##VIDEO ID:EKBq43YSKHU## would anybody from the public like to be heard tonight please just want to make a statement beforehand name an address for the uh for the record sah christensen6 SE drive so I just want to say that one thing is uh we are unable to talk specifics about Personnel tonight and our burough attorney could probably uh uh agree and maybe under the law the council is required to give someone what known as a rice notice if they're going to talk about someone who's considered an employee so I will not be naming any specific names I understand that's fine not only can you not name the person you can't give anything away that would be able so that people would know who you're talking about so it's if you can identify them without saying the name you're not permitted to do that a thank you thanks I can name a committee sure sure okay okay please it if you like that's okay okay I need the distance from my glasses good evening my name is Sarah Christensen and I've proudly called this town home since 1976 please don't do math on that not only did I grow up here but I chose to raise my own children in this community as well my daughter Emma joined the oldan first aid core when she turned 16 and that experience was transformative for her the core became not just a place for learning vital skills but also a social out outlet and a safe space base it helped shape her aspirations in law enforcement and deepen her desire to serve our community a few years ago Emma and her friends highlighted the urgent need for new members on the court although I lacked a medical background I felt compelled to contribute and joined as a driver since then I've been active as a riding member an administrative officer and a line officer it's been an honor to work alongside dedicated individuals who genuinely care about our community's wellbeing however I stand before you today to address serious concerns regarding recent investigation into an appropriate behavior within the court as line officers we followed the proper protocols to report troubling situations but the findings have left us confused and alarmed two junior members received one narrative about the findings and consequences while the line officers were given completely different account to make matters worse we were assured that the parents of one of the miners was informed about the situation only to discover recently that they were kept in the dark the investigation was mishandled during my questioning I spoke with only one member of the investigating committee and they repeatedly asked me what the female minor was doing to attract the attention of an older man I guess that person questioning me must have missed the me movement the line officers were told that the individual's anger episodes were observed by by other members as well but the committee wanted us to be the bigger person and to act with compassion as a special education teacher I wholeheartedly agree that individuals struggling with mental health or addiction should be treated with empathy however I also believe that such individuals should not be acting actively participating in the core while they're dealing with those issues no adult junior or patient should be subjected to anger fueled outbursts or other inappropriate Behavior this individual should not be driving an ambulance or providing any patient care currently many members of the Corp are unaware of the issues that have occurred as information information has been kept under wraps and they are now being fed and narrative that the investigating committee is pushing recently I've seen emails from the investigating committee blaming the line officers for inaction despite the clear communication we received that indicate that the investigating committee is responsible for determining the consequences and that what we wanted was irrelevant the committee has also blamed recent issues on the influx of junior members into the Corp I vehemently disagree with this our Corp has grown to become approximately 25% Juniors which should be a source of Pride we're attracting young people from both old Jaan and surrounding towns because of the supportive and positive positive environment that we've worked so hard to Foster these juniors are our future and should be welcomed and supported not degraded and shamed it breaks my heart that we have not been able to protect our Juniors from the abusive behavior of adults at the core I have urged the J Juniors to trust the system when they brought the incident to our attention but that system has failed them this incident has resulted in the resignation of most of the line officers our training officer as well as other members I request that the council step in and initiate an independent invest ation into these allegations without decisive action the future of the ultan ambulance Corps is at risk the Junior and adult members of the core deserve to be protected from harassment thank you for your time I appreciate it thank you thank you sir would anybody else please name an address for the record please Christen tber drive I'm going to hello council members thank you for your time today I coming here today to address the council about an incident with the old pen fac an investigation was commenced in which our children were interviewed without their parents present the investigation closed and no discussions were had with the parties involved on the outcome of the investigation my daughter had a meeting which I did attend where she was spoken to very poorly let us be very clear she is a minor who reported what she he felt was inappropriate behavior and is no way responsible for this the olden fac has a fiduciary responsibility to protect these children and members these children are not in a position to consent