##VIDEO ID:84EIe6tY2hE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's at seven good evening everyone good evening everyone and happy New Year Welcome to our regularly scheduled commission meeting January 8th 2025 the time is now 7 o'clock Madame clerk roll call commissioner bass here commissioner Irvin here vice mayor Kelly president commissioner Santiago here mayor Taylor here as we stand for our invocation Dr F please father we want to say thank you Lord God we thank you God for allowing us to see yet another day we thank you Lord God for intrusting our city oh God to us father God to do right by it and its residents father we ask you that you will continue to bless us Lord God give us Revelation give us knowledge and understanding help us oh God to move forward father God to in in order oh God that our city would grow we give you praise honor and glory in Jesus name amen amen we also want to remember and keep in prayer commissioner Holmes's family keep him in prayer and commissioner Santiago ask that we do a moment of silence for the family and then we'll go into our Pledge of Allegiance thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right Madame clerk do we have any awards proclamations or acknowledgements at this time no Mr Mayor all right we're going to go into the approval of the consent agenda to my colleagues and our Char of officers do we have any pulls deletions or deferrals at this moment any plls deletion or the pears at this moment Mr Mayor commiss Kelly um I don't really have a full well see make sure if I speak no that's in the ordinance it's just GNA be individual okay I don't have any all right Mr Mayor commissioner um B I'd like to pull five please on the consent number five got it all right all right all right can we have a motion May Mr Mayor um I have two defer go ahead Madam Madam manager I would like to defer agenda item 16 A2 and agenda item 16 B2 until the January 21st 2025 regular commission meeting okay so the dates certain for those are January so the next commission be yes so that's 16 um A2 and 16 B2 that's correct okay and just for clarity sake the one that was pulled by Dr bz was item five on the consent all right can I have approval of the consent agenda can I have motions I'm sorry move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Santiago Madam Clerk commissioner Irvin yes vice mayor Kelly yes commissioner Santiago yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right can I get an a motion to approve tonight's agenda move second moved by Vice man Kelly second by um Dr baz Madam clerk vice mayor Kelly yes commissioner Santiago yes commissioner baz yes commissioner Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all right we're going into the approval of tonight's minutes and I will read and then we'll go and proove them that way um Regular Commission meeting minutes December 11 20124 can I get a motion moved by um vice mayor Kelly second second by um commissioner Irvin Madam clerk commissioner Santiago yes commissioner baz yes commissioner Irvin yes vice mayor Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right do we have any district one District Two or state reports at this moment mam Clerk no Mr Mayor all right so moving on to our public presentations and I see Madam manager you have two one from City of opaka finance department with Markham LLP um in reference to the audit Madam manager you have the floor yes I'll ask our finance director Miss Nagant to approach the podium and she'll go ahead and start and um Markham LP will also join her all right good evening mayor and Commissioners Naima Gant Director of Finance we have t this evening a quick presentation for you really hitting some highlights in L of the term presentation of the issuance of our fiscal year 2023 audit which was issued on Friday December 20th electronically by email from Markham Lop to your inbox hopefully you have a copy of the document in front of you and I will now relinquish the remainder of the presentation to Mo and Brandon from Markham LLP good evening honorable mayor and City commission members my name is more Reon I'm with the firm of Markham and with me here today is my colleague Brandon Lopez and we both are partners with the firm um we performed the fiscal year ended September 30th 2023 audit for the city and that was released in December December 19th via email and today you have a copy of the physical uh document um before I get into the presentation just highlight some of the certain pages um want to start off with the conclusion with the fact that with this release as of today the city of opaka is complying with the Florida Statutes um which it's been quite some years so I want to thank Miss neima Gant um I want you to say that one more time not I think we're all excited about that so yeah see the Florida statute requires uh financial statements to be provided on a timely basis with this release as of today as of December 19th when this was released you compliant with the Florida statute so in other words that we are no longer behind on our audit correct regarding timing of the Florida statute that's a go yes so um and outside of of the services that we do um I just again want to thank the finance department which is lefted by Miss neant uh everybody at the city manager's office because um I I say an audit is is like playing tennis where we hit the ball and we require them to hit it back with information and provide us information and they really did everything in their power to help us um and um we thank them for for helping us um with the information that we request we request a lot of information so uh thank them I want to thank them so you have in front of you the financial statements the fiscal year ended September 30th 2023 if you turn with me to printed page one is our independent Auditors report in summary we make reference to the 2023 audit which is um the fiscal year that we that commence October 1st 2022 um and then the 12 months um trailing ending September 30th 2023 um there's multiple opinions because every major fund and um gets its separate opinion um outside of this document separate and apart um although the CRA financial statements are included with here we also produce a separate audited Financial just highlighting the CRA um that was also released on December 19th following the auditor's reports um starting on page five you find um what is known as the management discussion and Analysis the management discussion analysis starts on page five and takes us all the way to page 22 um that's a total of 17 pages and the nice thing about the management discussion analysis um if you were to read a section in its entirety I would ask you that it'll be these seven Pages these 17 Pages highlight the fiscal year for the city and the nice thing about it is not only does it talk about 2023 but it Compares it to 2022 so it provides quantitative information but also qualitative information it talks about the um Financial results and metrics of 2023 how did we compare to 2022 and it also looks forward to um future projects um and economic factors that the city is facing so again those 17 pages does a very good job of summarizing the fiscal year for the uh city of opaka starting on page 23 you have the statement of net position um this is similar to what is known as the balance sheet um for governmental accounting it's on a full acral basis and following that you have the statement of activities um very different but similar to a profit and loss statement um on page 24 you find that um the change in net position for the city of opaka was north of 7 million it's um the fifth to last line item on printed page 24 um which showing is a positive economic inflow for the city for fiscal year 2023 following that you have more granular information at the major fund level and following that you have the statement uh footnotes starting on page 32 and this the financial statement footnotes that start on page 32 provide more granular detail regarding the capital asset activity additions deletions your debt activity um your your treasury Holdings as of VI end the the last portion of the document starts off on printed page 81 and outside of a financial statement where we look at quantitative amounts of making sure that the information is accurate and complete and that somebody can make decisions um there is a compliance portion that starts on page 81 which goes into detail um it makes reference to the fact that um although um there is some items for improvement we do mention the fact that um some time ago there was the auditor general which had their own report and we give credit here and make it a point um that many of the items that were um addressed in that report have been remediated and we give an update um although they have not all been remediated um we give credit and and mention that many of them have and they're not repeated items um and it's shows you that since that report was issued to today the amount of recommendations continues to decrease um so again a positive um outcome um driven by by a management and your finance department so um pretty much summarizes where we have been since we started auditing the city of opaka and how we continue to progress so that pretty much summarizes in a nutshell the financial results um of the audit um so I'll open up to any questions you may have um I have one question and I open up the Flor so as it relates to the AIT General's findings which was the 99 findings and you said you spoke to that the number have decreased so matter manager do we have a plan to tackle what what the answers that we have well the ones that are that are pending yes we we are um actively trying working to um to correct those those findings so it is our intent in the next um audit the fiscal year 24 audit we will have those addressed and it's and it's entirety or just that's our intent to have them address in in its entirety okay all right any other questions to the Auditors yes yes may just quickly um I don't know what to Auditors or city manager I just wanted to know um the mayor's mentioned the 99 findings and we know that some of them have been resolved based on what you're saying um do you have like a number like how many of them those that you are currently working on so the items that that the 99 Finance from the auditor general some of them were not Financial bases there were operational which um are not encompassing what is known as a financial audit maybe they may say A you should look into um expanding your head account in a certain department so some of those are not addressed or Encompass in what is known as a financial audit because some of them are recommendations um I I could tell you that um the city of opaka is not the only municipality that is having job openings we have a lot of we service and audit nearly 60 municip ities in South Florida and um there is a war on Talent um when it comes to hiring individuals so there is these I would say if you were to look at the report um there is some certain recommendations that at this point in time just from external factors may not be attainable um even though U the positive mindset and and the resources are put in into addressing those recommendations commissioner Bash have the floor but I want to piggy back on what you just requested um I guess a couple months ago we received a document about the 99 findings and what we've done so thus far so can we update that document and represent it to the commission so we can know where we stand as of today we'll do and what's out okay yes we'll do all right thank and um commissioner Sano you had no thank you Mr Mayor um do you the gentleman's here um very um happy with the good job and services you do or our city this is the first time in know this year that I heard something good like that and I believe that we prepare for 24 very soon okay um this something that make look us are in a good position with the state yes yeah cor okay and that's part of the um work that we had to do good and right to see if we can be independent then again very soon understood we get out of the uh overdraft correct so yes I think that's a good job for something in page one yes that I want to be sure that I understand and that I and that I see like we only have three uh qualified items correct what about the rest what happened the the unmodified is the positive that's posi yes okay that's I I want to be sure everything is okay that's a posit yeah yes correct well that's enough for me thank you for you okay yeah go ahead you say it's an audited unmodified is an audited terminology used for positive for a positive a that's good to know you see now I know because that