##VIDEO ID:6-z5aGq28Ik## e e e e e e e e e e e e what e want my through thank you um good evening everybody Welcome to our regularly scheduled Commission meeting September 25th 20124 the time is now 7:03 Madam clerk roll call commissioner bass here vice mayor Irvin here commissioner Kelly presid commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here as we stand by for the invocation led by commissioner B Follow by theedge of Our Father Who Art in Heaven holy is your name father we come before you oh god with a heart full of gratitude and thanks to you Lord God we just give you honor we give you praise we ask you father God that we would unite as a people that we will be whom you have called us to be good leaders good stewards in Jesus name amen amen I Pledge Allegiance Pledge aliance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right um Madam CL I see we have no Rewards proclamations or acknowledgements as we get ready to go to the approval of the consent agenda do we have any pulls deletions or deferrals for the consent agenda Mr Mayor Comm I mean um Mr manager yes uh planning and Zing item 15 A1 um the administration would like to defer to a date uncertain uncertain yes um Mr Mayor do we if you def if you defer it should be to a date certain because of the notice issue so whether it's a month from now or well U Mr Mayor so we'd like to withdraw that item okay all right thanks that's the public hearing Planning and Zoning A1 right yes sir all right okay any pulls deletions under Furs under the consent all right hearing commissioner Kelly I want to pull number um one and three thank you all right one three anyone else all right right Madam Clerk oh can I get a motion to approve tonight's um consent agenda move it moveed by commissioner B second by vice mayor Madam clerk Vice May Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right we're going to the approval of the agenda but I see yeah I might do that now I said that you have two add-ons for the agenda Mr manager could you go ahead well I'm sorry Madame clerk reading to the record Mr manager for State the emergency yes Mr Mayor we do have two add-on items these items will be included the first one as 141 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving issuance of a request for proposals for a qualified general contractor for Lift Station 4 relocation and rehabilitation services providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this item is sponsored by the city manager all right Mr manager can you state the emergency nature yes Mr Mayor this is a item that we are funding with our arpa funds those arpa funds must be encumbered uh by the end of this year uh since this has to go out for a bid uh we are pulling this item from the agenda for next commission meeting and bringing this item to this agenda meeting so that we have a little extra time uh to put this out for a bid all right can I get a motion to add this tonight's agenda move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by um commissioner Williams Madam cler roll call on item number one commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irving yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right the second item the second item would be included as 142 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of O blocka Florida approving issuance of an of an invitation to bid for a qualified professional firm to complete the Cairo Lane and Northwest 127 Street drainage utilities and roadway improvements project providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an infective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right Mr manager can you state the emergency nature thank you again this is going to be funded with our arpa funds those funds must be encumbered by the end of the year like the uh previous item it also has to go out for a bid uh so we're pulling it Forward just to get a little extra time okay can I get a motion to move by commissioner Kelly SEC second second by vice mayor Madame clerk roll call commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly mayor Taylor motion passes 5 Z all right can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda move moveed by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner baz Madame clerk commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams mayor Taylor motion passes 5 all right we're going to the approval of minutes it's the first budget hearing me um hearing minutes September 10th 2024 can I get a motion moveed by commissioner Kelly second second by vice mayor Madame clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right no district one District Two or state reports at this time no Mr Mayor and I think you told me that we have a Public Presentation from Vision zero um yes the Public Presentation is relating to Safe Streets and roads for all comprehensive Safety Action Plan okay you have the floor how are you good afternoon good afternoon if you can have the presentation please Mr Mayor why he's putting it up um we have copies this in the back but it's just for us tonight I believe we do have copies um commissioner Mr Mayor I only made copy for the members of the city commission I don't have any extra copies we have open oh you you placed some back there okay okay thank you thank you good okay thank you for having me today I'm going to present uh to the commission an update of what we have completed so far and you know open the forum for some questions um next next slide so this is pretty much the agenda what we have today next we talk about the um timeline of the project we started in April and we are right now in October November where we're going to have pretty much um finishing up the putting the development of the um action plan for safety improvements and we're going to bring that to the commission either at the end of October or the beginning of November for approval next and here's a summary of different events that we have had throughout the duration of the project next where we collected information from different people and different uh residents next we even had a community Workshop in a bike ride with the Dutch cycling Embassy next we presented the project in um for Nao which is a conference um that was held here in Miami in May next we have had different helmet giveaways and bicycle tuneups at the Tri Rail station next um next and then we also met with um Miami day transit and we rode the both the bus along 27th Avenue and we evaluated the the conditions of the bus stops next and we have had we have collected different uh surveys at the monthly food distribution and we also went to all the different uh businesses on 27th Avenue in Alibaba Avenue next and these are all the other meetings that we have had as you can see we have met with different stakeholders throughout uh Miami day County next so we have performed a a crash analysis approximately uh in opaka between 2018 and 2023 there had been about 6,3 300 6300 uh crashes all over the city the majority of them happening at day and at night and the day and then about 29% at night next and as you can see the crashes have been going up um as well as the number of people that have been severely injured but fatalities have gone down next and then when you look at the the distribution between um who is involved in the crashes and who's actually being in uh affected there's a discrepancy as you can see the majority of the crashes are with uh between cars but people that have been severely uh injured or have been uh have died are the majority are pedestrians cycl motorcyclist and bicyclist so there's a difference between the distribution next and then when you look at where the crashes are happening about 67% of them are happening on ftot roadways 18% of them on County roadways and 50% on local Road weights next and if you look at uh if the facility the the road is divided or undivided the majority of them are happening on divided highways and the majority are happening on roads that have multiple Lanes next and when you look at the distribution of these crashes and fatalities and severe injuries uh of the type of of of facility that we have you can see that on the on the left you see the the distribution of the facilities within the city and on the right you see where the crashes are happening as you can see the majority of the crashes are happening on arterials and major collectors and minor arterials next and factors causing crashes um in opaka we have a lot of distracted driving we have aggressive driving and speeding um uh Which is higher than the percentage in Miami day County overall we have hidden runs intersection related crashes and we also have Lane departure related crashes next and here um you can see we also looked at the the correlation between crashes and mass transit and about 49% of them are happening within a quarter mile of the bus stop 39% of them are happening within 500 uh feet from a bus stop and 25% of all the crashes are Transit related next we also look at the routes that people are using for cycling and walking as you can see uh those popular routes where people are cycling and walking are where the crashes are happening next we also look at if there are some gaps in the facilities and you can see that especially the um cycling uh bicycle crashes that are happening on facil where you have gaps or where you begin to have infrastructure next and then you can see also here um where you look at the level of stress of the facilities that you have here and the crashes are happening where the facilities are considered stressful next such as State Road N9 the bike lane on St Ro 9 I don't you know it's kind of difficult to bike there also um we looked at crashes in relation to um um traffic volume and speed and you can see that there's no secret to anybody that the crashes are happening on roads that have a lot of traffic volume and crash and are happening where the speed is higher that is not unique to aaka that happens all over Miami day County next we because of the importance of uh Freight in opaka opaka is considered um a hub uh Freight hub for Miami day County we also looked at the correlation between crashes and Freight next and you can see that the again the corridors that belong to the county and fdot are the ones that hav the majority of the freight traffic um you see some spots where you have issues with Freight and those are the ones that we evaluated for um for further improvements to see if we can solve the situation with um Road Safety next you can also see the correlation between commercial vehicles and crashes um we have had seven so far um in the city within the time period and a lot of them are Happ at intersection we're trying to maneuver trying to turn around on a intersection and and and that's what's the crashes are causing next we also look at the intersections and seeing if there's a correlation between crashes and um the signalize intersections and you can see the a lot 71% of the crashes in Opa are happening as signalized intersections so there's an opportunity for improvements signalized and opportunities there oh go back back go back back back you went too far go back okay so you can see in all the signalized intersections in the map and you can see the the correlation between the number of fatalities of crash are happening specifically on those signalized intersection next and you can see here uh what we try to do is we try to create a high Injury Network uh throughout the city and in uh we didn't Focus just on fdot roads we focus on all types of Roads so we picked the the top five roads for fdot that belong to fdot the top five roads that belong to the county and the top five rows that belong to op three roads that belong to Opa and with those we created a what we call the citywi hin or high Injury Network next and then before we we I show you the the hinder network based on a lot of uh information from the public and from stakeholders we looked at special cases throughout opaka and one of those cases is Jan Avenue and then we can see that in Jan Avenue the crashes are happening because uh is there's dark conditions and you have people failing to stop or you have distracted driving next next in Ahad Street you have crashes happening for see the difference here is 40% of those crashes are happening because people are um um not stopping a a a stop sign and then you the majority that 25% of those crashes are happening our rear there that are happening our rear end collisions next the intersection this is something from um commissioner Kelly mentioned this location to us which is uh rotland and 22nd um Avenue you can see there that 16% of them are Swip uh side swipes uh 26% are collisions making the left turn and then 28% are rear end collisions next and then Kyo Lane is also interesting karolane is in the industrial area of the city and we because of the importance of freight industry in the city we looked at that well and you can see that 59% of the crashes are related to commercial vehicles so all the the freight crashes are happening there and then 30% of their uh the crashes are neg negligent driving and 35% are improper backing so next and then before we put together the hint we also need to look at the equity component um we need to look at if the the the neighborhoods there are with u disaster uh risk they have environmental burden you have health V vulnerability you have social B vulnerability and you have transportation insecurity so we combined in all that and then we found the locations within uh the city that are considered in high Equity index which is the one in red that you see there next and then we also looked at the cost of society because these accidents happen and they CA they have a cause associated with it and then because we're not addressing that issue though all the accidents are have happened in the period that we evaluated uh are cting Society 343 million so and then 56% of those happen are uh the cause is associated to accidents that are happening on FDT roadways uh 31% 32% of those are happening on Miami day roadway uh County roadways and only 12% in opaka and the methodology that we used to calculate that is coming from fds you can see in the top of it next so without all this fact s we looked into in addition if they're close to in proximity to schools Parks um um if there close to an intersection so we Factor all that in all the crashes that I just mentioned in before and then we came up with this High Injury Network all this locations if you see the segments that are color in yellow those are high injury segments meaning there's a lot a lot of um uh accumulation of crashes happening on those pieces of segments of the road and if you see the dots those are considered clusters and those are what we call hury clusters which like are um there's a group of of accidents happening there next and but what we heard from folks because we wanted to correlate the crashes the data with the what people told us and we collected about 90 95 surveys uh through the time that we've been together and doing this effort um and we had we created a a map a pinpoint map so people can put their their concerns and we got 58 uh comments and you can see the difference you know people are saying that 71% of the crashes are happening because of speeding uh 44% of the people are saying that well if you have more trees I would like to walk more um SE 77% of the 45% of the of the people in opaka would like to see traffic coming um 5% of the people in Opa would like to see more uh uh Crossings pedestrian Crossings so in 29% would like to see more uh intersection improvements and you can see that the the correlation of what I show you in the map of what the high inury Network and what people are telling us the three top three most dangerous uh uh corridors in opaka are according to the people that we interview are 27th Avenue I don't think that's as a surprise to anybody I think