e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ni good evening everyone good evening everyone Welcome to our regularly scheduled Commission meeting um May 22nd 2024 the time is now 707 Madame clerk roll call commissioner bass here vice mayor irvan here commissioner Kelly president commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here as we stand by invocation liveby commission best wonderful father as we come before you today we thank you oh God for Life strength and health we thank you oh God for giving us the opportunity oh God to be servants God help us oh God to serve oh God according to your will bless us all in Jesus name amen amen I pledge of allegiance I pledge to the of the United States ofer it stand Nation indivisible withy and justice for all and I just want to say before we get started that as you see the commission has on Green in honor of mental health month so we want to make mention of that shout out to vice mayor who made everybody with green on today I have on green it's my tie thank you my tie has green it's green and blue I'm gonna go move forward um into Awards proclamations and acknowledgements do we I see we have none um we're going into the approval of the consent agenda um do I have any deferrals deletions or Ps at this moment for the consent agenda all right Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly uh number three and number five Mr Mayor Mr Williams number two all right so so far I have two three and five anyone else Mr Mayor on behalf of the city manager I would like to defer number five okay so I only have two and three all right Mr Mayor Madame clerk Mr agenda oh all right okay um can I get a motion move it mooved by commissioner baz second second by vice mayor Madame clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bath yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z okay we're going into the approval of tonight's agenda and I see we have an add-on Madame clerk can you read for the record yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening we have a request to amend the agenda to include 141 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of obla Florida directing the city manager to allocate $50,000 for implementation of a summer youth jobs program and enter into an agreement with South Florida Workforce investment board pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth and exhibit a providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this item is sponsored by mayor Taylor and again this item will be included under new item 141 okay and normally we we State the emergency nature of this item this item came before the commission a couple months ago but we brought it back because we want to make sure that we push it forth so our children have time to work in the summer we just want to make sure so that's why they here but we can further discuss when we get to it um can I get a motion to add to the agenda move it move by commissioner Williams second by vice mayor um Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all right um can we approve tonight's agenda move it move by move by commissioner second B second by commissioner Kelly this is the approval of the night agenda Madam clerk thank you Mr Mayor so um we have a request from attorney Robert Holland to defer agenda item 16 B2 which is second reading ordinance public hearing item to the June 12th 2024 regular commission meeting however the city manager who is the sponsor would like to move forward with that item okay [Music] um all right so it's 16 B2 or one I don't see one it's one one okay 16 B1 yes second reading the the property yes okay I personally don't have an issue with deferring it and the manager is not here either to discuss it either so it would I would rather him be here I'm fine with defer I'm I'm I'm okay with defer because that way he can be here so we at this point we kind of split because everybody didn't I'm okay with the F we need to um I okay I want to get it out the way you want to get it out the way okay so that's okay deferring way doesn't matter if staff can answer the question that's fine uh we don't have to defer it we can address it tonight all right so we have a yes we're good for tonight we're good for tonight okay so um we have Madam attorney I'm gonna lean on you okay so we have I'm willing to defer I don't mind I don't mind deferring because the manager's not here so Willam say she's okay you can take a vote on it we can take a vote on it sir all right so Madam clerk a vote to defer commissioner baz no vice mayor Irvin no commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes to defer three Z all right 32 I'm sorry 32 all right so now we're going to the actual approval of the agenda we did have a first and a second but Madam let's call it again so can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda move it move by commissioner K second second by who says that Me by commissioner Williams Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right moving on to the approval of minutes we have two sets um one is the workshop meeting minutes April 24th 20 24 and move by commissioner Kelly second second by um commissioner Williams can I get a vote commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes five Zer all right um moving down to the approval of minutes from the regular commission meeting minutes April 24th 2020 move by commissioner Williams second by commissioner baz can I get a vote commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes Vice May Irvin yes yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right and do we have any district one District Two or any state reports at this moment no Mr Mayor all right so we have two public presentations that's going to take place right now one is the offer expenditures done by Mr anathan a budget Administration to follow will be a hurricane preparedness by Chief Atley in that order um commissioner before as they're coming I want to be clear um on the Deferred item it's to the next commission meeting yes sir to W be clear thank you all right so I repeat it again it's the public presentations is the Opera expenditures by Mr anathan to follow the hurricane preparedness um by Chief hotley Mr anathan you have the floor Mr Mayor commission Bob anathan budget administrator uh we've been been asked to update you on the status of the proposal for how the arpa money will be spent uh you have a presentation at your Das and you also have it on the screen here very quickly as you know the city did receive $7,950 th000 to be used as we saw fit for various projects that qualify under the operate program very quickly next slide please I broken this into two groups just so it'll be more visible on the screen uh the first group there was a program put out for the community they were uh six packages were offered of $250,000 per package the community was asked to select four those packages that's what's listed in your first line there I'll get in the detail in a moment uh the remainder as I said in total we the city did receive $ 7,957 th000 and uh the remainder will be in the grouping called other projects next slide please as I said the uh Community was asked has to pick four out of six programs the fourth and fifth programs tied so it actually ended up being split right now the projects that were selected and were being moving forward on and you can see the status on the right of the screen uh the Artscape which is to implement art projects at uh public spaces in the city uh it's the RFP is under development it was uh that program was uh paired with a trees in the meanss and swes that program is that RFP is also under development there was a pro proposal to improve the hel Helen Miller sigal INR Park renovation for $250,000 the initial portion of that's under uh contract right now uh you may remember that's the uh Trails for a single Park and the parking lot rental assistance program is very active they've been about $150,000 provided so far uh that program will continue uh until that those funds are fully expended there is a commercial grants program that program is to be presented in June for your approval and then it'll go forward at that point in time uh the final one selected by the community was the fire station HR the restoration that one that program is under design at this point as are there any questions on this portion of the program Mr Mayor Mr commission G thank you under the rental assistant how much has been expended um from that program because it's active and ongoing and there's 250,000 that was allocated how much is yes sir 15 approximately 150,000 150,000 has been expended yes yes sir okay and we anticipate I guess the other 100,000 before the fiscal I mean not fiscal before the end of the year to be encumbered what I failed to uh programs like this do not have to be encumbered what we'll probably do is get res the uh requirement to let me reset by December 31st this year we have to be pretty well locked into the program that we're going to go for with money has to be fully expended by uh December 1st I'm sorry December 31st 2026 for most of programs where we're going for an outside service it'll the funds will have to be encumbered for a program like this where it just keeps on going until the funds are expended there is no process for encumbering those funds we what we'll probably do just to satisfy the oper requirement is just get verification through a resolution for the commission approves the allocation of these dollars okay Mr Mayor see that's where I had a challenge with the probably and we're probably going to do sorry I should have been more defend because that leaves it too much wiggle room and and this has to be encumbered at least know what we're going to do we may not spend it and I understand it's not due fully until 25 26 but I wanted to know how much was there because what I don't want to see is getting to the last moment or something and then we've got create something to uh expend those dollars if the commission needs to do something to maybe promote the program more or something because um the funds are not expent uh we need to know that since there's really 100,000 left and you're talking uh a few more months so I I'll wait on that um response the other one is the fire station you said it's underd designed yes sir so when do we anticipate the design to come back in uh this portion well these all have to defer I'll defer on that one to the CIP manager I don't have that answer at fingertips but if I may go back to the uh rental assistance those monies do not have to be spent until December 31st 2028 where you mentioned the term encumbrance that that encumbrance to occur where we actually have a contract with an outside firm to provide the service this is what we provide this on a case-by casee basis the money goes to the landlord we do a separate PO for therefore nothing we don't have to have it formally encumbered by December 31st 2026 what we to satisfy the requirement what we will do is bring forward a resolution saying that the commission approves the program that's all it's required we have an outside firm actually doing this piece no sir I'm saying what I said is when you have an outside project such as construction such as design then you have to have a contract in place to to do it this one's being administered strictly internally so that we we don't have a contract with somebody to uh provide $250,000 we're doing it on a case-by casee basis as various members of the community come forward so this is a little bit different These funds are not encumbered don't have to be encumbered but just to legitimize it we will get a resolution saying the commission has approved this program I like that language legitimize that's interesting terminology okay well you can get that back to us in terms of the fire States you said you defer to the CIP manager yes manager okay so I don't have that immediately available so so this is the these are the community selected projects and uh if there are no further questions we'll just go to the final slide I'll go through it very quickly with you you have seen again as the commissioner just said these programs all have to be encumbered by December 31st of this year uh running through them very quickly uh the Northwest 13 135th uh Street water main project it's been identified that there is a main of approximately 1100 feet that has to be replaced it's old the pressure through it is not what it should be and it needs to be replaced just for operational efficiency the right water main and meter relocation those meters are situated on city property right now they should be in front of the properties individual properties going to move the main and also the meters for them Sesame Street water main re relocation the water main right now is in an area that has a lot of contaminated uh soil it's not a good place to have our main have our people work that that Main's going to be brought out of that area kyol Lane you know long and strong you can see I I should point out where there is other funds involved I've also put that in as another just so you get a sense of the entire project and on the right hand side you'll see the status of each one of these projects sewer smart cover and Telemetry that uh that programs basically complete at this point this is to provide information on the operating effectiveness of the sore system pump stations you got several pump stations there that either have to be relocated or rehabilitated North District water distribution system that project's underway right now it's under contract that's to replace ASP as pipes in the north North part of our service area 133 uh thir Street sewer relocation that project has you need a better seore system there that relocated to the middle of the road so that it has greater capacity and is allows the adjacent properties to have a better connection to that system bump station flow meters again that's RFP going out in June that also relates to being able to measure what's going on the system sewer system on a real-time basis to greatly improve the effectiveness and the efficent efficiency of the system uh sewer system modeling last $150,000 that's a Derm requirement has to be done again it relates to better operation of SE system down the bottom very importantly Consultants at the moment I only have $33,000 in there that's probably through the end of the fiscal year they have a $400,000 contract we've been using them very spare Al anything above $33,000 the arpa funds have have or will generate about $400,000 of Interest so anything above the $33,000 will be paid out of the additional interest which I'm not shown on this page are there any questions about any of these projects um any questions to miss anathan okay so to the manager's office um and I'm