go all right good evening everyone Welcome to our meeting in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the burough of ultap Pam and notice posted on the bullettin board at burough Hall please be advised that all meetings are videotaped and will be added to our website in the next couple of days and our fire exits please out fire exit located in the main entrance to the council chambers and in the rear of the council chambers back there um roll call please mayor gager here couni here Council Boyce here counc caraz herecan counc here counc here hey please join me stand and join me for a to the flag I pled Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right our first order of business tonight I understand we have some Champions uh among us tonight uh which is awesome thanks for uh thanks for coming to our meeting tonight and um we have a proclamation to read uh from the mayor and Council and from the all of ultan and I'll read this this is honoring the northern Valley Eagles 2023 Juniors football team whereas the northern Valley Eagles fifth and sixth grade boys football team had an undefeated season going 10-0 impressive whereas the northern Valley Eagles Juniors won the Bergen County Junior Football League Championship now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough alapan County of Bergen and the state of New Jersey on behalf of the mayor and Council and our residents honor the courage determination and success of the 2023 Northern Valley Eagles junior football team and do hereby Proclaim the admiration of our entire community and congratulate coaches Frank melli Mike Gracie Juan Marty Dennis poos and Ming Li and the team Fadi Idan Alex demiglio Lucas Khan Joseph melli Conrad wilinsky Carlos B bomo Harry Eder Ean Li Lucas post pus Zachary Zamba Alex Cho Conor Gracie Ryan Marty and Aaron snar hokan in witness thereof so congratulations all of [Applause] you can I get a can I get a picture with that great trophy so you guys know guys battle every year they're only 14 that's what's special about these guys we're going to read a lot about them they're the future nights for us you know they were down 127 with less than a minute drove down the field and uh punch it in for a touchdown wi game against West Westwood nice 40 kids on their Sidelines 14 kids these kids stuck it out when you talk about Poise talk about mental toughness but talk about teamship and um you know little Champions that's what you see right here and we're going to read a lot about these guys we thank you guys for taking the opportunity really appreciate bless [Applause] hold that hold that trophy in the middle all right come on everybody here the middle why we have the ks in front show there show any your rings by the way show them your rings I really don't like my kids didn't have that let's look at me for one second all right we'll do we'll do me first one two three going tell them what to say cheese Tom congratulations guys congratulations conratulations thank you good job guys right there would look great in one of those sweatshirts what do you [Music] think you know Jesse you hand one out you got to hand them out for everybody you know right am thanks oh very impressive good job coaches yeah like a memor Steve welcome I could only tell you laughing the last one I heard some said oh that last moment wow the time holding it into the last J I know honestly did I couldn't have done a better job know the other guy the head coach remember him on the recission maybe his dad's a we good yes all right um next order of business are some board appointments and um for councilwoman misso okay thank you Mr Mayor uh I would like to nominate for appointment for the Board of Health Gina Park um she's a nvot graduate class of 2019 Rucker's graduate 2023 and for the historical committee Brian Davidson second the both okay any discussion roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay next is our consent resolution for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the folling resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion in the same having been previously reviewed by each council person B andr hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the Bureau of ultan bills and claims release cash Bonds in escrow refund Street opening permit shared services fuel dual storage tanks auction of vehicles approval of street name AA Lane and drainage easement 11 ampur way you have a second second any discussion on these n roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay do we have any new business shouldn't we bring up the um the resolution that Westwood talked about yeah I forwarded it kind of late so I don't know if everyone had a uh a chance to look at um um I forget the name of the uh don't have it with me basically the same what uh that we read last year yeah opposing A4 s50 affordable housing revisions um you know I read the whole thing I think it's kind of tied towards Westward a little bit I read something about blue acres and I don't think we have any blue acres in there I'm not suggesting that we don't do something similar but I think we would definitely clean up the language a little bit would you agree sure yeah so I don't know if you want to act on that tonight or I think I think the league of municipalities also has taken a position with regard to that we may want to look at uh at whether they have a template resolution okay okay could you look into that okay um and we can add that to uh to the next time once everyone really has a chance to um look at that a little closely I did again I read the Westwood and it just seemed a little bit specific for uh for them any old business no okay um okay motion to adjourn oh sorry um a motion open the meeting to the public sove move move second anyone from the public like to be heard motion to close second all in favor I any motion to ajour don't Mo second okay we are