e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone Welcome to our special Commission meeting um July 29th 2024 the time is now 4:44 Madame clerk roll call commissioner Kelly presid commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here as we stand for invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance God we thank you for bringing us together one more time in your name God we ask that you come to this meeting that we would do your will for your people in Jesus name we pray amen our Pledge of Allegiance our pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty andice for all right we're going into our public input and those that are speaking on public input we ask that to State remain to the topics at hand so public input is open Mr Mayor um I'm um um so we do have an individual that registered to speak virtually and I guess it can confirm whether or not they are online it's Christopher Bartlett all right yes they they are on okay you have the floor Christopher Barlett uh yes good afternoon um I was simply I have a question um I've been trying to make a complaint against a code enforcement officer since February and I want to know if maybe there's a a a proper way to do it so because I I think that it's kind of being pushed to the side and I think that is something that's very important to the community of open lock okay so um Mr Chris um for public input on these type of meetings we have to stay Germain to the topics at hand so what we do is I'll if you can I don't know give your number you have his number okay we'll give them number to the city manager and we'll have him reach out to you all right thank you all right no problem thank you all right public input is still open uh good good afternoon good evening man Commissioners uh Brian Dennis address 2140 York Street um trying to grasp my head around what I'm reading here in the agenda and the one thing I want to to ask the the commissioner is to see how we can save our city from the the lawsuits that's taking place and see if we could um get those people that want to file lawsuits to actually stop because we really can't we really can't afford it and the second thing I wanted to to bring up is can we find a way and and I'm hearing the complaints you know I I chare the community relations and Park and Recreation and activi board but those individuals that was let go are are they're really they really need their jobs and you have people that have have rent and mortgage that need to be paid we don't want to subject subject anyone to D circumstances if we don't have to if they could go through the the process or due process of being suspended or whatever however that go still getting paid until the process is finished with them then we allow them to at least um have an opportunity to keep their bills paid until the outcome of a investigation is done and the other thing that I was I was concerned about after watching the last meting especially with the uh the millage rate and how that is going how would we Fair as a Citizens and how would the citizens op Locka benefit from a 9.3 millage rate how would they benefit and how are we will we be able to hold all our bills pay all our bills or will we have to raise the Mage rate on those for higher taxes to keep our city AF flow that those are the things that I'm concerned about I'm looking forward to hearing your answers during the doing the special meeting thank you all right thank you Mr Dennis um public input is still open all right public input is closed um Madame attorney 61 a resolution of the Commission of the city of opaka Florida setting the proposed budget for the city of opaka Florida as required by the state and local agreement of cooperation between the Florida governor and the City of opaka for fiscal year 2024 to 2025 establishing requirements for the approval of the city Budget on or before August 1st and forwarding to the governor the proposed annual budget of the city as preliminar preliminarily approved by the city commission for the fiscal year of 2024 to 2025 and directing the city manager to forward a copy of the resolution and approved proposed budget to the governor providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date okay um before we motion um Madame clerk you have you gave us I'm sorry Mr manager you gave us a different resolution these it's going to be this is a substitute yes Mr Mayor okay all right did anything change other than the number um the the resolution in the packet in the second whereas there's a blank and that that those well there's several blanks in the resolution those blanks were um completed with a number were filled out with a number okay all right Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly under um I guess when the manager presents the item um we need to make sure that that second where as is read into the record so folks can hear it citizens can hear it cuz that's that's something we're getting or seeing in terms of the number um so when he does his presentation or whoever to read that actual whereas into the record so it's documented okay okay um can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second by commissioner Williams Mr manager thank you uh so um as you know we have four B at the Apple with our budget uh this completes the first two uh bites at the Apple we've Incorporated all of the requests uh of the city commission uh in this budget and um we also have um Mr Dake swarte here to answer the questions and read the second whereas uh into the record Madam attorney can you go ahead and read