you you have to do it make sure is everything is out good to go all right good evening everyone in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other publication circulated in the burough of wapan and notice posted on the bulletin board at burough Hall please keep in mind that all meetings are videotaped and posted to our website within the next couple of days and the fire exits are at the main entrance to the council chambers and to the rear council chambers uh roll call please mayor gallager here counc here here here coun here councilwoman here Council here you please rise and join me for leg I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice to all would you please remain standing as councilman BAGI leads us in prayer tonight Heavenly Father we come to you today asking your guidance wisdom and support as we begin this meeting help us engage in meaningful discussion allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community for these things I pray amen amen [Music] amen I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second all in favor anybody from the public like to be heard tonight motion to close second favor I all right um kind of a fun part not that every part is fun of these meetings but uh get to honor three lovely ladies this evening for some unbelievable accomplishments uh that would be Michaela Del Roso Sierra Lumia and Alexander Tama and I have three proclamations I'd like to read and then present them to you and maybe I can do a photo op with with everyone so first one is Michaela whereas is the utmost important that Future Leaders of our community be given every opportunity to develop their talents through girl scouting in the bur of old Japan whereas Michaela delar Roo from Troop 9518836995 which is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts and whereas Michaela's projects the cheer guide was to design a website as an informational cheerleading resource and whereas Michaela being an ENT cheerleader herself believes that cheerleading instills confidence and pride gives one a voice and teachers trust communication and teamwork and whereas Michaela took took that love of cheerleading and created the cheer guide cheer Guide website with tutorials and demonstration videos for coaches athletes and cheerleaders at Northern Valley alapan now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough of alapan County of Bergen in the state of New Jersey on behalf of the citizens of alapan extend our heartfelt congratulations to Gold Award recipient Michaela Dell Roso and in her honor I do hereby Proclaim Monday June 17th 2024 as Michaela Del Rosa day in the burough of old Japan I witness her of I set my hand and caused the Seal of the B plan to be fixed on this 17th day of June 2024 [Applause] congratulations next one is honoring Sierra Lumia president the utmost importance that Future Leaders in in our of our community be given every opportunity to develop their talents their girl scouting in their buau of vol Japan whereas Sierra Lumia from Troop 9588 attained the Gold Award for talents and achievements in girl scouting where as only 5.4% of eligible Girl Scouts earned the Gold Award which is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts and where where a Sierra's project addressed a lack of face-to-face socialization for today's teens by organizing social events for the eighth graders from our four Northern Valley High Schools send four Northern Valley High School sending towns and we whereas the diverse activities included a cooking event multiple teen nights with trivia movie night and Icebreaker games a March Madness free throw competition and a white out Valley social dance and whereas these events provided a platform for teens connect in person have fun strength strengthen their interpersonal skills develop their confidence before high school and help teens thrive in new social situations I therefore now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey on behalf of the citizens of ultan extend our heart hardest heartiest congratulations to Gold Award recipient Sierra Lumia and in her honor I do hereby Proclaim Monday June 17 20124 as Sierra Lumia day in the burough of old Japan [Applause] one more for these three outstanding young ladies Proclamation honoring Alexander Tama whereas it is utmost importance that Future Leaders of our community be given every opportunity devel to develop their talents through girl scouting in their B Vol Japan and whereas Alexander Tama from Troop 9518874369 earned the Gold Award which is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts and whereas Alexander's project curvy girls rock was conceived from her own experience in scoliosis and whereas Alexandra having had scolio scoliosis correction surgery herself fosted her experience into a support program for other pre-teen and teen girls and whereas she created appropriate support packages for girls recovering at hospitals and invited girls to communicate with her via social media and whereas through social media she shared her tips experience compassion and support to help them through their scoliosis Journey showing them that curvy girls rock now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough of ultam County of Bergen and the state of New Jersey on behalf of the citizens of ultan extend our heartiest congratulations to Gold Award recipient Alexander Tama and in her honor I do hereby Proclaim Monday June 17 2024 as Alexandra Tama day in the burough of ultan [Applause] girls would you step forward middle us goes in the midle their own day we have to share their we don't have to share their this is not let press the button out congratulations you have a grand congratulations great great work congratulations thank you great job wow that's you're welcome to stay but I understand if you want to bounce out got a few hours left in your day so you better hurry up congratulations yeah congratul thank you everybody okay night good night good night Jes mus thank you okay um our next order of business is we have we actually have two presentations tonight um first one being the difference card um by close to Mayor John gliden and Maryanne okay close all right all right um please uh step forward and thanks for coming it's a pleasure to be here with you tonight uh thank you for the meeting uh my name is John Glidden uh in addition to being mayor closer I happen to have a brokerage business called cheny financial and Maran is my partner in in the cheny financial and we have a contract with a company called the difference card to sell their product and uh we're here to talk to you tonight about uh M hands getting involved with the difference card I want to uh say that uh uh about 35 municipalities in the state of New Jersey are uh in the difference card various uh levels of Entry uh into it uh my uh uh borrow of cloter is using it as is Norwood uh uh North North Bale and S Brook and probably three or four others in Bergen County that are in the various stages of initiating it so what is what is the difference part uh your health insurance benefits for your employees uh have uh taken a rise as you all know and when you see in in your budget numbers the cost of health insurance premiums uh they're they're getting out of sight the difference card uh is a mechanism to reduce those costs and here's here's how it Bas basic basically works um most of the employees in ultan are in the direct 10 uh program for the state health benefits plan uh as are the majority of our other clients who are using the uh the difference difference card so what the difference card does is changes your plan to the direct 35 uh uh program that which is a much cheaper uh uh program in terms of health insurance premiums that difference is captured and put into uh what's called an HRA account and that account is funded and the difference card which is a credit card uh is used to pay certain costs uh of the uh uh the members health benefits uh requir arms such as the the deductible what we have determined in take taking a look at old of pan we've uh analyzed uh the uh uh present structure of your health your employees health benefit uh plan uh to determine what benefit uh the uh the difference card is to all thean there are two handouts here one A thick one and one's a thin one I'm going to ask you to take a look at the thin one I'm not going to talk about the thick one because uh that gets into too much detail for tonight's discussion but if you have any questions I can refer to so the difference card proposal if you take a look at the first page it says borrow volan 2024 and we take a look at your current costs which in 2024 four are $772,500 is what the employee pays and about 65% of what the PS rly speaking so if we took that $772,500 and we revised that fixed cost to the direct 35 program the cost would be [Music] $616,000 that's and the total costs after considering the claims for things like uh the deductible would be 660,000 40 that is a 14% decrease overall in the costs of insurance premiums for the borrow and borrow employees uh uh for the first year how do you capture if I can unless you want me to wait till the end so how are you capturing on the total cost of $600 60,000 change on the next Pages yeah the analysis I'm getting ahead all right yeah uh yeah that's that's a summary page you know maybe the summary page should be after the analysis page okay but it it it shows you that obviously the renewal costs still say 77 because we don't have the rates for 2025 yet all right this is based on your 2024 rates the state isn't going to come out until like mid July end of July with the 2025 rate so and they're be substantial increases yeah there no I guess my question was just how do you how do you how do you know what claims you're going to have I I guess I'm looking at carrier plus plus the card and then is Carrier plus the card plus claims if you if you look at the next two pages it does the analysis okay of your costs under the nj10 and then carry it over to the moving everybody into a 2035 plan now most of your employees are in the nj10 plan mhm I think you only have one in the nj1 15 so we'll just focus on the nj10 plan all right CU that's where most of your employees fall so it really shows you where what their cost is what their um when they have to pay for their primary care or the specialty care what they have to pay at point of service under the nj10 plan and what it brings them to into the when we up them into the 2035 plan so as you know just pushing moving anyone from the 10 to the 25 plan is going to be significant savings to you right which is terrific but you still have to meet because you have to grant them greater than or equal to benefits right so you still have to make them whole and bring them to the nj10 plan benefits well what the state did uh and this just happened in the beginning of January is because a lot of municipalities were looking at Alternatives because costs were so high so so they said okay you want to bring in an HRA plan that's fine but now you have to make it 100% HRA compatible meaning that not only do you bring them down to a $10 co-pay it has to be a $0 co-pay now all right so not only are we be are we being able to reduce the amount of cost for the plan we're giving them better benefits because when they go to their primary care provider now instead of a $10 co-pay they're going to swipe that card you know the difference card you know well in the in the other presentation it gives you a little bit more description of it and and the their total co-pay is going to come off of that card now that card is representing the savings okay the savings that you have inced as opposed from the what you would get from an nj10 plan being built for that as opposed to the 2035 plan so all of that savings you