##VIDEO ID:Z6rOIaEiNR8## testing testing one two hello okay okay whereas the May Council held a special meeting on notice of May 8 2023 to consider the appeal of Patrick Gamby and Sher Forno whereas having reviewed the testimony and the exhibits induced during the planning board hearings and having had an opportunity to listen to the arguments of the applicants the appellants and as well as the attorney the mayor and Council voted to reverse the planning board approval whereas the resolution am mment Council was adopted on June 20th 2023 whereas on August 7 2023 the applicant CS ultan LLC filed a complaint in Lee of prerogative writ in Superior Court of New Jersey against the M Council the bur voltean Patrick Gamby Chev Forno and the planning board of the bur vol pan requesting inter alyah the court reversed the decision of the mayor and Council of the burough wapan and reinstate the planning board's approval whereas the mayor council the B volan have represented in litigation by the law firm of pund McDonald PC whereas as the direction of the suprior court of New Jersey the parties engage in settlement discussions to attempt to reach an agreement without having to resort to a trial whereas the plaintiff applicant has agreed that in that it will honor all the conditions of the approval mandated in the planning board and in addition will transfer title of the wetlands the Vernal pool area to the burough alapan and will also relocate the historic structure on the property to a location designated by the bur alapan at no cost to the burrow whereas the May Council consider it to be the best interest of the residents of the burough of alapan to enter to settlement agreement on those terms now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough alteran that special counsel of the burough alteran P fun McDonald PC are authorized to enter into a settlement with the plaintiff applicant provided that it complies with all the terms and conditions where the within resolution was duly adopted buron council meeting September 16th 2024 I have a second on that second okay do I have discussion on this I do the um there was no no designation of exact uh acreage that the borrow gets and they get is that necessary in the resolution I or is it is it assum end today actually 1.74 Acres yeah you I don't know if you saw it C I did but it wasn't in the resolu but they've agreed to that so there doesn't have to be in a resolution they've agreed that that's the area that'll be subdivided that's all I don't want to come to the table and also find out oh it's only 1.3 or something so that's all all right we have a uh motion we have a second uh any further discussion on this matter s none roll call please councilman Berard yes councilman Boyce no councilman carnazza yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M no councilman you yes okay all right thank you for everyone for for your hard work on on this uh sensitive matter um so the resolution passes uh next order of business is uh for councilman U uh authorized joining the fourth round affordable housing legislation lawsuit thank you Mr Mayor resolution of the buau of volan authorizing the buau to join the lawsuit challenge the implementation of the round this H good evening everyone all right oh good evening everyone again in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the bough B Jaan and notice posted on the voting board uh V board at B Hall please be reminded that all of our meetings are video taped and will be posted to our website in the next several days uh also please note the fire exits are at the rear of the council chambers and on the double doors that uh that you came through when you entered uh roll call please mayor gallager here couni here counc yes counc here coun here here here please join me as uh as we slute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag flag of the United States of America to it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing as councilwoman Miss Arrow leads us in prayer tonight thank you Mr Mayor heavenly father in this Gathering we seek your wisdom guidance and most importantly your humility we honor those lives lost on September 11th 2001 as well as those who have succumbed to illness related to the attacks by taking a moment to honor and reflect upon their memory with that humility in our hearts we acknowledge the privilege of public service and civic duty thank you for your gifts of beauty all around ultan this past summer as we see the beautiful signs of fall starting around town grant us the grace to approach tonight's discussions and decisions with Open Hearts listening to our community with empathy and always emulating your spirit of service protect our residents and First Responders keeping them safe from harm thank you for the comfort of our hometown and the company of our neighbors help us to act with courage and unity always mindful of the greater good May our choices reflect your will for our Town's wellbeing amen I will entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public second all favor would anybody from the public like to be heard tonight on any matter motion to close can I get a second on it second all in favor I I okay moving on our first quar we have two resolutions uh first one is for uh councilman carazza uh C ultan LLC 244 ultan Road thank you Mr Mayor this is a resolution whereas on February 88 20123 the burough of volan planning board adopted a resolution approving the application of C C shapan LLC for a preliminary and final site plan approval in variances including the use variance to construct a three-story assisted and Memory Care Facility containing 83 units at a property located at 244 Old toan Road whereas subsequently the buau received two notices of appeal of this decision and permitted under 45-33 the code of the B volter pan appealing the approval to the mayor and Council whereas the mayor and Council held a special meeting on notice on May 8 2023 to consider the appeal of Patrick Amboy and Sheri foro whereas having reviewed hold on sorry the camera fortunately we're not going video you're going have to close you don't have to stop hi hi hi join the lawsuit challenging the implementation of round four affordable housing rules whereas the Bureau of ultan together with many other municipalities in the state of New Jersey has been requested by the buau of monfil to join in a lawsuit challenging the implementation of round four affordable