they found it come on all right good evening everyone in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspaper and other Publications circulated in the burough Hall fan and notice posted on the bulletin board at burough Hall please keep in mind that all these meetings are videotaped and posted to our website please note the fire exits located in the main entrance to the council chamber into the rear of the council chambers roll call please mayor gallager here Council baz here Council boy here Council here Council here councilwoman M here councilman here please join Meed aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all please remain standing as councilman you leads us in tonight thank you Mr Mayor tonight please allow me the time to honor the memory of a dear friend who was laid to rest today n Cho immigrated to the United States from Korea in his early 20s and joined the army asked why he joined he said as an immigrant the only way he he'd ever feel like a true citizen of the country was to serve it first his love of country led him to a lifetime of service as a volunteer fireman and a 19-year veteran of the New Jersey State Police the values of duty honor country float in his blood and it seems more than fitting that his son is now a seconde Cadet at West Point although I've known him only known him for two years he really did feel like a brother to me I cherished the memories that we had together and at the same time I'm deeply saddened by the fact that the plans that we made will have to be put on hold until we see each other again Eternal rest Grant unto him oh Lord and let perpet Perpetual light shine upon Him may he rest in peace amen amen [Music] amen I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public motion so move all in favor I okay would anybody from the public like to be heard on anything tonight motion to close second all in favor I I okay thank you all right our first um part of business tonight is a public hearing and for councilman carnaza ordinance 1258 d24 thank you Mr Mayor this is a second reading final adoption and at this time I'd like to open it to the public second all in favor all right anyone from the public like to be heard on ordinance 1258 d24 motion to close second in favor I I councilman thank you Mr Mayor this is ordinance 1258 d24 amend sew service charges whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 198 sanitary sewers of the code of the buau of alapan to clarify Provisions relating to the sewer service charges were introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the sixth day of May 2024 now therefore be reside by the mayor and Council bur volan County of berg state of New Jersey that said ordinance 1258 d24 being and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading it be it finally resolved that the bur clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any discussion saying none roll call please yes councilman Boy Yes councilman yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman yes Council you yes okay thank you uh our next public hearing tonight is ordinance 1259 d24 or Council councilman gu thank you Mr Mayor uh this also is a second reading from a ordinance that was uh discussed or read the last meeting that we had it's ordinance number 12594 uh to amend the 2024 salary ordinance I'd like to open uh to the public for any a second on that second okay would anyone from the uh public like to be heard on ordinance 1259 d24 motion to close second all in favor coun all right so resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to amend ordinance number 12724 uh in ordinance to fix the salaries wage and compensation of the officers and employees of the borrow of alapan County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2024 was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 6th day of May 202 4 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burrow of volan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 12924 B and the same is hereby adopted on the second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the borrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second second on that okay any discussion on this ordinance seeing none R call please counc yes councilman Bo yes coun yes yes yes counc yes okay thank you moving on to our consent resolution for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person be and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the Bureau of ultap pan bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow refund Recreation security deposits refund 2024 property tax overpayments 100% disabled veteran tax exemption estimated tax bill preparation Bill advertisement DPW Annex storage garage appoint Community Development Representatives have a second on this second any discussion any further discussion on you on any of these items okay seeing none uh roll call please counc bani yes councilman Bo yes counc Kaz yes Council yes councilwoman M yes councilman yes all right next order of business are uh two resolutions the first one being a bid Award of Fred Street drainage improvements uh I understand that's for our burough engineer Tom and guy so Tom do you want to go first sure you receive last week um three bids DLS was a contract eff had before um their bid in my opinion was was nonresponsive um their bid was non-responsive the alternate bid items they were literally missing a sheet um the base bid items they were significantly different than the other biders um followed up with the contractor spoke to them about it they requested that their bid be withdrawn um I think the burrow could technically hold them to that try to hold them to that um I strongly encourage you not to do that um it would just become a problem um they they clearly didn't have enough money in the project to even pay for all the material probably never mind overhead and profit so it just would have been a nightmare for the bers perspective they would have been after extras from the start um so that bid being being removed the we still have a question on whether or not you want to order you want to award the alternate bid or the base bid um this was in the the documentation that I had provided you previously but I'll do it really quickly the the alternate bid is the smaller portion of the project that starts at the hackattack river goes through the easement to Fred Street two manho on one manhole two catch basins in Fred street so it solves the immediate problem where the water's ponding at the bottom of Fred um the larger project then extends from there up Fred to Forest and then left on Forest to Walter because there's water that comes down the hill there also um that then crosses over Forest so in a perfect world we would have had the money to award all of it um we knew that you know just based on what the dot gives Grant wise as compared to what the estimates are we probably weren't going to be able to do it all which is why we set it up with an ultimate bid in the first first place so my recommendation would be to to award it to zaro Inc uh the alternate Bid And if the project goes well um there's no reason that the burrow can't determine at that point to add on a little bit give them an extra for items that are already in the contract that we already have controlled pricing on um and as long as we stay under the do Grant amount the dot will reimburse it so I think that's the way to go um but option b would be to for the burrow to take some of its Road money about $100,000 um and then award the whole thing now I don't think there's any real advantage to that this is this is a contractor who I know historically from a real long time ago they have not done any work in the burrow um I'm much more comfortable awarding the alternate and then kind of seeing how it goes with the knowledge that we could we could Grant some extras at the end then extend the project a little bit to spend some more of that that grant money and Tom in their contract you will will already have unit pricing for yes that's helpful yeah yeah so tell I don't think we've I don't recall I've been here a long time and I don't recall doing a something like that um what what is the like the contractors if I'm the contractor what am I thinking is do I have a legal right to demand the borrow let me do the rest of the work because because it's you like you said it's contractual yeah or is it spelled out that it's an option for us well no the alternate was one of the bids so there were two bids in there so we if we appoint the or if we approve the alternate uh you're allowed to go 20% above that in change order so you could do up to 20% of the so it only be that much money you