##VIDEO ID:L8SjYkecdY4## e e e e e e e e e e um Wednesday September 11th the time is now 7:05 Madame clerk roll call commissioner bass here vice mayor Irvin here commissioner Kelly pres mayor Taylor present I just want to say that today we PA to remember September 11th a day that changed our world forever 23 years ago thousands of innocent lives were lost um in an unimaginable Act of Terror so I would like to while we're standing for our invocation that we do a m also do a moment of silence commissioner Kelly um for that as well and if we could begin with a moment of silence and then we shall pray Eternal God our Father we come thanking you for this day we come thanking your God for the great city of opaka and oh God as we come tonight we lift up the families of 911 continue to comfort them be with them and guide them as we come tonight in this meeting oh God help us as a community as a city to realize oh God that United We Stand and divided we fall so we thank you tonight for being here help us to realize oh God that you've allowed us to come together so help us those things which are pleasing in your sight in Jesus name we do pray amen pleas I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right Madam clerk I see we don't have any awards proclamations or acknowledgements at this moment um we're going down to the approval of the consent agenda do we have any pulls deferrals or deletions from the consent agenda Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly uh yes I'd like to pull two three and 13 all right anyone else and Madame clerk I know you said that commissioner Williams is on her way did she say that she had any pulls or deletions or deferrals no Mr Mayor all right so we're moving right along all right all right can I get a motion to approve commissioner Kelly I want to be uh clear because it came up in my briefing um one of the items that's on the agenda regarding a resolution we need to do the ordinance before we take up the resolution which is um under the public hearing but there's a resolution 16 B3 but the resolution is actually listed under 154 but the ORD need to take place before the resolution with that notation I'll move the agenda okay uh when we get to we we'll move the agenda around all right so can I have approval of the connect consent agenda oh I'm sorry before we do that Madam um Madam commission you have any Del you good all right can I get a um a motion to move move it move second second move by commissioner Kelly second by commissioner baz um Madam clerk roll call vice mayor Irving yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right so we're going to go to the approval of the agenda but commissioner Kelly has requested that we move it around so Madame attorney what we'll do is 16 B1 two and three will go before Planning and Zoning after new items so all of our second reading okay all right can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda move second move by commissioner Kelly second by was the second B commissioner baz Madame clerk roll call commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor irvan yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 okay we're going into the approval of minutes I'll read into to record all of the U meeting titles and dates and if we have no opposition then we'll we'll make a motion and vote on all this one so commission Workshop meeting minutes July 10 2024 regular commission meeting minutes July 10th 20124 commission Workshop meeting minutes July 22nd 2024 commission Workshop meeting minutes July 24th 2024 regular Commission meeting minutes July 24th 2024 special Comm commission meeting minutes July 29th 2024 and special commission meeting minutes August 6 26 2024 can I get a motion to approve those minutes move second move by commissioner Kelly second by commissioner Williams Madame clerk on the minut commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right um do we have any district one District Two or state reports no Mr Mayor all right moving on to our public presentations uh now calls for um Mr Lorenzo Johnson Senior CEO and founder of community youth against violence he's going to reference the um operation team curfew Mr Johnson you have the floor good evening good evening uh thank you for this opportunity to come before you uh Community youth in violence uh uh it's the organization that we have been around for a minute and we are working hard to work we have a uh uh project we're working on community uh operation team curfew and what we have have been doing we have been meeting with all the municipalities throughout day County and uh to implement the curfew in this particular City and we know we had to come before you guys first in order because it's been on the books for a while but we want to see if the city wants to be a part of that because we have met with all the other municipalities and they are with a thumbs up and they want to be a part of it the key thing is not just a curfew we just want to develop accountability in the household and if we feel that we develop accountability in household that can help help curve some of the crime that's going on in our cities and we're not you know you you may say well crimes are happening all day long yeah crimes are happening all day long but we feel that accountability once we put do accountability in there with these parents we feel that there be some structure and there will be some some some order and with with that alone that will carry through the whole process of of the day at night so we uh instituting this I sent some we sent some emails and we sent uh we also uh deliver some uh information on the curfew to the Commissioners to get a chance to actually look at it and and and also to you may uh so we trying to get a thumbs up to be able to bring this operation team Cur we we have met with uh some of your chief police and and uh in reference to that we met with all the uh chief of police throughout the whole day County uh we meet in all the municipalities like I said from homestead all the way now to because we have to the key thing about this whole thing that we got to close the gap and it's more psychologic than anything we're not here to to Jack kids up it's here to to put something under their mind just like a style say they want to wear the parants down it's got to be a style so we want the kids to be panicking and understanding that they can't be out there and we got to have these parent because a parent if you look at the parent will get a citation after a certain amount of things so the responsibility going to fall on the parent so uh we are ad adamant about what we're doing we're consistent and we know that adamacy and consistency makes a difference and so we're adamant and consistent about what we're trying to do throughout this whole day so we want uh opaka to be a part of this as well you want to say something thank you honorable mayor and honorable Commissioners my name is Richard Dunn uh this initiative was actually uh in the books back in the days of Miami day County when the late Commissioner James Burke initiated it back in the 90s uh it was adopted then however there was great push back from the community groups like the ACLU and it had to pass some muster because what the the issues were they did not which I would not be a part of did not want us to criminalize our young black males or young black females however we initiated this teen Cur curfew back in 2010 when I served on the city of Miami commissioner in a district that's similar to the city of opaka District 5 which encompasses Liberty City Overtown Little Haiti Etc and the the initiative was so effective that it did deter the uh violence against that was levied against the youth in the city of Miami and the rest of the city of Miami Commissioners in the other districts adopted it Citywide so it is on the books and we would like to uh uh peel to this to you all to consider accepting it here in the city of opaka given the amount of crimes that occurring with our young particularly our young black males and young black females even just the other day at the Omega Activity Center which I'm a proud member of the Omega uh Omega sci-fi Inc fraternity we had a shooting that even though that's in Miami Gardens but we had a shooting which is the neighboring City that evolved all started with two women fight so you know we just are concerned about prime period but particularly with our you it has worked we do have the data to prove it and we solicit your support and one one thing I want to say too is that uh the bullet has no jurisdiction when that bullet travels it travels from here to opaka and it's keep going traveling so when the kid or someone get shot or killed throughout the whole day County throughout the city rather throughout the United States it it's in effect and so we got the we got to even if we making somebody mad and somebody said well you gonna make people no it's okay to make people mad if you're saving lives and that's what it was all about trying to help save the life we got to Cur we got it may not be piit or perfect but we got to do something we got to put our foot down on something to make some demands and that's what it's all about here yes sir all right thank you thank you Mr Johnson and Mr dun um for this bringing us to our city do we have any questions Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you um very familiar with the work that you've been doing have you had a chance to meet with our chief or manager or any of our Public Safety staff yes we I met with the chief and I met with uh de M stocks uh and and the chief uh that we said and talked briefly about it uh and they was very instrument the stock was very instrumental in helping us you know mobos this to the to the city so we yeah we have smoken with them uh we you know we like like I say uh uhh Pastor Kelly is that the motive is not to Jack kids up the motive is to make a mark and make you know it's more psycholog anything because if you thinking that if if if the mindset saying that I got to be in a certain time and the mom and the mom you know 12 year old kid should not be sleeping I mean 12y old kid not should not be in the street and the mom sleeping and snowing at home you know we have to bring these parents accountable for their children they have to invest and they got to be there they got to understand that the kids are valued to them now once they do all the things and you know you notice that a lot of time you know they up and down and then a kid get shot or killed then the question is what kind of parent you was but they want to run up and down and collect money and do all these other things but what what kind of parent you was before your child get there that's that's one to keep say sorry if I may I may add to that just for the record when we brought it back in 2010 it was tweaked and when ACLU challenged it they could not find any M because it was legally sound and we did a series which we would desire to do with the city of opaka we did a series of talk to the sorry we did a series of public hearings so that the community could be aware of how it would be implemented in conjunction with the city of opal's police department as well if this is blessed by you all okay and we do have a we do have a plan that we'll our organ Community youth against Bol organ will work along with the police department with you know with the uh process of if there's a curfew if there's anything that go down we will and we willing to sit down and and one on one onone explain it more in detail but we did send some literature you can look at the literature any question that you guys may have hey you know feel Mr may I will well I know you sent the literature to all of us and since you've met with the chief and Deputy I'm pretty sure they will uh speak with the city manager and hopefully we will get a report from them on the next steps or their recommendation on it um mean time you talk about curfew that's always a sensitive issue but I think the bottom line is all of us concerned about our young people and our parents as well so I'll await that information coming from them since you gave it to them and the manager's office and um we'll go from there thank you what you doing thank you all right any other questions M um Mr Mayor um I don't have a question I just want to thank you all for coming for being here everything that we do every initiative that we Implement is a step forward it's something something that we can do is it going to be perfect it's not um people say gun buybacks don't work people say curfews don't work people say there's so many things we know that there's work and don't work there's pros and cons um I well actually I do have a question what is there any City right now that have adopted well the county in in whole of course yes County they they they are in uh we got cities like Pine Crest which they just give jwalk tickets you know I mean we got uh uh Carl gaes we got s Miami those Miami Garden they're everybody's in but we just right right right right we just want to lock it in we don't want to be the Gap if any City don't be in then there's a little Gap there we want to lock it in so when when we when it does go out we want to say that we all are in it we all on the same page well I like um commissioner Kelly said I look forward to um you all meeting with our chief and our assistant chief and flushing flushing it out and then they will get back with us on any recommendations but um as I stated before thank you all for coming and presenting this initiative thank you for M Kelly M Kelly commissioner bass hey commissioner bass y'all didn't want to hear what I just said um so I just took a took a few seconds to kind of scan the document and I agree 90% 95% of what I just read just scanning it um I I don't know if there's going to be an opportunity to kind of like she said to flush it out to see what would work because I saw the citations $500 after the third offense and I work in a school system I've seen parents who have done all they can and the kids are still acting a fool so I I just got a little issue with that one well what it is that that will help us Direct because once we find out that that there's a dysfunctional family and we we oh once we find out there's an that that that that can help us lead to that particular family our organization would actually go out if there's a situation like that our organization will go to the family and try to find out and and try to see what's what we can do to help you know help the situation at hand also uh we're putting together something called you know just reference to the fine because a lot of people say I ain't got no money I ain't paying that in other words there may be a way out they may have they make could do the parent may could do community service out make in a parenting uh Academy Parent Academy you know teach parent understanding how you need and I know with us they say you know you can't tell me how to raise my child but the key thing is that if they want to pay the fine there may be an option where they could go to uh Parent Academy that would help us help them save the Liv of their children yeah I understand all of that but like I said and maybe that one or two% who really did their job I don't think it's fair for them to have to pay a fine across the board of $500 it's just me talking no I I couldn't agree with you more commissioner bass I too am an educated in the Miami day County Public School System I formerly served as a student services support specialist and a lot of the absenteeism and the uh difficulty that we have with students is it's more holistic than what meets the eye so we're very sensitive to that and it's not a definite three strikes in you're out we will consider all of that and hopefully we can provide some wraparound Services if need be for the entire family because we understand it's more societal it's more uh generational etc etc okay thank you all right and I'm going to agree with my colleagues we're going to await the presentation that you give to the chief of police to bring it back to us thank you thank you all for coming all right we're going into our citizens for Madame clerk can you please State how to participate in citizens Forum yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center city commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street third floor opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to participate virtually should register prior to the schedule meeting time on the city's website at www. opalak fl.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through live stream at www.youtube.com user city of opaka and at this time Mr Mayor we do have one virtual public comment okay if it can [Music] confirm all right we we'll come back to the virtual comment so s form is open for those in the chambers and then we'll go back to the ones on citizens form is open evening good evening my name is Anthony gam um the address is 2140 Street I get my time and bring my name is speak my name is k poock my address 2140 I give my time to Brian he need the May commissioner Brian Dennis address 2140 York Street about two weeks ago I received 60 pages of fiction in my email and in that fiction it was saying that certain people was telling me what to say so let me break down Who I Really Am ain't no suit tonight what you get ready to get is the the the community activist that been coming to the op Locker City commission meeting since 1997 when Robert Ingram was the mayor nobody tells me what to write and nobody tells me what to do nobody pulls my strain I'm not Pinocchio I'm not somebody's play toy when the city open Locker because certain people don't want me to talk about the corruption that's going on in the city let me explain something to you when y'all was reading them word on the street articles in the Miami to I'm the one who is writing worried on the street here go the Articles right here there just a few of them I was writing those articles on worried on the street and exposing the corruption in the city from 2015 to 2020 let me tell you what you don't know the Miami Times won the won the national black newspaper of the year three times guess who was the number two column in that paper those three times they won it the word on the street column was the number one column that was being read in the Miami times at that time was the orbituary section and 2018 I wrote a column called time for new faces in the city of opaka you know who we pushed at that time who I was pushing at that time I put Matthew the former mayor Matthew packet who quit Alvin Burke who God took took away from us the other the other cat that says you know what happened with that all us on the news for which gonna cost the city a major lawsuit for a poor investigation and commissioner Bass those are the four people that I supported in this article but guess what we got we still got corruption in this city same game new faces so now that the newspaper columnist and the activist don't decided to run for office now it's a problem see I keep telling y'all it's a snake in the bag watch Kill Bill too is a snake in a bag see everybody looking at the money but it's a snake in a bag snake so so let me be real with you nobody tells me what to do and I know what your contract says it talks about that when the city of opalocka get sued for something that he does the city paid for it leaving him free but the citizens on the hook for the lawsuit that's getting ready to come that's slanderous with poor investigation is all politically motivated all of it and ain't no proof to it there was a shooting right there on that same block guess who came Metro day crime scene investigation took people to jail checked them for gun residue and everything but that couldn't happen right so now let me go to something else let's talk about this RV thing so I want the expanded Community to really understand what I'm getting ready to say because it's not a us against you or a black or white thing it's a human thing I was there said against that ordinance why because we have a housing shortage in Mami day County and in 2019 Javier Soo the former Miami day County Commissioner he put that on the agenda when Carlos Alvarez was when when Carlos himz was the mayor so guess what's happening somebody piggybacked on it but here's why I'm against it one because of homelessness two I got young men that I deal with that stay in those trailers got ankle bracelets on their leg their address is those trailers that if they are moved the Department of Corrections gets to violate them if they don't have an address and they go back to jail so the ordinance wasn't thought out it wasn't carried out right then there was a 90day moratorium right that was supposed to went out right who's responsible for that snake in the bag the snake in the bag Mr Dennis come on now we can't didn't send everybody that was in there that he did not send those same people that was up here for that meeting and send that information out there listen stop trying to protect the city manager when y'all know he ain't no good and he ain't right it is what it is it is what it is he ain't right and y'all know he ain't right but this is part of the foolishness that goes on in the city Noah bro no that man went to jail for nothing that whole thing was politically motivated because I decided to run I'm running bro I don't care what nobody say and that corruption gonna stop who went to H jail behind it did y'all know that the reason why y'all can't get the infrastructure done is because a certain commissioner wanted to control $90 million when Kevin Baker um um hey hey hey we can't we not we can't listen understand what you saying Mr no that's we can't do that now come on now we can't do that now when the city is in trouble financially and and the State of Florida has been here for eight years tell me what do you want me to say I understand and and and if if I'm out ofline I I sincerely apologize but enough is enough we got the point enough is enough don't drag me for something that I didn't do all of all of a sudden because I decided to run we not supporting people no more no it's on now it's on now I am your next op Locker City Commissioner Brian Dennis punch 192 thank you Mr Dennis citizens form is still open good evening Mr Mayor and commissioner and the rest of the city Administration I'm Mr LS B Santiago and I live in 1156 perai or Perry Street any way that I'm that I pronouncing is the same roow um I have two points uh tonight I only have one before but and now I have two and for the first one I want to say uh thank you to commissioner B because you bring a very important Point again um regarded about the curfew the they like to implement in the city uh we have to see everything you know the way is going to be because fathers parents we try to be the best we can but sometime children don't listen and yes it's a very good thing sometime but we have to be very careful with that and thank you that you bring that good point uh commissioner bash um the other point I know that I had three minute I know that you're not going to give me six or seven minute only three let's respect the rules that we have here in the great city of opaka um we're here tonight and more of you know why we're here and the only thing that we're gonna ask you is yes we going to be very respectable in order and the only we ask you is for yes thinking a little bit more about the residents and have some mercy for us and thank you very much and I'm Mr Louis B Santiago and I want to say thank you to