##VIDEO ID:ayUR76Q4Q1k## okay good evening everyone in compliance with the open public meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspaper newspapers and other Publications circulated in The Bu of alapan and notice posted on the bulletin board at bur Hall please be reminded that all our meetings are videotaped and posted to our website and please not the fire exer at the rear of the council chambers and the doors that you entered in tonight um roll call please mayor gager here Council B here councilman Boyce Council Kaza Council Guan here councilwoman M here Council here okay please rise a salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing as councilman BAGI leads us in prayer tonight thank you Mr Mayor um we missed a Veterans Day last meeting so I'm praying tonight for our veterans dear Lord I pray for all of our soldiers most of which we will never know we are reminded that life can be very hard for those who serve far away from their families and far away from the benefits of coming home at night to their personal residence each Soldier is facing his or own her own personal and unique challenges each day many are living in difficult surroundings doing a job that is extremely taxing moreover many are working In Harm's Way often they serve and their service is oblivious to most and most of the hardships that they face they oblivious to us nevertheless our soldiers continue to do their best even under harsh conditions and circumstances so I offer this time of prayer for all those serving Us in the military amen amen okay I'll uh entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second all a favor all would anybody from the public like to be heard on any non- agenda item tonight we'll get up again name an address for the record just I'm Lisa but this is my husband R Harry so I know I've been in front of you guys before just about our you just got to move up so we could hear you in the mic um Perry Street Road well we've had drainage work done about years years ago now and uh there were supposed to be different phases we were dealing with uh Tom Fel and I'm not sure what happened the first phase was completed somewhat and then uh you know the the residents all decided pretty much that you know that was sufficient and I I don't know what Tom scra's opinion really is and then we were supposed to get our road paved and apparently we didn't make it on for this year well I had so REM let me uh so we we I don't know if I say this right we opted out of phase two am I'm remembering this correct because of partly because of your urging yeah it right so the so the road is not paved from phase one I I think I'm it was at the last meeting it was in April that I had come and Anna had said something to me like Tom is going to be in touch with you guys and everybody on the street we never heard anything nothing and then you know the Ping came out and like yes hopefully we're going to be on that list okay nothing again I don't know if Ron if that Paving is tied to I don't think that Paving is tied to our annual Paving program it should I don't think so part of part of the bid the project right as far as I know that included the drainage so we do as far as I know you may or may not know and I'm we can find out so got it you know every year um have a million is or so we with some gr some dot Grant money we um identify uh certain streets and say yep yep that was the way but we do it you know we do that really every year um but I have a feeling and I will find out that Perry Street wouldn't be part of that unless it was a whole complete makeover and the paving should be tied to the contract of the drainage that went done but I I can't answer that right now but I can promise you that I will find that out interesting yeah and I don't think Tom has never I will he has follow when was the last time he spoke to Tom scrable I seem to remember him mentioning there was some issu that he needs to work on in Perry Street still he doesn't really reach out to us very we'll right let me let so just so I'm clear on what I'm asking so it needs Paving and it needs Paving from phase one's drainage project well it needed Paving way before that but they were postponing it caus drainage right and the DP I mean Andy and the entire DPW knows how bad this road is yeah they patched it many many times oh like they we just saw them the other day and they were like you saying we're like I wonder what happened and they're like I don't know they're like okay so that's why we were like you know what let's go see what's going on the whole street right the whole cue saac everything I mean it's not a street and it's so bad okay and I mean it's not just us I mean the WW does I mean they're there all the time it so so yeah it kind of feel bad for them too sure who it's guys's committee I think right now all right I'll uh that's yeah that's interesting point I'll I'll find that out okay so give me uh traveling this week through late Thursday but give me through the weekend or early next week and we'll get you uh an answer and and a direction perfect and the answer might be it's it is tied to our Paving program and we didn't do it this year that's not the not the answer you're looking for but we'll we'll tell you what the real answer is which would mean it's going to be done in March next year but but let's find out I don't want I don't want I don't want to speculate so let and I don't want to say a month and all of a sudden it's March and you're saying what's going on yeah but that might be you're right okay let's let me find out I don't know the answer to that but I but I will the worst case scenario is it'll get on next year's list that's the worst yeah that would be that would I would think so knock it out Len we here for 15 years and it's never been pained even from the very beginning it was terrible I have from Tom on October 29th okay says NJ doot has Perry Street but hasn't responded yet since this is discretionary money I don't think we have any deadlines to worry about but I'll follow up with them to be sure since