one of the persons that we interview told us that 27th Avenue is the the grand the Grand Canyon of opaka because it divides the city into two and it's hard for one people to go from one side to another side um the second one is Alibaba Avenue and the third one is on 135th so you can see over there um the all the words that were given to us during the interviews Drive in reckless driving is one of the major things that would were to us next we also created a dashboard where you can if you scan that QR code you can go and look at the dashboard and all the um data that we have collected we also did something pretty interesting which is called um safe access to community destinations so you can look specifically if it's a park as an important location within the city and you can look at how that location is is looking with regards to crashes next Mr before you do next steps um because a lot of people we have 17,000 residents you only got 95 surveys so a lot are not familiar with one what Vision zero is and what the purpose so if you can quick just quickly just sum it up with what it is and then what's the purpose so they able to have an understanding of the why thank you mayor and then the next step yeah thank you Mr Mayor so Vision s is an initiative that uh looks for uh what we call the safe system approach um understanding that human makes mistakes and accidents we're not robots and the the road should not be designed for robots the roads should be designed to understand that accidents will happen and then we need to make sure that we can minimize fatalities as much as possible crashes will happen but you need to minimize fatalities and severe injuries and that's the whole uh purpose this is um U an initiative that came to opaka because opaka was a is a recipient of a grand from the safe Street in roads for all um that is part of the bipartisan infrastructure build that was approved by uh President Biden okay and the next steps um we invite everyone to participate in the rail safety parking day on October 3rd that's going to happen um next week at the tri roll station um we picked the trial station because it's the hot spot is the transit hub for the entire city so everybody um uh come is what we got a lot of more of the um people that we interview um we're going to complete the safety improvements and recommendations in October we're going to present to BAC BAC is the uh bicycle and pedestrian uh advisory committee um for Miami day County we're going to present as well to EAC which is the freight technical advisory committee we're going to have another task force meeting with all the stakeholders including the police department and different um offices from Miami day County fdot um we're going to we would like to present our recommendations to the committee again at the end of October or early November because we want to show you visioning before and after and we want to show you the policies that you need to change to improve safety in the city and then we would like to process the application so opaka can become uh Vision zero Network member and that's it if you have questions all right thank you Mr Val for leading this initiative in the city of opaka to help us to become a vision zero City to decrease you know this violations traffic violations and I know commissioner Williams is happy when you brought up Jan Avenue because she' been talking about that for a while yeah and we did that because of um so when to open up the floor to anyone that has questions for Mr Jesus anyone has questions Mr Mayor commissioner Bass this is a lot yes um I just want to say thank you for for this and I'm going to digest this because this is a lot of information that I didn't know and I'm quite sure some of my colleagues as well was not aware of the importance of all of this so I appreciate the hot work that was put into it so just a quick question you mentioned um 10324 at the station train station what time will it be yeah so so uh it will be from 4: to 6:00 p.m. and we're going to be there uh we wanted to give helmets again but the grand that we get for free helmets ran out of them they gave away 37,000 helmets last year so there are not more so we're going to do it from four to six next can you recall how many you give out a no Paka in no Paka we have given approximately close to 100 yeah okay yeah so because we have had those sessions where we bring uh a popup bicycle repair station so folks get off the train and repair their bikes and then we give helmets to those who would like to have a helmet so we do a little bit of education at the same time um so approximately a 100 we have given so far and to piggy back on what commissioner bash just asked you do you have a relationship with the the bike 305 initiative to the no but but we met uh partner with them when we did the community Workshop so they were here with us when we did the the very first event that we did in May okay because I know the um they still I believe they still have the helmet Grant yes yeah Sue Sue sures yeah keski we we partner with her often and and we she when we did the um the community Workshop I think it was May 2nd um she gave away helmets as well so more than 100 because she also gave helmets that time okay yeah all right thank you any other questions for Mr VES Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you again for the presentation and the information my colleague said is a lot to digest look forward to um looking at all of it and hopefully you get some more responses because the mayor said 95 with so many folks is um still a small sample uh you mentioned as the mayor and my colleague mentioned on a about um Jan M and I know we're I've asked the county for a study to look at that our are you tied into that study is that separate from what the County's doing I guess no sir to the to the manager I guess Mr Mayor Mr manager I apologize sir yes no no well he mentioned Jan and mod and some of the things they've done and I know we're we've asked for a feasibly study from the county and you sent us something saying had been submitted I was wondering are they tied into that same uh Network or is the county on separate the count separate sir the county separate yes okay but information that you've gotten has been based on your own analysis and data we we have looked at uh the database that is Statewide it's called signal 4 an analytics and that's where we get the county will get the same information from the same Source um and then we have analyzed it based on the tickets or the reports the police reports that are created when an accident happens and and that's how we've uh came up with the percentages and all the the different um statistics okay I I appreciate that because I'm looking forward to seeing that analysis um and you also mentioned about one of the things you found in your survey was Street calming devices and the like yes because of your uh input that when we met um we did a um traffic cing inventory throughout the whole city and that's part of we're finishing that up uh right now so we look into the correlation between uh crashes and the areas that you have traffic calming and we have found that they're effective by reducing the speed of of folks Travers in the area um the what we have found in inventory is that the traffic cing devices here in opaka need some TLC I mean you know they need to have some signage they need to be repainted um and stuff like that to be more effective because uh some of them don't even have any signs and they're not visible so folks can go through them and then not even uh acknowledge that they are there and that analysis will be part of your final yes yeah November yes sir it will be part of our final report okay again thank you look forward to uh getting the final work yes thank you Mr Mayor all right no problem any other questions to Mr FES all right hearing none thank you for the presentation look forward to seeing the final result all right as we get ready to go into our citizens form Madam clerk can you please St how to participate in citizens form yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center city commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street third floor opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to participate virtually should register prior to the schedule meeting time on the city's website at www w. opaka fl.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through Liv stream at www.youtube.com user city of opaka and Mr Mayor at this time we do have have a request for virtual public comment Mr George Suarez if it can confirm whether or not he's online okay so we'll start with um our virtual audience first and then we'll go to the ones in the chamber Mr Suarez you have the floor can we unmute Mr SS and put up the timer as well please hello yes sir yes 1341 do not Avenue my name is George Suarez I've been living at opaka since 2015 and I watch the city go from good to bad and good again right now I'm here to address about the executive office we need to change the format of the executive office where the police department do not answer to to the executive office it answers to the commission because right now I understand that we are providing security as we just became the tonon makut and we're causing people to fear for their lives and coming out of their homes and at the second thing I like to address is that I will not use the person's name but I'll go forward by saying this how can we allow somebody to run for office that set the blueprint for the reason why we're on financial oversight where this gentleman was doing deals in the restroom that caused us to lose a lot of favoritism in our state we are the highest tax with nothing to show for it so moving forward we need to understand that this community is made of everyone not certain few where we have certain candidates that's saying that they're for the people but they do not want to see everybody flourish in our city so moving forward we need to take a hard look in the mirror and stop playing with people's lives and that's all I have to say you guys have a blessed day continue to do the great job that you're trying to do and please make opaka for everybody not just for the certain few thank you Mr Suarez um citizens form is open for those in the chamber citizens form is open good evening my name is Anthony bam 2140 York Street and I give my time to Mr [Music] Dennis get even the man Commissioners Brian Dennis address 2140 York Street um I find it dishe hardening that there's a rumor going around that I bought uh scoop in here as a drug dealer and I was afraid to come to the meet I don't know where that came from but I want you all to check your emails in the morning I want y'all to check your emails in the morning for the first time I really understand what it being what it feel feels like to be stuck between a rock and a hard place it's one thing to watch the chief on TV put himself in a vulnerable position and having this Integrity question but it's another thing to sit there and watch him really like don't want to go up in my opinion the chief is just as job scared as any of the other employees in here when we allow the manager to run this city as if he's Fidel Castro and this is a communist country City we have an extreme problem the manager is in the exact I mean the chief is in the exact same position that former Chief Israel was in the exact same position put Chief Israel up to blast steel but now you put the chief up and we still ain't got the results of the investigation of Coach Ki and those other employes and the time clock but this is what we do then we looking at Chief STS assistant chief stars now that's out of control you got to take your hat off to her though she fighting them back I have not laid eyes on that whistleblowers report but I guarantee you without seeing it I can tell you each person that's involved in that whistleblowers report each person for to allow this to continuously go on as Mr Suarez says pushing our city down remember when op Locker was the great City when employees are afraid to address issues because they have a tent and the manager that's running this city as if it's a communist country that's crazy it shouldn't be allowed it's the responsibility of those that run this city and help govern this city to make sure that each and every employee is taken care of everyone this is out of control ladies and gentlemen to see the chief the assistant chief follow whistleblowers protection act then to be demoted because they won't she won't target employees and y'all notice that when it comes to the chief I got much respect for him y I got a lot of respect for him train that parisy and if you ain't never been to parisy that's the only boot camp in the world that you could go to in the branch of service in the United States and you don't have to go to nobody else boot camp train Marine just like I am but when you put people in positions and you force them and they are job scared and you have them to question their integrity something wrong young man own house arrest no gun residue look at all this stuff that's going on in the city just within the last few months and we sitting up here like it's all good like it like nothing ain't been done about it like it's all good got an innocent man home on house arrest for something he did not do investigation was not handled properly the vehicle was not handled properly but we sit up here like it's all like it's all good it ain't cool when we know the vote is there to get rid of the manager and we don't show up or we decide to stand up for somebody that job scared that ain't being a leader that ain't being righteous that's being selfs serving meaning you taking care of your own interest feel sorry for the chief but for most so I feel sorry for chief stalks because it finally took an employee to stand up to the bully even bullies get beat citizens form is still open good evening Dr Rivia Walden 1860 service road I would like to say that people are still using my name maliciously my number have been given out that I've given my number to only certain people people are calling my number calling me a racist the Lord sees everything and not only that everybody that comes up here do not give their whole name and their address they will be coming after me because they said every time I come up here they will get up but they have not one time said their whole name if we're going to do it for one we need to do it for all there will be lawsuits for defamation of my character as a candidate po commissioner Dr Walder we we can't use this as opportunity to promote it's not an opportunity I'm saying to you all when the people that get up here and harass me don't have to say their full name and it's not on public record that's a [Music] problem when I have people calling me the next day after meeting is calling me a racist and I know who I have given my number to on this commission God bless you all get ready good evening mayor and commissioner I'm not going to need that three minutes I'm G to be very short I'm Mr Louis Santiago 11:56 Perry operai Street opaka Florida 33054 and I'm very proud to live in this beautiful city and I'm very proud to be a stand out here tonight to say this I think it's fair Mr Mayor to put a little bit more or order because it's not nice that in a commissional meeting to this chamber to aecting people to call or to standing here to insulting people like that I believe that we have an estate Election Department up there in tahi another one here in day County let him go there and complaining because this is a commissioner meeting for something else not to come here and in insulting other people I think that's very very well and I believe Mr Mayor that we have to have a little more order in this meeting and to be more strong because that's not acceptable that can break a lot of problem okay to the finance City Finance when Su and other