it is up to the adults to make clear what appropriate behavior is there were many mistakes made through this process to name a few no minor should be in interviewed for an investigation without their parents present what made the EMS investigative committee think they had the skill set to investigate this type of incident why was the town attorney not engaged to provide guidance I as a recreation Committee Member know if I brought was brought the same situation we would never manage it ourselves and we would seek proper guidance from the proper Authorities on this type of matter in addition no actions were taken to put in the proper protocol or guidelines to make sure a situation like this does not happen again in the future this should include policies around adults and children's and children being alone in the building together Child Abuse Prevention training enhanced rules around reporting incidents and the chain of command that's not an exhaustive list but things that we should be taking action on any person has the right to report to an agency like the old Jaan fac or even a workplace Behavior they find inappropriate without retribution I hope the mayor and Council take this matter serious and put the steps in place to remedy this situation and review the leadership of the EMS especially the members of the investigative committee thank you for your time this evening thank you so just to say I'm working with the uh ult toan fact to put in um firmer policies and procedures regarding uh dealing with minors anyone else from the public like to be hearing please you the microphone hello my name is Thompson 249 Conway good evening my name is Summer and I was the deputy chief of the ultan for State courp I will not speak on what has happened instead I will Express how this has made a number of us feel as well as a concern for the future of the Corp council do you want ultan to have an ambulance courp to serve your town well myself and many others who resigned were the future of the court and now a minimum of six people have resigned with the count Rising if the Ulta pan for State Corp keeps this up there will be no Ambulance Corp to serve you the Ulta pan for State Corp was a home for me I have shed Blood Sweat and Tears for this core I would have done anything to help them succeed and for 2 years I did it was only when my morals became compromised with no showing of imp Improvement that I felt forced to resign and leave my home the most important place in my life resigning was one of the hardest things I've had to do if you want to have an ambulance core to protect your town now and in the future you need to examine what went wrong and never allow it to happen again thank you for your time thank you thanks thank you would anyone else from the public public like to be heard on any matter seeing none motion to close so move second all in favor I all right our next order of business tonight is a staff appointment for councilman carazza thank you Mr Mayor um this is a stamp point for DPW maintenance worker Anthony Malo second second any discussions seeing none roll call please counc yes Council Bo yes counc caraza yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman you yes okay next we have two public hearings tonight first one is for councilman voice on ordinance 1267 d24 thank you Mr Mayor um this is from the burough clerk's office for ordinance number 126 7-24 this is a first reading to amend the treat preservation and removal ordinance a resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal and replace I'm sorry councilman this is this is a second reading so if you could open the meeting to the public if anyone has any comments I did remember that but it's it first so my apologies all right all right so since this is the second reading I'd like uh to open it to the public second second favor I I okay would anybody from the public like to be heard on 1267 d24 amendments to our tree preservation and removal ordinance motion to close second okay Council thank you whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal and replace ordinance 234 of the code of the Bureau of old Japan entitled trees was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 7th day of October 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of alapan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that set ordinance number 1267 24 being and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the bough Clark is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law a second on second any discussion seeing none roll call please Council yes Council Bo yes Council yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman you yes okay next is uh for councilman BAGI ordinance 1268 24 thank you Mr Mayor I got the one for pet licensing but I got it this is the first reading to amend pet licensing fees whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance yeah this is a second reading as well sorry oh I'm sorry okay never mind motion open this is this is an ordinance to amend pet licensing fees so at this time I'd like to open a meeting to the public second all in favor all right counselor we didn't close it yet you just open a meeting to the public see if there's anybody about would anybody from the I'm sorry would anyone from the public like to be heard on the amend the pet licensing fees motion to close second all in favor I I councilman whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend article two of chapter 91 of the code of the B of alapan titled licensing of dogs and cats was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 7th day of October 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council Bor of volan County Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1268 24b and