the second where as the record while Mr D is um passing out um I would need a copy of the resolution have a cop Mr D if you could read the second where into the record please sir um I have it unless he wants please the second whereas is whereas the city manager of the city of opaka has recommended a proposed budget of funding Revenue loans grants inter fund transfers in and usage of unassigned fund balance attached here to is exhibit a 85700 or 85 m732 1198 and expenditure of 85,3 2,198 for fiscal year 2024 2025 commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 based on the underlying assumptions for revenue and expenditures estimates contained in the proposed annual budget documented and included with the budget subm and as amended and okay Mr D you have the floor um Mr Mayor um so um we have a brief presentation uh that Mr date can provide or we can go straight into a Q&A if that's be the will of the commission um any questions further or you want to hear the presentation how you want to handle it Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you I'm trying to um follow the the structure because this is actually on the um proposed budget but going to the governor's office number two is the one that says to Miller so we're going to do the the details first before we do the actual millage rate good evening mayor Commissioners uh so one of them goes to the state uh governor's office that would be the budget and then we set the millage rate that we would also input to the state as well um so yeah but normally Mr Mayor the Miller should come first not not second because what's going to the government is whatever is going to be based on the millage that the commission passes you got to list it in reverse I'm just curious as to why you have it it is a preliminary budget based on the workshop that you that we had the last couple of days uh in the millage is or the budget is based on the millage that is in the the rate I would probably have to defer uh our office does not prepare the agenda I'm sorry Mr Mayor what was the question um commissioner Kelly's questioning the order the millage rate is usually first and then the budget is to follow well this is setting the preliminary um millage rate it's not really adopting a millage rate so I'm not sure if that's the order that needs to take place at this time but it was not mentioned to me so I do prepare the agenda but I'm not the person that puts the items in the system and this is how it was listed for the regular commission meeting so no one has stated to me that the order needed to change Mr Mayor um one second commissioner Kelly you okay um we're going to discuss both of them but normally explain to me we're going to send to the state that's that's you know we got that anything's going to the state yes sir but we're basing it on the commission wanted a 9.1 165 but that's actually the second resolution because it's actually stated at 9.3 but we know we want to change it historically you set millage and then do your actual budget whatever in case commission decided to change but once you do the budget millage rate that kind of locks you in so I'm just curious why I was in reverse order considering that we did change it well we're proposing to change it to 9.1 65 to me that should have been the first one you did and not not the second one but I guess was submitted that order so um yeah I I would prefer to take two instead of one first to make sure we we're in agreement on the 9.1 and that everything that the commission um Wanted or suggested is captured in that before we go p and 9.1 discover that maybe it should have been different and I'm saying that because we just got this breakdown and this additional information um really today and so I'm trying to read like everybody else she just gave us a little brief presentation which probably is the same thing we got email but we're still trying to read it and so that's why I was curious why one was coming before the um before the other um yeah that's just my my prefer mayor but if y'all okay with it we can go in reverse order Mr Mayor could we get a motion to change the agenda so that the millage rate comes first um uh I do get the I do understand that it's a a proposed uh but just in case it might have an impact we would want to be in compliance no problem Madam attorney you want me to read item or she she she was trying to she was trying to weigh in Madam attorney yes you're not setting the millage tonight the way that you have it um I believe is fine but if you know that's the of commission that's that's fine too but you're not actually setting the millage okay I I I I'll go along just for the sake of time but I I know what I'm reading Madam attorney and what I'm reading says that we're setting proposed millage now I know what you're saying is going to come back it's got to go to the state but for the way we do B uh budgeting once it goes to the state it's very hard for us to change anything outside of that millit rate we can change numbers in between am I correct but you can't change the military rate so that's why I wanted to be first but you're the attorney so I defer to you so we'll take it in uh order um that you're you're recommending um so let's just go with 61 Mr Mr Mayor Mr date go ahead your presentation um did we want to hear the presentation or we all want to go straight into Q&A that was straight into Q&A want straight into Q&A so any questions for Mr date so this this reflects what we discussed in the last two that is cor budget um workshops yes sir on Monday and Wednesday of