##VIDEO ID:iFBr4L-d7T0## thank you I gotta see that'll work [Music] you I don't like it anyways I don't like orang that's his that's his favorite color I can get you a whole bunch of them make you don't want that water the other one can you give it to yes sir we Larry no and got old B good evening everyone Welcome to our first budget hearing September 10 2024 the time is now 6:07 Madam clerk roll call commissioner baz here vice mayor Irvin here commissioner Kelly pres commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor pres we ask commissioner William to lead us an invocation thank you Father for the many blessings you bestowed upon us this day and every day we ask that you continue to watch over the great city of opal and all that reside in it amen am United States okay we know that this is our first um first budget hearing Madam okay the attorney's not here so Madam clerk can you read an inter record and then we'll open up for public hearing please thank you Mr Mayor so this is item 51 First reading ordinance public hearing item an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida adopting a final millage rate puru to section 2000.0 65 Florida statutes for fiscal year 2024 2025 commencing October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 setting forth public hearing dates providing for adoption of representations providing for repal of all prior ordinances in Conflict providing for cability providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by vice mayor second second by commissioner Williams this is a public hearing item public hearing is open hearing none seeing none public hearing is closed all right um Mr manager would you like to present this item absolutely Mr Mayor so we are very excited to have this first budget hearing um we are anticipating a a very straightforward meeting tonight as the um the state accepted this with no changes absolutely no changes accepted it as is this is absolutely the exact same uh as was presented at our uh second budget Workshop so we have our team here from our financial services division final support services division to answer any questions that you may have regarding um this issue all right um any questions for Mr anathan and while Mr anathan is coming up I do want to say I am happy that we are finally driving the millage rate down so thank you to the budget team who followed the commissions um you know wishes to bring the bud the millage rate down so that we can bring some ease to our residents so kudos to you all for that so thank you for that um do we have any questions for Mr anathan or Mr D as it relates to the millage rate or we can call the question just a thank you that's it any good evening Mr Mayor any questions for Mr date all right there are some items I have to read into the record yeah go ahead yep we can get the PowerPoint uh good evening Mr May commission uh D schwarte senior budget analyst for the city of opaka uh few little items that I need to read into the record uh I got it guys I got the remot here thank you uh the taxing Authority is the city of opaka our roll back rate for the fiscal year is 85022 Mills tentative millage rate is 9.1 630 Ms which represents 7.77% increase over the roll back rate proposed increase over the roll back rate is to fund increased Public Safety increased public transportation uh continue renewing our vehicle Fleet upgrading it infrastructure and affordable housing social services and other community and business support programs with that our millage rate uh is recommended to be 9.1 630 B discussions and adoption and Mr da um you didn't mention this before the record can you please say the the decrease by percentage of the milit rate can so the go back on slide if you notice our millage rate last year was 9.35 Ms and we decreased it by 2% to 9.16 three Z Ms so that represents about 2% decrease okay thank you Mr Dave thank you all right any questions to Mr date that was my question that was your question all right hearing none Madam clerk we can call the question vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 first reading all right thank you um Madame clerk um 52 item 52 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of block of Florida approving and adopting the city's General proprietary and special funds budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 commencing October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 providing for the expenditure of fun funds established by the budget authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budget expenditures providing for fees consistent with appropriation and Amendment providing for adoption of representations providing for conflict and repealer providing for seever Ability providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move back um Dr Bez can I get a second second second by vice mayor Mr manager go ahead and present and then we'll open up for public in thank thank you uh so this is the um we've done the millage portion as always two items this is the budget portion again we're very excited to say that we had no changes from the state they accepted our budget as is so this is invariably the same presentation that we had at our second uh budget hearing all right public hearing is open public hearing is closed all right Mr D so there is nothing specific I need to read into the record if you would like me to do the presentation or if you had any specific questions at this time um um what commissioner B for like a presentation yes absolutely 100% so like the city manager had discussed we're very proud of the fact that this had been approved uh by the state without any changes uh and so we submitted in August 1st and it came back uh approved as submitted um the fy2 budget highlights some of the things that what our budget is geared towards and what we're working towards in the fiscal year uh making sure our audits are current housing and Social Services Public Safety continue annexation focused enhance Public Communication through special events which also includes Arabian Nights uh Parks updated some playgrounds senior programs are also going to be strengthened and updated uh we're strengthening our commercial environment through uh our commercial uh Community Development Division uh City beautification we're going to make sure that there's focus on illegal dumping uh second page on that is we are really anticipating and excited about our fixed roots and our on demand Community transportation system that's coming online uh we're going to continue staff development and retention Ingram Park