housing rules and whereas the mayor and counsil of the B of alapan believe it to be in the best interest of the residents of the bur of volan to join these other municipalities challenging certain aspects of the new legislation now therefore be it resolved that the Bure of alapan hereby joins the monel litigation as a named plaintiff and be it further resolved by the mayor and counsel of The Bu of volan that the burough attorney is authorized and directed to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this resolution be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution shall be filed with the clerk of the B of ultan A second on that second okay any discussion on U on this litigation how many times are involved 10 there is 10 right now but there's more on was more on the way they expect more okay yeah I don't know if everybody saw there have been a lot of press covering covering this I have seen that I just find it funny that a lot of the comment came from um builders that that AR were slowing down progress wasn't fair journalism by MJ whoever what a surprise but it's a good it's a good thing I think that that was out there because it was it showed that it was multiple towns across the state and a lot and all sorts of demographics the state absolutely okay we have a motion to the second uh roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boyce yes councilman caraz yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman you yes okay also for our council president uh her consent resolution thank you Mr Mayor be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the bough of volan bills and claims refund Recreation security deposit cancel additional prior year sewer charges contract award rapid pump and meter Service Company Golf Course irrigation system change order number one and final various streets 2021 knockout opioid abuse day patrol officer Michael marcari per appointment got a second on that second any discussion roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boyce yes councilman carnaza yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman H yes okay thank you uh moving on to our Council committee reports we'll start with councilman councilman one thank you Mr Mayor uh pretty short one here um let's start with OEM Town day coordination day went very well thank you councilwoman Miss Saro uh saw everyone there so it was a it was a great day great weather uh I sold tickets for what three hours had the best time was great love to do it again um but it it was a it was a well attended event very safe I think the different departments were in uh coordination Etc and so the pre-planning uh definitely helped with that uh in terms of safety the Safety Committee met last quarter talked about best practices uh summer safety tips um but as it it gets colder they were talking about like work specific work attire that's appropriate uh evacuation plans uh for the municipal buildings uh playground inspections uh so they had that meeting and then about the library uh so first of all the roof was fixed uh remember that had the uh the leak um and so they're they're thinking about possibly a new roof before they do new carpet because if they keep having leaks then it wouldn't make sense on a new carpet so uh considering a new roof um kind of going forward first maybe and then and uh the budget is On Target so that's good and then the rest has to do with personnel and unfortunately I have to deliver uh some bad news that our librarian uh will be retiring wow with no specific time table a search committee uh has been formed um and they're going to search for a new librarian uh Susan has uh I don't know how many years um she's been a librarian but she has moved to Morris Town and the commute is very difficult from there so she wants to retire sooner than later but uh obviously she cares much about the library that there needs to be a good transition period they have to hire the right people so um you know she will maybe work remote a couple of days and then make sure that the new um librarian is in place now Librarians need to have certain qualifications so it's just not any Resident uh of wapan or or or anyone they have to have specific educational credentials Etc so it actually might be difficult to find um librarian so it might take some time so that's why there's no timetable here uh the president um and that would be Rosemary um to Phillips uh has been sick we don't know there's any news uh there but uh they've wished her uh well um I don't know if anyone has heard news but uh she hasn't been at the past you know few meetings um so that's unfortunate there's also another board member who's leaving at the end of their term so it's going to be a little turnover in terms of personel at the library um and coun I'd like to volunteer my services in reference to the roof I the LI not the librarian job the roof I just did in February I did the roof on my house I did the roof on piece of property I owned in Westwood commercial building I went through 15 different companies and I find I found the right guys at the right price so since I did that I would like to volunteer whoever you want me to talk to there I'll get a price I'll get five or six different prices and uh believe me I'll get the family discount thank you God appreciate it I will refer her to to you um great thank you and that is the end of my report Mr Mayor okay thank you uh councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor uh the voicey FS are beginning to meet again so they ask in up for a list of times that they could use the space up fire house um and that's moving on nicely the planning board met last uh Wednesday for I think uh about 3 hours we heard for a big F variance for a residence that will be reconstructed over a over existing Foundation that had been for house it had burned down the architect tried to shrink it a little bit but it still requires a very significant variance for f which is floor area ratio um no decision was rendered they were asked to uh go back to the drawing board and then uh alteran Manor was also up at that meeting and they had three experts testify however it was not taken to a vote as there are about three more experts that need to testify prior to voting on this and uh the environmental commission will be meeting soon to we haven't met in the summer but we'll be meeting soon and I think we're going to be discussing open space in the town do you have