he can Remar you can remarry yourself I don't want to marry Tom B I know our first capital thing is getting this thing fixed Jess and are we good last time it was a button or it wasn't plugged in or something wasn't plugged in want me to get a 12-year-old hold on maybe I don't I don't know I'm just not hearing it because I do see it looks like it's recording did it did the last me to record yeah we had the same issue last did it record said didn't you say there was a button under the desk or something the lights are roll it's on nobody's home it's recording tap on the sounds sounds sounds good you can hear it so they're working I just can't hear anything okay we'll go ahead notes yes did someone uh take a picture yes okay thank you okay welcome everyone in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the buau of alapan and notice posted on the bulletin board at BAU Hall please not all meetings are videotaped and posted on our website within the next couple of days our fire exit please note fire exits located at the main entrance to the council chambers and and in the rear of the council chambers uh roll call please mayor Gallagher here Council M vagi here Council M voicey here Council caraza councilman Guan here councilwoman misso councilman you here please join me and Rise as we slute to the FL I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all please remain standing as councilman BAGI leads us in prayer my prayer tonight is for our friend and colleague Christine mazaro who underwent another back surgery today may we all keep her in our silent prayers to assist in her speedy recovery Christine is a person of great faith and I know that she is praying along with us so please join me in prayer or whatever manner you choose to personally connect with the higher power to assist in her healing going forward amen [Music] amen okay I'll entertain a motion to uh open the meeting to the public for any non-agenda items motion so second all in favor I okay would anybody from the public like to be heard on anything that's not on the agenda tonight motion to close second all in favor I I okay thank you uh we have some staff appointments tonight and that's for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following I'm sorry r at this time I'd like to recommend the appointments of three fire prevention off inspectors per DM they would be Brian Morgan Cal mocker and Kyle Rush second any discussion on the three are they do they need courses or seminars or they licenses or they all they all took the proper making sure anything else there's no conflict with Brian Morgan being the fire chief and also doing a fire ition inspections no I don't see too responsible for anything no all right two different evid okay my opinion okay uh roll call please Council yes councilman Boy Yes councilman gr yes councilman y yes okay thank you um all right next we have a public hearing on ordinance 12472 four and is to amend the golf course fees and that's for councilman Boyce thank you so this is a uh this is an ordinance number 1247 d24 is a second reading uh final adoption to amend the golf course fees and as such I'd like to make a motion to open it to the public second like to speak seeing motion to close second all favor okay okay whereas a entitled an ordinance supplementing chapter 119 fees of the code of the bur of oldan to amend the fees charged for the use of the oldan GOL cour was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the second day of January 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council the burough of Alan County ber state New Jersey that said ordinance number 1247 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the buau of clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any discussion yeah I wasn't here for the last meeting so I'm assuming this is all approved by the golf committee yes the golf committee is is fleeting and it's only one person at the present time did discuss it yeah we're I'll discuss that in my Council committee report okay um but yes it's a very modest increase across the board it's very modest all all different I mean on all the different categories yeah okay anything else okay roll call please Council man yes councilman Bo yes councilman Guan yes councilman you yes okay thank you uh moving on to our consent resolution that's for council president you thank you Mr [Music] Mayor resolution be resolve that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and councel of the buau of ultan release cash bonds and esro interlocal service agreements pistol range amend veterans advisory committee membership confirm fire prevention inspector's Employments second on that second uh any comments on this no none roll call please counc B yes councilman Bo yes councilman Guan yes councilman you yes okay thank you moving on to our Council committee reports we'll start with councilman Guan thank you Mr Mayor Mr council president uh thanks for letting me B lead off here I apologize if it's feels like a 10 pitch ATB a few things to kind of finish up as well as councilwoman massaro's um reports I don't know if should I do hers during her time or should I you have the floor you can uh okay all right let's start with the library uh the library we had a uh there's the board meeting uh obviously they're preparing