they haven't responded on the plans and specs we won't be receiving bids in November so it must be part of a project that we still need to receive bids for okay that was as of October 29th that's not that long can you forward that to me sure okay all right I'll find out all right great less than a month ago right all right so October 29th is not that long ago so that's encouraging it is encouraging so but let me follow through all right thank you all right thanks for coming in thank you all right have good evening anyone else from the public like to be heard on any non-agenda item no I'm just inviting you to come are you talking about the streets yes on the agenda old business the old okay to close so move all in favor I okay thank you uh next order of business is our consent resolution for council president here thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and councel of the burrow of ultan bills and claims tax lean Redemption refund 2024 property tax overpayment homeowner refund 2024 property tax overpayment lender interlocal Services agreement DPW mechanic burrow of Park Ridge NJ do Project Extension request to Wolf Road section 7 Junior firefighter Crone Cadet firefighter Weaver and Cadet firefighter Clark got second on that second any conversation or discussion on that see none roll call please counc yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman Miss yes counc yes okay we'll move right along in into our Council committee reports we'll start with councilman Guan thank you Mr Mayor a brief report um really the news comes from the library Library had a board meeting uh the other week uh I was not there because I was in Dallas that week but uh what was discussed was a pretty long meeting actually as you know they're looking for a new librarian uh have had many Applications had a short list the last time we spoke uh in that meeting they discussed the top two candidates both women um both have very apparently very different personalities um you know both very qualified uh and so they were discussing uh who to give the offer to uh there were also three new board members uh approved uh I have yet to meet them I think I know one of them personally uh but I will meet them in the next board meeting uh they also the board also approved new carpet flooring uh they go through their bid process the way we would where they had three different uh bids Etc and obviously look at the Quality uh of the material uh and the contract and it uh was approved for $71,000 also uh buckles is installing hotspots in the library um so as you know the library has WiFi but the Wi-Fi can't handle um a lot of the streaming right so so people now go to the library they use their laptops they use their phone sometimes they're watching movies or videos um in the library and so it really does bug down the Wi-Fi there so buckles uh will be installing hotspots uh for streaming Etc so basically making the capacity I think like four times as large uh as current a question so who pays for that buckles hotpots uh and I have I think buckles does I think just be and I'm only asking that because uh Anna myself uh are it His Name Escapes M Doug new meker new meker um had a meeting with Bergen County M Bergen County is running a I'm not an IT guy 10 million jigawatts whatever you call it okay and they're dropping they are promising each you know for a small fee and it should save us they're doing a drop into every B uh they're offering to do a drop into every uh Bergen County uh Town Hall burough Hall okay and into every Town's Library oh perfect or service fee things like that uh we're actually good here that uh it actually drops into the police station but we can trunk uh to here and to the DP we're really getting four spots out of what out of their two drops um this talk about that during budget season the county yeah the county and it should uh it should save the burrow money okay um so I'm saying before maybe the library does too much yeah let me let me connect with them okay we before they do I'll look at my notes I thought it was a either a cost or free um I'll go back all right but just uh as a heads up that um you know that was probably more discussion during budget time something that was a really interesting meeting and uh I know our it guy Doug was uh uh he looked at everything in the back room and said this is very doable for us and he was uh and I think he provides his service to like 20 or 25 other towns in Burton County wow so the county was really happy that he was here that night that day so um more on that but just so when you say service fee is that like a a onetime installation fee or main fre it's like a monthly fee to to monitor do whatever of a um Anna has all the numbers on it right okay anyway want bring it up for that Reas I'll definitely bring it up before we uh before they SP appreciate it thank you okay anything else uh yeah so let's see um so so an offer did go out after the board meeting so that went this week an offer did go out to one of the libr I see in the emails that they're negotiating or going back and forth on like benefits for example so she's leaving her current position and maybe our benefits aren't as good and so they're talking to them talking to this person about how we can either match or um but basically it's a small negotiation um the only other thing I have to report is I was at the fall soccer Recreation soccer playoffs this weekend um and ultap pan won two of the seven championships so girls seventh eth grade boys third fourth grade um so didn't want to jump in and and before we hit the recreation uh report but uh proud that they win and uh one of the comments from one of the coaches was see you at the mayor and Council so I would hope that we would invite them to and acknowledge on my I know football is huge but even these these kids this is this is their Super Bowl they're way excited more excited than the high school kids little yeah awesome thank you end of my report thank you Mr Mayor thank you uh Council Mr Mayor police report following activities represents