the Lord and thank you to the government that they permit to me to keep alive here in the city thank you citizens form is still open hi I'm meric Williams 1211 Parry Street I just want to talk briefly in my time about the RV situation I sent an email thanking this commission for addressing the issue I think that um we do not need RVs in our community I think that the people here who the gentleman that was up before me who mentioned providing housing for homeless and people that are incriminated that that that's not a requirement of the city nor is it a nor is it a request for people like me to have people that can't find homes other other Place live in my backyard um people use these as return on investments they rent them out to people who have criminal backgrounds some of them as we just heard as well as Predators as well as sexual predators all unchecked all unlicensed and none of you know about who's running around with ankle bracelets and can't live in particular communities why should we be forced or why would we have the impetus to have them live next to us I'm not quite sure why that makes sense so I thank you for that and I hope that you do not reconsider that I think the citizens here are fully aware of what that would imply to the people that pay taxes here and we don't want it thank you citizens forum is still open hi my name is lisel Vasquez I live in 1021 wilon street can you talk into the mic for me please no yes I'm my name is B Vasquez I live in 1021 wilminton Street and my concern is the water bills um I have been struggling Lots with very extreme high water bills and to the last I mean I I even spent four months without water due to very high water bill and then now I finally got it connected I got like a $1,400 water bill then I get a $400 water bill then I get a 9,062 water bill where they just tell me to you know one second please please please go ahead now' where they just tell me to uh make sure that I'm looking for a leak I mean at that point I don't think it's something that should be so much that I have to look for at $942 anyhow um in the process of reviewing all of this I also looked at all the statements for the past two years that you're able to do so on the app and I've come to see that the majority of my bills um in the past two years have all service dates overlapping so besides I'm being charged extrem High I'm also being charged twice you know for lots of time in every single month it's happening three days 5 days seven days but that all adds up and I can only go back up to two years I don't know how much longer that has been occurring I just would like to know when would I be able or when would like a representative or anything from the water department probably be here to where they can answer questions and help us because it's very limited to help you can get here in the you know in the office they just want you to just oh just go look for a leak it's not normal to get a 9,42 water bill I just got another water bill recently so where my water bill was $115,000 now it's 11 so how do the numbers fluctuate like that you know so that's just my concern so I wanted to see when if you guys happen to know when will the water department actually be around too okay so right now we're in citizens form what I can do is I can hook you I mean connect you with staff who's right here who would take your information down and those of you that have concerns um once you finish speaking we have a staff member in the back she's right there wave your hand please with and she will take your name and number perfect that way somebody will connect with you I appreciate it all right no problem thank you citizens form is still open hi good evening I believe I was the online one that I decided to come in um my name is Su Hova over at 2020 Rutland I believe some of you remember me from the workshop um I know it's probably going to come up a few times tonight but I just wanted to Loop it back in and bring it to your attention um to see if we've made any way in trying to amend the ordinance ban that we have um coming up in opaka I know that there are some concerns like the gentleman expressed here um that there may be some bad apples um out there but I don't think the whole Orchid should be dried out um rather than you know banning all the RVs maybe we should consider doing an amendment where there are some limitations maybe limiting to one RV per property not allowing there to be any dwellings just considering amending the situation so that we're not banning all the RVs on every property cuz there are scenarios like myself where it's not it's not being used as a dwelling it's just parked there I travel with my husband and our dogs um so it we don't have it connected to any kind of local Source there's no electricity there's no water there's no sewer um we just use it when we're ready to hit the road um and I don't think it's fair for someone like myself who is complying to have to go out and find you know where to park it and have to encour Cur an additional expense every month just to be able to park it somewhere else because there are a few people who are who may be doing things the wrong way um I had even brought it up last time to Miss Irvin that possibly I'm even open to maybe having to require us to get a permit to park our RV on her property um making sure that it's parked on the side or in the back limit the street parking just as a way to maybe reconsider and possibly put some options on the table of things that you know we could amend to try to not ban all of them cuz not everyone is doing things the incorrect way um so not all of us should pay the price for it okay thank you good evening everyone my name is Eric picket and my houseing is 3181 Northwest 77 Street and I am too a member of community youth against violence thanks to uh Pastor Johnson and Rend dun and I think it's so important to bring back the Cur if you due to the fact that no child shouldn't be in the streets after dark unless they've been supervised by a parent or responsible dog due to the fact that no parent no parent in here no one wants to get that certain knock on the door from a police or a detective to say I'm sorry to tell you that your child have been murdered or been arrested by for participating some type of crime one form of another and from personal experience when I was a child when I was a juvenile I have been in the juvenile tens Center the boys home foster home group homes and been the prison three times and speaking from experience with the Posies and the burglars and the robbers that I was involved with out the dark these are the things that's happened and the end is that is to be locked up you know and no child should have to go through the things that I went through the dark tunnels of self-destruction if they are in the house the place for a child to be is in the house and like Mr Johnson said with the help from the other municipalities and and other who concerned about the safety of our kids this thing can be worked out and that can be a lot of success with the help of recreational directors and churches ecumenically coming together to have we have to have something for the kids to do after school program and I'm a youth Council now at Mount table back the church so we have great turnouts and one of our protocols is for our kids to great from high school and go on to be matriculated in college to consumate college curriculum and with the help of other municipalities and you guys who making this happen today it it's it's so possible and and there's nothing but success there and Mrs B but last but not least I would like to pick it back on what you said about some of the parents who did their best and the child are still doing things that they shouldn't and and that's true and this is this is this is when the the the recreation directors and the churches come together and have after school programs and it would be a big help thanks no problem thank you sir for coming out um citizens form is still open but however listen you all that are in the chambers while people are talking we're going to ask that you not speak we want to show respect to all of the presenters that are coming up tonight so we're asking that you do if you do have to have a conversation then please exit to the hallway have your conversation and come back in so we that we are respecting everyone who is behind the mic you have it the floor ma'am I got yes ma'am my name Vicky Howard 14225 Northwest 22nd Court 70 years every day okay she gonna take my three minutes because I don't want to go to jail tonight okay all right my name is Queen Anderson my address is 750 Drive um I'm up here to say that I'm I'm agreeing with the young lady that came up with the r the RVs because in other communities there are some ordinance that is set in order so what is the ordinance of opal Locker how do they carry it out what I'm noticing it's not so much of the RVs itself it's the occupation the the dwelling are they using them for rental or whatever would they say these different people are coming in we don't know what's going on on your private property we do not know that and uh some of the citizens are concerned about those matters with these RVs and people are living in them and we don't know what type of people or what is happening that's one of the major concerns but the RV itself does not pose any danger unless and there's someone in it or what about how does it affect the electricity or how do they actually uh have that jewelling set up you know what about the lights how does it get connected how does it uh the water is there some kind of extra bill that that particular RV pays these particular uh uh expenses because it's set there and someone is actually living it as a home those are the things that we're asking about but the RB itself like the lady said she has to have some the St and a lot of communities they're somewhat hidden somewhere that's what they say you got to have it or behind a fence or whatever and not be um uh you know where everybody can notice it because they are because in Miami Garden there are certain things you cannot have in the front of your home or in the side of your home that's just the way it is and it's a money-making situation for these people we understand that but like you say the whole problem is housing how can our community provide housing for people so they don't have to do these things and then like the young lady and also I want to address the issue with the gentleman about the teen problem and we there are kids that's going to do whatever they want to do but there has to be some kind of boundary set somebody has to take responsibility accountability they might not get pay the money but it has to be some kind of about cuz parents and I'm a parent myself but when this child goes and do whatever they want to do and they are Lawless and nothing is set in order and we as a community everybody whatever color you are needs to stop and say this is not right but we turn our head and we say well that's not my problem that's not my child and these parents that do are having problems that's done got out of hand because nobody is helping them they're just letting them like be it's not the $500 not it's just a beginning we know it's not going to really work with the $500 so let's find a way where you can get counseling like the man say the the churches we have gotten away from family we all are family no matter what color you are no matter where you came you got the same problems that we all have we have the same problem problems but we say oh over here over there your child is acting bad my child is acting bad it does not matter what are we as a community what are we as a city going to do to incur he just came up with an idea we can take the idea and critique it and put it for our city go back to the RV it's the same thing we want to reach a happy medium we want to live in peace that's all we want to do and some things that we do do is kind of under the table and they're not right laws are made and once the law is set you got to pay the consequences ignorance is blessed people say well I didn't know but if there's things are set up workshops and said we need to get out and learn about things resources look for things and that's what I have to say and thank you m pick then she was about the garbage and what they're concerned about a lot of these people have these these uh RVs in no property then the garbage they don't have cuz those garbage cans it's only one per family cuz they're there're if you know that you pay taxes those those bills are in your taxes at the end of the year and if you got two garbage cans sitting out in front of your house it's it should not be because you're not paying for two so that's what some of the concern for some of the citizens in opala thank you m good evening Audrey Dominguez 1147 Jen Avenue I wanted to speak in regards to the RV ordinance that pass um with two readings um this is in regards to an ordinance that passed October 26 2022 we had two readings we we were at the second reading of the ordinance for the certificate of reoccupancy residents were never properly informed notified and they came and addressed their concerns that day they asked the city manager if he would defer it he deferred it because one of the Commissioners commissioner baz and myself we said we needed a workshop because a lot of the residents were not aware and didn't understand what it was about now August 27th 2024 we had the RV Workshop we all witnessed what happened that night when the residents were not informed of the changes that were going to affect them residents and commissions have addressed these concerns for many many years regarding the lack of communications or last minute meetings workshops and events if you want to avoid this you must do a better job of communicating to our residents something that is going to to affect them now I do remember that um Mr Mayor um that you mentioned at the last commission meeting April 10th regarding a resolution that Miami day County passed April 2nd which I looked it up and the resolution directing the county mayor to provide the Miami day County Appraisal with notice of properties receiving a homestead tax exemption which had been cited for unlawful parking of a recreation of vehicle RV residential property for living or sleeping quarters you can lose your homestead exemption on this and it's punishable by $200 penalty now my question is who's responsible to bringing this information to the residents especially something that is going to affect them like like this change that was made in Miami day county is it the state representative is it our I mean Mr Mayor you found out about it who how are they to know about these changes you know so they are here because they want to be in compliance with the city okay just like code enforcement went and put up a satellite to see where these RVs are I think they need to do a better job as far as informing them of the changes and any any notice any notification that they can get is going to be helpful for them to do right by the city so we need to establish a system providing regular updates regarding any changes from Miami day County that may affect residents so they're aware of their rights and obligations thank you please no please please thank you we're still in a meeting citizens form is still open good evening I speak Spanish my English is not good she help me to translate oh all right if you speak we have our clerk go show translate you can sit where you are Madam clerk okay my name is Luis Gales 126 Wilmington Street opaloka now I continue Spanish my English sorry um they he's saying that we're a great Community a great working community we came to this country with great dreams one of the dreams was the Liber their Liberty and the Democratic um like a community we every day we get together and we we get stronger I would like to ask in and on behalf of this great Community to take in consideration of the ordinance that was passed for the RBS let it be known that nobody received any any announcements of what the ordinance was about or what when what was it take place and they want they're asking to take consideration what the um great City of Miami Gardens did with the resolution of the RVs like example that all RV should have a registration in a tag that they don't have any any um oh I don't know that oh so that that nobody should be living in it no renting in it nobody should be that they should limit how many RVs per household that standardize the RVs they could they should be placed in some somewhere in their property and lastly but the another option that they should put some type of um charges so they could have them in their um and with that he's finished thank you thank you sir citizens form is still open hi hello good evening my name is Emmanuel exposito 561 shout out Avenue um my question U is related to the RBS okay is related to the RBS uh we a little bit worried and um with this whole situation because uh we still do not understand what all this happened in silence so there's something weird there so we just want to like uh work together uh find smart ways to to to help and work as a community okay there's smart ways to prevent uh renting there's a Smart Way a smart way to identify what kind of people live in that area okay it's not necessarily on the RBS uh there's a smart ways to help each others to be better every day okay so please uh consider this ordinance uh I'm positive that this co uh word for everybody and this is something that we're gonna appreciate as a community thank you thank you Mr May well citizens forum is still open street she has an RV at her house she said that she would never put endanger her daughters and and have somebody living in the RVs she say she also has two trash cans that are blue not because she has people living other people living in her household it's because she has a lot of packages from Amazon coming in okay she said that she um also have a problem with the RVs but she also have her husband who's a truck driver and they have to pay $600 a month extra to for her husband to park the truck in a in a yard and she understands that the reason why they pay $600 a year a month for her husband to park their truck in another places because she's considerate of her neighbors and they know that when her husband leaves at 4:00 in the morning it makes loud noise so they both decided to not to inconvenience their neighbors and so they pay $600 out so they could not inconvenience their neighbors and park their truck in some other place she said that when she bought her RV when she first moved here she bought her RV she asked her neighbor to her left because that was the only neighbor she had and they said that they had no problem and so um she bought the RV which is $37,000 she paid for her RV and then she said that she came to the city to get a permit for the RVs she saying that when they did the workshop what they were saying is that the RVs were making a City ugly and that they were're not beautifying the city and that is not true three minutes we understand thank you all we is that it yes yes ma'am and again we're asking you all to be respectful please citizens form is still Janie Russell 1210 Perry Street I'm here today tonight first of all to commissioner uh Williams thank you for bringing the ordinance concerning the RVs and um I understand perfectly well when it's a burden a real burden on you as a citizen I've lived in opaka for 30 years over 30 years and I got a real problem about June I got a water bill that was $9 I pay my water bill by direct withdrawal so I don't look at my water bill every month I just know that the money comes out of the bank it was $9 the next month I got a water bill for $600 and something dollars I thought well maybe you know they forgot one month so something got to be wrong immediately my husband went out and checked the pipes we know how to turn the water off to see is there water going to the house and then you'll know if the meter is moving the meter was not moving so that let you know that there was no leak coming from my house I followed the rule that opaka told me to do I came down to the seity I met with Miami day County told them what happened they put a report in filled out the report that they gave me did uh called like they told me to and somebody would come out in a couple of days well somebody came out they said there was nothing wrong with the meter the next day I told him it has to be something wrong because I got another water bill which was another $600 and something I check I went back for the last year and checked my water bills every now and then you know I water is a little bit High because we I have a garden in the back and sometime we I spend a lot of time back there watering the garden after I did that I came back to the city again and told him we checked and there's no leak they sent out Miami day County came out and uh said that they going to change the meter they said our meter had been changed in 2019 I'm following the rules of what opaka told me to follow um they came out said they were going to change the change the meter so that that day I went on the back of my pool area and I saw the guy back there changing the meter so I went outside because I wanted to take pictures to see what was here doing well he had broke the meter he broke the meter so I said to him I said you broke the meter he said oh no I'm just changing the pipes I said but the water is coming out he said well it's not on your side you don't have anything to worry about I said okay went back in the house uh thought everything was done the next morning I wake up and go outside to see my little garden water is everywhere just Absol absolutely everywhere so I couldn't wait it was like 7:00 in the morning I couldn't wait until the city open so we called a plumber a plumber came out and dug up the uh the uh the pipe because it was gushing out on outside but what happened was when he changed that meter because the pipe this is what he left on the ground this is the pipe these are the cup these are the tags these are the tags from everything that they did he left it down there on the ground he didn't even pick it up so I went and picked it up so that I can show them show uh the Water Department that they changed the meter they broke it they need to fix it I called didn't get no response called again didn't get no response I checked my water bill I got another water bill this week for another um almost, um they broke that pipe and the reason why I know they broke it is because when our uh plumber came and he changed our side it wasn't leaking so when they turned when they tried to change the meter because it's so old they broke it and when they broke it on my side that side got scripped and that's why the water was gushing out on my side so they blame us for all of it yes ma'am listen listen um I could appreciate everybody's uh uh problems we got pipe problems we don't need no illegal hookups we need people to take responsibility just like I got to pay that $1,600 water bill we need to take responsib we have been going over this with these water bills forever and ever and please let's not make this trailer issue a black Hispanic issue because that is not the issue definitely on my street is not going to be the issue we we're not we're not doing this because of your color who you are we're doing this because of this yes ma'am thank you Miss Russell citizens form is still open good evening my name is nikesha Williams 1200 Jan Avenue I want to Echo I