use Mr anthon's words to legitimize this this will come back in a resolution form right yes okay yeah all right Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you what um the RFP is to be developed what's the timeline on those coming back where are we on the development for that yeah they're off the screen the Rutland water M and the sesus street uh those are brand new projects they'll be uh probably put together in the next 30 days will go out they'll be back by the latter part of the summer at that time they'll God forbid okay and the timeline for the proposals that have already been received um for the pump station 9 and yes 16 and the 133rd Street they'll go through the evaluation board process of recommendation will be brought forward to the commission we'll go back out as uh with whoever receives the award what's the timeline I know steps what's the timeline that you anticipate that and certainly it will get to the Mission by the second meeting in June and quite possibly by the 1 make that the second because the deadline for the first has already come in terms of uh submitting the agenda item okay and you mentioned that you only anticipate 33,000 for the consultants and any addition will come out of the arpa interest which is that yes sir you uh estimate is 400,000 yes sir does the interest that's sitting there that we've accumulated does it have to be incumbered to or we allowed to car that can be used for any purpose it does not have to be encumbered the our number is 7,952 th000 so the 400,000 if we don't use it for consultant purposes um it's sitting there for general fund use for all purposes for any fund general fund or otherwise okay very good thank you um CIP person okay please coming momentarily thank you Mr Mayor um Madam attorney while she is um coming I just wanted to you know put on the record that I haven't seen um the arpa funding uh brought in this manner um legal in all the places I'm aware of we've been involved in some way to determine whether the uses are eligible under the um under the statute so I'm wondering and if they can just put it on the record whether they've reviewed um the eligible uses in comparison with um the the federal legislation to determine that it is these are all eligible uses and I'm assuming also in follow up to the mayor's comment about it being a resolution format that that is going to happen prior to the time that the rfps go out for individual projects under the global funding if I may address that twofold that's what we have our consultants for we have re reviewed these projects with them and they said we're right on track in terms of what we're proposing so that is not a problem again the resolution is only for the one or two programs where there will not be a purchase order involved I.E the rental assistance there will not be a resolution for each and every one of these projects probably just one of everything that well there should be a resolution for the global just how you just broke it down and just put that on the chart that should be a resolution so that it's clear that the commission is approving it because there are audits that are done through for these um arpa funds and that should be approved by the commission that's been done in every place I'm aware of so I don't you know I I I just would have put it on the record I am a little uncomfortable um if it's not coming back in that way and I'm suggesting to management that it does each one of these projects will come back to you as a proposed RFP work with legal yes sir man manager Office yes and then the other thing just for the record even with your consultant I still need to understand what it is I've never seen this before and my name goes on these resolutions to sign off on it for legal sufficiency and I do that needs to be shared even if they have a consultant I'm not aware of who that is or you know anything so I would just ask that um that information be shared thank you thank you um Miss girl good evening mayor good evening mayor and commissioner good evening which questions can I address the question about the fire station he wanted to know commissioner Kelly you had a commissioner Kelly uh you have the question the when is coming back Mr he said you knew the answer the design to the fire station the design on the of the fire station is underway uh we are expecting complete plans in the next 60 days 60 days for the complete plans yes and then after the plans come back has go through your review process and it goes to review process and then we bring it out for with a specification for an RFP then it go then it will go out for an RFP yes RP gotta come back in yes and we've got to make sure it's encumbered before on December 31st December 31st of this year yes thank you thank you Mr Mayor thank you good evening Mr Mayor commission good evening put the slide up please it have a slide presentation on uh the city of opaka hurricane awareness um today we're going to be discussing the importance of understanding hurricanes being prepared for them and staying safe during these powerful storms hurricanes are a natural disaster as we all know they can be devastating and impact on communities uh Beyond sometimes Beyond repair but with the right knowledge and preparation we can minimize the risks and protect ourselves so hurricanes are powerful tropical storm slot two so between June and November June 1st and November 30th uh 97% of tropical activity occurs Within These six months the bottom line is we must be prepared what you see before you is the seir Simpson hurricane wind scale uh going from category 1 2 3 to Category 5 which is catastrophic we've had experience here in Miami day County of catastropic catastrophic hurricanes and its impact on our community and we as a SMI City want to be prepared for that next slide so we want to make sure the community uh prepares and is in preparation with supplies so make sure we review and gather your supplies that you need in your home that you use on a daily basis necessary items ensure that your food supplies has a shelf life of at least 6 months um basic items are water food first aid supplies clothing bedding tools and emergency supplies and special items that you may need depending on your needs in your home next so water storage make sure you store them in plastic containers avoid glass or milk obviously because milk cartons are are paper products and de de composition occurs depending on the saturation of the water depending on the hurricane and how it impacts your home glass can break and cause injury if in fact it falls somewhere in the home and you are not able to clean it up fill your bathtubs up with water that's that serve as a Reservoir in the event that you have uh uh a delay in receiving water from uh your from um other sources a minimum of one gallon of water per person is H is ideal but more if you can keep at least a three-day supply of water and food items per per person storage you want to have at least three days supply of non- perishable food canned goods uh something that doesn't require cooking um in the event that you don't have the ability to to uh uh start a fire or heat your food at least you can open the cans have a can opener those types of things in order to be able to feed your families uh something that requires no Refrigeration um ready meals ready to eat out of a can as we discussed energy foods energy bars Comfort foods and stress Foods potato chips something that's easy to eat and dispose of until you can replenish your food supplies next first aid is very important because as we've experienced in other uh hurricane um situations and storm conditions uh we get injured we get injured through going outside cleaning up uh debris uh even in the home uh through this the wind wind damage uh something may fall inside your home and break and injure you or just running away to Safety in your uh in your safe room um things happen and we have to be prepared for that on a regular base we should have this adhesive bandages safety pins cleansing agents soap latex gloves sunscreens uh gauze pads uh triangular bandages prescription and non-prescription drugs very important a lot of us forget that especially if we diabetic or we're hypertensive we forget those types of medications or we have a cardiac uh a heart disease we have to remember that we have enough prescriptions from our physician beforehand um tweezers needles moisten towelettes antiseptics thermometers in the event that we need them next don't forget insect propell as well because post hurricanes the insects come out and we always have to be prepared for that as well what comes with insects is disease clean clothes always have them prepared and stored high in the event that flooding occurs you have them ready to uh to sleep on and keep um and be warm and have a change of clothes Rain Gear boots shoes sleeping bags in the event of sunglasses sanitation we always want to remember that we need toilet paper towelettes liquid detergent other hygiene items as you may need in your daily activities uh uh due to your family's needs want to have a plastic bucket with a lid in the event you need to wash clothes or you need to store certain items that could be perishable have the lid be able to be secured tightly uh in your residence disinfectant and household bleach next tools why are tools important tools are important uh as we know the last storm that came through opaka we had down trees down trees impacted some some vehicles in our in our in our in our community um tools are important uh to saws and hammers Nails in order to make repairs on our on our homes and to repair our vehicles in the event we need to change batteries uh or or uh tires in the event uh something like that happens to our vehicles uh make sure that you're prepared fully prepared plan this ahead of time you don't want to wait till the last minute and wish that you had these items you want to have them prepared beforehand personal spe personal special items for infants formula uh diapers bottles power powdered milk Etc uh we always remember the adults but also remember the babies and and the and the seniors uh we also want to remember the homeless um that's a part of our operational planning um and we can talk further on that as the time goes goes closer next storage of medicines and important documents want to keep them in plastic waterproof portable containers and Ziploc bags something that you keep with you close to you because if they get wet then you lose those important documents and uh and your medicine as well next so the city's ready for deployment uh we have secured vendors and for ICE emergency rations for the First Responders sandbags hand crank radios flashlights emergency kits our employees will be deployed out into the city prior to the storm handing out these supplies as needed next before and during a hurricane watch warning make sure you have full tank of gas go to your your local gas station fill up all your vehicles uh make sure your windows are secured board up board up with uh with a plywood or shutters if you have them make sure you have the keys available so that when the storm is over you can go out and un you know open your shutters and bring light into your home stay away from standing water and down power lines be aware that after the storm if you see a down power line get on the phone and call 911 uh and ensure that You' report these down power lines because that becomes very important and it's a danger if you're outside in the community and you have standing water you you can be electrocuted next multiple shelters in and around Mii Dade County there's a list here that's going to that uh that is um all within Mii Dade County not just topala if the shelters in in the in our current local area are full you have various others that you can reach out to and uh and be aware that they they will accept you in those areas Miami Lakes Education Center Miami Norland North May Beach Senior High um etc etc next after the storm monitor your local radios uh local news outlets and radio Outlets uh render assistance if needed report emergency situations that we talked about down electrical cables leaking gas law enforcement will be out we'll be out in the city in force uh we'll be working uh alpha bravo shifts 12 uh 24 hours a day around o'clock as we normally do but we'll be out definitely out with the with our city and Public Works uh assisting our residents and the community along with uh with whatever needs that you have uh that you may have at the time next and that's it thank you any questions any questions for chief Aly on this mayor commissioner Kelly you mentioned about um being ready um and it probably maybe a public words question because I notice when I ride around I still see it even now dealing with cleaning the drains and making sure that they're you know the water can flow since we are a couple of weeks away what what's going on with with that process I know i' been asked about before uh where we at on that they all the drains been drained now properly or however her in preparation for hurricane season I would have to defer that question to Public Works Comm okay well that's that's critically important as well Mr Austin's coming behind you the other one is uh how many pumps do we have for a hurricane preparedness I know we normally have some pumps for situation that arise and we have generators in case we have to uh you utilize without power um and also for the chief the last question um assuming that we're going to be in our new facility downstairs pretty soon uh would that be a command post for Hurricane Season supposed to command that's a great question commissioner yes we will be in our in our new station and the conf room will be our emergency Operation Center we'll be fully man 24 hours a day yes sir okay all right um and will there be a special number for folks to reach out or to reach you know to come straight here as opposed to going through the county that's cor regarding hurricane preparedness I mean hurricane questions or concerns yes sir we'll have that number established and that'll be put out yes sir okay well that needs to go out like you know next week because you're right on Hurricane Season hope we don't need it but needs to go out thank you um um and to add to commissioner's um first question uh he talked about the the cleaning of the drains also add to the pruning of trees an also an issue here in opaka yes sir okay ARA Austin Public Works director pertinent to cleaning of the drains that's being done on a daily basis we have we still have several drains to go we have Enlisted the services of a subcontractor who is assistant with that project as it Rel relates to pumps we have several pumps for storm events as well as sanitary sewer events we have adequate number of pumps to deal with those situations right now okay and since you have an outside Mr Mayor since you have an outside vendor you said that assisting with the drains with the cleaning of the drains so we have someone making sure that they're doing because you said it's been going on it's ongoing um and you only have several you got a few more um you know I've been riding around I've seen quite a few that haven't even gotten to so I don't know if they're doing it by a Zone area but when it's anticipated in accordance to our sweeper zones to our who sweeping sweeping schedule the street sweeper yes the one that people can't get the thing sweep because the car's in the way you remember that street sweeper yes sir okay well I I I'll hopefully they will um address that and also the process for uh securing I know you say vendors for um things but for ice and whatever the process for actually getting that to folks is that um will that be laid out some somewhere cuz I see it in the notes about handing out supplies there always a concern of how that actually takes place most of the time that's the service that's provided by the police department are yield to the chief onund there everybody yield in the summer okay I just get it to us so we'll know because when folks are asking us we're trying to figure it out I know a lot of us wind up in our cars and whatever just trying to give out and since vice mayor got a golf card I know hers will be out there with them high wheels so just need to know that thank you okay sir thank you thank you all right as we're moving on to the next item which is as Citizens form Madame clerk can you please State how to participate in citizens form yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center city commission chamber 780 fisherman Street third floor opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to participate virtually should register prior to the scheduled meeting time on the city's website at www. opaka fl.