##VIDEO ID:gKssp638gfE## or do I need to wait two minutes officially it's working so it's working let's then let's uh then let's roll let's run evening everyone I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the burough of ult depan and notice posted on the bulletin board at burough Hall please be reminded that all of our meetings are videotaped and posted to our website and please note the fire exits on the doors that you came in this evening and at the rear of the council chambers uh roll call please mayor gallager [Music] here okay the first first order of business tonight is one of the cool things that I get to do as mayor um I'd like to read a proclamation congratulating the 2024 nbot volleyball team whereas the northern Valley alapan volleyball team ended the season with an undefeated record of 25-0 against some of the most talented teams in their division and whereas the team captured the big North National Bergen County Championship State sectional championship and state group two championship and whereas the team distinguish itself both on and off the field with character athleticism displaying the very epitone of sportsmanship and team ideals and us and giving us all of a most exciting season now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough of alapan County of Bergen and the state of New Jersey on behalf of the mayor and Council and our residents honor the courage determination and success of the 2024 Northern Valley Regional High School at epan varsity volleyball team team and do here and do hereby proclaim the admiration of our entire community and congratulate head coach Melissa landc assistant Kelly Brogan and Tim and Tim Byron and the team players help me with the name sorry Norris Sher naen wayy Eva Kirko Adrien Bryan Gabriella palog Jamie Kim Bianca balilo Brena Delaney Samantha krenzer Jolie giodo Julia wayy Addison geofrey despa malfus and Alexa Koto in witness here of I set I set my hand and cause the Seal of the burough of vol toan to be affixed at this second day of December 2024 congratulations [Applause] do like a little oh yeah yeah yeah to the so I need somebody else they said you were going to look into there I guess I didn't get back [Applause] you should have put the mayor in a Bo has it's always a pleasure pal I wanted you to sit up front right over here so you can embar you now we can s out homework meeting go do your history homework what homework what's that we gave you enough time [Music] you're you guys did a great job very proud of you great job I wish I had a tall kid last time I saw her I coached her in uh third fourth grade yeah I was just going to say all right was the soccer goalie challeng okay yeah next order of business uh G good I work for that all right our next order of business is our consent resolution for council president thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the buau of ultan bills and claims release cash Bonds in Escrow interlocal Services agreement pistol range contract award golf course management endorsing resolution Community Development block rant senior transportation and entertainment endorsing resolution Community Development block grant Senior Center accessibility a second on that second any discussion on the consent resolution where the pistol range it was in Hill they move okay it used to be in Mara and then it was Northville okay I thought they did it in Northville but this one is in Hillsdale okay anything else roll call please Council yes councilman Boyce yes Council yes Council yes councilwoman Miss yes councilman you yes hey do we have any new business tonight don't see any let's go to Old business um first order business is Street dedications for councilman BAGI yes uh this came up last meeting and we sort of tabled it because certain people were we were light on on the membership so my comment last meeting is the same as tonight is I I really don't have anything to add I was looking for comments from the council about what I handed out some somebody commented me privately I think someone living here 25 years is too long to get it to dedicate a street form I don't I don't know I I think it's not too long but I'm willing to listen I think we should have a discussion if anyone if everybody thinks it's good let's move forward if you don't should should we have a dis committee discuss this yeah we could do that but I want to kind of get it straight here I mean I we kind of um we had an ad hoc committee we made Michael I chairman we haven't had a meeting yet but but uh we I can I can take care of that but I kind of want to get consensus here at least sort of consensus here about how you want to move forward for instance if we're going to name a street after somebody last meeting I brought up we won't change we won't say d Wolf Road we w't take the d Wolf Road sign down and put up Bob Smith we'll put up like in Manhattan they'll say Bob Smith white I'll say whatever it says on uh Martin Luther King Boulevard 125th Street you know in Manhattan that's what it says you could just add named on the top of a sign if you wanted to maybe you don't want to do that maybe you want to like we named a park after a couple of council people and Mayors we uh we put a big rock for my dad in Oaks Park there's a rock with a plaque um there's benches in Oaks that have things on on there what we're trying to prevent is you know someone who's lived here for 2 years 2 three years and uh you know they pass away and it's it's not good a knee-jerk reaction hey we should really do something for this guy gal and then we have another bench and nobody even knows who that person is I I don't I don't mean that to be cold I mean that we have we need to be practical otherwise we'll have a we'll have a Park full of benches yeah there needs to be some sort of substance benches on the