want to start off by echoing um Miss Russell and just saying thank you uh commissioner Williams for bringing this legislation so I'm here to speak about the RV legislation and want I want to start off with what we are doing is not uncommon there are many states California Delaware Georgia Kentucky Massachusetts New Mexico many many places are thinking about and actually they they have said that they actually don't even allow RVs I did a little bit more research almost every state regulates parking of RVs in some way I would have done this research on a municipality basis as y'all can imagine it is not easy but as you know there are lots of municipalities here in Miami day County that are thinking about this issue and figuring out how we regulate it so I I want to say that given the rise of RVs in our community we have to do something and so I heard so many people come up here today and talk about affordable housing this is a Isis that is happening around the United States but we are feeling it acutely here in Miami day County but that is not a reason for us to use RVs as housing so I want to take I want to tell a little story so um or I want to go back in history because I want I'm hoping that we are learning from the past and that history won't repeat itself so hopefully many people in here are familiar with tenement housing so tenament housing existed in New York in the late 1800 and the and the early 1900s and ultimately uh single family homes were turned into and were converted into lots of different homes because there were lots of people coming to the city at that time you had people coming from all over Europe who were all of a sudden Landing in the United States Landing in in um New York and they needed housing and so people turned single family homes into housing and what happened is that they were poorly lit they lacked indoor plumbing and ventilation they were dangerous they did not have fire escapes people got sick and died so we cannot simply decide that we're going to put something in our backyard or we are going to change the structure of a home the way it's supposed to be because we think we're solving a problem or because we're getting money off of it this needs to be regulated the county is looking at this issue I know the city is looking at the issue RVs are not the way to do it so with that I will say we have to find a solution that ensures safe and fair housing for all RVs are not the way to do it so I I'm going to come up here and I'm talking about the issue but I also want to come up here and offer a handful of recommendations so my first ask of this commission is please don't repeal this ordinance because it's important instead please consider how we can make it better so one our vs should be permitted and they should be registered I am also going to profer that maybe we allow RVs to be parked on a limited period and maybe we even consider doing it in the front yard because what we know is happening right now is that many of these RVs are sitting in the back of the Yards and we don't know what is happening because we have tall fences here and so I offer this as uh an alternative opinion for you guys to consider um and and I'm going to say here you know I've heard so many people come up and talk about how oh I'm out two SEC thank you guys so much thank you Miss Williams citizens form is still open my name name is Rosen Kelly I live at 420 Aladdin Street opaka Florida 33054 I'm just trying to figure out uh a legislation that's just been passed why is it on the brink of possibly being repealed um this is a drain on the taxpayers in the community I don't want to see anybody homeless you know but we have to consider how it's affecting us I think this lady talking about her water bill is a good example I've heard of people saying that they live in certain areas and they've seen people digging up pipes to reroute the water and the electricity and all these different things so I think I don't I I think this bill maybe if you have a a RV and you're not using it for uh someone's living quarters maybe the bill should be amended to they should be allowed to keep their RV but I don't think it's right for the citizens that are paying taxes to have people living in these places and our bills are constantly going up because the energy is being siphoned off and it's unfair to us I don't want to see anybody homeless but we have to uh try to uh have a meet a a meet with a happy Union you know and consider everybody but we have to be considered I think upmost because we're the ones being mostly affected with the bills the electric bills and the water bills so that's all I have to say and I hope you make a good decision not to to repel the bill maybe amended My Name Margaret Mullen at 851 Jan I give her my three minutes oh no I don't have anything else I'm good thank you all right thank you citizens form is still open citizens form is still open good evening everybody Dr Rivia Bane Walden 1860 Service Road opaka Florida 33054 first I do want to announce my candidacy Dr wal this is not the platform for that they've done all that and I stopped everybody I think so but you announced it last meeting so I am the people for the people I would just like to say this on tonight I do a amen for most that have gotten up here with the water bill with the RVs with all of this other stuff talk to us Dr please I like to address the people too no ma' we have a deum here Dr wat I'm sorry anyway I want to say when we're dealing with RVs that's not the biggest problem we have people building on their homes rerouting pipes for real stopping other people's meters coming out the back of those privacy fences oh we see them on the cameras I've called in same with the electric my bill was $9.50 and now it has gone up prayerfully before we used to come out and say everybody had leaks on their property even when I was babysitting my property and I've had it for almost 40 years many don't know me but I've been here I've seen some ups and downs some good and some bad we won't call names cuz I don't do that we need to stop the mess it is a mess I've had encroachment for the last year and now I'm coming out of my pocket to pay an attorney because my neighbors will fight like you know what to make sure that all that illegal stuff on their property they will keep I've had ues put in my face my family has been threatened they've been violated over and over again every time the police come out and leave the Neighbors come back out and violate their restraining order a couple of weeks ago it was lit in opaka I'm very educated bookwise and StreetWise thank you Dr wal and I do want to say this thank you Dr we need to stop those fences from being seven feet high yes ma'am Dr that we cannot see behind them my time is up yes ma'am yes ma'am we need to stop we need to clean it up thank I want to say one other thing Dr W we got a long we got other people behind you Dr I want to put this on public record people say what they will and May but be very careful maliciously calling Dr Rivia Bane Walden's name my name because I will sue you for deformation of character thank you all thank you Dr wal next citizen form is still open hi I'm Tina please opaka Miss Tina you gotta state your name name and um and address for the record um 240 York Street 33054 Mr Darin Williams I don't I know if you salute this foolishness that go on and um is um help this person run for commission opaka let me tell you something I've been opak a long time and people need to stop foolishness you understand I don't care what y'all do it's just like the president y'all don't make us change but I do help y'all need to help them kids like Joe Kelly used to do the um the um what that is the the the the kids with the red with my son was in um Cal quara the million mod or whatever but when you got corrupt people trying to run for opaka and do wrong and they kids and this Spanish people it ain't no such thing as Spanish and black you understand you supp love everybody but when you sit and you lie on other people see God sits high and he looks low you use God as a cover up and you want to praise everything I don't care about suing you understand me because I ain't got a part to piss in the when to throw it out you understand me I'mma keep every time the devil come up here and speak I'm coming here I ain't disrespecting nobody but I'mma speak every time cuz when your child get killed I'm a mother hurting nine years when is you a pastor you can't come and give your Condon to a family you understand me and then you come up here with praise God and whipping your lips I don't never want to come in your church house cuz I'm scared the devil might bite me in the back you understand me it's a show it's a circus it's a circus when it come up here with it but y'all are good people but Mr Williams Darin Williams he's promoting her to run for commissioner she ain't going to be in commission op Miss Ria wal thank thank you Miss Tina won citizens form is still come on come on come on citizens form is still open citizens form is still open hi when Street no I'm sorry so she's saying that um she doesn't have an RV but that she uh she's asking the commission to take in consideration about the RV ordinance because those that PID that have RVs do pay taxes here in opaka and they are residents of opaka okay yes I take consideration some regulation I'm something some regulation or something to help those in that have rvq all right thank you thank you all right citizens form is still open all right citizens form is closed all right so I just wna huh I just want to say that we had a lot that came up as it relates to the RV and I think I can speak for the commission as well as the sponsor of it the intent of this legislation was not to divide this community and any any way shape or fashion that was not the intent of this um legislation and we all know that legislation is blind we don't do things for one particular people in opaka we do things and as everybody know we have been pushing a beautification initiative in the city of opaka to beautify our city and there have a lot of ideas that have come before us from our residents and a lot of those things we put and we enacted in these in legislation so I just want to say this was never to divide our community that was not the intent however I I I know uh one of my Commissioners are going to bring this up but I was going to pose that we actually put a extend the moratorium on it Mr Mayor due to communication issues that was brought up but I bring go ahead commissioner Kelly thank you I I'm sitting here and um I do have it in my report because I was trying to follow order instruction Ure on the agenda um but since you are taken out of order and everyone is speaking with passion on the issue um I had a lot of residents come to meet me Monday on Monday I've met a lot of residents in my office on this very issue and I've tried to say the same thing that you're saying that uh the legislation passed although I wasn't here when it passed I understood the challenge and the uh intent of the ordinance but I also go back as I always do and have for uh all of my public service look at policy and I look at what the legislation says and I asked this in the workshop and so since you're bringing it up I'm going to ask it again because all of these residents whether you're for it or against it we've heard some great ideas suggestions which I heard meet me Monday and I've heard in my office as well and that's one of the reasons why I put it under my report um I do think we need to uh extend the moratorium but also think um I would defer to the sponsor on that part but I think we do need not to enact it September the 30th and here's why because the legislation itself and I have it right here in front of me because I never do anything just off the cuff I do it based on policy and legislation this legislation was passed by the Commission in April it was approved by the state on April 17th the legislation calls as part of the whereas and section number two on page three that there will be a 90day public information campaign on this item I asked it in the workshop and I'm still asking it tonight and I'd like to get an answer because the reality is we had to followed the policy that this commission set in the ordinance I don't believe we'd be here tonight because you would have heard all the concerns You' had a chance to amend it address it because nobody wants to see RVs people living in them uh safety issues too close to the fence all those things would have been flushed out in a 90-day campaign that did not take place that didn't take place and I asked the question Workshop didn't get answered miss manag you weren't here but your staff was here I ask it then because to me that's part of why the commission I believe and although I wasn't here so I won't speak for the sponsor or my colleagues you have 90 days so the public can become aware and know what is being proposed it's not a US versus them it's not Hispanic versus black it's not government against the people all of us we are a city of Brotherhood and Sisterhood and all if one goes down all of us go down if one lifted up we all are lifted up and so I was very troubled by seeing you know this so I want to ask the question Mr Mayor since you brought it up and I defer to the sponsor on that but I think we ought to deferred too but I want to know from staff why wasn't the 90day campaign carried out that that's the only question I really want to get addressed and then I'll defer to you Mr Mayor because I see you want to um defer it going in I'll listen to my colleagues and the sponsor but I think because that day did not take place that's why you have the challenge you have now as we indicated we have a communication challenge of getting information out and we need to do a better job with that not only for this ordinance but for all of the things that going out to have an impact on any segment of our community but I'd like to know that Mr uh mayor since you brought it up uh early out of turn because it is under my report but I know you want to take it out of order because it is a a challenging issue why wasn't the 90day campaign carried out further legislation that was passed by the commission Mr Mayor commissioner Williams are we bringing the this up now because you you were in the middle of speaking and you got cut off so I'm just curious because if we're bringing this up now is that what we're gonna do now no I'm I'm I was actually going to yield because I knew what I thought because no but see talking points were just made so now it's too late the audacity I'm just gonna say the audacity of any board member that's sitting up here to try to take over or sit in a meeting that was not the commission meeting and announced that they're going to repeal and the way we do stuff here is decent and in order and that's what we do and that's what I stand on is decency and Order and if we're going to sit up in a meeting that we have okay everybody's running for office great do you do you but what we do is we talk about it as a board as a commission and that's what should have been done and that's decency and an order because yes as the sponsor because you heard you heard that I am the sponsor it should have stayed and it should have been brought here tonight before we going to sit up here and say what you're going to do with my legislation I have never done that to anybody on this board I'm upset it is wrong every everybody has passed legislation on this board and nobody has sat in a so-called meeting and decided they're going to have conversations about another commissioner's legislation or what they're going to do and people are standing up at that meeting talking about we got our two that's not right that shit's wrong and so if we want to do this for 10 votes great no problem but if we're going to do it decent then do you want to Mr Mayor because you did get cut off do you want to wait because it is here on the agenda where it says commission report but to demand to demand and questions about my legislation this is where we have those questions to demand questions from the manager that I've been in conversations with you can ask me those questions because I can tell you why the purpose and my plan do I have a problem changing stuff I don't I don't have a problem amending things but do not think that you're going to sit up here and think you're going to just try me like this it's wrong it's just dead wrong and you think about all y'all legislation and if anybody did that you would be upset just like I am that's all I have to say um thank you all all right so what we're going to do is move on we're going to move on to our consent agenda and we're going to 132 that's the one the first one that was pulled Madam attorney a resolution of the city commission um excuse me I think you were doing the public hearing items first is that no that's coming after consent okay 132 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Obaka Florida establishing a lumpsum bonus payment policy pursuant to section 215. 425 Florida Statutes providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by um vice mayor can I get a second second second by commissioner baz uh Mr Man go ahead and present thank you uh this is a uh we're going to ask that everybody come on within the meeting please please go ahead Mr manager please thank you Mr manag Excuse me thank you Mr Mayor yes this is a a resolution for an employee bonus uh that was originally sponsored by uh vice mayor Irvin and brought to the administration and December of 2020 uh December of 2023 um it was passed in the end of February uh December 20 uh December 2024 uh and then approved by the governor's office on um April April 18th uh 2024 I believe those are the correct dates and we've had some challenges with implementing this uh lumps bonus uh referring to the uh evaluation dates uh the original evaluation date was in December uh ending of December where I directed all of the city employees to be evaluated by their supervisors and managers and that happened however the legislation didn't pass uh we then sought to do a midyear evaluation um but the when the resolution passed it did not have the dates that matched and so we then tried to bring it back uh three times and this is our fourth time to bring it back to the commission for approval with new dates in it and I'm available to answer any questions you may have all right this item was pulled by commissioner K thank you Mr Mayor go uh the only question I had in terms of the um expense to be covered for the amount uh it says in the legislation uh by vacancy Savings in each division um and the alternative uh you're not sure what the funds will come be done in a future budget amendment do you have a projection of how much it might be yes just a second sir 41,500 is the maximum uh expense that this legislation could be okay so 41,000 is the max 41,500 yes sir okay thank you Mr Mayor thank you okay and this item was pulled by commissioner Kelly but I do have a question and then we'll go to the if nobody else has questions we can call the question um the attorney you had question with the evaluation period was that you all work that out yes the evaluation period was clearly stated in both of the resolutions so it was nothing to work out they put it they put the dates in and those are the dates that are reflected in front of you okay all right then we are good any other questions or concerns of this and I do want to say to the sponsor the original sponsor of this thank you for looking out for our employees in short because I know this is something that's you want to do on last year for ch right but it's finally here so shout out to the sponsor who sponsored this um we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk commissioner bath yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 all right going on to 133 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of baka Florida authorizing a city manager to execute an agreement with sound thinking Inc formally shop spotter Inc forensic Ana for the provision of gunshot detection located location and forensic analysis Services utilizing grant funding from the US Department of Justice Office of Justice programs in an amount not to exceed $99,000 in the form attached here to is exhibit a providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this respons by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second by um sorry commissioner baz commissioner baz Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh so the shot spider program is a program that identifies uh identifies where bullets have been shot in a community it's a great tool utilized by police departments all over uh South Florida uh for our first year this is our second year with the program for our first year uh we received a grant that covered the 100% of the expense uh with the assistance of Congress Roman Federico Wilson um there's been some additional addendums that have been tried to uh be added to the program which we would would like to add those addendums to the program uh however we needed to bring it back in order to get that done and we weren't able to allow it to be self-renewed uh so we're now bringing it back now I believe the chief of police has negotiated all of those items I believe they're going to be coming as separate now and we have the chief of police available to you to answer any questions that you may have all right this item was pulled um commissioner Kelly are you yes thank you Mr May the only question that I I had um with the renewable but I see it here it's two additional one-year periods after we uh after 2025 they only allow two um for two additional or we just decide that's what we want to do to take a look at it what's going on after that point no it's just going to it's going to renew every year until it continually so this is a new contract it's not renewal from last year this is a completely new contract uh up to September 30th and then new contract begins from October 1 through the following year after that it'll be renewed every year thereafter okay thank you thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you any other questions for the Police Department chief or the manager hearing none Madam clerk Vice man Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner Vaz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 all right Madam attorney 133 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to issue a request for proposals RFP for bus benches shelters and tress reciprocal advertising and maintenance providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by vice mayor Irvin I'll second second by commissioner baz Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh this is an item that our director of Public Works Mr ARA Austin has been working on for some time and so when you passed your uh when the commission passed the resolution uh to do it by RFP he has uh worked with our procurement officer to uh secure that RFP and to get it uh written and presented before you in the form that you have today and I have Mr AR Austin our Public Works director available to answer any additional questions you may have about this item all right um this item was P by commissioner Kelly yes thank you Mr Mayor just want to be uh very clear on the uh bus shelters that are already existing but that the one well proposed ones that you're going to do um for 22nd Avenue because they're none on 22nd Avenue do you have a a number yet of how many may be or you still working with the contractor