the same is hereby adopted on second reading be it finally resolved that the bar clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any discussion none roll call please councilman yes councilman boy yes Council yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman Miss yes councilman you yes okay next is uh our consent resolution for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be a resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person be and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of The Bu of ult Japan bills and claim refund cash bonds and Escrow interlocal Services agreement DPW mechanic burrow of hallworth request for proposals golf course management confirmed DPW maintenance worker appointment new firefighter deg gr second on that second any discussion on our consent resolution yes okay DPW mechanic B of harth what is that I'm guessing it's another another maintenance contract it's a maintenance agreement we're not swapping mechanics or something no no no we're going to fix fixing stff fixing their stuff yeah hry on also the RFP for golf course management are we looking for a new management company the bid is up okay so we're still happy with the uh current one oh yeah depends on what their proposal looks like if we're happy you see how happy they are all right um roll call please yes councilman Bo yes councilman Kaza yes Council yes councilwoman yes councilman you yes okay thank you uh next we'll move into our Council committee reports and we'll start with uh Council muan great thank you Mr Mayor just a brief one only an update on the library uh library has uh they met uh I think two weeks ago and talked about budget talked about have some data here some numbers uh the library is about $188,000 under budget but it's more like a timing issue so they're pretty much on on budget uh year-to date in terms of patrons and circulation uh as you remember the last couple years patrons have gone up the number of patrons through the door has gone up you know 20% a year Etc uh this year uh 48597 that's up from 46 835 last year that's an increase of about 4% circulation went from 49 77 went to PR ize which one of those is going to uh be done first uh they just uh had a duct cleaning as well uh and also the last piece of news is the process for hiring uh the new head librarian uh the current one is retiring uh they've narrowed the field down to five candidates to interview that's where they are they're on a short list to interview and hopefully uh they'll have an offer pretty soon with one of the five and that's uh the end of my report thank you coun councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor so I'm going to go a little off topic today and uh bring up the Oaks Park house because we finally have three bids from Architects to design it so this is very exciting I know Anna was instrumental in getting one and I have secured the other two so I know that uh cman BAGI and I are scheduled to meet later in the week so that we can level the bids and make sure that we're comparing Apples to Apples and then we'll make a recommendation by the next time sorry um other than that we'll be getting out the golf course management which is important the golf course is looking great despite actually being pretty dry in October lots of people are playing I drove by on Sunday no I ran by on Sunday and it was packed in the late afternoon um what else did I want to talk about I think that uh concludes my report okay um little that just under environmental though um as as we move into next year and uh you know as we've as we've communicated the uh uh for 244 alter pen Road the uh the burrow will will take anywhere from that 1.7 let's call it to two I would really like the environmental commission's involvement in what we determine that we're going to do with with the 2 Acres this that we're going to retain so aside from moving the house and all that stuff but with the Vernal pool and uh I'd really like to lean on the environmental commission to uh so come up with some ideas with with that in mind I'd like to say that at the last environmental commission meeting we um did have that discussion we had a little charet we laid out a plan of the of the property okay we described where to move the home and then what to do around it and what we came up with was to have a Spur trail run along within the buffer to provide pedestrian only access towards the back of the space that would enable a little trail head to uh an outdoor classroom for students across the way to come over and walk through the space um and also the the other thing we had said was just to uh only allow native plants to be installed on that new piece of property and we're hoping to get it from the 1.7 to the 2.12 Acres okay and um you had asked me to come to you with some uh a list of people interested in being on the Environmental commission we're working on that somebody that I thought was a ringer and would have been great uh is not interested at the moment so we're looking for some other people okay but progress progress and this is uh uh I'm sure these are great ideas I'd love to see them more but as we probably nothing happening calendar year 2024 so as we go into our budget season and then we can really look into some maybe some grant opportunities environmental grants that to preserve and do what we want on that property uh I think it would be a a great conversation to have uh first quarter of next year we want to do that yeah and as soon as we have a drawing uh representing what we're doing I know that it's uh your particular interest to have that up in burrow Hall so people can take a look at it best point I guess we're working overtime now on planning board we're going to two meetings a month temporarily yes we are