think Tom so their bid is just under 200,000 so we could do 36 or so 37,000 in extras and be within the local public contracts law and it would have to be something that they would want to do also you couldn't Demand right I I just I want to be clear that's all I don't want to be sitting here in a year from now saying why do we do that I just want to make sure that we're M at that point it would be a mutual agreement that they they were doing well enough on the project they wanted to proceed we had the extra money right I just want to be in a position where our hand is forced by outside forces you know that's all okay anything else gu do you have anything to add or so if I do read the resolution what's the number I'm in putting in here because there's no numbers zukaro Inc for the alternate bid amount of $85,000 97 $185,900 our road our road fund if you will doing it this way and then finishing the project for the bid amount alternate we only put inid the' be cutting it yeah and this is one of the few projects that we someone's going to live with pool if we do it the other one this meets dot criteria so we could potentially go back for another bite of the apple with DOT to get more money we just don't have that many things in town that fall into that category and is it somewhat practical to add on to phase one the phase two literally pipe stops here and we then continue okay yeah so it's pretty seamless extending it so that rain water comes I mean I know the area well that comes down Walter pretty Fierce during a big rainstorm crosses forest and heads into that first turn on Fred correct correct and that's where the easement is to the river and that's the real problem it literally Pawns you know almost a foot in the street wow goes into um I can't think of their name right now there's a driveway there uh it gets into their garage yeah big storm it could get more than a foot I've seen it right at that first Bend IN and even down in a cuac it got people couldn't get to their homes so I forgot I forgot the storm Irene I don't know which one but one of them and Walter is an issue but it's it'sin secondary to where provided for just don't worry about okay okay just go here yeah okay all right councilman thank you Mr Mayor okay so this is a resolution for the bid award Fred Street drainage improvements whereas the bids for the Fred Street drainage improvements were received open in red allowed on May 16th 2024 by the burough clerk then turned over to the Bur engineer for review and recommendation to the mayor and Council whereas three bids were submitted with one bid being withdrawn by the contract factor and the bur engineer recommends that the bid for Fred Street drainage improvements be awarded to zacharo Incorporated 64 Commerce Street Garfield New Jersey for the alternate bid amount of $185,900 whereas as required by the New Jersey sa 40457 New Jersey AC 530 5.4 you want me to say that again uh and any other app applicable requirement the Chief Financial Officer of the burough of alteran County of Bergen state of New Jersey has ascertained that there are available sufficient uncommitted Appropriations in the capital fund for the Fred Street drainage improvements within the bur of alapan whereas the funds are provided as outlined below to award the bid to zicaro Incorporated 64 commer Street Garfield New Jersey for the alternate bid amount of 185,900 $2 now therefore be resolved by L May and Council bur volan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that the recommendation from the bur Engineers hereby accepted and the bid for the Fred Street drainage improvements is awarded to zicaro Incorporated 64 Commerce Street Garfield New Jersey for the alternate bid amount of $185,900 be it finally resolved that the copy of this resolution be forwarded to sakaro Incorporated the burrow engineer and the burough Treasury the W the within resolution was duly adopted by buron council meeting on May 20th 2024 give a second second all right any further discussion on this resolution a roll call please counc yes yes coun yes yes yes yes okay our next resolution tonight is uh a resolution supporting uh uh the Opa modernization and passage s thanks sen I'm sorry I'm sorry oh um uh Senate Bill 2930 and assembly Bill 4045 and add is for councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor this is a resolution it's going to be a while it's two pages I know I got it whereas in the 2002 lame duck session session of the session the open public records act Oprah was approved to make government records readily accessible for inspection copying or examination by the citizens of this state with certain exceptions with the protection of the public interest while protecting a citizen's right to a reasonable expectation of privacy and whereas local leaders we we reaffirm our support and commitment to open and transparent government and public access to records at the same time we strongly support necessary reforms and whereas in the 20 years since the enactment of Oprah and with the Advent of new technologies we have witnessed unintended consequences and in some cases abuses of Oprah that place an unfair burden on local government and taxpayers and whereas Municipal staff and budgets are increasingly are increasingly utilized to accommodate requesters and Commercial entities who inundate municipalities with public records requests to the extent that in some instances additional Personnel are hired to primarily primarily to handle such requests and whereas Oprah has become broadly construed in favor of access and the requestor who prevails in any proceeding in appealing a denial of access of records and that person is committed is is permitted to collect exorbitant attorneys fees which impact the taxpayers and and municipalities who must pay these fees and whereas municipalities have seen outside businesses and interest and interests who abuse Oprah for marketing and Commercial gains while utilizing Municipal Employees paid for by the taxpayers for this benefit and whereas due to Court decisions over the years reasonable expectation of privacy have been diminished when it comes to the balance of transparency and Oprah perpetuates for-profit data mining unsolicited marketing and uncontrolled publications of Records on internet search engines specifically designed to circumvent and bypass what few protective measures currently exist under Oprah all while allowing the requestor to remain cloaked in an an see that word anonymity and they and should they choose to exercise that option and whereas when commercial entities are constantly emailing Oprah requests looking for the latest lists of dog licens that month in ground pool permits issued solar roof permits issued it causes our res our residents to not want to license their dogs comply with permits or interact with the municipality because they don't want to lose their privacy Andor have their information tracked and monetized for commercial purposes and whereas reforms to Modern modernize Oprah are long overdue among them the need to address requests by commercial entities that utilize public records and the services of local government employees to generate profits mandatory prevailing attorney fees which created a cottage industry and to add Lang language so that such fees are based on facts and circumstances and not automatically automatic granting and whereas senators sarlo and Buco and assemblyman Danielson and assemblywoman Flynn have introduced s Senate Bill 2930 and assembly Bill 4045 which makes Common Sense reforms that do not hinder residents or journalists from from using Oprah to access public records but will protect citizens personal information from disclosure addresses addresses the burdensome commercial requests and provide and provide discretion when awarding prevailing attorney fees now therefore be it resolved by the governing body of ultan County of Burgen respectfully that we respectfully request the adoption of much needed reforms to modernize and strengthen the legislative intent of open open public records act Oprah and urge the Swift passage of Senate 2930 and assembly 405 and be it further resolved as local leaders we reaffirm our support and commitment to open and transparent government and the public access to records but at the same time we strongly support necessary reforms and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Senate President SC scutari assembly speaker coglin Senator shapy assembly Man O assembly azer azeret Governor Murphy and the New Jersey League of municipalities within the resolution was adopted by the burough council at a meeting on May 20th 2024 thank you can I go in can I get a second