have and those swipes are coming off of that savings so what the um difference card has done is they've been in business for 20 years so they have lots of experience with doing this with groups they take a sample size of the same type of um group dynamics that you have how many individuals how many family plans employee spouse one parent family and it's based on statistics okay so statistically what they find with a group of that size and those dynamics that this would be the estimated payout of Cl I guess that was kind of my question how do they all right get to that number I'm sorry if I took too long to answer so it's sorry question is the card like a prepaid card and it's the dollar difference that we would have to pay for each of these and it goes to the employee to use two questions one is what if they don't use the whole amount that's on the card does it come back to the borrow or do they keep it and they get taxed on it is that a is that a benefit to them that's first question second is as a this is looking at it from the borrow side it looks like we save money right from a user standpoint we have an employee over here it looks like zero co-pay instead of 10 co-pay that's great and then I hit this maximum out of pocket of Seven Grand instead of zero is there enough on that card to cover that yes yes okay um but remember they're still under the nj10 plan all right so they're their moop maximum out of pocket oh they are still the 400 okay because you're still you they as the employee are still getting their nj10 benefits all right which under the nj10 their move maximum out of pocket is $400 that whole column is down the borrow okay is meeting that 7500 okay because you have to you have to make the difference the between what the nj10 is provide what they are allowed under the nj10 plan and what the 2035 is providing for them so we actually have the risk of claims being a lot worse than statistically across time so crazy you know something happens covid a lot of issues ETC that extra out of pocket you know maybe only three people hit it on per year let's say 20 or 25 hit it that's on us yeah but you have to remember there is a cap okay your cap is the 7500 okay because anything but many but many you have to yeah you of course something catastrophic happens right you would have to have every single employee meeting the maximum out of pocket in order what this is is we are under we are underwriting the tail risk of this insurance somewhat self-insuring if I'm saying yes we are writing underwriting the tail risk C right you know there's a max out of pocket and you know there hasn't been uh any instance totally understood statistically that 2% chance of something happens we are underwriting that risk that's the risk that we're taking by the savings that we correct correct but your max you're maxing exposure still is savings okay it's not by by virtue of the difference part you're not increasing your risk beyond the savings but your max out of pocket wa the 7,000 is per person so they're a family you're talking 15,000 yeah the 15 is a family yes the 75 uh what is it the total is yeah 7500 is a family it's 2,000 individual 50 yeah okay so the most at risk is our savings you're saying that's cor yes and and statistically and I know that you brought up the worst case you know scenario what if everybody who is participating maxes out yeah yeah so that that that is factored into the numbers what happens in a best case scenario where nobody maxes out and nobody even goes to the doctor save 12,000 save 112 well anything that what they have facted in here you can see from like the six you go from the 616 from what they get from reducing when you go back to the summary page that 616 is if you just add it up you know how many individual employee spous one par two parent family what the cost is at the 2035 plan plus the difference card costs all right which is $40 per employee per month so that's what your fixed cost is then they factor in all right what the estimated claims would be which brings you to the 660 okay okay so cover is essentially better for the employee exactly you know it's saves money how come more more municipalities aren't signing up all right um I think this is a new con and even Jim can kind of you know uh chime in here too because we just went through this with with Jim at Norwood as well as at Northville uh it's a New Concept to uh Municipal uh employees uh they have been very comfortable in the nj10 plan uh benefits are great all right you cannot deny that they're very costly but they also have seen what two years ago was a 23% increase last year was the 8% increase this year they're talking for another 14% increase perhaps you know so you're looking at the last three years almost a 50% increase in health insurance costs and even though Municipal workers do you know have great benefits and maybe that cost maybe only 30 or 35% still the cost of living today is increased for everybody everybody's gone goes to the grocery store and has to buy eggs and milk and chicken and they go through the gas station costs across the board are increasing for everybody so savings for them anywhere if you look at the numbers when you look at and this is why you know I mean to get into the details for a family all right let's say let's just take nj10 what a family pays currently under the n J10 plan per month is $3,616 157 that's a lot of money okay that's a lot of for cost and they're paying a third of that if you go down to the 2035 it goes down to 2, 94378 that is a $900 a month savings and they're saving a third of it so that's $300 a month that they are saving themselves that $300 a month that's $3,600 a year that is a significant savings for employees you're saying that the 10 program has increased the cost has increased 24% 8% well they has the 35 plan increased by that much as well on a percentage basis or has it been zero no no when when the state comes across with their new rates I mean unless they change it this year no historically historically yeah yeah have they have they increased nj5 they all so it's not like we're okay they're all increasing by the same amount switching plan we don't skirt the increase right you're going to b a higher dedu I mean we didn't so this might be new to municipalities I guess but we've been doing in my office for five plus years something oh yeah it's not a New Concept it's just new to municipalities so it's because of those crazy increases I mean the worst part is when you have to switch you know carriers and all that stuff which which is well that's what's great about the plan is that they're still in the state health benefits plan right same network same doctors they don't have to switch even if they Chang to Etna because in July the state came uh forward and they offered Etna plans so even if they switched to Etna program this still applies to them as well they're still staying in the same network of providers so they don't have to change their doctors they don't have to worry about any of that which as you know if you enter into an atro in a in a private sector some times there may be a change in networks too often yes unfortunately yeah yeah I I think you uh asked a question that I'd like to elaborate on and that has has to do with how many M municipalities are in this plan and why isn't it uh you know all over uh everything I think there there a number of uh headwinds to get it uh instituted in U uh in a municipality one is the employee and the employee uh I have found I'm sure you have as well by nature is skeptical of any change in in see them noding their heads any well I think right I think rightfully so and they should be skeptical and and uh you know uh and the police police are most skeptical of all uh uh they uh in a lot of plac places uh not the least of which is is is closer look skeptical on any new plan that is offered by uh the municipality but what we have found over time is that when we enroll employees and we we enroll them one at a time that we find out that their experience where they're actually saving money on a on a uh uh monthly basis uh causes their friends and fellow employees to sign up for the program as well because why wouldn't you want to save money I say that because that is the reason that it takes a while to uh Institute a program like this uh Saddlebrook for instance has been in the program for six years it took them 2 and a half years to get 100% enroll of their employees they're all 100% rolled in the difference s now and and it is uh shown the uh savings that were originally projected so to answer your question there is some work and we have to do most of that work because we hold uh registration uh sessions and we're the ones who talk to the uh employees about the benefit of the program and a answer all of their questions so you don't have to have every employee no we could just have one sign up and you won't you won't have every Jess first includes our retirees and I think they included in our whole number the bill that was sent the invoice that was sent to us I don't think that it did it include the retire rate no it didn't no I thought it was fulltime no it shouldn't I don't think no it didn't include the retires it was just full employees so is the $40 per card is that the whole fee or do you guys take another it's $2,500 for setup C and then $40 per employee per month per employee enrolled per month per month okay that covers all of the you know the credit card swipes and all administrative and how much and a savings are after that how much work goes into the finance department is this something that you know you would we would need a dedicated person no no the difference card uh has a staff that is 24hour uh help desk and uh it's it's really quite effective so there's no there's no call on the borrow or additional how much work is it to be okay it's swiping okay if um I hate for you to be switching back and forth between the both presentations but in the larger um presentation on page five this will really getes a good um kind of picture of how the how the process works uh it's got the picture of the C it looks like a credit card oh it's not a credit card because it has a MasterCard logo on yeah well it's kind of yeah but you can't go to Bloomingdales okay we tell them you know you can't use it any place else other than at a doctor's office you know um so um employees who enroll will get a card you know to them uh over on the left hand side it shows that under the direct 10 this is what their cost would be the $10 for your primary care your specialist in uh emergency room as well as prescription drugs under the 2035 plan it shows what those copays are they swipe the card and what they're out of pocket is is over on the right hand side it's 0 so we we we do in educational seminars with them and we tell them this is not an insurance card this is not your this is not to replace your Blue Cross Blue Shield card or your ET card you still give that to the um to the uh office manager or to the receptionist at your doctor's office that is your still your insurance card this is your funding mechanism this is how you pay for that co-pay so when they ask you for the $20 or the $35 you swipe the card and that is when that is uh the card is already loaded so that is when that amount comes off of that card and that is drawn off the fun so so they must enjoy not having to put up the cash flow you know the cash flow right the 10 to $20 out of their wallet or whatever this exactly that's why a receipt they have to sub something after no no no only if they forget the card and that is a couple of you know the growing pains that have come that we found with a couple of the municipalities is that one number one they think it's the insurance card so they're showing that you know instead of