teams because that's the way that I feel thank you mayor and commissioner but I think that I'm a human and I have the right to say what I feel hi I'm Tina 24 to York Street my name is Tina I'm here today because of a citizen I'm I've been a citizen of opaka over 50 years Miss Tina State your full name and name for the record oh my name is Katrina Parks I've been at 240 y Street I've been opaka for 52 years um my whole life every week um I can't read this I'mma read what I want to say I come here today it don't have nothing to do with the opal locker and all this stuff it's a lot of stuff going on yeah and I'm mad and I'm hurt I'm a hurt mother and I'mma keep standing up and I'mma say her name I don't care um her name Rivia Walden I don't know who's bruing it up you got the chief of opalak of police um don't come near me I have my Amendment rights I learned that now you don't have listen mention the Nam okay well you don't have you don't come up when nobody else come up missa yes sir okay and one second okay dismiss your um officer please dismiss your officer um Sergeant arms you may reside at the at your post thank you and let's no I apologize no we're good okay um let's restart we gonna let's do it come on okay I've been living in opaka a long time um I lost my son to gun violence nine years I'm a hurt mother you come up here with foolishness and come up and you want to talk about God I do have to say this part we play we we we we claim people or further people when they are against the people if you for the people you going to help the people and do what's right you going to turn people in who do something to your family you understand me um we have another family that's suffering in op Locker I guess a lot of people scared to stand up and say it I've been begging them to come I ain't the only one some Spanish people got beat because they got Li on beat and beat and beat let me tell you something everybody not scared of the police we used to trust in the police the police supposed to be here to protect you and help you and do everything for you you got real killers out here that they not looking for but it's only here a word if I mess with you or show you a shot you'll go over there and give me some justice lift up my dress or bend over something you'll go over there and protect me you understand that's not fair that's not fair I want Justice for my son and whenever you're wrong see God says high and he looks low I don't care what you do you can record do anything you want but when God says hi ain't nothing man could do I ain't never been scared of no nobody and everybody in opaka know me nobody you understand me nobody and when you wrong you wrong I kept my mouth closed for nine years I was suffering and I'm still suffering with pain nobody knows I feel to have one child and somebody come and take them from you until it happen to you citizens come on citizens form it we're not we're not doing that in the chamber please citizens form is still open citizens form is still open citizens form is closed um yeah so yeah it's a lot a lot was about investigations and we're not going to go into that so we're just going to go into the agenda um Madame attorney um 131 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to accept grant funding and enter into a sub- awward agreement between the Hispanic access foundation and the City of opaka for orb urban forestry revitalization within the downtown area of the city providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right Mr manager go ahead and present the item I'm sorry can I get a motion and a second move for discussion move by commissioner Kelly for the discussion second who was the second Vice May Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh this item comes from us uh from our uh director of financial support services Mr anathan who over also oversees our grants uh we have him available to answer any questions that the commission may have about this item all right this item was moved for discussion um commissioner Kelly you can go ahead and then we'll bring thank you Mr Mayor I um raised some concerns in my briefing that I was hoping to have the answer for U this is a reimbursable grant for $500,000 to add uh $499 trees and I was stated in the presentation uh previously we do know we need more trees we need more canopy but my concern is how we going to maintain them because we have challenges maintaining the trees we have now and also because this is reimbursable um there are other costs that are factored in including an arborous a maintenance contractor general contractor but more importantly how it's going to be uh maintained and one of the areas that we're going to be included is State Road 9 and I know State Road 9 previously has had an exclusive type of uh contract where they don't want us to even um do anything on their property so I asked those questions my briefing um to hopefully get the answers again because it is reimbursable uh we got to put the money up up front in order to get it so I don't know Mr anthon because he um took the question to meeting maybe you can answer them tonight because that's a concern that I have if we're going to get more trees add more trees but we're going to maintain those trees and then the cost of reimbursable and how we came about to the company that we um selected um because some of the things that they're doing including the mulching twice a year which is good we know mulching and M is going to take more than that so I want to make sure that that is uh understood and built in since this is reimbursable so those were my questions and I guess Mr an can has the answer tonight I hope thank you Mr Mayor all right miss anathan good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners uh commissioner Kelly I did prepare answers that but I had a day all the responses I did are still on my desk I apologize for that uh I can answer some of the questions directly I'm also going to ask the CIP manager to step up since she put together the application which included the maintenance plan uh to answer a couple of your points uh the it's the trees the section of trees that you saw on the map are not on State Road 7 they're on the service road so there's no conflict with the state on that uh the package would lead you to believe that vendors have been selected at this time no vendors have been selected uh one vendor was contacted to get some quotes because the grantor requested we get quotes to make sure that there was some validity to what we were applying for uh to answer some of your other questions if I could ask the CIP manager to step up okay before you do that Mr Mayor so what's in our package State row 9 is incorrect it's a it's service road for State 9 is it State Ro n yes sir so it's not State Road n correct okay well I'm I was only going by what's in the package and I know we had challenges with the state of trying to keep it maintained and I can only go by what's in here so and the other answers Mr manager if you can get those that he left on his desk just get us to us to the commission as a whole I appreciate it thank you Mr Mayor okay any other questions to Mr anathan the manager at this time all right hearing none Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right Madame attorney uh 133 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving a procedure for securing outside legal services including investigations requiring the city manager to share information documentation and consult with the city attorney on any and all past pending and future investigations where outside counil or a law firm has been contacted on behalf of the city authorizing the City attorney monetary Authority up to $10,000 to secure an outside investigator where appropriate providing for incorporation and recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the City attorney move for discussion move for discussion by commissioner Kell a second second second by commissioner Williams um Madam attorney uh yes Mr Mayor vice mayor Commissioners this item is um an item that was brought to you all um pursuant to a discussion at the last commission meeting whereby um the members of the commission invited me to present a resolution introducing the process to address the issue of the city manager hiring law firms and lawyers to perform work um whatever that may work may be including investigations um we are best able to help the city and protect the city if we know what liability issues exist at the early as possible opportunity and um this uh gives us that uh information that we believe we need in order to uh represent the city we are the lawyers who are hired by the city as the city attorneys and as all other cities any legal issues lawyers all always go through through the city attorney's office and never through um management and so we're asking that these um uh normal procedures be placed in a resolution so that it can be codified and we will have a process for this going forward thank you okay this was open for discussion by commissioner Kelly move for discussion by commissioner Kelly thank you uh Mr Mayor I I don't have a problem with the legislation as I mentioned in my briefing what I'd like to do um my colleagues is to add a uh line under Wonder whereases after the amount um you know without commission approval but also to notify the city Commission of such action that they're engaging in uh whatever it may be that the commission would be at least notified obviously not any specifics that they may could share but at least be notified so I'd like the attorney to just whatever that wording would be because I'd like to add that um as a part of the language so that we would know thank you Mr Mayor all right Madam attorney do you accept that Amendment yes sir all right um will we need to vote or you good with the amendment I'm fine with the amendment you you'll need to vote on the amendment and then on the main um motion all right um any other questions or concerns on this item had a quick Mr Mayor quick question commissioner Williams um to through the mayor to the attorney um I actually in my briefing and some of the language I think got me a little um confused so maybe you can um dispel um my thoughts is this for only investigation if an attorney is needed or would it be if for any reason an attorney or would need to be absolutely for any reason for any Reon okay that's I just want to make it clear because when I asked they um she said investigations only so I just want to be clear with that thank you so much okay thank you all right okay good because I had the same question as well but we're good um so let's vote commissioner Kelly moved an um amendment to this resolution can I get a second on the amendment second that's to inform the commission to inform the commission all right um Madam clerk on the amendment commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes on the amendment 5 all right and if there are no other questions or concerns we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all right moving on to new items which will be 14 one Madam attorney a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving issuance of a request for proposals RFP for a qualified general contractor for Lift Station 4 relocation and rehabilitation services providing for Corporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams Mr manager go ahe and present the item thank you Mr Mayor uh as you know we must keep of our pump stations operating and keep them out of moratorium uh when a pump station goes into moratorium uh we are not permitted to allow businesses new businesses to come into those areas so we have some uh older in public infrastructure and older pump stations so we're looking and working to get all of those pump stations uh updated or replaced as soon as possible uh this is an item coming from our public works department uh for Pump Station number four so if there's any question about this about that process we have Mr ARA Austin here to ANW those questions how this is just the r uh this is just the RFP uh we plan to put this bid out uh we're bringing in on emergency basis so we get a little extra time uh as we're using arpa funds uh to fund this project and we're available to team is here available to answer any questions about um any of those items all right um we're gonna open up the floor for questions to the manager if there are any I do have one just the manager unrelated however related um and I believe this was brought up in the past by one of my colleagues are there any um pump stations right now that are on under moratorium and we have Mr Austin here to answer that our director of Public Works we have ARA Austin Public Works director we currently have three pump stations on the moratorium okay can you provide that M through the manager's office and writing and exactly where they are yes sir and what areas they affect okay um any other questions for the manager or or the uh Mr Austin Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you um I'm glad to see it coming forward I know we've got to push it uh Mr manager you said that we were doing this on emergency so we doing this one book it in the 30 days we're doing this on the 7 day since emergency are we just following the standard 45 days for it to be out yes sir uh currently we're following the the standard 45 30 30 25 to 30 days 25 to 30 days yes sir then when it comes back in the process that it normally takes yes sir yes sir um so we're really talking all of mostly October yes getting it back in assuming you get folks that are qualified yeah I've been asking this question that's what I'm asking again um do you and it's just a question for I guess you're the expert um we've had challeng in the past when we put out RPS and they come back and a lot of questions are asked sometime the money that we're budgeting or think we're going to spend turns out to be more needed I'm always going to use the Sesame Street Canal project as an example so do we have um a contingency or money available in another line atom should it come back higher because we're not going to get a chance to keep going back out with this because it's ARA funds initially that's really my concern yes yes sir we do we will yes one second commissioner Kelly we're going to ask everybody that's in the chamber that we keep the noise down to a minimum we're conducting meeting thank you and if you have to have conversations by accident you exit the chamber you can have your conversation in the hallway let's be respectful please commissioner Kelly okay um that's what I want to make sure because I know it's Opera funds we got a timeline and if it comes back we've had challenge before with the amount we think is going to cost versus and I know pump stes are critical so the manager is saying we will be able to have some additional or there's a line item contingency contingency to do it okay that's my my main thing if we're going to come back and I would even go a step further um if for some reason when it comes back and it needs to be a special meeting because I I don't want to get us into last minute especially with oper funds and and lose the money so that's why I'm kind of bringing it up so I'm glad to see it thank you Mr Mayor thank you all right any other questions or concern to Mr Austin just please get the report to the commissioner and I request it through the manager's office if you don't mind Mr manager please absolutely all right um Madam Court roll call vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bad yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right 142 142 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving issuance of an invitation to bid ITB for a qualified professional firm to complete the Cairo Lane and Northwest 127th Street drainage utilities and Road rate improvements project providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager move it second move by