well but I have to go to the back yes okay um but if there is a valet when it's the end of the night is the valet coming from the back almost around and and then the car is pointed up the driveway under the Portico or is it facing the street uh it's facing uh South I don't know what South is it's facing towards Dearborn facing towards Dearborn so but on what side of the building door will be approximate to the building under the P under so it it would be as though I had just come in so when I get in my car when the valet gives it to me I have to drive around to the back and then come all the way back around to exit oh he just goes straight to make a left straight to make a okay I don't know the setup right bring right right now how many parking spots do you have in the front of the building question I think it's about 20 10 11 I may be wrong so I may be wrong okay so operationally the valets are going to be huffing a lot further distance to get back to the front of the building right 10 10 other call doesn't make that much difference when you have four four valet guys it's one to to a guy so that's kind yeah and as you said operationally if it if you need more you'll you make the tweets and you make and 10 spot yeah yeah I don't I have a problem with the fact that you're not foll following the guidelines of the town but I also understand that that business that you're in um basically that's almost a standard to be able to do outdoor ceremonies um so I I feel for you but uh we have a tough decision ahead of us I appreciate that thank you okay that's all I have yeah Mr amrani what year you started the business or or you took 2002 200 to and there was a resolution in 1985 for the previous owner do you know if the previous owner was using outdoor ceremonies yes only one question and uh uh during your exploration of building a circular driveway in puar in the Ator space was it it all explored to perhaps move the outdoor ceremony anywhere else in the property maybe away from the property lines at all at this time if you ask me that's the most secluded spot in the property probably the most peaceful have you been in a property many times so I would love to take you for a tour um you don't have to I've been there many times no but thank you for the ceremony here um the most secluded uh is B this from everybody except Mr lady um that's the most secluded area that I can find it I'm trying to be honest so it is closest to Mr Ley but it's farest from everybody and and come we'll go for the tour again go no um I'm going to just bring back up because I know I mentioned it to I think it was the uh engineer first and then the architect about the walkway between the current circular and the coming from the back and with the extension being built you're going to consider and we're going to make that part of any kind of agreement that there's got to be an additional walkway allowing people to walk without being in the street when we come back and see you in August we'll have a revised plan right okay that was one of the things uh I don't do we have any other questions on uh by our panel all right I'm going to open it to the public anyone from the public like to be heard please come forward identify yourself yeah I will stop hi I'm Christy long I live at 10 Dearborn Drive my backyard looks right into the um cocktail room and where the extension is going to take place so that's where I live um I've been there about a year and a half almost 2 years so myself my husband and my fellow neighbors um are concerned because the outdoor ceremonies are not allowed they haven't been allowed and they continue to do to take place and now we also know we've been meeting um that the owner of the old P men are is looking to have a permanent outdoor ceremony speak so as he mentioned he's been doing this anyway and it's illegal so we do not feel that it is in our best interest as Property Owners to allow taking going forward a permanent outdoor St speak it's it is loud enough the cars the people people that work there the employees the valet parking you know you name it everybody that comes and goes out of there it's very very noising and then when you add on an outdoor ceremony and you don't know what you're going to get it it it's all sorts of of things you don't know I mean we've heard everything there's a on the front lawn there's a gazebo there's activity in the Gazebo I know there's activity in the far Corner which has the patio you you just don't know we're going to get and it's very unfair and like the owner said these events take place April through November which is when we're out on our yard we're trying to have a good time with our family okay so I'm going to ask you where you in we need to have a question to the the question is we would like you to stop that's a statement would you please stop can you stop the outdoor and it's making it very hard for us to get behind you and wanting to do something like a permanent outdoor ceremony when all along you're not allowed to do it and every weekend he and you're not allowed to do it I'm a business owner my husband we need a question I'm sorry my question is would you stop we're not the position to do that sorry so the answer is no he will not stop it's illegal and he will not stop that correct to put this in context the outdoor ceremonies he has a right to ask and make a case I mean that's the point he's asking for a waiver of that the applicant has a right to come before board and make a case and so as a quasi judicial body the board has to act as a judge and jury based on the evidence so that's why we have we're limiting you right now to questions to to elicit information for the board you'll have an opportunity to to to to express your concerns but the applicant has an absolute right to be here to ask it'll be up to the board based on the testimony and the proof whether or not there's been sufficient evidence to support an approval if not it'll stop if it's approved there'll be conditions or whatever that'll be a board decision but just so you understand it's it's a process and and they have the right to come and ask that doesn't mean they get what they ask for right now it's not allowed so that's that's a different issue this board is not an enforcement body they're judges so they have to deal with the evidence have have you or your neighbors ever all the police to complain about the noise so one of the neighbors has um it's a process and you know we don't want to involve the police I guess they have bigger problems and we don't really know what the protol and but she can I have a question so you said you live 10 deer board yeah and you hear the wedding ceremony that takes place on the other side of the property by Mr Mrs Ley yeah well it depends it you know usually there's like a microphone you hear you hear the people you know you hear you just hear the outdoor you know 150 people you okay like I said to Mr Levy earlier let's wait until we have the acoustical people here let see what they have to say because if I understand that the architect is