made me wor and I say wait a minute what's going on but it's okay positive that's the that we need here corre corre any other questions to the Auditors at this moment I don't have a question but I just want to say thank you thank you uh for helping us get to this point along with Miss NAA of course thank you guys very much it's our pleasure thank you so thank you all again and we look forward to 24 yes thank you thank you tely thank you um Madam manager you have another presentation from CIP I believe yes Miss Adelina gross all right Miss gross you have the floor good evening mayor and Commissioners Adelina gross CIP manager today we are presenting the proposed usage for historic city hall [Music] building re imagining historic City Hall as you know historic City Hall has stood as a Cornerstone of our history and the and the and the legacy of our city so we would like to sent to you a few items or a few proposals uh so we can re imagine the and and diverse the usage of historic City Hall maintaining uh the historical significancy of historic City Hall as well as preserve for maintenance and future and and and future activity of the building so we have four proposals the first one is a museum that will show showcase the rich history of the building of our in our city a gift shop offering a unique local product and memorabilia an event space for weddings small concerts and special events a mobile coffee shop and tea uh and tea shop to Foster connection and and relaxation and here you can see how the museum will look like the museum as is a historic building and we cannot modify the the architecture of the building it will be mobile uh displays that can be moved around and we can do popup presentations as parts of of the museum uh his uh gift shop and well concern center for the city that will also be a mobile and mobile displays and that can be moved around throughout the building without affecting the Integrity of the building as well in and event space uh this uh this venue can be used for weddings as small concerts as special events from the city or any other event that the city may it fit and this will also not disrupt the the architecture of the building as well a mobile coffee shop this one is not located inside historic City Hall but on the green area that we have on the site of historic City Hall and the idea is to put a mobile truck uh that we can play uh chairs tables a tent something that can engage the community and it will provide some Leisure times and and some movement into the building as well our proposed approach for this uh for these proposals is to do a request for proposals and issue a request for proposals to look for qualified partners that can take care of the building uh provide maintenance for the building building as well as bringing more people to to the city new visitors increase the tourism engage the community and engage of course the city Administration and City commission any I'm open to any questions that you may have okay um I have so it looks like what we're trying to do is what they did the Curtis Mansion similar similar yes okay what mansion Mansion ctis Manion it's the the same style as our city hall but it's in um Miami Springs yes Miami Miami Springs because I'm looking at the pictures and these are the pictures from the C yes the ones for the venue are from the curent spion and the RFP is for a vendor to completely manage it so the city will not be managing it is for a vendor to complet to completely manage the building and rentals and any other activity that may have happen into the village building as well as to provide contined maintenance and someone that is that stays on the building 24/7 or as needed all right those are all my questions I I like the presentation anybody anyone else yes okay so commission B and quickly so you said a proposal for all four or it could be all four or it could be one dedicated um as you as as the commission decides if the commission decides that they just want to go with V with events then we just issue a proposal for events and we look for that type of partner okay but we have enough space for all four we have enough space for all four and there are since is a mobile space since the display for the museum and the and the gift shops are will be mobile there will be some accommodations that we need to do once the once they are renting for an event but we have the courty yard we have the front yard and we have two buildings side to side that can be utilized okay thank you thank you Mr Mayor um it's a very great idea okay but we're talking about to bring a company to running and to administrating the building yes sir and I believe my K she mentioned in something if it's going to be the whole building or part of that in my in my opinion I I prefer like yeah and if it's something going to be like that to the whole building be um take care by a private company or something that they going to really work when us okay the the city GNA have the benefits of that too I believe or not I will defer to man but I guess the answer is yes the answer to that is yes the intent is for a company to come in manage the entire facility handle the rental handle the upkeep maintenance everything with regards to the building but yes the city will benefit the city will also have um block off dates so to speak if we need to use that facility for certain events we'll have we'll have that um opportunity as well so it's not that the company comes in and the city does not utilize the building that that doesn't take place at all yeah I'm be clear to that but my my question is okay revenues that we have to generate for remember that this is Bel and we going to do some kind of maybe uh a contract with them C had to receive for any everything a percent of that so the city will generate revenue from the building revenues and whatever Revenue the building generates it will have to take care of the the upkeep and maintenance of the building a whatever whatever revenues that the facility generate it will come out of that the the maintenance and upkeep will come out of that so the intent is for the city not to have to spend money to to maintain the building suain yeah he going to he going to pay himself okay okay that's not a a bad idea now this is one of the first project that we have here in nalaka uh they're going to make our city U better and great okay for people to come in outside but we have to come in with more attraction in downtown downtown is me here that area here all the way from here to the historical City Hall okay and this is the time trying to also giving the opportunity to people you know private company to go and beautify this area like that we can bring people for all over the nation and day County to visitting us and stay there sitting down in the um future Museum or you call it cafeteria or restaurant or that's what we need to make be sure to beautify that area complete uh something that I see last night but that's going to be for the um uh manager okay when we when we get there um building is nice beautiful but we need something more there I'm going to tell you later on what we need outside thank you okay anyone else Mr Mayor Mr Kelly um I think you're looking for a direction from the commission um but the main thing is hearing is to have a outside company vendor to manage to make it um self-sufficient and I don't really have a problem with that I do have a challenge with the I think I heard you say the um gift shop coffee shop will be mobile yes and outside um I have a little challenge with having it outside um as opposed of part of inside somewhere in the actual um structure because you know mobile is one thing but if we're trying to really showcase the building I I mean the attractions are inside not so much outside so I I did not see the um Miami Springs I've been over in a while I know that there was a tour um to kind of look at it because they're similar in the way they made but that's concern I I have of having it mobile um obviously someone come in and manage it and would just say to all of us and I know staff is aware um historic City Hall is really the beginning of Downtown Development which also ties into the CRA uh master plan for downtown and all those different components but this the first step in getting to that so I'm appreciate of that my concern is as you put together the RFP that that's where my concern is because we're asking and going to be asking a lot within this RFP to manage it to uh secure the venue you know for people who want to rent it out um what would that cost be so we can make sure that we generate enough uh Revenue to maintain the building what would what's the cost to actually maintain the building um if we know that that has to be inclusive in that RFP we're putting out so someone that is bidding does not bid on it um get the agreement and then say well I wasn't really prepared to do that part of it because we're asking a lot of a vendor and there are vendors out there there are companies that manage buildings and manage uh properties much bigger than this but I want to see what that um what that RFP looks like all of those components because it's not going to be your typical um RFP uh not only managing that property but as I look at some of the pictures and the maintenance what that's going to cost on a yearly uh basis because if it's not met whatever that amount is then we know where that falls on falls back on the city the other thing is to make sure as a part of the RFP um vendor possible vendors are aware of their expectations and meeting certain guidelines to make sure this works not just to say they're managing what have you and as we all want a collection A diversity of various events and attractions and whatever that we're doing um and you did indicate well the manager indicated that the city would be able to use it as well for facility for whatever and I my question is um the cost for whatever you put in RFP however the agreement is with the company based on managing what those numbers would look like I will need to look further into the maintenance part but I will we will provide you the numbers to them yeah those are critical because and I I'm just you know of course I want to use the play place for a weedding reception so I'm calling the mayor cuz hey we need to F sweating well no we want for the build to be free reduce cost I'm talk San dieago because you know he likes the saucer so call him Pastor Kelly because he gonna do the service so I want to cut and we can't do that because we need to maintain the cost for this building to make sure it stays up so to me that's where I really want to see yes uh what that looks like I I think the four proposals or concepts I don't really have a challenge with other than the fact that I don't really like the gift shop or the not the gift shop but the mobile whatever um is actually outside yes I don't because you're trying to you know um yeah I don't I don't really care for that outside now if you want to have that as a part of something every now and then um as an attraction because of the building and the uh vendor who's managing it believes that's the way to generate some Revenue like we did one time before with the CRA had all the little food trucks outside that's one thing but for a coffee shop or whatever little uh um venue for food or relaxation or people are coming in and want to even have a little meeting there I really prefer something that nature inside as opposed to um outside but I'll wait to see the um the RFP structure because I think that's the key for the whole thing of what we're asking for and Main side of what it's going to cost to maintain on a yearly basis than Mr goe okay yeah um I so forgot to add something um um just remember that we have the other building next to the historical City H I think that used to be the fire department building don't forget about that I know in the past we tried together with the historical City Hall is to make that building prepare that building like for a kitchen for any events or whatever they they want to do out there is me do we have any plan for that building too we do have plans of renovating and rehabilitating that building okay it's in the books okay so thank you commissioner Santiago took the words out of my mouth so I totally agree and then we'll move on to the next thing um that in the same vein of commissioner Kelly with the RFP that we're inclusive of all the entire property so the fire station the HR building but I think we had we talked about before putting the NX kitchen inside of the HR building as opposed to the fire station yes to letting that be the support building for City Hall as it relates to storage and kitchen yes an actual Kitchen in that section and the limitation of placing a kitchen inside historic City Hall is due to his due to the exhaust system that's one and the implications that having an K in that historical building may have in the future okay so yeah I I would like to see the the I guess the presentation in its totality inclusive of the RFP as well but but I like it I say I love it I love it and I know you were looking for Direction so Madam manager um what do you need from the commission tonight I think we're all in support minus the some of us had our reservations on the outside portion the coffee shop I think we staff we need to go back and um incorporate the the concerns with regards to the cost we have to we have to do our homework with regards to the cost the maintenance and all of those items so we can present an RFP to the commission as well so um okay I think that's what we that's the next step we need to do okay then bring it back to the commission all right so then I guess my next um before you bring the RFP to you're G to redo the plan yes okay all right we're good any other questions or concerns okay any moving all right we thank you uh Miss gross thank you so we're moving on to our citizens Forum Madame clerk can you read and to record how to participate in citizens form yes Mr Mayor thank you good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center city commission chamber 780 fisherman Street opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wish wishing to participate virtually should register prior to the scheduled meeting time on the city's website at www. opaka fl.