I believe there's one uh 30th the 30th Is it okay out of character at the end of the month but yes we need it okay thank you uh councilman Cornell thank you Mr Mayor um I spoke to Jen in the building department today and she said at the next mayor council meeting she'll have a full report on construction um at the last meeting October 7th it was my birthday I left early because my daughters and my wife wanted to take me out for my birthday I gave my construction I'm sorry my DPW report to councilman Boyce I was told that he got a standing Novation he did that's how good the report was it it was it was 30 seconds when I asked Andy today could I have the report he said he was going to give it to you so I don't have a DPW report tonight so thank you Mr Mayor I read it line by line you did it was impressive did but I was told stand Innovation so must have done good the end of my report Mr Mayor thank you very much Council BAGI thank you Mr Mayor uh police report for September uh one , 142 calls for service and special details were attended to by the police officers 191 motor vehicle stops 121 motor vehicle summonses which came out of that 191 stops 150 radar details were completed 128 traffic enforcement details were completed 82 security cards were issued 43 school safety checks firearm Rd I ID cards there was four one arrest was made for a traffic warrant two arrests were made for operating on the influence four traffic details were completed for Suez and psng uh total year to date for uh those types of things is 23,91606 in permit and Report feeds will returned to the treasure uh a couple things I want to highlight we did have a burglary in town uh a Breakin uh Chief didn't want me to go too much in involved with that because it's under investigation but just so you know there was a Breakin in town and uh not much was taken but they broke the door down and broke the windows so something you should all be thinking about also uh Chris Sergeant Riley Chris Riley has a uh he's investigating uh there was a gentleman walking around the parking lot at by state and we when he observed the police he got in his car and started to drive away the car license plate was covered with a piece of paper so they initiated the traffic stop asked this guy what's going on he said it's a rental car he had no idea why it was had that paper on it meanwhile after checking further they found out this guy was arrested or pulled over for in Teck for doing the same thing and not knowing why the car was like it was an odd thing and the guy gave odd answers so it's still under investigation but never never let your guard down this one is interesting there's a new common fishing scam that's happening in this area it's been circulating for the past month the scammer will send an email to the potential victim which contains a PDF file similar to uh the exam he attached an example uh the PDF file is a letter addressed specifically to the homeowner and an image of the home it's actually a photo of your home in an email that's just taken from Google Earth uh it's called called Google street view the letter states that inappropriate online conduct has been found by this by the scammer and the scammer would hope that the homeowner pays a bribe so they don't release this information to the public and you can pay them anywhere between $2 to $110,000 Via Bitcoin so it can't be traced anyone receiving this email should delete it and they should not respond to the QR code interesting uh good those things will never stop they'll just get more comp more complicators for us to figure out uh we had one driving wall intoxicated one uh traffic warrant uh both by police officer PGI and that was taken care of by him I have a couple of letters written by residents hi my name is Laura Macho moo I went to school at Laura actually I'm a longtime resident of ultan I live at 35 Christen place in ultan this afternoon my 88-year-old mother Joan Paladino who has lived with me for the past three years fell she was unable to get up on her own I called 911 and within a minute two police officers arrived at my home my apologies for not asking them their names the two officers that arrived were so amazing in caps so professional and so kind and so compassionate towards my mother I wanted you to know how fabulous they were and my mother and I feel extremely blessed to have two wonderful police depart the wonderful police department they have in town please thank both officers for us that was officer antonucci and officer Moore Brandon Moore another letter is from Carl and Joan Graves they live on birwood road if you recall we had a little incident there a couple Saturdays ago we'd like to commend our timan police officers who assisted on the Birchwood Road this weekend while Doug emof was visiting the Cooper home at 176 Birchwood our normally quiet neighbor who was visited by Bergen County Sheriff's officers State Police Secret Service and ulaan police thing things at times became tense with Divergent opinions being shouted and expressed it was a comfort to see officers we know take care of not only the business at hand but our homes as well in particular we would like to commend officer piket excuse me piket and officer Wilkins at a at a time when we are becoming impatient and the protester and also impatient with the protesters officer fet made an effort to calmly and respectfully let us know that he understood Our concern but needed our help he asked that we bear with things for just a few hours and ask if we can understand that all would be well shortly after his calm demeanor and respect for us as residents and homeowners was outstanding officer Wilkins had matters well in hand dealing with a Rowdy group of protesters and an unhappy home homeowner Although our