on on those we were going to yield ARA Austin Public Works director we were going to yield to the contract to see is enough space for the type of shelters he's going to offer we do not have that information available at this time we're going to get that information at the closing of the bid to see what type of shelters they're going to profer and if the setback for those shelters would accommodate the locations that you're speaking well is it possible um to make sure whether it's the big shelters or little half benches cuz right now on 22nd hour there are no benches there's no shelters no anything so if if the setback does allow for the big you know shelter whatever hopefully it will allow for at least some bus benches because right now on 22nd Avenue you have none from opaka Boulevard going all the way down 151st so is that something I hope that we'll be looking at as you discuss when it goes out come back in as part of your process the intent is to set benches or shelters at all stops in the city of oock okay well there's none there so that's what I'm saying corre okay thank you Mr Mayor okay thank you um any other questions I just want to say um Miss Aon I'm happy that it's finally coming you know profit this a long time ago and it took some time but it's finally here so thank you for bringing it Forward um Madam clerk are we we can go ahead and call the question commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right and we're moving to our second reading ordinances 16 B1 16 B1 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending the annual adopted General proprietary and special Revenue funds budgets for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 adjusting revenues and expenditures as reflected in exhibit a providing for the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budgets and expenditures providing for fees consistent with Appropriations and Amendment providing for incorporation of recital providing for for conflict and repealer providing for SE several ility and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right this is also a public hearing item so can I ENT I entertain a motion then we have the manager to explain and then we'll open up for public hearing can I get a motion move it move by um um commissioner Kelly I'm Jesus Christ vice mayor Irvin second I am hungry um Mr manager you can go ahead and present the item then we open up for I'm trying to uh we're trying to make sure we have the right order this is is the 16 A1 yep no 16a remember we move we rearranged the agenda so we're going our second ordinances first second reading first okay this is an item coming from our community development department and we have uh Mr Gay our community development director available to answer any questions you may have regarding this item no no Mr manager 16 B1 16 B1 oh you know what I'm sorry madam Madam Madam attorney you the WR one into the record but you know what since we're here let's do it and then we'll just move on okay so so stay with because that's the one she read into the record so we'll stay here we're doing the um the budget oh the budget okay 16 B 16 A1 we was got supposed to be doing 16 B1 it was already moved by commissioner Kelly and second and by vice mayor um so that would be Mr anathan and Mr D understood sir I'll you give it a brief introduction uh so the way our budget system works for all all of our residents that are new here as we're while we're under State oversight we do two runs first uh in workshops that are then presented to uh the governor's office for approval and then like all cities we go through uh two readings and hearings um we have had our uh budget hearing uh this week um the governor's office approved uh our budget without any changes without any amendments and we have our uh director of financial services Mr Robert anthan available to answer any questions that the commission may have after public hearing all right public hearing is open public hearing is closed and for the record Mr manager I want to correct something this is not um this is the budget amendment my apologies the amend that for the record let's re explain that okay so let me re explain that so uh this is a a very important thing for our residents to know the way our Charter is written that anytime there's U most Charters allow for uh interf fund changes uh to happen at the department at for at the department level without being presented to the commission however any changes to our budget has to be approved by the commission even inter fund changes so every single time we move some money from this account to that account in order to cover expenses from one to the other or to beef up expenses uh in one account anticipating additional uh additional expenses we have to bring that to the commission for their approval so this is a so this is why we have uh the number of amendments that we have this is budget uh a budget amendment number five and we have our financial services director Mr Robert anathan available to answer questions to our commission after a public hearing all right we're going to reopen public hearing for this item public hearing is open um public hearing is closed all right do we have any questions for Mr anathan or the manager on this budget amendment number five first hearing all right Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz she's St out oh my apologies vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right now we're going into 16 B1 Madam attorney 16 B1 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending the opaka comprehensive development master plan to incorporate the adopted 2022 10year water supply facilities work plan update to strengthen the coordination between the water supply planning and local land use Planning by amending certain objectives and policies in the infrastructure cons conservation intergovernmental cordination and Capital Improvements elements as required by and in Conformity with Section 163 3177 paren six Florida Statutes providing for transmittal providing for inclusion in the comprehensive plan and scriveners areas for providing for conflict and repealer providing for Liberal construction providing for severability providing for an effective date first reading was held on January the 10th 2024 and this is sponsored by the city manager all right I entertain a motion at this time moveed by commissioner Kelly second second by vice mayor Mr manager and we open up for public hearing thank you Mr Mayor uh this is an item coming from our Community Development Department to improve our water system and our public infrastructure as you all know that we've been taking a bite of that elephant every uh every step of the way as we can to improve our public and water infrastructure system system which is a bit Antiquated uh we're about to come up on our 100 year anniversary so this is something that we need to keep moving on and keep consistently updating and changing and after public hearing we have our director of Community Development Mr Gregory gay available to answer any questions that the commission may have okay public hearing is open public hearing is closed do we have any questions from Mr gay or the manager on this item all right Madam Clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right thank you um Madame attorney 16 B2 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida providing for evaluation and Appraisal based amendments to the opaka comprehensive development master plan is required by and in Conformity with Section 163 3191 Forin one Florida Statutes providing for inclusion the comprehensive plan and scance errors providing for conflict and repealer providing for Liberal construction providing for separability providing for an effective date the first reading and public hearing was held on January the 10th 2024 and this is sponsored by the city manager all right thank you I entertain a motion at this moment move it moveed by um commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Mr manager uh thank you Mr Mayor this is another item coming from our Community Development Department regarding our comprehensive master plan our comprehensive master plan is the plan uh that the city has of how it's going to grow the city and modernize the city and this particular portion regards the evaluation appraisal of that particular portion of the comprehensive plan which continues to be updated and we have Mr Gay our director of Community Development available to answer any questions that the commission may have after public hearing all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions for Mr gay or the manager on this item all right Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all right going on to the last um ordinance um what we at 16 B3 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida adopting an amendment to the Land Development regulation ordinance 15-31 Article 5 Section 22-42 to create a new definition for indoor shooting ranges and permit indoor shooting ranges in the I3 zoning District as a conditional use and provide General requirements for zoning location and distance site plan lure and nuisance providing for separability providing for an effective date the first reading and public hearing was held on July 10th 2024 and this is sponsored by the city manager all right thank you madam attorney I inter turn any motion at this moment move it move by vice mayor second second by commissioner baz Mr manager go ahead and present and we do public hearing thank you uh thank you Mr Mayor this is another item coming from our community development department but it's also in partnership with our uh police department uh this is a uh the last step in a process that the the city commence so that the commission could determine if we're going to have an indoor uh indoor uh shooting range here in the city of opaka we have both the uh both available the director of Community Development uh Mr Gregory gay and our opaka Police Department chief uh Kenneth Atley and along with the sponsors is also uh also here to answer any questions the commission may have uh after a public hearing okay uh public hearing is open public hearing is closed all right any questions for Mr gay or the manager on this item Mr Gay yes Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um quick question I know this is paired with the item that we're going to it just seems like we're putting the cart before the horse we're going to change the Zone but we haven't discussed item four I'm just saying like changing if I if I may the problem what happened is before we can discuss item for we have to pass them um the ordinance first so that's why we change the agenda yeah so that was probably my mistake commissioner Williams this uh this first portion is to decide do you want any do you gonna are we gonna allow any uh of these types of businesses here in the city of opaka once that question is answered in the affirmative then we could move on to the additional if it's answered in the negative then there's no need to proceed thank you my apologies okay that's what I was yeah I got all right any questions to Mr Gay okay Mr Gay before we call the question I have one question the only thing is if for any reason and this is just throwing it out there they wanted to in the future do an outdoor shooting range this wouldn't allow no it will not and you're not going to bring it back to allow forward we're just going to strictly because the ordinance didn't speak to it that's why I asked as the definitions were prepared they were speaking specifically for an indoor range at this time so we will not be entertaining an outdoor if we were to do that we would have to bring that as a separate process okay yeah that's what I wanted to know all right so we are good um if not no other questions we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams no commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 41 all right now we're going to our planning and voting it items are all public hearing items I'm 15 A1 Madam attorney yes sir 1581 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving final plat review request for the operation of a concrete batching plant and finished concrete production company facility on the property located at 13050 Northwest 30th Avenue and identifi by folio 08- 21-28 d002 d002 0 8-21 28- 00002 d003 0 08- 2128 d002 d004 08- 2128 d002 d005 8-21 28- 002 d006 8- 2128 d002 D90 8- 2128 d004 d380 and 08- 2128 d004 d0330 in the I2 zoning District providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager public public hearing is go ahead this is a public hearing item and public hearing is open hearing none seeing none public uh hearing is closed Madam thank you uh as with all of our Planning and Zoning items this year items coming from our community development department and we have our community development director Mr Gregory gay here for you if have any questions no questions well the manager no questions no I know we talked about this during my um briefing can you revisit this again if you don't mind just for transparency purposes yes Gregory gay um director of planning Community Development this is basically to complete the process for this particular property this is a existing U concrete operation concrete batching operation they've had a series of issues that related to Derm and and zoning and and property RightWay issues we pretty much have been working with them for the past two years and as a part of that they needed to replat the process re replat their property to unify their property as one this is presented to you before as a tenative plat this is the final step for them to have a final plot um in order for the unification of the properties and then um Mr Gay I know so they're we're just going to add more trucks on this property correct is that what we're doing no we're not adding trucks I'm so you're unifying the property you're unifying the property yes and it's going to make it larger is that what I'm understanding it's already the same size it's going to be it's just that instead of having nine separate properties it will be one contiguous track got it okay thank you okay any more questions no Madam um clerk call the question Madame vice mayor I need a motion in a second I'm so sorry can I get a motion can I get a second I second okay thank you madam clerk made the motion I'm sorry oh commissioner and second by the second by commissioner bass okay thank you commissioner Williams uh yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayy Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right um going on to 152 resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the final plat review request for the construction reability abilitation and operation of a construction re equipment rental company at 2950 Northwest 132nd Terrace and 2990 Northwest 132nd Terrace and identified by folio 08- 2128 d004 d350 and 08- 2128 d004 d340 in the I2 zoning District providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an inflective date this is by the city manager all right I entertain any motion at this moment move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Mr manager thank you again this is a item coming from our community development department and we have our community development director Mr Gregory gay here to answer any questions the commission may have all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed all right any questions for Mr gay or the manager on item Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you uh just want to make sure the same thing I raised in the in my briefing regarding the landscape and the shrubs and the plants that's uh supposed to be put around uh the the development as going forward that we make sure um that we follow up and it's done um the way it's laid out uh proposed in the um agreeing to the final plat review so I just want to make sure that thank you yes all right any other questions to Mr Gay for this item all right Madam clerk commissioner baz yes vice mayor urvan yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right next item 15 A3 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the final plat request for the construction and operation of an Industrial and Commercial mix use retail and warehouse distribution fac faity on the property located at 12691 Northwest 142nd Avenue and 12705 Northwest 42nd Avenue opalocka Florida 33054 identified by folios 08- 2129 d-50 and 08- 2129 d-64 in the B2 B3 zoning District providing for an effective date and this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner bz can I get a second second second by commissioner Williams um Mr manager thank you again now that the commission has agreed to allow indoor shooting rages in the city of opaka we actually have a applicant that is before you no no no no this is the item 154 15 oh okay Ware all right this is one of our Planning and Zoning items uh coming before you coming before the commission for consideration uh via Our Community Development Department we have our community development director Gregory gay to answer any questions the commission may have after public hearing if the any of the residents have any commentary on this item all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions to Mr gay or the manager on this item all right Madam clerk vice mayor Irving yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to 15 A4 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida providing approval of the conditional use request to operate an indoor shooting range for the property located at 13449 Northwest 42nd Avenue and identify by folio 08- 2129 0016 d001 0 in the liberal industrial I3 zoning district and within the corridor mixed use overlay providing for severability providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right at this moment I entertain any motions move by commissioner bass second second by vice mayor Mr manager go ahead and present and your will thank you well since you've already heard my previous presentation I guess I'll spice this went up a little bit uh the commission had tasked us with finding unique and new businesses to come into the city of opaka uh this is such a this is such a business uh as there if approved by the commission there would be no other city in South Florida that would have a business such as this uh it is an indoor shooting range that partners with our our opaka Police Department for training services and other uh law enforcement agencies that will make uh opaka truly stand out and be unique uh we have uh community development director GRE briay here uh to answer any questions that you may have and we also have our chief of police uh to talk about the future per partnership as well as the applicant has prepared a presentation for you all right public hearing is open public hearing is closed all right we have any questions for Mr gay or the manager at this moment Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly uh this item thank you this item came up before and I had some concerns I know the managers mentioned the partnership with the police Etc but one of the challenge I had uh even though I supported the conditional use but now that we're talking about an actual uh company or entity um I I want know specifically from what would be offered to the city I I heard uh the police department will have some use but I think my concern was before with the community have an opportunity um to use this facility as well so what what has been the update or the change on on that discussion through the mayor um I would like to defer I know that there's been conversations and we do have the applicant here uh they can probably provide you with some additional information relating to what type of additional Services can be provided to the community commissioner Kell what was specifically your question me what was your question specifically when this came up before and I I um remember coming because this is conditional use which means we're opening up the door potentially for not just this entity but others to come in and so since they're conditional use they have to come before us and there was a presentation uh made that the police department was going to be able to utilize the range for some uh training Etc but it was also some discussion about would the well I brought it up would the community have any possible access to it as well or would it just be I guess in essence a private type entity and I raised those question the first time um about this I wanted to know had anything changed with regard to um what would take place with this particular um company um I'll take a stab at that question for you commissioner um my our understanding is and we do have the applicant here is that this is a business that will be open to the public with a membership Fe fee so anybody available to pay the membership fee will be a member and can utilize the facility and if that is uh incorrect then I will allow the applicant to qualif quantify that statement if it needs to be Quantified is it is that statement correct sir can I clarify good evening Mr Mayor and uh Commissioners uh Eric Greenwald 5313 lorus Drive Miami Beach I I am with uh part of the applicant uh the Armory one the applicant for the conditional use that you're considering at this time uh to answer your question through the through the mayor Mr commissioner uh the answer is that uh as uh the city manager stated there are going to be certain uh vetting requirements that we're going to have not just with respect to fees but also with respect to background checks and things of that sort uh this is primarily uh envisioned as a law enforcement training facility uh there will be access to members of the public but we are specifically partnering not only with the city of opaka but other law enforcement agencies both at the local and state level uh our my partner kaj Larsson is here he is a former spe excuse me Special Forces uh member and also uh a member of the uh a veteran of the uh Navy Seals uh and he can speak to this as well but that's the intent behind this uh and if if you have any further questions I'm happy to answer them through the mayor um mayor commissioner K thank you I I want to be uh very clear because you do conditional use you open up a door and that's why I'm very concerned I supported the conditional uh use and I had questions before uh Challenge on it so I understand it's primarily want to be used and targeted for law enforcement and training I got that but I also wanted to make sure that if meeting the criteria or vetting as you call it the public would be able to have an opportunity of such and I'm saying that because anyone's that come behind you I'm going to be very concerned at what they're going to allow or offer the public the community because it's still in the community we have a lot of folks I'm not one of them per se but a lot of folks who you know want to go to the gun range Etc so forth so I want to make sure that's available so as long as there's a process whatever that may be uh then I I'm more meable to that I thought if it was just closed outright I'd have a more Challenge and anyone one that's coming before us because now we've done a conditional use and kind of open that door in that uh area if you will for the industrial I3 zoning I anticipate you'll have some more one to come but I want to be clear going forward um that it's not going to be just you come with a private club for a shooting range uh even what criteria the public will be able to have an opportunity if needed so you