their Blue Cross Blue Shield card and of course the doctors you know the nurse is saying I don't know what that is you know that we don't take the difference card um so that's why they have to be educated you know still show your glucose Blue Shield card or your an card but when it comes time to pay that's when we pull out the difference course and it's the same thing if you will go to the emergency room and your prescription drugs too it's 0 so they're saving on that as well and then the only other in this presentation on page 15 it also kind of gives you um a little bit uh a summary of um the what the costs of primary care uh under the 2035 plan would be $20 in the it shows you that uh $20 will go on the difference card so the employee has a $0 co-pay for them so and those are the main um those are the main Medical Treatments you know your primary care The Specialist uh emergency room uh if they have to go to a u they have to get an MRI done all right so at that point they typically don't ask you right then and there at point of service you know to pay a certain amount you always say build my build my insurance company and what they would do after that is they would send the when they get the OB right and they get the bill from the insurance company then they submit that to the difference card and it's paid that way the um this it goes through um all of the different ways that they could submit claims uh they can do it over the phone they can do it online they can do it by facts uh there is customer service that is available to them uh so there's lots of different ways so even if they I'm sorry they have an app yep they have an app as well I know everybody everybody today wants app right I just want to so the employee never goes to our HR or anything like that directly to that exactly now they will they're going to come to you anyway all right okay so I don't want to I don't want to like paint a picture like oh you're never going to get any questions you're always going to get a question and you just direct it to us okay because if it was a question with their empire plan or with their e plan plan then yes it would be you and HR okay right because that's dealing with the state plan but anything in deal with the differ card okay yeah so you said things that are not covered they're not covering that you're going to submit to right not where like if you have an MRI okay yeah anything at the point of service you would not don't like pay you know like the $20 code pay just say Bill the and they could call the difference card and the difference card to talk to the provider as well you would just say build the insurance company and then at that point whatever the whatever they get the bill for then they would submit that to the differ C that okay we say name who name the employee the employee the employee I'm sorry so the employees still handling the difference between what they didn't pay at the window if you don't handle that then it just like a Deb so they're getting no they're getting their EOB basically and sending it to however they to the differ right you said there was a $2500 set setup fee for each employee or just one time set one time set up for for the for the bur $2,500 and then it's $40 per month per employee that enrolls so if you had 20 employees that enoll on the program and this would be you know we're looking at um the state has they just did an open enrollment as you know in um March for a u for the July 1 start date uh we don't think I talked you know I've asked the people the difference card directly have they heard anything is going to be another enrollment or is the state just pushing everything to the regular October open enrollment for January 1 start date and they seem to think that that is the that is the way that the state is going to go because at this point we're in June right now to try to start this program let's say August 1 or September 1 it's like too close to the fourth quarter anyway so that they would you know we can always ask if you want to implement the program prior but um from my conversations with them they feel that the state is really just going to move everybody to the standard during the month of October is another open enrollment for January 1 which is when the plan will start so at this point that's what we're looking for we can always ask if you want to start prior to that okay anybody any more questions what would be the next step if we so the The Next Step would be uh a resolution to the council to uh proceed with the program that doesn't com the going program we have to conduct recr session for the employees and then you guys sell sell it to them we we recommend that the first thing that we do after you have obviously um pass the resolution that you want to adopt the program is that we meet with the head of the U police department and the DPW because that's the main block of the oros of the unions uh we do presentations for them we explain the program to them uh give them time to answer their questions whatever they had you know I heard from this one at this you know municipality whatever the questions are because I think if you get the Buy in from them you know that is a huge step ahead uh once we've spoken with them and they talk to their members then we set up enrollments then we set up uh educational seminars we talk to the employees we explain the plan to them uh all the benefits we give them chance to have their questions go home talk to their spouses uh and then prior to the open enrollment session in October we would come back again and just to kind of give them another preliminary um educational you know as to what what would you know be available to them what the savings and by that point we'll know what the numbers are because end of July is when we anticipate we will have the 2025 numbers so we can weo this proposal as well for you so you can see what we anticipate the uh savings to be based on the 2020 do it again our DPW kind of knows about this are police not I think we had a good we had a good uh reception at Norwood I think Jim was very helpful in getting uh both the police and the DPW um on board so um yeah just I I know the DPW is uh aware of this and knows how it works I just don't know where okay yeah we have some work to do on yeah and I think Brian is that a contct thing or is that something that they I'm not familiar with it so I'm going to have to look into it obviously the Unions would have to agree to it yeah yeah you would have to have an agreement signed by them you know yeah an amendment to the to the collective bargaining agreement that's right well DBW it's good time they have to you know they have to it's coming up you know it's totally voluntary so whatever their members whichever members want to participate they can if they choose not to then you know you know sit chice okay thank you great information great information so much okay thank you next uh mayor Bara uh the exciting topic of risk management please ex thank you mayor thanks council members uh for uh taking a few minutes to listen to me I'm Jim Barson the mayor from Norwood I also own the Barson Insurance Agency uh I've been doing insurance for 33 years uh specializing in health and employee benefits actually it's my largest part of my business so I'm going to make a couple comments about the difference part um to give you a little bit of background um any switch is never going to be easy but I got to tell you from doing employee benefits for 33 years I watch people save a ton of money employers due to this type of program I do it in my own practice I actually don't use a difference card currently I use a company called OCA they do exactly the same thing but the difference card has a few more benefits and added um things that I like and I'm going to start moving them over as my clients come up I'm probably going to start Contracting with them uh I did recommend the difference card to Norwood and northel where I actually am the risk manager for the burrow of northel I do not do I'm not I don't do the insurance that a borrow of nor just make that clear I want everyone to know I yeah but I advise and when we decided to go this way the council agreed um Rising health care cost is why we're talking about this why they're talking about this tonight and as the mayor said earlier I think you already have a plan in place you're doing this uh alternative funding is the only way you're going to control your health care costs moving forward okay you're not going to control them by just paying an increase you know 18% 20% 14% stepping back and buying a high deductible plan is what you're doing here and you taking the risk from that to the to the rich plan that's where you save your money never is everybody going to use that benefit it's just not going to happen I historically okay over the years I've been doing this the employees the employers excuse me pay out about 33% of the savings so whatever you are going to save in that premium you're going to lay out 33% of it so you're going to save 66 that's my average in the private sector okay we were able to get I think 70% plus of our burrow employees to change over to the difference card effective July 1st using that um like I said I don't do it for the burough of Norwood but I sat and did an educational and I actually talked to I also offered something to all of our employees and I and I'm doing it for Northvale too I said to those employees anybody has a problem my door is you know my office is on Livingston Street come by see me I'll help you get through that problem if you can't get through it there's always a hard time the first year right there's always whenever you do a change but it's going to work I've watched it for years my office every day has a problem okay it's the insurance World they don't want to pay claims there there's always a problem they want to take your money they don't want to pay that's the reality so we're doing it with Norwood northel is doing it as well uh 70% I don't know North H maybe 40% 50% but the good thing is is by next year I expect that number to go up in both towns and eventually we'll get it 100% because employees talk okay cluster officer this morning who I don't do but it's your town who who's a friend of mine son he comes up to me he is saving $700 a month in his pay that's real money in his pocket 700 a month excuse me that's $8,400 a year in his pocket his exposures are the same is he again he had a problem so I told him to come by my office tomorrow bring me the eobs give me let me see what happened and we'll address it he's fine but he's saving $8,400 a year that's in his pocket that's real money the burrow saving money because a young family of four how much are they really using in health benefits they don't go that often you bring the kid for a cup of colds you you know yes we have it it's there for the big things this is why it's a it's a benefit okay I'm sorry I had to get my two cents on on that I'm talking about their stuff I talk about so but thank you for that yeah besides the uh the benefits to you as a burrow for this uh I'm a risk manager now I've been doing this for several years two my two top clients now two first clients with this were cluster and Northville I've been a mayor for 18 years as many of you may know and during that time that's all I do is talk about the risk and do this but I I never really did it for towns and I said one day I woke up in the last couple years and says why am I doing this for towns because I know it there's a problem we address it uh in most cases everything's wrapped up in a day or two and I'm there for you I do the quarterly meetings I can come in and help uh anybody needs me at bur Hall here I'm right around the corner this is what I do and it's actually a great uh part of my business