lawn sprinkler may have given him unintentional bath he shook it off and explained that protesters had the right to be on Birchwood Road he suggested we move our sprinkler back a bit and additionally stopped by at the end of the event to make sure we were okay this was very kind please extend our thanks to both men for their patience and good work lastly we would like thank the entire ultan police force for a great job they do every day to keep us safe and a letter from the Coopers 176 Birchwood the ultam police department we wanted to thank the entire otpd and has helped with our fundraiser on October 5th we were proud to have your protection and appreciate the extra care you showed us under somewhat trying circumstances as re residents of old Japan for more than 34 years we have always appreciated and supported our police and our town you did you did us proud on October 5th and we just want to say thank you from James and Mandy Cooper uh also uh in police we interviewed our police committee interviewed two candidates for we started out as one position and I'll get to that in a minute uh and the candidates that we interviewed were candidates that we liked in our last round of interviews and we were frustrated where we really might want to hire them but we chose others others ahead of them so now it comes time to hire and we're going to hire one so we went through our interviews of both candidates we like them both a lot so we said okay we're definitely going to hire the one then the police chief reminded me that in his budget for 2024 there is money to hire an additional police officer so are we going to go through a whole round of interviewing again no we decided to hire both of them so that's what we're going to recommend we can't do it tonight because they have to go through their uh application process background checks by our um detective and psych eval um physical eval and we will see how that goes and if that goes well hopefully we will be swearing people in in December December's meeting anyway thank you thank you the for the committee who was who was there with me and it was uh I do appreciate your help uh councilman carazza councilman you u a lot of questions were asked and answered and it was a it was a good it was a good session so I I think these officers are going to work out fine just hoping everything clicks and we can get it done before reor if not it'll be on the first half of reorder the swearing in okay and that's all I have unless somebody has a question for uh I have a question for Jesse the not I'm saying I don't believe the police chief do we have that money budgeted for two officers well one one one's a replacement and we have an extra slot and you had an extra slot to hire an additional year the end of the we're in mid year here in a second here okay so the answer is yes okay thank you it's want to clarify can I ask you something Ron no I remember we used to get uh reports of outside details things like that I haven't heard one in a while they're not doing outside details they're staying in town um that's a call by the police chief has made that call even even for details like in town I remember a couple weeks ago seeing like maybe PNG and I don't remember an Ulta Ulta Pano being there I think it might have been they yeah right I I could sometimes PS calls their own people uh like they'll call the you seen pal Parkway police here I have P andg called them ber County Sheriffs PS andg called them every once in a while there'll be a detail on the cisac our police chief sees no need to do that because I mean it's on the end of a cuac there's no danger to the public really and the patrol can just go go by there and figure that out instead of having someone planted there all day it really make sense to him um outside details it can be discussed but and councilman Boyce you brought this up at one other point we had we had an accident with a car uh on an outside detail in rivv Montville I forgot where it was and uh well who pays for that you know the what insurance company picks that up you know them us we did and so the chief was like I don't know maybe we got to so that's what's considered outside detail and what I was talking about is an in town detail I guess yeah okay so some and everyone and sometimes also there's there's an in town detail let's say PSG is going to dig a hole up on Ole Road or something and they notify the chief and it's going to happen like tomorrow next day and the chief puts it out to the rank and file and nobody can be there because of prior commitments or their work schedule okay so then because it's too short a notice because it's overtime all I remember having the conversation we're not doing outside details only because outside details outside the town right liability reasons so in in town every once in a while you can't get enough people to sign up okay so then PS cgo or onr whoever it is they contract out themselves with other agencies that is all I have Mr thank you councilman councilwoman misso thank you Mr Mayor uh yesterday the historical committee held the town's 130th birthday party so thank you to everyone who attended and sang Happy Birthday before mayor Gallagher sealed the Time Capsule for the next 50 years uh special thanks to Anna and Karen and the historical committee for all the work and planning the event collecting the pictures and artifacts for the Time Capsule and displaying the history of our town through picture timelines and through video um just a a personal thank you Anna um was at wearing many hats setting up up the party and but also being part of the historical so wearing both hats yesterday very much appreciate that and I know uh I'm sure Mr Mar will talk about but the the the video of ultan really you know you I know you'll