for the budget for 2024 uh last time we met here in Council I gave estimated final numbers for 2023 uh I have the finalized numbers the door count went from 46,000 in 2022 to 62,000 in 2023 that's an increase of 35% circulation went from 56,000 to 65,000 in 2023 that's an increase of 177% uh in terms of last year's budget Revenue came in 1% ahead of uh the budget for the year and costs amazingly were 0.07% uh above budgeted for the year so right on budget uh pay uh more detail in that payroll was about 2% over budget uh collections were about 7% under budget uh and maintenance was 133% over budget so keep that in mind when we talk uh about the new budget uh for 2024 but maintenance was the one that increased the most on a percentage basis uh I did want to read um what was posted on Google it was a Google review uh by a resident in ultan about the library so if I may take a couple of minutes here it says I cannot sing enough Praises from my local library the ultap pan Public Library is truly a gem in our community and I find myself constantly Amazed by the Fantastic programs that they offer for adults the variety and quality of these programs make it an a standout institution I recently participated in a self-defense class and I must say it was an empowering experience the instructor was knowledgeable and the Practical Hands-On approach made the learning both enjoyable and effective it's incredible that the library provides such valuable life skills to the Community the estate planning lecture was another highlight the presenter is an expert in their field and I walked away with a wealth of information that has proven invaluable in planning for the future the library's commitment to providing educational resources on such important topics is commendable moreover the fact that I could get CPR certified right at the library is just fantastic this convenience is a game Cher for busy individuals who want to acquire life-saving skills but struggle to find the time the instructor was was thorough and the certification process was seamless Beyond these specific programs the overall atmosphere of the library is welcoming and conducive to learning the staff is always friendly and ready to assist kudos to the library team for consistently delivering outstanding programs that enrich the lives of its patrons I am genuinely grateful for the opportunities for growth and learning that this Library provides and I wholeheartedly give it a well-deserved five-star rating the library is more than just about books adult programs um and that's public on uh Google review uh in terms of Finance uh call talked to uh Jesse today uh going forward we're going to schedule a bi-weekly call to get an update on finances um a few topics we talked about that we're going to talk about in the future uh one is an is automating processes uh second is cash flow management and third um which actually I need to bring up our cash reimbursements for the recreation program like paying referees in cash cash how do we get that through the system a little bit quicker than than the two-month process that we that we have currently uh in terms of OEM emergency plans I coordinated with Andy uh he's going to get me the current plans for uh the plans like Town day Etc uh and I'll be included in future meetings there uh I reached out to Sergeant ma um Mr Mayor you remember he was one of the presenters at uh at pamis and uh he actually referred me back to Andy and and our our departments here so I came full circle for councilwoman uh councilwoman masaro uh couple of hers here Recreation just very briefly uh there's a new head of baseball Robert wanat uh he sent me a long email about his recommendations or suggestions for improvements at Chestnut uh or nanian field uh including I think the benches I know we talked about this last year but the benches had kind of rotted out and I thought we were going to fix them this year and they're still not done so I we need to look into that um so I forwarded those to councilwoman masaro she responded and we'll bring that up in the next Recreation Commission meeting uh in terms of the youth Council which is lays on to the new group um she hasn't had contact with them yet but um I know that they're looking to put information on the town website so they'll be reaching out to uh Anna fairly soon they're also organizing their structure so that the group is sustainable right so it's not just this one-year thing so they're organizing uh different positions as you would at a regular commission Etc they meet uh bi-weekly on the off week that we meet so they will not meet this week they will meet next week we meet the week after so they alternate weeks there uh and then yeah just they're forming subcommittees in their group to uh keep that structure alive and that's uh my report okay thank you Court sure councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor uh so the veterans committee met last Thursday there were about eight members in attendance we had one new member which was or one new uh veteran to come to the meeting he was enthusiastic um we are looking to put together a plan to improve the Memorial Park part of Oaks Park um and we have some drawings and some ideas we're thinking about approaching the DPW to see how they would best go about that Improvement