now I'm growing it um again I have 33 years of experience in the insurance industry and uh most problems get resolved I got a question with that I'll any questions you may have I have a question because you know a lot of folks don't come to the meeting but they watch later at home give me a layman terms of risk management what does that actually mean risk management we're taking a look at where your risks are what your exposures are what you're doing um are you doing your training for your employees do you do your quarterly safety meetings you have to educate the employees to keep the town safe and and away from problem uh the DPW needs to be told about upcoming training and do the training so that they stay safer uh this last quarter in closer in North Hill what I I emphasized was safety on uh construction zones doing the proper training to keep them safe you know it hurts us all of us when we have accidents so if we can prevent as much as as we do can and we do quarterly I'm I'm assuming you're doing we have one this Wednesday you have one this Wednesday we'll come in on my calendar already uh so that's what you know we're looking to do okay okay and again uh if January 1 comes and you go to the difference card and your employees have a problem I'm more than willing to try to help uh get through just like I told I would do for Norwood and North Hill and uh back to difference dep one thing we told our employees in Norwood I guaranteed as the mayor and the council supported and backed it up I said anybody who doesn't get paid or reimbursed under the difference card or any problem the burrow will still stand behind it and reimburse you just put in a voucher that's how confident I am that it works so is a risk manager yearly appointed um we usually yeah yearly p uh they work with the G so that's they're kind of our back they're the ones who keep us on the straight narrow sure remember that metal slide you had when I was a kid it was really hot they're the ones that say we got to get rid of them meanwhile we all had to go down we got rid of the that um the thing that goes around that metal thing that we all tractor the tractor ride right trctor I can't have that excuse when we need to change say oh our risk manager said we had to you know you we have to advise you on what we believe is best even though you may not like to hear what what we have to say um I know you've been you're looking we can change for July 1st if you would like you can do a change of agent and uh appoint me if you'd like for July 1st if you want and then it becomes an annual appointment every year how about cost wise there's no cost to you we're paid from the GIF everybody pays it we get a standard commission rate through the GIF so of course you you know no additional you said July 1st but it can be any I mean it doesn't have to be no we can can do a brok of record at any time I would recommend um you know we were talking a little while back I would have always recommend that you do it July first it's it's quarterly it makes a for smooth transition uh you you pay quarterly uh everything is done quarterly but you can do it any day you want that's more of a problem for them not for for us okay thank you thank you anything no all right a great thanks thank you gentlemen all right moving on um next order of business is um hang guys thanks mayor okay thanks for coming in all right uh next order of business is uh is is an appointment by me um uh appointing the our master plan and housing element advisory committee um this is something you've heard me talk about for a while this is something that our um our planner uh somewhat suggested we kind of tweaked it a little bit that it's not just planning board um you know there's a lot of deadlines coming up I think we're up to date with our fourth round of um our affordable housing legislation that the governor just signed uh we thought it was a good time to update our master plan plan so we are doing that so um the heavy lifting is going to uh over the next year or so will be done by councilman Bill Boyce is our Council leaon uh John Zabo from Burgess Associates he is our burough planner uh Charles magio is our planning board chairman Anna haveo ailla as our bur administrator uh planning board member at large Nikki ludus has a lot of engineering background very knowledgeable uh a resident at large Patrick mcaro has been in town a long time she's been vocal at uh planning board meetings and uh um has a an eye on what she wants and then a young woman Cindy NIS um who has served on other towns uh committees and been involved in similar things uh in in at least one other town in Bergen County so those are um they will meet at least monthly um probably more early on and they're tasked with um reviewing our master plan putting it all together and coming up with what our housing element should be again to reiterate we will we will not know our number uh from the state from the DCA until sometime around October I believe and we have a very short timeline to accept or challenge that number um it's it it ends up in January when we're going through reorg it's just the timing of it is absolutely awful and then we have to submit my understanding is by June of next year so a year from now we have to submit our thorough um fourth round plan to the DCA by June of 2020 has be adopted has to be adopted yeah so uh got a lot of work to do in the next uh 12 months and uh thank you for all the names I just read tonight for uh uh rolling up your sleeves and getting getting involved in this so okay um next we have a public hearing that's for uh councilman Guan thank you Mr Mayor uh as a reminder this is a second reading uh to amend uh salary ordinance uh as a reminder was to add a part-time uh Finance clerk uh as we were adjusting that position to have two part-time uh tax collector and a part-time clerk U so I'd like to open it up to the public for any comments so moved second all in favor I he would anybody from the public like to be heard on ordinance 1260 there 24 motion to close second all in favor i i c right thank you uh resolution reads whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend ordinance number 1257 d24 in ordinance to fix the salaries wage and compensation of the officers and employees of the bar Vol depan County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 20124 was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 3D day of June 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the borrow Vol to pan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 120-24 being and the same is hereby adopted on the second and final reading and be it sen it be it finally resolved that the borrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second second on that okay any further discussion on this ordinance seeing no roll call please yes counc yes yesc yes yes yes okay thank you uh next um is our consent resolution that's for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person be and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of of the bur of ultan bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow tax lean Redemption contract award read systems limited Brian calcium tanks purchase contract award store Tractor Company Inc field groomer purchase contract award North Jersey Bobcat skid steer and grapple bucket purchase bid award DPW Annex storage garage bid advertisement 2024 road paving program 2024 2025 liquor license renewals and patrol officer Brian Pugi permanent appointment there a second on that any discussion on our uh sent resolution seeing none roll call please B yes Council Boyce yes Council kazza yes Council Guan yes counc yes yes if I could Mr Mayor I'm assuming that I didn't have I should asked a question before I guess I'm assuming that the annex DPW garage is the one we going to put by the wood chips the storage right facility yeah it's going to go by the wood chips is that the one that's what I'm assuming yeah I think so we talked about that at budget time understanding that it wasn't in their current facility Now where's this is going to be at their the wood chip facility they over bu C chest so all the machines will go there this is their winter storage or summer storage yes right and we said oh is it going to be it's be it's going to be all year because they're going to use the other side for mechan okay so that property across from the community garden on Central correct okay there like six acres I know they discussed other things on their at their facility now but this is this is there just that okay it's just the pole bar all right just make I'm just making sure I'm right and this is this pole bar is very important because as we build it we should be able to store things there so that we could do the work at the DPW headquarters there's too much there to work okay right we got to redo that whole building I'm going to put the mechanical in the other newer building it's an important uh staging facility um okay very good yep all right thank you all right uh next is uh we have a resolution to read tonight is for council president you thank you Mr Mayor uh just a little background information uh the benefit the public this is a resolution by the mayor and Council we're resolving to enter into a federal lawsuit to fight the New Jersey's fourth round of affordable housing legislation uh we were entering an agreement with a lot of other towns in the area and here it is resolution whereas the buau of monfil is in the process of solic soliciting requests for quotes for federal Council service to spearhead a federal lawsuit against the state of New Jersey for for fair due process as it relates to affordable housing obligations and whereas there are about 25 towns already committed and at least 10 more looking into to commit and whereas each Town involved in the federal lawsuit will contribute $10,000 in 2024 and another $110,000 in 2025 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council or the buau of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that the buau is hereby authorized to join the federal lawsuit and contribute $10,000 in 2024 and another $10,000 in 2025 be it further resolved that the mayor and burough clerk are hereby authorized to execute documentation in regard to the lawsuit on behalf of the buau of ultan after burough attorney review be it finally resolved that the buau clerk shall send copies of this resolution to the buau of monfil and the burough Treasurer have a second on that second any discussion on this resolution yes please um how do we is this a line item in our budget how do we logistically do this it should come out of our legal Fe just increase our legal oh we might we believe we have it at least for 20124 we believe we have it covered in the legal line item okay so it's it's we're just going to call it legal because obviously it is but that's all right I didn't know whether there had to be a specific line item or how there'll be other things uh I mean this is in spirit what we're looking to do to fight um what the state legislation and the assembly did we feel it's unjust we feel it's unconstitutional um and you know there's been discussion on what's you know how do we win um and so before I get how do we win um so we will probably have to go into some sort of Shar service agreement we can do that you know at a later time but for to formalize it that's what we'll do so how do you how do we win um great question make sure I have all the answers so it was discussed that there's 64 I have it written here there's 64 ISP municipalities in the state of New Jersey that are Urban Aid communities and they are exempt from uh you know hacken sag Hoboken uh Jersey City they're all exempt from from this legislation so it doesn't mean that they they're not building they're not