commissioner Kelly second by commissioner baz Mr manager go ahead um thank you Mr thank you Mr Mayor this particular project is actually coming from our Capital Improvement projects um with that manager being Adelina gross this is also going to be funded with arpa and this is also going to be a bid project and we have Miss gross available to answer any questions that you may have about this item all right any questions on this item to miss gross or the city manager Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I'm not gonna repeat the whole thing but the same thing I just said previously to make sure that we get it done immed so I don't want to be redundant but of course carolane has been out there forever so the same thing thank you Mr may I won't all right we can go ahead and call the question um Madam clerk Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right and we are at um 15 A1 was withdra withdrawn so 15 A2 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Obaka Florida providing approval of the special exception request to operate a car dealership on the property located at 2695 Northwest 144th Street and identified by folio 08- 2122 d-120 and the commercial liberal B2 zoning district and within the corridor mixed use overlay providing for severability providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right um this is a public hearing item Mr Man can I get a motion and then we'll um let you present and then we'll open up a public hearing move it move by vice mayor second by commissioner B Mr manager uh thank you Mr Mayor this item is coming from our Comm planning and Community Development Department uh all projects and new businesses must go through that department in order to get approved and be presented to uh the commission this is for a car dealership um that's currently somewhat existing in that location already uh we're bringing into some Conformity and we have the director of Community Development Mr Gregory gate here here to answer any questions that the commission may have all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions to Mr Gay on this item Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I uh raised several concerns in my briefing um that I hope Mr um gay has some answers um the reality is we're requiring this requires a special exception because of the zoning that's not normally would be there and so because it requires a special uh exception we're going to allow it there I know it's been some businesses there my challenge is not really the business car dealership as much as it is the traffic flow and I mentioned that in the meeting because when you look at that area with the fish market with the school with the traffic coming from behind the business and only one entrance in I'm concerned about um not only safety and the traffic but you have a lot of folks walking uh from around the surrounding areas and with only one entrance and really no real signage or what have you that's a concern um that I have and I raised that in the briefing so I don't know Mr Gay has some answers but I can see a real challenge with just one way in one way out but not only the um car dealership but you have two other businesses already function their tire and a uh what is it Hauling Company or Trailer Company there that's using it already and they're good because that's zone for it but I'm just worried about the traffic what have we done or what is the plan if there's any to mitigate because you do have a lot of folks walking from the apartments and the houses with their little buggies and we know there's no sidewalk that goes across there that wind up in the in the road so I raised that in my briefing so hopefully we got some some answers of how we can deal with that Mr Mayor um Mr Gay Gregory gay director of planning Community Development um relating to your concerns regarding the traffic and and pedestrian V vehicular issues um we did go by the property there are sidewalks that are presently going around that particular property um so we we we believe that the the sidewalks will address those particular concerns as it relates to pedestrian safety uh we do agree that the having the number of businesses at this location and only having one point of Ingress and egress from a vehicular standpoint needs to be addressed um we did reach out to the property owner to see if they could do an additional Drive uh whether it be a one-way drive or a two-way drive going out to service road that way you will have more than one way to get in and out of this particular property especially with it being a a car dealership um as it relates to some of the other points uh we believe that we can have them do the loading and unloading of vehicles on site the site is just about an acre in size so that is something that can be accomplished on site within the property and not on the drive right away so that will also help with the safety concerns um to be addressed with this particular site okay I I I appreciate your answers you made a lot of you reached out to them but what you didn't give me was they agreed to do them number one number two the sidewalk is there but once you get up to a certain point the sidewalk is not there when you go into the entrance correct no sir the side saying you go but there's no way for somebody to know if I go across there because there's no sinus there's no anything there and that was part of my concern because when you come out uh from the backside from 141st and you had that stop sign or if you're coming off of State Road nine or coming around the access road and and that's what I'm getting at who would be responsible for that signage to increase the awareness for the safety because people walk there go to the grocery store up there to the fish market Etc and that's my concern we would bear that cost would they bear the cost and again it's because we're doing this as a special exception because it's not permitted already so I just want to have some insurances that is going to be addressed or taken care of through your office or how would it work how you to my colleagues they have any concern but those are ones I had thank you for those particular safety concerns they will have to to provide signage for those particular CS especially for the vehicular so they will be providing signage okay and uh commission Kelly you know thank you all right my um concerns were similar to what commissioner Kelly brought up here the Ingress and egress and yeah it's a lot going on in that little area but it to have only one entrance and one exit so is that something that you all can go back to the table and have a conversation about we can make that a part of the special except for them to do that all right and then this is completely unrelated but you all the pictures that you if we don't know the area we wouldn't know what we're looking at the pictures are black and white and they're blurry so Mr manager this is what so can we get colored pictures that you can actually see cuz a lot of us are going by memory or just going D I did a drive by because I couldn't I couldn't figure out what I was looking at so can we get you know color legible you can see it all right and then we got to address the concerns of the Ingress and egress that's my issue the safety the safety yes sir um any other concerns Mr Mayor commissioner bass my suggestion would be to go back and everything that commissioner Kelly spoke about the mayor spoke about is also my concerns um I can't support it unless we have a yes from them in black and white that they will take care what needs to be taken care of because I can't see it happening like that where like everybody is saying it's too congested and for us to go ahead and and do what they want before we get what we need I think that's putting a c before the horse Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um so I know everything that we said um that we would like to see happen before we can move forward I'm just going to tell you I flat out don't want that there um and so we already have um one second one second all right if we have to stop the meeting for the the conversations we're going to ask people to leave we're conducting a meeting so please Comm so to be honest with you we already have some car dealerships that are isour now so are we it we know that there was one there and I know and um there were some issues with that car dealership in terms of license or whatever they had is this the same dealership yes it is so we're gonna we we had a we had an issue with a dealership that would not be in compliance with with the city and now we're going to bring them back into the city well the whole purpose of the special exception is to address those particular concerns relating to them not being in compliance not going before the the the process that we're going through now with the special exception itself and and once they have achieved that then they will be able to go forth and move to get their licensure in a proper form and fashion correct with your approval and think that's my problem that I have my problem that I have and that's why I brought it up is it wasn't done properly from the beginning and so now they're asking for the commission to make an exception for them but that exception should have been made from the beginning they should have followed the protocols and the steps to make sure that they were in compliance from the beginning so that's just number one number two I already know what it's going to look like black and white whatever it's going to look like the same that we look it it'll be nice in the beginning and then it's just going to just be torn apart but when I think of dealerships or even if they're like small mom and pop or used car you still have to have the big tow trucks that are going to bring those cars in and out and so that's I I think about a school right there whether the Ingress and egress I get that but those it's I just foresee a problem and I always like to forward think when I vote on stuff and I just I can't support that thank you Mr Mayor just one more question how long has that business been there it's my understanding the business has been at that location for about a year and a half two years but there have been other businesses very similar to this one that have operated previously which is The Zone it's allowed by the zoning but you will have to do a special exception process which they did not do and they just basically did not get proper lure and they they just open up for business thank you M K thank you um I I also raised the point because with guard dealerships cars coming if it could be possible certain days and times that they would even come to bring Vehicles like you do at restaurants at ra I raise all those for that purpose um what I would like to see you know is obviously to defer it because you got to get answers from the owners if they're even amable to doing it first of all I mean I know you're saying you go back with them so is a POS I don't this is time certain uh Mr manager to the attorney if we if it got deferred even because you know a lot of my questions not answered that I raised in the briefing and you got to go back to the owners you said you had reached out to them but I guess you haven't gotten all of the answers correct because I think you probably could do another interest or exit somewhere it's big enough space so I'm not totally opposed to it but I do want to make sure it's safe so would it be possible to defer it so you can get all those questions answered and um timelines or not I don't I don't know if it's time sensitive or not it is not a time sensitive issue so if the administration is amable we would do that no I'm just I'm just speaking for me now I mean I just want to get those questions answered before I make a final decision but as it stands now just too congested what have you and I like to see even the fact that the vehicles brought in you know certain times that doesn't interfere with the school zones and things of that nature and some of the other things my colleagues mentioned so if it's not time sensitive I don't want to just not say we may not have it but I would prefer you defer it to address those concerns and bring it back to the commission and then they can make a final decision but I I you know see what the majority wants to do thank you Mr Mayor um Mr Mayor um Mr manager yes if there's no further questions from the commission uh Administration we have heard what had your concerns uh we have documented and noted those well we can defer this item to October 9th uh the next next commission meeting that should be sufficient time uh to have a Community Development Department uh voice your concerns uh and meet with the uh applicant all right this item has been deferred this item has been deferred thank you thank you all right we're going into 16 A1 no ma'am we deferred the item thank you we have public hearing on that item but we deferred it thank you um Madam Madame attorney Fort 1681 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending an ordinance ribbiting the storage of recreational vehicles specifically amending Article 5 section 22-16 of the city of opa's Land Development regulations to extend the time for the city's public information campaign intended to educate residents on requirements of the ordinance from 90 days to 180 days pertaining to the removal of recreational vehicles providing for severability providing for codification providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Williams all right can I get a motion move it move by um commissioner baz second second by vice mayor um commissioner Williams this is your legislation I go ahead and let you present and then we'll open up our public I'm gonna let the City attorney speak on it all right Madam attorney uh yes um Commissioners this is the same item that was on the uh on a previous agenda and the or discussion on a previous agenda about the recreational vehicles and what you all wanted to see was the time period uh for notice to the public to be expanded um so that the public had an opportunity to uh be um versed on what in every other respect the ordinance is the same that you passed previously but this would allow an amendment um prior to the time that it actually would go into effect for enforcement and um you also mentioned as a part of the last meeting that you wanted to allow commissioner Williams to have an opportunity to work with the city attorney's office and the city manager's office to come up with um some um changes that that she thought would be um supported by her colleagues so um we would just ask that you um or no we would just um have you know that nothing has changed with what you previously recommended other than the notice period to inform the public of um what should take place and how should this should be enforced got it for the mayor commissioner Williams okay and I also just want to be clear that I will not be taking 180 days to bring this back thank you okay all right so um public hearing is open public hearing is open hi good evening my well you know I have a Spang English my English is not good I I use my my friend she she help me now when I try to explain something my name is l Gales I live in 126 wilington Street okay first he wants to thank you for taking the consideration of this item feel he feels like there should be a decision that will benefit everybody finally we live in a in a in a land that is democracy and you know um I gota and and and justice for all and he leads it all to the to you guys to see the um people who the affected ones are and once again he wants to thank you to take uh he wants to take the opportunity to thank each and one of you to allow them to listen to their concerns thank you thank you public hearing is still open the problem is is that they are not used to the ordinance of opaka he says that um the ordinance was not the only time that they