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through live stream at www.youtube.com user users city of opaka and Mr Mayor at this time I believe and it can confirm we have um a virtual public comment um good evening good evening hi my name is Charlotte Wright manifest Church 68 West Superior Street okay thank you good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners resident and guest I am here to talk about the property at 680 West Superior Street known as Manifest Church recently we have been experiencing significant issues due to the road closures on our area as it is stated it is the Sesame Street Culvert replacement and also there's an F do notice that has a project as well as a result of this uh extensive road closure our property has experienced an enormous major issue with illegal dumping unauthorized individuals have been dumping waste creating hazard in dising the Aesthetics appeal of our area and we truly believe it's because the road has been closed for so long they think that it's just truly an area to dump although we did take the initiative and we have no dumping signs and they're dumping right in front of the no dumping signs so I would like to share that we truly are here in the area to improve the area as our property is on the corner of Sesame Street as a result of that we've improved the parking lot we've done repaving relined our parking lot we've had the building repainted and it is clearly noted that it is a church and we have a vigorous and rigorous maintenance to our lawn to keep our property clean and the like and so I'm here tonight to truly just ask that we partner with the city we've asked for police to come by and be in that area to do their reports in our parking lot so they can see the illegal um activity that's happening we've actually caught uh sexual activity happening um in the cut if you will as well as uh uh uh drug transactions happening and so we've noted that but of course we're not police and we know that police have so much to do that we truly just really really need to partner with you all as it relates to that area being closed off and we believe that is the major reason for all of this Activity thank you for your time thank you Miss White and um can you we need to get to her I'm sorry Mr Mayor Miss White if you don't mind reaching out to City Hall tomorrow so that we can get your phone number and I have her information you have it all right thank you and we'll have um the manager's office and must have to reach out to you all right citizens form thank you Miss mayor we have another um virtual public comment Emerson Harris all right you have the floor Mr Harris Mr Harris you have the floor okay we'll come back to our virtual comments we're going to open up the floor to those of you that are in the chamber citizens form is open don't worry I get it okay I'm Michael Jones 2110 wington Street me and my wife look at here we cleaning up kyoga okay now we put the clean up round kyoga let me show you what I got we have photos of illegal dumping and we written here where they're located we also have a photo of an illegal stumper also right around that same area there's the to your dog that comes out for other we have we have three neighbors here on this one particular Street can't come out to putar because of these they getting out the fence cold enforcement need CRA down they came out Market all the way to and this is what we see this is what I see when I take I walk with the kids to school this is what I see I'm sorry Mr Mayor is it possible we can see that after but if you all can go to the mic and speak I want to make sure the residents hear you all that's okay okay Smith we get staff yeah I was just about to say um and that way we can get it um picture so we can all get of the presentation scan this yes they'll come get they'll do it okay thank you Mr johk well y'all know what we staying at yes yes yes yes sir hello Mr Mayor and also uh Commissioners my name is Don Wiggins my address is 1144 six Coral Springs here in South Florida I'm here to talk about the marketing and advertising opportunity to represent the city of op opaka uh we had the opportunity to do some marketing and advertising for the city of opaka last year we are the firm that put together the calendars for the sheriff department and for the police department those wonderful calendars that were put together last year we also o did some uh videos for some of the Commissioners that are sitting here today uh and uh city manager Darwin uh Williams has those um I'm here to say that opaka is a unique City and we are very much aware of the city of opaka and we want to tell the story um we know that hurricane awareness as the as the chief talked about is very important we want to highlight we just missed the 998th birthday opaka celebrated its 998th birthday great opportunity well with the hiring of our firm we'll partly Like It's 1999 next year we won't miss it next year we're g to talk about the great things that's happening in this city I've lived here for 15 years and I've heard so many negative things about opaka and I'm sick getting tired of it I'm in the media I know the media they know me I'm from the great city of Flint Michigan I know what it's like to handle cities that need help because we handled the Water Crisis also we handled the uh situation with uh the great supervisor of election Miss Brenda Snipes when she was attacked and we got that taken care of we handled her campaign we also see situations where we'll be able to manage crises management for the city of opaka you have a firm that can speak positively to the media on your behalf and do radio television social media all forms of marketing we need to tell the story and if you don't tell your story people will tell you a story for you we are very good at spotlighting CI we handle the city of Laudy Hill CRA the ly Hill live events in which we just had a sellout event with uh the last event was there sold out to capacity we handled the black promoters Collective which was the firm that was elected to handle jazz in the gardens after Live Nation and AEG handled it for the past 15 years thank you Mr w thank you very much thank you I appreciate the opportunity thank you citizens for is still open good evening Mr Mayor good evening commission uh I am uh going to be speaking on cons sense agenda number one uh my name is Scott Martin 4311 Buchanon Street Hollywood Florida now we have been working my company 2020 media has been working very closely with the city of opaka regarding the street Furniture whether it be bus benches and bus shelters uh We've I would say gone back and forth with City staff who has been unbelievably helpful for to exchange and replace what's going on in the city right now now I'm from North Miami this is where I was raised okay I I played baseball at Pepper Park I know it's north Miami but that's where I grew up now we want we wanted to and we've we've expressed our desire to change every single bus bench and bus shelter in this city and up until a day and a half ago we thought we were number 13 on the agenda for approval now what we're what we have proposed is to replace every single bus bench every single bus shelter and provide the city with an aesthetically pleasing bus bench not only that we're putting out garbage cans that we maintain as long at the same time we're paying the city a revenue share and so again up until a day and a half ago we thought we were being my partner just came in Joel uh just came in from Tallahassee because we thought we were going to get approved approved for a contract to replace every single bus bench every single bus shelter in the city of opaka and make it look better the way it should be now I've been a part of aaka I go way back and I don't know if every anybody remembers Stark Smith but I go way back with the city of opaka and we're hoping that you reconsider pulling it off the consent agenda now we've already negotiated the contract like I said with the city of opaka we approved it and thank you I do have one quick question sure and and it's un president who did you negotiate that contract with uh Mr Arya okay thank auson all right thank you and I don't Joel good evening um I'm available to answer any other additional questions if anyone has any no not at this moment all right thank you good evening mayor County Commissioner my name is chaplain Stanley young I have been a chaplain in the prisons and jails in North Carolina South Carolina now I'm here in Florida trying to reach inmates the men and women who want to get their life turned around I've been spending uh many years interfacing with these men and women to give them that second chance that we all need I'm now here in Florida assistant here I have been working with the Miami day Department of Correction I have sat with the director to the discuss how we can properly get these men and women that are in our County into a position where they can pulls up and get themsel back in society right I want to put this in your heart and your mind because a lot of people don't know about inmates when they get out a lot of them can't get jobs a lot of them can't get places to stay because they they got a rap seet and they have no money so what did they do they go right back to Crime that's why I want to come in and I have been uh engaging this for a couple years now this is my first time actually addressing this wonderful Council here in opaka to really address this issue and put this issue before your city council to really consider something to bring these inmates back into your your city right that's one of my passions I want to establish a home where they could come don't have to worry about food don't have to worry about clothing have to worry about nothing they can come there to to get themsel whatever they need to get themsel back into this the communities the right way um I'm accessible right now I I my doors are open for all of you to come to talk my also my second passion is the homelessness that is going on in our city in our County let's just go into to County there there's there's a we are the third largest in the United States Florida the state of Florida is the third largest state in the United States with homelessness it is a situation that we all have to uh address together I see three parts that will really make that impact that's the government that's the clergy and that is the community that most to surround this homelessness and those that are coming back into our community thank you right I thank you for your time I hope to work with you sometime to uh address these issues thank you very much yes sir and staff will get your number before you leave how are you sir how you doing good evening AR Lawson everybody doing mayor counsil meeting my first time doing this but I'm excited due to the fact that I'm like I'm a returning citizen okay but being a returning citizen before you go any further let's start your name in um lawon and address for the record 13059 s 26 Street Mamont Florida 33027 got it uh first foremost um I'm a person that transparent as possible and I'm a person that's front from this actually from this neighborhood um I grew up here I played for Bunch Park um actually just had an event over at PACE Senior High School for the community along with athletes and high school players so what I want to propose is uh we create a media Outlet opaka TV to be exact um to bring more exposure to the city of opaka in a positive light because as we know over time the last time you look up it was is nothing but bad publicity you know from back in the days and when I grew up on Shabani Paran I remember just seeing all the functions that opal lockers used to have and for me it's like I want to bring that back I want to be able to partner up with the community that I grew in and change the narrative uh I want to be able to uh see you all know you all and know these kids so I created my Foundation fan is family and neighbors Improvement Talent so I agree with um the Young gentleman that was just came before me about returning citizens but I disagree with thinking that they can't change because I'm a product of change so with that being said um I want to show and prove that the young kids from the back blues and around this around the area can be a positive outlet uh shown greatly to people if the the Gap is bridge I want to be able to bring uh notoriety to space I'm sorry I want to be able to create hug for these kids to use their functionalities I have over 100 kids now before me there was just me on the sidelines but after me I have over 100 young men and women that do videography and photography for the community but uh when I come to a game in opaka there's nobody there so I want to be able to bring the more exposure and uplift the the community that's what I really want to do all