answer my question thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you all right Madam any other question Mr Mayor commission so where I'm challenged is this will open the door and I'm just G to keep it real because this will open the door for more shooting ranges um what's going to end up happening what what will happen is it'll be one now granted the first public hearing the first time we voted on this the word private was said multiple times it was it was stated private this would be a private club now all of a sudden I don't know what changed I guess now it's not private but now it's a membership but we have to vet I still don't know what that means if this language this partic that particular language is not in the legislation then we're we're going off of what we voted on before now we're hearing something different different because we heard the word private it's a private club which that gave me pause right there so just like commissioner Kelly said it's what how are we the the language is changing and and I'm and thank you Mr manager I didn't know that this was a unique what was the word I can't uh that we were bringing unique to opaka but um we've seen this in other cities and other municipalities where an entire Road an entire Highway becomes shooting ranges um if you own a gun I don't own one but I'm sure people do they go to these shooting ranges in particular neighborhoods I mean we know that right they exist right I'm not GNA say who might go to them but I would love to go but anyway nonetheless I you can't sell me on it's going to be for the police and you can't sell me on this is going to be for all officers in all I think that's great that's awesome but at the end of the day what now happens to our city I keep I I I always talk about how we plan out our city it's the planning so we plan out to bring a shooting range I'm going to flat out tell you I'm against it you know I am but if we plan that out and we sit here as a board this is what our city will turn into because we just changed legislation which quite frankly shouldn't have should not have been both of those items should not have been on the same agenda I'm sorry they should not Mr manager I'm just letting you know they should not have been not zoning and this at the same time but that's neither here nor there we're here you're one once the first time we voted it was Private now it's not private now it's membership now it's this I don't like that it's not like spelled out what really this is going to be and then I also don't like the fact that this is going to open the door to multiple and more so that's where I am thank you all right any other questions or concerns to Mr G commission Kelly to to follow up on what my colleague just said um being conditional use I guess maybe it's to the attorney conditional use even though we're approve we would be approving um this vendor this company conditioning re use comes back how often yearly or two years or because has come back doesn't it it just means it's going to be reviewed by you all before you um give the final approval for it um so but this will keep this will continue as long as that that use continues at that location the way that you're voting for it now it just means that the city can um put certain conditions in place that are reasonable conditions and and I'm assuming um certain things have been negotiated with the staff and that's probably what you see in front of you perhaps Mr um gay can State what those conditions are for the record so that you'll know commission k well that's that's what I'm that's the point I'm making um because I had the same concern but if it's going to if it's going to come back so it does not change even though it's conditional uh use it would have to come back because they got to maintain certain criteria so if they're not doing that and it will come back to us every two years or whenever it comes back um then the commission could could cancel well were councel could um nullify uh what is taking place as it stands right now there are no timelines as it relates to the item being brought back before the commission for a period of time um it's it's basically as as the conditions that have been presented before you um for this particular approval as long as they go through the process get the proper lure and and operations they will be able to continue to operate no I understand that but with the condition that we're that we're saying it's it's for the law enforcement community and whatever that process is for the general public to be able to utilize if they're not meeting that criteria then the commission could um come back and close it down I guess I'm trying to find the right word I thought that's the way the conditional use well not not so much um commissioner Kelly so there might be um issues dealing with the parking maybe if the city concerned about there you know we're worried about too many people coming and there's not enough parking it may be something about no parking on the grass or no um or it it may have something about the signage or it may have something those are the kind of things that normally would be worked out with the staff and the staff will be bringing the conditions back so that's why I'm asking I guess Mr Gay to State for the record whatever the conditions are that have been negotiated as the this is what um what staff is recommending um well I was very clear um and and what I'm saying or what I'm asking the condition I'm referring to is not parking or whatever although I understand you is to make sure that the public um has access that that's the question I'm asking and I understand even from the applicant criteria uh meeting certain guidelines what have you what I'm saying is next year I don't want to hear that all of a sudden uh someone from the public went over to try to shoot you know get it or whatever the process is and we turn down just because they're not a law enforcement officer so I want to make sure that's clear in the in the documentation because once it's it's there um we can't go back but if it's part of the use now then that's something we can't look at just like the parking so I I'm trying to be clear that that's in there I heard it said verbally um for the record but I want to make sure um and I did mention in the briefing that I would pull it because I want to be be clear on that so I don't know where it might be in the wording or whatever I heard it stated the manager said it the applicant uh stated it but if that wording could be put in there somewhere um that would be better Clarity Mr Mayor Mr commissioner K the floor um Mr manager and uh yes uh we will'll allow we could allow Mr uh gay some time to find up those particular conditions but it is our understanding that that is in there all right while he does that um commissioner B I just wanted to add to my colleagues I would also like to know what those conditions are okay because if verbiage has changed from uh the first reading to now then that's a problem for me I need to know exactly what I'm going to be voting on thank you well Mr G Mr Mayor while he's looking for that can I asked a question I think when it came up with the first reading I think we said that we wanted the community to have access right to it and I thought that that's why this came about yeah I Al asked that question as well we did and that's he explained that it would be based on a membership correct like a gym membership correct what it was compared to okay I just wanted to make sure that I was kind of right new yeah so um there's two questions on the floor Mr manager one from commissioner Kelly and the one from commissioner baz is that going to be answered by your staff off we need yes I understand we need to move it forward I believe we have an answer now well one is Mr one Mr G we want to ensure that if the community is going to be able to utilize it that they will always be able to utilize I think that was commissioner Kelly's Point yeah right right they they have the access because we don't want what I don't want to Envision is having open up his door for conditional use and we got you know eight private shooting clubs that the public has no access to so and I understand the criteria primarily for law enforcement but it has to be and I made that clear the first time a public opportunity so I didn't necessarily see the wording in there and I know the agenda was long in the briefing so that's why I want to make sure that wording is in there as attorney is saying it's in there because we don't get to come back and change it unless the wording is in there in some for more okay basically the wording that we have in there now pertains to and these and these are the conditions uh they it pertain to the zoning and the land use uh it pertains to the site plan itself it it does pertain to location and and the distance it is from from residential areas um it speaks to safety measures it speaks to environmental consideration uh the hours of operation the security and Storage and there is some references uh under this particular part under Community engagement this the facility shall actively engage within the community Through educational programs safety seminars and Outreach initiatives collaborative with local law enforcement agencies and encourage is encouraged and required okay yeah so Mr G yeah I saw that too that doesn't speak to the concerns of the commission we wanted to say that the the community will have access to it no matter how how you all but we want to make sure that if I live in opaka if I want to pay the membership I have the ability to do it so that language is what what what I'm looking for and I think vice mayor just shook her head so should was say reasonable membership it doesn't have just access you can't tell them how to through the mayor I wanted to pose a question real quick to vice mayor are memberships a thing is that a thing for shooting R okay no I she's the only one that would know that question thank you because you don't I just wanna I want to be accurate I want to be accurate here so she said yes okay I just want to make sure memberships are so I do believe that we are in a position right now that if membership and and description of the membership needs to be included as a part of this we can have that through a motion or or an amendment to to to your motion for approval I thought Mr Mayor I thought that was very clear yeah from the first when it came before us that I need to be a part of it um I I don't understand why I wasn't a part of it coming back to us because that was very clear that we wanted the public to have access to it whatever that process I thought that staff would have worked out that process and that would have been brought back to us in this setting um you're asking us now to do a a motion I mean we haven't I'm not a gun shooter we only got I guess one Accord of my colleagues one up here so I I mean I don't want to engage in that because I'm not sure how it work I just wanted to make sure that the public has access to whatever process so if you're asking us to come up with a motion or something to put in there I'm I'm not comfortable myself with pushing that tonight because I don't know and the only reason I'm bring it up as an issue because we are now allowing conditional use and as my colleague said you could have six or seven other folks comeing before us want to do a a gun range and if we don't put some parameters tonight everybody come in well you let them be private you let them not have to you know put the one fence so we only want one fence this is it is unique it is new but it also requires that we do a lot of things on the front end of this legislation so to my colleagues I I don't know uh maybe I'll defer to to y'all uh expertise I just want to make sure the public has access that's where I'm at um Mr Mr G through the manager Mr Gay you know I supported the item from Jump Street so I don't mind offering the motion as long as it says I guess Community engage M with Community Access so I just want to make sure that the community has access to it a whole bunch of loopholes when it came yeah Community Access um one second let's so is that where okay um you said you wanted to clarify something to sponsor major kaj Larson uh Commander Southern Branch Florida State Guard Special Mission Unit I've had the honor of speaking privilege speaking to the the council before so I just I think we can clarify a couple things so uh as as part of the application and remember my unit is going to be housed at the facility is going to have a headquarters at the facility as part of the the model for the application uh a couple points of clarification uh first this is the first time this application has been heard by uh the city for the conditional use piece previously we had spoken on the ordinance since then we've been working with staff uh in order to address the concerns um I think uh points of clarification on on both Commissioners questions is this is a facility that we uh Envision as open to the public that's uh Firearms enthusiasts law enforcement and uh and Firearms owners um however it's important to us that that safety is Paramount and that that membership criteria is subject to Security checks and vetting um barring that uh a membership model with proper and appropriate uh security and background checks is um an an amendment or modification that we would be amendable to um so absolutely as part of the community engagement piece as long as it's couched in the language um that we have a vetting process for membership so okay well let me let me say this um we thank you we thank you however there have been OPP there has been times where people have brought things to this commission said one thing and did another we just want to make sure and you all came during the time and you spoke on the ordinance that we profer the city profer and you gave us ahead of time your intent y right so at that meeting we expressed that we wanted access for the community so we're not telling you how you do it we agree vetom do the background check however we just want to make sure that going on the from the onset that the community has access and then two weeks from now you saying oh we're not going to do Community Access it's only for law enforcement we want to make sure for the the life of the business that our community the people that live in opaka has access to that shooting range now how that looks you can work that out with as long as it's you know Fair we're okay with with it and amable and what you say what the word you use Fair she said fail we a't get to that she said affordable we just want to make sure that it's that it's there which is the reason why we're asking for the language to be in the resolution so um we're good we're so I I think as the applicants we are aligned on that um we we it's part of our business model to have a membership model so we want Community engagement we just want to make sure any language that has it's not it's not an Open Door chall subject to proper betting the challenge is community engagement and Community Access to different things because what your community engagement stated that you're going to give back to the community community access Community engagements are given I think we demonstrated correctly I mean correct yeah so um Mr Gay um Madam Madame attorney how do we need to do that what will be the proper language to ensure uh if Mr Gay shows me what he was reading from he was reading from the cover memo I think he he really needs to read it into the record where he is inserting this condition and then that's what you all would vote on okay so what Mr Gay is saying is that it's already a part of the ordinance and so by you all voting on it um I I don't know where that language is about the public that they have a concern about Mr gay but so he says that's not in the ordinance that's what I'm talking about you'd have to add hold on one second you Mo your move your hand let's see where we put it we would add a [Music] um we would add a new letter actually we create a letter L and make um effective date letter um M and so sir if you want to take a look at this m Madam attorney are you are you Mr Mayor Mr so what we would add then Madam attorney real quick let me this this is one of the reasons why this really shouldn't be on this agenda um but we will right but we will part what we what we can do is we can add it um that is from the ordinance so we can add a I will add it in if you all will allow me to add it in if that is the intent um I can add in language that this um the the facility will remain for the life of the facility as as a use it will remain open um to the public subject to um vetting by the uh by the applicant um you know something like that that allows for them to vet and it allows for you all's intent to be met by it being open to the public so if that's if that's agreeable I will make sure that's Incorporated within the resolution okay do we need to vote on that that motion or that yes sir that Amendment so can you go ahead and read something and the it would be the same language I know you want I want I know you want to do an amendment I know you do real quick um Nat lab the time but the the issue that I have with this is we asked for this before like we're literally I mean like let's stop and think like let's like come on let let let's stop let's think about this this was a conversation that our Planning and Zoning director had with this applicant why didn't they why didn't why didn't he go back and do what we asked we asked this to to be put in the language now we're sitting up here we're changing their legislation we're fixing it which should have been fixed before I almost feel like we're we're we're just putting these Band-Aids on stuff guess what if it wasn't done right we vote on it you vote it up you vote it down that language should have been in there from the beginning I I'm I don't know what are we doing here like I don't want to I don't want to vote on anything unless I see it in writing I we can do an amendment I need to see it in writing because it just keeps happening here well I'll say one second commissioner Kelly I'll say this the only reason why I did not have an issue with the amendment commissioner will I see where you're coming from is because I think we got lost with the words they put Community engagement thinking they understood are capturing what we wanted but I think what we're asking for to be a little like you said right Mr K but Mr K should have known the word the wording I think I don't think because the intent clearly they have it but that's why I was okay with the amendment I I um I was very clear um not using that word engagement but that the public had access to it uh and usage I didn't have a problem with the with the vetting and and all that but I was very clear that the public needed to have access not engagement giving back and then I was also concerned to see it on the same agenda that barely happens I get complaints all the time from people that you know want to get things on the same agenda and they have to wait because for one or the other so that was another challenge I had um the more I'm listening now I'm even more um challenged with it so the question I really have to to staff and to the manager uh Mr Mayor is is this of such a time sensitive that you have both of them on the same agenda that we couldn't didn't have time to be able to put the language to be very clear even though I thought I was clear maybe I wasn't clear on the Community Access not engagement but access to be a part if this is not time sensitive and that's why I'm asking because you have both on the same agenda which rarely happens for things like this you don't have it Kelly through the mayor just really quickly I have something really important to tell you the applicant wants to um defer it to the next agenda so that we can get the language right and bring it back in a way that you all can see it in front of you so if that's okay that would well that's what I was going to suggest U otherwise I was gonna have a real challenge with supporting so that'll work that'll work thank you so this item is deferred to the what's the date certain next weekend right all right so we're going into you can state it on the record is that the 25th um Madam clerk yes said is correct so the 25th agenda all right so [Music] item 15 A4 will be deferred to our September 25th meeting all right 15 B4 15 B4 yes sir will we deferred to our um September 25th meeting and if you can take a vote on it sir please all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by vice mayor um Madam clerk we're talking about 15 A4 right yeah it's a yes it's a because I just heard B yeah okay yeah um commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z motion to defer all right all right we're going into the city manager's report Mr manager uh thank thank you Mr Mayor I want to uh take this time um to do something that I've uh rarely done and that is address some of the comments that are said during public form um but I find it important to uh correct the record um we had a resident come forward and profer that a man was arrested for attempted murder uh due to politics and at the direction of the city manager uh to be clear the city manager does not have the authority to direct any police officer to arrest uh uh anyone or have the authority to control or manipulate investigations um so I want that to be clear we had another um I I want to discuss an issue that was brought forward by uh Janie Russell and to apprise the commission once again of where we are with the Miami day County and their water bills the um we're having a lot of challenges with the current agreement the the billing agreement as um as has been stated on the record several times and we are continuing to press forward with those negotiations um taking it so far up the chain to uh jimy Morales uh who is the second in command over at the count over at the County uh regarding this issue uh we are making some progress but um the one of the challenges is is that uh they're doing according to the contract they're doing all of the resolutions and the issues without our permission they're able to cut people's water off without permission from the city of opaka negotiate pay uh payment plans without approval from the city of opaka and uh make evaluations of people's water meters which we're paying for uh without the city of opaka so um I want the residents to know we understand we are aware of this issue we're pris of this issue and we're working very hard uh and very diligently um to get to get some resolution and we intend to keep the commission apprised at every meeting as we move forward with these meetings with the county to to get this issue arised and we hope to bring forward uh a revised uh a revised and renegotiated billing agreement from the one that was entered into by by the city uh I believe in 2019 I also wanted to uh address uh several residents uh several residents made the statement that uh there was not Outreach done in the community uh regarding the RV band ordinance uh as commissioner Williams stated that was absolutely not true um it begs the question to me how did so many residents know about this issue and we have such a large turnout if we had not done the appropriate Outreach to them uh this was a multi-department uh this was a multi-department Outreach that was done first with the C- compliance that went to nearly every s every home in the city wrote down the addresses identifi them uh identifi them and we provided