openings on environment yes going to bring some names forward U discuss that September October would you like that en closed or would you like to no you can B okay sure you know all right I'll do environmental commission just just my appointment so you speak to me about it I have some suggestion I appreciate it okay mayor yeah that's a mayor no it's just a mayor heard that before so should I be changing that at rork yeah it's only the mayor's appointment no ratification by that and planning board planning board right how um long does it take to point somebody want I find them next meeting one meeting okay yeah okay um if I could just add on to one thing also at the planning board there's so many applications that we're having to have a second meeting uh which we already thankfully were able to get a date after but there's so many applications two meetings per month we were tasked with doubling that up so just so everyone's aware that's uh been bustling and thank you though for your work with that because it's it's certainly a big task and three-hour meetings that they they go full time so thank there's a lot of detail on those meetings I that concludes my report thank you uh Council MC coraza thank you Mr Mayor at this time with the DPW construction I don't have anything for the month I'll have it at the next meeting I do like to tell you that uh I met with my committee councilman benari councilman Boyce and we met with DPW on Friday uh we had a nice hour and a half meeting I went to Jesse and Anna and talked about some numbers and I gave him some numbers today I'm hopefully within the next two weeks we'll have another meeting and I'd like to come at the end of the month of the first meeting in October and tell you we have a deal end of my report Mr Mayor thank you uh coun on thank you Mr Mayor uh police report uh first of all I want to um just point out on the consent resolution we we uh permanently appointed Michael muser I just just a letter here from the chief probationary patrol officer Michael marcer has completed more than 12 months of service with the oldan police department since this August 21st 2023 appointment he has qualified under the police ordinance of the burrow Vol Jaan for permanent appointment to the ultan police department officer M Larry has been certified and licensed by the New Jersey police training commission officer Mar marcer has demonstrated his ability to perform his duties in an exemplary Manner and has proven to be a credit to the department and the community he serves I therefore recommend that this officer be appointed as a permanent member of the old police fund just a formal letter by the chief memorializing what we did yep so that's good good news uh the activity report is usual stuff a total of 1,444 calls for service 209 motor vehicle stops 133 motor vehicle summonses 180 re radar details 145 traffic enforcement details were completed one this is for August by the way I'm sorry 124 security awareness cards were provided to Residents that sounds like a lot it's usually about 40 uh three firearm ID cards application will received two arrests were made for outstanding traffic warrants one arrest was made for contempt of court by harass while on parole six traffic details were completed for outside contractors meaning susp the total to the municipality for the month $1800 81.8 6 year to date 229899 uh $45 in permit fees were turned over to the Bur Treasurer I can tell you that I talked to Chief today he was mentioning that our our sick time is at a record l which is a good thing um must be the mayor's wellness program must be just well all the time this I got a report from the detective Bureau we have a as you know Chuck Di Maria our detective interesting things that maybe the that we should know as Council people in the first case an ultan resident came to headquarters to report that a car was purchased fraudulent fraudulently using his personal information the vehicle purchased was 2021 BMW 330xi from a car dealership at one to Wolf Road no in Connecticut I knew that was I knew it no in Connecticut through a joint investigation with Stanford PD we were able to identify the individual who made the fraudulent purchase as a homeless individual from New York City due to the primary offense being committed in Stanford the suspect was charged by Stanford PD with larsy identity theft and the suspect was arrested and is currently in jail the vehicle was repossessed and taken back to the dealership undamaged second case CVS of volan called to report two females who had used fraudulent coupons to reduce the purchase price of goods to an extremely low amount the transactions had already went through by the time they realized the coupons were fraudulent the suspects had left the scene two suspects had committed the same events in the monil CVS just prior to traveling to our own CVS through a joint investigation with the MV PD detective Bureau we were able to identify the individuals responsible as two females from Brooklyn New York once verifying with the manufacturer of the products listed on the coupons that the coupons were counterfeit the suspects were charged with forgery and theft by deception there is currently a warrant app for their arrest and just one other one uh my wife wrote a check four or five months ago to our insurance company 4,100 change I forgot what it was check was stolen it was mailed in in the mailbox outside of mailboxes at by state and the mailbox has the new thing where you can't fish things out of it she mailed it it got stolen somewhere along the line and whitewash you know they whitewash checks they bleach them and written out to someone else so working with Carney bank and detective uh Di Maria we did get the money back in our account but that's Cary put the money back now they're going after the this person uh whoever wrote this check so it's a little more prevalent than you think cuz you think you know you mail on a check and I you know I'm I'm a proponent of doing things online my wife is not she likes the physical checkl and even at the bank they said well you can steal it online too and then they're into your hole it's just you're was thankful that you only got one check stolen so that's what you need to know uh Joe Joe our police chief also left me with this I'm going to copy this and send it out to everybody Sam Petrelli was here last meeting if you recall asking about the E Scooters there's plenty of problems in Al