tied to maybe the 20% okay set aside that seems like the rest of us are but they have built and this is the the they have built some affordable housing they have Jersey city has Hoboken has and others have um so if you took that number if you took that number that they've built we the state has and I don't know the number number right now at 800,000 I forget how many say they were short or something it's a big number but if you simply took that number that these other community these other 64 communities have done even if it's 5% and you take that you credit that towards let's make believe it is the $800,000 uh number and you now reduce that by 100 150,000 units and now you can spread out you know this this um what the rest of us are are are faced with it makes a little bit more palatable so that is kind of what we're looking to do is federal courts look at New Jersey and say your numbers are nuts and I don't you know know how far we'll get but we want to try I like it that's the way it you know sense Tom was explained to uh to me so anything else uh on this rle please C yes Council Boy Yes Council yes counc Guan yes counc yes Council yes okay moving on to our Council committee reports uh Council Mo thank you Mr Mayor have a few updates uh last time we met uh we had the library um I didn't have the the May statistics uh I do have them for the month of May actually year to date right so January through May uh there were 24,0 people that came in the door uh over that time period circulation 26,000 each of those numbers uh the door uh increase from last year um I'm sorry door is 26,000 versus 2023 year to date was 24,000 the increase is 9.2% circulation from 26,000 to looks like to 28,000 that's a 10.6% increase so again on top of last year's you know pretty good increases uh still on Pace for substantial increases this year for people coming into the library and checking out books Etc in terms of new business there uh summer reading is kicking off or kicked off June 13th uh the theme is Adventure begins at your library um I think kids uh get a passport and every time they they read a book Etc they get it stamped Etc and I think there's some sort of prizes at the end uh new carpet uh has been uh picked out I think it's a little bit uh brighter A Whiter uh carpet it will make the library a little bit more bright Lively um also uh they are submitting for a T-Mobile uh Hometown grant for PCs that's about $5,000 uh I think plus a printer maybe about a total of 6,000 I'm not sure who recommended Anna did you yeah you sent it to them okay so they're going to go through with that try to get uh their PCS do need to be updated as ours in general uh always need to be updated so they're going to go for that one uh they also confirm that um the financial uh they only have to do a financial review instead of a full audit U because of the bond uh is no longer there so that's it for uh the library uh in terms of Finance we just had a finance meeting uh today got the results of the year- end audit from our auditor um they had a few recommendations uh the basic topic of those recommendations is cash management timing right so cash that comes in from some of the different departments uh when we put it in the bank golf for example even Recreation right some of the cash or referee oh it's only golf yeah um so we'll talk about uh getting the deposits uh into the bank on Monday as opposed to waiting for Tuesday for the weekend um so those are fairly minor but we'll follow through on those uh and then from safety there's a safety meeting on the 19th which I think I will be attending end of my report thank you Council you Mr Mayor uh councilman Boyce Mr Mayor on Thursday June 13th we had our veterans committee meeting at that meeting we came up with the parameters for eligibility for the banners the banner program that we discussed at the Memorial Day Parade um I have those to circulate but in general they uh they include that the veteran uh must have 10 years residency in Old Japan that the family would live in Old Jaan for at least 10 years and the veteran parent would have been killed in action uh must be retired honorably discharged or killed in action Banner will be retired after 5 years the display period is from Memorial Day through Veterans Day and must provide a DD um 214 and then we have an application for it it's a written one-page application the fee is $175 that includes the banner the brackets the hardware of course the old Japan DPW would be um putting them assembling them and putting them up every um every year annually just before Memorial Day and um they're being enthusiastically tapped up I think we may have already had like 10 to 15 people who are interested wow we can't collect until pass everything but I have a spreadsheet yes going it's great um so as soon as we can get this into Brian giblin's hands he can craft an ordinance around this and we will start promoting it officially and I'd like to see the application on the website on our old fan website that's as soon as possible not doing it yet until we're ready the fire can go out and uh what happens is whoever gets the fire emails MH I put them on the list uh and then once we're ready uh we'll come I think word is traveling pretty quickly so that's good I'll pass this down for everybody's uh perusal um also we're looking to create a veteran friendly town here there's again parameters associated with that um I'm not sure what yeah we're trying to figure that out but Fred's excited about um that qualification um or classification I should say regarding the planning board on June 12th we had a meeting as you said of the master plan updating and affordable housing updating committee um it was that orientation meeting where John Zabo Our Town planner you know discussed um what it how those two different functions kind of collide uh of course we have these targets that you've expressed and we will meet all of those we've met our first one already that was June 18th um we're day ahead and that was relatively easy to collect the data um but forthcoming we will be trying to craft ordinances to put into the zoning rule book so that we can drive the way we would like all Japan to look and feel in the future for instance two things that came up were the desire to have more of a town center and also another one was to maintain a kind of a green Corridor adjacent to Old depan Road rather than have the development smooshed up against the you know edges of Old depan Road and it's that we can we can enforce that through ordinances which we would pass and that would be part of the Master Plan update but kind of coinciding with that would be us calculating the areas that are either um in need of Rejuvenation or Redevelopment within the town and hopefully preserving any open space that we can so through Maps which John Zeo says he will prepare in his office and through a a charet that we'll have at our next meeting which is to be held on July 16th uh we will start defining what that looks and feels like um it it's a very good group everybody's very knowledgeable uh head by John zaa who's one of the best planners that I've met so we're in good hands um the we we did hear an application on ultap pan Manor until about 10:30 on uh planning board night that uh you know yielded a you know no no contest so we're we're not going to be hearing it again until I think mid uh August because of July conflicts so we'll be listening to old pan Manor say why they need to have a covered you know entrance and then uh you know and how that's a better alternative than uh not having the old Jaan Manor anymore and then uh lastly the environmental commission I know everybody and especially the mayor you'd like to see the uh Tree application and permit complete we the environmental commission has subcommittee has met on that topic we've um emailed that to our building inspector who will be reviewing that application and then if uh he sees it as practical we will send it over to Brian um Giblin so he can create the actual ordinance that goes along with that and then lastly I've recently had this idea of connecting the veterans to the Boy Scout and Girl Scouts because a lot of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts uh in my experience um you know choose a military path for their career and I think I'd like to have uh Fred and and the guys go over and have a little chitchat with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts awesome great the next group meetings so I think that'll be a good combination of those two uh committees that I'm responsible for Lucky they don't have a meeting in July well that give me time to prepare I just thought of the idea well if I could interject um my son-in-law is uh it's one of the head recruiters for National Guard in New Jersey yes good speaker and he he'd be glad to come in and speak that would be terrific okay well we'll connect okay thank you I conclude my report um I forgot what I was going to ask you sorry I that's that planning subcommittee yes is that open to the public that meeting no however I was thinking that we would uh once we get our sea legs under ourselves have a little uh town hall meeting with uh a little shet if you will um I haven't approached that subject with the other committee members yet but in my mind it probably should be because I know a lot of people would have opinions on stuff like this also the master plan does have a public review doesn't it yeah in front of the planning board absolutely yeah yeah so it's not like they won't hear it before passes they won't about it before pass us so you can't have too many cooks in the kitchen in a way I mean they just open meeting you know they could sitting up here talking about it and have public out there well I think we'll update uh as we go along you know but there's you know there's stuff in there there's you know private property and I'm sure that'll come up and be discussed and you know if and when type stuff and so you know that's kind of why okay uh just a quick question tree ordinance I mean we are at the goal line right it was just permits and fees or something we're waiting on but in theory I think this thing was written and passed it's just that we left the application and the and the permit fees open right it's just a sheet just like just like the uh the banner sheet basically you know it's it's not overly comp is that what's holding us up or that's what's holding us up but it has to be completely consistent with the ordinance so that's why it was a little hard to tease out all the facts from the you know 12 pages of ordinance and make sure that they're consistent in the application fin after all changes were made because I think Brian you said that maybe you don't or do you have to find I'm not sure we'll have to circulate it and make sure that it's the final C it's what everybody because there were I mean we've been doing this for a long time there's a lot of versions out there we need to finalize make sure we have the final version didn't we Jean didn't we read something in U four five ago months ago we we we read and and voted on it was on Monday no no no no no the ordinance itself we adopted the we adopted it so but you don't have the paperwork or the fees to no no I get that but you have the uh yes so that'll be the I'll get yeah so that's the final version so we just have to make sure that the application D yeah they have to and it's simple and it's clear and then after that we're going to produce you know educational yes fortunately we only have one meeting fortunately we only have kind of promis the 17th oh well well the building inspector has it now all right all right thank you um councilman coraza thank you Mr Mayor finally sure sure anybody has any more questions that they want to ask Bill before I