them with individual invitations to uh to come and learn about this ordinance that the commission had passed to answer any questions that they to answer any questions that they may have um I have some additional updates uh regarding of course glor of the gardens and also uh our financial audits which I'll provide uh during the mayor's session thank you all right any questions for the manager vice mayor I I do have qu any questions right that we have for him yeah go ahead okay Mr manager um I would like to know can you tell me why the police department is giving security to a former elected official who also happen to be running for office have to ask the chief of police to come up and see if he can get some information through the mayor uh vice mayor please uh explain yes so the police has been seen at this commissioner ex former commissioner's house almost around the clock at sometimes I have I know the manager say he knows what's in my phone but I have pictures of police just sitting there like just like their babysitting him they're watching him not just one day like for for a while he they're sitting there he's like being protected like he's receiving protection from the police department well I can absolutely tell you that if that is what you have vice mayor please advise me of it okay that is not at my order at my direction okay one uh I'd like that former commissioner to be identified to me at some point oh I'll tell you Mr Chris um Davis well he asked me to yes let's not do that here in this I gave him he asked me a question I gave him an answer well I can tell you that okay at my direction that did not happen we have been by the house through our investigative process but I don't know quite frankly I don't know what you're talking about okay thank you so nobody authorized that I'm glad to hear that because that would be illegal vice vice mayor do you perhaps have uh a a photo of the license plate so we can identify the actual officers that were there I have a photo I'm not sure if the license plates are on there but I can I can double check thank you and we'll get an answer to you ASAP also um this question the next question let me see I can dump around okay so Mr manager are you do you realize that you cannot author you are not authorized to hire a law fir I have never hired a fir hired or engaged anyone for Legal Services yes I'm aware of that may I ask the you Madame attorney does the manager have permission to hire a law firm no ma'am he does not okay so there's been a law firm hired to do an in an investigation on a police officer and it never came across our desk or up to us up here um if I may sure I think uh and I had certainly hope that the uh I did not realize that you were referring to a uh police officer so just in case that question arose um I there is something I do want to read on the record uh in response to that so that we know how to appropriately proceed um since you are identifying a police officer uh discussing a police police officer I wasn't specific with the name okay great okay so title 10 chapter 112 section 532 of the Florida Statutes commonly referred to as the law enforcement officer's Bill of Rights precludes talking about an open investigation um please see section 112 533 paragraph 7 which states any person who is a participant in an internal investigation including the complainant this includes the complainant and it's especially directed at the complainant uh the subject of the investigation and the subject's legal council that includes our our attorneys that includes uh attorneys hired by the complainant um the investigation the subject's legal counsel or representative of his or her choice the investigator conducting the investigation and any witness in the investigation who willfully discloses any information obtained pursuant to the agency's investigation including but not limited to the identity of the officer under investigation the nature of the questions asked in information revealed or documents furnished in connection with the confidential internal investigation of an agency before such complainant document action or proceeding becomes a public record as provided in this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree uh so now that that's been read into the record and I do uh am aware that an email was uh was circulated uh by an officer that is a center of an investigation and subsequently also circulated by the director of HR um and this is the pertaining law and because this is a state statute it super it also supersedes uh any regulations that we as the city may have promulgated so we will I will I if if if I may interrupt you certainly I did not receive a a email from either of the two people you just named well well vice mayor what you stated on the record is that a law firm was hired in regard to an investigation I didn't get that one second one second because you stated that and threatened with the was not a threat sir you that would you that what you Mr stop it here and I'm gonna refer to our attorney that's where I was going that's where I was going she know anything about well let me let me say this um through the mayor um what has come to my attention and what the the question that the vice mayor asked is whether the manager has the authority to hire a law firm the city can certainly handle internal investigations it can handle it can do those things all cities do that have police departments they have um areas and departments that do that and people who are qualified to work and do those things but the issue is here uh and the question was whether the manager has the authority to hire a law firm that is the part that is the issue correct so allow me to address that issue and this issue has come up several times before um I have a law degree I have a law degree uh however you're not a lawyer and I'm gotta stop come on come on gotta stop I do have a lawre is that not is that not is that not a factual statement hello Mr manager and Madame attorney okay hold up one second a question my question is yes or no does the manager have the authority to hire an attorney yes or no we don't no he does not okay doeses that answer that question that answered my question so I in this case well he brought up a case but I there is an a law firm that has been hired and we didn't hire a law firm I didn't say yes to hiring a law firm so my question how did this Law Firm come into play Mr manager has your office engaged and hired a law firm outside side of the council that we that the commission voted on so let's let's be clear Mr manager I want to answer the question but I think this is uh I I I I think we're confusing the question here if I hire we have all types of firms that we're engaged in we we have firms that we engaged for Consulting Consulting Services we have firms that we are engaged in for uh we had a firm that we engage in for lobbying services and that has been made aware to the been made aware to the commission to the commission we've had firms before in fact the same firm that she's referring to has previously just two years ago did the exact same thing which which was totally permissible completely permissible so the notion if if I answer the question directly has your office engaged or hired a law firm outside of the one that the Comm outside of our procur procurement policy I didn't say procurement I said outside of the one that the commission hired so if so if it is under $25,000 it does not come before the commission that is our procurement policy so all firms requiring more than $25,000 absolutely those have come before even even legal well we've I and again and that's why it's so important my office have never engaged a firm to do Legal Services draft memorandums provide legal advice represent the city in any type of litigation we have not got involved in any of those type of issues now and I've said this on the record before if if we hire a firm to cut the grass that is not engaging in improper Legal Services if we hire a firm to do lobbying services for us that is not considered legal work because you do not have to be a attorney to cut the grass you do not have to be an attorney to do an investigation for a city and you do not have to be a you do not have to be a firm to do lobbying services but the question posed Mr manager was this a law firm you said yes and I said yes okay and does that and the the the the what was the first well I'm saying done he's not I mean he's not allowed to hire law firms that's what we do okay so for Legal Services absolutely absolutely correct M Mr Mayor if I may suggest um if the city would like to have a resolution in place so that this is clear these issues are clear it is very difficult for me to do my job if the city is um sued for instance and it's something that the league doesn't cover and I don't know anything about it I don't know what's been happening how it's happening I can't even represent my client because he's gone out and just basically Rogue dumb whatever he's doing I have no idea no information his stuff doesn't go through HR he doesn't follow any processes and then when we get sued and then we my firm defends the city and is trying to search for information only the manager would have it it's ridiculous this cannot continue and so what I'm asking is that for all of us to stay in our lanes and to be able to do our work competently allow me to bring back for your consideration a resolution that may make clear you know the procedures and what normally happens and what happens in cases where um something would come up it would be if it's an internal investigation it's within the police department we may not know about it if it is excuse me if it is an issue that if it is an issue that um but depending on the investigation there are certain kind of ordinances that are already in place that have to come through us because we have to give the reports for it and and some of them require citizen review so but because the manager does not share information it makes it difficult for us to know what is going on and how to protect how to best protect the city and so if we were to have in place because what I was um trying to say was that if if if special counsil is involved or if there are issues where we feel that we have a conflict or something like that generally speaking we would have certain authority to you know engage bring it back to you it may not be as specific as it's about this issue and about you know I would just say to conduct investig to conduct an investigation but the issue is it will come through US somehow be we would know about it you know this is so unusual Madam attorney you just like the commission just like the manager just have the um the clerk has the ability to bring back legislation when you bring said legislation that you're referring to at that moment the commission will entertain it with questions and um conversation um we gonna stop this okay do you have other questions I have another question yes um I was told by the manager that I wanted to know what constitutes of criminal investigation and it was any employee any employee that may have believed to have stolen $700 or more and that's why one of our Park people had to go under a criminal investigation okay and I'm bringing up this scenario because we've been paying Mr Williams $850 per month for a car allowance since um signing his contract Mr Williams has been driving cars rented by the police department as well as being a passenger in City Vehicles all of which is not allowed Mr Williams has also had city employees serve as his personal chauffeur by picking him up from house wherever and uh this to me is abuse of power and I believe it to be illegal and it should be under criminal investigation since it's over $4,000 so you are you calling for investigation I know yes I want to know who handles our when we want something investigated who handles it our city attorney or our HR Director okay so I'm going to ask Madam attorney to appon on that you all can as you know as you've done before um You can call for an investigation that's in your Charter um we would recuse oursel from that and in that case we might um recommend someone for you to investigate the city manager if that's what you were doing um it may be that you have you require or you ask if it's an employee related situation HR to um conduct the investigation but we would um we would not be or I would not feel comfortable depending on if it was the manager because he's a he's an equal he's not someone within you know the the ranks of um leadership so I would um recommend a competent um employment attorney that is outside which is which is typical it's not something I'm not saying something to you all I've done I've done investigations for other cities and it comes through the legal department by the way never it's never city manager calling or just going out doing whatever it comes through the legal department like an attorney would call me and say hey this is a situation I have I've done many of those for many cities many different municipalities throughout the Tri County Area so um that's how it will be handled okay so not HR it could be HR it could be but but you know you you may want it to be someone outside but the city could the city commission if that's the will of the city commission you can um require an investigation to be done by HR if you so choose and and the report back um you have a your HR here is um is an outside contract it's an outside contract um so my recommendation would be either way that you that you use you you allow me to maybe bring back maybe three names that you can choose from or something if you decided to go in that direction okay because I I and I ask these questions because we can't we can't be terminating employees for doing some of the same thing that our higher ups are doing but nothing happens to them it's you have to move in a way that our rules and regulations are for everybody from the man that pick up trash to the man that write the bills to have the trash picked up it has to be a Even Flow not I'mma do what I want to do and can't nobody touch me and that kind of thing that's not that's not right we as the commission at some point we have to put our feet down we all know that when when the manager is in the hot seat he send for he pay overtime for the seniors to come in the city's bus to defend him that also is not legal you can't do that either it can't be done and I know you're saying I can do it anyway I know but it the manag she still has a floor it can't be done that's you're using city city stuff to protect you you can't do that they can get here on their own if they want to defend you because now the residents are paying for that and that's not fair um it's not fair so I think that we have to do something to make sure that all of our our employees are in the same alignment not one doing what they want to do but other people get fired for the exact same thing and uh the other thing the other thing that I want because everybody knows I'm out in the community and if the M if the manager is honest he'll tell you I call him sometime and tell him what's going on in the city and he don't even know because I'm out here and I want to be very very specific with what I'm saying right now these people that are campaigning let them campaign there is no room for our city manager to be out trying to campaign for people behind the scene please just do your job that we paying you to do and let's move from there that's all I'm saying I'm done thank you Mr all right any other any other concerns or questions for the manager all right Mr Mayor Mr Mr manager before you I have one question for you um to the manager because this came up part of the budget I'm sorry what Happ what happened let me go ahead I one question you said you a I didn't hear you I'm sorry I didn't hear you I just got one I apologize I didn't hear you I'm not young as I used to be I'm sorry I didn't hear you go right here sir go right here I'm fig as much no mine's are simple mine are simple I just want to know the um the status update for the senior bus that we purchased that was it uh the status uh the senior bus is the senior bus is uh deployed it's being used it's in use as a the the new one yes I got called it wasn't made okay no as of day before yesterday and I heard about the issues as well uh there one of the doors is uh is not functioning electronically we're still open we're opening it closing it m we're we're on we have a lease for that bus right yes so we're going to take it back yes well the the seniors won't let us take it back okay so I'll tell the seniors that we're going to take the we need to but we do believe that if we're paying for something it should work properly okay so all right so there there's there's that all right and go ahead commissioner Kelly it ain't working right I mean one of the doors Has a Glitch yes one of the do it's under a warranty I would assume yes sir yes sir so they can use it we just got to do it manually what open I did see it today uh seagull and I blew at him I didn't know it was in service um okay so I mean we already contact to put that in place to get it fixed or whatever we doing yes but until this okay yes um the question I had um and I maybe for the sake of time you didn't but the relocation of the mayor commission offices because that ties into a budget to budget challenges um and I know a lot you know been long night so far but um I know that's a mayor commission eventual decision but I know under your report because you said you put there so is there any new update or information or financial yes whatever related to it yes thank you so much for uh bringing that to our attention commissioner Kelly we absolutely do need to have that discussion as we've been postponing it uh we actually just need direction from the commission we do have uh at least two uh potential um businesses that would like to uh rent rent space here on the third floor uh we have postponed having those conversations with them uh waiting to get direction from the commission if they were going to move down to the third floor or remain on the fourth floor so um that's where we're at okay um and go ahead and I know when I when I brought up because I know it's kind of discussion that started before I even got back in office as we was you know my my biggest concern I mentioned it to you and the staff we're subsidizing the cost of the building because we don't have tenants and so every year we're spending I don't know I think this year we're spending $300 or $400,000 or something subsidizing because we don't have tenants Etc and I know one of the challenges to dealing with that was for the commission to make a decision so I guess to my colleagues um because we're we're really talking about the 2425 budget and I'm assuming you want to be able to capture that in there somewhere if that's the will of the commission to move if we don't move then you just can what lease the third floor yes but if we do move then that's a retrofit and would those folks move to the fourth floor or they couldn't move to the four we would offer that to them and I think it might it may work for one of them it may work for one of them well I guess to my colleagues that's a decision we need to make either way because um until we do we can't make a decision and I'm just concerned about every year subsidizing the building but if we're going to move that needs to be made you know let the manager know not so they can hopefully rent the third floor to get income so we don't keep subsidizing the cost but as I said before I want to defer to to uh my colleagues I know discussion that has started before well commissioner Kelly I'll say two questions Mr manager is it needed do you all need space for the fourth floor for staff for staff no sir not at this time then I'm I think we should just go ahead and stay that's just my opinion say it again let just stay where we are because if you're going to it doesn't make sense for me to me to put tenants on the fourth floor as also tenants on the our government is on the fourth floor so if we streamline our government and our Chambers we can lock this up and then they can use the outskirts of it but to mix and mingle I don't agree with that understood I my opinion I don't it was discussion about yeah the commission wanted to move to the third floor so I just only bring it I'm bringing up because we're in the budget process so we got to change and and move that's a retrofit a cost I don't have a problem either way it go but I know it been talked about looking at some previous minutes so I wanted to hear from from um my colleagues so I hear you I everybody else Mr Mayor thank you that's exactly what I was goingon to say I think what troubles me is having that section of the floor so close to all of our government other government offices um unless you you know that's it's too sensitive everything is sensitive up there um and so and plus um yeah that that part so I'm I'm in agreement to just stay where we are all right the um the only thing I'm going to ask Mr manager if you are going to retrofit the outer parts of the chamber the third floor that you need to secure this portion of it yes sir so all right that's that's my only request because it bleeds off into the other room and it yeah and I know we use that room for I will will say this I don't want to give that section where you the where the conference room is where you have the um yeah but this whole area our Chambers should be for us and then you can do the outskirt that's just my opinion understood sir I don't know about anybody else I have something for the manager oh okay no commissioner Kelly are you done with your um well this yes for the for the manager report um the Gateway entrance is it are we we doing sprinkler work or we we were we doing something at the Gateway entrance because um I it's look like it's all torn up like they're working on something are we putting in new uh drainage or something it really looks bad for the Gateway entrance is that F dot um let me get our uh Capital Improvement projects manager I'm not because I I do understand the project that he's talking about I don't have the specifics on it so I'm GNA ask Adelina gross our Capital Improvement project manager to come and address that question of commissioner Kelly's I really like your hair I just want to say we all like good evening maor and Commissioners Adelina Ross CIP manager uh the project that you're referring to is the one of um 27th Avenue and that's a do project that they will install a crosswalk along the uh to connect both uh the sidewalk no what I'm talking about is what a Gateway sign is yes but it's just all it's been that way for a while falling apart so why is all torn up I know I'm not talking about a sidewalk I'm talking about inside inside the why is it all tow up and that was interfering with the do project and actually that was part of do road at the moment at the was constructed so why have we requested them to at least make it look better because we got big Gateway sign saying we're going Tock it just the whole area just looks they they will they will once the project is more advanced but that's part of the project and we knew they were going to leave it torn up like that um I will have to defer that to Mr Rustin because that has been in the works for a few years now I think they actually came to City commission last year to make a presentation regarding this project no that what what what I presentation was on 135th and then the other part going around the curb I'm