calls for service and other initiatives undertaken by the Tim Police Department a total of 1,345 calls for service and special details were attended 180 motor vehicle stops 114 motor vehicle summonses 158 radar details 128 traffic enforcement details were completed 37 security awareness cards were provided to Residents and I wanted to well the chief wanted me to he called me and he said have you ever seen those SEC you always report about it have you ever seen one I said no so we sent one so I'm going to you see it good you're good all right good I've seen them in my mailbox garage door open yeah if you left your garage door open or there a window open they'll leave you with the card that's a sample of of what it is and I think it's a great thing because they they do quite a few of them 37 awareness cards and I read that number every month it's at least that many 48 school safety checks are conducted security deficiencies were noted by officers and conveyed to administrative staff at the schools six firearm ID cards one one arrest for outstanding traffic warrant one arrest for stalking uh we had three traffic details completed for outside contractors meaning Suez psng Etc total to the municipality was 96 $743 I did want to bring your attention to one thing uh if you recall we discussed last meeting of the one before about a burglary on Walter Street um the home was founded the door was kicked in a lot of jewelry was stoling Etc uh so it was a joint investigation with about five other towns and they're very encouraged that there may be an arrest soon so that's good news for the whole program and uh kudos to our to our uh you know our guys in um in the old oldan police department so especially chuck chuck de Marie is our detective he was leading that uh operation so that's all I have for that except for one other thing is that um not all of you know but some of you know that we interviewed two people for two positions and both of very enthusiastic and both got a uh uh offer for employment and uh one of them backed out decided to stay where she is in the in the in the department that she's currently working decided to stay so that being said uh the chief went back to our list that we interviewed previous because we interviewed quite a few people if you recall and found not F not just look through the list and said oh remember him he was good so we found this he found another person he he texted me and said what do you want to do we found this other guy we really liked him he was like our third choice so do you want to interview again or does it really matter I texted uh councilman caraz and councilman you you guys want to interview again or you just want to go with Joe says we could just do this because um just because why go through the whole process again with the the interview wasn't that long ago so I agreed councilman you agreed councilman caraz agreed and I told the chief sounds good to me run a PA legal make sure Brian's okay with it that we don't have to interview again because if we do we will so anyway he was uh this this patrolman uh candidate patrolman candidate came in on Thursday and signed a uh a letter of intent or how whatever the wording is I'm not sure and we're going to get them scheduled for psych eval and medical eval and hopefully we have another officer meantime the other officer already scheduled for psyche Val he's already on the he's on the trip he's on the path to doing that what we look at that January yes okay maybe maybe one I would think both uh on the sign and die meeting hopefully that's nice yeah tradition okay if that's what it is it is maybe the last meeting in December but I don't know well we only have one in December I know the only meeting in December which was what was the DAT gen December 2nd is our oh no we won't be no and then January 6 is yeah it won't be in time for that January 6 yeah so that's all I have unless anybody has questions for me or anything okay thank you oh thank you yep councilwoman thank you Mr Mayor um coule brief things the Board of Health will host the mayor's Wellness speaker event Thursday November 21st at the library at 7 pm uh and they continue their mental health book club each month they uh started that back up in the fall recreation basketball season is underway um baseball is asking to join the Little League Baseball organization along with Norwood Northvale and Harington Park the four sending districts and the rec commission is awaiting their written proposal to review before bringing this before the mayor and councel um we have yet to receive the uh proposal but I it's my understanding they're meeting tomorrow night with the other towns and we'll get back to us on that December 6 is the Christmas tree lighting um youth Council has had new applicants from young people looking to get involved and I will be meeting with them after the Thanksgiving break uh the nvot Wind Ensemble has been accepted to perform at the New Jersey music educators conference in February in Atlantic City this is the first time the band is performed at that that conference so congratulations to our nvot marching and also for uh they took eighth place finish at the US bands New Jersey state championship with a season high of 86 in the group four open we have one of our members in attendance here um the NV team uh football team won the state sectional championship this past Friday night and they play in the state group semi-final this Friday night for the chance to play in the State final at Ruckers or MetLife the nvot volleyball team completed a perfect 25-0 season winning the league championship Bergen County championship State sectional championship and state group Championship yesterday um which is unprecedented for uh there's some rankings that we'll we'll talk about at the proclamation but where they stand in terms of not just North Jersey but New Jersey uh team records it's only been done a few times to go undefeated the whole way um so we're very proud of them so thank you to our ultan fire department as well as Norwood and northv fire departments