adjourn all right let's roll into the uh executive meeting um roll call please mayor gallager here Council BAGI here councilman Boyce here Council here councilwoman misso here councilman you here okay good evening Tom good evening hey Tom hi [Music] Tom I actually don't have a report on anything new um but if there are any questions I'll try to answer them yeah it's Wolf Road drainage that yeah the structures have been delivered I those the ones by Kinder Care by the yes okay yeah I don't have an exact date but it's obviously imminent I'll I will reach out as soon as I have that just send me a text or let me give me a couple days ahead yes for sure sure Tom I just added you to an email chain I guess on the uh down by Bonville Park um he last house on the right in Old Japan their concern at the new bridge you know all I did I don't need any comment from you I just figured you should be in the know and I you probably were even prior you know I think that's been discussed over the years probably and yes um I'm going to go look at it um but I I don't know what I'm looking at but I I'll go take a look at it and uh you know they're concerned on um that the I guess in layman's terms is the bridge was raised a little bit in order to get the bridge a little higher I guess the road had to be a little higher and it's creating like a damning uh where the natural flow would come onto their they've always been in a flood zone would would flow onto the property and then with the road when it was lower it would just flow over the road and go into that waste area I guess you'd call it and then just take the the natural path down they're saying now now however higher the road is it's creating a damning thing it's sending it back it's going back into the river and it's eroding their their river bank so yeah I think all you can do is look at it uh if there's something site specific that maybe could be done to help them with the issue but obviously the the big picture is the bridge and the road and that's not going to change so it's pretty limited what the burrow can do especially since it's not even within our jurisic it was a county project wasn't it County project and it's all state regulations that funding now um available for houses that flood you could look into that if they were really interested in selling but I don't think why do they call it blue Acres because the water is allegedly blue even though we all know it's brown oh boy and I don't know I don't know how much you know like what they pay for them um Town loses of course ta but might be something want to look at yeah and I know so someone from D I think said that there's grants out there to I guess Shore up do some sort of embankment you know build up the embankment but I'm sure that's not feasible I guess I'll use the DP will let you armor the bank for a certain distance um sounds like they're being a little lenient honestly in this case because technically even if the county was the or applicant and now the homeowner came as a secondary applicant any armoring that's already been done should be taken away from what they're allowed to do the owners are allowed to do and it seems like maybe they're going to give them a little leeway on that um but still it's it's it's expense and it's a permit process and I'm not sure it's something they even want to get involved in guessing not but gu the homeowner saying they they they shouldn't have to get involved in it this is not my problem you created this right that's what they're saying yeah and that's what I would be saying too if I was to the county yes action they can I guess you couldve you do of course you can an endless process but probably can a county dredge the river to make it deeper so it flows they don't can't do that either they can't do that either Viola has to do that if it's even allowed okay you can remove sediment you can remove debris it's very limited what you can do in the actual Chan boy do you have a County engineer contact I do maybe they he may have been on that list sure they think on believe he okay yeah I think it's it's worth hearing what they have to say um but again our ability to do anything is going to be really limited yeah all right that's it that's like I said I just on just so you're in the in the loop thanks anything El Tom I have one quick thing um back in the day we had discussed uh silt that had been going into stelan park Vis V the work at The Enclave back when that soil was all Disturbed and moving around um do you feel at this point all the soil is stabilized and they've removed all the sediment control measures and whatever silt has been deposited in the park will be what's been deposited in the park and we could ask them to clean it up now before we issue the final cosos yeah I think the site is definitely stabilized so I'm not wor about any real additional accumulation of silk I know kov did some work they had somebody down there um removing some debris okay it was one machine for a day or so so I'm not sure how much impact they've had I think we should look at it again and decide how much work is really necessary and and if if it's worth it we Now's the Time to get him to do it now the time um I'm going to be available this week spending some time with Andy at the golf course um once that time firms up I'll check and see if you're available you can join us sure okay yeah any uh jurisdiction there for Bergen soil conservation or no if there's silk going in the water and Etc and um yeah the only jurisdiction would be penalties right okay yeah um I don't even know that they would make them remediate I think they would just they could enforce RIS and penalties okay um and again it's the same situation that we were just talking about on a much smaller scale um how much can you do in in the channel I mean they can go in there and scrape out what's clearly silk that's been deposited there um and we're