is going to be developed uh aggressive Grant programs enhancing our it there's a big investment in our Erp program we have 16.7 million dollar in CIP Investments to include Kyo Lane Pump Station storm water mitigation uh there's a continued effort on making sure our vehicles are updated and then of course we do have some legal settlements that are being provided for in this budget uh if you look at page eight in the little packet that I provided you this is the city total of our entire budget and I think the important line item is our budget is 85 million $732,500 to highlight in our general fund is because of all those projects that we talked about we're actually going to be using a little bit of fund balance in fiscal year 25 if all things go as uh it's going to be about $5.3 million and if you look at the very bottom line the closing balance on our fund balance for our general fund will be about $6.8 million again uh identical to what we talked about during our uh budget Workshop page number 10 is our water and sewer operating fund um if you'll notice we are utilizing $1.4 million in fund balance in fy2 and unfortunately we all have discussed this and talked about this at length that the water and sewer fund at the end of the fiscal year will still be showing a uh deficit of about $240,000 page number 11 is our stormw water operating fund uh there is a significant amount going towards CIP we're going to be using about 1.9 million in fund balance and at the end of the year we're anticipating having a fund balance of close to $2.2 million and that is still well within our guidelines and our Reserve that we need uh page number 12 is just a quick uh chart on where our CIP budget is going to be uh spent and or utilized uh safe neighborhoods about $4 million you can see our total CIP is $16 million so it's a significant investment in um CIP this fy2 our proposed budget it was quick and dirty commissioner uh with that uh if there's any specific questions discussions uh the team is happy to answer them all right Mr D I'll start off my question is quick a lot of my questions you answered during our 101 but this line that says strengthen commercial environment what is that so that is the Comm uh Community Development uh we have commercial grants uh programs but they're also trying to attract um businesses into uh opaka and grow it okay yeah Chamber of Commerce is one of them and a few other ways of attracting businesses and we have a road map for that but I guess we could talk about that okay Community Development would have a road map for that yeah all right any other any questions for Mr Mayor commission B just a quick question in case I overlook the answer because maybe it's in this packet you said that the expenditures question mark for is like 85 million so what are we thinking would be our Revenue our income so uh the revenue is I'll go back to the page sorry about that I want this quote the revenue is 71 Milli 400,000 so there is a utilization of about $14 million in uh fund balance thank you yep any other questions from Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um I don't have any questions I want to say um specifically when you look at the budget highlights um this first thank you all for um as we continue to go through um a lot of push and pull that we did um and I think the goal is when I look at the highlights and you all captured it just perfect of everything that we discussed over the um over the course of the the budget um I just want to ensure that moving forward and this I guess with the the manager side is that we actually aggressively hit as many of these points as we can within the um budget year I know sometimes we can lose sight of things but you know we we clearly want a lot um and and these are things that um this is going to enhance the city and so I just want to thank you for all the work that you've done throughout this process um and so let's just keep this as a road map so that we can continue to push the city forward and also do all the projects that we together commission as well as um the city every all employees um everyone that had a hand in all of this so that we can push it forward thank you and while you still have the floor I'm going to add to something that she said she talked about a road map is there a possible way Mr manager and the budget team that we can do maybe some timelines on these these goals absolutely all we have those we have those okay because it's a it's a lot and it's an exciting budget but I want to make sure that like commissioner Williams said that we don't site understood all right any other questions and commission you have time any other questions for Mr date Mr Mayor thank you um I agree with everything you just said in terms of the timelines and what commission would Williams um also said because some of these that we have um are new uh for example the housing social services and some of those so I know we're still having to come back or it's still a work in progress so I look forward to hearing what those um projections are or what the plan or recommendation is within this budget um because I know there was talking I I asked about in my briefing last week and I do appreciate that that's one of the reasons why I have to ask a lot of questions tonight um with regard to the um timeline or time frame um with some of the items that was mentioned but particularly when it comes to the Social Service and it comes to the um things in progress I.E finishing the police station to be in there historic City Hall Etc um do we have funds captured in here to make sure that those deadlines whatever we've been said are going to be met I'll I'll try to take the the lead on that um through the mayor to commissioner Kelly if you're referring to the housing and Social Services location is that what you're referring to Sir well the whole program because I know there's some discussion about where it's going to be um I know it was mentioned about possibly two staff County coming in yes couple of days and it was was more of a um diagram more so anything else so now that we know it's going to be a part it's going to have some funding um that's one of the reason I wanted to highlight the whole timeline because that is a new uh project or Initiative for the first time and I'd like to make sure that we are aware and I'm bringing it up because also discussion I don't know where it went or where it's at with the commission moving to the third floor and I'm not saying whether I'm for it or against it but I know we move that has a cost that has some economics to it is