correct correct all right so you received an addendum packet uh within that addendum packet is everything that you discussed you also received uh follow-up answers to questions specific questions that were made that was also emailed to you uh the presentation I had was or have this afternoon is really just a overview of for the uh proposed resolution um outlining and defining the expenditures and revenues as the commission the will of the commission based on our Workshop all right do we have but you are correct we can change it as we need to and move forward all right do we have any questions for the budget department at this moment or the manager Mr Mayor commission Kelly and I do apologize when you get all this stuff counted the last minute is very challenging to go over it the manager sent us a breakdown via an email um as well that I'm trying to find um kind of explaining the things that we asked about but I don't have that in printed form but I did is that the response to the budget Workshop question yes sir that's what that's there something yeah but I don't I don't have that I've got it in in the email but I didn't I don't have it in black and white so that's why I was trying to to find that um in black and white you having another copy in black and white for commission Kelly no I think you're I think you're referring to no I'm referring the the respon because we got that actually before before that that's what I'm saying so I don't know if something has changed on that that the manager sent us versus it's the response yes response to the budget Workshop question I believe Mr anathan has a copy they said you have it say I haven't they said you have on the other the other package well he just gave me something but I don't it looks like this okay this is what I was looking for thank you okay yeah that's what I was looking for because there's a lot of addendums that's on there and asking us to look at attachments yeah I have one I one thank you um I I wanted to try to go through a couple of these that um that you gave us on the propose um on the non Department department and I see that you have a get out to vote and you actually up it to um 30,000 I know we had asked about uh the mayor had asked about can we engage in voting um just to get out to vote and the answer was yes but where do we come up with that to add actually um 5,000 more to it because now it's 30,000 so in that line item not for other advertising is for us that's that line item is utilized for our RFP advertising uh so the get out and vote added an additional $5,000 to the total of that line item does that make sense the aggregate now turned into total so we added $5,000 additional for the get out to vote campaign the initial $25,000 was for the advertising of our rfps that we utilize okay yeah that was my question as well was it $30,000 but but anybody anybody that's looking at this budget or looking information would know that because we didn't even know it it's not segregated same thing I told you about some of the other things uh last week it's not segregating or at least parenthesized to know that there's a difference all I see is other advertising get out the vote so I'm going to assume that's 30,000 get out the vote which is not is actually has to do with all of the advertising and you added 5,000 that's not clear in there remember when folks get the budget go online look at the budget and it used to be clear so it doesn't come across as a misconception that you have money to do something or more money to do something with than you actually um than you actually have um the other thing that I I want to uh bring up is down in the Cod section and again I'm trying to look at both of these sheets at the same time um the additional code officer is that the one for for CRA is that the one for uh the manager Reference last week that requires from Public Works which code um officer is that position is that so for this particular budget we added from last year to this year we added two additional code officers one is denoted as a CRA officer and the other one is a regular code enforcement officer that we are would like to work on weekends and evening hours uh so that's why you're actually seeing two additional code officers from prior years well this this says an additional code officer it doesn't say two I'm I'm looking at the you know the addendum right so I I apologize yes you are correct the initial budget the initial proposed budget given to you included the CRA officer in there then we added one more more after the workshop so that would be a total of two additional so one was already included but then I made it more definitive that it was a CRA one and then after the workshop this weekend we added one more to it okay so the secondary question is you said a code officer for weekends so this is not the one that the manager um is proposing for public works because of the um requirements no sir no sir that is a storm waterer uh officer for the ms4 uh that is out of the storm waterer budget this is a general fund op uh uh position if you will and so this is an addition to that storm waterer uh compliance officer well you got to remember all this is lumped into one budget it's not segregated out into water and sewer storm water so I gotta ask all the same question because it's not just general fund it's for the whole Citywide budget right I got ask that question so this is separate from that uh um so that's not being funded no sir that is being funded as well that is a mandate that we STM through storm water yes that is in