft he may not require variance um but because he's creating a further deficiency he he requires a new variance yeah well as he as he opened up uh in his statement it's caned the on the lot it they didn't set it uh correct perfectly and I think that one would have existed either way I would if the house wasn't kind of skewed the way it was and it was more situated in the center of the lot he probably wouldn't be here tonight so wouldn't be having this conversation yeah okay I have to go to a public portion on this all right uh this is matter uh 62024 Z the physical location 71 applebe Avenue this is for home rehab and an addition anyone here in the uh courtroom wish to be heard on this matter please stand or raise your hand no one has reacted to that I'll assume the public is not interested and I'll close the public portion any final comments sir uh I just had one question for my contractor he's also present with me sit in the back there if there was any technical questions I couldn't answer he's a man back there uh but he wanted a great job he wanted to uh know if I could submit to the building department to uh the formal um you know what resolution resolution I knew I was resolution you're not going to get the resolution until the next meeting okay okay that's that's probably what he wants to know if he can start okay I wrote it down and I knew I was gonna question was I go to the building department with my you can take that up I can take that up with Mr hollahan after we vote all right I can answer it real quick go ahead um there's nothing that stops you from presenting those plans and submitting them as part of the application just office personally can't review and approve it until the resolution is memorialized and signed um so if you want to get ahead of the game sure it just it doesn't give you really any benefit um because I can't review it until that resolution is memorialized and signed should the board act favorably already then it's just a technicality so I think it takes quite some time to obtain the permits got if I had the whole package the proper package in according to what everybody on tonight be a nice smooth my recommendation to you until you get the resolution in your hand hold off on submitting anything okay uh having said that uh why don't we take a vote this uh is going to be we can do all three correct uh Mr Clancy yeah they're all bulk variants yep yep uh for the sidey yard 74 we're 10 required front yard 12 where 25 is required and the front on the opposite street is 213 where 25 is required the fourth one will not be necessary it's been alleviated someone interested in moving them as a bulk Andrew move it is there a second I think Mr ISO beat you to that one roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Solomon I was impressed by the story I can't believe that you really wanted to do this I mean to come back and come your roots this is where your roots are and this is where you want them to be and you want them to your family that's admirable uh and uh and heartwarming in many ways my vote is certainly yes and the best luck on the on the always always bled Old Bridge always through and through that's great and it'll it'll make that investment even more special to you thank you for appearing it should be ready by the next meeting which which is June 6th all right thank you appreciate thanks for appearing luck okay our next item is 14 D 2024 Z Lisa Lynch this is R20 low uh medium density residential this is block 12261 lot 22 physical location 202 Morganville Road in Manan for a pbor applicant proposed to construct the 40 by3 pobor to store cars and motorcycles Miss Lynch yes please State un name the board attorney I'll swear you in Lisa Lynch just raise your right hand please do you Solly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth I do okay thank you uh Miss Lynch this is your home yes okay and you reside there yes okay uh the same applies why don't you tell us uh what you're doing why you want to do it um I just basically want to get a garage we don't have a garage there's um like a shed in the back that I think used to be um the house was built in I think 55 so it used to be like a horse barn so like you know we could put stuff in there but it's got like barn doors um other than that we got um our we got like a U-shaped driveway that that's where we park our cars and I'd like to keep them out of the weather and our motorcycles out of the weather um and then there's like a small there's a driveway that goes along the side it used to be an old road so it would be easier I got two teenage boys that are driving now um pulling out of our driveway is kind of a pain CU we're like right at the crest of the below the CR press of the hill on Morganville road so um you know it's kind of like uh you're taking a chance when you pull out because people come flying over the hill even though it's only a 25 M hour road um they they just fly on that road it's like a main road what's the height of this building um I think it's going to be like 23 20 like almost 24 ft um we want to use the upstairs for storage um our house is like 1300 square feet so we got two teenage boys that you know got a lot of junk and hockey equipment and stuff like that so kind of want to use would you be using it as living space no no and you go on the record for that right on the part of the resolution it won't be used for yeah should there be favorable vote right okay anything else you want to tell us um no I mean we want to just keep our um Vehicles out of the weather out of the elements um uh our lawn equipment all that stuff that you know we'd like to protect you know this drawing this isn't on pilings right I what is that just the way they drew this so that one more time chairman it looks like it's like lifted up on on the picture that's to kind of show show the footings yep Mr Holland yes thank you chairman um yes so the applicant is is here um tonight requesting two possibly three variances cuz I do have a question um it's going to be a second full story um I don't I just know attic trusses that's what my husband kept saying just we want attic trusses just for the weight up top I guess do you know roughly how much headro cuz it didn't indicate that on the architectural plans I I just