same I think a street name is different than a bench right we talking about streets or and dedications this isn't just streets let me ask a question first are we are we ready to talk about this I mean it has been passed out a month ago and last year and I don't know if you got many comments besides the one are we ready to chat or do we want to just table this and it's okay with me to table is no hurry to do this if it's not a priority and I don't mean that in a bad way it is not if it's not a priority for for this governing body right now then let's put more thought to it unless someone says no I'm ready to roll and well the resident that was trying to push this along I see is not here tonight so I'm did you have a committee did you want me to I think the uh decision should be made uh at the council I think there should be a a council committee okay I don't know where this falls under um out of our committees I mean you've you've kind of inherited this yeah let's call this maybe the historic on the historic be a historic I was on it doesn't really matter I'll be on it I me have you gone to other towns have you gotten anything from other towns why don't I do that yeah I don't think we've done enough homework you started the veterans plagues this year start that next yeah let's let's let's table this until next year right so in the meantime I'd like the council to think about if we're going to have a street name or a dedication not only just street name a dedication what are the properties yeah proper dedications y can I just clarify So when you say street name that is the name of the street itself and dedication is the one that would be on top yes and yes yes yes and yes so The Enclave we named we had a committee uh that and I was on it as well we we picked the five names five names of the new Street in the enclave and one of them is a retired mayor right a pass deceased mayor Malcolm Davies davies's davies's court and others just kind of fit the bill go this would be to look into that I don't know how much more we're going to have of that um we probably a street or two in the future but also as as Ron said Fashion Avenue you know by the Gard time so but I don't I don't know and and again I don't mean this in a bad way I don't know if we've just uh committed enough time as a as an entire Council I don't think it's been one of our priorities right now we've had other things we going talk about the Oaks house next talked about the veterans uh we talked about vable housing there's there's been other things in front of this so if we can delay it a little bit I would suggest we delay it a lot of times we respond to an issue is was there an issue here no okay there was a request there was a resident that wanted us to look into it and I drafted up something it was a little more lengthy than this I think it like three pages But it includes Pearl property naming also right so buildings Parks things like that so I'll I'll forward that to Anna and Jean maybe they could print it out and send it to everybody and that I actually took from another bur five years yeah it's like like the stadium well if somebody wants to pay for the DPW building they can certainly have the name on it perfect naming right I like to have rules and parameters because you know and and Brian can tell you it's the appearance of impropriety down the road like somebody gets named something because he's friends with the mayor you know 15 years from now or something and I don't want that to happen Chef bars right exactly thank you still work okay all right so let's let's push this off uh we'll do some collecting of what other towns local towns have have done get back together we'll brainstorm and uh I'll I'll I'll I'll appoint the committee uh early next year good thank you Ron and Christine for being on it course no I'll be on no problem all right let's uh let's move on to the uh uh to The Oaks house uh bill or Ron who wants to start I'm gonna let Bill start I'm defer to Bill okay so that sounds great um as you know we have a preliminary design that design has been you know thrown in front of the Green Acres funding people they liked it with some modifications to make the outdoor Pavilion much larger so that the enclosed area is a certain smaller proportion I believe 25% or 30% of the entire structure uh We've knocked the building down that leaves all the utilities going into including the irrigation uh I believe Gas and Water going into a underground um well the irrigation goes into where it used to the other ones are secured but what we have done now is we've released the design portion to an architect named Uzziah Cooper he will be working on the prelim preliminary drawings Ron and I will review those drawings for completeness I would expect after the first of the year once they're complete we definitely want Tom to look at them in terms of how the building sits on the site our engineer and then they'll go to construction documents once they become construction documents then we can put it out to bit but it we had a meeting with the architect on site and Andy from our DPW and um we figured out it can sit pretty much where the old building used to be uh it'll have a nice Road presence because there's a long porch there and there's a big open Pavilion facing the park itself and uh I know that kids from the high school and others are using the park now for lunch so this will give them a much larger area to do that and partially inclement weather it should be really nice awesome yeah so progress we and on in January it will be on for public um public what's it Public public hearing um it has to go on to public hearing and then at the next meeting it will if someone wants to come in and and say something but then it has to stay you can't do anything or you can't you can't actually go out