right thank you sir and again if you see the young man right here in the on the side give him your number and then one of us will reach out to all right thank you thank you thank you good evening my name is uh Theus Williams 1391 no 91 Street let me clear the records on something when I was coming up in here first of all Mard Western track field if you want to talk about it you need to go see the superintendent vice president Williams don't have nothing to do with it we got to do with it we downtown we downtown talking about it and our inner city schools are bad often the time we elected a lot of people to come and do the work for the people but the people is not here everything he wants to be around us it's not on agenda for us to vote for it but everybody asks for our votes I roll over here Ingram Paul Senor football fields I'm hoping y'all don't put no parts over there no soccer field like da County want to do I'm hoping they put a family picnic over there where we can have some for our black history I'm hearing all the money running around here put it over in Ingram Park we got too many people coming in our country telling us and meeting with y'all what they want but y'all should have come to us as taxpayers and put us put it on the agenda let the people talk it's sad we in a house crisis right now they getting paid and the more y'all let them build the more the tax go up we need to start talking about bringing tax down for senior citizen and the people live in this community we're not talking about that see everybody wearing about a dollar it's a sign in the front but in the back and say God We Trust now who can we trust who can we trust we got to trust y'all see people comes into y' office and talk another game but the people is the people agenda it's the community agenda and if you don't have a relationship with the community that mean they don't trust you too many enemies coming in here trying to build over us nobody don't need no more warehouses we don't need none of that no more we need better service for our community and Senior citizen let's look out for our senior citizen and let them Development coming from they all over here now we need to stop dealing with them deal with the people who help our black community is gone one second y' go ahead Mr William our community is gone our history getting ready to go and everybody around here I don't seen this this community go up and down they just prove for soccer F fcer uh event to comeing day County but don't get the vote from the people we tired of it thank you Mr Williams Mr Mayor my name is James Jacobs I'm at 2161 ring Street I wanna ask well I'm not gonna ask you question U but commissioner Kelly brought up a point key point that I heard earlier about the drains and another thing commissioner Kelly says which he actually does cuz twice twice a week he he rides to community and he comes down my street at least twice a week and the drain at rutling in 22nd which he brought up about he seeing the dreams are knock completely de clean and the chief was talking about the storms that drain got almost like flowers cing out of it weeds and stuff coming out of it now I have brought this up attention to Public Works and code enforcement which have sent pictures to Public's work because they stood right there and you know s the information in and this been a while but the drain haven't been clean and we got a brand new beautiful truck I know we got a brand new beautiful truck because I seen it but it don't stop at that drain because I was told at the corner of rutling and 22nd is a day County problem not a city old Paka problem but I have to come off 22nd to get into that rutling street kind of got me confused you know because I was told that it was not a opaka problem so I address you about that problem and like U commissioner bass said we all supposed to be one-sided not no east west side you know I don't see that truck on the east side though but I see that truck on the West Side that's how come I know we got a new truck you dig what I mean I want to see I like to see the truck on the east side that Community as commissioner bass say one not split and the her change season is coming and a couple of times I have cleaned it out myself but they need a real good cleaning you know what I'm saying yes sir I appreciate if you can look into it sir yes sir thank you Mr Jacob thank and um Madam manager can be good yes I have his contact information got it good evening again to you all I come to address um an issue concerning hurricane preparedness Dr can you um give us your state your name and address for the Dr Rivia Walden 1860 Service Road opaka Florida and I hear you because we do have good people that come out of opaka millionaires I have one one of my kids with that I just want to address something really quick um being hurricane prepared the home next door to me was red tag about 30 days ago when I was here before M Taylor you instructed the manager to keep me updated on what was going on and the process of all of that the red tagging I did get the process on paper with a red tagging 30 days passed on yesterday including the weekends I would like to know what is going to go on because they have built on and on on and on structures on that home they have tenants in there that shouldn't be in there they violated code enforcement over and over again they threatened they disrespected code enforcement our police force the building and license manager zoning and they've already said they're not doing nothing about it we've been in hearings about those structures over and over again they just moved new tenants over there they threw tenants out because the roof was leaking in the back housing came there the other day the Housing Authority was sent over there to be proof that building and Licensing was on their a game the man got up on his roof on a ladder took pictures of the Housing Authority with me in the pictures violating my privacy I've called the police several times the chief no I thank God for the chief um Mrs Willcox back there miss Marilyn everybody's trying to be on their job hurricane preparedness if something go on when that hurricane come and by this court months ago it was said that building the building administrator could have them remove certain structures that's attached to my property concerning encroachment over and over again nothing have been done to me everybody's in contempt because nobody's following the rules of the court with that if a hurricane comes and that roof come off of that building or something goes on with those Gates that's attached to my home and hurt me hurt my family member that's all of my property have been Dam damaged somebody's going to be held accountable I would like to know moving forward yes ma'am after the 30 days with that red tagging what's next thank you thank you Dr Walden and we'll get staff to connect with you citizens form is still open audre Dominguez 1147 Jan Avenue um I wanted to ask um I know that it was brought up or I brought it up to commissioner Kelly regarding um a four-way signage in Jan Avenue and Amad Street we just had a huge accident um with a truck and a car I mean it was horrible both cars were total loss and as a matter of fact one of uh my neighbors fence was totally um taken down um so if if we can get maybe uh I don't know we need to do something because until maybe somebody dies is maybe when they'll move fast enough but it was very it was horrible I mean all my neighbors came out because of it how hard it hit the impact I know one of them had to been speedy and the other one took the stop sign but if there were four stop signs I know for a fact that accident could have been prevented at least slowed down uh on another note um there's been a lot of um bills that have been passed through the Senate and one of the bills is s sp290 um which I would encourage you guys to read it it's in regards to uh public records requests I'm bringing this about because of myself that I've requested public records and I'm talking about currently not last year talking about currently so I just want to read a portion where it says civil action if a civil action is filed against a contractor or service provider to compel production of public records relating to public agency contract for services the court shall assess an award against a contractor service provider reasonable cost of enforcement including reasonable attorney fees so I I just want someone to please um find out what's going on was who's holding these public records because mes are very simple I'm not asking for nothing out of this world very simple public records that I asked in I think in January and I asked one I think in April too so if someone would give me information as to why they're not being given out thank you thank you commissioner and Madame cler are we ma'am may your office can yes okay I'll reach out to and I actually did receive um her public records um shortly before 5 today from the manager's office so I I will make sure that she received those in the morning thank you hello how are you hi good evening Janette Matos 2240 service road I just want to piggyback on what my neighbor on service road stated um can we please put pressure on the city to with the draam AG because as he stated yes there are um you know buildup trees whatever I don't know backed up and so when it rains and stuff like that for example I just had the plumber come out to my house about three weeks ago and he put the snake 250 feet and so I'm assuming that's the part where the city comes in because when he pulled the snake back out all it was was um trees and ferns or whatever you know is back there so yes I will do my part like to get my area you know drained and stuff like that cleaned but 250 ft I'm sure that's the city's problem so you know being that we are in hurricane season and we're going to get rain and storm and stuff like that if y'all can apply pressure on the county to clean that that's it thank you Miss MTO thank you thank you hello mayor and Commissioners my name is Carla Hibert ladimer um my address is 20584 Northwest 14th Place Miami Gardens 33169 I'm here tonight because I'm a community organizer activist and researcher and just from listening to the community members I want to suggest that the commission consider doing a community needs assessment um and with that we could inform some of the things that the community wants including a community benefits plan for developers who are coming into the area I would love to give my services and assist in developing that or coaching the staff here through process if that's something that is of interest to the commission and I would also like to consider working on an advocacy basis to organized in the back blues and other communities that need more advocacy um and S resources as well also I am a human rights as well as human trafficking expert in the area I've noticed that city of opaka has a lot of human trafficking issues I want to be able to render services to you from various coalitions and resources that I have to be able to assist with missing child cases as well as any issues that we're having locally with human trafficking and our youth specifically so that's what I would love to uh offer the commission and for any other further services that I can render to you guys thank you so much thank you Miss Carla and the young man over there will get your number before you leave citizens form is still open okay citizens before we close Madam clerk we had somebody that was online are they still there because we about to close citizens form I would have to confirm with um Our IT department to see if Mr Harris is online no no Mr Mary he's not citizens form is closed all right um so we're going to move right along to our action items our consent agenda which is item 12 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida directing the city manager to conduct an internal feasibility study to establish a food pantry at Ingram Park within the city providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Kelly can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second by commissioner baz um commissioner Kelly this is your item you can goad and present thank you Mr Mayor this is a item uh directing the manager to do a uh feasibility study on putting a food pantry on uh Ingram Park in the uh room areas if you've been around or been around a city and at the time the food program used to actually be at Ingram Park and what this will allow is for the manager to do a study to see if it's feasible because we know that we're looking uh with a lot of challenges uh food in security is still a challenge and I think that we need to at least explore uh the possibility of having a place that we can have residents in times of need fire hurricane whatever may be happening that we would have a place in the city um that they could go and so the resolution really just asks the manager to look in whether it's feasible or doable or not and bring it back to the commission for the commission to make a decision it also would coincide with the commission request we did the approval of the feeding South Florida item to gather uh data to to see how many residents are using um not using but are receiving food from the program that we're funding now which will obviously end in the fiscal year so hopefully the feasibility study will come back so the commission can make a decision one way or the other on um continuing that program and or establishing uh our own food p in the city because that would allow us to not only get the food that we get now at least twice a month would allow us to have a location and a place to store uh items that we may have left and sometimes we do have canned goods left and things of that nature would allow us to reach out to other um business receive meats and things we put those in the freezer but this item really just authorizes the manager to do a feasibil study to see if it's feasible and what it would cost bring that back to the commission for a decision that is the purpose of the the item thank you okay and this item are you to commissioner Williams Because you pulled it Williams yes Mr Mayor um just real quick for the item to the sponsor I know the neighboring city um we have a neighboring City that also has a food pantry um which is North Miami Beach and um I I pulled it only because I wanted my question was um if you go on North Miami Beach's website through for their food pantry and I'm looking at it um right now as we speak it is through their social services department and so I was wondering it I know the feasibility study it appears as if the item is saying that it would be a a ram by the city but would that be something that you would or we all would think that would be connected through the social