assumed it was one story I think to the peak it was like 10 ft I believe okay but it's only like 15 it's a room that would be like 15t wide I think I think the guy said that um it would be half of the width of what the garage is okay um chairman I believe off top of my head that would constitute a second story where accessory structures are only permitted um one story or one and a half stories um so with that being said the first variance that they're requesting um is for the structure size of an accessory building um when they're proposing a 40 by 30 which is 1,200 square feet where 600 maximum is permitted um a height of 23 ft where a maximum of 15 ft is permitted um and then two stories where a maximum of 1.5 stories is permitted we don't have fact we don't factually have the dimensions and and the the the the size because you made it two stories you understand you can't do that for an accessory structure right one one and half is the limit so now you're asking for something that Pro may or may not belong on the property right so could I just go for another variance like he said I mean I we like to actually see we'd actually like to see the drawing or the that was the exact that's I see the drawing but it doesn't come with dimensions right oh okay I see what you saying yeah yeah I think you're going to have to supply a little bit more information uh with with the actual drawing and the calculations okay well that I mean that shows the height there I mean it's the the sidewalls would be 12T which show on the side and then another 10 foot to the peak it's just it's it's I mean it's a basic Square you know Square it's just walls and that showing that's that that was it that's it's going up chairman looking at the definitions of our ordinance what constitute a story um it's when any portion is is at least 6 feet at any elevation point so without seeing more detailed architectures on the inside of the building I can't confidence say whether or not it's a story I'm just kind of going based off what um she's testifying that it's 10 ft um which would definitely constitute an additional full story so you'd like to see the full architecturals right I mean I think I'd leave that up to the discre of the board um but if if we're going to rely on the applicant's testimony then it would be an additional variance request for a two story building where one and a half is permitted Mr Clancy um I I agree with the I agree with the assessment here it looks like you know basic clearly on the definition it's going to be more than six feet is the story right if it's 10 feet to the peak even on the outside we're still looking at something more than six feet on the inside so I think you're at at two stories there so I think it would require the additional uh variance I see that there's you know there has been some some measurements that have been provided at least the packet that I have like I said 30X 40 structure on each side and we have a height measurement it's not very detailed but um you know ultimately it'll be up to the board to decide if they have enough information that they feel comfortable with um or if you know perhaps they want to maybe ask uh ask for some additional submissions or unless you can elicit something else through through testimony that would satisfy the board you have no further paperwork you have no no I mean I asked from the begin I didn't like you know the plans for it they said it would be like $2,000 so I didn't want to pay for plans you know if I don't know it's going to get approved or not this is a this a you're calling it a poorn it's not built from stick right this is probably it's a pobor yeah it's a pobor so they don't they said this was the plans they sent me they said there's like I forget what they said I mean uh I haven't been dealing with this because I've been waiting for I forget what it was called when they wanted the more detailed um drawings um yeah they said I thought it was simple I thought you know they're pretty basic you could just send them over but they said no it it would be like $2,000 in order to do that does that sound right depends on the company but some companies will have generic architecturals because they sell kind of one pre-built building some of them will charge you for drawings that they may or may not do at that time or may just be generic it depends on the company right yeah I think it was a smaller company I was working with it wasn't like a big company that you know Mass produces them let's see if the what questions the boards okay board may have I'll start on my left Mr oo Vehicles you said how many vehicles um well my one son just got a vehicle a year ago um I it's for a three-car garage but my husband has a Corvette um which he keeps in that garage with the barn door so and our motorcycles are in there so anytime we want to take our motorcycles out you got to move the Corvette to get the motorcycles out to put the Corvette back in um and then you know I got a daily driver and I got a you know our hockey vehicle we have a few Vehicles we we do have vehicles so they're always up front which is another thing like you know when we go away people know we're away because our same vehicles are up front so when we're gone for the whole weekend you know it's pretty obvious that we're not there for height you have a desire for height that you want it that high well just for easier storage I guess just bring I like have I don't know if anybody ever goes down Morganville road but during Christmas time I have a ton of Lights um that I like my outside decorations um storage my house is really small I don't have like I'm actually looking forward to it cuz then I could like change my wardrobe out and put my buckets of like you know sweaters up there right it's a 1300 foot house so we like don't have any closet space anything like that so it's kind of you know and as your kids get older stuff accumulates and you know just looking forward to is there electric running to that um there's we don't plan on doing it right away eventually um I just we just want to like put our cars and our equipment and Lawn stuff yeah we just want to get all that that's our main focus is our cars and motorcycles and you know keep them locked up you know you know I don't think he