to bid until the 3 months are over and then but it sounds like by the time you get the construction and all that M the timing will be perfect and that's to award the around the end of March we should be able to go out to B so it looks like summertime will be done maybe yeah hopefully well if we're lucky yeah the veterans are hoping it's done by Veterans Day so they can uh have their ceremony there if I could bill one of my main reasons for reporting last meeting and you want here was how did we come to this architect we had a process right I want the council to know that I know how we did but I want the council to know what you what you did yeah there's a there's a three bid minimum uh we got three bids this was the lowest bid qualified bid I should say threshold under the threshold so and the reason that we went with this person isn't because they the lowest bid right certainly not okay now he's very talented can I ask how much it was architect believe it was it was yeah it was $9,000 9,000 the second bid was 15 the other one was in the 20s I don't recall the third bid and the third bidder would not call Andy back would not call Andy back on another project so now this architect is also looking at the DPW building and it's supplying the DPW with a bid to redesign the offices at least we can get they they need to get a big number a number so they can put in their budget M what's the architect specialty it's not residential homes right well he's done a lot of residential homes and this is actually very similar to residential home much different than a home it's very very similar to a cottage with a large porch they do DPW though then it'll be fine so so this is actually is in like an out of the box kind of building I thought a pole barn they had plans and everything like that already at Oaks Park we're not building a pole barn okay at Oaks Park we're building a custom stick build building that all right will resemble a cottage with a large porch okay which will accommodate storage for the DPW and for Gloria um and also have a small office U two restrooms and a garage basically to get it approved from uh Green Acres we said we would put Recreation there so that can be the recreation um office and then hopefully the old office will be the new Pantry for social services good idea good use of space it's a lot quieter and more private how soon can we get maybe it's early next year how soon can we get um like an image of this so I'd love to share this with our residents uh kind of say hey this is on the way you know we can add it to one of my newsletters that hey see attached this is this is what's coming your way and it's going to be yeah great I would say by this we have the picture okay just a rendering that's all we need we have a 3D rendering what it looks like like to get the residents kind of you know jacked up and see what's coming their way yeah a little bit different yeah okay all right thank you you're welcome driv the bus I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second all in favor would anybody from the public like to be heard saying done motion to close second all favor I motion to adjourn no move second I all right uh let's call our executive meeting to order all call please mayor Gallagher here councilman here councilman boce here councilman caraza here councilman Guan here councilwoman you oh misso sorry here Council not the first time you did that either Ginger yeah yeah Ginger okay um Tom Engineers report there good evening everybody Tom Tom I think the only new item on something I had reported on last month was the do project for D Wolf the section seven which is kind of the culmination of of a multi-year project um we submitted plan inspects to do um that they had issues with um or they needed additional information on um some of which was going to take a little time to compile so we had to request an extension um from the doot which they granted so we got the six-month extension we're not in in danger of losing the funds um so we will work out whatever issues we have with them early next year and put it out to bid probably you know February marchish um and that's all I had uh if there's any other questions yes the council um Perry Street right we had a woman uh a couple here husband and wife if you recall Tom we had that um was phase two and they decided not to people on the street thought they didn't really need it think you agreed we agreed and then she came back the couple came back in the last meeting they were ask they were asking about Paving yeah well there's two different things going on that's actually what Anna and I were talking about as we were walking in right um the drainage at the end of the Colac is necessary so there still is a phase two of the drainage project which we have received dot funding for the questionable part was I think it's 2 hous down is that the Bush's house not sure house Wass four it's not the corner it's not the hold that one was it the first one on the right I I'm not sure there's one that's on the corner of White Avenue and there's one other house and then there's the CAC house so the one in the middle I would call it Jean she gave that I know she gave her address I didn't last number four she's four she's four per correct that drainage is not necessary um we were considering adding it because at that point you know the the amount of the funding I don't think was nailed down down yet we thought it was a possibility that we'd have the funding to do it um and they were interested in it at one point in time they've got a real low area in the back I'm sure you knew better than I do I do it's that was a swamp yeah historically oh yeah forever um and the area behind that before they built Westcott it was a it was a swamp it's probably a wetland the area that we're talking about but we were