start good okay DPW has finally started to deliver mulch yeah and we have 192 applications for delivery in the next 10 days alone that's what I checked this morning also on the mayor's behalf I received an email stating for DPW I reached out to the representative they're going to have a meeting tomorrow night after that meeting they're going to come to me and decide when they'd like to sit down and discuss their contract at the end of this year goes out so we're going to discuss that with the committee building department um in from June J 1st to June 17th we had 7288 52 uh buildings and alterations including 38 um permits that were issued we collected $18340 so in reference to our sewer connection fees we need to get our accountants to look over how our fees are being collected the amounts of money we're collecting and how that's adjusted for every single resident in town and uh they've given us a proposal uh stating it's going to cost between 10 and $15,000 for them to come up with those numbers and that's what this letter is that correct no you want me to read it I it's basically we we have a sewer connection fee that is calculated the calculation is outdated it has to be updated we are not collecting as much as we're supposed to be the Auditors this was part of the yearing boyet um so they can come up with the new calculation but they have to go back to all of that it's a lot of work that they have to do so it's between 10 ,000 for them and they think on the lower side but it will cost money to do it I can't why yeah why why because they have to come up put have that high of an actuary why don't we just say we just inre it's 3,000 now well now it's 5,000 resolution by the council done we just sa $155,000 not calculation is not a set fead so when I this is not the user fee this is a calculation for connection connection which how many how many more do we have coming in you don't know who's coming in but not that many that we're going to spend $155,000 I would say 90% of the town's on sewers right someone connects to the Sewer say one of these houses that has setic they decide to connect to the Sewer they have to wear pay a connection correct we need the calculation for that we don't have a calculation for that how do we base how did we base it in the past I know somebody on the council that could figure that out well that would be court right but Grant but the example is my house it was 9,860 cuz they had to go$ 160 ft but that's what you paid the contractor not the hookup correct you paid a contractor to do that yes what you no we're talking about what you pay the town I think what I paid the town when I hooked up was two grand something like that that's what you're talking about the amount of money that a homeowner pays to the town to hook up so so not the contractor when they put sewers in my house okay what on my street I paid a sewer assessment fee okay you mean a special benefit assessment yeah how how is that determined is that that's different from the hookup fee when someone connects now as a new home connects to the Sewer they have to pay a certain connection fee that goes back to to make it even with what someone else PID just look that up we we have to pay someone $115,000 we can't just look that up 25 hisorical data he has to apply any capit cost a bunch of numbers involved you have to do that by law silly the best way for us to get the actual cost so we're looking to recoup for someone new someone that's not on sewer now and I paid the same exactly 10,000 11,000 over it was like a 0 point right over 20 years over 20 years we paid that until the infrastructure we basically paid for the infrastructure you didn't pay for the hookup truck and then I paid we didn't pay to hookup then separate there was a one-time hookup fee correct yeah okay and I paid Dutra or someone else a lot of money to run my pipe around the back of the house and out to the curve box if you will but this isn't related to that so he's referring to commercial properties he was asking Enclave that was one of the things that brought it to the to the to the front so we have 99 connections with theave already Pearson had already connected that's one connection one pipe that's only one connection and they got 99 Town Homes oh and they pump station is overloaded is it yeah they also have a pump station well who's who engineered I mean I I think we do need that formula right I mean it's the right way to do it right you just can't pick a number go like this right now what I'd like to do is figure out what that break even is versus the incremental Revenue that we're getting from a new rate right if we're raising $100,000 over three years the investment of 10 to 15,000 is not bad if it looks like we're only going to raise $20,000 more and we're spending 10 to 15 then the answer is probably no right so can we get more in terms of what they think is going to be like an estimate before they start the 10 to 15 what the estimate looks like then we can do a break even analysis on that and I could do it absolutely yeah I could do that if if you if you guys want I could do that and then I could present to everyone instead of us saying conceptually is it right or wrong I think conceptually is right I just want to make sure that we're not spending that money for an incremental Revenue that's not worth it I mean I was fled when I saw the price but that's why it's coming to you because but in the end aren't they going to to say we need to collect 15% more or something like that I'm not going into this calculation it's our auditor it's got to be right I I you obviously we have been getting less than what we're supposed to and it would be only for new going forward not backing are we calling the are we calling The Enclave news that all that would be the Enclave is done that's that's my point too late late we had to look and see if there anything okay so the Enclave is all paid how many houses could possibly not be on sewer that it's going to cost us this money we have the list commercial residential how many could there possibly be development what happens fut we have the infamous round four coming up yeah right exactly would you not include the accounting in the fee what you mean well if we're expending money to figure out how much to charge them it's a consultant that's we expending would that not then be diluted into the fee that people would pay in the future to hook up or is it really an expense for us to figure out part of the course great question that Court's going to ask Jeff I will I'm on it I'm on it is Central Avenue hooked up now yeah they have to be I think but I don't know what they P if they had a connection fig that is something would have to check and see if they got it they they were how could they hook up without a connection fee yeah I couldn't you just dig a hole and start hook it up and then cover it up I got to check and see where the where that connection Fe how much it was are we suggesting that we retroactively charge people no okay that okay okay that being said think of all the commercial properties right now in your head in ult thean tell me one that's not hooked up already that's fine I'll get a I couldn't they all hooked up the apartment buildings PNG it is right yeah wa this is still guys church across the street yeah I don't know I don't know that though I think you're they hooked up with by state together by saying I'm just trying to I'm trying to figure out I don't want to do something dumb holdes you cannot State what the future is going to hold so whatever fa however the conversation goes between Court Jeff they're going to come up with some sort of abstract reasoning some formula to say a future commercial building or something it's you multiply this by this divide by two boom boom boom and that's the number we get to and then it's written down it's move on move on and there's no there's no wiggle workm you all right so uh I mean this is not something that's we pressing that we can he's got a month he's got a month to have that conversation yes thank you got it end of my report Mr Mayor that was your report that's defly was all right um councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor uh report for the police activity for the month of May total of 1,638 calls for service and special details were attended by the police officers 559 motor vehicle stops 145 motor vehicle summonses 171 radar details were completed 134 traffic enforcement details were completed throughout the burrow 69 security awareness cards were provided 10 firearm ID cards and permit applications were received excuse me 69 school safety checks were conducted one arrest was made for theft of movable property 14 traffic details were completed for outside contractors meaning like Suez and psng total to the municipality for the month is $3,617 year to date $1 14,610 in permits and Report fees were turned over to the burrow Treasurer and that says highlights there let me read you a couple of uh texts that I got from the police chief today that he wanted me to make sure we talked about tonight on May 17th the ultan police department hosted the annual fatal vision program in the northern Valley Regional High School the goal of this program is to educate new drivers to the danger of driving while intoxicated not new the program also focuses on distracted driving the otpd set up a course for the students to navigate through through on a golf cart and they wear uh goggles that simulate visual Distortion of being intoxicated program was well received from the students and the ultan police department received a lot of positive feedback from participants I know the seniors love that thing driv around the com but it's a good awareness uh it's good for awareness on May 6th Patrol was dispatched to the area of Foxwood Square for report of a package theft the homeowner had previously had his package stolen and had one redelivered on that date the decoy package was set outside by the resident and the suspect stole the package which one which once contained the new Apple Apple watch Sergeant Wilkins was able to locate the vehicle and the subject was found to be in possession of the stolen package the subject was arrested and taken to headquarters for processing inside the car Sergeant wil Wilkins found other stolen items specifically two Apple iPads and three iPhone 15s belonging to a resident of Philipsburg New Jersey contact was made with that jurisdiction and it was confirmed that those items were stolen subject was charged for both lefts by the ultan police department um the other only other thing was the chief wanted to remind me of is break-ins I don't know if you if you've heard on the news recently I mean really recently in the last couple days of uh people using um anti- WiFi devices to disable your Wi-Fi to disables your ring camera or any anything else any other camera that you have on Wi-Fi I happen to have a ring um and then they rob your house uh it's happening closer and closer to ultap pan and they're also they'll they'll put a a box that's covered in Ivy in your in your bushes that has a real-time camera I I reported on this before but it's happened in ultan now that they'll watch your house in real time sitting in a car at some commercial building maybe one that hooked up already commercial building that's hooked up um in the yeah and they'll uh watch your house and know your habits and after a week they know exactly who's coming and going and they'll Rob your house so something to think about uh certainly you know that the answer to D have a landline phone if you have to call the PD not a lot of people have that anymore so that's something to think about finally uh we're hiring a new police officer so Joe wants to get these inter interviews done before Fourth of July the committee is