talk about it with seeing your dad and and the town as it sure as it was in 7879 was really special so thank you to everyone um who made made this possible uh ult Pan's Halloween festival will be this Saturday October 26 at Oaks Park we're very much looking forward to the ragam muffin parade the Maze and hay rides driven by councilman carnaza thank you very much for doing that very appreciated um and other activities and games and then there's a new event at the end of the festival we're hosting a double feature Halloween Double movie feature the first movie for the younger kids is Hotel Transylvania at 6:15 followed by Hocus Pocus at 8:15 uh the Board of Health hosted guest speaker Hannah Marcus who's a clinical manager for the center for eating disorders and body positivity and they have resume their monthly mental health book club as well and uh lastly I just wanted to extend the invitation again to our ultan veterans are invited to the Veterans Day honorary ceremony uh I talked to councilman Boyce about this but I just wanted them to know again that they are invited to the Veterans Day ceremony at nbot November 12th at 11:15 a.m. um so councilman voice just let the veterans know they're invited and will be provided lunch so maybe that'll uh entice them but they're very much have five that have committed excellent they're they're very much uh welcom and uh we're looking forward to that so just wanted to that yeah they needed like the did they tell I'll reach out for their just give me their name I'll talk to you later if you give me their names I'll let them know just so they have enough food to okay I'll get names and that's all I have thank you Mr Mayor um veterans Bill did you we all got that email about the golf right did you get that yes did you pass it on because I passed it on to a couple of veterans that I know I emailed it to them um but I wanted to bring it up at my next meeting but I think it's too late so I think I have to do something I think we're also going to have it it's part of our uh November 1st mailing that will be part of my monthly newsletter okay and it will be you know an attachment just for the audience's sake the the the county is offering free round of golf uh during the Veterans Day weekend for any veteran Uh current or past you know currently serving yep or pass V right yep Mr Mayor at any of the county courses that made me think maybe we should do the same thing with our own golf course yeah why not can we make a motion to to uh I think they already [Music] do yeah publicize that to tell the veterans I think I remember that note going out every year we l that to new business most excent really okay I'm okay uh anything else we good all right council president you thank you Mr Mayor um report of the schools I'm proud to announce that the northern Valley Regional High School District achieved the number one rank on niche.com 2025 list of best schools in all of New Jersey um I'm happy to announce that the varsity football team continues with this unbeaten record for the season knock on wood and I I deferred to Christine to tell me about any other sports programs or the marching B how how are they all doing uh marching man came in second place this weekend at the state so very uh very proud of them um I usually get a phone call about that but I didn't get one you know what it was they got back very late they were out there practicing the whole day uh Saturday I could smell their their barbecue too they do that before they leave uh so that was Saturday girls volleyball is in the final four of for volleyball girls soccer is in the final four of counties for soccer Ian doing pretty well yes our our girls soccer team's in first place in the league boys soccer is in first place in the league cross country won forign row won their league um who am I missing field hockey they have their senior night they were in the county tournament this year um not sure and playoffs start next Friday we haven't had any home games for a while so that's good for football next Friday though is uh we'll it's not on the schedule yet but we will probably be the one seed so in November the Friday nights there will be hopefully plenty of Home football games because that would mean that we were winning that starts next Friday the 1 and that's great to hear yeah very proud of um report of our seniors they'll be participating in a lunch and learn on Thursday October 24th and that's sponsored by the ultan Social Services Board uh we thank them for their service to the buau both the fire department and the first aate Corp will be holding their elections next month to elect new officers I'll be happy to introduce them by name at our second meeting in November and the mayor will have the honor to swear them in at our um reor meeting in January and as discussed tonight there was a shakeup at the last meeting of the old Japan first a Corp which resulted in the resignation of several line officers unfortunately um Captain Joyce Kim remained and has been appointed to the Chief's position crew chiefs smth Max Cadmus appointed the deputy chief Dana Tidwell to Captain and Emily Padilla to Lieutenant I wanted to ensure everybody and the residents that despite the resignations the core continues to serve the our residents at the same level service and dedication that it always had before and i' just like to share with you a a letter that our new Chief wrote to the current members of the first a Corp um I think it really does say a lot and she put in a lot better words than I could ever do this was an agency update that she sent to the rest of the Corp hello everyone I am reaching out on behalf of line officers to inform the core about a change in leadership as of our last business meeting our former Chief Deputy Chief