on that second any further discussion on Oprah so this is already passed by the legislature it's just waiting to be signed by Murphy Friday it was onk all right he's getting a little push back out here a lot yeah so are not but anyway I think it's uh I think it's responsible what the assembly and Senate did and we support that by that resolution tonight so um anyway roll call please councilman Bak yes councilman Bo yes Council yes Council Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman yes okay got engineer report Tom anything further yeah please I don't have any further mayor but anyone have any questions I'll try answer them Tom's a wolf road paving wolf road paving at this point as I'm sure youve figured out we're we're going to wait till you start to close and probably do back toback Mondays so you'll be closed and the golf course will also you can do any back toback Monday from now on I we're not we're not open on Mondays and nether I don't Golf Course isn't open Golf Course isn't open so that that's fine with me but they have uh they have sewer uh um extenders uh what are they called I'm sorry the Rings Rings yeah can I I can move them right yeah okay CU they parking lot I can get them to move them you want me to I can move them um and uh they Port John I moved it up in the back of our store and you wouldn't believe the people who stop on the street truckers and get out and walk all the way in back of my store and go use it so now I moved it way in the back of the farm so nobody can see it but it's it's not mine right so somebody can come pick that up uh zuda I'd be glad to bring it down with the forklift and put it on their truck but it would be nice if it was gone I I'll okay appreciate that I get more customers maybe they're buying tomato make sure they do one first and not the other my tomatoes nobody comes and cleans it so I couldn't imagine what it looks like and I'm not even going in there so all right uh anything else for our engineer yeah thank you Tom Tom thanks Tom thanks Tom all right moving on to council committee reports we'll start with councilman Guan thank you Mr Mayor so even though I only have two committees here I do have a lot to say this week so I'd like to borrow anyone's extra time that they might have because I have a whole list of things so I apologize way ahead of time I'll give you uh my time on my DPW I have a very very short one so it's yours I got a very short report too thank okay all right let's start with the the library um let's start with the good news right so April uh year to date so that's uh 4 months uh there were for the year of 2024 20755 door visitors remember last year was up 30% year-over-year this is 10% over last year right so remember we're talking about growth and continued growth we still have uh a lot more visitors coming in the door uh with that said uh the board has exped and the board has expanded itself uh brought in two new board members uh again fostering new ideas U more volunteerism Etc just because there's more uh traffic so those those were approved by the board uh also approved was the one new youth Council liaison um who came for a couple of the meetings and really enjoyed it and and will definitely be a an asset so a connection to the youth Council um unfortunately I don't know if you remember this there was a full-time employee that uh was struck with cancer probably couple of years ago maybe a year and a half um been slow to recover hasn't quite come back and so unfortunately they're going to replace her with another full-time employee um so that uh they're going to go through a hiring process there uh in terms of a part-time uh they're hireing a new person to do 10 to 18 hours per week that's already in the budget so they're going ahead with that uh they had a fire inspection uh fire extinguishers as well uh the men's room uh renovation uh is starting right so that was uh remember they picked out the tiles Etc and they bided out three different um companies uh they're talking about replacing the carpet so picking new colors Etc remember a lot of this is under the maintenance um right because no longer Bond payments and other they maintaining or upkeeping the pH Go part of the library um so that comes under that Sundays will be stopping between May and October right but it had been open uh for a few hours every Sunday uh the larger thing is uh here the audit right so because uh we had the bond where they had the bond there was a full audit every year and the bond was paid off uh December 31 of 2023 so their question was uh do they need a full audit or can do just a financial review which is half of the cost so we referred that question to our auditor and he recommended that a financial review which I will review and then actually uh let me read the kind of highlights uh since the loan is this is from our our auditor I'm just going to give you the highlights since the loan is paid off as of December 31 2023 would not be required to have an audit under your loan agreement uh they should at at least have a review engagement performed by an independent accountant uh so again that was recommended by the the library uh review of their financial statements uh at least a review of their financial statements da da da required to provide the burrow with a copy of the review report right so they will do the financial review I will review it we submit it uh to the burrow as well okay uh that's it for Library uh in terms of Finance uh the last time we met remember the assistant tax collector uh had resigned um and then we're going to search for uh another assistant tax collector between then and now um you know Jesse had started the hiring process interviewing Etc uh when it got pretty uh far along the process uh the assistant tax collector rescinded uh the resignation so that's good news um but uh you know Jesse and uh you know Anna found a solution that would keep our assistant tax collector who was excellent at her job and we want to keep her and discussed what a solution could look like in which she was happier here uh and that you know she requested just less number of hours and so uh her position is now going to be part-time 27 and a half hours uh but uh to fill those hours we're going to need uh part-time uh per dim employee to fill in those hours and it actually it's a great solution because it benefits obviously the assistant tax collector right it benefits because the the new part-time person well yes the number of hours are going to fill the Gap they don't have to be exactly when the assistant collector is not there they could overlap and have double coverage during tax season tax collection season when the stress is pretty high and the two of them can tackle when that you know when during that season um they can attack it at the same time so that's um that's a good reason because it gives us the flexibility in terms of those hours and then also uh it went from a full-time position to a part-time position so no benefits have to be or you know no benefits have to be paid right Insurance Etc so that saves a b a little bit money um so it it seems like a it is a comprehensive solution obviously um so through the interview process right Jesse found uh someone a candidate U but we need yeah so what we need do know we do need though um is to you know have a motion here to hire this part-time person to fill in pum um for that position I think right now we just need the motion that we can go ahead we still want to V her because she has the background just want to make sure okay and if she's okay I'd like to make that motion because I think it's going to save us money so we're creating if it let me make sure I get this right we're creating a part-time tax cler tax clerk yes right okay that's what we're voting on tonight is creating the part-time tax clerk right and it has to be done by ordinance it would have to be a salary ordinance so we could do that the next meeting and then and you know gives us time to bet who we have and get everything else done so next meeting we can get this on the agenda second yeah I hear a second yeah okay all in favor of that timetable that's what we have to follow okay I I all right you done yep thank you nothing else thank you Mr Mayor nothing else I thought it would take longer but I spoke quickly sorry thank you Council voice thank you Mr Mayor so first and foremost our veterans would like to thank the Council and the mayor for the new parking spot out in front of burough Hall they're very appreciative of that acknowledgement although none of them parked in it at our last meeting so they're not sure who to go first so they're going to create a rotation okay um it is we um they