for welcoming the team bus back to the school yesterday that was very uh kind gesture that the girls love that um and then two things from councilman Boyce uh the veterans were welcomed and honored at the Veterans Day ceremony at nbot last week councilman Boyce was in attendance and I was honored to be the speaker on behalf of the history department and also from councilman Boyce uh regarding golf um he and I will be meeting with the company next Tuesday for their bid presentation more info to come from councilman Boyce at the next meeting and that's all I have thank you Mr Mayor I have a question yes so if baseball looking to go with with little league kind of that the National Little League structure the category it's it's birthdaye cut offs right not grade based like we're grade based as Recreation right so if we join Little League those will be age cut offs that's what we're asking of them in their presentation but that's my understanding that that's out so it would be a change like a May one or something like that you're going to exclude the May to September kids they have so like club soccer is calendar year so you don't 11U 12 okay so that's something that we would have to discuss as a recission also as part of their proposal we're awaiting that gotcha thanks why the change what's the benefit um from uh from OT baseball association they were saying the they would like to have a playoff uh structure intact after the rec season ends um in June to perhaps have the chance to advance in the districts and the Little League World Series and Williamsport as the ultimate goal if you recall I don't know if councilman you if you were on the council years ago when uh this came up they uh wanted to change uh baseball wanted to change and we had to put fences at uh a temporary fence at Stone Point home run fence the home run fence in order to qualify for the Williamsport group you had to have this had to be certain you know the dimensions 300 feet or whatever that was and uh I'm not against it or or for it I think let's go through the process but that that that did come up years ago did you have a question I thought I asked it okay council president you thank you Mr Mayor our seniors gathered last week and were treated to lunch and a 50s Style dance DJ I heard a very well attended and everyone had a wonderful time their next social Gathering will be on December 12th where they'll be celebrating the season with the holiday party report of our schools in our local Board election incumbent Stephanie lacraia has been reelected to her seat and Miss Renee Jones has earned a seat on the board for our Regional High School Board incumbent Michelle Lor was reelected and our newly elected member Mike Cano will be representing ultan's interests in the district I congratulate them all and wish them the best of luck um as councilwoman masaro um spoke about earlier today congrats to the nvot girls varsity team I thought it was going 26 and0 for the season one game more no maybe I'm wrong and winning their State title also congrats The Varsity football team for coming in first place in their sectional and they'll be moving on to the state tournament next week um I also like to mention that members from the ultan Police Department ultan fire department and ultan first a Corps visited nvot last week uh for a career day uh with hopes to encourage young men and women to explore a career and the emergency services and fire department report I welcome the new line off officers Chief Chaz Anders deputy chief Chris Riley captain cristelle mler and lieutenants Nick Rulo Richie Goden Steve NIS and Greg Amoroso I also had a brief conversation with our fire marshal earlier this month about some proposed changes next year it's largely based on all the new construction in town I'll be inviting him to one of our budget meetings next year to discuss the challenges that he expects from all this new work the OT fact report first a core report um incoming CH Chief Joyce Kim Deputy Max deputy chief Max Cadmus and Lieutenant Emily pilo are already hard at work for our Ambulance Corp and all will be officially sworn to their positions at our reorg meeting in January that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you very much uh a couple of comments for me tonight uh I do want to congratulate council president Jin Yu and councilman elect Juan Marty on their um successful election wins look forward to working with uh with both gentlemen uh early next year uh I attended the pasc valley mayor's meeting dinner meeting uh last week and they had a representative from Boswell engineering there are certain towns in the PC Valley that have that part took uh uh took place with a drone study to uh kind of go over some of the flooding that's been happening uh we opted not to uh last year or the year prior not to get involved in that um uh so there was just mostly an update on where they are looking for some Federal grant funding uh the room to flavor the room felt that that would be a kind of a big challenge right now so it was really just an update on the past Valley uh area flooding and of course that you know morphed into affordable housing and the more you build the more you flood so it was a lively discussion from there um I also attended a uh a lunch and learn in Pam some new Concepts for living if you recall we have two homes here on ultan road and Washington Avenue uh they really put on a great um uh demonstration and again part of their demonstration was how they want to be good neighbors in in the towns that they uh uh that they work with and that um uh some of their residences are a great way to help us with our uh affordable housing challenges that we uh need to uh hit a certain number so they kind of uh spoke on how they could be good partners in helping us reach our our affordable housing goals uh and then last but not least last I think it was last Friday I performed my second wedding uh had a lot of fun doing that and and um a nice uh nice young couple uh came in on a Friday I asked of course where' you meet and all this