talking about the Gateway even if they're doing work it just looks bad I mean it looks really bad to say welcome TOA here's our events but the Gateway in the area looks terrible uh we'll contact the project manager for that project tomorrow to express the concerns City yeah please please express concern I I can't see them leaving any other City especially the Gateway entrance into our city in that kind of condition that that's that's not except we need to we need to whoever the project manager whoever I see Mr behind you but Mr manager that that just looks terrible so whatever we can do you know as they're moving moving forward and they're not working on that part cuz I don't really see them doing that in there but it's all just torn apart um the other thing is and I guess while you're up there CU see CIP over at seaga where they're doing the work um I guess part of the new walking and and T to concrete and I did mention it a while back about roping off but I noticed I guess with their equipment they're they're tearing into the grass I guess to get cross to the other side where they're laying or cutting it out uh I would hope that they're going to replace our grass it's going to be restored once the PRI is finished but at their cost yes yeah because it looks really challenging and the um other thing along the same lines uh Mr manage you mentioned aboutou because I talked about that way back with the county um for the services and of course the water was one and and some of the others to be able to allow us obviously do our own uh dump collection back at our Place Etc now you said you're making progress now y'all been had this for a minute I'm I'm of the opinion I'm just speaking for me now um maybe the commission needs to get involved at some point here because y'all been negotiating or you've been trying to negotiate for a while with staff and these water issues keep coming up because they come up and meet me Monday as well and we're tired we can't do anything we don't have any leverage so I know you said you got a meeting schedule with uh Mr Morales who's kind of higher up I would suggest after that meeting you let us know what happens because I think at some point we got to get involved because too many of our citizens are impacted by $1,600 water bill you know 500 water it just make any sense and then you got to pay it or your water is off so uh I don't know when you had a meeting scheduled but hopefully as soon as you do you come back send us email we think we made progress if not then the mayor suggest along with us got to go down and get on the agenda because it's having an impact on our our our residents and the last thing on the your report we've had a rash of of shootings in our city um and I and I know police can't be everywhere but I want us to hopefully you can give it to us a writing that she can briefly mention it no specifics of what you're doing all that stuff but to to give a sense of calmness that you know the shooting we're having throughout the city I know some have been in complex or whatever uh I don't know if they have the off duty police or whatever the one that we just had recently but to just kind of reassure of these shootings we've had and we're not the only city Happ so I don't want to seem like we are because as um Reverend Dunn mentioned M Gard just had one the other day but are we doing or what are we doing not specifics of what you may be in but to do whatever you can to kind of address these shootings because it seems to be every other you know and unfortunately ours get highlighted more than other places Mr manager so as you know in your in the flash traffic we've had several shot spotter calls just the other day we responded we we retrieved our uh our casings we identified one of the subjects and he is currently in custody uh priority response team from Mi County mtaf uh uh multi- agency uh gang task force is in throughout Miami throughout opaka weekly um every morning at 9:00 a.m. we have a community Shield call with all the agencies with Miami Dade and brow County they are through here we report on each other's uh significant uh crimes that occur in our city as well as uh the most recently we arrested right up the block uh two guys with 50 stolen vehicles and I know you're talking about shootings but everything intertwines everything cingles so to your to your question vice mayor if we're providing security how many detectives do we have we have a sergeant and six uh and they are working around the clock we don't have time to place security for anybody those officers don't those detectives don't work off duty jobs do me a favor what commissioner Kelly asked you to do is to bring ease to our residents please that we we no so we want you to provide hope as our chief to letting our residents know that they can sleep well tonight knowing that they they will be safe thank you much Mr Mayor thank you for realigning me uh residents of Obaka you can sleep safe our officers out on the street our detectives are working around the clock to ensure the safety in all aspects of their investigations and the offers uh as you see them patrolling the streets their their uh lights are on as I as I quoted a year ago um they're conducting traffic stops and fulfilling all the aspects of law enforcement in opaka so you can sleep sleep sleep safely within the city of opaka opaka has opaka police department has a wash and the and the thank you um thank you for that and the apartment complex I know they requir by our law to have and all of those are in comp I mean all the ones that fit the criteria they are in compliance with having either security or whatever I know some of them have you have to have so many units but all of them are where they supposed to be with those that is correct commissioner matter of fact we just signed new contracts today for uh BL Gardens and another Community complex and tomorrow we expect to complete the rest of renewal contracts for the off duty jobs okay I just want to be clear and um all right okay and there's a part of that I know a while back we talked about uh crime watch and I know they were doing some some work with the community policing in some of Department complexes but I think we need to extend that over into communities and Commercial districts as well I mean I know Staffing could be an issue but every little bit helps in terms of communication yes commissioner all right thank you that that's all I have for the manager rep thank you Mr manager all right and um commissioner Williams I had questions for the manager as well okay M uh through the mayor Mr manager um just to piggyback a little bit on the water bills what's the plan of I I heard all the the stuff we're going to engage but the issue is the water bills are due now like they're now are we telling our residents to go ahead and pay ,600 or in my case $1,400 and maybe yes Commissioners get hit too um because that's what my bill is are we saying that to go ahead and pay it because I'm going to tell you now I just received one today that says you don't pay it your water come get shut off so are we saying to pay it until we figure this out and then we no when the problem gets solved then do we get reimbursed what what does that look like they County don't I'll get a credit oh okay but I mean like this is not good this is horrible like I'm being yelled at by my own mom dead serious and the thing about what bothers me is and I'm going to connect it because when when even even when we were going through issues with water I was never affected I could never I can't ever say that I was one of those residents that had those issues got L I'm lucky but somehow this got to be tied into something pipes RVs this got to be tied into something I don't know what this is but we're getting hit I mean I am talking to Residents I'm sorry let me let me let me go back I am talking to homeowners and those homeowners are saying their electricity bills are going up too I don't know about your my bill skyrocketed and the same amount of people same usage as a matter of fact it's less because everybody's at work or school so it's confusing to me we got to figure out how we gonna fix this now I'm not going to give my soap box but $1,400 got to be paid or um you know then so I need to I I mean quick I we need answers like something's got to be done and and Miss Russell $1,600 and it just keeps going we keep hearing it it's happening um and we're going to have a line of people in a minute it's G to happen a line of people going to be here homeowners saying that they're water build not the people that are letting people stay on their property um and where are we with a Parks playground the park the playgrounds where are we with that yes uh we have uh identified a cont contract and uh setup that we are doing as a piggyback contract and we should be bringing that back to the Commission in the first uh first meeting of October okay okay because I want to see it get done okay thank you yes ma'am all right any other questions for the managers under his report before we move on all right uh Mr Mayor U Mr manager thank you uh so I wanted to address a a a couple concerns um and correct the record um this as we all saw uh the seniors on the Move uh seniors were here tonight um and I to my understanding was not on the hot seat um it has been about a year now that we uh the city discuss the programs with the seniors on the move and they decide if they would like to come and as we know as we know we have 2500 seniors here in the city of opaka and a very small percentage of them have cars have their own Vehicles those are persons over the age of 65 So currently we have approximately 5050 uh seniors that are registered for our program and and the only ones that come are the ones that we are able to provide transportation for the majority of which so that's a service that the city of opaka has been providing to uh the seniors uh independent of myself uh and as regard to uh campaigning I have also heard the rumors that I've been out there uh campaigning for uh well a new one I heard a new one tonight but there was one that I heard regarding a former uh commissioner uh however I have not endorsed supported financially given money to uh any candidate that is um that is currently running for the city commission for the city of opaka however as a private citizen uh I have the right off my own time as I on my own time if I want to support any campaign as we've had charter members that have provided Financial donations to campaigns I have not I have never done that uh so forth from and so on so I wanted to uh you know clear that up uh and uh speak on that and and um yeah thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you for the clarification all right we're going to move on to um official board reports all right we're going to a fut future agenda items do we have any future agenda items I would I would I'm sorry I would like to uh Pro for um I call it a line of credit the manager has that 25,000 line of credit that he doesn't have to come to us to get approval for I want to propit that we drop that to 10,000 so that we will know what is truly going on in our city at all times okay um the um Madam attorney that the manager's discretion for the the it it is an ordinance um Mr Mayor and if you all choose to do that it would just require a second for it to go on the next agenda for your consideration at an upcoming meeting all right all right so the future AGA item was proferred by vice mayor Irvin can I get it any second second second second by commissioner sorry the to reduce the managers um to $10,000 instead of we hit okay so it was moved by um vice mayor IR second by commissioner Kelly um Madame cler commissioner bass to reduce the manager's discretionary fund from $25,000 to 10,000 Vice May Irvin yeah yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams this is for future agenda item so we can vote on it later so I'll say yes so I can hear hear mayor Taylor same I wanna I want to hear you out too so yes motion passes 41 all right any other future agenda items yes Mr Mayor um commissioner Williams um I have two um I would like to bring a future agenda item to R View and revamp the bylaws of all boards and how members are chosen and how they remain on the board as well as the language of the bylaws okay and so okay let's let's vote on that one go did I say it right bylaws I might I maybe I didn't say it right through the mayor it would be just the ordinances dealing with the specific committees because they're not bylaws but they're but the ordinance and this would be for all of the all yes have one standard so you realize you would be bringing these you would be bringing like 12 or 14 boards back individually with ordinances changing all of them and you'd have to notice them and in order to do that so I think I'm talking about the language of the bylaws um Can it all no you're saying no because they're all they they may be all different governing how they're governed there's no there's no bylaws yeah there's resolutions or ordinances maybe some of them were done by resolution and it wouldn't require a second reading we could just bring it back but we'd have to go through each of the items to determine um and and then if you could give some guidance unless it's just a discussion item because it's going to be a lot of work so if you could give some guidance in terms of you you want it to be um you know a certain term or certain time or mney then let's let's simplify it so can we as a board authorize commissioner Williams to work with you to look at all boards and bring back language if if vot well that yes and actually and I would I'm gonna ask the clerk to I'm gonna ask the clerk to join me that's fine that's why I said you because it's just her she the boys sure so um yourself and is is that a yeah okay fine that way cuz she can out what for now okay thank you all right so can I get a you you moved this can I get a second second by commissioner baz all right Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right another one yes um want to Future agenda item to bring back the RV legislation as a future agenda item to re rework it or however we're do is there something in particular or did you all want to Workshop it through the mayor no I would I I would rather you bring it back discuss I want to work through it the way maybe provide some amendments through my own legislation and then bring it back does that make sense Madam attorney so the the the the vote would be to allow um commissioner Williams to work directly with me to amend the RV resol resolution or ordinance to come back for you all's consideration directly with you or you and the manager you can work with the manager and I'll just review it no I would like to work with both of you because I do want to add some legal okay legal stuff in it as well okay yes ma'am all right ma'am just quickly um talking A M I was just wondering if it would be okay that your colleagues also interject being with email forms what we would like to that would Happ work out of the sunshine so once I'm sorry not to us to the attorney or Miss Flores not I'm not willing to do that I I say my opinion when we bring it for the only thing I have a concern with commissioner Kelly one second um being that you are profer to amend it um it goes live and into effect at the end of the month so would we have to make a motion to put a Auditorium on no You' have to change the ordinance because that's a part of the ordinance you're missing what I'm saying the it goes live into effect she's going to amend it she's making a motion to amend the ordinance so what stands today goes live at the end of the month so in the inum of that ordinance coming back we need to do something now because it won't be back before before it goes live into effect so can we make a motion no sir let me explain the the 90 days that's in the ordinance it's a part of the ordinance so to do if you wanted to do anything with that ordinance you'd have to amend that ordinance and it requires the two readings as you know so right now it goes into effect as it's stated because it's already been passed it had a time you know period in it and and the only thing that you can do right now is amend that ordinance now if you wanted to have a special meeting or something like that and have the first reading you know let's say sometime within the special meeting and then you know after publication then have the second reading and do it sooner then your next meeting you all have the option to do that but without anything more done you can't just you know amend anything right now because no I'm not asking to amend I'm saying can we make a motion to direct the city manager to not take any action on anyone who RV why not sir sir because it's already a part it's an ordinance it's your law okay if you don't mind if I I'm sorry I to manager um can he just use his discretion yes and then we no he can't he can't I'm asking yeah right I just want to be clear that it's it's it's it's a law it's a city's law that you passed and the only way to change that law is to do it through the process so it's not something he has discretion on it's not something the commission can make a motion or vote on right now it is your law okay so then what I'm going to um profer Madam attorney to add to her her ordin amendment that it comes back at the next meeting okay which is the 25th is that I just wanted to hear from the manager if you don't mind okay well this this commission this very commission sitting here has provided authority to withhold enforcement action on the encroachment uh that's what I thought if I mean it's not like this commission hasn't already directed that or so I'm I'm confused I'm confused too so if you all allow us to look at it and if you want this to come back and you're you're directing it to be back on the next agenda and you're saying that you would like for commissioner Williams to be able to work with us let's do that because that's something that we can talk through and okay so the the order the the the future agenda item is to for commissioner Williams to work with staff and M manager and attorney to amend her ordinance for the RV all right so it was moved by commissioner Williams gonna get a second second by um Vice May um Madame clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes Vice May uran yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z any other future G items all right so I have one future genda item I and my future agenda item is simply put to get rid of future agenda items because even with tonight it messes things up so that's my future agenda item to to oh wow to repeal future agenda items so that's that's where I'm at with that okay um it was moved by mayor Taylor seconded by commissioner Kelly Madam clerk commissioner Williams no commissioner baz no vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 32 all right and vice mayor you had a I apologize Mr Mayor uh this ACM and I just totally missed what you voted on could you state for us for our notes good appeal future agenda items okay and it passed all right Vice man um you you recently kind of sent my brain waves moving when um we were doing the budget process and you asked so somewhere there's a statement that has 12 million or whatever on it that you asked the manager and I wanted to do a future agenda item saying that we get an opportunity to look at these bank statements too so that we will know ourselves like what kind of money we have in the bank and we have a resolution in place that we're supposed to get monthly um Financial reports I believe that if I'm not mistaken uh those have never included bank statements but we can include that that's what you're asking for she wants bank statements you want bank statements yes okay so we'll be happy to provide those money's there we'll be happy to provide those that's my future agenda item but yeah y'all gota work that out the wording I don't know what that so you literally want to see the bank statement yeah it don't be yeah that's that's fine I just want to make sure the language all right it was moved by Vice Amer get a second second second by um commissioner Williams and Madam cler roll call commissioner baz okay she wants to be able to well government is transparent yes she wants to be able to see the bank statement that's fine all right um B say yes okay Vice May Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I want to be um very clear I'm trying to understand the timeline because as you mentioned the RV ordinance goes into back and even though um we all know we don't want to see it go into effect in essence is already law according to the attorney I want to know is there possible for future agenda item as uh was indicated to possibly move up the readings so that we can have a special meeting but I but you have uh commissioner Williams wants to revamp it I'm trying to is there a way and to get to point where September 30th does not have folks being impacted because as you said we can't change the law and so even if we come back on the 25th for a first reading if I heard you correctly second reading not going to take place till after a special meeting now could that special meeting happen on September 28th 29th that's what I'm getting at so that the law would not have an impact assuming the amendment that will be coming forward um and addressing the concerns that commissioner was going to profer that's what I'm trying to ask would that require a future agenda item on the agenda well what you could do is you could have the first reading sooner and then you could have the second reading 10 10 you know 10 days later right once the notice is done the clerk would better be able to tell you how that how they take the notice at the newspaper but you could have the first reading um you know we could work with uh commissioner Williams very quickly and you know within like early next week I guess well that's why I'm asking because she's got to work on it I know her schedule is busy I'm just trying to make I'm trying to hopefully get us before that September 30th deadline where the law takes effect right I think the next meeting is the 25th so if the if you meet on the 25th there's no way you'd be able to have that second reading legally um but like I said you could have a first reading earlier which would allow you to still we're just we're not even halfway through the month yet so well I guess to commission Williams Mr Mayor to my colleague because it's your legislation so as I said earlier even the early comments to defer you but I don't want that September 30th deadline possible I'm just asking does it need to be a future agenda item not it's just a special meeting that can be called at the first reading if she has the items together is that what you're saying the other the other option you could have is if um what the May suggested and I think you suggested too commissioner Kelly is moving that um period that notice period back you could just have ordinances have time that would give us time more time to work on whatever other changes you may want to make but you could just have an ordinance just that that would extend that time let's say 90 days or something like that you could have a first reading next week and then have the second reading and then um within the month before the 30th extending it and then now you changed your law right so you'd have long a longer period of time you can make it six months whatever you all wanted to do as a commission and then that would give us time to do other things that