there so then the uh new officer uniform uh the vehicle for the officer and printer for the new vehicle is that the new code officer or is that the C officer that is a new code officer that we the commission and the city manager we came up with during the workshop so our first goar around included the CRA officer then we added one more so everything that you're seeing the vehicle the uniforms the computer that is because of that additional code officer the night and weekend officer that yes sir the night and weekend if I can Define it as such yes the night and weekend officer and all of our all of our um so all of our officers will have this this all of off currently have the same equipment yes sir all those yes sir yep okay there there there is an additional you know startup because they get a jacket they don't get jackets every every year so there's a little bit of an additional budget for them for a new officer versus somebody who's already been hired on an annual basis okay and the one in the storm water is listed out the same way with in terms of equipment vehicle and all that yes that is correct they get a vehicle they get everything as well but it's being funded through storm water it is being funded through storm water okay and again this is the one for the specific Public Works that is correct I didn't see and maybe you got it lumped in again is the training for that particular officer because obviously it's detailed training because of what we're asking them to do so where's that training because it's Specialized or do you have it lumped in with the general training of staff so that training is included in the storm water operating fund I'm getting to the page if you will bear with me another moment and why you doing that Mr manager I know we talked about the brought up the code enforcement coming from uh for the um that department c not C the other one um storm storm order no specifically for what was the Department Public Works did we ever see if it was feasible to actually cross train a public works worker yes that's what we're looking into what we looking yes okay well if you're cross training the way he just described it yeah that's why it's a whole person totally new it's not a cross train cuz you're cross training that's why I'm asking about the training because AOSS training would not be the same as you know somebody coming in straight off um who knows nothing about our city what have you and this person um yeah okay I wait on the answer it's the uh Mr Mayor it's the intention of the administration to have the ms4 contractor uh conduct their training on on the job training to accompany whoever selected for that training in position from the pool of employees he already have yes sir okay so on Page in your budget book on page 206 actually 207 there's a line item for educational costs specifically ms4 and storm water inspector in the amount of $2,000 a lot of this can be done online wait and the no I don't think that's right what page you on what page you want uh 204 in the budget book potentially you said 206 you just said three different numbers I'm sorry 204 204 it's 204 and you're looking at um where where are we educational cost is about right in the middle so ms4 and storm warer inspector okay so that's that person yes sir got it commissioner Kelly I apologize for this page number did you find it um right above that training for that um ms4 inspector the $2000 um the manager said he's going to get some a contractor to do a training but it goes back still goes back to the original question is this person going to be cross trained or a totally new person because the manager is saying his intent be to the mayor was to cross train employees or whoever you would determine in public work the way it's looking here as though you're it's going to be a total NE person so I'm just trying to figure which one is going to be so um uh through the mayor to commissioner Kelly uh the portion that you're looking at will be new skills um the individual will be coming from the public works department so they will not need to get new training on how to be a public works employee they'll already have that training this budget line item is just to prepare them for the additional services so that they will then be quote unquote cross trained uh to do their current job and these new Services as well okay and since you're going to have a um Mr Mayor since you're going to have a contractor to do it is the 2,000 I mean because there's going to be one person I'm always concerned with only one person knows something and nobody else does um I I would ask that you all consider when you're looking at this hopefully cross trainining two people so you only have one again I don't know what the training entails you just said most of it's online um I don't know that is my understanding I believe he's referring to the certification and not actually the skill set but that is definitely something we can look into okay all right um okay so to separate separated out um Mr Mary you go ahead while I'm all right GA other thoughts y ask questions y'all may have to ask look at this real quick so on this slide up here my apologies I'm sorry commissioner Mr Dick we're gonna do Q and A yeah I got it I got you're right love your presentation oh no I just um real quick not a lot of question but it was under the parks and wck I know we had a lot of discourse about what to keep in what to pull out what to stay what was going to it seems like this is um really low like I thought we had a lot of a lot more things that we were going