going to put an inlet in our easement that would give them the ability if they wanted to to try to drain their back yard um at some point in time they decided they didn't want to do it so that part of it has been taken off the table but we still are proceeding with the necessary drainage at the end of the street and that only affects one house um yeah her main question was again back to all right phase one was done phase two the way she put it was off the table not going to do phase two I guess as that pertained to uh for Perry um her main question is when's the world get paved right so it sounds like you you want to do the final piece in the culdesac drainage and then Perry gets still be it would still be next year right but we kind of said that last meeting can we you said you sent her an email if you will yeah um I just like to tell her you know she took the time to come here so when would when would the culde ACT drainage from phase to be completed the drainage work is actually like right at the end of the culdesac and then down through the EAS so it doesn't affect more than a couple feet of pavement but it will be torn up for a short period of time um so we were throwing around some ideas should we include maybe just the culdesac paving with the drainage project so we can control all that at the same time and then do everything from the mouth of the culdesac to White Avenue next separately in the Burrows Paving program U because what I don't want to happen is pave it and then you're driving construction equipment over it even just in and out is going to no I think I think they're reasonable saying hey you know we if we say we're going to do the drainage with no Paving and then we're going to pave the whole thing at once I think they' be fine with it just right they just one have them in one more time I thought we should at least meet with the the people who live at the end of the cack because that one is a little bit tricky we're going through again a narrow easement on private property it crosses a portion of their driveway and they should know exactly what's going to happen the other owner I don't see any reason not to invite them to kind of do it all at once just so she's aware of going on yeah I'm with that's what I like they're nice people they really are and they're not going to want to see the road paved and then torn up either way exactly they just want to make sure that there's an end in sight and and it's on the schedule that money is appropriated do gave us the money we're in the final stages of plans and specs for that also um we could go out to bid early next year on that if they can hear that from you that would be ideal okay so the drainage project early next year it'll be done in what a month maybe yeah I mean the whole advertisement process takes better part of a month okay and when you're dealing with do it's even a little bit longer two months but and you don't want to do any work like that until middle of March earliest anyway so it looks like talk about [Music] Paving regarding the Enclave tree size caliper size have you made any progress on that no the yeah they're bigger the devel they put in larger trees there were seven trees that were called out at the last planning board meeting planning board meeting just before they were going to vote on the resolution Seven Trees along oan Road deciduous trees were called out we wanted them to be four and a half to 5 in caliper that's what got put in the resolution um with no more definition than that and that's kind of the problem it wasn't for an F 5 in caliper in accordance with a certain standard so the they actually replaced the trees put in little over 3 inch caliper what I would call them anyway at breast height um they're saying but if you use the American Nursery association's definition it's it's where the the root ball enters the trunk that's where you measure the caliper and there they meet the four and a half to five so they're taking the position they meet it um I've never heard of that I've never heard of that the RO somewhere they got it from someplace they that's the way through we have nothing is there a standard in the D or the state or the problem is this was a last minute item that got thrown in there's there's two sentences in the resolution doesn't mean it shouldn't be upheld just I agree I just think we in hindsight obviously should have referenced the standard and didn't so we're in a little bit of a tough position I don't think it's that much to argue about myself but and I think the trees look fine do look fine it looks better what I was suggesting and I know this is not the book let's say but I think they screwed up maybe we could have defined it better let's have them let's leave the trees but and my suggestion was to fix the broken sidewalks along Al fan road that were not part of their their approval and call it a day sounds like a plan I did and I'm happy to present that to them because it is kind of coming out of left field probably to them they're dying to get their money back right okay you don't want to you don't want to fix the sidewalks not a problem fix the trees we add more trees somewh El yeah we're I think depending on how you what position you want to take yeah you could hard ball for sure and they've already spent a bunch of money trying to get what you know the bigger trees which were expensive and now they're going to have to try to find even bigger which I know are is hard and they're going to have to wait six months to get their money back but they can't do it now probably right I like the your suggest yeah I like that so if the council's okay with that I'll just throw that out there and see what happens sure a couple of nods okay yes okay anything El Tom thanks Tom thank you thank you Tom all right let's move on to council