were preparing for the um Memorial Day Parade they're all excited it's going to be uh more eventful than usual and our chairman will be uh saying a few words there there the environmental commission is working to develop uh the tree permit request uh form the tree removal permit request form and so there's progress on that at the next meeting we'll be discussing it I'm sure at length the golf course is doing well the snowbirds have returned the course is in good shape we've gotten that electric uh Line 6 something feet across the course to the pump station so we're all ready for our new pump and the new control panel for the irrigation system which is very important obviously we have a grant for that so we don't want that money to disappear uh and now it'll have enough power to run and I believe that they actually have to put in a new generator to go along with that because the generator will provide Power should there be an outage and we don't want to lose the grass at the golf course um so I think they're still collecting prices on those and we're making progress on that long awaited back Paris which you may remember we got an $80,000 grant for we're hiring an architect to do drawing so that we can put it out to bid um with regard to the planning board you may know that we've been working with John Zabo our our planner we're creating a subcommittee on affordable housing and at the same time we're creating a subcommittee for the master plan and it's likely that we'll combine those two subcommittees together to make one super subcommittee that can handle both tasks kind of uh congruously it seems to be the right move for everybody's um sanity so that that concludes my report all right and I we spoke earlier but I sent you a note on that I copied Anna on that note just about the housing element and and the master plan element see if I had uh kind of asked a few folks prior so just wonder if we can put them together and have some that be interested residents uh sit on both and I think that's a great idea yeah yeah I know John had some people may have had us sit aside so we don't have a quum of certain people but uh you know based on two weeks ago I did and select a few people I thought would would would would help us along that way so if you and Charlie and and Anna I don't know if you want to weigh in on that just uh let me know if I'm if I'm missing something there we can't do something that you know I'm proposing okay I would certainly feel better if there were residents on the commit subcommittee yeah and I think that um given the timetable that John so carefully uh annotated for us we really have to hit these timelines quickly and I think that we're going to assign a um a chairman to this subcommittee probably at our next get together okay yeah when is that we don't have it scheduled so that's I don't know if John Zabo runs the yeah schedule or if we need to have somebody's under John that's running it yeah we want to get all those answers tied together pretty quickly to see who's going to pick the dates have the meetings everyone's not going to be able to make every meeting obviously life gets in the way but we we want to have enough people on there to to put a comprehensive plan together not only reviewing the master plan and open space and things like that but on what what our fourth round obligation uh with fair share is is going to look like and again I've said this too many times but how do we make that lemonade out of the lemons that were being handed so okay all right thank you Mr may I have a question for Bill yeah Bill going back to golf generator to run the pump mhm what fuel is it going to use we have not discussed that yet but the generator will be all the way out by the pond right no the generator is closer to the pole closer to the parking lot closer to the pole which is at the end of um is it Mavis M okay so so fuel would be put into the is natural gas available I believe Mavis probably has natural gas yeah it does there okay so what I'm getting at is is it is it in the grant is there money for that generator in the Grant I think there's money in the generator for an irrigation system if the irrigation system goes out for two months in the middle of July because it's not a priority to and Rockland what are the chances of our electric going out for two months Orange and Rockland said that they do not see the irrigation system at the golf course as a priority to them I wouldn't either um but my point is we're going to install this generator probably if we're when you're out of power it's a matter of couple hours sometimes it's a day if it's a big deal storm we're going to put in this generator and it's what just to run the irrigation just the water it doesn't make any sense to me so the greens get dry for one day at the most if the money's in the in the grant do it the money's in the grant because it's part of the irrigation Grant you know I've seen a lot of generators just sitting around you know they mostly sit around I know and know when you need them you need you need it I I know that but just to run an irrigation pump well the challenge is think of it maybe a little different L if if you lose the golf course because there is no irrigation then you're know bit about Iration so what do you think the chances are losing the course thank you because it hasn't happened in 50 years right I mean we've had crab grass come in when the course is under stress and that's taken lots of chemicals and lots of time to get rid of but the whole course going the media just grass not immediately um I don't know I just I don't see the need this was brought to me they're shopping it out once we see some numbers then maybe it'll be a more fair debate whether it's necessary all right that's all it'll be low on the priority on my list if they could use the money for something else right maybe they should that was my other point yes thank you that's fair okay thank you joh um what if I'm sorry no please what if that generator also serve to power the golf course clubhouse as it is our second location for emergency to say that story then we get dual use out of it money well spent absolutely I agree but would that be under the grant though the use of it oh we could always do that on our own do we have do we have a generator there no we could look at OEM to see if we can get the generator there that's what and maybe it's no am grant that we can get you have no I think I'd rather do that it's a second is the second building that's our second that's the other side so if you get a problem in the middle you have to have some way that's the other side of town yeah I think it was a second well half the you mean half the town being PS and half the sound being being well I mean yeah it's it's that that part of town and then you have this part of town so you have two sections okay so in that case that makes some sense yeses I like it okay okay more opportunity for Grant okay we'll run a longer wire and the longer it is the bigger you know the more volts you need okay thank you Mr thank you C Kaza thank you Mr Mayor um construction year to date uh we have one new two additions and 189 alterations uh totaling 193 to a tune of 4,355 362 in permits we've collected year to date $151,800 DPW is doing a fantastic job end of my report thank you Mr Mayor uh police activity report for April total of 1,721 calls for service and special details were attended to by our Patrol people 559 motor vehicle stops were completed that seems like a lot 292 motor vehicle summonses were issued 111 summonses of the 292 were issued by officers working as part of the division of Highway and safety grant for a distracted driving uh Sergeant Riley applied on with the prompting of our chief applied for um this Grant and was awarded $7,000 to cover 70 hours of enforcement which they used and under the grant officers are paid $70 an hour you know that you know what that joke okay just check it $70 an hour to address all types of distracted driving and we know that our society is now loaded with distracted driving so it was very successful I guess if you want to use that term in the month of April 160 radar details were completed throughout the burrow 139 traffic enforcement details were completed I could bore you on with other things but but uh one arrest was made for shoplifting believe it or not we had a woman steal 100 pints of ice cream from CVS 100 100 pints they have 100 pints in CVS I this is the report I got I didn't know they had ice cream it was she was cold calculating own B cold and calculating cold calculated there you go all right anyway what she does is uh she's known to do this in other places other CVS's um