depan with E Scooters according to our yes our the police chief and uh I will send out this list of things that there are certain criteria um a low-speed electrical scooter for instance power source can only be electric can't go more than 19 miles an hour doesn't need a registration you need a helmet if you're under 17 the next one is uh lowspeed electric bicycle which can go 20 M hour not that much different and uh you don't need a license registration and and under 17 you need a helmet then the other one is a motor motorized bicycle which is a moped pedal and the optional throttle or how it goes forward it could be gas or electric it can go 28 miles hour 25 is our max speed in Alan a license and registration is required but they don't have VIN numbers so there's really no way to license them according to DMV so it's an issue helmet's required all the time no one can ride on the sidewalk although you might see them doing it um I was in Westwood this morning Main Street of Westwood I was in I was there like 725 I dropped my granddaughter at school and I was there getting a bagel and it was a kid looked like he was in sixth grade on the sidewalk moving all the way down the sidewalk really fast so it's an issue uh one of our officers has a real penchant for this he's really it's on his radar all the time to stop these kids and make sure you know go to see the parents bring them home see the parents it's right anyway there's one more thing to add to that list please I observed what looked like a fat wheel uhhuh with a person sitting on it nothing else the person had on a helmet they were probably going 35 or 40 uncle was literally a wheel going 40 m seec uncles in the city all the time with just a helmet and there were two of them in tandem no helmet they were standing they had no they were I don't they were just sitting and like flying so another thing to look out for okay if you if don't blink because they're gone that fast right yeah and quiet ones that are electric are so quiet you don't even notice them going until like over a bump or something so I will scan this and send it to everybody so you all have it um also the as you know we didn't hire Our Last Interview police patrol person we're in the midst of reviewing previous interviewed people which the chief is uh recommending and I'll have report for you next meeting about how that went or how where we with the progresses that's all I have unless someone has a question for me we're having a harder harder time to find applicants for oh yeah Poli offic yeah the chief will tell you that 20 years ago you'd have we had a use the gym at TBD to give the test because there was 120 guys and and girls most of guys uh taking the test the state police gives a test he goes now there's maybe 30 40 that's still a good number but you think there'll ever become come a time when we're considering um training somebody in a in house again I don't know I don't know what's going to happen down the road but I think In Our Lifetime there going to be you know like the this major cultural ship we're probably going to see in first aid there's going to be something else with fire and police I I I don't know what else to say unless unless the national the national feeling about police they sometimes they're on a pedestal and sometimes they're in the well you know it depends on the day of the week or whatever the news media is saying that so I I don't know it's a good question one other thing I know I sent you the uh an article from the paper we uh we're not in the top 10 and we're not in the bottom 10 of writing traffic citations at a bon County town so it's probably a good place to be yeah you know not in the top not in the bottom right in the sweet spot in the middle no 7 at 701 or something okay did that reference though the population no I think it was old Burton County Town individual population obviously in in the bottom right you know um yeah we were just found of interesting that I can tell you that 10 years ago they weren't wrting half a many half as many tickets as they're writing now I think it's probably the right about you know it is and it's following through in the courts and and we're making money on not that we need to but doesn't funds our court so okay thank you that's it councilwoman masaro thank you Mr Mayor uh first uh historical thank you to our historical committee for hosting a wonderful exhibit at Town day that was very popular and well attended special thanks to Karen Gard Anna hailla John Kramer and Zazu coc for hosting the table did I miss Matthew and Matthew Matthew was for the first half okay Matthew Mand um so thank you this historical committees hosting the town's 130th birthday party on Sunday October 20th at the firehouse so please spread the word to your various departments and I hope to see everyone there um Board of Health uh just one quick note uh NJ Department of Health sent their weekly Vector born surveillance report and there's one additional mosquito pool in Bergen County that pass tested positive for ee since last report Dr Rina baa has planned for the mental health book club to uh resume and monthly talks will also resume this fall rabina has been researching some basic exercise equipment for Oaks Park so thank you to Mayor Gallagher and Anna for supporting the way the mayor's wellness program by keeping open dialogue with Rina and the Board of Health on ways to improve our Town's overall Wellness um our representative from youth council's here again tonight so we're happy to see your interest in local government and your commitment to that and lastly wreck um first thing is the payment to officials is going well with the new new process that we've implemented no issues reported so far so thank you and thank you to court for helping get uh people on board with that for soccer so really happy to report that that's going well uh obviously Town day big Su success I can take no credit for that thank you to everyone who made this possible um this year just a few adjustments we did the concession stand in set of food trucks and it was a it was a big uh Plus for us in terms of people being able to get to the to the food easier and quicker and uh you know certainly less expensive um but special thanks particularly to Mayor Gallagher for donating the burgers and hot dogs and to the fire department uh and our own council president uh Jen youu for for grilling the whole day really the EMS was helping out I think they were