and Lieutenant have stepped down from their respective positions while we wish them the best of luck on on their future endeavors new leadership has been elected in a special meeting on October 17th 20 2024 with trustees and voting members present at this time the core is going through a transitional period where we feel rules and guidelines must be established and reiterated therefore we'll be holding a general body meeting open to all members to go over these changes at the heart of this organization is patient care we ask that any active crew Chiefs or drivers volunteer to fill Crews on duty nights probationary members and juniors may contact Chief Joyce Kim to add shift nights once again our prior our priorities lie with maintaining quality care with for the community that we serve we ask everyone to maintain a level of respect for one another and uphold miss the mission statement of the old toan first day core we ask for patience and understanding as we Implement changes for the betterment of this agency um respectfully Joyce Kim now uh I just want to say I thank all of you guys for coming in today to um to say what you said and I just want to make sure we didn't brush this over we take this very seriously um we are still performing investigations we're all we're still discussing things but we have to remember we have to respect a lot of privacy issues here from a lot of sides so I'm happy to talk to anybody personally outside of this meeting on items that I can talk about but like I said I just want to let you guys know that we really we really do care and we're really concerned about this also all right and that concludes my report thank you councilman uh a couple of comments uh just kind of October happening so I had the privilege and wanted to be part of several uh things that happened in town over the past uh three or four weeks or so so I did this past Saturday attend the superhero 5K I had the uh um the honor to uh award the medals to the uh all of the winners in the uh that came in on the adults and on the uh um minor side so that was kind of fun I had a uh they had a kitty Dash I guess and we had I think about an 8-year-old boy uh when I put the over him and he was like in awe he's like you're the mayor and I said I am the mayor he says can you pass laws and I like well I can recommend certain things he says can we make mac and cheese mandatory for every day of the week oh man so I just wanted to share that that was that was quite funny but it was uh great event we have uh uh we have great First Responders uh EMS fire police whether your volunteer or paid uh it was just a great day and it was great to see uh uh all the agencies come together and put on such a uh such a community-minded event um I did I mentioned earlier that I was um I attended yesterday's birthday party 130 years uh birthday party we had uh folks come in the the committee did a tremendous job setting up the easel and it's really uh if you haven't seen it I think it's every town day we we do that now um Christine we bring that that out of storage and put them up at Town day really really uh incredible timeline of of uh of ult toan from many many years ago to to present day so that was uh that was nice I I had the honor to put in a a letter uh that I'd read to uh to the group yesterday it's locked up now for for the next 50 years and um uh I am hopeful that a current uh uh TBD or CDW student will uh uh I won't be around to read it in 50 years so I'm hopeful that maybe our uh the mayor at that point is is uh long time old 10 resident and they could they could uh go through the stuff and and read the letter and uh but it was just a great great day um I did attend uh fire prevention night and safety night EMS safety night and the uh uh Fire Department open house they had various demonstrations on both sides of Russell Avenue uh again uh kudos to the uh uh to both agencies on on what they put on the kids love that they lit the pallets on fire again and and uh uh everyone loves fire uh EMS did a great job uh replicating you know wounds and and and talking to all the kids over there so that was that was uh a great evening as well um lastly I attended the pasc valley mayor's monthly meeting they had guest speakers from Bergen New Bridge medical and they they really went over a lot of their uh services that they offer uh Bergen County and surrounding towns big conversation on Naran uh I was kind of taught I didn't really realize Narcan was so so available to the to the public uh Library they'll come in and and talk to library groups obviously EMS they've talked to you know for for a long time um but I learned something there and they really were just touting their services to the uh surrounding communities uh finally uh this past Friday night 5 o'clock thought it was Quinton time uh I got an email from the Department of Community Affairs uh and I'll have more information on this but I wanted to share it tonight just since it's hot off the press is that they are highly recommending ultan install over the next 10 years or or build over the next 10 years 233 additional lowincome and moderate income um houses condos apartments things like that those are unadjusted numbers right now we're working with our U uh our planner working with our attorney and we will have a response to that number by late January um by late January we'll we we're tasked with with answering answering the call some way but it's our our goal is that we will put a responsible plan together um kind of challenging that number but coming up with something that's uh um that's right for for old depan for the next 10 years so that's uh just wanted to share that number and that is the end of my report we will move on to action on the minutes and for council president you