kind of falls under their perview improving the part the golf course has about 218 members and that comes from the enrollment period which is from October through January so now that we're in January we've got about 28 we have that includes 35 brand new members that we've never had before so it looks like it may be a good year and I think that equates to about $435,000 in Revenue just thus far for the golf course um and we were getting a dog so there will be a kennel situated at the golf course that our town engineer weighed in on and I think maybe Anna went there and figured out where this kennel would go um the kennel uh no I was not there it was um Andy oh it was Andy and Tom um and they all came up with so we'll have a a kennel we'll a dog the dog will be trained to chase the geese and the dog will primarily reside at the golf course unless it's really cold then who owns the dog town the town Town yeah the town's dog well the golf course sounds like liability to me okay golf could I interject Mr Mayor please um we're paying Tao $7,500 dog included why are we doing this they are going to train the dog who is uh okay and they spoke with the go of course the problem is you actually have to need you have to have someone there to get rid of the geese you can't just have a morning run it doesn't work that way so it has to be a constant thing they don't come during the day and do that consistently so as opposed to what it says in their contract daily say anything about goinging every day I mean all day long it's that going there in the morning well that would be during the day every day that's once right but they'll be there every day unfortunately that doesn't deter let me U just I'm sorry I didn't want to cut finish your report and then we we'll take more questions on that that's okay um that's it for the golf course other than that one last thing we are rebidding the um the pump house or we're in the process of rebidding the pump house and putting to those BS together the planning board has um selected Charles magio to be our new planning board chair I think it's an excellent choice I've sat on the planning board with him for a number of years he's excellent he's listens carefully and he's just very good at asking the right questions and he's very poised in his response um Nick mamario will also serve as the vice chair um for this next period La at the last planning board meeting we heard an application it was a second hearing for um 41 Birchwood Road where we approved a variance for a twocc car um approximately uh 500 foot accessory structure uh behind the house there um the application for 1059 Washington a was tabled to give the applicant more time to prepare properly for that that application they were a little um um unprepared for the meeting so they they just needed to regroup and put together some more documents the uh environmental commission is meeting I believe tomorrow their usual meeting night is tonight however we uh kept them for meeting tonight so we'll be seeing them tomorrow and that concludes my report okay uh thank you councilman um we also have one new class two member correct in Tom Jung oh yes Tom Jung who is a uh burough employee um longtime member of the DPW so I think he'd been Asing to the board as well on what floods what doesn't things like that I I had the pleasure of sitting next to him on the Das and uh he had lots of perent knowledge for that one application that we heard together so I know he'll be an asset okay thank you uh Ron any more comment I don't know I didn't want to I just want to make my my question isn't about we're having a dog my question is is Tao fulfilling their contract is it yes good enough for me all right so I'll just ask one other followup I mean that's why I as who owns the dog and the burough owns the dog so Brian the dog bites someone um or relable I guess or as long as the person that it bid didn't provoke it you're absolutely liable yes and how do we get to the point where Tao's taking care of the geese problem to we're getting a dog it was like all we we didn't even try them out yet and we we we decided to get and talked with the golf course because geese is it's it's a big problem it's not just something that they can chase away one morning okay they they need someone there so when they spoke with uh Sam who originally had thought he would buy a dog and bring it they've always been as they've been asking for a dog years um and but you need to train the dog which means Tao will train this dog they they in fact they brought one of their dogs in and it was sitting on the cart went along with them ran out scared the geese came back in so that's what you want to do with this dog the problem is if Sam bu the dog and it's his the dog won't learn that his job is to scare away the geese not play with someone not do this but scare the geese away and hopefully you'll get to the point where there are no eggs and there are no no geese coming there but Tao will follow Tao will strain the dog Tao will help Sam they will be there with him getting this all set up didn't the dog find my ball in the woods the title is four that one yeah the logo ball no yeah all right thank you uh ask another question Mr Mayor yes Bill uh under veterans yes the uh the project that they're plan planning on I know it's