found out is when it was too late for them to stress their U um some have RVs some have um jet skis and some has um boats but they use it for that for entertainment for recreational he said that the intention when they bought their RVs was to take a vacation with their families at least once a year and the ordinance was made by the Das and it was passed and they didn't know about it he's saying that there was nothing he's he's stressing that it was nothing wrong doing but they was done you know he said that he's never heard um he doesn't read the Miami Herold so with when that ornament or that came out he he didn't know he's saying that maybe his his suggestion is to uh the ordinance to be reconsidered and re Rec uh remade into you know with certain certain regulations he said that he understands that there are regulations and rules but just to tell them that they all have to be removed it's not Fair thank you all right uh my name is Emmanuel and the only question that I have is a address for the record oh the what address uh 561 shat Avenue uh uh we're gonna receive a warning oh how it's gonna uh during this process uh we're going to receive the warning it's not going to be a warning just to clarify we'll get to that and uh soon when um public hearing is open we'll we'll get to it oh sorry I don't understand sorry okay sorry guys all right um public hearing is still open uh let me try in English it's not my first language but I have a question after your name my name is Gina Gomez and my address is 900 C is Drive and my question because I am not involved how the government is regulation or creating regulations but after this meeting what is the next step about this ordinance because as a resident on opaloka we need changes for regulations but we do not need it to band or something like that like a RB now is the first step so my question is what is the next step once we decided to extend the 180 days is now so is a possibility the ordinance will be revoked and revocations for regulations or or or what is next all right um we'll get to that question when we get to the discussion of the item okay thank you no problem public hearing is still open public hearing is closed all right um Madam I mean commissioner Williams if you don't mind can you explain it I'm explain it in English and then you can translate for me all right so what we what we're doing tonight is that commissioner Williams brought the ordinance back to extend the time period of the educational period go ahead and during that time she will work with the city manager and the City attorney because she we we all hear your concerns she's heard your concerns and try to come up with a plan that is AD meable to everyone all right and also it takes two readings so this is the first reading so if it passes tonight for the extension then it will come back for a second reading and at that moment the time will be extended and during the inum of that commissioner Williams will come up with a plan to present it back to the residents of the city of opal and we'll move forward like that way okay so thank you okay all right so I want to turn it over back to the sponsor so that yeah but H topic Hot Topic um so I again and not to say everything you just said but we're we're it's the time period of Education it's not being repealed we're not revoking it's not being thrown in the trash I am going to come work with the city manager so that we can um take what um the concerns of um not just the well theur concerns of the commit was it wasn't enough time period for education and we heard that part so that's what this is is to give everyone enough time um I believe by the the last three meetings from the fact that it's standing room only everybody's been educated on this ordinance um so that's not the issue and and again the issue that we hear I hear you and then we will I will I will come back with a um item that hopefully we can um work together and um and it's um acceptable by all but I do want to say something I want to clear something up that I it's the second time I've heard it the commission did everything right so I want to I want to say that we live in America and it is a democracy this is the way every board is run it doesn't matter if it's the city of Miami or the county we pass ordinances and all ordinances have two readings and that's exactly what we did so I don't want to um put that out that we did something wrong and I want to make that clear we did everything right we did everything right it's unfortunate that you did not hear about it just because you did not hear about it doesn't mean we did something wrong you don't hear about all the ordinances and you don't hear about all the resolutions we passed if you're not actively involved in the city so because you've heard about it after the fact does not mean we did something wrong from the beginning that's it thank you so much all right um any other questions are concerned on this item if not we can go ahead and call a question Madame clerk commissioner bass yes Vice May Irvin yes on first reading commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z first reading all right um going into the second item 16 B1 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida hello we're still in a we're still in a meeting we're still in the meeting go ahead an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending the annual adopted General proprietary and special re Revenue funds budgets for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2023 and ending September 30 2024 adjusting revenues and expenditures as reflected in exhibit a providing for the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for an appropriation of all budgets and expenditures providing for fees consistent with Appropriations and Amendment providing for incorporation of recitals providing for conflicting repealer providing for severability providing for an effective date this is uh first reading was held on September 11th 2024 this is sponsored by the city manager all right um can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Mr manager go ahead and we open up for public thank you Mr Mayor so this is our um most recent budget amendment for the closing a fiscal year which ends on September 30th uh as you all know our Charter requires uh does not allow Administration to make uh even Interline transfers for budgets uh for for Budget adjustments so anytime we make any changes we have to bring those back to the commission for approval and we have the director of financial support services Mr Robert anthan available to answer any questions about about this particular Amendment all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions for um Mr anathan on this item all right hearing none Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right going on to our city manager report Mr manager thank you we have some uh we have an update um an additional update that I'll provide under the uh mayor's report all right any questions for the manager I have I do if no one else does I do Comm I mean vice mayor okay thank you Mr Mayor M um as we this is almost two years that I've been the uh vice mayor and uh I have to ask this question Mr city manager the last my last two briefings you've missed may I ask you why I'll have to look at my schedule uh for one of them I was had a a meeting in Dural uh the other one I don't recall but I can get that back to you um but I certainly will make every Endeavor to make your meetings and if I'm going to miss your meetings I'll I'll I'll let you know in advance and I apologize for not letting you know in advance okay cuz I don't I don't want I don't want for there's a still a job that we have to do here whether we like each other don't like each other whatever we still have a job to do and uh I I've heard stories as far as how you could be like and that's fine but we your bosses and I've heard that there's some of us you haven't spoken to in a year and stuff like that and I thought the other day I said if if we're his boss and he treat us this way I can only imagine how he treats the employees that he's in charge of but then I can't blame him because we as a commission we accept it whatever it is and I'm not going to accept it so I needed to for the record let that be known okay thank you so uh please allow me to address that um as you said you had heard um as we know there are many rumors that we hear here in opaka that doesn't just because that's what you heard uh that doesn't make it factual um I've always uh shown you all particularly you uh the utmost respect it's always been yes ma'am no ma'am you call my phone I answer you ask for something I give it to you and if I can't give it to you uh I'll let you I'll let you know that uh I will always continue to do that uh regardless of any other circumstances and that's my commitment to doing my job okay if you say so any other questions to the or responses to the city manager Mr Mayor commissioner Kellin thank you um couple of things Mr manager we got this um document I guess from the police department can you tell me what this is supposed to be um it says commission resolution is this supposed to be documents that were related to something before I I haven't read it but I'm we just got it tonight so I don't is this information that was not part of the um previous stuff or is this I know there was some discussion that there was some pages out of the information given to us at the inquiry and I haven't read it but I'm just if you could give me just a moment sir problem okay so that had already um yes that's from the old resolution there's no there's nothing new in there uh apparently you'd never received a copy but it was submitted electronically some time ago and I believe the chief of police is here is available to ask some questions pertaining to that yes Mr Mayor commission uh the electronic version was emailed to the clerk's office we're going back and forth she said she couldn't receive it as we looked at it the data was too large so I converted it to a PDF copy and sent her the PDF copy and that is what that is what you now you now have so this is from the inquiry that we well that you spoke about so all the items in here are just police related or everything that's the full uh uh PowerPoint that the pages were missing and all the other documents that you have that were delivered to you previously on the night of the hearing okay because some of the questions were raised and again I haven't read it so you can just tell me it's in here and I'll look for it later because I know it's concerns about uh who was doing investigations where they were uh what agencies were doing it and um you you mentioned I think there were some pages missing so all of that is in here now yes sir okay I'll go through it and look I won't hold up to time for that um but we finally finally did get it okay commission K before you go on Mr manager the pages that you said that you were reading that nobody else had you were supposed to give them to the commission is that included in that document as well yes and it was uh my understanding was it was provided to the clerk's office uh shortly thereafter Mr Mayor pages that Mr Mayor um Madam clerk I after the meeting where you discussed the inquiry resolution I haven't received anything um I know the chief attempted to email me the same document that you received this evening um right before the last commission meeting um September I mean yeah September 11th however there was no attachment to that email and I finally got the document today right before the meeting and that is what's being provided but any additional information that the manager is making reference to that was emailed to the city clerk's office I haven't received that information just for the record when I skim through it it looked exactly like the presentation that was presented but we were still waiting on the documentation CU even the chief did a presentation but the manager you said you were reading something and I asked you did you have it and or could anybody get it to us you said it was it wasn't in the email and no one else had it but you but I asked you to give it to the commission and we have yet to receive it so I was um I believe the chief said that that's in there this is the exact same presentation and I you said well by your reaction when he stated that he gave it to us you didn't even know that he gave it to us so did you review this I reviewed the item that he and I put together the very next day which included the uh which included the uh the additional items yes I did and I do believe that that is what is I according to the chief that is what is before you now all right and then I'll say this Mr manager that we didn't direct the chief to give us a presentation we directed you to give us a presentation so M um Chief we don't need to hear anymore thank you because the resolution was for the manager to answer the inquiry questions not the chief of police so but if you said the items are in here like my colleague said we'll go through them and I guess you can have one-on-one meetings to go through with us with the city attorney all right commissioner K I'm sorry thank you I I haven't read it so that's why I defer I haven't read it so I'll look at it um the other questions that I um have we did get uh tonight the update on the feasibility study um that I had requested again my concern and I know some of them ongoing my concerns really are is when they were some of them were submitted because some of these items were passed like back in February and the status says it was submitted to Miami day County that's on the no parking but when was it submitted the same thing for the 4-day work week uh that was passed in April we're in September and we're still Gathering well it says you've gathered preliminary information now you're conducting a comparison analysis with neighboring cities I would have thought that's all part but again that's April May June July August September that's almost five months and again I see that with several of them and I know sometimes it takes a while for agencies to get information but we're we're passing it it's being submitted and there's a lot of time uh in between and and that's a concern that I have even with the food pantry because I was hoping we were going to have that feasibility to make kind of decision on going forward with the feeding South Florida and others and your answer was that you're that they're 14 distributions and you're closely working with an organization to Outsource but that's very vague again we're still in uh limbo where it would be done and this was passed again a while back the last one that I want to reference is um Jan we just talked about submit on July 10th and we're in September and again what's the timeline on many of these that we're submitting to the county that they're giving us a feedback or whoever is our Point person to say yes we received it you can expect an update in two months three months one month that's concern I have and that Segways into some other things that I've sent to Mr manager and again uh I saw the email where you ask your staff to um it with me or to address it but you know I I can only I can only direct three people you the attorney and the clerk well 105 that can direct I have not gotten back some of the answers that I would hope to gotten back no updates the last one I got for example on the Pine Tree Lake Canal cleaning um one was verbal that was received by staff and the other was in black and white that you were looking well you contacted the county attorney on something and I responded back well if it's dealing with an attorney then our attorney should be involved because obviously that's some legal issue I haven't heard anything back now I not one of those folks that like to call you anybody can tell you I don't call you that often correct I if I call you you know it's got to be I