services department that we pass that they would run that pantry so that um it's it's it's connected to the services of the city of our residents as opposed to city employees running it and that was my question Mr Mayor commissioner gy yes thank you for the question um yes North Man Mi Beach does have a pantry there's some other cities the feasibility study just allows the manager to look at all of the best practices maybe out there and come back to the commission with their recommendation on how to approach it I I believe it possibly could be under the Social Service uh umbrella but I will leave that determination uh to management when they do the study and when they look at the possibility of how to lay it out my only concern and what I really want to do is look at the possibility of having a place where when something happens when there are emergencies when there's a fire when there's a hurricane there's something that comes up we have a place that residents can go based on however it's structured and the commission passes that residents can go and um get help it also allows us people that maybe want to donate uh things and like I said if the commission decides to continue with our current program for example uh there are occasion have any too lately but um where we've had with Farm share for example sometimes chicken left you know but because we don't have any place to store it they have to take it back now thankfully it haven't been happening the last two months we've been you know running out of everything which is a good thing but if we were to have a place we could actually um sign and keep that for someone in the community it would also allow us to vary our days and or time because one of the things I hear from uh the community as well is they can't pick up food at 10:00 in the morning they at work 11:00 in the morning so that would allow us the flexibility to do something in the evening because although folks may work they still could use assistance but again that would be under the purview of when the manager brings it back how they would feel that it should be structured and or if it should be under the umbrella of the uh Social Service component which I have a problem with but I'll defer that to when it comes back this just ask the manager to look into to all best practice including the one that you're you're mentioning thank you Mr Mayor okay any other questions to the sponsor on this item all right hearing none we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right next item on the consent is item 132 we just did two Mr I'm sorry 13 three 133 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of abalaka Florida authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with hip Rockstar LLC for public relations and marketing consultant services in an amount not to exceed $84,000 annually as set forth in exhibit a providing for incorporation recital providing for an effective date this is sponsor by the city manager all right can I get a motion for this item move it move by commissioner Williams second by commissioner bz um Madam attorney Madam um manager good afternoon an RFP was issued for marketing and public relations services to replace the city's previous company we did receive a strong response with receiving nine proposals back at this time management is has made a recommendation to select hip Rockstar as the company to serve the city for these services and I would ask um Mr Robert an to be available should the commission have any questions all right this item was pulled by commissioner Kelly I you to you commission Kelly yes thank you Mr Mayor and I did have some questions that uh the manager's office did um respond to that I got um a little earlier today um hadn't had a chance to go over it but my my concern really is the um structuring the process because usually on items of this magnitude um three firms three vendors three whatever come back to the commission to make a decision but on this one I noticed that um the recommendation came with just just one and that was concerning um to me as well why it only came back with one vendor should have been in my opinion the top three and then the commission could make a final decision I was told that um you know it's under manager's uh authority to do um recommend one and the commission can you know choose it or not um I I don't know if I necessarily agree with that that interpretation but that's one I was given having said that I also had some challenges with um the evaluation process that took place in some of the scoring um of how it it came out and um that was another concern that I have and I also want to say to my colleagues in this I made this statement not only with this one but with other things where we have an evaluation committee process put together but in my opinion the folks sometime who need to be a part of these evaluations are not part I was very disappointed not to see the clerk's office uh actually involved considering how much um they're involved with the events and outre that we do with flies Etc I also felt that maybe Parks and Rec should have been involved even though I know Miss Lawson sits over the department but it goes to you know when I see folks on the committee that's not hands on with what's going to take place evaluating that's always a concern um that I have and I've raised that several times even when you talk about things in public works the folks in the trenches need to be a part of the evaluation not just folks that sit in the office because they're the ones who got to deal with it and we've seen time and time again where a selection is made and then uh we find out later we probably should have went a different way because we didn't have the folks out there doing the actual on field work and in the trenches a part of that early process so I did get these answers um I I'm still not totally um convinced that it should have been one but it's before the commission I wanted to raise those concerns and just put on the record the fact um how it took place because when I looked at the breakdown even how some of the proposals were given based on hours um a month um it wasn't very clear to me and was explain to my briefing how they looked at it but um it was still challenging I want to put on the record Mr Mr Mayor thank you okay any other concerns to the sponsor on this item all right Madam vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right we're moving on to our new items which is I add on items 141 141 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida directing the city manager to allocate $50,000 for implementation of a summer youth jobs program and enter into an agreement with the South Florida Workforce investment board pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth and exhibit a providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor right can I get a motion movement move by vice mayor second by commissioner B I'll go ahead and present this item comes before us every year I just wanted to ensure that it was timely because seems like every year we're behind the eight bar when it comes down to employing our children for the summer so I just wanted to make sure that our children was employed Ely that they can get the full experience of the program and I'll entertain any questions if there are any how many Mr Mayor say again Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly how how many youth that we hoping to do are we just going to we're just running it through the south Florida um Workforce investment board yes sir they're going to shepher the program the whole program the whole program okay thank you no problem um any other question question all right Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor irvan yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right we're moving on got P we're going into our city manager's report Madam manager yes um I just want to um inform the commission that I don't have a report but I will share any concerns that you may have with the city manager and also the the concerns that were raised by the citizens I've taken notes of those and we'll be sure to get those um concerns address okay and the only thing I ask on the concerns can you provide the commission with a report and how you cured those issues do Mr Mayor any question um commissioner Williams yes thank you um if you can um to the manager's office um I do want to say there were a few things that were a little glaring throughout um the present ations um tonight um number one and I think I've said this a few times before um is ensuring that as a city we constantly and consistently consult with our City attorney and I'm seeing that that's still we're still deficient in that um in that area we can't sorry so we we can't have things that are brought to us that are said to US Reports presentations that our City attorney quite frankly whether the city is it's it's not a personal or a like or dislike the fact is she protects us she protects the city and she protects the board and I'm saying she but our attorney and it doesn't matter if it's um any whoever our City attorney is so it does concern me that there are multiple things that come around that um we don't we we we're like it's glaring and it's becoming very glaring um to me and this is to me my opinion so there are a lot of things at this point that we need to fix um we need to put personal feelings aside and ensure that our City attorney um is consulted and in addition when I've seen a lot of emails I found my city phone but anyway I've seen a lot of emails um where you know questions are being asked and it's taking days and weeks and sometimes 30 days for things to to be said to answer back to um to Legal we can't do that like that's when we're talking about court system it's it has to be timely so we got to fix that um and then another thing I'm concerned about and it was also glaring to me is things that are not coming to commission um there are two items on the agenda that said ratification we didn't mention it but it was said that and we we we really should start taking a look at our agenda items every agenda there is a ratification item you got to start like take a look at that and so um now not trying to hear be here to school the commission but this is the part where we talk to each other and so um we when items are being ratified those items have been moved the work has been done contracts have been signed and now it's oops it didn't come to the commission so now we have to bring it to the commission that is there is a ratification item on every single agenda that's a problem and I wanted to you know I'm just saying I've been saying and I'm trying to you know but it's we got to fix that there's some systemic things that um you know we have you know a new manager but we have to F first figure out how do we fix the old and not bring what was what was systemic into the new the city of bride opportunity so so please we got to we got to work on that and so this is the calm Veronica commissioner Williams but we gota I don't I don't want to like I feel like I should not have to keep saying that so it's through the manager's office if we can fix that um and then I want my question is we talked about cameras and illegal dumping but I I don't we pass these items they don't come back we don't hear about them no one does any presentations what what's going on with the cameras we're hearing it is an illegal dumping party going on in our city yes staff has um seen an increase with illegal dumping last week 15 new cameras were installed um we can prepare a presentation and bring it back to the commission so you all are aware of that be perfect thank you so much you're welcome um and lastly and I hope this doesn't you don't think that I'm meeting up on manager's office sorry um lastly there's been an uptick in robberies there's been an uptick in people breaking in homes and people breaking in uh cars and so I I don't know what we need to do because things happen on commissioner's Bass Street so it doesn't matter you know whose Street it is we've got two commission sitting Commissioners up here that have been affected we gota we we have to figure out how to work through um what's happening with um the increase in um just the illegal activity that's happening my assessment is this is connected to all the new people that are not that are living we had a a resident the doctor talked about next door that are not supposed to be living I.E trailers that we don't know who they are where they're coming from they're not res um you know I'm not it's not a political thing but we're there's a a huge uptick in illegal immigrants and what we need to we don't know we don't know um if they you know if they have a background or criminal record or anything and this is just all over you know Florida so we need to really hone in and this is I guess for the police department you know making sure that we're protecting our streets um to ensure that an entire Street doesn't have cars being broken into to in the middle of the night thank you thank you okay any other Mr Mayor go ahead Vice one of our residents mentioned about the dogs and just yesterday I was over on the east side with my six new best friends that are ages 5 to 12 and they wanted to make sure that they took me by the house where the dogs chase PE chase them literally about every other day they said so if we and they showed me the dogs and I've seen them before when I was over there they're quite vicious and they're white dogs I won't mention their breed but they also shared with me that their parents had called um animal control and and uh basically they were not successful so we definitely need to do something about those two dogs I only saw one yesterday but in previous times I've seen both of them really thank you sir so I gave the cheaper look and tomorrow we'll work together to try to get miy day County back out there but um at times we know that dogs are hopefully what the dogs are roaming so we can try to get those dogs off the streets okay thank you so much any other concerns to the manager's office Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly um yes thank you I have about 16 items through meet me Monday so I know they're been worked on so I won't bring those up but I do want to follow up because I one of the reasons why I was pulling number five was because that ratification and I've mentioned it too many times myself that we're getting items that are ratified which means they've been paid and we really have no choice but to pay them and so I am very concerned to see that happening and I'm also concerned as my colleague mentioned about the emails that go back and forth with the city attorney and the manager's office regarding various items um some of which obviously have time