going to have to just take a best guess at which silk came from 200 f came from in the water or something yeah yeah so it's it's it's definitely a gray area and I don't want the burrow to get in hot water with the DP over it um if there's something that we can do that's simple that can improve the situation I think that's worth it but beyond that I think we got to be a little careful hey Tom has the EXO station stopped putting uh adding to the back there they stopped adding I know that DP enforcement was on to them um I don't see that back and forth once they get involved so I don't know what the but he's not doing it anymore Hing what you say he put He put a bunch of Phill behind the Exon station in what um I don't think it was flood plane but it's it was definitely Wetland or Wetland buffer wetland yeah I mean really yeah do we know why was he wasn't getting flooded I don't think I don't know why I mean it's like wood chips right yeah there's definitely some soil there's he took some trees down see Tre it's been like he not using it for anything forever since I've been a kid it's been it's been just like that and it never had issues of flooding that I know of I don't think you would go to that expense unless he had a bunch of filia to get rid of or he intends to use it at some point in time um but there's no real use going on right now it was just filled in okay anything else thanks Tom thank you thank you Tom thanks Tom all right Council committee reports let's start to my left tonight eloman miss Arrow thank you Mr Mayor um the youth Council new new group we held our first meeting on January 25th with strong interest in attendance from a broad range of high school students from different grades backgrounds and towns um Joseph Lang grade 12 helped organize our meeting he has been in attendance at previous meetings here he wants to set up a structure that's sustainable for a youth Council even after he graduates in June so there were uh students from each grade grad which was I thought a a great structure that he already had set um there was a strong interest in volunteerism that was their main thread they they weren't asking much of us they were asking what they could do which is very refreshing to hear from uh our youth um they were asking about summer youth employment opportunities at the Town level and our discussion was about uh examples of how they can get involved including attending mayor and Council meetings to learing about local government uh I will be sending sending them the agenda um for the meetings in advance so they can see you know what will be discussed if there's anything that they have an interested in or that they want to speak about um they also talked about helping spread the word on social media for town events uh for example you know a recreation movie night or uh Town day things like that that they would help spread the word but also about connecting our teenagers to help the town address its need for young people to get involved for example with the EMS and other uh volunteer opportunities and they wanted to create events and spaces for teens to meet in the same way that the town has created new opportunities for other age groups um they talked about the the pickle ball courts being really nice for you know a lot of people and that that they're also looking for not not a space not necessarily but a common that we discussed Oaks Park as a great place for for meetings in the future so that was kind of our consensus and like I said they want to volunteer at the town level for events and get involved so I thought that was really refreshing to hear from our our youth uh Board of Health their monthly meeting will be February 21st via Zoom they continue their mental health book club meetings at the library and their mayor's Wellness Campaign which you can see on the new sign in bright red they have their activities is when the red pops up that's how you know it's the mayor's Wellness campaign uh new appointee Gina Park as I said recent graduate of Ruckers University and nvot class of 2019 um and that's another example of another young person wanting to join our ranks in Civil Service which is very encouraging when I spoke with her um Recreation meeting is tomorrow night uh opening day for spring Sports is April 27th and I've been working with Gloria uh to address some of the um reimbursement issues for coaches with officials Jesse gave her some great suggestions so um I created a sample draft that I will show at tomorrow night's Rec meeting it's a Google form that they could fill out and have a central location so we're going to sample that with the group tomorrow and see what they think and lastly historical uh decide to meet every fourth Thursday at 7:30 in the senior center basement next meeting is February 22nd 7:30 our new appointee is Brian Davidson and the historical committee continues to grow under the leadership of Karen dodard who's doing Goddard who's doing a great job activities include guest speakers potential for historical tours of the town and the area and interactive maps of ultan's history at Town day that uh Mr Petra had helped work on as well and that's it Mr Mayor okay thank you councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor um police report I'll have a formal report at our regular meeting in in two weeks but as far as what's going on generally right now uh we have a uh police chief and myself have been talking about making possibly and I'm bringing this up for discussion here tonight a three-way stop sign on Howard Drive where Howard Drive meets Charles Place which would be just south of that dead end that goes in towards the wi Howard Charles intersection oh no it's only only one yeah behind the football you know right by galin's house um so it's a thought it would definitely slow we we met you call a couple meetings ago we had people in here for residents we were talking