committee report we'll start with councilman ju thank you Mr Mayor uh couple updates uh one from the library um after an extensive process to search for new librarian they've found and uh are going to replace our current librarian by 8:30 so I gave reports okay all right so um they have found gave an offer and it was accepted uh I will be at the next board meeting uh I'm not sure if it's public yet um but uh they're preparing for the current librarian's retirement um and transition so that's the latest news there uh the the new librarian when he or she gets settled yeah absolutely set up a one-on-one yeah come to the board meeting or yeah I have not met her um myself uh carpet was ordered uh we discussed that remember the bid went out um the last time also hotspots we discussed remember buckles gave them uh some hotpots I know I presented the county uh opportunity but they had already gone with buckles and the hotspots were installed today that's how quick they came um uh and again the board meeting is next week uh so I'll have the November numbers um the next time that we meet in January uh from the OEM uh I'll just kind of summarize the email from Andy about an update there uh he says that we had the election obviously in November had the pre-planning meeting with all interested parties happy to say that the day went off without a problem uh Andy also attended a hazard mitigation planning meeting at the county Training Center uh from this meeting meeting they scheduled individual meeting for ultap pan they will also uh be at a meeting with our County and state Partners as well as a private company that the state hired uh at the emergency Operation Center in MAA that meeting will be on December 5th uh this meeting will cover mitigation projects that the burrow has completed and mitigation projects that we would still like to pursue uh We've also have our quarterly County OEM meeting uh coming up this month and uh report they will report back in January of any uh any other details on that and that would be the end of my report thank you thank you Mr Mayor voice thank you Mr Mayor um so the veterans would like to invite you to a forthcoming uh December 12th year ends um lunch dinner not sure it's at 400 p.m. so uh we don't know where yet we're still trying to decide that was had a invitation just for the mayor just the mayor you can come too anybody would like to come from the council I'm sure they're more than welcome um okay but they they're they're leaving this year very happy and fulfilled that the the committee is doing well they're excited about next year uh work on the memorial work on the Oaks Park House you know becoming a veterans designated um friendly Town etc etc so there's a lot of momentum with the veterans um golf course I got a can I just the friendly Town thing the veterans I did send out quite a while ago I sent out all the um requirements for that you guys have to agree that you want to do that once you look at that because there are things that you would have to do to be deemed a v can I bring that up in new business next next time we meet and and maybe we'll highlight those things okay okay so it's not just veterans parking spaces there's no it has to do with employment and there's a whole bunch of things that you put a tank on the front R do we have one I say yes okay okay yeah we can yeah January 16th January 16th would be great 16th okay the golf course um as you know we um in the consent consent agenda we awarded the bid to keer again they were the only qualified bidder we thought we had two others but they fell through uh we're very pleased with their work to date um this year I have some financials to share with you the actual total revenue is two years ahead of schedule they promised million but we're darn close we have 9973 15994 that budget was 825,000 so uh the eitaa or the net essentially is 209,000 to the burrow so this came right from Sam he's the manager there and um he wrote a little the executive overview so on November uh 2024 was a good month for the old Japan Golf Course the lack of precipitation in the first 3 weeks of the month helped boost Revenue by 38% compared with November 2023 or $3,270 29 last year compared or this year compared to $2,610 129 last year these numbers are as of November 30th 2024 uh we will be cutting the majority of our staff maintenance by Wednesday December 4th helping to save on payroll during the last month of the year the average temperature was 50.9 degre I won't go into the rest but that's the golf course in a nutshell relative humidity uh hold on you [Laughter] might I don't know but there was 2.48 inches of precipitation all right so a quick reminder when we talk about ebit or iida that does not include Capital charges right so any equipment that buy even though they say they're profitable that equipment even the depreciate depreciation of that equipment is not in that number so that's just operating right so we still could be operating in the red if we are committing to Too Much Capital we wouldn't let that happen no and they'll be working on their Capital requests for the next three years okay yeah first quarter you said we're two years ahead on Revenue numbers well our Target was a million dollar in five years what's our Target next year we haven't established that yet okay we we would have been quite a bit higher this year but we came into two items that ended up costing us quite a bit of money um it was water because the pumps died so we had to change those uh a generator because the electric the pump house which is going to be done at the end of the year so we just need to know those costs were you know those were surprise plus surprise so like Court said that's not capital or is that in operating no that's that's coming out of operating it does so it's mainten was that