don't like the fact that when you have residents and or businesses trying to get information I'm just trying to get information not trying to set policy trying to get them a Clarity on what's going on and don't get an update I have a challenge with that Pine Tree Lake we went through a long list the last official word I got was that we needed to get signatures from some of the folks over there uh one of the residents had got some signatures we found out that's not enough but my challenge really with many of these is we're not getting or I'm not getting the update information that I'm asking for all you got to say is it's with the county we project two weeks three weeks here's who we're dealing with but when I heard you know you're waiting on the County Attorney to me that's legal and so the attorney should be involved in that and if we're still waiting on the county for some update then that should have came back as well and I keep hearing that happening over and over and I don't I don't like verbal so I'm going to say to you because I can only talk to you I don't I don't care to hear verbal I want black and white so don't communicate in verbal communicate in black and white and so that's a major challenge I have with a lot of things that go forth and and I did see the email I'm going to send the record I saw the email where you directed your department assistance to get with me a dress followup so I'm going to say to you because you're the manager they need to do a better job of that in some cases and you I'm not going to call Nam but you know what I'm talking about because otherwise then I have to come to the meeting and get on your case and it seems like I'm attacking you I'm not really attacking you I'm trying to get information because residents are asking me the same thing about the flooding issue over in one of our areas and I know it's a major infrastructure issue I know we got drainage issues and so what I suggested was possibly a temporary solution because I know in other other areas where we've had high W and we know it go out send the pumps we do some temporary things and I had indicated or asked could that even be done or a temporary plan hadn't hurt anything could we do it or it's going to cost this much or it's got to go to commission whatever that would be so at least we can let the residents Community know or business owners here's what we're doing we all know as you said I think all of us aware we got a $100 million worth of infrastructure challenges you know I got called the other day over at the industrial park and I know we do some drainage over there the water is so high over there you would think we haven't done anything am I correct I mean but we've done something but obviously it's not enough but not to get information to folks is unacceptable so I'd like to get answers um on that in black and white updates from your folks that you got ass sign um you know um they want to come by the office they can but I want to get in black and white because I want to be able to respond to the community and business owners and I think what I'm requesting is something all of us want is to try to relieve the challenges because we got flooding it's raining it's whatever and if it's in front of our house or our business we want to try to do something and if that means coming back to the commission with some kind of temporary whatever um the commission could decide but to not give an answer or at least some kind of possible plan or relief is challenging I just sent you one today from 19th Avenue and same kind of challenge you know I know that's a big issue I've seen it we know it but if there's any kind of temporary relief we need to provide that as well so um you can respond it's not really you you got to deal with your staff but I'd like to get some answers on that so I can be able to say to the community where we are and again if it requires special legislation to come back because of the cost or something then bring you back or let me know and our sponsor need be because I know we're in those times um that that's the other thing that I I had other than the trash receptacles on 140 first I know that was part of the plan or what have you um and we were doing I guess we're putting them in as part of beautification do you know when they're going to get to that um to that area I see we're working on the Sesame Street Canal project so we'll bring that up and um the other thing that I wanted to uh mention is the I mentioned before in the budget a line item about business incentives and trying to get businesses help whatever I know the C is doing some things but from the city side if you could just give us an update what is being planned per the new budget because I know there money allocated for it I I would appreciate that um that's all I have the others I I'll for the sake of time I will send to an email thank you Mr Mayor all right you want to respond oh thank you commissioner Kelly uh we will get that information to you all right any other questions or concerns to the manager um through the mayor commissioner Williams to the manager okay I'm going to try to keep keep it brief but um understandable okay so my question was I'm I'm trying to read this document that is maybe I missed something um I'm seeing and I'm seeing something on page 18 where it says where is number eight criminal investigations and and we talk about investigations a lot um we're initiating investigations investigations on people um upon my arrival on the dis we received a letter from Mr darari Griffin talked about Alle uh investigations and I think where I'm troubled that we have it right here in black and white it says internal policies and procedures many cities have established procedures for handling complaints against employees the city of opaka has no such policy I I'm I'm and I it's interesting because I asked um our um HR Director before commission meeting started where are we with policies and procedures and so I think where where I'm troubled is we have been talking about policies and procedures for months not like I mean months almost a year I can't gauge and so I'm looking at we have a lot of things that just transpired um one of our residents talked about um an employee under um in the police department I'll just say that investigations we keep hearing investigations investigations and so I am almost a little nervous that we are launching investigations we're doing things but we don't have standard policies and procedures and I'm not sure where the City attorney can jump into this because I just feel like this is going to come back to bite us madam Madam HR Director if you don't mind I'm so sorry putting you on the spot I'm so sorry but I need to know and I think we all need to know because everything and let me just finish what I'm saying yes through the manager talk through the manager is it okay if I ask the HR certainly well we did provide that information um to the commission on the status of where she is uh with the policies and procedures okay that I ask her absolutely thank you madam HR Director yes commissioner if you don't where are we with st with with with like uh stamped these are our official policies and procedures good evening Mary Adams Human Resources Director uh I have um I have a presentation that Mr manager and I have gone through we've spent about an hour and a half going through it's very extensive uh the presentation includes me drafting new uh policies and only two policies within the current handbook were not touched so I think over 80 policies were revised changed deleted in some way um there is a pay plan that was requested there's it's it's an extensive development of processes every process has a a form that goes with it and so it's a very big book for he and I to go through uh we have the uh the handbook policy the pay plan policy and we have a a chart where I have done a comparison of those three policies of the the asme and the PBA and all of that work is ready uh I'm actually continuing to revise it as I hear things um you know that we're working on in HR uh but it is ready and he will meet with me and we will go through it um and get that in front of you the plan is um uh Mr manager will go through the policies with me he has to review them and work with me we will then roll them out to uh you all probably probably in a workshop environment then we will roll them out to the directors and train them on all of the policy and procedures and then the employees okay my question to you yes a organization of this size does it take that long to create policies and procedures for this organization it hasn't taken me that long um we have a draft okay well that we looking through and so thank you I don't want to you have a draft and and yes I don't want to hand spank you because I don't it's not you I just think at some point everything that we're doing and you know you know so I think I'm preaching to the choir everything that's happening in our city right now whether it's uh hirings or firings or de or promotions or whatever is happening all of this stuff um I don't know I'm not legal I don't I didn't go to school for law but not having a clear set of policies and procedures and we are making decisions and we're doing things and and quite frankly things that I feel like is going to come back to bite us without having something done so I I I I just I don't know I'm going to make a motion if you don't mind I'm going to make a motion by next meeting which is what October is that oh I can't do that I see man no ma'am you you can make a request of the manager if you'd like I can't make a motion but she can do it as my job at the pleasure of the when I I will thank you so muchal okay so when I get to that so because I I'm and I'm not going to be on my Soap Box because I know I can be on one but this when I read this right here and then I'm reading how criminal investigations happen and I hear that a lot like oh this person's being investigator or this is an investigation and and then we don't hear we don't get you know the the end of the investigation but just you know we hear that word a lot and so I'm hearing and then I'm seeing you know even whereas with the employee bonus maybe I missed it but um because I know the mayor said it this was presented so that's why I said maybe I missed it so when I see some of this verbage it makes me nervous and it gives me pause because without that that's the city's Bible not blasphemy Lord but that's a problem that we're still here and we are making decisions and we're doing things and I'm going to stop here but I when I get to Future agenda items I'll I'll address it there thank you you're welcome Mr Mayor commissioner B commission no no go ahead I'll defer thank you to miss Adams um I wanted to know is the City attorney also working with you all as it relates to no that would not be may may I um yes sir of course step that you left out is all department heads once they complete uh once their policies and procedures are presented uh completed those are then submitted to the C attorney for her review okay for her you Mr okay thank you all right Mr Mayor commission govern I didn't know this was gonna come up but one more time through the manager M oh you didn't manager one of them can so while we're evolving our policy and you're meeting and you're revamping and it's a work in progress we are still under the rule or gu then of our previous policy and I'm going back and I could be wrong on the date so y'all correct me I think the last I remember of policies that were adopted you know I'm not talking about Charter stuff was back in 2008 7 n somewhere way back then so we're still under that set of rules unless some has changed from a state procedure or federal law or something we still following those policies or procedures or how we deal how are we dealing with that since since this came up I was going to wait for another meeting but since it came up um what what are we using then so that's a two-point answer first yes to 2007 okay employee handbook yes is still in place that doesn't mean the laws that have been uh passed since then or within that book okay I I know there's some laws passed whether you know state law federal law County I understand that part but that's still our main framework that we're using yes sir okay so that means anything that we're doing and I'm I'm not really rest wrestling talking about enforcement law enforcement investigations but although that's probably in there too through the contract we're following or supposed to be following that 2007 rule book until you bring something back for this commission to pass outside of a state law change federal law change Etc resolution Etc yes sir pardon me and resolution and resolution that the commission would have passed yes sir okay um all right I I'll leave that right there thank you Mr Mayor Mr Mayor Mr yes Mr manager uh thank you sir I I think it's important to give a point of clarification here because uh some of the language is getting convoluted um all criminal investigations are followed under the policies and procedures of the opaka police department uh and and and subject as commissioner Kelly said to the contract um and the city manager has no role outside of what is afforded at the end of that process by the collective bargaining agreement as negotiated uh by the city balaka so I just want to that continues to be you know as Commission wh says something I've heard over and over again but I think uh uh it's important to clarify that so I'm sorry through the mayor I I'm sorry so what's the clarity that that the the police has a different standard of Investigations and you can launch investigations in fact is the the city manager does not have the authority to direct the police department to open launch or or do that's not what I'm saying so I'm saying it's almost like a branch you're saying you have a branch of the tree you can launch investigations on employees but the if it's dealing with the police the chief and I'm the police launches those investigations not essentially uh not exactly but essentially yes I don't want to yes let me just say yes that's it's okay the city manager doesn't have the authority to direct criminal investigations criminal correct I'm saying employees or anyone else that will come from the city yes yes and the only way that happens is through complaints that come to the city manager's office from employees or uh directed to HR such as happened in the past is that in the 2007 employee handbook um I'd have I'd have to check but that is what we I'm just trying to Fig okay so there's there's not a scenario uh there's not a scenario for clarification let's do both sides then there's not a scenario where the where the city manager walks into HR and goes go investigate this person uh and and that's never happened under my watch that's never happened I've never gone into HR and said you know go open up an investigation on this portion employees have to come to HR department or come to the city manager's office and make complaints and usually for HR and if it's just one person talking about another individual those are handled internally thank you Mr Mayor I hope that no not at all you just confused us even the more yeah that's why you just confused even you started with that the manager only comes in on the tail in of an investigation for a criminal investigation based on the collective bargaining agreement but so what we then what we re we just received a request for meeting for something through agencies so is that the tail end of that investigation and that came to us from your office something through agencies yeah you sent a request to meet with every member of the commission individually to information to provide you information and updates on information that we had that had that was not pertaining to specific to an investigation it was pertaining to uh some engagement that the HR