to reduce um unless did we decide not to or I don't know I thought we were reducing more um items no it it was it wasn't a reduction it was a shifting oh we Shi it from one one line item to another in part specifically to special events yeah yes we it was shifted nothing was taken out and then we also added the Arabian kns not taken out I meant some of the items were red like for example like congol Loca was reduced or yeah conall Halloween was reduced the state of the city was reduced and it was something and that was it no I thought was others oh yeah you remember I thought there were more others no so those were the only ones that were reduced and then those funds were added to other special events so like the mayor said it was so there was no reduction anywhere in in in special events I'm sorry there was no reduction there was an addition we went from $43,000 to 305,000 what not necessarily because Arabian knights was already budgeted correct no ma'am no no well initially it was years ago yes it y'all took it out and then you added it back you added it back it was well if you take I think what he's trying to say is that if you even take the raban knights out we did increase not only the number of events uh but also the am the total budget amount for just those events with the except uh even considering taking out Arabian Knights correct correct gun gun by was one of the additional events that was added to it uh for $5,000 the new commissioner inauguration was added for $2500 um the May and then there was some additional we added money for the Christmas toys and we added money for the mayor's business lunch we shifted money yeah we shift it correct good terminology thank you sir no I think I think originally but I know I was one voice is I was saying that there should be a and decrease across the board on all events but I guess that didn't happen I mean I know there was some shift somewhere I get it there was like a thousand shifts here and there but there was no like I feel like we spent so much time on this particular just for absolutely nothing to happen well uh through the mayor to commissioner Williams yes uh we did take your advice made under consideration however we didn't want to penalize uh one member of the day as over the other so we tried to maintain restrictions uh equal across the board which was a challenge at the same time when some of the events are also being additional events are being added so it was not as a we were our Target goal was to reduce the special events budget down to 120 so you are correct we were not successful successful with that but it wasn't because we for lack of effort we did propose something uh we did present something that showed Cuts as you may recall in the previous Workshop um equally with each member of the day well well to go back what you were saying I don't think it was so much showing like one over the other what my proposal was is everything had some trim not not like major but everything so that to me it would have shown uniformity across the diets not just um but of course I mean it also makes sense when you're talking about you know shifts if you have one event that you know you're um that's your event and you propose money go there but also also um I'm sorry I bit my tongue sorry um do we if we're if we're adding events I thought that had to come to the commission for approval well in the budgeting process we can add them now and once you approve the budget I do believe you're approving that event if you approve the budget as it's stated okay and we did highlight I do believe we you did highlight all the new events that were added correct correct well not on the budget I didn't do that on the budget go back yep there was no events added commissioner Williams the gun by back program was um passed via resolution um and also the the commission the new commission inauguration to the saring in um so I guess because it's under special events so it should have went with his department so yeah so if you put the the swearing then should have went to the clerk's office the gun buyback police yeah so it's it's showing up here and now I'm like I don't recall seeing some of these things make that adjustment moving forward for sure okay yeah yeah that's not difficult to do and and to answer your initial question yes we did trim a lot of events uh it's just that you probably see the numbers so many times and you know and then Fourth of July we couldn't trim because we needed additional funding and so that kind of takes away some of the trim we added to the 4th of July because fireworks are $225,000 and um you know we initially had $25,000 or even $20,000 budgeted and we found out we couldn't do it for that so um you know when you add one area and you take away from the other it kind of just evens out and it doesn't look like it's a large adjustment well I I'll say this commissioner Williams and I use Mr Dake and Mr manager's term we do have two more bites at is Apple so in the inum we can work to if your goal is to decrease the events budget completely we can work towards that so within the when we can come to the actual budget hearing yes if you don't if you okay Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I'm gonna okay commission I'm gonna make a general statement for the sake of time um I know this goes to to the state because we have a mandate of August 1st I'm fully aware that whatever we pass is the millage rate and set and those are the numbers which we'll do in the second resolution so then the only thing we could do is what the mayor