maintenance or new yeah it was this year we had to kind of take some of their budget money and put it towards that got Oaks bark um okay so I don't know whether This falls under the planning board or the environmental commission but the property known as 244 Old toan Road we had a meeting and uh as I discussed in previous Council meetings we're trying to um have the applicant agree to giving us more linear footage along ulaan Road move the historic home onto the same side of the road that it currently is on and create a little parking opportunity for DPW to maintain main that new area that we're getting also for maybe Town residents to go and park there and walk on that you know we're hoping to have a little pathway in towards the back of the property uh we envision little classes there possibly from the middle school and the and the elementary school so we had a meeting with the engineer the applicant's attorney they were agreeable to these uh in theory and their their engineer is currently reworking the plan to create that and expects to have that back to us I don't know if we're going to see it by the end of the year but I'd say pretty close to it um I think it's going to work out pretty well good idea job on that though thanks for your efforts on that thank you know yeah I really appreciate that so that's why I say I don't know whether that's planning board or environmental Commission because I told the environmental commission they're all excited about pushing up their sleeves and getting involved in a redesign and making it um kind of a trail head for that little spur Trail that'll go in you know it'll be a good dog walking area um it's another Spur off of Old thean Road where we've all witnessed lots more Walkers strollers etc etc so that's that um I guess would you like me to roll into guys yeah uh on environmental again I can wait till um uh January but you you still have a few names that you because we're light on environmental currently right we are we have two names should email you those yeah well obviously anything until re but yeah we had somebody that person thought would' be great they're excited about you making that appointment okay I I'll just em let me know okay and they're easy to work with that's yeah okay yeah this guy has a report has two reports his Construction uh permit activity report from I'll start with November November there were 21 alteration permits taken out for $137,000 worth of work and $4,680 worth of permits but the year the you know January 1st through November 30th there have been 470 permits taken out everything from new work additions alterations and demolition for a total of 11 million $541,000 total of $312,700 um as always guy kaz's DPW has been extremely busy learning from last time I read this list it's quite extensive so I'm going to hit the Highlight Reel um they handled several residential requests for service including sidewalks trees [Music] and that does it okay so new electrical service help with the leaves because our leaf back is down to PS point we probably need a new Leaf act this one's like 40 years old from what I hear and uh they're cleaning up the dump site so they've been busy helping them and they're building the new building off of central AV uh regrading seepage pits are installed stone bases in the cul's installed and the new driveway and apron have been installed so and hats off to the DPW it looks great outside the burough Hall looks very festive so they'll look great help us enter the uh new season the holiday season with cheer furthermore that ends my report awesome okay uh let's go to councilwoman masaro all right thank you Mr Mayor um first thank you Mr Mayor for answering the call yesterday to drive the firet truck to help Welcome Home the football team from their state championship Victory uh I'll be sure to get the names of the coaches and players uh and write up a season summary for you uh quite a few residents noted how cool it was that the mayor was the one at on a Sunday afternoon when people were watching football came out to to do that so i' wanted to personally thank you for that that was my honor it was really cool to see how many towns showed up and uh you know the kids today were talking about it in school so good stuff um the Board of Health met on Wednesday November 20th and we also hosted a guest speaker on Thursday November 21st um at the library it was well attended and we had a good turnout the mental health book club meeting will be Tuesday December 10th at 7 pm. at the OT library and we will again be applying for healthy Town designation as part of the mayor's Wellness campaign youth Council will meet twice this month to get ahead of our planning for next year the historical committee submitted their year-end report to me which I will there with Mr Mayor email if that's okay um Recreation commission's meeting tomorrow night uh so nothing new to report from our last mayor and council meeting we've completed our end of year report which I will also submit to the mayor and the burough tree lighting is this Friday at 6:30 Santa caraza will be there and that's all I have our Girl Scouts will be singing yeah they will yeah okay um thank you councilman thank you Mr Mayor I just have a short report because I really don't have a I don't have a police report because it's usually for the third Monday uh the only report from the police is that we had the governor's wife in town she was coming up to see the filming of whatever we're filming or coming to see you John I'm sure uh anyway it was supposed to be a uh sort of a a thing for the police department to handle you know traffic remember what happened last time over the summer we had that issue on vir Road uh it ended up being nothing uh it was it was a non-event for the police and everything was quiet uh that