thank you Mr Mayor minutes to be approved Clos meeting September 16th 2024 regular meeting September 16th 2024 closed meeting October 7th 2024 regular and executive meetings October 7th 2024 second on second second any discussion roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boy Yes councilman Kaza yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman misso yes councilman you yes okay on the agenda tonight under old business we have Street dedication that's for councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor um I do have a framework that I'm almost there with but I don't have a final draft for you tonight uh so at next meeting you'll have I have a framewor but then I talked to some a friend of mine who's in uh lives in panic and they they they did it out there and he's sending me what they did he's sending me his thing but I haven't gotten it yet so not that we have to copy someone else but I like to you know pick and choose maybe they have a better idea than we do maybe we have a better idea than they do and next meeting we'll have something something on paper for everybody the progress yep thank you okay on a new business uh proposed 2025 mayor and Council meetings I think in front of everyone you have that I'll I'll bring that up and if everyone had a chance to review that like to uh do a motion to uh to accept these motion to accept s good second got a couple of Tuesdays in there um thank you for considering meeting on my birthday I appreciate that we have we have a cake for you very generous dring cake yeah we have 130th birthday cake left so yeah it'll be left over you have some left over thank you little bit of mold fre Anna when when this is published you just have to make sure that the time is put in for it doesn't say 7 there only says 7:00 for the Monday okay for the rest of okay can I have a uh we have a motion the second uh roll call please yes councilman Boy Yes councilman paraza I won't be here so no come visit Council tell us how you really feel s up Council yes councilwoman M Sarah yes councilman you yes all right next next on the new business is New York yor property sewer connection um Brian you want to yeah there's on it sure um there's a property apparently that was it's a residential property was created by a subdivision it's located in New York state um they developed the other portion of the property now the owner of the residential property wants to develop it and wants to hook up into our sewer line because it's much more convenient than going into New York I see no upside whatsoever for the burrow to do that uh in addition to which uh with everybody else who lives in town whose property is in town if they don't pay their bill we can put a lean on the property we can't put a lean on property that's not in ulaan so that's actually a big disadvantage toast to is it even allowed can it sewer cross borders like that I don't know that we have to get into that didn't didn't Tom scrable write a a that he thought we couldn't do this SC he D he's like unsure um because he thinks the D is the one who can call it somehow they had years ago connected illegally they had done a connection and it was found and it was closed now this is a new owner and he thinks that he should be allowed to open that why can't the new owner just go through New York yeah up to New York Cate like everybody so they're looking for the all right that's on them okay so there's no action required on our part we're not just want to make sure something nope okay all right and uh Ed tonight on a new business I have a few actually few yes I'll be quick right so um I don't know if the veterans are allowed to play golf a fre round of golf during they are active yes active I looked at active members active service members proof of active active it says active active military no we want play for free on that day is that something to discuss every day oh well we don't want to do that we don't want to do that so I I have a feeling that you're suggesting that maybe on Veterans Day or maybe that weekend of Veterans Day that a veteran or an active could play one free round of golf I'd like to make a motion about what you just said to approve that would anyone like to second that I second that wholeheartedly any any further conversation guess we need a roll call on that councilman yes councilman boys yes councilman Kazo yes councilman gu yes Council woman misso yes councilman you easy yes you had more very briefly yes um I did notice that in your in your letter that you read from the incoming Chief right that uh you were having a meeting for all members however some of the members are away at college and other might not be able to meet can you I would make the recommendation that those are available via Zoom or equal I will make a recommendation to the line officers thank you and then lastly I would like everybody to know that one of us is going to play pickle ball in Dallas and will not be attending the next meeting and I bet everybody can guess who that is sorry that humble individual does not want playing what what's it call so apparently I've been assigned a manager from town yes who's that trist know social media today yes text there go fund me I will be yes I will be missing the next meeting it'll be in Dallas congratulations good jobal thank you very impressive you have to make a motion to accepts anybody want to see the picture no oh here he is all right well congrat ulations um okay that's new business uh I'll entertain a motion once more to open the meeting to the public I'll move it no move second would anyone from the public like to be heard on any item any seeing none motion to close don't move second second second motion to adj yep second it all right all in favor all we're adjourned thanks