is suggesting um and I want be very clear on uh we can move inward but we can't change anything in essence I mean well you could change but that's not something you want to do you want to work within the parameters of numbers so I'm going to support this only for that because I'm really thinking about not supporting just let the state blow it up because I got responses but I have questions internally as to the structure some of these items and the non answers that I got um that I'm not satisfied and of course PSA dropped right off the top of the list because I asked to break down for the funding because it's been budgeted what you do that money because you didn't hire four PSAs there's some other line items I asked about parks and wck you're adding basically four more people and I don't see the need um for that I see an explanation or whatever but I don't see that now um as to be put in the budget now one of the things I tried to do because we're you know challenged we need to save money and that's one of the reasons why I was willing to say take away the trail in park take away um the feeding South Florida the commission can bring it back later they choose to to try to offset some of the challenges because I felt felt strongly about Arabian Knights but when I look at this and inside of here um you know I was told at the last meeting we had um that the 75,000 for vehicles undercover cops because they got to rotate out I asked for a an analysis that because that to me was still too much when I got this back it actually says six detectives and somebody that you know the treasury reimburses which gives me even more of a headache because we got six detectives you know and then I saw we got eight uh eight Sergeants but we Ain got 20 some regular officers so I I have real challenges with the way this is breaking down um inside and and some of the answers to be you know coming to us or have been finalized but for the sake of getting the budget to the to the state for them to approve the out parameters I'm going to support it um because I'm really challenged to just not support it at all and just let it go to you know feel like get those answers but I don't want to put that pressure on my colleagues so I'm going to support it tonight to get it going through the process cuz the state has to have it by August 1st but as the manager and the mayor um mentioned in their commentary about the two bites those next two bites are going to be big bites from from my perspective so I want us you know that in advance so I'm ready to vote Mr thank you okay no problem and before we call a question Mr Mr manager I will suggest because I have a lot of questions as well that once we send it to the state we in the inum of in the inum we have oneon-one meetings with your office as in the budget team to actually go through this and sit down and we can actually go through it and go through it because clearly there's a there's a a disconnect somewhere so that's just my okay that's just my suggestion all right um Madam clerk we can go ahead and call the question commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 30 all right Madam attorney um 62 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida setting the proposed millage rate of 9.35 Ms for computation of adalum taxes for the city of opaka Florida as required by law for the budget for the fiscal year 2024 2025 establishing the date time in place for the first hearing to consider the proposed millage rate and proposed budget for fiscal year of 2024 202 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date all right can I get a motion Mr Mayor um Madam clerk just for the record there's also a substitute resolution for this item um and the millage rate is 9.16 30 Mills all right so then let's start over Madam attorney let's read The Substitute item into the record and then we'll make a motion and vote on call the question on that a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida setting the proposed millage rate of 9163 Mills for computation of adalum taxes for the city of opalocka Florida as required by law for the budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 establishing the date time and place for the first hearing to consider the proposed millage rate and proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date all right can I get a motion move it move back commissioner Williams second by commissioner Kelly Mr manager uh thank you uh Mr Mayor so this is the uh millit rate uh that was selected given some options by the commission uh from uh my office and the budget team and I would like to do a Q&A if we can keep uh Mr Dake contained but if it be the will of commission he's prepared for a presentation it's only the presentation is only one p two pages two pages don't trust Mr D as you can take so any questions um to Mr D as it relates to the milit so just as a reminder this will take four votes to pass come September yeah in September but not September correct not tonight y all right so any questions Mr Mayor I just want to uh be very clear that this 9o uh 1630 Mills is based on the second war as of 85 million 732 198 correct correct yes sir okay thank you Mr Mayor all right we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk um before we do that we also have to State the date and time of the meeting in September 10th it just has to be on the record okay um the public hearing is September 10 so the public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday September 10 2024 at 6 p.m it will take place in the commission