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through live stream at www.youtube.com user city of opaka and Mr Mayor at this time we do not have any virtual public comments All right so for those inside of the chamber citizens form is open citizens form is open good evening yes my name is uh Harlin Woodard I am not a resident of the city of opaka I'm a resident of unincorporated day County um there are members that of unincorporated day County that see the benefit of annexation can you state your address oh pardon me 1241 Northwest 99th Street there are citizens within unincorporated Miami day County that see the benefit and possibly M Mutual benefit of annexation by opaka um from our understanding has a population of about 16,000 uh within unincorporated Nate County within area outlined as shown there's approximately 80,000 persons you know that would bump up the um population of opalak if anex to you know somewhere close to 100 and uh I think that we would mutually benefit from that and would just like to look at the possibility of a uh formal stud Workshop of whatever sort so that we can we can look at this initiative and move it forward okay yes sir thank you thank you okay citizens form is still open and um Mr wood you don't mind give me your number to this young lady here miss um miss m yes sir all right citizens form is still open hi good evening how are you good evening mayor good evening everybody uh my name is Arana George I'm a business owner here in ooga the name of the business is aoma catering the address is 530 sherisa Boulevard opala um so I'm here today as part of a point for the Planning and Zoning Point number two for permitting containers uh prefabricated containers uh for office so I just wanted to to show you if you permit me um photos um we catering company we cater to schools daycares and government centers so we kind of outgrew our space like super quickly and we need an office space so I know Miami day county has um containers that are prefabricated and are approved with all permits and everything so uh we have one in our um property right now so we're in the process of getting a permit but I understand is uh we need to change some ordinances in the city and it's part of a commission meeting so I just wanted to see if I could approach the bench to show you photos of what it looks like it's again a prefabricated container for office space um Mr master and so okay so um is that you can give the pictures to and he ensure that we get them thank you no problem thank you all right citizens form is still open all right citizens form is closed all right so to Mr wooded I believe he left but um the city is right now we have an RFP out to do the study for annexation Southward so we're just waiting on the RP to come back to come back yes to come back and once they come back then we will start that study to push annexation software for the city of opaka to grow and expand and the next part is Miss George the item that you speak to which is item 16 A2 it was actually deferred to the next meeting so I guess you can get with staff to voice your concerns but the pictures will come to the commission and if you want to reach out to us individuals you can but you can get with staff and they will they will help coordinate that all right uh so we're moving on to our items uh so consent which is 131 135 I'm sorry a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the serving and or sale of alcoholic beverages at the state of City Event to be held at the historic city hall building on January the 31st 2025 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor all right um point of privilege one second Madam um attorney Mr wood you walked out when we were staying on the citizens phone so I moved on but I just want to tell you that the city of opalak has put out an RFP for annexation Southward of the city of opaka city limit so we're waiting for that RFP to come back once that comes back the study will then we will undergo that study and then we'll start the process to Annex but if you want more information because I can't go into it right now you can see one of our members of the Planning and Zoning which is Mr gay or Mr Lee or Mr Ben Coy and they can they can help you yes sir all right I'm sorry Madame attorney all right can I get a motion move by Vice man Kelly second second by commissioner Santiago uh this is my item uh it's just that to possibly serve alcohol at the state of the city which will be held on January 31st and you know how this process goes in order for us to do those things by city of opaka law we have to bring it to the commission for approval so that's why this item is here and this item was pulled by Dr Bass so I will yeld to you thank you Mr Mayor I just have a few concerns um my first question is are we as a city will be serving the alcohol or is a company coming in serving alcohol it would definitely be a company okay definitely be how we how we've done it in the past with other events that the city approved alcohol for so all the disclaimers um making sure it's free of any lawsuits in case something happened will be on that vendor per se I would have to speak to the attorney on that because we've never been asked that question before in the past okay what is your question disclaimer than um potential lawsuits I'm assuming you all are um dealing with a caterer and that caterer I don't know what kind of contracts the city gives but I'm assuming that caterer would have insurance um but you know hopefully whoever is doing the catering for the event whoever is going to be responsible for that will be checking IDs to make sure nobody is under the age of 21 they will be careful not to serve to anyone who is clearly intoxicated because those are things that could create liability issues um so um I will get with um Miss um Lawson and see you know what uh what the responsibilities are for caterers that the city uses and whether there are contractual agreements in place right now I I just brought it up Mr Mayor because I've seen where um other events happened serving alcohol a patreon left something happened and they're sued so I just want to make sure that we're good um you know no liabilities on the city that's all um guess if this passes was speak M attorney has relate to that and any other question yes for sure I have another question um I know time change and everything is different all over the world um what Dr bash my my colleague uh bring uh to the commission and is very important that's something that I talking that day in my commissioner brief that day um I don't mind do anybody you know want to drink but drink but I say something like in public building or building that they are belong like Parks or city hold or that we have to be very careful when serving alcohol because any L suit this if anything happen out there it's going to come to us and it's going to make our lose back okay in front of the public um I think the in this CH chamber um it's not in personal but I know uh that we have two pastors and they believe in something else that I maybe not believe but because I'm not going to say I like to drink but we have to be sure where we doing it company that we hiding for to serve in our they not only need insurance they need a permit for the state we have to be sure that they have everything to compli to come to our city and work and make money not only the insurance M manager and M City uh aternity they need license for their County and they need license also for the estate to serve in alcoh in any events they go myself I really yeah I really don't like to support it this in City facility especially that knif in the uh historical City Hall that's me myself maybe I can change my might tonight but just give me a very good explanation about it to avoid problem in the future well okay uh since I am the sponsor you brought up a lot of points number one our laws permit alcohol to be sold in City facilities I.E parks and buildings that we rent this is not a far-fetched idea and the ordinance that stands I believe was has been on the books for a while but but you have to go through the necessary the process if you now the second part my salvation is not predicated on me taking a drink exactly so I don't understand where that came from and personally I don't you know me I don't drink everybody knows I don't drink but so I don't understand why you felt the need to do that but G you said it wasn't personal so we'll go with that um and we do know how to ask pastors when and where to do things and to can govern ourselves accordingly so that's there's that now as it relates to the lawsuit part of it I'm not a lawyer not an attorney that's why we have legal here and again this is not a far-fetched idea we have a process we have an application that the city goes through that is submitted both to our I believe to the manager's office legal and the police department it it comes to the commiss development as well and this is not the first time that this commission has Pro approved alcohol to served at a city function but hey yeah I know I know you're when all my respect uh Mr Mayor but remember that I'm uh new again here in the DAT and this is the first time that I have to be involved in one of this event I understand thank you um commissioner B and then we'll go to commissioner Irving I have no problems with it I just wanted to make sure that legally we're good I have no problems with with who wants to drink that's not my issue I just want to make sure we're legal I just want to ask the manager I mean I'm sorry the City attorney a question if this item were to pass tonight is there enough time to if we don't have a disclaimer that they will sign to say that we're not liable if anything happens well I'm thinking that and the manager can speak um better than I can to this but I'm thinking that the city has something in place that it requires them to have insurance that names the city as an additional insur but um the manager would be better able to answer that question that is correct and I want to add that we have not um procured a vendor so no one is in place at this time but the insurance is a part of that thank you you're welcome commissioner I'm sorry I'm good thank you commissioner Irvin I I really y'all know I'm for it I'm I'm for it I I just don't want I said in my brief I didn't want us to sell any alcohol and they said no that's just the way it has to be written up uh that's the way it comes so as I'm I'm for it I I will be um agreeing with this um yes I'm good thank you so much anyone else on this subject and then we can move on Comm well everybody looking at me I'm just I guess oh I'm the pastor well I I I drunk my wine oh let me about that I drunk my grape juice on Sunday uh my communion on Sunday you can go back and look on Facebook I don't have a problem we do have a process we've done it um for other events and my colleague is is new and I appreciate him wanting to get clarified but um yeah we've done it before um I think in these kind of events and um that's one of the