CVS employees are instructed not to confront people like this the uh CVS employee actually opened the door for it to leave and took a picture of a license plate and that's how they got them she um she was from a marinac and what they do is um she brings them back there and sells them to other stores where they re like grocery stores mini like little bodegas and stuff uh and that's how she makes money and that's how they they make money money I don't know how she got there without it all melting yeah I guess she had a really good AC in the car I don't know but it's the excitement for Ulta pan for one day and that was on the 17th of of April so there was a warrant after her arrest they have not arrested her yet oh really yeah so uh we will see keep your doors locked she's on the Run keep your freezers locked right yeah locky freezers you never know what's going to happen that is all I have unless somebody has something question for me up please we're getting down there on um interviews it's going to be soon we're going to interview uh for new officer but we're not there yet but I got a a Grant's question I know I sent an email the uh firefighter assistance program yes I a lot of money that went out locally yes I didn't see our name I didn't see our name either okay I know they put in applications for it yeah there was a lot of even just small stuff you know um there were some I noticed under the under the police side you know we've had lots of discussions during budget sessions about license plate readers and what the Count's doing what Rockland has up on blazedale road there and things so I was surprised that yeah just yeah we just I didn't I didn't see her name so that's yeah I I that do apply again so if you don't get it once hopefully the next time you will there was a lot of towns I mean we were very conspicuous in our absence I think there it was yes it was a lot of it was a lot of towns listed I was like wait a minute I kept going I think all three neighboring high school you know the in the in the nor Valley District got something so yep anyway all right so as long as we filed and better luck next time I guess okay was it our company that uh filed those yeah they every time something comes out reaches out to uh Riley over at the police station then she reaches out to we've gotten many grants for the fire you know we've been the and like I said a lot of the times they don't get it they redo it there that are quar okay thank you Council woman Miss Arrow thank you Mr Mayor after all that ice cream to talk there's no top in that but um learn it from you yes uh Recreation uh spring Sports season is in full swing thank you to our DB DPW for getting the fields playable we've only had uh one rain out which was you know a day of heavy rain other than that they've done a tremendous job Camp Serendipity is looking for counselors for the summer camp uh any interested uh High School juniors and seniors should contact Gloria uh I'll be contacting some of the kids at the high school also who might be interested so if you know of anyone who would be a good candidate uh please let Gloria or myself know do they have to live in town no I don't believe so right in the pass they didn't have to think um thank you councilman carnaza for attending the last Rec commission meeting so that I could help host the historical committee guest speaker that night which leads me to the next group historical committee um we hosted guest speaker Rob nordon who's the tavern Keeper of the 76 house uh we had great attendance at the firehouse for that guest speaker um we had our meeting uh additionally on May 14th topics discussed were planning for the big tree distinction ceremony Oaks Park Memorial Day service veterans signs and the Time Capsule idea uh the group is very receptive to Mayor Gallagher's suggestion for Time Capsule items such as artifacts pictures drone pictures current tax bill current price of gas pictures and prices of everyday groceries uh we also looked through the previous Time Capsule box from 1994 which was interesting we um Anna got that out for us we have the har 1994 shirt if you ask me still have that shirt yeah and the uh there were a bunch of these bumper stickers so there's actually a few of those in the in the high schools too um so we we had a very productive meeting and we came up with some plans for uh what we want to do for um the town birthday party which will now be the date is moved to Sunday October 20th from 2: to 5: at the firehouse um and that's all I have for for historical and then last uh Board of Health we met last Wednesday May 15th and the group said they will gladly carry the healthy town to watch Banner at the Memorial Day Parade County reports that routine pool inspections will be in full swing now that it's pool season thankfully nice and warm this week too and lastly there was discussion about the risk for ticks and potential lyme disease cases increasing due to some I'm sorry my computer just crashed due to some of the overgrowth uh of residents properties basically so one of the doctors on the board of health um inquired about the town enforcing uh its ordinance regarding overgrowth um just because it is uh High season for Tex and that's all I have Mr Mayor okay thank you council president you thank you Mr May for the senior citizens although they don't have any plans to march in the Memorial Day Parade they will be there at Oaks Park for the wreath laying ceremony report of the schools the northern Valley Regional High School District introduced a budget uh for 2024 2025 to the amount of $60 million 54896 4 which represents an increase of 1,628 1814 from the previous year they also anticipate uh just a moderate increase in enrollment for next school year um just this afternoon the mayor and I attended um can I I'm sorry just not thep was is that 2% increase it actually represents a 2.7% increase so there are they are allowed to make adjustments to that 2% rule if there is yeah increase in enrollment things like that gotta I'm sorry it's all right and just this afternoon mayor Galler and I and members from alumni recovery and the ultan police department who are part of the municipal Alliance in town visited CDW to provide the graduating eighth graders encouraging messages about having a safe summer it included messages about making good choices staying healthy and reaching out to people if you are in need of help report of the fire department at the conclusion of the Memorial Day ceremony at Oaks Park the fire department will be holding their own ceremony to honor those uh who came before them the mayor and council's attendance mayor and council's attendance is requested at the ceremony um just yesterday the fire department participated in a junior firefighter drill at the Bergenfield fire training center um they were joined by members from Mutual Aid groups around the area as well as the ultan first aid Corp report of the oldan first aid core I'd like to recognize the crew in honor of national EMS week I encourage all of you to reach out and show gratitude to our EMTs for all the life-saving Care they give us I previously reported um that the Mayors from ultan Norwood and Northville got together to discuss the possibility of forming some kind of shared service the core leadership from each town will be getting together some time in the near future to further those discussions and I'll have more to report later oh if I could just go back to fire Mr Mayor just for not for discussion but just to introduce an idea we all know that volunteers are getting harder and harder to come by uh we currently we have I think a Four mile radius for our our leadership our Chiefs uh they have to live within four miles um just to make it easier for the fire department I'll be thinking about a way to expand that radius or maybe even expanding that list to all the mutual Aid towns that we deal with all right so I'll bring that up at a future meeting let's I make a suggestion you also talk to the police about that because every time there is an incident you have all these people flying in I think you're talking about two different things I I I I think what what council president you was talking about is that right now we have restrictions on who could be a chief officer in the fire department um so I think sooner than later we should address that um yeah I I think what you're referring to is that there are some protocols whether they're life whether they're a school or a nursing home or assisted living is there's dual dispatch on certain things and what make and I know that there's been we'll call it discussions between fire and police on how that should be handled and how that