##VIDEO ID:ZGi-WYufOrY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone Welcome to our special Commission meeting November 20th 2024 the time is now 608 Madam clerk can we do roll call to Esta Forum please commissioner baz here Vice May Irvin here commissioner Kelly pres commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here um invocations um led by Dr B father we thank you for this today Father God that we know that you have been so faithful to us and Lord God you allow us to be here Lord God you allow us oh God to serve our community father we ask you God that you'll continue to bless us God help us oh God to be the city that you would want us to be Lord we thank you for our family our friends our businesses oh God we thank you oh God for everyone that is vested into the city of opaka give us Grace give us Mercy in Jesus name amen amen amen I pleas allegion anded Al to the of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all all righty we're getting ready to go into our public input and because this is a special Meeting those of you that are speaking under public input we ask that you stay to the topics on the agenda so we're going to go ahead and open up public input public input is open public input is open public input is closed all right Madame attorney 61 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to reject the bid proposal for request for proposals rfp2 24-10 92000 for art in the right of way service providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion second moved by commissioner Kelly second by Dr Bass Madam um manager this is your item you can go and present upon receiving the single proposal City Administration determined that the proposal was not in compliance with the RFP requirements and a request is being made to reject the proposal and seek an alter alternative option for these Services which will be heard in agenda it item number two okay all right any questions for Madam manager all right we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z thank you madam attorney 62 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to enter into negotiation for artistic Services providing for a corporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager I can I have a motion move for discussion move by commissioner Kelly for discussion second second by vice mayor mam manager due to the non-compliance submission of the RFP for the Arts of RightWay project City Administration is seeking approval to enter into negotiations with artpad Inc for artistic Services the nonprofit organization has also worked with other municipalities and other organizations within Winwood and Overtown um if approved this item will be in an amount not to exceed $125,000 all right so I you to commissioner Kelly we open up for discussion commissioner Kelly okay thank thank you Mr Mayor um Madame manager so the I got the first one you rejected so to have them um to enter into agreement I guess the only question have would that agreement uh maybe it's for the attorney have to come back to the commission or because you gave the amount of not to exceed Madam attorney would not need to come back to us um the contract would need to come back for approval by the commission the contract would have to come back yes okay and then that question I only really have then uh we know this has to be encumbered so it's the intent of administration to have it either via um that meeting in December or if necessary special meeting which I know we're trying to avoid is that the intent the intent is to try to have it at the first meeting in December okay all right thank you thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you U Madam Madam manager the only question that I have on this can we get the scope of work like what's the intent what because I see the The Proposal from what they did not sorry the catalog from what they did to the city city of Miami and I think and it was another city that I see yes I if you would allow Miss Adelina gross to approach the podium and she no you don't have to do it now when you bring it you bring it just okay when you bring it okay all right any other questions to the manager on this item all right we can call the question Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right 63 thank you a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to piggy back Source fille contract number FL - r10 D gc02 d111 821 dscd with shift construction and development Inc for qualified Professional Services for General Construction Services sortwell ifb number 111 821 and enter into an agreement with shift construction and development Inc for Lift Station number nine replacement project services in an amount not to exceed 1 million 4 1 million $149,600 providing for a corporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move for discussion move by commissioner Kelly second second Madame manager by second by um commissioner Williams Madam manager yes Pump Station 16 is located behind Public Works near 43rd Avenue this Pump Station requires replacement to include excavation Demolition and mod ification of pumps valves and discharge connections wait wait Madam Madam manager we on um three Pump Station 9 oh I'm sorry station Pump Station nine okay so this pump station is located at the corner of Sean Avenue and 151st Street this pump station is identical and it also requires replacement and Al replacement of EX excavation Demolition and modifications of pumps valves and discharge connections staff has identified a piggyback sourcewell agreement with shift Construction Inc that will allow these services to be rendered and I have Miss Adelina gross here to answer any questions you may have all right so here to commissioner Kelly we open up the floor for discussion commissioner Kelly um thank you Mr Mayor