Chambers third floor 780 fisherman Street opaka Florida 3354 thank you m no problem Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 30 I just realized that too how did y'all come up with that date um I believe that was the dates that did we present those stes to the office U Mr anathan I mean I just realized that too good evening good evening Bob Anon financial support services normally we do it the Wednesday in advance of the first commission meeting one of I think it's a school board or the County Commission has a a a budget here in scheduled for the 11th so we had to change a different date so we put it one day before so the two okay yeah all right y'all are we're [Laughter] good he know we got bible study on Tu because Holy Temple got Bible study New Beginning got Bible um um um Madam attorney six six um a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opalocka Florida exercising inquiry and investigation authority pursuant to sections 2.5 and 4.2 of the city of opalus Charter requiring the city manager to provide written findings reports and produce policies and procedures and other relevant information pertaining to accidents relating to City vehicles and personal vehicles providing procedures for notification to the city Commission of Major Crimes providing investigation of matters handled by the city's Police Department providing inquiry related to a 2024 bonus structure passed by the city Commission but not yet implemented providing inquiry for notification procedure to the city commission after an employee is terminated providing inquiry as to facts and circumstances surrounding three or more fired City Park employees providing for a completion date for inquiry and investigation providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date all right can I get a motion moov it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams um Mr May why you getting your thoughts commission it yeah no it's commission item one one of the things I while you were gather your thoughts because I know you had um announced to do this um to the attorney I guess really the we had suggested initially with something on um the first meeting in September but since we're exercising our inquiry author um what's the timeline or date we have to give for it to come back because it's going to take um Time by itself not just something be done a little bit before a regular meeting so do we need to set a separate date for this to come back um and the the manager to provide the findings and all of the information is requested are you talking about having a second hearing on this item no no not a second hearing to for all information to come back to us for the re for the inquiry Mr Mayor it's a I think he's asking for the date that when the manager will respond to the right oh I'm sorry go ahead Madam clerk um so there is a section section two and also the last whereas in the resolution that has a blank for the city commission to discuss that time frame for when the the responses should be should come back before the commission so the clerk is saying that you're saying that we we set the time frame Mr Mayor commissioner Williams my question is um and I understand that um having the legislation for the inquiry because um we had a lot of questions however there's so many whereases and a lot of the a lot of these particular questions weren't asked by all members so like there's some there's some things here that I might not like I don't care to know is this something that if depending on the member and I'm not sure who I'm directing this to maybe Madam attorney depending on the member that asks that asks the inquiry would they then re receive the information or then or is this like the commission is will receive the and will the receipt of the information be in um some type of like report or how how was this are you talking about like in each whereas correct each correct I believe all of this information is supposed to be reported to the commission like each commissioner would like a written report is that what this Joanna I don't know if you can is this like a written report or is this like a um we're going to get the answers in like a public meeting what what's the intent if you can help me so yes also that same where as where you're to select the date for the information to comeb back it says all answers report investigation and findings shall be provided to the city commission no later than and then you have to insert a date there well I think what I'm asking is but the find how are the findings are they verbal or they because I don't see that so like is would this be like in a report that we read or is this like a um one oneon-one meetings depending on if we I think how are we getting the information give the information is if it if the resolution itself sorry I'm sorry if the resolution itself is not stating the exact form that the information is to come to you then you could seek to amend it to include that if you prefer a specific thing or it can just be a case by case basis where the manager will provide either a meeting or a written report depending on what the nature of the information is through the mayor one second I'm sorry commission William commission William that it's actually in there the resolution does stay it's so much I don't know yes if you look at section two of the resolution uh through the mayor to commissioner Williams says the city commission further desires that the city manager provide written findings reports and produce policies and procedures that's in a whereas somewhere that's