going to require some kind of budget do we talk about any numbers or where would that bu budget fall under um right now short of having a cost estimate which will be furnished during budget season at one of our forthcoming meetings we're kicking around the number of $50,000 and that would be on on a new budget line or would it be on DPW I'm not sure how we would structure it we talk about for the veterans I don't know whether it would be under veterans or sounds like a lot of money DPW okay supp Capital Capal all right so this will come up uh under in probably under Parks or so under Parks I I would think would be under DPW personally but in charge of okay good and I'm it's still not sold on this dog idea I don't know I love dogs and all I just can't imagine a dog sitting in a kenle at night all alone you can take it home you could go there and and hang out with it get a chair you sit down talk to him f for a run at night the uh the dog house will have a inexpensive heater I heard I did hear there was a heater we I love dogs too but okay Circle back to the veterans for just one second yeah the uh we were talking about having a fundraiser to complement the funds that the town would put in towards that um proposed Improvement to the memorial area some sort of a fundraiser maybe different people in town could purchase papers or stones in a wall and then also once we once we dedicate some funds we would look for a matching Grant as well all right put something together and bring it back to the council and yep take a peek at it we're in the process okay all right thank you you're welcome Council vagi thank you Mr Mayor um this year I have police and um I have spoken with our police chief we haven't gotten together I want to talk to him about his budget um we haven't gotten together yet because he's he's busy I'm busy we just haven't C yet but we have a meeting schedule for uh next Tuesday we should be talking about budget uh we did talk about parameters of his budget and he said there's no surprises no you know no big items that he's looking for except for the usual uh we do have to concentrate this year and next about um continuity about moving on I mean if our police chief retires who's going to be coming up and we got to we got to actively think about that so we don't make the wrong choice and we we try to make it work as we uh you know as we assign the next the next chief so that's something that's going to be in conversation this year I'm not saying that Joe's retiring I'm just saying when that day comes we need to be prepared for that um I can tell you that that weighed heavily into the committee this year oh so so yourself and I'll be working on that okay with so uh I had that in mind so behind the sces succession planning is very important no matter sucession planning it's worked really well with our DPW it's worked pretty well with our police and uh let's see how it how it goes um the only other thing I had was you know I missed the our last meeting you know I had this big long thing written out and I'm not going to all that but I just want to make a comment about this Council and about how enjoyable this has been for the many years as Tom said I've been here everyone has their thing that they bring here and the things that I've learned from all of you here have been enlightening and it helped me but specifically I just want to mention quwan cour you know everybody runs and says you know my skills I bring to the council will really help the council and he said you know my finance skills and let me tell you that the biggest one of one of my biggest a fe uh fears and and source of angst over the last two years was the Police contract and of all of us their side too and uh the when Court did the analysis of I'm going to call it an Actuarial Table or however you analyzed eight years out or however many years out it made it so clear to me that for me personally that kind of ended it and that made it we we got to the Finish Line because of the work that you did and no one else on the council could have done that work that's that's your thing and it was much appreciated um at least by me and in the end here we are we have a we have a contract and we're moving on and uh appreciate your help on appreciate it thanks thanks for comments uh that's all I have for now more report next meeting okay oh I'm sorry one more thing Bill we have to meet about the Oaks house yes and and Anna if you want to be involved in that and John was Tom I don't know if you want to be involved in that sure in those meetings Andy is on that committee me in let me know we sort of have a informal committee y just let me know when to meet if I we have different parameters now we have like we know that Green Acres isn't we're beholden to Green Acres let's say that we can't just do what we want right even if we don't ask for grant money even if we use our own money we're beholden to Green Acres correct correct okay so that being said it gives us a clearer path of the the parameters that we have to follow and match um also one of the complaints about that Park if there is a complaint there's not enough parking we all know that if we do put a nice building up we might need more parking any chance we can talk to the owner of that property that's on the corner I mean some of us know who