##VIDEO ID:c4WpupWhDO8## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ask everybody to please join me by standing salute flag flag States stand na indivisible please be seated evening and welcome Township of Albridge Zoning Board of adjustment meeting September 5 2024 adequate notice of this meeting of the Oldbridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior of the commencement this of this meeting by prominently posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date the location in the agenda of this meeting also by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announce announcement with the municipal clerk and posting the agenda on the municipal website may we have a roll call please miss pelli certainly Miss Andrews here miss Chevalier absent Mr ISO here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner absent Miss testy here Mr Victoria absent Mr Singh chairman Sullivan here note that there's six board members seated this evening it's six M Mr Sing Mr Singh just arrived we did look at the transcript should go right ahead I have a couple housekeeping items anyway uh all of you in the courtroom here I'm sure everyone has a cell phone I'd ask you please silence them uh during the meeting so we don't interrupt any of the testimony also this meeting is being televised on the cable TV cat TV5 here within the township and also on YouTube live should you ever want to refer back to the meeting you can find those meetings back on YouTube uh as such uh we close by 10:30 I don't anticipate that this evening and we would take public portion for any testimony at the uh we would save reserve the last half hour 10 to 10 again I don't uh anticipate that will happen this evening Jeffrey Chen's of council to the board this evening uh and for those of you were here I don't know if you've looked at the agenda there are two adjournments if you look on the back page so I don't know if you're here on those particular items but In fairness uh to people here in the audience I'm going to tell you that the last two items and I'll tell you what they are they're 27- 2023 Z Vision Elbridge LLC that's uh 3963 County Road 516 for a apartment uh building uh that matter uh has been adjourned to November 7th without further notice it will be on our calendar for no November 7th if you're here on that matter it's not being heard tonight the next one is 04221 z bamra warehouse project uh that's located on uh Englishtown Road for a mini warehouse that matter is adjourned to also to November 7th there with further notice on that one so if you're here on either one of those matters they will not be heard tonight matter of fact there's only one application and that that will be coming up after we do some housekeeping issues uh board uh item three is the minutes I have two minutes of August 1st 2024 I'd ask uh someone to move them for adoption unless you have any comments or uh suggestions for additions or deletions move it scog is the second second ISO roll call please as the minutes August first Miss Andrews yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh board members the same applies to August 15th minutes 2024 someone move them for adoption please Andrews move it is there a second ISO moved in second roll call please miss miss Andrews yes Mr ISO yes Mr Scot yes M tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes all we move to resolutions just wait for Mr Cheney I'll P the first one in it's 40- 2023 Z we have three of them this evening Heidi gross sorry Mr that's okay Mr Cheney all right uh res resolution of the uh zoning board adjustment of Township Oldbridge granting bulk variance relief to Heidi gross for six 15 Greenwood AV Lawrence harb New Jersey otherwise known as block 25 lot 6 uh 615 in the T of Oldbridge uh applicant uh sought to legitimize a 12T X 16t shed with a side setback of 5et where 10 ft was required and a 5.7 foot rear setback was required applicant also saw toiz a 13x13 by4 deck with a side setback of 10 ft where 11 ft was required uh the applicant testified uh that she grew up in the home and equally inherited in 1992 and now resides there The Sheds andex uh replaced similar ones installed by her father in the 1960s or 70s had fallen into disrepair uses the both uh the deck and shed for personal uses uh the application was subject to public comment and no persons from the public provided testimony uh the board determined uh that uh the you gring the variance uh would for the purposes of zoning and the municipal land use law Mr chairman thank you Mr chairy board members have heard the resolution it's up for adoption someone want to move it please second scagno I have a roll call please miss belli Miss Andrews yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes M tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh 20-20 24z uh Jason F design waiver Mr Cheney this was a design waiver for uh by application by Jason folino for 63 peera Road Old Bridge New Jersey otherwise known as block 18009 lot 39 uh the design waiver was required because the applicant installed a second driveway measuring approximately 16 ft by uh 38.7 ft uh prior to obtaining a permit and the Old Bridge Township Code only permits one driveway for every 200 ft of Road Frontage and the new driveway was stalled installed on a frontage of 87 .54 ft Mr folino testified Prov in support of application seeking to legitimize the subject driveway he he owns and lives at the property and the uh subject driveway provides Road access to a lawfully Ed Garage in which he stores uh vintage automobiles the application was subject to public comment no members of the public testified and the board determined that the design wer can be granted with that a substantial detriment to the public good and will not be detrimental to the Zone plan or zoning ordinance thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Cheney uh board members that's up for adoption someone moov please ISO Mo was Mr ISO followed by Miss Andrews second roll call please miss Andrews yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes M tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh at this time I would ask Council to uh swear in our professionals I'm sorry oh I'm sorry we do I missed one uh 25- uh 2024 Santino Baron also designed waiver is a design W application from San Barone for 19 uh Boulevard East Cliffwood Beach New Jersey known as block 20 uh 216 lot8 on the tax map uh the design waiver application was required because the applicant proposed to expand the existing 8.4 foot by uh 25 ft driveway to 11 fet by 25 ft uh Township the Oldbridge Township Code requires that the off street parking spaces be located at least 5T from any side yard or rear yard property line and the applicants propos driveway expansion is zero feet from the side property line the applicant testified that he owns