Director had and that you mentioned agencies in that it was it was two two agencies yes sir there was an update that uh we received that we wanted to provide as well so that's the tail end of the investigation no sir that was an update that was provided uh that we wanted to provide the administration that had nothing to do with an investigation from my perspective it it's a separate issue sir but one has nothing to do with the other but then how do you know that there are investigations because you to commissioner Williams point you said on multiple times on the Das on record that this is an investigation even to the point to the tune of threatening the commission last meeting that if we involve ourselves in investigations we will be um um hit with a um a misdemeanor and an Ethics complaint that was um I take issue with that characterization uh I feel like it's uh yeah I I I take issue with that characterization and I I would like for us to uh pull up the record um in no shape form or fashion have I uh threatened the commission what I did was uh what I did was was read the law read the statute pertaining to the conversation that was being had that's what I did and I did that to protect my commission not to threaten my commission okay Mr May why you Gathering your thought because I know you're trying to gather your thought I I did get the request from the clerk for a meeting and I declined because I didn't have the time um so I would like to get whatever the update in in writing but I was kind of challenged for the same thing when I saw um updates and I saw from FDLE and the State Attorneys Office because those are two outside agencies or entities and I was kind of while we be getting those individually so uh my schedule wouldn't permit so I'd like to get whatever information um in black and white that they did send so that I would at least be a breast of it um going going forward um thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted to request that thank you I'll say this um based on the what you said was informing to protect the commission I don't want no information on that whatever you were sending out from FDLE and the state attorney's office because we both know they do investigation I don't want no parts of it um so when it comes out the findings that they bring then I'll take it then so you can give it to whoever is requesting it or meet with whoever I declined the meeting I I okay hold on for sec I I don't I don't have a problem with your request but if it's information that is being shared at this point then I'm assuming and I could be wrong that it's already public record so if it's public record it's out there anyway it's not public record which is why I requested an individual meeting again it's not a public record sir which is why I requested an individual meeting but the information is coming from FDLE and the state attorney's office according to the to the docu I mean to the email correct no no I'm saying the email we received requesting the meeting indicated and that's why I want to be clear indicated that there were updates just received from the FL Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney's office so those are outside entities so if they are giving information that you're going to share with us I would just assume that's already public so you're saying it wasn't it's not public it's not public okay all right thank you I'm glad you clarified that thank you it's okay I don't need to to get it if it's confidential um thank you thank you for clarifying that Mr manager yes sir all right any other concerns or questions to the manager all right moving on to our official board reports I see no board chairs here um we're going into our future agenda items do we have any future agenda items Mr Mayor commissioner Williams for the future agenda item I would like to profer um an item and I think I need to um have the assistance of the City attorney on this um so that we can have the employee I'm so sorry have the policies and procedures completed by the next commission meeting which is October 9th completed finalized not in draft done and presented to the commission October 9th well um commissioner the item would be at the next commission meeting date is October 9th you probably want to do the day after it because you'll be passing it that night got it okay I heard um Madam HR Director say something about workshopping or something did you did she want to do that before or after I'm I wasn't sure Mr manager may I I would like for you to see the information that is reviewed and approved by Mr manager before we present it on the days so I would like a workshop that is my preference and of course it's your decision it's just that there's so much information that has changed so in your opinion and I'm I'm no offense to the manager I'm only because you're HR that's it um through the manage through the mayor to the HR Director does that give enough time for you and the manager to complete this I have no idea what his schedule is mine will I will make mine available you would have to as Mr manager I can make my as you know our HR Director only here 16 hours a week um soit we'll have to well uh I'll be with her during that time I continue to be here since I I'm available Monday through Friday I'm sure you will and Saturday Okay um so whatever you want to do can that can it be done thank you sir we'll get it done okay so then we CU I don't I don't want to I am not a fan of workshops everybody know that but I'm going to what do you suggest sir do you think the bookshops necessary well if they want to if the commission wants to address anything in there before it passes then they have to see it first exactly so I'll ask um my fellow board members would you all like to push it for the second meeting in October yours J is to pass it correct correct but for us to see it also before we pass it is what Madam attorney is saying so to push it to come to pass it for the second meeting but in the interum do a workshop yes between now okay maybe before next meeting like we did tonight well I'm I'm just saying I don't know if that's enough time so if but we're also missing an another step because I believe the manager said that it has to go to to the City attorney for legal sufficiency first okay so I guess you have to it goes from her so they said they have the draft but then you you said it's a long document it's a lot of information so but it's broken into pods I mean it's it's not like just a handbook I I have a list and you know how I present things it's colorcoded so can you give what was changed what was not changed how can you give What's Done To The City attorney now so that she can begin to read through it is that done it's in a very very it's in a very very early draft stage so we're filling in say again you said it so it's like first draft before I turn it into the teacher before it go to final draft yes and we're prep putting together something to turn into the teacher yes but that's not good Mr Mayor commissioner k um so at this at this point where you are Mr manager and to the HR Director you you have it compiled you all got to get together I guess do what y'all need to do and then bring it to the Commission in inim now there's possibly a workshop that would take place so up until this point at this moment the City attorney has not been involved or know anything I mean then has not looked at a draft or a copy or anything no sir I ask why that hasn't occurred because you're talking about changing you just said that you have laws that have changed and things that have changed and things within the asthme and the PBA agreement so I don't understand why the City attorney would not have been a part of as you're doing your pockets and pods or however you have it broken up so that by the time you get to your end it would be much smoother to present but be that is a hasn't been done so how are you are going to incorporate that part in it whether through the workshop or to make sure the attorney has looked at it or had you know because you said it so much how how do you plan to do that page 23 of Pardon Me 117 of the first I didn't hear you I'm sorry we're only on page 23 of the first part so well I'm not saying where you are I'm just saying because things have changed with laws and whatever that would deal with legal I would just assume that that attorneys off be on the front end because it is so massive because there might be something in there that you all think is okay you want to present it to us in some form with the turny and get it till the end and got 400 Pages that's going to be time consuming um I I would suggest y'all think about that I I know my colleague is um asking you know and I defer to her because she's in that system and know more about HR so I just want to make sure we get something in place thank you Mr Mayor yes sir what and we're still in your future J but to the manager we and the clerks we passed legislation um addressing policy and procedures where you all gave us some stuff from your department here what was that that was policies and procedures from those departments that had completed it and it's the same process uh the department heads uh put together the first draft it's reviewed by uh City manager's office either myself or uh one of the assistant city manager then it goes to the city attorney's office then it comes to the commission so that what we passed a couple months ago is separate from what Miss Adam you and Miss Adam is working on now hers has not been completed um so what was passed is as department heads have finished theirs we presented those to you and then sometimes I think a couple of them we had to we made some changes and we brought those back so some of them some departments have had actually come before you twice uh but HR has not has not come before you sir so what's what what's laying in the wind is HR policies not because what we talked about what she said earlier was departmental and HR so what you're saying is the only thing that's laying in the wind is just HR policies I know I know we passed legislation I'll have to check with the department heads but I do know HR is outstanding I don't know if there's anybody else that has not had an initial policy and procedure reading but I can get you that information Mr may can I pick it back um please and Madam mad can you um send that legislation to the commission please so the ones that was passed Mr manager if I'm understanding you correctly had the commission passed those are operating now yes sir as policies and procedures yes sir okay um and so you're not you're not reviewing any of those you're just doing HR and yes whatever it hadn't been done okay um so there's no laws or anything that's change on any of those that were passed by the commission a while back those go to the City attorney before coming to you so the city attorney's already reviewed those the ones that you've approved okay so okay so the ones that that we that that the mayor's referencing from departments that have been passed City attorney already looked at those and they're utilizing those in the Departments now yes sir okay so gu the mayor is asking that the clerk give us a copy of that I want to be clear so all you're doing is just HR and nothing else yes sir okay but there are some other departments that weren't finished either though that's why I'm asking that question not just a job but there some other departments that not that had not um been passed by commission that was still working so I need to know those as well thank you Mr Mayor the mayor um Madam attorney yes my recollection is there were some that came um or that were going to go on to the agenda but it had a lot of errors in it and it was pulled so I don't know if it actually came back again those that had to do with departments Madam clerk okay so I'm just going to ask that Madam clerk provides that information and in the inter of time because we need to move on yeah you're you wanna I don't even know I don't at this point because it's in like first draft how do we how do we move forward can somebody between um Mr manager and HR Director like it this has to be at the Forefront yes of we'll expedite it even even it's a lot can you do this before I leave yes ma'am doesn't look like absolutely we can and we will but I mean I I because I almost feel like I have to put out legislation to make it happen you do so I I I'm serious can you do within the the next 30 days or next 45 days that it comes back in the time frame why you looking at your time I would think that we would have had to have passed it because was that part of the bargaining units some of those finding wanted the finding was I think that may have been a different issue the those may have been different issues but I I'm sure the clerk will find it and um but I know policy and procedure was a part of the findings and it was it was I think that had to do with the financial issues only for the um no they had Poli majority of the stuff that came back talked about there's no policy or procedure and when we went to Tallahasse that was one of the things that they brought up that we need to update our policies and procedures I think yeah I was one that passed pass that legislation I remember that so madam are you going to withdraw your motion or you gonna tweak it or how you want you want are we saying 30 days I guess that's a question to HR the manager and attorney because what's realistic for you all yes because you all are not talking I can meet starting tomorrow with the draft I have so I have the handbook I have the regulation book I have the pay plan and I have all the charts and and forms to go with all of those documents ready Madam attorney if we get this um to you and two weeks would that be sufficient time for your review I I don't know what it is so I would hesitate to just say it's enough time when I have no idea and she makes it sound like it's thousands of pages so that's true that's true she does that's true she [Laughter] does I don't even know how to make this motion at this I think the challenge is it's not the number of pages it's how every word on every page has where some departments may just tweak theirs every year and you know move along we're going from 2007 so it's if you want to do I've watermarked or rather I put tracking and it just looks like someone put Blood on the page but you have to track everything that was changed on every page so if they want to see the tracking that's a whole another thing so by October 9th will we be on the second draft let's make it happen I can make it happen I said second I didn't say second draft and include the attorney maybe give her uh Pages out of a thousand at a time may do not have a thousand pages so maybe 500 okay I I would I will I will withdraw my motion um I know I'm making a mistake by by withdrawing it because I'm telling you y'all gonna be passing this in March but yeah I'm serious I'm telling you so um but I withdraw and hopefully by October 9th we can um I'm available we can we can come back to this question and and have something some answers thank you thank you all right any other future G items all right I have one it's um nothing serious but I need to make a motion to SP to serve be able to serve alcohol at conol Loca at our Spanish Heritage event but I need a legislation to come back on October 9th so that's the motion that I'm putting forth a commissioner domiguez hey we got to do it we got to pass the so that's that's the motion that I'm putting forth I know commissioner it's not me I didn't have it at Taste oaka but I mean they regular people want communion so to come back for like a special before no we have you just we just got to I just need to be able to bring it for that me and pass it and we take it to the state well hopefully un approval okay so you need me to I need a I need I make a motion second he made a second made a second second all