reason why I even mentioned about the RF P of whoever going to manage it because you're going to have some people who are going to have events that are going to want have alcohol even at that venue possibly but there is a process in place so I trust the process with the attorney and the the manager and um the vendor does not meet the criteria then they will not um they will not uh qualify so I don't have a problem with it thank you Mr Mayor all right any other questions or concern all right Madam cler we can call a question commissioner bass yes commissioner Irvin yes vice mayor Kelly yes commissioner Santiago yes L Dr mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z movie go to our ordinances 16 A1 Madam clerk I mean Madam manager I'm sorry attorney attorney attorney Jesus Christ there just so many Ms an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida to to adopt a text Amendment to the Land Development regulations ordinance 15-31 to permit construction trades and Equipment vehicle storage vehicle recovery repossession and storage Tow Truck and Tow vehicle storage shipping container storage yard utility vehicles and Equipment parking and storage uses in the I4 zoning District providing for conflict and repealer providing for severability and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right at this time entertain a motion move by commissioner baz second second by commissioner Williams Madam attorney Madam manager go ahead and present and then we'll open up for a public hearing the I4 zoning district is designated as a liberal industrial storage and Salvage area which typically attracts junkyards with this text Amendment it will allow innovated uses of the I4 zoning it would include usage usage such as construction equipment and or material storage sites in tow yard recovery and vehicle storage so the intent of this legislation is to um increase the usage for that for the I4 zoning area and I also have Mr Gay here available to answer any questions or concerns you may have all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open how are you good evening happy New Year Mark Cooper um 6801 Southwest 75 Terrace I'm in favor of this ordinance oh I'm in favor of this ordinance I own properties in this area um as I my experience in this area as you try to get away from junkyards which you have to get away from there's no way to keep the land pure and clean the junkyards if you have a good operator a good tenant or a bad tenant there's no way and then because there's no infrastructure in the area commissioner irin was there the other day I showed her there's a a way for the oil and for all the grease and everything to make it down to the canal and maybe that's the impetus why this is changing but it never made sense to me that the only people that I could rent the land to was to junkyards and so as you diversify the availability of tenants we can get away from such a heavy environmental footprint and so I commend the staff for looking into this um it's really an enlightened way to to try to merge away from this area and these lands are valuable as long as you can keep tenants on there one acre of land pays about $36,000 a year in taxes which is 3,000 a month so you need to keep a tenant there and you just want to keep a tenant that doesn't infect the land and the canal and that Canal makes it out to the Bay of biscane bay and that's the reality of things so I commend you guys for coming up with this it's it's a great idea and uh that's it I also want to say now that there were so many pastors up here I'm not religious but I'm having a heart thing done to me on Friday like an invasive heart thing so pray for me because I am so scared and I appreciate it thank you do we'll do we'll do Mr Cooper citizens form is still open citizens form [Music] is go ahead goe issue the only issue is that much like opaka is under the tutelage of the state opaka for Environ environmental reasons under the toage of Derm and so durm Alexandria does not have infrastructure in place and that limits what you can do with the land so as you now change and broaden out the usage before it's really effective the city has to make sure that it has a sewer line in place so that we're not under the tutelage of the E qcb board that limits what you can do so you guys have to know that whatever you do today doesn't matter in DM's eyes as long as there's no infrastructure so I've spoken to miss gross and miss Mr Austin about when is that pipe that's in the ground going to work they said six months but please inquire because it matters and it makes whatever you do tonight and on the second reading effective or not thank you thank you Mr Cooper um any questions for the man manager or Mr Gay at this moment I but commission yes well you Clos the public hearing oh public hearing is closed I'm sorry well the question I really have and I didn't get a chance in my briefing but to to what uh the business owner just said is really my concern what do we how fast what's the pace we're moving to make sure we don't have that become an issue um and are we working with durm are we have some timelines in place of how we're going to deal with that so we don't have that challenge Mr Austin is approaching the podium good evening ARA Austin Public Works director with respect to the infrastructure on Alexandria we're we're in the process of closing out a permit for that uh infrastructure to be um in service and we have a open deadline for the 23rd of July to get that completed oh okay Mr Mayor well I'm what was the date in July and I guess the reason I'm bringing up again I apologize was able to do my uh briefing um but that's the concern I have if we pass this and I you know and it has two readings we're going to finish in January and then it'll be open up and I'm concerned we're not anticipating having the infrastructure in place until at least the infrastructure is currently in place reaches close and the permit for us for the vendors and uh business owners to be able to utilize that infrastructure okay so we won't have the we won't have the challenge of having potential businesses there that we really trying to avoid correct we will not we will not have that challenge once the permit is is stay loud say loud and your voice went low say it louder give us your very white voice give us that we will we will not have that challenge the infrastructure is indeed in place all right any other questions or concern name is G manager yet I have a question quick commissioner Santiago um yeah I don't know if um M man us to ask him to Mr atin or Mr Gat about um I know that's a first reading and we'll be talking about in my meeting on Monday we we added more using for that area it that's me what is going to happen happen when people they that they already have their joint jar and and they have all the permits and know commissioner um for for the record Gregory gay director of planning Community Development for those businesses that are already operating there and have proper licensure and and all the documentation in place they will continue to operate we're not we're not taking away the um junkyard operations we're not removing them we're basically adding more uses to this particular zoning category so that we will have more business opportunity and a cleaner business opportunity come to this particular area of the city so that's the primary objective we're not getting rid of the junkyards we're not getting rid of the scrap metal we're adding opportunities so that as business people would want to transition from that operation to another type of operation it gives them that opportunity to do that in this same location yeah thank you um my question is because I want to uh be sure for an future aners because maybe some people they they're not going to understand what's going on and they're going to Star to call out or answer you know I'm maybe coming everywhere to answer what's going on with that but that's okay I love to see the area change okay for J JK to buildings and all that that's a very good idea that's the only question that I have okay for now thank you Mr Gay all right Mr Gay and um quick so Mr Cooper brought up a couple points diversifying the tenants that are in the area a plus and the environmental concerns it speaks to that so but my only concern is if we not if we're diversifying the tenants that come in but we also need to make the area specifically Alexandria Drive attractive for different caliber of businesses to come in is there plan to pave that road because I know it's a potential it's a it's another CYO Lane issue and I know we had the issue with the I believe attached coupled with the glor of the gardens um issue U the manhole that was somebody poured the cement inside and it which is the reason why it was flooding in Gloria of the garden so the lady we love to see yes are plans to um PVE and rehabilitate Alexandri drive and we are going to be finishing kaido first then we are going to be applying for additional funding to complete that process oh you had the same question oh wow yeah okay so and Cyro Kao we have already executed the contract as December say 16 yeah I remember we said that and what was the date of potential day to start yeah we are waiting for bonds and insurance to come in effect so we can start okay so it will be before the end of the month all right all right we are good thank you any other questions or can we call the question you all that's the only two row that they added what about 127 127 Street is part of the kaido lane project it's part of okay yes okay thank you all right uh we can go ahead and call the question madam Madam clerk Mr Mayor who's second because I heard commissioner Williams so let's do it over there so can I get a motion move back um Vic um Kelly second second by commissioner Santi I didn't realize I said commission I'm sorry commissioner Santiago um now we can call the question commissioner Irvin yes vice mayor Kelly yes commissioner Santiago yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all right so 1682 was deferred so we're moving on to 1683 and ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida considering approval for the renaming of the city of opaka police department to the opaka police department Timothy Holmes headquarters providing for repeal of all ordinances in Conflict providing for separability providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Santiago all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner commissioner Irving second by vice mayor um Madam sorry it's not Madam it's me your item Santiago go ahead and present the item and then we'll open up for public hearing okay thank you um thank you for giving me that opportunity to bring uh some uh thing that I know that my former uh Cali and and I even call him my brother um commissioner vice mayor and police commissioner Timothy Holmes the last time that I spoke to him I remember that December 25th I visiting him together with my wife and we' been talking there for for long and he left him with me he smiling and when I tell him about that I like to this great city of opaka and know my KES to do something for him because he given 25 years of his life serving when all his heart when respect to this community the great city of opaka and I planning to give in a life when he's still alive but well God call him and I know that he right now in a better place and I know that he watching us from out there and his family they're still here I know that they going to thank you to us because this is my plan to honor him for the great job that he do in our city any question about that I have answers and I planning uh to do it that for for the former commissioner vice mayor Timothy Holmes and uh the first thing that I asking my manager and everybody is that I that I know that we passing through a lot of things in the budget and the economy and I say we get the fundings and everything from donation from outside for whatever we have to do to make a memory of our friend and colleague and former Cali former commissioner timot Holmes everything is for his memory and he do a very great job in this city especially with the police department thank you Mr Mayor all right commissioner Kelly oh wait I'm sorry before we go down this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed Vice Kelly thank you I just want to Echo the sentiments having served with them I just um would like to be added as a co-sponsor thank you Mr all right no problem and I too would like to be added as a co-sponsor as well that was gonna be mine if you don't mind okay we just all be a co-sponsor can we all just be a co-sponsor yes all right all right um if