that the owner is I know Tom does uh the owner oh ohing Central um sure we can uh if there's grant money maybe it'll work for them for for them it'll work for us you know that sure they'll they'll get paid we'll get parking and we'll make it nice you know with trees or whatever we got to do to make it not look like a parking lot and uh so that's another thing that we keep it on the back burner if there's a conversation to be had I'd be I'd be glad to be on that committee i' taken up too much you time let's go thank you okay council president you thank you Mr Mayor um report of the senior citizens right we'll be having a meeting with them on Thursday one of the topics of discussion will be maybe reducing this number on the advisory committee currently there's about 15 of them is it I know probably about 15 and we've been having a hard time filling the that role so I'm going to talk to them about potentially um reducing that number to probably around 9 or so um report of the schools I had the opportunity to go to to um CDW and TBD yesterday as part of their professional development day I give Dr deou her staff and the teachers there a lot of credit for participating on um on this Development Day on a holiday on their day off um well days like that allow the teachers and the staff to discuss amongst their own peers how they could better educate students and nurture them also so I do really appreciate the work they' doing that there our local schools our first a core uh looking forward to their budget meeting with us on January 25th I'd like to congratulate the new line officers and the company officers that were installed our new line officers are chief Jesse hoer deputy chief Richard premium Captain Carl wer and Lieutenant summer Thompson and I know we need to do some work on um retitling some of our salary ordinances and things like that I think there might be on loap also those titles need to be changed um and last week councilman Guan along with uh councilman carazza and administrator havilla held an ad hoc meeting with an ambulance services in the area to see what type of um Services they offered paid Services they offered to municipalities and I'm sure we'll be discussing our options during budget season and the meeting was set up solely in interest of Performing due diligence on the matter report of the fire department I am looking forward to our budget meeting with them on February 1st and I'd like to congratulate the new line officers installed Chief Brian Morgan deputy chief Alex NIS captain Chaz Anders and lieutenants Chris Riley cristelle mocker Rich Goden and Nick culo uh during the company meeting they discussed that the their lowp ordinance the one that we changed recently a month ago needs to be reworked to um remove some language requiring uh the miscellaneous points to be earned that must be earned uh they claim that they request to have it removed so so we'll be looking into that and at this time I'd like to discuss the sale of our rescue truck 61 it's a 97 Pierce so it's uh almost 30 years old um it has served its purpose in the fire department but now they feel like um it they don't need it anymore so we need to make a decision on what we're going to do with the truck um Council I believe the that was part of the overall plan is that that rescue truck would go they we took delivery I don't know three months ago of a of a a brand new they call it a squad combination rescue engine and I believe through our Capital last year we have a uh F450 or 550 type um uh utility vehicle uh approved through capital and I believe that PO is going to be placed anytime soon so yeah I think that was again going back to succession planning that was part of that that that truck uh that rescue truck would be retired and um um yeah so I think that was the overall plan yeah so it Serv served its usable purpose to the fire department and you know um I would like to see it removed from the garage do I need to make a motion to well I don't know process why would you remove it until we get the next one it serves no purpose right now the windshield is corrected it's out of service we just going to set it out to Russ we did that before with a ladder truck if you recall years ago um did what we would put it outside until until guy yeah I don't carnaza sold it and it was just getting rusty and a dead batteries all the time was a was was a waste some of it here say uh I hear that there's perspective buyers biders whatever the right word is is there someone that has it's usable to somebody yes oh sure okay so what is the process is to advertise a a bid yeah it has to be advertised to declare it no longer needed for public purposes and you and you go out and you auction it essentially okay so you're recommending we start that process so do we go through a um a vote on that should I make a motion I would say yeah I would say we should we should correspond with guy that's his baby that's what he's always done good or bad he's that's been his thing he he had a few on eBay for us I don't know how that worked he sold one to South America I just I don't know if we got the right money what I I think whatever the the uh the statue says in New Jersey I think we move forward there and guy as a member of the council will certainly be involved there but um again I I've heard