the only question I really have again um and really goes to nine and6 so I'll answer ask it one time because we're piggybacking off of an existing agreement with sourcewell via shift um they are capable and will be capable to make sure this work gets done I know our main concern is encumber but when we telling you have one company doing that much work but um we we assur we have a comfort level there'll be able to do both of them and get them done in the time frame we need yes and we have also been advised that they will do them simultaneously so nine and 16 will be done at the same time very good very good okay thank you Mr Mayor any other questions to the manager or Miss brose at this time Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um quick question to the manager um mad manager what's the um fail safe that let us know that um they we won't have to come back and pay more I do see and I guess that will be Miss gross she's on the way um I do see in the agreement that it says this agreement may not be modified except by parties mutual agreement set forth in writing but I'm just wondering is there something um written in the agreement that says that the work will be done under the scope of amount that's onest contract good evening uh mayor and commissioner Selina CIP manager this was one of our concerns too because since this is a pump stations um projects are very complicated this is one of the concerns uh one of the one of the provisions of the contract and is that it cannot be modified is a lum sum so the the general contractor will be in case of course there should if there is something extraordinary that will be coming back to commission but as of now we have confirmed with uh sourcewell and the contractor that there will be no modifications of additional scope added to the work okay so thank you for that um and and I only ask because we do know that a lot of times um things happen and they we come back and have to um is if there is a Part B to this agenda item then um let's say something happens and you do have to come back is there a set amount that they cannot like a threshold that they cannot go over for the heartbeat like the if and then or what situation in that case it will be as specific to the situation but we are note um the engineering plans surveys and the the site uh site visit didn't present any any modifications that would need to be done during the construction okay thank you you're welcome all right thank you any other questions to the manager of Miss gross at this time all right Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes Vice May Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to 64 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to piggyback source contract number f l- r10 d gc02 d111 821 dscd with shift construction and development Inc for qualified Professional Services for General Construction Services sourcewell ifb number 11821 and enter into an agreement with shift construction and development Inc for lift station number 16 replacement project Services an amount not to exceed 900 9,485 197 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by vice mayor second second by commissioner Williams uh Madam manager Pump Station 16 is located behind our public works department near 43rd Avenue and the services are the same as the previous item and Miss gross is here to answer any question question you may have all right any um questions or concerns to the manager of Miss gross at this time all right Madam commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right 65 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to accept the proposal of SSN engineering LLC for sanitary seore collection system hydraulic modeling services pursuant to RFQ number 24-10 111200 and further authorizing the interim city manager to enter into negotiations with SS engineering LLC for same providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right I entertain any motions at this time move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by um vice mayor Madam Madam manager a request for qualifications was issued for sanitary sewer collection hydraulic modeling system a single proposal was submitted by SSN engineering City Administration would like to accept this proposal and enter into negotiations with the firm the allocated budget is $150,000 upon approval negotiations will take place immediately and will be presented to the city commission the attent is to pres present this item at our next regular commission meeting in December okay any questions to the manager at this moment Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you um it goes along the same line I'm always concerned about making sure meet the deadline so your intend is to bring it back at a December um first meeting December yes with the um agreement okay and uh it's a budget of 150,000 um so you're going to negotiate you only got one bid and I say this all the time so I might well say it again I'm always concerned we only get one one bid coming back with some things um that always is a challenge for me why more folks are not biding on our projects so that's something we need to really look at going forward because it kind of puts us in a semi bind when only one company uh bids for it but since this is obviously Opera we're trying to get encumbered um hopefully the negotiated amount would be um would be enough thank you Mr Mayor all right any other con turns all right Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to item 66 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to reject all bids for requests for proposals rfp2 24-100 82000 for tree and plant installation services providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Williams second second by commissioner Kelly Madam manager yes so the city did