frames and time um sensitive things with it and so I'm I'm going to talk to the commission because as my colleagues said we can only talk up here there is a problem we can ignore it if we want to but there is a major problem and disconnect with um communication and getting things done and we cannot afford to keep sitting here like we don't know it exists because it does both of those entities work for the city commission they don't work for anybody else but the city commission so Mr Mayor I know you the chair so I'll kind of maybe defer to how you want to do it but I'm at the point now I'm tired of seeing those emails because then later on we have folks coming before us saying things that um you know we think about it it was somewhere in that email and we could use a whole lot of different examples you go back and and look at them and I know fluff emails when I see them versus substance Sometimes some of them are fluffed so um that's a real issue that needs to be uh dealt with from the commission because both of those folks work for the commission and we need to um address that once and for all I do Echo and I wait for the manager's office on the followup from all the concerns raised by the residents and citizens form including the dumping the dogs and um as it was said I ride around so I'll be able to see just like everyone else if it gets taken care of the other things that I wanted to ask about um the road dips from the paving and I know that the county is really doing 22nd 27th Avenue um Paving improvements um I know they started Miami GS now they going throw a blocker going straight through my concern is when you make turns off of the road there's dips major dips in the road whether it's 22nd or 27 and my concern or my question is are they going to come back and smooth that at some point because they're all over that I mean 151st going all the way down whether it's 22nd 27 we want to see the road obviously improved and they're doing it but those dips if you don't do something about them they're just going to get deeper and deeper so we need to um we can find out about that and if not who we need to speak to or whatever because that's only going to get worse as you keep riding along those dips um the in Ingram Park sprinkler system um and the other roundabout areas in the city that have sprinkler systems I notice are not functioning or either not working I know we're coming up on rainy season and hope that will help us out in terms with hurricane uh rain as they say but right now it's so dry and I know some of these areas have sprinkler systems because they're they're in the ground I've seen them in some of the roundabout areas but they're not working and they're not on so we need to um to deal with that as well um and the development that was passed a while back from the commission regarding the Housing Development on um Alibaba with the mechanical parking um they fenced the property off they go to do some moving we we approved it but in riding of the day I saw for sale sign on the property so could you follow up and find out what happened with that because that was supposed to be some housing coming we passed it we was excited to see this mechanical parking but now I see a a sale uh sign on the um property so if we could find out what what occurred with that one and the property for example on um 22nd by State Road 9 the old Thompson um pwash because that was supposed to be under contract for some development retail whatever and now I don't see anything there either um except somebody set up selling flowers I see on the side there but there's no um development taking place so we could find out about that um I would appreciate it in the last one and I've been talking about this now for since I got back as it came up and meet me Monday the PSA officer status I know the commission passed for for public service AIDS um I was told that we have them they were getting uniformed and that was so long ago um but I have not seen one in the Community I have not seen matter of fact supposed to be two but I was I think we were told one was helping out with redl cameras but I have yet to see a PSA officer riding around in the community and one of the things they could be doing is some of the eyes and ears for the dumping the dogs and things of that nature haven't seen it yet and I know we budgeted for it we budget it for it we passed it as a commission and I haven't seen it do we have the P officers on staff yes we have one we have two we have two that thank you what well you know what Mr Jan I you know what let me try it I'm trying to be um oh I'm sorry go oh she was answering that yes we have and chief will um give you more information on what they are currently doing at this time so we don't Mr Mayor Commissioners so we have two on staff uh we have a hiring uh plan in place currently interviews are Ono as soon as we get them on we'll begin our training process with the other three um so the the budget we're budgeted for five positions our vehicles the PSA Vehicles will be in hopefully in the next batch within the next few months um so they can't Patrol without their vehicles uh currently the one is continuing with the red light camera processing and the other uh the secondary one is assisting with our accreditation portion and preparing the move down to our with our property and evidence uh downstairs so that's a collateral Duty that he's doing right now okay chief I I I appreciate you anerson let me talk to the manager that's unacceptable that's unacceptable it's supposed to be PSA officers in the community not doing red light camera not preparing for the move down to the first floor they're supposed to be out in the community and with all these cars we got around here there should have been a car already outfitted this is going on two years two years and not one PSA offic is on the streets outfitted to do what they're supposed to do but they're getting paid can't be through the PSA money because they're not doing PSA work so they getting paid through through the budget of the police department so the red light camera is part of the PSA responsibility sir that's part of the so the other one is getting paid through what well he's doing red light camera as well just another okay okay thank you matter manager I don't want to prolong the time as they saying church that's unacceptable there should be PSA officers on the streets to this commission passed in the budget follow the process there's no excuse not to have cars they doing really like do know everything that except what they're supposed to PSA is designed to be in the community Public Service aids to do those things to be those eyes the police can do other major things you just heard uptick and crime uptick and illegal dumping uptick with dogs all over the place those are the things that PSA could be doing and should be doing not sitting in an office doing red light camera work not preparing for the move to the first floor now I've been calm the last couple of meetings but I I that's that that's it for me that's it I want to know by the next meeting when those folks are going to be on the street that this community could right around and see him yes coach thank you Mr Mayor all right any other questions or concerns to the manager's office all right as we move on to our official board reports do we have any official board reports at this moment seeing none um we're going into our future agenda items do we have any future agenda items Mr Mayor commissioner Williams yes um a few times I brought this up about um a mod in Jan Avenue um and had conversations but um I see we're going to have to put it to legislation I know Mr Austin I talked about this before um I would like to make a motion for a traffic study on a mod and Jan Avenue I can tell you that intercept that intercept section someone's going to get killed someone is going to get killed it was horrible horrific what I saw today um on my way and I think I know I spoke with the chief about it um coming from work and people are spending money to fix their house to purchase new fences that are getting constantly broken um cars are like leveling fences um I called the resident and said and she was out of town you know her nesa Williams and I said sweetie your fence is gone and so this is it's it's crazy because it's my own mother 105 years ago I don't even know how long ago Cadillac is that's what she drives total after one month total it had to go to the hospital someone is going to get killed on that intersection it needs to be a fourway stop it just it it has to be and then another thing that's happening is all the cars that are in the front are blocking people cannot see they you got an inch and inch an inch and this is happening all over our city you got an inch just to see if the car is coming because it's so many cars that are out we got to do something something's got to be fixed there so that's I'm off my soap box but you know it sits different when your mama get hit your neighbors get hit and then you see complete destruction at this intersection so traffic study on on and jam Avenue and um I would like for us to discuss or figure out how we do this we really need to increase one additional Public Works employee I'm so sorry code enforcement that's what I meant code enforcement employee and I would like to profer that item for an increase in one additional and I know that will go looking at budgets and I'm sure Bob is not going to be happy about that but we need an and and at least one addition Public Works employee that's it thank you I'm C enforcement thank so for the first item um um Madam commissioner if you don't mind tweaking that just a little bit to do a Citywide traffic study I no to prioritizing you say you don't or what no no just aad and Jan Avenue okay but then I want you to add to that because I brought this up a couple last year and it hasn't happened yet 143rd by my house I'm 17 that roundabout it just happened I just saw it yep someone always get hit there added to do a stop sign a study on the stop sign so add that to that did Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly is this the route we're gonna have to take to get stuff done I'm smiling and I guess it is because commissioner Williams what you're talking about a traffic study for a modern J I asked for over a year ago we should actually already have the traffic study done and Mr Austin has sit there smiling uh because through the man you know what let's do this m m Miss uh Mr manager can you can you have Miss off come up because it's not a new item because that very same thing about accidents that been brought up about a modern Jam we're supposed to be having a traffic study to do uh done to see if we could even put four-way stop signs of what they recommend and that's not new I got you know me me Monday stuff going back over a year for that location and one of the other things that I had asked about which the same thing the mayor is mentioning all over the city for those potential type of things but since we're talking about a mod and Jan and if we have to go that route I definitely want to co-sponsor it but um where are we on that because that's not new Mr Austin I'm sorry Mr Mr Austin can you let Miss gross um start first and then you can chime in good evening again um major and commissioner we are actually doing a traffic study and Citywide study through the safe Street Grants that we receive and it's being performed currently it should we should have the results by September this year okay that's good but what I'm talking about happened before we even started that Grant process am I right way before so that should have already been taking place I appreciate the Citywide and that'll cover with the mayor and probably some of us got other streets that we ride but the one for Jan andar should have been done so if you could allow me atin get there the weigh in why we hadn't gotten anywhere with that we we did contact myate County for traffic information and crash crash statistics on that street we the results we got were insufficient to conduct a study because they they reported that they had little to no accidents reported for that area and I did provide those uh statistics who you provide them to yeah because I asked for uh asked for that several times to meet me Monday um and I've asked about it here because it's come up several times by the modern Jan and the only thing I was told was we were working waiting on the study from Miami day County we do have the traffic uh statistics on the that intersection sir and they're saying that there's not been enough activity not not enough activity to Warrant additional traffic control devices stop sign devices period correct which one any any control device okay so includes stop if they said that to the manager I was never made aware of that number one number two they said it was not enough data then to me we should have increased the police presence around there because it is a high area that we know based on our residence here elect official of challenges with activities of cars and and whatever so we should taken that initiative even though we got the whole Citywide coming but I'd like to get a copy of that report and information because I've not seen that um because you you heard resight you heard my colleagues talk about accidents but I've been talking about that for a long time and had not got that back in writing that the county basically said no we can't put anymore whatever and they said nothing yes sir okay I like that right give it to all of us matter can you please share that with with me so I can make sure the commission get it I'm sorry before you leave if if this is if if this is happening and occurring in opaka wouldn't we have our own data within the police department why are we reaching out to be because we have to go through Miami date County when it's a study like this since they are the custodians for Traffic Control devices in Miami day County no I understand that but what I'm saying is is if we have our own 10 year data as the kids say there are receipts to show that no you're wrong this is the number or the amount of traffic accidents that have happened there then we can counter what Miami dat but right now we're not countering which it just sounds like to me we're just putting our tail under our legs and we're walking away we got to go there has to be every time there is an accident there opalak of police is there so if we have to we have to have our own in-house data and statistics there and I ask for that inhouse what five 10 years of what that looks like but if we're going we're going here but we're not looking at oursel like we're not looking at the data within our own organization so that's what I think that's what we're asking for that data right Chief has to