##VIDEO ID:78LveyDkAJw## from here so judge Wallace right sorry we're just getting the in order all right so we're going to do these one at a time we're going to start with the uh most senior commissioner Mr Wright if you want to stand and raise your right hand we can do it either way however you wna I'll take pictures right I Gregory Wright I Gregory right do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of the uh Olstead County Commissioner and then I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Olstead County Commissioner congratulations you're official thank you very [Applause] much get those signed afterwards okay we'll start with Miss Podi Smith next [Music] right I Laurel Puli Smith I Laurel Puli Smith do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota inota and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of the Olstead County Commissioner and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Olstead County Commissioner congratulations thank [Applause] you okay Miss Rossman right I Michelle Rossman I Michelle Rossman do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the omstead County Commissioner then I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the state county commissioner [Applause] congratulations and I have Mr Hopkins [Music] I Robert Hopkins I Robert Hopkins do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of the Olstead County Commissioner that that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Olstead county commissioner congratulations thank you and I have one more Heimer okay all right I Joe heimr I Joe himmer himmer sorry do solemnly swear or affirm do Solly swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I'll support the contitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties and I will Faithfully discharge the duties okay in the state of Minnesota county of omstead in the state of Minnesota county of omstead congratulations [Applause] all right well welcome congratulations um you are now all officially appointed as members of the Olstead County Board of Commissioners so I uh actually even get to call our oh actually before I call our meeting to order I need to make time and space for public comment so is there anyone here that wishes to make public comment anyone online I'll ask again is there anyone here for public comment okay hearing none I will call the meeting to order and ask that we rise and do the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God IND with liy and justice for all okay and that brings us to the election of officers and at this point I will um ask for nominations so nominations are now in in order for the office of chair I move to nominate Mark T for office of chair second Mark T has been nominated are there any other calls for nominations for the office of chair any other calls for the nominations of office of chair if there are no further nominations nominations for office of chair are closed we have a motion in a second uh to appoint Mark Ty as chair of the Olmstead County Board all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign all right motion carries um given that commissioner Ty chair Ty isn't here I will call for nominations and uh for the office of Vice chair I move to nominate uh Dave sanum for office of Vice chair second Dave sanum is nominated for the office of Vice chair are there any other nominations for the office of Vice chair any other nominations for the office of Vice chair with no further nominations nominations for vice chair are closed we have a motion in a second uh to appoint Dave sanum as the vice chair of the Olstead County Board all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign all right motion carries commissioner sunum meeting is yours thank you thank you so much uh Mr County Administrator and welcome all to uh our first organizational meeting of the year uh are we're going to start with a public hearing and we're going to hold a public hearing and adopt the U 20 2025 to 2029 County Capital Improvement plan and authorize the issuance of capital Improvement bonds associated with that and so to lead us off uh Miss Camy Iverson Cy Commissioners all right Cammy Iverson I am the controller for the physical development Division and I'll be going over a highlevel overview of the capital Improvement plan and then we'll have you hold the public hearing and we're going to ask you to adopt the CIP and the future issuance of bonds so this is an annual thing that we do every year so we changed it up a little bit this year let see if I can make it go forward all right um so this is an annual document that we refresh and it's kind of talked about during the year but we just wanted you to um see how long this takes us to prepare um we do start this uh looking at this document in June and then there are two or three times that we talked to the County Board about this so I hopefully you guys feel like you have plenty of input on this um and get plenty of discussion on it so we just wanted you to see the whole process that it goes through and again we do this on an annual basis um the capital Improvement plan is just a best practice that um describes a capital invest that olad County plans to make over a multi-year period um it's our basis from which our Capital budgeting decisions are created so the capital biders or budget decision requests that you guys see every year are created from this document um more specifically the CIP identifies future Capital assets that we are considering it lists the years of acquisition or construction that we um that it may start or or conclude we estimate costs and then it includes a proposed method of financing for each of these projects so when you all um approved the 2025 budget back in December you approved that first year the 2025 portion of the CIP but the 2026 to 2029 projects are really estimates um you haven't approved those projects you've just said yes that's something we're considering so that's just something to note over the five years we have estimated to spend about 500 million on projects and in 2025 um that numbers about 130 million so large investments in our projects this list is just some of the 2025 significant projects uh you can see that some of them we started last year so we've already approved some of those um pieces of the budget and then they'll have a 2025 portion and then a couple of them we have um more money or funding that we're going to need in the future so just a list of these and just to note that most of our projects in the CIP or not most of them many of them do span multiple years because they are large and they're construction related projects uh this is a list of significant projects in the 26 to 29 um area of the CIP and again these are just our placeholders or our the estimates that the project managers think might happen in these years so these are not approved they're just potential and this chart just shows you what areas those expenses um occur in so what divisions so Transportation you can see is the largest with 265 million um and then the rest follow there and this chart just shows uh where our funding sources are estimated to come from again this is pretty fluid as new funding sources are found or grants are found things like that um there is an unfunded portion in here of 33 million it's really important to show on the CIP that we want to do projects but maybe there's not funding for them so we want to list them in the CIP to know that we want to do them um and that we do have to find funding and most of those are um a lot of them are in Parks right now with our trails and our bridges that we're trying to figure out and then we do put placeholders in there for any land Acquisitions that may come up those are not funded right now but we we put them in there um the debt is funding about 33% of our total CIP and lost in wheelage we always like to point out is funding 20% of this so that's been a very very large and important funding source for our transportation projects um the