and resides the property and seeks to replace a correct single car driveway with a two-car driveway uh as is uh similar with those in the surrounding neighborhood uh public comment uh there was no public comment and the bo determined that design wwor can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not be detrimental to the zoning plan or zoning ordinance thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Cheney once again board it's up for adoption someone move it please please Andrew move it a second SC no second second roll quote please miss Andrews yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes now we come to the squaring end of the professionals Miss SW and Mr tetrol do you Solly swear as to the truth of the testimony for which you're about to provide thank you okay we only have one application this evening uh I'll read that into the record it's 50 dish uh 2021 Z obnj LLC it's in the 801 Zone block 1069 lot one physical location is 69 Highway 35 for apartment Edition uh applicant seeking major preliminary and final site plan with c and d variants applicant proposes in addition to first floor the existing two-story building and in addition to the second floor for additional apartment units uh salvator aluy Esquire representing is it on it's not on push the green yeah when it goes green so um since there's only six members tonight um in my client would wants to proceed with a full seven since it's a d variant we're going to ask that we carry this to a date certain um and hopefully have a full board at that time and you have you have no one to testify uh any further testimony right we do we have new testimony we submitted revised plans we we intended on calling the architect and a planner to testify and um the engineer and traffic engineer would be available for questions but there are two witnesses that would testify uh they're not here this evening I'm assuming there everybody was here um um would you want to put the put that on the record or you would prefer that to be in front of the full yeah I we I went over that with my client also and he would rather they see it live and be able to ask questions so I apologize but it happens unfortunately the applicant's choice Mr chy so we just have to figure out um availability great question I know and I and and we know it's not going to be tomorrow we understand that you're the bearer of bad news no uh we'll check for a moment here and come up with a date is it today opening night for football so everybody could watch fo is that what happened you think I I don't watch football I don't watch football anymore so so remind the board members of the mics are live the next available would be December 19th is that uh good with the applicant yes Mr JY yeah I can make it be I can make it be good uh yeah we revelop the same night so I can make it be good though two attorneys here and Miss that's okay with the township so it's going to be 1219 uh no further notice yes and do you need a a written extension or just on the record extension of time yeah I'll send a letter I'll sign it okay that's fine okay Mr Aly thank you very much thank you very much enjoy um the time between now and then and we'll see you then thank you all okay Halloween and Thanksgiving iiv all right this is matter uh four dish I'm sorry uh 50- 2021 Z obnj LLC what has happened if you're watching at home uh the applicant doesn't want to go on with the any further testimony this evening because we don't have a seven uh panel board sitting so we're going to move this date at the applicant's request and it's going to be on the schedule again for December 19th there'll be no further notice other than you can check on the Township's website uh and the agenda should appear thank you Mr alfair uh there is no other matter on the board I'd ask a general public comments sir are you here make any comments you okay that ma no that matter uh I had read in earlier maybe you weren't in the room that's uh that was matter 27 dish uh 2023 the apartment buildings okay that matter uh was adjourned as of today uh it's back on the calendar for November 7th okay so it's uh a couple meetings away but it's not going to be heard uh once again that will appear on the Township's website so if you look up Zoning Board of adjustment uh you can see the agenda and the calendar for the year of for upcoming meetings you punch up the uh uh agenda you'll see what's on that particular date it applies to each one okay so it will be scheduled November 7th uh legally I I ask Council to explain that it's it's just it's something something that can occur certainly are you an individual that get gets notices are you neighbors so certainly if it's you know if it's adjourned again or for some reason it was moved to a different time uh generally you you'll you'll be getting notice uh certainly this one says without that without notice but certainly if it were moved up for some reason or special meeting or something like that you would be getting a notice of that uh so just you know keep an eye out in the mail and and sometimes what happens is when we professionals issue a memo and an applicant sees that some of these comments can be addressed prior to the public hearing the applicant has the ability to ask for an adjournment yeah so it will be put November 7th okay anything else okay sir you here to any public comments for the board before I close them okay well we can't have any test that has to be no public comments after the testimony so uh and if that's the same one you're talking about from this gentleman November 7th uh the apartments on 516 right it's that's adjourned I read that into the record earlier uh November 7th it'll be back on the agenda okay I don't know if what happened Council has two of them on tonight he may be ill I don't know I really don't know what happened but both of his have adjourned for the evening so I I can't guess why but they've adjourned all right sir thank you for coming i' see no one else in the uh cord room I'll close the general public comments uh the only other um matter we have nothing from the township right um legal okay sorry but had everybody come out tonight but uh well that is their right we all have a very busy life I can't say it better than that Frankly Speaking I I know it's you know and careful are we on the record yes we are on the record um you know but I I would certainly just kind of leave it at that it's one of those situations where they certainly have have that right to you know pi well you know they do have the right to prosecute their own app right well speak for D's for five he needs five positive votes positive votes approval all right uh having yes someone want to move for an adjournment have a thank you someone move for an ajour yes test ver all in favor I we stand adjourned before hold on please until we're off the air e e e