should be managed so I encourage both departments to continue Pro productive conversations on that yeah it's all the it's just to talk about the traffic and the way they respond to something yeah they productive conversation Mr may I was I was a commissioner a few years back and um when this came this came up uh and it was other patrolmen in other towns calling our chief saying hey one of your guys is flying through my town what do you got over there a cat in a tree I mean what do you got do you really have to go through red lights with the lights and S they have to go so it was it was it was legit for something like I said productive conversation should continue between both departments and I'll have a conversation with the fire chief about things like that I've done that already with the police chief so if you want to get together be glad to that'd be great do it I think that would be good 30 40 second conversation and that I won't I won't go that concludes my report Mr Mayor all right thank you um just a couple brief comments on myself tonight uh attended the Pas Valley mayor's meeting uh two Wednesdays ago middle of the month Rivervale hosted the hosted the meeting of of of 10 Mayors uh topic that night was they had representatives from pasak Valley um what we know it as pasak Valley Hospital hackin saac North hackin saac Meridian they went over all the all the names they call themselves but just how they want to be kind of um you know they they've been reopened for a number of years now and how they want to be a fabric of the community if you will um and they are part of the Hack and Sack umbrella and they can they can offer certain um Specialties and if they can't handle it there they go to hacken so basically it was just kind of a PR thing that they wanted to be part of uh uh part of the pasc valley uh also had a uh young woman who is the new director of Meals on Wheels um I put her in contact with our social service director just so they know who each other are um and also then uh B basically having a hospital there we did that that conversation did lead into a brief EMS discussion on what some other towns doing for their especially daytime em EMS covered but it really was just more of a uh more of a conversation uh last uh last Monday we were uh honored and privileged to have state senator Holly shapy here at the uh at the firehouse upstairs in the firehouse uh for a town hall meeting to discuss uh our our affordable housing um commitment legislation that's that's forthcoming and um although it was a productive meeting I was a little bit discouraged that more residents didn't take the time to attend and and kind of be in the know on what's Happening um with affordable housing and how it will affect alapan so uh but it was a good meeting there were some there were some questions um Senator Shi talked about some other initiatives that she's involved in in flooding and traffic and and and etc etc so um positive positive meeting there as uh councilman youu pointed out uh him and I attended the uh alumni and Recovery presentations to the graduating eth graders hopefully they got they got took one point away is is to uh um you know about about the hazards of substance abuse and and as they take that into their young uh adult lives going forward into high school hopefully some of that sank in um we'll be attending this Wednesday the Memorial Day celebration Memorial Day ceremony I should say at the high school I think it's 11 o'clock on uh on Wednesday and I will I will be attending uh I will be attending that and um that's all I have to report tonight uh next action is action on the minutes and that's for council president thank you Mr Mayor at this time I'd like um to make a motion to approve following minutes at our regular meeting on April 15th 2024 and our regular and executive meetings on May 6 2024 and second on that second second any discussion on the minutes n roll call please counc bag yes Council Boyce counc yes coun yes counc yes counc yes uh do we have any old business to come before the council tonight seeing none we'll move on to new business and um we have proposed the fence ordinance change and that is for councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor um the planning board and John Zabo again have uh put together a fence ordinance update the long of the short of it is that the 3-foot fence is pretty short so we're looking to put a 4ot fence uh allowance in people's front yards whereas currently it's 3 feet um we kicked around reasons why it might have been 3 feet and one of the plausible reasons was well because it's pretty practical to cut a standard industry standard six-foot fence in half but uh that's not that's we're not sure why the founding fathers put in a 3ft fence uh maximum height but everybody now is suggesting 4 foot is a better size uh there's a checklist that goes along with that and then in addition to changing it from 3 foot to 4 foot um there's also some honorous responsibilities of homeowners to put together this package to get a fence permit together so we're looking to simplify that as well um it's it's uh John Zabo represents other towns and he said that ours is a little bit uh too cumbersome for a resident to easily put together a fence permit application and uh you know so we have a couple different ordinances in front of us some details on it we'll be reviewing this uh soon I would recommend that the mayor and Council take this home look at it you know between now and our next meeting and then had also [Music] [Applause] another okay and the planning board I I understand reviewed this and they're in favor of of uh the mayor council changing this yes I'm sorry that's a question what brought about the change was was there an issue you know locally was there and then made the review of the old ordinance possible somewhere alone on I heard that a three-foot fence is a nonstandard so here you're buying a three-foot fence is probably costing you a lot more money than buying a 4-foot fence because it's not a standard fence I don't know if that's true or not but that's what's we have been I think there's more applications coming in because they want forefoot I think there's quite a number of applications I know that in different towns for foot is pretty common place there was demand for it and so they looked at the yeah so we're listening to our residents by doing this and uh you know while deer can jump 8 feet you know they are sort of lazy so if you have a 4ot fence here maybe they'll walk Beyond it and not necessarily jump over it not not the deer in my neighborhood they go through Great Lengths to eat your plants so maybe that has something to do with it all right so you'll uh we'll draft something we'll get this on the agenda for next meeting you will look to finalize it for the next meeting okay okay thanks Bill you're welcome um all right next I'll a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second in favor I would anybody from the public like to be heard tonight come on up brid Rich how you doing well done every I agree for the record uh name and address Richard sundon 1033 Washington a can you just say that statement a little louder so the recording can get Tommy runs a heck of a good meeting all right thank you um yeah so so I I stopped by uh barl Hall last week to get a little more information regarding a letter that I received and then I was thinking a little bit more to get a little bit more information if I could about the sewer uh situation and regrettably um not here to throw anybody into the bus but I have to say the way that I was um handled by a young lady named Jesse coward I guess I don't have a history with her any kind of relationship so um walking in cold and meeting someone for the first time and being addressed the way I was was was not a was not a win for for that young lady I'll put it that way um in fact the response that I got was You're simply upset because you're not getting the answer from me that you want well the answer that I wanted was to get a little more information about a letter and I'll read the letter if I may you might be familiar with this already um I haven't been able to make the last meeting or so but just take a second and I'll read this it's is more or less a form letter I'm sure in 2002 your home was connected to the old mpal sewer system once connected Ed the property owner is required to pay an annual sewer flow charge which is in addition to your annual property taxes the purpose of this letter is to advise that during an audit of our books there is no record of the billing process nor payment of SE for the years 2002 through 2024 although you are responsible for the