answered the question asked you if there's going to be Electric in it I guess down the road we would like to put electric yeah I'm sure he's following it up with another question okay I'll leave it for you guys Plumbing would be next Plumbing oh no no not definitely not plumy no no no no it's not even going to be like close to the house it's kind of like um our sidey yard is kind of pretty wide and there's a driveway that goes there's a stone driveway that's on the side of the house it used to be an Old Road there um so we're going to have the entrance to come in there um it's not like it's super close to the like yeah no there's no Plumbing mimicking your house wise and things like that would it would it replicate um would it fit would it look appealing yeah I guess so yeah it's a small ranch it's like it's a really small house Mr ster no I don't have any questions all right scagno Vice chairman yeah I'm just kind of curious why you can't keep it to one and a half stories um I guess I could I just we just figured it was you know easy accessive though it's it's only 100 square ft smaller than your home technically it could be considered another residence if you close in those you know garage doors right right you know you can just keep it right in there with the one and a half stor St still a lot of storage and then it can never be converted into a living space right um I just I guess it's easier being able to walk up there you know going in our attic which is you know I guess the peak is probably like five six feet and you know you're always kind of crunched down when you're up there I mean it would be nice to just be able to store everything and kind of walk easily I mean I guess my whole thing is we're going we're going this far you know why I mean at the time I didn't know you only allow I mean I I talked to Danny quite a few times in there I didn't know you were only allowed to go 6 feet high you know I knew we were getting a variance to go higher I just didn't know now you're going two story instead of one and a half this is the first I'm even hearing of it so you keeping the other shed that you have yeah yeah that's an old barn yeah it's my my husband's a mechanic so he you know he's got tool boxes in there and all his tool equipment and um you know he and that's kind of another reason he wants to clear that out to be able to work on what he he likes to work on you know okay but you're not going to be using it for a machine shop no no uh any type of commercial activity no no it is quite a big Loft if you will yeah yeah M Andrew no I just think it's another residence it it's one thing you know to have a pole bar and have some storage above there but you might as well put it Second Story on your own house and then just make a flat top garage that's just a suggestion but I I can't see putting something that that's another it's another home really right same as as another home be higher than your home thank you test birie anything counselor um is there any issue with the second accessory building do they need a variance for that in this zone no our ordinance doesn't limit the amount of accessory buildings anything else no uh let me go to the public uh before we deal with this uh this is 14- 2024 Z 202 Morganville Road uh for a pob barn anyone here in the room wish to be heard please raise your hand or stand there's only two people in the room neither has I'll close the public portion um you know I I think the Board needs to see some more detail um I fear that if you call if you ask me for a vote right now it may not be favorable it's just the feeling I have uh you can do what you wish and uh you can ask me to take a vote but I think there's too many unclear issues that need to be cleared up so I think more detail of that structure as Miss Andrews said that's a it's literally the size of your house right and just so you're aware the board really can only vote on this type of an application once so one option would be you can ask the board to continue this okay which basically you would come back at a at another meeting and in the meantime maybe you could work with uh with our our professionals here and kind of see if maybe there's a way where you could bring it a little more into compliance or um revise your your submissions to kind of answer some of the questions um because what the chairman is just pointing out to you is if you want them to have a vote tonight and and the vote does not go through in your favor you can't come back with the same application again right you only you only kind get like one crack at it so you know it's entirely up to you it's your it's your application I just want you to have the most information well if so tonight I could say okay well I'll just do the one and a half stories and we could vote on that or like are we um instead of the two sto well I think the issue that you run into there is what you're now proposing is kind of different from what you've submitted um and I would expect that you would probably need to have that conversation with the person who's designing the structure for you because if you lower the Second Story it's going to change the pitch of the roof so it may require they may the pitch may be so low that they may need to actually bring the building in a little bit so it might change the whole application I just don't know that you have you have enough information in front of you to be able to make that kind of of decision so but again it's it's entirely up to you what you want to do I just want to caution you if if if the vote is does not go in your favor you can't come back with the same application again so just keep that in mind right yeah in a way I'm trying to protect you from from losing it I I can I get one vote the other people get the other members get one vote I don't know how it's going to go but if you lose the vote as councelor said you can't bring that back again so I think you you lose nothing but probably another month or so uh by bringing more information and working with Mr hollahan to to see if he can bring this into a little bit of order uh and that way if there's an amendment we'll have time to to see that change and keep in mind that it's not like everything you said tonight goes away the board's already heard everything