next four pages are just the 2025 portions of projects that um we're asking for debt funding for so this adds up to the $60 million that we'd like you to approve today so that's just the next four pages commissioner Ty asked for this last year and it it's a good slide so we put it in here um so what does that mean if we're going to issue um um that $60 million in debt um we just use a 4% interest rate over 20 years just to keep it simple um so the 2025 ask that we're asking for is going to add about 5.2 million in annual Debt Service payments so that's a number that we want you to be aware of and the next page of that 5.2 million new annual Debt Service payments 2.1 million of that is Levy funed and the three .1 million of that is actually Solid Waste funded so that will come from revenues from the solid waste Enterprise fund and then if we uh went ahead and did all the projects as is in the 26 to 29 CIP um it shows the little chart in the bottom shows how much increase in annual Debt Service that we'd have so again 25 we're looking at 5.2 million in increased Debt Service 26 it would be 3.2 and so on and then we just on the right side of that we put what portion of that is Levy funed so now um we'll open it up to questions or comments that anybody has and I have a whole team hopefully that can answer specific any questions uh of Miss iers on the presentation or anything else yes commissioner just want to clarify a lot of these things are over a a period of time not all done right now all right thank you any questions members any questions um yes this might be this might be a a question based on my ignorance of the budget process but can you define lost and wheelage oh yep local options sales tax is what lost stands for and that is um we receive 0.5% of all purchases in Mad County for that so um that's what that is and then the wheelage is the $10 per vehicle that's on County um when you register your vehicles yep significant um Revenue source for us yep any other questions members Mr chair I do have a question Smith Miss Iverson do you mind uh going back uh a few slides to yeah um anyone will do yep um actually a slide that's a perfect example uh could you explain um why uh the the The Debt Service amount appears to spike um right after the current year and then gradually reduce as opposed to um including the the the most immediate years as a gradual reduction uh I believe 26 and 27 we have um the murf the materials recycling facility is included in there and then also the Graham Commons so that's something that's not approved yet but it's in the CIP so those are two very large projects and that is why that Spike happens in 26 and 27 um I believe it's 29 that there's a large Solid Waste um Debt Service that comes off the books at that time so thank you y Miss Iverson could I just follow up on that uh so this slide assumes The Debt Service on the projects within the document that we're talking about today Y and that it would be presumed on another year let's just say 2028 that there'll be another document another set of projects and so so really this as as we look at it that service falling it really probably doesn't because there's new projects coming along y okay any other questions uh I had one and it sort of goes to earlier meeting uh on the local option sales tax and perhaps our finance officer or maybe you can help with this one uh the numbers on the in in the plan were like local option sales tax 20 million 18 million uh down in 2029 to 13 million and I I know the local opos sex collection's not going to go from 20 million to 13 million so is is that is that money then that is not used in the plan esro for future use yeah we've talked about this a lot but basically we yes we we put the the use of those uh taxes in the plan but if we don't show those the projects but yes it we still collect it so we're still going to collect the 18 to 19 million yes and by the time we get to those future years there's always sure projects that are there anyone else questions if not this is a public hearing and uh are there any members of the public uh either here today or online that want to comment on the capital Improvement plan that's been proposed is there anyone else and is there anyone else in sensing none is there a motion to close the public hearing move to close the public hearing second Motion in second to close the public hearing uh sensing no discussion all in favor say hi hi hi oppose nay and that's not my name I I also W name so discussion members is there a motion to uh approve or otherwise amend the plan as presented move to approve the omstead County Capital Improvement plan okay there's a motion to approve the plan as presented is there a second there's a second any discussion any discussion sensing none all in favor of approving the plan as presented say I I I oppose nay and the plan is adopted thank you so much uh and then we to authorize the issuance of the 2025 CIP bonds and can I clarify one thing here so we're authorizing 60 million today um but when we issue debt later in the fall we're going to come back and ask to issue 71 million um we already received the authority to do the 11 million in the 2024 ask we just delayed some 2024 Debt Service until we're going to include it with the 25 Debt Service um some of the projects weren't started yet we wanted better estimates so we didn't want to issue those bonds right away so we're just asking for the 60 to but when the numbers I showed all included the 11 or the 71 million so if there if if the motion wasn't clear why don't we just clarify it with another motion to approve the debt service at the at the proposed $60 million would somebody offer that yes I move to approve the debt service at 60 million is there a second for that second second for that any discussion on that sensing done all in favor say i i n and The Debt Service as proposed is approved thank thank you so much okay moving on to consent agenda and I guess that we're supposed to read these uh so the content consent AG agenda consists of several items I'll just go through it approving the December 17th 2004 Omer County Board minutes approving gambling permit for the upper rot River Ducks Unlimited approve the sale of the county owned property approve equal opportunity uh policy statement uh approve the 2025 operating rules and guidelines of the the County Board of Commissioners uh next approve the uh Southeast adult mental health initiative Compact and bylaws uh next approve the 2025 purchase of service agreements uh next approve the revised agreement with the Minnesota Department of Revenue for the collection of local Transit sales tax sales and use tax I'm sorry uh next to designate the official publication for County projects lastly to renew the uh when hestad County Professional Services agreement is there anybody wants to pull any of those further discussion sensing none is there a motion to approve them in Block move a second Motion in second to approve the consent agenda agenda in block all in favor say I I oppose nay and uh the consent agenda is approved uh are there any discussion items sensing none any informational items see none uh boarding committee reports U I have no report uh Mr Smith any I have no report ort reports no reports uh I just want to make note and I U with respect to Micah there's a and I think we maybe all got this there's a uh a legislative Forum scheduled for uh January 30th uh in Prior Lake uh I I if uh I'll probably attend that if anybody wants to ride along that's fine and also with respect to Micah and I can't release a name uh Micah has uh pending contract negotiations uh I uh employed a new uh executive director I can't give you his name because it hasn't been released yet but it is a he and he's a he's a fine fine gentlemen do do a good job so any any other discussion for the good of the order sensing done is there a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second adjourn and a second all in favor say I I I oppose nay and we are adjourned