exist so that we can counter Miami day County and then my next question is so you mean we got to we in order to install two traffic two stop signs they have to approve it do we need to reach out to our County Commission so that we can have this conversation that's why we have to do for any traffic control device Miami dat county has to be the overarching authority and that that's why every time we do a traffic study we do a resolution direct to in Miami dat County to provide us with Statistics and what's the next steps for ensuring that it's done well I'm just saying let's start there let's counter with our own in-house statistic and I would like to see that in writing because a lot of times no offense M you know okay but a lot of times employees come up and say this is what it is but we see nothing we don't get any any paper that says and so I'll say well show me this in writing show me that in writing and I don't see it I mean so if we get if we get this in writing then we will know for a fact that it's a fact okay thank you understood so can Madam Madam manager can you provide the correspondence to the commission as well as the study yes so and to commissioner Williams's point so maybe we need to do Outreach to let them know that it is a problem in the city of opala yes I as soon as I get that information from Mr Austin I'll share with the vice may had a one second um it sounds like this is gonna take a while and I could say that I attended a Chief's uh dinner meeting on one of those islands last year and I don't know if we got to get a permission from the county to do this but all of their stops signs actually have some kind of light that goes up and down to like it goes up and down the whole pole um you have to see it maybe we can install that um as a temporary fix that people could see it um because it catches your eye right away maybe we can look into that to see if we can at least get those on our trouble spots um is that something that we have to go through the county to get as well but I was trying to feed up may I I I this is we're kind of we're all on the same page my concern is this when it came back we couldn't do it then to me someone should have reached out to the police department that says until we can come up with a solution we need more visibility more whatever in this area because we're seeing it and then to my colleague's point when these accidents occur we got to have some data to happened morning Happ midday The Happening rush hour so that we can at least try to have some some uh you know police presence until we get to the final answer a solution because the way our process works this is going up as a item we hopefully will pass it to come back come back at the next meeting to actually go to the manager to do it and then by the time as Vice Minister it's gonna be so long we'll be at 60 90 days we don't want to wait that long to try to do something and I mean by that time this the the whole study might be back for the city in 90 days but in the short term those areas whether it's 143rd or wherever has been identified because we got the data we need to see increased presence if you will in those areas because we know there're challenges and what's frustrating to me and it's a part of me Monday request 22nd Avenue coming out to Wilmington those cars on the side blocking you know where you can't see to get out from 21st Court coming out W and going back in it's probably that same headache it's part of that same headache so in the short term because we're going to probably hopefully pass this but it's going to be at least 6090 days before we can do something even though we're probably going to reach out to the county so Madam manager in the short term especially in these areas that seem to continue to have the accidents um for whatever reason um we need to increase the police visibility since we do have a data to kind of know they're occurring to at least slow it down since we're aware of it and that that's really my frustrating part I know the county does what they do and they they take their own time but um you know that was on my my concern I was waiting for it to come through meet me Monday but I'm glad it was brought up tonight so you know I'm going to support the legislation but I hope we don't have to go through this on items of this kind of magnitude because we're looking at 60 to 90 days before it come back in some kind of final form but but uh as the mayor said you can get us information and we'll do what we can do thank you sir I'll I'll reach over to the county to see if we can install temporary sign if they could insult temporary signs until the study is complete thank you all right so the first future agenda item um by commissioner Williams and then we'll go down the line is um a traffic study on Jan and Amad can I get a motion move by vice mayor second second by um commissioner Williams Madam clerk post the commission we want to co-sponsor with you all right we all want to co-p shing my head we good yes okay to with everybody so um we're ready to call the question for the first agenda item Mr Mayor I know you mentioned about adding additional streets so it's just Jan Avenue and a mod yes um oh yeah 17th to 143rd I'm sorry commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z okay and the second item from commissioner Williams was the increase and code enforcement Staffing um can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Williams second by vice mayor Madame clerk commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes any futur items no um I have I have a couple so we're in the budget season so I want to we didn't do it last year but I want to make sure it's done this year to decrease the millage rate in the city of opaka so that's my future agenda item and while we're doing budget I want to make sure that it is included in the in the upcoming budget what is I to decrease the military okay yes okay thank you so and that's the first one my second one is to um create a Citywide home rehabilitation program prioritizing seniors and families in need um I just want that program to run in tandem with the one that the C is currently doing because I want to make sure everybody in the city of opal has an opportunity to that so the C only acces one portion of the city but I want to make sure that the city also develops a program to run in tandem with the cra's program so that's that and the to do what create a home a Citywide home rehabilitation program the similar to what the C is doing okay okay and the third one this is not a new item we've been screaming about this for months to install playgrounds with covering at every part in the city of opaka to add that I'm only doing this now because we're going into the budget so I want to make sure that it is included in the budget um so those are my three three future agenda items and that's where I'm at can I get a motion on the mill rate decrease I move the mill rate okay move by commissioner Kelly can I get a second second by commissioner Williams um Madam clerk Vice May Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams commissioner baz mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z okay and the second item can I get a motion to do the creation of a home move it oh second can I get Madam clerk um who moved and who second um moved by commissioner William second by vice mayor commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass vice mayor Irving yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z and the installation of playgrounds with coverings at all parts in the city of opanka Mr Mayor commission Kelly um I'm when you get to the question commissioner Williams Wait I'm sorry go ahead no no do you have a question on this item commissioner Kelly have a question don't know I heard yes I have I have I have a question I know when you want to do it now or after you get your person motion and second because I I was going to profer um an item but I wasn't waiting for the budget process I wanted it done now because there's actually money allocated for um playgrounds um and since the manager here I didn't want to go too deep into that with the park system Etc but your your item really is trying to make sure it's ENC captured in the budget for next oh no year I if I would rather it be done now but well I heard you mention part of the budget process a mill rate for that one no no not a mill rate I'm saying for the for the um playground you you interest because we're going to be in the budget process I was profing I was going to profit one not for the future but for like now I want to you know because those playgrounds have been the issue for a long time too and I really wanted to wait on the whole system but um well we I can change it to make sure Happ it now within I'm sorry I think what my question about um which I'm all for anything playground um if there is a plan in place to in to redo the playground with the with the covering um if we don't know the the specifics the um you know what I'm saying the square footage or all that stuff are we now will we have to now return back to to recover or because I mean what kind of covering like old playr material put new playgrounds with covering that are there now they no so it's the playground with covering with covering I just want to make sure it was with covering because that came up in okay yeah all right so the only change would be to ensure that it happens as as possible you want to put a timeline on it commissioner Kelly no I just I don't want to wait for the budget I want as soon as possible because you know it's it's a shame we have to peac meal things and the playground is one of those that you know the community been talking about rightfully so uh but it goes to the bigger picture of the whole park system Improvement um and that was something I was going to mention in my report but since it came up with our um consultant Miller leg for the whole park master plan which didn't show up to the to the town hall and still haven't seen them yet so um I want to know where they are on that because it really goes to the point commission we was making but since it seems like we got to kind of peaca some of these things because otherwise as though we're not listening to community or hearing what they're saying regarding playground and I hear it every month it may me Monday so I don't want to say budget I want to say as soon as possible since an item we can come back when it comes back we can flush it out or whatever but can you sure and so what we know commissioner Kelly is a coast moner because he said he was already going to do it commissioner every morning because you know I'm everybody's a co-sponsor on that one and we had who's the motion who made the motion commissioner Williams second by commissioner Kelly Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes Vice May Irving yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 we're still going down the line um Vice M do you have any CH items I do um one one is to have the manager to research the benefits that the commission used to get and the reason as to why they were interrupted and the legality of the interruption um that happened okay to research commission benefits okay all right um any questions to this on that the only one you I have another one go the other one is to have an attorney present at all board um meetings and special Masters hearings okay so let's start with the first one which is to research commission benefits and you say as and why right because they were we used to receive well you all used to receive benefits but a city manager remov those benefits from you all from got got it you got got it can I get a motion I'm tired I'm sorry y understood what I'm talking about no I just wanted real quick and also um not to add but um I know we had a the stiping the monthly stiping and there was was one thing that we were able to do and then I don't know what that coincide all benefits all benefits all benefits all right can I get a motion mve it move by commissioner Williams second by commissioner baz Madame clerk commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly it's gonna be so much fun yes commissioner William yes mayor Taylor commissioner Kelly to the words right out yes motion passes 5 Zer and the second item that she had was to ensure that legal was at all board meetings and magistrate hearings yes you want to um can I get a motion on that one real quick I'm so sorry Mr Mayor but don't all the the boards need to be clerked correct what's the what do they also need to be clerked are audible I'm not sure if they're all clerk right now I'm assuming that they are they're not they're not because I'm I'm saying if they if they were clerked then Rules of Order would be would be written in into you know would be said or those things so I'm just curious so Mr Mayor commission I'm sorry night in terms of the board meetings um the manager is responsible for assigning clerks to each of the boards and the boards that are currently active to my understanding I believe there are clerks on those boards there's a there every board there's some type of um well at all boards like a rule of or you know some type of standard of procedures standards and rules and procedures are those mentioned by the clerk clerk whoever's clerking the boards every meeting you know how you Ru you read into record C so initially when a a board um is in place they do have like an orientation meeting for new members and um typically the board clerk would go over that ordinance um with the board members as a part of that orientation now I can't respond as to whether or not that has taken place I know in terms of the historic preservation and planning and zoning that does take place um you know planning and Community de development they have orientation um my off office is responsible for providing training in terms of the ethics law and things of that nature which we recently had a a training um by Miami D Commission on ethics and it was well attended um for the most part the majority I would say 95% of the members attended so that was it thank you and Mr Mayor I was one one second the okay the the only thing I'm a little and it's just this future gentem so we don't really need to debate but don't worry about it if it passes I bring it up there Madam Madam attorney yes I just want to um add that if this item uh is voted upon that there be the fiscal impact associated with it attached to it because not not at least for the issue that has come to my attention that um the vice mayor may be bringing this up for that is really just a maybe a rules of procedure type of thing it's not something that is in need of legal for and so I just don't you know what I mean and I don't know that we are going to um I don't know if that's the