no other questions or concerns to the manager we can go ahead and call a question Madam Clerk vice mayor Kelly yes commissioner Santiago yes commissioner baz yes commissioner Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all right um Mr Mayor you know I'm be so emotional with that that I forgot that what are we going to do for him and is nating our Police Department in opaka when the NATO vice mayor all Commission timoy holes the police department we we're all with you um I'm sorry Mr M I didn't understand the the idea to you know to um make uh onor to him is to n our Police Department when he's N I ask him first for the uh historical City Hall and that's too too many uh procedures that we had to go go through and that day like 18 months to two years and I decide to say maybe the the station the police station that we have downstairs the police departmenta May commission Kelly I think um according to the legislation um the police department would be renamed to the r um Timothy holes headquarters so it's going to bear his name it's just a question where the where the name will be the wording is going to be but it's going to be renamed the uh Timothy Holmes headquarters so I think we're all in agreement there the manager can you know work with you on where you might think you want to place it and bring it back um for second reading but I don't think that's an issue um as well we know it's going to be and that's to renamed the headquarters because that's what it says in the legislation so I think we're we're on the same page with that part right yeah thank you we're all on the same page thank you sir all right so Madam attorney the next ordinance 16 A4 thank you Mr Mayor an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending article 3 division 3 section 2- 132a entitled calling and notice Article 4 Division 1 Section 2- 316 parin 3B entitled administrative procedures Powers duties and functions of the city manager Article 4 Division 1 Section 23. 2 32.2 perin D1 entitled cone of silence chapter 8.5 section 8.5-in B entitled resolution calling election required contents publication Article 5 section 13-12 perin a entitled sale of C's machine disposition of monies article 3 section 19-29 B pinb entitled public hearing and naming by City commission referendum article 3 Division 1 section 21-11 0 for n f entitled exception for interim package treatment facilities to eliminate the requirement for newspaper publication providing for severability conflict and repealer and providing for an an effective date this is sponsored by the city clerk all right can I get a motion move by vice mayor second second by commissioner Irving Madame clerk um yes thank you Mr Mayor so first of all let me just say thank you for your support on agenda item 136 as a you know as part of that um recent changes to state law no longer required municipalities to solely advertise in local um in newspaper print so um we can now advertise on the County's website our Public Notices what this ordinance does and it is first reading is that it will delete all references to that requirement that's in our code as it stands now all right so this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed all right um the clerk any questions for the clerk she said this is coupled with what we already passed so this just cleans up cleans it up right the all right the code yes okay any questions or concerns all right Madam clerk you can go ahead call the question commissioner Santiago yes commissioner baz yes commissioner Irvin yes vice mayor Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all right moving on to our reading ordinances Madame attorney 16 B1 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Obaka Florida authorizing interim city manager to execute a lease agreement with SFS LLC DBA South Florida school of excellence to occupy rental space at 780 fisherman Street providing for adoption of representations providing for conflict and repealer providing for severability providing for scous errors conflicts of Law severability and providing for an effective date the the first reading and public hearing was held on December the 11th 2024 and this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move move by commissioner Irvin second by commissioner bass Madam attorney Madam manager sorry this is the second reading ordinance second reading for the execution of the lease agreement for South Florida school of excellence I am requesting your approval to execute a 2-year lease agreement to commence on February 1st 2025 and remain in effect until January 2026 and I'll answer any questions you may have at this time all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed um any questions to the manager my only question anything changed Manor manager from last time to now nothing changed nothing has changed all right any other questions or concerns Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I I don't have a problem with the item but I want to St something um to the manager and really uh staff as well I I don't like when we get items that you have already um budgeted and know you're going to budget and then it comes to the commission um we know this agreement really had expired you're on one month to month but it was actually already budgeted for um this fiscal year so if for some reason this commission decided we didn't want it it's already budgeted that practice has to stop it's been going on for the last couple of years and it has to stop putting the Commission in a position where we have to pass something because you've already put it in the budget and Counting the dollars and we haven't even approved it yet uh bring it to the Commission in a timely manner so that we can address it and it can be put in its proper context without it having to be um like these are now and I've seen too many of them and I'm going to really uh look at them when they come so I'm going to say that I know a lot of it predates you but I'm going to say that cuz the staff ain't changed so I I don't want to see these coming up when you already got it as a part of the budget that we've already passed into Tallahassee so forth and so on so we need to stop that practice and get back into a little more um accountability when it comes to these kind of agreements whatever they may be thank you Mr Mayor all right any other concerns on this item yes Mr Mayor commissioner Santiago um can you explain it to me um mad manager well uh vice mayor uh kayy uh ordered to you now because he say that that thing is already buger what do is that mean because that's money is not coming from us it's coming for them to us no so the the revenue for this lease agreement was already included in our current budget and the budget was adopted well went into effect October 1 so what he's saying is we're here in January approving it but we've the city has already um anticipate getting those funds in and if the commission did not want to execute this agreement then we would have to um find additional money yes look like can be a problem yeah okay um other thing that i' be uh talking to you and and I know that me and you were walking around the building and be sure the all these children be safe and coming in to the third floor through the side okay and I know that we have some handicapp kids that you know that they don't that they cannot go to the stair that part yeah they can use up from uh enty and the reason why that I explain it to you because uh the country is not getting you know good we have a lot of things around the nation okay when all terrorist and all that and safety and that's what we have to be watching okay that anybody coming through our building okay it have to be somebody that is safe okay because the safety or you or the commissioner or the our police department is very important and for that children too on the m and be present there the day that a guy a person came right right there in the lobby and he say that he going to start to shoot police officer we get very scared very Frid and the lady for the security she called the police I know the police acting right away about that but we have crazy people around and we have people that they probably don't like okay the way the government work safety building we're going to be okay okay please thank you madam all right any other questions or concerns all right Madame clerk go ahead and call a question commissioner baz yes commissioner Irvin vice mayor Kelly yes commissioner Santiago yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on thank you madam cler moving on to our May and commission reports I'm sorry I official board reports we don't have any we'll go backwards I'm sorry it's on the back page looking at this page it's on this page the city manager report I would like to report that all of the arpa contracts have been executed and the funds were encumbered prior to the deadline date good City Administration and staff has met with representatives from freebie to discuss the on demand and Rise share Services the vendor has ensured that the program will be fully launched for use within 60 days the city's interlocal agreement 60 days from what day from now because we just um they just ex executed the amendment to that agreement got it sorry go ahead the city's interlocal agreements with Miami day County for Canal maintenance and waste collection services are currently expired the waste collection Services agreement expired on February 18 2024 and the canal maintenance agreement expired on September 30th 2024 I am in communication with our staff to address our concerns and we are scheduled to meet with Mii day County representatives to discuss those concerns however in the inum a vendor was selected to clean and maintain the city canals until an agreement is executed they have already started cleaning the canals and we'll continue the Caroline contract was signed on December 16 2024 all of the necessary procurement and financial steps were completed by the city as Miss gross mentioned we are awaiting the final Bond and insurance execution once that takes place the Mobil mobilization process and construction will begin shondi Village play playground contract has been executed and the vendor is in the process of scheduling a start date for the project phase one of the G Gateway entry signs is 25% complete and um two of those entry signs will start the permitting they're on the pering right now and they will start work the week of January 19th we will be bringing a phase two so once phase one is finished we can just go ahead and move into phase two so there's no lapse in the Gateway um signage I did present a written report to the city commission and we'll answer any concern or take any concerns or answer any questions that you may have at this time all right any concerns or questions to the manager at this moment all right commissioner Kelly i' like go first put that's no you said it long enough everybody just quiet okay no problem um thank you madam manager for your um report I am very glad to hear that the oper contracts are executed and the funds encumbered so we don't lose any of that um funding I thank you for your written um report as I had mentioned um and you have it here about the interlocal agreement with the county um and I know it's a a process but I really want to have you all really drill down on that quickly because I I still think that you know we're not getting a whole lot out of the agreement anymore we know why we had to do it when we had to do it but I think for some of the provisions now um is is not really beneficial to the city so I you're saying that you're going to be meeting with them so I will await the outcome of that meeting before I make any further um comments on that matter I'm glad that you are doing um some temporary um vendors for the cleaning of the canals um I do see or did see in your report about the um beautification and uh some different things regarding that um changing some of the scope I guess one of the things that continues to be a problem is the just tree trimming of trees around the whole city I know you said you've started doing that is there a um table or schedule of locations of how you going to do that around the city so that we can let residents know um when it's going to get to their area have you developed that yet or are you working on developing that right now it does not exist that's something that we will be um including in the revised beautification plan because we're revising the entire beautification plan so it will be included and we are working on that on the schedule for the tree trimming yeah because we have we're kind of doing hodge podge now we know that all