myself councilman carnaza councilman you I suggested next Thursday as a as a interview time JY can't make it guy can make it I can make it um I I offered to Joe the next week what if we do it the next week what if we did it this week he said no this week's no good it's not enough time these guys have full-time jobs said okay there so what about the week after that he says Fourth of July it's a short week we want to get this guy in place I said all right do we have to have three people interviewing is that required what's the date next Thursday I don't know the date see 20 I don't know cuz me and guy could do the interviews somebody else is available they could if somebody's else is available it's 4:00 I'm trying to go from 4:00 so we're done by seven if we have six people p could to um but I guess my main question is is it required to have no I'd like to I'd like to have a third would hurt you know but we also want to it's yeah little expediency to get uh you're at of school 4:00 in the afternoon on Thursday work for you the 27th yeah I will be away oh everyone's away right yeah that's I get out of school next Monday the EMS is at 6:00 isn't it EMS was at 6:00 6:00 do four o00 all right it seems like our only councilman in town uh except for you two gentlemen where's the EMS EMS is in Hillsdale H it's the same night yeah so but if that's EMS is six this is four yeah Council McAn I can do it do it you want me yeah four o'cl upstair I don't know where we're going to be okay upstairs theous keep Court in the loop yeah well maybe we'll meet here okay but sure thank you we're probably going to meet here but I'll text the two of you yeah to to get it to bed okay thank you court right after that phone call you know just to Jeff just jump right into the right so it'll be about 20 minutes day off of work I'll just do all counil stuff that day it's gonna be meeting with the police chief time out it's gonna be meeting with the police chief then it's going to be about 20 minutes with each candidate then it's going to be meeting with the police chief again and we'll make a decision at night and all be put to bed all right good with you Tom yeah that's that's that's perfect uh and hire date uh August meeting September what are we uh probably probably July meeting July meeting 15th would be the meeting is there hind Sarah is there a problem no no just asking for yeah I think Joe wants to get somebody in place we had that timetable we had that old budgeted uh we knew we're looking for a new patrol officer in the budget 15 no that works all right good then that's the end of my report good luck with u i will text the police chief right get getting the right person okay uh thank you sh thanks Ron uh Council Miss Arrow thank you Mr Mayer uh Recreation report spring baseball and softball seasons have ended uh summer wreck basketball is about to begin and thankfully it will end this year before the njsa blackout week so that families with children in both High School school and wck can utilize that family time uh Camp Serendipity is approaching and all counselor positions have now been filled there are over 100 children registered family movie night will feature the movie sing too at a date in July um there will be movie night in August and there will also be movie night the Friday before Town day in September speaking of town day Town Day committee is busy at work to make another great town day September 7th thank you to Gloria and Michelle for organizing our committee um next Board of Health Board of Health will meet this Wednesday June 19th guest speakers and mental health book club will resume in September after the summer months and lastly for Board of Health we are looking for another candidate for Board of Health as Gina park has moved out of town she was a young woman who had just gra graduated college and joined us but she unfortunately her family is moving out of town um so any interested candidate should send their res away and uh last historical committee the Heritage tree plaque has been ordered and is on its way so thank you Anna for all your work to make this happen for our buau we're planning the town birthday party and Time Capsule um and we wanted the mayor and council's uh input on how long we should wait until we open this next time capsule my suggestion is 30 years because 1994 was our last one and looking at it now 30 years later has been great I think we you guys opened in 2019 and it was a little sooner now at the 30-year mark Ark soee 25 so we just wanted a little input from mayor and Council and when you thought would be uh you know a good I I said 30 years any significance to 30 versus 25 it doesn't put us on only that um uh John Kramer had said you know when we open 2019 25 years it didn't feel very you know I brought the book tonight of some of the pictures that we've been looking through and I don't know for some reason it just seems like that it was quick but but we could do 20 I mean we could do 25 again at um I I just wanted to bring that up to 15 it's very short very short it it doesn't but 30 you know like I don't know 25 30 or so just wanted to bring that up0 years none of yeah be 30 is a generation right 30 years is a generation and we can discuss that you know further 30 years is like a generation right that's yeah I don't know it's just right now because I think because there's so many things like for example tonight there's that uh ESPN documentary about this date June 17th in history uh in 1994 all the sports things I don't know it just seems to be what what does the committee recommend well I said 30 I said I was the one saying 30 someone said 50 and I was like they're gonna forget but the Long Way um but I mean look that's like I said we don't need to 30 30 is good and like like Court say it's like a um I just think uh we don't get to have to get off on this now is the opening of it not that you know who knows but we have to do it better in 30 years because something Place awful I mean it was like they open a thing it was windy out we're up on that stage that Bergen County lent us for the day and I I have some Visions on how it should go almost like a tabletop well by then everyone will be floating orbs so you know the problem is if you put your how to open it inside they won't they won't know until they get it so you just have to tape it on top of the box yeah do it on the bottom and uh so yeah just one less one less note separate uh I was fortunate to attend the touch of truck event for the first time this Saturday um and I would just like to commend our great First Responders and bur employees Who provided a fun experience for many children and their families it was beautiful weather too I mean it was gorgeous uh but just really thank you like I said it was my first time going to that and I I felt like a kid myself like you know going to each of the things it was really cool so thank you to uh like I said to our First Responders and our burough employees for for that and that's all Mr Mayor okay thank you I have some um who's collecting the items for the um um Time Capsule I mean where do I give my solar glasses too and and I I'm starting to collect you have already I wore them through the last meeting until no one noticed you can give them you can give them to get your stuff out of your you can give them to me and I'll take care of bring MK you know things because I'll be here to in the summer to paper on the earthquake that uh we have a list to of all the events and pictures and things so I we took your suggestions to heart and there those are all on there so thank you very much okay uh council president you thank you Mr Mayor really not much to report tonight um our senior citizens had a lunch and learn about a week and a half ago it was pretty lightly attended um they didn't have enough time to advertise it but everybody enjoyed their meal and listen to a seminar on heart health our schools will be recessing for summer in a week or two I just want to congratulate all the graduating CDW 8th graders and all the wish the uh seniors from nvot well as they move on to the next point in their lives uh like Christine said I want to thank the fire department and the first aid Corps as well as the police department DPW I think the sheriff's department was there also with horses Bergen County SWAT team was there um for our third annual Touch of truck event and like Christine said it was very very well attended and everybody had a great time um and at the request of the Hudson County uh EMS coordinator um ultan will be sending a rig and a crew to the um Macy's 4th of July celebration down somewhere in Hudson County where they could see the fireworks there going to be a lot of people watching and they want to have EMS presence there so ultan volunteered to send a crew and that concludes my report Mr Mayor okay thank you um couple of Notes From Myself Tonight uh One Touch a Truck thank you uh please be sure you know from me Fire Department EMS Ronda police uh guy DPW folks uh I heard it was a fabulous event and uh please uh on my behalf thank uh thank the leadership of each you know for being involved in that uh I attended the uh Bergen County League of League of municipalities breakfast a couple weeks back uh the guest speaker was Steve FIP the uh mayor of Jersey City who is running for governor I guess one of the earliest to uh throw his hat in the ring for uh for governor and he had um um he had some comments on when he's governor and he wanted to talk about how him being a mayor and how he be a better Governor because he knows what being a mayor is like and yeah y so just enlightening enlightening to uh to talk to you know Steve and uh was well attended the breakfast so that was a good conversation uh also attended the PC Valley mayor's association dinner uh I think that was last week the guest speaker was um uh Joe Burgess from Burgess and Associates as we mentioned that John Zabo works for for uh for Joe and he basically went over that we've heard it now three or four or five times the timeline of and all the all the uh steps that we have to take uh in our fourth round uh affordable housing uh uh legislation there uh just tonight I I did attend the um uh wake service for Harrington Park mayor Paul hoser um met his wife for the first time a 32ye mayor 32 years as as mayor wow um someone asked me as I signed the book you know they were behind me and they signed it mayor gallager old depan they asked if I was going to break record I said absolutely not U so uh but he did a lot for uh for Harrington Park so on behalf of U uh ultap pan I certainly sent our sent our regards uh last but not least just this afternoon I did send an email uh to Congressman gimer there's been some chatter about uh uh oosha regulations changing I attached an article that I video article that I read that I got from um from Syracuse believe it or not but it did highlight a lot of the things things that OSHA is contemplating and it would really be tough for towns like old Japan and the surrounding communities to be able to adhere to some of these new regulations the training would would double uh I just think you you're putting a knife in the heart of volunteerism uh it would be costly to the burrow they just come up with this number uh every 10 years you got to have the best state-of-the-art you know fire truck in in town and it's it's just it's cost prohibitive so I did ask the congressman to dive into it I told him my concerns for not only you know ultap pan but for North Jersey and his district and uh hopefully I'll hear back from him on what his what his take is is uh on on the OSHA um proposed changes and that is all I have if I could just follow up on that Mr Mayor sure I reached out to uh fire State committeeman Jerry Nils about that also there's a comment