##VIDEO ID:2I4is_IsdV4## e e e e e e e e e e e uh good evening everyone You' like to start the meeting please rise aliance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated welcome to the township of alridge Zoning Board of adjustment meeting November 7 2024 adequate notice of this meeting of the alridge township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided Ed in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting by prominently posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time to date the location the agenda of this meeting also by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk and Publishing the agenda on the municipal website may we have a roll call certainly Chell Miss Andrews absent Miss Chevalier here Mr ISO here Mr scagno absent Mr Stoner here miss tester here Mr Victoria absent Mr Sing absent chairman Sullivan here for those uh watching at home we're going to have a a shorter meeting than we had anticipated this evening there's been some um last minute uh continuances having said that uh this meeting is being televised on catv 15 and simultaneously there's a live feed on YouTube live uh of council tonight is Mr Jeffrey Cheney who's sitting to my right your left if you're watching uh we only have one application to uh hear this evening uh but before we do that we have some uh housekeeping business issues to tend to and I see Mr Chen's drinking his tea and he's ready to go there go we have uh five resolutions to memorialize this evening uh 75- 2023 Z Lewis ptio was a design wear Mr Cheney thank you Mr chairman I'll try to speed through all these here get us out of here early uh resolution 75223 z uh ranting design waver application of Luis J and Luis C pusio off the property known as 243 throck Morton Lane Al brdge New Jersey otherwise known as block uh 15586 lot 706 uh public hearing was held on October 17 2024 applicant uh expended their their uh property's driveway measuring approximately 11 ft by 53 ft prior to obtaining a permit the expanded driveway is 1 and2 ft from the side property line whereas a minimum of 5 ft was required thank you Mr chairman board members you've heard the resolution so we'll move it for uh adoption please T is there a second ISO roll call please M chalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr Stoner yes M tester yes chairman Sullivan yes 32-22 4 Z Melissa Rodriguez that was a c variance Mr Cheney yeah this is application 32 2024 z uh granting bulk variance relief to Richard and Melissa Rodriguez for 27 Gerard Avenue Old Bridge New Jersey otherwise known as block uh 1558 lot 307 uh uh Sub sub to a public hearing on October 17 2024 applicants s to legitimize the removal of an existing split level deck and the construction of a new uh seven 7t 2 in by 14t and 5 in by 44 in uh deck with a side setback of 2.6 ft where 11 ft was required due to the 44 foot height of the deck thank you Mr chairman board members someone move there for adoption please I'll move with Stoner is there a second ISO call please miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes uh 08 2024 Z brickmore Oldbridge LLC major preliminary and final site plan Mr chair please thank you Mr chairman this is application 08224 z uh brickmore Oldbridge for amended preliminary and final major site plan approval for property known as block 5000 lot three on the uh otherwise known as 1030 US Route 9 Old Bridge uh applicant proposed to ret tenant a 7,22 sorry 7,724 ft former restaurant use within the Gateway Shopping Center to a salon Suite use operated by Phoenix Salon Suites consisting of 46 indidual Salon Suites thank you Mr chairman board members someone move that for adoption please test is there a second ISO call please M Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes 29- 2024 Z andh management B forced D variant application denied Mr chain yeah uh it was sorry uh deny application for D1 bulk varant relief of enh Management LLC for 18 Pleasant Valley Road Old Bridge known as block 20,000 l 10 uh applicant proposed to remove the existing improvements and construct a 12,540 ft mini warehouse with Associated parking loading areas and ingress/egress driveways on both Oldbridge Englishtown Road and Pleasant Valley Road thank you Mr chairman board members you've heard the application so we move that up for adoption please Stoner is there a second Chevalier second please M Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr Stoner yes M testy yes chairman Sullivan yes 42 dish 2024 Z Hudson 90 Matan LP D variant Mr CH yeah this is application 42 2024 z uh applicant hson ms90 M1 LP for use variance approval for property known as block 32 34 lot uh lots 4.26 and 4.28 otherwise known as 90 mwan Road Oldbridge subject to a public hearing on October 21 24 2024 and the applicant was Pros to reten a vacant ground floor unit with henfield hasenfeld Stein Inc a diamond manufacturer dealer thank you Mr chairman board members someone move that for adoption please is there a second second Stoner please Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes it comes to uh item four on the agenda this evening that's wearing in professionals uh we have Mr hollan here Mr chny would you please be so kind do Solly swear it's the truth of the testimony for which you are about to provide I do thank you Mr hollan and would you just identify yourself who who you are for those might be watching at home yes uh Daniel hollan officer thank you d uh we come to the applications now and as I said this we have a limited uh limited menu this night if you will uh I'm going to read those in order U as they were on the agenda uh and their dis positions for the evening 79- 2023 Z Barbara Robinson Ramirez that's block 12283 lot 85 physical location on that's 85 Bennett Road that was for a c variance uh seeks to legitimize 15 by 45 approximately deck the deck is 0.25 foot outside the sidey yard property line where 10 is required the public hearing for this application has been adjourned without further notice the date is to be determined once the uh 2025 meeting schedule has been confirmed uh those don't if that sounds strange to people it the board can't reconvene