that there are some interested parties there's some unique parts of even though it's a 30-year-old vehicle it has heavy air um I think if you were Towing Detroit Diesel in it so I think there's I think there's some value in that in that vehicle and every day we keep it in our garage and loses value some of the other pieces that we got rid of had zero value we got rid of a of a pumper truck where the pump didn't work so that had no value we got rid of a ladder truck that ended up in Brazil or something I think it cost more to ship there for the buyer than it than it was worth so but I do think that this truck has some has some value so let's start to uh you want to make a motion to start the process of I would like to get make the motion to start the process of uh selling the vehicle have a second on that second second okay this is going to any discussion more and a roll call on that [Music] please counc pagi yes councilman boce yes councilman Guan yes councilman you yes okay thank you is that something you I'll prepare resolution prepare yeah thank you okay all right that concludes my report Mr Mayor all right thank you councilman um my brief report after uh my two-e tenure as as your new mayor um couple of things I did I did attend the Bergen County League municipalities breakfast uh week and a half or or so and um in hackin saac and uh two topics of discussion was overhauls to our to the not ours to uh the state's Oprah regulations open public records act uh and uh asking for a delay in our fourth round of affordable housing legislation from July of 2025 out to 2028 and this Council last year uh endorsed both of those by way of resolution to update the Oprah and to extend the fourth round out so we can finish our third round uh so that was the topics there and I did also attend last week the pasc valley mayor's dinner um it comprises of 10 Mayors from the pasak valley uh three new mayors myself being one of them and ell and Hillsdale and it's really an open uh it's it's an open form it's it's discussion on things and and the Hot Topic the timing of it the Hot Topic last week was flooding so that was consumed most of the uh conversation was about flooding uh last week and that is the end of my report uh actions on the minutes council president you thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to uh make a motion to approve the following minutes our c DA meeting January 2nd 2024 and our reorganization meeting January 2nd 2024 second okay any discussion on the minutes roll call please ccil BAGI abstained I wasn't here councilman Boyce yes councilman Guan yes councilman youu yes okay thank you uh do we have any old business before the council tonight old business okay let's move on to new business uh first order of business is um I'll call it Central Square aah I hope I'm saying that right ultan huh aa aa uh ultan street name request and Anna you brought you asked to have that added to the agenda well there there is no approval you approve the the street name um it was called SRA because that's the way the application came into the board so it was just done in a CO Central uh Square noal Central Square um they have now changed the name uh of the um place to [Music] square LEL the development Is AO a and they are looking to get that name and I'm guessing that's a personal name or so it's somehow related to the development okay all right that's that's great represent yeah and it's not rare that we've had this before please yeah good evening Mr mayor council then Dean St Ferraro and St uh yes and I represent the developer who's Mr sujack like myself both 20 year residents you know I think if you've seen the the development uh I really spared no attention to detail the only detail we seem to have neglected was in none of the plans did we have like a name on the street and our The Entity name that owns the property is Central Square OT LLC and the I think the the architect's drawing says Central Square Town Homes but we never really had a name for the development and I think it just kind of got picked up that way and then through the process uh Mr SU decided to name it I Ulta pan I is his wife's name also um so just for purposes of kind of continuity we'd like to have it's a private road obviously he's going to maintain it plow it all that um that it be uniform with the name of the development and it be I Lane so that's really why we're here as we were at we wrote a request and we were asked to come in to explain sure um I I think it's a great idea however if you guys recall some of you were here some of you were not haren's Gill the street from from me off to Wolf there was there's a development it's it's Candlewood now it's called Heron's Gill and as a fireman and there's three firemen on this day I could tell you when the fire depart when the pager went off and it said fire at Herring drive or Heron's Gill sometimes a truck went to the wrong place so I'm I'm thinking in my head is there anything that that's similar to AA and I can't think of anything I've gone through that same uh two weeks since I saw on them say okay let's change it and then we have a problem with yeah since I've seen it on the agenda I I can't I I know that that example perfectly yes uh and I I can't come up with that and I know it's not unusual I know Susan Court is named