calling you Smokey over there right because you you have the smoke in his face so we really appreciate that thank you to town Day committee for planning and volunteering DPW for setting up and all the First Responders who participated in the highlight of the day for me which was the mayor cup those competitions I I my cheeks were sore from laughing so hard so thank you for that congrats to the DPW on their win which they are still talking about um and just a personal note because this was the first time for me uh on Council to see all the all the work that goes into it I mean you know seeing how many different groups the OEM planning ahead of time and and DPW and First Responders all being there it was the first time I really saw the other side of it you know I was always attending it as a resident from since I was a little kid and I loved it it's always been a highlight and seeing the other side of it it actually made me love it that much more knowing um how many people you know put put time into this and really seeing all the Departments working together for residents of all ages um and to celebrate this great town so I just want to thank you all for that because we we have a job up here where a lot of times we get you know not always you know we get we have to deal with problems and fix things but this was a perfect example of people from different departments working together and I sat back and watched how it all worked and I was just so impressed so I think you guys should all guys and girls should all be uh commended for that it was it was really a great day um and then lastly uh ultan is hosting the Halloween festival October 26 at Oaks Park the Women's Club will do the rag muffin parade in the morning again and then the Halloween festival will run right after there will be games activities and snacks uh they will start decorating Oaks the week prior to the festival and there will be another movie night at Oaks after the festival and we're considering having two showings one for the younger kids and then a later movie for the older kids any suggestions are welcome no slasher films please SC better yeah I think Hotel Transylvania for the little kids and then we're thinking about something a little scarier for the older but not worri more budget um and then so Gloria told me were bringing back the maze this year which is very popular and hopefully the hay ride so this is the one question I want to bring up tonight and I've been in touch with Anna and Glory about this about the hay ride so I remember we used to have it before I was on Council and as recently as two years ago councilman Boyce was driving around I remember councilman Gazza drove around for many many years and uh councilman BAGI usually is is working but lent is uh I'm always working yeah I love but my question so basically as it was explained to me because this is new to me but now it makes sense as it was explained to me now the the M the municipal access liability has made a new exclusion for Hy Rod saying it's not safe so Anna has reached out thankfully to the appropriate insurance people to ask a few things can we get insurance coverage for one day what would that cost and if the if that's an exorbitant cost my question is how can we still make this happen is there a way we can still make it happen would we have to then go to sponsorships to that's what I'm saying should we go to something where we similar to town day where we have people sponsored I guess my overall question is what is the cost we haven't heard back great I'm getting conflicting okay all right we have a safety meeting on Wednesday morning our risk manager is there so he has promised me he will have all the backup excellent okay so I'll know then so I'm hoping the conflicting uh information is is good information so we have to I don't know who's right so we'll find out on on Wednesday morning okay thank you very much isn't there a four hire company that'll do something like that to yes at a much higher very expensive yeah so when I was part of the Recreation Commission we had looked into this a few years back and insurance was a no or or thousands for the one day some crazy amounts and then Outsourcing it right so Outsourcing it to a company that has their own insurance was too expensive for Town day so we had looked into those Solutions in the past but I don't well that's the thing that's why I'm saying it's conflicting because my the answer I got is our general liability will cover it but that's not what our risk manager said so we have to find out I I'm not I didn't want to say it everybody excited um but we'll find out Wednesday morning thank you very much and that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you thank you council president you thank you Mr Mayor the senior citizens will be having a lunch and learn on Thursday September 26 at noon they'll have a rheumatologist there talking about what rheumatologists do I guess a report of the schools I'm pretty sure we were all copied on recent email from a resident expressing concern over a proposed suspension policy at the high school well caught the attention of many people in the in the town who want to review the meeting for themselves and to their astonishment they found out that high school meetings aren't recorded and posted on the internet so I mean it's um they found out that it was never a policy to do it except during co question is should they um at this day and age they probably should in my opinion and it's really up to the residents to go to a board meeting and tell them that they they want to see it online I want to thank mayor Galer for taking the initiative for statute for that or something I don't no they're required to take they're required to take minutes that's all I thought they I'm sorry I thought they the meetings were you could watch it live but maybe not recorded that was during Co not so long ago like when I did schools I I actually had access to that if I couldn't make the meeting I I don't know if that's Co but that was only a year ago they could I haven't looked recently okay and when you go there you see the cameras the back of the room so well it's definitely not in their policy to record and and right the recording I don't know recording online for for viewing later later on got but going back I want to thank mayor G for taking the initiative reaching out to um the sending Town's mayor writing an email to the board of ed High School Board