Issue an RFP for this item four companies attended the pre-bid meeting one company submitted questions which was um responded to in addendum one however one company submitted a proposal the one company that submitted a proposal did not comply with the specifications within the RFP therefore I am requesting that this RFP be rejected and those funds be reallocated to the Arts in the RightWay project that was previously passed Mr yeah go ahead commiss yeah I I don't I don't have a problem with the reallocation um to the art skate because I know that was only 62 and that increases that I'm I'm always concerned we start planting these trees and don't have a maintenance plan for him so I was going to have a challenge with that anyway so um in the future once we get a handle on tree maintenance and some of these trees we already got all over the place that need to be trimmed to maintain uh we can entertain that but I wasn't really thrilled on spending money just to uh plant some more trees um and we need to find a maintenance program for the ones we have so I don't PR with that thank you Mr Mayor all right any other questions or concerns all right Madam Madam sorry um clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to six7 item six7 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida accepting the proposal of Safa Construction ruction LLC for Cairo Lane in Northwest 127th Street drainage utilities and roadway improvements project services pursuant to ITB number 24-11 42000 and further authorizing the interim city manager to enter into an agreement with sofa Construction LLC for same in an amount not to exceed 5 million 49,8 se4 and and in the form attached here to as exhibit a providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can get a motion move it second move by um Vice May second by Dr baz um mad manager an invitation to bid was issued for the street D Street drainage and in improvements on carolan and 127 Street we are seeking approval to accept the proposal and enter into an agreement with Safa constructions LLC for the final phase of the Carol Carol Lane project okay um Madam manager I want let me you said Final Phase yeah Final Phase because every year we put in that was my question to St is this the final and I was assured that this is the final phase for Carol Lan okay so then I'm gonna bring up what I brought up commissioner Williams brought up last meeting I brought it up even the meeting before we need to establish a special taxing district for that area because if we're going to spend $5 million to mitigate that issue then because we ain't tearing it up and yes I said we ain't tearing it up we G we gonna fix it but going forward the maintenance of it because it's not fair for us to every year we're yeah it was in last year's budget we did a Band-Aid and then this year we doing almost $5 million so I just want to make sure have it Final Phase Mr Mayor Mr Mayor and oh Comm I hear you but I how long is it gonna take hey while you doing that go ahead commissioner gy no I want hear I want to hear answer first good evening again commissioner um the project is estimated between 12 and 18 months to be completed because it's a complex project is very the the conditions of kidol Lane is as we see it and there is trash there is stuff that need to be unar that is new drainage that needs to be installed and replaced because it's not working anymore so in connections that need to be made one second how you how you commission what is the projective starting time uh once execution I think 7 days after notice to proceed said it again seven days after the notice to proceed is issue we're looking forward to it me too commissioner you don't commissioner K thank you I I think Mr Mayor and I I have said it as well as you and others um we need to look at throughout the city at special assessment district for a lot of different things so I hope um as management is looking forward because of other areas and we to deal with the same way with special assessment I know we are in the middle of this so we can't backtrack but as you said for the maintenance and the other areas that may need um infrastructure improvements to look at them I mean that may require some extra eyes and Consulting but that's something we need to do because we have a lot of areas in our city uh with the same kind of challenge I think what's also we have to keep in mind with this one when it's finished it's going to allow for individual metering am I correct yes and that's one of the major things as we know with the whole Road way in the drainage Etc and individual sewer system no drainage right so it's going to allow for that and so that's individual metering that's also would be um something we've not had in the past so I I definitely look forward um to that and as the mayor said this is the final yes yeah and in the words of the great um late Dy Johnson we go that verbatim in the record the thank you Mr may I about to ask her do you promise I just have one final thing about Kyro Lane to you Miss gross will it be made of gold it's not gold but the most expensive Lan seen in the history of my life it's not gold but we are we are on we are doing country intersections uh because of the white turn of the of the trucks that are in the in in this area we are installing a new um basically a new drainer system because we are filtering each one of the each one of each one of the inlets so they can filter metals and oils and stuff like that before they go into the final filter that is uh I just forgot to work but yes it goes out to the canal and I and I think and and thank you because I know that um throughout the years I have you and I have talked a lot about kyol Lane um and i' you know it's it's just one of those things I just I'm excit I hope it's a ribbon cutting like