after Susan perisi right and I know we have a lot of street names in town going back sometime that are named after developers or personal things so I don't have an issue I can't find is I can't find uh any Rhymes that are too close if you will if uh I think it's a nice name so uh so this name wasn't reg this Lane Street Road is are there any technical definitions like there's not a Parkway right no Lane driveway the street there really is no the only thing that I haven't looked up um normally if you're renaming a street it has to be done by ordinance since this is a private roadway I'm not sure that applies it may just be you know the council signing off on will look into that after you know you decide what you want to do so this was never registered on with the county or the state as a Central Square Road correct no I think it's just or the Postal Service anybody get mail is there any mail going yet well no that's part of the issue we have a tenant one of the tenants is in and we're having issues with bringing the utilities in so that's why we kind of Rush try and clear this up yeah yeah you go yeah please all the no we need you to we need you to be on on be you come on up in name and address say say your name and address for the Eddie sujack 30 Stonegate Road Old toan New Jersey and you're the owner develop the owner developer of the project so not knowing this is going to happen we when we were uh filing for all the gas lines and the electric lines and the optimum and the Verizon everything is under a Lane right now so except the uh the local post office so that's the discrepancy so we just need to kind of clarify that and then they can start like you know getting the utilities hooked up or I mean right now they will have gas and electric and but they're having issues with like Optimum and and Verizon right now so what does the post office has it listed us they have it as Central Square it's Central Square just Central Square and I see that as more of an issue because if it's Central Square 100 Central Avenue we know it's a high school and two or four is down by the gas station or the so yeah when you say Square sounds like a shopping Central out I think it's better so tell Google Maps yeah oh yeah did you tell them to change it oh they'll catch up yeah so the postal you don't think the Postal Service have any problem changing the name well no actually I went to the post office and they said uh we communicate with the burrow I know they said that they're you know and have consistent communication say as long as the burrow says it's fine they don't have any issue okay anything else Ron I don't see any issue with this some want to make a motion that make a motion we allow the street name to be changed to aain I second that any more comments roll call please Council bani yes Council Boyce yes councilman Guan yes councilman you yes yes congratulations thank you thank you very much coming in okay all right next order of business is um for councilman Boyce this is ordinance 1248 d24 the tree preservation and removal ordinance thank you Mr Mayor I have a uh ordinance number 1248 d24 from the burough clerk's office this is a first reading for the TR preservation and removal whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal and replace sections 2348 through 23418 of the code of the burough of old depan entitled tree preservation and removal was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council head on the 16th day of January 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council of the buau of oan County of Bergen state of New Jersey the ordinance number 1248 d24 uh B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said ordinance number 1248 d24 will be further considered for final passage of the meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 20th day of February 2024 at 7:30 in the evening or as soon therefore as the matter can be reached in the council chambers at the burrow Hall 227 alapan Road alapan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1248 d24 and we finally resolved that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish introduction and no disappearing as required by law second any comments I have a just a comment maybe to just just a clarify so this is going to be so this now goes to the planning board cor so bill is going to walk this over to the planning board they're going to uh make sure it's consistent with our master plan correct okay okay and then it comes back here on the 20th day of February for basically 30 days from now correct and then we will act on it providing the planning board doesn't have any objection or so you can act on it either way but you have to you have to give the plan board 35 days we will act on it on the 20th 30 days okay all right okay uh we have a motion in a second uh roll call please and roll call yes councilman biki yes councilman Boyce very much yes councilman Guan yes councilman you yes okay thank you um entertain a motion open the uh meeting to the public second all in favor I all right would anybody from the public like to be heard on any non-agenda item at this time motion to close second all favor I I I a meeting for adjournment so move second second second all right all in favor I we closed congratulations okay congratulations Mr hey thank you