about um parking no parking signs and they were concerned about speeding and and they're right because I'm on that road all the time like many of us are uh we talk about traffic bumps and our our police chief said yeah but you know people get tired of that noise all the time and I understand that uh so that's one way to do it traffic bumps but three-way stop and you'd put a crosswalk there at the same time Crossing from west to east just because uh so three-way stop and then I was suggesting a cone in the center of the street with a sign at least for a year says watch out or says something you know something whether they be lighted stop signs like we've seen around you know we see the one on orange rug road if anybody seen the one end of Hillsdale Avenue if you're coming towards ultap pan you come to the end of Hillsdale Avenue you're going to make a left there a lighted lights up when you get there something like that something to slow people down and I think that would certainly work they did I don't know if you know this they put one of those speed limit yes that's that's my next part of my report actually quasi temporary or yeah it's quasi temporary so that's there it does slow people down but Joe said the new ones now also uh take radar so they can go back that last they can go back and say hey even if it's not lit off it it collects data hey that guy can go that guy was going 50 you know and you could well what he says it comes when someone comes in in here and it says everyone's doing 5050 down that street he can pull data from past 60 days he can prove said there were three people that did 50 but the average speed limit you know on the four billion cars that went up and down that street was 38 a half or something so yeah you can collect data that way so that's something to think about the signs up now Andy just moved it back over there I was hoping for a resident to be here from Howard Drive but they're not here tonight but that's okay uh so something to think about uh that stop sign issue so think about it we'll talk about it at next meeting in a couple of weeks and you know run it by anybody you want to run it by uh the engine that we were getting from Norwood is coming out of their vehicle into our vehicle it's in the works so within a week or two I'm throwing that number out there I don't know anyway it's in the works so should it's eminent let's say uh what else lock your doors uh Joe said there's been some issues isues in burrow of cler with um some people that came here from Texas if you recall on buses to New York City and there was been some issues in close to us in the burrow of closer but it's you know closer to us and uh there's more organized uh people sealing cars not that that happens to be from that bus tour or anything I'm just saying that just happens to be more organized more uh Tech more savvy um more professional car Steelers so lock your doors that's all I can tell you right now uh next meeting I'll have a formal report like I said and think about the three the three-way stop and we'll talk about it then unless anybody has any questions for me what a chief I had um a while back you know kind of right by Gallagher field you know I I watched that I watch the speed on that road sometime especially during you know Little League season and things like that and I suggested something I you know I'm not a traffic engineer I don't get all that but you know at Charles and Irving there do right and uh well I don't know you know maybe when you continue your conversation with the chief you can just say what about here right and he might you know say you know whatever okay well I'm also going along with other other things that are posted around town Rivervale now has uh license plate readers at every entrance to Rivervale main entrance we're going to have that mhm the Joe's proposing that mhm and I and he said you know if we have a robbery we can go back to the camera we I said but I said AR so you find out that that BMW was at the at the robbery but it was also stolen so it's really not helping you he goes yeah that's that's true he goes but there's going to be some times that that at least we'll know who's coming in who's coming out yeah he mentioned I think in his budget I think he yeah I wasn't here I know what he talk he mentioned that uh I guess looking both ways at uh Central and OT you know so that you you know it you know looks after our business district there and it gets you know east to west and then down towards the high school and right so I would be in agreement to to have something like that but yet to be spoken about that's all I have thank you uh councilman coraz thank you Mr Mayor um construction I want to summarize and then give you something for January but the summary of uh 23 was um new construction 34 11,6 73,000 15 additions 2,294 th000 555 alterations 9,1 192,000 and nine demolitions for a total of 23, 265,000 in permits in 23 we took in $579,500 one new addition uh one new house 12 alterations and one demolition totaling and River Railroad salted burrow own properties and schools cleaned Haring foot path and B and Mana drainage piping plowed snow storms repaired plows trucks and Salters inspected playgrounds requested Coates for DPW building upgrades had storm water training picked up bucket truck from repair shop started stonepoint Park pickle ball light project ran new wiring to B burall sign which the sign is up now um snaked Firehouse toilet and wasteline uh okay started tree removal uh removals updated policy procedures for DPW retrain the crew on sewer jet truck and utility truck and repaired the ceiling at the golf course and that's the end of my report Mr Mayor thank you very much cman voice oh thank you thank you Mr Mayor so um the veterans committee will be meeting on February 15th instead of this Thursday because of the conflict with our budget meeting um that meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. and uh there's talks about us visiting other locations the first probably would be the Norwood American Legion to uh add a little more excitement to those meetings they are still very excited about the upcoming uh potential work at Oaks Park the golf course um experienced a lot of play on Saturday the parking lot was full that was great the restaurant was full because playing around the golf in kind of cold weather leads to trying to warm up in the restaurant which is terrific um I'm meeting Andy from our DPW there this week to review the course grounds and make sure that keer is keeping up with their Promises of giving us the best care from their groundskeeper um we then have a meeting with them on site and also Ray Donnelly is looking to weigh in on some of the uh course uh modifications that could make it even even better uh the environmental commission is requires some reappointments apparently Larry we and Nora man uh you know have run out so we would like to re set that up for reappointment maybe at the next meeting um and excuse me Larry's not going to be on no I can think just expired it just expired everyone that was expiring yeah we did January 2nd we did reappoint but they probably didn't do their anyone who whose term expired 1231 we did we did it at reor all right so they uh I'm sorry I missed that then um but then we do have a vacancy so we're debating who will fill those shoes Gary who left and then with regard to the planning board our meeting next week uh they will all be in receipt of the new tree ordinance prior to the meeting and uh during my Council liaison report I'll ask for feedback or if there's a more appropriate time I can ask for feedback on that so I can bring that information back to the council one other thing for the planning board if you can we we uh our goal is to get the master plan either updated or complete new master plan uh this year so so uh if you can just advise them that that's something we're looking to do and maybe I don't know the answer to this BR maybe you do uh we're working off our 2006 master plan and I think in 2016 we just kind of updated it We examined it do we have to when is every 10 years you have to do a reexamination what happens after that 10 years is over meaning do we have to we can just reexamine then the 2016 yeah 2026 yeah yeah we want to get ahead of uh without doing a whole new one you're saying yes right yeah yeah could we just take uh jump off to 2006 which I think is the last time we did a full re-exam yeah okay you don't have to do you could just do a re-examination but um the way to get it started is for this body the mayor and Council to authorize the planning board and direct them to reexamine the master plan right then we have to bid it I I guess we have to put it out for bid no you can do an RFQ and just have whatever planner okay they're using do it okay um all right well we want to do it in 24 because we want to get ahead of 25 a lot of my towns are are doing it now okay all right I did have an informal conversation with one of the planners from Burgess Associates and he recommended also that we jump ahead a little bit so I will bring that up at the next Council Le on report to the planning board and suggest that maybe at our next mayor and council meeting we authorize authorize the RFQ RFQ yeah okay I believe that and you have one vacancy on planning board for an alternate and one on environmental you said right that's correct uh if you find that amongst your group if you come up with it someone just send me an email and see that um we'll get it added for a future meeting perfect I will okay can I ask Bill a question um any plans come through for the PNG building yet on Su no plans cuz I saw they they put fence around the around the property they out okay all right and it was my understanding that they were looking for a variance free application okay which means site plan they're going to go in front of the planning board with the site plan okay anything else not for me no no golf uh no it's okay we did a little golf golf we did golf that's right we a busy Saturday a busy Saturday okay counsman you thank you Mr Mayor you well thank you Mr Mayor uh report of the seniors that we're sort of entering the quiet period for our senior citizens activity should start picking up again around April report of the schools pre-k registration has begun applications are due on March 25th this is prek uh there are very very limited spaces available and seats will be chosen by Lottery uh the clost for student is $111,000 for the school year kindergarten registration for the next school year is open until March 28th and all the information can be found on our ultan schools website report of the fire department our volunteers had a pretty busy month in the month of January um they responded to 26 calls one one call was a call for a to put out a a grill on fire at a local restaurant and one was for a call to put out a car on fire in one of the residents driveway thankfully nobody was hurt and everybody made it home okay some of the extra activity for the month of January quite a few members attended an IC 200 class which amounted to 9 hours of classroom work uh over three nights uh the fire department gave a tour to the Boy Scouts last month hopefully they'll Inspire some to one day sign up as Junior Firefighters and the fire department also took care of one of their own by attending wake and funeral services for life member Chester pelowski May rest in peace a report of the ambulance um total calls for the N month of January were 49 total number of in town calls were 27 uh the total number of of um so that means M total number of mutual a calls were 12 which amounts to about half of what we respond to in town um some of the extra duties they performed this month they taught CPR in first a to the nvot junior health class at no