until the uh Council meets and uh starts off the new year so when that happens our meeting will uh come after that and then a calendar will be condu U configured for the year so these aren't going away they're just not at this particular time they don't have a date to be placed uh you'll hear that again coming up uh the next one is 27 uh that matter obviously is not going to be heard this evening 27- 2023 Z it's Vision Oldbridge LLC that's the tcd district it's a bifurcated D variance uh the uh applicant proposes to demolish the existing guarding Center and construct a single multif family building consisting of 68 Apartments including 11 affordable units public uh that physical location on that is 3963 County Road uh County Route 516 block 12261 lot 64 the public hearing for this application has been adjourned without further notice the date again to be determined once the 2025 meeting schedule has been confirmed in short that means there was no hearing this evening 04- 2021 z uh bamra Warehouse project this is uh the low density r120 Zone uh this is a constraints residential r120 block 2500 lot 5.12 uh that's the physical locations on Englishtown Road in Albridge this is for a min Warehouse it's a major requiring major preliminary and final site plan with c and d variances applicant proposes to develop the property with a 6,000 SQ foot mini warehouse for the indoor storage of materials associated with the applicants construction business the public hearing for this matter uh has been adjourned without further notice the date is to be determined again once the 2025 meeting schedule has been convered again in short there will be no hearing on that matter this evening 45 uh we're coming to you sir right okay we got there it was on the back page though okay 45- 2024 zahad Kamal this is the low density residential R1 uh R20 it's a block 13332 Lot 27 the physical locations one Cobblestone Court and Oldbridge for requiring a c erance for a deck with stairs the applicant proposes to legitimize a previously constructed 13 foot 5 in by 14ot four 4.5 foot by 6 foot 5 inch high deck the deck was constructed 10 uh 10.8 ft from the sidey yard property line where 17t minimum is required as well as 13.1 foot from the rear yard property line where 17 foot minimum is required bless you okay sir you uh please identify yourself and then the board attorney's going to swear you can I have you turn that on just until it's glowing green there we go perfect can you state your name yes uh fad Kamal and f a h a d yes k a m a l yes thank you and uh you live at One Cobblestone Court okay correct can I have you raise your right hand do you Solly swear it's the truth of of the testimony for which you are about to provide yes thank you sir sir when these homeowner applications come before us they're of a lesser uh variance level than when commercial properties come before us so we still have to put certain uh certain items on the record in order for the board to act favorably or not favorably on on your application so what I'm going to ask you to do is just tell us in your own words you don't have any other uh people that are going to testify right no you have no professionals no and you have no exhibits to show us no okay uh what I'm going to ask you to do in your own uh words and your own time tell us what happened uh why you're here this evening uh what you tried to do or what you didn't try to do and we're going to then ask our professional why you're here the board members may have some questions for you uh the counselor may have some questions for you you may have some questions for us there'll come a time when we're finished with that testimony we have what's known as a public portion that we have to open it although no one here is in in the courtroom this evening other than yourself we still have to open a public portion and to see if anyone wanted to speak honor or against your application sense take your own take your own time and tell us why you're here this evening sir sure yeah um you are the property owner correct yes I am and my wife R Abit who's not present um so I'm the property owner for one Cobblestone Court Oldbridge uh we moved into that property sometime in 2018 um so as we moved in the deck was as it was uh we were utilizing a deck on daily basis summer whatever the occasion may be we were about doing our day-to-day basis um there was no indication that we were not aware if the deck was properly made or what not um again um fast forward to uh the occasion that I'm in is we were putting the house on on rent um so as we do that you guys may be aware that we have to uh get a CO mhm uh certificate of occupancy that's where it came to our understanding that the deck was not built as it was or there were no permits so I came to the office and I said hey I need to file a permit and they mentioned that you need to go through getting a engineer and what uh to get the drawings and whatnot I did not have a drawing um of the deck again so we've been using the deck for for six seven years and uh yeah so when we were trying to put the house for rent that's what we figured out that it was the way it was built and just wanted to highlight one thing um as as you can you cannot see from the picture but there is a slope a really big slope right outside the deck on both side um so I'm again this is the Assumption the previous owner that built the deck had consideration that we cannot utilize the property as much so maybe they wanted to use some of the spacing where the reason why I'm here for variants that's just my assumption um the property cannot be utilized for you know kids playing because it's really it's a slope out there um so yeah um so basically I'm here to file for C uh C variant um again we've been living there for six seven years no concern no issue with the deck um it's it's not as high deck as others that I've seen um we haven't come across any issues um and I think that's that's what I have at the moment okay thank you sir Mr hollan I do have to commend fad on his explanation it was quite impressive this is my first time doing so I agree really the only thing that I had have to add is although