throughout the city there are trees that need to be trims particularly in some of our residential area so iwait that um updated plan for beautification and I know that would include mulching and all of those other things that go along with that um I had mentioned really about six seven months ago about signs being down all over the city um particularly around the school areas um where the signs are just not there so if I'm a um tourist or someone who's not familiar with the area um I don't necessarily know I should stop or what is going on so what is the status of of the signs being put up I know some of them are residential some of them are State some of them are County um but what is going on with that because it's been out there I looked at my notes and it goes back at least six or seven months um that came up and meet me Monday so if you don't have the answer you can provide a update on that because they're still down all over the place and particularly around um school zones which is really uh concerning um to me also I wanted to find out and again if you don't know you can get it to me or get it to us um over the last couple of years we've done a lot of uh passing of legislation for um structures to either be built or rehabed or what have you and only to see in some cases the properties are now back up for sale oh there's no movement on them one in particular is the old um Thompson car wash on 22nd and service another one is the property that was down in Magnolia uh North on Alabama that was supposed to be developed with the new mechanical parking and I see there's a sign up now for sale for the property um and there are others that that catch my attention um even the one on Golf Course Drive that's been vacant now for years I I know we had p as a while back for some development what happened with the development and I I'm not sure so I'll defer to your um report I I thought that that property was uh conveyed or part of a conveyance um which means it wasn't developed it ought to come back to the city at some point so I'd like to know what um is going on with that and those kind of uh properties I also um have mentioned uh to you and I want to just say again with theou with the county and the piggybacking because I think at some point the city has to look at maybe some of those services that we can begin to do uh and I'm going to go as far as even talking about the viability of the water plant um so yeah I'm yeah you can yeah because water is you know money so I I'll await some of those discussions you had um and you're having with the um County the Ingam Park improvements I know you had mentioned a while back and you having your report uh tonight of course that we were passing or had passed about the uh shundi Park um um playground I know Ingram Park supposed to be uh getting some work done and you mentioned in your report about uh some funding fur dap etc for England park for the basketball um courts that really should have been done already uh and I'm not thrilled about the fact that it hadn't been done um and I know you pulled item because that was one of the things that I was going to uh talk about but since you pulled it I I'll wait for you uh to bring it back so I I want to just you don't have the answer that's fine you can give it to to me and give it to us um later I did mention to you and I want to just make it public I I know as the um Auditors mention there's a challenge with Staffing in many of departments whether it's Finance or any a lot of the municipal government um departments so I would just encourage you as part of your discussions as well to reach out to the county for any assistance um that can be of use to us and helpful to us in the interim um that we may need to continue to move forward in the city until we can finish those um projects s and a lot of things that we trying to do to get ourselves not only out of financial emergency but get back uh instability so I would um encourage you we've done it before we've made that ask before uh I think usually uh Mr Mayor will be the one that probably leads that discussion with the county mayor but I want to make sure as I said we take advantage because it seems very hard to find um folks all over government not just opck as they mentioned but all over to fill some of the positions so we can um look at that I would definitely um appreciate it so I look forward to getting those answers and I'll stop right there Mr Mayor with my colleagues thank you all right Mr Mayor commissioner bth just quickly I was going over the the manager's report and I noticed the numbers from code enforcement and I just want to say I don't know how you guys were able to do all of this with the team that you're working with 402 inspections between December 6 and December 19th that is that's what you call working hard um and also I see the the warnings and those that the numbers that came into compliance I need to say thank you so much code enforcement department for your hard work thank you so much and also I noticed that building and license between December 20th to December 27th they serve 101 one customers and I think that's really good um you know sometimes the little people don't get recognized as you should and I just want to say thank you to all the Departments that are helping to make opaka a great City so thank you all thank you madam um yeah you got it right that's amazing that is amazing anyone else yes sir um commissioner Santiago uh thank you Mr Mayor um this morning mad manager uh I took the you know the advance to do something nice you know and then I follow your sweeper machine around the city and and I recording something you know that I sending to you and I like to you watching later uh and vice mayor Kelly mentioned today about signs okay um about sign that we have down and everything but we have uh I don't know if you calling sign but that's the uh uh traffic signals or traffic signs uh when the rules that we have in the city uh my point is when I see the uh the sweeper okay nice I love to see it in the street uh they lost a lot of parts of the side okay that they cannot clean it because it's a a lot of car parking we don't do anything if we sending out because that cost a lot of money to operate that machine if we're not going to do the right thing okay to clean the street the way it's supposed to be Madame manager uh in that please you know be advised that we need that sign all over the city to let it know the business people or the res people here in Alibaba that they have to move the car from sometime to sometime like all the other city like that we have the sweeper passing and clean it if it's not we're not going to continue uh to beautify the particular Road Aliva especially in the other side when all the mechanic shops and body shop is please we need a uh traffic sign the sooner we can and make the rules I know that you do a great job to make our city little better it's going to go little by little and I know we're going to makeing it please okay keeping do that good job that you do Madame manager thank you anyone else for the manager all right Madame manager um I got a couple things one I'm glad commissioner Kelly brought up about the water plant hence why you know I never agree with putting a transfer station there because that's where our will is because if you build on it then it the city loses this opportunity to become that water giant that we used to be so I'm happy that he brought that up also the um the he brought up the signs and we brought this up a couple meetings ago about the no through truck signs around the city and for our Police Department to start enforcing that because you have a lot of trucks that drive through our residential areas through our streets and even when I told you about the the truck that ran over the curb and hence why I ask you could we see do see what it look like for the city of opaka because we're into Logistics to do a commercial unit and it's something that we spoke about prior to so that we can start to regulate these trucks that are coming through our city okay all right also and I thought commissioner Kelly was going to bring this up because he brought it up last year which is relooking at the reevaluating the contract that we have with the county the trash the water and I know we had an issue with the water and we were supposed to hire somebody as the in between uh is that person on staff or we're still we're still that person is not on staff but I believe um we are close that the the person who's going to work out work with the water billing we are close we are close the person is not on staff right now but we should be almost there with that person starting okay and I I commissioner Kelly requested this a couple months ago but we never received it a copy of all of the contracts that we have with the city with the county and so that we can re-evaluate them um also the last when I was out and about a lot of residents the one of the biggest complaints is about the cleanup of the city mosty about the abandoned properties and the derel properties and um the the nuisance that they are and a lot of these properties in my research have a lot of running finds on them and I know one in particular which is which is one I what drives me crazy which is 2016 Washington Street that has looked like that for years and I think we requested to demolish it and it was approved and it's still standing so please and that's that but I'm also want to take it a step further with the attorney and we this not a far-fetched idea we brought this up before we need to start foreclosing on these abandon properties that we cannot get in touch with anybody or we can't seem to get anybody on the phone but I we we're suffering the city suffering you have vagrants you have Vermin that are coming out of these properties so if the if the owners are not responding then the city needs to foreclose Mr Mayor um at one time the city was going to uh um obtain a consultant to deal to try to come up with a plan for how you do that and the city kept mentioning um myami Gardens as a as an example now this has come up many times before and as you all know Miami Gardens has a whole department doing that so the legal issues are a small issue and that also has to be approved by you all but what you need moreover is a plan for it you need you need to figure out you know how many of these you're going to go after what the lean amounts are because that's often the termining factor you need to get surveys you need to get someone to do um you know the the appraisals for them to see whether what is valued at so there's a whole process it's not just you go and foreclose so you have to have a process for this and so what you all talked about before what you were going to look into is getting um some type of a consultant who can help you structure and figure out because the Departments here at the city they were all saying we're not equipped to do that so you you're going to have to do you know you're going to have to figure out how you going to manage that whether you're going to put it through the your building department as an additional responsibility or your um you know your planning and zoning department I don't know but somebody needs to kind of help figure that out and that's not something that legal would just go and do and foreclose on you know anything we would be bringing to you all we would be bringing it to you for um because we can't just initiate litigation right so so you you really need a process for it and that's what we've been talking about maybe you want to Workshop it maybe you want to maybe you know um now I know you all have um someone who is going to at least we've been uh talking behind the scenes about a a a company um that would be able to I guess this is going to come back to you at some point um help with um and I don't want to get ahead of management but maybe that company um can maybe take on some of those responsibilities but let's talk about it offline but this is not just you know something that legal would just go and initiate is what I'm trying to say okay I wasn't suggesting that you initiate it I know it's a process and I don't know what the Mii gens came from because I never brought a m Gardens so and I don't recall anything about a consultant that bringing that up it came but I know that this is something that will go through your office so if you're suggesting that we do a consultant then let's work prepare legislation to bring it back to the commission to do that but we need to we need to start yes sir and and what I guess what I'm trying to suggest is my part in this would be a very small it's just filing a paperwork