that's all I have for police unless someone has a question for me uh progress on our uh two new hires still progress on to newes everyone's accepted okay everyone's in the process okay moving through the physical and psych eval okay yes looks like January looks like January I have a list about the die good it'll be on the sign that would be nice to do it then yeah yeah if we can pull that off okay council president you thank you Mr [Music] Mayor really not much tonight seniors uh will be celebrating the coming the season with the holiday party next Thursday on the 12th which is the same day as the veterans lunch you're going to be busy uh I plan on being there and I invite any of you to come there to celebrate with them I'm sure they would love to have us there can I make a suggestion maybe we combine the two along with the northern Valley Mayors yes night sounds great uh report of the schools congrats to the girls uh varsity volleyball team who we honored here tonight and congrats to the nvot varsity football team for winning the state championship yesterday the US News and World Report just released their 2025 school rankings I'm proud and I'm proud to say that TBD was ranked in the top 4% of all elementary schools in New Jersey and CDW is ranked in the top 3% of all the middle schools in New Jersey congrats and well done to superintendent deou and the entire staff report of the ambulance um the ambulance was called for service 48 times in the month of November so it was a pretty busy month including several calls on on Thanksgiving Day in at least one occasion there were uh two rigs out out on the road at the same time responding to the medical calls and of the 48 calls 19 of them were from alapan and at the league convention last week I attended an EMS Staffing uh Forum um I've been attending this for several years now and it seems like increasingly first aid squads have been going to a per DM a paid per DM staff to support their volunteers there are more and more calls to categorize EMS as an an essential service just like police and fire and I know we as a council have been discussing this for several months now and I look forward to revisiting um this idea for ult toan early next year before we fin Anze the budget report of the fire department the fire fire department responded to 19 calls for service in the month of November and I'm still working out the details with Santa staff but it looks like Santa will be riding again on Sunday December 22nd and he asked to be escorted around by the mayor in a fire truck um and the Ambulance Corp will be involved too so listen for the sirens on that morning and be sure to stop by say hello to Santa and maybe you'll get a candy cane or two and that concludes my report thank you sir uh couple of brief notes tonight for myself uh I as well attended the New Jersey League of municipalities conference uh last week I guess 10 days ago accompanied by our bur administrator uh our Chief Financial Officer our code official was there and Bob brush uh councilman Guan councilman Yu um and our former mayor Kramer attended the conference as well spent uh kind of collectively we attended many different seminars as councilman uh you just pointed out about EMS there were a lot of other uh things on the docket which U we attended and trying to gain more knowledge and be more efficient in in running the burrow uh we we got the uh opportunity to spend some time with our bur attorney and uh our burough auditor uh during the course of the conference as well so thank you for that um what else do I have here so last week I think it was last Tuesday um I had the opportunity to uh uh have a 100 plus third graders uh in council chambers here uh they were a great group uh I kind of briefly reviewed uh how local government works and what the mayor does what our Council does what our attorney does keeps us out of trouble things like that um and a lot of great questions came from the third graders uh we did have one question about the lack of a supermarket I felt that was uh entertaining um answered that as best as I could uh but that was uh um that was fun there also had the opportunity as a new business up in bate called The Little Gym and I was asked to um um attend their grand opening and their ribbon cutting so I U uh welcom them to town officially and help them cut the ribbon and uh very very nice family-owned business there we've been around for a while too Waldwick scars de sale just open I I know the owner okay walck's been there like 20 years okay so it's a flash into pan so I thought oh another one of these gyms oh they just got a closed now he's pretty dedicated to it yeah yeah nice nice uh they do parties too and um later that day after the third graders I um uh did have an opportunity to tour the set of uh of the filming in in town at at 94 Charles Place and uh I did uh get a chance to chat with our New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy briefly so we did a photo op together and said you're welcome anytime up uh in old depan uh we probably don't get up this way too often and I said that she's always welcome up uh up our way here so that was fun uh next week I'll be tending the pasc valley mayor's meeting and the noron valley mayor's meeting at um to kind of round out December and last comment is uh being that uh this is the really kind of the last meeting of uh 2024 and as we uh as we approach the first half of our meeting next um on January 6th if we can just be prepared for uh your year-end reports highlight the folks that you have a chance to work with and uh um things like that so um look forward to um to those end of the year reports and that is the end of my report uh unless there's any question questions for me okay I a motion to adjourn motion second all we're adjourned we have that clock Change