you might want to do with the um legislation whether it's I think it already has a registration period in it but whatever whatever it is that you may be thinking commissioner Williams that would give us time if you just end the notice period so let me just recap let me go back because a lot was happening um we're saying to just do an ordinance to extend the time frame and of course that would need two readings we would still need a special commission meeting you you would need a special commission meeting because you'd have to start the process right before the end of the month could we then do the next meeting is what September 25th could that be the second reading would that be enough time Joan is that enough time um actually the deadline to meet the 10day requirement was today for the 25th so that just because today is the deadline to be advertised in the 15th for the 25th meeting which gives you the 10day notice okay so so Madam attorney so if you have a meeting next week then you can start the I guess the day after with the notice 10 days later before the 30th just extending the time only and then when you got to a point you know unless the commission terminates it earlier which you would do by another ordinance so once you got to a point where you had something that you wanted to bring back this just allows the the education period to take place longer which suggest I want to hear from Madam clerk real quick so so um let me just say this we um typically advertised in the Miami heral neighbors section Which is less expensive than the local section of the Miami heral now the deadlines are different for the local section and we may be able to still get an ad in the local section to meet the 25th however the cost difference is several thousand dollar for an ad so just for your consideration um good commissioner thank you um to the sponsor um I I would be meaningful to guess if it's a future agenda item I don't know i' I'd be aable to a special meeting um sometime next week um and then 10 days after that you can have a second even if it's just me extended of time to allow you to put your amendments together I just want to make I'm just hoping that we don't hit the 30th where it's enforceable and and that that's the only thing I'm trying to to avoid um and I I guess listen to the attorney only way to do that is to have something next week than the second meeting 10 days later um and the clerk I mean I guess to the to the to the clerk Mr Mayor would that still cost us the additional thousands yes commissioner Cy well how many thousands we talking let me let me ask real quick um through the mayor does it does it and I don't know if this is illegal or what does it have to be enforced by the city I I wouldn't I wouldn't through the man I I would not say publicly for you all to put on the record and say that you're not going to enforce things so all I can tell you is that it is your law it would be your law okay right got it so I'm going to go with the um special meeting um think we you said it had to be next week Madam attorney or Madam in order to make your oh no no no I'm sorry that was several thousands you said okay so then oh you don't mind Mr manager I'm sorry what's the penalty for um the because it seemed like we we we're stuck um the the day is the 30th day so if I get on October 1st and I get a citation from code enforcement is it a warning or is it's a it's a warning without payment yes but how long is the warning how long do you have to cure it 30 days okay and if oh okay that's enough okay all right thank you that's we did all that okay all right all right any other question I mean any other future agenda items all right um going on to the mayor and manager I mean sorry the mayor and commission report we can start no she said no we're gonna start right to left commissioner Kelly thank you Mr Mr Mayor I'm I'm glad that we um hopefully come to some agreement on the RV ordinance so I don't have to spend time on that CU I had on my report because there's no other way for me to discuss it and let me just say for the public to my colleague um anything that I that I do or propose or in a meeting is never done to slight any one of my colleagues uh or their agenda or their items so you felt that way I I do apologize but many items come to me in my office or me Monday and if you look at the record of folks that came I was very clear that I wasn't the sponsor of the legislation that folks would come and talk about it um I have my own opinion which I was not going to go into detail about but I'm still very adamant and clear on the uh education part which was the 90 days and that's what I was very clear on and still clear on um as to that should have taken place and it did not take place in the way the legislation appeared um so if you felt that I was overstepping on your legislation please accept my poliy because that wasn't my intent but I do hear the concerns of residents and homeowners about this issue some of which was expressed tonight um not saying we don't need to deal with the RV ordinance but also some amendments and possibly um making it more pable and also making it where residents would understand what we're doing so I'm glad to see that you're going to work on that and I look forward to supporting uh you in that effort I want to the second thing is a feasibility study updates um covering February to July and we've had several we had quite a few uh Mr manager I want to just if you don't have it tonight which I know you wouldn't but if you can get the commission and update because some of these go back to last year um and maybe some have occurred and maybe we just weren't aware of them but they've been out there for a while some of them are financially uh impact and that's why I'm bringing them up uh one is the I think the the gum buback program which I think we allocated some funding for which was passed back in June of 2023 May shaking his head I I don't know um what has happened or what happened and we allocated $10,000 for the gun uh buyback matter of fact was sponsored by the mayor pardon me commissioner Kelly through the mayor um do you want me to respond to you because I have resp I don't want to respond to all of them because I have like 10 of them I just want to give them to you I know you got it because why you you you on top of because you saw in that report that's why I put it in there okay I I don't want to spend all the time to respond yes sir I just want to put on the record to make sure the ones you have are the ones I'm concerned about because it's not all of them uh they've gone byy that because it had a a um fiscal impact the other one was the um steps for placement of signs around Wilmington Street Canal because those signs are still not there this was passed in February 15 and so we need to know what's happening because they're still um you know it all over the place the other was a feasibility study for the food pantry at England park again we didn't budget for it this year um because we I was waiting on that feasibility study uh about establishing the food pantry so we can get that that was passed in May um an update on that one and the advantages and or disadvantages of uh transitioning from a five-day work week to a 4 day work week an update on where we are with that because we actually were looking at um part of legislation hopefully having it implemented 2526 so I know that's a fiscal thing the other one was the signage the city parks um that was passed March 18 uh shaby has the signage I've seen it looks real nice but the other Parks don't have the signage so we need to find out I sooning you contract that out but maybe they haven't got to it need to get to that one as well and uh my colleague mentioned the playground but the Improvement plan for Seagull and England Park um just an update on where we are with that um because that was February 28th and also um I know the traffic study that we passed for Jan and Ahmad um an update on on that one where we are with that as well I know the araban nights we passed in our budget and also uh the one for pedestrian crosswalk on Alibaba and the direction school zone that was sponsored by commissioner uh bass um I just want to get an update on all of those because they're kind of like four or five months in um what's going on with those as well as the one for the engineering study Miami Dave for the no parking uh signs in various areas in the city so if you could provide that to the commission update on those where we are because some of them do have a financial impact to make sure we're on board before we get to that last budget hearing yes sir in case we do thank you um the other one is the jet skis I think for Ingram Park that's why I mentioned about the Improvement plan because as you know that corner area down there was really designed for a Jet Ski entrance so we can look at that as part of the park Improvement plan to um you know instead of going through Wilmington you use that area over there and I want feasibility because you can charge yes I you know CU a lot of folks charge you to put the jet skis in but at least we have a better controll over it and not have the traffic um off of Wilmington so that's what I have my report you can um give us all the updates on it as soon as possible thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you vice mayor thank you oh wait I'm sorry Mr manager you said that you had the answers to those yes so can you email that to the commission please yes all right oh I the gun buyback program is not on here because it wasn't a feasibility study but the gun buyback program is in the budget at $10,000 so just put it right write it down when you send the email in there okay yeah all right please VI sorry yes hi I won't be long um I had I had the opportunity um on last week I mean on Sunday to take 14 people to a Marlins game where they gave us what I call the Sweet Life uh we were literally in Su in a suite there at the Marlin stadium valet parking lunch they really did us right um and I want to say thanks to the people that made that happen for us also um I know that um we have a criminal investigation going on with one of our Park staff if I can just get a closing date or some how long this investigation should last it's been like a few months now two months or so if we can have some idea of like that being completed um also I'd like to wish our parks and wreck a safe travel over the weekend they're going to go up to Fort Pierce for football football game also our seniors on the move is going to be going to their nine 10 day trip to um n CS I wish them safe travel as well and I think that is just about it for my um report thank you all right um commissioner Kelly you said you wanted to make an announcement any uh yes Mr Mayor thank you um I also want to of course you had meet me Monday on this past Monday uh Dr gallon was our our guest speaker and talked a little bit about education and programs that are going on certainly always thank the community for coming out for uh meet me Monday um also on next um Bingo this week right you mention you mention that but uh this Saturday we're going to have as part of Hispanic heritage uh month a taste opaka from 3: to 6 at um chbani Pavilion invite the entire Community out we're going to have a bingo tournament and a taste loock of various food uh in the community going to have a u mariachi band and other things so come out for the community enjoy that of course I'm I'm saying it now you'll see the flyer uh because it's been asked about the DMV will be um at Helen Miller on next Friday as a part of our feeding South Florida um Outreach to DMV will be back but you do have to register online um for that uh service but they will be there for those who need um IDs or anything um they were able to come back this month they've been out because of the hurricane um but they'll be back this month so you can go online and register if you need to take advantage of um of that and um I think that's about it for the moment Mr Mayor thank you commissioner bz thank you and to my brothers and sisters who will be celebrating um um Hispanic Heritage Month have a wonderful time enjoy um on Saturday September 21st um Mar commission sponsored by myself will be hosting our annual um baby show National baby I'm sorry a baby shower I'm in cation with um celebrating National Baby safety month is going to be at shabi Village Auditorium 2 to5 and you would have to register online um and make sure that you have your proof that you are a resident of the great city of opaka because I believe that our funds should go to our people so again we're going to be having our national Baby safety month event vendors from everywhere will be there September 21st to to 5 o'cl at shabi Village thank you commissioner Williams okay I'll um uh first let me say thank you commissioner bass for doing I think this is the year three um and I've always said um Pampers are just beyond expensive and so um thank you for providing that and thank you to the board I do want to give a special shout out to coach Trent wherever you are you hear me somewhere coach Trent I got I gotta shout him out Jaylen is officially a opal Locker Hurricane football player [Laughter] and and thank you to the Village Miss Ray Trent everyone that um supports me it's not easy being a single parent and you need support at all terms um shout out to the ladies I don't know all their names but shout out to the ladies that do the cheering Squad like man it's like a hundred of them out there miss Chris Miss Chris and it's a bunch of other them they are like so Precision they look amazing and I'm hearing Jaylen doing cheers at home I'm like what you because they're so it's just yeah you hear it right you hear it so shout out to those ladies shout out to the um the uh coaches all the coaches um and not just football but basketball and everything that we have um it's not it's it's hard work being out there because um you know sitting I'm as a football parent now sitting at the park from 6 to 8 is not easy and so let me tell you but it's it's um it's rewarding and just to see the the faces um I'm I look forward to Saturday's game I keep hearing about Saturday's game um who knows if but um but again coach Trent you the man okay um secondly I want to say that um I will be hosting a community resource Fair the first week of October is um I'll get back with you with that um and food will be provided Community that's what we're here for um secondly I just want to say that when I brought the RV legislation and I'm not going to be a dead horse but when I bought the RV legislation it was to improve and it was for um the betterment of our homeowners and if I don't listen to the homeowners if I don't listen to our residents then I'm sitting up here for nothing and I I will say that I heard I heard um I was here at the workshop and I heard everyone I made it a point to not talk I made it a point to listen um with myo espol I know quite a bit actually I grew up in halia a little bit I did actually um you know I'm saying my school I went School my I didn't go to High you should have but um so I heard you and I want you to know that um I am not against anyone that is not um what I'm here for but it is to to to bring legislation since I've been on the board for 4 years it has always been about beautification for the city that has always been my goal my task and if I don't stick to my guns and even if it is about improving and even if it is about when others say well we have other things going on that's you know garbage and illegal dumping we do as a board we do try to work on it but it is a complete eyes sore but at the end of the day I never want to hurt people that are trying to do something recreational with their family and that's not that's not the plan but if you are you cannot like we cannot continue to use our city to make money there are laws on the books I can't my house into a corner store I can't turn my house into a beauty salon not supposed to it happens so we can't turn our homes into apartments and when we do that and we hear water bills we hear electricity that has to end so at the end of the day it's not about race because I've been accused twice twice yes I'm just saying it put on record I've been accused but at the end of the day we have to do what's best for our city it's infrastructure it's trash electricity water so you drive by and see how many garbage cans you see now families are now some houses have two and there's a reason to that but you pay for it and so that's my point so you know I'm just going to say my goal and although I am not running and I've it's been a thrill these four years running for re election I'm glad I'm not because this is oh Jesus but y oh my god oh y'all got running but anyway um I'm not running but at the end of the day it's about leaving a legacy and I want to leave a legacy and I want to at the end of the day be known as that was the commissioner that cared about beautification of this city and if that's not what I'm going to be about I'm not about I'm going to tell you about you lining your pockets cuz this room should have been filled the when I profer the item this room should have been filled first reading and this room was semi F second reading we did nothing we did everything by the book we did everything the way we did it tonight the way we do things every night so the notion that we did something unfair the notion that we did something illegal or under the table or we did not let people know this is our process and this is how it works we pass laws every time we come you can see how many items was on the books and these items are will turn into ordinances some of them will and there are laws so that's how it works so we need to educate ourselves and understand how this process work um former commissioner you could tell yeah how it works you should know so nonetheless I want to thank everyone um for the pros and the cons and I look forward to bringing back um an amendment to the legislation again um thank you for the board um for everything that you've done thank you um what we're gonna what we'll no what we'll do is we'll get you connected with our um our Clerk and then she'll answer your question all right so um my M report is simple um B did not do it but Bingo is Friday at 6 PM okay and we also have the budget hearing the second budget hearing on September 25th Mr anathan at September 25th at 6 PM 6m right here in the chamber so we just want to make you all aware Mr Man go ahead oh no go ahead I would till you finish all right um Mr manager for the for the sake of time glor of the Guardians and the financial oversight just send it to us in writing unless we all have does anybody have questions okay yes sir and commissioner Kelly yes I I wanted mention she didn't mention cuz I I hear about it I can't make it cu the time uh commission B had chess on Saturday um I don't I hardly ever can get there because my schedule but I do appreciate the chess I'm gonna get there one of these days but I do hear about it thank you for doing that the other thing to the manager and and I know you're having something early and I'm having something late Mr manager if we could see if we can get um the pr folks out here at least for some period of time a little bit for mission basson in because I don't know how that that process work we have give a certain day notice or something or I'll reach out to I reach out to miss mockin and have an for you okay thank you all right and one last thing I do want to shout out um officer oh God what is her name me and we me commissioner Kelly and the vice mayor attended the graduation for the Explorers very impressive I I love the fact that our young people are engaged need some uniforms okay and I was just about to say trying to be nice we need uniform that Mr manager I know we're passing the budget so I want you all to consider we need to pour into our children um we need to increase because it though the ceremony was good I want us to be you know look our best okay so I want think it's in the budget from no no no no no a little a little better he knows exactly what exactly what he knows exactly what I mean he trust me knows what I mean so we need to um it's Rebeca Che I guess she knows what I mean so we have to invest in our children they they put their best foot forward that night and I am sad to say that no one saw it because it was a great program a great program and I wish we would have done better and I wish my what I'm I'm I think yeah I want to do over so once we once we get those uniforms we need to redo that program so that everybody can witness it the pr firm wasn't here the no it was downstairs in the in the chamber I mean it was the police did their I'm not mad what the police did they did their job with what they could do but I want to since this is coming back for the first time in years I want to make a big deal out of it and I know commissioner Kelly been screaming this for the longest about the Explorers but that's that's that's where I'm at so kudos to to um officer dun thank you that's her name thank you Stephen officer dun officer sheon I don't remember the other officer it was it was one more officer dun sheon and they know who they are all right so other than that we Mr Mayor go ahead as you're closing is is Mr manager is Mr King here uh King Leonard is he here he hiding out the door could you have him comeing for a second no this is a good thing I got to do this because I told him I was going to do it I see him hiding he hiding he King Leonard I I I just want to thank you for your staff to help out but the gentleman that listen to the radio while he uh bagging please let him know I I talked about him tonight I told him I was for the great job he does and all of them do but I want to mention because he's on point listen to his music but he's getting it done so I I said I was gonna mention I just saw him a note so I a want to forget it great job thank you so like commissioner Kelly said we just say thank you to the staff as a whole you all are doing an awesome job thank you for your patience thank you for your willingness and thank you for what you all are doing for the city to make sure that it moves forward um the next one is last but not least official board appointment please official board appointments um if we have none I do Mr Mayor one for historical preservation yes so I'm going to profer this person Miss Mar Marissa Hernandez Hernandez for the historic preservation board it is an at large appointment so can I get a second on that second all right Madam clerk we can go ahead and call the role to Appo her to the preservation board vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all right thank you for that we're getting ready to adjourn so we just want to keep Mr Mr Mayor I just got a message from our Community Development Department to remind the commission that we are invited to a groundbreaking ceremony at tomorrow at 100 p.m. for for the Redwood Mosaic apartment complex which is our first Housing Development in the city in 12 years got it so thank you for that all right so um we want to keep the families um that was affected um in prayer for 911 and we also want to celebrate the heroes that arose during that time also September is both Hispanic Heritage Month which it bleeds into October also it is also Suicide Prevention month so we want to keep those that are battling with depression in prayer um so there's that so we're going to can I have a motion to adjourn mve by commissioner Kelly second by vice mayor this meeting is adjourned