this is a property in the r20s Zone it was built under R5 alternate design standards so that the deck and everything within the property has to conform with those R5 standards um decks in the R20 Zone the required setback is 10 ft which he meets that requirement but because of the alternate design that the property is built under um it doesn't meet the R5 standards so um essentially as as he had mentioned he's here just seeking the variance for the sidey um which is 10 8 ft and then a variance for the rear yard set back of the deck of 13.1 ft thank you questions uh of the applicant on my left question your slope going down is after the deck to the fence uh right after the the end of the deck so then that's is useless yes absolutely and I actually tried to to um try to get some Coates when I was living there to see if we can level it but it was a lot of cost and permit so I disregarded that so to utilize the deck now is you like it yeah I mean it it was doing the purpose functionable yes and to be honest we barely used the deck um yeah for whatever the reason maybe good Mr Sir anybody else no M fr counselor so just a slope uh the slope goes from front to rear yes I'm just trying to and it's you know both sides I'm just trying to in terms of get the right words on get the right Buzz words I honestly I don't have the much definition but right after the the deck that ends like the railing part um if you're looking at the deck kind kind of slopes like this almost if we're looking at just down to exactly absolutely so when you walk You Walk This Way yeah um yeah this happened uh with a number of properties uh there because of the the the the the R20 uh standard but it's the R5 standard in an R20 Zone correct yes so this is the board's familiar with this because of the if if you understand what he was speaking about not at all you're in you're in an R20 Zone which have different standards than an R5 Zone okay but you're in an R5 Zone when they that you're going by the standards yeah so with the R20 Zone the setback is 10 ft no matter what when you're in an R5 zone or you fall under the design standards of an R5 the setback is determined on the height so the higher the deck gets the further you have to be from the property lines and with the way that the property grades so steeply past the deck because of that detention Basin back there when you measure from the outside grade it's it's a relatively High deck at almost 7 feet so the higher you get the further there has to be from the property line so if you were in an R20 Zone and you were built under R20 standards you wouldn't even be here tonight but makes sense I think as I'm closer to the fence the deck seems higher because it's the slope yes Danny where's that uh retention Basin that you're pointing out directly to where's the north arrow on there to the south of his property so the top of the page so okay you have nothing else to tell us right as as I said again this is not the first time we've we've heard these the this type application yeah no uh I have yeah there's no no no other explanation other than I do have tenants living I have a temporary Co that I have been granted um looking to obviously legalize this and to close this uh chapter once for all I can understand that and of course as a as a board acts favorably uh you're going to have to acquire your permits Etc y whatever whatever it needs whatever it's going to take right absolutely and there would be no other restriction Mr ch right yeah no other not you're not in Ho in HOA or anything no yeah honestly uh this could go under C1 or C2 yeah uh yeah both qualify yeah all right uh having if you have nothing else to say I'm going to open up the public portion this time yep as I'm required to do 455-2204 see the location is one Cobblestone Court this is to legitimize a uh a a deck with a setback uh and uh rear yard setback is there anyone here wants to speak on this matter please raise your hand or stand no one's in the courtroom as I said earlier so I'll close the public portion any final comments no word any kind of final comments from my left or my right none okay uh we've heard your testimony I'm G to ask the board if someone's willing to uh this is a either a C1 or a C2 both apply uh this is a 10 fo8 from the side property line where 17 required 11 13 from the rear yard where 17 is also required someone want to move it is I'm sorry do you have a question yeah oh which c yeah see do see one yeah it's Unique do you see one for the slope it's Unique the slope yeah all right see1 someone got to move it Mr Rizo is there a second roll call S to see one Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you for appearing before the board you get you'll get a resolution by our next meeting okay uh then you'll be able to I I guess call the building department or yourself Dan yeah so you filed the application for the deck already right yeah I think so yeah I've been I think working with Meen right I don't know yes okay yeah so at the at the next meeting when is when is the next meeting when's the next meor uh December 5th but you don't have to be here okay no yes so about that mean they'll memorialize a resolution once it is sign more we provide you a copy of it once you get a copy come to my office and we'll we'll work from there okay perfect all right thank you so much guys once again thank you for appearing thank app am I set yes yes have a great evening fre to go all right don't worry about thank have a great night all right uh I will open up general public comments but once again there is no one here there was no one here this evening unless the council Council you have anything you want nothing further for me the board Mr Holan anything no chairman okay and our next meeting is December fth correct December what fifth fth uh we will have we will not have another meeting this month as we have Thanksgiving coming up I wish all those that Faithfully watch us a happy when all the residents say yeah a very happy and peaceful Thanksgiving I'll accept someone's moving for an adjournment test the verie is there a second second all in favor I who's not in favor We Stand [Music] adjourned e