and filing it and going to court and monitoring it so my part is the easiest part it's all of the other stuff that has to happen before it even gets to Legal that all right so yeah M manager what we'll do is we'll work together to prepare legislation to capture everything that the manager just said to put in their legislation to bring it forth the attorney just said attorney just I'm H to capture everything that the attorney just said it will put in legislation form him you back before you finish Comm Kell thank you I I would um ask Miss Madame manager and I think it predates the City attorney but the whole uh set program that we did many years ago was really uh part partial of this the the attorney's right by the time he gets the attorney it's really more of just paperwork but it was a process matter of fact as a part of that program the city had in place to clean up whatever lean whatever but the attorney portion we actually got that far because usually when they start realizing we're serious um people either complied or did something to clean it up or to make it as the mayor say so it doesn't be what it is but when it did get that far where the attorney was filing um foreclosure whatever it really was easy because by by that time it was obvious they didn't want it or whatever and then the city just moved forward so I would if it's possible go back and look at those um notes and documents because that was part partial of what the set program was all about um so that's a good good point M Mr Mayor that move forward and I I would definitely support that um as you move forward with it thank you no problem have to something to say about what we be talking about now um for the manager and for the city of toity especially for the city why we have to wait so long and do all the process to AC set to to do a foreclosing or to make that person okay to clean the property or to do something with that property right away because I understand something that if I own some money for the day County government or federal government in taxes or anything in the house they don't take so long you know to take my house away well that's it's the question that I want to know why we take so long and we have to go through all the process when we have people here that I know they had 25 years when house there and city has so many uh what do we call it Miss running fund running fund and all that and we don't do anything about it right so it depends on it depends on it depends on whether it's Homestead or not you know if it's an abandoned property that's a little bit different um but what but the city cities are not generally in the business of just going and taking property because it's a liability for cities in so many ways so you want to find out what the value of the property is you want to find out what you know whether they're any leans a lot of times these these properties that you're talking about they have many many leans on them and so the city would have to want to know whether it even wants to you know be in a foreclose and be in a third position for that lean you know all of these things are factors and so that's why you don't see a lot of cities running around trying to foreclose on properties because it's just not practical cities are not in the business of doing that but but I I I don't want I don't want to go I'll stop the May looking at me like he's ready the city the city government had the right to collecting you know whatever they allow us in some way have to be away faster because we cannot be a 100 Year waiting for they everybody die and we collect in the money it had to be some way easy and faster for the city moving forward in that situation we're going to found out all right thank you thank you I don't want to believe by the time so the rest of the stuff Madam attorney I mean Madam manager we'll talk offline uh so we can move on to the official board reports I don't see any board chairs here so we can move on to the mayor and commission reports we can start um with commissioner bass no report commission Santiago you have a report not yet no report um um madam commissioner Irvin really quickly I just want to say um thank you to all the sponsors thank you to everybody that volunteered um to make played a part no matter how big or how smart small I'm sorry and making our um toy drive a huge success um as always I hope that next year it's even bigger even better and um I thank everybody thank you m m Kelly thank you Mr Mr Mayor um well let me start with under um the general ones and under my report have feeding South flid initiative and ICM and I'll defer to you because I see you have that as part of your report um going back we uh obviously uh hosted our December meet me Monday um where we recognize volun who worked with us throughout the year both for Farm share and feeding South Florida um we supported the toy drive and toy giveaway uh that the city had I want to come in commissioner Irvin uh the booster club all of the Departments for making it a success I got there late but um it was um a lot of toys a lot of kids a lot of happy uh parents and kids so it's always a good thing uh we also hosted for the second year our our light up homes Christmas uh contest we had first second and third place winners who received the plaque and a gift card and we want to expand on it even more we had about 23 uh homes this year that actually registered um some of the homes that are actually very good say they didn't know about it so we got to do a better job next year getting the word out but very um appreciative of that um of course are working and asking everyone to support the MLK walk which is next Saturday um we know that that is the um life celebration for commissioner vice mayor Holmes uh at 11 so we're going to try to start the walk promptly at 9: and condense the program because I know everyone wants to be at the uh life celebration and so we're going to do our best we've already contacted schools and got commitments and banners are out so we it's our annual MLK walk here in the city opaka that we do every year uh 9:00 a.m. starting at 151st and 27th Avenue so ask everyone to please be a part I know like I said we will condense the program to try to get everyone finished to be able to get to the Celebration over at um New Birth on next uh Saturday I also um want want to remind and encourage my colleagues always welcome uh next Monday is meet me Monday is going to be at the England Park Senior Citizens building so um I'm quite sure we haven't met over there in quite a while so a lot of residents been asking about it so we're going to be over there for our Mimi Monday next Monday at 6: pm and also fishing with the vice mayor going up to pooki um on the end of this month please RSVP um we're going to be going on January 30th the RSP deadline is the 24 but slots are filling up we probably got about at least 25 or more folks already signed up including um some of our seniors so it's just an outing the bokei we're going to try to leave at 8:30 and go up and fish have lunch up there hopefully catch some fish somewhere up there and um just a funfield day um up in pooki Florida so please keep that in mind uh as well the last item that I wanted to mention um feeding South Florida initiative it'll be coming back to you of course that um requires Commission approv because it was not uh budgeted for this year but I am proposing and um if you have any ideas you definitely can share them with the manager um because it's an item that has has to be funded through the budget process instead of doing it every month um I really would like to um do it every other month starting in February and look for some sponsors but also invite other vendors that provide services um to the community to be a part of it so that is the plan and the goal going forward um we had hoped to use some of the funding from the trailer that's supposed to been taken down but apparently was not uh initiated in time so we've got to absorb that cost so we can't use that but I will be bringing that uh back and I think it's a good tie in Mr Mayor as you're working towards your um Initiative for our uh support services for our community uh good segue into that uh as well I also have on my report the ICM extension but I'll defer that to um here what the mayor has to say since he has it under his report again thank everyone for the work they are doing Happy New Year to everyone and Mr uh mayor with that turn it over to you thank you all right so um starting with the the fun stuff I'm surprised commission Irvin didn't talk about it Bingo for you we got Bingo this Friday at 6m so we're asking everybody to come out um win some fun prizes and fellowship with your fellow Commissioners we will all we will all be there Al I hate you right now also um I just want to say that um we we were able to attend the toy drive it was awesome and we also was able to partner with we did sers Cafe the May sers Cafe we partnered with an organization stand for us um a foster organization we brought was 100 over 150 children from all throughout Miami day County they met here in city of opaka for a evening full of fun so we that was an awesome initiative that we started thank you for everybody that attended we also have the state of the city coming up on the 31st of this month at 6: PM so we're asking everybody to come out now getting down to the work um the financial oversight update we've already had it so we can ommit that Madam manager and the city manager search but I saw commissioner Kelly had the ICM extension and my proposal um with the will of the commission was to extend this um icm's contract for another 90 days and then in the interim we come together to figure out what the man the city manager search looks like what that actually looks like um because I don't think it's time to Pivot at this moment Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I I wanted to hear because I uh like order so I wanted to hear what you're proposing cuz you had search on there I I preferred the extension the reason I bring it up because the 90 days for the uh current ICM um expires in January and so we need to do the extension of not obvious tonight bring it back at the next meeting you said 90 days I I really want to get past um the audits which supposed to be I think completed totally by March get jayac you know kind of done with that and also get through the legislative process of Tallahassee and all of that for any funding that we're pursuing um so there is stability so I was really you know would be looking at uh proposing a little longer obviously the commission can make a final decision but at least on the extension um to go into at least um July and I say that because the reality is and um we really should be starting our budget process in another couple of months and we still and you have it down I'm quite you're going to talk about it even the strategic planning session uh that needs to take place so my suggestion is not 90 but really uh at least until July or to August and then you of course can come up with your search or how you want to pursue it but that would at least give them stability not only to the process but to staff and to all of the different things that we're trying to do that have deadlines that going to come up in the next um few months so there's not any moving targets but of course the commission can make the final decision but that's why I had it on there for the extension uh to come back obviously we have to vote on it um to go at least until July to get us through the last um audits I think the jayac concern to make sure that's done um to make sure the arper things they they're encumbered to make sure those projects are going forward and some of the other concerns have been raised that are going to take a little um time so that that's why my suggestion would be that length of time and of course if you have um suggestion recommendations how to move forward on the search you obviously can be working on that so when that time ends we can uh pivot in that direction but I I would um suggest longer time than the 90 to go at least until uh end of July or August thank you Mr Mayor Mr Mayor okay commission thank you Mr Mayor um and agree uh with vice mayor regarded about the uh extension for the interor city manager uh I'm sure worse we had to finish where we start we have a lot of things to do and we are in the eyes of the estate right now and I don't think it's properly now to move to for search in the moment and and agree with that to extending uh the time for the inter city manager up to July because like that we're going to have the time to work together and try to P the city forward