of Ed uh requesting that they consider recording and keeping a recording on on their website for future viewing um as it turns out we have four candidates running a November's election for two seats on the on the board the Valley uh Regional High School Board one of them is an incumbent I encourage everyone to do their homework and make to make an informed decision on who they think would best represent ultan's values could you tell us who else is running sure the incumbent is Michelle Lor um gentleman she's running with Steven W with kinsky yeah with kinsky kinsky uh there's a Michael canado and Melissa Del Roso who resigned from the local board to run for a high school board position we're already having problems with signs what are all the banners and signs wow right away well they're not the political sign well election signs are supposed to be up only about uh 3 weeks before the election that they can't be the right away well they can't be in the right away they can't be on burrow property bur property but they also can't be up until 3 weeks before the election are we addressing that we are addressing that well going back to my report report of the fire department just a reminder that the fire department inspection will be held on Friday September 27th the entire mayor and councel are encouraged to come to the Firehouse to inspect the firefighters and their equipment at 5:00 p.m. dinner will be at the ultan Manor following the inspection as long as you RSVP I want to thank the crew for their participation in town day where they grilled up 400 hamburgers and 600 hot dogs to serve to our residents uh sorry to report that Squad 43 was involved in a minor accident during a call last week and it's mostly cosmetic and it's still in service fire prevention week is a week of October 6th the fire department will make their annual visit to the schools on Tuesday October 8th to teach the students about fire safety that same evening uh they'll be hosting their annual open housee report of the first aid core I want to thank the crew for their participation in town day grilling and uh serving our residents along with the fire department and always keeping an eye out for those who medical assistance at the event I've invited the EMS leadership to our meeting on Monday October 1st to provide the mayor and councel with October 21st to provide the mayor and council with updates from the Corp and their plans moving forward and I'd just like to say superhero 5K will be on Saturday October 19th please consider if you're around to run in the event or even become a sponsor you could find um all the details in our on our website and all the proceeds benefit the fire department police department and the first aid core and if I may Mr Mayor I just want to go back to the vote that we had earlier today um the decision weighed heavily on me as well as all of us the past few weeks I'm pretty sure I even lost some sleep over it and while it's distressing to me not really knowing the truth impact of what a building like that might have on the environment I take comfort in knowing the fact that none of our taxpayers will be stuck footing the bill for a piece of property for years to come and that is all Mr Mayor thank you uh Anna uh Fire Department EMS at that open house at night can we get that to the local papers I know that some other yeah you want to send me some info though because I they they never they never send me anything can we get that flyer to the local papers just good press sure thank you I could put it on you know it's just I never get any of that information well you do a great job making out fers right I'm not so good at it I just need the information I just gave you the information I'll I'll watch the video have help you with the no all I need is I'll get it from here I'll watch the video so I have a couple of comments tonight uh first of all uh to kind of reiterate what everyone said uh thank you for everyone involved in town Day movie night the night before Karen thank you the historical uh display is is is topnotch it's awesome uh every year I go by and I see something different and it's just it's just awesome so thank you First Responders DPW all that fun it was a great day and thanks Anna and Christine for overseeing that and the rest of the uh glory and and the and the whole committee uh other things uh that I was involved in U uh really in the past two weeks or so since we met last is I attended the uh uh that modf litigation the affordable housing they had a zoom call uh last week I believe it was last week uh it was basically giving information on the on the litigation to the press and uh a lot of press Outlets after that posted posted things on that so I did s on that on that Zoom fall uh I did attend the norn valley old depan new teachers dinner it was really great to see some of these young folks a lot of them are just starting out their teaching career uh some have been teaching for a bit and moving to uh uh to both North Valley old Japan and North Valley Denver so that was so it was nice to see uh some new folks coming into the district uh I also attended the bur County League of municipality barbecue was held in at Valley Brook and Rivervale and B County Executive Jim Tesco basically went over uh the U he gave an update on the county Support for local EMS uh and he also went over their new implemented fiber optics if I'm saying that right on how they're uh they have a new County run fiber optics uh for libraries and for bur holes and not for replacing Verizon you know at your house or so or my house but just for municipal purposes there he talked about the benefits of there the bandwidth that was available uh the redundancy during storms and things like that so that was that uh I did get to attend the planning board this uh this month uh normally I have a conflict um on the second Wednesday but uh that conflict was moved to next week so uh I could have stayed home or I could have gone to the planning board meeting so I decided to goed a planning board meeting and uh uh compliments to uh the council voice and Council s for their involvement our our chairman uh Charlie magio um it's really run well and uh it was a long night but it uh I think they they certainly the planning board crosses their tees and dots their eyes on on every application that they that they hear so kudos to them um I could do this in Old business because it is an old business but I'm going to say it now