charge they presented at the nvot EMS Club they taught CPR to the women's clubs to the Women's Club and they hosted the Cub Scouts in their facilities as they prepared for their annual kondik Derby competition and i' just like to mention that I received an email from Jesse and um I found a very informative little eye opening I'm sure everybody took a look at it the difference between a uh paid as a burough employee as opposed to being paid as a uh as a uh from a separate organization when they presented I know they mentioned something like this but they they told me it wasn't going to work because we still would have difficulty finding EMTs to hire so we have to really take that at count when we when we make decisions uh you know going forward so um I will bring this up with the leadership there and I'll try to get their input for the next meeting and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you J see I it was late in the day I know when you sent sent that out I didn't see the uh um could you run just a I think you had family down or no you had single and spouse or something like that for could you do a single one medical condition what's that one medical plan for all so they use the we use employe SP it could be reduced to a single person so if they're single which about $15,000 15 versus the 20 I don't have it in front of me so about 15 okay 15 okay did you send me that uh that number also in the spreadsheet and then my other comment there and I did some quick I don't know again just to make that proposal whole for everyone to be able to consider um what does I'll just use like I guess maybe I'll use even though they're contractual but uh so sick sick time personal time so about three personal days so you have going to have to cover four shifts right so let's say three personal days at 12 that's 36 hours time 2 would be 72 hours then they get vacation after a certain amount of time I think yeah because that's a simp that's I did a quick little I had five personal I think just because I didn't know and Vac I just used you know 10 days which is 2 weeks well after 120 20 days you would still start brewing the PTO time that actually comes out to another five days after one year after one year so what do they start with what would that one only starts one huh well it's not if they're sick if they going to a doctor's appointment they're the PTO was like different that on the state that's the way like every 39 hours or something they get something or all right just if that could because that was a great exercise and it was as as JY said eye opening but just so we understand because any time off would be covered by perdum at 25 no benefit so again my quick quick quick estimate was like $122,000 just but not you know using two weeks vacation five six days and five personal days so if that's not accurate let's just figure out what it what it would be um and then we can make a decision once we get like my email said um we got a decision to make you know as a group and uh let's I want to just make sure we have all the facts and figures okay thank you and you're reaching out to the hospitals as well name is going to be sending us proposal ha had two options I'm waiting to see was called and Anglewood uh do not it okay so what I'd like to do POS I'd like a month from now uh whatever the I think it's March 4th if we can kind of have a meeting public meeting's fine it's you know it's public funds and have some representatives from the core here and go over hospital do it ourselves do nothing you know do nothing is an option you know cross our fingers and say hey let my Comm and the county come you know saw the I going to work the other day at 8: in the morning I saw Bergen County at Sunrise like oh I I thought Sunrise was under contract so things are crazy things are messy right now so I just want to make sure that we have all the facts and figures so that this Council can make uh the best decision for the residents of ultan you want to do a regular council meeting I'll try to organize can I ask Jen question yeah Jen did you have any addition conversation with r I am still waiting to I am still waiting for them to get back to me I just emailed them two days ago and I'm trying to schedule up meeting for this week would their CFO be in sync with our CFO yes I had an email with uh with their per administrator and um he didn't know which way it was going but they really did he said it wasn't a great idea to hire um new employees for the buau but they didn't know which way they were going okay so I don't know the mayor's you know who knows yeah the mayor in in theory you know on the surface says Hey listen we got similar issues um we'll take everything under consideration as well um so that's why I said you know this there's going to be a time and point that we just we have to make some sort of decision and move on and that's could be a couple of you know three options or so and let me ask you a question did the bur administrative reach out to the three hospitals to look at an alternative to help during the week we suggested when when Jen and I met with their mayor we suggested that they do that yeah I said I said make that phone call I didn't go further with that yeah but that's that he they they should do that yeah and I told them I said make that phone call get get all you know your in a row so oh if I could just add something that you just reminded me I had received an email from a resident um very concerned about the situation that we're in with our EMS Services um this person's spouse was waiting for 45 minutes for an ambulance one day and one from a mutual Aid Town showed up and like I said she she is genuinely concerned that incident did not happen it didn't happen in town but it it could happen in any town really where we have volunteer services or even paid Services right so she was kind of relying on a paid service to come