amount due from the time you connected to the Sewer till 2002 we are only billing you from January 1 2018 forward the total amount due is $434 09 so there's about 6 and 1/2 years worth of back charges as billing was inadvertently not done delinquent interest on this amount will be waved however it will be necessary to satisfy the amount due by June 7th 2024 payment can be made by cash check credit card Etc so as I say getting this letter um in of itself is a little bit of a surprise I I I would wonder how something like that happens um in the first place I recalled I don't know it's a while now but paying annual installments for the assessment which is a low interest interest loan that um those of us who hooked on paid back for 15 years um candidly I don't recall conversations or talk of an additional sewer flow charge being uh assessed as part of that um because quite frankly I might not have even hooked on my my parents didn't hook on and they're doing just fine on septic they've been on septic for 100 years and that's serving them well um so I I don't I don't have that recollection that there was talk at that time uh when we were proposed the opportunity to hook on that there would be ongoing annual sewer flow charges but being uh being in my line of work as I am I start to do a little bit of extrapolation here and and we'll come to maybe how this happened as as a question because I I would love some insight on that um but does anyone on the on the board know um on the council excuse me know how many residences in town are are hooked on to the municipal sewer system we do know that um I don't think there's anything we hiding I'm it's a thousand plus probably right it's not a full down but huh 1900 1900 so I was I was just doing some some you know ballpark back in napkin math um and again none of none of this is meant to be accusatory just educational as a as a resident and I I r with the number a thousand so I took the 2023 charge sewer flow charge of $688 times th000 residences that's 680,000 bucks around numbers if we're closer to 19900 round that up to 2,000 then of course we could virtually double right so million four almost um that seems like a lot of money we pay Bergen County Sewer flow charges to the county is that correct yep it's on a meter serviceu and we pay them a lot of money is a separate sewer utility because not everybody in town is on sewer We cannot put it in our taxes so it is a separate sewer utility it covers the we have seven uh pump stations in this town so that money really covers all the work and what goes to the and it's pretty but don't they raise us every year well we just approved tonight it went it went up right again because they raised us yeah I we do have equipment that goes into that sewer system we have uh you know we have people uh assigned to this to the Sewer Department we have a sewer Foreman uh so and the pump stations we live um it's almost a fulltime job it is yeah they say something when you live in the valley uh and we have to pump everything away I won't say what they say but you know where I'm going and and it's we got to pump all that away we're vertically challenged vertically challeng so this this is a joint right I mean we all share the sewer system right and you know there's there's a fixed cost to it and that cost through our budgeting process gets allocated across all the users right and so when there are non-payers and and again not intentionally unintentionally non pirs that cost increases for the rest of us that are using it right so you know for your situation you know you didn't know it fell through the cracks Etc um you know we get it right I don't know whose fault it would be but you know it it's paying the fair share of being connected for that period of time and in fact less period of time and without interest right so just basically saying can you please pay your fair share of that allocated sewer cost that unfortunately we all all had to pay anyway because of non-payers and not you specifically anyone that fell through the cracks EI one had a septic and when it came time to hook up it was about I think $8 to $9,000 to hook up and I went on a payment plan they hooked me up on my and I didn't I took my septic and filled it in and I started getting build for septic Char every year the sewer charges and there was a lot of people that were on the list that wer getting built and when we took our filing department and I it's it's been a while now I think at least 2 years because we lost that room to the files and certain people now there are other people beside you that were built and actually friends of mine that called me up and I explained it to them and we didn't go back 15 years in charge them all that it was a five to seven year area that we charg but everybody's been playing these sewer flow charges for lot of it has to with permits that did not close out and your permit had stayed open uh once we found out it had closed that is when uh for my sewer yeah your sewer permit a permit that was open it never had a final inspection why why would that I do not know it's too long ago the company so rich no one wants to get I don't I don't want to get a $4,000 Bill and say hey pay it I get it you know uh I think there were some where a dozen is or so um you know we do checks and balances I think someone said that earlier in our building department we different people in the building department with different people in Taxation and Finance and it was identified it was identified that there were you know I don't know the exact number but you know 10 to 14ish or so uh residents that was identified that they were hooked up to our sanitary sewer system that weren't paying the Bergen County Sewer flow it stinks when you get a letter like that in the mail I I I'm with you on that it stinks um but to be fair for the 1900 residents that have been paying it you know since 2002 or whenever they did that it it's fair I mean it's it's you know that's yours is going back over 20 years we're going back six years I be honest with you legally that you know that's that's where we can go back we can go back six years um is that is that the reason why um it went back to 2018 yes is that the that's the the legal parameter yes six years back that's okay okay because that was that was another question to it seemed a bit arbitrary and just so you know the calculation it it is you you were charged the fee for that year so you were in charge 6 years of this year's fee oh yes it's deline it was I have been paying that year and and how much of the overall charge is is is going to the BC U UA U as compared to because because when I don't know if it's if it's Miss or Miss coward um she explained it to me that there's a subsection within the DPW that um this cost these fees go to that subsection that sub Department within the DPW because they're the ones who are doing the maintenance and um parti yeah partially we again we run some Manpower through our sewer utility if you will or again as as Anna said it's a it's a it's a separate Department if you will it's a separate taxation if if I'm saying that correctly um so your 4,000 will go into maintaining that employee that equipment the the the fee that we have to pay to the county and everything else in between that um and that's what we do you know that's that's what when we collect that that dollars twice a year once a year twice twice a year when we collect that twice a year that's appropriated for that for that line item if you call it so um so it does not get mingled with the general Budget Truck very separate no it go it stays in that sewer uh Department if you will yeah it's not it's not going into a general fund where we're going to put new street lights up or something like that it's going into that into that into that sewer fund during during covid Rich we had a major problem because everybody was staying home and the whites they were putting them in the toilets and they were clogging our pump stations and our guys were going out and and again we can't go to the BCA and say by the way we need some extra overtime and this we got to take on that cost ourselves uh but and and with regard to to the to the actual assessment per resident is that the way it was explained to me is that it's a it's not a usage charge it's it's not a it's not a consumption item it's a flat for residents there's no meter on no there's no me it would be too cumbersome to do it the other way right only commercial properties will pay the actual flow flow because commercial properties are are Quantified and it would be impossible to quantify the residents everybody we'd have to charge it for a meter water meter would that