stuff at work and what do you got planned for tonight after the wedding and they were both going back to work so problem I said hopefully maybe over the weekend you can go out to dinner or something like that so anyway um uh professional young professional couple and uh uh they they were heading right back to work and name can't talk okay uh and that is the end of my report uh where are we now we're at on the minutes on minutes action on the minutes council president you thank you Mr Mayor at this time I'd like the following minutes to be approved Clos meeting on October 21st 2024 regular meeting October 21st 2024 Clos meeting on November 4th 2024 and regular and executive meetings on November 4th 2024 second on that second any discussion on the minutes none Roo please couni yes Council Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman you yes okay uh I'd like to mention that counc I'll think you AB you actually don't have to even if you were not at the meeting you do not have to abstain okay if you read them you can vote on right that's fine yeah approved okay okay all right next order business old business um first one is for councilman BAGI uh Street dedications yes um I really don't have anything new to report I handed this out last meeting I was wondering if there's any comments that's really all we're missing two Council people tonight so I I wouldn't mind tabling this this is not a hurry yes so we can get the I'd rather have their input I know Bill always has yeah about this issue has being down to tonight it's like you said it's not so so pressing so if we can table this uh let's do that one thing to think about though if I can Mr Mayor um that the honory must be deceased is that one that was one of them that can be discussed so that's something that I'm sure some people would like to discuss yeah that's that's reasonable did you get a copy of that I'm sorry did you get a copy of what brought here yes I did okay and what did you did not were not here so so we get a copy give them mine I got just print out make copy he doesn't want your like I said he doesn't want your agenda it's a secret agenda all right all right so I was pushing my agenda December that was Christine's joke was okay um credit what credit do uh next Ron you're up again Oaks Park House Oaks Park House um we are into Anna is in discussions with Green Acres and there are people who decide how to do this and what to do it and which buttons to press and councilman Boyce I wish he was here uh we discussed different Architects we did find one architect that he really likes I think his proposal was like $99,000 was there was one proposal for 21 one proposal for 15 not choosing them course he's the lowest but Bill likes them knows works with them uh so we need a couple of public hearings well I think maybe one and then we need like I don't who knows this Brian maybe know we need was Anna talk to you about it all all right so we need like 60 or 90 days for public comment after we introduced the idea and the the scope of work and because of Greenacres rules and after that's over then the shovel can go on the ground so I guess if I'm being real shoveling the ground by June okay so does it make sense with Bill not here tonight and hopefully uh we can have a further discussion you said that yourself that and then get this on for January and I don't know how you put that on and then what can we put can we put on for December 2nd for discussion yes yeah okay just for discussion and then but you said then there's a like a public comment period yeah I I believe Anna said it was 90 days but we have to adver it okay yeah to make it all to make it all what's that does the sign have to go up at the park probably yeah like a big the ones I hav't like the concert at the parks kind of okay and Anna knows the the know all that yes we talked talked about the other day but it was a lot of information at one time and okay all right so let's get back on for a second we'll get bill here we'll choose an architect perhaps yes uh and we'll go from there okay thank you oh also the other I'm sorry the other thing not that we chose this we haven't chosen an architect officially but not that we chose this firm because they were the cheapest but if we don't then we need a lot of documentation of why to Green Acres we didn't choose the lowest bidder okay it's not like it was a bid it was a proposal so an RP I don't recall I think just I'll please do okay and has way more information than I do and and Bill does too I was kind of on the periphery of this okay all right thanks all right uh next old business Wilbur Road property uh councilwoman Miss Arrow uh thank you I had asked Anna um for an update um she said that she Orange and Rockland what they would be doing with the property on Wilbur Road and if they would consider giving it to the town to bring back the park as they had done in the past and Anna said she will let me know if and when she hears back from them okay yeah last we heard that they weren't going to make any decisions till the everything was gone but it sounds like everything is gone yes okay all right so you work closely with uh with Anna okay yes but if they did it'd be a great place for I mean it used to be a park I mean it wasn't much a spinny thing or whatever whatever but it would be great to have another another Park on that side of town it would be it would be great y I don't think there's much else that we could really do with it okay um everyone else under Brian can I ask anything to report on um the piece of property that we spoke about last meeting yeah nothing for nothing okay thank you uh okay new business do we have any new business tonight I'm signing guys I know your business anybody down there in new business Mr may I have no new business okay um I like toate a motion to open the meeting to the public second faor I okay the meeting is now open to the public on any non agenda items saying no one from the public motion to close second all favor I I all right motion toour yep second I all in favor I all right ow without d