um we have to get this it system fixed so Anna whoever our Tech expert is is we need to move that up on the priority list so that all of our residents can see our meetings and hear our meetings um so police see yeah it's a new system I mean that thing is so yeah we have to get to the bottom of it yeah no I know okay so if we can just make sure that you know we get that done uh also um had the pleasure to meet uh Rina at at Town day the mayor's wellness program and we had a great conversation we have we have to get a little healthier uh some what she said I promised I would not eat fast food more than once a week or so but we uh we can we can get to a Next Level and an and I had some discussions afterwards and we'll probably bring it into next year's budget season but some of these Parks you start to see every 50 yards or something that have these exercise things you work on your arms you walk 50 more feet or yards and then they have something you put your feet on and uh so I'd love to have the council kind of consider something like that uh we can find out where the best uses I think it's Stone point because that's where pickle ball is and basketball and all that but that's not for tonight we can we can talk about that um and last but not least uh going back to what council president just said there uh you know tonight we made a big decision for the Buran and their residents we uh we had to consider a lot of lot of things uh there's not many residents here tonight so I will be uh I will be crafting a press release it'll go out either separate from my monthly Emil uh or um or part of it and I want to make sure that all of our residents really fully understand some of the things that we were challenged with from a financial standpoint to an open space standpoint the funding future initiatives that we're going to be faced with going forward uh to to the impact on our fourth round affordable housing obligations so I will be I'll be writing something up and and hopefully capturing all the points and we'll share that with all of our all of our residents and that is end of my report um action on the minutes council president Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion that we approve the minutes I'm sorry I'd like to make a motion we approve the amendes the Clos meeting on August August 19th 2024 regular meeting August 19th 2024 our closed meeting September 3rd 2024 and our regular and executive meetings September 3rd 2024 second I second okay any comments on the minutes discussion none Rollo please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boyce yes councilman carnaza yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M councilman yes okay do we have any old business tonight I have a little bit of old business okay please um I promise that i' be getting bids for the Oaks Park house I know that Ron and I are working on that thus far done one of the architect bids the other architect said that devoid of a survey and site planning he didn't they don't feel comfortable providing us with a bid so I'll be looking for another few bids so I hopefully by the next week I'll have the next council meeting I should have two more uh old business to dub tail with what bill has um we have emails from Anna and from Jesse about uh The Oaks Park demo yeah and proposals we got a proposal on the demo right which we know who will will do and but we're still getting the proposal on the dumpsters okay do we have to award that here no was under the threshold on the threshold and and I don't know we don't know about um the dumpsters yet um herur I think wasle I didn't see his proposal wasn't it hle I saw huitt I saw oh H hu I'm sorry hwi okay and I saw Hartman okay yeah so why is the dumpster separate why is it part of their because they only the threshold no because it's separate comes from another they don't want to do that they they want to take it down and then dumpsters the DPW will bring up yes so we'll hire somebody out we'll hire rent dumpsters out whatever okay and that that's could be a higher a much higher cost okay does H would have a timeline I guess well we have to get the dumpsters first I guess we already have a purchase order so there there a planning Thing ending yeah all right so I'll speak to Andy about it you want me to get bids for the dumpster talk yeah what I'll go to bulldo and I'll go to yeah yeah let's get that done because but the other the other thing that we have to consider is the securing of the utilities uh gas electric water we have to secure that make sure they're secure lack of a better word um once the house is down they're just going to be there so something has to be I think utility would get involed and I already asked any about that he said he's working on it okay so separate utilities um it's all so we open so when is the house roughly are we going to take the house down this year hopefully we have the house down by the end of the year okay and then and the new the shovel in the ground hopefully next spring all right so it done by the summer so it'll sit empty for 90 days let's say oh easily okay you know what happens in the rains and then something else there's always something yeah we and we do have to have a public hearing it to be advertised because we're doing something on Green Acres property um and I sent them the wording but they have a problem with the wording and it's very difficult because we're not changing acreage in a park it it's a house and uh yeah it's it's it's they're going back and forth how are we handling uh bathrooms in the well at at during the thing we're going to have to have um Porter John's yeah okay Andy has Andy you'll take care of that okay yeah and U I going to say I'm sorry um I don't know I'll think of it mind okay uh okay thanks uh thanks guys a new business anything bring up on a new business I do the only thing I had to written down was the video archiving of the high school but you brought that up already archiving The videoing And archiving The High School school board minutes yeah I did I don't know if I did send an I did send an email to the entire High School Board uh and I did i' CC every mayor in the northern Valley District yeah I think it's I think it's wise have I got any response I have not gotten any response and the other thing I I just wanted to report in a minute most of you know already that we had a crossing guard get hit today Washington in ultan uh somebody was making a left going West on