actually in the section two after the where asses uh on next uh you said Mr you said section section oh section section two okay got it got it okay I see it now thank you no problem commissioner Kelly no that's I was just going to point that out I just want to and and I think to the point it's it's kind of laid out I just was concerned about the date of when we're going to actually um receive the information and as a body um and and then go from there all right so that's something that we would need to discuss and um insert that's what the clerk is that's what you're asking right now oh you checking Madam attorney okay so we need to discuss a date of when we want the information um well as I as I indicated Mr Mayor I just wanted to be on a date number one hopefully um when everybody can be here but also number two um what you want in a meeting form that's what you're saying in a meeting form not an individual or not just giving it to us in a meeting form because that's really when you talk about inquiry uh and investigation opportunity not only for the manager to provide it but for us to hear it in a public setting and to um address whatever our concerns or based on what he gives us um dealing with that information and so I know we're not scheduled to meet in August um as a regular commission but I would hope we would meet about this before we get into September in the budget whatever I think some of those things could have um impact as well all right I'm and Madame um clerk we oh no the manager's office we haven't scheduled the meeting for the benefits right uh we're looking we're looking at the last Monday in August which I believe is Monday August 22nd what that's Monday Aug August no that's the 26 26 my apologies commissioner Williams will be in school so we said no meetings in August what happened to the legisl we still have to do one meeting to do the U benefits so I guess if it's um my I propose that we're gonna do this then do it on the same day so just one and done that's one for insurance okay so that that's the last Monday in the last that's August 26 okay let's just make it give commission we a little time at least make it don't make it earlier than 6 6:30 because the only item we really GNA have is insurance which is not normally a long item and this this here so yeah 6:30 yeah all right so um Madam attorney um the consensus of the commission is to do August is 26 at 6: p.m. all right and any other information you need from us Madam cler before we call the insurance and this commissioner Kelly's requested that you know I have no sure there's gonna be some new it we had we had some items that were on this one that were being moved to the uh uh the benefits uh they're but they're all items that you've seen before I believe with the exception of one yeah but can they wait to the first commission meeting in um September which is we'll review that we will all right my question real quick Mr manager are any of those items ARA related okay that's it yeah so wait okay all right um so Madame attorney the 26 August 26 at 6 PM yes okay all right um Madame Clerk any other questions or concerns on this item um so we don't want to do with the completion date for the inquir we'll deal with that at that time what do you mean the completion date I mean we'll deal with everything at that that time in August 26 meeting correct yeah he has from now until August 26 okay at August 26 meeting is when he will present okay all of the findings all right um Madam Kirk Mr Mayor just so there are no surprises say there are two second reading ordinances that are time sensitive that will also be on the agenda for August 26 which are which are um I'll let Mr well through the manager Mr Gay can come up I believe those are the the the Armory oh the live local act well we can postpone that again no we we're supposed to have a workshop for that so we have no Workshop it ain't coming yes absolutely not yeah and what's the other one it was the it was the Armory why is that time sensitive um something about their submissions I have to have but it's our it's our laws so why is that we waiting we're good yeah that's our laws comprehensive plan according to Mr Gay there's two the comp plan the comp plan why is that town time sensitive Mr Gay could you take the podium please man I can't wait two weeks later Gregory gay um the comp plan has a deadline date based on the data it was initially submitted to the state it has to be done by September I believe 18th uh and we want to make sure that we have adequate time to have it presented before you in order to send it forward to the state for their final approval when do Mr Mayor when do we meet um I think your next meeting is on the 11th the 11th yeah 11 yes okay I I'm Leary of that I am comp plan um in a special meeting because I don't want to get overwhelmed with the inquiry and the insurance so to me we're Mee on 11 hopefully I got everything in place you need to meet with us in advance one on-one you can do that so it makes it a lot smoother but I I'm not putting that on the special yeah agenda I would like to lock that agenda as well yeah I would lot of stuff on that um Madam Clerk Mr Mayor so you we're not doing the comp plan and we're not doing the Armory item is that come on the 11 put on put them in September September 11 okay all right so we're good um Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes three Z all right thank you all for coming can I get a motion to move it move by commissioner Kelly second by commissioner Williams this meeting is a giant you get