be cumbersome very that expensive I'm an empty nest now Tom oh sure sure um yeah I mean look it's uh it's a lot less um okay that that explains um that explains a lot and that's helpful again that letter is not pleasant to get you know I get that and uh just to just to conclude um on behalf of the burrow behalf of myself personally I'm sorry you had a um uh a difficult conversation we'll call it with with a member of of our staff thank you for that and uh but I'm glad you came in we cleared up some things and again it's you know I'm sorry that you you didn't have the conversation I appreciate that and just a wrap um speaking of the sewer system when when this was installed um the the the Topography of Washington Avenue was changed it was modified they they messed up the the crown of the road to the extent that living right on Washington as the flow the rain flow actually flows from the street into my driveway and effectively floods my driveway into my backyard is there is that a recent uh Paving project County Paving issue that's County County Road and that's that's the response I get well it is I mean if we wanted to change your street we couldn't no understand but but as a resident and my faithful Representatives um the other side of that is what can we do to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem because I often hear that um I had a neighbor dispute and I was told when I came in years ago because a guy came out to my property and actually planted his trees on my property and when I asked him to move his trees off of my property three foot over the line I was told it was a neighbor dispute it was civil that I was here I was on a when it happened yeah was a civil matter well that's what our attorney said if I recall do have a number not not to get off base I'm sorry not to get off base um I was told it was several but it actually isn't because you have property borders and boundaries and when you have when you have soils and things yes and and and soil uh disturbance permits that are required for basically anything um and when when you plant 12T Blue Spruce in Colorado's on somebody else's property that's that's not acceptable that's not civil there should be there should be uh protocols within the municipality the borrow to represent a neighbor who's infringed upon and that didn't happen I was told off the record from someone um name named to remain anonymous anonymity is good um name to remain anonymous that um that that I actually was victim is the wrong word but imposed upon and the and the burrow should have taken action but the burrow didn't and it cost me thousands of dollars personally to R legal fees yes sir yes sir to remedy that out of pocket so again as a happy taxpayer and Resident at some point you know when when I'll just say I come here we come here and you are a trusted representatives and we love you for that the the the county and a civil response kind of knee-jerk while that might be at high level accurate it it it's it doesn't give a warm and fuzzy that you got my back and I don't mean that with any you know any disparaging undertones but when we do come here and you don't see me come here too often I do come here it's because something's important to me that matter that that matter that I had to deal with was a thousands of dollars legal piece that I incurred that was out of pocket I have no recourse the guy's trees are right up on the line cost me thousands of dollars every year to hire a tree service to maintain his trees because they infringe on my driveway and I have two choices I can I can either Scout these trees back to the stocks and how's that going to look for my property so I'll have the ugly side to me or I continue to pay Tree Service to come in at $5,000 a year and trim his trees which he is not maintained it's my side of the property that all could have been addressed years ago I could have saved the legal legal fees he could have he could have been forced to adhere to setbacks put a some sort of a retaining wall because he raised his side of the property a good two feet plus in terms of talking about soil movement two feet plus above mine um all of these things are are again important to to some residents and it would have been very very helpful then when I did appeal to Mayor and counsel at that time which I did and I was told the same exact thing that was a civil matter so I had to take that into my own hands in terms of the street and the flooding situation right now which is the other side of the sewers right it was great to get on sewers but not so great now because I have a long-term problem and I understand that's County Road and I understand the County's responsible for it but again being part of the solution as opposed to pointing to the sort of Boogeyman saying that's a county thing in Ty we can't do anything what could what could be done so um he was here tonight you missed him Tom scrable our Our Town engineer um I mean I put you in touch there he has contacts at the County uh I don't know what your flooding situation is is like I mean I know the neighborhood pretty well but uh we can certainly have our burough engineer talk to the County engineer and saying we're hearing from a resident that there's flooding uh you know in this area and during heavy rainstorms or so I mean flooding I I think is every meeting now you heard us talk about Fred Street flooding our affordable housing mandates aren't going to make that any better we're we're we're running out of we're running out of dirt uh that that uh water rain water is supposed to go go into um so uh but we can we can have like I can ask Tom to to kind of look at it talk to you get your get your take on it and talk to the County engineer and come back with saying the County's going to do nothing or we'll put it on the list of Perry Street U or Fred Street kind of drainage project um I don't still want to leave you hanging but we can have those conversations I need to connect another catch Bas into another lower position down the road it's not unheard of no they just did it on the wall I mean it's not so we we can ask him to to open that conversation he's not going to address your trees but if we can do something on but it also substantiates that there you know that there's you know with with rainfall incre and with you know the runoff generated by more impervious coverage that you know it's kind of good to have on the record we had a resident come in here and this these are the things that we're fighting for sure so thanks for coming and uh I can definitely talk to Tom about that we're about to you you heard us you know whether it's uh our housing element or or how we're going to satisfy the our affordable housing mandates and we're going to put a plan together we're going to tell them there's no way we can build that many units that you're going to tell us we have to build and one of the reasons as as councilman Boyce just said is I know where to put the rainwater yeah so these are all things that that work into that that plan that we're hopefully get some bright Minds together and and fight City Hall if you will yeah I I think uh the cash Basin idea would be very very welcome there's one to the south side of my property okay um with with my between my neighbor and me um the plant guy the tree guy yeah um that neighbor so that's the only catch Basin on on our side I think from the corner from the intersection ofro was a and um you know full disclosure uh Tom I I did speak with Tommy scrable years ago after this originally happened because in the winter time what happens is that that freezes up and I have trouble getting out just getting out of the drive on the ice and with the school traffic in the morning get you know gets a little bit challenging to get out sometimes the county did come out they broke it up they jacked it all up and then when they ped they poured it in the exact same exact same it was like a duplicate didn't so there was no elevation there was no there's no adjustment to the pitch and there was no conversation about having a a cash Basin installed but I think that would be very welcome I don't know if that's a solution either I mean he's an environmental guy he knows better than I do but uh maybe but we'll we'll explore it yeah if there's less water maybe the tree dies if there's less water going down then maybe the tree Stars h might solve your other problem yeah I I don't I don't joking um but uh with without uh further Ado thank you all very very much for giving me an audience here thank you good to see you all right would anybody else from the public like to be heard motion to close second moved all favor I motion to ajour move we're okay