period open on that the new OSHA uh proposals and I think maybe as the fire commissioner I'll be sending something to OSHA explaining the hardships that we will experience if if they enact something like that good but I'll so I'll be working with uh um Jerry NES with that okay thank you all right um next order of business action on the minutes and that's for council president you thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to have the following minutes approved our regular meeting May 20th 20124 our closed meeting June 3rd 2024 and our regular and executive meetings june3rd 2024 second on that second any discussion on the minutes okay seeing none roll call please counc yes counc yes yes counc yes counc yes Council yes okay thank you uh do we have any old business I don't see anything on the agenda um new business uh film Ready New Jersey Anna you attended a seminar or so and attended a seminar and I don't want to move forward um without um letting you know about it I they want towns to be film writing count the county has become film writing and basically what that means is your orces theorder um and you get onto this uh database that has all of the information of and pictures of your town and and resources and this and that and you know if uh if a film wants to come to you they look on this database if they like something they come in but your ordinance would be in order um you would have all the information which most of it we have we would have to update a couple of things and they even come and help set up um get your pictures and everything like that but it it's a nice thing it doesn't hurt the burrow I mean in fact there was a scout actually here looking at our our B hold the other day because there's some Adam Sandler movie that is is being made um plus then our residents can go on and put their houses in with pictures just in case they want to um rent their houses out so it's it's a nice thing I just wanted I didn't want to go forward without you knowing and saying okay um we don't mind being ready I I don't see any downside to it well there there was this came up this came up you were a council person I think when just came up um still ready not not that specific thing but we're creating ordinance for filming well we have an ordinance okay because we had Ed was film part yeah besides North one the home that he lived in was in Ulta pan Grace Clark one of them cool the home was right we had Richard drus was here for your call but we had we collected a lot of fees but it also was a a bit of a burden not a burden but it was a bit of work for the PD for directing traffic so that has to be added I think that was added into the fee that was it's all added in they have maybe have to codify it all so like um but uh you can it gives you more it gives the town more flexibility to put restrictions on it so if they wanted to use the burrow hole Yeah they could use the burrow hole but they can only use it no one C hours so I would have to look through our you know go through our ordinance make sure it's it's what they're doing and then basically it's just getting onto the database so if you're okay with it I I think it would be a great thing and then we advertise and if a resident wants to do it they can go right on and put in their home and pictures and all of that that is pretty cool I'm only okay with if we're making money or fees why B yeah are our fees up to date on that I know we do collect all that will I mean have to look I don't know we're going to make so much money it's we don't lose money you know but well why why should we jump into it if think it's not going to be a revenue producing there are minor benefits so like some films that are filmed in the city they clean up the facades of buildings right to get get it ready for you so if I don't know they do some of the landscaping for us because they want it good for their film aunk side side effects like you know the local businesses in town maybe the deleg getes busy I to say that was some of the things that they said um they were filming in this small town and the director if I forget the name of the director but he kept going to this Diner every day and he fell in love with it the guy the owner of the D didn't know who it was so I finally went to to meet him this guy got so much publicity from all of this the director ended up using them as a caterer for the end of the I it was a plus for that so I think even loal sense individual residents too if they wanted to have have home you know individually you think it's a kind of a cool trendy thing to do and get this database going and make sure ordinance is you know doesn't conflict with anything that's the main part got make sure that is um and they help you I mean I would just get in touch with them they help you maybe allow it anybody really opposed and I might be able to get a job for guy because he likes being I knew that was going to come to me sooner or later he got the union card I might have to abstain because that's what I do for living I would like him to read the ordinance though that would be fun so you're okay sure yeah unless someone has uh you know objection to it I think Ron brought up a good you know about the uh police over time we have to make sure we're covered yes you know I don't think we're going to make a bunch but I don't want to lose yeah okay all right um next uh order of business is the property discussion block 304 lot 9 that's on Orangeburg correct veterans right who's leading that discussion this is the piece of property that um offered for us to to buy people from it's very wet it is I know it is not a um it's not buildable really it doesn't do anything I I mean even when they say that they would prepare it for sale I I don't know what they would do so you actually would be losing some cat you wanted if you did buy it but I don't know if it's worth buying to have that piece of property Bill did you say you had a suggestion on what you would want to do that I imag I haven't studied it that closely except for when I run past it I noticed that a lot of silt runs down orange and right into that and then into Doris run and if if a way to detain that silt was created um which is possible and then we could use it as kind of a showcase you know environmentally conscious way to deal with runoff best management maybe it buys us some credibility with Green Acres or something I'm not sure how much revenue would we lose in taxes if we were to put it on our R 600 bucks a year $1,000 a year 600 bucks a year $600 a year but the the other thing too I don't know what they think is reasonable I mean our reasonable is only Max 30,000 offer price sounded really low to me what's that offer price sounded low to me well I don't think it's it's you can't do anything with it it's not wet it's yeah I mean can you even hike in there no no just so I appreciate what you said bill do you want it is it worth asking if it if they would take that price because if if they're looking it for like $100,000 not even a question yeah no I think uh who who put the price on there um Patrick Patrick but and it was like 32 or something like that 30 I think 30 299 I mean we have the funds in open space yeah we could we could purchase it you know with just but one is what do you do with it if it solves a problem in the neighborhood of flooding and buildup of silt that's if we can slow the water down going into dori's run that's coming off of Orangeburg road then we're doing a service for storm water I think we should maybe have stra a look at that's beneficial yeah I think we should uh have Tom take a look okay and are so with that said is there any Grant monies available to well I guess we have the money I guess we don't it's not a money issue to purchase it we have yeah we have the money space but um but then to put in all sorts of infrastructure to do what you're suggesting that's going to cost something yeah well for the purchase the property yeah okay say again I miss that I I was just wonder I mean I guess we'll look at it and if anything let's have let's have uh I mean they've owned it for forever uh let's have Tom scrable take a look at it and to Bill's point maybe you and Tom can can talk yeah and if there's something we can do to mitigate that flooding and build up of silt and all that if Tom thinks there is and like I said it's not a matter of we're not losing tax revenue we're not it's coming out of open space it's you know and there's nothing else you can't even hike in you can't even put a a trail in there and look at the birds up in the trees well that's what I was hoping but I don't know if it's even possible okay I don't think you can it's not big enough first of all it's mushy I used to Big go we used to run there when we were kids it's been mushy oh like you can't even in the middle of July made it mushy that's actually a technical term okay all right so uh we'll get with Tom and he'll come back in a month and tell us his thoughts on it all right okay all right um next order of business is uh ordinance 1261 dish 24 and 1262 dish 24 I guess you got to take them one at a time Bill but um thank you please thank you Mr Mayor so from the burough of clerk's office uh ordinance number 1261 d24 this is a first reading to amend the fence ordinance a uh resolution whereas an ordinance intitled an ordinance to amend chapter 25 of the code of the buau of old toan titled zoning uh was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 17th day of June 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council the burough of to pan County Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1261 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that ordinance number 1261 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the M of said mayor and Council to be held on this 15th day of July 20 uh 2024 at 7:30 in the evening or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached in the counil chambers at burough Hall 226 7 alapan Road alapan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1261 d24 and therefore be it fir I'm sorry be it finally resolve that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction of notice and hearing as required by law second any discussion saying none roll call please CC yes councilman Boyce yes Council caraza yes Council Guan yes Council yes councilman you yes okay thank you uh next uh ordinance 1262 d24 also for councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor so this is an ordinance number 1262 d24 first reading for a variance checklist for residential fencing uh resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 45 uh land use procedures adding a variance checklist for residential fencing was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 17th day of June 2024 now there for to be resolved by the mayor and Council the bur burough of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 12 62-24 be the same as hereby uh adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said ordinance number 1262 d24 will be further considered for final passage of meeting of Mayon Council to be held on 15th day of July 2024 at 7:30 in the evening or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached in the council chambers at burough Hall 227 alapan Road Old toan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1262 d24 and be a finally resolved that burrow that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction of notice of final of hearing as required by law second any discussion none R call please counc yes yes yes counc yes yes yes okay uh now I'll entertain a uh motion to open the meeting to the public anyone from the public like to be heard on any matter tonight motion to close motion to close second all in favor motion to adjourn move okay all in favor we are adjourned