best and highest use of our time to sit in you know certain board meetings where we're not needing now we do cover some obviously we cover um you know if there's uh planning and zoning and Charter review and and things like that but okay for the issue that was raised I just don't know that that's the answer for it Mr Mayor so if I may ask when we have our um ma Masters the magistrate meetings who is there to protect or to protect the city because the magistrate is there as a like a judge so who's in those meetings who is in those meetings to protect the city yeah and and as we talked about before Madam attorney one second I want to stop the debate because it's not necessary because we're not voting today so we're just voting to add it as legislation and I I will support it because I believe in um autonomy and resolution and ordinance so um we can move forward we don't need to go back and forth on the debate on that um so can I get a motion to add it to the agenda move it move by commissioner baz can I get a second second second by vice mayor um um commission I Jesus Christ Madam clerk vice mayor Iran we can discuss it there commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bath yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z do you have another agenda okay commissioner Kelly do you have any future items um no I don't I don't have any future that was the only one I had okay all right so we're moving along to our mayor and commission report um we'll start um right to left because commissioner Williams says I always start with her so commissioner Kelly will start with you thank you uh Mr Mayor um we held a town hall at SE Park uh last Thursday to hear from residents that the Mir co-hosted I want to thank uh those able to make it residents and my colleagues um to hear from residents and to dispel rumors about uh Park programming and or the park was being closed um and I will say this for the record I'm going to be moving aggressively um to move forward and addressing our Park system because it's taking too long to to move the park system and when I say that I don't mean just um Ingram Park but I mean the whole park system um so I'm going to work towards that as well um we held our monthly feeding South Florida distribution at Seagull Park last Friday we encourage uh residents um to take advantage of the program as I mentioned earlier we are still securing the data so the commission can make a decision on the viability of the program for the next fiscal uh year also uh we supported our 998th city birthday celebration from Bingo to karaoke and the gosp the park so I commend my colleagues who took the the lead on that the vice mayor and uh commissioner bass as always to be supportive of things when I can in the city um we hosted our monthly meet me Monday last uh Monday at Renew Bethal Church 151st and 27th we did submit the concerns and are a waiting the responses uh from the manager's office via the 10day as passed by the resolution so we have a couple more days to receive those um we are working on um Coming forward um co-hosting with the mayor Father's Day fishing um tournament and barbecue father child fishing over at England park on the day before Father's Day you hear more about that um so also working on fund dating the par for July the 20th for the community to come out and um I want to mention uh because we had initially looked at um August the 3 for the special needs back the school um Fair which obviously includes book bags and things but then I learned that the Citywide um date is for the 3 um as well and um so I'm going to work to try to switch the date because special needs is going to be at Helen Miller um Center but I'm working on getting some donations for that um something we started a few years ago because as we know um kids with special needs can't do a lot of the things that uh the kids would do at a lot of our regular uh back to school events and it brings me to to a concern that I have because when I asked um was the date available and was anything going on I was told no that it was nothing happening only to find out that I guess the city's book bag whatever it's the same day so I would hope we don't um run into that um challenge going forward when we when we're doing um dates and I don't know how that occurred but um it should not happen when you ask is the date available and you're told that it is and then find out later that it's not so we need to do a better job of that um that concludes my um report for tonight thank you Mr Mayor thank you commissioner Kelly um vice mayor yes thank you my son out there hey baby yes okay this is not the time for you to do shout outs do your we go home our Mother's Day fish right um was a huge success I thank you and congratulations to those of you that won really nice gifts and um I it melted my heart to do it more than it did you guys trust me and um also thank you to all the men that serve the women even though commissioner Kelly over here offered to wrap some Forks they were already pre did P those good raffle tickets and they got good gift so he did he did do that yes he did and thank you for my colleagues that came out um to support that cause also the city did celebrate it 998th Bingo um the celebration for me was amazing Bingo we had over 20 200 plus plus people there in attendance um the birthday party the next day I think everybody that was there is now about 15 Shades Darker because that sun did not come to play on Saturday did not come to play karaoke was great the gospel concert was even greater and residents we put forth a lot of effort between parks and wreck the commission the city manager's office the police department we do a lot to put these um events together where they are attended but you all could do better you all could come out more and enjoy what the city is providing for you because there nothing that bothers me more than people saying that oh I didn't know but then when I talk to them later they say oh yeah we watch the commission meeting so I'm gonna get ready to give y'all a breakdown through August 3 thank you um on Monday we're going to have a parks and wck we'll be having um a pool party over at shundi from no moon to 6 and June 14th is going to be the Father's Day and juneth bingo at shundi Park at 6 write it down June 22nd we're going to have our Jun teeth picnic for at shundi from noon to 6 July 4th is going to be the 4th of July Community picnic and Fir work show now it's going to start at 10:00 and I guess once dark come and we light our fireworks then it'll be over and uh August 3rd is the book bag giveaway um for the city which is will be festive um those are my Sav the dates and um parking wreck is currently registering for children for cheer and football from ages 5 to 15 years old also our city also have a summer camp program that starts June J 17th and it's my understanding that we'll be able to start registering um the registration packet will be ready about May 29th and I have one more congratulations well I have a congratulations to our flag football teams the 10 U and the 12 U were the champions they received championship rings and everything um and I do want to say thank you to everyone that made uh the weekend uh the 98th birthday party weekend go off without a hitch um I spoke to Mr King to tell him how great of a job that his staff did in his absence they were amazing parks and wreck did a great job Police Department did a great job the city manager's office the clerk's office everybody did a great job and for that I am ever so grateful and uh that to my knowledge I think I had one more thing um I wrote it on the wrong page I think let's see oh this week is um public works so I want to say congratulations for Public Works week the best public works department ever and uh I talked to you about the dogs and I want to also thank all the residents that came out to the town hall meeting that was held today um I want all of our residents to know that I heard them loud and clear and thanks for coming out and speaking their peace thank you until later have a nice evening commissioner B thank you I just want to say thank you to the manager's office to our City attorney who came out and supported chess we had 12 new players and that's that that was good 12 new players came to participate and who loved the game so I'm looking forward to see more growth uh of our chess club in city of opaka thank you commissioner Williams okay I quick um thank you everyone that uh had a part with this birthday celebration it was a great weekend I need a redo I need a karaoke redo um because I had my son queued up but lights went out um I want to congratulate all the graduating seniors give them a hand everybody all the graduating seniors that um and let me tell you it gets harder and harder each year to graduate or be graduation ready so um and for those that are going to college Career Technical um we're here for you and we're excited and just so that you know I'm not biased is by the way Carol City's graduation is May 28th I don't know who went there but they're up they're up first so that's around the corner um and then uh lastly uh the charter review board if we can get that going I believe we have a quorum now and um this will be next I'm not sure this will be legislation but um moving into summer to just have that our strategic planning because I know we said in it would be 30 days but we need to make sure we plan it and it's successful um did I take you you I'm always reading your M um and that's it and um thank you all have a great enjoyable restful Memorial weekend but thank you vice mayor for planning a pool party um you you will see Jaylen thank you all okay um um and I'll go Madam manager do we have any updates on Gloria the gardens or the oversight Financial oversight the the manager would be providing those updates via email via email yes okay so also we are rapidly approaching our deadline for evaluations of our Charter officers so the I've asked the clerk to ensure that she emails everybody the evaluation tool so that you all can complete them and give them back to her to clock in and then we can meet with our Charter officers one onone and move it forward and we passing the legislation at a later time um also and I think the last day for that if I'm not mistaken Madam cler is June 1st per resolution June 1st right yes June 1st okay also um commissioner Williams already said it the we need to set our goals and performance objectives in a strategic planning session for the city manager so he understands what our expectation is of him going forward and how we want to see the city move in the upcoming year so I look forward to us planning a strategic planning session as soon as possible as soon as possible within the summertime so that we can have that conversation and outside of that we are all aware that what the state was telling us in our individual meetings so we need to ensure that we give a copy of our events and initiatives to the manager's office to be included into the budget as well as anything any what was those was the memberships that we want to be a part of so they asked us to give that in advance so that it can be included in the budget so my thing is just take your time write it all out put it in detail and send it to the manager's office so that we're all on the same page in the upcoming year um commissioner Williams talked about the charter review board and I've been asking about that for the longest but I I've been told that we don't have a clerk for it but I know we have Quorum I'm not you're not the clerk for the Jo it's through the manager's office so you are the clerk for the Char review board so so the issue Mr Mayor may I uh so we had a delay and getting the information back from the um from the board members that were appointed and we do have deadlines in terms of Mi day County election next question is it even worth when when you know by when the legislation has to be subm committed for for the election I can provide the deadlines to you all bursting tomorrow morning and I guess we can go from there I'll reach out to the members again um so that they can complete all the information that's required okay I believe that commission it's all here um so that's it for my report and also Madam Madame manager please ask the manager to include in the report the what happened this past week we glor okay all right um do we have any official board I'm sorry mayor commissioner Kelly I thought you were gonna mention Mr Mayor about the um flag dedication ceremony oh and I had it right in front of me yeah I thought you was that's why I didn't mention I'm sorry so um we know that commissioner B Vice man had already said it that this is Public Works appreciation week and this week coming it's Friday the 24th at 12: noon at the public works department will there will be a Flack dedication ceremony for Mr Kendrick MC and all of you know that he was our Public Works one of our Public Works members that passed away here recently and we want to celebrate him by presenting that plaque at the at the building on the building for the building okay and then lunch to follow and lunch to follow so that will be Friday at 12: noon at the Public Works building I'm sure we'll post the flyer on our social media sites uh Vice you had something I I do I am so sorry I must have been zoned out when you U mentioned official board reports um I I should not have to feel the need to clean our face but I do for the record in the words of commissioner Kelly for the record I must state that every meeting when you ask for official board reports no one comes to the podium and give us a report and I've said before that we need to get reports from these boards and for us to be a for it to be said that we're not responding to that that we're getting reports and we're not getting reports I have a problem because the uh community relations board met and uh we were accused of not responding to anything that they give us and for the record we are not receiving reports from any any boards nobody's giving us reports and uh there's a lot more I want to say about that but it's late okay um so that I I just wanted for the record that we're not receiving reports we should be receiving some kind if they meet they should come to this Podium and give us a report got it and it's not happening but we're being accused of it happening and we're just not responding to them and that's not true thank you vice mayor so as we're moving on to board appointments do we have any board appointments for tonight all right all right um if all hearts and minds are clear can I get a motion to ajour move it move by commissioner Williams second by vice mayor this meeting is a commissioner Kelly said no you going to be here by yourself this meeting is a journ all by yourself