right it was moved a second can I have a roll call commissioner Williams I don't know alcohol yes yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irving he is commissioner Kelly it doesn't matter y'all got three ropes I guess I'll say yes pass anyway May Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right so um moving on to our Mar commission reports uh we gonna start from left to right commissioner Williams Oh no report um shout out to the opaka hurricanes and to everyone opaka cheerleaders um everyone that works every day day day not just week day um to make it happen and shout out to opaka Hurricane football tenu 14 okay everybody oh I'm sorry everybody coaches and everybody everybody can I just say this commit um vice mayor spends her Saturdays day from literally like 7 AM to 7 p.m. supporting the football team um I'm there I'm a football mom so I'm sitting there and I'm watching it everyone that's there it is so tedious and Tas oriented to be there and so just shout out to everybody miss Chris everybody that's there I'm missing people um but man let me tell you it's a life it's a job and y'all like y'all are doing it for free so big ups and every time I sit up here I'mma say it again and again that um Al thank you commissioner bass for um your third having a third baby shower did she say like because commission again another baby no um but I heard it was a very successful event and I'm so sorry I was at football um and um and that's it thank you all right thank you commissioner Williams commissioner bass thank you um September this month was National Baby safety month so Mar commission we did put on our third annual baby shower um we had tons and tons of really good baby items purchased by some of my allocations as well as we had eight vendors who came and donated to make it even more of a success um I saw one of our vendors was here tonight oh there he is second year in a row um he actually gave out three hours for free a rle with his spinning 360 360 thing and he did it last time too um thanks to the clerk's office worked really really really hard Stephen even got a little Notch for you know he just went through we we made him work he earned his check um the manager's office uh everybody knows he is right now look at Wait Don't make me say where he's Laing don't do it I he did well for the baby shower I mean that was a lot of work you know our um Miss Mahia she worked her butt off um a shoper who shop shop shop I believe she dropped she shopped so much um purchasing baby items um assistant city manager thank you so much and I don't want to exaggerate the numbers because I'm not good at exaggerating but I would say we had about 150 to maybe 175 and um it was very very successful and not just giving out the baby items just the thank yous and and you could see the the need and the appreciation for what was done and not just the items also the the educational part of it that was taking place we also had Jeopardy teaching them about finances and it it was really good so next Commission meeting I'm hoping to have all of them here so you would have an opportunity to meet them and help me thank them because even though I was the head of it it's our event so thank you all for your support and next year hopefully we'll be bigger and better thank you all thank you vice mayor I'm so sorry bass that commissioner bass that I missed this one but I was at football next year I was at football um I will say that Bingo was really really nice it continues to grow I don't know how it's going to work with the decrease that we just accepted but it was standing room only and of course I have to thank our uh assistant city manager Miss shcca lawon for having our gifts there on time Park staff oh my god when I walk through the door they say you don't have to do anything but just start you we got everything all set up and it's like okay everything was in in place and on time um I I do I am an advocate supporter of our Parks that's no secret it started years ago I've been 3 five years living across the street from the parks so I have I've bought uniforms for teen te and we've done some a whole lot of everything um our coaching staff is phenomenal and I I have to give a great shout out to M Mr darari Griffin for what he does for that football program to see him in action in spite of what happened to him here you would not believe it even down he's the he's the everything man when it comes to that football program at Miss Carin is sitting in the audience now she can tell you how he troubleshot uh he was the troubleshooter on on Saturday and kept things from getting way out of hand and thought nothing of it when we took the kids to Fort Pierce everybody's gone parents didn't get back yet who was still there waiting for the parents to come pick up their children toari Griffin I don't want him to think that we forgot about him we appreciate what he does we appreciate what all the staff does especially this time of the year um I I thank everybody and also because this year wound up being a rebuilding year for whatever reason I won't get into details but if you have a child that still wants to play football we are still recruiting and I think cheering as well please bring them to the park we were lucky to get three more kids on jaylen's team um on Monday they came to practice because we needed that um what commissioner Williams didn't tell y'all is that Jaylen is a park kid he she can't ever get him to go home after his game we try to you know we know he's not going she still thinks that he's going he's he's not going at all um and I don't have anything to say but if you're this weekend the cheerleaders are fundraising at the football game that we're having this weekend at home so if you want to support the cheerleaders come by and purchase something from them thank you the um we were trying to get them to start at 12 12 um it's going to start at 12 yeah so our game we have three teams so our games will start at 12 and we should be finished by 6 right M way yes thank you right commissioner Kelly thank you uh Mr Mayor and I I want to Echo in a general sense all of the comments made about our staff the clerk's office all of the Departments to the manager's office for the work they do for all of our um Outreach efforts I want to commend them I don't take it lightly being a fo employee I know it's a sacrifice even if you're getting paid it's still a sacrifice so I want to Echo those thoughts I did have under my uh report along with some other items and I mentioned it earlier about Citywide Canal cleaning uh improvements and one of the reasons I raised it in the report um was because I know the county cleans twice a year but that's not enough for Canal cleaning and so I raas it in the budget hearing so I'm just want to bring it up because I had in my report a sever of our Canal areas throughout the city um need more than twice a year I know we're trying to renegotiate the agreement with the county but if that does not work to get us more and I hope we look at some subcontracting or something so that we can get our canals uh cleaned and and make sure they're address more than twice a year because even though they come out and do what they do another week or two what have you um crash whatever is in there and that's why I brought about the receptacles on 141st but not only there but even on Atlantic and other areas throughout the city we have um canals to put receptacles I do see folks fishing and I always like that to see uh folks out there fishing in the canals but I also want to make sure they're clean so I know I mentioned it another manager said you all are working on um the agreement with the county so but if that doesn't work and we need to bring something back even legisla to subcontract get someone to assist with the beautification of the canal cleaning I appreciate it also oh okay you you m go um you were mentioning canals like right there going into Ingram Park it's really bad but I think that trash because it can't get through the gates some of that big stuff you think it's coming from the warehouse is on the other side um I'll defer that to the beautification division I'm I'm pretty sure some of it may be coming from there but you know it may be and that's probably a issue for beautification but I'm just saying and Ingram Nathan young at all of our Canal areas where even though the county has that contract we need to do a better job like right now some of them are real bad and folks want to go out and fish and it's it's that's not a good look and so if they're not going to be able to do it more then we just got to do it ourselves to make it happen but I guess that's something the manag office can look at where it's coming from because it probably is coming from over there um because it seems to be sinking into the to the ground yeah also uh I hosted the tful Paka um in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month it was a great time the community coming together with music and uh Taste of different foods and of course the Domino uh tournament I want to thank all of the city departments for their assistance especially uh the cler office it was success even with the rain um having the community out so I want to uh thank everyone for coming out we hope to do that in the future we also hosted our monthly feeding South Florida food distribution at Seagull Park uh last Friday as always it's good to see our city helping our community I know we're coming to the end of that um agreement and I know the the manag office will be working on that feasibility to see because we only really funded it I think to the end of the year so we'll see where that goes in regard with the pantry uh issue I had the opportunity to attend the prayer and praise in the park with Pastor Cruz and his church uh wonderful time as they pray for the community and fellowship and I didn't get a chance to go over to the baby shower but I did see a lot of cars and some of those residents came to the um Park and so I want to Comm in commissioner bass on that I thought it was very um good as well I also had the opportunity to meet with residents out in the community to hear and address their concerns and uh the challenge they have and I continue to do that we've got some major challenges I've already mentioned regarding housing and and even um other issues as relates to beautification and cleaning that we've got to work on and hopefully we'll continue to do that uh I also want to invite everyone out this Friday 58 pm at Helen Miller for our game night uh Checkers um Spades Uno Jenga just a fun night for the uh community over at hel Miller Center on this Friday uh 5:00 P pm to 8:00 pm we're going to give out uh some gift cards and of course we got some trophies for the winners of the tournament Spade tournament as well I invite along with my co-hosts everyone to our monthly Farm share distribution next Wednesday October 2nd here at shabi Pavilion uh we have a new starting time because we have a lot of folks in line early and it's so hot out there so we're going to start at 9:30 instead of our usual 10 9:30 to 12:30 um course it's free so please pass the word and I always um thank my colleagues even though I know they all may not can make it but I know they're very supportive of it as we get the word out to help our community um we're also working with our uh food Partners to host some evening distributions because some of the concerns I've heard from uh residents is that they are working but they still could benefit as well so we're trying to work on getting that accomplished so we can have some um evening distributions and we'll keep you uh posted on that as well um I I did want to say or or ask um I know she's working on it I mentioned she was working on a a fair of bizar or something and I had someone reach out to me and I'm going to just um refer them over to to you um commissioner Williams I know you were working saying working on something of that nature so I look forward to that as well um that's all I have for under my um report Mr uh mayor thank you very much all right thank you commissioner Kelly and we're going into the mayor's report um Mr manager you have a update on financial oversight yes sir I do I am happy to report that our internal work has been completed uh on the audit and we have now scheduled to mobilize uh for our external uh Auditors to meet with them and start their work uh on um on the first week in October and from there we are definitely on schedule to uh have this completed before the year's in okay yep any questions on the financial oversight Mr Mayor just one on the audit I know within the uh budget and and there was some um funding you had to shift through that budget amendment to help with audit well the term we use I think it's audit support um to help out because I know we're not fully staffed in finance and I raised that question the briefing to make sure there's enough money in that line item whatever to make sure that occurs so the amount that's in there you feel is sufficient because I don't want to get it started I know you're working on it and they'll be doing it and I think they told me I think Mr antham said it was enough but I want to make sure it is um so there's no slowdown or whatever um for that this support I I guess it's a broad term for it yes sir it's sufficient funds uh the goal is we're trying to spend it as fast as we can but it's more than it's sufficient funds yes sir okay thank you thank you Mr all right we that was it for the audit yes sir all right and lastly um I just want to invite everybody out to our Hispanic Heritage Month um Festival that we have every year congol Loca this year it will be at the arcs Courtyard um the theme this year is Good Vibes we're asking everybody to bring out this is this year is not a family event and it's adults only adults only um it starts at 7 pm it's um o October 10th at 7 p.m right here at the ark um 675 Alibaba Avenue we have the Flyers out to bring you bring your friends it's going to be a a nice but commissioner Willam say bring your friends but but don't bring your family adults only Stephen is excited this is Stephen's party you all so B can come back October 11th it's October Friday October 11th at 7M I know I I messed up she just corrected me Friday October 11 at 7 pm no Jaylen cannot come all right all right so we're moving on to our official board appointments and I believe that you provided us with three different ones the first one to have commissioner rre Dominguez her term expires at the end of this month so we're asking to for her to be reappointed I'm go ahead and make that motion um to reappoint RJ Dominguez back to the what is this board the Planning and Zoning Board okay so that was second by uh the motion was made by mayor Taylor second by vice mayor can we go ahead and do a roll call for that one commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z also to the same board Planning and Zoning Miss Dawn her um term expires on 9:30 as well so we need to reappoint her so I make that motion to reappoint Miss Dawn back to the Planning and Zoning Board second so mooved by mayor Taylor seconded by commissioner bass Madame clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z and we also have the historical environmental preservation board to at large appointments move it um that's for Merrick Williams yeah move it moved by commissioner Kelly second by um commissioner Williams Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right um and before we leave Mr manager um can you please reach out to the county because we know we're going to have heavy rain for this weekend so we can get you know ahead of we know we're gonna flood so ask them to get some trucks on standby that we can pump some pumping trucks Oh that Canal that too so that's that's that's all on that all right um can I have a motion to move by Kell second by vice mayor this meting and please say