that captured in here or whatever or are you still waiting on the commission to make a decision and I know that was something talked about before I got back in office so I did bring it up in my briefing as well so what works the the plan thought process for that yes sir it's actually I listed as a discussion item on tomorrow night's agenda so that once we get the guidance from uh the commission on where you're going to be and where they would like to see the housing and Social Services um uh located we'll be moving forward on that we do have the salaries in the budget for the staffing for the housing and social services and we do have uh we have captured uh some uh we have captured some Revenue that we could utilize for moving expenses if the commission decides to move now if the commission decides that they want the housing and Social Services in the fire historic fire station that is going to be uh a significant um um Bill and so we would have to um identify how we would fund that and that and that thank you that's one the reason why I'm bringing that up because um I know dollars would need to be allocated if you move it out I know there's a difference if we move to the third floor what's going to happen on the fourth floor whether you lease it out because one of my concerns that I raised in the briefing I still don't like the fact that this building we're having to subsidize um some of the cost uh because we're we you know we're not renting out space and some of the other areas so I guess we will I know you said discussion item but to the commission to my colleagues I guess we have to make a uh decision but I would hope as a part of that discussion that the numbers or what potentially the numbers would be uh if you move for example Social Services to Old Fire Station that's going to cost x amount of dollars you move to the third floor it's going to be XYZ if the commission moves you know it's going to be this to retrofit it but then the fourth floor could be used for whatever's recommended um so that we can capture some dollars so we're can kind of make this building self-sufficient that's why I'm asking um asking that question with regard to um the be not beautification but the pump stations and that you mentioned uh and I know we got a couple of them on the agenda cuz we got moratorium issues um are there any more that's that's captured or planned to be that we know that needs to be a part of the the budget that we're looking at now no uh sure we'll have Mr Austin the director of Public Works come and see if there's anything additional that may not have been captured in the budget evening Ari Austin Public Works director so we um we made allocations for some uh more lining of our existing pump stations and right now we do not foresee any additional needs at this time however um if such pops up we will try to offset it by using some of those Capital funds for that okay so as it as it stands now what you have captured you're you're funding at that level yes sir okay um all right thank thank you for that that answer um all right I don't have more question thank you thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you um Mr a Mr Dake um any other questions for I I have a quick question if we could reverse a little bit you mentioned um kolene yes is this the period for carolene per uh we're done what we're supposed to do and I'm saying that because Kine has been a part of the conversation since 2018 yeah I take that one thank you it it is a multi-year project yes to quote the late great Whitney Houston one of my favorite singers there can be Miracles when you believe no this is we're Caroline is going to be with us for a while but this uh this will be a landmark year for Caroline uh this uh will be the first time in the city's history that Caroline will be paved um so uh we're very very excited about that and we're hoping that uh we can at least get started on installing some storm water drainage so we're making some great strats I was just wondering because kolene has been a part of my thoughts since 2018 I know it's probably prior to 2018 right commiss Kevin yeah she really did that's not why you in right commission again let your um the only thing I'm GNA ask and this off the budget issue um that we have some form of maintenance plan for Kyo Lane once we start the the mitigation process yes sir so I just don't want that to Fall by the way side all right any other questions for our budget team um Mr Mr Mayor to the to the manager but and this is not the on the budget I I um because we know the numbers can change inside but the state already passed so I'm not really focused on that I would hope that the administration and budget would take a look at maybe quarterly semiannually I don't know to just doing a budget update as a part of um either under your report or one of those bullet points just every three months four months or something here's where we are based on based on the timelines we're doing but so that um the community would know where we are um and there would be no like you know we broke we ain't got they would know what we're doing because we are going to be spending money on some of these projects um that are coming down so that's uh I I don't know if that would require uh legislation if it would I guess I'll deal with it but I would hope it's something through management um and the budget that you just you know not a long report but just based on what we're passing as commissioner bass said we're too you know in on Caroline we're hoping to get this phase done n no no no no and so I just wanna this a suggestion you all can figure it out um if it could be done not not not a detailed report but just a up viw every 3 months or something um that the community could know and we would know kind of where we are thank you Mr Mayor all right if all hearts and minds are clear Madam clerk we can go ahead and call the question for the budget commissioner Kelly commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z first reading for the record Mr Mayor and Commissioners the second hearing will September 5th at 6 o'cl here at city of opaka third floor no September 21 September 25th sorry sorry sorry the regular meeting just an hour before the regular meeting okay and before we adjourn I just want to say I think we made history on T night this has been the quickest budget here don't we have some discussion items no no no no no motion to can I get a motion to a Jour to a Jour motion to a journey move back Vice can I get a second second commissioner Williams this meeting is adjourned oh man one