okay for wherever we want to be okay we started let's finish and we're going to have time for that in the future to search for some body got it so I'm not opposed to it at all so like I said I don't think it's time for us to Pivot at this moment so that's where I'm at with it but July is where we are so what we can do um Madam attorney and the clerk can we bring forth legislation because we have to we need to renew it and at the next meeting and at that meeting and we'll leave it blank and at that meeting we can discuss um the end I guess the the end date all right and then the city manager search I guess we'll hold off on it and then we'll I'll get with the manager the attorney and the clerk to see what that looks like and we'll bring a proposal back to the commission if you all don't mind I don't mind okay all right the next thing is going on to the strategic planning session and commissioner Kelly hit it right on the head we're about to go into budget season and it's something that me and the manager has been working on for a couple weeks now because we want to make sure that what we want the vision that we want is incumbered in the budget going forward so the dates that we profer she profer the office profer was February 8th March 1st and March 15th which are all Saturdays right Saturdays which gives us an opportunity to actually you know what was February 8 March 1st and March 15th um and we don't have to come up with a a date tonight but what we can do um Madame attorney if it's okay allow the clerk to pull the commission for the date for the dates for the strategic planning session and then we can come back at and discuss it at the next commission meeting and real quick discussion we all want the February 8 date that's a quick discussion well Mr Mayor go ahead M yeah so the way that if you're going to discuss it and vote on it then you can't poll but if you're going to Poll for there's no vote there's no for dat we're just voting we're just polling for a date to discuss and um what I what we also discussed with the strategic planning session with the city manager is to actually this time bring in a consultant to help orchestrate and Shepherd that process and to present the commission with an an actual report not like what we did prior to but really do it right this time if you all are not opposed to it no opposition on H this side we're good all right so [Music] mam Madam manager we're good all right so Madam um clerk your marching ERS will be to PO the commission to see what we all available the the proposed date was um February 8th March 1st and March 13th and then the city manager yours City attorney is to bring forth legislation to extend the contract um of this um ICM blank and then at that time the commission will vote on a date discuss and vote on a date Mr Mayor Comm Kelly we don't it's we don't have it I realized we don't have a uh it a slot in here for a City attorney I noticed that there's no slot like you know the man's report but there's no slot on the report I do I do have something well I I she may have a report but I have something for the attorney but I noticed we don't have a little slot on there we don't need we don't need I'm good thank you thank you commissioner Kelly I'm good no sometimes we it's rare no no I'm not saying for report necessarily but sometime we do I have one thing for the attorney and the manager uh but really for the attorney and and I I'm I'm smiling but I'm I'm also um want you to look at this and if you can meet with me individually and discuss but I am really frustrated with all of the development that's taking place over off of 37th Avenue and that airport um yeah that all of that development and my opinion and I I'll defer to the manager to get me the exact amounts in my opinion we really don't get any ongoing benefits but we get all the traffic we get all of the trucks we get all the vehicles going through the residential areas that we need to put to know through truck signs that's impacting neighborhood roadways and I know uh vice mayor then commissioner Irvin now and I brought it up um a while back speeding of race vehicles at 9:00 in the morning nine o'clock in the morning and a weekday just speeding yeah those are no no no no I'm looking at you because I I know it may not be a lot you could do but I'm at the point to bringing back legislation for the city to sue the county I'm really at that point because we get the traffic there 37th is backed up people are coming through all the resid streets trying to get cross to the east side and I am and I look at all these walls and development and I can't say to Residents because I get asked all the time what does the city really get out of it I know Amazon promis jobs and I'm pretty sure we got residents that work over there but for what's happening over there somebody needs to tell me the real benefit that we're getting you can answer that but I I want the manager um to to tell me economically what the benefit cuz I know always here when big development comes you know it's a $10 million impact to an area I don't see anything but the headaches for Block that's all I see so I'm going to meet with you and the manager because I am at that point and I really don't mind taking on the county I really don't because I get frustrated when the citizen this community can't go from point A to point B it takes 20 minutes CU you got all this traffic coming through trying to get to opaka trucks that are parked on the side trucks that are all over coming through everybody's trying to get through and all of the development that's taking place looks beautiful but I don't really see the benefit that we're getting in terms of either tax revenue or anything else and so we need to to look at that so I I wanted to say it publicly I'll meet with you because I I'm really frustrated about it and I know that you know the county owns the land or whatever but there has to be some kind of mutual understanding that you don't have speeding going on of race cars at 9 10:00 in the morning where folks that in the residential area senior citizen whomever can't even sleep there has be some difference of of least um respect that if you're going to do it and I I don't know if if the CD was where when all that was going to take place in the development of a Speedway that's why I want the manager to look into it because it's not the first time that I've asked about it and I know one of my colleagues have asked about it before and it's still going on and whether the calling me as an elect official I know everybody else get to call why is the city allowing it what what what what is going on in the weekday so I will be meeting with you and um yeah I'll be meeting with you and the manager oh that's good vice mayor oh my God love it you know I I just want to put you on you know I want to you know yeah that's fine I do have an announcement Mr Man um um I'm glad commissioner Kelly brought that up yes I'm really glad that he brought that up so my question to the manager would it were permits pulled I don't know that's why I told do we get impact fees and even a traffic study I don't have the answer to that right now now but I will be working with staff to provide an answer by tomorrow I don't want to give commissioner Santiago please we have order please um go ahead Madam manager I don't want to provide the wrong information so I'll meet with Staff first thing in the morning and provide a report to the commission on this on the airport entire situation entire situation yes okay so yeah what commissioner Kelly said if we got to take legal action then I think it's it's about all right commission thank you um what I going to say is it's true and we'll be talking about that for long the city of Waka never receive anything for any of this projects out there in the airport and that's supposed to be or they used to be belong to us before and I asking my manager one of these day to find out what happened or why we don't get any revenue for all these brand new buildings all these new uh things that they do especially at the racing play there and and agree with vice mayor uh Kelly that that noise wake me out in the morning sometime I can hear that that car running from my house 1156 per R if you nobody know where I live and true yes I love it let's go found why we not get the revenue that we supposed to get thank you all right thank you moving on to our official board appointments I see we have applications does anybody want to make an appointment at this moment Mr Mayor there's one Mr Mayor commission I see there's one at large appointment um for recreation activities you have two uh applicants I I'm going to be reappointing my my same person so my personal appointment is taken but there are two applications and I notice if I'm correct to the clerk that there is an at large for the um community relations recreation activities Advisory Board um so if you all are not going to appoint them with your individual appointments we can choose one of these two for the um community relations I know Mr Stanley has been on there for a long time so we can reappoint him um to the at large commissioner Kelly one second before you do that I know last meeting we said that the you all was supposed to get together to bring us back a report on these boards the viability of them yes that's correct we're not done but we we do have that and we're not done to provide that report so can we hold off on appointments for this week until you all bring the reports back okay all right if you all don't mind okay all right um Mr Mayor sir so I just wanted to inform um briefly the commission that we did receive a resignation from the head board Alex Van meckel resigned from the historic board the historical preservation okay so now we have um four at large appointments all right so include that in the report that you all the what they are what the purpose is and who's on them when you all bring the report back to just just just for clarification Mr Mayor um we're meeting for what purpose because if all you need is the functions of the board I can provide the ordinance which outlines that and I can I I think we've already provided the actual um vacancies for the boards but also so is there anything in addition to that we we kind of want to hear your opinion on it oh okay because you all manag those board yes sir all right right moving on to um right before the inurement we know that commissioner homes already um his Services is Saturday and the clerk provided everybody via social media with the information for the funeral services and I just want to make sure that the city of opaka that we show up for um bicr holes he's been in the city forever and a day and he's a jewel we did name the police station after him that was step one but we also want to make sure that we send him off right and commissioner Kelly brought it up but we know that the services are this no not this so Saturday next Saturday January 18th at 11:00 am. and if you need more information you can reach out to the clerk and we also posted it on all of our social medias so if you need more information but we want to make sure as the city that we show up for our vice mayor he's he did great things in this city and we all have been impacted in some positive way by him and we will love him we love and we will miss him so with that being said and also let's keep his family in prayer can we move to a Jour Mr Mayor I have I'm sorry madam attorney you keep saying go ahead thank you this is an announcement of a closed door executive session notice is hereby given that a private closed door executive session pursuant to section 28601 for the statutes will be held on the in the commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street opaka Florida on January 22nd 2025 starting at 6:30 p.m. on the third floor or will be moved to an adjoining room on set floor the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the following pending litigation matter um this will be at 6:30 the pending litigation matter is Town Center o1 LLC versus city of Obaka case number 2023 d027 045 ca1 the following individuals will attend to include Mayor John Taylor vice mayor Joseph Kelly commissioner Shirlene bass commissioner Natasha Irvin and commissioner Lewis Santiago interim city manager Shema Lawson City attorney bernardet Norris weeks assistant City attorneys Michelle Austin pamies and candies cob and on the record Court Reporting the estimated length of the attorney client session will be 30 minutes thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you um can I have a motion to adj move by commissioner Santiago second by Vice May Kelly this meeting is adjourned