but it took them 45 minutes to show up to uh the person's person's house or workplace and she seems entirely sold on the idea that we need to hire EMTs God bless to resolve this issue so what does that mean does that mean that because she thinks that we should hire she's not going to be the only one she will not be the only one that has nothing to do with that she's not going to be the only one the lack of emps why is there such a lack of emps it's a great job put tremendous the schooling and then the continuous schooling cus and it's it's it's crazy probably over 180 hours to get trained as an em that is just to your point as res they had a personal experience I get I get that and again I'll go back to we're going to get all the facts and figures and we're going to make an educated decision based on having all of the facts and I agree that's that's my goal yep nobody wants to throw good money after bad right we need to resolve this issue some way or another okay all right we're good there yep so you know maybe a month we can get on the on the agenda tie it all together and say this is the direction that the burrow is going to take J could I ask you just one quick question I'm sorry to Sure labor this subject but the daytime calls which are the most challenging for us to cover it's my understanding what percentage of those daytime calls in town were we able to cover with our current staff it wasn't broken our daytime calls represent about 60% of our total I think it may have been in the presentation if you still have a copy of that if not so just that fact um just that fact alone you know who volunteers these days who are who represents our volunteer Ambulance Corp I they're mostly younger people who have another job who go out of town for their job and then come back home you know so our overnight responses are definitely higher than our our daytime responses yeah oh we have fewer then okay I was just I'll look in the uh presentation but the thing is even if we have I know the percentage was kind of high of what they were covering and not throwing off to myom but even so the handwriting is on the wall uh it's we have to be proactive we have to be ready when all of a sudden there's zero people applying to be EMTs in in our town and young people coming up but because that's coming we've been saying it for years but now it's getting a little more focused a little more this is going to happen I've had family members who have relied on the old depan EMTs to arrive and if it was not if they hadn't arrived in a timely fashion you know things would be different today I said that last meeting I said even one person that's delayed is too many and that's going to AFF that's that that point is going to factor into this council's decision so but let's get all the information um and and go from there I'm confident that uh this Council will make the best decision for the residents of all hey before we adjourn um what JY reported about uh I just want to mention Chad pelowski again uh Jen mentioned he's a 36 year member of our fire department life member um we just had a service for him the other day was very well-run like let me put a good word in for our chief Brian Morgan Brian is really good Brian he'll ask me he'll ask Tom he'll ask Joe Pula older guys hey what did we do in the past and he'll listen to us and not think that uh you know he can do it all he's and then he it's collaborative uh discussion and then he says okay this is what we're doing and he does it and I'm very even keeled and he he he really runs a good show I'm very impressed with how he how he's being Chief but getting back to chat I think sometimes our members they don't get enough I don't know what do you want to call it FaceTime you know they don't get enough time here on the de or time in the newspaper or time because he's 93 my dad would have been 93 this year and I didn't realize you read the oit you're like you ever read an obit you're like wow I didn't know all those things that that guy did he did a lot of things I revered coach and athletic director at Pas guy kills revered from what I can tell I think there's a gym named after him I'm not sure something's named after him P kills his kid his kids grew up here I went to school with him with his with his oldest boy anyway three kids and they've all been success ful and we even drove past his house that he doesn't live at anymore because it was important to the family because ultap pan was important to that family and although Chad never he never sought a higher office he was a steady reliable volunteer in our fire department and from what I heard EMS before us but that was before my time and uh I just think you think of you know remember him his name's going to be on our on our Stone within a month and our on our plaque and he's a good guy um my comments just quick um you know the importance of uh our budget session our final one coming up on Thursday everybody read my my email that um you know all hands on deck to pull this thing together to present a responsible budget and uh there's certain you know Big Ticket items to talk about so um um hopefully we can get through that on uh on Thursday uh last point is I did did uh speak briefly with Brian tonight about 244 o pan Road I asked him if he could get some sort of update starting to hear certain things I don't even want to mention them um so I just want to know if there's any kind of update if uh the developer still intended to build and you know those are some of the things I starting to hear about so I asked Brian to get involved it's it's in a but they have to postone a little bit because um Gail price who was the attorney for them her husband had a Massive Attack okay anyway uh I just asked Brian to peek around a little bit and see if he can get some information for us update on this so um that's all I have a motion toj Jo so move second it in favor all right a