ultan road made a left Trinity Church onto Washington did not see the crossing guard it was three actually went five 5 minutes after it happened so it was 3:05 or so when I went by it must happened like 250 cuz the ambulance is in front of me uh so the school crossing guard got hit she fell she hit her head on the pavement uh she was okay when she when the ambulance got there she was okay and talking and everything and they took her to the hospital uh the police chief just texted me said he called her twice but she no response but as far as we know she's on the men good that's and all the MS was quick to respond yes awesome good so uh thank you for that um nothing else on the new business all right I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public second in favor all right would anyone from the public like to be or youth Council like to be heard name and address just for the record hi I'm Michelle Tang I live on five Eon court and I'm also the president of the ultan youth Council um I find it funny because I know exactly what you're talking about with the E Scooters and the ebikes I see them all the time when on school zones especially I'm assuming you didn't explicitly say what age range was committing this offense but I'm assuming it's mostly middle schoolers to high school correct I think that's a conversation to be had within school like just a simple email or maybe even announcement maybe I could even organize that even post on a social media account for something but yeah I think that would be awesome I mean I really do I as you were walking up and you mentioned the E Scooters that obviously it's middle schoolers and high schoolers and if you know through your efforts on on the youth Council uh it's probably d you can find you know on a Google search or something on the safety and what you should be doing is becoming more and more prevalent of course uh I see all over you know my neighborhood so I I think it would be awesome if you could kind of champion that effort and try and any any means we have to get the word out on on you know operating them safely as possible is is great for whole party so I think it's a great idea and I would be happy to work with you on that think about the efficacy right of a of an adult telling them to do something I like the idea that the issue that is happening is the people who are riding them don't have their license yet so they don't know the rules of the road if you have your license you're driving a car so the people who the I see it coming to school every single day and I'm sure you see the same thing and my mom said the same thing she drives uh she drops someone off at school and she said oh they don't realize things like right of way and stop sign so they just go thinking everyone will stop for them and there have been some close calls so I think that's something we keep mind that it's middle schoolers and high schools who don't have their license yet so it's the younger demographic because once they turn 17 then they're driving 50 60 miles hour in Central in a car as opposed to uh you know 25 30 whatever it is on these safer in the car yeah yeah seen we've all seen the East so I'd be happy to work with you on that is there a school policy on you know listen I GRE up going you can't ride your bike on school property you know no they're allowed to and bikes and scooters they're allowed to on the campus even though there's sidewalks they're allowed to because that's their access point to the um like the locks like where they put the where they lock it for the dayce no one steals it so I I see them zooming past my classroom in the morning it's like like it's like a futuristic thing it's very yeah the line between bike and car I wonder if it's a little bit blurry Haven listen to me yet but I wonder if the you know b b should maybe revisit and maybe try and imp there I mean there's some new maybe maybe implements guidelines on Camp I will do my best Mr Mayor thank you okay about that board meeting actually that suspension policy you were talking about I actually went to that board meeting um if I were to describe it as eloquently as possible I would describe it as a ginormous headache it was a huge issue and it eventually got it eventually got to the subject of how to properly distribute the meetings like the minutes to the meetings because from what I've heard from my fellow VI council members the me the minutes for the board of end meetings get posted like a month after the meeting actually show so to say it's inefficient would be a ginormous understatement they did say they ran Zoom meetings even after the co Shenanigans but they also said that so little people attended that it wasn't worth it I believe however they did put it on their agenda to revisit the whole like streamlining the process of Distributing the minutes like uh live streaming on YouTube something like that so that is something they're actively working on okay recording keeping on keeping on record because what we do here when we have a system that's working properly uh is that we record our meetings here and they're posted to our website so uh because as you can tell you know you know there's not a ton of people here but a lot of people uh do look at our recordings to say you know informed of what we're what we're talking about yeah uh so that's kind of I think what a couple of the residents that approached me and I and I in my opinion um I I'd like to see the minut just posted somewhere so someone at home uh personally I'm not in favor of of interactive meetings at home when you know people are sitting on their couch and this and that but I think they should be they should be recorded and and posted somewhere in a very timely manner so that you know the students the parents the residents the taxpayers of all these seven towns can uh can can stay informed yeah yeah so good I'm glad to hear I agree okay thank you very much can I just ask you a quick question I work with the senior citizens in town we came up with this idea maybe U the youth some members of the youth council could meet senior citizens maybe once or twice a month help them with like technology things like their Facebook or Instagram or things like that I'll I'll contact Council M maybe we could get a group together once a month yeah I'm cool yeah okay thank you thank you very much thank you anybody else would the public like to be heard motion close second favor motion to adjourn so move second