you've had to say you're just making a minor revision you could come back uh before the board again and just say hey I listen to what the board said I've met with the professionals and this is kind of what the additional information or this is this is how I've changed the application so you know just food for thought um yeah uh and uh I'll also just point out just because I know you're not here with an attorney who can tell you kind of all this stuff right uh if you ask the board for a continuation of the application meaning that we kind of go timeout for now we come back on another day the board can carry this without you having to notify everybody again you know you don't have to do that that process doesn't happen again and I'm sure you had to notify all your neighbors within 200 feet and I know there's some expense associated with that you would you wouldn't have to do that if the board granted a continuance without additional notification which they do routinely here so right um but then you're saying I got to come back with like I guess my whole thing is if I change it I I guess I'm a little confused that like am I come back with this same thing just a more detailed um plan or I have to change I have to go for the one and because it seems like well we can't we can't give you legal advice from from up here and the board can't you know give you any other feedback really than they've already given you based on the testimony that you've provided but what you are permitted to do in the time between if if you were to ask for a continuance what you or anybody else could do in that time would be to meet with the the township professionals and kind of review with them steps you might be able to take that might limit the amount of variances you need or or maybe able to uh provide some additional submissions at the suggestion of the professionals that might provide more clarity uh to the board board uh or or something along those lines so there are folks who can help you out and I know here in orge are very helpful uh with that stuff and they they're more than more than willing to work with you um but the board it's kind of they're kind of like judges in a court they can only hear what what comes in through testimony and what comes in through submissions the professionals can talk to you back and forth about you know maybe some changes you might might be thinking about or or some additional submissions you may want to put in they're very helpful with that kind of but the board can't do that and we and as a board attorney I'm not allowed to give you legal advice I'm just trying to give you general information right now you're saying if I vote I asked for this to be voted on tonight and let's say it is declined I can't come back with another like um you know okay I want to put a pole bar up this size but then go the one and a half store I mean it would it would have to be substantially different than what you've already uh applied for here because once it's once it's denied you can't come back with essentially the same application all right okay I'll go for the continuance yeah uh I think that might be in your best interest um again you're not losing anything except maybe another month or so of time okay and uh in the meantime you'll be able to speak to Mr Holan and and perhaps outside sources uh to do that I just fear that from the presentation tonight and there there may not be enough members here would vote in your favor right right and I I wouldn't say that to you unless I thought that okay all right so I'm just trying to give you the best advice uh Mr Clancy as our Council also is trying to give you the best advice so continuance costs you nothing except a little time okay all right and and you'll have a little bit more time to go ahead you can have accurate numbers for like maybe reducing the you know height of the ceiling so it does does look because technically you know there's been things um denied here in homes because of the same thing of the height of what an attic would have been right which could have been technically considered another room or story right right so it's and it could save you money yeah no I know that'll save a lot of money it's it's a big mean anything and you know you should kind of be try and be more compliant you're actually doubling the size of what's allowed right right and you're only 100 square ft smaller than your house right yeah okay kind of see the difference yeah yeah yeah I said you know just the measurements and stuff too can make a huge difference with the vote okay all right all right that's the best advice we can give you at this point and uh we will uh allow a continuance obviously we it'll be scheduled I don't know you'll have to get back to the zoning division to see when we can uh the zoning department I should say to uh see when we can put on the schedule again okay but in the meantime you can get some some of the U variables maybe uh straightened out okay all right all right well thank you for your appearance tonight I'm sorry uh that we can't act on it tonight I don't think it's in your best interest chairman that's going to be carried without further right it would be carried no further notice you won't have to notice uh in the 200 foot side all right and you can be in contact uh as to when it'll come back on the schedule okay all right this is the 14- 2024 Z 202 Morganville Road this matter is going to be continued uh with no further notice date to be said Thank you again thank you all right uh that is the end of our agenda this evening board members other council do you have anything to relay to the board no we'll have uh three resolutions for uh for next meeting ready to go okay uh there's only one person in here for general public comments sir would you be interested no okay in that case I'll close public general public comments for the evening and Miss belli June 6th is the next right correct okay anything from the township that we need to know okay well uh I wish everybody uh safe healthy holidays which will be up coming up Memorial Day next next weekend so do be safe and enjoy well having said that so no no no no you never know that's right uh someone moved from adjournment I'll move is there a second second all in favor I I we stand ajour e e