##VIDEO ID:ivM2INyzxjI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hearing September 25th 2024 the time is now 611 Madame clerk roll call vice mayor Irvin here commissioner Kelly president commissioner baz mayor Taylor here as we stand for our invocation followed by our Pledge of Allegiance God we thank you for bringing us together one more time in your name God we ask that you come upon us in this meeting that we would do your will for your people in Jesus name we pray amen amen as we do our Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right we're going into our public input public input is open public input is closed Madame attorney 61 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida adopting a final millage rate pursuant to section 200.0 65 Florida statutes for fiscal year 2024 through 2025 commencing October 1 2024 4 through September 30 2025 setting forth public hearing dates providing for adoption of representations providing for repeal of all prior ordinances and conflict providing for severability providing for an effective date first reading public hearing was held on September 10th 2024 this is sponsored by the city manager all right um Mr manager you presenting or Mr B go ahead yes uh thank you Mr Mayor uh as you are aware uh this is our final stock on the on the train um we are on State financial oversight uh so that requires that we give two budget workshops to then present our um and then present our budget to the governor's office for approval then come back for our two uh budget hearings uh we've had our first budget hearing this is our second budget hearing and we have uh our budget team here uh to present an answer any questions that you may have all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions for Mr Dake or Mr an at this moment open up first you want questions first or you have question moveing second oh I'm I thought can I get a motion move it wait wait wait we have to read some not for the vote I'm sorry we're moving the item move by commissioner Kelly can I get a second second by vice mayor um now you can go yes yep thank you Mr Mayor uh Mr Mayor Commissioners D schw senior Bud budget fan uh analyst for the city of Obaka uh my clicker is not working Raul so if we can do the next slide please so there's a few items I do need to read into the record um first one is the taxing Authority is the city of opaka our roll back rate is 85022 Mills uh the final millage rate is 9.1 1630 Mills which represents a 7.77% increase over the roll back rate next slide please and again the final millage rate that we're voting on is 9.1 1630 Mills which represents a reduction of 2% over last year if I can have the next slide if there's any discussions adoptions uh or questions uh just as a reminder this is needs to be passed by a super majority so it does need to be a four to zero Vote or 4 to one thank you Mr thank you all right um I'm gonna open up the floor for questions at this time Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you um I do want to say that I'm I'm grateful that we're able to pass the millage rate u a little lower hopefully I know it may not seem like it but to bring a little relief to our taxpayers even though it's only two Mills but also um with the intent through this budget as it says here to increase Public Safety and transportation infrastructure housing and social services and business support so I'm grateful to see that I know we can't change the numbers outward but anything has to be done inward I had a couple of questions there may be funding in there and I just didn't um see it um are there any additional dollars and I'm I'm bringing up now because we're in the budget if we were to and I know it be a process I guess rid to the manager um for Canal cleaning or additional cleaning I know that was something I guess you all are talking to the county about but I was wondering is it possible to put some dollars or you would be able to identify some dollars either now or through a budget amendment if we're able to get an agreement or something with them we could go in outside of the two cleanings that they currently um do because I know two is not enough and I know it would cost some money so would that possibly done through a budget amendment or is there a line item you could look for to make sure that occurs I think that's something we're going to need to do um and also the other question I kind of raised in my briefing was the funding for audit support um given that we still seem to be challenged with hiring additional uh folks to make sure that that's funded so that we can make sure our artists are um completed the other question I I raised uh what I want to raise in the budget again doesn't change the bottom line um is the Explorer funding for the for the police explorers exactly how much is in there I know it's something allocated but as I think all of us or some of us indicated we want to make sure in this fiscal year they're able to get uniforms or whatever they need to get um because I know they we got some stuff donate or whatever but I I want hope in this budget that we actually able to fund that at a good level so our young people not only are doing what they need to do in terms of being explorers but look real well uh while they're um while they're doing it um the other question I I had is on um well I see it came in some notes I guess I'll wait for the meeting on City Hall being complete in the police station so I won't go into that part and the oper projects and um that are funded through here obviously still have to be encumbered and and what have you I did receive something it might be something on agenda tonight but we're on track to make sure those are covered as well I guess that's a question um commissioner Kelly you want those questions answered now or when we get to that item because we you you want I was just doing I have to do it to that but okay okay no problem right right now we're moting voting on The millage I know I was trying to do it all time save time I appreciate I'll stop thank you all right so if there are no other questions on this and then then once we get to that then you can jump right into to answer commissioner Kelly's question all right any other questions for um the budget team or the manager relates through the millage all right I just want to say thank you for this and I know we was going back and forth on l Bing it but I'm happy like commissioner Kelly said that we can finally give some relief to our residents it might not seem like a lot but it's still a reduction and so I want to say thank you that we're actually moving so kudos to everybody who worked towards making this happen um Madam clerk roll call vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all right um um Madam attorney 62 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving and adopting the city's General proprietary and special funds budget for fiscal year 2024 through 2025 commencing October 1 2024 through September 30 2025 providing for expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budget expenditures providing for fees consistent with appropriation and Amendment providing for adoption of representations providing for conflict and repealer providing for severability providing for an effective date the first reading public hearing was held on September 10th 2024 this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by vice mayor second second by commissioner Kelly uh Mr manager go ahead and present and then we'll open up the floor for public hearing thank you uh so this is our uh fourth stop as I stated before uh this was accepted by the govern's office with no changes uh we've already had our first reading this is our second reading and we have a our budget team uh led by Mr D Schwartz today here to answer any questions that you may have after a public hearing all right public hearing is open public hearing is closed so Mr D I'm gonna ask you to go ahead and start we're gonna open up for discussion but go ahead and start and answer Mr sorry M yes sir uh commissioner Kelly's questions and then I open up the floor to every Mr Mayor Commissioners d cour in your budget analyst for the city of opaka uh before I get to those questions I just want to say that we haven't changed the budget from what the state approved uh so that's what we're putting forth uh this evening for you uh want and T maybe perhaps get to the questions that uh commissioner Kelly put forth first and foremost uh police explorers we did increase that budget there's $10,000 in that budget line item for the police explorers uh I feel that the police chief and the rest of the city manager's office agrees with you they want to make them look sharp and make them look good so um there's there's funding there for okay I remember raising that concern last meeting after attending their graduation is there and I'm sorry commissioner Kelly but is there any way we can increase that or is that going to be enough because you got a lot of kids down there yeah so that that will include uniforms Mr manager uniforms um Trav um that was $10,000 increase after $10 $10,000 increase from from what to what no that's currently 10,000 we we initially had a $7,000 we increased it to 10 if we need to increase it again we can do it with a budget amendment as we move forward otherwise if we change the budget now it has to go back to the state again for approval so go through we can change around numbers we just can't increase right no any change has to go back to the state even if the it's dollar for dollar so but we can we can adjust if we need it for budget amendment okay yeah um commissioner Kelly asked about the canals uh Canal cleaning we do not currently have a budget line item for additional Canal cleaning outside of the uh contract that we have uh with the county however Public Works is the is negotiating that contract right now perhaps we can get some additional cleanings um as part of that and uh we can look to do a budget amendment in the future uh should the commission uh desire that we have additional cleanings but we want to find out how many we're going to get from the county first and then we'll bring that back for your approval and and then at that time you can make the det determination if you'd like to see more cleanings and we'll do a budget amendment okay than thank you Mr manager I wanted to to make sure that because I know we're trying to work with the county on additional but I'm not sure they may but the way it is now we definitely need more and I was looking in I know in one of those water sewer or whatever line items you do some things not necessarily Canal cleaning so I just want to make sure it has money in it I know we'd have to probably do it as a budget amendment after or if staff not able to get more I just want to be sure um that amount that's in there um I think it's some hundred I I don't think it's a low amount I know it's used for different things and that's why I brought it up you mentioned explorers um we could come back with a budget amendment if if necessary so so I I'm fine with um with that okay thank you Mr Mayor thank you no problem and this is just for my understanding say I was under the impression of something else so even if we're doing dollar for dollar once the budget is passed I know I process with the with the oversight committee if we do dollar for dollar we still have to resubmit it to the state for approval that's correct y I thought something different you well Mr Mayor well it's got to go to state anyway the final once you prove it will go now it doesn't mean that they would reject um if I understand correctly it doesn't mean that they would reject our changes just the bottom line couldn't change they still to prove whatever's coming obviously makes much easier if we don't change anything but my understanding the way that process works is we can't change the bottom line obviously millage and whatever the final numbers but we couldn't make change within if we did them off dollar the state could also say don't touch it and do what you're saying doing a budget amendment and so I'm fine with that but I think we do have a wiggle room but I I I don't want to touch it I don't mind leaving it as is and coming back to budget amendment I just want it on the record after we negotiate possibly with the county and that doesn't work that we can come back through a budget amendment to find dollars for whether it's explorers whether it's whatever the programs um are and I I mentioned that because even within your budget for um the fire station you said 4 50,000 I I don't know if that's enough not enough I don't know I mean you probably done some analysis um but long as we can come back with a budget amendment I'm fine with um with that even we don't change the the numbers now thank you Mr Mayor all right any other question to the to the manager or Mr the finance department budget Department Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um I don't have a question this may be for the manager or to Mr anathan but just a suggestion um try if we can try to look for Grants um and look for sponsorship I know those sponsorships are out there for um teen groups um and this would be a group um there's police benevolent Association like those police groups might be out there if we can try to like figure out how we can sponsor if we can get a major sponsor for our Police Explorers then we won't probably have to touch our own budget so I just wanted to land and um whoever whoever laps so we can start working on that and that would be something that we wouldn't have to do a budget amendment on thank you that's a great idea thank you it's a great idea commissioner Williams all right any anyone else all right Madame clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes Vice May Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right can I get commissioner Kelly second by Vice man I see you all at the commission meeting thank you everybody this meeting is ajour all right manager what refresh