including in the building a automatic buffering system so it won't like here and that's loud the buffering system I would do that and that's what you would hear not this so maybe we can wait to hear what the acoustical people have to say I get what you're saying and I said it before I just have a hard time you know ask for forgiveness instead of permission um I I don't know I mean it's a very expensive situation the $300,000 to do that then what if it doesn't work that's the wall we don't know what the acoustical thing is going to be the wall or the fence or the whatever I don't know I'm just I'm just here to ask a question well you will have an opportunity later on if you wish to come forward and testify as to why you feel your position is is more than warranted and just other than why it's illegal and why he shouldn't do it and why it's it's infringing on your use of your property and such and also also your other uh you know um neighbors could could also come forward and uh and you'll have a opportunity to rebot this application for our consideration when the overall uh consideration for this application is is going to be uh done by us so um you know this is just a question for this particular witness that you're asking and obviously you're entitled to it and we understand what you're saying but there'll be a time later on in this application that you can come forward and uh and bring Witnesses and such that you wish to bring forward for our consideration as to why the position of not allowing that is in the best interest of the town and the neighbors you know okay okay I appreciate that yeah all right thank you thank you listening I appreciate it are all the rest of the Charlie esteem neighbors no what I I'd like to see if there's any other neighbors like to come forward yes please I was going to ask if they're all going to say the same thing well we might we'll find out I am hi Joseph I'm rich Rous of 26 Dearborn I've been to many weddings where we around outside drinks Cocktails so on and so forth I think it's well established that you're having outdoor unauthorized weddings I hear I hear the word ceremony and I'm almost getting the impression that it's ceremony and everybody goes inside no outside Milling no that's not said okay that's what I'm asking is there a wedding ceremony that's conducted outside followed by perhaps cocktail hour uh uh Milling around uh on the patio uh joking around talking to neighbors relatives ask that's my question okay so our request is only for S I'm asking about now well even now uh I I don't serve people outside we don't serve outside we don't Serv some outside we don't bring food outside we don't bring drinks outside we don't bring dessert outside if someone wants to go outside and get away from me for 5 minutes and smoke cigarettes I can't help it if someone wants to go outside take a picture I can't help it but I don't sa anything outside I I don't pide them with food I'm not asking it you sir I'm asking are there people that congregate outside after the wedding he just mentioned that how people smoking outside and otherwise so the answer is yes he just testified so the answer is yes they could go outside and smoke a cigarette I can't stop them can they have cocktails can they mve around can they hang out I've done it at weddings sir I don't serve them if somebody takes a ask if if somebody takes the drinks and they they want to go outside and have it Scotch outside and smoke a cigarette I can't stop that okay now under this and it's inappropriate to stop under this application I heard many times that it's all about a 45 minute wedding ceremony but actually there's going to be people outside that you can't stop even though you're not serving them we're asking we're asking for an organized activity out if I may if I may correct you on that our ceremonies followed by a hour m in our was we do the ceremony and people are dying to go have a drink and eat something so there's no reason to stay outside and we direct them to go to the C area to enjoy the drinks and the food if one or two want to stay outside it happens but 90% 95 % 98% are dying to get inside the cocktail area and eat even though it may be a beautiful blue sky day they're not going to want to have their drink and their snack outside Joey's asking the same question then you've already answered I okay thank you okay so but there lies The Dilemma right the ceremony is fine everybody will Rush inside for a drink but there's always a group and if the group is a young group and they don't like the music 25 of them will be outside the whole night drinking unated this application it's part of our decision as to whether to allow the outside ceremony and the noise spillover that takes place as part of a business event you can't control it but trust me it happens you know it happens happens at every wedding but whether we have ceremony or not ceremony people will still go out and have a drink and smoke in other words you tell me if I don't have ceremony nobody will go outside and smoke they still do it whether we have ceremony or not ceremony someone want to just get away from music from whatever reasons they have fresh air they go outside and they smoke a cigar or cigarette it happens all the time you we could ask them to maybe even post signage that says please do not smoke or please do not bring drinks or food outside might be something that we could consider if we approve it and the rear portion of the building has an exposed patio area it's designed for outside congregation okay so so is that part that's built for that correct is what you're saying but our ordinance does or does not allow that outside part of the prior approval from the board okay so there there are out this so is that what this young this gentleman is referring to where people are outside or only outside where the where the ceremony was occurring where there was some spillage of people or people that were staying out there and talking and making noise or is it in the area you're talking behind the building you're talking about on the I guess the west side of the building there's two exit points from the main dining wall the north and west the west and the north right so as a result of those doors people either go to the west by where the outside covered area is which is not part of the ceremony area has nothing to do with what Mr enani constructed in 2020 part of a prior approval attached to the building this congregation occurring there in this area here do we are we um we have approved or it is approval for them to use that portion of the building on the west side for outside you is anybody I'd have to check the record I'm sure that there's some paper trail that goes back to the board approvals but okay it's that's a facility that's been there for years we have a history here we have a lot of history 1972 on right that's when the first resolution record okay so the so what this gentleman might be complaining about might be the sound that might be occurring in the west side of the building that is already