when it's done but um I I do want not to you but just to to um my colleagues to the commission you know we must must must do something um special taxing district like I mentioned um the last meeting we have to do something even even if it's we're talking about creating adding in those agreements about you just talked about all SU flage um anything that has to do with Environmental Protection on those Lanes cuz that also Can Hurt Road um drainage so when we're talking about you know um CIP or even um Planning and Zoning all these things these protections need to be in place I'm hoping um moving forward that someone up here will take that project and make sure that we run with it and and Truth told it should have been something that um should have been worked on years ago so thank you thank you all right moving thank you um any other questions all right Madame clerk commissioner baz yes Vice May Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to item 68 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida improving the use of City resources to support the opalocka community Corporation Development Corporation inks 5day the art of transformation event to be held on December 4th through the 8th 2024 providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by William second second by vice mayor Madam manager the 10 North group formerly olcdc will be hosting their annual art of transformation event in downtown opaka and will and it's requesting to utilize utilize the city resources through that week the event will be here and it be um something for our residents to take part in so we are requesting approval for this item as well thank you all right any questions or concerns to the manager on the item Mr Mayor commission Kelly I just have one question um I attended last I love the event but y'all just got to get some bigger chairs some little chairs to [Laughter] the mayor quick I'm move they look cute they do look cute but they just you know we for a minute it don't work but I support thank you Mr May through the mayor um thank you for thank you all for for bringing our transformation to opaka I think this is year three oh know 13 look at me um okay so um but thank you I I was thinking of something different um for you know just having uh this event here it's always about the uh expanding the cultural um Variety in our city and I'm so glad that I see spirits will be served thank you you had to put that in always I meant water water water will be all oh my M's not watching now exactly communion I think we're all looking forward to autot transformation is something that a lot of us look forward to every year um but we can go ahead and call a question if we have other concerns Madam clerks commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor wait they never committed to the spirits and the the chairs I should we I'll bring yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to item 69 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida adopting the election results of the city of opaka general election held on November 5th 2024 for the purpose of electing two City commissioners as certified by Miami Dade County Supervisor of Elections providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city clerk all right can I get a motion move it move by Vice May second second by commissioner Williams uh Madam clerk this is your item go ahead um yes thank you m Mr Mayor so um the city of opaka held its general election on November 5th 2024 for the purpose of electing two two City commissioners um the our office received the official certification from Miami day County Supervisor of Elections on Monday November 18th and per pursuant to our city code we are required to adopt the election results as certified by Miami day County Supervisor of Elections and that's the purpose for this resolution before you any questions no questions uh any questions to the Clerk or the manager at this moment all right we can go and call a question I just want to say to I know we about we did this like the third commission William this her third last meeting third time to char call the question quick third last you will be missed you will be you will be missed we make third last me all right and to um those that actually those that put their name in the Hat we want to say thank you and to those that actually were victorious during this election time we say welcome to the team and we look forward to working with each other to our vice may elect and our commissioner elect in the audience we look forward to working with you as one team moving forward to move this city forward with that being said Madame clerk we can call the question vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly you don't want to certify VI mayor elect Kelly I won't commission William stay around just one yes um commissioner Williams wholeheartedly yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z okay um you said it's the best part of the Mee the only thing I'm gonna ask Madame manager I know we're about to adjourn um can you put all of the Opera projects in one document that we can just vote on One Thing Once everything is completed that way we know where everything is going uh I'm sorry okay and commissioner oh um we just want to before we adjourn and remind everybody that we have our turkey drive tomorrow at shundi Village starting at 4 pm it is required that you register if you not have not all already you can register with Madam Clerk or Mr Messa in the back or Miss M and also our tree lighting ceremony is Friday at 5:30 here at our uh Government Center so with that being said can I get a motion to adjourn commissioner William I would like to make a the third motion to a journ can I get a second second by Dr baz this meeting is a journ have a great night you all