allowed potentially allowed we're not sure we'll we'll check all of these uh approvals and it's an existing been there for quite some time just want to identify where and what he's talking about is there a roof on that there I don't spoke so I don't I don't I haven't been out there yes there's a roof on it could you discuss you know between now and and August maybe just making that a smoking designated area only we sell it as a smoking area but no other no other place on the property to alleviate the let see we sell it but whether we can force a guest to do it or not that's a different story but we do sell it as a smoking bu and we explained to them that there are windows you can still see right there are cocktail tables in there you can sit and smoke but whether someone decides to go Cal sales we we understand so okay we uh we have a 10:30 uh yes I want to I want to get to more people in the uh audience if it's you know please come forward yep Carol Roberts on 14th Geor drive I have um just questions about the valet I think it's a great idea the whole for whatever you guys are calling it um I think it's a great idea um I actually so my question is the back your back parking lot is that 100% pave or is it grav or there's one part on the um uh uh North West that is going to stay uh not paav stay ground it will stay ground so my my um my thought is so where the valley currently is it's behind my house and Christy's house our H our backyards are right there I hear a lot of noise Valley guys talk all night um the people slamming the car doors getting out of the car walking into the events so this is when they have to park themselves if there are no valet guys there if there are valet guys there I hear them talking without the valet guys I hear all the conversations from the people leaving to get into their cars I think it's a great idea to have ballet all the time um well I don't know why you cut it at 100 or you know under I think I have beer bottles thrown in the back of my grasp I have I mean I hear it all I'm sorry to say but do you have a question specifically because it's supposed to be oh right okay please could you have valet at every Court not just 100 and over econom that would also alleviate a lot of the noise economically is not possible why is that economically economically costly but you you put it in you you have the right whoever you have the you know you have the paper it's just an added charge part of the decision you know there's just a lot of noise from everything and I'm and I'm talking about the ballet that that could be one way to alleviate some of the noise something that I want and you know it yourself that the new proposal helps you tremendously because it's taking all that traffic away from and I'm saying it's a GRE thing but but you know I mean yeah it is benefiting You by coming around I don't know how many parties are under 100 so you don't hear the doors anymore you don't I want that all the time but you know how much it is benefiting you and I want to hear I'm glad you're doing I'm sorry okay any other questions any I just throw a question in you had said you have beer bottles thrown into your backyard and and you two 10 Dearborn I don't know your name I I don't think so no could you think I'm throwing these things back at you not bottles all right okay throw it back like a like a golf ball net you you say a drive to like no okay you know it's a very it's a very simple thing I've tried to be as nice as I can as a neor okay if such a thing exists all they need to do just call me I'll go clean it it's not a big deal all all all they need to do just call me Joseph I have two bottles and if I don't do it next time then they can complain but it's a simple solution all right uh are there any more questions in the audience Charlie no questions yes sir yes this will answer your question okay uh CU you asked about if we called the police before yeah so uh 3 years ago during Co um I out everything was out okay the this is the question I'm just right prefacing it yes so I I called you we had the cops come I called you CU you just said right now all you have to is call me I called you and I said it's to L it's Sunday night it's 10:00 we have our grandbabies kids have school tomorrow I said can you please lower it this is not a question I'm asking did you lower the volume I'm not going we're talking about his testimony and now we're really whole thing is that his credibility I'm asking he may not recall this is about his credibility and whether or not he lives up to what he's asking for a lot he has an illegal patio he has illegal cemon outside he knows that that door bothers me he do so his his credibility here is on the line if he if he doesn't answer my questions it's not truthful to us how you supposed to be asking questions about his direct testimony right okay you have to ask questions with him specifically about what he's testifying about today or tonight very very simple answer okay I have a question and he can answer it like that question if he remembers you can ask specifically do you remember that specific event that occurred two weeks ago there was a ceremony outside I don't think it was a bomb St but there's someone speaking for about an hour and a half in a foreign language it wasn't a way cuz there was no music what was that I think it was on a Saturday afternoon yeah I heard that you guys heard that right it wasn't English it wasn't a wedding there was no music it was just a man speaking in a foreign language Mr you should have was me what you sure it was us I don't know because I don't remember anybody being you st for and half hour okay all right K let me I it's really not we're going to have Mr Lazarus is going to look at into the door situation either interior or exterior so we can answer that question in August again going back with the acoustic people um to see whether or not the wall will and and the sound thing I don't want to do that again um I think we'll have more answers from and no offense professional people about the sounds and the doors and sorry in August then now we we hear you right and we don't hear the band just but I I think if we wait until August maybe we'll have some better answers is is that no okay well it is it is what it is at this point um we're going to continue this application in at our August meeting without any further notice without F any further notice uh AUST 14th right August 14th a 14 7.m all right so on that um this application is continued till August and thank you for coming in thank you thank you the board appreciate it thank you thanks for giving us app okay you going to have your acoustic guy you got to all right don't me go down and drag them I'll drag them question or Charlie hase um yes I'd like to open up the meeting for anybody that like to speak on a non-agenda item please come forward do I hear a motion second seeing none make a motion to close motion to close thank you second okay seeing no other uh motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second anybody oh pick good job